HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-8-19, Page 81 8 Tvtwwi •Ara.turr 11+, 1Ytw ►1: THE SIGINAL: GODE RIOS ONTARIO -.- town on un sy un his return from tri b • boat to ,bolt. Mr. Russ is NIXON STURDY'S DEATH, 1 PERSONAL MENTION. ! M d 1 f I P ) Accident at Holmeivdle Bridge Results Frank Beattie, of Berlin, visited hie an rxperirnced and ruccess(ul wrwlwr of the teaching profrwiun, having Fatally. {wreitr the past werk, taught for several years in Arbfirld The people of tludrrich township Krv. J. Muir left lash Saturday 00 and Huron townsbipe. his return to Grimsby. Recent arrivals at The Maples are : Mies Carrie Nice. Miss Carrie Howes, Miss Leila Kies, of Detroit: Misses Lillie and Ida Marchand. of Exeter ; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. May, Misses Oladys and Thalia May and baby May, Mrs. Butt. of Stratford ; Mr. `storm, of De- troit. ►e- truit. Orville and Orton Durnin left this wording fur Regina. They iutend taking a Normal comae there., Horace Towiff, of Bentuillrr, also Is muting former (1. C. 1. students for wb the Nest has attractions. He left this wonting for Mo oso,nin, intending to spend a season at (aiming Iwfore. pro ceeding with his studies. W. E. Elliott war in town over Sunday visiting his `)trent", Mr. and Mrs. U. M. Elliott. Mr. Elliott is now with The London Free Press and like+ his new location well. On severing his connection with Thr Toronto News. with which he had lawn two years or more as news editor. he was pres.•pted by the edituiiMI staff with an engraved ring in token of the goodwill of him newspaper comrades. were shacked on Friday batt to barn of the death of Nixuu Sturdy, the well-known tognebip clerk. which oc- curred at the Clinton hospital as the result of an areidrnt the prey. h day at the Huluiesville bridge. ,litr. Study and (w,rge W. Trnhutt welt) i akiug. duw i is rltetiu') of t he old bridge, the timber of whit'b they had pure Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Acheson are holi- chasel. and Mr. Sturdy was pulling soy my at Culloden Lake. out at (silt when Kota. of the timbers rollap*t•d and in hat " Sturdy with thew. 11e fell on his heal and received such injw'ier as to render, hit% uurousciuus. Au auto- mobile was at hind and iu it the in- jured loan was conveyed to l)r. thing's hospital at Clinton, where everything pussilik was d • for 1 '1'hcssalon Adv., ate : Mr. and Mrs. but without avail. Mr. taunly mowing faster, of liasterieh, are guests of Mrs. away at midnight will 1. ll.lvwg t1•- lirahauo. gained consciousness. Mrs. A. J. Paluidge and daughter. Mr. Sturdy was a native of oodericll Alargnrrt, are spending it few weeks township and spent his life there, for 111 Flirest. twenty years or more being the clerk of the township. Hr was it son ut the late John Sturdy, and o. survived by three brothers Thoutas, of town, end John au.1 tirorge, of lioderich town- ship. He was unmarried. In religioic -ole wax it Mrthndiat- ' ('onePrvtltlye. Ile war a man of can- sitleiabll• means and his faro' on the ith concession is one of t he beat in the township. He was a,gruial, likeable wan. anti was known front end to read of the township. The remains were niters.' au Mait- land cemetery on Sunday afternoon and the funeral was the largest seen in this sectiuu.tur wain- yarn, Prole procession, and at the cemetery there was, a great assemblage of people. _ The funereal was under Micron, auspices, and Rev. R. W. Millvanl was *the officiating clergyman. The pall-bear•1's were Joseph Whitely. Charles Whitely awl Tliumas (iinn, of tiaslrrich township. and F'. F. t.awr- euce, Dr. ('lark and John Helical, of -town. Maitlaw.il.tatgs._'v•, "'t ♦ ,JT. Mira Oiivr-3+mn,t, c.f Aubtats.-ta and A. to.. of which deceased was a spending her vacation with her aunt. member, attended the funeral in a Mrs. 11. Tutfonl, in town. irody. Mliir Pearl d4oldrilwnder. of Toledo. Ohio, is visiting at tile residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Polley. Henry Wiggins left this morales on his return to Winnipeg. Misr Maud Watrou, of Toronto, is visiting at the old home. Arthur and Stephen Jane are visit- ing relatives in Mitchell Constable Ph.•lailwas in Exeter for several days during the past week. Midi Emmeline Dietrich, of Flora dale. is visiting her relatives in town. Rev K. W • Craw, of Fergus, it the guest of his relative. Mrs. Oen. Morris, Chant Boyd, of Toronto, lout been visiting his mother, Mrs. D. Boyd, Elgin aveneie. • �It.. J. C. Moria. of Wat•neMich.. is visitiug her 111(1*her, •1. F'., iN}Phar, road Rev. J. E. Hunter and wits. of Tip pert ill.., are 1eiewlug old acquaint. antes in town. Miss May Parke-, of Alight Craig, is visiting at the residence of , her rela- tive, Mr*. Carrie. Miss Prow and Miss Blonde, of Chat- ham, are Kuwte of Mrs- (Dr.) Nichol. 51tn,l West street. i rs. lis ora, o :bra ord, was visit- ing her parents. Mr. end Mrs. Thos. - Lawson, last week. Miss ;lfiunie Mclennan, of Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mre. F. McLen- nan, Nrlalm street. brussels Post . Miss Stella Speirau, of tiodetich, has been visiting Miss W'inl,i. Long in luau. LOODERICH MUSICAL SOCIETY. t Qfbcers Re-elected at Annual Meeting -- Finanidal Statement. The annual alerting of the Ouderich Musical Society was held on Tuella evening. The officers were re-elect with s few changes in the executive committee, the list (wing now as fol- lows : '•PrniiTriT--R, if. lieynold Vice -president -J. A. McIntosh. 8e•retary--W. H. Robertson. Treasurer -C. A. Nairn. Additional members of executive -- J. S. Platt, (inn. Stewart, W. Millar, W. E. Kelly, A. Saunders. J. Sehade, J. A. Rumba'', H. I.. Watson, D. Thompson. The treasurer's statement from oris, -4*. Itlask-40-Jane-I14, 44414, -was- its follows : SUMMER SPORTS. •The Fain trophy hue gone to Sea - forth. two rinks from that town de- feating the Mitet,.0 defenders last Friday hy two shots. , In s Hed P Heron anti League base• r ball Ranee played et Blyth on Tuesday between Hiytk and Mitchell, thehome (ram sun by a true, of 1 to :4. One of the pleasant features Lf the howling tolwnamrnt last week_ was, the presence of John Wynn, who al- thongh not etltlieirntly - -ree.wer eel from his recent severe i lnen. to take a hand in the gawp was there Go show W. H. McMillin, of Ann Arbor, Mich*, is cisitintt his parents and' his .inter, Mr'.. J. F. McPhee. - Miss llessie Henstridge leturn.d on Saturday from'st.nding her holidays at her home at Burlington. Thos. Kic•kley, of Guelph, is visiting at the horns of Mr. and Mrs. %Vm. Sharman, %Valerie.. rllret. MIs. W; Reg. Sheenier' isspenldieg it couple ,f weeks visiting old friends At Guelph and Rockwood. Wingham. Advents : Misses Ethel and Allie Beckwith tar visiting friends his old interest in for sport, to rejoice 4t (intieticti and rlsrwhrrv•. wtttrthtAtewtru rrjole•rd, and to "keep- (reotgersroddart. ofTui<antn; tliited- with those,who wept. at the home of his parents, , Mr. and Goderich Wins Again. • - The Goderich baseball tram scored another win at Clinton on Monday aftetnoun, Fo a splendid game, the score -helurro to The rhos were Aaron tntier'Itn made by -O. Webb, H. McCreath, H, Ott Monday after • visit at the maid - Belcher, 0. Dean and C. Devine, for eu•e of Mr. and Mrs. N. Dietrich. Gndirich; and by -T. Hawkins, A. Stratford Beacon : Mise Winnie Alexander, R. Taker end C. :Twit• Shaw, of unnlop, in at pteaeotthe cbell, for Clinton. •Som.' ee'nrarkrbly guest of Mrs. Jas. Turner, Nilr street. good hitting was done by 4'. Devine and J. is, both of thrid snaking three hits out 111 f • times fit the hat. The players were as follows: biotin rich - J. Wiggins, p ; V. Dean. c: J. Tait, I b: J. Ellis: 2 b: H. Belcher; :i b: C. Devine, x.: 1'. Webb, If :.O, Ih•an, cf: If. Mcl'restb, rf. Clinton - IL tanker, p: T. Hawkins: c; Ir. Johnston, 1 b; 11. Strep, 2 b; A. Alexander, :4 b; 4', Twitchell, ns; M. McEwan, 'If: Manning. of : 1.. Kerr, rf. The score by innings was : 123i5u7s9Total (laderie i - 2 u I u.,, * 1 1 0 b_ Clinton 22Oouit Ito 4 Protests Marr entered against two games wnn by liowderich, on the V. E. Eberle and wife. of SiL Louie, - g h_-tiner-the art th*a*'-AiiirINii• ftfi�fa Wild, or ilTnTiorrtli, games was not an uftleis) umpire, These gimes were the first played at Clinton And the last Karwith Mit. • chill, played here on the tach. . A meeting of the executive rnu'iuUtee of the league *vas called to consider the matter, and, as (,adorieh had only one vote against the vote of the repre- • 'tentative. of the her club,, the games Mer, thrown out and the node - rich team was ordered In play the games Ivor again. The Itteal* have won the .11arupiuiship of the League fairly and squarely, and would, per - hap., 45 justified in refusing to play the game.. again. as the pier et tbeer games was accept ale• to'hot h - - 7Pent*. , The Goderich Islerba, learn plays an exhibition game with Mitchel'. at Seaforth .11 the d;n- of the i . O. S. eeilrleration. next 1i'elnesJ.ay. Ott l.als,r Delo lttyth play... a League game hen, and probably some wlav k nett weeflislenehi Prays er 1Kltebett. Mrs. 0. S. Stoddart. last week. Walter Morrie. and Miss Evelyn Morris returned to Sarnia on Monday niter a visit to Colborne friends. Miss Ruby Robiuson. of Sparta, who had been visiting iu town. left this wrrk for Nile. where she is teaching sch. tele Mrs. J. Sweet, accompanied by her son Jause.•., of the Exeter Advocate staff, spent Sunday with friends in (+ode -tell - a• - - Mr. and Mrs. Richard Misner and son.. Atmore Bruce, are visiting at the homy of Mrs. Misnrr'P sister, Mrs. M. W. Howell. Thomas Morrow left this week on his return to his h: rule at Margaret. Man., after a visit with relatives in this bell 1011. . The Wtnners_at Dowhng.. The prize winners in the Goderich bowling tournament, which wan con Moiled Iasi Friday. were an follows : Trophy tnateh, E.- 43. Unnrtiee'a rink, Clinton, consisting of J. L. Courtier, .I. T. Watts, J. Wiseman and E. 4.. Collo ire. Prize. toter cel- lar.ttes, quartered oak, early English finish. The ,a•rond prize was won by 14. K. Bright's rink, of Seaforth, con - Mating of 1). McCallum. K. McLean. 1. Willis and It. E. Bright. Prize•, four est-gt.see harry iambi. __--_Association uwtch�l 1L Hurulw.e's rink. consisting of .1. At•has, H Fox, J. F Jordan end C. N. Humber, Pt•ite. four mahogany pwie*tals: The ..runs prize went to F. Davis'• rink. • ronaaiating- ef.,T. Mclerrmott, .0. A. Nairn, J. fish mid, I'. Davis. Prize, four rattan rocking chairs. These are both Orslerich ,;inks. Consolation tnmrh, J. M. Best's rink, of Seafurth, consisting of A. F. Coulkon, 1. Shine, W. O. Willie and J. M. Hest. Prize, four rut -glans tankard pintags, The seronti pre was won tat W. Allin'M rink. of Luetnow, consisting of H. Smith, .1. (i. Mmr- doch, T. Watson and W. Allan. Prise. two dosed cut-gglint tumblers. Scotch double's, McGarry and Horn, Lucknow. PIize, two blaek leather English .'lull hafts, The /second prize wan won by F. .1. Rutland and I)r. - Helmer, of 44swierieh. PPteP, two lief -rely of "Purity" flour donated boy rhe 1Veetern Canada Flour Mille Co. Single., -J. At has, O,alerich ; prise, Morns 1!hIiIF. Second,- 1r. J. BMC land, set tsilitary hair brnahea In leather ease. . 111.. are visiting Harty Young, of ftort's Hill. Mrs. la'. Connolly has returned h ...0. affe•r an extended visit to her Rev.) A. WV i ht daughter, Mrs 1 K I H 1 g , at Kincardine Mrs. Joseph Kidd, Mise Mona Kidd and Masters (herald and Jaek Kidd are *pending a month at Sainte' Rest Island, Muskoka. N. 1). M,trish, of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., visited his brother. H. 1. Mt T- rish, this week. Mt. Morrish is in lite drug husin.•se at the "Sou.'. Mr. and Mrs. L. (I. Stewart and daughter have returned to Woodstock after *pendiag'a few weeks at Mr. Stewart's old home at Benmiller. Mise Olive M. Turner, of Stegner, is visiting her brother, Harold Turner. she hats just finished titr summer nom at the Macdonald Institute. (TotTpll. We are sorry to hear of the routin- tuel illner .,f Mrs. i.e'kie, of Kin.'nrl- ine, thee of T. T. Leckie, of town. Mrs. lee -kir, jr., and her little sun ince at Kincardine at present. Mr. and Mrs. Addison l'. Berry and two children. of Hamtnon.l. Ind., and Ills. J. W. a rmst rang. of Chicago, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mies. 1'. Edwards, Oihls,na Soret. Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Howe and daughter. of Toronto, were in town on Saturday wit h' their automobile, ac• 1o.nq.anied by Mrs. J.ckell, of Exeter, _'hes. .►rcke•lI, of Youngstown, 0. D. & C. Excursion to Detroit. Sat unlay, Y.'pteuier 4th, the steam- er Pity of St. Ignite. will leave ( oderirh with a State Fair excursion to Detroit Itound trip fare only e t and tieket., good returning trent Detroit until tMptemher Ath. One kind of diplomat is a wnnuan who can make R man believe he knows mare than Rhe does. Po seeeton is nine points of the Isw, std the attorney's tee N the tenth. Kal girt*. Sal thee on hand...5 glens rrejTio� ercurd(on aline, Ynllti'. .. u) Town g�rraatnt... Sum '+nbacrtplion. .rota sit irons 7gln MAWS /. II'CN1/1Tl•axs. �nPplcnoeatary pat to *landsmen in ramp -sandIn tear J. 8..had.. tuwtma+te. .... 1411.1113 Printing 174 Sundrlr' Manager. on w.'osnt repair to hinted. - ment...upptie.. els.. . . -NW n,.l ow* due ll'ea,+nrer rr•-..... _- Mtii saw Sheriff Reynolds and C. A. Nairn, the president and treasurer, wee ap- pointed n committee to make the an- .nuwl e*nvass among the sit inns for .ullncriptious to the funds of the Soci- ety. Two Successful Years. The Goderich Business (college has batt two wost'slccelsful years. and we understand that - prospects for the cowing year are brighter than ever. The graduates of the li, R. ('. are now enjoying many of the finest positions in the leading Canadian and Am.ri- csarities. and in fact, a large - her are engaged as teaches ul other husineus eollegee. A last year's grad- uate has recently been appointed commercial teacher in the largest com- mercial school in the city of Toronto. As Goderich has pnuved to be soh an excellent centre, Mr. Spotton has de- termined to pay special attention to this school, and. an the citizens of Huron are ever loyal to their 'own county, he confidently expects the (1114 p(atronage of all who call Huron their home. The prestige, which the O. B. C. enjoys in hying a link of Canada's greatest chain of high-grade, actual business =hoots enables all graduate* to get the hest positions. The fall term of this excellent school opens August YII. Miss Gale, of Toronto, favored the •on rr)a tion of Knox church with h a solo on Sunday evening. Preston Strang woe among the Western excursionists, this morning. The tyest always looked attractive to Preston, end we understand he thinks of locating in the land of greater pat- sihilitiee. Mr. and Mrs. Poland, of Cleveland, who had been visiting Mrs. Poland's parent.. Mr. and Mtw, Thua. Lawson, left on Mat 'wilily for their home, gc. comp/mint by MIs. 1,11y Lawson. who will spend her holidays with thern. It. R. Mallows left on Monday for Algonquin Park to take some pie. tures for London Graphic,. He was der fainted by John Storms, of Evansville, Indiana, who in a slcces.- fuI amateur photographer. Harold Taylor and McKee Morrison, who went up the take with ('ape. i.itM.on on the North Pier, returned home on Tuesday night by cul. The Captain and his nephew, John law- 1ani1, Witt ter horse tater with the yacht. Thr Misses Margaret and Grace Strang left on Frida • for Toronto. en rotate to the Muskoka district, for a ten-day sojourns al the resorts on the lakes. Theywere on the train which was derailenear %Veer Toronto, hitt e.caperl without injury. Mr. and Mrs- Fred Sweet. of Kin. confine, have been visiting friends and relatives in town. Mr. MWeet r•e• cently resigned from the Kincardine public arhnol staff to ae'Ppt the principalship of the high school at Psnetangnishene. Fred. Row, nt Amlw•rley, was in TIMOTHY EATON New Readers Authorized b • the Ontario Board of l'dticatlon. We have is full stork of the above readers with Omenceptinn of Pert 2, which i. not yet puhliehed. Pi ices are as follows :-Primer, price 4e. 1st Book,, whirh we will have 1111 0111' PlhelW.111111 noon at) pihli.hed. price lir.. :lid Reader, price 14o. 4th Reader, price Bk.. Retldea the above we have all other new authorized Text Kook, for pub- lie e-lir schools., separate schools and col- legiate institute, at closest pub- lished prices. Terms.: Strictly cash, without any eze•eption. We have also a splendid stork of Ex- ercise and Scribbling Books, all new attractive up -to date covers, prices ranging from le up. We make a specialty of 3c Blank Books, containing more praises than any other on the market. Quality Store J► 'PHONE 43. i THE CLEAN GROCERY BULK TEA We make a specialty of blend- ing Bulk Teas, sad, while our sale of tea is very large, we think it should be large, cunsidrriug the extra value we give. In blending tea, we not only profit by our own twenty-five years' experience. but we also give you the benefit of the lhirtyyears' experience ul our predecessor. WecRar•ge you ti thing fur put. ting our tea in packages. but give you the full viable in quad- ity. four (duller of forty-two different blends, and prices frim 2.51. W 44IL• per pausal. Our 10C Mack sail black and green mixed is a great seller. TRY 1T. Specials for 'Saturday Irk pw:kage Purr ("told Quick Tapioca, 71c Iter package Bird Seed, Satur- day. 7lc Sac sealer of 11 'ling Powder,.Bic $4,111 cut -glass Berry Bowl, $2.. tl-2. iie.tCa pirl'r Toilet set- $2 (11 IIsi.:al Dinner Set, 97 pieces, $1.514 )Se Hest Saloon. Saturday,.. 120 WANTFiD Cboire Butter and Fresh Eggs. 0. S. EWING Sticeessor to -C. 'A. N'AIRN. =-,'= The Colonial Book Store, fiEO. PORTER, Prop. Phone too. Court Hole Square, Noderi0). NEW Telephone Directory 'rhe Bell Telephone Co. "f c'Ana& 15161111W 111111011W a NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY for the I)iatriet of We.tern Ontario, int•Inding 60DR CN, r d e r• for newconneetIons, changes of firm names, changes of aired oldresse., or for duplicate entries, should be handed in AT ONCE to GEO. PORTER. LOCAL MANA(6KK. Cb It Alit* Kittcardiae Bacon is in great demand. liavr are rouged for two shipments per weer. drliverel 'I'ueeday and Friday. Mr. Coleman, of Kiuealdine, is the sole pro- prietor of the Kpieue brandy of cured greats. The railway official cars use it exclusively/ lily, it a trial. All kinds o1 Whole and Mixed Spices for the pickling.w.'asun. We handle the River Valley • Creamery Butter from Dungannon, the best for the price, . ; - Also fresh supply of GOOD DAiKY Ht'TTKR Highest cash pl•iee raid for KOIOS, RL'1TEIl and LARD. J. J. McDONALD 'Phone 130. rI.A SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Footwear The greatest hargaius 4*, 4111,111 Tie Nhoes 1•YI'1' 1116,1'.1 111 ULAN kit. Come early for these under- priced Shoat. There it more than 011e pair that will suit you and Ill y„II, hot Ate thew are the soler you, ale of being gstir kly satisfied. SO ('OME EARLY. Mole Agouti, for Queen Quality Shoes (for Moment Walk -Over Shoes (for meal 1 REPAIRING Downing & MacVicar t I II_ North side of Square. West at. -... The Signal to January 1st, 1910, for 25c. -1.1. OCR MUMMER FI-RNI1I'Rh: has been marked it "hurry up" fig- .. but enetlgh tube in the way 01 fall stock now arriving. - -----W -N PREFER 4-114-14440M to its company and in order to fa. 11 - Bate a speedy elearan, a of reed :old rattan funtitin• we have readjusted pricey, in many NM., rutting 1,11 al' profit,. This in your e•hatie • GEO. JOHNSTON, FU'RNiTI'RE and UNu1Rl'ARI1,i, The Shoe 4e Hold Up THE GREAT " TER -OFF" SALE OF HITS UNDERWEAR STARTS Saturday, August 2Ist. IT WILL LAST FOR TEN DAYS.-' t+ > is , Once again the time has conte for oiir •tnimal "C1tiarter-Oft7 Sale of nett' \t'hreel uc ntlerttrar. When we pass tFie`iui3IIe int :Cuiusn t'cvervgarft•ni. t ets a ink price on it, and that new price is ' 1 ONE-QUARTER LESS THAN THE OLD ONE. Every single, solitary garment must be sold. \'ou know the high quality of the underweat, that is here. Buying it at a straight "Quarter -Off- regular price means sea oarjT,alns WI AU a ou Is our war' 0 c ear t e se ves and counters at.thc season's wind-up and your way to save money. Come and what we have whether volt want to buy or not. Y - 511 a 40 White Skirts, regular 75c to $5.00 "ONE: QUARTER OFF" for yonrexamina:ion 1t mv1e by one 0( lite foremost Am .1.-ifn.er.of the,. nnty. WS. 'hoe that l• aa. honealy Anil; a- It f. ekllMlly pinyl.e.1. - !Misty; f'1)3fr JET AND STYI.i reserved it, wearer Bans long service a. well. Corte and have yol.r fest nted with ti pant. There are *41 sire. 'net width,, so we ran guar anter stir a. Rood ea if yon had year •.ha•ii made to order WM. SHARMAN (;(l TO WORSELLS' HARDWARE' F(iR "I 111. BEST ROOF=ING, PLUI"1BINO, EAVESTROUGHINO, RFPAIRING, HARi)WARE, TOOLS, STOVES, Etc. THEY SEL1. CHEAPEST 30 White Clowns, regular 75c to $3.00 "ONE QUARTER OFF" - Less than 100 same.-_ pies at Half Jas[ half -mire for leen than tt10 sample garments Skirt s k t (towns. Drawers. w Dressing Marquee, and ( hili ren sK arme ts. All garments R of quality and every ono a sample. Now your choler. EXACTLY HALF-PRICE J 65 Corset Covers, regular , 25c to $1.50 "ONE QUARTER OFF" 35 pair Drawers. regular 25c to 51.25 "ONE: QUARTER OFF" r-ter- - ,- ', -y-., v.._7_ - -Y- _, The areateat Lot of LUUea we ever sold at 5c a yard goon sale Saturday. They are worth two. three or four times the prier. every yard of therm. A clearing lot bought front an Esgliah maker a'ie avbr1a is regular r rrI. hinny, man kinds . white. cream and colors. A dozen or more widt qual- ities silt able for trimming dregs.•• and uiderwr:ac. 'Take our Ilex rd for it. *he biggestlace hu gains we ever offend von. It will pay you to lay in a supply for next season. Tome Matur.lay for nome of them. Over 14)4) yard. to 5c sell, worth Ito' to 21e p •r yard. Choice per yard SOME SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Specials beyond a doubt, each and all of them, worth your coming after, be- cause they will save you money. Prices et) low either because we bought them andel' value ourselves or want them out of the way before fall 'goods get herr. Ready for yo u Saturday morning. 25c Hose, 2 pairs 35c lu doze Iadi44' Cot toh Holl.', 414140 ',lack. tan or fancy pat- terns. Full fashioned, fine quality, standard 'Lac goods everywhere, Ido pairs of them for you Saturday la, 2 pairs for Tan Ribbed Hose, 2 pairs for 25c Tan cotton Hose, fine rib, seamless feet, sizes 7 to fit, standard Lae quality, only these are "Seconds,' gelling at 2 pairs for...4..Jc Ladies' Gloves, 19c C11 or Irl peke of them - limit, lisle thread Gloves -- black, white and tan. Also silk and net Gloves -black, white and colors. A gen- , nine clean -lip of Mc to 511c Iona. All elites In the lot, Mut not of any one quality. Clearing Saturday per 1('t) pair uD7 Tie Furs 60c Lisle Gloves, 25c Thirty-five pairs of these -- 'deck, white an.l tan. Extra fine finality lisle, buttoned wrier. Regular (Mk:, clear- ing Saturday per pair rl5C Hundreds of Hand- kerchiefs, 5c each A great big shipment of plain and fancy Handker chiefs, assorted kind. end alae.. Worth 10: and 1Gr, Rome even more. Allen sale Saturday morning at ymrr choice of the Int ' .... .. , . Pure LlnenTowels, 23c, worth 35c 1:50 pure l i nen Towels, hem - 'stitched ends, huckahack, guaranteed absolutely pure. We offer you your choke Saturday at its low it p1 -ice ea yon can Icy t.heti, wholesale hy the doyen, 23c each Ilavr you been irk to see our big fur displty 1 If not, you have mi.'el Riving an exceptionally floe lot of furs. We will 1s• glad to show thele at tiny time, end if you have no thought at all of rim- Int) uebu) ing ran onnkc i1 worth your while to May now, et well as giving you very h greater variety to nelert from than you t•an pos•ihly get late!• on in the Reason. Plain White Hand- kerchiefs, 2 for 5c ' duet 1:11 et this little price -olein white he,metitchel Handkerchiefs. Splendid for school. SaUorday spec- GC IaI, 2 for . J Vests, 3 for 25c 125 buliei white cot too Vests, halt shoves or sleeveleoa, fin" quality, special Mature day 3 for ... 25Jc Lisle Vests, 29c 23 only ladies white lisle thread Vests, Swiss manu- facture, neck and sleeves nicely trimmed with lace. Regular 50c and moo' etel Saturday each Silk Remnants A whole tableful of silk Remnants, lengths run from one-half to four yards. A11 kinds of silk represented in the lot, Noll by the piece only at pretty never the half - Linen Linen Suitings, 1 Sc 1:0 yards of Linen Suit - Ing., mostly neat stripe .Recta in the seaeon's tont popular colorings. 'A Clean- up of the stock at the end of the Seamon. Regular Sac to Our, choice of the lot per yard, Sat nrday,....i5C eta - \ DRAG IMPORTER., • r:,