HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-9-2, Page 1Something You Want? 1f there it anything you want in the line of printing we shall be Bled 141 have your order. We guarantee satisfactory work. The Signal Telephone 35. amaieva MITT :WOW THEI SIGNAL to JANUARY ist, rgro, to NEW SUBSCRIBERS for 25 CENTS GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : SEPTEMBER 1, 1909 Financial i LOCAL TOPICS whil'h conelat. of very attractive siwet - _ ,-_ --+ lithographs, one shorts /sheet litho- graphs, duty linea, etc. The free al - tractions for every afternoon and • Tenders tor New School. everting are thing closed with as rap - The public school board will meet idly an Possible.Only shore of the on Friday evening to consider the highest class are being cuneidered .and 1 am offering for sale Debentures bearing interest , tenders for the new public school a continual special treat is promised. I building. Over it doxeu proposals The speed contests are L•u•gely for in - at five per cent. per annum, payable half -yearly. i have already been received, route for creased parses and many entries are These debentures often an atslulutcly sate and prof- • tb building complete and others( for ehextiy 111 sight. An unusually Hit eiv Mons of the work. exhibition o Marathon running is mot/tined. '1'11 it more than ordinarily stable investment. 1 would advise anyone having Y. M. C. A. good display of prolucte of the -money to invest to be sure to call and see u,e. A meeting of the directo,•s of the garden, orchard and farul will 1s• Y. M. P. A. was held on Monday even. added a specially attractive display by Ing to begin preparations for the colo- manufacturers and merchants, whic lig season. It was decided to hold is being specially looked after by F. the annual ,neeting of the Association E. Bingham. who is rapidly tilling up on Monday evening, S_pteinber 'ill, the available spare. Applications As Edwin Clark, the corresponding should be made to Mr. Bingham at i secretary, In to leave in a few days to once. Write the secretary, M. O. liras a p5411011 at Winnipeg, Leslie Johnston, for any particulars. Inkster was appointed corresponding Ooderlch I secretary pro tem. College of Music. I Two Held for Trial. We are pleased w he alta to an. nuuuce that the (iodeeich College of The three' Indians who were in- Music. having eoncludwl a successful - , r- , eerterated in CuetIe Griffin last week year, is lawsuit n t to commence n sood igtilYrfSERS- in connection with a row at Clinton, year under ounditions which promise -iia--wbieir-'w-_Are* -mooed Elliott- a znrcrre� The - j — scaled more or less N112100t injuries, Olsen+ on Satuday. September -tth, September Lod. were taken to Clinton on Thursday and pupils are requested to register on Copy of change of running advertise-' Fall Wheat, new, mer soda P1'u W It u ai 8S,,rima wheat, new, per hush..,a 14 to a ai for examination. As a result our of that day' in order W get {wrllodtl that meets must be left at this office by ets•1. per bu•h 11 4' to , n, then. Nelson Brach, of Monsey, was Will Ile convenient for them. 'There Monday noon to ensure insertion Hu,kwhwa. ter bah 0,p 10 s s1 diw'hu ed, and the other two, named Orr Ilve teachers on the stall o the .n issue of same week. (lam, ilea. (Mr bu J,,. .... , u a2 W 11 xi 1'na,., per nu -1, u n. to u_7u iA)ckstater, were held for trial, being l'olle•gr and nearly r1•e�ry^ subject is Screen. ler 4,,h p a to 0.'o released on tail in the meantime. liken alp by the* roumis•tent in - Flour, sags. per per yl iu to }I u, et nonoses. Mr. Jordan will hold a Flour, palmy. per ew1 3 a1 10 3 un Voters' List Issued.• iwrisst every Saturday morning flout Flour, ValrnL per cwt 1 3 Yi te I3 1ta Iseo ,.•error, ------- arse -tiro- -- Tlw wises' hat of the town_nf.Aiadees u t I0:31t u'rlo:k fur the discussion of Short.,, par W1, Yt tq 10 23 IV rich for 1108) has been posted op by mush' in all its forms. All pupirs of " . a tea W s'' Town Clerk Knox, It -shows a total the College are supposed to yttrnd this a IMI W eco K • PF u 114 le u Ai of 1.731 names -944 in part 1. !entitled class, as there iel 110 fee in connection r0 Is te s0 1M pr-m(o-no-boeh-toweic'ipal pipet' • - - - ' -- Potatoes, new . 0 '.i 40 119, and elections to the Legislative Aa- Slttllatlone Vacant rattle, good. to' 1s. semblyl :.I1 in. part I1. (.entitled to rattle, escort. per cwt .123 to 3 .D vote at municipal elections only) and tielltiL i n s Io , , :i in part iII. (entitled to vote only „rroll e•ANTEI). -A CAPABLE GEN. Sheep, per rim ambo sci at elections t.. the lairislative As• rl-nant. Apply to MK-. CHAS. rwrlb aisto 0. 11 r(•rnblyl. No.2division has the larg- ,..litlt1Ise. per Ib - e lS to 0 Y2 Lard_ per Ib 15 to r- est number of voter+, and No. 7 the Tallow, par Ib ' 45 to n (is smallest number. Of the persons Hide*, , e cwt .. 7 to to s tq Minted in the list inti are eligible .ss 411 to W` •Cht Tat sus 4 ... ... in L. Jurors. The [height -Edwards Recital- Alt hough the audience at the tion Sales. W. 1.. IHO1t'l't)N THE STANDARD LOAN UOMPANY W .- have to thank the Jap5nese for mem hut. which when a_padjed in !Web(' Menthol Salve is neeI(II fed to end* and heal insect bites, and stings, sunburn, etc. :tic a tip at derig fiat•' Hay, per too . Wood per mrd Rutter, per lb 4liawne. peril. F:Ktn. fresh, per dos Kotioe. r #it4T4('k:1Y_ U E Ii E H 1 -(:1 V E N 1 t het phut.. urofllw arta book. of reference of 'lie line of she Inters Ifni Shure It'd) ray h,mngh (he tow rX hip of Ashtleld have horn depn.ile4 In the registry office tocr84aounty.nf-Htuan_ V. M. ItOI;):KT14. Chief ffngleeer. It UOOTH PRIVILEGES. -- (i 0.1) E- ll )u' 11 INDUSTRIAL FARIHITION. . Tender will bo received up W 4 p. In. on leo dry, the 1:'thday of September In -1., fur vel. dye, on fur around. dnring eshlbit tae. i. 1'or Hole refreshment privilege. Includiui noel- ' •- W4"aese •es rand.nl.tt( •...•.t..1. •' , rent. each. Forprivilege M a refreshment booth, not excluder. no meal.. • M O. JOHNSTON. secretary. with stone cellar. (overs for giving them this opportun- e: Taxes : Tee per cent, of the purchase loot ey ity of hearing such excellent talent. robe paid at floor of sal.•. lobene • to be I Dwight -Edwards recital last Thursday cleaning sea. not large, the event was it very enjoyable one to those who at-- A1 S ► (.TION A tended. Mr. Dwight-F.dwktde' sing. 't• Ing was received with warn apprecia- A 42,541 .41Attltl: FARM IN Tin( file V tion, and his various runless gave sill lb 1)1' t't�LHe)R\k scope for the display of fess great Robert and An powere7R voice: Mtaa-i?dtth Mel ,ide, drew Menwelne� evreutors of t he .,tate of the late lrevld Metlwaine, to wit Ih,yy public ,l,rUo,, "f London, a charming young vocal- s tb.prwnl.e.ou Monday. `tev)rml.er _0.44.:41 1 i.l, alio was heard with much pleas - o'clock e. 111.. EU/ half, Int 7, ern ne..inn N, and Orr. aura Acheson deii Miss' Lkited Oe. westerly ix acre. of lot 7,' Conce..ion In, K t+onWnhly :rt ,.cre,• mon•, o� ;Mw' `1,oth in the the audience with her violin selections rn ,RrF,on or T)Mn,A10434,1 alnol•ite, Ann enetalneed ire/. repmtatti. a axe rim The farm (a 111 "0'64 '44`1° "1 eativat*na ha" a artiste of high rank. The mana�e- h.h lot of fits acne.; a frame barn, Boils And Musk- . driving Awl. and a home, amem • house eat deserve the thanks of Music- _ ' LF KK_8 N f) -T LC E 1)K FIRST WI(T(NO OF VOTERS' 1.18T.. vnfF.kS I.1sT IVH -MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF UODM:KICH, ('u,'NTV uF' HURON. Notice 17 hereby ulnen 11131 1 have trans mined or delivered lathe !arsons mentioned in when- • and s of the Ontario Vidor.' IAA. Art. sod amendment• thereto. the •ode. re- -- --- tolre+l by said section. to be .n transmitted it 1 . Jell, eyed of the Il+t, made pennant tomtit! Act, ---1alww•r•ew+appierte b-etaslr-'-sotleed..aa- .e-.ment roll of the +aid munirlpalily W 1,.• en4tled to vote In the laid municipality at eleetiom for members .f the IAegldetive As wnihlr and at municipal Meetly.: and that the *aid li.t was end Costed up at my oTce at • (intertr1 no the Ash day of minuet. Pen. and ---xonture there for *nape -.tion. — ' ):,..etre, are rolled upon to examine the staid li.t 40d, if any omh.lOn, m any other error. are (hood therein, to take immediate proceed imp :u have aha said orrere corrected according to ler. limed atlloderlrh this Int day of "epted.ter. re, I. 1.. EVuS, d'lerk of Torn of I,'slerlcb. JJte_wuLk taken up he of great Importance to every atudent. Another good feature of the College is n kindergarten class for email chil- dren and it class in elocution- Thie depnruurn% i.4 in charge of Ire, 'Fetter Jordan, College valet durs may Is• had by calling at the office : these calendars give lull particulars of the work to be taken up for the eouling year. "Santa Chute' Visit serol Mars," is juvenile operetta, will ire The work taken up this -fall -for -(hinging out of the talent Inetown; Parente wishing til have. their chil- dren take part in this work should i(e tit. -Jordan as soon -as p wills in order to have their voices tried. The opera is pretty and full of life, Dull, the sort of work to give children art interest in music and urakr their hmire of pleeassureatitn- Also of treefrrl instruction. The strainer King FAIWAral on Iter next trip will carry a Press AssM'ie- tion ex('llt•(elUl' from the Stales. This will likely be her last trip this wagon. She will call at 2 a. in. M Lay in- stead of at S o'clock Sunday rw•ninrt. Bound down, she will be in at 13::s1 midnight on Thursday. The fug 1''I MINN, recently purrhuse•d by ('onrt1ctur Bermingham. arrived its pull last week and will take several SCOW. sled the lutlauct• of the eenlrut outfit to Ronde•au when the weather i. favorable. ('apt. Angus Mel)unald, of town, has charge of the new boat, and bnnlghl her here front 1(iiigston. The shalt nnd pruiwltor were sue- cessfrilly removed front the steamer Tecumseh and very little of valise now remain+ in the old hulk. If the hull can IN. leached high enough severe! tun. of iron can he taken from the boat, as she was built extraordinarily toning, having twiee the number of boll null bracttt put into some boats. Praetiralty all the old wheat is Out of the %Vest, and few grail cargo•+ ole time ng. The suet lo,t,l c'f new wheat will likely reach (it lerieh he- t.weeu September Ilith and I:dh. f'rlspv. is for a record L►H trate AT the Gtsli'rich elevator are very bright in fact, there is alrratly enough businrs in sight to keep the elevet.r and both railways buoy for the bal- ance of 1 he season. In addition, it is probable at least four or live Cargoes will be store) in bottle wintering herr. Collitgwo d Bulletin : '•Many vis- ited the shipyards this week to have et look at the- damage done the steamer Iilenellah. The -bow was' tiye i11, the lame steel plates being g.riutpel and Tcurled as iLly� hewere made L onaer. he accident .,monied at Port Col- borne by the steamer striking a stone pier. The forward wits Illle d, yet the trip up the lake to Purl Arthur and down to Iiole'►teh was Made without difficulty. A large gang of men are rushing the repairs and the steamer Will gel -away -ie a- few slay. - Persons who happened to he on the north breakwater on Saturday after- noon witne.4Pd the novel sight of it Isehargt of twenty-tive pounds of dynamite exploded on the stent of the propeller Tecuinneh which wits de - mi -dyed by tire early this apt Ing and is bow submerged in the harbor, _ The purchaser of the old hulk, MI•. Doty. has had a staff of men' at work for some time taking out the engines, im- mense hollers, chains wand iron work from the submerged vessel ufidier. fbe tuperintendenge of Contractor Mc- Laren, and the charge on M,turday had been placed by the diver immedi- ately over the main shaft that con- nects with the piopener, so as state the landing on the wharf of that heavy outs of metal. When all was ready the charge Was tired by a lot- tery on the when and a co) of water at least thirty feet high shot up. completely-eov'4ing a number of piles of lumber stat -k, d opposite, be. Hides flooding the wharf. ,The 'se of the explosion was beard a great dis- tance and persons on the oppseite side of the harbor who paw the column of water report that it was quite specta- cular. So far as 'could be seen the operation wits u eattaQti mit apcakt soil per torr .Ftp faka_ f_hAt� there .vas not the slightest accident. After the water had auhsided in the harbor it i ler of good-sized rock base, which had evidently taken up their 'marten beneath .the minket boat. were seen floating on the out- face and wore picked no by •1n 1•nter- prisin 'ointment. W110 110 dubt o thrntght that that styte art stating was just the correct thing. The novelty of the sight would have made an in- terest ing pict utr for some of our camera devotees, but as it was not advertised none happened to be present. The Late Mrs. Leckie. Rotel The Kincardine Reporter we Cake the following r0ierenie To the death of Mrs. Thomas Leckie. of Kin- cardine, mother of Thomas Leckie, of (Jotterieb i After an ex6ended illness of several within thirty days. when p mansion wt months the death of Mrs. Thoma. Moen. -Ails ThfflWr ,ashlar --Chan a in the Gr" Trade. yatrte�tap may be t - .- -1 t.-{ec,.twi,st at her- residence .d trout the executonorthe n6wetlooser. A change in the proprietorship of (,leen street. south side, on Saturday, THOMAS (t('NDRY. t'be Maple Leaf Grocery takes: placeAucAugust 'list. Decreased had reached ItntiFKT Mrtravales: 1 Kxacufon Ilsear. Lh' week, J. W. Vanatter, well the age of seventy-one years, six ANUKKII Mc1LWAINF:1 kn 0 to the people of Uoderich, tak- months and seven dept. Her maiden 441231 - ing a •er Mr. Snyder's interest in the name waa,leminra Taylor and she was basins , which will now he conducted born in 'Kinkier, l'otfMrehire, Scot - under style of Morrish tit Vanni- land. and . came to Canada with. her Snyder has been in indiffer- To Rent L'1'RYINHEIi ROOM 'TO HENT. - Apply at Moi \'AL (WFIt'K. It Real :state tor bale. SA1111nAr, September IIth, wt o'chck,-- Ho.rchold furniture. including flat top oToe desk, wheelbarrow. good 1 se, three hod room nits, ddebonrd. etc. No reserve, Sec hill.. The At:, Tilos Ho, -,, ILUnillon street. Ileo. Reckott, auctioneer, ter. Mr. tut ht1 lh seeking retie mess, and Mr. to the %Vest, main in Boiler' effected, Of Mr. member of lbs firm; to ray anything, known for several yeast rut one of our leading groeenl. The /Inn will em- ploy progressive methods ' their busi- ness, and with one of the st-locate.d _ _ and most commodious mans in Bode - rich, a staff of experit•nced cle ks and a large and excellent stork of very - thing good in groceries, they a,ll doubtless command a good aha of the patronage of the town and vic - ity. Their announcement will found on page 14 of this issue. some true and baa !leen family' early in life. For a number of rearm she Fred with her Iothe•r rout t le cares o osl- Dat•id Taylor. in Huron township, tin- fanatter, after hie trip til she wasyunited in marriage ti; the ' *ringdecided to re- late Thomas Leckie; and they settled the transfer was in Kincardine -over •hlrty year. ago. oerisb, the other Here n fatui-jy of seven children were 1..ti uooecee ary isin,, two of whom -di -4 in iui'ani he hes been .flea* left to mourn her loss ere Jli)vs :Hiro and Miss Helen 1., who are at home : Themes T., of tii.d-rich: Wile Iium J., of Toronto, and Mts. 1Ur.l Mc- Iver, of l'eck, Mich. Her brother, Oa•vid L. Taylor, now lives on the Intl concession of Ashfield. hits. Leckie was a woman of strong Christian character and had been a lifelong tnenher of the Presbyterian chareh, She was ever found in her place in the sanctuary on the Lord's Day until her health failed. As a wife she was a sal. ng helpmate. As a mother her WI nw•hood proved her to he a Woman of a eptiotal ability, ever looking to the Irate ofth' a. familywith which she ha • been left. Her Christian (-hareem and kindly deeds wen for circle uI friends who will tire death. The herrn ALGOMA (CENTRAL STEAMSHIP LINE STK. KING EDWARD Cleveland, Toledo, Sault Ste. Marie, vela d Toledo Division (,Ie n . i uvml n between WR 8 ALF.. NiNE•R(O�[ HOU$F. Detroit and Sault NIP. Marie and en Reece .treet,ata low Ranee. Aptly et intermediate pointe. to WILLIAM BURROW -tor AUCTION ' 1 ei IMI round • • 1 .rich 1 h a. m. FFYt Leave od N);1�K F:TT. f.e W41$TBRN LANDS FOR MALI» -- I1, acre' with 32 ttcrew In crop: frame atm howl a ne oith 'phone loan, Pelee32.,m -slit Including 1per T. J. sere, broken nal fenced. 'fns. 4+ a snap, M. land i, going up every year. 511 acres *1111 good budding., a, acre. broken: price lel per art. gout looallq• and phone In house: Any n? those out bought in away tern., J. It• I(I/ TEWSLEY, Yorkton, Sark. Ie'tidayr, northbound ai3o p. ni. Sun- dayn. .1111141 ?Aril to September 7th. + Weather permnling/ I10t'$E FOR SALE. --- A NIi s. I11 brisk dwelling wfth the modern Improve• menta, pleasantlysituated and near the Sgaaro. Apply to W. R, 1OREItT11ON. HOUNE FOR SALE. •-'A TWO - is Mick holis, with elven 100ms, on Brum 'tree. Particulars oma be had by calling at SPINAL Office. 334f F1.1)t M POR SALE. - LOT 34, CON - 11 ('E!SION 1, Fast Wawano'h, eontatning one hundred acme 01 er.tclm. land for grain 05 is -'faro . farm is well ander-drained with lite well fenced. Fifteen sere. of 04o4 hrordwoal bomb, a MVP, toiling spring trek, a void well at hou.e, n 1')1105 hearing orchard. There le it good rerrent hon.., front 2I32N, bark I1x21, cellar' ander front and kitrhea, ut.+t„tei over all. Them I. a good hank loon with done stabling 1104:, and goal orlbulMings. Faro, Is finely adulated, four mike west of Rlyth, two mile' east of Auburn sot one and one half miler fmn. school. The farm will he -old on ea.)' tern. For further i!10041*hsdirr., MRS. JULIA KINK, A❑ vn, pmt. STERLING BANK OF CANADA RIA,, orrice Th5oten. 'i•Tn..al riD OAPrrAI, • Immo* IN('ORPORA'p•ICD BY SI'1G'IAL ACT (>F I)OMINiON )'ARLIAMKNT TO RICCRI V E ngP(MlITs TO Atcommrxpate the ?emerge we have opened Branches in the villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. We solicit the Patronage of the FARMER, • IA1,* name ntecot NTlt1. Highest current rate of interest paid in SAVINGS BANK � DEPART- MRNT1 on deposits of $1.110 and upwards. OODRR1OR BRANCH A. O. GAMMA Manaawr. Ooderich Industrial Exhibition. The dates of Huron's greatest fair are September 2s4, Ji and :XI. After having thoroughly revised anti en• larged the prize lints and given them general distribution, the °Meets are mending out their advance advertising. KENNEDY, Ta%r'vc M(*tor.n. S,odt Ste. Marie tinted r l STAR -COLE Li N L STK. HURON iaavee Oodetich FOR MAULT STE. MA1tlk. MICH.. cla North ('Innnrl, Oeorglan Hay, - Tuesday at s p, m. FOIL PORT Hl'RON, DETROIT. TOLED0and ('LEVELAND, Elides, at 12 midnight. WILLIAM LEK, I.oaAl Agent. K. MAXWELL. Traffic Manager. Detroit. Mich. tel LARGE STEEL STEAMER CITY OF ST. IGNACE NORTHROIINi) leaves (ioderich for Mackinac. St. ignner and the north. Thursday of each week at S::il p.m. $OI'TII ROUN b leaves (iolerlch for Detroit, Cleveland, Toledo and Buf- Aln, Saturday of each wrek at 2 p.m. THE POINT FARM. OPEN t'NTiL SEPI'. loth. We are pleased to he able to state that the Point Farm hos had a most successful newton, with the largest number of guests for many years. In of der to provide Afte,01n111u- dation for picnic parties, dancing parties and others who 1may wish to visit the Point during the tine days ofeardy September, we will keep the hotel open until the Both of September, and in• vitt' all who wish a pleasant outing to come and Nee nn. J. T. GOLDTHORPE, II:.11121F TOWN OF OODRKIOH. TRRASI'ItElts'AL1.44F f.ANDS FOIL TANFJ., oro. PROVIN('K OF ONTARIO, TOWN OF OOI1ItI('H, TO WIT • Ry +Mae ore warrant ander the hand of the Tarot and -real of the corporation of the town of (lexleHrh, dated the thirteenth day of July, IVa, mrnrnandln me to kcy noon Ihr hurl. hereinafter drswrihnd, for the armor, of tater. due thereon. tooter her with orris. Holler I. hereby Kit .'n that. unless .ueh tette. and reed. are sooner paid ( shall, pnr.uan( to the Ance.co ant Act, R. N. ,1. len;, chapter 221. proceed In sell by pulite awl Mu the .all land. or .n t op•h t herrn? ice may tea ..e e..ary for the payment of the sold armors and "lets, at my office, m, PI ATI' RDAV. THE SIXTH DAY of NOVI:MRF:R. At eleenn oclock In the forenoon. The folbwing lots are patented ' Horning Nnmben No. Lo•r 1211 Hutehlneon.harvey .....,... .., 27 24 1111 111 Park t Marwofe's Horsey. i1M. et 1 V " 1,4 I •onev..inn 1'. Rlonka .... .......... • ih..4 li ederlrh, July 13th. Mtn ('OPTS A8n TAxgt ('nM, k.5t 4241, 2.a( 1411 2.444 12 33 2.145 CM 2.05 axt 2a, 2.1. 2.141 .143 2.ap x43 2.44' 11.33 1.114 TOT %I, 410 17 10.1 3 7a 1.1.41 1.545 AM Ate fire 14,11 12.14' W. L. HORTUN Town rraeurer. her n tare( deeply - re and daughter left to mourn her lose havi• the sylnp by of the entire Com- munity in (het • bereavement. '1'h,• funeral took pia, from the family 1'esidelicp on Toe • afterno,m last to Kincardine none y and was an exceedingly large one. The services were conducted by the ev. I Ir. Mc- Donald. The remains w - borne to their last resting place b Messrs- Root. Fraser, 1''. Sellery, hn Mc - (Mw, R. McKay, G. D. Morris n and J. Boyer, Harbor Noes. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The smile that wont come o(1 lr the smile that Sallow+batches on your face when .IIUng for n photograph. Try(c P Mfr1Vand tae. Supplies for fancywork in fall variety al.nil mer Smith., East street. See the rteg5annt cu.hlomWp.. now In stork. Art supplies, Mrey china, sour coir 500ts., He. Nice coot weather now, )n., the kind when a man ned. a tight oeere.nt in the evenings F'..1. Pridhun turn. out the nattiest and most Ilp-fddafC garment,-, Vett and Mare pmrr order, Labor Cay next -Monday. The cool weither is sending the smuttier visitora home. Rebekah Lodsol' will sleet on Tues- day evening, September 7th. The pnblii schools reopen on Tues- day next, and a full attetld,nce in re- quested on that day. ()wine to the unfayortible weal her the Mid Regiment bated is not giving any concert this week. It is 'nominee(' from Ottawa that The steamer St. Ignsco wilt mak Thanksgiving Day this year will Ise her last call here on September 11th. -Monday, October 'pith. Jas. Bogie and a gang of men are re- pairing the planking along the wharf. The steamer St. Igniter rune an ex- cursion to Detroit on Sateuday, -Sep tender 1th. Both tugs had extra good lifts the past week, emit getting at least one lift of 1.2(44lbs Thin is the last trip for the stetanler Huron. She shonid he in on Septem- ber 3411 on her way down. Over two birdied toga belonging to the Cleveland-Sat'nia Sawmill (b, have conte ashore within the past three days. The steamer 'Turret Court linishet discharging her cargo of them o Tues- day and sailed for Huron to Toad coal for r{ Lake M,,iw,•tor port. The schooner .lennie, loaded with posts, hound from Pike Hay to Wind - ran in for shelter on Toemdey and was windbound for **vend days. The yacht 1Ving-and-Wing, which had (leen crni.itt{( in the Georgian Bay, Was in pot t over Monday, Imund for Cleveland, where she. will lay up. A light ie bs,dly needed on the light- house 1,111 at the top of the 1'. P. It. steps. Perhaps the (' P. R. would put in n lamp ii the town agreed to furnish fhr electric rrh'rent. The steamer Midland preen cattle in of Monday with-AI(MI IInshels of wheat for the Big 34111, She cleated on Tuesday for Lorain, when. she will load coal fur Midland. The Otonals'c, run in connection A Targe number of people are taking with the Public Work,' Depat1ment, the trip to Toronto these days, The came In nn Saturday on her way from special 1 o'clock train pot on on certain the Oeorgian Bay to Toronto, and re days by the Grand Trunk, arriving at mained in port over Sunday. Toronto at Ifl:lfy, is a good accommo- The steamer Doric was at the eleva- dation and is inning well patronized. tor on Tuesday with 161,1(01 Ineth4144 of Monday, Sept.omb•r 211th, national wheal and caul from Fort William, ennrert and cantata, -Festival of the She cleared on V, ednemtlay morning I riflemen, " in Knox choral. under the for Sainte to go into ordinary nnlid I *spies, of the girls' intermediate bmsinese pick.. tip. ,elms*. I'retiwris for Idle debt fund. Thele will be a special meeting of Co rt Golerieh, No, :fit, 1'. O. F,, on Fri( evening of thin week. The Signal and The Montreal Fair fly Herald and Weekly Star wilt he sent to neW suleeriblrs for the balance of the year or Nk•, The .Ppp $te school reopened on VVedrlemday. Ynstru•tion will be given this term' in violin, mandolin and harmony, 1i addition to the 1911,11 Hasse*. In the 1'niversity ofToronto matt'ir'- ulation examinations the llfth Edward Blake scholarship was awarded to 11, Grant Robertson, of Toronto, grand- s)n of W. It. Robertson, town. The North Huron Telephone ('n., Wineham, with an authorized c itel of $10,440►, and the Wroxeter U4lt'ni Telephone Co., of Wroxeter, with the same capitalization, have been incur= post ed. Alta. John P. !fates has Molt! her house and lot on Newgule street to 1e', W. Doty. Mrs. )Ines Anil her dnogh- ter, Miss Ora, will remove to Tprnito, where twit of 1111 s, hates' llanghterr !►le now living. The old woslshed at t.M• ('enrol Mrhdol which ham for years Men an eyesore i5 being torn down and re- moved by Peter McLaughlin, A fence will be erected between the school proper -y and the adjoining lot. 1 THE 8ItiNAI. +vt1NT1 Net 4'0., I.(t, Pualrsasat, a Adutission date. Thos. Donovan, eonvtctel of assault, war defuse Judge Hott for mentenee on Tuesday. After a severe lecture front His Honor he was released on sus- pended sente•uer, being required to givedl surely of $551 fat good. behavior in the future Anti to -appear when called upon. Paetsetlgws on hast night U, 'F, R. train rolnpinin of being held up for three -ti uarlerw of no 1 - at 01n1u0 for a tmight train. Their 1roin; they say. arrived at Clinton o11 .,'haled' 111110, and was switched there to ar- eontinodate the freight. arriving at (iuderich three -,pia Pre of 1111 1 late. Then• were a .sage mintier of paitleU4ers on the (01111, including County (!wit1 fieri Mel/mead ret awn- ing Iron Britain, '1 Alta ('laigie and Neil Cameron returning Irons Toron- to, and a nundwr of ladies. Misr Myrtle chassis's, who bas 1 .•410 s ilding the p:.sb month assisting al the wholewde• millinery °pesthnge, at lived 1 this week. Miss Cousin* has taken a position at 1' micron Is Moore's as head of the millinery tie- partmenTin e r iter many friends will b• pleased to know that she in not leaving town thin sese n. 15 cents, Remember the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -dept. 2 e- Y '1'o 11,., 11,5.1on of (1Oderich -1', \t'.IK'oo4 nu.lathulluf the Atuerkau bead Jlaoala,-__-_ l °l op I,y of ana,ta. Limited. .. 2 Auction Sale Hobert Mcllwa6m, Andrew Mrllwnl0e 4 uudeMrh Industrial Exhibition - M. 0. Jobe 50,,41. Notice of Find Posting of Voters' 13+t -L. L. Knox, l'lera... t 'fhr Polio Farue,l. T. ltdldllaot{s ... ... 1 )'inn Show of Fail Tailored /Nibs and Coate - Ilo,lgrn• tire. s Hut LW (*ruck!! rood Flower Pot.- Morrish %ostler . • a 8ltrtulna ill Wall l'.11er-M- Kean, Dungan - 110U. T'hn•.hen-11'13ra.1t. Hardware Tender+ for host. Privilege. Uodeeich In - duet riga Exhlbltlost ... .. I Ke:uter. Cameron .\ Moore ... The People',iinwory P. J. Ryan. .... ,, s The Tickling &•..,o,, S. K. Hick I'or limier. 1' YO,Itallw,y .._. .. t l:eourston ltato. to Landon -0, T. H_ ., J Ileartyuanen for Knitted Usod.:I). Ignlaitk►') Meader t'. 1'. It. short Lime to Toronto -4'. 1' It , a School Hook. a1N School Supplies -tied. Porter er M tMato i,,.v fir :we,re 31,%4.,'..'..: - - ' CHURCH NOtES. Hey. J. 1.. Netball, H. A., of Blyth. is to recite aid Mrs. Small is to sing at ori 4•utertninmeut to he given et 1' ' church, Golerich township, on Mt)n• day evening next. hast Sunday the pulpit of Victoria tet met Method -bit rhnrch wee occupied epee -MI.. for Saturday 1'. S. Ewing . Alrw Fall unci' -J. H. t •o16.ors t Value, :service, 8tylo and 5ath(uu4014 4 am - 01011 r Moon• . I Via/lie/led Moon, to Hent - Apply at Signal tatter . 1 Set,' ant 11'81nled-Hera Cls'- tarrow I 137 tire ratepayers. In thin rant•, pro - siding the bylaw be passed, the coun- cil Itat1et appoint a %aluetor in whorl confidence can be placed : the Mayor It PntrtlatM with the custody, jointly - hj• A. M. Robertson in the tuurning with the l' parry, of the funds to he - and Itec. Wm. Baugh in the evening, t•eeeived from the side of the gueran- Robert Young supplying for Mr. teed bonds; and the town solicitor Bailgh at 13e 'tier. hes the responsibility of seeing that. Next Sunday- will be . 3ll)• day for thie proper .afegoardM are secured by Victoria street Methodist chutrh Sun- 111e town belt we it lentis its credit to the .echooi. 1tey,___V'•(oItwav, of Competes,. For these thiega._we de - Ni e, will preach morning and even -4, pe.nal, : And trust T cep. J upon lop - inKr(, and will address the Sunday i faithfulness and diligence of the per - school in the afternoon. Special music none concerned, and not upon the will be rendered. - 1 wording of the bylaw. A very large • congregation as- It might At well be admit led at Ml('e si'whle•d in Knox church on Surnlay. dist there in neo satisfactory way of evening to hear Rev. 1)r. Heidrun, n( enforcing (he rwplo)'nll tt Of a car Cleveland. The Ihx'tor gave a slir•'tafn number of hands; ranch a prowl• ring sermon, with .the originality of Bion in be useful as a check upon thought and epigrammatic Mtylewhich Ithe Company, but it must be left. are characteristic of his deliverances. largely to the Condit of general A solol(y Mr. McPherson, "The Home I trade and of the Company's business tarot:" wasztphatritriritarticutar-ebastine a. larger or -_ .ervice. I amalltr n11nlber of band. shall M• kept The service Sunday morning in tot• .employed. 1t is not rtnreasonable to North street Methodist church will be suppose, howet er, t hat the business one anticipating the work of 1hr r.' which the Cutlpan) will cnwnlatpl Mie members and au wren aPawt taatt;laY.__.. ••- strongly urged by the pnilor to is stipulated number of employees at ber present in full numlwrs. Fellowship , Will linereiwas to a in time lash lae rger service at 10 o'clock. in the evening I rPf g the service will relate to labor Day. I which hateul mint criticized atures tv4Pheliof thwr SwtitlieCMon ' The Sci n smuts *asi (itc' that the wording. of the bylaw is not torics, mills and railways are invite! orexdurive iiopoftitner, and that the to atten(1. If Any Mian to come in a ratepayers may look to the town soli- lody, the• pastor well Ile obliged if hr calor and to the Mayor to protect the be Ho informed. Accomuoxdethim. will town's intere�ts stilly, e be arranged to suit Thr services and sermon subject at 1 If the ratepayers of lioderich an. the Baptist Chlneh next Sunday will tint hthe to adding to the ken poo be of more than usual interest, in which they have already taken upon (heatobj44O1 -ba ,•ZbAt-dttlotthemselves in -giving w„ass,_besce to i - Spiritual oat and 1118 Earthly the present proposition -we-tiTers a that_______— Guests : a Meditation upon the Inrd'a favothe present opportunity offers a vr0- Supper." The ordinance of the Lord's other opportunity of securing the $uppp.er will bP ob,erved at the Amar atown Mubttano . industry for the -M Ihi.. 1441rvi4* Int- titw.evwniag aha -town. In spite of a few dela 14*1iea second of `• Plain Talks on Local the whole iwenforta, its,. n it blur lt- Problwus : Shall Our Religion Hen the wholle Iwen t,g,, and its tndur- Form nr a Lite will 1* olelivrnd. mowtrial undertakings, and we see no 1'ht pastor, lieu. C. R. Jones. will Machine why the American Rood-:,,.,.�.., preach at loth services. A heart Machine Company of Canada shouldrg y not become one of the town's large Invitation is extended to all. I eitromfacturing establishments and an / The ladies of North street W. M. S. ,' extensive employer of labor. arranged *delightful outing for thein -1 leaven And friends at the home of Mr. ANNOUNCEMENTS, and Mrs. Wm. ,V1neIrl, Srltford, lest Monday evening. Some walked, but ' ` tn(t+t went in carriages, leaving the "'he W. C. T. Il. roasts in the'1'em- church in tafternoon or evening, rPrnucr Hall the x00.0(1 and fourth he On the lawn the tr able. were prend Mondays of Poch worth at 3 ticiock. and the beautitul P111 longs Jit Lifebuoy soap is delightfully - R nothing to injure the appetite. The leashing for bath and totes in te hot junior band in the course of the even-' meat her. For washing underclothing mg enlitened the prue441.lings. And 11 is unequalled. ClHan'sN and purl - within door+ A *hart p'ogrnn. sen. tl,w, rendered, RPS..1. F. Knight, of Dawn An unlimited amount of butter and Millie, gave a happy speech: and Mien Hgga wiMts'41 at (:Atitrre)11 eta Moo e's .- Turner, visitinpf her brother H. g,•,a'ety department, to he delivered Turr,rr, n s n d Mts Flarrie Tach ren- this week and nett. Special prices dered tine recitatiune. It was Soled it paid : eggs, Sk•. it dozen trade, or 217ic. capital Peening. nisi'. Parnlere will Always get the --- high.rt prices here. ABOUT THE BYLAW. Hurneseekers' Excursions to Western 111 bt•ief, the proposed agreement toe- Canada. tween the town and the American Via (%hcago, September 7th and 2tet. Via Sarnia and Northern Navi- gation (In., M. ptember rith and 22nd. (Steamer leay.s Sarnia 3:311 n, ut,l Vinl E Road Machine ('ompany of ('anode, Limbed, is as follows: 7'he ('nmpenyy to eetablr1h Its Nisi. ness in Oodericn and to have on its nlpeK and r tau n $ L IML dmon payroll by the end of the Hiatt year inn an return ${2:2), Proportionate rates to ether pointe in Western Coin - fifty employees ; 10 give a mortgageon its propxrly, including lands. Ind ld- oda. Mor tickets and further in - Inge and plant, to the value of at !coat fni'ntat' call on nearest Grand $71),iMMl, in security for the guarantee Trunk :agent. by the town of the (bmpeny's hoods __ to the amount of 4144,4(51 andinlrrpst. 1ft 441 Parliament Building, `- — Hy the carrying of the bylaw the i ellte,viny afternoon n fire in the town gets a factory with ahues• Provincial Parliament buildings at IlIMs alreiidy eatablishe1 and mama- Toronto gutted the west. wing and facluring goods of it Clans for which eneisetl a tors of Minot $7&4,145*, there• is a growing delmand. Hitherto the market fn,' t hese goods ham been Too Late 1°r Ad This largely .nppeed from the ilniteel Week. M(,itrN, The Company is iu a erne.* We are• expecting arrival of out branch of the American (toad Na. new fall ready Ut-were unite be ehine Company of Kennett S. hare, laliet, Biggest values at $12, $15 Pa. i that ie, while it is a dintinet rot- and $IS. Splenia) orders taken at:`oration. it will, a.. Mr. Woods says in same Inse't's. (1AAIMPtoe & M0ott4, his letter to the electors, •'hevt• hack of it the brains and Munnetra exper- ie•nt .. of the United States company. 7 he Mayor and the president of the Board of Trade have merle an inventi- gaUon and inquiry sato the standing of the men behind the project, lsnil report everything satiafetetory, So far, then, as the eredentialr of the promoters and the prnspeets of suc- ePas for the ,rnilertaking ore t•o11- rerntrt, the pen xtnition in one of the IN•st evee)daewf let ore the ratepnv., of (4Mterlr)4- At the points' !meting on Frieda) evening 144 tent 11111 w a .4 llleer•te,l largely from consideration of be mer- its of the propx.eition itself IAi a criti- cism of the terms of the bylaw in which it is set before the voters. It is perhaps no; unfortunate that such was the ease, as it throws attention morn deirort.ly npon a fraturr ,,f the undertakings which hr t. Nome• 0x•a.' tent. been overlooked M the polities. That is, the greatimportance of the ditty devolving upon the town council and the town officials In the making MARRIED. Itl'STCN hlNKiSATEIt. At tlie re,0(eneent the htide', la)iotas,, Dunlop, on Mond.. A.tgnd loth, by Nev. .1 Hamllt• n• Elisabeth Noreen, ,,lie's dul5l,ter of 4, lin I.IOklater, to William Kneen, of Settingr vine, telt. 1IIWIN-ItKA1111.. Al the home M the bride. parent., on Angtlat ?A h, Scary K., da,tght or of Sa.nn"I HOW lie, of 11'larton, to Alfr,I 41 Erwin, of Hayfield. ((1'S4NS KnRMN:ON:. •(114Tsy, AIM Th crea ass :411 1e, rot filly* rh,)h•h Mein,.11 114ta15. NO. A. Amwfn lOr, R. A,. 1'rederlck lieey 11.011,41M 1?Chltnor .0l'ita Mary densshlner of Henry and Mem. rtoMn+on. of ilederlch. E.% Hit ANI(I(EWS. At the re.ideoeoof i, e bed,•. parern.. ,Immo nen m, 1Vadne. L 5. SepteMicei tet. by H.')la� A. Ander , it. A., Meant .)Arne. Parr. of Statfont to Anne }:dvlhe, yn•m1n+t danghter of s tephrn and Mn.. Andrew. DIEu, 'JAN1, In Ureteric)), On Friday, Artmed Alfred S. 1...on oMr, and air. A. Il. . attd .: moots,-. Tit Rt,k:.1VFt N, At Napenee, nn Monde . Amulet Ash.arare Klleen Treleaven, only rhlld of Mr. and Mr.. Norman Treleaven, aged In menthe end A days. MARSHA1.1. -In Antmen, on Westneedat meldember Iat, tiatnuel Mareha11, arced 7111 years, 3 month. and 11 day,. and carrying Mut of thea evement be- tween TM tme.rel w 11 aka Nape tram the Au►nen gMetkedbt ebot�, ee 8enday. it Auburn eh* company and the town sub- a 11 e'nlo,k. f(wrilco begin. ar 4 5 erlo,k. terptent to the approval of the bylaw Interment in 10.11, o4metery,