The Signal, 1909-8-26, Page 7,•
x, ,. A x.
The News of the District.
..„c..�i� 4444,44.4:,......**.44,44,.x.46444 4 4
4400E14104 TOWNSHIP.
• TQRHDAY, Aug, il(th.
d Mrs.
I, Councillor Iwtn11011 on +o oM
trip to the
rteille Coast.
MI'. and Mrs. F. C. Milford, of the
1g:,.nlosiald Colligr,, Ste. Anne de
Ik llevuc yetetw:, have been 'Halting
TrttsliA., Aug. 24th.
Mr. and Mrs. W. ('. %Veleh, of Chi-
cago, e
eft• , at visiting relatives hr •e.
Mr. and Men. 'rim Sullivan, of Chi-
cago, are visiting the tatter's patents
Mitts (ilatlyn Moan is s'seudina few
Kirit frtendn in this.eetion. deye with hal sinter, Mo.. J. �. Dal-
T'lie rI'hoolhontie of ti, s. --No, n has Ina.
been overhauled and made apick acid
epee for the new school term. The
whim' is in charge •1f Miss Lulu
MUNuaY, Aug. ';,'led.
w. C. and Misr Mw McGregor
spent Sunday in tit. lieleris.
James Mel/anneal.' of the Molaons
ipa„k, %Vaterloo. ie ep euding hie holi-
dar'a tit huwr, i
'I'ti Tamers are Pretty welt on with
the harvesting and find' that the yield
leu little Ielow the average, int a• -
maul of the dry weather in June and
Some time ago we /earnest that the
(s•hahh (Il respondent bail made ap-
ptirntutu to the secretary of the An -
teem boder of Unchneett Friends rot-
ortel ettensiun of Stoke before h.• 5110111(1
b• .Ltss.-d se one ot their number.
This tt,•ek we are pleased to be able to
setae that the lest, t graciously
ll glYiuu
en esten.ion" if aiteetx, mon hs,
Trtt.DAY. Aug. 24th.
Irene ‘Veneer is spending a few
days under the parental roof Chir
week. She is accompanied by Mie
Uertle Sennett.
A uuwler of the young people fnim
Kingsbridge attended a dance at John
Ulazier'e on Thursday slight last. All
report a dandy time.
Mr. and Mis. Juhu Moore, of Minue-
ap alis, intend returning to their home
no Saturday, luxei tpplaanied by thrid
cousin, Vetonies Howler.
A number of Signet readers wilt be
glad to hear that John P. ,Mnllivsn
and 1Vut. Howler deny being under
the parental roof. We would advise
the scribe to wake up and go to sleep
again. Twt1 deeps are better than
ear Marwthou runners have_saldrd
another athlete to their club, in the
person of Jannis Scrap. He is going
to ret from Kingsbaidge to Minted. a
di,Lanee of three wiles. which heats
Billie H. by a half -wile.
Mics DAY. Aug. lath.
We are sorry to report Mrs. Ixsen-
by as rt}Il very ill. .
J. Cannon Mtothrt•s has stet lel to
('bathe McKay left for the West on teach et He•uwiller again.
Me. and its. J4.. Phillip. visited
Koh. t'hawney and Frank Th p- (r holds in Uncle • yesterday.
soil me away on the hilt ,?tett: es- Alias Daisy okwell, of Ie4•14141,
Ike WWII. ie visiting her at tit. Mrs. Mothers.
Mi. I:illespie bad oats of the new
'phones plated in hit house on Mature
this The holes for the line from
{� tiirerhi,i h to Pt.
pow icing dug and it or expected that
the line will be in operet}ou in a
-Intim h.
The snnivet sary set view of Donny -
Methodist church are to he held
int September 12th and 13th. Res. K.
l3, l'aueei, n( Hrussels, i* to be the
preueltt'r. On Monday night a cui1-
'crllaneuuk entertainment is to be
Kicrn. '
MtoNIIAY. AtlgttatY.ird.
Orville and Orton Vurnin Tett for
the West Inst Thursday. •
Mrs. Bray, of Woodstock, is visit-
ing her mein.. Jesse and William Gray.
Misr Iren.. *enough. of Hastings• is
t i.iting at the home of her aunt, Mrs.
. Tletaven, of Lttrknow, preached
1.. :► Lige eungregaliun herr last
tits. Jae. F:dwalds ami Miss Miani.
sts-itt the *s- k•end with friend. in
M •
Is. • McDiarinid, of Parrasttaqunt.
:petit Sunday with her friend, Mims
M .ySiunders. •
�lireea Bertha and Clara Twatnlry,
1'jo�x Is•rityy, visited at the hofit« of
T...ntiry yeeterJ.y.
. MoNDAY, Aug. 21r11.
Cr: it Blake, of Lii.•know, is t lalling
rt R-Johneten's.
Alum Alton, of Locknow, is visiting
her aunt, Mrs. Blake.
• Mei.. James Culbert. who hes been Mis. A nl and Mrs. Andrew. of
gel for ;s -w 10 aIle t" ►,e :C -.•t, vielt l•tr.1. here yeaLerday
Mr. ani Mrs. NV. Webb. of St.
Ethel Templeton, of (Materiel's. H len s itited Mr.. W. Mtother. last
spent a few Jaye of the peat week m. ek.
1,..i... itt,,perent•1 roof here. Rev.. M. A. Walden. of Ripley vir-
eo.. J. \Vtiitly left here by last" reit, uceupi.d the piitpit nc -e yesrer-
Thura,ley-s excursion for the West: day -morning.
Visit her ilaughtrt, Mrs_ _ Stewart
Miss Maud Pierce is waiting on bar
fMet; Mr*. T. J. Parks, of Dungan-
n,un, who }s ill atp1*enT., We tinpe
to iii ar of her recovery soon.
erouisil again as usual. ,
Mi-. John Fischer, of Drtruil, who
hid been spending the past few weeks
With her parents, Mr. and Mls. P. Mc-
Glynn, returned hoow to Detroit on
- LANES. ' .....
S\Tt•RUAY. Asg. lid,
Nli.. Grace risudrrsun spent a few
day of ia.t week at her granJfnthrr's
at Dungannon.
\I r. and Mr.. flair/ley, of Manic 4tr:
Mat et. spent Sunday last the Kussin of
Mr. and Mis. W. P. Reek.
- #ter Hili ,Maw.- "lees. Andrew. of
'Lion. were guests of Mr. and Mis.
twits on Monday evening List.
and \Iris. S. K. Sanderson tis
tett at the home of our uier••ht.t.t, W.
F M:ut Iet•snn. on Rundey last.
A few of the (ampere of this lac ility
bite* t}nishrJ cutUug. theme Ostend
tlintliing the pea crop in the Reid the
remit* w.•ek.
Mi.. Harry Thomp{leon 'and dough•
ler. Mi.s Mamie. of Kalamnz•s,. Well..
visirrd at the house of Mr. and Mrr.
.W. .1. Lane on Sunday Inst.
MI-- Edith Hogarth and brit(her
Tel. of Toronto. who were the guests
of Miss May Reed for the foal three
-we.4s. +l+t+arnel• horse ata Monday
la -i.
Mr, Robert Barran and daughter
IIn1 t, ul Ih-trout, are at prevent. ♦1•il-
tng miaow- the parental roof and re-
newing old tiehool-day ac.pnaintancrn.
Geo. Ri►itt...of-_Crewe, has Iwen
h••Iping K. Johnston wit It the harvest
the past week.
' Mega Frank Welch, who is spending
n fewwirrTtM a ort Autres[, Ratted
her friend Mime Kay Stothers, batt
**arse, Aug. S'r1.
Mi.a Retiree's Mckisv.• of f etr.,it,
.111 14141 home Inst week for a month'~
risit. ' 1
F'KIo.i, A ig lith.
Mises. Bertha Treleaven and Vin-
niftwi (l
uruu te visiting f,l,
Owes; Sound.
Ur. D. M. (iordou lett thug week on
the West and be
for rt•w eral weeks.will away
(leo. A. eliddall has gone on a
holiday trip to Winnipeg and other
point* in the Wert.
Among those who went Rist on
the harvrrters excursion om Thursday
were Dan McKinnon. Jas. Smith, J.
Warwick, %V. Durnin, T. Heuderwou,
Tine. Me•Illllrw, Miles McM111an, F.
Henderson, K. Melnnes and Wet.
Poret.wx.-The„jlucknow pipe baud
Nut Lhe'fullowitlg engagements : Sea -
forth. August'2i; Stratford. Sepptew-
Iwr 11; Shelburne, September '31 and
Lit.; Ht ursels, October 1 ; Drayton, Oe.
toner Ii.
:Stew TKI.gIR11Ng LINJ. --A gang of
over a dozen men are engaged con-
etruetiqg a U4ephuue line fur the Bell
Telephone Cu. between here and Dun-
gannon. This will he a great con-
venience, as ,connection with that
place form iy .was made by way of
Wingham, Clinton and (Jodrrirh. It
will also be. a more direct line to Gude-
Ditto IN CALIFORNIA. - On Tues-
day afternoon Mee Mullin, of -Bel-
fast, -rlrselrreceived the sad uee
tewge of
lire. Kills Mullin F,ag:us, which tie -
,cogged in Los Angelre, Calif., on Mon-
day night. Mase. Eagan had terra :til-
ing for almost three months with
fever, which turned to blood poisoe-
ing, from which recovery was iso
poewible. It is only one year and
three months since another daughter,
Mien. Ca •heel, . was taken, which
retake* 11 stoutily err. eyri -
pathy is ektendrd to Mrs. Mudie and
remaining members of her fantily.-
Lncknow Sentinel.
M0NOAY, Aug. 23rd.,
NEn'*Y PAR\mR.\r 11t. -- Mi.s M.
Ker. tit Clinton, a former teacher of
the Donnybrook school, spent kat
week with her many friends in this
vicinity Kobelt Brooks; of Wing -
ham, 14 holidaying at the hone of hie
uncle. John l)hainnety Robert
Cham_ney -and Frank Thompson left
for Yellow lamas, -Saskatchewan, on
the excursion last week Rev. W.
le Hiles. of Kincardine, paid a Nyiug
visit to bis relatives here on Monday
of this week: -Her- fearing
shortly for Scotland, where a pur-
poses taking a post -graduate co r.e in
Otte of Abe theological colleges o Glas-
gow .... Miss" Irene i-oung, o
Bust MAN's. 1,0161(KI•TKelinhi(.
Busy Manly-Aligazine'for Mepti•rr.let
is 1111uoua I• u site 've. has t ly. th U It hl half a
dozen Night, rnterteining stories that
are Kure to be appreciated and a 0001-
Irr tit strong articlre om hminr and
business interests that will le retail
wi1b particular pleasure. l'ugUibu-
(ious telling of the methods and
means by which welt of eminence
have climbed are full of inspiration
end eticourageweot. The aperial
Ca11NdWn article's anI
both r
rY and
edifying. Among, them are : "How
the Gave •-(leneral Kns•n4 iii.
Salary.- "Country H 's of Notairle
Canadians" and "A Farmer \V1so Pat
duree Hooke," alt of whirls are splen-
didly illustrated. Th.- various de-
partments for September will be
found above the average and the edi-
tion 15 fele that will both please end
gal iffy. .
Tlis CANADIAN MAI. t%IYK. - The•
September Canadian •Mug azinr is a
stung uuwher. 1t includes several,
articles of a high order. and there are
several excellent short stories by
f'elnulian writers, including Mir James
Mr (mtitoiue, R. M. Fassir, Hattie E.
t't•itigg and W. B. MI-intl. "The
%Vhale and His Haunts' gives a st
vis id amount of whale catching. The
et,lorel illustrations are pat tienla Iy
illel,tlinnative. "'.V 1 n.ii i lr r yi : The
Mrlting•Pot," by George Poker Chap -
is a splendidly illustrated. article
Moe*and its weaning its a Coln.,
muntty. Other articles of note are
"The Orchards of Ontario." by Agues
Deans Cameron : "Novel Reading and
Religion." by Rey. J. Paterson Smyth ;
"Plays to Reappear,' by Johan E.
Weldirr, and 'Canada and Green-
land," by Robert Steitz.
Wo*AS's HOUK CiNP.tNioN. - A
big -..4 Geo of the-St•1+1ember--riwu-
ber i'. devoted 'to fashion.. Experts
in Paris and famous tailors and mil-
liner, in the l'nitrtl States hive. with
rare t al`g r 1 off
the w nCs tastes. mule
the isms our that. women toil, pre-.
serve for many nronlht.. Not orris
guff its, emits, hats and waists, hot the
important little things, .ht -e a,
hosiery, fabrics, trimmings, coiffures -
all are exhaustively handled. There
are 'sleety ot good stories in the issue
for there lett hot days- stories by
O. Lave Thenet, Mrs. John Van Vorst,-
Katharine---.Selland _1fimrn. M3try
Heaton Vorse, and others, ;illustrated
by Knelt artiste as James Montgom-
ery Flagg and Alice Barber Stephens.
Kate Douglas Wiggle'«serial awry of
the Shakers, "Susanna and Sue,* is
also in this _issue. We tear con-
stantly the cry that our -daughters
are doming taken from home: butt sel-
dom a praceleat-
lark. Katharine Eggleston's article
iu. this intim suggests 'a plan, and a
nod one. There are many pagai
evotrd to embroidery and other
Mus. Mary 'ITM Ke r.,
ip sojo,u ming at present ,it the natal
Rev. and MEI. A. Miller are leaving
1. ns- retora, 411 linontlies•antN2nt Col'
p• tint a east.
HU.r and Hugh. who are, it is
l ar•'d, in a decline. erle each taking a
bottle of A. B. B. at a ttilltr. -
John Melt tit has returned to 1'
tn•nis after spending some months
with his relatives in this see•tinn.
The Mieeee Tens and .lesoir McLen-
ti of left Kiri,• o done be hoot last Mon-
day to take a trip to Sault Ste. Marie.
Miss. Belle M.Dnnald arrived h
last week after a two months' visit
with ftie,Jsin I /et roit And 1'leveland.
Mr. and Mee. Whit re. of Cleve•
fatal, ate visiting at Mrs. F. MctJon•
.all's and with other friends in the
R. Hutlrn, who hen leen laid up for
a feet tl:aye with severe pill. in the
ea1•virai-rnu•tclen O. we arr_p_ilt'nwd to
her•', gr.ulually reenvrnrg.
The f, it it is of Fred H -res are' ple:a.eJ
to see him hark from the City of the
sirsits, hitt whether single or double
they Lars' lint yet heard.
- MilMr, elf I.ta,hal.b. uccu- The NI it..•s Margaret rind Elie Fin•
pial the pulpit °at Lines on Sun• I lemon, of Detroit. anal Miss Chi1,tie
slay lent in the abtenre of Rev. 1',nlevenn and (leo. Finlayson, of
t'. II. Moyer, who met with an. acct. ('hieego, ate visiting at ,the parental
th••,t which has laid him *side for the• honer,
p.-1 Iwo weeks. We *re glad to Mi.. K le McDonald, who has leen
learn till" Mr. Moyer is expe•tetl dei toot 5o111e ions following her profits -
1111 ht.*ppsiintmrnt on MAIlliath next. .i d,, t.11at of nurse, in the Southern
at the
EAST WAWANOSH. Starve. is at present, vimiting
R'RDNRSDA Y, Aug. 'Lith.
A \1'R,iTlRM WRDDINit. The fol.
l,wnlg from The Camrrsr 1 Alta.? Mali
eriii+n.rif interest to Eist Wfwwsr.aab
peed,. : Romenrotl Methodist. chnreh
wits the scene of a very pretty wel-
ding last evening, when Marg.urte
Landfills., second daughter of Mr. end
Mt -. \\'m. MrLarty, became the Wife
"f .lulu,,. Saunders. The wedding
Patty entered the church to the
swims, t,f Mendeltsohn's wielding
hu,n'h payed by Mrs. A. E. 'err•
't'ak'en. I'he bride, who was given
sway by her father, looked charming
in n dress of crepe de (*Ilene with
iridal veil and orange blossoms and
carried n .hewer bomplel of cream
rotes, She was ^.elated by her
cousin, Miss Beatrice Auld, Of `Vinnie
Pry?. who was attired in n princess
gown of Isvender'mnll donned with
a yoke ot silk lace end touches of
purple velvet and carried a bouquet
of lavender flowers, Miss Mamie
fib•hanle. of Stratbtrona, who acted ns
rinK•►+ar•er, was deemed in a pink silk
dress with dirt/civvies sash. Arthur
%minders, brother of the groin», wee
hest .nen. The church was hand-
somely decorated with a profusion of
elft flowers and plants. Aftei• the
eer•'mnny the *sleets were driven to
the borne of Mr. Melarty, whet'* a
dainty lunch was served on leaoti•
folly decorated tablet on the lawn.
When the bride had cut the wedding
cake she retired -to change the wed-
ding gown for one of golden brawn
silk. The happy young couple were
the recipients of many handsome
The heart la the key of this world.
and of life. Through our very im-
Psefections we ere often more capable
of influencing ot here, end this strange
influence expo ends the riddle of nur
existence, -Novella.
•Iner of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John McDonald.
eMie. Lilian Clark ha+ EY "d her
duties *t the lwrchaleh whim!. The
treaters of the Hemlrek City twined
have ter ti1i.i p unniiccr+aftd to werrtr-
iog tt LPamher for that seaalan t. 1t1 the
fano. of Mis.. Flora McLettl,rwho had
miss Erll.• 3(1'all.on, of lilenrss+,
left last Friday for lenndon aft rt
sMsending a few week. at Mr.. 11',
ethidenn'. with her tiMPe5- Mies
Nettie Mel 'a111101, who hod left a few
days previously for this Above -men•
t'tonetl rile.
VARLOW., Ang, •Lith.
Jon -mows. --Smith's Hill Mtbbsth
War -
daywill hold its picnic next Sa
day , at Menesetnng Park' ....Six
passengers left McGaw for the Wrest
on the harve.terli excorside last
Thursday. Among them watt R'm.
Fowler, of the (Ith eneeessinn ...
Mrs. Henderson, of Ilnderieh. is vis-
iting her sitter. Ales. Andrew John-
ston Harvesting in al t. f1n-
holiest x11.1 threshing iso the order of
the day. Henry Horney commenced
work with him outfit on Friday at
Rohrer Dieter. and intends kr he butte
right along The fall wheat is turn•
ingpmt well Mitt. Franc, of Tor
onto, who hart Iwrn spending a month
as the guest of Mrs. Andrew John-
ston, left for her home lin Friday.
llllll Mrs Donnan hss returned after
spending it few devs with her sister,
Mrs, Miller Aims Sarah M'T.end
left by Coat for Detroit on'1'oesday to
visit her ,tater Miss Me W hinney.
nt Sheppardton, visited her aunt, Mrs.
Treble, last week Miss \Valmsley,
of liolttein. has come to attend a few
weeks with her sister, Mrs. H. Homey.
Miss Flossie Elliott, of Nile, vis-
ited friends around Rmi'h's Hill last
a lengthy vi..+11 to bee sister,
.lame. Kedniond The Donn
brook anniversary anniversary services will
held on Meplrmher.l2th and t:ltlr, A
Monday evening. Mia Henry,
sr., returned hoose 0n Monday after
visiting her daughter, Mrs. RamseTn a
of Iiuelph• Most of tike farmers
this leecelity have finished harvesting.
-Atlas illarr _.'lark tesnuretl_.her.
duties as teacher on Monday of last
week Mies Helve ('aruplwIl has
charge of the school known a. Mc-
liow•an'e.ehotol Mrs. Henry Mor-
rich and fatuity, of.(hiderich. returned
hurtle on`,Malttrdsy fast after is lengthy
visit with friends here Master
Monty Gordon, of Lrreknuw, epeint
?,sat week with his cousin, Master
n earns
L I3ite.-Atbosraverydayerwµ.t'1'Iwm-
rray.. NeWlemeilytur extracting t6etn
form), bitter than a.... 1•,uwo and bridge work.
etc. Al Intim plate,. Mao brrakablr,t
N.H. -You can aiway. has, your murk h
belteer done to the dcuW! office -enure Uuto,
better tae•llitles for doing the work, more now
listable for the mitten!.
In nutter. .lmnn for The Hlgnat i+ et the Pont
(AOC (took ar,d i'lal io e.ry Storewhere
cooler. will be neelved for
verti-nog and .fob work, and reeelpte will be
alten fur aurone 1 . paid for the +autr.
t School header+and all other +rhoil sup -
phi.. al the Po.lo4IIre iitore. A good lection
or WI ore paercard.. M. itt'AN. Dungan-
Wens ;snsv. Aug. 24th.
J.' Walken' is in London this week
a mess Trip.
Miss Olive Crawford left Iaet Satur-
day. for 4 -Awn weeks •visit with
friends in Detroit. -
Miss !Wry returned to Mrsfoeth on
Saturday last after a week's visit at
the home of N. F. Whyard.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Niven, of ('olnm-
Ines, Ohio, spent a few days fret week
with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hamilton.
Mrs. Hewer and Miss Bellamy re,
turned to Mt. Marys on Thursday laid.
after a few day.visit with Glenda
Mr. and Mir+..1. \Viikhm returned
from ((rami fiend last Friday after
enjoying a week's opting at - that
tattirtus 'r resort.
Among Mise from here who telt
tor the \Vest on the harvest excur-
Anne are : Cha.. Thompson„ Earl,
.14.. and Warner Begley. Hamilton
Smith, Temple (;lark, Stephen ihroves
and wife. _._.__ -
Benson Cate returned house yester-
day alter sidling for the summer on
the C. P. R. steamer Manitoba, which
runs frond ()wen Sound to Fort Wil-
liam. He will return to Toronto
when college open. October let.
PtwrsRsY Cii syois. -\VIn, MRs -
thew. ham purchased from Mr. Reid
the house and lot itt the village at pees-
enl occupied by Thos. Elliott. Mr.
Matthews has sold his term to Mr.
Campbell, of St. Helene, and will re-
tire front active service. Mr. Me.
Whinney has purchased Mise Belle
McWhlnn 's rt in the vi
end will elect retie y flanks'
Oilier District Newt a, pate 4.1
0, T. R. Special Toronto Exhibition
The G. T. R. it 'weltered to give an
unexeelle.i eerviee to Toronto Exhibi-
tion, four traine daily in either direc-
tion, carrying thwnlgh cnaehe$ and
parlor care to Toronto without
change. Special train will leave
OOderlch at 11151 a. m on excursion
dept. For tickets and information
rill on Frank Lawrence, down -town
O. T. K. tleket agent.
Liberal Convention Next Year,
Toronto, Aug. 21. On the return of
Herbert M. Mnwat, the preeideot,
from Eurepr early next month. the
General Reform Ast.wiatioa of On-
tario will to sailer! to meet in ChM
city. This will probably be near the
end of next month. Itis understood
that at this sleeting arrangements
will be made for a Liberal convention
to be held next May or Juno, after the
Moe, of the Legislature.
king pages ate full of new ideas,
all the other regular departments
ae gtasl t►r they always are:
A Hair
If you wish a high-class hair
dressing, welre sure Ayers
Hair Vigor, new improved for -
will greatly please you.
It keeps the hair soft and
smooth, makes it look rich and
luxuriant, prevents splitting at
the ends. . And it keeps the
scalp free from dandruff.
Dow not change the eolor of the Ash.
Formula was emelt latus
r Snow ioemeltro bottle 1i r
Ask 11411111d% al 11
�� Y this ao.reow:
At the same time the new Ayer's Heir
Vigor is a strong hair tonic, promoting
the growth of the hair, keeping all the
ti of the Bair and scalp in a healthy
condition. The hair stops falling, dan-
druff disappears. A splendid dressing.
...seesaw leg tae J. C. firer Ce.. Zama. ¥••••••
PLUi 1t3WNO,
k�PA1R1 '4G,
Tlanikettat.eAUntleT * 1UI T
Real Economy
If on care to .hop where your
dollar reaches,. farthest ' don't
fail ltt 'go to McLean Bros.',
where they carry the best line
of 1..'ILtthitt , Furnishings, Hats
and Caps, Tailoring, and every-
thing f
gentlemen o •l
llu len ex •e t the
boots, at the very Closest prices
for good goods.
McLean Bros.
eafness Cannot be Cured
i1y ortifi«atiou+. a. Hwy -'annol reach
*tion of the tar. There 1- only
me drntrie.., a,i4 I hat L. Ir'i l•0,1-
, -,kir- Deafne�' 1. eas+.a '» an
it ion or the mumu. fining of I he
le. When I tele tube L. innawod
Mini( .mini or uuperfert hear.
int. and when is entirely eiow-1 deefne-+1,
iia: re.111t. and t de..1he Inflamntai lqn Kao he
taken (1111 t 1111 lobe re..tored to il, normal
conditIos . I,•arin will be de-trope.1 forever :
moe t.eee OM of Y, etre Cal,., xs b> 1 rrh
W)tt.•h H t iahlhg leu :•n iraaees.t gstdu We of
e urn.•(111 kn'i't',•..
w',•will*grte tan• 1 mtdral 1)41ai-. for' any
ea'e of Aeafne.+ (taw, by catarrh, thtit •urt
not 5. cured by (tall - e • t irrh t sore. `send for
circular., free.
F. J. cH):N Y t CO., Toledo. O.
the divot 1 �a
one way I
1IIUllio„al ,
11rt.s,,, t ,•u 1
F.u.ta.•hltui t
Qui herr w ru
Take a11. Family fill+ for onstlpatioll.
A New Way to Can matoes.
Gents' Furnishings.
for your exaulinalton Is nr.uhe by Otte of the
- Leet ettutmer 1 tried a w otetLa_ r- , se
of canning to matoes. and it moved su shoe that i.:. honestly built n• 11 Is .kllfnlly
aati.(at'tnry that 1 want to p is it on. plan,est.
Scald and peel the tomatoes motel.
Have the cans ete•ilifed, p1 a the
rites toimateiee in them whole, f ITV in
boiling water to till the eons, 1'511 inK rsa..nrttl it. we.trea and lona', as well.
a knife around in the rant, su tin all cane dnd here y,n.r fist lined with,e
the crev ire,. are tilled, then pmt on to Them are all Are. and width•. wt we.t•n, gear
cover. Plater the (tans In a toiler t anter eat n. roost a: if roll i 4.1 your .)w,
large vessel, pour in boiling water t, Nettie) onl,-,
it reaches the neck of the can. put the
lid on the boiler. wrap it with a
blanket or rug, attJ leave until the
water i* cold, ' which will he next
morning. The Bans are then ready to
prat away, i did r, it lore a can uni of
forty •151a1t.. \\-hen the ewer were
opened, Ittr ',testators. were whole arid
firm enough to ghee eerily. -»\Nonan'.
Home Companion for September.
One on the Doctor.
An old lady ,if great wrehh had
Met diel. Her will, tt•hieh was
opened nn the day` of heir death, eon -
trained the following elau.e :-•'i be-
queath to my dttrtnr the entire r.,n-
tent..•of the old trunk in my
rtto,n, the key of which will be found
in the nlelt'ess of my .sed." Great
excitement among the relative,. whit
imagined the treasure, of the de-
ceased to be escaping from their
elut•hes, At Ia.t t he doctor is Ment
for ; the trunk is opened and found to
contain, intact null uncorked, all the
drugs and mixture. that he had Itre•
serihed. for her -attiring the last IitwIy
FALL FAIRS --4900. -
To:onto Aug. 2S -- Sept. 13
London Sept. 111 -iS
Walkerton Sept, 10. 17
Listowelllrpt XL 22 KincardineSept. :.o 2:3
Mt. Marys ...-... . Sept. 22 23
Zerieh ...... .. Sept. 22, 2't
Lsrknow . .... . Sept. Si, 21
Milverton sept. 23.•24
ritrmtfnrd . Sept. 21, 29
W ingham Sept, t71, 211
Atwood .... ,......: Sept. ""1, YJI
Ripley. Sept. 74, Lel
Goderich - Sept. aa, a9, 30
Bruwels.. Sept. Si, Ort. 1
Kirks on ,.., Sept. 31, Oct. 1
(iorrir Oct. 2
Blyth ......... Oct. 5. n
Perkhin. . , Oct, .i, it
Teetwater.... (114. it, ti
Brushes and Combs !
11 you %%ant a hair hrtsh, whether telleap one or a good 011e, we have
1111 kinds and sizte, and ranging its price all the way fr Ifs to
Neil Hrmslree, Tooth Hriiahea, Hat Iireene•'a, Cloth Hrnmhes. Shoving
!hushes, \Vhisk,t, etc., in a grant variety and spebially interesting
Lefties end gents' I/remsing (' b., Parket 1' he, Barbers' Combs,
Fine Comte, etc., from ie tit $11.1111.
S. E. HICK, --- Central Drug Store
L ��itist x
For buying opportunities read Signal Advertisements.
would build you up, increase yo•f
weight, strengthen your week
threat and lunge and put you }a
condition for neat winter, you
would begin taking it now.
rain 111.• Iletis ..el. . Ilk n. -.tar
an .sod al an. An riwurgitt
••i ` r. -. Dome. Or TM/. WOntr
B -r N UU
No trouble with Sunlight S
Just follow the directions on t
wrapper and Sunlight does th'
MSC Costs little does much
never Injures hands nr clothes.
pp W. E. KELLY
Store. IS•{.
Residence, tfts.
Store will let closed Wednesday
afternoons during Jule
and August.
37 AL me!
Harvest Tirne
We always strive -to get the hest' and We have -it
for you this year.
650 feet Twine at 11 Cents per Ib.
Title Twine is all one size. In making. it. passes through a miser,
which makes it impo esibl• for any lusts. or Inrg s pieces to get
in to choke your binder.
We have a stem ity of i.K in. Hest. American Pore Manila
(tope A r•egnInl ':h•. Rope, which we coats give you for Irk% per Ib.
Ikea 11iuIila I in. Rip,', t ':'.rush, We can give you at 1 1r. per lb
(t"ac h tee it Nem. 'wort meat elf Markt, wwth noxi wiehnive-
sI.tIT, jn..L i i for you to choose from. Scythes, frtmi 4i.•to ti1,25,
Smiths, foie. IlJ4(s-.
Pure Paris green, 30c. per Ib.
`OA L011,mid UASr)LINle, WTI ill ES. ATarge assortment
we from.
It '111(IERATORM, at ell priers,
11A, MOCKS, nt. 011 price*.
(IA:RIPEN iiOMF and NOZZtji$,
1V.• still hove n hew tents of the' 0 -wire No. 11 Wire left, *.40c.
per roil : sten ,e .losntity ti( Noe. 0 and 12 I'hilrl' Wire, sod a
quantity of Hari %Vire.
For Katmai roughing, Tin..nithing, 1'Inmhingand fleeting wecan u
give you prompt nttel,ti .n. and all work fully guaranteed.
Store 'Phone as
House'Phone in
.... t'a���a,
T E;��►., V RSI N -
SEPT. 4th
5T. I-0NA-GE--
will leave Uotlerich with a Michigan State Fair Hever-40w
to Detroit.
' tO,selerich to Detroit unit reliant $3•oo
Tickets gond rttut•nilg front Detroit until
September 9th. t •
Take advantage of this import iniity to MMP the Michigan State
Fair of 111)1. the largest I best Fair in the United States.
The exhibits will be islterewtinq and eduratioeld and the -teeth... will ire titm•vttgtr}Yestio whits•' -
See Detroit and Beautiful Belle Isle Park at their best.
`--Nreelometticket-agent. WM. bEE, for further partieulars.
Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co.
iPTr. McMILGAN. Prem. . A. A. SCHAN^1Z, rienl Mgr'
1.. ti. LEWIS, (lt t.'I Pass. Ageing.
lrasmr mi��
strs� t_ tt•lri sms•m••••••Mr
for your exaulinalton Is nr.uhe by Otte of the
- Leet ettutmer 1 tried a w otetLa_ r- , se
of canning to matoes. and it moved su shoe that i.:. honestly built n• 11 Is .kllfnlly
aati.(at'tnry that 1 want to p is it on. plan,est.
Scald and peel the tomatoes motel.
Have the cans ete•ilifed, p1 a the
rites toimateiee in them whole, f ITV in
boiling water to till the eons, 1'511 inK rsa..nrttl it. we.trea and lona', as well.
a knife around in the rant, su tin all cane dnd here y,n.r fist lined with,e
the crev ire,. are tilled, then pmt on to Them are all Are. and width•. wt we.t•n, gear
cover. Plater the (tans In a toiler t anter eat n. roost a: if roll i 4.1 your .)w,
large vessel, pour in boiling water t, Nettie) onl,-,
it reaches the neck of the can. put the
lid on the boiler. wrap it with a
blanket or rug, attJ leave until the
water i* cold, ' which will he next
morning. The Bans are then ready to
prat away, i did r, it lore a can uni of
forty •151a1t.. \\-hen the ewer were
opened, Ittr ',testators. were whole arid
firm enough to ghee eerily. -»\Nonan'.
Home Companion for September.
One on the Doctor.
An old lady ,if great wrehh had
Met diel. Her will, tt•hieh was
opened nn the day` of heir death, eon -
trained the following elau.e :-•'i be-
queath to my dttrtnr the entire r.,n-
tent..•of the old trunk in my
rtto,n, the key of which will be found
in the nlelt'ess of my .sed." Great
excitement among the relative,. whit
imagined the treasure, of the de-
ceased to be escaping from their
elut•hes, At Ia.t t he doctor is Ment
for ; the trunk is opened and found to
contain, intact null uncorked, all the
drugs and mixture. that he had Itre•
serihed. for her -attiring the last IitwIy
FALL FAIRS --4900. -
To:onto Aug. 2S -- Sept. 13
London Sept. 111 -iS
Walkerton Sept, 10. 17
Listowelllrpt XL 22 KincardineSept. :.o 2:3
Mt. Marys ...-... . Sept. 22 23
Zerieh ...... .. Sept. 22, 2't
Lsrknow . .... . Sept. Si, 21
Milverton sept. 23.•24
ritrmtfnrd . Sept. 21, 29
W ingham Sept, t71, 211
Atwood .... ,......: Sept. ""1, YJI
Ripley. Sept. 74, Lel
Goderich - Sept. aa, a9, 30
Bruwels.. Sept. Si, Ort. 1
Kirks on ,.., Sept. 31, Oct. 1
(iorrir Oct. 2
Blyth ......... Oct. 5. n
Perkhin. . , Oct, .i, it
Teetwater.... (114. it, ti
Brushes and Combs !
11 you %%ant a hair hrtsh, whether telleap one or a good 011e, we have
1111 kinds and sizte, and ranging its price all the way fr Ifs to
Neil Hrmslree, Tooth Hriiahea, Hat Iireene•'a, Cloth Hrnmhes. Shoving
!hushes, \Vhisk,t, etc., in a grant variety and spebially interesting
Lefties end gents' I/remsing (' b., Parket 1' he, Barbers' Combs,
Fine Comte, etc., from ie tit $11.1111.
S. E. HICK, --- Central Drug Store
L ��itist x
For buying opportunities read Signal Advertisements.
would build you up, increase yo•f
weight, strengthen your week
threat and lunge and put you }a
condition for neat winter, you
would begin taking it now.
rain 111.• Iletis ..el. . Ilk n. -.tar
an .sod al an. An riwurgitt
••i ` r. -. Dome. Or TM/. WOntr
B -r N UU
No trouble with Sunlight S
Just follow the directions on t
wrapper and Sunlight does th'
MSC Costs little does much
never Injures hands nr clothes.
pp W. E. KELLY
Store. IS•{.
Residence, tfts.
Store will let closed Wednesday
afternoons during Jule
and August.
37 AL me!
Harvest Tirne
We always strive -to get the hest' and We have -it
for you this year.
650 feet Twine at 11 Cents per Ib.
Title Twine is all one size. In making. it. passes through a miser,
which makes it impo esibl• for any lusts. or Inrg s pieces to get
in to choke your binder.
We have a stem ity of i.K in. Hest. American Pore Manila
(tope A r•egnInl ':h•. Rope, which we coats give you for Irk% per Ib.
Ikea 11iuIila I in. Rip,', t ':'.rush, We can give you at 1 1r. per lb
(t"ac h tee it Nem. 'wort meat elf Markt, wwth noxi wiehnive-
sI.tIT, jn..L i i for you to choose from. Scythes, frtmi 4i.•to ti1,25,
Smiths, foie. IlJ4(s-.
Pure Paris green, 30c. per Ib.
`OA L011,mid UASr)LINle, WTI ill ES. ATarge assortment
we from.
It '111(IERATORM, at ell priers,
11A, MOCKS, nt. 011 price*.
(IA:RIPEN iiOMF and NOZZtji$,
1V.• still hove n hew tents of the' 0 -wire No. 11 Wire left, *.40c.
per roil : sten ,e .losntity ti( Noe. 0 and 12 I'hilrl' Wire, sod a
quantity of Hari %Vire.
For Katmai roughing, Tin..nithing, 1'Inmhingand fleeting wecan u
give you prompt nttel,ti .n. and all work fully guaranteed.
Store 'Phone as
House'Phone in