HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-8-19, Page 3I300KI3INDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. BOLD LEMMING on LEATHER GOODS tthertor promptly attended to on leaving ME SIDE Al.. n darlbh,, A. K. TA Y Lt)H, STKATFnftD `�iYNOI'SIS (►F' IJANAI)IAN el salerliw'BST 1.ANU ItFAit'LATIUNS. ,11q,1er,un who I. the role head of a family, ruby wale over IS years oldmay homestead a++tuartrrsel•11uu of etsuable old, land in ltrniluls., Saskatchewan or Alberta. The eppirianl must appear fu pernou at Lilo Uotnln- 1,1-Iy.uJs Agent 1' ur nub garucy fur the dblticl. Entry by proxy may D(I made at any y,(eucy, on a•rWw eoudilW11,4 by father, 'outlier, cosi. daughter, brother 'or sister of intruding homesteader. Dulles Su uwuth+ ieoWeure upon and 'cultivation of the land in each of three ears. A huulosteader may live within nine lege* of 1°s humesir:oI on u farui of at: leant HI Bores deny °ward old occupied by him or by )its (Ober, mother, ern, daughter, brother or °r. 11, certain districts a homesteader In Rood .t.urdiu1f 111,1!' pro e1W0 a uarter-.notion aticigAde his homestead. 1 r4 a irtna per acm. Uutiw Mud ruslte .lx month+ in each of 4. te:.rs from dale of howrstead entry unelpding ibr new er•ruire1I to earn howe.'Iend patent) and cub 6. ate nny acre. extra. :1 homesteader who ha, exha4+led his home- -lost right and cannot obtain u {ton -eruption nmy takd s purchased homestead in certain in -torts. Prier Stun per acre. Dulles -Must ',side six months In each of three year*. cultl- fifty acro* and erect a house worth MOIL W. W. Ifrit v, •' Jtepnl y of the Minister of 1lei Interior. H. I uanthorio'd publication or this ad• ri i .rn •o' wilt not be staid tor. Watchma ing, eto. ll 1JAISEY I'AItK_ wAT 101.11 01. HM141.1.1 41 orric1AN. south side of Square. (loderich, Uut. Civil Engineering Al;LJJLAN M. 13OBIi1LT13.--1�.j�11. - _-- .nn. Ifydrautto Engineer, Ontario Land ear. eyo . odelich _ intim 1 n d'Mstreet.r Lean TelephoMockne I3 corner Et1a1c ALFRED E. COOK. TF.ACHKR OF Pidnoplaying. Theory, Harmony and 1•oun!erpoin. Isup114 prepared fbr exaluina toms* of torouto t.'on.etvatory of Music. Apply .t Thomson* Music Mtore, Oodert.h. Mondays in i Luton at re.ldealoe of Mr. Alex. Blacken- rte.1Intarlo +tree. Medical DRS. EMMKRSON & TURNBULL. • A. T. EYYamw)N, M.1). W s. Trimurti. M. H. Oakes Hamilton Street 'Phone lett Hr. limmenons residence, North street, sL 0eorq�.chu cb,'phone 186. Ito. Torn all's realdemle, ltontreal.troet. Southwest of Public Library. Phone 191, 1)R. W. F. (*ALLOW. M. B. Herr and rerldeoee, Aorta street, Uoderieh. north o1 I minty Registry otltre. Telephone. 121 ii Legal . 1 1. KILLORAN, BARRiSTER. i , .ollrltor, notary, etc. Money to lend at t)Koen:-Nortd`Jtr'elL_Sloderlch moat .Signal obcex 111 $eaforth Saturdays and Monday*. 1l. li. CAMERON, K. C.. BARRIM- 1l TEK, wllcttor, notary' public. UTxs- t'•t,onilton &recta (lolertch, third door from wrunre. DKOI'I►FOOT. HAYS & BLAIN `` barristers. solicitors. notaries public pn • t,nln Itt.Marjtime l'ourt. eta Udine, rot ride 81 ..aro, next oor i'. 1C. R•en-;tZvosery.-i'ri- rile funds to lend at Icwsst rtes of interest. W. PKoCUFUOT, K. o'. It. r. HAYS. O. F dl,A1R Ill ARLKSl0AIUU)V, L.L.H.• BAli- t ICiSTkit, attorneys, solicitor. etc., tiode net. Money to lend at lowe.t rates. , 'JOHNSTON, BARRISTER. O.ollr'itor, commissioner, notary pati Mc*. Hamilton street. (iollerirh __ -- - taaneanna 11,11*ns, ' I'L4l I H H) 'MR SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO• Xews of the f2itrict. A lodge of the Woodmen of t World has leen established at Kant lien Short, a former resident Zurich. diel at Woodstock receut Rural telephone )hues are being co structed in twiny parte of the coup The town cuuucil of Kincardine h struck the tax rate fur 11118 at 227 mil W iughalu will have a Labor 1) celebration, under the auspices of 1 ('itizene' band. Joseph !frown, of Harpul'bey, di on Thursday last at the good old a of ninety year's and spa mouths. The ' congregation of Dorcheste Presbyterian church has extended cell to Rev, John Burnett, of Mole worth. The C. P. It. it installing elects sells at the railway crossings ne Blyth r1n ordered by the railway c mission. Arnold Harris, of Farquhar, h sold his farm to Edgar Eamon and i tends locating in the neighborhood Dungannon, Miss Berra Bryan', of Jamestown loft last week for Grayson, Suskatehe moan, where she has charge of a echoo as teacher. Thi tax rate in 8eafurth for thi year itc.ifti mills for public school sol p orters`',Itnd :21 mills for separa school supporters. The anneal picnic of 8t. Joseph' church, CliUm, will he held in Fen teatime'. grin •, near that town, o Te Iesday, Aug t 31st. Martha, secom',daughter of Mr. an 6tee. eissi% ateriseer, -Mb euarvsnier► of Grey: died un esday; loth inst., in her thirty-fifth yearr. 8. A. l•oidestnne, )641 Myth, Was elected Grund Warden' of the Inde- pendent order of Oddfellowr at the (irand Lodge meeting last Week. A. M. Robinson, Manage of the Bank of Hamilton at Te water, formerly of Wiugbsm, was quatart at Teaewiat«r s.a Tuesday of tau to Miss Mann. Robert Sanders hart disposed of hh boudeedActa. tarns iu.tbelnurnsbip Mtephen to Samuel P1•'szcator, of the ranee township. The price paid wag nesse°. Se•aforlh is to have a big day on SVedueeday. August 2:11.11, when a pro- gram of spume is to he carried out under the auspices of I.ody Nairn ('amp. Sons of Scotland. On Tueralay. August 111th, at the Hensall manse, Miss Piurhum, niece of James O;Hrirt. Hensall, was united in marriage to Fred Ilorlwtt, a well- to-do young fanner of Hay. The wedding of Wesley 1.. Far- quhar, Mm of SV. H. Farquhar, of HuIl•tt. to Miss A, Eileen Rea. both of $asketrsun, Sask., took place in Wesley church, aaskatoon, on the 1 lith ult. On %VeJnealay, July 21st, at the home of Mrs, J. Kitchen, Salem, her granddaughter, Miss ()live May Green, was sited. -.to man.; able . to,. 'Thomas Johnston, a well-to-do farmer .of Hawick, near Fordwirh, W. D. Pringle, whose tannery at Wingham was burned down r''ently, proponent to rebtaiWJ,1011 the ratepayer. of ow town will rote on the 311th filet. on a bylaw to assist him in the project by way of s loan of $L,Ie11 The (in•y township correspondent nl Tho Irussrlr Poet speaks of SVm. Locking, of the 12th concession of that township, who is in his ninety- ninth inetyninth year, and dairies he is the oldest mann living- in hooter gaunt$ Mrs ere. Edge & liutteridge, of Sea forth, have been awarded contracts for the erection of the hydro -electric transformer stations at St. Marys, Stratford, Kerlin and Guelph, the price being $1!0110 for each. %lies In iht l(a McRae, of Kincardine, whose death wen -reed on the ctrl inst., wa• a native of liralerirh, a daughter of the late John McRae, who after• wardds i'inuwved to Kincardine. Mise he .but week. It broke out about 10::$11 er.. o'clock in the forenoon in the 'spalt- of . menta. of Mrs. Walker, in connection ly, 1 with the - Thouyw.m block, and n- I spread quickly. Mr. l'houtpsop's large stock of dryglods, clothing, '1' 1 groceries, etc., valued at about o1, 1$10,6141, was destroyed. 11e has an in- surance of $7,1411. Ur. Blair, whore ay j house and office were in the same be 1 block, lust bio feirnitut•e, library, etc., and had no insurance. The story he - longed to (Ir. Ferguson nd was in- ge gored. Boy Killed in Bruce Towoshlp. r Wni. Rouppell, the seventeen -year - a old son of Henry Roupphell, of eunces- a- sion 0, Bruce towuship, was killed Friday morning by being dragged to it death by a horse, the boy in Mune °w- ar known manner becoming entangled in the harness. He left the (sort with the horse to go to a back field to pull wil- low stuurps, and it is suppled fell or was thrown from the aulinal, who be- n- came frightened. The horse was of seen wandering about the field. and on investigation by the father the hoy's lifeless body was found tcrrihly - mangled in one cud of the field. Died in Saskatchewan. Rul.wrt Ross, a former Huronite, r died July 13th at Manor, task. Mr. '- Rosa was burn et Itodgerville, in this county, itt INW. As a )sly of eighteen he went to Quebec and entered 111,' e office of the well-known firm of J:enc.. Buss At Co. Tbia position he held 1,u n til his marriage in IFe1), when he re- moved to Montreal told was sss,s'i- d aced with two brothers at. tea uarr- clwanta.fuel weld. to Manitoba and theta to 8askatchewen, where Ile e•hgaged in hurines. at Manor. He is survived by his wife and three 'hildtyn. Deceased wan the tenth of a family of eleven, and of his brothers and I+i.ters those who or still living are : Mrs, George Moir. of Hensall ; J. K , of Nesbitt, Man. ; W. It., of Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Gavin. of Hensall ; Jane; of Hensall, and Mar- garet, of •Emerson. . -` A'Series of Accidents. A ch14141+r of sceitleitts 1t' repos Vol the southern part of the count s. John Rosary, of (leborne, wag thrown trout a wagon sed fractured her elbow. A young son of D. Cottle, Farquhar, is recovering from a broken collet bOne., sustained while playing with other children. A Soli of John Pet kins, of Ustatrne, fell off a barn and broke hoth hones of one forearm. A more serious mishap was that which orcurretl to James SVhite, of Exeter. He was asaiilting with a threshing near Farquhar, and undertook to re- move some oleetructiun from the blower while the machine was in motion, with the result that his right hand and it. part of the forearm were taken off by the straw -cutter, Henry Shank, a Crediton young pian, whiff. driving sonde horses ran againet a hinder knife, which WAS lying against a shock of grain, with the result that the kneecap was cut off. In 1)r. Elliott's elawnce his practice will be Nuked after by 1)r. Sawyer. For the fourth 1' ' John Mclriar- mid has horn appointed j.dgt• l' heavy horse% at the Wr.tern Fair, London. This is au uuulietakable tr'ib. um to his ability as a judge. (1 Kerr M 1.1 RKstook Luau: -'rite work of remodelling the grist will and iustalling now machinery ha. been comppleted, and the mill was started up last week. ,'cry eatensiv,' alterations have been made, and an entirely new sy.trui of s-Ikitas flour has leen installed. Data cit ot• Mits. 1'. If. 11('KkNztt:. The death took place in Kiulues on Saturday, Augu,t 711, of Elizabeth S'alens, wife of Peter 11. McKenzie, ex -U. P., in the sixty-fourth year .1 her age. Mrs. Mckenzie haul been 111 fur several months and her death was not unexpected. HOW LICKS AT dant:Kst•Il, - 'own rinks of Luckouw howlers went to lilsl,•n'Iell tart wrack (11eon/pelt. 111 the annual tournament fh.•r•' %V. :Vliu's reek, rnuyknell of (i. 11. Smith, .1. (i. Murdoch, Thos. 11'otwoe, with 31r. Alain so Skip, 104,01 the ereond prize in the consolation watch. h the Scotch doubt.,. J. McGarry and SV. Horn Wl'u the first riri're. Thr prizes brought home by the successful l I wiers are very Ilandsonte. F'1EIJI GKAIN ('uMr1TITIUN.- R. 11. Mayberry, of Ingersoll, has completed his iuspsr'liou of grain plots entered in the standing field grain competition of the Luekoow Agrieullnl•al Society. The names of the seven exhibitors standing highest in his report are : Jlae. Alton, pelletal ; Jas. Baird, Lurk new: P. J. Downey, ('lover Valley John M'Charlec, ('lover Valley :.lobo Met)ia,'tnid, Luckouw : HINT. McKee .zie, Lucknow. _Julio. McLeod. Luck.. now. These names are publishers in alphabetical order. Any of those are eligible W enter the wheat competition at 'Toronto. LOCHALSH. Tcgo iY, Aug. I tb. The whistle of the threshing mach- ine is once more brand in the land. ' - Ma -Moto - McDonald; M British Col- ombia, is visiting at the parental home. TaJgmr -Ko 1 Is 0 e congra o on passing the normal school ten trance examination hold recently. `• Allen and Donald McKenzie, of New York, and Rod M.'Kenzi,, of Chicago, a nded the funeral of their sister, Mat, John Dickson, last Friday. A'r THE Plt'11t . -ratable a number from` his section attended the Kintall A' eo's " Institute picnic, held in latkeview Pat -k, Kintail, Mat Wednes- day. We understand that David Stewart, sr., well known for his popularity'prnong the ladies, although decidedly not aro slightly built of form as be was many years ago, yet took nearly all the honon•a in the Scotch reels which cae off on the occasion: Also that John 'McRae. who recently returned from the (:olden State of the Union, on the mete occasion showed an activity in his' pedal extremities which, old residents say, wits -rtlaractertetic of btlt wtt.w 'tta-hsft %here emote forty years o. A 1V0NDKI(WUI. Loft T.—The new light installed at Point'`l'lark light- house bast spring preseoti occasionally on dark nights xome- very -awe -ire and startling effects. The light is Ho powerful that it ig reflected floor,i the clouds when they ate dark, heavy and lowering. One night recently trail 4.was arstgtwwrved byb soufeat Pin this sect searchlight. n t ' appear regularly in the southwest and sweep rapidly around in a reeij. rirck :--extending 1e --lengthanutel3- the zenith of l ochaleh, and disappear in the north, doubtless to complete the circle on the lake -side. This of course was caused by the WT111111.410 of the lantern at the lighthouse around •its axis. STCNu !-- Yes, the superintendent of the order of "t'nchoisen Friends" re- turned all right, but he found the ancient Antberley hedge of the• same ..' A WORLD OF GOOD: That's What Mrs. Kinsella Says Dodd's Kidoey.Pills DidJor Her. 3t eAlalachie (qua, dug-- ciall.—Wolnen who .suffer will be in- terested in the story of Mrs. James Kinsella, of this place. "1 had a pain in my right hip," says Mrs. Kinsella, "and in the email of the hack, and was swollen all down the right side of the abdomen. I, was obliged to pasm water every fifteen minutes in a Immo&* itching sort of way. I could not Steep but was obliged to sit in a chair for two Sum - mere. -Then 1 started to use Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, and after the first box felt touch better. 1 continued to use them, and now 1 can go to bed and sleep as other people do. They did rue a world of good in other ways. loo.' PRIVATE FUNDS TO - loan. Apnly to M. (1. o'ASI FACIE:. It. coder, Hamilton street, I ioerirh. arra It. ROBERTSON. INSURANCE Ann T. F nu: AND LIGHTNING : 11ri11.h, Canadian and American. Act ''Mot r i4n:RNKr1R AND F.MeAIt Ens' LI ARIL err - The I keen ��ltorldent and Guaranteenr;.ort! ion, Lim tell, of London, Fog. Ftit I.ITT AND UuASANTKK 1111N1441 : The U. S. h'IAel111 and (ivar..s°lee 'ore pan y. Innis. at residence, northeast corner of Vie - And SI- Ihavidst reefs. (Tone I:n, T (►lIN W. 1'RAl(1IF 1.!1''E, FIRE r end Aerldent insurance. Agent for lending nee Hal end Monk ofn.*.N.4a age. 11 r1(.'e In ad Lees rtr.rted on beat plan and at luwe.t rates, 1 ..II Al ottk-e, corner Wert Street and Square in address J. W. l'ItA161E, tlat'etich,- Ont. I'rte .hone 21 11141:11.IA)P MUTAI. Flltll LV- l til' IC A N.'t•: t' O, 1J --Fano aiid S�DtatM (,inn property insured. .. I NBrrrs J. K, Meissen, Pre.,, Kippen P. U 1. Fraser Vico-Pres,. Krureneld 1'. U. 1901. lis ., See. Trois., Seaforth P. nire.'Iors --Wit. Ibosomy, Seaton h ; John D. miens, %Vint hopp• Drente !Mir, Seaforth; John Ilrunrwe4 Unhlln; Jame* Evans, !leech - stood ; John Wait. Ilarlork ; Tho.. Fraser. Itrnr'enrld ; John 11. Mcl.,are, Klemm ; Jae. 1'°nnotly, *'Moron. ray, HolmesrNM. slfrnt for We'd Herm. , Polley hoidens can toy owe*nments ^ol gettheir verde revelppl1eel et Toner R I►rown's., Clinton, or at ft. 11, ('1,d/'. frac. IT. Kty*ton street, Uoderlch. Marriage Licenses `�A1TKlt . KF:1,.1, OUfFK'KI('ll1, T. Watchmaker. Jeweller and llptterse. leaner of Marriage IArensee. \tf• LANE, 1SSUF.lt OF MARK!. • Ante. Dreamer, Dederick, t tit. SHAVING PARLOR ,11?1)F'0Hi►BLOCK BARBERSHOP; 0111'x+ It,hapalms/ the best nown a*ervlee In .hat loopular g Its/reel/Ing, etc., rte. Ladle.' shamouolnt a leer ppaa.ttaremge will be appreciatedhands employed.11. . IhIFtIMtCtL Proprietor. aactioneenng THOMAs OUNDRY, L1VK BTOI:K sad Mend auctioneer. (Mlese on south S1tret, wane he will be found at all times Dass nn. 1M Wee. Terms reasonable and P1lowoa mei a sed W five you wtLhothen, . AUCTIONEERINtO. First. then, 1 would give this not at • al1 startling bit of Adele*: Kiler yOur speciality; to the doing of the thing that yun accomplish With moot of satisfaction to mused?, and moot ol benefit to throe shout you• Krell to this, whether it is raising turnips er tunes painting screens or battle- Plamilt—Frances E. Wiliam!. Mr. and Mts. John MeNah, of Sea - forth, have been bereaved of their youngest danighter, Jeen Moore. who departed this life on the tali int.t., the age of twenty-nine years. De- ceasied was a sister of John MeNah, of The Tuckeramith stator.' near Bruce - field has been torn &mit, to he re- placed by a new building. Messrr. Sparkman, of Hayfield, And Welsh, of lienrall, have the eontract. School will he held in a vacant, house until the new building is complete I. Werineaday of last week the wed- ding took idol*, at t he bride's home at elilest daughter of Mr. and Mrs... J. P. ROWS, formerly of Exeter, to William Robert Bellamy, of Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Bellamy will reside at Yan• Christopher White, who has been feaeher in the Leadhury school for fourteen year.. has resigned his posi- tion and left with his family for Wind- sor. Ile has waited a school within two miles of Windsor at a salary of $7011, whererm he was receiving only COO at lesulbury. James C. McLean, of the 2nd con- eferSitin of Tuckersmith, is retiring froin the farm to enjoy a well-earned rest. and haft purchesed the property of the late George Blair, to the south or the village of Kippen, on whieh he purpones erecting a comfortable brick dwelling this fall. The death of Mrs. Calvin Newell, of Hen*all, took place on Monday of lent week, after A lengthy illness. Mrs. Newell Wee formerly Miss kfargaret McKaig. and ehe nodded near Chisel - horst before her marriege to Mr. Newell three years ago. She wits thirty-one years of age. Brussels. have dissolved partnenthip, and the business will he eontinned by the former. .1. S. Mulford, who wam married on Wednesdny of last week to Miss Amelia. A. Mcflillivrtty. of Wingham. him gone to Portage la Prairie, Man.. where he has accepted a situation. A happy event wee celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lauchlin Gorthat, Hisepuelmy. on Wednes- day of last week, when their eldest deughter, Miss Annie. was tanked in marriege to Philip Ernes Dingman, physietill Instructor of the Y. M. C. A. at Galt. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. N. Shaw, of F.gmond- The trot& of (trey township were shocked to hear die news of the sud- den death of Robert McKeivie, of Ethel, who dropped dead en the 5th inst. Heart failure wow the cause of denth. Mr. McKelvie was horn in the township of Vaughan flfty-two years ago, hut had lived at Ethel contin- uously mince he was two years of *go. He leaves a widow, but no family. Big Fire at Mei. A disastrous fire occurred at HOW, township of Orey, on Thrapity of • Empty, Aug. 13th. PIIRRONSI..—Mrs. Moody. of Elora, ia renewing old acquaintances Around here Mrs. Jas. Barbour and gone, James and Elwood, visited friends at Kingaff last Week ... . Miss Mabel McDonald. of NVingham, im visiting her grixtulparente. Mr. soul Mrs. T. Wingliam, is visiting at the home of H. Rothe, ford itt Present.. ....Miseem Lizzie end Etta Steady, Winghant, are visiting ft len& in this neighbor. horst Mr. And Mrs. Jam. Webster, Lucknow, and Mrs. Jas. Reid, 01 Stanley, visited friends ar St. Helens lately. Winghant Advent.... Last Filthy evening SS Rev. A. H. Moyer was driving into ',nen fr he north Ise tnet Mrs. flolt's large motor ear a abort dietance mit ed town. His horse. which is unually mined tbt• machine and the wheels wen. crowded over the embankment and .he buggy upset.. Alr. Moyer held !inlay to the lines and sticeeeded in preventing a 1 unaWay. but in the no. set he sustained quite a *Primo' frne• lure 01 the Ph011111er that will lay hint the rer brought him in to Dr. Gordon, where hin Myelin. were attended to. Some dal:sage was done to the buggy. II Ault now Sent int.!. 11. E. Finlay lett twit week for Mani - Lee Horn has gone to Toronto, where he hare secured a pomition. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Smith ere taking the lake briwaele et Kincardine. Mrs. WA. Taylor, ?dim Taylor and MN% Lite are enjoying the leke air at The imeknow pipers' bsold 'is en- gaged for the celebration at Keiforth on the l'lth inst. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Boyd, of Chi- cago. are visiting Mr. iloyd's mother. Mr.. John Boyd. daughter have been enjoying an out- ing at Kincardine. Dr. Walter 8. Baird hal returned to Montreal after a monthn_bolidays spent with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Treleaven anc1 child, of bleaforth, are visiting et the home of W. E. Treleaven. Mae Lily Armstrong has Hummed to town after a visit of several weeke with her sister, Mrs. J. J. Wilson, at Rev. T. R. and Mrs. Sawyer are away on • nionth's vacation, which they are spending at Orend Bend end Woodham. Rev. C. W. Saunders, rector of the Anglican church. is away on a month's vseation. He be visiting several point. in hew York State. Dr. and Mrs. niott left last week on a trip to tbe West, during which 8_, they will visit the Elesttle exposition. 5/ and confusion: This was the result 14 carelessly oveiturning a hive of B's, by wine!' some of the membeis of course got badly atung, am! the howl* of rage and pain are finding vent through two newspapers. Th.. Ex loess and The Signal. But we predict that Wane ottel am i I y will yet ;riot', when tote will quietly return to cultivating the siiiiiiller fall OOP 4,11 his TEA ll i ll ea and t he other to the gentle. avocation Of handling I lie curling t,,egs, while the forlorn maiden will milk the 'untit- whether such lineage an bachelors 1.11.1 babies will ever fall to her ba. Dear!' eie Mita. Di eusov.- It come - es a shock to the et llllll meaty last Wednesday a hen it became k now n during the 410 y that the tleitt II of Mra, John flick -am, 12th coneession. had taken ;deer somewhat eittlthoily that morning. It had been known that Mrs. Iticloton tillIR in a serious ...Milli Ijoh ri. an el ysipelmi some days pie - el ing ale . her friends hail Hood hopes 4.f neeillik, lier l'entoreit 1.4 .1101 flint heath It..., dint as it etimet lines happens whielt t le. de aslant was entree leg. she maiden name Warm Isabella McKenzie, Was born iti A !afield fifty yeitis 4114.1. near lientlis•k City. In early w lllll an. hood she was initrried to John ilieksosi of the tonne town4hip. and r..si.1.•,1 with hint on the 12th concessiion at the lake Shoot need and nfterwardm at Hemlock City. Mlie was a (Milani wife and loot itt•r and bore bravely the toils and cares incidental to the tip - 'bringing of het family. - She VVIV4 the mother of fourteen children, eles-en ‘,1 whom MT still living. It is to the mothers of such families, thnt, the reeognized in a more tangible manner The dee,•nsn1 is mut vivre' by her boy- hood, five MOOS end nix tiallglifors, T:Z. : Ili/MIAs. On the Lake Shine Irmo/ ; itoderiek, in the United States: Mee. .1. fillet"reight, 011 coneemsion. Huron ; and lama ittid Mime ivith six younger et home. The remains of the deceased were followed by an unus- ually lerge commit**. of fliends find acquaintitnees, to Kintail cemetery aud them ititerred. The heartfelt sympathy of the co ity is ex- tended to Mr. Dickson for the sudden and severe blow which hes Isifallen him and Menlo, the femily for the lobo of a faithful mother. riot Marrying in Haste. "1 hope, Jennie, that you helve givett the matter Wert stir ronitideia- tion ?" add lady to e servant gni who had "given notice" became@ she wail to he married that day two weeks. "Oh, I have, mean)," was the earnest reply. "1 have been to two fortunetellers and *clairvoyant, end looked in a sign hook, and &veined or a lock of his hair, and been to unto of rid they all say go ahead, ma'sm. al ono to marry emblem; like." Woman's Weakness A womate's reproductive organs are in the moat in- tense and continuous sym- pathy with ben kidneys. The slightest disorder in the kidney's brings about a corresponding disease in the reproductive organs. Dodd's Kidney fills, by re- storing the kidueysto their perfect condition, prevent and cure those fearful dis- orders i..orders peculiar to women. Pale young girls, worn-out mothers. suffering wives and women entering upoo the Change of 1,ify your hest friend its Dodd's Kidney Pills Western Fair, Sept. 10.18. The dairy demo listen!, of the %%'esl- ton Fair this year is ,lot railing slwe•inl interest. - Surrtmitk,l, a. Loudon is, by nor .ef the. Lest dairy and ago irul- lora1 districts 01 Ontario, it in alsite in keeping that the tnnmagement s1 Id give special attention to this exhibit. Butter -making con teats w'iII take =place- eatelt Wotail.fil(. aat1Al 'a• ••.ra .out *luring the exhibition, surd, in addi- 11t.11 10 large prizes offered. a Is'ilulifut silver cup has teen atonal. d by Ihr Windsor Salt ('i.. to the winner. in the 011141 rla>s, The grain hill in. shown this year in boxes instead of bags, thereby mak i tig 0 more 'form exhibit, And it is expected the t xhibil:, of routs, vegetables tool fruit will be large thi1 year. Prize lists paid all *0- fi re...1 i.,.. rm applir•ntirm-try tan- Seer.- Tory, 4irurral (fit,..., 1,0nda11, (hltario. R Special _T Service. The li. T. K. is prepared to give an unexcelled service to 'Toronto IixhiU- itioo,. 1 • trains daily in either direction, carrying through conches and parlor cars to Toronto without change. Special train will trate (lo,h nicla at ($.111 11. In. Ion e•xrllrttinrl clays. Fur tickets and information 4%411 on Frank Lawrence, down -town ti. '1' It. ticket agent. Ilearine, a simple rind agreeable po,t,uIe, made from ('anadia■ Hear gt•ease, fields the hair roots and awakes them grow. 5lic tt jar. _`- , -A Hargett -1 a Bargain. __ The mother of the twins found them fighting furiously. SVillie, the larger twin, was on top. Ile Watt heatingI'0 y about the fare and bo "Why, n Mit.,hair-dare- yotr.trite your brother like that!" cried the mother taking the l/oy by Ihr ear and pulling lime off. ''1 had goo l cause le strike him," answered Willi,'. - -- -- " S1'hat do you mean : ' she :asked. "1Vhy," said SVilhe with ri right(NN,. air, "didn't 1 let bin' use it y sled all last Saturday on conditiull that he'd say4ny prayers for me all this, week And here I've just found oil that he's skipped three day+," dope, mac- frtgfish. A Jlielland.N line whose shipment to 3apan of Milne goods was delayed ie. calved the following siinti uttic:ation from their' 'Owls - appointed ..lnpanes.. age t:-- _ " nth regaled to Ili.• matter .R. esc:tp- g t penally' for non-delive;ry of this -there is only t.nr array tn'clrrp round sa9w by diploucl. V. must snake n tit of strike orcm-ring in out place my.presence on enclosed form t let ter and believe this will a void t he trouble' of penal! y lllll As %Ir. is most religiotA and control ent t11:111, also heavily tiihigto anti gailly. it fears me Ilint I a apply lid hi. some at Yokohama. office, making .forge, lint no calls,. 'flit- fear of prison happs•nito7s, an I lit. often baptism, by inerelinitis of Melt integrity, Hid it this involves that t tele „honor look ness purpose. I think es Is Iltra little *ernent-liko wisdom Nof polite manhood ntid thus found litixi- Ite-s edifice." DARE YOU EAT HEARTILY ? Or Is Every Oood Meal Followed • By Discomfort? So -certain are we that "Little Digesters" will cure Indigestion every time -- for every person—for Y0I1—that vie will give you your money back without a word if they fail. You can enjoy a good, hearty meal of wholesome food three times a day, if you take a tablet after each meal. Read how "Little IligesterS" mired Mr. Tlwxly. "Vor two years I suffered with Indi- gestion, and nbtained no relief front anything I took, including several prereriptionr from proud nent physicists/. Every meal was followed by aCnte pain until f feared hi eat, consequently became run down for lack of nourish- ment. "Little Digesters" were recom- mended to me by a friend and I tried them with remarkable results, two boxes completely curing tne. 'It is three months since I took any, and' I ham not suffered a pain, no matter how heartily I eat I would certainly recom- mend thetn to anybody suffering with !Signed) R. THODY. 141 Yorkville Ave., Toronto. Jane 12, reoo. "Little Digesters" can be had from your druggist or hy mail from Coleman Medicine Co., for as cents a box. 24 damn • 'Phone 56 Tatunarikti Acholoe 19, 1019 D. MILLAR CO. Ph"e 56 • ALL RF.MAININU STOCKS OF I OF SPECIAL INTEREST, TO TOURISTS -- We would .11 aw speciel at t ..fit ion 1,1 oily very thee assortment of I lad i vs' tt, i ti children's K nit ted Goods. and visitor'. should tuake • point of seeing these no -11111 and comfort -giving gai melds( lwfore their vac*. It ion rude. Summer Goods are being cleared at mere nominal prices to create a speedy clearance • 1 'Lathes' Knitted (biller*. all eidors, lett P.,I1)' Coats, all colors, 1.4,1 1.-•• Knitted Votits, all rotors, (hike, i-ateis 01141 1 110.041 4. in large variety, Lam.. ..,1 shawls ot all colors and Large Variety of Steamer Rugs. McCall's Patt, rns and Publication for September now in stock. 3 'PHONE 56 MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE 'PHONE 5,6 alb For the Summer Toilet We **we in week an the ieedieg Toilet Preparations. American and French Perfurz*s. High grade Soaps. Face Powders and Creams. Any special make not in stock we can procure for You. DUNLOP, Bedford Block, The Druggist. Goderich COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA • Its richness and exquisite flavorgive an added delicious- ness to homemade "sweetS" and dainties. Be sure you get COWAN'S — the cocoa with the Maple Leaf Label. THE COWAN CO. UNITED, TORONTO. 133 least noker Does tho children's merry laughter sod notes friet-7(or 11.Ttor make pan. heart pimp Witr-yeur-ess-reir arc In it ..onilitinn. Von 'teed PS RINK the (matelot ,dr Tonic*, There Is life in every dote It imam brigbtar and happiee. gives you • good appetite, make* your work • pleasure and enables you to enjoy life. the merry printed ?tic children and the vielt* of your Mende Nervous and Run Down " In resent to your IN YCHINE, I cannot *Mak SOO 1110(bly of it. I we; foaling nervous, trembitug ros down before taking PSVCIIIN IC and bad a tea tough. Dell PSVCIIINE helped me more than anything i e'er tried asd I Kiva it all Um praise " Mrs. Georgic Nolgart, Oseaueque, Mend to 111% T. A Slocum. hiedted. 219•11 11111 tor a eample of the. wonderful tonic to dio Thle will convince you slot thers is= lite PSYCHINE in the world for "run down acid nervous" font. It le quirk in ita Fusion, and le absolutely reliable, belting a mrstril of wilstrly 80 years. The wbole family wan take It children like It. Sold by all druggists entores, 00e and RIAD CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION TORONTO August 28th - 1909 - September 1 31b Greatest 11:Ave Stock Exhibit on tbe Continent. Forty industries in active operation. ADMIRAL LORD CHARLES BERESFORD will officiate st opening ceremonies on Tuesday, August Slit. MIUTARY YEAR AT THE FAIR Model Camp—Victoria Cross and Wrestling on Horseback Competitions be- tween teams from Dragoons and Artillery- Artillery Drive—Musical Ride, inc. Dreadnoughts in Nasal Battle GREAT DOUBLE BILL OF FIREVORIS THE SIEQE OF KANDAHAR BATTLE OF THE NORTH SEA WATCH FOR REDUCED Rails ARD aiscoasioas. For all Inforesition write nanweit J. 0. ORR* CIN Twaelle 1100 Vegans " See That Triple Curved Spring !" GLINGORCON BABY CARRIAGE olp•moraom "The Ger•oggem ir a beauty, and it's the car for me. " There an_ lots of good plain reasons why you Should DIRIWER" " This cartioge tar is made ite Cani0a. ta • ty inch of mataial embodied in the GENtimaag is the hest that mone.‘y can hey. " Ses that trii,le curved spring ? That feature is esclusive to the GLNINgete. It's made of selected and testcd sh. el tht triple MSC hsorbs !s• r, ms king t t • Larrisg_e car a verit- able feather lod babt . There ate other :ca mns ,.; v. -u should invest la a QIIII101111010 cart lige. Stv le and service are eaaranteed. Then 4SQ4idlitOrtl istrille CMS Ste SO easy for US 1111hy trate. Sete el arst-dass dealers. Write all if yotir dealer doesn't cur, them Gendron Manufacturing Co., Limited, Toronto ,„