The Signal, 1909-8-19, Page 22 TUNA DAY AL'tul•aT wU, 19IM) 'i'FTF KI(:NALC.ODERTC!F1. ONTARIO UU11E,ltlt'II. ONT tRIV. PUBLiSHED EVERY THUHMI AY ST THE, sla.NAl. 1'HI\'1'4\U t u, 1 ipiitrd 'I'elephour,('ali No. S-. ;leans of Subscription : ssI.W per Milium In 1140011(0*. Ola tuadh...lI4 ; three months. air. To Uwted Stale* onMrriM,s. 11.'( • year 101r1rl4 1* a.lvams4 [--- tinl,u neer* alio fall to reo,.h.' rens `ta\AI regularly by mall will confer r livor by ice 0101 11104 it. of the fact 0t a early a dote A. pUr.ble. When a change of addrea to dtr.tnrl, both the Old and the new eddre...'Mould M, glpeu. Aewrecous Rates: legal and ot Mir .undo* aulcurtl...meats, I(•0 per line for flea u,w•rmo11 and 4• per life for eacnonnl, *roil 01e. tour *iew ' by a hoes t an ate. H,,.il.e.• card?• of dia lune, and under. 1S per y0a* Atfienlwmrntd of Loa. Fond, Strayed, 131t• nation. S'nr: id, ebur •11..u. H'ward. Ironer -fur Mal.' or 10 Resit. Fall- 414 Sala ur to tient„ Article.. fur Sale, .4.., cwt exceeding eight Iwc4.'Jae each tielertluu :11 for nt.l month. am for each wile -worm month. Inrger ad ver, h.r- mem. In proportion. Auoonucemrut. In ordinary reading type aro dent. per how. Nu not ice h+. than :'a'. Any .p0 ia1 not l.e: (1,1 ubJrct of Which N rhe per.luiar y benefit of any Individual or aware aUeu, to be roruadered an w4rertinmeat acd to be .barged accordingly. Hated for di.play and central ellvertl'w- manta will gas giysb m. application. Address W eommoole [leas to THE SI(ONAI. PON 1'I NO 1'11.. 1.lmltrd tioastee. Out proper, that an expert would need three for four I rs to *newer, showed very little judge+vnt : and the Superintend. rut of Etideetion who expected one paper of that length to test fah ly * _candidate's knowlealge of Hritish, C:t- 0101i*14 Roman and Greek history d4splayrd AM lime NI 1111 e011e u the enntliflatee -and he is more duan e'ghle•n ye*IN of age. TARIFFS AND MANUFACTURES. 'nht' aTgtimrtlt* trf-p.+4Wti..,tiaatain meows t ul their pet theory err almil.1 pathetic. One of their favorite illu- sions is the -lia4aura "1 rade" tMot y, ,::ales awing counted as pt•olhs and Mir- 1hase•s as lus.es, with col ire forgelful- ur..a of the very itupoi 414ot fact that (•il lie* buying tor selling may Iw eon• deleted profitably 111 uupioftAbly, N,nv qtr read of x *avant who show* 44 ,*r protect has Is'rn 010 prop*•* peep. y for t'unwdi 14.1 aha• 1.•a.un (hat it his brought alt,111 111,• esl,allli.bnirul in this of a igrye nettRW'e .4 4 1411 hen of United SI 0400 Lectoriri.. •'I4ni company atoll". 'manufactur- ing harvesting implements .at Hamil- ton, employs over there thousand hands. This big plant was.establiobrd not only to supply Canada, but also to manufacture farm machinery for. export. as Canadian g ,ode enjoy a re- s- . - hatetiti-South-At rens u t UL SOUK 1117. stance•. in Australia, while Canadian WDKRt('B. Tat'ReDAY• Alxil:er 19, 1514 farm machinery enters France at a lower tariff than s' 'lar goads from the United States." That iso the United St Ito.. a country t high Protection, 1,0* loot these rineh induhtries to Canada, a Ito er•tariffl•ulintry, for the HISTORY AS IT i5 LEARNED. The publication of a selection of the anmwets to the history paper in the i.. ver re asnn that the reduction of Can - cent examinations file i n 4 h,,cr'trr hasthes tariff has given her .perisny Provincial !vermes Schools has f*vol•able opportunities of wiling her would tl a .'sicgreet deal of interest. The lu_other countries. vs. And this wouldthe teachers who are reoponsibIC iA$` to be an arggment for for theme answers show a lamentable, llrolwpoiecl ion an almost unheiwvass.. luck of knuwl- y„ lung a. the "lite(' 'hates mein - edge of outstanding plaints in history• tains her almost prohibitive tariff, so What is to be thought of a 'candidate long will her manufacturers ie crip- fur a teacher's crrtiflxte whn would pard in re.pw rt to foreign trade• and sate that **Egerton Ryerson, after- just so lung will they Ix obliged, in wads Lard �trathr(,tla was mar 01 Maier to ewpture a share of the foreign the Fathers ot Confederation," ortrade, to establish faetau-iesi in Centred*. that "t'1,*mplain was the srcret.4ry of where the krwer tariff enables them to the H. B. Co.. for wreral yearly'? Ill*nue*ctlire more rhe*ply and where Wh*t ahyemal deptl•s of ignorance are revealed in the datenlent thattbey are not h*ndicapped to ao great •'when Chanipl*in *fid hilt men were rn extent fly the hostile Tariffs which suffering irons the cold at HocheIager. usher nations raiser I)gpin.t high -tariff countries. Great Britain, a free trade; COO m117, manufartum for the world. Canadla will manufacture more and enter as she brings her tariff nearer to a free -trade basis. - Florence Nightingale knit long how for them" Lack of thought. as well as lack of knowledge, is displayed. Could any person of accountability, after a mom- ent's thought, commit himself to the statement that i'Chemplain bought a carload of furs' 7 -or that "the Hom- eric poems were not written hp Homer, but by another man of Nle same name 7" III 441111e case, the meaning and use of words are not understood, as shown by the answers "Themistocles was more like a consti- tutional than a tyranny," "The eli- `--"matr-nt titevae-wet-,n-_ernbrecingr" o cease." ' "The mashould law h ural ane The queerest twist,. of mind are re- vealed en some of the answers. For instance, the astonished examiner i. informed that 'British Columbia joined Confederation on condition that England should buHd a hridge across the Pacific Ocean in ten years." '. • satieet� y nri$an..l is the EDITORIAL NOTES. The_yolulg- Shah. _of P_e_reia is to be compelled to marry. That's the chap who tried to commit suicide a few days ago. isn't it ? The Toronto let*r, noticing the Wiartoo Echri a, remark that ' road machinery. of the kind to he built in 'irotlench, should ite-ln demand -1w the northern townohips, adds : "Also in the central and southern ones." A factory ought to do well with a field like that. remark that "Aw4ut 104 now ,e Poet Laurier. but in greater am a prose Writer." No man's teputation is safe in the face of the statement that "as writers of historical fiction we have Macaulay; ('arlyie nod Goldwin Smith." It might have Leen a kern sense of humor that dictated the an- swer : "During his fits of insanity Geo. 1I1. ohowad the greatest of patience ; in all then• thingi, the people strove to he like their king';' hut it is getting past a joke when we are told that 'home of the poems of Victoria'sreign *re *Robinson n Crusoe,' She Stoops to Conquer; *The&baol for Scandal."' Twelfth of July orator's have, missed the mark when it is ptwsible for a high school student to state that "Caesar crossed the Boyne and defeated Pompey." Many of the answers are hilariuuay funny. but it would he a mistake to refuse to treat the matter neriouoly. After taking into consideration the fact that the published answer* came from probahly only one or two hun- dred candidates, out of a ental of three or four thousand, the large percentage of studento who failed on the history paper indiernes that., .omellling is wren.. somewhere. Naturally the blame is put first nn the teachers, and, since history is not one of the subjects for examination for entrance to the high schools and Collegiate institute., it may he that it is slighted in the puhlir schools: hut. in any caw, when pupils reach the age of seventeen or eighteen tbey ought to hove some common oenw, and•,o fair degree of that inv,tlnahle quality world make it impossible for a randi- dnte to make finch ridieulola elate - matte as are contained in some or the published aaow.re. There is, unfor- tunately, a tendency among young student* to live, in a sense, A double life. Their work se students is kept. guile aepafvifr team HO te t ntnF home 1ife, and ton often the latter fir. cnples their minds to the exclusion of study. The fun and friendahipis of school life are the real, the important., things to orally students and only forced attention is given to study. So long ao this is the ease there bill he hazy, rattle-hrained and stupid answers. When a student becomes as deeply interested in the history of a country and In' its great men M he 4. in the latest school .gossip he will make a better showing wt esamina. tinea. The emndidatea ars not, however, the Daly ones who have dierpisysd a lack of mammon sense. The *rem- itter who prepared. for a student to answer la two and ess►half boors, • A. Is the Hon. Mackenzie King or His Excellency the Governor-General to get the credit of suggesting the open- ing of * free bridge at Niagara to ram- , I the ehtlrch, hoes is he to east his kil- l..t when there is s sharp difference of opinion in his eongregari..11 ire r••gard dr Ilia. proposition rrnhluilled for a vitae ? If he wants 111 have a vole and I. indrlwudent, a trlitlimler can have ' it by investing in real 41ra•p•rs4•, like any other roan. [ween Canada anbthe United States? The Silinal would like to remark that the honor is dnr to neither of these gentlemen, hut to Mr. Garrett (Y'on• nor. - The Toronto exhibition is cutting out the "thrillers." The fatal acci- dent to one of the grandstand per- formers last year got on the nerves of the public. and the directors have `yielded to a widespread feeling that a "national" exhibition 'Mould rot. hire people to risk their live, for the cement of sensation -seekers. It is a wise decision. -The Way .ot Life. A. often n 1441 eller, -et t lug fore h, 1. mucked by .ud*en rola, And ksioa. not whether to go on Ur turn 1,1111 Mask wait, - Ho t. wnh hes.Battnf wand. A way ut 1.(e do .trlic to nod. And a. the traveller 41•traughi. •Heuealh broad harmful( trees. Seek. Nr a while from wand and rain A little Sheltered caw - tia 1 by questioning. thawed. Serkix dome quiet place to red. And.. the traveller. knowing not The .tone ha. longtime arsu.wl. Heeau-* the nun had pressed the, leave's. Believe,. the nose's 11,cre,avd - Na 1 m 411101 place.. pod There 1. 110 re.t fur troubled mind. And aa. ter• traveller. pa,erg on. In dim time gladly .rr. That what he thought w,u growing ...torsi _ taa* only raindrencbed tree.-- `o I my way of life do find Hy leaving shelter far behind. —r4. John U. Kr*'une, Is The Nation. Lon- don. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES • • - Fewer- Cigarettes.-.-... __ .. - atoutreat &.u. If the falling utf is the consumption of aagarettes means that boys• have had fewer "coffin nails' of late, every- body will greatly rejoice. The boy and the cigarette is about the most esas4Wratiug "fool" combination that disfigures our streets. It i. bed for the health 14 the boys, and it in bud for he toupee tat the apt ctaturs. _ - Henaessj s Prowess. New York Sun. Hennessy was tieing taken -home in a wheelbarrow by a faithful friend. This friend was giving Hennessy some Muriel advice. saying : "There's no use your trying, Jerry, you can't drink all the whiskey in the world." They were pawing a brilliautle lighted die- tillrryat the time, and as Jerry opr net his eyes and beheld it he re- pliet : "Sill. hegorrah, 1 have then[ workin' nights." e The Montreal Star I('oneervativrl advisee that "the report that it was Ciemence**i's liver which caused the overthrow of his Government should be carefully ronsldererl ;h llueen's Park, 'I'ot•onto. There is a great puh- IM itatPmmall there'whll le s,w'eptible to attacks of temper and esplosione of indignation which allay some day get hire into real trouble." 1,. Sir ,fames felling from his pedestal s. early ? Barrie ratepayers nave pawed a 1,y. law to gran( -4.s* carriage rimtpany 1 loan of 1120,10S), repayable in twenty years without interest, ex,tmption from taxation except school rasee on a taxed amres.rnent,,f 111110,4 Ito, and cer- tain roncr.sione in water and light. in return the company is to spend $20,110(1 in enlarging its building and Merit and douhle its present payroll. That looks pretty easy -for the com- pany8 A writer in The G1ohe lnalle. the sensible ruggrotion that mime means ehnuld he taken of acquainting people with changes in the statute paw be- fore they come into effect, - He may. that under pre .fit cnnditiono It is well-nigh impossible for even well-in- formed lawyers to know the law as itltsngvd matt wtyme--tnrmthe lifter the ehengem are made. He suggests that instead of heing pelt into effect in- denter the taws do not twine tnto lore until the heelnning of the yowl following that its which they are en- acted. Something of this sort might well he taken into the serious consideration of the Legislature. The Wingbam Advance meggesu that church property should be given • vote on money bylaws, and that the minister in charge of the rhumb abound have the mating of the vote. Corpor- ations Moot vole, and why should en a:ca tion be made In favor of s church corporation, which doss sot pay lases on all its property ? And if the mitt. loiter is to vela as the r'ep ronentatiw of To Make the Empire Strong.. Mnutreal t i a rette. Mr. Smuts; who represents Mouth Africa in the imperial defence con- ference, bas been declaring that -the tie that should hind the Empire to- gether wouldhP Irss tbat of blood than of cnmulunily of interest,justice. fair play and rekuality. As Mere *re in the British Empire perhaps 5,,,ississei people of British birth or des'eut and rime 3511,(*E.(101.1 of other kindred,. races and tribes, what Mr. Smuts ha* said will be worth keeping in mind. Pae Advertising. Kingston Whig. The ,inhtion or free advertising is a prolific source, of worry to every pulo- licher. He dnea oot wish to appear mean or to offend hie friends and ret A de- pend he that he ha and e m1 .t rem m r t h r pend up n the revenue from his paper to provide his bread and butter, and 110 antral portion of this revenue mud be matte out of the advertising. The storekeeper 3* not esp eeted to- hand- out free of charge the goads he keeps. for sale; the put.lisher her his adver• tieing space for sale, sad he should not be expected to give it away free of charge any more than the incr. rhant is expected to give away his Ronde. Cheap Patriotism. Victoria Colonist. When Kipling learned that his to aro iimeeased he got in an awfu state of mitt and emitted ovine rhyming drivel in which the Doltish Empire is represented as going to "the demnition bow -wows." Kipling was intenwly patriotic when he exhorted, the rest of us to "pay pay, pay," that he got in s panic the' moment the collection plate woe passed in his direction. Astonishing -isn't it? --how patriotic we are It other people's money. We all re em- Iwr how ready Arteulus Ward am to sacrifice all his relations tart a good of him country. Their serum ¢•o he a good many people of this kind in the Mother Country iust now. The Worried Editor. Blount Forest confederate. One of a local editor's minor troubles is getting people's names cor- rectly. The initiate often give trouble. Then there is the spelling of some names. It is all right when a natere is always ipletled the same way. but when a name has two or more ways of spelling it. about which the owners are often particular, there is perplexity and there must be errors. The Mar's, for instance, are very in- consistent. First one bas to consider whether it is "Mac" or "Mr ;" sec. ondly, whether the nest part of the mane begins with s capital letter or not; thirdly, how under the sun the rtnainder of the name is spelled. For example, ;, it McGregor or Mac- Gregor, or Macgregor or Me0r, gg..r, Ste.? Or is it Mc(..*rhlan, MacLach- lan, McLachlin, Ma f,arhlin, Mc- Li,wblan, Macl.auchlan, McLanehlin, Marlsuehlln, McLauchlan, McLaugh- lin, Mcleonghlin, Maclaehlan, etc.? Etcetera. etcetera. "As Others See Us 1" Ottawa Free Pre... . io a iwondon, Eng.. police cowl t the other d*y a detective sergeant, giving evidence ag*in.t three eonfldeuce men, swore that he "first. Raw the prisoners .peak to a man who had the appear- ance of a Canadian." What could this mysteriouR individual have been like? Did he wear • Mtetsaon hat? Was he clad in * Rnow.hoer'R blanket Rail ? Did he wear moer•smine? Could he have had a maple deaf stickpin or something of that sort? Wherein did he have the appearance of a Can. adian? We over here do not believe that we are any different in appear- *nre from other mesetherm of the race, union it be that we are generally 'of better physique ; yet (hie .killed oh - server of doings at the Waterloo rail- way station rams to the enttetaglan that a certain individual had the ap. pear/ince of a Canadian. That detec- tive ought 1.o be promoted at nn8P. He has Sherlock Holmes tleaten to a standstill, Britain's Glory. New York Pont. Dr. Jameson and Gen. Botha. sit- ting •ids by side on the •tape of the throne in the House of Lord•, while the Colonial Secretary asked for the second reading of the bill to create a Month African CoentronwesIth, in which Briton and Boer should have equal rights -this le the astonishing and gratifying spectacle which Rog Mod is able to offer to the world. Wbo wad bays believed it powible. ")t' riot i1 OLICIE ‘4.A.1 ural .int• Ilan t (1.. e �uuc 1,111111-, flet' un %A lla(t t Ot1 ll.tve 1 , Ili i•lI11r their future? (1t)willr'1;1 r'�i1,11,v (,i1(14 1.41t' 1%4)411(1 Illi• L i now, and 431.11,( 1)rO\'i>iOn --. y')tit I'Iiai11i"t' lel-ars. W. H. ROIIN:;ON, Dlstrtct Agent. •Seaforth. Africa was raging so short t1 time ago? It is a vivid prow* that Great Britain has not lost her acquired skill in colonial administration. No heal- ing and const luclive r riser of Irgis- lettQP as this act of for the foul South %1(ricsn c-orootSZ-lith WoT-hr•tr seen in many a yeti. It is an eti- dence of England', usal greatness more convincing thou all her battle- ships. The consummation of this great act of statrsmranship under a Liberal ministry will tank w. perhaps the proudest ,achievem11- it of the pres- ent Government. Tlo• ('ti'.'.oalivees were at firil cold to 11,.• project, it h;. 11 they P^`!n+tane'r'd metetture- but in view of ire 1riumphanr ,00clu-ion they do not stint their applause. Muth Lord Colson oil 1 the NIaegnis of Lansdowne otter.• i th.ir -,•hi-fi Coll 1. gratulation,. to the 1..,*,•In,u.•111, and even lord Milner 1,11. r,'.1 .o jarring' note. All 1 pia is I.., mute or a national glory t1, ,n t ,eking till dooms- day *Mort dela•L'.,r tipci l•. , • a Two Rulers. Toronto 0 ,r. When King 4.'Mw,ni'e -tone..* w.a, the Derby he left th•• u.yal box. ranee down into the crowd..red pushed hie way. as any other citizen *told, through an immense .•I 11111) 'of people, towards the rucb.auai .ah• -re h Si horse %Loud. 111 pbo•toK1a',I . . f 1Le •,•rile one can scarcely di•t;l 10'1, the King. PO great is- the pr. see cast - the throng, and so getter.! 11,- cx,•i*(411rnt. King Edward cum*" Un.l goes as freely an he Tikes. not only in Great Britain, but in France and other Continental countries. . Czat• Nichnlr. remains -on lw,.anl bis battleship at Cowes. 11 as it surround- ed by British men -of -trill. n illi British and Ru..ian puttee hosts forming a circle about him, And ordering Mack yachts and 4,1ha•e--01*001r in w1uca spectator', venture near. The hing goes ashore am he chooses and joins in all the amurteulrnte ; Ihr Czar imprisons 111111.1.44 on his Ishii', and watches the diaant lights rood bears the .011n(14 of revelry. The fear of oleo l* is, on hire. in every Moat that - ventures near it is .pn.sihie that •heremay i.'& arra ere seeking • chance Iia amswo.inst. It11. His Helmet agents )rude of many plots that are tinder any : there may be others of whirl They do not know. precaution moot 111. d day. not only dnr- �ut trip, but next month. fid throughout the Czar's not the ruler of Hussies bre a Ian were he a constitutional knrtt-s alasaaed and _married and so every taken night ing the pees next year, �( life. Wolil harrier ant tern rr1 I i s with no superior in Canada. 11 srr,N l'z►r-t •• ane or Autumn Term -- (rout ,August :kith in all dapart- lurnts of the Central Business College Yuage and, Gerrard Sts , Toronto. ('. ,taluglle tllailM-t-1 on retitled. W P1 iuoipal. sh- - oo _ 1* .e., .e'* - •a.www�es ( e/ LONDON '.:.rAR:J Business & Shorthand SUBJECTS Resident and Mail Cataloe•ws Frew J. W. Weatervelt, r •t' W..re,..}. L . t t ol• Pt;n.l. rats' mita FALL TERM OPENS ME PT. lot Toronln, Ont. Cur. Vumg a and Alexander Sta. Strict- ly First -Class. Graduates alway. suc- cessful. Write for Handsome l tle'*ta- Ing. at?'rhe• forces for reform grow strong in Russia for the onto - y, and 1t'raumut he long now an- ti we she hi he next—t•rfuwr tolive in terror all 'days to mai111Ai41 4 system that is not worth to him whin it rode hint. It is supposed that Nichola. would hate y err this to nearly all the eds n.• upon him, lout for 11,•• d(:mlanhkod11,1 Fall Term from Sept. 1st. STRATFORD. ONT. After twenty-two years of solid work we have become the largest. - "T . t nti t mnst sneer f*1-head`eat training school in Western Onto - Three department!: COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND and TELEGRAPHY We *..alar graduates to positions as well *strive a most thorough train- ing. - (:et our free catalogue at rani a es out t e our •Soorat y in , official percentage of the people who - °Orr' thrive on a worn-out and di -„edited I.:t.l.tren' A Mri.A4 Ht.AN, system. - ' Principals. What a Mitchell Man Saw. Mitchell Advocate : MI.Th117,. ik;n- oer was up in (4txierich and (*.Shot tie townships the fore part of the to..k. N P 1Tr f4M4 feet in I.•r* t1,. It take. Iu;uns as Lill' 1111!. f.,... writ an enetgv to -ecuret and rAl t y to fi. - Allrr'e.sflll .ompl.•tion these large C•t i,..-- -. otrurture., Mr. skinner Al..' 'ty• there i. a tremendous crop of apple. up there. In one oreh.trd of ab "at ages berrela, which he viailed, he cut on a SOrotld year graft of' haldwins on which were oixty-foist Apples un ;1 thirteen -inch branch. and he says that it made him feel SF X11 Prand of Mit, 43.41 when he sew the erne ii . v ii a hridgge I1,.• 11,111!4. nue erect P -*',i, over the Maiti:usd ihver. It is o*.•r ^. i fn Soo Canal Traffic. Sault Ste. Mar;e, Ont., Aug. 1i. - Traffie through the ftoo canals during the month ref July fails short Mit raft,• 276 tone of equalling the wonderful record rptahtiatn•d in June of Itsli. The total figurer, are 14, 7446,tell* tons. The registered tonnage established a record with 7,124,841. PaoPPnger. were more than double theprevio,s month's figures, 14.1(14) going rest and 9,11;1 west. VPs•el p►aswgPM tttirnhrretl 2.9fr4 in romparisnn with 2, to foran*.', 141419. E*atbomnd freight totalled 6,879,210 toms, and westbound 1,427, - The Complete Angler. The Little Carp --Mother, who's that coming along? Mother Fish -Don't he frightener. That's the nice old gentleman who brings us something to eat at the en 4 of a raring every morning, Impertinent. ?friers* tin her rntlft•ry wd+llire.P)- "That Austrian heron is very in- quisitive. He soaked me what any dowry amounted to.” Lieuten*nt --"impertinent 1,'il 1w t And what did you telt him -" Cook Would Help. Mistr'ese-"Now, remember, cook, the Jonesen are codling for dinner." Cook - "Leave ;t to me, m . 1'11 do me wont. They'll never trouble yexeagain." "And," continued the palmist, *yon are going to 11e dieapp doted in love." "Thin my sweetheart is going to jilt noir "No, she le gning to marry you. Two -and -.is, please." - Young man, marry a homely girl if pm are food of good biscuits. All a putty girl knows shout dough is to R,ewe. woes the desolating war M South e'Ptn i--Oh Weir V Si Jerome's C011eg Berlin, Ont. eCaned^. Founded .M} Incorporated by Act of Panamint, .165, RPddestlal Sclfool for Coy. and Verlag Men. o-Lrl, C,rses ['owlet., ISchool, Serine. Arts. New building e.la1Pped with latest k�ypenia ,eq. ,- Ment, prlvr room., foe new (:pwwa- ,tum, Swt.n(atn, Pet 514,...' Bathe, Rs .4.e Track Auditorb:n•. PIo(e.s,of...a.le st-4radsate faunal to 1.• (one good sad Titans*. i.se.a pal a1114011 4ddress - 4 RCI. A t. '.aims. C.R.: ewe. . 00te,etwr W. ACHESON & SON. Saturday Ec Monday Offerings The last chance to secure dainty Summer Wasll Materials at prises never quoted here -before. We si!34 )1} have til nt:tkr- rotain for lull -'.i *. s arriving _daily; therefta -- tvill not curry any Summer hoods Over, so here goes for a final clearings of excellent Wash Goods.*^, 300 ' ds. colored American Mtislitls iu duI.., •relies ,old s^roll ,I1'.,'', sista6le for alt iii) der woe., [,,.1 corm. Regular Iu,' end 121 ' vnlu..s 1" dear nt .,fie p1 ice, yd, 5c 500 yards Dainty Dimity -- 0111114, dot. and rhe le mottling, so l.lhle for any olyle of alit -Mi. Regular I:a; to 1k•. Matin- 1 day and Monday clearing at All ; u I•O,'r Muslim and ifnlisfes in qualiliee ranging in prise ft ,,111 :2 - 4,, to • 1 et• y nil 11,14 brn,"11a le -1 mod choicest palt;erne►. 19 all al un. pn ice, per 300 yards of colored Wash Silks iu ail rotor., itl•ip• effect*, :ti • and 14k• per yard, all at one clearing price, per yard Shirt Waists C 8c1 Beautifully ewhroidered effects. long sleeves, only tell left, to clear at one-third coli regular price. That'neon* a $3.011 waist for 112.1*), a nisi wait for fable -Linen Specials for Saturday and Monday 500 yards of Towelling 200 yards of splendid Wash Crash Tea Towelliog Extl'a-ha'avy sod wide, eplrndid warranted pure nes. exr.Il,-ht absorbent, regu ar e, to valor 01 1 4r 411. yard Matin Q 1 dl Tribe MontM -price;-trr•rYd. 9c -clear at, tier yard, 1�/l, - s' There pieces of extra beay.y unblearbed Table Linen, warranted mum,:( select ttt:l'tt" lythe d • _..furry- at,-1�lc-Luer yd., Saturday -49c and M Inv, tier 3,1 , ' . 3 pieces of Extra -heavy Unbleached Table Lir.en Pure linen, t hree choke' p.1 ern.. Ita•guhar 4141 and excel per yard, excr • 49c Tent valor et, per yard ....... ... .. . . H Ten dozen .r t 1- Hemstitched Huckaback. Size, '21 x it -• -11,r _.4• rash, Mntunlay and Monday, two fur.... .... 25C i 25 only Tabl: Alnlut'2yards .quare with bottler all around, good heavy quality II .uitahlr for breakfast Or luncheon sloth. regular 111.1*), Saturday 750 .antiMunday'.pTLI, t',ch 19 only extra heavy Table Cloths Mize, 2 ley ':l y,ytl's, ex,•rllent quality and choice patterns, marking 0 Perfect cloth with border all around, original price, 82,4141, $1,49 Saturday And Monday. _...., ... .. , •v7 We Warrant Everything as Advertised. i W. ACHESON & SON. PREPARED ,\ FOODS! We carry in stock quite a nuualm• of different makes in above - i. entioned green. for Infants a 11/1 Invalid,. Among these may b • mentiona'l : English Malted' Nlilk iod, - Vanipole's Malted Milk food, l Iorlick's Malted Milk Food, Mell-Hi's Fermi, Nestleex Food, Lactated Food, Alienbury's Food„ Robinson's Prepared Barley, etc., etc. Also Fresh Lime Juice in tic bottles. Pure Grape Juice in Pints and Quarts. S. E. HICK, — -- - Central Drug Store GODERIGH. OST• LP EMEMMEMINNIMMIW Now is the Time To Order Your Fall Suit. The Two Martins TAILORS and FURNISHERS r%4 'Phone 180. soar 1 Bright New Trunks, SUIT CASES, and TRAVELLING BAGS at ELLIOTT'S SHOE STORE Not ohi patterns but bright new styles fresh from the faetnry. These goods ' - we offer your at reasonable prices. Trunks at 82.00, 83.00, 83.50 and up• Suet Cases at from 81.50, 82.00, $2.50, up. A Special Value in a Suit Case at 82,50. A good Leather Case for 86.00. We are agents for the HARTT SHOE for men. wi G. M. Elliott 1' I ,000 X.A. } i" enrollee ''It O, LL, O Wl LL1(lrndnnles O 0 = 1"" Over one thnuelsnd students by our chain pent year. 11 pi)•. to *[tend a link of this great chain, for "IN UNPIN T 11 It R R 114 serngsterle." The demand for our rad - teeter, is THREE TiME the may Other .chnola **.gage our RiwtluwrPR as leaetters. A .pecta?merge for trerhetr t - of two venni nem atee now earning 12,110U 'per annum. Three rummer, - ('ox1t1R- rl.4L. HiTRNO011 A PHY and Wt. - *1410 4Pllt', Fah Tens Open Aug. II. 'tVrite:for particulars. ' GODERICt1 BUSINESS COLLEGE 050. SPOTTON, PRIN. iu duI.., •relies ,old s^roll ,I1'.,'', sista6le for alt iii) der woe., [,,.1 corm. Regular Iu,' end 121 ' vnlu..s 1" dear nt .,fie p1 ice, yd, 5c 500 yards Dainty Dimity -- 0111114, dot. and rhe le mottling, so l.lhle for any olyle of alit -Mi. Regular I:a; to 1k•. Matin- 1 day and Monday clearing at All ; u I•O,'r Muslim and ifnlisfes in qualiliee ranging in prise ft ,,111 :2 - 4,, to • 1 et• y nil 11,14 brn,"11a le -1 mod choicest palt;erne►. 19 all al un. pn ice, per 300 yards of colored Wash Silks iu ail rotor., itl•ip• effect*, :ti • and 14k• per yard, all at one clearing price, per yard Shirt Waists C 8c1 Beautifully ewhroidered effects. long sleeves, only tell left, to clear at one-third coli regular price. That'neon* a $3.011 waist for 112.1*), a nisi wait for fable -Linen Specials for Saturday and Monday 500 yards of Towelling 200 yards of splendid Wash Crash Tea Towelliog Extl'a-ha'avy sod wide, eplrndid warranted pure nes. exr.Il,-ht absorbent, regu ar e, to valor 01 1 4r 411. yard Matin Q 1 dl Tribe MontM -price;-trr•rYd. 9c -clear at, tier yard, 1�/l, - s' There pieces of extra beay.y unblearbed Table Linen, warranted mum,:( select ttt:l'tt" lythe d • _..furry- at,-1�lc-Luer yd., Saturday -49c and M Inv, tier 3,1 , ' . 3 pieces of Extra -heavy Unbleached Table Lir.en Pure linen, t hree choke' p.1 ern.. Ita•guhar 4141 and excel per yard, excr • 49c Tent valor et, per yard ....... ... .. . . H Ten dozen .r t 1- Hemstitched Huckaback. Size, '21 x it -• -11,r _.4• rash, Mntunlay and Monday, two fur.... .... 25C i 25 only Tabl: Alnlut'2yards .quare with bottler all around, good heavy quality II .uitahlr for breakfast Or luncheon sloth. regular 111.1*), Saturday 750 .antiMunday'.pTLI, t',ch 19 only extra heavy Table Cloths Mize, 2 ley ':l y,ytl's, ex,•rllent quality and choice patterns, marking 0 Perfect cloth with border all around, original price, 82,4141, $1,49 Saturday And Monday. _...., ... .. , •v7 We Warrant Everything as Advertised. i W. ACHESON & SON. PREPARED ,\ FOODS! We carry in stock quite a nuualm• of different makes in above - i. entioned green. for Infants a 11/1 Invalid,. Among these may b • mentiona'l : English Malted' Nlilk iod, - Vanipole's Malted Milk food, l Iorlick's Malted Milk Food, Mell-Hi's Fermi, Nestleex Food, Lactated Food, Alienbury's Food„ Robinson's Prepared Barley, etc., etc. Also Fresh Lime Juice in tic bottles. Pure Grape Juice in Pints and Quarts. S. E. HICK, — -- - Central Drug Store GODERIGH. OST• LP EMEMMEMINNIMMIW Now is the Time To Order Your Fall Suit. The Two Martins TAILORS and FURNISHERS r%4 'Phone 180. soar 1 Bright New Trunks, SUIT CASES, and TRAVELLING BAGS at ELLIOTT'S SHOE STORE Not ohi patterns but bright new styles fresh from the faetnry. These goods ' - we offer your at reasonable prices. Trunks at 82.00, 83.00, 83.50 and up• Suet Cases at from 81.50, 82.00, $2.50, up. A Special Value in a Suit Case at 82,50. A good Leather Case for 86.00. We are agents for the HARTT SHOE for men. wi G. M. Elliott 1'