HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-9-23, Page 1Something
You Want?
If thea, is anything you
want in the line of prlutiug
we shall be glad to have
your order. We guaratltee
aatlafactury work.
The Signal
Telephone :13,
' SIXTY SECOND Yale It -Na the
To JANUARY lit. igto, t~-or�IV
for 25 CENTS
TUL SIGNAL I'KIN'IINR 1.'u. ht 14' Pcelaeatt(/,._,--
I min offering for male Debentures hearing interest
at live per cent. per annuli. payable hall -yearly.
These debentures offer an absolutely sate and prof-
itable investment. I would advise auyono having
stoney to invert to he sure to call and see due.
TO Rent.
TRL:aanAY. KrptrMtler_r1,4.
CS' TO RENT.- -A FRAMR Fall wheat, new. ter bu.h 1.W ill to e t ti:
J( II -
house on Keay. 40..1. eight room., to F11 ring whgnt. slew. ptr bush1 IN to 0 Ll
4004 repair. Stable. fruit tem,. l.•rry Moto, 114 (.+r bush 0 0, to a 101
on the lot. Apply to J. W. SA 1.12,F:1.11. 'phone Hu, kwheat „pet bu-lr (1 (IU to • U 1U
• Doti, nee, per bu h., , U Mt. to 0 ai
op.1 ora. per ne.h is 7)' to 0 7.'
Ina +
u 1. to U r
('x 1'ftn to !a 41
341 to 3lu
Situations Vacant
5''ir t-ctitsy hand•
She hi)tlrne St.) 'Toronto.'
!VV. r/
et 1ER WANTED. -FOB et. H.
X11. i:aler(chtownihllm, 11ut100 tocello
Ha nee J0r uer7 let. tale. Personal ai, i(I'at1w1
core x14.41 AP.1". tnlioK •Iu411naatnns. to
_l11,u111.1•-H SrINII$o,JANI,S ;'rFatI,I'*1.
Serneidlig., per fou
Flour family p rrwi
ammo of the saki 000000etion guarwntesing Ilse
due la. meta of We prlurir! and interest of
the bond. ur debenture. of the mild'`I'h. Amer -
Sean Road Mechlte Cosnpatly of Canada.
Limited,- up to the mum of Wool for principal.
re114'111110 iu twenty annual in.[+Lltient.L wilt
l;\ I.AW! NO• ZI, OF 1900 OF TH K lUtrre.t al 1110 rale 11(4) per cunt. 1* r 4101411,
TVN1N GF u" payable ``ayable yearly on (1111 unpaid principal to the
holders of the mad bond. ur debenture.. mo that
♦ the amount payable for yll ,,l 1t11d interest
A anew Tu (.U, I.l\Trte unix: BOIII ue thala• year .hap b., e.rn.o to the :unuuut ..'
le Naxl'l. edea Ue TQg AYKaII'•e KU•1, dopy able ir, l.a'Il of lbs .e l.n1 ).•tags neh isKtz.
MACH/Pik ('ow,,o r or 1.4.44114. LIY*i'o u. •'afro to lei w the 01Ceet that uion default 614.4 ng
wade by the said "The A...Th..eu (toad tea
shines-mop-my.of l lWa)
d•a. Lfud4+d." in lw •
Illent 111 the prineipal and inter.•.t .aawnat by
Whereas the promotero of a rertalsl' Coin- the saiy1 him& or tebent drop, the corporation
perry to be Ineorporeuel uodor th0 rofistralo of tie -aid towof-Uudmricb will pry to the
name of "The American Road Mrtjn line 1 oft, holder ter+ 41uUnht *0 10 default uWu demand.
pang of Canada, Limited," or such other name .14. -lo guarantee to be Otherwioe h' -nth form
as the Lleulenant•Uuvornor may approve, mod to ruutalp such further or additional
have propu od to the council of the mnppice pal mut' i -dun. ur coladltloaa a+.114411 be approved of
)1y of the town of Uuderie11 • 1 eslablfrll a l`.rac is the ylayor alai Solicitor for the mail eorpar
tory in the mid town for the. Manufacture of :.1 inn of the town of U.slerielh ',monied how
road Machinery, portable mwmill+'* 'and pow..•air Ileal ooh rovblote and' condition. do
Machine., and have re, ueeted the mid colwoil me limit the old at lots of the said town 11 pay
to aid then) in the e.tablrshnlen( thereof. h)' the amount +u f11 default upon demand u.
gnaranbel111r the l' per rent. bona( of the.+aid .time -fid, �
propep.ld Company to the wont of $1141•" "
, re . Prior to the exeoullon of the .old gul}um
towable in twenty equal annual l0.talrw•u', lee. ur any of.thoot the n,ld "1'110 American
of principal and Intere.t, the neat u/ said u1. Road Maellrue company 4(+'•1114144. Linseed,"
noel payment.. to become line .and be made- '.-lett with theneee+aeg av444f11 111.. ua .dear.
ono year from the date on which said bond'+ hokter.t1 ulogiveu 01 Meeting called 1,11. that
are b.110d. and the remainder annually the.v• •,uvpo.r exeemw 4,1440141 cr to tins Wrllurut inn
tater : by exemption from werdcip:LI 1*11.1ion „rm.. town of lindcrlrh a m.rrtga'fc 1..1111
fur a period of len year.,'ewuune. wing with the Lana. and buildings. Iri.•0 the lends tau hui'd-
year141u, f•'g, known a. "1'he *1 1.11ch Kmm',ne and
And whereas. in consideration or the 11.11 Itleyel.. 1 ompany Work- .' the •w0 of Rode
fug of the s id aid. it has boon egrets! that 1.!n• , u•b, .dud o 0 the plod, machinery. 111.
.111d Compluty Mall acquire Ihe land-. build ;nae - .and patent- 1111.1n owned or thereafter
in II 11 . p t a t a
Y , ac if'1.Y. Ha t jy Ih�nt 114 the town )f a ,!tired. which old lu t .44Li+ hall re first
e;.role�•h kuo 'u w. 'ihr i, rd -inch' Fi)!18'8-fiC ,'h,irge uldh'x1T+IIrtl fio,-tar 1.,,.i mhnH+•el.•
(Itryet'• Pompe y -. phot•" and .hall notall Iain the 014u.e. end pros, . 9.. u -u..4 h, mart¢,.
therehl all note rye machinery and plant for - oar error by •"mu•ulle- !.1 Ammo Monis.. 4,a4
the purpose of ma oft:luring road tn•trhluer). -tall mortgage .h'.s11 bc 1441 and ,epproved
isolable mwmlllo4 aid tower nisch fiery, the of 11y 11, 4,41,1lur for' ,. -mud t"wu, wood shall
value of the .raid In huikltnO.. and plat. -,'.oro and provide for the rop.ay mint 1,1
when folly rquippst
have on then payroll
year fifty eulployte.,
And where.- it 11(. free
OM said Corui,any .Iea11 .1
m Mnr With e i
fonuanee of the term- and
err out. an. Ir •.Waal
of Uudench Trow :di liability
uaruntee u1. the principal tool
beat least ' 0.1D., 411.1 Ito, ..4ii(4•..ryoratlen Of ..l( moneys w'brch 11,y
the end of tho (11.4 .1r; it ,id by It in p$yuo•i4 of -.MI gwv,urtced
boa*• or uucr0.1 dices. 1 •old «neh umrtg.v:e
further agreed 'I..0 -,_1.ap further provide That ,Lily l'uulp1uy .hall
ter into a further, (Ave on their payroll by the rid of the first
Flour. 14tcnl, per ewt J 1. to .1 a +igt w 1 L 1.l the a., d own for lite per. 1 year tool in one). year thereafter during the
Ina' 1'1'r tyle .-<...• ....,.,141111 to 24 iso p edition. Jlerein•! r w.tiournre of the .aid M11a1L4tee at (r.02
'horn , per ton � War • f met and N the m14 town ;.a[ay4n.ployemnand fur 1(4* in*urm*actyeI by the and
Hay, leer ton . titin to to no 1 1•eaton of Its 4'wnpuny of the will Mortgaged ptu•a.rl1
Woaxy. t�,�wr4 • 5 rely 1)114 item.) of ;la• I in 14v07 of the .aid eorpm'at dun,. to caw u. los.
11utt •1 -,)AR' b 0 _'M to 11'1: ,cods ufalie maid 1oupany and he dun pperr. by tin' ur lightning. it, -,'h c.,wp elle. awl
r ser lu' a 15 111 11,in hll^nlanre of Ude mid r rots stud 0. *0111, 113 by ; for .itch au.ount. e. nIl.4I1 In• appro.-el. by the
F,rgo, re.h. per dux • 0 'i 00 1.11 :.. .l••ee•l: te,u,ti I ,yl:y1.4... f.y n o., t•uau.t. an he Dull
nit m� c� `
4'Wet•at.; new . ...+. .,..... ..., 11 ei (0 1,.., pat ,4'10)0. poteltn, 11,Arlinery wad p. 111 of t/se ., eine •heh ,uutogo4 w al i- kuuwn am *ho"Mena-
e'at lle, eedili y to goal. per CWL 4 .o. to. 1 1 -aid (•olupuly, tot* approved by the ; IWei' r gage ('lau.0; If dem*',drd by the ..114eorpwr:a-
,'Attie, export. per cwt 41.S to o -" for the town. and by insuring the sal• build- I lion. 81,4 for the continmu.rr of .00h In.ur,nma•
limp. -. - -. :--* . •,--:_s-Iii t 3 4 1'' mg., ulna hiluery and plant in later Of Lh -add doting the currency of 111,• ..u.i eluded., 11114 the
1.40111r 1 o*1 is I -, t •man, the(iodide• for which In.uraitle..t 1 he ,Inc ,,payment of the premp,m. there/M. ('bo
Sheep, per cwt 5.14 lu a dela' idol with the 'limit of the said town
lieut. per lb it l+ lu 11 -'
pertb- -- ' -- +,-is-to-.0-..
(Ind, (Cr 11) 1:1 to 17
1.4110111. per ib 14 to 0 4 :
; 01 to sal
Is el to' 44)
hi to 1:
W to 1.4
Hide., per cwt
Shue kill
t'ettr tions •
'AN'T'ED, --A QOM 1'F:'I;F:NT(NI{I..,
per/eswe, for truerul 110,1Ve-
t, MU..': rt RN ltt'l,l.,
of tomes
well.. Apply'
leers,' . lteewry'.
1)Ol' \VANT' I
1 a 4otd 1,1 learn
* no h.'• put In one or
g�1.�0� 171r/red. Appl
1 I 1 ela, t that the council o/
, K\I :\ICI' 11'
11 , t ,• mmol t peel) "neetIn of or thelexpir will t I hr coati
,edlmive-' it- ❑ra t.'gulNrmeeUagrnrrthecspvatW,n LI•IZhU E. COOK, TEAl'HF:IZ UF! wnhthrl Irak
man )a•.,1.. a . a .,nr u,,11! b Un:.l the ;fade of ticr•tln4( up of Piano playing. Theory, Harmony and 1 Anal ono of al l
I(1-01,rm', 11 ,
dol„ . 1 . uuUe• pt fitn 1 io put. n bglaw 101 lb' lAun'erpoinL. Pupil. {sr0.wre1 for exnmiu:v' ing-. uachloerY.
upping ftp and -ethnic of the Luis hereinafter I ton. of , o.00tdl'ou.en•etwY of Mu.lc. AOVIY md, of lhn .add: l'u
•10•.111.011, whp'h with other land- were by 181'311110001* . 1.1ool' 01 of dAur aAlnx. Mwrkene 'aji1,•ti.unrfof themth
,� WANTED. -A- 1 • %PAI4I.E 1;F:\ '•p Ina nuiulwl11uiPoi,opener(upaud r,.ab ciesUuwnO+treed I:atrrich +t alio :It Y. \I. ,'l r', leerrebt-of ihr
,-hod a. n. (Minor highway m the .aid town of
mal 4.e•n'anL Apo w �1I4�, l'll 1.r. ..odvrh;h. C. A,"room, near a ,iditol Lwu1 Co.'. office. aver mole t ihr rohgn
• LI ARR(1\S, • Tac Mod, 10 he .tol•l'ed lip and .0nd euro l North steel, p
_ . _ -. - ' described N. lull,*.. . _- _ �- _
Flr.tl)...Alt .mad ..'miler that certain penal • .
- • Drsasmski • til Inceetta.«t 414.1 (rrn)c....Mutt.. ylug Auction Sales,
Gods ric In the
o .1 , In
the town u( t.
p� t being
• r11nty of Hemi, soil 1'rur mer of efnwrf*. and ,.
LIIRNT4%LAMM 111(1': �1 N M A K I:"Ii , h•Ing mngm. fur e.irt of tut w::, in the low u, lifF 1'VUl':IC!illr\EI) AU)IINI!i:
f done at the hone of Mr-. M Ionia, Amde of their, l a+.h.r* a on :1 MNP or plan of the
'1 1 S :mud .a;dInwn,4,•-.1s',-p:e0,0--r-1101,,I*.ii.pleowttd T)tATU1: of the ,'.late of 1'atheriue 14.
--1l -,e 1.•1. MRS. ,11A1:TH.t \7. a.! { _ - ' Ed wood, dot-e..al, Will stow,ince offered fur
MP- seal.,\ BLAKE. `try 'e.e•-J- M,vlklAwld. Provincial ...attire.
be toll
Public Settee.
II' NU'I IC"F:' - ARoo, written w' printed gearantet or guar
1 - :447,1
k 1u.d egmyme
hall contain what i.. kuuwn a, the "Hunt
tiuuoe" if moulted
Are) *heroes 41 As deemed expedient W0.160
the mid aid.subjeret to the term, and 001111
lion. hereinafter .el
Therefore• be it 1140 ed. amt It w herebt; on"
mut 1l. to 1,he u1.144Uripal.. (ouoc4 0NA( UM ^
low el of onalew.'h, as 011010.
.Jt .Roll *41e lawful for the Mayor and 1 Ir•
Clerk lu lbs name ai-4-o0lwhlitrof tTf co) perU d.
&Hon of the mid town of Uoderlch and under { 1.•
it1 corporate teal t4 exiout aria and deli%er
- the ` h Y,e
' act and deet of the maid 14.1 -meal imbed eorl.0 1 )
ud :,ei;t 4olnP,11.y shall Jr tn.-Ir all said (u'w-u,•'c
e p 11s'r, with' tl,0 Clerk of 11,4 -aid town.
As.. a rwtidill0a of eNtatIiytille . (hr
guarantee the raid boost, or detwnture. to 'be -
virtu* of this hyla* aha! be dr ,
Med witb a chartered 1,.eik tit the • own t
erich, and When a -ale of said bond or dr
-4r elbowed the proceed, thereof' hal!
4.1(0111e mad bank' V) theft/int ,.reedit o1
and 1.h.'_ .aid Inman enol Said
delwelure., w• sae piritIonnteereeree-
et n. r(urtei.t, .1.411 1.w Landed .over
bank to the plrehamerend the pro
the sale of -.soh load. Or delete
appllatble only fur Ihr purclo'.c
of the said works
'1.6.11 ud the ('onlpauy 14111101(
the -lid town the certified
't 1.Y'.'-om) Ihe laud., build
(11411. flirt ores and pat
pally ,1- hcreinaftet pro
abovize the Mayor and
Wn 10 •11411 a cheloc far
id salualtou mid de
..mad the Io6,,,C0 of
the ioceed- of the Kale o he. *aid gmarantred
140041- -hall be pad over„ like nlaener 011 the
tbwpen) fi11nK. w'ilh the 1.'L• k of ihr .rid 14011
aft .•r the anal !wising of the y taw 1.110 cert In
e„1 OI 11* .•,Ml � velum 0114 ulwu ) 41,141 ion lh it
dill ire made within 1)110 )ear 1 at .md !:and-.
building+, plant. m..chinery•, 1.1 arc, a0d
oven!. aye of the t aloe of $7.,,L
The 'talar of the mW I:unds,-bwWiug,.
i• n1. pet, ntrrtlor, on the meth...*le u.xrhluetn pattern. 4, ,tn1. plant, for
irk-lhl•�nyh,w also (0r -m' pwS"lora
Seal state for ba
Lt OH SAIF. NINl .l(O(lel 114 4'ME
• 0n Mawr .tree, of a low tigers•,AI d) 141
once tWILLIA\I Itr'ttltOsos
\\'rA1' 1 1N
4.1:11 11E('K STT.
I0) a0K. w1t1, :1J' ✓'edea 11. ' ftalll
boom with 'phone In, Poe.,(}7,1.41/ nrludin
crop. land a rich loam. :.40 acre' at 3114 le
Atte, broken tend fenced. 'fhb. I. a .14101, "ar
land- is Ir..110 1101 every year. 1171 tore• with
good bu':dln}}ftw 41 ,.or,', broken: pair Si, Per
erre. gaol IOoality and 111101w in hotlw•. Any
n: IMPS tan be bought in easy teem.. J. H.
T1Y.'SI.K\', \'orkton, S4' k.
i or -so; FOR leAi.1e. A Citi LL'
i In ek dwrlling. with for Modern lidnenve
n"^''+•. )11M .e1111? situated and near the Sstuarr.
Apply to w'. R. I7ORKItTte1N.
1 t STORY brick hotue. with .even room..
un Bruce1n'et. )'*,,Ichbu* can be had by
calling at, AAUNAL(MUM. 33tf •
Card of Thanks• •
;o„1 regi-ter..1 u, the rex10l7 office fur the i anal
.'.unity of llnrute,and (sang uwre lartieulatly 011
stee rib•d w, follow.: - -
I on.eenrlig at the north mar -t -comer of mid' P.
lo; 11;:i (hence -011111 1Y' degteaw 11 minute. i H'
*,-.I ,l,wg line between tot. Intl and I'i!.-., 441 qu
feel to the nor. brrl,y ;mole of *het motion of on
lot Lti opened up w, u ynh,e highway and Ilh
dmcriberP'n by No. _1 fur 1917 of the lows * 1
.,f Goderlrh, thence norU, 1, dig, ere. _ editut ease
ea -1. 7s feet„i1N'hl•. t0' the taut tort.- litnil of
Ilarle'r (play: thence moth 4, degree. wept i T
along rmd.+uut60rly Molt of Harbor Voay 14.
feat I4 i*rhe- more or le., to the pleas' of begin.
And See ):-- am 141 n
n alai .rom tee r,
Mg and being to the town of Uaderielt, A
• n the comely of Moron and I'rooi,'Ce of (Ind
.ir .. and. being composed of part of lot lie:. 1n
the own of liederlrll a. .hewn on n map or
P1.11n 01 the +,,id town. elated September llahi �
I0,:, ,'pare.$ by one J. )lacelunald, Pr0ville*il . Mr. Alfred S. Jane will sell by pnh' ja suction
1 v
or. and rogi.tered in 1lie r'lriotry office at the *'rant«!,, Trefa1'ar'.erre' Galerfch, on
for:roe4 Y-tWit4mn:-hertorer0ry-5411(440- ---ai..t1'L'WM O' - SeJ'TL:J11IKRLSTH
Carly 1 • eribed s': follow: •conunrnri•ire t k' o ideck 4,80(1 :
*Meta seine Me 1.h* inter -wee of Lb. east 1. Thr rr,id'ence. •A one-story• frame co'
et:) :,0,11 d tater Lane with the- ,uatherly page dna splendid .t to of rends. eont.Jning
limn of lit )Fn. ter'), thence' +Oath 1., degree+ l set en room. and 4 Kcal cellar, with • goo
e..1 a10ng d motherly limit :e fret 11 Irn•lur• .tone rounder -toe nnirr the whole home, which
tothe+oath 0,4 angle of Mt No. .M.10, thence t, hat Jul fuel" been.. thoroughly overhauled
.north 11+1egr e' 141 rn.rui'' r:.mt *long lime and madee»n„ortable mild good in burry re.
het wren lot • I '1, and I'( q, I'r' feet to a point.I _drat- AIM ,l frame ,forebone, The (1rolarly
I better..O.11 h 1 degree. .1 minute.. *011 114 1. fie gaol luratlon and 'on our of the best re.-
f,.•f 11* ilnt•bc. - oreor fes, to (,e place of be ' idrnre 4re.et• In Goderich.
gin/1111g. 1 '. Ali the honmehold :arnitare, cooed+tiny( Of
!latest Mi. *10,11 13 -aro day of Sept 'n,4*.r, ' pat tor. dining -root{, I,dronni hod kit hen fut-
pl' nMnr.• and love+, garden foul stn. Every.
K No‘ ' thing u.n'l he di.p,ad nf. n. the (ala"y are
t:', w 'roan a hrk. (raving for Balta.!. Coliunbia: whe v Mr. Jane
Eldon stere•, In the town of Uodetleh 114 I1.1tc Ihr reuo4ei, .hull
onday. Sim.tilrtr 27th. leo. et two o'clock 4:((»µ.21r'. to be seeoteted, nue by the
m., lot monitor 1, corlce..'(0n r, in Ute town of ,,,may, one b' We route d of the tow
d,r eh, and containing nine and- three•- ;el,-ria•h, and tbel. I)rfore en1 eying 11(01,
outers acre. of land more or 1'•.., There err l;uobail appoint a third, who a •'1
tl.•Vtu{)en )'t. I,ou.e ant barn with .'•ell;\ all the other two, elloald they di -agree, so
;t• be Ifo hog u, a maroritY 'hell be Moil.
Mlalw', wf`I M olrerod rmbisct to A re- \ M, And for the pnrpetie Of further aiding the
it ed, e4 wbl,htin•ol of Lite wild industry, It 1. hereby
per further inrl.e'dara apply 1 . • declared atilt the lands., buldiugo, machinery
H(1MASUl'NDftV,-1'11AKL6.Sr:ARROW, bad plant used in Iwnnectiop with the said
Auctioneer. Solicitor for 110_00,, ' .til be, wed. *bey are - hereby,
Hoa tltn }:Ili Ou', Administrator. •xetnptai from 1ax4UWt. except ,a•houl taxer,
I u 1.l All 1 til r that certain
p t 1.40+e
"4 4,7
- -- -- - ---_ for,, period of len yr4 eummml,ll,g with the
ora, I or terve of tad H 1 'situate, 1 ('TION MAI,F: sear -GW.
{ I A 'chit bylaw. 4( l,I Mks( effect from L11u day.
of the hind µwing thereof.
ri. • 760 cote of the elector. of the said town
of tiu.lerich shall le taken on tine bylaw .1,10he
following time, and plate., that is to say : - Un
Pot onlay. the •ixtcenth day of Octnbet next.
CO,ntilell. tog at Ile• (lour' of nine o.•lorkin 1 h
fur'ml1Nn and IMO ur'Qnx until ll reek .1
too uner_tuun of the someday, by the fallowing
m nv
Ir{eret miring of ser. -1
division No. 1, at 'rhuwp.ud, Meek
Anaith ship; deputy returning mtleer, Jol,
I'olliut division Nm 1, at AIr . i'irtham+
sage , dcpuly. rVl'tr1'itor etllo•r, l ha-. limos.
'`ulling di, I44Oli No. N at -Town Hoff
deputy net 1on1nK officers -E. 1'. Ilelehl•r.
l'otlmlt ltvta0n NO. 4, at 51111 her.' «hap ; by
d ne 11-1 ro'ng ulfieer, Ales. St tattoo
1 o'hug div Ilion ,7o. .1, sit Jl rs. 1.t-Nllo,,.
loons: to dewily net noting onl,'.•r, l leo. 1',141:Wk.
Polling dIti,lon Na 4, -at John Hrophey
.torr : 1,7 dv(nr y ret toiling officer, IL 1. \(-al
Polling clivi -ion No, 7. at Iknod, -Net ulm•s
bona by deputy returning ofa.rer, 11nM(el 101e
14. Oo Friday. the lath day or octote+r
next. the Mayo( of the Auld town of t•oderir•h
.halt.tt,•114 aI the lwnneil chamber- of the
mrd town of Relrrieh at ten ee•le•k le the
toren... to nppntnt person,. to al lend at the
various place• afnrewid and at the fins] mot-
airtiling sip of the vote. by the .perk on behalf of
the (e•r4.1u1 inter. •„'d In promoting or optee
Mg the ta4,fng of t6P+ bylaw revert hely.
111 The Tow.,1'trrk of the eonncll of the
1114 torn of tialerinh shill attend at M. o*oe
In Mc Town a tea Oetm sk tnthrlorrrroerr
Of- Monday: the t.th'day of t4,•Mher, -A, lk
1)444, to stun up 0h.' nnmoer of mote. for and
*Kaltl.t 1l„• byha*',
/dated at the ronu,cil chan,b.r the (;111 day of
Sept niter. A.
A. 11. 101.04 K1.tN. / I.. I..4iNOX.
544)er the
('pork. y.
TAK}: N.OTI'1: that Ilio aboie 1. n toe
copy 1 e profaned bylaw which Inks been
taken into romad,•ratimt and which will he
anally Ico-.ed b) the council of the tialui.'ip,fl
Ity an the cerin if tho rou.ent of the elector+
being obtained thereto) aftor one month foot,
the fir.! pubs,: me in The Signal neweparrr.
the date '.f whvh publieatlon was the ',Mo
day of tsepten,ber. I1*41, and that the voles
of the elrr',,I- of the maid municipality will
110 lak'1. l l„•r.•n on the day and the house
nod (lore- tln'reIP. lived,
AND FI'i1TIT}717 TAKE NtYTH'k that ell
leaseholder- .1marlil1e4 under the pn'vl+Own. of 1*,
i*dward (10. rh,;'tcr Pr, wee -lion :::L .•. S. 1,
ere regifred tri d'). before the day of toting
(1 ale with due , ...It mory doll trot 100 ,, 'l'' ll.
f r:Aton. nth., w i -4' !heir name. w!" notppear
on the eater. 11-1 4•+001011 00Ung.
FERN lS )I I N(1S.
hoot pre-cut.
I .1...0, 4'1mt., thank the friend. end net .1.1,00.dlr
or+ - --- - Term. on the re.,ee:
Ten per ,tent. of the
till the em emcee 0( the 1'ertMllean,, Moe
Notice to •editors pun-hn-e looney to 1r p3ld or et ra nge4 for at
las rra for their kinder,. to m
tar in y hoar ae of Milan, hilantd be paid within thirty
of bereavement- STEPHEN lit -IT.-'- ---..-.- -:. . - der., when a deed * 'I be 1:'ven.
-` uric le TO 1 - tier/ITC/RM. Term, on household hoot' ue,e' .: All mums
gm 0f gand under, rt.h 1 over that 147110"III,
404 Bale 3,:h -c is hereby gluon to 111 wrens.. hat l 11'4three month: reedit wt"oe11' von on tornnth-
rialto- n:alnd 4 h c.1 co' 01 • :num! Menh:ll lag Npprovtd loin, note.. A discount, a 'owed
late '.! the t Mtge of Auburn., n Ihe county of for 011.41 on credit amount..
11 RICE AND TILT; FOR SALE.--- lento'.. retired fanner, deer• to send In1AI,I'1LK)8.JAN'S. T.Ui'NiRV,_
)) All Mod. of Mirka11.1 I . 011 -Ire. of tile, theone,day verified, to .1,441 Arthur. Au- I
atttiet'OblltfRiift-Het l' h o 11:I __.�Lury�p-_O_rno of ('hr xrrlUms d1.h'•will of - -
Ih 1ese4«sT. TatrrnnMnnt. H* 1. Moir. _- . ti• n
'or l-'rtorf1Te 14th dm- of $sgteln ' .. ma -After c - '1
- --
w Il,•h dale the ..'.cent pis of hi. 1.4h a will pro- -
. '1 n -old rattle
r h r: 11*0 clai o of which enot es *1800 having ream
:..1 that the exrIcuton wilt not he liable
ornn•ad+ of the stand., ,u dlatrtbntrd
' 0ed 00 .l .treat_ thel i n• on the
on y to
or the
MIA 12 r)lrlb1 TORosTo
•Urnonlxan o•rrrar, • 11).Pot40'
To accommodate the 1" ermern
mar have opened B aches in the
villages of
VARNA aaft.\
We .)licit the Pat) usage oft
highest current rate of interest
paid in our '
on deposits of $1.(t) and upward+.
A. O. OAMHL R, Man. le ej
per 04 14 wbrc dein, no; tic shell 1101
born reeetved.
Dated .1 ti elerfch this nth day of septet.., .1,
\. I1. Iwo.
&dlrilor• far Ihr Executor..11NYI'I('ly TI) CREDITORS, ATI'RDAY,opPTMMHKIt eel lieu. I1o1 al.:
- HOLDFt:ItNIT('KF:.AS , 1,1,uol-:
IN TtIF; ;EST.\TK OF t'.%THERIX0 lit KU no rdeboard, 1 (mn tad Uimd*,'), ing, 1
WAIIL) a r.tT•lE.th
not deep., 1 wood hcdstund, 1 spring, 1111;141 tre.t,
• hal 014*0 114'±11 back rh*ln. 1 my41 oak arc«
tier. 'Tal oak ,rood, I .+,eye be and +nelh, 11'180;1.
` Cln1ro. 1. hereby 1 give* Vie^.nail In R. V. O„ hurtle 1 rook einvr, t era I ho of p,pe, 1 80(71
t1,np: 1_11, that _all cr.:1mm+and Mhet ' hat oT
Metter. } golden drawer. 1 olden stand. 1
Ttbdb , "moat owe dabs Quote 'aid ref benne child'. r Ib, I open wnehetnnrl, 1 cnphn,rd,' l
11. Edward, who died on or '.lama f be PIM day- bunk elm (targe). I much, 1'out,l(n, 1 cradle, 1
of July. 1U.•1, are re4hired nn or before the la* gle.r cup •aril, I :angle amino, targe 'ntrrilller
onv 01 i/rrolNer, MM. to,eud by post prepaid, or of book., I aril+ bedroom carpet, 1 111t 13' x11,
d011v0r 1, l.bar le' (8*0 *10. of ihr town of 11 pord. rag :.rec(, etc„ e, r.
U, let :eh, eettelt ,r foe the adminfetratae of the l 'rhe above ' nods *re to be +014 for whatever
ee, sir of Ihe mid dere w..l. their 1'11114 Om and I they will bn Sofas of tfif. furnKnle ie
se^nano.. sins+,e1 and descriptions, (he ,all atmw/.new, 014 in Ihe hone onlr n few
pert tenter. of I hear cleats,. it alweme,it of their l month+. coned • your goods to THE A*'('•
account , and the natl.re of the •ertiflgrs, /f - T19N HOUSE 4 -.. Beckett, Auctioneer.
any, held h) them.
And fon her 1 Ike male^. that atter • tch le+A-
mentions-4 date the, maid ndr mlni,trnt , w' I1
`pTcrrcd to di -no ihuto; the a•rt+ of the mid de-,
.`Co-ed :u moot the ;tattle, entitled thrrel 3, hay. 1
algins nraiyc *n4 15*91 . ,2 h admnihnistrator e shall S
110 114' liable for the mut a*.cte or Any part ,
trrcrr•e,[ i e. *ay 90raon or.110T00nv of whims'
•I in, I lirr.hill not ir'v' been treeteell by
Mot 111 the time of enrh dl -1, that ton.
listed II(1. 1116 day of Selgrmher, 1944,
('11AS. IAItItt,w'.
-Soli,' color 11'14 4111* KIMAeu, Ad•
ti1111ist 1.0 of the ...tato of rathrr-
n,eti. ward. de•reased
one le
TRKASI'(1,g(704 SA1.1: O►' I.ANDS F111t TAXES, 1'ir'..
PRONI?t'E OF ONTARIO., TOWN Or body :1t11'R, To \\.T:
vb.M of• Wilt :ant under the howl of the M,lyor and+r I of t he rm. ,'neat 144011 he teen
n("Welsch, dated the thlrternth dry of Jnly, (')'.J, emnmeedl,n1 me. to kvy nt•ln the tend+
hereinafter de,erih i for the 41 *tor."( I axe. doe thereon, together witty x)'ts, inure I. hereto
.• ern that anew. ter a tnxr+ayA r0+1, ar"ssmr,a,h
id.1 e. Imn.uanl t !he A -•e
,.meal A1,
I( 1.l. (1. IW', chapter '.GI. Pra•r•e1 10 +0'1 by nthl*r auction the midland. 41' ") 'mph therea.
may 1.s' neee.m*ry for the payment of IM .41141 Arrear" and ,c -Is. M my 0ffiee. on
At els%en o'clock in the (n,enoon.
The following lots are patented
coma AND
N11. tArT or .iso ;. SIA r1mM, '1' r1.
ROhnlrlg Nnmbenr .... ... Iib a ;.t� 1.e) M.•1:
gatehlnson'm floe eey • • . • •..... .r r 11 ai ere 16'1.1.17,0J 1)
.•• .. .... .••• 11 .t 1':1 8111 g.Rt
Ion a.: 1 4./P s![1.
. .... ..... IIN '1 3.43 '111 n
Pati R Marwnats nacres, 1111414 11 1.1 ,1� Z, :;:,),44
•. .• 1't.IS West .1 -*epee - S 13.110
(.4.0....10(.4.0....101C. Meeks ... W. 1. tlGaT�I)1.
feca I , - ire
V tok,JaiaMa.net
Before the Ra. way Board.
On Friday last Andrew' Ingrain and
91 r. �IW•Ilen.i vire ('buil mean and
ctigirs-er. 1' .1, * o '1y of 11'.• Outaei4
r+ulw.ty and w oil Mutt inspected
the pivot Ike r si ,. ,1 ten.• a' i he Ilunlup
corner. 111 1.1.1'1 1.. arrive at IL 14.41.11c -
Ment of the di cent*. which has arisen
over the I'a'.ttett '•f the line al that
point. '1 he 141. 1"- on hat nod yet been
Goderich Fair Next Week.
The liederi,ll Industrial F:xhibition
bids fair to make ,a 'record Ohio year.
Etltriea for exhibits, speed test,, rte.,
have far rxemole4l el(rctalion+, The
track to in excellent shape and a Targe
'winner of men :L1't NL work o11 the
buildings and gl•uuudr. •'flier electric
lights err brine( icfllted and ever) -
thulg will One in full swing Tneol ay
141(1 ' g next.
On a Charge of Vagrancy.
A wm111 nalurd V ilhnui John Mr•
('ani wap la•fu:r 1Ile 1411icr Magi+trot'•
Tarr li: y aY'OYyuli• y a.L w•a4 Ore"
tatoodr11 for right .la)s, Me (font'
Lllte 1'.1ur ye:11'4 aq.) •from) Peter-
l'orou:(11, and, prior to eomiug to
l;udorir'h, heal Is'rt) in Lain bon,
county. It in alleged (hat he has heetl
going a114u11 town endeavoring to .4h -
fain Money Iq' intimidation• lie is
lifty-live years of age.
Committed for Trial. -
�^o-r'•._ --v ter••--
4i01E11,11 t 11
1NI) ► "1'1uI-AL - EXH 1 11'1(►N
Big Speed Program
'Tile ishan against 'Wolin -4.y. the
supposed' bank robber, value up for
1preliminary hearing on Thut•.day of
1et'n''e"1l_ tat myth, and after healon
seven or right witnesses the maRi:-
trates. Jennie:in EwlipRll and 1)r.
Jlltue, es tru44ittrd he pn•lamrr for
trill. The case Will he tried at the
Huron ,I'Oiy,4'., whirl* open on the :11611
in.1. (lowAttorney Meager con -
dueled Die invest ;gallon and M (I.
l'.unerl4t appealed fur the defence.
G. C. I. Literary Society.
'Che Collegiate institute 1.ilrla-ry}'
M(weletyi. isede'led.oltlxrs. far tho I�
terns. and is opening the meetings for
the ..rnelln with a promenade tomor-
row t Friday 1 night. The executive fur
the tern is IL/4 futdgws: H1)110rat•7 pre-
sident. 11. 1. Strang, LL. D.; prest.lent,
.1. 1(. W. Long; tiret vice-president, R.
A. Walter second vier -president, Miss
A. Iho•nin ; secretary, 11. Case: trea+-
firer, le. McNaught; editor. C. Fing-
land:. aseistent editor, T. Elliott;
piuwiet, M ies A. Hamilton ;councillor.
Miss B. Pridlwo), Mis+ A. Mrl+eod and
H. Ir,ppard: auditors. M. (;. Ander-
son and 1t• A, Walter.
!mile hast, made his one of the hest -
I known. piano men. F'ur some years
he wax stationed in Lonld011, and then
.aces promoted to %Viuttii�'J;. anent to
L'anrouver and again to Montreal
He has established It good i'ol11ection
end hie iflany friends will he pleased
to learn that he hail established hie
own business, welling Macon et Risch
pianos in Lil14tlou. His new adore will
be located at '.f1 Dundee street in the
Bennett Theatre building.
Our Day Off.
Waited on Premier Whitney.
Huron ee)unty wens well represented
iw1hedelegation front the Municipal
Assisi:ttim' for . the Betterment, n1., of
1len!nmpNivee which waited upon
Trendier Whitney at Toronto and
u'.ke'af that the (lnverunient [mild,
(spun anti maintain twit or 11141,1' Mili-
tariums for the lv,re of indigent n'W
other consumptives in the Province.
Thr delegation included Beer.. (fal-
w•, Councillor- Junl1n and 11r.
1 lube, of (ioderieh : Reeve Irwin, of
W* gym" .. the Milne and Thos. Code.
of 1 011): Reeve Smith, of Hayfield :
ff. 1 Erwin, clerk of 'BayReld :
itee,ye ill, of Midleft; Ur. (iunn and
Ur. 'Fla [melon, of Clinton. The
Premier yr a non c 'tial reply
to the reyu . t ,41 the delegation.
Water and L1 ht Commission.
The lwst met rel toprevent (he poe-
sihiIily of being etiamtal by tenantn
who have the el trio light installed
and then •r 0) without paying
for the service was i.en+sed by the
water std light comma sem et the reg,
filar tweeting on Montle; night, and it
was decided to have a by w prepared
requiring it deposit of fr 'r Si lel $.i
from an applicant for light, when he
is n tenant in A private 011101', ns
security for ply mem for the I ' ht, Ihe
deposit to draw hock iwt(•twst )d t0
be applicable un any *nearest . at
any time. An application for elf. , ric
light for the (intlerich Industrial
hilnition won granted, and the I>etitio
After a bus • summer. the Signal
emit took an afterutasn off lust Satur-
day'and ji(m'neyed lip the Point •Farm
for the annual outing. At Point
Farm iiie party wee j ' 'el by ,t tithe -
bet' of fiends front the dietriet, and a
mull enjoyable time w'.a . spent
through the attertU4m and .evening.
After a hearty supper had been dive
Need of, all imp(•utnpt 4 ('rogr4ul WAS
g1Vt'u-1u telt' N1lacl al. -14111g
in which Jas..Linklatrr. the lowliern
violinist, boa a Yalurd hel44wlg hand,
and J. 1'. Le 'rouse' and Miss Olive
f'nrner contributed e.4'veral elocution-.
sty Hers in first-class styli. "u1d
1 ,n
d 1+t • wilder' and "Sir H rl r lov-
erleyy!' afforded fun for the whole
piety. 1r tlye '•d ,1.r i1ieef (uletic
and going -home time warms all tau
teen. The Signal's outing Marked
the last day of the Point Farm se4000U
of 11ed1, the resort closing its doai't on
Saturday night after 11 prurp'rlus
A Former Goderich Boy.
Withdeepeet regret lnends of the
Morton family, of M1)ukawe, (manerlyy
of Ora).'rich, have learned of the drat*,
of Carl Morton, the younger son,
which occurred on the ifith hosts Carl
wad onty twenty-twrr71.ara n(d a
was a splendid specimen of young
manhood, and it wits with at sail shock
that those who did not know of hie
illness of i` be last few months heard of
hie death. After gnaluatiwg from the
Mplkane high school Carl entered 4444441
u course at -Whitman college. where he
made a record as a hriliian-t- iitu.
At the deur of his death lie was a
sue•*il4'r of the senior claws and 'Wits
aaaistanl instructor 111. biology_ 11e
was pr 4uiwent to athletics and Other
student active ire null woe very popu-
lar with the farulty and the students.
Since Christneis his health heti not
been what it sl Id have leen, and he
hall to give up his work two, weeks he-
lot.. the ewnmer vacation. He under-
went .111 opera'' fur soh -acute
appendicitis, and (wing in a weak con-
dition at the time he seemed unable
to regain his strength. 'Tubercular
peritonitis developed and was the
cause of his death. Iiia mu )thus Mrs.
Alex. Morton, hi* brother Rob and
sister Jennie are very sorely b•reeve(1,
and they have the heartfelt sympathy
of their friends in Greterich in their
time of trial.
Hinkle is a /dander motion. MogoW
Company may r e up. Kruger vs.
1 Vo. Nichcolot.n is an Post hot Ie.' wo.4-44
Death of John Gray.
The death took piglet. ..n Tuesday
of Mai. F. J. Hutlaturs grandfather.
Mr John Gray, after an illness whit+
confined him to bed tor the past three
1110 ithe. The funeral took place
thio afternoon, the servieve being eon -
ducted tie Rev. Jae. A. Andereon.
peuem• of Knox church, and the pall -
an. sr,„ Jas. Buchanan, jr., R. K. Sid -
low,, J. Colborne awl Dowin-
ing The late Mr. Grey was a. native
Kelso, in Roxboroughshire. He eame
to Caned* when he was ebout forty
yeaes of Age and nettled in Hale
burton, where he contimied to rile
(side until about year Ago., when he
Cattle to live with him grandchildren.
rich. Mr. Gray is survived by a mis-
ter, living in Scotland, and by his
only child. Mt IC Howie. Hin mar-
riage took place in the 0141 Country
and hie life partner predeceased him
last Petit' %tory. Hy OCC 11 pa t 11 111 Mr.
(tray was n farmer until he retired
from active about five or *ix
yeare ago. In religion he 44411 4 Pees..
bytei ian and in politics he gave his
allegiance to the Liberal party.
Harbor Notes. •
The linvernment i• having ten eke-
rie lights placed on the south pier.
to$V11 supplying the current for
lights. The lamps will be rot
lepower hicandeecent light.; and
r at t he inner end t he pier
POI feet npart, while the rt. -
lights will he at a gueater
'Clip equipment has arrived
portm ore handonme iron
Will he fret itt ortnent
tigie haw charge of the
sect rir wiring Will Ite
gineer Kelly. The
White the impiety ent will be tem
late to be of 'moth rataical benefit
this eeason the wank ill be really for
the opepinK of next nett
Work is in progresa m the sinking
corner of the sediment* eni hatein.
The well itt 1 4 1 hP Mink below the bot-
tom (if the basin. the Men ing to
gather water from below th floor
of the Ihuen and keep it. pimple
Ivy a steam engine which is in op a-
lien_ eireelly. in order to keep t e
water tiway from the finer of th
haein while the via which has beefl
leaking and letting in 'mine' al watie
erel. gime. the banin wits conform -eel
in repaired.
The st.e . Turret Chief arrived
on Tumidity morning with ti cargo 0
1 Ple NMI Imahel 01 wheat for *hi
elevator. and, after diatt•luirging
cleetwd Tuesday evening to load fo
Hsi: peel again. 'The Mittlaml teneen
art i flee ..... rning with wheat am
onto for the elevator.
will 1
41 ietatice.
and the et
111142e, %ebbe
Necks. Jae.
work and the
in rliarge of
wit en Will he
.tdnlh,blroot,'. Kole -Ohm. (;arrow .. 1
0'. uIi 1p,e�}1;�_._ F, F. I.awr.ntyl1. T. It. Tie
kol Agent . .
Reader. -44, 'r. K. - '1,
(hick and' - Tile for S*4e-('olborae Rriek
Yard.. 1
Itemlymwle t lotbtlw, etc. -E. A. Jellis, Kin-
..... ... . .pats..... ;
Autumn'. Su,arteat Style.. -11, Miller ('0 1
fall Mayday of Clothing -W, C. 1'rldhrw2
yard of 'I honk. -Stephen Hull taps .... pats 1
A uuurl kA hibltlon mile -W. Ache.out tion L
Are You KIM 130w41 1- S, w. Hick , N
Girl Kanted _51n.ilia e rihrnbnll. .-etas1
'laud- I'olilhers %Canted Gerber.' Helots
man, Lad., '1'oruo to .. 1
)inlet Shoe.-llownilurk Mal•Vir?ar ., I
Auction Kale 1;4Orge Beckett 1
Ammo noymrul, (Marge Beckett. .. 1
a pt'ri41-r h:a•. 1'. lee For Setunlr7 cud 31011,4) J. H. ('oIborbe 4
I'nblio Notice. 7.. L. I4u'.., I',w,, ('leek - I
'retorter Wattled -S.8. No. s, O-xlrrirb 7•p.. 1
1 he (toad fur Hie lieu,,, 1 1',11 r ..
Thi. 1. I'ieklirig Titne - 1Mntop the ifregan r: --Y- -
Slu v u. nod hinge, \\'or.ellm' Harewan
Our Exhibit at the fair Nowell Hvalerero
ALyluWry 1lp n +.,1 l;,n.rl.,..,..1 1 Y
'Cho .'oohs of Economy t'amerdu R A re. 4
Quality Smarr 1', S, };wing.. .. 11
Ihr, mnaking )Ir.. Marqui._ mud' Atha K
Blake 1
1. intern Knlrrtainrneol - North Street •Math,
..11.4 ('hen -1, . -....,
Fall Shoe. U. \I. 11,110,1 .tats "
\lilli tory (Ip.'ni ng.. • Come. oil K Moots
H) lea Nu. '.i Town e)1 Uuderlc11 1
kingdom of Flora, a nnmhrr .11 the
-Hower* being repeeeenbwJ
by young ladies in appropriate cos-
t •s. Ihe dialogue, th.' cob), trio
and .plartr(te singing and the chorus
were all goua, and Mr. A. Roy Adams
played the accompaniments in fault -
la, style. It was ,altogether a meat
delightful prngrani, and the surress
et(t1 natnmt•nrls a rredlc to rift
who took - 11:110. The indrfatigeble
etf;clic of - Mist -Potter it iweare eenv--•z
with the girls intermediate class Ore
wrti know 11, 41141 the 111ge 41'4'1411 ince
was a tribute to her faithf"ltwee and
diligence in tier self-imposed duties.
Monday Evening's Concert.
• Baseball.
'rite last baseball goalie a the season
t Ile Ibiron-Perth League *tut
plateed in Clinton 4411 M ley Aftmr-
many iwtWeetr the team of that town
and the elite -hell nine. the score he -
log to :s faver of Mitchell. The
linet standing of the teamn in the
League hi tie follows •
lioderich 10 2 AO
Mitchell, 14 Seto
Clinton a 9 .273
The baseball team went
Crediton yesterday for an exhibi-
tion game. 'they loot, with to. 'wore of
ti to 2. lett llit.y i• plaj agoitiet.
Len mete as the umpire wee a Cred-
itor.. man. and was very partial in his
milingn. Tastier. in the pitcher's box
for Ocelerich, struck out ten mete and
the Croditon pitcher struek out, only
tate, and with • fair pier the score
*mild have heen very different. from
what it, WAS. Tile. Gino., 11•11 fe/l1111 have
invited the lereditim boys to a return
genie here. awl under feir renditions
expect to pill it over them in pt•oper
at.yha. The tireleirieh was es
1 11 %Hie 21i; Devine, 44 Ifbelehpy,
The Auction Howie for bargains
Sal Imlay.
Tell Auetioneer Beckett what you
have to sell.
at the Auction House.
Don't tail to visit Misr Ihmogh's
millinery opening this week.
Take a look in at the New Furni-
ture Store on Hamilton street.
'hoice team and colleen se, Mimi:Aso
(food butter and freoh eggs at Mou-
nt:01 Veebeerreetes, Hamilton street.
I ionogles. Alen the opening thin
Peaelies, • grapes anal time.
(midi shipmente (hely at. Mmtelell
at VeNe.rextee, Hamilton street.
Y011 need n t how your hair! Bear:
ille will keep it strong and heelthy.
The I 'anadian Hear grieve. in the tette.
tide is the elYeet iv, hing. :eke a jet.
For eiwretit etylee and Intent novo I.
Hes 11,1111 111144 the opening thiy.e
Thureday, Friday and Saturday •of
this week, at Miss the:fig/en millinery
Don't Iet anyone dictate tielots, ger--
what you outk for the genuine__ '1.0,
years by Davis AO Lewrenee Coe for
Moo Vs. Our stock is complete.
the is used in oatsup and pickle's.
fling • tool nod item extract like per
bottle. Eaeh bottle makers ,
First -pro Cheese at London Fair.
ntreet. 0 -twee
exhibited t
Largely rnereased Purses i were aagoeiated in the work of build- or h teed people, gathered at I gunil eh."' win
the first -prize riteerwit
sterti Fair loot
me par. inl to real
10 well to leeve
their Order at in early.
The Latest and ost Attiactive Novelties.
Premium I.ist i creased and revised.
3:Ird Regimen Military Band.
Fair effirially opened by the Ho oral4le .I. M. INS, Minister of
All rhildren 12 year! of age and tin pr. meeting in proreesinti nt
feel p. tn. on the Square, will 1* ad Pfeil flee on Wednestley.
September 211th.
Flve-mile Marathon rare for amateure.
Peed of ell kin& for *ale on the granind free water and straw.'
Plenty of good NUM*.
Good meals on ground'', 25 cent tt.
Write for particulars. Magi tune biter.
C. A. HICID, President. M. 0 JOHN. ON, Sectetery.
me the sediment:item basin. The Knott chute)) on Monday evening to
actien ;trete!" out of grime financial hi ar the nationel coneert anal canted^
rensactione letween the parties. given tinder the auspices of the girls'
Wot knout vn. Coleman. Ferguson vie intermediate claw of Knox clitirch
are nctione for demote ea, foul other vet i011.1 Olifitheta Whirl] have at
rake% 11147 he entered, ready been publiehed The :Signal,
we* rattled old in excellent et yle.
Starting BUSItIPSS for Himself.
From reeent minther of The loin. defeated " reepertively 10 England.
don Advertiser ere clip the loiltoeing Seetlenil, Ireland and evi mule, and.
earner/tele thr gentlemen referred to while it wander he a pleaeme to linger
ng a well-known he (miler wit over thp program and meotton Nov
boy. the* a nf .1 . .1, Wtight, of town neverel pet formencee. it from* he !mill -
:lir. iVrightet filen& here welt him cor•rof to may here that eoeh v
every 1111MP114 hie new Too! tire WW1 creditably represente mid each
Mr. T C. Wright, nnw the Meal nertion of the progrem was thoroughly
maneger of the Nrarilheimer Piano, rejnyell. The cantata. "The Pesti val
Comptny In Londen, teeny Revere Wel of' the flowers,' given by a number of
1 oratiertion with the finfi tn go into yoting ladles with a chorua feriae
Matinees for himself. ItititL long erste vole A ?Pry Pretty ettneePtinn rePle-
nection with the piano Arade in CAM- seutIng a spirited coneereation tbe
! aide dwelling end lomaeltold hum)
p0o144.1004t. T1444.. 1 1'411,11Y. 11/11
of eronfort
le end fin
IWAK11, 444,1144•11114,11.. 11.1104.
t lancer.
h0111.1chatel fortilt ore :it the Anettois 110.,
lino. 111,4'h V.14 441.•110neel.
else eons oror. ere 711 rem,.
Of aRT0V. At +rioter. Waffil..gt to. on 'Sep
Alexander colon, of fieellsokM 411•4
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