HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-9-9, Page 8•-a e� _w s - 8 1'tteIwIi Y, MK►•Titioign H, IUJ THE SIGNAL : GMT- [CH. ONTARIO OUNGANNON. /r A. NEWTON, DENTIST, LUCK T. NOW.,- At haute a very day except Thum day.. New remedy (or eztosethurteeth ttluuut*- teems. bolt*, than as.. ( man and bridge work. •t`. Aluminum plate. Ilton breakable . N. H. -You oast always have}•our work murk Iwo lar done In the dental Mlles more Lune, better facilities tor dully[ the work, inure aunt tunable for the patient. NOTICE. THE LO('AL AOENt'Y 1n I iinirsiinon tor The Sigual ,.• at the ot.,w Houk and Stationery Store where order. will be navo od tur •ut+•usili n. ad vert .itis and job work. and wenn.. will he I0v.'u fur amount. sst.1 for the Aarue. u •AHI:A1NS IN %VALI. PAPER AT IP the I'o.luttto• Stine. The.-.. s iJo.t *few of the many twesain• w hieh we hat a to odor I:a•, H. 1 c and lex Wall Pavers selling for Itc: Lee. 1.1c ant rk• Walt 1'awM•m for lac_: • se. irk' net It, Well Puler• tor :e. M. RYAN. ton 'cannon; Wl nhIlii.UAY, Sept. Pith. Mitis Lottie (idiettn left lust week to visit friends at Winghann. A large n tier from herr will take in IAoralun Fair next week. 1lrs. McTaggart. of Exeter, is a guest at the home of Dr. ('ase this week. Mier Etta Johnston retinue' yester- day froca Toronto, where eke had Teen attending the millinery open• lige, Hower! Carr letut•ned-frenu Exeter ou Saturday after a month's visit with friends there. He was accompanied by his uncle, who visited here for a couple of days. Mts. Johnson 1.•1't yesterday ten :t week's visit to f5irnds in Clinton. She was accompanied by her dough ter, Mies Elves who will attend the Collegiate Institute in that town. H. Rutherford returned ten Satin da • last from New Ontario. where he had been en • eel with a surveying poart,• ant,nng college on Ucto oar it. . Among theme attending the Tor untie Exhibition this week are : S. J Young std Lorne, J. \\'rtlkun), Har vey Treleaven, J. .I:tekwan and Miss t'ora Roberts. I•s'Aul't: Ui )-Ii Ras. --On 1V1dnesla) evening of hest week the officers of the ,lunior Epworth Leagirr were elected for the enstlingaix mr.nths s. follows President, Maggie. Disher : secretary, ('ora Allen : extremist. Edith Tre- leaven. The lasagne has a :member ship otTtvrr forty DLNo.tNNoN AT Tate O. C. I.— lmohg the new studentltet the (i. ('. 1. this tern) will he found the follow- ing from Ihnganm' : Roy Medd, Bert Wiggins and Misses Ethel Caw, Ethel. Glenn, 1i•ene Oliver, Janie Stothers, Pearl McKenzie and Vela Durnin. These with the *Detente from ihinga already enrolled there snake -a 'targe rationing froik) this centre. We wish them all every success in their Collegiate Institute career. • KINTAIL. \VKDNIWr,AY, Sept, `Ib. Mr. Jellie made a business trip to Toronto last week. John Sheehan left yesterday nn the exclusion to the West. W. Welch, of Detroit, is emending his vacation renewing acquaintances this neighborhood. Mr. and .to. Hiehard Oke and chil- dren. of Uolerieh, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Okps sinter, Mrs. Secorl Owen. While getting out a stick of timber to eompletr his barn. Mike Dineen re- ceived an injury to his knee which will lay him up for some dope. Mies Ethel Finlaye n returned to her home in Huron yesterda • after spending a taw der. with Mrs. H. Me - Donald. She was accompanied down 00 Sunday by Miss Catherine Smith and Dan Finlayson. WOMEN'S IN$TITI'TK —Thr Kintail bt•an'hofthe Women's Institute met for its September meeting at the home of Mrs, K. Hamilton. The at- tendance was not es Targe as usual. owing to the busy season and the cold day. The making, keeping and mat taint; of butter wee 1 I1*1•Iiased. The next meeting will 1e held at the Mune of Mrs. John N. McKenzie, 12th con- cession, on 1)•tohwr 0th. All ladies an. invited. CREWE. MMNOAY, Sept. nth. Howard Inrnin- left on Thursday for Saskatoon. . David Barclay intends going to the \Vest tomorrow. Mies Mary Culbert, of Mefeking, spent Labor Day here. Mies Nina Kilpatrick left an Thurs day for the Toronto Exhibition, Robert Henry and Herb Attm, of Belfast, called on friends at Crewe on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blake and fam- ily, tet Holmemville, visited at the home of William Henry Maize on Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. T. longs') were the guest. of Mr. and Mrs. H. 'Higgins nn Sunday. Charles McDonagh, of Zion.`antT J. Johnstone, of Lanes. wore Crewe visitors on Sunday. • Mr, and Mrs. torn. Janes, of Kin - lough, spent a few days of last week visiting relatives here. Mr• and Mrs. William Shackleton. of Prosperity, visited Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Shackleton on Sunday, Mise . Maggie Kilpttriek, who is teen hung near Wingham, spent the week -mut at her home here. 'Mr. and Mrs. Roh•rt Miehenzie and family, of ttungannom, .pent Sunday at the hone of Hngh Finnigan. We ere glad to hear that Shadrarh • Rivett, who has been under the doctor's care fol some time, hs haw improving, John Meellnneli and his sisters, Ise Mary and 'Mise Florence, nt Lothian, spent Sunday at the home of Andrew Culbert. Mian Resai. Mallough returned home on Friday after !sending a few Weeks et the home o/ per aunt, Mrs. Thomas Shtrkl•tnn. COLOURIST. \Vetere:tort Y, Sept. Sth. Miss Mona M. Walter has helm en- gairol an teacher by the. trustees of S. R. NO. 7. \Vim, Itry (TRAIN. The farmers of thie distrint will have exeeptlonally favorable opportunities this year of disposing .1f their grail, as .1. IN Kernighan announrei that he will be at McCaw station on \Vedneetlay. Thetreday and Friday of each week to buy all kinds of grsin. The grain will he handled through the store- hoise which is jnet being completed at the C P. R. station, Tinirtsetivu'Neert°t,--Wm, C. Duret, of the Maitttnd concession, threshed on the 24th of Augnet- the earliest date. he believe,. einee he began fainting Ile has an idea that he {lad the first threshing this year In the township. The grain turned out well and altogether rev threnhed 1,511 Mabel..... There was a big thresh— ing last week at .1 N. Kernighan',. Alt °get her 3,1111 l iehelm were threshed in three days. Among the teeords was one of 751E hueheks of oats threshed in two hours, and another war fifty-five bushels of oats in five whiniest. Levi Snyder did the job with his outfit. AN OLID 1(1141DENT UoNg. The death on Sunday last of Jaunee Me Hardy removed an old and resps•ted resident of the township. Mr. Me - Han was in his seventy-first year and had been ill and eouined teethe hollow f„r severe! years. He welt horn in this' township and all his life bis honor was herr. though for some years in Ilia early lite he followed the occu- pation ' of tailor. Afterwards he nrrneed his atterrttnn to' farming and hied with his brother John on the 11th •eesiion, near Loyal, where he died. He wads unmarried. Mrs. Andrew Owen is his eider. He was a l'rerby- terian and an adherent of Swith'e Hill church, The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon t, Colborne cerate•ter •, Rev. J. It. Mar° oflciating. I'll pallbearers seers Alex. Cln. Alex. Voting, Jas. McBride, Maud. Kerr, Charles Mcllarly and Jas. `V5tam, LOTHIAN. M, slot, Sept. nth. Miss Maggie McLean, of Kintail. spent but week at Mrs. Rol. Caup- bell'a ° Mot t?- Boyd and --slaughter, of (ioierich,'visited here for dry last week, • Mrs. Robertson. of Winghatu. it the guest of her brother. Neil Mut' whi. (us' a week. \ • t THE BYLAW. In considering the American Rood Machine G,. bylaw. to be voted upon on Raturday next, it he to be borne in mind that the I'unmany already has a valuable cunuect.iun in Canada. It has been doing business in this cowl try for twenty years and has • market already established. Everywhere. throughout Canada ran iw found the machines inenufactured by this Com- pany. The Champion rued machine awned by the town of (iucterich is the product of the Company, to addition to the large market in old Ontario there Ids an immense market in the) Northwest and In the Cobalt district which has never been canvassed for this Corupany, and all over Caned good businew is to he had as soon the Company is in a position to .tt- tend to it. as' * • • The Company is not asking fur a hen. The proposition 1* for gum - linter of donde, which will cwt the town nothing unless the Company fail*. s • e t.det•icl her now a very te- s(wt•table list of factories : The Uollerich Organ (o, The Western Canada Flour Mille ('o. The Zloty Engine Works Co. Thr Kennington Furniture Co. The Wheel Riga. The (ioeteric•b Knitting Co. Thr Jackson Manufacturing Co - The lioderieh Planing Mills. These give employment to a large• number of hands, and the addition of Mrs. Neil Mutdo'h and Mrs. Robert- 1 sort drove to \Valkerton and called at Paisley Iasi”week. Miss Mary McDonald and Miss Ellie n 1- 4 AMID; -a dJ. Ate speadlUR their vacation et theft• homes here. Mrs. McAndrew and three ehildren f� of Ethelbert, Man , are visiting the It former's permits. Mr. and Mr•'. Mc. t la•su, and also her sister, Mn. hal. 11 4'xmplell, LABOR PAY SPORTS. he hold Machine Corppany will make a handsome increase in the weekly payndl ter lioderieh's factory ►en, 0 0 .? The chaterlrh' flreTary wtir`ITATt' ractically a monopoly of the menu. .tetter of road machinery in Canada. is to be remembered that Ileretofine he great part of the Canadian de. 'anti has been supplied from the nited State. •*. No stock of thrlbin y will be feu Ice. The people hehin it hove full 'widener in its eu-er rrs - d- wiiroo( fer the stock for sale. • • • \ The overwhelming major it7 of the sines men of the town are 1 favor passing the bylaw. Business men preciate a hnsinp S propuitiouo • • • Mr. \Voais points nut that in, 40 to the security required ley -_ wn in lands, buildings and equip. •nt to the value of . $70.1100, the mpany will require working capital at levet $*1,11111, snaking R total in- stment of at least. $1Ol,000, The write guarantee is for cinly-$14,1n0r.-" Godench Celebrates with Baseball and s" Bowling. ...t Labor Day was etlebrate(l in tiole- rich with a baseball mate+ between Mythanti (ioodericb iind with a bowl- hu ing tournament among the members tell of the local club. The former was • tip l eag11e game and gives fnderieh un- disputed title to the championship of the Hmvon-Perth League, the result tit being 8 to :d in favor of the home team. rte The tournament provided • moot en- 1111 joyahle day's pleasure for the bowlers. (o There was a good attendance at the „f ball game and the Land of the :ard yr Regiment was on band. (iolerich had t„ the lest of play all round, and the gable ended with n score of 8 to 3 in ite favor, with an innings to spare. Rlyth's pitcher was supposed be i pretty gond man in the box. but our own Wiggins struck out 11 to . Me - Arthur's. 'and three Uoderich riayers got to first on hells off McArthur, while Wiggins let only one Blyth man vtdk. The score by innings was AN fulIOW* : \, 1 2 :1 (halericb 1 0 0 • Bluth n 0 'o• 2 O. Dean made two tido-base hits and E. McMillan one. Fork stolen bases were coedited to Ooderieh and one to 111)111. The umpires were Anderson, of Iflyth, end Potts, of Uoxlerich- This is Uoler•ich's last Ramp in the League for the Actaeon. Mitchell has )-et a game to play, at Clinton, and the standing of the teams is at fol. lows : Won 1.04 To Play lin,lerich 10 2 0 Myth n 11 - II Kitchell ,i n 1 ` Clinton 3 8 1 The howling tournament at Scotch modes on the West street green woe an interesting contest. litany of the 'lavers, although members of the doh, having never played ibfnre. Th. prizes were : For the trophy nlateh. two janliniervs and two weelgewetel jugs, and for the consul- •ation rlmtrh two Wedgewood 'jugs oel two bronze figures. 1. 11. Tiger! 111 Will Dirt rich were the winners of the first prize in the 4r•ophy tnatrh anti the second went to Robert Mr - Lean and Hugh Polley. The consola- tion snatch has not yet been finished. T. McDermott and Charles (,arrow get the first prize, and ir. Macklin and N. Lew in have to play nth with J. E. Jordan and C. A. Reid for the see- ond prize. 4 5 II 7 R VT'I 0 :1 0 1 a 11 1 4 4 0 0:1 HYMENEAL. Farr Andrews. At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Andrews, Huron roast, an early morning wedding took place 1,1 Wednesday, September 1•t. when their youngest daughter, Anne lialytltr, Iweatue the feriae of Fri ward .tames Farr, 1,1 Stratford, son of Mr, and Mrs. James Farr. E tet street. The eetemnny wets performed at 44 ,•lock by Rev. .lets. A. Anderson in the pretense tef immediate relatives 1 •. The bride, who was unattended, WWI etemingly attired in a travelling suit of L, with old rose hat, and carried a la bouquet of herded roses. After the weeg breakfast the happy couple left on•le 7:11 O. T. R. train for a short trip to Western States. As they arrived a .e sta- tion they were handed a telegra .f eongratdation from theroom brother, reel', of Kenot•a. The bride received many handsorn* wedding gifle, and the young couple commence wedded life with the good wishes of rota)). friends. Mr. and Mr. Farr will reside e1 Stratford, Mr. Farr be- ing a (+rand Trunk Railway engineer et that point Walter -Bisset. •'M,ltford Heights," the residence of Kr. and Mrs, Samuel Bisset, wa, gay With a festive throngesterda), the happy, orrasion being the mwrriage of their daughter, Elizabeth, to Richard 'John Penny Walter, mon of John \Vatter, postmaster of MaltfoM. The happy young maple atom/ before a I, ink o1 ferns as Rev. James A. An - (lento!), piston of Knox church, per- formed the ceremony, and the horse was decorated with asters and other flowers. - The wedding morel' Was played by Mis..fennie Iinwell, of Sae kalonn, Mark., cousin of the bride. The bride wore w pretty dress of whit• embroidered mull and carried a how pier of lily-of-fhe-valley and rows. She was given away by her father. Miss Jean MrRwan was Hower -girl and voicea pink Milk dress and carred w basket of pink miters. The event took Mere at I1 o'clock and after the ceremony the guests, to the number of about seventy five. enjoyed a sum- ptuoua repeat. Mr. and Mrs. Walter left on the C. P. R. train for a trip to Toronto and down the St.. f.awr•enee, attended by the bent wishes of a host of friends. The Lrids'a travelling suit was of moss grey. The groom's gift to the bride was a sunburnt of pearls And to the flower girl a gold locket and chain. Among the guests from ottaide points was Rev. R. A. Mont- gomery, of Montreal, a cousin of Lha bride. Remember the date of voting*+—Sat- ohandrday. September 11th—and he nn R. C. Bichl, late of town, hes pnr ehased the grocery burnoose of L. F. Killoran at Stratford. Dr. IV, 1'. Hayden is at Toronto this week attending the exhibition of the Dental Manufacturers' Club. This is an international event, bilt the present is the first occasion it has hears held in Canada. Mrs. J. 1,. Aitken left Saturrley on a two month*' trip to Maple Creek, Sask., Vancouver and Seattle. She was accompanied to Port Arthur by her son Arden, who was returning to his wort: there after a five weeks' visit at his hone. It takes the average man seventeen times as long to tell what he thinks he knows as it does to tell what he really knows. It isn't every family tree that bears he fruit of industry. Grain Wanted 1 am prepared 1,1 boy all kinds of grain at Mcliaw on Wedneeday, Thursday and Friday of each week during the season. i1ighest market. price paid and full weight guarantemi. J. N. KERNIUHAN, Benmiller. APPLES The undersigned will be in the market daring the coming season for apples of ,111 kinds, fall and winter. Will buy and pack apples in the orchard or as they coi.nr from the tree delivered et the . storehouse in (inllarich, D. F. HAMLiNK, ('141)1:111('I1 1 leadtitim ter' for r♦ School Books .111.1 School Supplies All t11e new public school Copy Hooks and new piuhlic school Readers at greatly re- duced pricoe. Also a full stork aril the other new authorized Text Bead's fur public schools, separate schools, high school. I collegiate inetitlltee. Exercise wad Scribbling Books Over fifty kinds to select from, commencing as low as lc. each. Special values in le. and :re. Rxereise and Scribbling Hooks. Our celebrated :at. "Whale" Scribbler is the largest on the market, being over f/) negro Luger than any other house is showing. Otter Special Values • Plain rndar beset Pencils, eharlene . 50. ler dozen. Bavaria ff. B. 1.retl Pencils, II. each or ii' per dozen. Falwr's Polygr•de drawing Lal 1 Pencils, :*r. each or •iia•. iwr dozen. Faber's genuine Kihy Eerier largest size, No. 11'2. :e. each. Terme—Strictly cash. The Colonial Book Storks. G. 'Yoder, Proprietor. , art tLus.-Synarn, tltldetirF(. =a THE CLEAN GROCERY REDPATH SUGAR Eighteen pounda_.1nr_ tine dollar. Eighteen en pounds of this sugar goes farther than twenty-two of any other kind. KINCARDINE BACON THE Et'te'1'iti IBRA. 0. Two shipments made weekly. Tuts ays and Fridays. Si Haali B,seon- Baron ,le pound l2e pound The Railway 01)1 l cars use this brand ,arlusively, wlmre they want the best. RIVER VALLEY CREAMERY BUTTER From Dungannon. tic a pound Uuaratitee•.-el the lest, - Highest cash prtr-• paid to Partnere for BUTLER. E(i(: fi and LARD. J. J. McDONALD, 'Photo. lin. \V,•., Si. ALi. 01'9 Si'MMER F1'RNIT1'HE as been marked et "hurry up" fig- ures. There i. not a great Int of it hit enough to be in the way of fall stock now arriving. WE I'lWI4'I:R ITN KOIJM n its rnntpant• and in order to faril- itate a *pretty clearance of reed and rattan furniture we have readjusted prices, in many roars milting off ell profits. This is your chant, _— GEO. JOHNSTON, FURNITI ltd•: not uNIIEHTAKIN ,, THIS WEEK CHINAWARE (food chine is a delight to the eye of everyone all especially to to the lady of taste and refinemena. We have opened out this week two crates of the most beautiful chinaware it has been pomade for us to secure The patterns and shadings are new and pleasing to look upon. We do not think there in letter gnaliTy procurable• We Invite• the ladies of Oodericlt to call and Pee them. DINNE TEA SETS Several Pete in new patterns jus nett ow this week : 11 only 1 13 -piece Dinner Sets, heau(iful pa in neat gold decora- tion, wit well -shaped pieces, would be gond a tT 1 C t' 11 at $211.10. but to clear will sell for .y ■ aiaiv Y only Intl -piece Dinner Sets, neat gold decorations. would hr•goal value at $14.4N) dash, but we were able to purchase• them wt a price that will permit the Melling of th,•n1 at $9.45 2 only 100 -piece Dinner Seta, neat, gold and email flower itQ derotation', new goods, regular $11.(11 arts, at each Jou.75 2only beautifully decorated I(1 -piece Tee Sets, well worth $-1,75 per set, Tone's at each for. . .. .. . $2.75 Aho a number of other Dinner and Tee Sets at prices that should prove stt.rartivs to hlnyeri. ('holey iwrop Goode in Hanging and Stand Lamps et from 161.544 up. A fine stock ,.f Limoges China. Everything in GROCERIES fresh and good. Heeded Retains, opened out last week, a few left., to (tear at :t for 2. 7s' Readquarows for ebaire Batter and fresh Eggs. Maple Leaf Grocery MORRIsH & VANATTER Groceries, Provisions, Fruity, China. (:laws and ('roekeryware 'PHONE 52 HAMILTON STREET Quality Store,.. Vinegar Buy your Vinegar from w1, air we keep the BEST. \1'e buy in large quautitier mouthy Iwfore offering it for Kale, and in thin way our Srinagar bas time to mature. Any person will tell you that Vinegar ituproves with age. We sell only Wilson and Lytle's whit.* wine Vinegar and Allen'* and Port Dover cider Vinegar. Don't take a chance of having y • pickles spoil ly using inferior Vinegar, Pickling Spices Everything in this line fresh, and the beet and purest g od min1ry can buy. The timeliest nyder, will receive our most capful at tent tum. New June Cheese, 15e per Ib. SPEC/ALS FOR SATURDAY Biu 11,-. N... 1 Redpath Uranulat.d Sugar $1 111, 7 lbs No. 1 B. Rice..., .. ...25c 4 lbs best 'l'apita:a...... .-..'Lic 8 1()s Quaker Oatmeal 25c 15c bottle Pieties .. 12c Lemons Inut largrl..... .... 214c Oranges (nut targe) .. Our reprulcer eustanners receive the benerlt'0f•n11r ep1'1 ra1 prices, oven if they do /tut read aur +Elver tisemenl. Bring us your Butter Eggs, Highest price paid. C. S. EWING Successor to C. A. NAIRN (lIl fr' 11 School Shoes The time has come again for your boy or girl to start _.the fall term at school. They -will require to have a good, serviceable, leather pair of Shoes, the kind that will sstalnd any weather we are likely to have at this season, 1'o procure that kind at the lowest possible prik.c,- come to us and see what we have to offer. We have been very careful in selecting our stock of School Shoes, and are prepared to supply you with the best that can be procured front the leading manufacturers. REPAIRING Downing & MacVicar am: side of Square, i THE SIGNAL to new subscribers the remainder til 190y —MR ONLY 25c. Galen, h J A Big Sale of Little Things Saturday, September i ith, we commence a big sale of Little Things. it will last for ten days. The little every day wanted things will be sold at very, very little prices. An exc?dingly fortunate purchase puts us in a position to do it. Once this sale is over we will not duplicate the prices, so if you want to save *Honey lay in a supply for months ahead, when you can buy at prices like these. Read the list carefully. Even' when is a nlOney-saver. 3 Papers Pins for Sc 211 pins in eu•h ,aper. as. sorted sizes, needle point*, good ennlgh to sell at roc a p [per. For the sale of little things, 3 patters for 5C Safety Pins, 2 Cards for 5c 510 cards Safety Pins, pro- tected points, one dozer on a card, three sizesaasorted; sold at he everywhere. Por this mile. 2 earls for 5e IOc Safety Pins, 5c pill cards hest yuality nickel -plated Safety P i n et, 1 sizes, solid sizer to a cad, sold at x end ink: a card; For this male, slwcial per 5c card Hair Pins, 2 boxes for 5c 1.1111 b,xen Half Ping, 1111 [,ins in a toe, assorted sizes and kinds: MIao 21111 packages invisible hair pins, 1111 pins in each paper: regular ,-ie. Special for this sale, 2 5e boxes for . tiat Pins, 5c a dozen Best qintlity Hat Pins, fl- inch and 0 inch, needle point, I elsspered steel, bright or doll black finish, one dozen on5c a card. Per card. Hooks and Eyes, for men's wear, t strong 3 Cards for 5c plot tap n Ball Mending Htanrler,I .*Pring hook. and per bundle at + •ea, black or white extra A H lc 3 for iUC 'Needles, 2 packages for 5c from tempered rsteel, exare tra sorting eyes and are a splen- did sewing needle, all sizes, regular :re. For the ten. day sale, 2 p'perk for.... 5e Darning Needles, Sc a Dozen All sizes, special for �!C sale, per dozers... Toilet Pins, 2 papers for Sc Bright or dull finish, hla:k- also white, assorted ghee in a paper, standard 5c quality. For till, sale, 2 papers 5c for Lace Pins, 3 cards for IOc Pearl -headed Iece p i n s, white, black, blue or green, rrl(ular .se a card. For this rale, :t card• for.... iOC Dome Fasteners, 2 dozen for 5c Extra quality drone fast- eners. sizes 0, 1, 2, black or white, special for sale, 2 dozen for.... 5 Shoe Laces 3fl inch long extr. t bundles of one dozen,...., Combs, 10c Extra strong hark cotnh.. astnrte4 etvlc•8 and sizes, regular las- ans2lr, Special for this sale..., LOC Pearl Buttons, 3 dozen for 25c n dozen 1'etarl Buttot'- exti* *Ilea* poarl, asatirt.sl sf zea, two and four -hole. worth Pie per dnzi' n. Steeds! for sale at d(r7,n 25c fur Pear( Buttons, 6 dozen for 25c Two or four hole, assorted sizes, clear, white pearl, an fiebutton if sold in the n•g- nier way. Special for sale n dozen for 25c Tape, 3 rolls for 1Oc English white Tap*, put up in rolls, assortexl sizes. Regular :x: per roll. Special for sale 3 roll.lUc for.... 4 Cards Mending Wool for 5c Extra yuality wool mend full slap, soft finish, black and color.. Spec- 5c ial t raids for eye,. nee quality, full 4•i in„ l:il belle black wool mend - cards regular 3m 't, sir for ladles' wear, special lour For this sale, aperitif, 3 pair. in a bundle, at es' Ing, regular fie peer hall. manta for 5c bow -ilea........... ... ° , . , rjC for hal for this sale, 3 l OC Theme air a few of the many lines you will find on sale next Sat irday. We have arranged all on tables at the rear of the store in order to make the buying as easy a. prwesible. 1t le an imus eel kind of Male, hot one that. will Mare money for every person taking advantage of it, Ne New Shadisjtat New Styles Two large ah i paw. is opened up this week niect from England. MxeQllislve 'and fashionable Fahttics in the ,sewsnn's enrrntt rotor - five. 1)f roost eif them not more than one dream pattern. \Yell wnith 'seeing if you have any dreads gnats haying to do. w Fall Dress Fabrics These are the days of great buying opportun- ities in White Cotton Underwear 1,115 of people Are buying their next summer's supply of Underwear now. They know that they are staving moor) haying at priers the last of the stork is going tor them days Von can do it, too, if you do not put off coming too long. See the speeded display of assorted garment* at /7e, at 50r, at 90c, and *1.115. You will And many and many a gerulne bargain on each. a�.tiOAff, ••1 r \J(/\