HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-8-19, Page 6Tommy acio,»T 114. me
TUMOR OF 'II:international fiewspaper
YEARS saible Study Club
.,ugge3:,•11. Onetton.t tht Int(eneflorttif .Funday School lessons,
by Rev. 1).! Lased:. Brantford
-LILA-W. ALL UIALLii. 1 A'1•1
SandaY,I.August aa. toot) -Paul's Third Missioiary Journey The Riot in Ephesus
Removed by Lydia E. ['ink- r 19: 31 t,a t. va.a.,.:$1,...11 -Should a man 1 61. his
1;"4,3; Tf'at lie sail unto Alt- life ever 'wo good a cause when
ha in's \ egetable Compotffid .• ..artnrieiat lou lily / 11,.klikOls it WIII kit, 110
I ,•1,1.1 11 matie (7erk, iri weiskiti,-. Should a 411441 ever refuse to risk hi,
. I life for it good eitlit44`, if NO h Winnipeg, Moo. -" 'lever rs ' • I-• it!
1 Went to tbe icturia, leseital, Mi- ,ter; -11)00, 111. stteres•fill «in 4.010.1e+Ve its interests ?
treal. sufferiug 1.4 mil tfw , eotation of took always' mem; '1s14 44,41 pi ineiides 'nide in
tumor', .0 with .''.ii? rosining rod,. ., eakk lie,,,t
and mold taitt Is‘1 licti 11i4 lgrneral welfat 1' 01 lie ,t 1141.1, 04 kilo• I%'. 1lak. .4.040 44f human -
as. 1,1, i. ' injured -by the 1,..-110.9s Of, itV4 '
,.,01.„,,,instalitttrat 1,,1 4. '4. 1, at or nod the duly of , \Va.: Paid 1;1,1 impulse right fo
rho. Nun('31,41/1,. 1,, mak.. k.../11V1.0. in,/ s I 1 Ilsli ill a111114.1 *111.. liligl'y crowd •
organs µt.,,• . 4 Ai 1LikII giVe.,01i.1,11.0/./s. 44 tik•te /Ow I \4,I* 14 Ai, et4,1 71101 when should
Arkeved '1,d 8/41/.1 1l .'t 4 'Mist colit v. ks .11 I Ills Cane„ O./ not I,,' 11..%,•. flI l.y (lie 43.'. 181-.
I e..11111 ot live 1'-'I'»''iejoi tosiness eon- ,
more t hap. 41.c_ !trite& ? • ‘'er • e :::! la he IP:o141 nit or 00
loollt11;4 4'!,,' (084- 1\4, hat is.
• gent i 110011m 111 111. *hat pi ion°port o
f the. crowLwow
mileit IISi 'to ;alio y lues'' enter- wind. thee ire ...mending f.*,-:'
1 NT I came Inane pi Ver,e. :1 .11 Alesvatier
I sau Foto. *Aver. •-10.11.1 a winker fos" tiod a•easeliis want 1.. ,i1V 1.01111-, limb?
'14, II .141 tile. potpie rry th,wn
le et .
1111y Wan ra,asrin 'rorrertly., whn
-es 4,. 11 • limy do you eatilt10410
11 11.,1 aeter t kis (.1%00 ..terk ?
uterus. The doctors said i
IN. Went . 1*, 1 I. e / .•11,0 1 s 11 tie tees he'ls 1011 link s.
1' leer _att ('.111I. , • 0... business i
ilielleeki ta. -iiirry T1-1 lir 1.tt,..4hi-ltin1'Ty-l1nrtww
ilia E. Pink liam's Veertableforitpetutit --id .---.4 retsitii.....U.34..i.,oki ALe.,•,,,uw
1 took it emistontly (01 t wo years, awl p• ris.ite the licio - :-
still take it at tirnes, and 14444 44 iiri. lins It I s•iiii•ti ii.i. Iii,, -ell Ir la 1,..,•,04..• a
1 that it, W:aa-U9g--_,1:1„.1.Liitti 1k, ...1,1 41 I. o .• ' Oven in Ili,
.., -WO andet-as much obligation to
Means 44 43811 g inv i e. ii i , . •
reek11111114,111.1 it to suffering winneti.'• 1'mi a turn 14. 1 4 W. Mid 114.11. .11(34!,' "ke gaol ac171:471Fiff' —1.--isi - -ea lien an
..,.... 441.,i1.,,, 8,...,4.1,,,, infidri as ter are from a Chostian?
Mrs. ORILLA BRAM. l' V. ..'4 ltdills011 V*1 o pi ote -I,. i i
,,,,,,, t /no ,ippli..,4„„ ,if .(1-0 kti,u, 1 i 1 hot question must be answe-ed in
Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoisi..•
Li writing by-meetrers of the club.)
One of the greatest triumphs of Itr`re'lldi folio -4
i Lydia E Minkhout's Vegetable Colii, (1•A's 2`, :ill iloW iitiiii s, toe ni is...the voiliti•-c. Dianasup.
pound is the.compering of %ennui's rea,en i.: Gat re ,rat sii excited ;i1111 le 0,1 1 o /ie. :arid what did iter , win'-
. hilt ttand for
dread enemy - tumor. 1*. Voll liaie - V ilidiv Otto; 111' i 011.W11.?
mysterious pains, inflammation, sili•er. WII;cii is generally the *note 1111- W,18 il 1.1111004 41 i.111 11,1110 kind RIllis
atom or displacement. &tilt -wait for 1 , ie.'n;ttitc• if tea in•-ltu'i lin itogrY in- Pie. or is thew Any 'ground for h.li,4
....11.1.1 4'111'-j'"V'of (4*,. jt nioleDIN 1)1/141114
. time to conlirua your teen. •and go liv 444413 "t 4" ""1"7" "."-"''....
\Vas it the datIttet to i heir ',Mines,. did loll down filen 110,1l4'ell ?
through the horrors of a hospitol etiera
or tlleir 1 eligion, w Iticic ni;;;;t stlill141 4.3* ever wise to net when. under
tion, but try Lydia E l'inkliam's.1 yr:
.. .1 he ringer el these people? , ,
table Coniposuid 1it .444'.
- ._ ' 4 41,•aftfluence •if anger or passion
il Men oilmen! mnst nirmeneris the Doe,. it atria happen that .me ern&
For thirty years Lydia E. Pirilthani's a vertge nine, los business ov hi, iv-
level-lir:tiled 111/111 ean dieperse a mob?.
Vegetable eouipourid. !mule f rout roots lig.itill l' •
and herbs, hasbeenthemtandard remedy \Vim were Gait.; and Aristatehes. Chanter tn; 1 IM Chibitiann in
for female UM . . mid iv ha t intim-need I hely illegal av (bele this's show thil' love they 'have
one for another as they might ? ,
"L- ' •
Sunda, August aa. loop -PAW on Christian Love. • •
I. Col. 13, 1-13.. . Inti to he seen of men,,reap any Ilene-
seisierr - TertSe-Astd-arose—alsideth.T -14414441 it...4.41' does it klUr4 tbetu ?
114,I,e, 111•4'41. tiles...11m e. hi*( the : Can You eonceive of 11 man Oiling
1'.1"41of-these is love. I t 'or. -13-13. . i his hotly to 11" burned- for -him refigiorr
Vei se 1 1% bat iN Pie itTiiii-el, -Otani with an ittiMatte -risotis•e. or Withillit
A,I..7.11.„..„..:;1...,im"I 4,,," ..t.6,.......,44+.....4._44;...- love iii Itie. heart ?.°
bit ' is the r muly thing which
SUMMER TOURS ON • • ,%..,,.. ,...an el0q111nii111.01 Wilhalli. reetinitnenas th, fo Cind in mut
ore like a lease band with cymbal sidle
THEGREA'r LAKES1 .i.„„iiiiiini..,..„,f,:t, .. ------.---'-rersea 3.4 -What . proof can you
. , .tt.,0 „1,„1,,,...m4osirithour lovg-make A iii• that 10%10 1 tangsofrrin
111:811 aCcept Mile to find 1" and kind ? \
Will elispience without lore make if we really lore a 'tenon will we
i, iii.,,,,„ a„.eptuble W his (elliows, or eVer stfeak of him tu hin injury. no
give any lasting satisfaetion to.hini- matter whdt the provocation may be
aelf ? ',:-.; .....h.i,,-- •-. !.,,, _,Ip* 71 - ‘Vhat is it in love which tends to
. Verse 2 -Is there aoy romeitsary patience, politenesm. kindness. gentle -
moral n1111 --e due Tr, a rwrO. win, Int, 11,--., and hurrah!' r r
the gift id treoplwt.y, and lot...intuitive May a person lie cogirri,divid 11y kneo,
Moderate Charges' knowledge of mystery: .. and be envious at the same time, atiel
Ideal Sionmei• oin Mi.:, on the Great Is there any more 110410naillry pre Oa, ItlInt TtliT-Irlit
I loes leNe always make a man think
047. 44.,„,,,nri.i.i.„44.0."*..441,,111..0...44,111iii4be ; ec‘wdliv.inant_ ..a man than 10 48
• - Thirty Thotetand 1 eirrrei*:- .
Yrilat'dtbSTOeli take a11 am pleasure
' -.in If God givem a man the faith so .he
ear) remove a mount tin ;mil he et toe
,ittii• timis Rit1111 lVe, ht • Ve
rse% . Li -Can despondency, or
1W(1.11131*..t. ow depression, or hopelessness,ithe attli 111?
or any other. lad (eeling, occupy tbe
..i21.,'Ne -1)0 stem' Peolde elve ili het' helot that is filled withlove?
ally, ';unt stiffer personal iniiinveo- 1%*hat. will he the relative 'values or
itowe, who have no real love in their use, iti heaven of faith, ' hope, elo•
F,41,it- 41.A it.... 1.4n't if - it whirh mom -a% knovelcdge,la.e *:
pi-, rliiiits to 'hrs.. acts?
What is really the sum total of all
things. 00 that whit* SUMS up in itself ail
the blessedness. nobility and happiness
that the mind can conceive, or the heart
'GRAND TIfiti1414. ROUTE
A fresn Water Sea Voyage
Palatial Stearn:5114os
Superb Scenery,
Faultless Cruising
Information rind lieket+ from all
railway agPilt
H. H. Gildersleeve C. H. Nicifoloon
Mgr., Collingwoisl T. -on -Mgr., Sarnia
It rt man eivt .4 when it can lie seen,
and does net give when it cannot he
CANADIAN NATIONAL there an v love in his heat t,
any 14 el merit in his vitality crave, and why 31 110? ;This questioa
EXHIBITION the rborellrolite__ta__atrti.d
V.1 I; oi 1 ef money for the liost I. or for rime - of the club)
..must be answered M writing by
y members-
ily. hum Guist llgie tbLe...on for Surejay. Sept. :dbNMI
' seen 4.1041
RilirS. Third .11Iiiiiiionar Jo
By Rex Beach
COpyrtpla. 890i. by Harper Brothers
it xmiiimird-frorii page •. 1
he - Ilf 1 dot" satd the
tIllgexent recorder, mem, norse'n
crooks. ground belongs to
ia 4
Up to dill Uwe Stark bad remained
' Impassive tare betraylug not
11 011114..../W uhugriu. for lie was a
giasi toner, but uow he spoke at large.
"Aitybuily who thinks the American
,:triutuitt.....is asleep is crazy." lieu to Bur-
rell; "You certainly are a Moe young
wait to double cross your friends like
"You're no friend of mine," Meade
'I?' What do you mean?"
, '1 double crotered yuu. Stark; nobody
else, There's no use mouthing words
*bout it." isakt he. "These thugs are
your tools, and you tried to steal that
;naiad besatuse it's sure to be rich."
-Stark exclaimed angrily, but the oth-
er gall* 111111 no time to break In.
"Now. don't get rough, because that
3. tur- me, und,rd.be Pleased enough
tii take you iacf-ii prisoner?'" Then.
turning to Lee, he said "Don't make
itM for..e you to record my locations.
I staked those claims for Miss Gale,
aud deetl them to her when she
tures eighteen."
l'eleon floret called to Runnlon:
"All'ideu, you 'member w'at 1 tot' you
sestitlay, l'nt begin for t'lnk It's gm
lilm staring Into Me dame, to irntortt
a ruountut later bearing soinetbIng In
ber bands, which also placed. In his. It
was 1 knife In a scabbard old and
worn. . -
"There Is no magic tbat can turn
bright steel." she said, then squatted
again In the dituneas outelde of fist
firelight. Gale slid the case front the
long blade niid held ft in his palm, let-
tlug the tireligtit Nicker on it. He bal-
auced it mid tented the feel of its bau-
d/sr against his palm. then tried the
edge a Tt-wIth but thumb nett and
found it honed like a razor.
The glanclug, Belt dashing
from the deadly thing scented to fas-
(inate the umu, fur be held it a long
while lineally. The lie npoke:
'Tor fifteen years l've been a haunt-
ed Ulan, relit' a sun) like a dark and
dismal garret peopled with bats and
varmints that dap and flutter all the
Gine 1 used toAgger that j killed
this man I'd 101 that memory, too.
and (host. tinting, nollieless things
wculd leave me, but the thougbt of
delng It made me afraid every time,
NO I ran au a,v. which never did so
gtssi '-.400 rau't outfoot a memory --
und I knew not all the while that we'd
meet 80411107 er later. Now that the
day is here at last I'm nut ready for it.
I'd like to run away again If there
W11.4 any place to run to, but I've fol-
lowed frontiers till I've seeu them dis-
appear one by one. I've retreated tiii
my back is against the circle, and
there Isn't any further land to go to
(Aftf.61dreditbiT.Istitgueneett'nlge, larandY44.yte8t-Rdl'XigiarkWiteie-
"UM-- blur:" said Altana.
"No! I don't Gawk 1 can do It -not la
I cold blood, anyhow. Good night! I'm
going to sleep on It" Ile crossed to
tbe door of Ms room, but as he went b
elle noted that ha slipped the knife and
tir be you. -.--reishhasdIaskla .theihmminable
Seeing that the game had gone
against Stark got b14 feelings mi-
tt r COM shrugged his
shoulders as be turned away.
"Yeu're In the wrong. lieuteuant," he
reinarked,,"but 1 don't want any trou-
tdo, ou've gut tbe law with you."
Then to Mullikin and tbe others be
41.1.1, "Well, I'm ready to bit the trail?'
When they lied shouldered their
p...els rind illeappeared down the val-
r•eilitte held out bin hind to the Rol -
ober "Iontk• plinn j rpeham j•_01.1 and
win- be- felends.''
"Ilia_uk yeu." said Burrell. taking the
ierer filendoblp. which_he knew WWI
-441''' *811 at loot,
that." Pahl "No Creek"
I et.. -You're all right"
11,ot Ifflfg Stark'•
and return.
• Collie Dog. Chained Up, Gaye Alarm
When Child Was Drowning.
August 28th to Sept. 11 th.
August 31,Sept. 2, 7 and
RETU LIMIT, Sept. 14
Special train ten
A gt it deal i, Iwing said in some of
city papers about danger
iieions- dogs, itnil some of the writers
would arena to 140 in Iritroi• of it P0111 -
444.1r extermination ol the
1 li st, there is something to be
...3. 1,.t* the other ..ide of the matter is
Akopikki I,y the f• Mowing newspaper
despat`tch hien London; Out., 1111.4.I'd
.% 14014 11411 -8
-*le tIrs:11. Aged fourte,-44
I sal li • 1
• liovii1 p3,111.11b. e t ie
, irner * Victoria' and t adimit lie
t AIN mEttvicF. tit evening, saactal (74mi
Oriderich at ea.nii, 'el -wintry -Goa chained nearby.
The girl, in (limping atomi.1,
Aug, 311 SePt\ 2 -1 -*-71* ",•-.1-‘11-TiTIOh14
lo' TAM pV11141.11 k
inflaming 13 341.4144(11 *111' alarm giren tly
ThriniPi-ctual on all trillibk.
$10 Going
$I8 Additional Returning
via Chicago, 1/41111-141 flitHi F4,1.7.041-lik
Attg. !apt. 7,
Voir ticket:4 and full information
apply to
11,11 Too'n Agent.
()31ice limos It :11 a 1.1, to 44 .42) p.m.
Tickets on Sale frorp
The Scenic Route to
tem. 'then the eollie, tugging .11 ifs
,•haiii, •litrteil to whine and 1411 -3. Mole
loudly titan 1. ..1 , 71.11111 hi, Malle.J.,
looking ;dtinit, W./my/Ted tint. eh ihrti
feet peel ruilieg cut the water lea -rel.
The MG:. 11110('.1, at once pulled wit
and a doctor 10 oight, rhe baby Walt
11011 1111e4111//1,,. WO black in the
filet,: hitt 141; 1 hour she began 1,4
revivf, and no ••-, lamas resultare ex -
i I,' chip,
'413,4* the wan rescued the
dog's ilenionstratrons -rd -kty Were Its
,treinamis as had been the Abu iti t hat
ire had so faithfully given.
(trooping lake Muskoka at Bala
Park andIlona the ahore of Lake
tauspli, .3'i* 1141 nearly one bundntd
bodice of water twt green TorOftto *end
literature and futl information
about netting and holiday rote*
woe passenger Dept., Tnrontel.
Ageounting for the Shot.
Gine day ti white 11n11, 41111f '113.04
tilte lilt ey Ilion 11 "nliored gentieniii
1.11 th. iranre '8 at 0. was a dome -
lie bird, , . Next Dine they
met he : ii.); heir. Stiln, y11111
-*4), key I twilight 10
lak 11 dome,.ft bird." ssh,-
gi anted r i it was:" "Vi'hy.-
sent," tem 4 he buyer. "I (*mitt
hilt! shot al le o 1411 it. How do,yitta
explain 11 I, ••,.1111 grinned more
iltrkly t an i• 4144 1114 i 43)14444.
4,'S'011. t. 14.11 you hi 11t1f, dem
sholti w meant for 111 •"
- - -
A Rare One.
rd ft, still!
of ardort1rne W10, that diet, •eil by a
Miannilli filthier 't% h. loqt, 5,441,3411
wtit•ili of crops and other...a 17_4
the reeent fiends. 'A filen( Ma-
rin ered him in restatirant eat 'nit his
breakfast cheerfully. "l'es," he meld,
"the tfoott's pretty Nei, pretty had.
lint I Wan OM in my wheal Ilelti la.*
night I gigged In , of the finest
fish rester maw, ftrott timl Or it little
cornmeal Grey certainly tasted good
for breakfast thta morning. If there's
pnything 1 like it's fresh fish. Finest
breekfasit I've had in a year."
• A Fertile Mind.
"Thought, rod y 0*' had
ploughed that feu-gere field?" raid
the flrel farmer. "No ; I only stid I
WPM thinking about ploughing it,'
raid the 'second farmer. 'Oh, POP :
nhly turned it over In your
Rind !"
Late Saturday Shopping.
The Wiughrun Advance has; A timely
da•ticlemi oubiert that should have
serious id tent ion. It mays :
Saturday evening as a rule is a try-
ing one drygoods merchants, giro-
cers, hikers, butchers and tither...be-
e/811W #,I the pertneioni habit of
late shopping. Matidalay is a busy
day genet ally in any case and when
boss:less men. (lecke (many of them
young laAliesi are (misspelled to bettutin
tan Iota, behind the counters uritil
eleven il'eleek or even later, the habit
beeiiinem a positive evil and 11 sh11111p,
ill 111.' greater hepatica! I.
might tat rivoideti. if citizensiwould de
ride earlier -What they requite -for
'8 allit order the gitods
derent time, ft is a fact, to,seovet,
ihat some never think of these thing,'
.when nierchaate,
eft.; kt, arid delivery boys '1 Id be
el.tsitair laeiv. week,s .1.41 ituttertti-erf
tieing able to elope tit say ten o'clitek:
everybody in the estaldishnierit is
kept 401 the rim until near the i1,141•
night hour.- Then the famines 4 -man
the clerks 1111411( !heir weary
Ttames'h ttttt roma!, HMI if they stay
to take their week •ertil bath, the early
hoof, of Sunday ning have leen
tear heti, ere their -aired touch
Ile; dimity cetich. iit atny wonder
hat 1101A.01171 al 1.011. Mlles on kinder
. -Ivor • . n range That
man* ave.4111811.111410-011. religii
Monday nun -Ming, even if
Vin;y simittion ol conroge
t 4, 4.14/4 :0/411$ /it tent! church. 'I he late
toper are
telnuedble'fia; much 111.1re i they
imagine. 1114 I-M.0d wed- a
lie* leaf, _cut old . Lite slit Ping
.ind give in other fellows :I ch nee.
.11.1-1•11atiln might riskier' the tVil
to a ttttt try agreeing to cluseast
trn evenings.
Ploniessekers' Excursions toWestern
. • Uantida.
Via Chicago, August :Nth, !bitten'.
tier 7111 111111 21.1, Sarnia end
Noithern Navigation Co. August, I I th
and 2it h. September 8131 and 22n11.
14teviner leaves Siarnia :HU . tn.i
Winnipeg and return 1101.011, Falruon-
ton and return $42.5tt. Proportionate
rate* to other points in Western
.Pnr tfrkpts- wird- lumbar
information call on nearest Orand
Trunk agent. . .
rtily tr.-appear, but ti..tv he turned
anti fuhlres7eti the young soldier.
-V.,tt mak' spine rnetnie today.
t 'A right." nzreed -Lee. "Ilea
Stai v serer let up on yott now."
".ery -TbaT his- firivilege.-
•-v-leso--444-alt-eas-4--seisit-14 -messes to
;7. .t 11110 dewn '41 yrai " Inelsited Lee.
f. rtr"4131 bhu..94f
Ilex the
,:i.s•;:cmi Man on n 11-1,:_riat la the west,
1.111 IL; i:crer inaloi opett play.
7t 414.434 (be life mit of yen with
;;;;,;; thitets 1111. ',art dire itp; then
' you. T!., 1'.' how be killed the
.! ; bar k. In Nitta!, Co -
.1:..1.4 "
!.0 it bid s:;i1 14,1:0 Po for. !moue
ber eyes repaid the siddler for
olert.;Liee in her behalf and for
tat:elder that might entitle feint) It.
S'.10 cntme (toward and laid her bands
r4 IR— •
-Don't worry, datiebter," reassured
t "TIIPT0'4 Strirk ran do.
,*4,3.te telliF 'intt
• '"•"''"l' "Irv. -.it e1.1.
• et IS Wen to have on hand 1
a remedy, simple, effective anff I
applied, for mosquito!
bites, insect stings,, sores,
bruises, sunburn, and injuries'
to the skin, and forty other
aliments not always danger-
ous, but which can be cured
by outward application. Such '
a remedy is Davis' Menthol
In tins for 25 cts. druggists.
You Cannot
Overeat of
o gig's
To Do• eon, ion.al.
Something About the Man Who Sup•
planted Sir Henry Tyler.
There have ;been, at least, PeVeti
frilily drainetie nuunente the '4118 -
tory of. ‘auflr-Canadion nuance (says
the Canailiau Gazette. ef London.
OFW them gave Canada.'
for %teal or woe, her state-owned rail -
ti; Tfilii-;;Terlo Another -rhrso
moment ;set (3441 ('14413411.314 Pact
Ilo Railway Co. -upon the road of
linonend-rectitude._ HA interpreted by
British staudards. arid of prusperfty:
And %mime the other dramatic mo-
ment,. inu4 be placed that which
-tiewire-Siestiertey Tyler. from the vest_
ilency of lite Gram.' Trunk Railway
Co. to meke way for Sir Charles
River. %Amon. 'that was in 1896.; and
Grand Trune shareholders and the
C d • t ad' pub-
Iii,- know _buw .appreciati the bene-
fits accruing to then' in the succeed -
Inc yeafir 'And it 14 under the stimu-
lus_oL,these later successes that the
Grand Trunk is moving forward to the
ronquest of new field* ttirough the
rustrumentality of Grand Trunk
Paeific enterprise. Run in London
in 1531. Sir Charles RiversWilson
was educated at Eton and ;Bailin' and
beeart business 1110 as a clork in the
Treaenry Department • of the British
Civil Service. For five years he Wan
private secretary tri the Earl of Bele'
connfie141, and oubsequentlY became
omptroller.erenerni of the mice ILK
the Reduction of the National Debt
and Finance Minister of Egypt. Hilt
wile, whom he married in 1895, Wa41
OW Hon, Beatrice Violet Mary
Mostyn. sister of the seventh Baron
Vitturv-oUHarrowden,--1*-additiert to
hie presidency of the Grand Trunk,
Sir (linden a director of the Al-
l:owe Assurance Co. Limited'
Trunk Pacific Railway Co., and chair-
man of the international Syndicate,
• 1'0 „0141.' 14%
thele aini the tine fr, ia the tong blade.
Harrell liked this grizzled old fellow
r ;t1; Go, watchful eyes and was glad
_be could grip Ills baud laud
4'.1.c him squarely with no guilt upon
r,r4 con* (three.
11171-1114 rtme Itoret had nutshell with
ir blankets and the four net out
f. r bet insfead of follOWIng the
i,'Irer4 they arcepted Neela ns culde
A California Parent Iota ilifie0VPIA
flint 44 flea can't pee. "There is nn
formation of images on the retina
the 0)741 of a flee. All the inaent PPR
11 vat') log intensii y light raps."
Thin 1•1 plains how it ilk that when you
put your finger ors him he isn't there.
',New York Post, 4.
A Great School.
The KIllott Ilitailleal C011ege, of
Toronto, is known thronghout Canada
for ita superior work. Tb. principal,
W. J. Elliott, Invites mll desiring a
fIrst•••Iiiss Netnews or shorthand
education to write for a free catalogue.
The prearint year haa born the mat
siteeessfill in the history of the enllege.
and, ,IY:se the trail to Black Bear
TN. party renehed Flambeau on the
f;;Iitving day, nufnciently ahead of
Stark end 1114 men for 1.ee to mnke
known hie find to Ms friend', and by
tis. -'t the pince was depopuintert.
Idle a line of men could be peen
eping rilowly up the ealleye.
4'41Ile found Attune In charge of the
ritorA but 110 opportunity of talking
4) het oretirred until late In
the evlseing, titter Necia lind mit the
s littik ones to bed and WO folhiwed
1117110 44'4111)". lie told his $.11101 11.
44e. look TiP1vn beltPr than he err
peeled Mid Showed no emotion such no
other women' would have displayed,
ei en when be told her of the gunshot
she Imptired:
"Why did you try It there before all
Mope others?"
"Well, when 1 honed Men talking the
wish to kill him wire more than 1
could stand, and It cattle on me all at
410 SO illAt I wan mad,11 imppose."
"fines thin man ntoirrectl"
"No "
"Then It la rbild'a play. Wo will lay
"No, by heaven!" Gale Interrupted het
hotly. "I tried that ktpd of wrnir, and
It won't dn. I'm no murderer."
sr* cab words." said the
UPOIDISD quietly. "re ME your owns
• (11. hue."
Wiwi he reedelELefieftr tb.
Allieeeel est Isle Ilbs .10184•4 benign'
A Newspaperman's Secret.
The late William Jarvis was one of
the oldest and benf known survivors
in Montreal of the Journalism of •
generation ago. He had in his time
been connected in .one way or an-
other with a number of the men and
event"' which have made the history
of Montreal and Eastern Canada. HIS
remarkable memory preserved all
these experiencen, and he NM thus
able to make very interesting a "Thir-
ty Years Ago" column on one of the
Montreal dailies. In this connection
it clay be said that he had been a
boom friend of the late Fred Perry.
win,- came into prominence at the time
of the burning of the Parliament
fluthttngs- tn filintreat And, though
he never countenanced the report, it
ia said that Willism Jerrie was one
of the last of who knew the real
story of the famous destruction of
tir•se buildings in the lorries.
ore Feet
Are your feet. hot.
sore and blistered ?
11 so, try Zalti Auk -
As soon as
Z,am-Buk Is applied
it cool ; an4 .00the
injured smarting
ski'* and
Its rich, re
herbal essences
penetrate the gldn;
its antis :ptic pro-
• perties. prevent all
danger of festering
or inflammation
from cuts or sores;
anis its heating eissenres
build up new 110181W 111111."
For stings. sunburn, eon,
burin bruises, etc just as
Mothers find It linvahrable for
baby's sorest
40 D,Wnr/ste and Storm 90. hoc
Everyone who enjoys a
dainty dessert cannot
overeat of Kellogg's
Toasted Corn Flakes. A
agigEtfur- cooling, re-
freshing, yet appetizing
-and nOurishing, table
delicacy. Eat all you
will you'll be rosier
and healthier.
Nature's Own Food—
the "Sweetheart of the
Corn," prepared by
Kellogg's Secret Process.
Insist that
you get
MAN er:BEksit
Vtiell 25 EttOtridli
• -1.1111TED -
1504•10 C C
ON Tin
We beg to announce to our pkit'
roue that tie have removed to new
• • Mei
Corn Flakes
Oyes 37.000,000 pawky** meta LE Gals& gal
SRNs is 10011
Practical Yankee -"Well. yes, sir.
I give up to you. Shakeepeare was a
genitor ; but be didn't kinder seem to
put it to a -practical use. Never brine;
fitted rivilization with n washing
nor at patent rstrotp•nerirr. nor
anything of that sort. Still he wee a
smart man."
went Marriott A Snyder's iirorery,
where our customers will find Ai9
ready to 1111 all orders for
In workmanlike manner,
at closest prices.
W. R. Pinder
'Phone 155.
Fon mall
When made by
The Tailor West Sj
MRS. staetEoo's
and all Kindred Diseases.
.41.1 \ 1 A 471 ;CM) BY
Augusta Mary MacLeod,
Sole Patentee.
await*, and Undertnking.woretwome.
West /.141.1 144311•110.
'MONS gime let flostortch
ltenldeneo 17$
\ lf•ht cans:
At rroid,r.re. 33 William
—1118 LEADING --
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
ordses carotidal, alienated to .4al
heart night or 4111,
Godench, Ord.
'PHONE 15 orl 24
(Cr. 44.'-'W04, ynn want and Yard. ( street and )
TB it IW -KT al Donk Sona(e
- -
.11111CAll ( oal weighed on the market -931,-
warms ynn get 2,14-41, lbw. for a ton.
left itt I Hard
Pflril .1110 1 f Square, 11111,111.(i) attended
Farm Laborers
BERTA and Saskatchewan.
EXCI'HSIONS $10 Ttift(lii4; $18 itditirLioionm,,,I iffinornt:e.itehettitorwn .Ticket
- •
19 vz.yii
,mSnt.:tions*101-111 o
lf line oG
f . T. it Toronto to Sar-
nia, *nil Uen. Pac. that' on and west of Toronto-14mb
23 From Toronto and all C. PR. Stations wean in Ontario
oadtiaTnd.,Hie(t.it: not. mitap.inlinti Orand Trunk Fly., Toronto
ill Kilt nia, end In all Stations Ontario on M. C. n.. P. M.
27 1.1.11111 Stations Toronto and east, including Sharbot Lake
and Kingston, and an Stations in Ontario west of Ken-
I0,.1.3.triamtlitohnoritoitenn 0.f(re).:. B. of Q. Rys., and Stations
Sept. 10
7 Fron.lpw.litM. Toronto toti
tstticnaToronutodbusordy.west, including Stations
Fermi all Stations Peat of Toronto In Ontario..
One -Way Second -Claes Tickets will be sold to Winnipeg only.
farmers, appointed ti
by Manitoba. anknlehewan
A liter 4,4 (4, met ttttt p, will 111P4.1 and engorge laborers on arrival at
Free transport. will be furnished at Winnipeg to point.* on Cam
Pme whet • tkatiorern ate 1/100(1041, pant Mnooe .Iniw, including
obroannehxene,i cent a mile each way west thereof in Saakatch-
A certifirote 4. flimighPII With each ticket., and thin certificate when
executed h y farmer, showing that leborer hrto worked thirty days
or more, • ill be honored from that point for a second -dam tieket
hiscki. nta rting point in Ontario. at, $18.(E, prior to Nev. mai'.
Tiekots are go xi only on special Fatin Laborers' trains and wIll h,
rnerten as weaa to ll men, hut will not be issued at hail
For fon psuticulars Nee Jog. it inD, Agent, or
write R. L. THOMPSON, D.P. A.. e.P.R., TORONTO-
• • .