HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-8-12, Page 44 TUESDAY At`ot.wr 12. 19110
�b"i�eS�MtiSa'��Y tl7'fl'�L�sIA
Fire Chlet Belcher on the Carpet
Complains of "Mean, Nasty Crit-
icism" --Where Do the Wrenches
Go' --No More Sorrowing ot Fire
Apparatus Road Machine Com-
pany Bylaw Sent on to People.
The tire department oe•upied u good
deal of ettentb it at the regular meet
ing of the towu ...tuned] hast Friday
night. The fire warden, F:. t'.
Belcher, was present in `•stoner Io
the summate of the eouncil ani get e.
hie rxpl&nations of his (dirge,' nrgie,•I
of duty. 1u explanation of his not
making monthly report.' to thr;tuwn
commit. he said there was nothing lel
report. except that the men were well.
As to los letting out one of the the
ladders, he admitted haying lent n
ladder to the Victoria street Met ho
dist church, as the workmen ...mid not
h r but hr said the ex-
the r1.
' l Qyrs had
not 11
PI ale n held
t I probably
weed three times In the Inst ten yr us
at a tire, and there were two of 1h,•It1
anyway. Possibly it was mopee r.. let
why ads a1 that
one ell them out, but ►by
other people ell.rwed Ihr the hose to
iieltakrn out ? It was ex plaint 1 c tan(
there was t11U Leet of old hose k. pt iur
use in flushing out th acct., cl. ,
but Mr. Beelebet insisted the' the new
hoer was taken emit .df the iu...
wagon for such tears. to which Iles
Worship's ausaei was that of 11r
Belcher knew of that being done be
'should have rep.rtirl it to the `num tl
• at once.
Councillor thinning» said that if
any Are bow went out of the err hall
it was not with hi+ percussion.
Mr. Fletcher had a good word to •ay
fQr the fire rompers, claimed that it
did as good wnrii As any v0Tnn1rrr
company iu Canada. and said he could
not understand why it was
to esu nturh .•`incise+. . -- --
His Worship naked Mr Hrlh.•r if it
WAS not his duty to know the con-
dition of the hydrants, to which Mr.
Belcher replied that it was somebody's
duty, and added that the fire company
found NORM'id'thr .hydrants n out u f
order every time there was a fire.
Deputy Reeve Reid suggested that
the fire warden should instruct Ili.
teen how to turn it hydrant, and Mr.
Belcher sail that it was sometimes
necessary to turn et hydrant the wrong
way to get it »tarte t. The hydrants.
he said, should lie inspected urrcr a
month, but it wire tint hi,s job to do
The Mayor asked as to {raetier■ soy
the Are cvwpsny, and Mr. Belcher
said they were supped to prartisc
once a month in summer.
tips Worship -"Do you do that Y'
Mr. Belcher-- "No."
The Waren wept stun rltnlllig that
in winter time they did not eon* ani
at all, aa it was hard un the hese. In
summer tirue they counted a fire as a
practice, and seethe months they were
prevented from hating a -practice by
the rain.
The Mayor pointed amt that it was a
notorious fact that three were no fire
practices. and said it was the warden's
duty to know all about the regulations.
His Worship nett asked about the
fire company's wrenches, and Mr.
Belcher said the only way to have ei
supply Was to give • standing order
for su many a week. Chairman
Moaning- it -Lbs tura comuuttoa- said"
he bad found eleven wrenches in the
bore wagon the day of the Trent in-
spection. when one wrench had to 1e
taken ftom hydrant to hydrant on n
bicycle because no others could be
Again on the subject of the condition
of the hydrants. Mr Belcher said he
did not know whose duty it was to
look after the hydrants, but there was
r tw for a good deal of improvement.
here be sent out et gran with the be
Spector to show him the hydrants. and
be was asked by it Ulan at the water-
works station to let him go instead of
the member of the fire company, as
there were some of the hydrants out
of commission, which should ix•
Mr..Belcber-"1 think we get a lot
of mean, nasty criticism that we don't
His Worship --"We ought to be kept
in touch with things, and the statutes
provide that you should report."
Mr. Belcher -••The council knows
all •bout lots of these things."
Sus Worship ••This is all new to
Councillor Jordan rose at this
juncture to criticise the chairman of
the fire committee, Mr. Mnnniugs.
who, he said. should know all about
the departuten just Its t. h.• chairman
of the public worte rommittce should
know all about that department. If
he (Mr. Jordans were chairman ttf the
fire committee dill the cnunril think
he would not know?
This, of course, went against the
grain with Conncilic'ar Munnings, who
expressed the opinion, "Jordan
doers not know what he is talking
shout," and. it.. for Jordan ("Corm
calor -Jordan, your Worship," -this
from Councillor Jordan 1tiutrrlfl,
don't think we ought to pay any et
tention to that_"
Mr. Belcher returned to the subject
of the Are ladders, and said that, when
the British Exchange and the King
Edward hotels were being repainted
the ladders were out for weeks.
Councillor Munnings said that who-
ever knew that condition sheuht have
reported it, and be moved, seconded
.by Reeve O&llow, that no one should
borrow any of the fire apparatus. This
was carried unanimously.
of the gas bylaw wee teceived from A. MORE EXAMINATION RESULTS.
W. Cla.ia. - -
A cue ' ation f \Villi. Junior Matriculation and Entrance to
Chipman »tatevt 'Kitt he would re. Faculty of Education.
turn tr the Wert and coutnrence
the wuussystem at Chilton Further examination results have
alma August 11 anti after that date Tern published by the DePartwent of
F:duratluu during •Ihr east week. A
large proportion of the candidates
thro ighuut the Province have been
Junior Matriculattoa.
Following are the moues of those
h• liuderich ('ollegiette Institute
who have peered the examination for
jw iur
matriculation :
T. H. Cato, E. E. Dean, V.
Elliott, D. K. Finisysuu, N. Orabaur,
13. M. l,rppat'd. M. P. Mactiltttvt•ay,
O. J. McNiven, V. E. McDonald. T. R.
Psttrrw,u, D. M. Ryan. H. H. Towill,
N . H. \Vatter, U. 1. Waruoek.
The following names are of can-
didatee who have passed from other
crines iu Huron county :
W. J. Aikeultrad, R. Hall, 11.
E. A. K. Bratty, K. Hell, A.
M. .Barker. J. C. Bowiusn. J. H.
('.tutelon. N. fluid, 1. A. Coombs, K.
L. Collins, A. M. Clarke, M. 1..
I oieturo, O. K. Cruickshank, U.
l'ruickshatik, A. T. Davidson, W.
Doherty, J. S. C. Dicksuu, K L.
Durrsnce, E. Evans, H.IF'ear, E. M.
Feyfioglr, T. E. Govenlock, W. P.
J. (irate`, H. A. t n\\'eve, . Holmes,
E. Hill, L. Hu.lgrt•t, V. M. bard. F:. I.
Wester, U. W. Jordan, B. Kay. J. 0.
Iwekie, F. li. IAldiaw, S. McKercber,
11. ale
t' ,oto• W. . Mc1'rKK
art A. hl.
. >i
would arrange to visit Ooderich to
wake a report un the sewerage system
or the town.
A (equibition from the (i. 1,. 1. trus-
tees for itJ.11.0 for L'ollrgiatc 1)100.w*1
was sent to the Minuet. committee.
Hou. W. Pugsley • secretary iwk-
nowledgeti the iuvilatien ell the towel
f.or the Miuirter at Public ‘Voris to
dish tt.Nlrrteh. Ali. Pueblo. is at
present in Ihr Went.
The a p e c i a 1 couinlit ter r•e. aLF
mended that the eouununicetiun
of the medical health officer with
reference to an iruletiun hospital be
[`hired hack fur it rec.anutrudatiou
it to a suitable ioc.tt'ion. The retort
WAS rdupttd,
The fly.. co (lee rrcumuneudrd
Ihnt three lanterns Iw urlrssel for
the tire department,. and that the r••
quest of the (ire cotupauy for 'saber
gouda be granted: The report war
The pulite works committer recon'.
mended: 'Khat t he matter of the
separate school sidewalk be referred
to the engineer for it report ; that an-
other car of Winchh
sewer tile he
ordered ; that the bylaw in regard to
cleaning up the dock after the unload-
ing of teats be enforced. The culm-
t e• reported That it
was looking
rw t r
lulu the iquestion of watering the Middleton, I. U. Mnrcbaod, A. L.
streets on the frontage and assessment 11a1.tin, J, A. McMahon, A: Mackenzie,
system. The report was' adopted. M. A. Menlo, 1. H. Mu(olland, F. L.
Thr,flnaricecommittee teeouluendeal Murphy. R. S. MCH.trne W. J. -Me-
that u Iwr of aceuunt, iw paid: Lean, H. O'Neil, J. M. Or icher, J.
[hint tlnty s tercnunt for repairing the K Pethic•k, J: F:, Porter, N; Piact rr,
wetter wagon be returned it. an ex- U I.. Rohl, C. l'. Rance, 1. . Rowe,
mite charge ; that the account for te Roberts, 1. S. Robe tson. S. Stubbs,
t.-pwirimit hydrant be sent back to the 1. Stoll, W. H. Sault 0, T. ander*,
eowininsion : that the accounts of Thr t . Short, L. M. Snell, . K. Stewart,
Signal and 'rbc Star in connection (', AI. Sadler, P. L. Stewart. C.
with the gas bylaw to referred to M. 'llrlrvan, T. l'. \Nilson.
(1. Casen,n fur settlement. The re- Eouance to Faculty of
1)011 was adopted.
The court ut recision reported the
following changes : Re' C. P. K. taxes
tm ielneire- -Eased... F,-- that- under - thy
`•ire stances the 1'. P. H. pay the
n1 ighti tl tax, phis ten per eent. ail-
clitional each year np ut hits as
aliment in full ; that the bacljwan
Estate iur charged four sidewalk in
front of one lot only, as per arrange-
ment : that 11 is. Bissett'» et rears of
taxes be remitted ; that Neil Murray'`
&events of taxes he retnitt.d : that
Cohn Mnrray w arrears, except ilaaf
[rices, be remitted.
Reeve (tallow suggested that it
would bea gooxd Thing to have Muwe
addrrtising pamphlets .1 Ihr town for
di.tri u tion to visitors off the pea-
senger beam, and suggested that views
ot the town might he 'framed end
placed un the boats. `This was sent tel
the speei.il, committee..
The matter of cleaning ant the
triangular plot.' of grass that form at
the intersecttott nt atrrets vette deferred
to the public works(ter to re-
port un.
'rhe possibility of having the. new
sewers filled in level instead of having
et high ridge of esrtirtibwn the 'street
was something that the public works
committee tun. asked to report on.
A broken block of the ferment gide-
walk near the jell was mentioned by
C •illor Munniugs, and it was de-
cided or notify Cwttrac•tor. Anthistle,
of a number of breaks in hie work.
Mr. Manning. also mentioned the Dresden, (Int., Aug. W.-(8pecialt.-
nee•d of the ruttiltg-of the thistles on Used up with inflammatory rheum*.
the river batik, and it wee decided to tietu and goat, Mr. W. 0. Cragg, a
referthis to the officer.. to enforce the prominent merchant and ex -reeve of
law, this town, could hardly get around to
'rhe council adjourned at late hour. hit duties in the store. Now he's as
smart and active am ever he was, and
_1when asked what brought stout the
cuter hi' answers - pmmpTf►�,-"MAW'
Kidney Pills."
"Dodd's Kidney Pille cured me slick
and clean of rheumatism," Mr. Cragg
says. "It was the inflammatory kind
i had and It troubled me for right
years. I tried everything, but got no
relief till I began to use Dodd's
Kidney Pills. 1 used only ■iz boxes
of them and now 1 am cured."
The following list gives the . names
Id the studeate from lioderich
Collegiate-_lnsjilete who _were suc-
eessfltl in the examination fur entrance
into the f.u•uity of education :
Melville O. Andersen, part 1. ; Don•
std M. (lark, part H.: W. -0." Lavery.
part 11. ; H. M. l.eppard, part 1. ; J. B.
W. Ling. part 1I.
From other examinatioe centres in
Huron county
1. E. Agnew, part fl. ; -A. Re.
Arehittald, part I. honors, part 11, s.
J. C. Copp. part l.: J. E. Currie, part
H. ; P. L Davis, part 11.: H. V.
Dobson, part II. ; M. Duncan. part 11.;
H. T. Elcuat, part L ; E. H. Olenn,
ppeert II.; O. E. -Coble. part 11. ; C.
Horan. part 1., part II. ; R. F. Kitty,
part 11.: J. F. Lucas. part 1.
W. F. Liuklater, part IV, teachers;
F. A. May. part 1. ; K. S. McBeirory,
ppart 11.: W. J. McLean, part
11, ; J. W. Peck, part I. H. U.
Pugh. part 11. ; . O. M. Ross, part
1.: V. A. Ross, part 1., part II.; 1), H.
Stewart, part 1. honor+, part n. ; E.
C. K. Stoneman, part 1.: R. G. Scott,
part 11.: J. H. Stoneman, part 1.:
Tbtuupsoo. part ..L. ( L.
Treleaven, part i1.: 0. E. Tees part
I1. ; J. C. Willson, part I1._
That's How Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured
W. G. Cragg'* Rheumatism.
The followingarticle on the mission-
ary summer w:hool at St. Thomas, is
contributed hy one who was there
from this district :
The weeoncl missionary summer
scboot at St Thotuas was it splendid
suri•esw. There was a good increase in
attendance over laet year. Alma
College with its tine chapel, spacious
hulls, comfortable sleeping and rating
apartments, -convenient etas. [+strata
and beautiful campus
facilities for tennis, bas et ball,
``[Blurt and bowling is an ideal place
for it summer "reboot. Dr, and Mrs.
Warner and their stall emptied ex-
cellent meals and left nothing undone
for the comfort ut all in. attendance.
Everything was conducted with
promptnessandharmony. All rose,
wept to meals and to the sessions of
the school at the sound of the gong.
and the efficient president, Rev. O. N.
Hazen, B. A.. in hie usual- kindly way
saw that no speaker infringed on the
time of another.
Thr first hour in the morning was
spent in devotion and in listening to
it series of practical and inspiring
talks by flee. .1. K. Patterson, of
Brantford. Then the school broke up
inter five classes end for an hour under
able and devotes'teacherw studied the
hums• luiseiuu problem. using as ti
text ; look "`Strangers Within Our
(lutes." Then ramr,An lour for the
study of method., epeneed by twti in-
spiring talks by Rev. W. H. Graham.
H. A., and continued by Rev. F. 1..
Farewell, H. A., in it series of teerlia-
tuents in Which the most. up-to-date
and approved methods of dealing with
the Missionary problem in the Sunday
sett/.1s and i• pwortii Leagues were
ably presented. Then came 'e terit s
of Bible readings by Rev. F. E. Mellott,
B. A., in which the life and work of
Paul, the first great uriarliuuary, was
presented in a most ahte and interest-
ing manner. The morning session of
f hone.' close attention and hard
study waw closed by it tor:y•mintte
platform address.
'1'h.• lettermen' watt spent in
recreation end in , heart-searching
devotional meetings rundurted chiefly
by I)r. end Mrs. Stephenson, in whit•h
the young people faced in real eat moo
the great question, What will 1 do
with my life? Many of them resolutely
determined that theirlives were to he
given in noble, self-sacrificing nenn-irr
or Gutt and humanity. The evenings
were *Pent in listening to platform
addresses by our missionary leaders
at Minn. and stinted.
'rhe spirit of Christian friendship
and sociability that prevailed Wes
very enjoyable and the privilege of
friendly ronversation on lire's proh-
lems at steal time. on the campus
and et all hours except tho*r spent in
classes and et addrtersrs and lectures,
with such persons am Rev. .1. L.
Mtewnrt, It A., anti Mrs. Hatt well, of
China. Rev. 1)r.- McKenzie end Rev.
Ono, of Japan, Rev. Mr. !feisty, Drs.
Stephenson, anning and Sutherland,
was a great hireling and inspiration
to every young person attending the
school. The benefits of this arhnnl
are apparently not known to our
itaston and penile generally, test as
they heroine aware of them we preficf
increasing attendance from year to
year, and we believe the school Is
destined to become a great retitre of
evangelistic and missionary influence
in the London end Hampton Con.
terenc se.
For riuumatism it Is not necessary
to pito Hot Springs. Just use ''The D.
Gage ! I.." Menthol Plaster and moults will
(abed to the Qname aroani1ttee, be satisfactory. Mc. et druggists.
A torsed acceptance of the terms Davis! Lawrence Co., maautacturers,
Roads Machine Co. Bylaw:
The reading of the bylaw to gnaran
teethe bonds of the American .Road
Machine Co., Ltd., of Canada, was
another matter that occupied A good
deal o1 time. Two readings were
given in rouneil and the bylaw was
considered in conunittee of the whole,
where two changes were `rade. One
ehange WAS to the effect that the pro-
portion of the valuation of the plant
on which the company amid secure it
bond guarantee as the plant was twettos
placed in the factoryshould be INI
per tent. instead ,orf t3 ler rent., Ihis
tieing nearly the proportion of the.
total loan to the total required vale
ation. The other change was in sub-
stituting the name of A. Straiton for
that of 11. Tnfford in the list of
deputy returning uffleere.
The bylaw is published elsewhere In
thin hens', and thr vote will lee taker
on Saturday, September IIIb.
Othi r Basin-.
A petition for en electric light on
Bruns street, about midway between
North and Victoria streets, was re-
ferred to the water and light commit
A poStlon for a grant to the junior
band was I ly signed and wee re -
Readers Authorised for Sale Something
About Their. Contents.
Torontet, Aug. la -Thr four new
public school reader,' have been
Authorized for sale on the intersections
of Hen. Dr. Pyne, Minister of Educa-
tion. The primer will follow in a few
in making the announcement to the
Kew, Hon. Dr. Pyne said that the
new books henceforth are the only
authorized school readers.. With Dr.
IS J. Gogggin, the editor, the Minister
went briefly over the neatly printed
Having in mind the fart that the
children for wh they are intended
rangy from five to fourteen years of
age, the Gine has been to stake them
reading looks, rather than informrs-
tion isatkt. The teh.»l libraries are
to be equipped with the latter am sup-
plementary reading. "The reader,
are inspirational rather than informa-
tional," wee the way lir. Goggin pet
Well -desired lines have leen adopt-
ed in the choice of material. The
spirit of pearintiwm--differentiated
from jingurem- runts through the
•,vies, It is sought to cultivate
patriotic sentiment by including.
hietnrie rerorls et "deems done to
make the Empire grant and keep it
free." Poetry is prominent in this
cortnetion, and foremost scenes in
Canadian lite. Much attention is sumo
paid to nature and the seasons In
troth prose and poetry,
labor is given a place d'honneur.
Selections from Ituskin'w "Work and
%Vosgtes" and ('.arlyle's "Honorable
Toil have their place with Mark
Twain'* humor-me''Work-attd Play."
Sports are included in the selections,
and music is given , considerable at-
Many teles from the dimples find a
place and an interesting series of
Iteseien, Italian, French and other
national tales, the department, taking
the view that a .'tory which ham lasted
down the Agro beg worth in it. There
are Iwent •-there select.ione from the
Bible and many helpful extracts from
the old readers have been included.
Fruit Crop Report.
this year, not onlyunpplen bre on
really all other kinds of fruit as well.
It is reported from Ontario. Quote's
Nova 'Scotia. Prince Edward [aloud
and British Columbia. The black,
green and woolly specie` all seem
prevalent. A. an example of the
seri injury done hy this iusee•e, a
correspondeut titer the ease of an
orchard the fruit ut which usually
sells for SLUM, but which is practi-
cally worthless as the result of aphis
infestation. Ketoeene elnnlsion is •
good remedy to use when the foliage
{e uut,.and it will undoubtedly kill all
the aphis with which it rome•s in con-
tact. 1t is, however. very diflcuit to
teach the. insects which work on the
umnlereide of the loaves, distorting
thea[ su as to form protective pockets.
'1'he lime and sulphur wash applied in
the. early spring while the trees are
still dormant has Iwen found to he the
most effective remedy, end keeps the
insect iu control by destroying the
eggs. which are at this Brawn at
tachel to the twigs.
Steamer Silverland Makes Maiden
The Toronto World of Saturday last
had the following account of the
maiden trip of the "Silverland," land" the
new steel -hulled steamer built fur the
Hailrybury Navigation Co. hythe
Duty Engine Works ('o.. Lt, of
Uodeuich. The hull was built in
Toronto, and the machinery woe the
pre,duet of the Ooderich Newry. The
Wurld'e item was AS follows
With much pomp and eplendor, the
•'Silverlaud," Haileybury's new boat,
steamed from the deck yesterday on
her maiden trip. About tine hundred
passengers. all invited guests, were
abuatd, and as the boat sailed down
the lake at the rats of fourteen miles
au hour against • heavy bead wind,
a picture of the progressiveness of
Northern Ontario Was struck that
could scarcely be forgotten.
Last summer when South Lorrain
was in its infancy the boat teervice to
the camp did not satiety some of the
wort discriminating of the camp's sup-
porters, and as A conseiuener an Agi-
tation was put under way for a new
boat. In a dew days s rnmparty war
formed and a small boat purchased
to make the run. So great was the
success of this boat that • large steel -
hulled steamer was ordered built, and
the "Silverland" is the result of these
The boat was built by the linty En-
gine Works of Ooderieh, and was their
first attempt in Northern Ontario.
The "Silverland" is a credit to their
efforts a seise
hter the best
steamer in the byorth today.
Although one hundred people were
aboard yesterday, she was in no
way crowded, and should carry double
that ler with ease.
On hoard yesterday anis Mr. Doty
of the shipbuilding company of that
name' and also a Government ship
inspector. The •1411verland" came
through her inspection with flying
colors, and willrl nmediately he put
on the run to South Lorrain, making
two trills a day where the other boats
made but one. She is equipped with a
fore-and-aft eonspound engine, and is
capable of making a speed of fifteen
miles an hour at the least.
The:steamer is brilliantly illuminated
by electric lights, and the latest and
most up-to-date equipment has been
installed throughout.
Manager A. Is. Way is deserving of
• great deal sf credit for the way in
which he handled the ceremony yes-
terday, and if his enterprise is con.
tinned into further workings of the
company, as it surely will be, success
wttt ehtne nn the tiatteyhirt7 nage-
tion Co.
Early in 8eptemlwr, the members
of the Ontario Legislature have
planned a trip to Northern Ontario,
and the "Silge,iated" will doter *hare
of the entertaining by taking the
party to South Lorrain and other
points of interest on lace Temiskam-
ilia fruit crop report issued by the
Department of Agriculture, Ottawa,
dated July Met, says in t•efrrenre to
district No. 2 tinrtnding the lake
Huron eonnOrm):
Apples There has been very little
change in the apple prospects for this
dietriet during the putt month, other
than that arising from the usual
"drop." Early varieties ere reported
light to medium: fall verietiee, rued
sum : winter varieties meed' to full
er,p. !Spier and Golden Ruseets
promise • melinm'lc, full crop: Green•
mg. and Kings a mediutn crop : Bald -
wine will be light to medium.
Pere -Both early and late varieties
are reported light to medium.
Plum* will he fairly plentiful in all
actions with the exception of British
Columbia, white the crop is light
Among genets) notes the bulletin
The •phM kelt hese sioosealiy active
To the Editor of TM Menai.
Stn, --I received a letter from the
secretary of the Huron 11. A. regard-
ing the communication of a Mt. Helens
correspondent inyour issue of July
15th. He thinks that the article has
left the impression that the officers
and committee knowingly and wil-
fully turned down nertnbers of 8t
Helens 1l. A. who deserved prizes at
the late county match, and Alen that
members received those prizes know-
ing they belonged to others. He also
states that if lit. Helens R. A. had or
has any Rrievapre the proper way was
to have it scut to the officers of the
Association. This was certainly the
proper way to do. But 1s there much
satisfaction in doing that, when the
prizes are awarded and handed over ?
Are they going to call in those
wrongly .weeded prizes and hand
them over to those to whom they
belong ?
The proper way was to he sure that
lists were right before prizes were
given out. This is all that any mem-
ber of lit. Helens K. A. finds fault
with. They do nut nor ever did think
that it vias wilful on the part of
officers, or that any member received
a prize that he knew did not helloing to
him. But they do biome the officers
for not considering St. Helens score
list at all, because there woe- no one
'interested [.here to bring it before
them. As stated in the article referied
to, it was mentioned at the meeting
when the question of tyro list was
spoken of that 8t. Helens and Lochalsh
teams were all tyros. This could very
enmity have been verified bymany of
the members present and aso by some
of the officers who were there to the
end of the meeting and who knew
St. Helens team bed gone home.
Captain lit. Helens R. A.
8t. Helens, Aug. 11. 1ir41,
Toronto Aug. 2S -(sept. 13
London gept. ift-18
Walkerton (dept, M. 17
I1.istowel [sept. 21 'l2
Kincerline *pt, 2.2, 'Li
Pt. Marysqe t, 21
Zurich Sept. 22, 29
Lucknow.. Sept.. •LY, 24
Milvertmt ttttpt. Zt, 24
Stratford Sept 28, 29
\Vinghant Sept. 2S, 21
Godard. ........ .... Sept. zg, 29, 30
BniseeM, . Sept. 711, Oct. 1
Kirkton Sept, Iii, Oct. 1
(iorrie Oct. 2
Myth 11
Parkhill Oct, u 11
Teeswater....... Oct. fi, fl
Dungannon ....... .. .... Oct. 7, ft
RnwARD Rennin'? HALE. -An im
portant feature of Woman's HOMO
mpanion this summer Is the
ReminMlxnees of the late venerahle
Edward Everett Hak. The August
issue contains, in place of the regular
month) chapter of the Reminiscences,
the publication of which comseneed
before Doctor Hals'sdeath, • beautiful
Bargain Sale Continued 1
ALL I2ic PRINTS 10c.
Heavy -weight Flannelettes, ,;6 inches wide, a special lot, loc. They are
value for 12yl', mill ends, a great bargain.
A big drive in 36 -inch -wide Black Coating Silks.
12 C Ginghams for loc.
iso Ginghams for itc.
No Goods Charged at Sale Prices.
tribute to the eminent writer and
minister by his personal friend W. H.
McElroy., .
Burns, bite., bruises and boils.
Davis' Menthol Salve will soothe and
heal them all. tic. • tin at druggists.
"You can say all the slighting things
you please about my•headwear," says
Mrs. Whopper, sarcastically, "but it's
no'worse for me to have a hig hat In
the afternoon or evening than for you
to have a hig head in the morning.'
Avoid alcoholic. and capsicum tonics
which hear hair and wrap. t'se
Beeartne, a tear's grease pomade.
which feeds the roots and maces hair
Claim Against Senator Rau.
Toronto, August 7. -A moot inter-
eatirrg writ against Senator Valentine
Ratz has been forwarded to Ottawa for
service. h7
Fisher and Ball.
Alliston, Ont. The plaintiff L Abra-
ham Merner, and the novel claim
made is for compensation for services
rendered insetting a Senator to make
way for the appointment of the de-
fendant, Senator Rate. Senator Rats
was appointed during the last session
of Parliament- The full particulars of
the claim are not yet available, but it
is understood that the plaintiff is i
relative of the late Senator Sterner.
Lost Energy
Restored by Psyching.
Mr. Geo. Pratt, of Clarkson, Oct.,
seri: " Four years ago my son Wilbert
was se run down, thin and emaciated,
that we thought be was going into a de
dine and feared be would never pull
tbroogb Ibe severe cold of the winter
months. The boy bad no appetite and
seemed a have lost W energy and inter
est in life. He was altogether in astrikty
bad shape_ His cotditloo caused as the
gravest anxikettyv
• Fortunately 1 procured PSYCHINE
tor him and Ibis soon gave biro s sew
lease of life. It is really remarkable hew
rapidly this splendid medicine brought
about a change. Aber taking one or two
bottles be was hodty recognizable as the
sstne youth. PSYCHINE effused a
speedy cure and be was soon able >• weft
about on the hem again. Tedar be is a
rebut_ osae tai ow, aaa fr
aa bks brothers Notkdae-1a IA.
man war a
bare wort somas so affect kla. II
saved oar bea tut e noloa rasa elides."
Prevents the Andrea taking cold, wade
off that terrible malady La Grippe sad
completely fortifies them against disease.
It should always be u;ed for colds, s
grippe, we rioess, loss of appetite, etc.
Send to Dr. T. A. SLOCUM!, Unshod,
Spa _ins Ave, Toronto. Sold by alldreg-
gistt end dealers, SOc sari 31.00.
C....4!".:* i1 11 T
Shri'.1'tjk lrjlit_ji►J13111:"Ie"i :1
Picnic and Camping
Let n* lit you out
with the provisions
ter your summer
outing. We know
just what you want
and have the right
goods to supply your
nada, whether 1t be
only for an after-
noon picnic de for a
month's camping.
For the people wbn
stay at home we
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
and everything in the line of
Omoeries that is gond.
Sturdy & Co.
'nose 9t. West side Squire
to new subscribers for the remainder ot 1909
ass�� al
To make things liven
during the quiet season I
am offering special induce-
ments in'
These are extra good value
at the regular price, but
during August I will make
A Ten Per Cent. Discount for Cash
Geo. Johnston'*
Dog Show
Sept. zo-i8
Cat Show
Gia ch s v e is I n p. visit Loadoe's Fair over all Railway
Prise Lists, Retry Posse, Prograstass, W all intoris•ttoa free
W. J. RKID. President A. M. HURT, Ileoreter'y
Talking About Buggies
it you are thinking of buying a new Buggy this year,
we should be to have We
pleased a talk with you.
handle the hest Buggy on the market-
•�. TIE
C / i/L
IM ,,mai etA►.
`1/:_`.., tttA
go aiimars. tr:
`e GadII'`N� \
The NOP modem are dandies. Let us show you the Ane
points of the new Buggies we have just placed in stock.
N. B.-1 have taken the agency for the McCormick Imple-
ments and can now supply Seeding and Harvesting Machines
manufactured by this weII known company to anyone desiring
flist•class Farm Machinery.
W rh. Knox,
Newgate and Hamilton Streets, Godsrich.
Dog Show
Sept. zo-i8
Cat Show
Gia ch s v e is I n p. visit Loadoe's Fair over all Railway
Prise Lists, Retry Posse, Prograstass, W all intoris•ttoa free
W. J. RKID. President A. M. HURT, Ileoreter'y