HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-8-12, Page 71
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TheNews of the District.
'iso3306+A6406616+464646+4546464645454545-46******* 4544 45 4646 44645464$4454*******• •
MONDAY, Aug. 9th.
The farmers around here are all
Tui,sp.te, Aug. Std.
OHITI'A)ty. Mies Clara J. Proctor,
tory threshing their fall wheat.. ____ second daughter of Jos. Proctor, of
Service la the Methodist church tHulutesv'ille, who had been afttreted
next Sabbath evening at 7 :'al o'clock. i with so itttvnal ailment fol• Mum"
Misr Violet )large. of oliatoo, who' time. war released flout her sutteringe
had been vieitiva- Let oouaiu,-1IJlaa pr Youss h the .,tit oils A week
Lillie °twirl . le t fur her Lowe on { previous she had min reusedflipilia wt .Cites
Tuesds ., *Owl, which only increased her diel
y tress.-Heceaseldswar s•geeersi faysr
BELFAST. , ' Be in the vicinity itt which rhe lived.
'1'r1.:1411AY. Aug.•10th. She war en active member of Kt.
John's church, Huhnesville. and oneuf
Mrs. Henry Borland, of the too, is the lending workers in the Sabbath
visiting at Mr. and Mr.. Borland's. school.
Misses Bertha and Marie Sherwood EAST WAWANOSH.
are visiting in \Viugham this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bennett, of Port Mosul', Aug. 9th.
Allied, spent Sunday with friends Miss Annie Furan her returned W
herr. Buffalo after visiting ,under the par -
1. 11. Mullin, wife and family visited ental rout foie u shunt time.
forma fortnight with Mrs. and Miss Miss Annie and A. A. Naylor visited
Mullin. at D. M. Nsylor'r and tiro. Smith's.
Jae. Alton is Making extensive Lucknow; un Maturdsy aid• Sunday.
alterations in hie house, and it is going Itlettuv's:atee're..-Aduu Roberta:on,
to make a very fine dwelling. of the pith line. is having it. bits• glow -
Mr. and Mrs. Will Crosbyand line engine Installed to 1 p the
family. of Woodstock, rnt *150 water maw lis artesian well. 1.ttt; feet
weeks with the gentIi iiisi a patents deep. The ruffle,' is so placed 1hst it
bete.esti he used for sawing wood, ulso fur
running the pulper and other mach -
Mrs. J. I. Holt and family, of inert'y. Basins are being pot in the
New York, who came heti. in th"iN stabler which will in ntvide a constant
motor car, gave us a t. cry plesssnt raipply of water for hi.. %Utak. Mr.
call on MaWrday evening. Itulwrtarnl • is an up to date farmer
,fin. Mullin twofers the sad news 011 rind believer in having eel iything
Maturdaiyof the death of her brine''. i'iitiri nfrht Tne--ttn.tts+a iAN. fi.
D. B. McKinnon. The funeral took No. i are having a gravel walk put in
plane on Tuewisy at Blyth. Iradta�([( l+. Eta• two rnU inet's to IIP
new echos. Milton Na' for it; doing
MAFEKIN(,I. thotivork.
Tugtwo.ty, Aug. :lel. -- -
Jer-rlNur,--:Berry-picking ia the
order of the dayM J. Kilpatrick. 1Vr:uoeel,ty. Au,(. 11t1t.
of Brockville, who had Isere visiting lhit'Kt II Itt: ortt5IN+,. Mt. An.lew's
- meads in Chows• parte, left foe bus mense pt eseyterian , ten et -,itl 1....•....I...o+.d
Saturday as. Miller, of Yt. next Sunday, August 1S:h. The
Helens, called on friridr here on Suit- eacf•tuuent of.the Intd'e Simper will
Clay:.- Mrs, W. Wilton. of Hewers- 1 r .neer) fat 1e..:01 p. tie. and thone 11 1 k a1 "Auteuil
vdle, vbited her sister, Mis. Rtbthers, win a• ,weeirr at . o'clock to Erle fl t t \ came p (1
:over two hundred and fifty of
L)RINTM; RRlll'LAit loc.. Flllt t1o; I Auburn's+ sons and daughters. The
1 „valuta., to 1�1 tor l4$-. -.roc. I gat njetuent ttnnmittee nut only
hate, r.wuki 31r, fur I:k•: but. linen lett,. C 1..ktsl it flit. - transpoi'tath.n
oiler Uk•, fur Y.•; buy, Won hat., reside 'es,, (meetji41, but took ttlu g tennis and
�urilk%.-.'LrY.tluil!L.JLLu11.ti.)IGtSi.,!• NUI'(II •Mtlstat ,44M11ta. l• 11rL-.dela. bathing
rut vie, At Itt111113.1.� oure..CtiLurn _._..._ rit41 l
\Vit:UNNe11AY, Aug. I it h. riiitl4. ete.. anti provided aminte eat
AI.1•itgt i.tTttt . --rhe official feta d fur all . 'Chip lactics dteitt. after' r' lir
i •owwfsmary' drpitUu.vtl. and did
jil rhe--Mell►tsl'rt ehurcher til Auburn their work faithfully and well. One
circuit aC its 0LNt meeting raiseir the of the. uuwt interesting features of the
rtia , [Lha prfstor. Rev. A E. Jti ete, day, spurt war Cite bascbull watch
by: *ion.tnttktog it *1M 1. Mr. I'm's between Aubgru til Salified. in
work is lunch appreciated •in the
Ke•noen. OI•KNtwi, --Monday, the
11th, i. that a1ute awl for the Mooing of
the t'IWlltr•V rrhoole. At l Ilion S. S.
No. i.. A. F. Johns will have charge
In the se • • resin,. Mies Core 11.
Fel'gwutn has been engaged to lwur6
the janitor .elassee. •
New l'ne►tt II Mllglat, -Sam. Duerr
haw nearly a pigged the work on the
concrete block walls for the new shed,
in councct'un with Mt. Mark's' Epis-
copal chore . When cuulpleted they
should fore tit u neat aplwarenee-
urixival, ads. for ae it rule church
Kited). are built rutirely of lumla•r.
Ar TIIK H% •1•Iy-T l'us Ht 11. 'chic
Marais' r..ngr•g tion held thei, firs,
el .,n ser iee itt their new
church un$abballu le An ek14i►ion.sl
retainer of inta•h•.t •►s the use role flue
lied time of the ha !sone emar rn-
i,tnw•1'viee prPir,ttr.l s a IUetit 'i ..1
It Jautt•s 1.t1si . .1• l)••tr,.il,
iIi• h. y
\VuiTUY ttI' NIITK.-..
farn►rls' family picnic (tot
waorola atilt t1**t •Hvntlev
seal. Wit Prrur ir0Ju
1st woe eL .
is 1st W:�
tit letswrt
'hie it
which the Auburn 1.•.4111 trimmed the
Hartford nine by -a More of eight to
nue. The Auhuru phtyt•ts were as
follows : 1). W. Ferguson, I b. ; \\'.
M4.1 hmuld, p.. Jto' Coder. 2 11.: 1.
Arthur, SS, ; J. Tuls•rvillet C. ; W.
(i.ivier, If.; H. Kilos, cf.; Ei . Lawson,
a b; Harvey Meliee, .f. Thr.•Maltfnrd
players wt•t'e : 11. Minnie!, J. Chis-
holm, K. NcLeiul: '1'. Jardine.. R.
1\'adter.. P. Hisaett, W. Hfilsett,
11. \V alters, W. Morris.
1'barles Black. of lioderiele and Ray -
d Iter d,. of Westileld. were
the umpires. The bathing suits were
in great demand. and passed Ilona
hand to hand, and at t Mks over forty,
timbres were in the water, it once.
The weather could not have been
letter. there was plenty of tuuuseitent
fur .•v'erylsody, and altogether the out•
int wwi ,Mte of- Clue must successful
ever held. 'ruo •h rrelil e t
lie given the rowutitlt•e Dr. Welt.'
John Arthur and Herbert Knox -fur
their untiring vitiate and the .'*rel-
Ntast-awida-lo _lila
IMCas A1111111'11'r civic holiday is
looked forward to from year to year
ti old and young alike. It is doubtful'
tr m wvt.uu lac the form kit's'''. s., I " ephh of the day is more thee-
K rstghly interpreted by any other
instead of overworking the four- ciyumunily in�Vestrtn Ontario. The
fooled friend the pieuick.•1s • or to ,•.itieens • work eemieeeierd and
the tippler ant en;, steed out 1 •1.1)' alw'ljys bee, a rem goal time.
hum's, entire outfit for the ecce iuu, ('eaesl»AI. -Mises Aggie and
allowing their awn boasts to to a H,•tenu Smith. of Ttnun •tt'e lite
day u( rest. guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Riddell.
1)tleo W'NIillAM.-The Wiugltat .... Mist 1'Iirit' Molester, former
r ,vanes• 1 41st week ental ;utriu•he • at 'i st u, .i can u
village is Witting ton e y are andam . arorth ttrrnjuy Anbnrn'i, cis l,..G-
luunees 11 'civic holiday'. for August d y r toting t Pojitt Feral. Mae te-
%Vake ti., Win.lhaiu! ,Auburn to ted on A mnday, after visiting at
li w had a civic holiday Tel the past the mine of re. C. Rowson . Mr.
live years, and it is dtinbtful it there in ,and ren. HenJ. EA' row, of New jersey,
mother town in the county where the are v1 iting Mrs.. Honking and ether
citizens enter so thoroughly into the Toilette here and at Myth. Mr.
••pmt of the occasion. Oitr'Liitpeolde F'arrew running it fruit Carol in that
It Point Farm last Friday made state Mrs. Duff. of Dungannon.
er daughter, Mrs. J. \V.
rs. Patterson, arrnm-
A. C. Jackson and her
e Sterling Yank, (Jud-
rned from it visit W
lien. Deesledt it
yesterday John &eke is the afternoon. 'tee. 1'. M. Rutherford will
road tether of a boo and heir.:. •:, conduct Iaoth services.
W. Shackleton and Mies Ida
visited at the home of Norman ',kite vee 'rutsttr..--Mr,- and Mis.
Shackleton on Sunday. Alfas hi. A. Church, of Usalerich township,
Haaiy is visiting her sister, Mrs. John spent Sunday• in this burg... )Ire.
Blake There was a leege attend- '\dant Schaefer and ehildten left for
/ince st the quarterly service in the their. home iu %%Ingham last week:
Methodist church ou Sunday. _ The Mr. pont firs. Met Fib visited
nervier was conducted h the pastor. wiM 1lteir ,b0,41.1..1.. mt.. ori F. \t'il1i.+t
Rev. T. 1:. Sawyer. Mr. and Mrs. recently Prank there rKurned
Sawyer leave this week for Grand to 1 -ort Attlee. lust Msturd.tutter
Bend to spend their holidays: .Iwrtdiag a couple of n►ue. i, i in tire
MO\DAT. Aug. 911. *rlecelity .. tteY
renewed acgltaintaanestLent-. of
hl • an..f
Newts Norma -John Joytlt, of Luck- F. Cunningham on Sunday lits' - - .
now,occupied thepulpit here yesterday Misr Draper. Miss E. Mct'owlet and thoroughly overhauled. At one tune
in the absence of Rev. T. Mswyer, amities-tee-Mea..Looreu ',.r •rorontn- • o' taitlt his fathel_and
..Mise L. Alton isvisitingat'jTboo. took advent tge of the excurelon blot lag. A. E. owned the sew
Blake's. Mies K. Handcock, of MAMrday to visit .rune of their old
Toronto, is visiting at the home of
Jas. lSdwarde.... Mr. and Mrs. W.
E. Mtother.. of Toronto, called on
their aunt, Mrs. Stotler', last week,
Miss Ba !Bothers is visiting
friends in Dungannon.. _..Finlay
Reed is visiting his aunt, Mee. Jamie-
son. of Laurier. We are glad to sec
Finley waa successful in the examina-
tion for en tee nce to the Normal School.
...,Geo. McNeil spent Sunday et
his home in Lucknow.
Does Not -
Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now
made from our new improved
formula, does not stain or color
the hair even to the slightest
degree. Gray hair, white hair,
blonde hair is not made a
shade darker. But it certainly
does stop falling hair. No
question about that.
1)oe, not thanYe the color of the hair
7,ru. tit. W,.h ..t•4 bottle
y r.o..1 to your
semi ea.. a. wy•
Indeed, we belie.e it will stop every cue
of falling hair unless there is some very
unusual complication, something greatly
affecting the general health. Then you
should consuttyour physician. Also ask
him about the new Ayer's Hair Vigor..
Ws/. 0. Ayr o... iwwsat. allose"'"'
choir of the Methodist church are
holding their picnic it! .the lake on
Friday next Th Juhurtun
has wild his form to Mr. Jotter !or the
suit of $I,INst..... Mr. and Mrs.
'l'hort►as Menem, of Manitoba, are
visiting friends around here. Mr.
Morrow it nue. of the Nile boys who
hove prospered in the %Vt.t.
to make your baby strong sal
well A Fifty -cont bottle. of
141 e.xc,•Ilrpt showing. is s- -siting
l'i're or A F'oaMgis Itgsu•r
tii'. ' Itfedd
Albeit 1.741'411i., of `Sault Ste. Marie, palsied by
Mites., telt roe home en Tuesday. after eon J. 1f., of
spending a week lurking after his' ori :11, have re
_prjs t ty Isere. The dropping mill re- Detroit .. M
r eivtsl • particular attention. (wing visiting her 'net
Mists' Edith an
Dungannon, visits.
Jack. oil Tuieena)
Knox is visiting at t
Moen.ty, Aug. nth.
Haters. -Several of the young peo-
ple from this vicinity joined with the
Anhurette' nn Friday inn and vent
the civic holiday at Point Ferns
The threshing for this season iters
menced, wheat being the principal
grain threshed. It ie turning out fair-
ly well. yielding about twenty bushels
per acre in some instances.
Carne it Norio,. Rev. 0. ti. Harris.
the outgoing missionary to China who
is to he supported by tht• Epworth
Leagues of the (loderich district. ad-
- dressed the rv-shoos at each of
'the appumtrnen on a et
SaLta•tb Inst. Ile presented the cause
of missions in a very able and appeal-
ing manner. The Methodists of litalr=
rich district have reason to be proud
of having the privilege of supporting
se clever s y oung man in such n
worthy cause as that of l'hinl•t+r
missions The W. F. el. M. of the
Westfield church were entertained in
Hlyth lawt Tuesday afterniem by the
Hlyth auriliary.
I'gromea .. - Mrs. Henry Mntrish
axil family. of lioderich, are visiting
relatives here. . Mime Ada Morrish.
of (Federici]. is visiting her simli•r, Mrs.
John Lawlor• this week. . Miss
Young, of Colborne, is visiting her
mister. Mrs. James Redmond Mem.
I)-nt and two children are visiting' the
furnter•s sister, .Mrs, Archie Rohtson.
Th.. Mitoses Clerked( St. Hearne.
spent Sunday at the hums of W. J.
%Vi htman Mrs. Ilea. Ainslie
and daughter Flossie, of Comtwr, are
spending a few days visiting Mn.
deter, Mts. J. N. Campbell.
. Master Howard Carr, of Hlyth,
is spending this week visiting his
raisin, Master Colin Campbell
(iordou Wightmets, of New York
State, b spending his holidays here,
vis{tin relstivtN and friends
Benj. Farrow and wife. tit Delaware,
are visiting the fornaer's' brother,
Wacky Parrow Mrs. John Hell,
of Alberta, is home em • visit to her
Parente, Mr. and Mrs. John Redmond.
Nish Malwl Hiuekingbot.tntu has
entered the Halve hospital, New York,
to train for a nurse.
friend.. in Port Albert .....\Vi
eongt•atulate Mont. q1� our fetes wile
last \Vednesdlty evt.ning were lucky
enough to he on the winning side of
the football' g4lie played. st Ahe
P vi
ripaliy tgti the sr.althPll.1 OT ,
•• Tuve-male Aug. 11h.
Hee rug... -A merry patty' of
posing people f tiollerirh :sr-ivetf F:,ta•e are busy getting out ltarrt'I .
Monday morning to spend the week ant have four cooper,' at work. They
ramping at Lakeview Park here will begin distributing the barrels to
Mee. Alexander Thein. of Toronto, irho farmers this Week in order to
here to sp.•nd a couple sof week+. with make room in the warehouse.
friends Mrs. A. Ctlnitliell. of GI•ea'N HII.t, re. aK RKr.t,tent. --
Newla•rry, and. Mar. Nahum. and Miss
�I,rraine of tiiwebik. Minn.pent the
will ebaaa• a sickle baby to a
plump, romping child in seemor as
wolf as in mater. Only ear tint
a day -think of it --vi Piens aa nice
M cream.
Cost a roan bottle aow. All Orwae ds
•tot SrANOAR•O Or Tete WORtt
Tye:mitts% Aug. loth.
Miss Lizzie Edwards, of (liodt•rich,
Visited friends here for a few days.
Mies Ella Magnet. of Walton. spent
two weeks the guest Of Miss Maggie
Hogan. -
at Hesproler....--�__ Miss iMbrl McDairmid. of Para -
Cora Roberts, of 1 mount, spent Sunifb with-Miitl e.sle
their brother.
Mrs: J
D. %Vilson's,
Mrs. James
1s, visited
day, - They
rough the
h in the
is virlrt-
grist mills hive and did a big business.
At ptew•nt ht• is nwnager of a 1 tr•ge.
tv.,ulleu null at the American Moo.
Tug Arrt k II %KVK iF. -Alf. Asquith
and John Johnston are buying apples
Mr. a
Arn..tr tag, of lieu
Althorn friends over Su
toe }mai back front a trip t
for Lin .d Toronto, workingcin-
West. and have great fit
They are baying by the tweed. aid Stirs Slala•I \ tlmon, of )etroit,
the price offeree) is around the dollar ing her (-moan.kiss Mary Rt
and Mir. harry Turn
Mark An outside man ie also In the
r,_ of
Mehl, baying orch'u•dS. The Young l".a' t'b.- "tu-un-luealay..
Will Yobngblut, of Murder, M
has taeq v isiting ft feuds here and t
l ud.•rieh Miss Annie Sturdy ha.
returned from a visit to her aunt, Mrs.
Whitley, at Nt. Pleasant, Mich
Miss Thn•resa Cunningham, of t he Sig-
nal stall'. spent last week at her home
near here.
Peet' week the guests tit Chet` o -..,nim,.
Miss Jane McDonald Neil McDon-
ald has his new more slnmst te;uly and
will 'r hie gnash tide Week
and Mrs. Jellies have arrived with thi•ir
seek of good* rand are awaiting pos-
erasinn eif Mr. 5ItMun•hy's store. We
welwone Mr. nod Mrs. Jolles to our
village and wish them a fair share of
the patronage of the \la•Inity....Ittiar
I.•iretta 1'uung,.ol 4'ullsirne. 'is ',penile
Movriev, Aug. Otte
Mrs. Thompson and daughter, Mra:
Helwig, have been vieitag ;in Riede -
Hugh Findleeer has secured a good
position with the Beteary Mfg. Co.
at London sod Mra. Flndlater left
last week to join him there.
MheeKate Ford has accePted 11, Foal'
tion on the staff or Harriston high
Mite Annie Jnynt Wt for Toronto
to epend a few days before going on
to Winnipeg to assume her dolmas
The Worrien'p 1 not tette will Meet at
the home of Mrs. John Melltensie on
Friday. Atignet 1:tth. --
The Bruce eounty convention of the
August 28 and 27
rifle ousrewialinn has been organized
here with the _following officere :
Captnin, Ft. It. MacLeod; secretory, A.
tinYd trimming.. George Potter :
members of eommittee, W. 0. Bowles
and J. R. Agnew. The member* ere
now waiting for the equipment to
TAX RAT'S POR 11XX1. At. the lest
regular meeting of the village council
a rate of 24 mine wadi ntruck to raise
the noteettanry amount of taxes for the
mirrent year. The resignation of
John Murehison as treasurer was
accepted seed Jos. E. Agnew was
appointed to MI out the unexpired
term to February let next.
this week ori illitters eennected wain - ' e'''''"Inn" the -limb"'
of the. Auburn lawn tennis elute will
improvement's at Comin's hill. Moine
tints. yea; e ago when tho• hill wax cut
was taken in
A,111111.11 help tlefray expense..
iabection with gravelling the hill
and putting it in good shape. This
work 11t4t4 been pot off from time to
time. ate' it is to he hoped that It will
now be pushed through without
bit ;her er icrastination.•
eite1 at the 1 tttttt e Henry ay or on
Wipi wit.. about
avvvettly years of age. rattle over from
Clinton tinier to Dim -
gannet; in connection with a , felon he
lied for sale. and WWI apparently in
normal health. At one C • he lived
I WI John Mille 'fat ill and woe well
kisioWn by many of the older residents
.4 the o and eurrountling country.
Death woo. due to kidney trouble. The
remains were taLt•ti ton 'ruesolly to
rime CHINA, -Rev, fl. 0. Harris,.
purported lee the Epworth league. of
Sabbath at t he 111'14' tillptiniments on
the Auburn (Irene and gave a most
He /tiny gene eketeis of his own life_
'and of the plane whieh lie has in mind
tor thr welfare of rhe people Intilei his
charge. M lay lie was in Myth
and tan Tinealay Int -W14441 141 Nib., Wed-
nedley he will spend at I etugenmin.
Thursday it Creel.. Friday at lien-
Atignst 511t. threshing for John
Wright. in Eatet, Wawanieb. The
wheat averaged about. twenty-five
blieliels to the mere. On Saturday he
Ill/embed :for Jas. Miitch. where the
yield. wax hettee. tht Monday he
was nt Jatede ettokeee Ott Tito relay
the motif. moved in the outskirts
of the Peitell in wine put through
lieorge Plat Zee* emelt farm,
(bemire is a iiret-clase farmer. and
works his small acreage to far better
inlventage thrill Can man wit. hive to
took after a 1101 or nere Nem.
Lest year hie elate averaged foil y -five
bushels for the five neres,
i•ntertain thi- gentlemen and several
mit-of-tome visitors on the ffets along
the Meidallol Robert Medd to
/settling porch and putting a walk in
front of hit new house. Harvest
Herbert Knox has put up an awning
in front of his harness shop e ...A
cement walk is being laid from the
door of the Baptist church to the
Ludt if yiiii have not an abeam a
raspberries. They have been very
plentiful t his year Jas. Medd luta
improved his hinise aml whoop by 14 Clibl
of paint J 11. Short, of Wingbani,
hes opened a loader shop in the
Auburn House .Soi far t his oto•asen
thi• Auburn baseball team has won
five mit or seven 101111C14 tWO frpen
t we from Walton and one
from Sallferil. They lost one game
eaeh to Westfield and Walton
Tenders ate asked for gt avelling the
road In the dation. Bids t. be in
Ivy Angled rah.... .Bem ling on the
Maitland ie it favorite sport at regent .
It's ti pity there are not tuure Swale
available The road down Lawlor's
hill Ilas teeeivtel a liberal demising of
gravel.... .:11ore than one fomenter oin
the rifle Genii believes Auburn would
have* good _chance fi jitht. InOney. in
011. 1%1.0 isS at the Phoenicia' militia
in Tilibt4114/ next week. In al/ pride
sentigliltil will be
good lurk. I ;purge
liver the Milit land im badly in need of
a new floor Mtelker has
engine, 111111 Will work iti the vicinity
of Port Albert this senatIll .1.1.
present phins mature, die Stafford
hneelifill team will pixy Against the
Auburn 11.111/1 here on Saturday next.
Tee:envy, Aug.
NoTEn. -Mrs. Morton. Miss Morten
end tittle beetle -v. -of- Groeiree -*nem it
few days in and around the village
calling nn 091 triendA
%Valter and sister vieiteol at the heine
Proper attention to the hair
and scal p is the best preventive
THE Niew FLEvA•ron. Wink is pro- of baldness. An occasional ap-
whith le being built at the Auburn
station bv the Canada Grain Co. and ade keeps the scalp in healthy
inanager. John Johneton had the
contrive. for the cement basement, and hair folieles and supplements
Lorne Scrinignir he rushing up the the natural oil of the head.
framework. The limber and timber
came from Bolton. The millwright, Ikarine not only prevents fall -
JourSheer. of Tottenham, is this
- big' hair but stithulates new
we.. atoperinteriffing The trneeffation
of the elevating. weighing mid clean- growth 50 cts a jar at your
for buninefte inside of the next two ruggists.
.pearances,the building will he ready
venience fnr the farmers, of Ode one-
time rie it saves I haul of from five to
twelve 'name It will hew, a capacity
of about relitoebtishels. Motive power
gasoline engine.
Mr'. ef-l.tscknnw,
is spending a few days with Mies Mary
Miss Pearl Henderson has returned
to her home in Lucknow. after spend-
ing a week with friends herr.
.Other dt.trict nen.; on pass!til
excursion to Point Farm wits a rem' el-
handwagrine and WI -mob -men igs
and two additional wegone and eight
or nine rig. more brought If om Myth.
The proves/don tne hiked&
inclueted nearly sixty rigs, holding
dfIllr.1,141111r an effi, r4, too, ',wed,'
Sore Threes.
Sem, Dralladra.
Strains. ftwellem•
hr., the thtne for camper* hnntee. e*
melt as tot those that stay st hums.
211f. a has.
of clean, eet-stnellIng
linen is obta ed with half
the tot In*
If Sunlight Soa is used.
Sunlight short s the
day's work, hut len hens
the Me of your clothes
Follow directions
Store, tee.
Residence, z85.
Store will be closed Wednesday
afternoons during July
and Aukust.
TIMBSDAY. AVOOtrr 12, lata
Clean-up Sale of
At Half Price
All this season's goods. Now is your
chance to get the best hat going for
the rest of this season and to start
off next.
Mclean Bros.
Tailoring dents' Furnishing.
Oil and Gasoline Stoves
You will do all your cooking;bikingand7
ironing for 20C a week if you use one of
our Oil or Gasoline 'Stoves. They do not
smoke or smell, easy to operate and give
Specially priced at $4.50 each.
We'll let you try one free for a week% We
have over 2oo of these stoves in use
every day in Goderich. Vour neighbor
uses one.
3 Hammocks, were $3.5o each, now $2.50.
Screen Doors at-c-ost to clear.
We are sole agfents for
it. per pound.
MARTIN-SENOUR 100 per cent. Pure PAINT
covers most, wears longest itnd looks
best. We are sole agents.
Pure Paris Green sold cheapest at
„it pays to patronize the Man who advertises.
his goods in black and white.
1 have received shipments of the
two Models in
Two of the best lines made in Can
Robber Tires, Aiitomobile Stets
and all the latest ideas in first-
class Carriages
A good second-hand Grinder for
sale, in good repair, to -inch plates.
Several good drivers red some
cows for sale.
Robert Wilson
Agent for
Massey Harris Implements, Mel-
lotte Cream Separators. Fieury
Plows, Bissell 1.2tsc
Harrows, Land Rollers,
Wareroemit Ham ilt fit fret,
Harvest Time 0
-.4wayS strive to get the best and we have it
for you this year.
650 feet Twine at II Cents per lb.
This Twine le &al oine\size. In making, it passes through a siser,
whieli niakom it. impoe tile for any bony. or large pipers to get
in choke your binder.
We have a (Point:Hy of 7- in. Hest American Pure MILIDIA
Rope. A regular 20e. Rope, whi we ean give yon for Me. per lb.
Ifieet Manila 1 in. Rope, steal We ran give yini at I le. per lb
We have a large named meta 0 Forks. with end without
staff, piet in for you to elvootie from. ythee, fr 1.-e•. to $1.25.
Sinaths, 7rie. to Soc.
to chow* from.
BEVRIGERA'rORS, at all prices.
IIAMMOCKft, at ell prices'.
trAltDEN HOSE and NOWdbliffes
We &dill have a few rods of the Ostviet Nn. 9 Wire left. at 40c.
per reel ; also a quantity rd Nos 9 and 12 °oiled Wks, and a
quantity of Barb Wire.
Por Eavelaroughing. Tinemithine, Plinnhitig and Heating' we can
give you prompt attention. and all work hilly gettrantited.
nStore 'neon
House 'Phone t ta