The Signal, 1909-9-9, Page 44 Tilt' 'tepee , Sitter i tugR 91. 19(11) TRF SIGNAL:, GOD' .Fie ONT,k Rin THE TOWN COUNCIL AN ACRE OF LAND FOR THE PRO- POSED MAUSOLEUM. Town to Have Free Use of a Vault ' ' Mintstar-oftaabfit WorkerAekr4OWe- ledges Invitation to Visit Goderich-- Waiting-room at Harbor to be'Bu,lt This Year --A Busy Evening. The regular meeting of the town council wits hell un Friday evening last, with all the members present ex- cept Councillor Dean. After routine business Mr. Aldous, sexton of Maitland cemetery, was heard in regard to et letter sent him by the clerk notifying him of the ►ctiou of the council at a previous meeting. The council .waoo under the Impt•t+rsign. that Mr. Ahluos had staked for additional help, and the council reminded him that he had got ILII illereiwe of salary a few years age on the understanding that hes was t., ay out of bis salary for any extra eli 1 . . lt. AI mss said he had not , Goers the coni it for any additional help this year, a d that his work was ter sur Advanced is velar ,u in pre - h wall r ! al had t Inoue years. H as- sisting him since tL.• 1st of- April. Mr. Aldous said hr r seer resolved the extra $.fol. in I(M17 he• lad gut en- I0- .1 it'Si in salary. 'Phis statement Was s awe het of n surprise to the conned, nJ it was matter and ser if Mr: Aldou receive) the increase that th understood hr was getting. Fro iq Hoe Wm: Pugsley. (-Ewan Estate to allow the G.T.R. to AT THE NORTH POLE. extend its riding on Maitland road neuters. Anglerea street ltd lot 515 he granted, and that a bylaw ler pre- p pared accordingly ; that no action bei THE P U ZZLE OF CENTURIES SOLVED AT LAST. The meat onuneil's of Biddle visit taken on the request of F. A T. Me Davis to he allowed to put up a sign - )post on the street at the corner of k ut street and the Square ; and that alter considering Mr. Kelly'sc =plaint no action be taken. The rep.m ureteritdople+t•- License Fee for Picture Shows. The special cotumiller tecomweuded that a license fee of tt;1e hr oharged moving picture shows and that a by- I,tw.tw prepared accordingly. Councillor Jordan reuewed his uhjecUuu suttetl at a previous meet- ing. to the effect that of moving pie - tote shows were to he licensed other aouusewent houses should be dealt with on the souse lines. It Was not ti ne. he said, that the moving picture shows welt. taking in *in a night. 'flee .overage receipts were $5. In or $7 a night. He moved to refer the rec- ommendation hack to the eowmittee to hock into the shatter of requiring • license fee from the roller rink and other places of resort. The motion wee carried. Councillor Jordan Scores Again. Councillor illa Jordan rumeed ' 1 accord- ance - ance with his previous notice of mo- tion, to r'tecind the council's resolu- tion not to proceed with the building of a waiting-ro at the haulm:. n• th1s year. There was no doubt, he said. idiot the nerd of a plate of shelter at the harbor, and there was no use pee- ling off the work for another year. The money would have to be spent some time, anyway, and if the wait - were tmite-siner-they-d know it was there. It was a disgrace to the town to have women waiting down there in .the ram. - Cuuncillor M gs urged that the (outwit should not spend any more money than was aheolutely necessary this year, as the finance 'atntnitter already had difficulty in providing for the expenditures. Reeve Ballow, who ,ws'cuded C c for.lorden'et motion. said that the might be reduced by the employ - of day labor and by using lumber be add ischexofsr °slowing note of aekmuw• reeeived in answer to o1•itation. to • the Mi nist arks to give Goderich it laws Awe rrI, 141.. Moe `hut. - l brat to acknowledge receipt of your facie of t he Viol idtlmo, whlchl see et..•d during ley return trip from the We.t. fhope toavail my -elf of the ronli41 tacit. Bon u the tinea 6ounc7Ta !1 1i uORenetr-Ant stn not .urs lila when I ran da so. 1 will. how ever. ad, Ise you me Food time. lours sere truly. W11.1.1AM Pre.stitt. 1. L Knox. I.'.t.. Tow. a terk. Uo,lerlch, Unt: Grant of Land for Mausoleum. The parks and cemetery committee men uuuended that An 1i.:11e of Lind "in Maitland cemetery be granted tie Mr. Pitt t'nrristrrate- tt1 atergnx-ferte-ohie purpose of huildiug thereon a cow munity nlau.olrnt•, m return for the free use of A winter %Ault to meteor' date at least twelve bodies, such we to be in perpetuity +stud said land to be granted when plane are approver of am satisfactory to the eouneil. Thr committee recommended also that the cemetery bylaw lie amended tey provieiing that all burials be Made sin that the top of the rough•hux he at least four feet hs•low the level of the ground ; and that at prevent no action be taken in the matter of ;mint- ing the pavilion at Hsrbor Park and the stairway leafing to the wharf. In refeeen.' U. the grant of laud for a memoir Chane illor Humber ex- plained that in addition to the space to be ewe(' pied by the mausoleum con- siderable rola waw nwdef toe an Ap- proach and for grounds *bunt the building, and that the building might be enlarged at aunt' future tient.. Councillor Mein ' go thought there. should be notoe restriction upon th.• price to be charged by the uneweeleum company for crypto, in return for the• franchise which the town was grout- tugThe Mayor said that the charge fur *single vault would be ;$Itsl and if any person considered that amount toe great he did not need to use the maosoleuoi. it wow pointed out that the plana of the building were to be submitted to the council for approval, and that it return for the y,ri'ileges granted to the company the fawn w•ss to have free ave of a vault large • enough ti receive twelve coffins, tube used ete the council might determine. The tion to adopt this clause of the report was carried unanimously. In connection with the second clause of the report the Mayor pointed to clause 2 of the bylew relating to • the interment of the dead in the con- solidated bylaws of the town, to the effect that. 'nn per$errt shall' inter or cause to be interred any deal body In a grave which shall be leen than four feet deep from the sullen. of the ground surrounding the grave to the top of the: coffin." There was some difference of opinion as to whether there consolidated bylaws hal been passed and recorded, hut. in any rase thin is a rule that i,s to he enforced in future.. Councillor Jordan opposed the pro- po'tal to leave the painting of the Har- bor Perk pievilior *net the steps, to another year. He MHO nearly every metnier of the eoun'il thought the painting ,should be done. hut they ntrd to shuffle it off to another yea . Deputy Reeve Reid suggested getting dere for the Work, and it was decide a do this, only ('ount•it lore Munnings .d Humber dissent. ing. The Fire Department The tier committee rem ..ended that (line'. hundred feet' of t nd• one -half-inch _home be purchased the nue of the fire department : and that a man be placer per nutnently in the fire hall to look after the fire equipment, take care of the building and preform such other duties An are assigned to hint by the emeriti'. Councillor Mun1)inge• gave the in- formation -Ant -the Brennen had • treed the hose and hetet found about 4,4441 feet of good hose. When the in- epect.or was herr he we.. told there was a1wn11 2,1410 feet and the inspector said that wan about tight. He did not snow how much the inspector ' would really require, tint he thought there should be at least thrtee--hun- - decd feet re, so that there 'could be two sets. if a fire should break out when the lose was hung up to dry, it woul•1 take a long time to get it inter co the fro (lou NAY tee had not people s1 "put the t abut not ora On the taki Ito leseind chi, the council) was ciw-and` Conn and Jordan voted i uty Reeve Heid and ning. and Humber tiolr. valor Jordan n.tid t.hr town well off; that the council ent very h ; slid that uld not get "cold feet" and n in a -hole" by talking. Mg enough tunuey. . of it vote the motion reviouo restihttiun of arried, Reeve Gal- Ehsigie, Seauwe favor of, and Dep- 'ouncillors Mon - eine, the uuo- • Councillor Jordan then hovel that a waiting -roan be built th year and that the special commit bring plans, est Modes, etc., before e coun- eil. This was carried on t ' same vote AN the preceding ntolion. At the request of G. F: Blair,. the council passed a resolution appro 'ng of • phut ..f park lots in the J. ''. Goldthorpe survey, In the southear end, registration to be made on' eon dition of the approval of the town s ,ticitor. Radial Telephone Lines. Reeve (ia11 ow brought up au im- portant Matter when he pointed to the development of radial telephone litres at other points and euggested Diet Goelerirh should get lacy and Lack to the erection of rural telephone lines in this district. He suggested that a committee he appointed to look into the matter, and the special com- mittee• was named by the council tor this purpose. Deputy Reeve Reid stating that .he rouhl not attend the meeting of the Municipal Association for the Preven- tion of Tuberculosis. to be held at Toronto this week. it was suggested that some other delegate he named. Councillor Mannings held out "the olive branch," as His Worship put it, by suggesting that UounoilUor Jordan he the delegate. This was agreed to. end Councillor Munnings then pro - reeled to even up by saying things alsurt the market, lint before trouble ensiled the council adjourned. Dr. Frederick Cook, of Brooklyn, Per- forms the Oft -attempted Feat• -Took -71WIT-sy Observations and Claims to Have Complete Evidence ot His Success -A Thrilling Story. London, Sept. 1-- "'teethed ?loath Pole April 21, 1,903. xriscovertd land for uurth. Return to Co nbagen by st 'saner Hbnsegede. (did.) Frederick ('.elk." The above+ despatch, dated Lerwick, Shetland tland Island*, and received by the obeervatury at Hrusselr, Belgium, is declared to be "surely authentic" by the tetticials there • "After a prolonged fight with Mas- h* mid !rusts we have at last suc- ceeded its reaching the pule. A new highway, with an ulcerating strip u' 'anunated nature, hs► beeu explored and biggame haunts located, which w 111 deight spurtmen arid e)ttrud the F:skinto horizon. "Land has been discovered which r.•ets .earth's northernmost rucks. A triangle- of 30,1100 square miles has been cut uut of the terrestrial un- known." n- known." The Paris edition of The New York Herald. of yesterday morning, pub- lishes the above as part u1 the sign- ed -statement-born Dr. Cook. TJos,bet4ig se, it wenn. that an flue 'ricau. a surgeon of Brooklyn. N.Y., hits succeeded, where Kaue, Franklin. Mcell Linea , Greeley. Andre, Season, Pear), Abrusrti, Wellman and all the others Moe. failed. By a curious co- incidence It is, to* s day, two years This obtuse of the report was adopted. In reference to the employment of a man to he rm duty permanently at the the hall, Deputy Reeve Reid mooed that this would nave a good deal of money now spent fn pur- chasing howe, wh tch was notproperly Wien earl. of. Councillor Mnnningu said that he would be glad to have I he fire brigade in good shape and the equipment im- proved, although as it was any fires they hal had lately were well handled. It would be a good thing to have • man at the Me hall, but perhape it would be well to flnd out firwt. '-hat it would cast. (Deputy Re.v' Reid said that the towns insurance rating was hosed on having a man on duty et the fire hall. The matter was referred hack to the committee for fnrth'r informal' and the report as amended wax adoptoad. The public woo k* rommlttee recom- mended that the repue•t ot the Peter HAS PROOF OF FEAT. • Dr. Cook 'Says He Has Evidence of His Success. New York, Sept 4.--"I have ample• proof that t mashed the North Pale in the observations 1 took, which mi- lord n ,•.•itait. nx•uua of checking the. tenth ed toy statements. "1 took dtttly observations fur a elude fortnight b.efure, arrivlug at the tele. "k•4.tulurig, we were furcal to take ir snore westerty runt',' and the- first I. a .lays 1 took ubservstion.• 413117 ,11,1 recorded them." 'the :drive statement by hr Fred acne to- an interviewer who boarded le: "flans Eg•de" tuft Cape mown c 1, r 11) is emphatic enough, told should eleur away the last Vestige of doubt from the minds 01 the few who hsv.• ee lar announced Themselves edieptieal that 'th.• Inert" hag really "be• n found.'-' Cape Skagen Is about 15:, codes from Copenhagen. In the course ut a hurried int VI, N, 1111' expl"res 1,1 thus quoted: •WI. ;n..rt...i 1h.,. jn1C _at ilev.'11 leek in the morning. i war un - 1, measure the depth of the sea 1 h . not the necessary Olsten-- The' nstni- a'l't; • lowest 'c5 degrees ern yual to 117 degrees hi•fr__-__._ "I ascribe my success to rnployed old time methods, tial " .Lined Eskimos and dogs, and to the fact that i lived as an Eskimo. ".Vthough 1 am proud of ony clmeveuleut iu plantiug the Atn.nean flag on the north pule, i hark with touch greater pride to the.lact that i traveled ,nor.- thou thirty thousand .quare wiles u1 h,tticrtu uukuuwu ground, and opened up an entirely fresh Held for exploration " r w Ttahit _ Flreiti-lirlitr metin tin' rth Sen by the pilot steamer Polar r••sr, aboard which was ('apt. \md• lop, the well-known polar explorer, ' ho was sent as a epeeist' repres'nta- tlt•e o1 the Danish Government 1n wel- r+nx' iDr. Cook. As the vessels approached each ether. leapt tnmlrup Led the cheers for the American explorer Great Reception Planned. 11.p•nhagen, S, pt 4. The city al- ready in guy with Hags. Everywhere the s(111 and awep-- are intertwined '..1111 Danish ensigns. The Melchior will dived the Hans t:4.de twenty-five miles outside of the harbor, and if Ur. Cook approves Lr will be transferred to this vessel for the run 'to ('openhagen Preparations Me l,1.in4 made to handle an enormous crowd of people :1t the reception. Hutrdr•els of telegrams from Ameri- ca aril ell parts of the world haw been reeeived at the Aitsrkeeft Mies tiny Int the 1116$16 - DR. FRED A. CiJOK- later them Curzon -older Peary reached his furthest. north I'-.,ry is even now ID the Arctic agalu, en the same old quest. and should be heard from any day now.' _l message received at the °Muriel 'Office from a• Creeulaud official on board the Dullish Guveruureut arram- er Hansegede, which priced Lerwick at na,u yesterday, acid: '1We Helve on • board the American traveler, Dr. Cwk, who reached the North Pule, April 21, 19014. Ur. Doak arrived at Upernivik (the utlrtbern- oat Danish .ettleutent in Greenland, en island off the west coast.), w Ma of 19119, from Cape York (w the nort west part of ;Greenland, In Stet- tin 1 )- The Esquimau of Cape Yuck ountirn Dr l'ook's story of his jour- ney. The der it of finding the North Pole has for can url.•s lured explorer*, and danng wive users, and whether het this dre'um brut '' btuomr a reality by the achirveme' of Ili. Cook, rest. thus far upon 1► reports cable from Cupt•nhagen, app, rutty through an OIIIeul source. At the same time, r. Cook cables a laconic message tent Lerwick, Shet- land Islands, where\he is proceeding W Copenhagen, saying "Successful. Well. Add - Copen- hagen " Not Altogether a Certai ipersture recorded rads below zero ow, F'ahren• vine The hops aroused .by the. Iran Copenhagen ars (bus, to extent, qualified by Dr. Gook's sage. While hr says he has "successful,' there is no ep•citic men nun of having reacted the Pole. and those of a skeptical turn are disposed to think that au achievement of such rlrtAmerltaas consequence would not have been omitted by Dr. Cook if her search had been comp!' te. Un the vtb'r hand, Copenhagen de- spatches are apparently definite. that Dr. Cook reached the coveted goal ul the pole rl.•veral days roust now •lapse be. fur., any further information is avail- able. The. Danish Government steam- er Hatuegode has left Lerwick, Shet- land Islands, bound ler Copenhagen, wli.•re she is doe nett Sunday. The message was sent not to any atie tiBc suciety or Weeny of his-as- sexiates wterrsted in his expedition, from a scientific viewpoint, but to his wife. One assumption is that the message was sent primarily to assure his wife ..t his safety and not to appriee the world of his discovery. But by chance, Mrs. (took was nut at her Brooklyn home, but spending the summer at llarpsw.•Il, Mains, net the despatch was received by Dr. R. T. Davidson, a personal friend of the .explorer. who meds• ite con- tents known and then Hashed the good WWI on 4. Mrs. ('ook. Brief -se it was the tint -were-that she had from her intrepid Mebane' eine.. Murch 17, 1908, when he wrote from Cap Hubbard, nn the r lee of the polar ire• sen, un the northwest (.id" of Ellesmere Land. At that time he communicated to his cotnplwion, ltudoiphe Franke, then st tioq.ed at nab, tlrecnland, with aupplirs, to won there until June for lien return, but in the event of Dr. Cook's failure , pp:ur to prncoel tee America. nt Out With New Theory. who was born et Cslicoon County, N.Y., in 1866, of Brooklyn, went is on this tnp .or • as the e• Aute • h1.' Baan Aoturene mpeitition of"et97-a. awl surgeon to Uwe Peary auxiliary ,zpxdttion on the Erik, •• ateannship„ in 115)1. Nothing has • bir. heard 'rum Dr Cook for the lest eighteen mouths. A special committee of the • Arctic Club has, however, made careful cal- culations upuu los probable, where- abouts and had n•acyh.•d the ouucho &ion that Dr Cook has dletuveryd the pole BELIEVES COOK DID IT. rt tome es Explorer's Friends Say He Will Prove Hia Claims. Poughkeepsie. N.Y., Sept. i. -Dittos Wallace, the author :Old explorer, whose twwpanion Iwollidae Hubbard, become lost and rtarvcd to death while ezplorine Labrador. said yee- L relay afternoon that he hod implicit Loth is lir. l'ook's wonderful feat. !lr Wallace has ulunst completed plws fur -in expedition to v.. lu the t.•lie! of Dr. Cook. . In his statement he said: "I knee 1)r. Cook well, as her was one of the cIo .•-t friends 01 my youth. Yuu may trust• iu his veracity. 1 have known hum iutinute- ly Attlee he was born. When u boy h.• ••xhibited ,signs of 01 scientific bent. When h h .0 Id r would read of Ir P u explorers, end study their methodi.. When i left un my Lot txprint Mn. on May 30, 190(1, Dr ('cook lel a delegation id the Artie. Club. which went W the ship to s<e us of " "It is unpoaalble that Cook could have merely found the magnetic pule. Wallace said. having noted that there a'a: auwe dispute us to,. the polus Cook react,' -d." -Hi- tuors. w.ntlet-mot-lowee- f*rmitt.,d that -city-soot. _xlt%t.. vtaileu this cuulltry (meanmgt the uurth), who hu. studied • conditions there, call' remits, hue amp ueeible it wuuld he fur him to reach the. swag- uetic pule true the course he took. Another point that would lend to help dtpwurage statruiertts which have been used.. by his critics, is that Dr. Cook's route was directly to Coo -- ker. Lead. ending with it swift dash to the pule, which would tie directly north. Thus. he would AVOW the a%t- ful eastern drift of the terrible current laand. � undoubtedly would have accuwptished what Cook has dune ,lg Le Lad hero tetter ac.luttmt.•d with tLc dairgerua- wudiLuus .unfruutini him, ul the frozen seas. Perry trityl to •vutd this ,.umditioll Ly guing west. ward, Gut this was Li- tindultig." Asked what benefit., would he de- rived tone Dr Cwk a dlstuv.•ry by the US.. Wallace said "The great uurtheru country is a atrauir lathd to us. TL.- geographical eituatiou is a matter that Is of real iutpurteat•r to our Guver imeut. 1 have nut the least dout,t that Dr. Cook La+ takeu a eerie, of geographi- cal notes winch will be of the great- est valor. 1 Lave ecru ewe u1 his uutew entire .eut back by him two years algu. wteu Ire was w Greenland, which dewcnlAw Must euwvincutgdy the atttansuai 111 the frozeu north. He sella 4 vest Quad ewes and other ore, atoctl tins .'uuutry suer day will Lad of the greatest value, and will be Lighiy plrwmai to pustaeSel. Had a Good Outfit New Yurko .Sept 3.- John Bradley, the tinwadal barker of Dr. Cook, tout patllr 10 explant yesterday that the Brum lyu expkor'•r', success in reaching the North Pule was nut so much the result o1 chane as the upteuuna of 'several pular r;.perta would indicate. "Thi,' was uu haphazard expt•di- hem,•' be said. "no intensified Arctic joy rode undertaken on nerve. We went about our preparation for this Snug quietly and without brass band w•cuwpauiwent, but we provide' for every imaginable contingency. "1 ten nut gutlsg to tell what the coat was.- Hut 1 w111 tell you this mach. One Fusee item of• the equip- ment was 5,(100 gallons of gasoline and another was two barrels of gins dropa. An Enquiniatix will travel thirty miles for a guni drop. His sweet t.s.th is the sweetest in the world. -Cook, it a true, has as much nerve ar any nlau in the world, but he had something besides nerve to carry Lie through. i am not trying: take any of the credit; but 1 want say that he lead the right kind of tfit, to take• hint there." Corroboration Some Day. ony Fiala. th'• Arctic explorer meander of the Ziegler exp.. 1903-1 906, agreed with Mr placing confidence in the Cook's sneers. ed put an end to polar he said yesterday us will push their Dr. ('ook says he in the for north. others will find If it is not ended false -' hon Hero. r. Gook' -s In inter- Ily. ifso- sewn. r of ver. Now for Fall Business 1 1 L Never helot e tyre we in so good shape to answer the Fall demands for new Fall Houde as we are (.slay. We waut you to re.td every line in our ad. carefully this week. The following items are worth your caielul consideration. In many of the articles Denied ate priers rarely found in gougia LI such e'wttrior quality. In diess materials our stock it huger and better than ever rel fon', in all the new colorings. Read the dress goods itrtn : Dress Goods Our Deese Hoods are of a very high order of quality in the new adore and shadings in Wistarias, Awe'thyets, Tat.pes, Artichoke (Ivey, Electric ("reel, Burgundy, Browns, Navy. Myrtle, Wine and Reds. The leading maker are Satin -finis heel both in plain weaver and self stripes, beautifully finished. Brtu►dololha and Vrnetiansare also good. We have the new umep,tUtble finish that is looked for in leaking suits. We are having It great big lot of our -suit pieces, nee two alike, just enough in each eud to make one suit in nearly all the above-named colorings. %Ve are slaking a specialty of black there stuffs, in many new makes. We have uearIy eyerthing that you might ask for in 'tress (:cods. Hosiery A sLip�men' of all wool Llama Fame, sizes $4, 0, 1)4 and 10, that we are offering at six•, 3 pairs for •Llsl. yawn' lot is away below regularn priers, epeeist lot we happened to alert with. Flannelettes Mill endo of Flannelettes. Something not easily Inst with now but we dropped on this lot., • few daps ago. They are excret value. Wrapperettes I,et us show you what we can do in novelty goods for waisting. at l.a• and 2)k:. h" Designer Patterns, Fashion Book and Du gner for sale. J. H. COLBORNE oGMEN01111 41•11•11111111 SIM 11111) - i Dr. ('t 1)(not Sual1 cr.! 1 it t, •.0 int., the p lar r.• aril a ,ta.rtliag uee ba,,o, for hi• (final dash 10 lust 1s. h.• intended lin 'Mi iterative -Deist his -j earlw•y - over yr :11 ire would Gall in the winter. 1 s this may (ecru, great faith 1. ..I ,n it by te • moan and tai ,, ., hoe k v wt,1" rr41 is 4twir's1 „r,•11•, 11 •retnf"re every expl,•r•r has >nafo J a t t uurth to he Gadd dur- ing the first summer, vnd them has estaLTisI T -wins. r \ JeaM.• purpose acs ;deny., In 4"•N, to r•cuprtte .luring the colder months for the hard dash that was t" .'"1111' had t, w1111.1 field the m"vinff ul 11e- tee had memo' up Wads to 'IV.. 1h' explorers n chance to nevi.' by the boats Dr. ('sok has revolu- tionized all this and staked his lite ..rl the result.' He is no inexperienced ,olven user, but • cool, practical ice nievliatnr, . who has gone through many catnpaigns. He was surgeon and ethnologist of the first Peary ex - ;sedition on the Zeta, a yacht. 111 DW3. , rganteer and te.ommen'd'r of the expedition 00 the Miranda. steamship, in 111144 plrgenn. anthrw poingut sad jtlelagr.'pher of the Bell- -Au and co dition o Bradley reports of This will exp-ditions," "Other cxp.dit way northward leas discovered Ian If the land is ther it and verify 1.. yto tie re his Oery will be. May Be Only a Mara Boston, Sept, 3.- That discovrty nt the North P estiiig :tit a *porting event Mee he was aLla t., bring bac title notations, is the omen. Prof. Pickering of Harvard I sity, The Coldest Yet. Kellogg's is "The Sweetheart of the Corn" All the Food -value ;of Corn is Secretly retained in Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. It is toasted under 300 degrees heat, evaporating the moire ture, moisture is useless) and transforming t h • Starch into Pre-digested Grape Sugar. It's impos- sible to do this without Kellogg's Secret Process. Kellogg's with milk of cream makes a delight- ful dish. Be sure it's Paris. Sept. 3. Pierre Ii•vassenr, the French ger,grnphtr, was overcome with delight when informed of Dr. Cook's achievement. "A11 hour to Dr. Coo14," hP ex- claimed. "i now await other detail' DiriTeraide eats? 111 1Tw Arctic Mean beyond the 85th dein*, • and is the pole on one of these islands? 1 hop' we ai!I love answers to these ques- tions, hat in any event there prob- ably will be little "erasion to change the lumpy of the world. ,Cook's. eolewveweni is most extraordinary. It seems that he made Il journey over 3041 toilers 00 the ice, and the- temperature he met, K3 de- gree, b -low zero. F'ahrenhe'it, is the lowest ever recorded. "We undoubtedly will b.• astonish- ed when we compere Dr. Gook's re- eords -with the reckOnings ahtt iiti-- •uinptl"11s n1 serener." Canada Owns the- Land. Ottawa. 8 -pt. 3. in official circle's the vi..* is taken that the di.covt•ry of the North Pale by Dr. Cook does t in ony way 'Meet Canal'r1:.im to •v new land noon which the in- trepid ,Iorer may set *'is feet in fhe se of his .tandarlrc:= Canada hos • ye claimed all legit which lies to 1he"eatatwnrd of Green- land and between the 'Otero shoe'rs of the Dominion "1 Cann, roper eons the North Pole. Our claim wan strengthened t1 in 1e -7 Captain Bernier in th steeemer Aretie went eix far -11011h as Pond's inlet and !dented the British Hag on all the islands toueh'd on the voyage The Reliant captain tit at the present time enraged in ;4 ',Mo- lar. roving mmmiuuiotl U. i. Claim Ownershop. Detroit, Mich , Rept 3 An t eth- otity here on international law says that the finding of the North Pole vivre the United States prepri.•tery r4ihts Toasted Corn Flakes Read all The Miguel this week. W. E. KELLY WATCHMAKER, JEWELER and OPTICIAN. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES - L 'PHONES Ste, 1s3. Residence, z8e. Store will be closed Wednesday afternoons during July and August. Powder. Freshe(4arlic, rte. I j S. E. HICK.s Central Drug Ire, GODERICH, ONT t !I ._ MN •tee TOWER'S FISH BRAND NVATILPPF?0OF semis w;ligive you full value for very dollar spent *Sp' nd keen you dry in ' wettest weather. EVtRY GARMENT p GUARANTEED WATERPROOF it.; i Town GUMMI 0110) (tonere Co es Toto5oo. Western Fair LONDON TO THE WORLD Athletic Day Monday Ontario's Popular Exhibition Sept. I0-18 Dog Show Cat Show THE GREAT LIVE STOCK EXHIBITION Music Attractions IN('RFAMIEI o I'It1%le 1.1ts I' Speed Events Daily Plat H1liH1.ANDERK 7t1 FUSILIERS i H l 1' 11.1(1)1 \\ II 0,111,1 THE REST h:\ 1 ' FIREWORKS. l TAKE l 1101.1llkV each even -i n g visit London's Fair over all Hallett Prize LifitP, Entry Forms, Plogranitnes, and all information from i" The Pickling Season! 1 Generally begins by September Ist. If ou are going to do any pickling. we can supply yon with everything (except the fruits and vegetablesi. Nine or ten sizes of Flat Corks, Pint aud quart Taper Corks, Rubber Rings for gem jars (pint and quart 1. Pure Spices of all kinds (both ground and wholei, not forgetting Mos tard Heed. Seed. whole and ground Mace, Turmeric, Carry • REMOVAL NOTICE VITe. beg to announce to our peal ronm that we have removed to new premiese on HAMILTON STREET wheT e our custnmerie will find um ready t fill ell nrdern for HEATING METAL WORK ELECTRIC WIRING PL14,MBING. Etc. In workmanlike manner. at closest prices. W. R. Pinder 'Phone 155. Patterns, lk cry &ram& New Colored Dress Goods For Autumn Season I They are plain and fancy Serges, Worsted, Poplins and Satin Cloths, etc., in all the staple shades, and a good selection of the fashionable colors,, such as the Catawba, Amethyst, Wysteria, Chickury, Smoke, Taupe, etc. All new, and value to 75c per yard, for 50c. SATIN STRIPE SOLEIL Forty -tour inches wide, colors are Amethyst Navy, Garnet, Myrtle a.nd Brown, 55c. PLAIN SATIN CLOTHS Forty-five inches wide, Superior Finish, all the new shades, 50c. SEDAN FINISH VENETIAN Forty-six inches wide with uniform stripe,:, new LADIES' SUITINOS An extra special value in Ileavy Suitings, seven different combinations of colors, Black and Bur- gundy, Green and Black, Blue and Black, etc Fifty-four inches wide. See This Line at. a yard. $1.25. See Specials in Orocery Department this week. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cameron & Moore I iimoThe Department Stores. Ooderich Branch. u. 0.1111111111.11MININISIONINIMO