HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-9-9, Page 66 T*unu )AY, 8xrrestgsa 4 111110 THE SIGNAL (IODEB!OH. ONTA RIO AFTER FOURYEARS � �- OfillISERY Iltterl.teled 41 accordance with the lnlpyyigkt AtA.I • yand*7, iieptalobet ta, rtAsl}-t lose of Peel's ThirdMusioQa►7 jets/W. MB Cu� by Lydia E. Pink- .. - . Iwayps he taken to timed' and to all re - r At4s ui__i-l;,_.._-__. ligious gatherings? 10 i, ham's VegetableCompound (;,,,den Text -Thr will of the Lord Should a company of Christians, lialtitnure, Md. -- " Fur lour years be done. Acta 21 : 14. when bidding good-bye to one soother my life Wag a raisery to me. 1 st3fferrd Vet•rer I.3 --Where was Paul hound on wthen whang or at the railway tber tram irregulars- for?u. tion, feel as free to get down on their ta- tier. terrible drag- ILaI null clearly to , esu al 1►ivlre its knees and pray ea they are to sten d ging sensations/ sturtiuna to gd. to Jerusalem or wits and shake ►irudv't extreme nervous - If gratifying his own desilror? Why is it that Christians are not as urs', and that all .Ste aActsdeco): 111, '✓' :rI) willing to be seen talking to land, or gone feeliug in mi If a devoted Man has a longing to ,rryillR ttu the drrrq as they are ut stomach. 1 had Qotoapt tee, re. to all a tiling. 111 it Le'rilll"uth'alking totheirfellow,? - given up hope of -ate for him to conclude that the Verset sal -Who was Philip,, and ever being well- Iougii4R it Of (l.al When I beifan 110 Because t Cie is d tomer involved In far what one thing is he dietinguisbed take Lydia L. Pink- a journey. or n enterprise. in eonrlec- i n Ihie (loiipel story ? ham's Vegetable l ion with our t ligion, should we allow Should Christian parents )�..eeats their Compouud. Then our rhivaTryiiliiinviohe the incentive children from latency to know (Sod, 1 felt as thoughL'tO undertake it? lit be skilful iD prayer, in faith,new life had bean11 theterany ground for the opinion in good works? given me, and 1 stn rcommending itt go oil nun have sometimes rushed lA there not a way for• parental to e i w- 1 t►b roi1dreDtrain w theto all my friends." -Mr. W. S• FIyRD, nrrrrsarily into danger? isr cNDhhPr•eali,d with absolute cer- 1938 Lansdowne Ste, Baltimore, Md.ore 4 • If Christins have to tarty feint in dee •l: Y1(. "Noor ems and The most successful remedy in thisa town should they hunt up the fol• yourdaoghtel ,hall "rophesy ?" country fur the cure of all forms ofwe,N of Jwu+ t,Vhich is the metro drNirahlP, tfemale complaints is Lydia E. Pink -these dsciples went toldhanis Vegetable Compound. It hashltlgh the Spirit" that PNut'phould have* '1111 or a daughter notal Int -- stoodthe-tut of years and Wday is tip to Jrruralun3, ashy Petits he spirituality and soul -saving. or for more widely and successfully used than 1 nor red them , money, making? any otnerfemxte remedy: 1:441raecbeed LILL I' ,0 kth*t . Vellums .11-1 -_-Ind this noted prophet thousands of women who have been direct call from (i,al to go up to Jeru. Ag*bus (see Acte 11 : 2T2FT limit- wit troubled with displacements, luflam a*Irm, ww Id that, taken iD eonntr• the rest of the saints in raying that motion, ulceration fibroid tumors, Ir. the Holy Spirit told them that Paul tion with what thr.r dis,•iplrs Naid, i• or ht not to go to Jerusalem? regularities periodic pains, atuleche, dieete that- Paul was doing wrong •in Ie there any wry to consistently that est10 bearing -down feeling, flatulency, going ? auppl(sie that Cloth parties to this lav- itltligeeUo and nervous prostration, Is there danger that good men may be ,ng controversy were rtiee :' after all other means had failed. If you are suffering from any of these led by pious impulses to do unwise Suppose Agabue and the others ailments, don't Rove up hope until you things, which they could be saved from if were right in persuading Peal not to have given Lydia E. Pinkhaln's Vege- they waited to cool off, and to get the go to Jerusalem. but that Paul still table Compound s trial. hind of God? (This question must be thought he ought to go. what would •If you Nous like epeeist' •dolt* answered in writing by members of the he, Paul's duty in the circumstances:' writs, to Mrs. Plukhatn, Lynn, club.) . If agood man says he has a meetrage Dials., for it. She flag guided ..41 yt.-alwuld lin"- Lb" Paul veer from God for us, are we under oblige - thousands to health, free of I wrong in going to Jerusalem. wbech tion to obey whether our judgment charge, finally ledto his martyrdom, would mote concur or not ? chat in any way lessen our Irwpect for Verses 13 -17 --Can you recall in all him, ur taen Lia influenceupon tbi history a greater example of fortitude world krs• and bravery than here displayed by Versrw 5 -7 -Should the children 11.1- Paul? _ .. Sunday. Sept. rots, 7goo-Review. r _ (jnterncttiona'l JYewspaper :Bible Study Club jg:stiv: Questians on the international Sondsy School Lessons. J3epallo by Rev. De. Lhucott. Brantford CATTLE MARKETS gables Higher -Hogs Are Active and Higher at East ButIslo. Toronto Junction Live Stock. It /lit INTO, Sept. 6. --Receipts of live stack at the Union Stock Yard* were 86 carloads. cou•isting of 2009 cattle, 14 hogs, 251 sheep turd lambs. with 46 calves. Expert'''. Josey Dann bought 1x1 export ethers. 3706 to 11W Ile. each, ht f:, a, 1„ :0 11. and T. Connors bought tae load of export and butcher bulb, 13* lbs to lath lbs. eacl4 IIr13 1000.-per-rwr The best ,'*Wort LaJI (11 the I11Y,ket aura at >r -'b per rel Butchers. M•tme- picked -lots of butotoore sold at 1111um,u IL aS; SAW 1u015r cvuuuuu. 1175to M ¢75; k ru**, U50 to *0.40. • Stockers and Feeders. (Cheer)' a ('ougliln sold 2 Iehd. se Manitoba trader.. , n„• load, 34 1u itemiser. rule lbs. each, •t M alms IV feeders, 177♦ Mc cacti. at Mai _1'1.*a rich, are .4.544 ea - Ing four ur the loads of Manitoba rsrd- rrs we.•Fl)' and «I'.'' tau 14 141.41 ter 'ruesd,Ys murkct Milken and Springers. IS. Roemer... rl bought 1; *Medellin sa 112;'1 to 6c•, r4Q11, 4(111. our eatlll Bae OM/ at 001. Veal Calves. About iu veal cakes sold at • t! f11flli Mw. rw t. Bhtep and Lamb& Export ewes sold at 13.6.) to M par te1L4 r:ans. 611 :,o o. *3. i nubs. 75 50 to 11••00 Par vet. *ith a few '.'lest lambs at R Per mot • Hogs. Stet. 1 lags were quoted at SAG per eM, fed and watered. and ti. 1.ue, ears at country points. Montreal Live Steck. M(INTitF:AL• Sept. 13.-(Special-)-T6e f.alorr u( the local export live Runk rads. durum rile Marr -work• has been the 3iiipruved demand ver ocean freight Irmo Matti.: owtsa Icel. and lit cum- uslusss 114' been this week to all , and l4veryw( the mouth has 11y 11 la now uw epece'Wr ked up. The head. but fur lam been m- W Laver - at NM id 011/Mutter ut tie as OWp- re has been u Sys. Thu hes been the bet - figure. eat Lind for the ole. 1510 calves. the cattle. nd Mel GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY AIEM Western Fair $ 1.90 September 11, '12,•13, 13 and 17. I .SS "- September Septlember 14 and 16. From Goderich to London and return. 'Return limit September 20th. Annual;Western Excursions September 16, 17, 18, 1909. From (io lerieh to it -turn here 7 1) Port Heron. n Mich. . , 'aM 5.9.) Detroit. Mich. . •. ••• Ohir*an, i11 ... .............. ... 1en 0.10 Bay t'ity,'Mich ... ,... ... . , ' 'Ir ♦e•Ixnd Ohiov (:level end. O`bio,ia( t(. •L5 via 1►. k C.. 7.7n Grand !tepid', Mich 7.96 Saginaw, Mich. _.......... 6.110 Minneap ylir, Minn.l via Chicago 28.40 fit. Paul, I' via Sarnia31.90 \.Return limit October 4th. }null information from t __._ F.•F. LAWREN€F,, r ..... Down Town Agent. ---Short Line ti Toronto - CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Golden Text for the quarter -So mightily grew the Word of God an6 prevailed. -Arts xix. : 9*. Thr following review can be used as a complete lesson in itself, or as a re- view of the eleven preceding lessons. 'The date and title of each lesson end where found,. the' Golden Text, and one question from each lesson fol- low : July 4 Acte xv.: 36 to xvi. : 15. Paul's Second Missionary Journey - Antiach to Philippi. (:olden Text, Acta xvi.: 9. Come over into Mace- donia and help us. V.'nws 17 :ill - If a nem shows lack of courage or tact, or faithfulness. in one position, does that in any measure disqualify him front getting another, or from success when in another pota- tion? July 11 Acte xvi. : 1641. Paul's Sec- ond Missionary Journey -The Philip - jean Jailer. Golden Text : Acts xvi. : 31. Believe on the Lyni Jesus Christ end thou shalt be saved. Mani do oil put Verse 16 -In (' you dinar• Who, knowingly. either directly 4r indirectly, profit by thesins of fal- len woolen . i 1-15. Paul's July IS -Acts xvi . Second Misaionaty Journey -Thew•• Innica and Berea. ((olden Text : Psalm 118: I1: Thy word have 1 hid in my heart, that 1 [night not Pin against thee. Verse 2 -14 it necessary for us to adopt all Paul's npininns, deductions and prognostications, in order to be well pleasing to God Jitly 25 -Acta xvit.: RISE Pattie Second Missionary Journey -Athens. Golden Text : John iv. : 21. God iso `Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and In Hiatt. Verse 18 Which brings the more lut- ing happiness and develops the nobler character, and why the Epicurean phil- osophy, a life devoted to the pleasures of sense ; or the Stoic, Christian philosophy. a life devoted to the service of others, and $3,i11 August 'B, to September 11. >18.M August 31, September 2, 7, 9. All tickets good to t•eturn September 14. Tho C. P. R. beautiful, large, clean, entrtfew(a144', eaayritling coaches: ne change of ears; most convenient hours, going and coming. - LABOR DAY Single Fare All stations, going September 3, 4 5, 6, returning September S. IIOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION September 7. Farm Laborers' September 7. L. For tall information, ra reserv- ation,' and tickets, call et P. R. offire, corner Square and Street. JOs. Kinn, Agent. Office hours--6:til a. In. to 14.31) p.m. 'Phone Il Residence 1131. tween them, paying only one • sal- ary, who would thus have plenty of time to act a. pastor? August tt-1. Thea•. v. : 12.24. Paul's Instructions to the Thessalonians. Golden. Text : I. These v. : 15. See that none render evil- for evil unto any ratan : but ever follow that which is good. Verse 21 -Can the real truth ever be* * hurt to a true man. and should not such* man be as glad to change his opinions, when he finds he is wrong, as to ' chaogn a worn-out gar. (tient for a new'one? August 15 --Acts xviii.; Zi to xix. : 1 Paul's Third Missionary- Journey -Ephesus. Golden Text : Acts air. : U. The name of the Lord- Jesus Christ was magnified. Ver*( let- 1Vhyis it that God bas conditioned all extension of human progress end betterment. including salvation itself, upon the seal, ability end goodness of those who already enjoy Its benefits ? Angina t2 -Acts X ix. : L( . tc xx.: 1. R Paul's Third Missionary Journey - The Riot in Ephesus. , Golden Text : 11. (*orn, xii.: u. H.' said unto Ire, My ,• thee; t,.r \t r"P it for th 1 * 'r-etlfll Y k r N YPI strength is spade perfect in weakness. Verses 23-27 When the general welfare of the people is injured by the husineae of the few, it it, or not, the duty of the state to make such husinese illrgtl? August 2lm-I. Cor. xiti. : 13. Pane "n Christian Love. ' Golden Text : 1. ('or. xiii. : 13. Now nhideth faith. hope, hive, these three : but the great- est of three is love. Verses 4 -7 -Why is it that love lends to promote patience. politeness.. kindness, gentleness, humility and every other virtue? Septembers --Acts xx.: 'l-:il(. Paul'* Third Missionary Journey -Farewells. Golden Text: Phil. iv.: 13. 1 can do all things through Christ which et rengthenet h um. Verses 7-12-Whyis it that church to self-denial ? iThis question must be members will listen, unwearied, for answered in writing • by members of the hour. to apolitical speech, and got club 1 tired of even a good sermon, if it lasts August 1 -Arte xviii.: 1-22. (dose longer then thirty minute"? d PUId'N Nee 1 Miseiomary Journey. trmlxr 1'l -Acer xsi.. : 1 17 (Solders Text : John xvi :. 1. in the Clltse Sof Paul's Third Mis.i"nerL world ye shall have tribulation. hut Tourney. Golden Text: Acta xxi. : 1 le sit good cheer:, 1' have overcome • The will of the Lord he dole. the world; Verses 2 3 A goodly prop.), t ion of I Verses R 9 -Should Christian par - the membership of the rhureh have ,este train their children from infancy_ Ihr ability to preach : ought not thinto know (lord, to he dtilful in prayer, ability to Iw developed, thus giving to I in faith and in good works? • every local church several preachers Lesson for Runday. September 211 - who could divide the preaching lel 'Temperance Lesson. 1. Cor. x.::rl-ai. CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO to the u1pruven rut sit P armoucr a note active. done All the spine for ports or about tasked 'u *retold for the balance u 144cn In demand. ,..Past souse*hat scare.. 111r 0 heptember I0 10b0 vera rate fur thea, week 1s De pe the balance of lhr+uw1W 1 doted 2a 0J per head. to pool haft been net.tor this to 750 per hired. and fur the the Month It w111 he the so Son • A fair vuluto" of booth duke In London space at :•(e Manchester boat fur-Zh1r wee let at 30s. toed it 45 uftrriug - ance of the month at the • At the Montreal Stuck Yards Market the receipt* of live st week ending Sept 4 sere 100 c sheep and lambs. 17:5 hogs and whsle the uffertugr on the ma morning for sale uuolrated to t' 1056 sheep and Iambi, 176 hegs.. calves. Mtho the supply of vette nue *,*ne''hMM tastier. than- a Week v. n stronger feeling d•vehip*d In the in-rket. and prices were fully 11,* per puusd 4(4* - er The gathering of lucid butchers war large and there weft •1444 some uu Side buyer., and exporters present ('ab., advices frwu 1.3veria,ol un 1• tart., and ranch cattle were-lrolger,d prices showed an ,J,ancr of lac Lir b as compared with lost week. sales of t former being made at Uc W 12'4c. an the latter al 11%c 4, 1:3P per pound A these figures exporter' stated that the wuuid make soma Inoor7. and. therefore. they showed a disposition to operate • little more freely here this mornlag, and several loads we %thea at Mae per Ib. Choke steers Sold at is to 61tc; good *t 41..• to etc: fair at Or to 4ac. medium. at 315, to Rtc, common at 2%,- to 314": Inferior bulla sl 215c 110 2%c. good build at 'ales to 4e, and canners at 115c t0 late per Ib. Owing to the eonU sued small suppllee of hogs coming forward, and the keen demand for the same from packers and dealers• the undertone to the market con- tinues strong. sad p rides have secured a further advance M ffir per 100 pounds since last Wednesday. makinga net ries1 n( Mor to 70* since this day week. and ten to 7• 'Ince the ':'ted of August but the M.11,11110.11M.11,11110.11 are that at present 9(4l e•• .0 1e- pliee wil1come forward more frrrh. if they are In the country. ' An sett., trade was .1,1111' In -d5.'. with sales of seleclr,t tote ■t 1r n, is S, p. r hr* lbs.. weighed ore rare. Cable advice•• from Liverpool' and T.ond, n on Canadian tar„a Saturday wero very 'denote. :ud n, led n further advance in prices ..1 2• to re per cwt. There was a firmer undertone h, the market for sheep- end lamb, on ace0unl of 11 e• Ins r. a•.d ,'.mand for local eon- •umplInn, and peters 41114 w an advance of 'ie to rte per Ih .'aa compared with (base realized Inst Wednesday,but they are 'Inrbaur 1 fr.,m a awk ago Suppne• (vire tenger than thee. bite' Seen -%R rate. snot nn active trade was done She sold in A.,. end 16mb. at 0i• per pound. The ,frerines of mitres were fair f. r the, sen•on`of the year whleh met with w want demand at prises ranging from 11 to s17 each. a* to Mize and quality. HUNTERS Something About Mcose and Deer. The Darkey Got His Dinner. Bozeman Bulger, the baseball ex- pert, sat with a nnrnbcr of New York players on the piazza of the hotel at Marlin. Telma, where the New York team does its early training.. A barge black person in rage hung shout in front of their untitled chairs for half an hour or more, (waiting for an open- ing to project his own personality and -needs into the conversation. Mr. Bulger passed the wink fnr everybody to Ignore the colored brothel's obvious desire to make a plea. A factory whistle blew. . "M'rn'm-pre-e," sighed the dark one with an . explosive effect that co*n- mandril the attention of everybody. "liar she goes 1 It means dinner time for eotne people -but it (loan' mean nothin' but twelve o'clock to me r' A professor at a well-known engin- He got his dinner mnnep, erring college says that but for ocea- bional innovations in the apPplica- 'A good tighter manages to dodgea (i1)n. of learning such as the follow- hrt of trouble. the he would hnd it herd G1 judge the extent of his usefulness. This question was asked upon an ex amination paper: "What step* would you take in determining the height of n building, using an aneroid b*r•otneter ?" The answer wet. : ••1 would lower the ha,onreter by a string and Mess ore the suing." It S4 now pretty well know n emote( hunters ,that the best deer hunting country in Ontario i• on the line of the Canadian Northern Ontario, and that hunt',' reeeiye special attention. Mr. (' Price Green, Paeeenger Agent of the line, is A hunter himself whn goes right with the parties end looks after there : in feet, he located moat of them. Thia year the line will 1,.• opened north of Bellwood into the midst of the moue country. 'They are reported very thick ; the engineers say that they have never ripen 'any- thing like it. The *00040. 5.'''011 up there opens October 15th, fifteen d*y*4 before the deer.. We have something special on a aew place ;that will take three parties of ,leer bunters. - Writ.( 0. PRICE GREEN, Canadian North' then Building, Toronto. IOWrt about ail 4d hi, bulls ui,d .-uw•4 e t WJ>'; 14e04. $.:U to 8;.86 bulls, $.l to 43.': cows, 1110 to 17.75. Liverpool and Io,nduu cattle markets steady. at I:Yse to •11).c per Ib-, dressed weigrerator herr ,rlllug rt IO%c to folicht; pertrlgelb. No- exports to -Jay. 4'11lves'-Heeelpta, S':S head; :u0 00 sale; 'egg active and 2b• W 60r higher; graven Sr higher; sit sold; veal+. 00.10 to 110' t4.ruw-outs. 114.75 to N. grassers e nd buttermilks, 13.6711 to 14.00, nu west- eru calves, dressed calves nem. city dressed •ruts. MIK to 10c. country dress- ed, w• to 1315*, dressed grassers and but- termilks '4' to k•. Sheep and T-anlbr-Receipts. 15.1110 headi sheep Moody to firm; deter Iambs barely steady; fair to ‚.04" (50 to Me _higher; common stuck steady to slow; nearly all surd; Preop. i" 10 to 14.T51- Feer cbulce,.116: culls, 12 to 6':.6, Iambs 15.14 to 10, cult, N to 86. Huge--Itrl' 41 tr, i:es) head; 1410.5( high- er. of 20.4 to 16.8*. Chinas* Live Steck. C 4,114,2t. u, yap ii,'rket ttlur 44.111 *bout .e,d)J, Scaly, others Iter to 11d• lower; +teal+, i.,0*4 l0 A; yucca, 1.1.:4 to i:..=:•; heifers. 14 lo45. bU.44 (redo`.', it.;, Iu $3 to ((.4*' lt*crlptr edlu.etv4 al :'0,IMN. 11141' h et *teach to *truing, '*hies. hcafy, 1s..:. 1Y;:,buh'Lers, 1s.9 11. 16.Y.tj••(45(41. lll0lit"d, . $7 w l0 14.:9; chin•., nght, 10.15 to 110;'4' packing, 13.00 to Its. Going to Be Trouble. Lawrence J. Anhalt, business man- ager for David Warfleld, t.e11s the story of the manager of a thrilling melodrama, in one scene mf which • husband enters one door an instant alter all admirer of his wife has made his exit from another. During • run of a week In one city the un*nager noticed that one man, obviously from the country, went in every night. Finally he remarked to the man that he mut enjoy the performance. "Tolerably so." replied the playgoer, "hat some night that husband is go- ing to catch that other feller, end 1 want to Ire on hand 11/ *PM what bap pens.' A Useful Instrument. Pigs. $e.$ to 17 v) 41310 of stiles. $7 '. n. pile. Sheep sod Lambs- Reccq 1, estimated at .V,/IA; snorkel for .Lrdq. steady. lambs 1lac ••-e 1 t.' 1solo W. C.M. I xtsie's. M to x3.70• GRANT) TRUNK ROU TE SUMMER TOURS ON THE GREAT LAKES A Fresh Water Sea Voyage Palatial Steamships Superb Scenery Faultless Cruising Moderate Charges Ided Hummer Outings on the Great. fwkpe, Georgian Bay, or among the Thirty Thousand Irlande. Info•i oat.ion and ticket,' tram all railway Agent(. H. H. Gildersleeve C. H. Nicbelsen Mgr., Cullingwasl Traffic Mgr., Ramie -5 Ships Collide. Sept'lite 1,n.k Chatham. Masa el 4.-- p outs at the three U.S. ht,•-e•v'iIIg sta- 140us herr saw' two tour-uraslwt schooners iu eollown iu Yullock Rip $lue herr early yesterday forenoon. Mid .although our was badly damaged 11( the impact, bulls proceeded to- aid- SueTun tuptrtper. The- tlatll - h., rr•4ft were nut :11uan .As hear as the lookout could hell, both vessels were [outing up the !Slur under heavy sail, wh,11 alta of them attempted' to gel by the other. Refus- ing to give up,` the right ofvw'ay. the s•'ruu,l ecllovua•r tacked in trout a1 the tint our, and the collision lul- L,wrd. East Senate Cattle Market. F.AST BUFFALO. Sept. 4. -tattle -Rs - calms. 30 h' -a*; active, ler to laic higher. prime (tern. 86.60 to 1x00: shipping. 1550 10 1110. butchers. 84.00 to *115. heifers. 113.6 to 15.115; cows.-,ti2.M to N i. buns. to do in to go twice a day 0 the circus 11:.7 to M.10; attickert sad feeefe1., mai and put hi* head in the li s mouth. to M 50: stock halters, M to DM; o fresh The rest of his time 'e 'ori himself.- rows and springers, fel to 11 bigler. in t 145 . •ray*--Rarelpa. 1760 head; rials., and When money talks the rnei.w wily of etradr. i' to ilo. na hear only the eche. -� Hogs Receipts NOS head; hall* active and Sc to 10c hl*iser; heavy, 8111 to Ras: Ethel -"Tell a man your aro• Is mfied, to 4 to 1''11. lroriosst. O to 116: growing cold and he wont k' up slag. M to iUb. Iotikao, gaga to .tot from his paper." Helen -"Blit tell stag', M to els. dasrtm oma ar.sserw. Ilim his .linnet is c.ild and he'll mp 1111 to 11.Ss. Rheep sad I� nt--Iiacwlpta- 1S-t10D tee 4 six feet." _ r . -. active. mixed semen steads. other. me Peace i. •power. It ie favorahiP'tn higher. Lint,., tit.. w 111. 6; reareeits, cletr thinking. wise acting and noble $4.10 (0 K ti. ere e sal* in 1R $4.10.to to $4 IS, 'beep.. � 1! too M.S. Bliving. A mind in turmoil cannot Pz\ New York Live Stock. .tcisp sound judgment. Worry N4W YOttx. fowl- 5 _B......4tensota. weals away the life and wastes the ter head; 67 ears on sale, steers meads ere,R les. Fear, anger, malice, tlrtnull for rood to chase: others steedv to 1110 411 di street the mind. Proper attention to the hal• and scalp is the best preventive of baldness. An occasional air plication of Beariue Hair 1'om• ade keeps the scalp in bealthy condition. It nourishes the hair folicles and supplements the natural oil of the head. liearine not only prevents fall- ing hair but stimulates, neW growth. SO cts a jar, at your druggists. DAvis �ES"�E A stmt-lr ell.rnve trurrdy lot many Illus I1s as w,'.t u....u„• that ale not ruusideird brnle: AcomV, "•ul w.tb�(*44*4oe Lase. lit .4401141,40 w �4h )a(.euc.e menthol and dhrrdntl■ making au etkcacluus rcmedyfur Sere Throat. _ u well as for Insect 144(14 Saralee. etc. 1� 1.-1 the tluur L,r *5114(4(4. bunters, u a. II vY bur those that slay at Lome. 23c. a tax. 5)(\'IS a I.A((k1. 4 1:. Mootreal. DARE - YOU EAT HEARTILY ? Meal Followed Every Good U tuLv Sty Discomfort? So certain are we that "Little Digesters" will cure Indigestion every time -fur every person -for YOU -that we will give you your money back without • word if they fail._ k --You can )te' food three times •' day, t--► 'd wholesome ff th Y. if you tate a aro alter eae�sesl. Lead bow "Little Digesters" cured Mr. Thuds "Por two years I suffered wick Indi- gestion, and obtained no relief from anything 1 took, Including several prescriptions bruin prominent physicians. Every mea. was followed by scute pain until I feared to eat. consequently became run down for lack of nourish- ment. "Little Digesters" were recom- mended to nit by a friend and I tried them with remarkable results, two Luxes completely curing me. 1t is three months since I took any, and I have not suffered a pain, no matter how heartily I eat. 1 would certainly recom- mend them to anybody suffering with Indigestion." (Signed) ii. ?BODY. to Yorkville Ave., Toronto. • June 13, t "Little Digesters" can be had from your druggist or by mail from Coleman Medicine Co., for ss cents a ban. Once Prominent. Woman a Suicide._ U*uvvr, Colo., Apt. 4- •t %omen's I,4,01% Willett has lain w the morgue tau days (tuclai ed. has been 1,11.10.1. fled :w-Ittitbf t1et+•u }'bn iaitey former political touter and prowih•ut actress of 9I) years ago. In the early Moodie' when 11*' Populist party ads a power in l'ulurudo, she sus one "f its leading ez{arn •ut Her de•:dh 1+ believed to be k c tar of. emrhtr reus- ed by despondency. _ A .Plucky Weatherman, h',aahulgtuu, Sept 4. 1411(1,• alight - tug true a car ye••i.•r.far.-Piece 1. Mourn, chief of tie weather bit • .u, fell uud broke his hit aro,. Ho. w os genveyt•d to the • ufliel• ..f .4 physieI **.-where the iujliteJ meted, -r was set, and then. much to the >ur prise of his friend.•. prbcet•dee to lo- ewu office, where he performed his customer) duties'. Insurance Cemp-.ny Barred Gut. Albany. N.Y:, Sept. 4.- The license the German Union Fire Insurance . ut Baltimore._ to.+lo busia.•-s in state war cancelled yesterday by rintendent of insurance Hutch. because the company r. -fused to it examiners of the New York mint to Conduct an exalnlna- 1 its affairs. ki de tion Phi Ott• puty Y M yesterda the whet. sufficient crop, nd a tared it wil *1 Cars Fer the Crain. Sept 4 -- M. J. Butler. De - el r y o Railwaw returned l 1 front 1111 inspection trip 01 He believes there will b-• rs to hurdle the grain y difficulty ix 'mecun- nn , b• lack of locomotives. Ge any's Deficit. Berlin. Seep Imperial Gere announced yen 120,500,000. 4. -The deficit of the ment for 1!IM, was •rday as amounting to A Nicey Job. A certain rot and its old lilis- treeN had improved so greatly in cntn- fort and appear.° a that a visitor shrewdly 'Itemised t t the .on of the home., a lazy ne r -do -well, had turned over a new Ir . He inquired about it. Yes, air, my son's i work now," said the ensiling old T. her. 'Take. good money. he (Kaes, t. All he has 'PHONE 15 {-24 (and 0.,.-• ((-hen yon want ! and Ya, 1- ) ( 'one. 444 ) THE li &o"I a t I) o r a 44,.4r, OAL ALL KINDS OF CCA! ALWAYS ON HAND */Ail Cowl weighed ea the market .dale. where yon et t Y lbs. for a tun. WM. LEE. 'refer- I. h al I'. C. ).( E`, ll,rde+.e. rear r.. -t ewe d 1 r'a nor., 14,1111, y, 1,- *I" 11/1 111 110 Clerical Wit. The Archbishop of Cant( rbury was going in with a number art other clergymen to lunebenn after some greet ecclesiastical function. when an unctuous dignitary oh served, "Now to put a bridle on our appetites!' Gulick as lightning the Archbishop retorted : "Say. rather, now to put a hit between your teeth." No letter tonic could he devi.Pel than Fetryvim which con.iste of fresh leanlbeef, citrate of iron and pure old S anleh .herry wine. Just enough of the latter t.n stimulate the digestion and enable a weakened stomach to As- eimilate the beef and Iron. Try ties invigorating tonic If you are thin - blooded. weak And generally run- down. $1 IPI per bottle. TUE 0RMINAE AND ONLY OENUINC BEN O INITI ON$ SOLI) ON tlf MERITS OF MINARD'S LINIMENT FINE TAILORED ICLOT111N6I FOIL MEN t FITS WELL LOOKS WELL WEARS WELL When made by DUNLOP The Tutor West St, ell=f=e111=41•11111MMEMM=0*--= 1 J. BKOPlEY & SON 111.10 eery carefully atteuaA to a all -TSE LEADUnn Funeral Directors and Embalmers boon. ,,I'5* or day IIIINIMMininifini0NII G. JOHNSTON EMBALMER ANO FUNERAL. DIRECTOR F ul ultare sued C ,.tert..ku.g w.t'rano.. West side 8yuare. '1'11ON4: Sorsa. Oodwlct Residence 171 Night ,Salle: At ray-denoe. L w,;lum Street. mery rod and Towel drier -found Only on Pandora Pange When a knife is dull a Pandora owner never wastes time hunting for a "steel." She just 'walks over to the emery rod attachment 'to Pandora, gives knife *ix or eight passes 'over -the high-grade emery, which puts on the keenest kind of an. edge. • This combined emery rod and towel drier le a patent- ed attachment you cannot 'retire un any other rause-_... -.._ Just one of the man) h*T ` -- pio(•ementa that go to make Pandora the handir, range you can buy. For Sale by HOWELL }IARDWARE CO. Western Canada Flour 1.1111. Co., Limited.