HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-9-2, Page 3GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY YS EM CANADIAN NATIONAL Very low rates flout GODERICH TORONTO and return. $3.90 TIIF. SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTAIIIO Jnternationa! JYewspaper i FAMOUS WAS ARTIST :Bible Study Club Suggestiv: Questie s on the International Sunday .k(looi Lessons, Prepared by Rev. Dr. Linscoll, Brantford August 28th to Sept. 1 I th $2.85 August 31, Sept. 2, 7 and 9. RETURN LIMIT, Sept. 14 ,Ph:CIAl. TRAIN SERVICE, Special train leaves Guderich art 6 a.m. Aug. 31, Sept. 2, 4, 7, 8, 9. 1 t rougls cure to Toronto urs all trains, Excursion Rates t London from Goderich hepterliber 11, 12, 13. 13 and 17, re•count of "Western Fair.- Return limit September 91, lieu Labor Day Return Tickets at Single Fare to 1 Mt Eta and Port Ilturt tit, Mieho Nines's Falls and Buffalo. N. V. 000D OMNI:. Sept. 8th, 1909. EXTRA FARM LABORERS' EXCURSION . SEPTEMBER 3rd. info, mat • regatoling free riansportationitrratiamalents west of Winnipeg to points on (it and Trunk Piteific and Canndian Northern it effivey, cell on nearest tiratul Trunk F. LAWRENCE, Down TY1W11 Agent ,�tc�t_i,a !ltegtrtered to aceerdanee with the Copyright A..1 Sunday, Sept. 5th, moo -Paul's Third Missionary tourney ---Farewells. Actor till : '2-3ti, orator : would it to more ('hristian ()olden Text -1 eau do all things through Christ which etreegtheneth ole. Phil. 1: 13. Verse 2 \Vhat effect three Paul's method of "exhortation" of the breth- ren have, when practised in these days? Verse :t -Do enemies in these days, either in the fleets or spirit, constantly lie in wait for the Christian ? Have our (lad -formed plaits for the future sometimes to le changed to tneet the teethes of the enemy Vet ser 1-6- 11 would look as if theta leading evangelists of the new religion would he needed elsewhere than with Paul: say, therefore. what advantag it was to thele, or Paul, or the cause, lhrit they were wit.b him? \\'hat help is it to a preacher, or a Christian worker. to listen tor sotnt' days to a man like Patti 1 %here were Philippi and Trolls sit- tuateti ? Verses 7-1'2 Doe. verse seven indi- cate that it was tete practice of the eat ly l't.r'Iattalla li "break bread" to- gt•lht•r en Urs first day of each week What can you say against or in favor -the ,mmtstaksbl.demand wish es sats for short sermons, in yiew of this rnu- dent? (This question must be answered w writing by members of the club.) %Vhy is it that t i ui•rh menders hip listen. unwe,:ttiell, for two 1 s to a political. tipped'. and gee •• ire.t of even a gm 'thirty i( it Meta lunger titan I thirty niillutes? ('alt you blame this y g ,n to Pttyeht{winrgoing to sleep ttndera st•rtuun .(evt'ral hours long?• Versos 13-1,i \. at tear r vivito,. h R graphical ce tstk s� on Lite rnrrp the. pturrr mentioned in verses IS to Ill, and Fay where they are situated. and more matetieal, if uuxlere peeaeh- err would constantly give their ex- pel ien(.•e in their tierutonti, thus fur - !dishing eonerele examples of the power of the (loupe''! Verse t.'2 --Would it help ur to trouts•, In detail, the things that are to hap- pen to its in the future? ','hat it the meaning of. •'go tattttld in lite spirit to Jeeuealt•ut Must such inward convictions as Paul had always he heeded? If we disobey there oughtt,uf the s�pr,ill. what will be the effect upon our 11pif tual life? II V 21-I6 it 'tette', or conlluon, e Inc (1• to give to spiritual men a ,glial • Into this outlines of the future. Verse :4 -Has eacf, ('hristian ,ts distinct a uistiun es Paul had Which .ould we rather raeritlrc. our life, or Mission ? Should out• loved friends 1 Mme. Tussaud Had an Exciting and Dramatic Career. IN THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. During That k'. of Bloodshed She Modeled Sores of the Heads That Fell by the Guillotine and Was For a Time In Prison Herself as a Suspect. This Is the story of Mate. Tussaud, who Mat born in Berne in 1760 atltl died m London lar 1S:.0, and who, due Ing the stormy' Utile of the French rev' Glutton, modeled lar wax some of the beads that fell by the guillotine Merle Greahofz was {lie daughter of to atd-de-cutup of General \\snowier In the Seveu Year,' tsar. She was born after the death of her father. Her mother was the sister of lir John Christopher ('urtlua of Berne This 1lr. Curtlua had Made ntanj anatomical and other model* In was arid had attracted the attention of the 1'rltlae de (buti. This uobleutuu urged Curtltis to coupe to ('ars tied establish himself as a modeler lu wax. w at•coinplirhweut of our The Curtius studio because tbc- ret dezvous of the tlshlount to world. Dud track, ivhat Aloud(' be ou %Vita ;We our present. d within the chinch? Verse 32 NVhar is the and yet (Ain utect• TNl'iWlt*Y, Setereitt1 R 2. ltUt 3 ',..t r -i.l nt , r,,, tllu. .t 11,:rint,I. ., I , ,11. , ,i(• 11r- r. rear „• ,r ,..u:,1 „n. 11,• tae lea,. 111ot,' A.,tttydv4in. late. uu,1 drifted 1t. 'ills �itiIs i State,: and ,"(Mie a-.. ....� 1, !. : r , \1 n ' wcrkiiie 1, this. rt -•,:tut, 1 1,1- 1,10 -HA d I;eu1t. 1• s ill,' -utl) nt '1.,:''1t11. I•11, •„�, :1 10,/1 11 • „1 r r 11v 1, ,re' 1 ,c:1" roniett-. tom) lime.. I„I the ht. at:rk 14 ext I 11 • ':'an e ' !s Atp�T et L,,,:uu 11 •011,111.1 1110 . i t t- eta , -c-1. n,, and 11 t uti l 're- �I.orl 111 dvtinr all t11:,1 h,• ' - 1.1- I -•11,v i x.•ietMe. ,nc: !,. t:f0lune he 11,..1 there, 1,, • a. 1 lisp it. .rlliiir<t 1.•. I ,. ,t, hu- ane,ru 11„ 1,,:,1 !�. r,., „I :rn too.,. .; .�1. I.; ,n, ..l t-. Ila'' .14,1, I„11n• 11 !,,. tui. •, • 11.11.I1,urc. 1'.t - !'I,1 .: u,t.,. L, vden. I`ul�lilr. , ' 1 1 ' 11 r. „•this•,•- to tUe 1- �,- ,'10.0111011 . 1' lith!! it n,:tlt who .pr:tilg 1111,,, a ..eefereote• ,.,r.ruitt wool the- ;^ti,u' t 1,iro the t I„•...,idiom an, --wilt,' ••f '1,.. 1,. 1,1111, t.1 Frarie.', 11.e only native tit:.all._lu, t,t: ia_hom!I:.,1 0\r,y 1 I:, i ,.,.in I;r:u,klili. 1..i-) -mem. r ler i•otert:uue.l by the l .-.. er :11 one I.i. p:date•e• Thu diel the hoe hitt. 'stens! ti,rotr-i, tet.• ,:II 1; of the ri'itne ttrodrn.•. rr- »_- a; .1-iilul ,•w1 rl- i r.- 1� ttr� 1^,: _t ••.'1 fart nr• Drinking More Cr(r. ER THE �._-. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE FOURYEARS' OFMISERY Cured by Lydia I:. Pint. ham's Vegetable Compound I{altiwurc, Md. - . Fer ('our years My life wase misery to -ole. 1 eiduereil ii w irretfulari= Lien. terrible drag- ging s itiiatloes, extreme llervotI'4 nags, and (hat all glue feeling ill my stuutaclt. 1 had givetl tip hope •1 ever hpiug 0.11 wlteu I 1a•gau to take 1.ydia ha m's Vegetable. Compound. '('hen I felt' as though new life had Itet•u given me, and l ate recutauu'udlug it to :dl my friends " -Mrs. W. S. Fonts, teals Lansdowne. St.. Baltimore, Md. The, most suceessfulort•uud iu this ci,uutry for the cure of alt tonna of attitude. thnt her uncle urged her mother te Th • oi; C,41.. -.1i er diluting ngeL8 flu"' Make A home with him in Paris mid to , leo -pii 111.na tle..\ 11- .1 10 do, liut allow him to admit Mark as Me dough- t t Marie began earnest study with Dr the modeling of na‘ tIrmrera that till Verses :C1-11.1 May any man ' • riehes, and he Well pleasing to G What is, At one', the supreme limn life? ' Verses 31-314 What ledsone may, • learn 'from' this touching partim, Verses 17-21, Paul bere opens hit he it t, and gi%ie• hitt personal raper iellet• Will1OUt any of the art of the • Short Line t3 Toronto CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION tett., .tugust :Of to Septo inkier 11. '45 August 31, Seinemiwr 2, 7, 9. r. P. R. beautiful. large. clejam Munro, gnITIK ITO- Tinning. Sunday, September la, Dm -Close Acte 21 1-17. Golden Text The will of the Lool Verses 1-3 • -Where wee Pritil Haul Paul dearly received 1 hvine in, etesietione to go -to JeltUsalelii tut was Ile *imply gratifying hie own desires If *devoted nom has a 'engine t safe for him to conclude that the +owning is of God ? • Becense thete danger involved in a journey. or an entei prise. in connec- tor 101 111 undertake it ? 11 thirty any groom! for the l i ll ion Verse I. If Clicial team have to tarry in town should they hunt tip the fol- lowers of Jesuit-% -through the Spii it" that Paul ehould not go lip to JrriafiLlein, *why did he •not heed them? If there is no record that Paul had a din.ct esti from (het to go lap to Jen,- «Mem, .would that, taken in mimeo. ti llll with whet the*e ili.eiples said, in- dicate thet Paul w.ui doing wrong in Is there danger that good men may be led by pious impulses to do unwise things, which they could be saved from if Therandited-ta- coot off, and to get -the meld of God? i This question must be answered in writing by members of the 11 altrattd prove that P4411 Was strong in going to Jerusalem whech thistly led to his itiartyrd , would tied in FIlly way le -son pur iespect for him. or lessen his, itithievice upon thi Veto.. - the ehildren wei e be tekeii to olitireli and 140 all re- ligions g fleeing; ? of Paul's Thud Missionary. Journey. Should a company of Christiane, when !adding good•bye to one another on the whatf. ot• at the railway "do - Hun. feel as free to get down on did' knees rind pray as they iire to stand and eleike hands? Why is it that Christians are not its williog be seam talking to God. or praying on the street. as they ate to lw own ta/king to their fellow). ? for whnt one thing is he distinguished Humeri moll? • and Marie spent si.tne time giving WS- it ti ity thy. 1a:4 IT•4711- )eoi lions 10 heti', the young ids' Ots tlif• otie r ham., the .,in-uniptioo When the revolution broke out Itr mania took tbe side of the people ntel lb" "'On," ''t "1"'' s nt for Marie to cone front the pi.t t4,„," sr of at t Ron o nod one leans. T of the Ras busts front /loyal, drapes *hew AO k parade the et . wen rather afttEttftm. thee -two 4„ et is wax models steiuld have iiltsyed 1st VMS the cf.:1-11inte most part in ttre-opeolog seetmet too. _ t awful period._ In 111, coneQ. wa- trio a further models was a bust of the mit,- 5 ifee lot telt -ii"as that the falling th • and started Jo Vi.ar Id wine readied Should Christian parents train their • wit 1 chiMren infancy, lo .know Dud. A, the proces. m n led „ I tlo• as :Wailed .091 its to he skilful in prayer, in faith, and Is there not way for parent' to Ad "u`-' "t ''re' "Pr• ‘-brillt* A ri,e 1. e.•r•I i1or 41„. ,.,,yryryr-ar,flari riTsyti. train their children., tio that the prom- swop! stroke cut th bu14 t't Neeker 11.41 1..11..1 it 29,53 ito*. 1/erealized with abeolute tn halves, and the ma -let was carve- :11,1 1.•il icliontlthe taint y in Joel 2: :e.t, "Your sone and Mg ft was tilt by mu -ct The - your ilLtighters shall irophesy ?" kg and received the thr st ef sword e:Licapeol -bdt- ire Die" The softlierti, made desperate wts to too), end ell the indieetieto Itiollit demolish lt. - .• eliveoeery+-pnitit-nei 4.114 11w. Grath! Trunk riei• ilt-e,vering %%1111 Sir Sun -Mora Flem- ing IlMty •le ...it Kamloops aii.1 the far- 'between -fife l'44Viwee-ied _Mut 1 'Mouton. *here 200 mil o I I, mkei. cointfix are 'name the grad - LABOR DAY Single Fare All rtetions, going ee•piembee 3. 1. O, rf•torning September s EXCURSION For all information, rat-, eiarqV. corner ktipi ire an 1 %% e -t St Jos. Kum, Agent. AVhich is the mole desirable. to have or a &tartan...Or WHEN! life spirattlity and or f51-• money, making ? Agaluts leee Acta 11: 27•-•.e.i join with the rest of the saints in saying that the liely Spirit told them that Paul ought not Digo tO Jerusalem ? Is there any way to ennsistently etippowe that boa Is_ parties to this lov- ing rut -dowdily were right ? were chaff in persuading Paul not to go to Jerusalem, hut -that _Paul aDIP ie. Paul's duty in the circunist Mee+ A If a good man says he has a message from tiod for us, are we under °Wiwi., [fon -16 eawy svhether our judgment may concur or not ? Verse.; 17 Osn you revolt in all history gieeter eXailiple of fort it isile and h. avei y duet here displayed by Paid Lesson tOr H1111 lay, Sept. 10.h, BM. - Review. female complaints Is Lydia K Pink- Itain'a Vegetable Computed. It hall stood the test of years and toolay is inure widely and success( ully used than any other female remedy. it has cured thousailds of women who have been troubled with illsplavements. melbas, ttleeratien. regularities, periodie pains, e ac that bearingalown feeling, flatulency, indigestion. and nervous prostratiou, lifter all other Melilla had failed. If you are:offering f rum any of these ailments, don't give up hope until you have given Lydia E. !Inkhorn's Vege- table Compound a trial. If you vvould like ...pedal adslee write tot Mrs. Dinkhatii. Lynn, allass„ for H. S184. bus guided thousands to health. free of MARE OF IMITATIONS V• N B� "VT Price 25 Cts. *Sti �IARD'S LINIMENT - LIMITED - so C C u cthpirICI1 1.s SOLD ON TOE MERITS OF �INARll''�' LINIMENT Int =ttl�s=-= PINI'. TAILORED CLOTt11NG1 itt•Z MEN I FITS WELL LOOKS WEL!. WEARS WELL When made by 1 DUNLOP -1'he Tailor 'PHONE 15 24 ccr. Wept Wht:n yew want ( anti ) ...tree; earl ) Wonderful! - ahem Ids fines rove arid tatted her at • fetal to a calf grazing not fat attay. "That elan is only six weeks vial, - lie sititl. 'isn't he at beauty F.' -Only -.ix week, ohl 1" quest. ol t voting kris, in antrwaswiteerritrel walking 10011 ALL KINDS F COA• ALWAYS ON HANO 1./.11i 1 0,1 weighed on the market states WM. LEE. .tt the taking of the Bastilte II tlus was active mid for his servle es le France was rewarded by the nati assembly. A badge of honor was e - CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO Something About Moose and Deer. noW Kett y well known among hunters that the best. deer hunting country in Ontario is 4in the line of the Canadian Northern Ontario', and that hunters reeeive special attention. Mr. C. Price Orem), Passenger Agent of the line, ie a hunter himself who goes right with the parties and looks niter thein ilt fact, he located most of them. This year the line will be sported north ,of Sellsver041 into the midst of. the innosie country. :They ere reported very thick : le. eagireisie my that Ile y have lieVer ?wen Any• thing like it. The 11100f11. season 119 there opens Oetobet• h, fifteen before the deer.. We have momethieg speeial on new place :that will take three parties of deer huntere. `NV' ite ern Building, Toronto. SUMMER TOURS ON THE GREAT LAKES A Fresn Water Sea Voyage Palatial Steamships Superb Scenery Faultless Cruising Moderate Charges id.. II Stammer Outing% o'n the (treat Laker', tieorgian Bay, or ainong the Thirty Thousand Islands. Information and tickets front mil railway *Rental. H. H. Gildersleeve C. H. Nicholson Mgr., Collingwood Tex ftte Mgr., Kai nil' A Steady Income. Mr*. Maude Darrell Haman, a pioneer of coentry week work, Vitti4 j1111101114( Ilartfoid the country va. emmtry vacation 64 at ter then so manila apiiinter. And the ipsitinter Is conie the t hinge you see. "1 steer 49ent Auguat in a village railed the Head of sewiefrae, villege there wets the general More. The looming after my torten! went, to tlw general store for my wed, .'A little girl preceded me with an egg in her hand. .flimme an egg's win lit of tea, please,' I heard her snv to the post- master storekeeper : 'end ma says ye might weigh out an egg'm Worth of finger, too, for the [deck hen's n-cluekin'. rind I'll be up natein in a minute.' "---Philadelphia Uleeese Defined, ‘Viien the Right Rev. Et liellent Whitt., Bishop of Central Pennsyl- vania, was ift Lintalann haat long Ago My fame ne the "tomboy hiehop" lirought thousands of young boys and girbi to hear him speak wherever he Went. In one of hie talks In the youngetere. he held them spellbound by telling them of his dice!~ in Wyniming, which %Vat+ more thickly popttInted in the old days with been and Indian.; than with Chrietiene. When he was finished with his de• scription, he naked the children if anyone knew what a dirs•Pfkr, WAS. One DoV promptly raised his hand. "A (Berens, my o body of Intel with a biehnp on top end the elergy ttnilerneath." was the 'answer. -Winnipeg Flee Press. Hie Instrument. A p. pone iloetor was lowing emind 1110 *mile, followed by a crowd Id '•I esti tell a mnn'e occupation from hie disesee," he to 'id, turning to a patient. "Now, this men is is mind - "And you play a vvind instrument ?'' "Von low, gentlemen, ranking fa wore" for the hinge thin the wind Inatrnmenta. Whet 1. your instru- ment. my ft lend r And the men replied, "Cone,' this." Let a man (meteorite anger fly love. let him ore' come the, greedy hy Illwr- A Funeral Oration. funetal ortition delivered in a -town Of that Stmts., mit long Itv 11 derkey preacher. Now, it seems thet the he-1411ot the deceeeed brother had root bed' irreprodchable, to the great .candal of thel wsit.thy pastor -of the fi.wk. So, in summing up the ease at the funeral, the preteho.r delivered himself of the following: "My brethren and sisters," we are here to pay feet sad iesneets to our depatt ell brother. Some mays he was A good man. end some eaym he Wite a bad man. IV here he has gone to we can't tell. hut in mir grief we have one consolation, and that itt-he'm The Prisoners' Song. • respondent ) being told once by a men who had been in prienn that the one cheering moment of his time was when he SAW the prison Minitel full of men in prison RAO) singing with we are trot riling home tri (tort In the way our fathers trod. The prison rhaplain must heve even more diffieulty in choosing his hymns then the averege parson has... The Western War. Russell, of Kilhowen, who, while on his Canadian tour, congrattileted waiter in Maniton on the healthiness of the ursvn. "I guess it's pretty sear replied the waiter. "When we hoilt school home nothing winild do for some of the citizens hitt they must have a cemetery. We laid it out mid it in, hitt we had o shoot man 10 start it." To the Manor Born. Illit nf the three *mete. namely, throw who are born emit-, thowe whoecouire gyeatnows, and threw who have great- ness thrust upon them. onlY the ere anywiee eertain to know whist' the different finks are for st the Tnehionable dinners inevitably given in their honor room time to time. "Dhl yon ever beet. ntmendirifis ?" said the ineurenee men. "Well," *fl- owered the skeptie, "1 wart operated on. But never felt mitre Whether It WA* CAPP of appendicit in or e01.0 of professional curiosity." -1Vashington A fetidly tree is of ,no low to the run ber dealer with the famous date nut a meutoria of his bravery and patriotism, Ili+ house wee a (overlie place of uteettug with the leaders of the revolution, ao Marie bald an opportunity to see thele 11. There was Dols nuc Lime ‘‘11,11 >tari.• tvas in any dnnrer during the: dc' pernte period. She was '•,uslteert•d" and Sent to prison. Ilere at the tante time was Mine de Ileauhnrnai., who had barely es. aped the gtillolin.• and %ho was Tater the Josephine of X.,p.,• Icon Bunep::irte. Her uncle was able to get \Iir1•ie's release from prison ane sbe e'me out to time. to see the dowt! fall of Robespierre. Denton ant) Dea- toulins. In the dnys of their power she had been called to nettle) the head. ttf many who fell by the guillotine She was obliged to take theta jest rifler the fall of the fatal knife. She .fl I this awful work oItb the heads of poot Marie Antoinette and of Ute 1'Attee•s 't.amb:die, the queen's friend When the tenders interred he- {,w t'aillwtttte• in their turn NIce modeled their parentis. After the revolution her 'stele sliest and In 1795 she ninrrlesl NI. 'Pose:urd She could not ot•ert'Nine lite t!u.l art her experlenees florin;; ttM revolution. and she Iwo:nailed her hast itt to take her and the t•nittnble eollections of wax meld, left her by Dr. Ceirtlns over to England. They established this enlle(tlou in the Strand. The collection was taken alt about the country, and to 1'33 It WWI brought hack to London and Made a permanent exhlt,ltbn. Iter eons eon ducted the btalness, and elle look nn active share ill ON till She won etgh y genre of ace Ns, ea Their Children. ( It was ',al man h ho gait, his four the foUuwiug nuutea: Do -re. ND 1.1, So la. Tiain The tirrit second moo., i..1 abfly, the third own• ell up te ei, ,vhile the youngest gen The ea o r the tim.leat man is mitten/el ti that of the nrovlitelni printer who named tee 4 Iiiidren from the type our 4 1/1. 100,1 -11010 Din mond. The flret two n ne 11114.44111 HE ENJOYS HIS MEALS NOW ror He Keeps a "Little Digester" Handy Mr Glasse*, of Toronto, wrote us on Dear Sina- i- wish WPM- would eheu.t cue &mot hes box of your Digesters". All the members of Iny family have been ti• ing thetu aud have obtained the must satis- factory results. . I congratulate you on your success in putting up a tablet for the cure ei Indtgestam. I suffered fee years and tried -everything Met was reouniniended to me. hiothing gave nie rehef, until Now I never suffer front Indigestion. 1 enjoy my meals and am not afrsid to eat, because 1 know a "Little Diges- ter" after each Meal wilt digest zny food. 1 recommend them to sH my friends -who suffer trout lodigesticm and would above if you wish. I know there are thousands of people suffering from Indigestion who will be glad ha know re -s -safe -anti rare care fortbem. Yours very truly, Isiorrid) E. S. pLAssee. "Little Digester," cost eents at Medicine Co., Toronto. ae 1,. e, quo. Nee • s of Labrador. t"r , vsut 'it nl•,o•_ 11... lin•.. ,,1 111.• I:. Ion 11l-e.s :ire quit,. -,,nett arced••, el-, t,h••re tura non of the ..v,•r-r •cul ringlot .or pro, 1.•nt, aril,. tr. til'nt 11 troii ht. tisane ' 1411.414,1 h'. r lei:- w n -ori w• ;+.•t :.t,ut tai -IIIc 11 • sunt .1 §-.1,ta,.1 Irrio.ti, us 11, roil., ri.n1•-1 1•, atf„nl jar -1 such a I•,;,t:,1 ii e, think w,• 1-1 w• to tip•• p1 . - ..1 .iu i-artor, :uul „hoped t„ , ,to, ilt atter long veyng.. .,it the I.stbr.4,1er coast r qt. the t:r:uy1 _Batiks a. slate t pier. y _ phity f•+:r..tt,-44eatete.a utas- t lid ?•our•. self aa.hed surd nn•id•al. ,'f r Vohs, f. r t1t:+'Iruti,der:x-are firer it l; ret the work just about to b.•ptn un 11. nt it t3_ zx_4.1_2 )..1,4. tire trrophylael r* tray WIT, tto: nee.' f ii st oars ries tn•:dut.•lit either judicial or medical. Canada's Forest Preetucts. Ituritie 1:n1•• ('anad,l exporh•.1 purest prvsluet. 1.. 111.• Vain." art eolti lee.-te.',. (11 this U,tdl. the nntn:om:factured product, romp itp over 1.l4,tltel,fe•t, and th,. 'doted 1 • tlu.n 11tO_t ti 1'nn,att,f,,t i! 1 e,q,igo. 1, and tai1tt t ti' Ibss,;,•• the -11 year the Iromini•,n imp :r.•,1' Molal :n.l 'n;'uuduclur s 1., tie ,:,1,:.• ill $13,2111il(U:'. ^ G. JOHNSTON EMBALMER who FUNERAL DIRECTOR Lowden,* 374 uwarnmimommo J. BKOPI1EY & SON 1111E LHADINO Funeral Directors and Embalmers Order. ,ar. fuily •tter•oed to lit Mil LeSsawretengellIM weirs.. too or %loy teel Oven eats Quithjei Sates Fuel Make sure your new range has a steel oven, and Pandora- name plate on the door. Go, at once, to nearest MeClary Agency and pick out size desired. Pandora has a sheet steel oven, because steeT is more sensitive to heat,-abserbs it Pandora oven' thus heats quicker -less time required to get oven ready for the baking - which also means less fuel - expense. lar Wlshington Professor, Who Died Re• centiy, Was Bern In Nova S,olia otter, Prof Simon Neweonit,, at ' inetori,.it few days ago, lies riffra.f. y,•ty little ettention, most. Canaanite. uris fellow ceuntrynnin of theirs in truth he sae one ot the. ninny innediene wino have drifted to States and duel lustre ,!. deereee than any men in the world Sixteen univoreitiet4 Het honor. 0 BUGGIES - BUGGIES I have received shipments of the icsoo Models in GREY and MOUNT FOREST BUGGIES Two of the best lines made sn Com Rubber Tires, Automobile Stets and all the latest ideas in firtt- class Carriages A good second-hand Grinder for sale, in good repair, to•inch plates. ';everal good drivern some rem; for sale. For S e by HOWELL HARDWARE CO. CANADIA NATIONAL EXHIBITION TORONTO August 28th - 1909 - September 13tb Greatest Live Stock Exhibit on the Continent in active operation. ADMIRAL LORD CHARLES BERESFORD will officiate at openinr. ceremonies on Tuesday, August 3Ist. MILITARY YEAR AT THE FAIR Model Camp Victoria Cross and Wreetling on Horseback Competitions be Doren team% from Dragoons and Artillery-- Artillery Drive Musical Ride, etc Forty indnetries Robert WiIso:t 101tr [ream Separatism Fleury Barrows, Land Holier*, tiodet Dreadnoughts in Naval Battle GREAT DOUBLE RILL OF FIREWORKS THE SIEGE OF KANDAHAR BATPLE OF THE NORTH SEA WATCH WON ANDUCED RATIN AND MD 1IRSIDIll 1000 Von le Ostrom