HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-9-2, Page 88 Tee asp se, efteres Hen 2, 191$
Man Arrested til Toronto Believed to He
the Culprit.
Toronto, Aug. Yat, -Hy 11or arts -t I
Yesterday afternoon of a eau said to
be Alfred iValuulrc the city deter
rives Iwlieve they have the patty who
on April Y, 100e. whiled the private
bank 01 1:i lin': McMur.hir 4)V Hlyt11
Ont., 01 :t little toes gloms 'rho,
arrest was Made byllelmi%es lhtrki.
and MiK' :y• "7 be in custody
denier that.lu itthep,'rly who robbed
the hank, or who committed ;Lily of
the 1ung•lisl of crimes with which the
polite h the fillIts re. ord.
The batik aA Myth wit. partially
wiet•ked after the dour had been
burial open ,old the money stolen.
Dynamite was used to force the safe.
and HighConstable 11 4ndry, of God. -
rich, secured a warrant fee Owtweet
.•n4) Alfred 11':dulsley' with several
A ntm•tIiHY b44.iyr?' •i. , that of 114'
MAI %1'abuslry. wlni is Tuliiit 1 -burn
and whose early criminal thtrer Ile:
gat in 111is city. Mev',r,td t'ea'se ear... lie
was sentenced• to a hum in the Ceti-.
teal Prison. fust whih che escaped.
and the next he was heard of tea,-
• when pir.iug its a respectable memberorf society and playing attentions to at
young lul)of iWarh.tbletel;trader
.Ilrw•,81 run to earth, 11uw0,er, and
-setae-tea Uy Detective Intim: then
plainclothes officer, one 1) lacy even-
ing while leaving for church iu tow•
party with the lady.
111• was sent hack to finish his ter I.
and since then he has served several
short terms In Conor,,, a nuulla•r ill
the L'ni,ttee�li1 States,. and tllrlety'r• war-
rants for .les atrial in tat lett1r
including Hamilton, ltuuttral and
London. For years he 11ae spent his
life in jail u) 1q drying Petry the police.
1Vahusley was brought bele Gaul
Toronto on Monday- try high Con-
stable (sundry and on Tuesday • War
taken before the magistrate, Who je.
rosslwl hiw.toteivht dao..
gave a tillage patty a* Ilutel-.Sunset Good Summer Season at Bayfield.
4):v' Monday evening for her WWII Hayfield, August :oi.-Htylteld *.
friends and some of the 401ln1'r a1. the a4a/11t closing ,vont his leen the most.
Meet. succeiteed rummer season in several
years. The number of visitors has
leen well in eacees of anyy previous
season. The belief is held that the 11-
", Ltge is on the eve of greatt popularity
Ai It resort. 1'isiturs have been here
for the reason G• many parts of the
t`nile.t Statrk >w Well An of (%shads,
I hough cuuliug chirity from 1Veatern
outwit). The lake breaker coming
fresh as they do from the north and
W.'rl create here an atmosphere that
+s refreshing in the hottest periods.
l'hc lathingalso is superb, here he -
'int; it very titre stretch of beach.
As ap evidence of the prpgr se Bey
field is slaking, Haw. Mr. Davidson,
Presbyter iso minister at \'arra, this
year built five new cottage,, these he-
ing added to seven he had erected the
Juevious Newson. 'taking a group of
t .*rive 111 all. Every one of these has
been xteaetily filled. and they: are all or
nearly toll s.nokrn ins next Slimmer.
A Bumper Apple Crop.
Hayfield. August 31, -The &pelts
crop in this apple-growhig district
will he the equal of the lest years
that the growers have known, if con-
ditions hold good. It has bee)) Dever -
441'y fn many instances to prop the
trees, owing to the danger of their
breaking because of the tretzendou•
amount of fruit they are hearing.
'•1 have never seen finer fruit,
either, than is in .orate of the rrt'-
chalds," said an old apple buyer. ••1t
it a it so huge, perhaps. but the qual-
ity it there. 1 imagine that it little
more rain would have •helped things,
but for some reason there is A geeat
deeresae in -the nurdlieFdf worm=eaten
apples. 1 suppose that spraying has
had something to do with bringing
;trout this result."
Winter apples along the lake front
are showing well for color, and the or-
chards are themselves a picture. The
farmers are in great spirits over the
outlook, and deliveries of barrels pat•
paratory for• the causing picking are
PERSONAL MENTION. already being made.
,I. EgeeaT RotieitT*U'i
V. M. 4 A. Comity ta..eretary-for Heuer.
Thy c1)umt) of Bruce is leiug organ-
ized (or Y. M. C. A.' work, and J.
Ssiwte'*t- H.dwrtsun...oi Submit, has
leen vaned to superintend the Work as
roam y'secnetary. Mr. Robeet4am ;at.
Miaow. 111e 110W dltle. 411 4)114)4. Ihr
bits *well spending it short term
at Silver !I a y, N. ...., attend-
ing a 1'. M. O. A. tr. g school.
and with Ilis,pleyious experience, its a
p0111i4. ,.)'hail teacher attu In cbtlner-
lion_with church work in tea •
.• (pacifies. be ie Wet1 qualified to
undertake the important. task upon
whish he i. entering. We ruuunend
Mc. Robertson to the people of Mime
count y,r1au upright. zeakres young
111111, at d tens that he t': ill have gen-
et, us err lit(eline:it in his work,
Ur. 41.1.dd, Of V,,,rou,rr, }t C.. i+ again u. EAST WAWANOSH.
1u a League hasdaall game at /Flt- '""'
shell ye1terlar the home 1e11111 tie- • Ilio- Je.u1 ),aw.ou left SaliiiI1)' on .1 54.41 to
tested liederich li to a, The Mere, Tail left onXiat I day on a viral to
• A local tournament will he_held'by Totowa
the (iodet•ieh lawn heeling 11111) on Fi. *'.I'r,dintton i• .tt•ndi)g n week or (WO
-hnijor Ity commencing at 11) o rlek: )u t""1'..
in a ci)otest 4,1 IL 'tildes. Ali.. Ment, of '4%ind-or, i, the Kae -t of Mr..
W. 1..'1411.
1Veather permit ling, there will he a , Hrs. Sharpe, nrrnn,nto, i' ih 1 iiRtof 91ra
baseball match between Salt ford :old w T. Mune).
Agbu(n rn-t,thti' 111y It Point Farm, 'F=me..44sera,ee,-+atalttAL.us.t-,64.o.,I(-lteraunt.
--_Eidloe inJL., is a list of those who Will il''-• I.uk.
rirr141 NS Ittgim
Maetlel, R. W',Ilt• I-. W'. Hissrrt.
Walters, I'
l'1i. Syn. irk. L. 11'rbb, F;
(NonT. J4i4 4441. - -
A fie derich rink. skirpwl by J. H.
Tigert, won the first prise in the con
Nutation match at the IVingham Wow1•
lag tom/lament this week_ Thieutllrr
1114.11111111, of tx. rink (veer J.'Athas, C.
A. Nairn and Mohr. McLean: A sec-
ond rink . from the Go/fetich club.
with Dr. 'Hunter skip,• els., .took part
in tbeiournament.
1'ifr"tifyrfr'rerno river. .
04) 1,111(11 1)ay ion a •Itm•4n-Pert h
League enGoderich sc1e1n1 morganr0toeuret
championship of the Lavigne, and
there should be a gotal attend-,
arse'lot Monday's game t. r appreci-
ation of the tennis efforts to wail the
Goderich color at the top of the mast.
The game will be called at :4 p. til.
The Sabbath maim,' of Smith's !till 'Having purchased the ro-
Prrob)'terian ehurrh had a picnic at tib .t I n returned g
Meuesetling Perk 4)n :s:tturdty.1*st. r 1 k oro lt,� eery business of Mr. W. L.
There was a good lulitnit, and the 1
Lindsay, I solicit a continu-
outing war much enj,,ye-1 1 y
The following have t:•gistere1 at once of the patronage which
Yater Wr.,l 1tt '[sent- . r- t Was 0C-tended---iO--tlllll,___aIId
HauMla'r, e w trek : Mr. and Mins JI r,. AY illOnkhb) ,u, Ala•ler lirAham left uu would 1 e o receive -
leemgenfel)e)•, Ind iantp4)lda: Mr, `Tu"-eiYtie minl'aut, Willoughby:o %%I hoof.
West. Mrs 11 tis.irll alt* JtelltruuiJ.._ , j1+11• cu.tr� f .�J•f( [it��lints: returned frorna minds clan the old customers
bels•. Mee. '1' (seer, Misses ('allnin pf rrtr*rw -bio F*W14 cues.* o'f the --'sore, as well as- of
McA(ley, Conte, tiro amt 111ts ht,'I) n b,-., 11. II) -1(1+ 11A. goo, In Lorain. 0,, where new (hies.
Sinrl:u4), DPtmir Meg') /'lira Turner, brat on 4, hick her hit -bind )- mote 0 in I •
Midland; Writ. ; int".' Mr, Harris. Mr. ..l ek.
In addition to the lines
!lodgers., Mr. Earle, Toronto; Miss i '+,,a.dieI-1Itt: WA. E. 11. )schlerhnllz.
Luta 'Herletridge•, • lharnilton : hiss• • "' I,. i -=$end, i(.4 week with relative.
Venetia, Landon: Misses (Nen* and
Pearl Lloyd. Stratford: Ms, and Miss
Tinos, W'indwlr: Mr. ',('hue, Mellita:
Minn W'il@ou, , (iu*Iph,: O. Iteihl,
W'ingbsin; Mr. Simons, Berlin ; Mien
MiMurdie, Mr. Hooper, 11t•. Camp-
bell, Mr. and Mrs. Howe- d Master l
Carmen, Clinton: lila. K. IM,,-. Miss
L. Lloyd, Miss B. Ihrnetridgei .1. W.
Fraser, A. Chisholm, J. H. Doyle.
The Point Farm.
40•, II. Martel I. ei.iting her 434) l))er, Mn..
11. ICniKt+I. )o "itlrOnto.
--aLr,-aa.t abs,nci,.ii A[el. "'cling
in 1'OroniN .old 1 41114 ,1,,
Hi.- K. ty:u-on hr. returned to town after N
meter% .i -it in Toronto
Mr Mid %Ir-. y1..). Mr4 realh 'th44114 friend-
ia-Aullrerlcy rater Iuru*ar. .
• '.Vers. II.bltirk ht. here,, tl.ltiog her
tat.+I her le, tax .11 Hnt.-el•.
J. W. 4 ralgie ret1re,,d Ilea night 1;0111 4 trip
to Toronto and Hamilton.
Mi-- Lehih Fale •, h.- I,•••.++ -IA•ndlog u
Neck - hoh+641 - .11 11.4)41011
,earn-, . tore or -7. A 1
her /frit',otitis road rr.tdrnu•.
111.. Mire Mel Monad I. -re'.nling re rouple of
ww.•li. at het home in_If.y tlrhl.
1- ]1e.- 1k•I)a HNkrr +- s-nAing. .oration in
Toronto. Hamilton .bud O .undo.
Mi..- (wars Jeekeg, at ii.cetir. +nada a oriel
tl.it hi friend. in Iowa la -t. week.
The \I)• -e. Ricker. of (petro*, Ar• the gne.t.
of I heir relatives the Mt..e. Videos..
.)rgnlin.r Allen. of VIIIA 'Coto. or41nixer for
the It. 'r of T , *s ill town t h i. week
1 try
011 14
ylunl`hersir t Icon 4.. t, Toronto .*,tel( 10
,l� eek ate
Arr. and Mr., Wu.. lilazler, of Ihmlom.
X' . A au. lent -4) 1rr.. • urn/ 10 T
afar gwuo ing +. x.•. :1 roe .otic.
Il 1), H.1rri., of Wrotetei, org 4)),"r for the
4'304.10u, Unger ofFur,-ler-. 1. in town.
!(t.• Ituleert-o,, left n4) Tnertay on her return
L ) .*'ind-or to 1t•,nme her ..•lila den lei
ate with M4+, .•hep
IA.... ...Awl.
Moxa t y Aug. 2.'1rd.
'1'oweseir Cause 11.. The eounril
tort today mtreu@nt to aeljuurument.
ll*ndera all present. Minutes of Iwo
meeting read and passed. Moved try
Mr. liillespie, seconded by Mr. McGee•,
that the tender of Mrs. Agnes Scott
for.ttleR9rc_h of the Kelly and Elli-
son drain dei enair4w . at par he
accepted. Carried. The following
acertttnts were presenter! and ordered
to le -paid : Thomas W. Noble, refund
uf-atatute Libor tux, 1141. SI: 1Cit-
limit Toll. refund of statute labor tax,
$a; P. W. Scott, services as commis
a801.4X au the tiallahan drain. $2:
Fred Hath, putting in rtseing at
Blind Line. sideline's :ill and 10, conces-
sions :, and 0, $3 ; Wm. Ruddy, draw•
ing gravel and putting in culvert,
ai11*linea :et and to, eoncess' 1, $4.:.(e.
S*4)l. Hutchison, Whitechurch, clean
ing out, ditch and, repairing grader.
$13.7:. ; I. E. Taman, Blyth, work
with grader, $10 : Robert McDougall.
.hnwl)iny w• -'ee I .Z' knhatt Li.
heed, kelt
M1Guwun, xhmelling grtv4I, $1.LS5;
W'illiam tial..*, shovelling grovel,
{L:s1, For gravel : W111. Fitspat ick,
$7.111); (lector McKay, es; \Vtu. }Bee-
croft, $f ; %Vie. Dobai., $7 ; Wn:. Toll,
$6 : (iw,rgr Main.', $1i 711: Satin Morton,
$&:p1; %Vin. U. Craig, $It91l; David 1).
Dunbar, In :et; James Martin, 412ll4;
Samuel Scott, ji,rs1; Robb, N. Scott,
{1'2; H. C. McGowan, $I3.$)1 It,
WWII' man, $111: Jere,. 'I'onne•y, Saito ;
Mae. Dr driock, Steele: David Cook,
{6,911 ; !totem ( $Melt, $:i OW The e
cil there adjourned 'to nowt again on
Monday Hept.ruda'r 27th urat.
A t.kx. PowrintRIPL1r, Clerk .
1 1 c .oltiu:lrter, ft11
School Books
School Supplies
All Ihe new '.molly s'h.ol
Cory It stk. and new ',uhlir
s•11oo1 Refuter. NI greatly re-
duced mire.. AI -o A full stock
of all the other new authorize)
Text Hooke for puddle schools.
separate schools, high school's
and collegiate institutes.
kisercise and Scribbling Books
Over'fifty kinds to Soleil from,
eounnrnrillg Isa low as le. each.
Special values in 40, and 5c.
F.zeretee and Scribbling Booker,
Our celebrated :e. "Whale"
Scribbler is the largest on the
market, tieing over :g, images
larger than any other house• is
Other Special Values
Plain cedar 1.4)14,1 Pencils,
.harpenwl. :s•. per loners.
Havaria H. li. I.riJ 1'rurile, Ir.
mark or irk• per dozen. Faber's
Polygrade drawing head f'eneils,
Se. rarh or coke. tier dusell.
Mater's genuine Itchy Enterer,
largest size, No. I12 :,c, each,
Terms SUinIc.•:ash.
The Colonial Book Store,
Gro. `Porter, P*+,rentor.
l'ourt House Squ,(4.•, Ii.slerich,
The undersigned will be in the
market during the rnnling
meant all kinds,
fall and winter.
Will buy and pack apples in
the orchard or as they come
from the tree delivered at the
storehouse in (:o.lench.
We have'for sale cheap
a quantity of good 5 -
inch belting, rubber
suction hose, and
circular saw, frame
and pulleys. These
were used only a few
times. Engine oils,
packings, valves, etc.
11,- .I,nie, Hnrhah,,,,. L'., Ind 'ht -ter )carry
Nre , /-a sue in 111) i h, the,p•r•h of Mr-. 9'. T
m,• I:hny.
Mss 'tau)' F o.ter and Mir, •+ode 44.,'lle
al' ,•tidal 1 he golden newt 7 in 4'111,10,, on Mon-
day vl'rrll1ht.
Nn. Faruk A114.0 Nil* by a1 home to her
fri}nd- the •e mrd and third %Vedne.dnyr of
oath month. '
• t'orm whin. M. 1(alam110e10, MICA., 1-
gne.1 44 het. mother .Nr., J•4111e4 Vivian.
11 , r ,[eery, • •
!'-• A•p'Ien. whohru .pent ;lie -+anlnerM
0.1 Ihe L.•w)-. as rooter.. 4)•l,,rnt•d to tier limns
•tootolin l me y -'--
W. .1, I4il *4)x1 Ile. 11. r. Re,,l and their
i).i• Ir11 7 ne.day ninrnirnr ,o, 1 heir relearn
u-1,114 .411er.pen111.a .etor:r) week. hen'
'.1. +1.'Oult:.811d M)., lte)'nold- h:r.r r.•111rh
1,61 I01Own14114 have'wok. 4ak1nr•harge of the
0a -making. atiet millinery rhq',41111eol , re
'J)IstJll Hatgrn, Ith,,. 4)1 U..•
WW1 \, w. It.•-onl • Sr-. 11. 1•,-mubaker
1� 11.- F4113 m. 'pooling two "eek. with
fr,t•n,h 411441113141i +1111) ••'1i„'pleatoton. •
Mr-. '}:Ny,i,," Nod -o. Vo4erle 8111 Miss
M)h,r Fiyzlr 1-11'111.1.11 10 11111111111111. 00 Frld/y
Alter N 1 tai) Id -el roll week. with their friend.
_1). Mcltouald,lier'i ot..theCqunty) Court, h.
at M. O111re nkh.) , looking well after h1' trip
to (treat Iirltl*im He retutucd hone last
,nicht. '
11'11,. Mr( 'r1•,t),,the genial (041.0.14*s Of the
Bounty court lam..- lin- tetornod from *Iweek.
t1*stion "pent 4)t o j nton. eesforth and other
.Igdgl•e)arrnlr, '.1'Ib non, ha.. Lech .(.en(1
'4)ilei-1')��•��_�__w'!lis_w 4iL. 41, b
etting lila son. the
...meow..ui rewewfng innny ofd
!triton New• ltrennt: Urs. T. Boyne. of
,aerieh, leu- the Knelt. of -M1'•. R. Welsh yr.
d.) and e. now 1).(1)1)1( h.•4) .,,n, Jam •-
1a,yMw,ai 10144 IAA.es.r),W;•
)h-..4 iMI.101w arrnenne•. 14,k en4Alrenlenf
0' her .100010.'1', ytanftr •t• I)e4ph4•ne, 10 F;. It.
Wile of town. the wedding to take place on
N reloewIay: tartkenrler hub,
andqtr Nan hied rick returned limos
{4)l , from tetaaklwln. Alberta,
here h07..were 11. 1104 their "on.. "They, re
010 )'J•p ,t8'•L)1:41 in that section,
r„N. M. 1a0(Ke, of the ti. M. `avage Adeor
ti -mg Agency, of m,•trdt, VV. eh I ,can 118.1
eek ,pcudiok a hew day, with lila family.
,who hale 44.11 snhnn'r)nx In Uoder)eh.
Mr and air-. Hr sew., lair oe Tetaaaay a, Uwlr
err non to KalI4I)4 ll a Mich., lifter a ilii ler
tox•n. The) were :.e• mpanh.l h)' M).. tete'
311Rwan, who will make a vie* with theme.
I. 49', Tomo ter returned home 041 Sal Ord.)
After A trip of se 1,111 *1144 thrunkh western
Ne went fight t hrowth 10 the row. ,
saw many nod friend., n11d enjoyed the tri1,
'lr, It. w'. held nod ludic daughter left on
M00fIAy nn /heir re/11/1110 heir home tt Hr'ok-
lyn, 5. v., ae•omp.11nie4 by Mrs. hetet, mother,
air.. •A. Farrow, wlro will .lewd A n.0atb or two
In the Mur.
1' I. feed who lea. On the .1,1* of Ihr
Kink of I tnntrmtr•r• here for nearly two yore+,
4N• is en Iran -1,, rel 10 ,,Inn/ real and heft fns
fn• Ire•.* 44,44140,, or, I4N1 . Me, 1're,I
14.A,.•. ninny upend. in U,xlrrtrh and w.1 hop.
10 .e• lifers 0110441‘ Again Iron, 111111.10 till.,
formerly carried, 1 will keep
in stock
Flour and Feed.
Bacon, -
Boi1ed Ham,
Boulogna, etc.
Fresh supply of Groceries now in stock
Print Farm hotel 14114 44.144)• the
scene of many festivities this *twain
Mid the past two weeks have been ee
pee'ially crowded with social events.
Three bridge and two :rrihlutge•
tottreanfentPI hate beets held. Miro,
Graham abed Mia.. Nrbhtl. ea Ik,ut.
fold, were 111e• .ureeseel,il rullt.•.Ianl.
in 1.114) first bridge .tournament ; Miss
`flbbitt, of Brant turd, and Mite.
Buchanan, of Detroit, 'in the second,
and Mr'. (i.41,- (Milne, u( Guelph, in
the third. Miss England. of I hal oil.
144a@ lhr winner in both rrilthage
Miss 'Young. Mins Lilian We tht•1•-
byMiss Huch,tnttp and Miss Harmon,
of Detroit, entertained rot bridge rind
five hundred Friday )evening, August
'1tl1. Miss England, 1,1 lhtroit, won
the five hundred prize and *lies
14tralu m, 'uf Brantford, the laidge
One of the most enjoyable parties of
the ...Amon tuna given 1'hurallay t'4e1)
ing by six Detroit young ladies, the
Misses K, F. and 1•'lurenrr (kiln, \fist
McGregor. Mise Sit lonwl, Mir. ('oo)5','
and Miss Heeklr, Three tames OF
bridge were; in play, (1111• of the
hundred and two of rueful.. Prizes
were won by Mrs. Mairlairti and Mrs.
Franklin, of Detroit. and Mita Dori.-
Manehester, of Cleveland.' A ver)'
delectable. Iun)-bron of shrllet and
wafers wait leveed.
Miss Fairbairn, o1 Det roil, was n
.'harming hostess at a Illata11I11a111)W
11))4111 on the Ieerh Friday evening.
,Manager (lotdthero. annulmre4
*at the Penn t. Farm hotel will retn,tu
open until September 15th, The
season h*s Leen a very goes) one, the
patronage having leen greater than
ter a good many years past,
At Hgiel Sunset.
Among those who registered at
Hotel Sunset during be past week
were : Rev. (4. F. Sherwood and
wife. Kntrah, ; Maicobl McGregor, A.
W. Flint, Mr'...1. E. Will' . George.
Netage and Philip Savage, of Detroit ;
Mrs, Thomas Green end Mrs. T. Cole-
ridge. London ; Mrs, Philip ,lurk and
Mise Evelyn Burk, Brantford : Mise
Sheppard. E.,',V. Metetn, Windom •
J. A. Meien•n, Torotidr ; W. 11. Mr -
Laren, Hamilton ; .i, F', Mel.*ren,
Toronto ; W. .1. Brodie and party.
An informal donee wan given 1)1
Friday evening et (hotel Snnetet by the
Memento 'mg Donor. Club.
Hotel filmset will remain open until
the middle of the month, said Men -
ager Porter thin 4440rnleg,
Nn. J. W. Westcott, of Detroit,
th*a wet)m. of he
+ n,l,11 .y tiro. 311 mol -t 111.0/4.4 41111 tot.Ihrt.
eat 1, 111 1 he l.o.l few )ear, 11 lea. -npp0ell* 10
ter• in. nrahle. For a growl many year. doctor,
eron,llnerel it a 10. -AI .110M-' and pn eporib 4
Meal reined*,,, and by eOn.tanlly ratline In
care with heal tn'41 lent. pronmin,1A *d In
'1114811)0. )4•Irnl•4, AA. moven catarrh to lir 48
1-fll,..I)Il,? 14)4)141 44) '1.114)11 /tort Ihrr'efof0 riqilre.
111)1 1011)04)1* , teal 11'ol Nalta Catarrh
manohertnred by F' J. Cheney t Co., Toledo.
I hin, is the only rondttnt10na1 rum On the
market. 1t I. taken Internally In Aoee. from In
demi.* Ina t.•A,)somfnl. It AM. torero, on Ihe
?11aw1 And m,,enn. airfare. M the .yaom. they
Miler me hnndrOA dollars for any oA.e It fail. to
rune Send for etr'n sr. and te.tlmnnl0la.
AAdre.. F. J. )H4:\Ky k Cb., Toledo,
geldhtt'rnask.V, 1)
� 0.
Take HMI. Family P111. for constipation.
'Phone 165 Hamilton St
For Nal, cheap, or will
exchange for gerrI rnw.
Strong Boy Wanted
\Ve want :t strong boy
to learn the plumping
The Pickling Season! �
Generally legind by September 1•t.
if you are going to do any pickling, we ran supply you with almost
everything (except the fruits and vegetnhlesl
Nine or ten sine of Flat Corks,
Pint -slid ifaa Taper Corks, --
Robber Rine. for gem jars (pint and quart 1.
Pure Spires of ail kinds (both ground and whole), not forgetting Mum.
lard Seed, Celery )teed, whole and ground Mace, Turmeric, Curry
Powder, Fresh Garlic, etr.
Central Drug Store,
Industrial Exhibition
SEPTEMBER 28, 29, 30.
Big Speed Program.
Largely Increased Purses.
The Latest and most Attractive Novelties.
Attractions the finest procurable on the
Continent. Premium List increased and
Will far surpass our former efforts. No work or
expense is being spared to make this year's
Exhibition a huge success. Write for information
President. Secretary.
laver Brothers, Toro•to win send you
fret • rake of tbeir fatuous Plantol
tsilst step, If you mention this paper.
%V4) expect to spend nenley to
Advertise our store: +aid in what
letter Way can w'4' du 0(1 111411
by giving our ru.tonlern low
W...1,. not .Irterhl 1., say that
car cttm ...II :111 I Ile 1*4114 at the
pri.wa quoted : but it w•4) wish to
be filler*/ ,s•rasiouxllt our .•um-
(onlrr. ARE (4ET'l'INI4 THF:
We Ale endeavoring to make
our story the heat piece in which
311x, Lemon Biscuits .uric
:i Its fancy mired Biscuits....26c
:, Ile ext.•*s•lecte,d4'htisins., ..sic
2 pal•kages !Malta %Its 15c
'Sr package Orange Meat lire
can. Maple Leaf Salmon. 315c
2 cane lac Red Salmon 26c
Mixed Pickles, per quart lite
Sawliues in oil. tl tins fur_ - -
2 pts Baking Salla for... be
ltic bottle Extract, any flavor 74c
1(k' Mottle prepared Mustard,.7de.
Cut -glass `Vater Bottle, regular
price $2.5t 1, Saturday $1,1Mi.
Highest molt or trade
price for Bl TIER and
Successor to C. A. NAIRN.
ci_ tAtRrLIE{
F (.i ♦ n
7w, ,
School Shoes 1
The time has conte again for your boy or girl to start
the fall term at school.
They will require to have a good, serviceable, solid
leather pair of Shies, the kind .that will statld
any weather we are hkery fi i ve at this season,
'To procure that kind at the lowest possible prices,
come to us and see what we have to offer.
We have been very careful in selecting our stock of
School Shoes, and are prepared to supply you
with the best that can be procured from the
leading manufacturers.
Downing$' MacVicar
ILrtn side of Square. Goderich
This is the sea La when butter-iM•kaw pack a p ire f( j�hrii
product for winter: We have a large stock of Stoeesear•' Creeks,
suitable for butter and pickling purposes, and w111 dispel* of theta
at reasonable prices. . -
FLOWER POTS. -This is the worth for rweottlugbousiepiants
wintery-MPo otfr hoer,
-•-•-,s.e.rrw::t.1,� 4
has been marked at "hurt y up" fig-
ures. There is not a great Int of it
but enough to be in the way of fall
stock now arriving.
to its company and in order to facil-
itate A speedy el•aranre of reed and
rattan fureit,re we have readjusted
prices, in many rases cutting off all
profits. This is your chance
All sires 4)n 4401 k at right prices.
Seeded Raisins, just passed into slopk, regular ilk; ; special for
Saturday - :i lbs. for 2.5e
Choice package Teas, regular 4114 per 11x. for ilk
Choice package Teva, regular ak per Ib.. for \ I4
Tomato Catsup, regular lac per bottle, for 1 ler
Large package Life Chips. regular 141c,'for 7c. or -I packegeal for "Sec
The new food. Toasted 11 heat Flakes, regular toe, for 7e, or 4 for 26c
ltayAll Toasted Corn Flakes, rngular i0c for 7c, or 4 for Ybc
•Livarything in Groceries- fresh aid good.
Oell end y. 'Phone orders promptly attended to.
Maple Leaf Grocery
(sroeeri.•s, i'rovisions. Fruits, Chine, Glass and ('rurkeryw*r.•
First Showing of
Saturday, September 4th, we make our first showing of Tailored
Suits and Coats for the coming season, when we will be glad to have
you come and look the new garments over. Von will learn more about
the new styles, get a better idea just what they are like, if you spend half -
an -hour in the store than you could if we filled columns with a
description of each garment. All we will say is, that we are showing
the best products of the leading Canadian and German manufacturers of
tailored Suits and Coats for ladies. Come in and see them.
TAILORED SUiTS, $15.00 TO $30.00.
TAILORED COATS, x.50 TO $35.00.
-New Dress Goods too
Lots of new Dream Goods
here now, ready for you.
Many new weave@ and pat-
terns in all the new shaolee
for Fall wear. Every day
sees more coming. Come
and nee them any time,
whether you are ready to
buy now 4)r not.
Millinery Department
ready tor Business.
Mies Reynolds has re-
turned from visiting the
Eastern markets, and with a
full staff Is Moly preparing
for our formal opening, the
date of which will he
announced tater. Fall stocks
are all in now. and we can
fill orders promptly.
Dress -M a l o n g De-
partment Open.
The elre@x-making depart-
ment is now open. Miss
Coutts spent a portion of her
vacation in the large fashion
centre% studying the new
styles. and is now l,n.,king
orders for September anti
October. With an enlargeel
workroom and an increased
staff we will be in a letter
position to handle the gro
ing business that in comi
to this department.
Last Call for the Sample Underwear
We are simply going to sell the last of that big lot of Samples on Satur-
day if price will do it. There were hundreds and hundreds of garment when they
first came in. Now there are only dozens. Next week they must he gone to
the last garment. it never pays us to carry goods from one season to another,
but it will pay you to buy for next season at the prices we will sell these last few
samples for on Saturday.
is Sample Skirts.
17 Sample Gowns.
to Sample Dressing Sacquea.
It Sample Corset Covers.
9 Pairs of Drawers.
]t Children'• SampplIe Dresses
3o pieces of Children's and
Infants' Sample Underwear.
Nev,-r'1114,' as good garments been sold in Goderich for u, little mlo0ey.
25 Skirts at 85c.
Twenty-five L'nderakirts.
wide fiomne., trimmed with
lam and Insertion. made
from very fine English
cotton, regular ;IMO) $1.75,
the last of several Iota ct
clearing Saturday at SrJC