HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-9-9, Page 1Something You Want ? if there is anything you want In the line of printing we shall be glad to been your onlri. We guarantee sal lNfactory work. The Signal Telephone 35. PIETY 81030ND TZAR -Na 1t111s _- -- - _ GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA : SEP !'I:\MEI: !/ 490!, he IJ THE, SIGNAL 11 To JANUARY c,t; t91 o, to NEW ional4 SUBSCRIBERS for 25 CENTS Financial 1 ata offering for sale Debentures (tearing interest at five per cent. per annum, payable haft -yearly, These debentures offer an absolutely sate and prof- itable investment, 1 would advise anyone having money to invest to be cure to call and see me. W. L. HORTON THE f TANDARD LOAN G )MPANY NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS _ -- OODERIQ}I _-- - y Iasi. Thr deceased yf (hIatthe 1WVAMPT--ftuy - `{ 1 uo.1a I.a, 1 LOCAL TOPICS Walmsley Remanded. Alfred R'ahneley, the wan arrrslel a few days ago in Toronto on the charge of robbing the private bank of James McMurcbie, of }Myth, and hr night tofloderich, was before the police magistrate yesterday and was remanded until next Thursday, when the case will les tried at Blyth. Moving Grain Warehouse. A. J. Cooper is at his plata' of busi• nese again this morning after being laid up for some days with t blood. poisoning. Mr. Cooper expsote (« start next week to remove the grain warehouse from the corner of Vic- toria Hark to the corner of Anglrsea street and Maitland road, in older to tw un the railway track. Mr. Cooper will then be in a position to pay the highest prices going. Almost a Nonagenarian. or passenger• oar teal be many secure war a reside, it of liode- THK M1oNAI. 1't(IN'1'tNu I'U., Lid, Pususaaas, 1 Pannier 1)r. 1Liutwr, :old the evidence I,.'„ I,LIell uud -r MI Ave yelp -s of dge• of the jailer, turnkey. laid surgeon .i- eesinrrfr'om the Moivare. Ieavit and two priw/ne•Ivl whu hard 1 I41t•1 in at 1:30 r. it,. will he id mit ted flee 4 eating for the old man during the last N'edprs•1 i V, I Ire • Jllh Mepte•mlw few weeks. was given. A verdict of \Vrite \l. i..l..hnM.uii, the soet.•tar death from senile det•ay was telurnel, f iia, p.utrcut.rr. Peter Uunn. of thele•rieh township, and Thomas Ounn, of Ashfjetd town- Wrnner:" "464° ship, are nephews of the decerucd. Tenders for New Public School, A special meeting of the public school bolted was held on Friday even• itig last to consider the traders for the rl,rct' of Yh,• new public school building. Tender, were reeei veil in• LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -beet. 9 111 _ _ ►tls • .n I1nda Wanted J. N. Kern lulu, liemniller. 8 ,•• At t Ink yurtrsllure I. what H. H. Sallow.' pho• • hies ing Mile Howe toot odd, +lull It uu ti Il Hardware 1' 1 O bud for. . Itllntp, at a„y o 3 Y. tier Mu•t inn `rola -Thu+. Ilundry ... , no rule itoodr, yyler urs /ranNnKK, artist.' ru(n Thr l(e..t School -Centred Hu.lue.w College, Idle., wiuduw sba,le-. err-, at Wilmer titnilti n St rat font _ tri •err. Fast stret•t. New Fall Clothing -W. P. Prldhauv i ,. \w( ,, the explon•rs are Maty di-•utering the New Materials for Pall Wear- W. Acberou i north pole, the ordinary mart it .atl.nwl In the t' .lin.•ulery that 1•'. J. l'ridhsn,'. et the plur,e Sion. Y t wham, he esu get the tent dttu.a tail oruyt at IG•+uler-/1. T. iL ' ..... ........ 1 Price., that rte Halo. 1%e,(.e4- Falr-U. T. K . ..... ... ... • The monthly meetirg• 01 the pubtie .ettighclam S•heel-1r1tlottHuninets('ol$e, r a ech.all boated will lie held on Friday t'unlntn. ,. oYaltng. vine/Ear-4 'hon. 5. kwing...,... Il It• K. %ViMains i don.ttbig a prize A H' Male of Little Thi' 5 s fur a contlwtit' at singles among the New Fall Lnvet (loud. -It 311111aar (0 Kra $ welulet•r of the Iit.wlilrg club. House to Rent -1. W. etalkeld ale,• (trdtath Sugar -J..1. JtelNmald ..... 7 .1n Uieu Under Th. Two Martian .. " )m v. (•01on41 11r4040 Monts reareral & Mooni 'fur W. C. T. C. alerts in the Tem. Set,.,, w t'redttorv--t'roudfoor, Kars & twl:Ilice Hall th-'-44• idol :1.1d fou j'1..• ar o al nrr •.6 tli Nrplenlea, Intel ,,F• .d 111• ,%'inure.'... I1,.iiiut w 11, mol .+ter.;,. •e. usu»I, oafs 'thou 1 cent, • 1lse,• I swans being prevent lie p, + rsuo ,•••,•x s1 -•ti nl e.• ulie.gv by Mrs. 11. .rLd• Hiss ..iuliLg', vocal ,1o.•t I ) 1•.w -e 111th• girls, daut(1 1,•is 1' Ali... 11...to.1, tettii•14 11 as we ftout'Putnntu, Balt, London, Clinton, i rendrte t, will .olio• .•1 the 'mantel* Dungannon and Doderirh, only two helped ej paiue 1.:iio '1'he!e will tenderers. Kenneth Mr\VI ' 01 las :t storied meeting ..n (•Iaturday, Toronto, and Thomas McKenzie, of 'September I1 tit, at 1 o'clock in the Clinton, bidding for the complete joh..l hal rota uruukerr t her ang Pm mite The tenders were opened and rxatu• for the exhibit rtt the fall fair, and as Incl and finally- the architect was in- this is a (hatter ,4 great 41111.rrl: ow e a ,duetted to eXelnine thank and Ieport toll ettrndance is requested. lu the board. • Harbor Notes. ' The death of :Nie'hmel,Nealon who tor A -Former Resident of Goderich. g Hanan. The ltearon f 1 1 James Gunn, an old inmate of the I at this port doers this week. On 8.141- rich occurred on I• ri.lay. August :111th county jail, -died in that institution seer t Copy of change of runnrn& advertise.. Fall moms must be left at this office byrlrep >e per Monday noon to ensure insertion Hootwit in issue of same week. Oats MARKETS. Tuscola eveningtyMo :et t. Thomas row 1 Lar- 'o a line pawed down the lake ,place on Ilse 'Zell Id,. 1' 11iv re **- was committed to the jail ,lune 4rh,i on it, last trip. Fart' did not ....tl h.e... Tapt /11roar, fMpte they rth. ars,.. for insanity. being.. - ---- . sat. new, nee b ✓ t:!r: to g e a; eighty-three yeaive of - time! The steamer plug ranvalrl of the Al- Holy Aug.•Is, whet' rr1,uirru wave was hat, new, per bush..,, a ret 1e a k5 age, and latterly t on.a Central line railer Siort • seven- V bead. bad [teen g R i said by Itiii 1•talhrrs \ place and lath. t.lt•rbu■h u n• to nal growing wrnkrr, for the Ing at clout lu:al licht•k, bound tip, The interment tank pines in the lath• new Reduced One-way Setond-CIass Colon- ist Fares. ..00 British Columbia. Oalifortala, Idaho. Mexico, Oregon. Washington, September 15th to October 15114 bulb...u or to o Irl past few months having leen con- fined and makes its last call et 1'2:341 mid- nolle' cent«trey. The terarvrs wile tab.-._ per n sir ....... o to o v I held yestehdaytmorning at the ixil was „eight tonight. ` List Saturday the John. Joseph. Wm. :net Peter Mc - pre hand Ya ul to 31 en - - Ilonr. patent, s t+ to a Nn - --- - -- -- --. •... osr•t n 1'•:r11rs and Charles t'rY:ut. c t gam State Tau; and had quite a 1 Thr Iloral offerings mete numerous, number of Passengers frilly herr. - - - - - - There was no 1m...ting of 1 he w and light commission t his week. 1cc'eont of M ley Ireiue 1.tbor I idays of each 1114 411 1h 41 :f SN'. J. Ittaiiiitay, k'ictorist street, pont, that oil Alotalsly afternoon so one entered his house tend stole rt h Blair. ...... .... 1 / busman - Morrish & \'smatter s mak' Huy %Vautedr Madsen. Hies Iv- .Auction sale -t 'ha.. J. `Iprnoe Me- Fall Gress blopb -J, 11. t'olborne u 1n Auction Make Ileo. Ikekett ....... 1 Screenings On cursion to Detroit • Auction Solos. filwrts. per ton 25 OP to 26 110 a cross night on her return with the visitors Brogan, merchants, of Laneing Mich : tate nut a monnitst-Wreectirstnn, spring Tenni Nrr. Ana arm. 3. 'Ken - Saturday next at 2 o'clock will make nary, Lansing. The relatives plesent het liult 0,11 bete Int ant20011• Mr. nnd We. tirphy and buund south. „daughter. Alive, ; Mr. and r. Sirang at Galt. Mrs. finlinntyne, Bey City Mr. illeginte Institute, is in town, the 1.0.4 Nie. jam. motrmt. watnitt N.1,11 ItiolT do, N. Is'. street. When Mr. Strang resigeed Schaols Resume Work. his principalship wo years ago, YerT The Ooderielli Collegiate lnatilitte was presented with a puree of 1114$3111 op oted on Tuteedxy for Cie fall term. by his old pupils, and the University There iv sso change in t he tettehing of Toronto about the aame-time _clone ststM whieh ea (ninny': J. M. Field, fetred'upon him the degree nt LI.. D. B, A., prineipal. specialist in Eng - Strang still rewire§ his el/m.010d fish anti history, Prete+ anti Gerinan ; pertinent and 4, enjoying thor- 11. 1. Straug, B. A.. LI.. D., specialist ghly the later years of his life. Ile in lassies : A. M. Robertson, M.'A., /4, 0.4 many old, citizens know, born ' speciallet mathematics' and mod - Galt in the old Presbyterian mum. erirc : IV Firth, B. A., specialist in Esst Main street. Although it is sci.eice ; Mies Margaret McArthur, ty-six years since lie started teach- c ..... mercial specialist : Mies Oertrinle and he halt been 2,1P/tally on the it Suite; per lb 0 21 to 0 22 to au tem. 1 Information from any Kelm frmh. Per doe 0 20 to 0 31 Loot or Fotuad 0/1(1/. Lambs Rhein.. Per rwt 3 •• to 3 3), at the Dismiss. on Monday. September /th. at 3 or 'attic, export, ism cwt ...... a 25 to 6 50 I 1 ani ituaructed by Memo% Robert and An TUERDAY EVENING: 1.I .onnotebeee between Saltterd hill &al Mut: mows% a idiver cuff lint with initiate A. R.' Finder plea* Imre at SION Al. worms, . Situations Vacant 1.1,0Y 1VANTED. SMART HOY' I / wanted to learn the di ykroced. Mosinee. one who ha. put la one t wn yearn at the 'ollegi• vrtoreferred. Apply at ones. 11000 515111 YOUNO GIRL '1'0 tog. Apply to DRAW KR K. Ocallearh. tirANTED.-A GIRL ABOUT FIF- MOTIVE' HEREli ir" GIVEN -1.1 'tett Mann. prelude and hook. of reference of he lie. of the Ontario Went ithrwe Hall n a) through tele town• hip of A.htleld her.. Men depraidiarl In the roireetrr °dee ftn the rowdy of Ituron F. 31. RODVRTS, Chief Itodloner• Ith .211 INDUSTRIAL LXIIIIDITIoN. Tender. win be received up to p m. on VM- daY. the Pith day of septcmber for prin-• Heger on fair ground. timing exhibition. woos ree Prralleas of furnishing meal. •t 2.i cent. eRCA. ese privilege of a refreshment hoot h, not exelisi vv. no meal.. To sent 14'1 RNINHED ROOM TO RENT. HOUSE TO RENT.- -A FRAME goad repedr. Stable. fruit tree*, berry Beal ratato tor balo. a on Renee ntreet, at a low fignre. Apply al °a^` le WILLIAM nuttanws or AUCTION I, Kit liNeKKT1r. Macrae with 12 acme In rrop fainie holt. with 'Phone in. Priers p.a.' 'Deluding cm. land A rich loam, 33.1 acne a& 910 Per firrr broken anti ?Anent. Thin I. A enaP. land gutter np every year ton wren with goal building,. An anew broken ; price Pt Per tow. good locality and phone in house,. Any of thew nen be bought In ea.y teems J. H. 11 OUSE FOR MALE. A NEW sr Mirk dwelling. with the niodern !mercy° mrnts. Plea.ant etestal and near the Renews. Apply lo W. R. RODRitTSON. mToRY brick henna With seven rooms. on times «tom. Ardent's" OR11 he had by LIAR61 FOR RALE. IA/T CON- K rtnst0N 1, FA/81 %rowans:eh. containing me hundred ACTON ot tire elan. land for grain or inetnre T'bo farm In well tinder drained 0 eh tile and well feneed. Fifteen arra. ri1 good hardwood brush, nen et failing erring ererk.ii good well at home. yoling hearing ("hard- There 1« A good reliant home. front '-at-a back 111.91. cellar under front and litehre, opetteirm one, all. There I. • good bank hem with tdone rtahllnor 44 11101, •nd good (""nddirilen. Farm I. Ilnely deleted, four mile. west of Myth. t wo mile. "ant of Auburn and one and one-half miles front nehoni. The ‘,111 he mid on r term. For further ma tint. Rana 8TERLING BANK OF CANADA Rein merles Theorem ammonium carrra I1.11011.000 INCORPORATZD BY PrICCIAL ACT OT DOMINION PARLIA1111NT To accommodate the Formers we have opened Branches In the villages of DIINGAN NON, VARNA and BA YFIELD. We solicit the Patronage of the fees 180•1118 01.01111/111113. Higheet eurrent rate of interest paid in our 8A VINOM BANK DEPART - if MINT on deposits of 111.0) and upwards. HOORRION BRANCH a. G. OARRLIL ilessaer. Ham per lb Aaron, pre lb , o'clock D. run KW half, lot 7. onncennlon 'L and ell Lard. per lb 18 LA -4.."1 the easterly six acres of lot 7, ooncennion 10, IS to .0 Irl low, per lb u, 17 containing 56 arre, more or le., both in the (0 a " :amnia Pt a sued state of cultivation. lam* gt to ern dAvi.lon ol the tiwnnhiplef Colborne, L.4 Minh lot of fine acres. a Inane barn, atabie and driving *bed. and a comfortable frame hou with stone miler. TER : Tet per cent. of f he porcine. money to be paid at time of" rale, balance to he paid within thirty day.. when pomeinion will be titan. Any feather particular. may be obtain ed from the executor. or the auctioneer. THOMAS GUMMI% 5,11 Auctioneer. de RICHT McILWAINE in l' ON SALE 011 for o troit the City of St. Ignace will CVOS.. fr Knight.. 11( 1.14 all Ill 11110 11 1111 Sheep skin 4 411 10 Chlokwa 12 Terkel* tAn Nona to Creditors Nolte. in hereby 14-.1vi to all mesons haring Aaiun. auraino the of Samuel Har.hali, late of the Tillage 0 Ashton. In the county of Heron. retired farmer decern.d. to ...end le the weir, duly verified. to John Arthur, Au. A btirn P. 0.. one of the •seentorn of the will of . tbe decayed. or to Proudot. Hay. 0. Male on a CO or before the 21th day of September, IOW. after IDA which date the exceutore of hies entate will pro- ' own to rr.tritttite the nold edam among the Von 1 pe n. ent tied thereto. /sinning reges 1 only In the Mains of wlkich not Itven have been received. sod that the executor. will not be liable for the proeres« or the estate -o dbotributed to any prison pf whose claim nolim shall not hare Pitot'111'01YT. HAYS ft BLAIR, Solicitors for the Kzeicutors THE POINT FARM. OPEN CNTIL SEPT. 15th. We are pleased 111 he aide to state that the Point Farm ha« a it h the bimetal. niamher of guests for many year.. In of der to provide eccom dation for picnic parties, dancing pert -lee and tithe's who Rely e lab to visit the Point during the fine days of early Septemher. we will keep the hotel open until the 15th of September. and in- vite all who wish ft pleasant outing ti) come and see us. OWNS ALGOMA .CENTRAL STEAMSHIP LINE STR,. KING- EDWARD Cleveland, Toledo, Sault Ste, Marie Division between (level/nut ToIrsio, Detroit end Sault. Ste. Marie and intermediate points. Leave tioderich soothboond 11:011 a. m. days. June Zird to September ith. /Weather per milting' ,41(f LIST LAROE STEEL STEAMER CITY OF ST. IGNACE NORTHBOIIND leaves (loderich for Mackinac. St. Istrusee and the north, Thursday of each week at 8:30 p.m. Mr. Alfred Jane will veil by public auction CO/ manic 01 elork +harp: I. The renide one etory (mine rot ;wren menet and A cellar with a 4one foundation and hae Dust lately beon and wade minifortable nowt_ Al.o a frame et b. In a good location and 2. Ali the hounehnlei Nod parlor. dining roma. hodmom niture and Ktove., garden too thing must be dinposed of. a. leaving for Britinh Columbia wh 1.4 preeent. Teruin on the residence . Ten per perchane money to be paid or arran time of sale; balanre to be paid with days, when a deed will be given. Terns. on household furniture ete.- , flf0.10 ant teacher of job, • he looks remarkahly well. The English and hirelory. Already there itePort-er boPes If) Street bilo 011 inewr is a good enrolment of ist4Iniente. anti 'limiter visits to Oak, where old associ- the work tif the tens' has been en• rations have for him an attraction that feted upon with every prospect of 011e - he cannot resist. eessful treelike. .Theaday. The following nre the he DOderickIndustrial Exhibition teaehera for the tilt teem: At. the a better fair thon ever this year. futl: Pel if44.404 I. E. Sharmitt, A. W. ers from the very- beat free aurae- ltalt.C. laiTinizel. M. Inglis, .1. Bur is in Ontario at tlreit present time ritt and V. Watson. Temperanee heingsconsidered ; t ey will be ex- . flail -- Mise E. Dunlop. St. Asi• Rive, but nothing is ton good for drew's ward 51 i.e.!. K. Wftterin and M. patronm the 4ititlei•ich Indus- Parsons. St. David's ward - Misem 1. The Hon. .1. S. Doff. Minieter E. Wiggins and J. Tom. the whole hou.e, which T el good in every re- , woke The property one of the bea re.- Off im re. consintlng of nd kitchen fur- Are family are the Mr. Jane trie nt. of the of A thirty 41 and under. meth ; over that am tint, of N three month. rredit will be given on, fur eh. For tont* nu credit amount. or Proprietor. Auctionee_r_. 1..) FARM STOCK. IMPLInlMLNTS AND 11101.3111131OLD FURNITURE formal Gremlin( on the :5/th inst. 'rhere &tea not writs to I* much . y is offering special need of a market here now, Recording es of gni for the two best 'mile'', Di the price« that. are being paid for orthern Spy and Baldwin apple's .coentry pi•txhice. Ai high as 21 cents ked. marked and branded ready ; is tieing paid for butter lint! 2.'11' tieliigitheeirt export. (let particulars. Entries dozen for eggs'. This iv peed tests and in all britnehes are I then is paid by any or the surrounding Mg in and the fair profanes far tic W 11 s and villages. CAM KIWIS A. ass any former occasion. All Monne:. Mr. Charim J. Spence will sell by public awnless, lot Huron rood, Ooderlch tOwnelshi. three mile. na.t of 4 :Merle/I. on 2 Working Home. I wly (salved Cow t wes year-old Steer 1 Heifer. riming t wo year. old one year-old Heifer. 1 one-yearrold Inner. All the caftle are of greed uusllty and In good condition. youn Cohen Some en. Noston Combined nerd Drill Inne Harrow net Iron Harrow. Iron land Roller Fleury Twin I'low Fleury Singe Plow good Self Hinder slower sulky' Runic Rake Hain Combinetion Stock Reek. nearly new Root Pulper Fanning MIll Hay Fork. Itopm and PialleY, Cream Separator Churn gond looking Wood Mon e Wardrobe Some Cat t le Chain, Porto. Shovels. and other article+. Tanen. All nom. of $10 and under, reels : Deer that amount, 13 month.' credit win he given on furniehing approved Joint note.. A dInemint of el per emit. 'Height allowed for cash on eredit amonnta. Kverything 1,0,1 be mold, an Mr. Spence hn. geld the farm end In moving to liodertch. Proprietor. Auctioneer. desk, wheelbarrow, good lounge. three bed room elite, *Mebane/ Me. No reserve. Soo hill*. The AUCTION Hover. ntreet, tie& Beckett. Auctioneer. SOUTIIROUND leaves Ooderich for .1 Detroit. Cleveland, Toledo anti ,, *In, Saturday of each week at 2 p.m. A «IS o'clock. et the Auction Howie. I will I the William Lindsay furniture, which la ii=r and the !Inset tondo put under the for wone time. 050. IRUXICRTT. TOWN off' 00DEttleld. PRIM/NPR OF ONTARIO. TOWN 02' 001/23tICH. Tit WIT fly hams of' on Watson, tinder tee Mind of the Mayor and mai of the erennrotinn of the t ow tk of tiodoirleh. durtdt444 thirteenth day of July, Pain enninianding me to lei y noon the land. hereinafter deer for the arrears of taxon dile thereon together ern h cont.. note. I. hereby given that unitise env+ true. and roe. are atone, raid I .hall, porn tient to the A nerd Art, R.11. 0. PIC. eheplet 221. premed to sell hy anetlon the Wild land, nr .0 much hernot Mitf he nensewary few the payment of the saM armee and era.. at my Offlee. en SATURDAY. THIC SIXTH I/AY OF NOV FAIRER, At eleven o eke* In the forenoon The following Iota are Patented Running Nutshme Parb Signors fitters. Ilse Op PO itetterich..lety 131,11, 1111111 No. lin 1217 IRO 27 2111 111 10 MIA OR LARD TARR, COM. 14 77117 113 el 14 ale 2.40 14 12 35 1116 1-6 kW IOW 14 rlA 2 1111 Wed 1-4 11.32 tar TOTAL 10.27 8.70 Sie Town Triaaurer. the Electors of Goderich carefully the follewiag and see what you %ill get: For your 1 ormation we might. state hot the tvf enachinely we m.opose 1,, it mfacture has !been in use in Cenn.lit for the pain 'twenty years, all 'it, except a very minell to •rtion; being mann- factured in the Unit State*. will reedit; that our proposition is hot IOCIIWri1111.111, but griming del/gaud for gni 1 rtrole Canstle. makes the pleated an opptudurie time to establish he manufneture Odle retinae), of every kind of mat -Inners, used t making of modern roade. That the present system of road'huildin belong,. 1.0 the past evidetwed by the munitions art icle.* on tiood Mood in all the lending daily and weekly papers in Canada. .4t the firer/ern Wine at least nin tenths id the ro.ul ...... y duty. This imported toneitittery is pr •tieilly all the output of the American it aid Machine Company, of men Meitner, Pa , eml its associate companies. NVe mild ask yo to note that, while mu. Cotnpany will he in one twnae a distinct corpt idiom it will tnivo Irk of it the Mains and business experience of the merican Ito el whine Company, of Kennett Square, Pa. If we locate otle factory ill 1 1 (RIRriel1 111/1 C011111111.1.. every way as tto American factin•y, tatty of 114414 l'Apfleit UR le•gitining. We will mantifecture everything for the road Imo er, and will be beyond all question the only factm•y doing RO in 'unsibt. ery department of our fatten y will le. in the 'iambi of Cr petent men, skilled in their respective trades. Fifty per cent. of ou employees trill be heeds of families. drat, ing good vragem. The hot market open to-ne is an excelletit By reason of lack Or 1111111U etrieing In ntItlition to building road machinery we will manufalute 1, You may wish to know why We wttnt the. guarantee of Die town In onserer to this we worth' tante. what liesestell known fart, that ell companies are lorge borrowers. We -shit -1f he tto:dteeptirrn to the; rule. With your guerantee we can get the inore.y 1re require. in addition to whitt. our site kholderrt will put up, at per (amt. ; if we went to the banks we would have to pay at lesst f ter cent. , We wish to mestere the 1 atepayers (itsle•rieh that the tit we obtain ostr charter we knot, where We Mtn Wave every (Liner of our sterk, no that none Of it. Will be offered to the pnblic. For ymit MA/ma/ion gen aultillit the following partial 11,1 ii1 chines inemiln,•iiireil by Ile : Meek CreaMi•rs, live sizes ; Itieul Mit itteel Dr.ulers, Mimi) Wagon+, Went Plows (of all kinds), Road Spreader', end Road Rotten., Tile M0111(111. and Portable SaWmIlln, In forward hipline.. errangement, Diet tbe future will prove to he profit Able to os and ndvantageotta you. We do not hesitate to say we like your town and its locetIon to our market. anti will be pleased to aid in making it what it should he- one of the bent mamillecturing towns in Western (Int*, Jo. On behalf of the Americsit out Harbin, Company of Canada, Limited. iiron 41411131144 have been Poolamed front the :flthinst. tai the gra tit anti petit juries have been notified of the ehentre. The Inewball match which wan to be splayed at the Point Farm on Auburn teams felled to come off, owing- to the ttott-eseriveit-of--Dir Althurti players. A. H. Cook ham i.,•onittel 'mimic Masses after -the matnener vet. ttion. over the Standard Loen Co.'s 'ofliee, where he will be pleanenl to receive anyone- wishing to takt• musical in - Court Onderich No, 32, C. 0. held special meeting last week and secretary and Bro. Thos. Harrows A special meeting next Titeeday, Wet). ember 111.14 fur initieriasu Austin Chisholm. publisher of The Wroseter Planet. was in town on Iabor Day visiting his friende here. Mr. Chisholm is a graduate of the Signal office, and we aro Weaved to notice the good work he is doing. The Planet is one of the neateat papers that corne to oar desk and givee evidence of careful editing. Well done, Austin! Goderich was invaded last night by 12.1 or 1311 ladies anti gentlemen of the Eastern Michigan Press Club, who were on a lake exclir.ion on the steamer King Edward. The rt•giet expreseed by all wag that the call here was not made in daylight anti that the. stay in tioderich was. ma longer. As it Wall the party made good use of the 1' • and imule some big pirr- chases of souvenir postal.. PERSONAL MENTION. 111- I humph made a Imeloos trip to !baron Mr, Slobirt. Id Sealer, Ilt. .pent labor flay ks ith Mr, Hendee Mk. Mort -invent Ihe holhlay with Mendel" London and Highgate Brantford the pont week. Nibs Om %Venni. npersding September el the Lag Cabin, Windermere. Dr Sale wa. in Torontothr, wee. Mimi/HMI the dental he tun I..' exhildt . 31 Idiom lent the holiday with tier daughter, 11. Johimlon, el Preston. Miss. Aliso end Mabel Iletlf bare n, limed to Admire to resume their eludien. At iss. Iran La w..401 ret awned to run .nfter -minding n month'. vacation at home. r Mr.. J. N. MacKentIrlok and family hat tc• turbot 1ForiC Wit/del-Mum tiekoku. to J. IL lirayley and faintly have removed from Torown to 1144.11, 0 here /hey re.ide lot Mr. leo. ilarri. and daughter. Mt* Berths.. kit ht.) Sat iirdny to %Inn friend. in Hansillon and I let roit. North Kay, in the n Wittily of which he wan en- emies! Al ..11g1111,PorR Rork. hi 2- 4 'lark and Ale. t 'smitten Imre Al Arvind (TOM .1011 1114/ 1 lie city millinery opening. intel are again at Albs lkwoglen. AT, MI,. Jahr, like, ha. 501.0. WAlcOgs, a trip to Rditionton. T. McDermott ledt on Tuesday on a trip to Saskatoon, Sesk. Mrs. Fowlie left rot Tile/Any /111 Yisit to the Toronto exhibition, have returned fr their month's 'nay 00 the Allentic Coast. Mist. Nellie Cowie, of Caledonia. visited tioderieh this week, spending a few days with her sister. Mrs. (Hey.) ing department, has been traneferred from Toronto to North Hay. 3. 4Wynn has gone lo Kansas City with his daughters, Mrs. White tand Mrs. 11111, and Mts. Hill's deveghter, Mrs. rune foie. Edwin Clink left on Mel 'tidily lad for 'Winnipeg to oak.. a position in the ("vett of the Western Contralto Floor Mille 'o., Ltd. Mr. and Mee. JOhn A. Cox and tion. (of Chir•ago, ere in town on visit with relativeet. Mr. Cox is emineettel with the drift of Rent Allen & Mr. and Mre. John M. Bedford and. lit tie daughter., Gladys, were among 1 Ile 2fillrliOniSt0 to Detroit on the «termer City of . Igniter fast Satur- iteoffrey Dolt. M. A., hart con,- Jetnee' cathedrai, Toronto, and is making it rimit in the Mtiekoka dis- Mks rook and Mins Dogging. of London, and Miss Hattie Judd, ef Clinton. Were Labor !ley vimitore at Mine E. MeMtildrick left on Mat - utility, per stranier City of Mt. !Knave. on her return to I letroit after spool ing A elem./tin visit at the resident, 1,f Mts. roadie. /Am there 'appears still to he &mitt in sortie minds as to where the town water supply Is corning from, The Signal Is asked to any . that minee the intake pipe from the lake watt doomed out and re- paired. some 'rake ago, Ow town supply has hewn coming from t he lake. good proposition. -C. He Kwing. • . I have not given the matter amuck thought. I think It ie all right. 1 think every good, sensible man should vote for the bylaw -M. W. I think it is atl right as far no I can learn about it. I don't think it will c104 the town very inuch. -F. J. But- lanitd.striktes me ite all right. I ani guing to vote for it. -0. F. taturiy. I hink the bylaw will early. It is one of the best propositions that ever struck the willing to give themoney if the eompany give us a guarantee bond Itelwrt McLean: 1 think 11 is all right. We ean't get too ninny factories. -K. Parsons. I think it all depends on whether these people hisve the Neetarity. If the proponition ill all that the Mayor and Mr. It boll represent it to he. and I 11.1.Ve dottln it, is, it al ld be all right. - It. Dodgems. I aot not in favor td it. The town think the t..411 iv AllniCiPfltly pro- teeted in the bylaw. --J. 111. Colborne. 1 mis opposed to it at. 11r111. heoalise we hate burdens enough. I would down if it is good. We need At/ Mir fat•tories. The tnwn can't afford to turn anything down that in good. 1 expert it will c.irry. - O. M. Elliott. I think it is one of the hest propod- favor of it. '1'hr tn. 1 11104‘ isu,yrrtant things we want to cultivate in this oWli are factories and the tortrist Well, I don't know. --E. Downinz. I thine it is the bent thing that 13 111 been brought to the sown for some F. Lawrence. we have to do it to get theme concerne. CHURCH NOTES. thi Sunday evening Dr. Dougall, of North street Methodist church, will pi each tlio first of never -al ..... no on itev. %V. Conway, of Nile, preeched both morning and evening at Vic- toria puree( Methodist church last Sunday. In the afternoon lie ad- dressed an open semion of the Sunday Itt•v. .1, Bitfike, of the Auburn Luth- aervice for Oermans generally in the Y. M. C. A. hall. North street, on Sun - All (ier ..... ns are cordially invited. The see etillfeets at the Ramie! church sera ieem next Munday are Morning, II o'clock - "A Cowry Pure Mane and the Dividends Expeeted /leonine a Christian Shall I Have I.; (live up My Pleeteures Thin is the third of the Arterial aeries of addressee. Rye', ybody welcome. A full attendance of the Men's Club of North street Methodist eheirch called for next Sunday morning 'in the church parlor at Dro'clock. The padoe will open the dieetritsion: 'Phe find annual meeting of the club will he held itt the (-hutch parlor Thursday North street Epworth Leagtio to have it,' ,atitioal Sunday tiervices Stinday, the 110th inet., end the "at ing. The same general planv which proved Po nucepoedial holt year are to be, followed mit ()nee ninre. AUCTION SALES ;-4 II RD 11 . September 2.. Male of ronifort aide dwelling and. houriehonl iscrolture arict for ni-itino, 02 1 he premise. Trafalgar *trent. .1.4,10. proprietor. Toter. sr • woo'. attet longer. ritintr, September 17. Knemeor.' *ale of village property and household frontehingaeli preM10410 0( he line SA/1111,1 Mandarin, le the tillage of Antsuro. roninteneing at 1 o'clock. HICaltr LiW1.4114 and Jon. Aware. exeriutora. T101.4 5. CI innet4oneer. BORN. lender Ilt h. to Mr, soul Mrs, t Fwing, IIA MILTON. In Redeem es, Anglo' ho to nr and Mei ft D. Hamilton, • tion. I.TNN. fiMerleti, on Monday. Meows her tit h, to 1Ir. told MN, kldwin itiesEr Al Sell font Ileighe he looldeeee of the Miele ,„, wedea,4143, September ilth. by Rec. .1,, A. Andereon. An_ Riehard John Pent, %Vetter to ICH? daughter of Sams, and Mrn. Keel. septeinter Ink Simon Adam 1•14c14. of he owner vit. NlarrIM. relict of the lam Ple ah1 Venn,. grid RI ears soot 10 reenlrio, tembei 31h. Jensen y*. year., t month* and A data,