HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-8-19, Page 44 Te um Auui'et TA; um THE SIGNAL: GODERJCR• ONTARIO . Victoria Street Methodists HAVE A HOUSEWARMING. Re -opening Services After a Complete Renovation of Their Church The Decor- ator Has Made a Beaut- iful Interior. A Congre- gation That Works Earnest- ly and Unitedly. the history of Victoria -tnwl Metho- distchwch, (wing the day- of the opening services after the thori,+ whirl. of the edifier ha just leen roupleted. The Virtiiria street i•ongrrg,it 'n Itnc leen noted for its unit.dnes, in any work that • hat been undertaken, and the present effort Was no exception to the ode. Turrets not it spot in the whole:build- r:uv• btran g.,n.. "vat ,...,L .ai.-lilrttnl the congregation ha. now A chisel home which i1 fads will compare roost. favorably with any other in town. The Ihrgest. iteral in the renovation nt the 1•hu,els is the work of nupse.1* A. Tarter, of Sarnia, in deciu•ating the walls and ceiling tit the .bun* and lytrrwrnt. and the Work certainly : effort. The reit. glees a most pleating e Mg of the el h is dw•orated in x e orf 11. ...mgt. -gat ion in giving the building a tbutough cleaning CI et 1 h' workmen were Ihrnllgh All this works exe..i l That of the tubes of the emntreg.lion. .4 a •se means it heavy outlay by the et,ii le- alion. and aweiil'coot rDatil, ns were ke 1 for on the o.•,•asi°n int the re• til ring ol•rvires, and the splendid re - !p. 1me sh •+! the mianinlit ex i.ti 1 , 111 1 e e.mvuega1111,1. Ver. IMI was .la -t M.nday. •3 77 ;of that t lysing iii cash. Thi. is .ufti- , pay- to- lhe- traprnvrments etr•'ption of the new carpet: negation• at all the servicer were large. The dap wag Of the,1111rtl•rly .ervieem. t wase at 111 '1. 111. 1M,1 At of Ibr_ regol5r morning -rainfall .4 the 1An'.1'5 innate re.l. in the tor, Rev. H. IV. 31i11 - k i Rpt' frirtris -snh j.,'Y,` ail+{ in tht• evelliag past.• of North ,•h, ()peopled int i. subject the *0-.ynrlsoiz- of heart with leave this es• the pet•• • two the vers, the e other s retitl- e and end•rand Woe tint and the walls in huff, Ilse effect of while pillar. W support the ceiling helm/ given I.y the -31 dec- orations. Tlr painting of 1154 walls of for 11aw•uent also is Loth pretty o and effective. Every bitt w.oto• worms both inside and outside, has I11 cefioiab revarni.hrd and the ther wodwook grained. A handsome new Brussel* carpet adorns the door of the church, and as a whole the effect of the rent).va1ion is very gratifying. out the last item being the work of some of the The number of horse* on Ontario (arena increased from 1111441 in 18110 to 72211.121 iu 11441, the bar of tuilch cows from 9.5I1,0111l is len to 1,113,371 in Iters, swine frtuu I,U4O,7S7 in Itfiltl W 1.SItt, itti in ISM4i. In the save decade poultry Increased ft• 9,984.21'3 to 1%5;1113. Live stock to the value of $31,751,t1►I was sold or slaughtered in I. In ISMM! the figures had risen to Skil„tio,11110. The total value of live stock on the farina incr•eawd front glit►L,umlu,ok5 iu lee to atra,zotouti In Its,t. and the value of farm laude, buildiige and impiewruta from IOtCI,- The figures are pleasing. and it is gratityiiig to n•+tr that OnUritis sac ' dt fico thrall • is likely lu_ e rti ort er eimancen oy tiFe open• ing lip to nettleinent of the northern 1a)rliins 01 the Province.- -Guelph Mercury. TAXATION UP LAND VALUES. slag a vet:, Oilier& thing in any community. No doubt, more good reasons could 1* given why every community should have • (arulern club, but the fore- going should be sufficient to siert, the wheel a-rollingpf in many a community in which a club haa not yet been or- ganized. Voting girls frequently require &good invigorating and bloc dmaking tonic. For this purpose nothing_equals Fer- roviw, wbich is prepared from fresh lean beef, clttato of nun and pure old ,.Mpauigh sherry slue, It soon brings rotor to the cheeks and strengthens the whole system. 111.141 s bottle, Legislature to Be Asked to Amend As- sessment Act. For Many ye.ue there halo been a grow ing feeling among students of politic affairs that the essential differ- tnice between the value of land. which is due to the presi•uce of the cuwwuu- ity.awllhe--value of houses turd other lahgr products sbtisld be recognized in • ardent of taxation. Laud value increaser in din•cl ratio to population. A town .1.:9.1001 iuhahitante will have land value Hi..• tithes as great as a vit. Lige of 1,16I 1, and a .city of 1110,u0o will have a thin twenty tinier the lied valor ,f a town of .,,o11. This Mint rains r. tm•reas d nlekt by pttldie improvements. st'Is as waterworks, wthotilewline-proteetiorr. -gond-ro sde,- - and iu fart (cesy thine that makes a THE MARKETS. Liverpool Wheat Futures Close High- er, Chicago Unchanged -live Stock -Latest Quotations. blondei:ve..ln . Aug 111. .14terlwul-wheal futt+r.", ,lw.d 1ted to t Idghor, turn 44 to 5rd lure VIM ago Si-ptentheo rl.eat ,i,srd us• ehaag.1. Guru %, Mahei and vats lm- chaug.d. Winniper Options Winnipeg tictuber *lout . loretl tic low- : r, oats tower. W boat- October `alt . December WMYte, 10ut ria. flats Ocluber 16hic. Learu.hcr 34iic Tcrongo Grain Market. l.c•ation n 0 desirable place in w hich to live. tin the tithe' band, the v:due a►j homers and goals is nut in- t.! eased by glool roads and public im- mo euu•nts. Is it not just. therefore, 1h it the only class of p1 °perty Which del it es a pecuniary benefit from tax exiwndittn•e should contribute a larger sensory to the tax fund than the other v.lurr which ate not increased yon it er pr1�itllittire 111 5'14er? tihuultl not ilia ty a clue he applied to corn- y purpurea % avilll th The rn °n Mmndt 1110 .lcea.in The Iove f,a the ronrlIi, sol vice Ihr• A' snippet, wAc- uwrgjng the pa Card, prrnrhed, t '•l'hriaian 1 -nil y. 11.•c. 1h. !Newell. street 11,•th,ldi.t rho pulpit, taking for l herr. 10..er ton/',siva ing 11e three eonditii whirl, it was p ossiMe world .n the t•ry1U•al e ell. the pews have 11rlis feet Man, anti on Ih•• of penitent and impenitent st one finding sah-ation and missing it. Rpecial murie tired at loth service. ht' the el In the morning a eta l.v--Rev.. Stoddart was ouch appreciate( FOR BISHOP OF LONDON. ' and left th.• same old ,uhnotinee 'n1 in for months at a time. The con•e- Several Names Mentioned for Vacant reading tI erg the loaf pr,.Ple ger di')"."tra • d 1 arta wiet Sts reading theny- xrpt_a un _Unit penn•rly, The mri('ltnnt rerel%wl no valor for London. Ont.. Ang. 1.1. -The Frey hi• mono.. sod ndcrrti.ing teas pro• Press says : The derpeet interest is he. ,uounee,l n frnlul. a drlu.iud, slid a In order to give effect to thie very desirable reform in assessing for tax• cion, it has leen proposed that tluu)ieip Pities 114. given the (rower to reamer the roue of taxation upon im- provement. and increase themep upon land visions. The shire of Ott*** and Toronto hive _ troth• petitioned the lin al Legislature for Ibis power. ant( weaWp lit..•,.••••••••• ,Wl1y it. should not be granted to them. mud 'not to thew only, but to every' other municipality in the Province. Below we print n' petition to the IAgislrttire &eking that municipalities he given this right, and it istiuggestrd that our bailers Cut this out, sign it, and forwm'.1 it to their representative in the IA.. at L -Iii -1 torr for presents -- thin at the next .eseion. Petition. To the Honorable the Premier and the i.egislative Assembly of the Prov - hire of thrtario. - Thr petition of the undersigned municip4 voters of the Province of �tintartn sheweth that : Wherrar buildings, and other im- Ilrovementr, are the products of indiv- idual industry.andare n igirt1 Jay-all4. -hr twrtkia1 to the commun- ity. and taxing thein discourages their product' and is thu. detrimental to the int er••st• of the coin ntllnity. And whereas land value is not the result of individual effort, hot is (Milord by the presence of the com- munity es a whole. and taxing Ibis ing taken not only In London dio,•rse, but thropghrnrt the whole Province, at the present time ip the appoint- ment of a successor to Archbishop live Merchant changes hi. ativertise- IljtcEvay. Thi* h�,i rli te-t •• .edJsy ani attalk Wtt vtk Tlit'4klitVaiii t- thhr arrival from of thea nein Ic nuisance• by everyone. How dilfe,ent leday! Therr,fl•e few successful 11mii• ne.s men who do not , advert ise. The P e Ionone into r1 ,In „e. pr.• . when h delegate, Mgr MbarrettI, who, ,Isar barK1i15 to otier, is.alrrnlmlrle 11111141d and l t ustwot by in all he ways. The.' u.'.uel(re is. people ',qui the advertisements regularly and wattsh for them with rta •et. ftit a mitt er of I.o.M..... with them. and when they see a b 'main in what .1 hey want. they hot% Th,• local paper lots • Tydnnt.c 1bree 1.awea hair learn .- _ i t�•'yt,s w.itarilitetn>e'_t ' f 2 , N stl 'Ij tlJl.'tt/itV_yt w r_ . isuF% Kirit:..,er.e1 . •►-b11119 p5. 311 u)ZTrru u.lyertrw•ru.•uts, nissneemen me and the difference in therat.eui to be determined h)• the municipality. - \aunt Marfa" areording to despatcher from Ot taws, where he maker his headquarter., brought with him the derision of the congregation of rardirals. whole artist it is to make such appointments. In the past. that 14 since the see was rendered %scant ►p• the porn tion of b', u 5 0 Bishop MrE%'ay W I r AI•, h t h p i bwcnnn• n nv••..1t %• In t h h 'Mae tttsemtrages holding kind oat of use for .(wr•ulatiou, and encourage. potting it to productive Uses, thus eondueing to the prosperity of the r ity. Therefore your petitioners • pray that our Honorable Bal will amend �y the Assessment Act so that the muni - ,.s may tux improvement values at a lower rate than land values ; bumi- would be appointed. They are : 111 Father 1. P. Aylward, rector of Ht. Peter's parish, London. and well known throughout theilior•ese. (21 Dean Mahoney, of Hamilton. 131 Father Hand, of Toronto. All Are. Stresg Men.. All threw of these .a t regarded as strong wean, well qualified for the high and onerous duties which alight devolve upon thrift, and eminently fitted to be adulinirtrattws of the l• and populous ,titreeee of Loudon.- SALE( rt15K. juN MO MUHI/ a'f1' ' . ather Aylward, howes el-, it i. ll/areo 11.• 1,11.1% i v. I Nett -1 -Toe st sted, has stated his esitirrt driiile 1' 1lrlr•n s M 111,3, P 1; VO ti l:nun•' that the office should g.. to another,. i,. ;5s :; Thr PrrvRtr orf ihr Hrttf-. r• His duties in London haee been ;Pet; 'I' ,- 'fir,t Spring 1►-ty, p. I;: enough to tax the strength °f any Aott11mrus Wood•, p. IICi: To Do- man, and are constantly increasing 1'm,•k.x., p. 1111; ; The Maple, p. 111 ; with the steady growth of the parish, Best, p. 11.4: At•nldin, p 'Ni : Iona It is ploint..t ot. too, that the tart:17r.,u' lsa5k-l3uk--aro- �vlaat-liadb- that he ill ahead)' in lAlndol diocese 11.•rrl ? p. 24, fr.1111'"I11 M.mornlnt" might lareveut his being el/ogee.as a1-a'*.-rim..-_N+,(ht--tMnrtfsetr, qt. 10N , e general policy in 'staking much Ion fir tllindners L'{mmnet. p, _I'1,i, appointtuent.lito choose is iusialei m. The -limp float One..-(ltr+Mr,-h Tara+ - outside the diureet•. Thou, when the 11111., p. til ; It •''ti's int ll. n 1'1,5. • Archbishopric of Toronto Wam ren• itomnnn 1't holie It'•,uler, IV. -- terns derd vacant by the retirement of 11 41 Adhem and the Angel, p. 31 : The erehhinhnpO'(lnnur, BishopM.'KveY- fhsdrortion Ttf jlrestttbeer+r, Tr err: was brought in front London to Sten -by Mtop, p, Mk: 't'hr tVitterl�nvt. ocrupy the chair. • o.171; A 11 i) in .lone. .p. :01-.: The Another Name Mentioned. F' :[.rived Mh,unroek, p. Ili; lief ire Ruud the .1111..30 •r .ayes money by aeuJlnq 155,' n1, - LITERATURE FOR 1910 EXAMINA TIONS. Following are the prescribedtesta for, the high .ehrnd entrance and purr•• li. sehn d grmdnnti.in exanlinat ions of 11510 : Hugh School Entrance Examinatton - Saturday The Frew Press wart told Agin.. itt, P. 1t": Waterloo, p: :No. 0o reliable• authority that, owls t. a Public School Graduation and Model fourth mine mentioned for 1. wdeofl School Entrance Examination. hlshopri¢ tout one that., itr likely at • 14etch : Terroye, (kir-' f... M •m- that. Thh nl ie le Father M. 1'. �awdatl, of Rganville, in the diocese of Pembroke, Hr IS 4101 Mid to he a man who its well fitted should hivher duties de- volve upon him. Even should Mgr. Mharrefti he the hearer of the appointment, Ili• result might not be made known for tonne time, in fact, possibly not until the plenary mimed meets at llnehar• next month, which will he one of the great- est gatherings in the history of the K an Catholic church in (lanais. Some Figures Showing the Detelop- There are many important church Ment Her Agricultural Wealth. mitten* to be dealt with at thin coun- cil, and it 1111161.1w ,nine the occasion for naming the bishop. m)The t ►yirtt Swan,n d hr Lions 1•:atere. Ulysses, • s'on And Me. K'Is '." and I believe the formingof farmer: -"tlrt1tit *T F r'•rrlom, •'1.',sre 1 holt 1 b)• 1 clubs et the thin PA -gr Thal wlli brad Land,"'•Tears, 1,11i•'l'etat•;'+au'' the eix In the organization of the farming M- ilo. tongs Irrnu the 1 rinre+s,,insliv- When 1 .ay farmers are sof- "Tears, lirsok. 0.1p on' the Puke of feting. I mean they are not getting %V,•Ilinglnn. ('barge of the Light i what they ahnuld., Rtigatfe•. Enoch',Arden. T Tlrtt 1rre is la phiee for ferment' .•lobs, es'cryhn,ly Whnhav caught nn to this spirit of i'' s'esr will admit. A few of the benefits resulting frond the f. . g of theme clnhs will be here run.itlrteel : 1. Many k yrtung, ambitions farm - Mr. C. C. James. the Prot incial er, if given the chaser, would Erne Deputy M101551•5. of Agricultnr., Ines n useful man in h,. rnmtrmmit)•, but lawn presettting the Toronto Board of the lick of opmattinity to use or .1e- Trude with mons,' our -eroding inform°• 1,•1011 his abilities and talents kills his tion relative to the importance. 11111 .",reef in the burl. These chill offer an ngrirnitural 'stint of view,' nt the this opportunity In get *used In plat - Province of Ontario. ' torn ',(waking, and to enter public The settle) Ror•a of Ontario includes We. ntt_u,Issl acme. att., which l l,un,tml1 2. The eltistenee ami doing. cif R ,tetra Isre rlrarisl. ;Cosmos) :toren wood- t•llll are often an Ina )plrstiotl to the Ant t- 271Qr,'t1t note•s a ii anT Ren young would -Te Tier, Abe eater. 15111,1551 *ere. atrium). marsh or wattle wise would leave the tarns for the city. Lanni. Ilf th.' 2I. s11,Ikn amts, 7il5Ml,- I. raise* the -eption of farfiing to •,al.sue li-' in wl►et 11 seas . -Fhe b'Mraling inAn- m lot in. an.l' were twitter( between ence of a club in ti community is very 11.sci and Polo. There are (writhes, in noticeable. II., There are many p ylltical topics Monett* of Farmers' Clubs. Mr A. E. W. in Fernier. Advocate., The 1a•r of new Partners' Chiba Dint ate bring ()regaizwl all the time. in diffesenl parts of Ontario, are the we oilers ane• t hat show which way the wind blow.. They show that the to niers of the Province are slowly waking out of their stupor, ami begin- ning to rerognizw themselves as not only (.t•tu laborers. but business men. The I. ' g orcti&t ion ham often been and is yet looked immix, inferior, or an nerupation that a man may go to when Ise rapt -go at anything elle: Rat this view is Lust (wing enpersed- y m I'el ter nm' -Thee farmer who view's his oceuplttion as inferior i9 `bon en.wtled rent. The mgriMtltttral class, too. are beginning to see that, While all other Normo( labor have organized Io pro e)te their welfare, the farmer usthe only mu. that has nevertho*ght rtttolnff In, fit tart. it hasn't born neerssaryy, lwranse of . the farmer's great independence. While the valise of other labor and produirts has in- clim.ed 15511n Cs. per cent., that of the farmer has not increased in the _swore pr. -quirt -Om. The farmer i. gopf- tering through lark of organization, GREAT 1S ONTARIO. HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED. People in These Days Read the Adserttse... menta and Profit by Them. The Aylmer Express mays : Not iso many year. ego mlvertisemenim in 'Tie paper were eonaMetea a nuisance h)• wshsrrih.rs. There were several ma eons for Osier .. One .-ram..-Niel-tteai•ly everybody in those day. seemed tit 1e married to tome One .lore, and bought everything there without looking to NM if they r•I111d he Metter .cite., or boy cheaper anywhere el«•. The long credit 'vet em helps) to ti.. them. Nowaday., people may have their preferences, but they are not tied 5,0 an • n o . ' Most people pay nosh for what they tiny, and all liner of credit ere mneh shorter than form erly. The coneegener• ie, they huv where they can do the beet, and they watch the .dverti.emen5. and profit by them. Another nasion was that merchants and hnsiness men thought. Wheat. tall. bush u 00 to tt'i,rat. red, bur ... 1 W Wheal, goose. bush 0 17 Mgt blobal a A Buckwheat. beret.•» 010 Peas. boatel • R Marley, bushel • N Oats. bushel ..._--.ore Toronto Dairy Market. flutter. separator. dairy. lb 0 b Butter, store Soto 0 L 010 Hurter, creamery, la, nits 0 SY 0 >r Rutter. creamery, .dads 0 a 011 cheese, new, Ib 0 it 0 1.8% Eggs, ease lou, *ma 0 10 0 n is • i 1 •11111111111111110 01111•11111, 1111111111111111111 111111111iiiis 111 August Bargain Sale o 1 1 STILL CONTINUED All .Summer (foods going at Bargain Prices. Just note some of our Great Ii:tigains. DRESS MUSLINS•-All eulurr of Dress Muslin at Half-price. 1 L IOI 211e. Mie for Inc, Due for 7;c. PRINTS. -A1t our i21c English Prints goingat Inc. Every pieer fast color and full width. • A great chance to get good print. cheap. Light and dark colors. OINGNAMB and ONAMBRAVB. -I2ic Ginghrws and Ohamlraya 10c. !Scotch and Knglleh (ling• halos, regular 15c, for plc. • FLANNELETTIM-811 inch wide heavy Flannelettes; regular 121c cloth, for i0e. This is the hr,1t Fl.nurlette we ever sold at Ilk•. Another lot, regular Irk•, for N. A few piens at Ik, not so wide as the others. . We have lots of other Bnwwer Goods going cheap. We tarts making s general clear up of alt seasonable weals that wast go at 50111e prier, DRESS 00008. - The first 'shipment of our new I•',st1 Orr.. (l ods herr already. New colo rind - new weaves, new fancy stripes. They are a choice lot, C. • and have a look at thew. No Goods Charged at Sale Prices. J. H. COLBORNE kit annomcomams •••••• .J New York Dairy Market. N RW YORK. Aut. 16.-nutlar Piro. recrlpta, fleecreamery: so cIsL, roc to •IS"•'. utikaa! pick Co. creeuwry. es - trate. Vac to Ina; annunwy, tura, to mets. ' • to tr0 ' e ..�. Ela to ape- t• lis ,• a 5. • - useats. factory, firsts. 715".•. . t'Mwsr--toady; resslp ts• 505; Mate. fu11 cream, specials. to g lu ]Sore do„ Smell or segs. tvlured or *bite macs. state. tuft ., owls. Dann um to good. 11%c to 13%c. sloths. Call t,, apeerals, nee to Eggs- - Easy• . reoe pts. tenon. Pate. Pima- e)Ival.la sod nearby. teary. be•eary. white. to 33e, du , taw 10 Chblae. gathered. alma.. tic to Ur; d0., heatser7. brown. Ste to ate; de- fair t0 choke. gathered, brawn, fie to fie; wast- rro, extra nrsta Mac w ie; do., fleet.. :ii4c to 'k-. do, es000dt, tae to /lc. CATTLE MARKETS. Cable, Unchanged-14ogs Steady to Higher at Buftako and Chicago. L0.41s1N, Aug 11 Loudon trashier fur Cattle aro fir°., at U. t.. 17ic per lb. for remedial, steers, .lard weight, re- -frlgerator beet * *ward at sync m lac per Ib Toronto Junction Live Stock. ' ' TORONTO, Aug It ISec�pta . d live stuck at the Una.{ Muck Yards were 1*) carkoda, ,.u•.,tiag tit lliab cattle, a togs, + ata ' slid 50 calves Ekit The following 1.,eOthe e tiovtatkuus fur the butcl,.re that ware plated r tale Chute., pocked lots. Stat. w L.et Gad 0.5 lord. welgh,ug idtL tote tech, maid at 40 f5.` !Nide of good L to LZ. one load of iZ Cattle. 106 105 , aqui rind b Luy,t & sava,•k e5 the truer price- ruadduro, 04•70 to L. t -•^-••••rt i3 i. tc. M AU, cows. K 50 34.05 M11kers and Springers blnkara sod ,pnmger, sold at 137 w tis Veal Calves. Veal egfyy said at Si to IS.50 per cwr and ons stew •nY1Y tight A the north , mint ryweltered U•arls nt I out aggregating 1 :slops) aerial in es. tent and settled within the last few {{ years. For agricultural phrpnw'u we have to add another area of I11,Imk1,IM111 acres unoccupied and only partly ex !!oboist es yet• It is known as the clay belt, and is being opened up by the National Transrontinental Railway. In Met Ontario produesal t312,1511,- ter worth of beef, 6) 1 tes1,IM15 in bacon and pork. and t55,1110.11s1 in ehwtse. In 111011 the corresponding figures were $'27,)t),(11I, $22.3111),111111. .31d $16, anything wag good annugh to pnt into Ns),711r In Len years the aggregate their advertisement. They seldom value of these three dnl om*d t roof gnntr.ri a pt ier. often used din -option( rum $g1,i111At11) to $63,7011,1111I. that, street the farmer, which should Is dis",si serf by farmers, and the club offer, this opportunity. 1. An appeal to Parliament from a number nt organized (liths would he worth twist the number of individwl signatures. The voice of the farmer 'honk he considered, a. well OS the *nice of the mantrfaeturrsr and work- man. n. With a little to -operation, hot- ter prices could he procured for pro- ducts, and cheaper ratio for thongs farmers have to buy, as seed, etc. S. The sociability and mutual help that would result from them chits is r cwt. . l Sheep aed Lambe sold tag from Landes to K* or as avrr0ge of ahead 16.60 per Cwt; sharp 13.10 to M per cwt.: rates. >s to R76 per cwt. 11091. Some of the hog dealers 'one not anx- ious to be quoted. uoa buyer for • ledd- fng firm quoted 07 5. for hogs. rod Gad watered at market, 37,01 0.0.0 ears, while another buyer stated tet bo was W vi tor- talks dt come posts, or N atm the lrrraet. red and watered. Montreal Live Steck. MONTREAL, Aug. 50-4 iayal )-At the Montreal Block Yard* Ws* Etad liar - kin the rscedpte of Iles stuck tor rho week ending Aug 14 were 1050 mule, 771 ■ t.eep and Iarr.bs. MO snags and IS calves addle the offerings fur local .unstapuna this morning tvnnxted of I'. cattle, 47i sheep and hent.. 1104 hugs mad MO calved. A feature of the sale wag the weaker feeling In the market for cattle owing to the Increased apply, sod the fact that the bulk of the stock was cony of medium quality, consequently pekes /bow a de- cline of 56c per 10ea oeepsfed watt Mose of a wok ago On account of the Unfavorable weotl.er which prevailed t0rouut the eour..rnxntog, the gathering of sera wits not as targe ss useal,'bat, o ntwtthetdndthe tone tact. there wag a fairly good demand for those preoentt, and. tatting everything into consideration. the trade dose was rarrefsctory, and fewer cattle ser.- left over than wag an- ticipated. Owing to the contlouvd dla- eouraglog cable edwtces from Llvtryool. which repotted trade wry rime, rad the fact that exporters bad mangle stock eo5n- leg forward to nu an omen Might eiwee, then wax no demand .front Mem. sod trade In this direction Wee- dull. Thor, were so really choice cattle's* the snort ket, and the prices paid for (0.ALewes were be to 646e. while fair stock sold- at ewe to k, medium at tc t0 Ori •, can.mva at 3r 10 *5., sad canons, at °Sic to `><c per Ib. A w.•aker toes dsv$opnl Is the market fur hon", en account of largo receipts nod prtr., nta4 lower than tines peed nun Wedtl.e daily. At the auction there wash * fairly good demand for past- ers, and suppll,s were well clesoad •rP dales of selected I.A. were made at 1W to 5511. per lou the, , wel;gbe•d aft ears t mblr advices Iron, I.Iv! col •Y )la rQ day un ttinadlan us repot 1, 1 tux nrr- 'het quiet and stem')., while those from l.,ndon were lomat, end Hrastol ?Inn flupplies of small meat* were fair, f•r Which the demand was rod. and ten ac- tive trade ata dune In all bins The tilesof the market was "toady. and priced show no Important change from last creek Sheep sold at 4c and lamb. -at Or to t16c per Ib. Calves brought from it to 31.110 each, as to "las and quality East Buffalo Cott* Market. $AST Ht'M'FALV, Aug. 16 (lathe Re- Mpt., 4eD Iwsd. Yue; good stwaly, common t0. t., )b lower. prime starve, 36.10 to 11. shipping. *76 to N. •, boo 1, - ere', 31 06 le St !O. heifers, $11 to else, ii to L. bulls. it to N 76, Stockern and feeders, 33.5. to 34.00. rusk netters, 13 to 33.60, treed: e„we and sprtogers a. thew, strong 10 rl higher, Sat 50 NO Veale Iter•elpta, 1010 herd: settee cad steady, Is to 111.60 flows IterHpta, 11,700 head, slow ud steady. heavy. 105 to Pt L, retinal. 34.10 l0 303). Yorkers, In 10 to M r0. pigs. Id* h W ii 00, seethe, UM to 37; stag.. M to fables and Krasner", 3:.10 to to Sheep Mild laentr Kr,.dpte. 4e0 (lead, stow. .won ,terdy, otherm Er lower, .1ao.ba, 10-1 to S: A. yearnings, NIS to 1•. 50. wrs, err. , 51 50 ewe,. 54.E 1. 14 70. .b,•LA.eep, tnll,.1,t'1t to 14 76 New York Live Stock. Y,15K..tug 16 Reeves Sorelpte, 1410. tow.., steers. PI AO 1u 0e 9, Gaga, 11 7r. 1e se se, bol., 1.1 to 34 15 cows Gad .,rifer., 11 40 lu 11.1, drowsed beet Yew. at e54,• to 1314, for settee .W.. .'elves Iter.fpte, 41117, vials steady, grasser% and butter11111k" tar Inwer. Yeats, 10:0 to 0.7S, elle, U to M: grea..re and buttermilks, 37 L to M.M. city greased v•ala, lA• to 14S4c, roustty dressed do. is to Mae, dreassd framers and better- m 11k., 7e to pop - Sheep and Lambs -• swedes. PAM, mar. tet aloa and Sr I0wW, snoop. pts ss 11 :A. a fes at 3b; mn1111, M to to ars. 70, a .few cars at U to 1t le. .Yoe, N.M a • Item. Rtr.lpte. BO, Mona Sgt *ew- arlennls hogs, 11 to IL*. -Photographic item: Bells -"H,• fell in love with her photograpb, and asked fur the orig- inal." -- F'rrd- _••What developed r Bella--••Mhe gave him a negative." A stitch in time ,.avis1 nine quite as mulch in the moral world as in the Iuatrrial. A small tout habit broken tact iu y•attll saver tli1gswaw-is-teaIere- ily. • Scottish Cribb • 'explaining historic Iau.leseekenf' ' so tourist) -"You'. the house u' John Knox." Toprist-••Wal• who was this John Knox. anyway ?"- Cabby (*hocked) -"Mon ! Do ye no' read yer Bible :•" -Punch. fapanese Menthol is'unequal- led as a paiu relieving agent. Applied in the "1). & L." Menthol P ster it is the most 1 , effective re' edy known for Lumbago, tics, Rheulmatic Aches and Pains. Try a "I). & L." Menthol Plaster -the next time you are suffering from any one of 'these com- plaints and be convinced. 25c. each at drugs ists. 1 TaikingBuggiesAbout _ 1f you are thinking Of lalyiug a new Buggy this year, --wr-sbonhl- be ptemiect-toea terve-r-a mak with you. We handle 11" 5'.•.1 novel, on he. market - Ir u5. FEPRQYMARK A Splendid Tonin Builds up the System Strengthens the Squeals!. C1ves New Life Bold by all medicine eastern. mann a lowness Co , YootlW. 1 THF. THE MCLAUGHLIN ONE GRADE ONLY and THAT THE BEST The 11415 wtldtve fur dandies. leu sir show you the fine points of the new Buggies we havt• just plat .l in stock. - N. B. --I have taken the egenoy fur the McCormick brush• mento and can now supply Heeding and Harvesting Machines mnatlufaclmed by this well known company to anyone desiring not -Clan Fkrai Marl.int•ry. - Wm. Knox f 1veW'gate and Hamilton Streets, Godench' -` ADAMS WAGONS. COCKSHUTT PLOWS "The Clothes ft Prucrtaim-the Man" - LONDON DIRECTORY (Published Annually) Enables traders traders throughout the World to communicate direct with English MANUFACTURERS and DEALERS in each class of goods. Besides tieing a complete commercial guide to Lon- don and its suburbs. the Directory contains lists of EXPORT MERCHANTS with the goods the ship, and the Col - inial and Foreign Market. they supply; STEAMSHIP LINES ,m ranged under the ports to which they sail, acid indicating the approxi, mate liAil(ngat PROVINCIAL TRADE NOTION Id feeding Mutnufaetnrers. Merchants etc , iu the principal provincial towns, end industrial centres of the Coiled Kingdom.' A copy of the current edition will ire forwarded, freight paid. on receipt of lomat order for 408. Dealers seeking agencies can adver- t Cie the trade cards for LI, or larger itdvertieemense from 13. The London Directory Co., Ltd. h..-tchirchLane London..nn ( Picnic and Camping SUPPLItS Lei ns lit you out with the provisions for ) oar rummer tilting. \�'e know just what yon want. and have the right Wanly to supply your needr, whether it he --wary for an after. norm picnic or for a tnnnth's .*sloping. For the people who stay at Inline We hs4..o Fresh Fruit and Vegetables and everything in the line of Grnrel•ie', that is gond. Sturdy & Co. THE OR()OP,ItM. 'Phone et. West Side Square K 1 9 The colors -of yf the atat -with which the Meow it "clothed" will certainly proclaim the judgment and taste of the owner or paint- - . . domirite. If e\\e or two -COATS" of THE CANADA PAI.T COMPANY'S Paint are applied the ho will be in a ()tom by itself, viz. : the FIRST 1J.Af3M. Ask THE HOWELL HARDWARE COMPANY to show you a card Ir THE CANADA- T ---COMPANY% Smart. Clear, Durable Rhades Is your sales talk in this issue of The Signal ? If not, it ought to be. Prince Rupert YOUR OPPORTUNITY PRiN(CE R1' VERT. the Pacific ('oasa terminlw of the Omni Trunk I'ariHr Railway. is destined to heronse one of the greatest commercial and indulstrial cent res of pulpit/al .... nn this continent. No city in its making everptesented to the world greater posahilitire than Prince Rupert. Investors throughout the United States and Canada, men with foresight, keen discernment and financial experience, are investing and investing heavily in this new city of the f.sr.t (treat Went. Prier Rupert offers another °ppmtunity for making a fortune in Real Estate, for which the Paeith Coast (-Olen have hewn the wonder of the world. The one best. way, the one sure way for all to Phare in the rapidly in creaming values, and p.trticipate in the wealth certain to he made in I'rince Rupert., is through investment in the shares of THE PRI N1• F: RTJPERT REAL F1TATE INVESTMENT (7O., LTD., organized to • notable* the savings of investors, both large and email, for permanent Investment in Prince Rupert. real ...tete, upon the same plan that has cret�ed all real estate fortunes. Vou may live right. where yon arc, .'m stay by your pent tank, and your beneltli will pile app month after month and rear after -year•. We offer to in•e0iuti It,ttmtted number of shares of this (lnmpeny at. par $10.11) per share. payable 10 per cent. down and 10 per rent. monthly, nr a disc tont of :, per rent. for cash. The elan who lit alone tomb:. to purchase well selected propert y may invent his surplus funds in the share* of this Company and share pr" rata in the large profite certain to accrue from the tit -thudding of its business and the increasing valor. of it. realty holdings. To the small investor who desires something more than just safety for his phoney. We offer here absolute safety and a high yarning on the investment. Every detail .1 the business is a matter of public record and has the indore. °sent of the best laminate interests iii the Northwest Hest hank references. Your business solicited. Write The Prince Rupert Real Estate investment G., Ltd., 4111 Lon Ruilding. Vams-meets, B. C. Prier Rupert. R. n•