The Signal, 1909-9-16, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO
A 444 8tststiv414 4 i4g119014i9014 + +44+4+449.44 444++4 i+.444*
do The NewsWhen the )F WIT VALI.'iof the . ,f-
IC44+ aba 456454646454644464,4454546666 44414444 4*4+4*44.6 453344445 *44 Hair Falls
T VISNUAv, llevremilett 16, Well 7
spendingAlio. Tyndall is a few
\VKDNRMDAY rtept. lutb.
MONDAY, Sept. 13th.
day. 10 !Myth. R. J. Edwards leaves for Torun
tpete a number trona here took in this work.
the London fair this week. Mies M. Rivitt, of Crewe, is staying
Monday, :eptewher 28th, will be with Mn. Anion Finlay at pt'esent.
'-hildren'r day in Smith'w Hill church.
Mr.. Fawkes and cbiidreo, of Lon -
dull, spent a trw days with Miss Lena
11,00i ton.
Mr. and Mrs. Kneeshaw, of town,
were visitors, of Mrs. Hgrney's one
day 1014 week.
11. Horsley tittik advantage of the
cheap rates an went to London on
business this wee
Mr. and Mn. P er, of Auburn,
visited at the horn of Mrs. tauten.
slayer oa Sunday las
Milton acid Melvinyndell went t4)
Donnybrook on Mont night to. take
part iu a concert there.
Tt'KMDAY, t. Dial,
\V. Nixon spent Sunday t George
W. P. Brophy visited iMund(,❑
friends last week.
lohn Richardson, of Sarnia, v iced
et N'tu. McAllister's last week. -
%liss Mr(rogan, of Delmore, viii d
friends in this vicinity last week.
John Me( Abe, of Calgary, is renew
jog old acquaintances in this vicinity.
Miss Young and Miss tiriftltll, of
KuitAil, spent Sunday at (:gorge
A number of young people from this
vicinity spent a pleasant time at Hugh
King's one evening last week.
Mrs. Stephen Medd. we are sorry to
say. is on the sick list at present, but
we hope to hear of her recovery In the
near future.
quite a number from this vicinity
attended tbe•concert in Donnybrook
church on Monday evening and report
a good time.
George Wallace. ltichard Anderson,
Nelson Nokee, David and Wm. Mason
MrAHieter spent last week taking in
the Toronto Exhibition.
TUE/mei. Sept. 14th.
11'01. Walsh, of Detroit. is visiting
at J. M. O'Reilly's.
A number from this vicinity left to-
dey for the London Pair.
Don't forget the tall to be held in
the Forester's. Hall, Port Alhett,, on
Friday night.
We extend a hearty welcome to Mr.
and Mrs, M. \Vhitty, who have corse
10 reside near Kingsbridge.
Larry \Wallace, of Goderieb, spent
Sunday at his home herr. He was ac-
romptnie(1 by • couple of lady friends.
J. L. and Mia Annie Sullivan left
today for London. They were accotn•
pealed by Miss Sadie Griffin. of Kin•
dors. P. J. Austin and Mise Loretta
returned borne from London on Tues-
day last. They were accompanied by
Mia Elizabeth Ne•wse, who is spend-
ing a (.•w weeks antong the neighbors.
Last Friday while Michael Bowler
was busy siding his new house the
w sttod gave ray, allowing Mr.
Bnwher to take a trop of seventeen
feet. Hr waa badly shaken lip, but
we are glad to hear that he is recover-
Tt'KMIIAY, Sept., 7th.
Mrs. T. A. Henderson spent a day
herr last week.
Tilos+ Gilmore. of 'hie ago, pa
spending a few days at hie home here.
Alex. Barnby has returned to Luck-
now high school, which reopened to-
Mit. Annie McLennan, of the lake
Shore. spent it few days the guest of
Mrs. Rod Campbell.
John Riley. who had been working
for 1C. Campbell for some tune, hes
gone to the West, where he inlende
('herlie Mcf.ean. of Alpena. Mirh.,
and George McLean, of 1'tt •t,
Mich., are the guests of their untie.
Rod (' irnphell, for a couple of weeks.
Tt'RMtrAY, Sept. 14th.
Mrs. Rens, of Kintall. and Miss.
Annie McDonald spent a day at Loth -
kin this week.
Mrs. .fame. McRae. of Lochalsh, ,and
Mrs. Matthew., of Indianapolis, open•
e .lay here this week.
We. Father .lames Hogan, of Mer
1111 I., spending his holiday. at his
father's `\'illiarn Hogan's. and Miss
Margaret Hogan also iv h • for a
few week S.
Among the many from these parts
Who took in the Toronto fair Inst week
ern• Ilan McLean, Thomas Barnby,
Mrs. Thorns,' McKeith and Master
Rohs McKeith.
Mrs. Charlie MoLean, of Calumet,
Mich., and her sister, We. G. McLean,
of Alpena, with their sons, Charlie
and George, are leaving this week for
their homer, after spending a month
heir brother Rod Campbell's,
SATI'RDAY, Sept. Ilth.
Angus Mclean ham returned home
from the \West.
Mr, and Mrs. l'ercy Sanderson and
family spent Labor Day at the lake-
suite a number from this yieinily
vent pert of the week at the Toronto
Exhibit inn.
Mica Debby Webster, of Lucknow,
wending a fsw days the guest of
Mrs. W..1. fens,
Rey. 'BI E. Sawyer and Mrs. Mawl er
'node some paitoril calls in the vicin-
ity of our burg during the week.
The dryness of the weather is delay-
ing 1lie fell plonebing ennsiderehly In
this locality. The apple crap is abun-
dant. and need. i•nly the rain to hong
it to per fent ion.
Jae. Rome, one village smithy. timet
with miefortnne ei couple of weeks
5R0 in getting his hand severely
bellied with a rope. which laid hirrm
&side during the past week. We are
pleased to know that the pend is im-
proving and hope that he will soon bei
the same raid "Sunny ,dim."
(Mr,'nnl M Soy! At.. On Friday
erPning, September 17th, there will be
bald In Hackett'• church a conundrum
n•lel. An excellent program Is in
Pr•p&ration. The a of the'
evening are R. S. lie Mayer, of Rt. 1"
RdanA: Rev. L. Bartlett, of irnngan-
r'a and the paat0r, Rev. T. E. Sew- 1 t.
Don't fail to have your "think- y
We cannot help remarking how
smoothly our moonlight picnic came
Mr. and Mrs. W. Finlay and Miss
Mary Phillip' intend going to Lan14)11
this week.
John Miller and family, of St.
Helens, *petit Sunday with the form-
er's sister, Mrs. Jar. Weheter.
Finlay Reed left last week for Ani-
Ierley to help finish harvesting. Ile
leaves this week to attend Normal.
Mr. and Mrs. John Blake have the
sympathy of the whole neighborhood
in the lass of their baby lust week.
The funeral was to Greenhill on Tues-
Those who attended the Toronto
fair last week were Mt•. and Mrs. R.
Johnstone, Misses Lizzie and Leila
Blake, Anson Finlay and J. C. and S.
Stothers. All retort having a splen-
did time. Anson Finlay went on to
Teterboro' to visit hi* grandmother
and other friends. lie is expected
home today. We cannot get along
without the Mayor very well.
tk iso )1. RKrobT,-Thr following is
the report of S. S. No. 0, Ashfield, for
the month of August. 'James in hider
,f merit. • Three. sharked • were
burnt from some of the examine -
ins :t'1 inn V. Leila Blake, Ernest
erman Stothers. Class 1 V.-
1 walulry, Effie Johnston, Edith
on, •Jesw sie Mtotherr. Chute 111.
til Altpu. Maas IL -Rets
y. Beryl Johnston. Pt. li-
mn, •Elizabeth Bowen. Sr.
it Johnston, Jr. Pt. 1. -
'inlay, ( ,verge Twatuley,
,latilda Hackett.
nee. I Average
H . I'
FI 'I'
Joh t
Pt. I. --
. --Freddie
I'meet ta
A ggreee to
rese h er.
(NDAY, Sept. 1:1111.
Mr. and Mrs. O e ' r have returned
from tatwo weeks. trip to Toronto.
Mies Winnie Sh w has gone to
Toronto. We hope to will have a
pleasant time,
Mrs. A. A. Williams and her son
Reg hey,. returned from trip to the
far-famed Erlle of Niag • a. [luring
their visit there they tew,k he trolley
out to tjueeuatnn Heights n see the
monument erected to the to•mury of
gallant General Brock. From the top
of the mon nusent one gets A s:lendid
view of old a(ueeliaton village, here
the General fell, and where, with . her
quaint relics, are s611 to be the
ruins of the Hest printing house h ilt
in Canada;
P11NT•NrI'Tl.a 1. FKa'I'1 \'ITIKN. - T
Stratford Herald of last week bad the
following .account of a social event in
which a former young lady of this
place. who before her marriage was
Miss Elizabeth Noreen Linklater, was
a prominent figure : There wax a large
gathering of the friends and neigh-
bor's of the Ruston family At their
hone', lot 11, i-uncession 1, Ellice, nn
Afondey ev,-'Jing. This (Amity is
among the oldest, most prominent
and most reverted in the town-
ship and As one of them, Wil.
liven. had been married and others
were removing to Stratford, it was de-
cided to give the bride v warm wel-
come and hid the others an affection-
ate farewell. Robert Armstrong,
Reeve of the township, was called to
the chair and made an eloquent open-
ing speech in which he eulogized the
whole fatuity, dwelling snorer particu-
larly on the good qualities and valu-
able services of the head of it. Geo.
Itamitton, rimnty treasurer, then
read an address which referred in
complimentary terms to all (he mem-
bets of the family, after which Mr.
Ruston, sr, Was presented with .a
fold-he/pled cane, W. Reston and
ride with a hall mtnnd and rack. the
Misses Beaton with a dresser and
Thome. Ramsay with a meerschaum
pipe. Frank Ruston replied feelingly
for hime.'If and daughters and Mr.
Wm. Remelt for himself and bride.
after which short complimentary
speeches were trade Vey Jacob Litt,
('ha.. E. Moors, M. Kiehna, John
Scott, Jos. Quinlan and others. The
latter dwelt on the length of 0 tie it
had taken Mr. W. Ruston to an, ke a
choir*. and rated biro for not having
hinted sooner, "hut we think if he
took it notion to link later it was his
privilege and we wish to say to Joseph
HAM here that we think it better to
link later than not to link at alt."
After the ?peaking was finished, re-
frexhmente were served and the com-
pany then indulged in games and
dancing until an early hour in the
WgtasgsDAv, Sept. 13th,
planned arrangements and ideal
weather (•oinhined to stake thin year's
anniversary of Donnybrook church
one of the moot iucce•sifel in its his-
tory. Thr speaker for Sunday, Mep-
temher 12th. was Rev. E. (1. Powell, of
Bressels, who addressed a well-filled
church both in the afternoon and
evening. The meal choir, assisted by
Alfred ('uok, fnrniebed anthem•' for
both servicer and Mr. ('(w,k favored
the audience with a solo at each ser-
vice. On Monday evening Ole church
WWI again filled to the bonds for the
enr'Inl entertainment, which ail en-
joyt-d very much. Each selection was
of n high order of merit. The eloru
tionist of the evening was Alias Gert-
rude Hertt, of Henstll, and the rounds
of applanar which greeted each of her
selections tehowed that her choice
of snbjecla and the rendition of each
were Appreciated. Mr, Sntail, as
usual, delighted the audience by her
singing. Miss Christina McClinton
was the accompanist for the ladies and
for Alfred Ione, who rendered a solo.
"The Prirelems Gift." with much ex-
pression. The Tyndall brothers mut-
Gained their well-founded reputation am
voealiets, their accompaniment being
played by their slater, Mien Nettie
Ty ndelt. The *adrenal of the evening
wam delivered by Rev..1. 1,. Small, of
lyth, whooke on "Seri -esti," taking
AN hie headings the words f Inrk,
Promptness, Pereevetancr. The sing-
ing of the doxology brought the pro-
gram to a close. rhe gross receipts
of the anniversary services were
early $711, which, in view of the sun'
scriptions which are being made for
he remodelling of the church next
ear, may he considered verys'timfre-
ear In yonr possession, as yon will tnry.
ats'n. t on when you are handed the
M▪ e Admission --15e. for rhlldren,
sial . -. Bo penitent. and spend a
Epworth a with the Herk.f,t'.
Wanted a Clue.
Teacher Spell tough.
Johnnie Pleas., ma'am, has it one the centre of the earth. A. intends
f .r two ? joining is circlet troupe soon.
MNN1/A Y, Sept. lath.
Mies Mary A. Alton is with Toront
Miss Jean Mullin was in Blyth
few days ago.
Miss Nellie White. of Lines, was
home on Sunday.
Miss Mary Phillips is emending
fortnight with Lori on friends.
Mrs. and Mins Wrleh visited Mrs
1'rnshy for n few days last week.
Miss Annie Rutherford is spending
some time with friends in Dungan -
WgoNgieodF. Sept. 13th.
„ Fllt•r Loit) AT •1'IIK Ei.ic .tTUR.
Mc(lrw atatiot) ilarvat4,r opened for
busier*" today, Joseph Carter deliver•
aI iug the first load of wheat.
a WittmeMi.ti, Sept. Lith.
Tong. The Auburn Methodist church
• will have anniversary services on Nun•
day, Septemler 21th, when Rev. Dr.
Dotage', of Guderieb, will preaeh et
8::111 and 7 o'clock p. til. On the fol-
lowing Monday evening 11r. Deluge!!
will give his illustrated le'1urw "Ben
Hue. ' *bowing our hundred pictures
in illustration of Lew %Vallece's thril-
ling story. Illestrateel hymns, "The
"Holy City," "Rock of Age:," and
.Abide with Me," will lie sung by M.
Tyndrall. Tickets -adults 15c., chi!•
then Inc.
Mise Lizzie Riitber(ord expeeta to
leave shortly to enter Normal School
at l'eterbor•o',
Miss Rae Cameron, of Norwalk. Ohio,
has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
\Vtn. Twaluley.
R. W. Agar has gone West for a
trip and expects to he gone for a
month or six weeks.
Misses Helen and (liars (lrahrun, of
Wingham, spent the week -end with
the Misses Sherwood.
Jas. Cook had is splendid trip t,
Toronto, and c:uue home highly
pleased with the Exhibition.
T, NI/W.-At ham, everyday except Thur. -
days. New remedy fur ostr.ietlni feet h 1831.1.14 •
form(better than ga. e'rown and bridge work
eta. Alumni nut piste. mon breakable
N. d. -You oan always have your work Ina •h
better done 1n the dental oeloe-m we Um .,
better rtcllitie. for doing the work, to ore own
f rt tble for the patient.
11ii tel t)1n1.tnnon for The Slated lest the Pau -
1 and dtatlonery Store whore
order. will be receival fur •ubwriptlon ad
verUaing and job work, and receipts will ba
given for amount. nald for the •aura
the t'oetoraos Store. Thaw a,•.Ju■tafew
of the many bargain. which we hate to offer
I.Sr, tee. rte and tic Walt Papers art ttng for rm.;
lie De and Ila Wall !'aper, for rale ; 4c, 1M,
and Iia Wail Piper( tor Ic. M. RYAN, Dun
' WKDNJtsn.Av, Sept. 15th.
Howard Case, of the O. C. 1., spent
Sunday at his home ere•
W. McCullough returned today
after a few days visit with friends in
Grand Valley.
Cecil Treleaven, of the Sterling
Bank, Watford, is spending a couple
of weeks at his home here.
A number of our hurinew places
were treated last week to a coat of
paint, which adds greatly to their
appearance. Thos. Elliott wielded
the brush'.
Ronald McNevin goes to Mitchell on
Thursday to art as judge of horses at
the fair held in that town. Donald
acted in this capacity last year, sq
he must have given satisfaction.
Among those from this place who
are taking in the Western Fair, Lon-
don, are the following: J. E. Mal"
ugh, Dr. thee, W. H. McClure, Mrs.
Nevin, Mr, and lifts. Chas. Elliott.
M and Mrs, J. Stonehouse and Miss
Ma t Medd.
Fvkrh)RA1Ytk. -Apples an. being rc-
('elead) in roneiderable gpuentitiea at
the evaporator and operations will
commence there immediately. The
lroprietor, T. G. Allen. has had a
arge addition made to the buikling
and is now able to handle any quan-
tity of fruit. Itieb, Cousins has been
engaged as foreman for the season.
The highest price is being paid for
suitable apples. •
Tut, (1RHA'I' FAIR. -The fall fairsea-
son is opening and the people of this
district are looking forward to the
Dungannon exhihitroo, the dates for
which are Thul•sda, and Friday. Oc-
tober 7th and nth. Everything points
to A most successful event, and the
directors are making preparations
with that end in view. The Lucknow
pipers' band -one of the most popular
musieal organizations in the Province
-has been engaged, and for the con-
cert on friday night excellent talent
ham been secured. The Hewer Con-
cert Company, it comp my of gifted
and versatile artists, will furnish the
program, further particulars of which
will he given later. For prize lists or
any other information in regard to
the exhibition apply to the secretor-"
Robt. McIlwain, Nile.
Tt'gen.tY, Sept.. lith.
F. if. McLennan paid a visit to the
Toronto Exhibition last week.
Alex. Fyfe, of Detroit, is at present
engaged in working for .1. K. Mei on-
Mies Sarah Cameron and ,las. Cam-
eron w •re visiting friends at (llammis
at the end of the week.
A. R. Finlayson, Dune. Cameron
end R..1. McKenzie are in London this
week taking in the Exhibition,
Mr., Mustard and her daughter.
Miss Mustard, of Brueefleld, are
Vimitiug at Mrs. W. Matheeon'e.
Rev. 1). T. L. MrKerroll. of Luck•
now, preached In Ashfleld Presbyter-
ian church last Sunday afternoon.
Me,. Bryan Buckingham and Will
Beckingham ,tent last Sunday with
friends on the Ith ermeemsion, Huron.
Frank' -McKenzie. 111th ronceseion.
left last Tueedav for the Northwr.t,
where he intends to reside for some
Billy 11. is porta discovering a new
star in the north whirh he save rivals
the planet Jupiter in splendor and
teaitty, Lorky Bill !
Mis. Reherrn Finlayson left lass
Wedneelay for Milwaukee, \\'is ,
where she hos secured a position in
one of the cit y'. hospitah.
Mrs. McDnngall, who hael Arent the
summer with friends in this and other
mertions of Ontario, retie -noel toMil-
waukPe, Wis.. last Wednesday.
Rev. Donald Mcl,.od, of Skye, Scot-
land, preached him farewell sermon in
the Erre Presbyterian ehurrh here
fast Munday evening. Mr. Mcleod fr-
tends moon to return to Scotland.
A (loon OFy'gtt. Fred Ross has re
retype] from the tnrateee of the pails,
school at Pllimnx. Man., the exo'Ilent
offer of the principalship of that
sebnol at the initial salary of PIM per
annum. dutiee to eommenee at Christ-
mas. Mr, Row has not) et accepted,
hut is at $sent ronsii Bring the
Ac ATM. -Test week_ while ere
getout n hatiling peen from the field to
the threshing-marhin.. Alfred per-
formed wit.hnot serious injury the
singular aernbetie feat of hanging
down h one font from the aide rat the
hat -rack with the other foot pointing
to the zenith, and the head toward,
Tvgsn.ale, Sept. 141h.
kiss, ,tae. Jewell spent a few days
Lately in Toronto and Hamilton.
Amos Fisher took in the ex hibition
at Toronto last week.
Levi Snyder with his threshing
outfit is busy in the neighborhood.
The tuners! procession of the late
Samuel Hutto, paased through the vil-
lage Monday afternoon on the way to
Colborne cemetery. An unuually
bu•ge number of vehicles were in line.
Wr are pleased to report that Mrs.
Findlay le recovering nicely from her
recent preearious condition.
kir. and Mrs. Olarenee Walters are
spending a few days in London this
Meserl, Moyer. of St. Catharines,
and Duggin, of Toronto, held is very
interesting meeting in the ehur -h
uu Monday evening, Mr. Moyer also
rutldurted the *revive* -nn t he Sunday
evening •pl•evious,
On 'Sunday, the hrlith, the Sabbath
school Rally !)ay will be observed in
Bethel church, when member,' front
the different appointments will be ex •
I•ected to attend. The service will be
in the afternoon at 2::53,
country thou more
all' other in
,Das on of tugethe the
and until the Iw,l few year. it was supposed to
br inenrable. For a great many nom doctor•
orunounoed it a local disease and preeerinn)
Meal remedies, and by coaslantly falling to
cure with lura) treatment, pronounced it in
rumble. Science has proven catarrh to ben
Constitutional 'detain and therefore re.iulre•
sal'titut longi treat mem. 11a11 s 1•a1arrh Para•.
n enfant tired by F J. ('henry ft 1'0.. Toledo.
i -e only ,wn•Uo. tutlonal cure the
mar et. 11 U taken Internally in domes from In
drol o a teaspoonful. It are. directly on the
blood .d mue•o.o surhacee of the system. They
offer on hdndred dollars for any ease It falls to
cure. Send for circular, and testlmonbaI.
VEtare•,s: F. J. ('HkNF\' A co.. Toledo.
Sold b(• Ur 1st., 71e.
Take flaps timer Pills for eon'elpatiolo,
Simple injuries With Serious Results.
Morris tivatzman, An eleven -year-
old Windsor boy, has just died an the
result of a scratch\ on hie wrist.
Prison entered the wound, which (vas
caused by falling off his bicycle, and
despite the physicians the boy died.
Such ineidente as these- by no means
infrequent -- ought to makepeople
realize the danger that limy `{ie even
in the emailest flesh wound. \
Take 4 simple illustration. When
a dirty knife, 0 rusty needle, a
splinter of dirty wood, a barbed Wire
fence, or a thorn, se -rale -hes the hand,
the latter fs ines•ulated with germs., of
whirls the air about us is full. Direct-
ly these germs are introduced through
the breach in the skin, a battle royal
ensues between them and certain or-
ganisms in our blood.
When the invading germs are trio
strong for Nature's defences, inn few
horns the linger will become hot and
throbbing. A little later the wound
may exhibit a whitish eppea(•ance in
the middle of the swelling. and we
have what is known as a festering or
poisoned wound.
The way to avoid such serious re-
sell.' is to cleanse the wound and
apply Zai. -link. %am -Bak is a power•
fol yet painless germ -killer, and when
applied to the broken skirl i• ahem beet
into the tissue, instantly dextro ing
the germs that spread disease and in
The flesh is thus soothed And puri-
fied, the wound made PPIfertly
healthy, and all poison and cause of
festering removed. Having done this.
'Laird-Ruk then proceeds to heal the
wound or wore with new healthy
tissue in A'perk. painless and perfect
%am-Ruk must..not be eonfn.,ed with
ordinary 'ointments. '/.all-Ruk I. A
unique prcparat' , poaaPMsinie Anti•
Peptic, soothing and healing qualities
that are not Ce' lie found together in
any other preparation. It is not only
a unique healing balm, but it is also
a skin food. For -all skin diseliee. and
injuries -cats, bruises, burns, eczema,
(•hating, ulcer'', ringworm, etc. it is
without equal. It is also ,teed widely
for piles, for which It may he re-
garded as a specific. All druggists
and stores sell at flfty rents a box, or
plat -free from %sm-link (1o., Toronto,
for price.
London - Sept. 11, to
\Vet kertoo Sept. 1(I, 17
Sept. 21, 22
Sept .2"2, 23
Meta. 2l.
Sept. 22, 2:1
Sept. 21, 21
Mept. 2i, 24
Sept. 24, 29
Sept. 24, 21
Sept. •lit, 214
Sept. 84, 'lit
Sept, 28, 29. 30
Rept. 'do, ()et. 1
Sept. 311, Oct. 1
Ort, 2
Ort. ti, (1
Listowel ::
Kincardine .. ..
Mt. Marys
Luck now....
Parkhill ... Oct. 5, 6
l'emiwater ... .641. 5. fl
Dune -ammo
Has field
maks baby *nervous nail b rdwl,
and seeps gala is weight
le elitism* food-medicine for tooth -
hag babies. It strengthens the
aer.e., nappies Me far the teeth, aka baby grewina,
Gil • Nial a bomb sew Al nrwrab
Stop ill And why not? Fall -
Ing hair is a disease, • regular
disease; and Ayer's Hair Vigor,
as made from our new im-
proved formula, quickly sad
completely destroys that dis-
ease. The hair stops falling
out, grows more rapidly, and
all dandruff disappears.
Agnes As amber .f the A.
torsola wee ease SOW
y *bow 11 is dew
a.a Sim case. tti
lima a, r lie sees
The tittle r.. < in ea:h package gives
the fo. mala .I aur new Hair Vigor, tells
why er.:h In 7redient is used, and ex-
plains many other interesnng tbing$.
After r acting you will know why this new
hair prrpa:ation dues its work se well.
-nada iw aaa 1. a. ,,w as., x.ewe ik,
Store. 153.
Residence, 185.
Store will he closed Wednesday
afternoor.s during July
and August.
\\'e beg to announce to our pat-
rons that we have rime t.•,1 to new
premises on
next Morrish .l Snyder'* Grocery,
whet/. aur customers wi11 fltil us
ready to till all orders for
In workmanlike manner,
at closest prices.
N. R. Pinder
'Phone 155•
(Published Annually'
Enables traders throughout t he W.,: 1.1
to c muniente diuw'e-I. with English
in each einem of good?", Besides being
a eonlplete eownirreial guide to Loi
don and els xoburle. the T)ireetroy
contains lists of
with the goods they whip, and the Col
MAR! and Foreign Markets they simply;
an•anged under 1ti. pl,rts to nlurlt
they sail, and Indies!ing the Apple ox
mate mailings ;
of lending Manufacturer,. Merchants
etc., in the principal provincial towns
and industrial eentrce of the United
K i iiglom.
A copy of the current oditiotl a i11 be
forwarlyd, freight paid, ol receipt. of
pastel order for 20.
Iteeter,' seeking a emirs ran adyer
tis. their trade cards far 41, 01' huge
a(Iy ert.isenlent.s from £3.
The London Direct$ry Co., Ltd.
t.1 Ahe hurrh 1,1ne, !ninthly'', E.
The Shoe We Huh/ lip
Ins your examination 1• male by one of the
foremost .her.• dedaner. of the country. 1t 1. a
.hue that. Is as honestly built it, It la skilfully
ptanr.t d•
are a..nand Its Wolf rr and Inns . -ole. se well
aIle and hate ye..r (ort Htrad wlt.h a (alr.
There are I'll slam. and widths. sn we nen sear
Ant.. •at. AA Ras) as If yn'I had your shoes
made to order
Real Economy
ti you care to ls-hop where your
dollar --reaches farthest don't
fail to go to McLean lards,',
where they'carry the hest lines
of Clothing, Furnishings, Hats
and Caps, Tailoring, and every-
verything for gentlemen except the
boots, at the very closest prices
for good goods.
McLean Bros.
(lents' Furnishings.
worwmasam swam area
The Pickling Seas in 11
Generally begins by September 1st.
If you are going to do Any pickling, we ran supply you
everything (ezeept the fruit. and %egetuMeml.
Nine or ten sizes of Flat Corks,
Pint and quart Tapper (*mks,
Rubner Rings for gent jars 'pint and posit),
Pure Spires of all kinds Hirth ground and whole!, not forgetting Mus-
tard seed. Celery Seed, whole and ground Mace, Turmeric, Curry
Powder, Fresh (larlie, site.
S. E. HICK, Central Drug Store,
For the pickling *mann we
have the freshest and pares'
1?very tWeer you want foi mak nig
your pickles and closet's.
fleet white wine and rider
Give us your order.
Sturdy & Co.
'Phone qt West Side Square
is the ambition of every housewife.
If you haven't ne aft lar lweau.e you
hesitated al the expense, here is your
chance. We hayeFreer:al styles which
we have de eidsld to discontinue.
there ore no handsomer art ides than
theme. Velem account of the reason
dotted we will let them go at pike.
which will make 700 seem. of ever
there was a (hane,• to realize y i.ur
ambition herr it is. But come opt h k...
' There Are not 1,111) of them.
fermis- ._.- RatatnIrNrg -175
Harvest Time
We antsy. Shrive to meet the hest and we have it
for you this year.
650 feet Twine at 11 Cents per Ib.
This Twine im all one size. In slaking. it. pesters through a sizer,
which makes it impossible for any lumps or large pieces to get
in to choke your hinder.
\V'• have a quantity of 7.5 in. (fest American Porn Manila
Hope. A napalm 80r. Roes, which we ran give you f,ir lee. per Ib.
Best Manila I in. Rope, I strain's, we can give yon at I lc. per Ih
We Wive a Targe !memotnem, of Mork'', with and without
MAR. jestin for yogi I o choose 1r . Scythes, from Ilio, to f
Mnathe, 7:te. t(1 MSc.
Pure Paris Green, 30c. per Ib.
Loa 1.OIL.and GASOLINE STOVES. A large a.sotltnent
choose from.
11E11310ERATORM, at ell prices.
IIA \I MOCKS, at ell prices.
A1. TOM11111LES end ('ARTS.
E1,1';I'l1ANT WHITE LEAH and BAI)EN (11L..
Mltb;lt\YIN-\VILLI \MM ill•;Aird' MINER PtINTs.
'V.• at 111 ha% A few roils of the tl.wire NO. 11 Wire loft. at i('c.
per rod ; !deo a (omit ity,of Nos, 11 and 12 Coiled Wire, Mid s
quantity of Barb Wire.
For Eavestrooghing, Tinmmitt,tng, Fluent,ing and fleeting we ran
give yen prompt Attention. end ell week fully g.u.renteed.
0 H;;e: a,;; CHAS. C. LEE H
= ,