HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-9-2, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODJ RICH. ONTARIO
****1194 X44' ******` ' i9g9 4*** ''`*****It X ' ''i:f`itiC
The News of the District.
'I't•r:NUAv, Aug, :Net.
Mclutokh took n the Oaths
iuwu on the :ft
of 1Vinghaul, spent
lends in thio vicinity.
Durnln, of Luckuuw,
in thio vicinity last
.air picnic at UI
David Ilaw,
Sunday with fr
Miss Maria
visited friends
-----Jlthn Boyle
Stafford, ape it.
and -his siaarr. • tars,
Sunday nt \Vel. Mcln-
\VRUNkmn.Y, !Sept, Lt.
limos (Ilium ti Cost KK•r. -On the I Mr't.'IU)i.l t3Lanbury is in Toronto
evening 4f latlatr Day, 4rptctuher t)ll, tits week visiting i ieldr.
the Hume Workers of C • church ! Rev. E. 11. Sower', of Ih mei fh1d,
will give a concert followed by re- wife podfawil? returned 1 • from
treatments lieu cream and eakel. Ad. Westminster on M lay.
wisriuu, 1., cents, A gond program it, ( School re -opened 044 \Veduerdav of
being prepared. Rev. .1. L. Swath It _this week with Mt. Elliot -Mee.
A., of Myth, who once hetore favored Ferguson again at the helm
Wtt»Nltru.AY, Sept. tat. •
Isad)' been settle for the Kat street
:*:fury, the bargain to he binding
. only in r.w+ or the rarryinR'.I' the hy-
law. The treasurer's tweets did not
lrover lit• handling of tine money, and
',•o it Waal 10 lie•"ilrtid-Snit itt the eigtta-
Due of the Mayor, and he rental nut
; imagine the 11ayure handing 4141 11.
' moue y tugwrope'ls.
1. IP. Maine' said 1h. town in (1,
past had been ... t goal in glhtifilig
aondtrg,jroarnnre',ofamants, -tr-. If
Ai Nn• liabilities sol out in the state-
ment read byI) . (tallow were ,added
together and if they had to be paid:
Like town would b.• im a seriolt. e•oneli-
e -Union peonte. wilt recite. -anti- - _! �
Miss Small _ Mfr• and Mrs. !Willson .nguwc f.uuily, o
tech''. color 4 pe w a week ur tiro
al the home of Mrs, Ferguson.
Mrs. McFall, of Toronto, who had
been visiting in the village fur the
M a ell sing. All are eel Detre,• are d"
Miss Rebecca and Mies Elii►'l'h p• - v- -
lain are laking In the 'ruruut0 extols. LOYAL.
• true this week. 'I'u10411AY, A
ug. :31st. ppurtat two Inmates, returned hone on
hoe�th Kinahan, jr., and Jatues Miss Annie W. (liven h a Visitor at
Craig etc tart week on re rl
to the Na'lhwesl. Mies Pointer, of Turunlu, is the
Motet of the formers in this vicinity guest of her aunt. Mre. 11. J. Morris.
are through harvesting and scene Mrs. Toting and daughters, of
have their wheat ruwu' Auburn, wet-., gooks at Mrs. flack'''
Misr Mattel 1Vilsou, who had been over Sunday.
visiting friends in this vicinity during AIIau R. (;tern, of Manitowoc. Wia-
the1Ast few ruonthe, returned to her cin, spa•ut hist week at his old
hunt in Detroit Tart Saturday, ammo- huwr. Ito ,ti.Ie Fain.
panted by her t•emsin, Mies Josephine Misr McHarxly 'returned to her
McAllister. 1 • h Toronto oh Thursday Inst
brother, L'. Netianly.
Crag11 ex trlull the Toronto Exhibition this week.
Mie• itay
with triends in
Mr... E. And:
t', sok railed on brie
\lies Edith Edwa
bliss -Weird -Coe
arise al. Edward.' def ttatuitlay for
Toronto to attend the r Winery op al -
Miss (tarts, :of Hauiltw and Mir'
sword, of Dungannon, are visiting at
the home of Mrs. Saunders.
114:4,44.41tm11A4r, fdt+•t. 1st.
after ependlog a month with her
\MONUAY, Aug. :Rah.
theta I'P 4hl -14mlday KINGS$RIDGE.
uogannup' '1't:gam.tY, Aug. 31st.
W n1 11x1+. .1"P"Mrs. Austin and daughter Taft to. rc(y/ahere tart work, day fur London on a visit to her
"aand her friend, bruther•t laaw.
o.aay cur TA' A nuulb•r of our visitors have re-
turned to their limiter after spooling
a pleasant time among their friends.
A great many of the, people of tine
place will he eun•y to bear of Patrick
1Vallace' a departure 1r ano117(at Ur.
John T. 1('1(teilly) passed through
Dna burg on Nlohda • Ii with four
flue hw•ees fen• which he received the
111. s ru 4t Mint. iiatuff .Y. -It L
oar Hua ditty to record the tie th of
Mrs. John L eusenby, which occ rled
Ar)L-,\Jwtdsy 'int nIL I)rcee'red 'ad
lain iu pt'cti-itealth;Tir NeverTye
but was not thought seriously i11 matt
'month ago, sins when no hopper we
held for her rernv.•ry. She was in he
sixtv.eight(8 yl•Itr:old leaver behind to
nl0utth their kiss her husband and one
d,orghter,seMrs. Cranston, also four
- l+ts+iltrw.ihlwr-44tr_.'
funereal on Wednesday. The fancily tile..
have the dympathy of the whole coot- Mr
monk y. .1110,,
h7ttr(iHftne-sttin Of 111,4 1,
(juite a numbs 4f the (s•uple of
this vicinity spent a pleasant eve•ningg
iu Kintail one night i$ rayeek, All
report a good time gad were grad
to 1neer their f' d 1!' Olt
t'IPn . baa . et y.
\1'l.nNgsu.tY, Sept. 1st. TretinAY, Aug. 31st.
Urs. Appleton, of Chicago. is visit
1't•ofestur Pat let boil, wife and
daughters, of London, who have been
boarding with the Misses. Campbell,
returned home on Monday, -
Mist Minnie Armertt•otg, who is in
training at the Memorial hospital in
Concord, it spending a couple of
weeks visiting friends and relatives in
the village anal vicinity.
The services in St. And
were Iar4ely attended on Sabbath last.
and PruteN44li' Pattelwttn the evening
lion. though it t,.4. 4., I.,• hoped.4411 .4
thing Watid 1141 h 111,.•1 I! tt 1. 1.In,'
the town refused 4.. 1'ke gay' too.,. 1,*aces. quit gambling, nod I,a...,•.I
bylaws only for s4 might prupgrsit ion.
and when pnt:
gwt security was rtt•1..
Not hong outride of the [otos • "old h,•
'•Hnted upon to •scan• the t non. It
likes,. men Welt, ulilli4nuire- Ih,•y
did nut give• their wealth as ,.rrurity.
It war latter that they vele wealthy,
it showed promise of suwceess to the
'w'a rdwreh htaGlshmeQ.L ln're, Mit ell the talk
amuuntttd to nothing if tie piope.
slfl•guards were nut in the bylaw.
He did not want to oppose any good
scheme, but wanted to ser th::t the
bylaw was put in proper form, The
Smatter bad gone rti • far that lie did
not think it well`to themes' the bylaw
now, but he had dune bis duty in do -
in,( what he had dome,
J. E. Tom amid he mantel to know
Iurr::eru and De Httlinee deserved
thanks fr/rw•hat they had said, e.gwei-
a11y As it placed thein perhaps rn an
uncomfortable position.
('has. Narrow, bring called epee•
ul d be did not 1014 the bylaw until
Myr it had been puJblishet in th,•
ewspmper. He blul beard only of
0 objections- one in regard to the
turn -of the fnetnry, the ether in
legrd to the paving out of the money
un t e cheek of the Mayor find the
comp, uy. Tn rt•ferenee to the towner
1*;time f-titat-ther East
uperty had been plrehased,
old lot pans the mortgage
purchase were mule. ire -
e seeomd uhjection, the^'
1a' fnolirh to pay out the
with th'e concurrence of
etnick hint am_ not s
ill. As the bylaw
Rev. E. 1. Soweto" took the snot g
service. It is expected the putter,
Rev. John McNeil, will he uu• tido
week and will occupy his n pidpit
on Sabbath next.
A large number of Detrui (meopl•
who have been 'landing their Homer
e returned to l)et nit 9411 S,t Selo
astljy ((tie eteatue•r t. Tg'ntice t rum
Uoderich Amongst thein were Mrs.
Ilingley and daughter+, Miss Arra nal
Miss Flossie Mies 1t. Taylor and 'ss
Itathwell, Mors E. Chambers and 3(1
L.lta r•Imnith.
1Vtt)IKN's 1N,.rrre•rli. The meet-
eetings of the Women's Institute, which
have been suspended during the suul-
4Ker months, will- la *Ywuuual.- -un
Thursday atteru, on, Septewlter 9,
when the first meeting will he held at
the home of Mra, Jas. Cam .•
ll.0 The_yuhjec_L_teiU to !'Tho
ing of Pickles." All are welcome.
lexauder'(hart and children, of ing her mother, Mie. Cummings.
inn 1 enterrned -m rerse-ofterifea seelieailirr Urinf( )-mgr irtli>s; •rhP ;i•� o iv Irotj t
'tT NUN'. -.A tborneeverydascs.ept Thurs-
day.. New remedy for retracting teeth 448utnn
fts uit better than rte'•- Crown and bridge work,
etc. Alanulnm ptttr. (non break phle,
N. 11. -)lou r.u, a)way, have y844)4. work much
better donep In Die dental offline morn time,
4',•aer belittle. fur dui.af the work, mon own
fut'.ble for rbc batten%
Ni(►TICE.-THE 1.(M'AT. A(i F;Nt'ti'
at In Dungannon fur The Signal i. et the 1'o,t-
ofil.•r Iiool. and Stationery "tore where
••.84.•44. will be txxelted_Lu)�1Il-ftiptiun.
.•,,..Il,r and lob work, tttg roc 4015 w
�.. et), r amount.. paid ur toe mute.
-.t1`e I'o-Idtnoe tllote. Thew nim)u.rafew
o(1n. many baerygfsei(nt, witch we have to offer
t -r. lac. 17c and Ike Wall Pa, ers milling for 12.
Ile. lir sod 16e Wall /'apers fur tet• : sv lee. Me
NIA tl Wall Papers for :c. 34. RYAN. Ilan
WKI.NIWn.t Y, Sept. 1.
IIKATIM 41, MKS. I.%tiNlo c. The -
funeral w•as held on Wednesday last
Mt. John I... ,i y, ..f Maft•king,
who diel the gpn•cedinig Mnnitay. In
the ah.rtir'r of Rev. Mr. Sawyer. .1
l.urknow, Il -v. I.. Bartlett conducted
the serene. Interment wow 'Wade in I
I)ungannuti cemetery.
Ibara.. - 1nspectu.r.Tour paid hit.
semi-annual visit to our is•hal 011
lee, (
:old he
nnlr'w th
gaoling t
Mayor won
money 14x0
ant va' t , Ie. PC
farmers are getting through with h(..1 the town.
a tine tea
gaol prim•.
Mt. knd 3t r.. Jam, Whitty and [am-
ity, ut 1)lympi , 1Vash., lire here 80
*448.11.144)14)41 til • with 31r. and Mrs.
NteKeuuir and 1'4111.4. t,1 Tor- their harvest rursy.atte1 alk
r• tisiling at the residence ofPw
-#te.Yatlara.___ - _ .I finer Linklaler of Lerburn has Icy of $7U,(llllt'at :a
goner , a trip to 1}'rmm _ f11ts te:wk Ile.:. OTottes eSse
1 Sfutdtxh N1cieceldelivered and will probably take in the excur• 1.110,ltinn by 31r. Go
1 ()f' horses in Clinton on aim to the Falh before his return, he had lint been infer
r which they tervived a Ht•!tro,i-.LINxt,.t'r)tn.-,A quiet but xi•ri4us objections t
pretty wedding took place on Uuu- whereat Mayor Ma' kliu
day. August 311th, at I:alp{, rim.. --at the IM.'Hohntel had no ri
residence of John Ldnklate•, l:nkt• this fashion or veiled oil
Shore road, ()olivine. when his eldest there erre any further oh
daugbtet, Elizabeth Nm•eel, was ought to come out with the
united tel tutu -ridge to William Itus. the People know who they
ton. of Sebringville. Rev. Jame. M1•. glair was next as
Hamilton perfoo wed the ceremony. 1•i1ca-k. and stat (.11 t h e t
The bride- -entered the- rota, !tit 4('e Preamble ,-01-tlteJ);law a•
in him opinion, toilet
it valuation.
1l►af-this,, ex -
:row showed that
felt of the most
the bylaw :
declared that
to talk in
tines. if
('tonne he
t rind het
ed to
1 'kitty, or.
Mr, and Mrs. 11 1 McWhinney and
baby Ib.y, 1',iIhorn spent Sunday• at
the home of (leo. ('ollineon. They
newt x841'11 t ii LY M(.'m delle 311
Tt'K:,n.%4. , ug. 31st.
NIia.I. mist Carr is oe th sick List
'sac pwr.e•rrr. -. _ - r
Miss 'A • 11'ightulan ie 'isiting
friends•in Guelph al present.
Ntr. and Miss Miller, from nee St.
Helens. visited at the hurtle of ito rt
McDowell over Sunday.
The infant t,hil.1 01 A. Ifanlirty
very ill nt present. We hole'' the
Sale thing will mein taecuver.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnston, of Myth,
visited their daughter, Mrs. %Vestry
Farluw. A rumple of days last week.
at---laaL--wilek---- Tisa..
Johnstm-L_ • orMtto OMs week at-
tending the toil inert'y openings, ,.'' sr Anniversary rrvicsir �'�mnrc•,
win c duct 1'haie, Klliott's millinery
tion with the ihnnybro,k Methodist
department this Beason and will no "h'amh will be held ()n Sunday and
dunt*_get A *hate of. [he millinery M,mdatc, Se,trmj. 1.20 and lath.
trade. fin t iundwy, iiev. lir H. Powell, of dirges
'els, will preach at 2 p. in. and i::s)
New 'L'ELeeitio K (AINNK."rho.. On 1,, 111 The 'twat choir. assisted by Alf.
Friday lamt the Bell Telephone Coln- Cook, -of ((uderich, will furnish the
pally pleted the hoe between sic. An maria 'nt willt be held
Leeknow and Ihnlgannnn, 1 the tin the followingiM4ntley ..v0nmg, in
village now btu direct rount•et1141 will' -which the fallowing persons are ex-
alttowns to the north. Formerly .1 pceled(opartiripate:Rev. J.1,.Small,
'Hemmer for Luc'know went via Port It. A.. of Blyth: 11,•v. K. (1. Pnwt•H, of
\Ilirrt, fioderich, Clinton and Wing -
how sixteen niers under Foreman
1V..1 Ellis, of Ingersoll, worked for
tw,. weeks on the extension,
Tile New Cni'Kru. Welk 4n 'h.•
new Methodist church is progressing
facorehly, withuHKh 1he'e, I4*1 Iteen
stone delay in the delivery of window T,'r.rh.vv. Aug. 3).
frame., etc. The hri'•L(ayers have ,t Nf'. and Mrs. Metre)). of Nt'w York,
trdionn nett, threw Twin)( no loamy ore spouting their vocal' with the
"ornars and breaks it, the walls. This t*ly'a lo4fher, Mrs. Peter (layman.
part of the work should be .•ongll.•t"'I alt. Agar frau Mount Forest, fp-
!" three weeks, provided the w•rat(n•t r4ulpnniprl by Itis elder, Mrs, (;rant,
is fart►rah►P. Thr rontrncl her the vt4ltPd Mr. Hod rind other friend..
..Ars WAX let butt week. They will be during the past. week.
•.t semi-eircle design, and Mutt trigs will Among thoost who went West on
le provided for about :1',4, persons, the mong'trn'rxrnt•i4n from
The stained glom windows will 1s• for.
nish,ol by lir l'nllrry IilAes ('n., of are: Ili•i,ee logon, lieorge Jukes,
London. Samuel (rice, ,1tt'rt. Johnston and
(3swlxs P.tltTv, A very snwrr.nf.i1 Mose Mnry.lolifien,n the last leu t0
entertainment wag given lust Wednes-
attend the Normal School at Calgary.
day evening on the lawn at Neo. Fault low %. Last. Salnday Mr,
Kllrther.' home under the Ausp/iees of and Mrs. Richard Ilawktns and mon
the Epworth Lr•agu.•. Thr following Albert id Le Mars, Iowa. tit -corns
persons took part in pr ponied by his mother. Mr., ilmwktns,
George Lane, of LIMPS : Mrs. onug� Hawkins, of Exeter.
and Mins Treleaven, of Inickn4w ; visited the blame of W. H. Johnston.
Miss Moody, Miss 'rreIeaven, Miss Mr. Hawkins left the townmhip of Hay
Hattie Ryan, Mies oda Whyarl, Mime twenty yearn two this fall and is now
f.aliretta Roach, Rev. Chas, tether- the owner or Ain acres of ?And In Iowa
ford. Rev. T. Hicks, of Dun annon, worth el 2.1 an acre and :ILII acres in
and Rev..1. F. Knight, of Dawn Mills. Dakota bought mt $:'..i an mere last
.\ booth in connection mold ice creo,,, spring. His many friend' in Ontario
and fruit- The proceeds Amount t4 Ar•' pleased to hear of his euccese. HP
helwren suit and $f4.-, a mom( rxcel- and his oil tenable partner look as
lent showing, e.pwrially considering though old Father TIIne was dealing
the threatening character of the gently with them.
weather. This should nearly emu- A Pit FeeNT%Tee:. -.On Thursday
plebe the *1(3) whteh the Epworth evening, Ow 28th inst., in the Metho-
League undertook to raise for the dist church, Kipp en, Mr. anal Mrs.
p'lii(ding fund in connection with the Thole. McClymont were taken by sur•
new emirate, prime when after the prayer -meeting
PKKsnx u.. ---Toss Mnllough went 111 wen coneluded they were celled to the
Toronto hast - Friday on tt Imeineas front, where Mrs. H. Ivison rend an
trip. •.Mien Maud Whynrd, srrom addressexpr•sming the regret of the
panted by her niece, Mist' Marton members of the ehur•h upon hearing
Bechtel, returned t4 Rlniirrt nn Turn- of the intended removal of Mr. and
Mrs. McClytnnnt to London *iter a
n'.sitlenee in the village of forty-two
years, mad tendering goal wishet' for
the forbore. On behalf of the mem-
ber/1 of the church J. H. 1►inad*le
presented Mr. and Mrs. NfeClymont
with a pmrme, Mr. MCr•tyllnnt Io a
neat, and (Inching speech thanked all
those who had been rnneerned in Riv-
ing to him
ing this token of friendship t h
and his ,.t;math• artner, tither ad
dress". were given by Rev. J. Hatt,
Nlrs. Ivi.on..1. 11. 1)4044441", H. Ivisnn,
A. Buchanan and °therm, all testify-
ing to th.• esteem telt for Mr, and
Norm. Mcelymont tad expressing re-
gret that they were ah lap to leave,
though all were glad that Mr. Mt•-
Clymnnt. was getting a good ponitinn
in London, much easi'•r than black-
mmithing. After this part of the pro-
gram was over en excellent luncheon
was sert-P'i and a most, snjnyeble
time watt spent.
Thursday after spending a month mt Bowan of people who apnIelli e
the home of her uncle, David Sproul. every time they do you a favor.
Brussels ; Misr Gertrude Hart,•nf Hen-
ma11 ; Mat. Small, of Myth ; Tyndall
llrofhers, of Carlow, and 311x. Mr•Clin-
ton,.a \li•rtifrld.
nay morning R(•nsun Pane, who
had been working on the 4', P. R.
.teenier Manitohw, is home from Owen
Sound feeling none too well
Mrs. Thus. Park haat leen ,wriously ill
for the past week Mire Frank
McLean h4" returned to 1ucknow.
where she teaches in the piddle school.
Rev. .I, 1". Knight, of flown
Ndls visited (Tient. here 4**t week.
Miss t e
Rnlrrrls is supplying ing m tb
Ihl+.tufller daring Mist' Mar)• Ryan's
vacation... Mr, and N'rs. Harry
Turner, of Goderich, arcompsnied by
Miss Olive Turner, of Stayner, sere
gllestm at .pas. Whyard's home on/Sun-
day ..Mrs. 3 W. Medd, of Au
Atom, ds visiting her mother, Mrs. H.
1 1(!
Mr- and Mrs. McKenzie, of
Tenswater, visited friends in the en-
tracte last week... .•Mies Alma ltslb-
in'on returned to Sparta yesterday
atter hnlidaying for a few weeks with
friends in this vicinity Miss
(Tara Herts returns to Hamilton 4n
Arno of her father to lir .tratn
wedding march played by Miss Helen
('lark, of Loyal. Mise Josephine Chis
holm Acted As Hower -girt and wits
very pteitily dressed in pink silk and
cart tel A barker nt sweet pees. The
gl'eotn's gilt to the Hower -girt was a
pearl eels and gold chain. During
the week previous to her 'marriage the
bt ids wan pn-rented with a "kitchen
Kluwer" by her Dunlop and Le•bnrt
triendr grin was the recipient of many
emeriti and valuable presents. After 11.
short time in Toronto and a trip( to
the Thousand Isle,', Mr. and Mrs. Russ
.n will take up their residence' at
1 'tsalland Farm, their home near
Se ringville. The bride will be 'h
m is. here, as she was A great favor
y1J,__*ut-young.-awl her 1
Free from
Since May, 1906, Ayer's Sar-
saparilla has been entirely free
from alcohol, if you are In
poor health, weak, palet nerv-
ous, ask your doctor about tak-
ing this non-alcoholic tonic and
alterative, 1f he has a better
medicine, take his. Get the best
always. This is our advice.
W• 0,1:1.1 r sorra;.•
10 W• 6ubn •,o, tof
r, .,W ..,.. .,worts••
ers w. 1•e b
A sluggish Incr means a coated tongue,
a bad breath, and constipated bowels.
The question is, •' What is the best thing
to d ] under such circumstances?" Ask
your doctor if this is not a good answer:
•Take laxative doses of Ayer's Pills."
-.mete by tate r. C. yea 0.., Lowell, -
81.1 A
meets you half -way does
all your work In half the
time if you follow directions.
Sunlight Soap absolutely
pure- saves clothes from Itah-
jury hands from roughness -
life from drudgery.
IUULl1l,�11 ' Daiwa
Tut:su,As% Aug, 31st. ,
lit ux>r MstrrlNu)t.-on Smlday_.
September ,Ith-thealev*rvit-lrtrlpitirtirt-•
('u1hot ue will be occupied by repre-
sentatives of the Dominion Alliance
and during the week following I everal
nteetirigN will be held at different
parts of the township. A steleop-
tiron will be uiwd in the weeknight
meetings. The public are cordially
par II
other part of it. 11 he knew alyth Ig
'shout such thing' it wa.. an ()idiom
form of mortgage to make advAnce
a1 progress cannot'•'. The stateun•nt
that the bylaw was the Alf -important
Matter was not correct, in the case
of the Wheel Rigs Iran, for instance.
everything was in th'• tgage and
the bylaw now was of oto nude use
than a piece of paper. The standing
of the men behind a proposition tun)
the character of their industry were
of very great importance. Mr. Blair
replied further to the crout'o'ns of the
bylaw which heti lean matte. and re
witted .the. %Voids' insh•urtions 411
him 1 Mr. lip tiro as the company's stlli-
eit'tr, to the rffe•t That white they
a r.- wanted hint to look after their inter -
Wilt muse yule' w Idank buS
rtiurrh work, as she was always a
lender in ny social movement. Her
many frie,ds wish her 4411 the good
that ((lis can pivo iu bar now
d'ontinei rout p ,r,• t .
.I.' A. Runlball, resident of the
B, int of Trade, sup enlented what
Mayor Macklin had s id about the
trip to Kennett Square, es(lt•t•ially a.
to the splendid 4Btee nal factory
equipment of the Company which he
though) was w gain' evhlen a of pro-
gressivertt•ss. Mr. Refuted! glinted
o(lthat the moulding work, which
wn1141 not 1,' done by the cm • /any,
would mean an 'addition of ten r fir-
-teen men to the oral( of the 1 • y
plant. He thought there %viola
gaol market for the product of th.
Newry in the development of goal
math. in 4'nn44da.
Mr•.'.%olds, who 1n hen. 14. the rep-
resentative of the company, said that
(lixterh'h offered the hest situation
and the hest facilities for the Location
of a fnt•tory of the kind proposed.
If the company i• at, 'hang AN has
been represented, why d4 we romp ('
you for a gtu►rantee ilf bonds Y W:144
a lineation he answered by stating
that manufacturers gad large cor-
porations were 415 It rnlo Targe bor-
rowers. The United States Steel
Trust and the C. P. di. were two in-
stances of Targe corporations which
borrowed extensively;'atld it WAa het -
ter to get it in the way of a guarantee
than from the banks, The success of
the company was amew d. There wait
no other Canadian t'onrern of the
kind and road machinery was in in-
er acing demand. He wns sure that
ranch more Keenril y than the *mount
stipulated would he placed here. The
company would build everything fair
the roadmaker, and in Addition would
stake plot table aawmilln of a vernal
kind not made elsewhere 11, Canada.
Maly thousands of dollars worth of
the company's machinery wag alr.wly
ill leis in Canada. There was no
relation. 'laid Mr. %Vomis, why (io erich
should not he one of the hest menu.
(aerating towns; in Canada, (leo-
grnphirally it was better situated
than any other town in Canada.
Dr. A. T. Emmerson said it struck
him that if the bylaw were defeated
it would not be the fault of the rate-
payers, hut r the town council. The
conditions of the preamble were not
carried ant In the tater provisions of
the bylaw. The tneatiml of the plant
was notstated--if the (tempting 11111'-
1 property anywhere the town,
rl.i t P
me ' r l n t t th nw venal have n
h ve 1
guarantee a port of the cn't. The
fund' were to lie plowed (I the credit
of the cdmpany and the Mayor, in•
stead of th P corporation. The
bonds were to he handed over to
the company. There was nothing in
the enactment about the employment
of a stated number of harms. If the
enactment (HMI/WA of the bylaw were
on the linen of the presmhle he wntll•1
auppxort it : hal he could not As the
hylas wan drawn.
-Mayer Macklin said that Weer...
Blair, Cameron and Narrow had seen
the bylaw. In regard to the location
of the plant a partial paym nt had *L
est'. rhP4 'WIrnTPrt aha' rower To he folly'
satisfied, its they h:*1 a ,diiiiKTL'bnsi-
ness proposition and if the people did
not like it they could refuse it.
Thele was muse further diw'tttn.ittn
of the terms of the bylaw as drafted.
but nothing new was elicited and the
meeting brok, up,
Even if all that glitters isn't gold,
Iota °1'uple are satisfied with 0.
Their tore people who go alsnit the
world looking out for slights, *0.1
they art• rrece.Hmrily miserable. for
they find them *t evely turn -t•.
ps•rially the, imaginary oars. One Ii
the same pit v for such melt as for the
very purr. They are morally Shit
prate. They 11 ave had no real ednc.l
Don, for they have never learned Mot-
wto Ino, 11, my Drum mnnd.
stakes babe nervous and fretful,
sad stop. gain in weight.
is the beet'(ood-medicine for teeth-
ing babies.' It strengthens the
nerves, supplies lime for the teeth,
keeps the baby growing.
Cd a small b,llk now. AA fku/aldt
' .. F S TAN OA40 • ' •+( 040(410
(Published Annually'
Enables t rn,(er' throughout the W Id
to continuntealt• dire.( usith lingli-
in melt ,4a 0 of goals, Heeidet' being
w conlplrl,• conunereial guide in Lon-
don and Its subtlrit'', the tritei•tri y
contain' list. 01
with the goods they ship, and the ('ole
onial*nd Marlin 3itirkets they supply;
arranged melt r the porta to whit' h
they Nail, and indiealing the approxi
mate sailing-
1'1t01'INI'1.54, 7 ilAI►F MEM '1':..
of leading 1►i,+111,1aMnrere, Merchants
etc., in the ptineipal provincial towns
amt indu.tri ti centres of the United
A copy of the rllrtent edition will be
forwarded, freightpaid, nn receipt of
postal order for 20s.
Dealers seeking Agencies "an , doet-
tise their trade earths for LI, or larger
Advertisements from 13,
The London Directory Co., Ltd.
..'-. AL. hal h I,en"• I, ,.,I. ,, f: f
\\'w Leg to annuun.•e• to o:r pat-
rons that we have 1n,..t.1 to new•
nes Iorris)) Snydcr's Grocery,
what our_eusr„ma.s will find us
ready (III all orders for •
In workmanh
at closest
TaUiW1t.Y, SarrxarnYlt 2, SIM '7
Real Economy
Tf you tare 40 shop where your
dollar reaches .farthest don't
fail to 'go to McLean Bros.',
where they carry the. best lints
of Clothing, Furnishings, Hats .
and Caps, Tailoring, and every-
thing for gentlemen except the
boots, at the (very closest prices
for � nod gOOds.
McLean Bros.
Gents' Furnishings
will leave (1.1,•1 jell with a Michigan State PairKxcuesion
to 1)01 suit.
ROUND-TRIP TICKET(Uodarich to Detroit and return.) $3
• 00
'rickets goal Veto, Mug from Dmr.,it .Sail
_ _ September 9th.
Takeadvnntageo( thio oppau•t ' y to sue tit• Afichigau Stale
FAtr 01 I3s>t), the largest aniilxwt7►afr i)1 the Un(t,'tl States.
The exhibits will M. interesting and educational and the
ar1u.enlent fealorea will be 4lwr4ug lly eltjoyALlr.
See Detroit and Beautiful Belle Isle Park at their best.
Nee )heal ti,•ket. agent, 1\' V. I.E1':, for Purthet• partieulare.
Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co.
1'1111.11' I1 \t. \)[ELAN. Pres. A. A. SCHANTZ. 4.,'(1'1 Mgr.
1,, ti, LEWIS, tient ['ass. Agent.
alamour adelmsma
For the Summer Toilet
We have in stock all the leading Toilet Preparations.
American and French Perfumes.
Sachet l'owders.
High grade Soaps.
Face Powders and Creams.
Any special make not in stock we can procure for you.
e manner,
W. R. Pine
'Phone 155.
The Shoe W e Hold Up
for your examination I. anode by one Of the
-foremen shoe -designers of the country. 1t M a
Hhoc t hat 4.,11. hone.( ly hush as It I+ Kkllfu Ily
Sift Ile 1kikt•IuftT *Nis WVYLP. • -
re'..nrnii N. wearer and 4eng t.ervlee n. well
1 'mile and have yot.r feet fitted with n pair.
Thole We all aloes and 11•141h,, r, we can Omar,
anise ant a. Ir.sot a.. If you hafi yotir ah'..•.
ui.ule ." onto
re, rte.
Residence, t85.'
-i- 5
Store will he closed Wednesday
afternoons during July
and August.
Bedford Block,
The Druggist.
For buying opportunities read Signal Advertisements.
q Harvest Time
We always strive to get the best :4111
for you this year.
rte have it
650 feet Twine ai 11 Cents per Ib.
This Twinp in alone size. i11 making, it pareses through m sizer,
makeswhich akes it, Impossible for any lamp, or large Peet.* to get
in to choke your hinder.
'We have A quantity of 7•14 in. (test American I'.rre Manila
Rope'.. A rerulal ye•• Ftnpa', Which -w4 man give yen for Ilk. per 10.
131,4 .Manila 1 in. It''i'''. (str.uld+, we r til give yon at. 11.' per 10
We. have a large assortment of Forks, with ,and without
.1 all', just in for you In choose from. Srythee, from lite. to 71.2:1.
smiths, 7.1e. 1.n s.H•.
Pure Faris Green, 30c. per lb.
(4),5I. 011, and (i.\iOLIYE STOVES. A bilge a.'oi Intent
ehnnme from.
1(I'.FIi°MEAT( WS, at n11 pi ices.
HAMMOCKS, at, all prices.
FISHING P(1L4S and TA('EI.44.
GARI)EN, 1111.4E and. NO%%LES.
4T')A11'iH')tRRV HI'I.i.4H!t. ('f(Euity ST41.51:ft.`
N'.• st ill tun e n fair polo 41 10..1i -wire No. 1) %Vire left, at fp,
per 110 ; also a quantity of NOP. N and 12 ('oiled'1Vire, and n
quantity of Barb Wire,
F'or 1?ave'trnughing. Tin'mit la ing, l'),.n0i opt and Heating we eon
give you protnpt attention. and all vv,,,k fully guaranteed.
0 Store 'Phone 22
House 'Phone 112