HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-9-9, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERIOIL ONTARIO
hound or repelled.
til orders promptly attended w on le•vlog
THE IOUI XAL.Ouderloh.
A. E. TAYLOR. tereaveoNu
Aur person wino is the role head of • family,
i any wale ever Ir years old way homestead
• quarter -section of available I)onr ulen land le
Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The
applicant must appear In person at the 1lomln
on Land. Agency or dub Agency for the
ICs byroe r
t et. tern a be wade w6 ue
dls rl proxy !
•[enor, oo whew
rta. udlttoos, by father.
cher, roe, dantahter, brother or sister ter of
luteudlog homesteader.
Duties -81l months rertdence upon and
cultivation of the land to each of three years.
A homesteader may live within nine mike of
hls homeweed on • farm of .t leant M acres
solely uwued and occupied by him or by he
father, mother. sou, daughter, brother or
In certain districts • bonlsteuler 1. good
standing may pre stunt • quartereeotlon
alon*44o hl. homestead. Price Moo per sore.
Duos -Mud reddest. months In each of sly
year. from date of homestead entry (including
the time requited w earn hotuste d patsut)
and culti•ate fifty acres extra.
A homesteader who ham exhausted his home-
stead right sad cannot obtain • pro-ernpUon
Ina, take • purchased bowestead to certain
districts. Peine Knl per acre. Duties -Must
reside da months In each of throe years. cunt -
any acres and erect • hoar worth 1120110.
W. W. ('ultY,
out?7 of the MiSetar of the Interior.
N.H.- 'nauthorlsed publication et the •d-
art t.emeot will net be oath for.
Watchmaking. etc.
w.ferimaaart Jxr►s1.lia, OPTICIAN.
Knuth side of Square. (104.1 ch, um.
Civil Engineering
1 and Hydraulic Engineer. Ontario load
tMloe-MeLan Hlock, Uoderlrh, corner
Jttpstreal street. Telephone 1af.
IPano-plsying, Theory. Harmony and
uonler'oluL Pupils tl spared tar monists.
Limo of Toronto Ccaasfhterr d M ueb. Apply
at Thomeoa'. Maio Kg* Ooderich. Mondays
In t'Mateo. at re' ' 11 et Mr. Alex. Macken
sle. Unlade street.
A. T. ItrrspOre M. D.
W 8. Tr'nNal.'La. Jr{. R.
, Hary 1 Hamilton Street. Phone 102.
Or. Emmerson. residence. North street.
Opposite 81. 000Tr• s church. 'phone tat
l.r. Turnbull'. reelden„e, Montreal street.
Southwest of Public Library. 'Phone 194,
1)It. W. F. OALLOW. M. B.
taloe and residence. North street, (lodertbb,
north d County Mastery niece. Telephone. In
1 L
• senator.
tovest ratea
s acid Menai
sea a
etc. Money to lend at
( oar-Verth Attest. onderieb
In tleafoith Saturdays
lit.0. CABERO
TER. mil dtew. n
▪ wlllnn etra.l. VodPH
n ailfe. Olsoee-
, third doer from
barrlAern. solicitor.. nntarl public pr,
tars In the Merit hoe ('ou,t, etc. V r•u4 Arse
S quare. next door 4', A. '..urn's [roopry Pel
tate fteyprdds to lend at keel wee of iptereat.
W. PROL'1/1rWT, [. C. It C. HAYS -No. F
'tomtit. ettorne a Solicitor. etc,. ode=
rich. Morley to Mod at iN
owest rats,.
1f� mmpa
solicitor, col..toner, notary b=c.
Hamilton street, ooderlch Ont.
lnanranee. Lens. Eto.
RV.t,$Ilon :treat, Boder chT.O
IOW atm LlewnNi.0 : Hrlthh. Canadian and
A(ciosrT 81cs's.g Men krrao154*' LIIwl r.
ITT ; ilbe Voean Accident and Unarantes
.'erhoraUnn Limited. d London. Eng.
F,"IJTT AM) dc,n.irry.likOrtie : The U. S.
Fidelity and Duarantee Company.
, )10r0 at residence, northeast corner of Vir
and St. David's street.. 'Phone Iia
(re and accident ins,,rsn,at for lead)
owl n �l�nnnn n. In t1�
• d .oak companies. 1 an ,e all
11a.. •Rnrted on best plans and at lowest rats.
alt at office, corner West .Street and Militant
er address J. W. CRAIUIK, Uoderich, OIL
few tam's 11
S U R A N (' K (' O, -Farm and isolated
sewn property Insured.
(1 cera -J. R. McLean, Pres.. Klppnn 1'. V
T. Fn.eer, Via, Hroreeld P. f),
mons. r. ata.. 8er,. Vine Pres_ aTeas.. Seaford] P. V
I4rectore -Wm, Chesney, 4e.forth : John
U. Vrleva. Winthrop; George Dale. Seeforth;
John Hennewda Dublin; James Evans, Beech-
wood : John watt. Harto'k : Thos. Fraser,
Itevfwdeld ; John R. Me/silo, Klpp.n ; Jas.
ConoOly, Clinton.
J. W. Teo, Motruevlly, agent for West
Hama Pelloyiddese can par s
end get tielr cards rem, at Toler &
reer, Clinton oe at R H. Can's eros IT,
K1ag1toa sheet. boderteb.
iarriags Licenses
1 oufJRICR. (NT.
wlamer of Marriage eweller licenseee.
• AO K tames, Dederick. Ont.
5 Kevnta PALOS
This well-known and popular stand
offers Its patrons the best serv(oe In she -Ing
halrenWng. Ladles'te., eta 1�d1.sharnpoolne a
,,,malty. only skilled hand, empinyed.
Your pw ttonwfw will be appre„lated. 41. H.
Hee P:HMttt, I roprletor.
sod general atw$Inne.e. (M1rrr nn 94444th
Smelt, wain" he will ns tnnnd at all time.
whew nM erring sal... Terms ressnnwhle and
nM ue4 In Flys yin aseiefactlon,
411 1,*nehw, easefully attended to, Parra,
,els, Ilse. .ta•,t wMs, firm attars and n,.rebsa
4ir*.Ries mete anywhere. Write for dates* ti-
ed! and talk It over with
Geo. Beckett.
Hamiltera street. Gederich Ont.
Telephone No. tot
0011'1 tat anynna dlctate to you, get
what you mak for- the genulnw "D. k
L." Menthe' Fleeter, mad• for many
years by Basle R IAwt wtce CO.. for
MO quick relief of hackaebe, headache,
etr. Get the .eaulpe.
Mews of the Sistriet.
Robert Holmes, of Brussels, was
stricken with paralysis last week.
Mrs. and Mies McKinlay, of Brum
eels, are removing to Detroit, whin
they have purehaoa home.
The people of Walkerton will pa
their municipal taxes Ude year to th
tune of 2te wills to the dollar.
The farm of the late E. Walsh, un the
Lindon road near Clinton, has been
urchseed by John Hewitt, of Kin -
for 118,4011).
R. Awde, of Wingham, has dia.
posed of hie flour and feed nominees ill
(hat town to his son, J. Lloyd Awde,
and is removing to Toronto to reside
Mark Wild, of Dashwood, and Miss
Rhoda Stattom, of Orand Bend, were
launeeed oil the sea of matrimony by
Rev. A. D. bitchier 00 Wednesday,
the fur
let l
Robert Mu a
tl ,
gra0'e ur ie ,f the pion -
ser residents of Oorrie, finished hie
course on Monday, the 23rd ult., ltara-
ing away at the home of his son.
James, in Borrie.
Mrs. Davis, of Seaforth, received
word last week that her son, Roy
Davis, 14.14 been killed at Spokane,
Washington, where 4e w.tes engaged
In tunny! work, so
The death of Archibald \Vett, n
of the late (feoz'ge Watt, at Hullett,
occurred at the uof his brother-
in-law, Mr. Reid, of Seafortb, on Sun-
day, the 3►th ult. Deceased was
forty years old and wars uhsnarried.
Mrs. Win. Ross, of Stanley, form-
erly of IlruceHeld, who hits been suf-
fering from eryrip,lar in 0(40 of her
fingers which Wu injured wilily ebe
was Flicking berries some time ago,
had the member amputated last week,
of running the that passenger train be-
tween Toronto and Stratford. In the
wide sphere In which be labored Mr.
ae Knight'. deyotiou to duty, his walked
abilltiee, courtesy and sterling integ-
rity won for him the esteem of all
ewith whom he came In contact. In
religious faith he .vin, an E1nie'opalian
and in politics a Conservative. He is
survived by his widow, five sons -
Charlee, of St. Thomas ; George, of
Ildertou ; Frank, at home ; Fred, in
Arcadia, Stork., and John, who suc-
hceedeutued, r' tug father station agent at
Exeter -and one daughter, Carrie, at
Mrs. John McLaren, a former rest,
dent of Cromat tr, who was well
tnuwo in the vicinity ofMeaforth, died
at her home in Toronto on Saturday,
the :Nth ult., aged forty-two years.
She learns four sons and five daugh•
John (thea, of Walton, has sold his
Uel acre faro, on lot 12 of the 14th con -
crimson of .i. Killop to Thomas Leem-
ing, of the 12th line, for the suns of
id,test• Mr. Leeming now °erne 110(1
acres of the hest land in \lcKillop,
Mr. Rhea and his von Janie, are going
°Avid Losigheed, who was seriously
Injured at Regina some nine weeks
ago, was taken to his home in Wing -
ham la.,t Nook and placed in the Wing -
hem hospital. The lower part of his
body instill paralysed, but otherwise he
is comparatively well, and it is hoped
that in time he ma be able to engage
In some light employment.
Melt C. Delis, who had been a resi-
dent 'bt McKillop sur almost half a
century. entered Into her rest on
Thursday, the Bath' ult, at her home
on lot :r of the dth concession. De-
creased was an estimable woman, is
good wife and mother. She is sur-
vived by her bu.bend and two sons,
Henry and Fred, both of McKillop.
Thou. Bandy has received the con-
tract to build two very large cement
bridges In Asbfleld, and in order to
move faster has decided to purchase
an automobile. lie will make the in•
vestment in time to have the machine
for early epring. Mr. Sandy rays he
has loot too much valuable time in
travelling from place to place in a
buggy. -Ripley Express.
Mies Marian Wilson, daughter of
W. D. Willson, of the 2nd concession
of Tuckersmitb, met with n peculiar
accident. recently. She was eseieting
in unloading oats with %ling. when a
rope broke and, striking her, pre--
cipltated her violently to the ground.
She was able to walk back to the
house, hut an hour later she lapsed
into a .tate 01 Ilnr(In.eion.ne5e, from
which her physicians were unable to
use her for twelve hours. She is
n progrcesing favorably.
Wingham Bylaw Carried.
A bylaw to lend $(,cls) to W. D.
Pring.., to arwist him in rebuilding
hie tannery, was voted open by the
r rtepa) e. s ./f 1Vrn jha•u but week.
and was carried by a vote of :9K1 to
Formerly Li at Exeter.
Win. Hendrle, o formerly con-
ducted is shoe store n F..xeter, but
who wax recently p rietor of the
Weis Beach hotel at rain., wan
found in a bedroom of th hotel on
M'nday night et hast wee with is
deep cut in his thr„ot and ore, being
taken to the hoopil*I (lied di hie
wounds. It is generally thought at
he win stabbed ; the police are inve�-
aLin theto
matter. A wife
grown-up family a1 rvivl.
Wedding at Londesboro'':'
The home of Mrs. "in. 1Vhitleyyof
Iondesh,ro', wee the scene on Wed -
needs'', the 1st inst., of the marriage
of her eldest daughter, Lizzie, to Rob-
ert Carter. only eon of A. Carter, of
Blyth. 11ev. J. 1.. Small, of Myth,
performed the ceremony. The bride
was attended by her Meter, Zell*,
while Mr. Smith, of Blyth, enpplrted
the groom. After a brief honeymoon
in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Carter will
take up their residence in Oowg*nda,
where the groom is conducting a
drug hucinees.
Dealing with "Slow Pays."
The march*nte of Kincardine have
organised a protective association on
lines similar to (inelph, Stratford and
Leamington nrg*nirations which have
proved euceassful in dealing with the
slow pay, and deed cleats, H. Collins
h*. been appointed collector and will
'intim take the collection of slow
accounts of all the merrhante, begin-
ning on ?September 15th. After this
date lista will tae prepared and placed
in the hands of each merchant for hie
gtuidance in giving credit in future.
Going to Chira.
Rev. Itn(wrt I l inranson, B. A,., of
Welton. was married in Toronto on
Tuesday. the 24th ult.. to Miss Emma
May Rd wards, Laughter of Mr. and
M•e. .i*mer, Kdwerds, of that city.
The ceremony, which took pl*ee at
the h of the bride's parents, n•ec
renrincted by Rev. i)r. Wattle*, of
Tutnnfo. The hrhfe sons attended by
her Si -ter, Miss lir,ce Edward•, M. A.,
end Jahn A Gardiner, M. A., o1 Lead
bury, was best mass. A ,•r n three
weeks hnneym„+t1 Mr. end Mr•. Don.
cannon leave for Snnt.hern
where they will engage in missionary
An Old Railway Man.
Cherie. Knight, Who w,is 1.1
twenty-two y.crc ststi.,1 agent, .t. Ex-
eter. died anddenly int his home in
that villsg. on Sunday, the 20th ult.
f)ewer•.sed suffered a stroke of paralysis
1*xt October, hut. had recovered some.
what and wag going *hoot the hots.
when he wail .g*in stricken. i)e.
ceased, who wail seventy-eight yearn
of age, was a net ive 01 England. On
hi. merrier. In MR he came to (lens -
di with hie pride and entered the tiers
vice of the Oreat Western Railway
On., which was later merged in the
Orem] Trunk. He had the. distinction
Fulmer, Sept. St'd.
Miss 1Villa Ford left on Tumidity to
hCI'dC11 '
or in Tur the cleats
Lorne Arscott has gone to London
to take s position 405 operator with
the C. P. R.
Rev. C. W. Sanders has returned
from his four weeks' vacate/1i spent in
New York State,
Jas. Fihdlater 11 severing hie con-
nection with Meteor. McIntosh ac
Cameron and is accepting a posltloik
at 8t. Marys.
Miss Minnie Edwards has gene to
Toronto to attend the fall millinery
openings, after which she will return I
to her position et Kingston.
Two rinks of Lucknow bowlers coin•
feted in the tournament at Winghnt
last week. The rink skipped by W.
Atkin won the second prize in the
association match. George li. Smith,
J. O. Murdock sed 41bve, W..t.utr,
with Mr. Allis, eoenpoered the rink. I
Another Case W the Most Advanced
Stage of Kidney Disease Yields to
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Bend, Sask., Sept. cath.--ASpeei 1 )
Mr. Robert Ruud, a well-known
dent of this place, does not he.,itate Id
sin he owes his life to Dodd's Kidney
"My physiciao said 1 wag in the IasC
stages of Bright's disease, and there
VISA no hope for one," Mr. Bond states 'I
•U then commenced using 1)odd'a Kid
ney Pills and no other remedy,, i
used in all about twenty box.., when
my doctor pronounced me quite wfill.
1 have had 00 return of the trouble
Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure
Rrighl'a d iwase. Any other itswa.=af
dimwit.kidnedimwit.is easy for them.
What One Farmer Said.
Toronto Star.
An exchange wonders if there .vele
was a farmer who said : "by heck !"
It admits, however, that it has heard
of a farther who said : "by eracky'"
in the etfort to remain pious. el -
though farming, men hive been driven
to invent lush iatpressions. They use
them as verbal explosives -something
forcible, but meaningless. In moat
cases men pick up words that they
here heard other men use with effect,
but some, with more imagination, in-
vent for themselves, and enjoy a sort
of lucid copyright. A fanner who
lived many years ago near 'Toronto,
when trying to teach a calf to drink
milk, or to drive three prigs through
one gate, teed to say with great
anger and frequency, "buy haat," *nil
when his Leak was dune would 041. -
fully expl tin how he spelled it ; that
thele wise no harm w it ; that lie
found it helpful. mid that anyway the
influence, if any, of • wh est he said,
would trod to encourage the sale of
species of final of weskit he was as
Young clergymen, on first comingi
to the circuit where he wee a worship- I
pet-, used to realism with him, bet
fnuod him a tough ratan in an argu-
ment, and it was not until he *OS ilei
old to do the chores that he reformedand eulmitted that he was wrong.
'there is, perhaps, a marked isnprovr
went in the piety of the farmer after
he, reaches an ago when he is no
longer expected to wean calve, or
chart• cows out of the. corn.
Other' c sees somewhat similar to
the one mentioned could be quoted
were it not that we do not like to take
the risk of offering encouragement to
the use of unnecessary words and
eotlddered correct ; evidence from
I tanners the whole Duiii inion over
shows cow -testing to be min of the
beet titye•savipFg oegaIizstions ever iu•
tr.,lueeel, \Vhy? Because it• shows
d'ennitely that tunny tueu have wasted
precious time on cuwr that do not pro.
duce enough milk and fat to pay, the
coast of feed. 1'hus, the veripoen who
say they have '•uu Lime" to take up
cow tooting are the very nleu who uu-
coosciously waste thistle Inds of Yalu•
able hours. There is time, Lipfuii-
eutly. emoiget the unthinking class
of farmer. for attending to thous.iuds
of profitless cows. With a herd of
twenty unselected .cows 1011t of which
probably three (140 not staking 4044,'
profltd it would (tko the small total of
twenty hours during the whole year,
aprea(1 over thaw+ dare each month, to
keep such simple reeolds as would en.
able the owner to relectwith eertniltty
the most eco11o111ica1 producers.
Why waste time year after year ml
cows that average only ith ut 111111..4'
milt d o1• s.''+ . 1
alk r s f seven IaN. when
per T
1 1 1
is few minutes Irl 1117' tl phis l 11 1 1 1t hills
brain p)wer, will ua.ta•ially assist in
building 1141 a profitable herd?
(Mewls, August,I11014_ C. W. I'
W. Allward's Prescription For Rheu-
matism Discovered by Accident .
A story about Mr. Walter S. Ail -
ward, the noted Toronto sculptor.
told by his friends, is too good to be
Missed even though in publishing it
mne runs the risk of involving him ill
trouble with the Ontario Medical
Some year. ttgo Mr. 'inward was
working on a certain .statue, and en-
gat:••d as a !Marl an Irishman who
was a very lits.• specimenn-of--pdtysical
extent fromrhemuatietyl. His maladync
sous hitt con.aaut thought and thee
of eonversuliuu, tor}( b.•im; exception-
ally healthy and strong otherwise. he
made much of an affliction utile
other ~nen might have thought hitt
about. One .lay Mr. Allward wl
taking a cast of the Irishman's nee
+• rod in puttee, ':u the plaster eithe
+ +.r
-Mae ireessanfr_oveeloolsert--tier+
euafosiary preliminary of a coating
of grease. They did not notice the
omission of this precaution until they
tarrre M t,.l th• pt3 t r +,A;-blrt-vn•
attempting to -remove it they Lound
that it had hardened„ apparently to
stay until\ worn out, on the model's
neck. The ensue,1 nn unpleasant
experience 1. .the Irishman, an with
jack-knives ar f other instr utrnte Mr.
Allward and hl -helper eat and haui-
mered away at h.• cast, fuming • par-
ticular dittieulty in .setting it free
-of she rower'
Fin4lly the teak_ w . sfully fir•_
formed, and the tri- unan was gbh
to laugh with the others at his rather
unenviable experieece, but he did not
forget- 44.
One day, quite a long time after
Mr. Allward run across him, este
losing track •el him entirely.'.
"Well, asell," said the sculptor,
"end how are you anywny? Be you"'
remember the daily• he gut that mat on
your neck and had such a picnic get-
ting it off?" - N
"Ito Oi renn•ni er it?" said the
tri-lJnan: "Faith *an' Oi do. 'Twins
a terrible time. wasn't. it? . Batt Oi've
been long wantin' to tell y.• that
teas the grand ting for me atther
all: for band, Oi've uiver had the
rheumatics e,nce."-Saturday Night.
Island Colony Has Some Wonderfu
Agricultural River Valleys.
Newfoundland i. a Lig country. a
third larg,'t than IFel 4 4 and twl•ntt
• ne tirme: :he sire of Prince Edwar.
latera, u11d when .one rnueiders lht
smahlrss o! the 'pupuhdie11 - onl
about 2.25.0(0), toad nearly allBsh.'r
men --- the returns from agriculture
tint cun.ld.•rnbl•, says F.ohrut Smithih the July Cunudian M:Igazine. Over
a million and a hull dullitr,' went'
ill farm produce is raised annually
on a fraction of cultivated !and,
'••1=ich la:tt,t uo. sipipro...;r.l.1.. elatio4
41!ultever to it. tributary ,nil uncul-
tivated as tet, lint which can and will
be cultivnu'd in the year., to come.
InaleuJ of 4npwrting- $6fk) �RNt worth, of
tarn) produce each year front (.'aflnda
Newfoundland ought to nim at rais-
ing it. at home, and the present de-
pression' will not be without sonic
benefit If it help. the people to tu'•d
more clearly the logic and the win -
4.7111 of 1h.+ goverur'a umotto "buck to
the land."
'Motet an extetided visit to the " t
colony last ■urnnler, he wtiter saw
enough to 00118 nce hint that. although
N,*4' uud land does not tonipare with
I•:neland• or Maiuitoba es am agricul-
(ural country, 0 has in'verlhelves
large tracts of one very fittest farm -
lug lands, ip its many river valleye
god by the margin, of its innutn.r-
aW.- dark oil__ -lu-the--it bat _.Vxlle-v-
trerr rn 7nr 'ritervnt- -twelve- melee.
lung a awl six miles wide, with a deep
fertile soil, capable of 'raising 1prg'•
ern ,a of hay, vegetables and grain.' p1 which is still suiting the hand Of
he 11n-) , el,nan. 1t is the Annapolis
'ilii. c ever again, only in scenery.
ieher sisal moa! luxuriant. And what
true of the Humber ie true to a
reader extent of the C'odroy, Ex -
dolts, Terni Nova, Gander, and many
mailer rivers.
Lost Girl Found Behind Piano.
Collingwood Bulletin : A young girl
in her 'teen. belonging toe respectable
family in town sensed her parents and
the police considerable trouble and
worry la% week. flaying disobeyed
ber Gather and
flaring punishntrntahe
suddenly disappeared and despite the
efforts of her friends to locate hes re-
mained out of sight for nearly a week.
Before leaving she gave no intimation
of her intended departure, cons.- t
quently those endeavoring to find her
were entirely at sea. A brother, how-
ever, came to the a asistance of the
searchers and gave such information
as led to the girl's discovery: Strange t
as it may he the girl was not away \
from her home. inetrtad of leaving r
for parte unknown she sought seclu- i
Rion iehind the piano in the family g
home, remaining in hiding during the i
day and coming out at night to oro- s
cure food. The girl's place of hiding
was in the rhiefest room of the house
and she oust have heard the frequent
talks with friends and with the police
regarding her disappearance and the
plane made to ascertain her whet•e-
*honts. That she contim ied her eeca-
pru10 for such a length of titoe is re-
tn4rka Ole.
medicine that
Kianewill curs sk.
hetes Lies
Bright's Dia.
ease this die•
ease was iu-
P I I l s , uKidoe until
D d'c Kidney Pits
cured R. Doctor,
themselves twnfeas
that without Dodds
Kidney Pills they are
bvowelless against Dia•
ets., Dodd's Kidney
Tills are the first medicine
that ever cured Diabetes,
1 usitations-box, name and
pill, are advertised to do so,
but the medicine that Jess
is !)odds Kidtry Pay.
I)udd's Kidrtey Pity are
fifty cents a boa at all
•,.,'41.•,1 0115 MA., i ..., t .,
.'04110.1 44uext4)u .1'1 ue0 r 141'
e.11uwue-des sits'. fi1'1-y• • al -Old
tied It in J, way th;lt left 1171 teem, L.r
do t u' to the luiroes, of Lie red le;
lL,o; or his belief in 1114 fathor'e d.•-
tertiore.tWu le play the game forty.
mod absorbing oatmeal lung
remark: - _
• 'Pita 's not ri Its We 1
He sl,.
Dad's tut W Ie
41.rea11111.11n sew =MINIM
'Phone 5h Da M ILLAR CO. 'Phone 56'
New Fall Dress Goods
We ate showing the latest and souls beautiful weaver in
the new Fall Deese (locals for the cotuing season, including
the new A ve:lee: Wisteria, Taupe, Rewe, Castor, Mole,
Catawba, 1►utch Blur, Mulberry, etc., etc.
We are making an extra special st.uwing of 1)04155 Goals and
Suiting, to retail at :rite W yo.d• Patiamar, Taffeta cloths, Satin
cloths, Serge., Poplins and Taney weaves, in all the popular
tlhRdly. -
'il .
N t dvl'v ,
i rr ( 0
f new KidGlover lOVetlto
>handthis week.' ,
sell only Perrin's Fatuous Kid (cloves. livery pair guaranteed. .
See lilt t peri d d'Iler Glove ill all redoes,
Dud Larks. .
10 tlaluehlst, n leen .ole•' woly, s
wed. to hie to L. -The1';otalen .t
ttaluchlstnu," C, '. Tate settee: -The
sbepberds give a rouge remain for
the epidemic of rub s, Acewrilitle to
wasthem, It was remised 11 the w44(4
eating dead loris, 1 w (lIFe`�
they said, the larks dee op extrn4rdi
nary vitality and pair rth such n
ttood-Ot7mrg+r-mrthr y- . • chs -wing
64711011rtbat obe64711011r stlfro•u1e and tali
to the ground dead. A wild Llihluil
S 4,
* n
which rots nue of thi.se dcuJ to
variably develop. rnblea 'Thin
whlespread supersiftlell tend 1.01104
unfemillut to the natives et Bette w
were with me." - -•
A' Butchers' Cerniti*n: -•
11'tlliaul,- earl of llueran_. In . the
time of King .lotus. while .ta•4ft11;t
upon the ensile nails spiv 'tau bud.
lhbthl. 111. the ensile oa•atlow 1111_ all
the butcher doge pursued nue or the
maddt•nlrl tulle quite Ihritugb
11.! I prhe%.
town The *leellned the revel sir
much It:lt be WIVE. the 0111011. mead-
ows. when• the duet of this butte be-
gan, for a e•onuuon to thebuteherx of
the lawn, Lifter the first grams was
mowed. on cundlilon that They e1,u4W
Ilud n ::sad bull the dny els weeks 11e•
tore Christmas day for Il,,' 44n4i1111
else's of ,that event fere. ,r -London
Sttfnda rd
ni, ut
rroir•e:d r,
dee ill,r• .
A • Mushroom Town.
n•dlth- ago tlu•1 0,,' o town.
ring, .11ta., cons• -Iasi .,t the
11.11 114111 Ino .•:'''ntuls. To.
I .i,us of 1 r1t:ry .beet.
•'1 brseid w '1'10 0 0 117•1i1011. ,•tr 1111
lags, -saes, 1 .'••1: aryl i0t •dreg. ,r.•
La -t
bilins: in I e I..nd-r. p'' 'lett ..r
1N4eer, :tee, ,iii, h1u••, h:,0'e a11014y
L.'•'n (•on: pl. l.•.I. .'u•t 01 toe 14' l ,,l,,,
,•i, roe trot,' 1', I I:'1t•;; :.n.l flour
y Northe•a .\Ib arta, a hough Ih.•re errs'
a good nan:b •r • f Oil are. •p^'q'h• ad.
••••41y tocols' :n.d r. .•rill '1 °ran n
1 rt
w• Ori 114 (1
ua e•t.r•
ie the
"t :dors
Time Well Spent.
In visiting member. of cow -tenting
aaaociations otganized by the dairy
division, Ottawa, the inspectors are
sometimes met with (hie statement by
thane Partnere who are inclined to drop
weighing and sampling, "I haven't
the time."
In scarcely any instance carr this be
A Family Problem,
A noted Toronto educationist Sells
trite -story err himeett. He has been
twice Married and has a numerous
family: One morning at breakfast 0111
of the girl= of the younger 441400y, who
had just begun the study of vulgar
fractions wits unusually s11,011. She
Mus engaged in trying to work out in
actual til• the axion) that two linty,
equal th,• whole, for presently she
prup..und,•d this question •
"'Mary is my h:116sister. Now it
Mother was to die, and fattier muffled
again, f1,, children croul,1 be fey hall
sisters 0101 bruthers, but would they
be nay r•latiou to Miry?"
How thy . edvcatmen t would haw
prep.'rty ih Hurling e;'• 11
14417 went. 111141 (all 11111 r
Zing ores if the Lusi.••4
w,• -t, 'rhes.• will be t':iee e
flim t:F it urrrri,
• Canadians at Pageant.
At 110 • , 4•.airc •d 1h,' It:'th p in.•;lot
tier lecke *14141 i)sr4he=s "4'eiows;aught
rre.'ite.I stab ,is'rinl rorli•11rtt• '11h.
Itrenda 1i.vlor tl Beth. N.1t„ and
I11tee POw11I of Bath. Ont., who came '•
LU uav 11.11(710.• 10 the mother last':.
• Plain Talk.
"1 think she's double Pne,•,i " •
'•Oh, don't tray that! One tore alk,
tiers le had clwughl"-Comic Cutin
1Vir d
1 1 your rvr , , .�
y r n l r t with P h von
Witch. l VI', ' div rxxnth,ing ' Illy
whet IN r you aur (awl or slow.
You needn't lose pair hair. Beel-
ine will keep' it 4tren5 and healthy.
The 1'anedinn Bear grew* in the pnm-
atle is the etre'. live thieg. NE.'a p:u'•
t�'ik co�ak
A chocolate confection of rich milk choco-
late and fresh shelled walnuts. Simply
exquisite. In X and X pound cakes.
The Most Interesting Daily
The "Toronto Daily Star" istrpfig in special features
for Women.
There are the daily Horne Pages -the daily instalment
of a good story -the Social and Personal columns -the
illustrated daily Fashion Hints.
But the "Jtar'a" strongest appeal to the wide-awake
woman is the unusually interesting way In which it presents
the news of all the world, day by day.
There is not a dry line in it -yet it is not aensational
or in any way "yellow." just kood, clean, wholesome,
well-written accounts of everything that is going oh that's
worth reading about.
Subscribe now and take advantage of our present rate of
This paper and "Toronto Daily Star" feyethor for ens )•aar•-- $- Ai
IWnant..4 Fount" Pen prem for 50c, oddld to ober* oabocriptrea /Floes.
Toronto Daily Star
N"See Th'it "Triple Curved S_rk'g!"
l Q. f�
" The GflaNDRON ;4 a bewty; and -it's tI a eat' ler 114e: -
'THE "There arc lots of good plain reasons wby you should
GLNDHON b y a GENIeet4 for baby.
DRIVER" "This carriap.e car is made in Canada. Every incl) of mat:riel me bodied' a the
GLND/410140 is the best that money can buy.
'" See that triple cur, ed spring 9 That feature is exclusive to the GEhAi MEIN' h'q rrede
of selected and t1,t'J ste1 the triple curt a absorbs every jar, nia kin y, ours err.:. ge r.:r 1,.
able feather ted fur trilby. --1 herr.act.utuei-r1.sw1•' 1 l» y,)x xhuula iuv t to a_IyE,atc��(
carriage. Style and as0 iee ars ,;taarante_d: T4s,' QL!►jbka
.loris a cars are he carry for us baby . rir.15 to opts' i.e.'
sold by all ern -class Cc-Ana. Wr,teus11yourdealer dcosn'tcarry tlle:n
Gendron Manufacturing, Co., Limited, Toronto
41111011Pr - .ailiiirar 1 Y ;7 D ti Mt%
011 Wish for something so irresistibly -
delicious -so distinctively -delightful, then try McCormick's Maple Leaf
Biscuit -a delicacy revelation. A soft layer of enticingly -palatable, full -flavored, pure
Maple Cream, smothered with two temptingly -wholesome, rich Maple -flavored Biscuits
of Maple Leaf design
e fra