The Signal, 1909-9-16, Page 22 Nutt tJ\Y, 'r f.4I % tfl, ilii)
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THE SIHNAL PRINTIN(I (1)., I.iutit.d
Irooerieh. Out
ly11 ERIME- rWtf ltStlA T. 44#4PT: la: WA.
At • meeting of the Ureteral Reform
Association of Ontario bold at Tut --
onto last week it was decided to call a
cottveatiuu of i:iberels in June of next
year to fo late the party pletfurw.
With this derision the party leader,
Hon. ,A, (1. MacKay, declared hie
hearty accord, stating that t6u; con-
vention should he fl'i't tulact nut only
in the framing of the platform but in
the cluttering of a leader.
A few interesting ruggestiuus won•
made ae to the liner the party's policy
might take. One delegate urged the
question of equal taxation. including
the fair taxation of railways, as of
leading importance. J. W. Curry,
K. C.. of Toronto, who has wade a
name for himself la it fighting Liberal,
made the very sensible suegestiom
that the policy should he framed not
with the object primarily of fetching
votes but with s view to the ad-
vancing of the country's welfare. He
believed that the time hal come when
the Liberal party should make a
definite announcement without equiv-
ocation with regard t. the liquor
traffic. Personally he believed in
(iovernuleett control, and compensa-
tion for those who were put out of
business. Tile developoent of the
North country was another matter
which Mr. furry thought should re=
ceive attention.
A notable incident of the 'meeting
was a discussion between • Hon.
Utilities Murphy, Secretary of State,
and John A. Ewan, of The Toronto
°lope, regarding certain criticisms of
the State Department which had ap-
peared in the editorial columns of ['he
Globe. The occasion of these crab
ciente was the issuing of a charter to
the Metropolitan Raring Asso eiation.
• concession to the rade-track gam-
bling fraternity which The tttntw tin•
equivocally denounced. Thr Secre-
tary of Fltete et Oast that under the
law the Department of State hal no
option but to Meese the charter when
application was made, and that The
Globe hal not Laken sufficient rare to
inform itself in the matter before it
launched Its criticiams. Mr. Murphy
showed an inclination to complain of
the Iukewermness of the , Liberal
press in general in supporting the
Liberal party.
Mr. Ewan reaffirmed the position of
The (Ilote in t he matter of the racing
charter. and declared that if the law
was a* stated by the Secretary nf•
Stoat. the sooner it was changed the
better. Regarding the- general sub-
ject of newspaper support, .Nr. Ewan
very truly stated that it was not an
alyentage. but rather n di.advont age.
to a political party tei he served by A
discredited 11rtYe. If the I.ilwral press
was not honest enough and hold
enough to challenge the conduct of It.
own party when occamion required it
could never be of h service to the
ca'tae of true Liberalism and good
Mr. Ewan's remarks will 1e en-
dorsed by every newspaper man of
either party who has A proper reaped
for his position as a public'. monitor.
So stun as the people see that a news-
paper in willing to verve it.* porta
whether the party is right or wrong,
just en moon will the influence of that
newspaper reams!. No politician has
any right to expect a newspaper to
destroy itself in this manner, and any
po liticinu (night be glad to have the
general support of a newspaper which
ham secured the eonfldence of the
people by exercising its functions of
critici„m terarletwi!), end impartially.
"One flag, one fleet, nom throne,' itt
the motto on the new Public School
Reader.. It hi a very pretty senti-
ment, hitt its umefulne•*m In this con-
nection may be mentioned by cyndral
persona. We all revere the Union
Jack, hitt it wnnld hardly do, may* the
cynic. t e teach the school children
disrespect for the Canadian ensign.
There are more different kiod* of
flags to be seen In an Orange pro -
erasion than most of us can remember
the next day. Are they to he inter•
dieted expurgated. trampled ander
tont, 0, just quietly loft at home the
next Twelfth ? fir. Pyne should ex-
The Union Jack typigea the union
England. Woolen(' and Ireland : it
is not an Imperial eunbletu. If we are
t. have but "one Itag," wily
not he • aguiflr int of the whole•
Empire :' Mg* Ur: Pyne hold that
Male ix to be treated as a nonentity,
and that Cenadisus must consider
themselves and their country as of no
account ?
And whatd,en the sec01111 hart of
the motto signify ? We have hats
With us in Canada it noted naval
authority. lord Charles Br'l'ettfot'd.
who alvoeates the•Rcheu, of several
fleets conlbiniug in time of necessity
ole great imperial wavy. He holds
that twat portion of the Empire
shoitld ineillt•Ill it 4 nw11 fleet, so Shea
in alditiott to the British navy, . out
prising several fleets, there may he
several "colonial" fleets. This is 00
doubt the idea that appeals most
strongly to the Vast Majority of Pana.
diens. who believe in fleets at . all.
Does the 1Vhilney Government set up
Moine other policy, or i. 1110 expression
metuiinglese ?
The thirst phrase, •'one throne" Inn'
should it be " tbrouue" ? ), is well
'motto. but is it not a pity that it ix
not alliterative, like '•flag"and ' •Hort"?
However, it needs no lung and tile -
i expl*tietioiia, to. every child in
Ontario has a mantel view of the 'wet
of authority at which the idol of the
people, our own 'kir Jautes, watt
duhlosl a trite and Ieeal knight.
\Vhen we get Dr. Pyue's rxldan.t-
li.+t►a.if what lir. Meath underatauds
is the mea g of This pt•i•tty motto,
and especially of the tie(•und pert of
it. we may to able to couelude that at
all events it is harudese. It may
even be that its influence, in the lung
run will be to inculeet.• in the chil-
dren of our land a t and lofty
patriotism, just we the motto on the
United Slates dollar. -In Gad Wer
Tiilxt," has developed in the people of
the neighboring country a deep and
fro vi•nt piety. At arty raTe 1tT uv
hope (or the heat.
1f Commander Peary had kept
silence regarding the elaiuls of Dr.
Cook, it is most likely that his own
claims would have been implicitly ac-
cepted and that rook would have had
to produce proofs to convince a skip-
tical public that he. 100, had been at
the Pole. Peary, however, has allowed
hiulsu'If to show an angry and jealous;
shirr, while look, since his return
from the frozen North, has acted dis-
creetly, and the result is that Cook
has gained some sympathy which
Peary has Iola.
One reason gtven for doubting Dr.
l'ook's statements wsis the rapidity
with which, according ttr his account,
the dash to the Pole WAN accom-
plished, But Peary travelled at a
much faster rate. Again, it was
pointed out by unbelievers that rook
hal only two Eskimos with hint at
t h e Pole; he had no ''TIlitr
nun's' evidence to corroborate his ac-
count. But Peary had no "white
man" with hint, either, in the final
stage of his journey ; he had only one
Eskimo. Indeed, accepting Peary's
ace cunt of his trip. it looks as if he
had deliberately planned that all his
companions except the Eskimo should
to sent back le(ore the Pole was
reached, so that he .should have the
entire glory of the iachiev.nlent. Ilse
can ituagine with what cttagrin and
anger, after he hod, a6 hr thought,
succeeded in carrying out hie plan. he
would recite the anmiamr.tuent that
41/111entle rise hal Leen there before
On the other hand, there are those
whir nee room for a suspicion th
Conk, after teerning something of
Peary'* experiences in the farthest
North: took ataltage of the inform-
ation to rush out to civilization and
make the first annonne.nlent of the
great diac.every, putting himself in
Peary'* pla'e.
The only way out of the difficulty is
to have both explorers submit their
rlAimx toe lslard of 'scientists and ex-
ports In Arctic trays In the Mean-
t Rue,
ifilan-time, the situation irresistibly re-
minds one of the ridiculous story of
the rival claimants in Mark Twain'*
"Huckleberry Finn."
That 1'elary'e conduct has awakened
s • gull igi.niNlli in hie own country
io shown by the cumrneets of the
United States press. The following
from The T1ntlelo Courier in an in.
'Renee :
Searchli • ht
Of Government investiga-
tion established beyond question
the Company's economical man-
agement, honest dealings with policyholders and sound invest-
- ments. Examine one of our Reserve Dividend Policies, Large
Guarantees, Liberal Conditions, Attractive Options.
London Life
CO �`•� O
W H. ROBINSON, District Agent. Seaforth, Oat.
Weteh (i.aferiuh /Brow.
But what a difference a few votes
If at first you don't succeed—try,
114' again.
The Kaet street faeltory ie still empty
—hut there is yet a chance.-
hance:' Things are rather dull in Arctic ex-
ph,ratiun. Then' has not been A new
di,euvery of she Pole for over a week.
Discussing the Peary -Cook dtepute,
a citizen suggertt to The Miguel that
there may lir a zone tip north ou
teaching which travellers ate affected
with hallucinations, eo that they iu.•
aging venin things. Perhaps' loth
look and Peary got into the "queer"
\Vht•u the xebo d took contract was
given to t Eaton Company the pre-
aii•tiuu wit:
out tibia huge .t Ivertising scheme
for the Eaton stye. This prediction
Lb'in rapidly enitrated, nod with
out going into ptrtietitavt it can be
stated that the rot til dealers have lia
sod tubal grie±v,uic.• in the matter.
More will he heard of this subject
Inter oat and if pat•seat indications
pane tubuli' ir: set a' revitioa of the
contract ml may to t I to be neces-
sary to remove a ser:gq t' injustice to
local deafer& ..
No Danger of a Rush.
Kingston fitandard.
It is absurd to talk about interna
tional 'complications in connection
with the ownership of the North Pole.
Anyone who wants it is perfectly wel-
come to go up there and spend the
rest of his life flee front tales and the
•other worries of civilization. He
won't have many rival claimants, and
his squatter's right will prolttbly be
,.ails oat •e v,,,.hl filen
1 hew for no other 1114111 may
tormett against the w hole business'.
A Marked Difference.
Kt. lout. Post nt•itttch,
Poet -1 don't sine the diffenienet' be-
tween playing bridge 'for prizes and
gambling for money.
'Parker—There's a lot. %Then you
play for money your get s thing
worth having.
Rosebery Stands for Landlordism.
Hamilton Herald.
Lola) ltosehery is going to speak
against Lloyd -George x "revolution-
ary" budget at the public meeting in
(ilasgow next week. His Lordship's
instinct of self-preservation as a land-
lord is noire Itnw'rhil tjtan, ltle_ sestet
nod against all the world. Most all
of us can rent all tate iter we want
hearer home,
Again comes n complaint„ this time
from Scotland,that apples purchased
in Canada have been_ (mind to have
ineerior grades of frit in the centre
ot the barrel. The man guilty of
such dishonesty cannot reAlize how
small he is. Nouse people are to con•
stituttel, sir else have become. through
years of crooked dealing, so warped
that it is impossible for them to view
such actions as right-minded people
see them.. 'Their dishonesty may be
punished by litw, but that doer not
tweet the ease. The neighbors and
acquaintance. of 11 man guilt y of .uclt
mennuets should treat him as a wor-
elly diseased person. to be ns cRte-
fully shunned as a Men with small-
pox. His disease is worse than small
pox. and a little wholesome iodation.
sol far its association and till 461044 are
concerned, would perhaps impress
upon him the view decent people hold
concerning cheating.
M.unday limo marked the 150th an
nivereary of the taking of tittehl'c_by
Wolfe. The story of that event is
one of the most interesting in Owls.
than' history. Historians' and novel-
fmte alike have dwelt upon the long
siege, the various futile attempts to
Orem a. landing on the Beaupsrt
Shoals or eamt of the Montmorency
River, the upness of the young British
commander, the watehfttl mkill of the
Fiench. and the ruse by Which at last
the fortress was stun. It is pleasing
to amt' that always ..goal honor 1.
paid to the rival general•. Mont
calm's moue and Montrallu's fatue
arel.►uded as sincerely and with as
grctt affection as WVolfe"s. It is al-
Iveyscleerly recognized that If Mont.
Elms 11111 "-nof Meati w, hampered by
the jealousy of Gover nor k'aidreui
the history of that mile might have
been very different. As it is, Brilish
and F, each Canediann unite today to
honor the worth :and valor of the
rival commanders' and to place upon
their monument the laurel wreath no
justly 111e1 Red by both.
• Until very 11.''ntl)• the piiLlir had
the greatest respect for Commander
Robert E. Peary, presuming he p os -
teemed the qualities of an American 01 -
Ii er and gentleman. What is the
matter with him? He hes teen met-
ing within the past week as if intense
disappointment had turned him howl.
Even t 1/r. (.0ok's rl:aintm shoul,I
he (aline --and at present he *enol. fully'
M entitled (o creienee as him rivet
Pettey mhnrtld have presented his
charges in a more dignified manner,
to my the leant. !normal, he hem'ritul
liar, and raced aletutt 'gold bricking,'
and about 'nailing' the doctor --timing
more of the Inngnnge of the gutless
than that itt polite society. A11 thin �
has afforded the etrnngemt por.ih1e
contrast t, the Nilo/nes, and eout•tesy
of I)r. Cook t attitude. Then
again, Peary's flamboyant cotyle'
of making him announcement him
plainly indicated it condition of men-
tal dimtnrhanec. Ile hut 'nailed the
flag to the Pole:' he has presented the
Pole to President Taft, to that "Mt
chins evident amusement and *light
emharrivement ne to what he *1411 do
with the Inteteating chattel; end he
hest notified the Stets Department t hat
he has annexed the North Pole and all
enntiggnnii* territory in the name of
the American Republic regarding
which the State Derailment prudently
refrain* from any•expremminn of opin-
ion. Further -the Navy Department.
ha* been informed by the indu*trioue
C,anmarrler that he hoisted the neve)
ensign on the Pole, which with all
this Adornment of hinting mu*t bet
fairly flapping red and white end blue
in the twee of the aurort ',mean's."
How wa siM it do for the doctor@ to
bold another consultation and decide
whether that bylaw is to beer a res-
urrection or a burial ?
To Autumn.
to Aonunn Ismer with Dolt, and -t ;tined
With the blood of the gr the. Ins- nor, turn -it
Beneath my shady roof: there thou m ty's•
Anil lune 1 hyiolly noire to iris' fresh pipe.
AOA all the daeightert of the ye tr .hill Van ie
-mg now the Noy sang of fault.+ and t19Ner.
"The narrow had open. her In•ant le. to
The sun, and love run. In her thrilling rein. :
11104.41M4 hang mood the brow. of morning,
Ylns,rish down the height cheek of ,nndn.t Ei e.
Till rlu.o'ring Simmer heroics Rath Into sing
And feathered clouds .l rew.aowcrs round her
h •:.d.
-Thtntlin7ti of Thichirilie On the :iueli+
Of /Ad . and Joy. with 'Anion, Iigh'. rme-
The gardens, to -.11e singing in the tries.
The. sang the in11y Ant unto as he eat :
Then rose. girded himself, rind tier the bleak
11111. ant from mer might ; b,u, left 61. lentdtn
—William Blake.
Two Desperate Characters.
Watford !Nide Ad%orate.
The two most dreaded 4 eir%bla.als
in the public ere nt present ire Jerk
Frost And ('oat Bill.
A Picturesque Country.
contra Nowa,
The town of Whoopu o im on the
Crow's Nest Rsilway, in (Its Province
of Alberta. From Medicine Hat yon
;mat Roll's Head, Purple Springs end
('hin to rwAeh Who optp,
it 1s Possible.
mute* .Imtrnal.
There imest a Van err that Crone -
(Ilan. nosy he *n moth jawed At in the
matter of naval iletmneer that. mime of
A Pair Hard to Beat.
Belleville Ontario.
Two gentlemen. whnlre believed to
'b' the oldest twists in Canada, are at
present residenta }01 Belleville. They
are Samuel and Allen lazier, sons of
John Lacier, and were born in Prince
Kdwtr,I, near Norrhpttrt. in 1824.
ConseeryetenNv.-when their nest hirth-
day ; arrives they will be eighty-five
year," ot age. The Jlesste. i.azier. who
are both hale and hearty. ate men of
excellent repute Aa good citizens.
Both worked on the (lurid in the early
Jaya, Samuel becoming a miller and
Allan a carpenter.
Her Promise True.
Family Hera.',
The death of Lady Laurie, of Max-
welton House, Dumf ries, recalls one
of the hest -known Scotch songs. Max-
welton House it well known as the
bit t hplece of Annie lersrie. She was
the daughter of the Asset baronet, was
born in Itie2. The words of the song
were composed by 1 youth named
Douglas, of Finland, and the music
more than a century afterwards by
Lady John Spottlswo,sl. The "prom-
ise true" proved a delusion, for the
lady- threw Dotlgla* over, and married
in his place Alexander Ferguson, of
Craigdarroch. The portraits of both
he atell and ber husband are in the
keeping of the baronet who still bolds
po04449141111 where "Jfexwelton braes
are bonnie."
To Liberals Credit Is Due.
N'Itmtor Record.
Today thousands of native Cana -
diens from the East and thousands of
immigrants from dither counties are
movie Int,, the West and making for
themselpee permanent; hones. New
towns ars springing up on the -
prairire, new districts ale being
settled by the latest are ivals and in
every direction there is growth and
activity. This phenomenal exi an -
Arm began with the inauguration of -
I,ilwral rule. The Liberal Oovtin-
tnenl was quiek to grasp the idea
that, to develop the country and nuke
av;ulahle its vast tesourrn*, increased
population was necessary, and they
at (ince instituted it vigorous Immo
gt.►tie,n policy in 1i rest Britain,'
Europe and the t-nited States., which
has peen steadily. and with unflag-
ging zeal, pursued throughout the
year,, with the most gratifying re-
A Scurvy Trick.
wooestoek Sent ittel•Revlew.
See the woe Models in
Two of the best lines made to Can-
Rubber Tires. Automobile Stats
and all the latest ideas an first-
class Carriages.
Second-hand Maple Leaf Chopper
(LJ•inchl, nearly new, for sale.
$lMral good dnvers for sale.
Robert Wilson
Agent for
Massey- Harris Implements, Mel-
lotte Cream Separators. Fleury
Plows, Bissell Dile
Harrow,, Land Roller%
et.', etc.
V,irero,ws Hawiltun semi,
litslrri, h. •
Honesty may be the hest policy. but
lois of people think that their ability
to dodge the police is just as good.
Complaint routes from Scotland re-
gaoling the way-('aeodian apples are
parked. Formerty,irill pointed out.
the good apples were q11 00 .the top
and the poor ones on the 4hettotn.
To discover if the barrel contained in•
ferior fruit ilw.ts only necessary to
upend the barrel and knack in the
bottom. Now, however, the cunt
plaint is that the smell apples are
carefully roneenh'.1 in the middle.
By thio method 4,1 p! tcking dinmvery
in rendered more difllrult: 11111 dinrnv-
ery rotnet at Inns. of rnttrse, and with
it w decline in the leputatinn of Cana-
dian fruit. If the dieboneat packer
injured himself alone he might be left
to bear the consequences of his dis-
honesty : but the consequences fall
upon the innocent ms well as the
guilty. The whole trade supero for
the trickery of a tow. it is interest•
ing to learn from the acme sours*
that the repntalion of Canadian
apples ntan.Is very high. The man
who deliberately seek. to destroy that
reputation is en enemy of the coun-
try, And should +u he treated.
Special Offer
We have made arrangements with
rat ttttt REDlMTga AND ('AN-
(DIAN EXTR\mlfN, of Toronto. one of
the leading, ablest edited, and most
influential Cathulii• hopers of ('anode,
by which we can offer
The Signal and Catholic
Register and Canadian
for one year for the bargain sunt n
DIAN EXTKN8IOS, of Toronto, 1e now
the property of the Catholic Ohu,eh
Extension Society of °anad•. 1t la a
brilliantly -edited, well. pr !flied
seventycolmmn piper of ten pages or
more each week, and under Its new
managementhem become w leading
exponent of Oathnllc thought In
Address all cedars to
Ooderich, Ont.
Over one thonmen('etude nts
enrolled by tui chain twat
year. 1 t pays to attend a
link of this great chain, for
• 'IN t'NtutN T 11 K 14 14 114
.T11K\t ITH..'
The demand for onr grad-
uates it THREE: TIMES the
Other schools engage our
gratn:ttes as teachers. A
special course for teachers.
Graduates of two years ago
are now earning $2,000 per
Three coilrteem — Ui(i111rBa-
t I.t1.,'''IIl•and 'TKL-
Fall Tera Apes Aeg. 31.
1\'l its for pert icultrs•.
from Angn.t Goth in ell d spoil 1•
merits of the
Central Business College
Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto.
Cl[talot ue mailed free on request.
('or. Yong,. And Alexander Fids A hlghrliw•
-drool. Enter nny time. Hrwdnntea readily
Retptwitions. write today for Handenme
rata owns.
The best time to enter our climera
is now 1Ve are running the IArge*t
and, we believe, the hest business
trainingschool in Western Ontario.
Three departments :
Geta money making education.
Our gra,luates are In demand and
are meeting with streets. (int our
free cat.tingnr now.
Business & Shorthand
f t)aM•[Tl
R.sid nt and Mail Canning
C.rt e.r. Fre i
1. wt wase fl, 1 w
Kits.....). f.. C.A..
Folass1sa1. v .s IMw.iaal.
Dress Materials and Sultings
We are giving special attention to display of the new dress gaota 114M
niticeut effects and stylish wsavw in diagonals. Bege
rs, broadcloths and wet
sled sultiogs eltoget err the flueat drew goods showing see have ever had,
eleven -pound unshrinkable stock. The blankets ars u.f extra Alin quality
wool with • small percentage of gluten, rendering them unettrink-
able. Blanket special $350
Twenty motions aim to Hoose from and quality
We are telling all Liuuleuts uand Oilelothe fur Fall at • fast -going prise.
was rant ed, seasoned and two.
feet. We carry suety width from one yard to four yards wide, at, pee
square yard, ' 4e, 30c. 40e and........ .. �C
Carpets and lugs
a;s4 yards, worth tele to PI, reduced now to $I
Special sale of Wilton and Aaminetel nugr, 3x3, 3:34, 'iso and $35
Nine hundred yards of now Tapestry Carpets, 27 inches wide, in • 50c
large choice of patters ma remitter 4Mk and tlbc ; your choice at per yard
One Order
The Two Martins
Industrial Exhibition
Big Speed Program.
Largely Increased Purses.
The Latest and most Attractive Novelties,
Premium List increased and revised.
Fair officiallyopened by the Honorable .1, . thin, MIntater of
Agrietlltllre, on H
Vednewday, September 20th.
All children under 12 years of age, meeting in pror,-aainn at 1.:11
p.m. on the Square, will he admit tell free nn Wedneelav, Sept. 31th.
Mr. J. W. (doyen, (', R., offer. SHOO for two Iw -t barrels of
pecked apples. (:rt particulars.
Feed of all kinds for sale on the grounds ; free wet er and straw
Five -mile Marathon rare for amateurs.
Plenty of(oid salla.
flood meals nn grounds, In rent..
C. A. RRID. PtesidenL M. 1). JOHNSTON, Secretary.
Prepare for the worst weather by getting
the best in Shoes. We have ,them here -
Shoss for sunshine or rain, with "solid
comfort" written all over them.
it has quality, style, fit and finish.
Strong Shoes for sturdy boys. They will
find their match in our solid leather School
G. M. Elliott
Given Free to the Boys
With every boy's suit or overcoat,
from $S.00 up, we will give a beautiful
Pen -knife. Not a cent is charged extra
on the suit or overcoat -the knife is given
absolutely free. Our Fall stock is now
in—good stylish garments in all the new-
est shades, chieflyrcen and olive, in the
double-breasted styles. Now, boys, come
here for your Fall Suit or Overcoat ---you
will get the newest goods and hest values
and a Pea -lune Fru with cash purchase.
Ten dozes all -wool English cashmere half -hose, este 25c
special value at J
Fifty boys' Sults, three-piece. *ingie-hreasted, sixes
27 to ?III, regular 018.50 to *LBO ; Maturday special
TNi moult. OP VALUE.
Lots our $eenciss 211th Cwntury Clothing. Eine Hata, Peabody OverallJs
1' et