HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-8-26, Page 2TvasmAY Alvo4'ST all. RNIp '11 ti )d SIGN A i) • (:ODI RICH. ONTARIO �hr��•>�ig�[ OUOkltl('K, 41X1' Ulu). PUBLISHED EVERY THURMI AY at TIIK silt; N Al. Pit' N'1'IXI; tit, I -tinned Telephone ['ell No. $i ;Terms of Subscr.Nlen : 1111._ 01, runnel In 4ayanee -- - 9Ix wa lho, .Lk' ; threw nwuths. Or. Tu United State..uhm•riher-, 111.31e * year (aOct Iy it* wir.ane10 Sot. libels w hu fail to rexdt e'1'14*'Om,.1 rgruiarly by mall will oouter o tetor by ac utie tsinttu- of the Le Litt r1 a- arly r drte pourable. ,- Whn a ehauge of o4,ln'... iw desired. bOlh the OId and the new w4dr....hound be given, agwrta,ng Rated: IA-)f.tluel, other .imd.ar advert PIIIPI(t foe pre line fur lint insert loo and le Per linnt• dot each sub,equettt, ih4yre ion. Stenon,[ 4.1 it Kort 1:11L-11 ar•4M,-u *Ave Una. W oa im'a. Buv,.*, med.. of .1a lite- anti ut.der, N Nr Year. Ad. eft iwtur0)4 of I.o.t, Fppuhd. Tr.4yell, Rol• RAJ jun. l•.o-wit, `ou.•u0u- "Cotard. for Sale or to Item. Far un- for Sale or 1u heed, Article, for Sale.. etc., ray cxceedliig uketll line», S'r each ia.rrtlon : $1 for lir-[ month, Ale tat ea. h .0 b+ytlrht wool h. I.argrl wlvell ter- taenee /t'404.po.10414. Aonounrrluent. In ordinary reading ayµ ten omit- per tine. Nu not .,44* ., than !"r. Any .1..eta' notice. the ohteet of which 1- the ytL•uz.I,r t,ej,")1 of nay , tdited11.41 ur n. -..•i %lima, to be euro Wend an Iter. -ennui! std to be (Mind arrnhbuRl •. hese- fur di.play ani rt itraet .vlver•t•e- meLl* will tie Air en On a(q.hn'a bon. akin». all rommunleat too- w 1'04 $44,].41, ORIN11' I1 U.. Lincted (Ir tirb. not COI/MIt'H. THl ;:`DAY. At- (ICS f THE CHOPS IN HURON. Compared with the average minty. (►t) 1. r Ututt d1a+ much Calla.* for congratMalion +o tar n• the pr.vywcls for our crop,: aro rnncerned. Few *peal our genet al condition : none are letter. Fall wheel, whirl) bad a rather pew start last fall. and was (delayed ip growth this (wing, hey. delightfully *urpri.rd growe•*eby giving a 1 per yield, the evet'aie f ,r the eonnty tie. ing about twee 7 -ax 1.nobela to the acre, The yi..Lle deep site Wire vari- able. rouging 11.114 t'•vrnty to forty hnsbrl+- Mitring wheat ,.. , slit inking in arra that it,. Keewatin Ilnron will %asm lw a memory only. it 44100 had h wide range. of yield Iwr acre (from fifteen to -__.-thirty_-Iwehel-,. and will average twenty bushel.. Oats will 1e a late crop, with rather short but remerkahly (lean stl'ate, but with average weight; of gfain. 'Illi. nugh rudimentary education, whethe the graaluatr js going into an oftler 41r ( 111(41 a machine shop. Knowing bow t o .sell may not lw u.cesaary equip- ment for handling a lath., but we in Ontario abtuld grt away Prow the ilea that a man's whole life is bound up in his Jay';e 'work. The mechauic who is well read, who can write good English and who can intrlligently.dis- cuss current .,rents is not any pourer inechatic for his widen knowledge, and hie life is itulnrsgorahly riehilt and.wn:e ew'fol. -. Instead of being pushed aside by the bicycle and the automobile, the horse i, ,till in use. rind to a greater etched than ever. A contemporary giver ursine figures to show that in the Untied Steges during the fifteen year- in W hII$.a-Lbs automobile hits brcu .• competitor the number mita the per head of hors•s have iuereesesl or...illy. In ISI(.. there were 15,S9a,ale 11 ,ase. in the United Stites, with an average value mf $a( ) ��.).8'e10.y��a head. last thereythere[erre• 1,Ir44, with ail a(erago valuation of 1$11.1 a head. In the stone period the mule has nearly (bulled in numbers and has more than doubled in value. According to three figures ,the average mule is worth more than the average' horse. the figures being $107 for the untie against 14/(1 tor the horse. The Woodstock Soitinel-Kevirw comments upon what must Iw ae•• opted a+ a fact, thmt in Canada politi- eel parties are lined up rather with ref- erence to traditional a44404Iatione than in neper[ to living issues. There are any :nen, it says. in the Pensee-, a- c 1rganizatinn -wiser Jerking -natur- to the liberal. fold, and there are tette at Treat in the Liberal ranko who feet mote et home.. rb,rwlteew. A re•n .tructiion of parties that would (hoe t voter[ in the parties to wlurh the.- naturally Iwlong will take place only when the par'tiee divide mere acutely upon questions of prin- ciple and poli . At pt-rwnt 141 l'an- ridnthe ohprt f political. tar tie+ is rather to get int• office and stay there than to *e9ITO t triumph of any principle or the at option of any re - fore. . \\-e h a v tur'ne'd things around, en that. 4. red of tieing part y vs,is'iation+ for t , e furl hertne of saute great public int est, we hunt all _'ytPltperaer hertln1Nrtmty'wifthe- about thittyoeven bushels per Arne. Alittle red rust_is complained of by a few farmers. liar_ley. like all the other '.reals, i•. short in straw, hit Leight lenah, in stalk and kerpel. The yield ran from twenty -lire to forty-11re bushel. per Acre, the average dein; thirty-three bushels. Pleas Proteine to yield about twenty- three bushels to the acre. They ate mnr11 la f.r titan it 41 rn hut there is little romIduint of the bug. and the crop may ,b.• ramified ns h gond one. In *title respect* hay heft leen a ilia- _ app,intthent. - Although it came through the winter rather the wore. for wear. the early spring t•ain+ were eopeeted to -revive things; shut the long June dental, kept hack growth. and the yield will 1e barely n Inn And a quarter tothe &erre. On the other band the tiny rrnp wag never better saved. and every nlouthfi1 that the stock get will tell in -the fall and winter feeding. and that mean% more• than many iwople think. Thane who grew alfalfa hail big growth of towel). lent fodder during the airy period., Kasha give fair promise, although later in condition than listed at'hi. time of the yeas:, owing to the back- ward- time 44- mottling_ -Pet ►ta . s .at•e doing well at present. and -o far there is no sign 411. ret. A good rrnp of sound potatoes is an asset net to be drapes.( thee, tiny*. - root- it -hi tw 1.* hope.[ that the line promise of top will he h1104Irti in the t filers when the bl.•ased Mut pixies are dug. Corn, which is grown chiefly for fodder in this comet y, will to a tip - trop crop if nut nipped with the irn*1. 11 is lush and rampant ir, growth nod now, and ought to ear well with flue September weather. Apples will be n telt yield of the winter sort,, the .;test paying variety. When an improvement in the Method of packing apple, comes in, this county Will have a mine of wealth, so to speak, ahave ground. Other fruits hate dour fairly tv.•II, plums having given great yi'lde where sprayed, lilt doing poorly where neglected. wrnlre a victory for the p stake party tt•hloph the en means. teen and seventeen•yeor-old gradu Ates of the public school often fail to spell with remionable accuracy. Hut they suggest t hat such mons have mistaken their vocseion, that they should have gone "into the factory to handle tools" instead of "going into the office to handle rns," The true educational system gives every grad- uate of the public schools a mimicry of the "Three R's," irrespective of whether that gr•dxtata) is goiug into offices ur tutu "factories and marl abuts." A public school system that dors not arm its graduates with the educational rudiments of success in lila ie doing kis than its duty to the tax•jfeyere who support its renitence. Automobiles and Country Roads. Urilba Packet. The Toronto papers are carrying on as merry campaign In favor of good roads. Before sue[) an agitation can have h effect in the rural dis- Irirts, however, a new basis fur dis- tributing the cost must be found, which wilt meet the conditions brought about by the automobiles. These heavy,nlachiuee, running at a high rate of speed. wear the roads far 11101.0 than ordinary vehicles, and it is tau touch to expect the tartness to build and maintain roads for the Inttoq, especially when these "private exprese trains' prevent so many of them frau) making al/ much time as they would like to of the King's high- way. At the recent good roads con- vention this cousideratiun was made the principal ground for 'asking the Provincial Government to inc ream. its grant to county roads to lifty per cent. of the rest. Some more direct method of compelling those who make n,,-nftbeateta is-4esemis .ci sate lA) their upkeep would appear equitable. Home Missionaries Needed. - %%oW-toe•; *e•ntinel- Ree ire. A Chinaman in Montreal desiring to wseure for his son in the homeland the 1Hdvatltegesof a Canadian .dura• [inn sent for the boy, hoping to be atrlr_topay the Amount of the head - tax when the boy arrived. Tilt(tgh unforeseen circumetfnres, the boy's father and hi+ friends found them- aw•laweade- ia-esus-Lot X:itLi,n the 1414*I required when the boy arrived. The is.y is now in hood awaiting re. (ease if the money can be raised, or deportation in the event of failure. If It wa-. a Nritish or American hey who was held ie bond is China under 'imilar . ir•wuitancee. what a noire there would le ! \Ve send out mis- sionaries to China to preach to the people there the fatherhood of Geed and the hrntherho d of roan, and we •how our belief in the brotherhood theory by imposing A head tax Ot SON) un every Chinaman coming to this country. We complain of the difteulty of converting Chinamen to Christianity. The l'hinamen might ter' well ask for some eyldenee that Nswi--will-thc-uatiemr.--whish--Imam- -'.it_ their ty. \V. Christianity believe in it. not the Stratford and Peophes Railway. Stratford. August I$, -The People R promoter* here afterr*l their pt„p.s ie to this city with respect to the amount of preference stock which they wont the rity to subeeribw in order to make their plans operatic..- The proposal at first was for the takinv of tetra etnck in the enterprise. - which volved only the line into Stratford to New Hamburg via Tavistock the lines within the city. Since they have taken up the plan of a frail ial linter out of Stratfotd.and that Stratford now subscribe FROM OUR CONTEMPORARI Now is the Time to Subscribe. - t4owmans ins Slat...man --P. . ae.i.at observation im the blame` wr visit gives Its the idea that very little profitable reading is done in the average home. either in town (4r ;•poetry, and what is done r. eloper - !trial and aimless. Irish Charlie's Wit. Toronto Star. A Vancouver gaper pa's that when lion. Charles Murphy was ma sp•erh In that eil y, he raid : •' list plel.d. as fo five werks ago 1 h -ft Ottawa, the (air Hamburg to est city in Canada "when • he was N3".4110), the M interrupted by loud cries ..f digient, 14441, Stratford t 411144 w«ut aft --"to cam* en the . shares m' the Pecific, only to find that m el ill fairer city had arisen here." ' i.kp- plauer. l EDITORIAL NOTES, Another "dont' must he aided to those which are h,nde,4 out in the way of advice to lathers. it. is needed to fit gush a rag0 a. that of 1 he girl at Jack*on'* Point who keit her halanee In the water and went tinder, and although the water MIN' only wain[ deep imagined that she was beyond her depth. She aftnally nearly drowned before rom.h,dy polled her head above the surface. The Rank lit Commerce hose ireticd an estimate of the wheat crop of the Western Provinces which give' a total of *lightly under 1It,(NMI,(esi Iniehel,. At )04 renew a h,*hel the table of thin rrnp will be $IOO,INp,INN), and inrfuding mote and barley the grain cropeithie year are estimated to yield $157.2b2.1.it. This i* a lot of money. sod whets we consider that the Welt has jus got started It is not easy to retentive what the crop Agars* even • decade front now will he, Telegram rightly says that our eduoatbaat system ie not doing what it should do Kit Joss not give every gssliaats of the public schools a time - 5. fr -aur Ili eet•1e% prop** in all fu•gp01,4N0) of N per rent. rumn- lalive p:er01110 stork, to be taken in '.aaju)a -inea aro nom• lows : S13,(NN1, from New tratford via Tavistock third city lines : $1 5,- : : 7$)),IN441, 44r- bringvil a to Ex • er : •$10.N1,'Mebring- Te to Fit. Mary $T0,(NNI(N, fsehrhlg• vi1 will. to 11 .nkton. - The "ii Nuisance. '1. Thomas Thur- H'on.er'att,'� The neW Ontario Speller, just honed by lite I►epartment of Education, is the beginning of .palls% trouble and vexation fur many y(•at'N to come, and all bermes• ,,f the reinetatument of the little letter "u" in such words as ^lnlnt'," "parlor,'. "n.ighbs.r.•' rt.'. Although almost every publication in ('4nailn opposed and ridlrulel the suggegtiot when itwas fleet pnip,eel, and (intie opinion mac almost unali mel oly against it, it was ap erently a eerie of ''1 he Inlbtie le d-rl," for the i offensive ••u' ha. /wen thrust upon its, ! whether err no. "If He Can Get It." Hamilton Sneetator On principle we ae inclined t agree with thong who contend that every man should take an annual holiday if be can,get it. It tray. true that this will not add years to his life, and it may ,*leo lw true that it will not ran+e hirti to work any harder or better when he pets hark t., the grind : nevertheless if he has wisely used his rr., time he will in' m letter 1114411 meritally and a man with a broader rima of life and the things the! go'lo make i( than he was before. Arid if this i• the result the holiday will have twee well worth while. What the Patent Medicine Men Missed. Stretford Hsaron., The secret of the low teppiler of the T. Isnlow Co. -for the public school readers is now ant. They were in. tended to he 11x..1 As an advertising medium for the snail order depart - anent of the big department attire, and they are aging them fir all they are worth. Kut it dors seem strange that a Government whtmid permit the school hook' of it Province being need for such a plrpwe, to the disedvat- tage of other merchants, even though the emit of the hooks he Iow. Had the Patent medicine .nen got a line on this idea they might have tendered even lower than the T. Eaton Co. What. • fine medium they would have been for Adria tieing pill*. Naughty I Toronto World. kve fell in a gotel ramie when the ate the apple. If there wart not a1 - other apple broth in the garden the sit- tation was of a nature which modern j,uieprtdenre would remise oh the plea of ecintributory negligence. If the fetal pippin was tike that fleet de- light of the ...Aron, en Angler apple, who but a theologian meld have the heart to Meow her? When one of the be s cones into the office for the Rest time In the wet - eon with a bag of Aegean apples, yet - low and juicy, and 'ay* to the staff : "Here, fellow*, have one; every- i.*Iy's heart lea(a1 up even higher than when he beholds a rainbow in the sky. Of course the invitation is accepted and everybody munches, "1 pinched 'em." announce'. the hope - factor. "(Inre1 tiny," is the general ver- dict. pity of the Pontic Schools. Termite Telagrsm. Ontario's educational system Is not • success if It seeds good spellers mid "(Ace jobs" wad pcor spellers Into "factory jobs." Apolowlata for the present system do not deny that tat• Ortllia's •ply. memo in answer to The Pee t The (inde- rieh Signal says : •Ni.>,i. -h might he glad to .(and next to Ot•ill , if it could not get a better (tare: but r natural twenty, for line streets, 1 ' lovely homes, for pretty girl. and h dsonie mien. it claim• first place in ntario against all romere. 4)f coil we would not expert an (Mei* man , ad- mit this." "Philip Waith unto tn. (knee and gee." Hnmeseekers' Excursions to Western Canada. Via ('hirago, September 7th and 21st. Via Sarnia and Northern Navi- gation Co., September $t.h and 22nd. tMleauPr leave•+ Sarnia :i:UI p. m.4 Winnipeg end return $3'2,11I, Edmon- ton and I.Ulrn $42.:111, Proportionate rates to other points in Western Can- ada. For tickets and further in- formation call on nearest Orand Trunk *Rent. { Taking Stock In Peoples Railway. Berlin Newer-Herrrd : Mr. W. A. Rugg, of the People's Railway Com- pany, was in town for a short time on Tuesday afternoon on his way- tri Stratford from Toronto. Mr. Bugg reports progress in the hig railway enterprise, though there are always s(1111e unforeseen delays. l'p to the prevent time five distrieta have voted on bylaws to take stock in the company, and font of them have carried the bylaws. They are : New Hamburg $2t',IMN) Blenheim Tp 1; (MSi \\ elhaley Tp 15,INN) 'retie ck Tp .1 . .. . ROM 1n t\ mit a bylaw to vote $U,414) was def* ed, but will he resubmit- tod, and r. Bigg feels sanguine that it will be carried. In Stratford s Mork of $100,0101 is asked for. At first the ('nmpeny risked only for $O),INN1, roll the city deoires other localities nerved then hat[ 'wen at first content - !detest, and to make these exten0I0ns the Company de*ir.d an additional $111,INN), Asked as to what amount, will be tanked from Berlin, Mr, Hogg could not yet ray. "It depend* on what the town wants u* to do for them," saki hp, "The proposition to Hellin will be made in due time." Model Schools Missed. - Commenting npp1) the' resent et•(n• Ina inn for entrance to nnernnl rebottle, The Chester Entorpriee tetra • "Under the present system it mean' at lenge three year* in high school and 0111* year et normal, at an expellee of at Irma $HU) to parents not living in a trim) in which a high '.had is !oersted, not taking into account any chances for • failure, either, in the four years' course. This is enough to dLrouralle moat parents from •hOw- iIg theme buoys oriris to take a teachrr'a course :in high sehnoll be- cause the expert*e is tn0 heavy. The old mo del refined system was the poor man'* friend, and many a country hay and girl would never hays got a start in fife but for the model wheels in every county. The hill effect of thr Wholesale failures of those trying fo t 'entrants* to normal' waamloat1oo wilt be felt neattar when the wrocessft) normal candidates are Inadequate for Wi'te and C-yhildren Left Penn ess .:Safeguard- .:them a a' t 'f .� ,t f.rI �. �,�.. , ea$. � �- ir�g cont; ency withr j ou � tae t tr. •• .', J• . Ehdb 'men „" .Sang " t site s ordinary f)a"aill- deathY� P otic -.with this difference, --- after. ' you .'rear. a gcertailx','a ahe �+ T fu l • death -claim .vaf t. *41 o1 if interest d+- g. W. H. ROBINSON. \ District Agent, Seafolth. the druta`fid, and rural i1 it -tees will have R greater difficulty tri yt eier for the fall tei pt 19111. We look for - wand r1f'ofie year-npu PTs- hrrni4""rr a' climax the (Adele. of Dr. John Yealh's scheme, to peso's•[ the (skids school system by the abolition of county model schools. The wrath of Ihou- aawde of smiths school lraoteetesalt. La i visite) on the hero! Of t he Superin- tendent of Education in full fitly *leen one year nets•.," I ,000 °vel• om• theueind etuJenlq Ten -r11 -r) r11r) 114 out ch On last year. It pays to attend a link of thio great chain, for "IN 1'VI.,N T II N R Y. 1+ ,wTKRNUTII," 'The demTmt 1t�i• r -mer grad) uat.es i4 THREE TIMES the %apply. Other %clouds engage our graduatro lie towhees A special comes for tear -here. Graduate.) of two yearn ago are now ':truing $'2,a*1 pn r annum. Three rein•%.'-CUMMI'H• ( I%L. M'rloN 14144.%PHvand'1')1L- itt IRAPIIT. -4441RAPIIY. Fall Tera Opals Seg. H. Write for pattirular•, GODERICH USINESS COLLEGE E0, MPIn-rl)N, PRIN. INSEAM LONDON Business & Ci NTARiO SUBJECTS Resident and Mail Cataloguer Free 1. W. Wearer/eh, J a' R"connect', Jr..0 Pnn.ipd 1,,,,.P1,un.•, ter ♦ - orthand tine: 1,'AL.1. TFR\I OPENS SEPT 1,) Toronto, Ont. Cor. 1'ong. and Alexander Ms. Mtrirt- ly First -('lass. °rectorate always etc- r'g*ful. Write for Handsome Cata- logue. Fall Term from Sept. 1st iR�'hx r St.Jerore's Colleg Rerlin, Ont. eCanada. Pounded is* lscerpanted by Act of Parliament, r5M. R0N4eimlal Scheel ler hays and Yeang [teat Comet. Berme... High School, Science. Ari, New annd)ner egnipp.d 04th 141100 1( geek Rgnoa M.rte (deet. resew*, Ana new dy'non. p,1it fwfarmingr Peal, Stereo' hath, 105.klg Tr* Aad4terWre. Prwhellen wade geat{ndjato ewrwala 1.. Ma, . hoard sad Moltke, •lease per asap. $ ;toff. A. I. *lneg1, e.R., P*.a„'geometry U1'LAW NO. 1x, Oh' I01MM, OF THE L) TOWN OF' UIN)katlt'Il, + A BYLAW 1x,U1'AMAsr(R- TIl): Ho*twe Op 11141114141T 1'14401 Of 1114 .A NAM; ea K0*1, M 1Ca1xr 5 (041•ANt• 441 ('AN WA. 1.11r)Ty,,, w'herom,. the promoter-, of i i»rtatn row: Iaa:y to be )neOrpontled under the corporate name of "I'bo Aue1'iral, Komi Machine l'Om. pauy of Canada. tdwited,' ur such other name a the Lieutenant (10(1rusa may approve. have proposed to the emitted of the wurr1Mp�wrl ity of the town of Nudoria'h to estabir• ,h r far Ili the 401(1 town for Ihr manufacture of ,uad machinery, portable rrwlwll+ and power mrrhiue.•. and have requested the mid couuetl to aid then) in the c-tabh.luueol thereof. by guaranteeing the Ii per cont, hood. of the said plopopvt ('(11µ0u) u, the extent of it0.101, re payable in 1 *oily equal annual ln,)AIn1ont- ur (.[flet pal and intere.1, the fir.1 of acid an- nual payment- to lawman• dila' and be wade one year from t he date on whish ,41.1 bond+ are Issued, and the remainder annually share after ; by exemption from wuuictpV.d taxation fora period of ten )curs, cOtwueuelmg with the Year IY1U; and by a-.kting, except doom -tally, the theapan7 in obtaining railway .witch 14110 their propo.ad factory. And where.. in can.ider8tlal of Me .rid aid, it has hese warred that the -ail l uwpany -ballacgwre the land-. buildings, machinery and plata In the pard lawn of tiuderich know u as "'rhe Uoderc•b F:ngioe St Ha•yci. 1'uwpaOsb plant.' *1W +11811 omen therein all urea•+nary wacNoory and plant for the perp -e of Manu featuring road ww'mner . purtrlde .aw(r1U1r and newer naehincry, the value of the ..aid land.. .buildings and plant. when fully r4 nipple& to be at lent ;.awn, and have on their pry roll by 1 he end of the first year fitly employee.. And wherea. it 1.4-, been further agreed :hat the vial ('on,pahy ,+hall enter roto a (untie. rlrerwCOt with tee said town for the per. formance of thy. term- and conditions herein hefore tel out. and .hall secure the said town of Ouderich frau 811 liability by reason of it - guarantee of the principal and interns) of the bonds of the mid Company and the due per rornah(e of the -Aid term. and condition* by a I1r+rrrreet.age•aperratl the -Imola- na414 pattern.. patent., machinery and plant of�- .$)d l'dp,paoy. to he approved by the Solicitor for the town, and by insuring the said build- ing-. luaopinary and plant and stock lu favor of the Paidd.towu, and the policies, anal( be de ponied with the clerk of (hr ..44 Town and .hall contain w'A,L3s known a. the "Mortgage ('tatter" if troubled. And r herea\. it is deemed rtpedlent to grant the said apo. -abject to the terms and onodl 11one hereinafter aa•t out. Therefore be al`enwcted. and it is hereby en- acted. by Om tutatictieel oountll of the said 1 ue a of c• Merlon. W410F•' 1. 1t .hall he law f111 for the )payor and clerk In the name rad on h•half of the'eorpwr at,..0 of the -*14 town of uoder)cn end under es corporate •4'at 10 execute and deliset a - the net and dead of- 11r WId 1*Li.Filielitfor,ed ror4oratiun, by wr,trn Or printed Ruaraerec or g1(dnrantee. ut the -aid (amputation guwran treing the due pa)'un•m o the priory and infereor of the bond-ur de tern oft lir said Abe Amerman Mout Alec tie Pompon-, of ( amide. Limited.' up To ilia -titin of $Igott fur prinelpal. repast able In [wear annual (natal mint-. with lnirn+1 a; the rite of 4V_ per rent. per an . payable yearly on the rue guild principal 10 Ilse holder+ of 1 wool ol- or debenture., so that the annount , wo.y'ablr for principal and interest en any yea* .hall M egaal to the amount -0 payable an et of the o her teen!, -itch guarantee to lw t0 the stent that upon default being noose by the cold -The 4rtieri('an /toad Machine Compray of ('4nad,,. Limited. in thepayment of the pt•Inclp i rod moats *cured*curedby the mid bond. or Cepru Owe.. the eorporation of the raid tower 4 l;oderich wltt pry t0 the bolder the Amon.[[ so in del' cult Opon demand. ich guarantee to be otherwise 110 .ugh foam and to °obtain +uch further or additional pro8 tenons or conditions n• .h►0,1» apppproved of by the Miler and the . olWTlor (dr the mrevenues-or id rperstte s-ot iba town of liodrrich, provided however that auch Iwo visions and condlt ion. do not limit the oblb ae Oen of the said town to pay the •may in default upon demand se afore..aid. . Prio, to the execution of the solo guaran- tee. or any 01 rhrw. the said 'The American. Rata Siatmmmr-rmnTstnyotrartrl4a"T.TRi1L8rt' . hall with the neer+wshare- holdersry ap royal of the share- holders duly gIt em meeting eeting called for that p* exeeote aw14041yev 101b* Coeporaua, of .the town of Uuderich a Martially.. Went their tart(., balldusgs, plant. n.adlnrry and JIx I tire And )..ten!. now owned or hereafter a.-gairrel, which said mortgage hall be a 4r+t charge upon -aft -emir 1. ti -and- .11.131 ren - lain she Clam -. 11014 Wetaerial lit 1n*a1{ga fee• gl lien by c•nmtaniw. 10 .[cure bonds, and •0111 mortgage shrill be settled and approved of by the Solicitor for the said town, and .hall ..cure and provide for the payment of all principal and Inters t which -hall heroine due at any time on the said bonds ,o to he iw.ned- by the vikl Company and for the repayment to the meld oor anon for all money. which mal' be paid by 1. In payment of said guaranteed band. of nl.•r.•-n Ibentnn, uo.t .orb mortgagee •dwt8+«ietwe *tee J„e to.--Mautwuo.J.y the. said ('Limper). of the mrd 0)o tamed propene in sec or of the .r1.1 rnrp namun, In C3.' of 1P• by lite or lightldng, in .uch .Jmp suie, and for "1.•h a 1. as shall be sppro) e 1 by t h.• Solicitor for the.aid corporation. a,nl.111r ps,t1 . me- l').dwlnp.4 what is ;,o.1•1 a. 11111 "Mwl- saga t'1a1, .,. 11 demanded Ly the laldcorpora.. Done. nod for the rentmneant» 01.ura ln.urance during the:Irmm urrrnet' of the said bonds. and the dor n' pn,r d-uf the intuit therefor. The sand 1 -0111 ny -hall 4epo-il all ..aid Inom ranee papers with the ('lerk of the mid town. 3. As acondi tlo0of 'Morin in*the .01dpier order.. the wiA Mid, or deMpter s to be roar, wnteeet by virt lir of this byte shall 4.e depo. Iced with a chartered tank at the town of UoMNch, and. earn a Pale of .och bond. or tie cut tier- 4- effected, and the preened. there of paid Int , 1 he raid tank to the join) creditof. the Pedes.* ny *144 the Mayor of the. said town fo- the time being. 114s sold lords or detain t urea, or .neh tension thereof as may he sold as aforrwld. .hall be banded over by the said hank toMet billowy or to its nominee, and the proceed- from the sale of such land. or debentures -hall be applicable only for the pop -chase and .'quipment,uf the Paid works, and shall be paid out. only upon the Joint ch•gne of rhe -044 4 •0mpany and the Mayor of the meld town for the time Ming. and to the extent of not more then .4ty p r cent. of the value of the plant at the time of such payment in the actual ga.-r..ion of the ('ompwny, and in andatpnn its property at (ioder'ch, and the balance tole 4paid when the whole plant. Is of the value of 71(11 such value to be determiner' a- In the next.. ceetdlnRqa 44R14(41 hereof.• I. The value ofthe .alt lend•„bn aline -and plan) for the purpose of this bylaw aria for all paymenta to lemade thereunder .hall be *.rertained ley valuator. to he appointed one ny 1 h ('poyyaanyy on. by the cumuli of the town of Ualerirh. and they, before entering 11(1011 their vainat.ton. hall appoint a thin!, who will art wllh the other two. should they disagree, and the fading of a tnaloHly shall be anal. r. And forth pnrpoee of further aiding the e•taMlshment of the +aid roil ie4ry. 144. hereby declared that 1 h lands, MlildinRs, machinery and plait lewd In opine[ Ion with the -aid bd.lne.. •11111 he, and they are hereby, exempted teen taxation, except whaol lax.., fora*Hr. cnrntfb od of len yeaeocing with the Mtn Igpl. h. And for the mellows of f,n1er aid(ppga the establishment of the 'aid Industry the municipality of the town of 11,der)ch will, at the coma of the Paid Company. aid as far a. It rew.on,4ly- ,•an in obtaining a railway -witoh Into the -.id factory. 7. This bylaw shall take effect from the day of the anal pouring thereof. Pi. The (ote of the elector, of the paid town of li(derieh shall be taken on.thi* bylaw at the following times and place., that 10 to way :-Un Saturday. the eleventh day of September next. (ommen, ung at the hour of mine 0cluek M the forenoon and motioning until five OClerk in. the afternoon of the -am* day. by (lye following deputy return' ng officer.: P04115R div Won No. 1, at Th,mptoi • black- smith hop; deputy returning ofncer, John reward : poll clerk. J. R. Newer. Polling division No. Y. at. Mr.. (inkam'+ store, F:aa) .tree ; deputy returning °Meer, ('ha.. nate,: poll clerk, Her. Si1 Polling dicidon No. A. al TOwn Intl ; by deputy erthrntng ogler., It. C. Melchor ; poll clerk, w in Knox. ' Polling 4lrl$on No. p, at *others' %lop , b7 deputy leii4rnln1 olncer, Alex. Straiton; poli clerk Wm. 4lolhr1a, Polling eh term No. A at Mn. Helton'. store; by deputy retorning 01410 er, Oro. I %Bleck; poll clerk, J.C. I, t'ourel. Pollingdlrllon No. 4 of Johna More; by deputy ret rtrning oiliest. Hsi , Witt son: po111 clerk, Wm. Telt. Polling Air4lon No. s at /elude Neville's honer; by deputy retnrning 0*444r, Memel Mc- Kay: poll clerk, Itobert Taft. N. On Friday, the 10th day of September next, the M*seerM,hegold tows of finderk•h ' hall attend M the coin4ll ehnhlhan of the said town of Oat0NOh at ten o'clock In the forenoon to wppmnt (1..011.1 10 attend at the various place+ alorc. sk* and al. the (nal spm ming up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of Mperwm. Inl,nste4 In promoting or opals, In the pawing of thin bylaw regleoilvely, In. The Clerk of Ike (00ne11 of the Raidtown of (40d104l ., shall attend at N. Shp In the Town 11.11 at ten n'elerk In the forenoon Of Mondor, the 10h day M rtpaember, A. P. 4400 to moa, rip the number ofase. for and again,' 1 he tour,. Dated at the Monett cMmher Ihr ash dap of Almost, A. h. DOR A. H. MA I1i.I ., L. L KNOX. Mayo TAKg NOTI('l that the above Ie a tree copy M a pro(0sd bytes MIMI tam been taken into eareddenatlen and which will he (Melly )leered by the nonn011 of the mnnlatpal• 1(y Ile the event N tM ,talent of the stenos4 beim obtained thereto a opt month from the fMet pnblleatloe In Menai tlgwspwper, the data p( which en tlSoaUoa was e the 1*14 day M Aligner, lets, and that fir; of Um electors of the tellmanlo4palltr sisal N�takes Naas Otani', Axed ear and tireItean LLKNOX. (asst[. W. ACHESON & SON. First Showing of Fall Fabrics The new autumn Dress Fabries are Isere awaiting your choosing --if yuq desire • to choose there's a saving to he effected. 85c Venetians and Broadcloths, 75c ' All wool l"*-tIch Venetian Cloth in a •: plate range of culnrings, including nuveity *hauler, also black. 4S,iticbew wide . regular qbc epeeist. ...; . $1.2l Wert of England \Voluted Suitiugs, fancy effector alta beautiful bright finished goods, special, .41.401 SATURDAY & MONDAY BARGAINS Towelling ism yard* of milli. back Towelling, red border and warranted foal. IK inches wide, regular 1 2l m yard, Saturday and Mouday, at per yawl...[[. Table Damask 714 and 72 invites will* pure linen bleached Damask, (4154 yawls for Sat• ulday and Monday Sete; regular Slate and $1.11* Damask, )41c: 771e and *41, Lawaak, ilk Carpets and Rugs - $1$let0 and $13.10' Axminster and Wilton Rugs in Jl patterns, :tel, :ttx 1 yard*, re.l urel 10 $•i,lsl Tapestry Carpets 27 Mehra wide, bea7y pile Tapestry Cat pet in a large variety of pat- terns, tn.., 71c and *8.;r• value., at per yard . - ...... W. ACHESON & SON. THE' CAfE.RDA PAINT Ct111PANY'S PAINTS, , to WARD 00ND FOR RALE eV THE Howell Hardware Company, LI M ITE I). a..s.... ar_•� ALL'ol'R SUMMER FURNITURE has leen marked at "bung up" lig- time. There r% not great lot of it but, enough to he in the way of fall *trek erne arriving: - WE PREFER ITS ROOM to its company and in order•two fa(•il nant-s-speony ctekfRnee or reed and rattan furniture we have readjusted, 1 prices. in many rases cutting off -al- 1 profile. This is your chance- . •em * GEO. JOHNSTON, FURNITURE and VNUERTAKINI,. CENTRAL 41TRATFO1.O. 014 T After [went y-ttvo ye ire of wi '''(d work we have heroine the !agent. test lend moat sncreertful pram ;cal training school (n Weitery than- \ rio, with no superior in Canada. Three departments : COMMERCIAL. SHORTHAND and TELEGRAPHY We assist graduates (41 positions RR well AR gives most thorough train- ing. Opt our free catelogue at once. F.r.Lrrn-r & Mc1..t('ut•.t4, 1'rrnripals. Autumn Term from August :loth in all depart - tuenta of the Central Business College Vence and Gerrard Sia., Toronto. Catalogue mailed free en request. v' W. H. SHAW, Principal. Now is the Time To Order Your Fall Suit. The Two Martins TAILORS and FURNISHERS 'Phone ISO. Bright New Trunks, SUIT CASES, and TRAVELLING BAGS at ELLIOT I'S SHOE STORE • • Not old patterns but bright new styles f• ceh frons the Limn y. Three Reels we cffer you alr.a*nn•ble prices. Trunks at $2.00, $3 00, $3.50 and up. • Suit Cases at from $I.SO, $2.00, $2.50, up. A Special Value in a Suit Case at 52.50. A good Leather Case for 56.00. Weare ager t* for the HARTT SHOE for mel. G. M. Elliott essol