HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-8-12, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERIOU ON TA ItlO
TuuiuloAY, Ai uusT 12, lent 3
bound or repaired.
Ull orders promptly attended W mi lord Mg
1,41. T' KMUNAi.,Uuderlch.l
A. K. '1'AYI.0R, KritsrlIIsu)
:' N•)It'l'H Winn I.ANIJ 1440.1Wt.ATIONis
Auy person who is the role head of a family,
any mule over ,n years old may homestead
a quarter *tion of av Nlrblo Ilululuiun land In
Maultuba, Saskatchewan ur Alberta. 'rho
applleaut u,u.l rppner h, lwrwu at the houdu
loll laud, Agency or Mob Agency fur the
die Irirt. Eutry by proxy way be made at any
Nemo., on certain conditions, by father,
much.,, sou. daughter, bruther ur ,deter of
hdeudlug homesteader:
Dutise Si,wuutb'. resldemce upon and
ruhrealiun of the laud 11, earl. of threeears.
A howdeader way live within nine roller of
hia homestead on a Mrs of al least 841 scree
defy owned and occupied by btu. or by Els
father, mother. eon, daughter, brother or
lit certain dtalrlcts a homesteader In good
standing way pre-eulpt a •1urrter-reellou
alungsi e his hwue,(e*d. Priam $ilu per acre.
[tidies Mud reside six 11m01 ho 11. etch of six
1,011*' from date of howesl.ead entry lincludiur1gg
the time required W earn howest.oad patentl
and rani, ate fifty w're• extra.
A homesteader who ha, exhausted Els home -
.teed t-Iht and cannot obtain a preemption
stay talcs * purehaaod huwe.toad in certain
district... Pricy atm per acre. Dulles -Must
tealde six months In each of three ye*rs, cultl-
f fty soros and erect a house wurU,
Ibpnt7 of the Minister of the Interior.
NA -Unauthorised Rabbi:shoo of this ad-
eriUsa.st will sot bs said ter.
Watchmaking, eto.
W A wt'1t yl A x.lt, .I t W K J.l.xa' merl5'J A N•
Mouth side of Square, Uoderich. U44
Civil Engineering
V aaa uydrauuc Engineer. Qatari* -
111110B McLean ((lock, Uoderlch, owner
stonweal sweet. Telephone 137.
ecus Of the Sistriet. Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures
- • Close Lower -Live Stock -
Latest Qualatlgns.•
Clintoe'r tax rate fur this year it '2.',
The rural rchoulo re -open next
Tumidity, August 170h, will be civic
holiday in Blyth. '
IC. Bender, a w(IU•knota merchant
of Blyth, 14 laid up with typhoid fever.
Fve4 t'weitt, of Exeter, haw been ap-
pointed principal of the PeoetaW--
gulitheue public school.
On Thurrday, 3M,h ult„ Mrs. Jacob
Latta, of Tucker -smith. departed thio
life in the liftysixth year ul her age.
- 0Isiselva Deletion, of . U ahlvu*iL
kicked by a horse and had his jaw
fractut•ed, narrowly escaping with his
The ratepayers of Exeter vote on
August ;NNE 041 a bylaw to raise
$2.*l4$) for r waterworks oysLetu .tor
the village.
The %urich Herald hal. passed itr
tenth atniveisary, The Herald is a
bright. neat paper and serves its
conatitueuey well.
1.S Win ham had he
Wn often of t
misfortune to fell and break the trine
of one of hie thighs. fie will be laid
up 101 several weeks.
The trustees of S. 8. No. N. Morrie
!Button's school), have engaged Misr
M. Fear as teacher for the coming
term, at a salary of SAW.
W. H. James, who has been manager
of the Crediton branch of the Hank of
Commerce, has been removed to
St.mwerside, Prince Edward island.
Postmaster Farrow. of Brussels,
completed twenty )•Furs of office
oa August lat. Fora mau of seventy•
seven years of age he is still active.
Win. Farrell, one of Turnberry's
moat e tewwl'd 1•esidente, died ou
3Ve dneeday, July Be.h, in his eighty -
'fourth year. He was a •11at1V1 of
K W. Jacobs, who has been
cuoductiug a burioesein clothing and
furnishings at Clinton for a few years,
initl busigers there.
(Thos. *Kenzie, of Clinton. • has
sseurea the untractJor the building
of the new (catholic church at Si.
Columhan.. The cburch'will be of red
Krick, II.. by lei feet.
Among the ufttcore who ' have
qualified in equitation an t result of
the examinations held «luring the
recent camp at Lyndon is Captain
Rance, of 4.10 :Ord Regituent.
Misollabkirk• of Brussels. has dis-
ppoesed other millinery tUsinees, Nihil
luwaa_ Leiug the purchaser. Miss
flebkirk and her mother will 71kelyy
remove to the West next fall.
Editor Kerr. of. The Brussels Pest,
announces that he has been twenty-
nine -years in charge of that paper:
tie io_still-ia-the pruneoflilt aod.goon
for several decades ot1r '.t wilrt:"--
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jan.
McBee, let lige of Morris. on Wednes-
day, .IuIy NJ31h, their' daughter,
Margaret, was united in marriage to
WVu1. H. Hilliard, of Rochester, N. Y.
The death of David Rint.)ul, of
1White.'burch, occurred on Saturday.
81st ult.., it. the Winghaut hospital:
of typhoid fever. The deceased wag
twentye�i tit Tears of age and wet.
The bays who took part in the Y.
M. C. A. camp at Iron Springs, on the
hake shore about eight miles south of
Ooderich, hied a good time, and plans
are in contemplation for a much larger
camp next year.
Mrs. Munn, McKillop toWnehip,
alippali On the art grass and one of
her lege was broken about six inches
from the ankle The accident is a
serious one, se Mrs. Nunn is over
seventy years of age.
Thr trustees of the-1%'hitfield public
school, 12th concession of (trey. have
engaged Miss ida Frain as teacher, at
a salary of $4111. Ruhr. Forrest, of
Morris, who has 1,een teaching in this
shod, talks of voinv to the Weil.
August 2nd, Tfiounte Dearing. At the
EvcnluK. Aug. s.
Clvt-rpuul wheat f.nures chased
1.,arr Corn. u,., hal a••d.
Chi, ago SeplrulbeI what closed 1101
lower, euro one Lang, d, and 00.1.11 Inc loWer
Winnipeg ,Options.
' Winnipeg dein:1'r wheal 51',.11 1Y,11 tett-
, r 1 a iv, 14c ),>,;1..-r,
onto (N•lul.er. ;1 Or,, i ,b'r Sc.
8511 at lktub r 14•c.mher mew, May
1'i I(I.
Toronto stain ert�Tro�ute:
"TORI)NTU, 40141,•:4'
gll.dallo l a el,' h. 10110*1:
cent. -
10'11, . 0.0,41d1all u•,I,111 401111, Nu 2. 4810a
'1'�•,,, mlo I,'-(rh1. Wad oats, 4754'.
11 :41, No 2. 41.1., Nu, ;i. sr 16)4, f.u:b.. lake
10.4(s. health. There is 01
11.,11'y \i w,, l'.• lu pee, ud, Leh'. Nu Kidney Medicine
:.1Wuh•1 i t 1!. ', ',,,,latiunx al- Toronto
urs: Frei Ir*, niece•:* to is v,, second
p:'t'n(s;' t :0 ler lo. 10 per *rut. paaenla,-
bid. '::sees,• ,• rr. 1•;6(.
, : I:. • - N 1041011.
e •01 .. Nus 2 > I v, 761,41- to 77%c, tra5a.
T „t.
\t ... N.rv: A•-wM•a4' )xc to $1..'out-
5u:.01* el p,ll'nte, .
,••Nano fkeur-old. *beat flour, IS on
l:. '1,41'01110'. n'w wheat flour for es -
:4, 1423.,oWsol.•
.51111 feed -M,., :e„ha bran, $='- to
1.. r ton;; shorts. L71. LO to 1241,0, track. To-
-1 4.w. Ontario L:Ju, r=10 141 bags. Snorts,
ago of eighty-three years, .The de-
ceased Wag hut•u 111 Deem:white,
England. and when 14wluty•feur years
of age caws to Canada, taking up
land on the fieirth con':es*ion o1
lltephen. After twenty years on the
farm he 1'ewuved W Exeter, where he
had since ferided. lie is rut'y.%ed by
nue .un :11(11 titter daughters, Ills wife
having died four year* inns. -
Local Option Bylaw for Tuckersenith.
At the last iiieNinfhT the noviirhip
enuuril of Tuckersluith a petition.
presented fit a previous alerting
lug . 111! IU.. of (1 1111;111
option bylaw was ltceepte , an e
necessary !dew are bring takers to
have x vole of the electors 410 the
question at the nluuieipal elecliune hu
January next,
Induction at Exeter.
The induction of Rev. Samuel F.
Sharpe. late 44 Alliston, 110 1111te1• 411
Coven Preateeteriau church, Exeter,
took place 041 Thursday afternoon
29th ult. '191e induction 0ertuou W '.
delivered by Rev. J. R. Menu, et1
Auburn ; Rev. E. H. 1awers, ui-
Butterfield, addressed the p.wtie• and
Rev. J. L. 441Ua11, of Myth. the cosign..
gat ion. Rev. <'olin F'letc
Thames Road, preeide(l,
Death of Mrs. McAJister, Grey.
A well -1(110%1i resident of (levy towv1
ship. in the person of Mrs. R. McAlli.-
ter, .died on the'S:ird tilt. at the home
of her son -in -Ian. Job King, of th* tar
cunbregiou of Grey, in her eighty
eighth year. The decea0ed was Hurn
Otte of the most danger•
nus and repulsive forma of
104115ry 1)1,4.4.c is
fur .81.1.E Dwldls tudncj
Pals aro Oat only cerutiu
cure. .in Urop.y the kid-
neys are actually danr'ned
tut,and the'wa11'1 ?slack
should.4r expelled d In the
Loren of urine. Rowse back
and hakes in the cells of
thellealLaadze thf Qat the
skin, Remove the SIlbii
whish plugs u . the drain.
Liverpool -Grain and Produce.
Lly ertten es Aug. $.-Wheat, spot No.
1*4 w,sles'n • winter, nominal; futures,
t;,i rids. yttady• `` 1t.._t1I1(01
M -,11,1,-,A
s a OA. 1. ,rn, eiot.'new 'Amo't-I'an
1.hrd (1 in Ual V. stuns, steady. r*. L44d; fu -
i .-rs uric*• S. fa La yd. 1x•1 13. 45,4.
'II.m.s, short cut. strung. 1>La dd. Baron.
. 1.' 1r bellies, strong, 144 Tury.w,tlre
lel kit?, flrnt, T• td. • •
iu 8(ot1a11d'and came to Canada w hen New York Dairy Market.
a young girt; living first near-afolitira(._--,tees_ - .
and later in- Hay towuship'tlefire rr•• .1. atprtr ,,.4, . , ne,3 e,,er,zte; -98-;;.•-. hr
ulovingto(lrry, she is survive.) h% •c (v(f.'ta1 pal ye,, creamery. 01115,3,
four suns and six daughters• nevem y to �'•' ; 1'11 111• r), Id ode to fine*n, k
set•enKrartr•rn . mid t hhy- 4 J Ivo ''h . 1'rwrsa tints w rp..i Ala u. a
Pk' 4•
vreat-gratehieldren. ,1,,...•, firm. 1,1” ipts.h; :: a'rt': full
:un m.lrlala, 14.11.05 to 132,.;.41u.. fair)'.
North Huron Telephone Company. 111.1' ; d..,, 100„1 I -.. prime, 1.14c ru 1l.•;
' The 'Vingbafi '11.t.rs buys : The ' uiu;,,ur b, [air, II11‘.c to 13c. satins, full lu
work of getting the charter for lbr 1st qa, ha sly *0 1.1>•, re'el(, 1(,Vd: slop
North Ilutvll I'tskphone Uu, ib being I•,-„,,schante used nearby learct'd. white, •
_ _. rotwity A„ p.,...olt L.t r,. , fano. :Se to 41:1C; Ju , tuft! to
The dela s have I 1 unavoidable, but” 6 mer(• l amt It r w r 01,
y1 ,. uta fou 1 D1.• , 1. to . ;II:,
it is now expected
th tin the cuu►:.c•of f:e,r� 1 Eel's ,I -.100n'and mixed.
al .w likitn the char will. be here 24. W x1' , w ,. . n. z i to
and the genera) rd for, gg or ection '''1R • �+. . --' 4"r"
r l e-
h0ldrr* will he sailed lor,lhu election " 'd'• 31c fo
of permanent directors, he new line
between Wiugliau, and I'hit,erhuleh - CATTLE MARKETS. •
is about co n,drled and wu 041 the Cables Strom Ho i r
line from Whitechurch to St' Auguc- B- 6 ..ready to Lpwer
tine will -he started at once, t\ie ex, ,.,et Chi.4e and Buffalo. -
pee ted that all the 10111(1 11rre. and 4 14 )NIa,N, x C Y-t.nl,4un e.u7 ,. for
number of mime will be completed he- 'au:•'Sae t1 11 "c.L4;.tu bloc t'_:1 n,. for
l uu..d.an etre, a. Ir. -".1 w It.l t; rc Ir,:; ra
fir8 wintry, ---- tot 1•. o f " •, -
Agrieultural Societies. .'ttlsf:cow;'-xv-'rt a s .1---y..).,11
- t, Kitts n and Rlr a repast e 1 cloth on ••'-
The annual report of the Agricul rel.; trade slue r olid 4,11I-101 T,:Tr:t, • c,n:
ducal Societies of Ontario has been
to rather larger ..dplti Top 114-4.01-4..141
q.,otr.l its 11'; .,'.uJ:iry. Lc, fu L•'4e'1er
teamed. It show* that the grants re. -.pots"
bulla, vc a• 1•Ne tier Ib.
ceived I1y emirate.. in thin e0tmty for ' s _.
Met year were as fo))ows:-East Huron,. Torento Junction Live `Stock.
21:3; Itowick. 8NI'rf ; BIyt11. )Sial : - TORONTO, .tug. 9.--R'c'; ih1., of live
ur�i'cii, $T221 1i:tynittd, *Inv; , I':*ter,-
SItMI ; Seafort11, 421:1 %Vent Boron,
g:33'l , Dungannon. *lot'; Turnlwtd•y,
4l9t : Kirkton, $1:.7. In addition the
folluwitrg 0ocietire received the
amounts named for• their springshows:
Sinitlt Huron, $:3' and $i'2 for nerd
fair; Blyth. $i and $17 for set'.1 Ltir" ',ilia ,At eayfium 44 , 41. `
Seaforth, $:1•). Feast Huron had a "'-BtrfcFers. -
membgship of SI; and pari in prizes Per bvfr bene +t .u4m,r4 04.44; at--• `.•r
lflwil Hawick, 4S mrlul,el•e, plaid 111.i1:17,:.!`'.!...3,11.1.1:,)" 1 ;n,. -r - , .., r
:317+i$-_xlrwbora..tlai 1 *1.ilia Lul.7.1141.1..",',41 s 1 r , h< • t l.. 4 1. , •
1(1:1 members, paid &GI; : Htyllrld. 1;2 '111 Serve -1004 f ' e i -
f q I Iu'. r ri ,_,.t t
Iuerute•re, paid$'Sft1.1. :Exeter, '211 ileum11 .0 to 1410, 1 ,t,..,„. . .1 • t, , -.
hers,, paid $1173 • Seafortl6, 11'2 mew IT.uirTPT'T1:R - �.,r.-,
hers. p►id $lewd t Nest Ilurun, 'SIJ a t... dd tut. I r
m.•usiwl., paid $"•115 ; Dutigaunun, ::J MiIkers a ,d rprir.don.
menlhere, lid $11711: Turlb•r 1101 A •t«w. auk• • . d
I ry' t,.mTyftoj:,e..1 1
.members, paid $Mill : 'Kirklou,',Ira - Veal Calves.
members. paid $:,•)7. There vas 11111.,. .1.,, 1
ri•a1 l aid• " ,- .7 nun.:i: 1 '
TILE' HAY FSELO. 'urntntr ft,.nu r, t•, •
mete, •
ii Planoptayfng, Theory, Harmony and
counterpoint. Pupils prepared for examine -
lions of Toronto Conservatory of M mile. Apply
at Thomsons Music Stere, Uoderich, Moeda!'
In (1intoo at residence of Mr. Alex, Maoken-
tie. Ontario streel-
iJ A.1'. Emmetwou, M. D.
W S. Tun:mi *.t. M. lis
-Moen Il*mtlton street. Phone 102.
Dr. Kmmereon ■ residence. North street,
Opposite lit. George s rhumb, 'phone ►en.
Turnbull's ra,idenoe, Montreal street -
Southwood of Public Library. *'hone t!N,
1)R. W. F. 11ALL.OW, M. B.
11111or and residence. North street, (aodmMrh,
north of eouety (t.gl.try Hoes, Telephone, tat
,r • ,.,ollrltor, notary. etc. Money to' lend at
Street, Goderich
-i. --$4 nal Mex, InnatorthSaturdays
and mondani.
?KR, solicitor. notary pub(1c. omee.-
ten street, Uoderich, third door from
L barrister*, solicitors, notaries public pet
tomb, the Maritime (7ourl, eta 041ee..",.t side
'Squire, next door C. A..N*Irien grocery. I'rl
rate funds t4
W. PROW/FOOT. Il. C. R. C. HAYS. U, F'
dLA1R •
, attorneys, solicitor. ate., Rods
rh, Yong to fend at lowest rates.
solicitor, oommle.loner, notary peer=c.
Hamilton street, Uoderich Ont,:
urance, Loans. Ete.
Y. .4, Ifert seer: Hamil street, liodrrlch.
Fins AND 1.101111111411: Hr11Wll,-arlad4All and
A01.;11/1114T SICKNaRR AND r.reu,d 'KA' LIAXII.
rte : The Ocean Accidentand naru,tee
_ •'ortloralial, Limited. of London, ;net.
1'In-1.1Tr AY14U1'AHAYTICE tk,YD. a I', )I,
Fidelity and 11111141,140.("011100.11y.
(Mee at reldenoe, nor'/meat corner o Vic
and *4b David's streets. I'hon 1714.
JOAN W. cRA1tllg, LIFE. P1
and accident Insurance. Agent for lewdly
mutual and Mock companies. Inauranoe lu I
linos effected on beet phew anilt at lowest rates,
('tel at odic*, corner West Strevi and square
or a.ldreas J. W. - CRAIU1F:, Uo erich, tint.
Nee .home 24
s U R A N C R CO. -Farm an isolated
town property Insured.
maters J. H. McLean, fres„ Klnpee 1', U
T. Fr,w.er, Vida -Pres., Hrucelleld P. 0
Thomas IC clayys, Sec. Treas., Meaforth 1'. 0
Directors -%Pin. Chesney, Seaforth ; John
0, thieve, Winthrop' licorice lisle, tierforth:
John lieunewels Dublin; James Evans. Heech-
woo,t ; John wtatt, Harlock ; Thos- Fraser.
Brurelold ' John H, McLean, Kippen ; Jas,
Connolly, L-u..ton, for Wast
J. W, Yeo, Holmexvllle, agent
Huron. Polley holden can pay amee„mentel
e nd stet their cards reoelpte,1at Toter t
Brown's.l'linton, or at H. H. l'u114 grwa ry,
Klnyetoo street. ()adore*.
*arrlat$e Licenses
Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
. AOL lioness, Oodertok. Oso
1) - ThI. well-known and popular Mand
oiler. Its patrons the teas service In shaving,
halraouing, stn„ ale• ladle; shampooing a
e ty. Only skilled hands employed.
' SAi a eoaags appreclatal H. u
l Anctione•rmtt
and general auctioneer. Offices on eolith
t . wkere he will be found at all times
lrasn not. -rying sales.. :Terms reasonable and
effort Isi0*1 10 Rive you aatisl*oUon,
A11, hranchnn carefully attended to. Fain
einem, lire stock ,ales, real emtele and merchan
dice sales made anywhere. W rite fa date or
cell and talk It over with
Cleo. Beckett,
Hamilton street, Goderich Ont.
Telephone No. toll
He Was Not Mercenary.
She. "Ho many Wren nowadays
marry fir money. You wouldn't
marry me for money, would you,
clearest 1'
Ho (ahaently)--"No, darling, 1
wouldn't marry you for all the money
In the world."
Sb -•b, you horrid, horrid wrstchr
who until a few years ago was a
resident of Hen.a14, occurred suddenly
at the home of his father-in-law,
Jae•ob Lott*, near CbiseUrurst. Death
was evidently -.due to heart disease.
The death of Donald McGregor. son
of Mr. and Mrs. Alex, McGregor, of
the nth concession of McKillop, o,•-
eurred on the'2ud inst. in his thirty-
fourth year. 'last winter the deceased
tool. a (severe cold, which developed
into consumption. -
At the age of fifty-seven years. Thies.
J. Elliott, of W inghanl, pasee•d away
on Wednesday, July .e4th, a victim of
neer. He had been a resident of
"ngham for over s quar'te'r of s
c1' tury. His wife, one son and two
daughters survive.
Wm. Pollard, an old resident of
Grey township, died on Sunday, July
lith, at the' Mime -elf his daibg�h1lt0t,
Mrs. Newton. McCauley, Brussels, in
his seventy-eighth year. Deceased -was
horn in county Clare. Ireland, and
came to Canada in early manhood.
Mrs. - Russell, wife o f Rey. A.
1,.'RuNeen, recently of Wroxeter, died
while on a visit to her daughter in
SL Paul, Minn. She was well known
in Huron, her husband haying had
sevens, appointments in this county.
The remains were brought W London
for interment.
A teani of horses belonging to Hill
dt(tCo.. thee,, contractors for the new
bridge at Crediton East, were
frightened by an automobile and ran
over the embankment, one of theta
being killed and the other badly rut
up. The team heal been left standing
on the road without a driver.
Richard Penho.te, of the Bronson
line, Stanley, has refitteed word of the
sudden death of his only sister, Mrs.
Williatn L Laing, which occurred un
July dltth at the home of her son at
Odessa, Washington. The deceased
was formerly Miss Mary Penhale, and
was born in Stanley fifty-eight years
ago. 4.
On Thnredey morning of last week
Myrtle, eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. 4'. MCM,th, Clinton, diod•,at
the age of seventeen years and fife
months. She had been ill for several
months. Mlle was a Aright, winsome
girl. and the sympathy of their friends
will. be extended to the bereaved in
then hour of effteetinn.
The home of Mr. mill Mrs. Chas.
Thom, of Zetland, has been bereaved
by the death of their youngest daugh-
ter, Olive Ferns, aged fourteen year4.
Besides the parents a i'rothrt, \Vm.
H., of Colborne. and -six sisters Mn.,
Jones, of Colborne : Mrs. Campbell, of
Brantford ; and Mulles Emma, Carrie,
Laura and Alberta --survive.
Hugh Hamilton, an old resident of
%Vingham, died on Thursday, 20th ult.,
at the age of sixty-seven years. Mr.
Hamilton was born in Scotland and
came to Canada in infancy with hie
parents. He lived for many years in
Turnherry,moving t0 Winghanl
twenty -air Plary ago. He leaves a
widow, two daughters and four sons.
There died in Kroner on Monday,
vlihat Mer Gentian:
51(14, N,n•i'h• 55.45 in the jewellery
store. ••11*re :use some IIOW souvenir
sppra0114s we have just got in,” said the
'h•tk, placing a tray for her inspection.
"4 111, aint t hose h ively!•' she exclaimed.
"t tarsi .have 4nnirrwe-'tfunt' ! Orit-
.•ook makes such Iur 'l)' Aurvefuir,"
A Resourceful. Tailor.
7741••• ltytn _,11 quo,
.meet. The Nrst Isddh• .ti1u•ulerd
11i1114:01 110 the bent lllihn in the world.
The *re,uul1 5U,j/1L..s J hon- with a
hoard inset abet'."The best tailor 111
the *11115'l'10'," and ihu'Kht he had
.m1•,140 'u11•v bl„'k. d 1Iso path t.f
Number Three. 1t,lt :\ulub.•r 'There
merely. printi'd up •• The heat tailor in
the 1tleel.- and his ad5ertisenieut got
I l.1• t rude.'
A V*:ancy.
A clergyman hal been preaching tel
sehd 11w•s " i'..... -ere .le -wee ,.4,r,,
tiro). I:al1,.,), .1I1111.1111i.114•41,
0.4454 b', "w' 41111 111/1114.0 fl • t1 few
litmetizsat tin• prophets. ' feces err
1in'Mai ,r 1st ople•t0, lulu IC iuiuor
1/11-i,11e..,:111,1 I h,ve is,Jerr mi•Ih. Now
what hire.. shall .1'11'1 Val 113.0 ?'
"Oh,"said a vole',' film the buck ref
ih4_chrude. "Jeulutat 01)1 11ay.• toy
pl:,re, I'tu {;ming LIN ,.
1 or ile Keep
a „Litue Digester"
Mr. Glass' • , of Toronto, wrote us on
;Bs_tiaiu la is iisuicil:+i-CQ r
Church St., Toronto. -
Dear Sir , -
.1 w' 1 you would send me another
box o your "Little I)igeaters". A11 the
me • •rs of w'y family have been 'sing
the and have obtained the most mitis-
ory results.
I congratulate you on your success
patting up a tablet fur the cure of
1ml,ge•'tion. 1 suffered f..r years and
teed everything that was recommended
to me. edetic; gave me re -lief, uutft
„w 1 never ••eller Itotif Tfiaig.-ti•,n.
1 enj•'v nn' [lents amt am not afraid
to eat, )xcali o 1 kiwi* a "Little Diges-
ter" aft -•r each meal will .!*gest n* food.
I recefutretal them to all my friends
with suffer'frnut Indigestion and would
further say that you ma) publish the
.1x400 .1 i ".. oats I len..: there are
thousands of people suffering from
Indigestion who will be glad to know
(there is a safe and sure cure for them. •
Veaurs very truly,
(Sia: nedi. E. S. GLASSCO.
"Little Digesters" cost 25 cents at I
your druggists. or by nail from Coleman
Medicine (n., Toronto. se
today were 100 cars cot..tsting of
2151 cattle, 250 sheep.' 2y cels at and
Prices •.t Px;.,,:t n.-:- 1.,'
-am to have 1.. �, ,1. ti. 111 .1 -
those cold sot' c nt 14'o,,
1, .,.n.
Sheep and Ls bit.
With slender arms outstretching in Export ea. a sold 1.r., 1 ti
cwt.: - n,s. fr.-so $:'AI 1 • !) .1„ p .cud
501e.run t tom
1r t, $r.
The grass lies dead;
Thr wired tells tenderly, and stirs not .t, -t,1:,
ole • e, 1' sr,.1
Frail, fallen head.
ten., d.
1 ►.
Of baby creepings through the April
Where streamlets trend,
ui childlike dancing on the breeze of
e -
• 1 101 tNoirge• t ' 1l j'.':1*1 •et
1.,, b., . , .1.0,17
Murd I Live Stock.
.1 -4.0 .'ah'. x
1'or 1!.' ,1. •.k. 31' , . s1'.'a•p and
,. ... t•!. c•,. ,-..es and 7 ,r Iterelt,t.
.1 '1l.,;11 ••4 lradn,{ .1.,., 1•r'1••'x wrr'
,l (T, •:.r nYfart ' ser. Sr 1 .51,•1' trteere
' 1 -,t 1-. m'dluni. 44 S• .1'. 1 •miosis
e• w .,ie•., 14:' ,,,t4, . i.•
1: +_ ::5: bull-. ft S, t•. it:S
' • Pi ,Lr,p b «.,'.l 13
old at C.: to ?1741 ,11,4'
East Buffalo Cattle Market.-
' - T 1 I i'1'A1.O, Aver -^ .•:.tele 1;e-
4 " . ad; g1W>l, m 1,v, and IQ- to
.rin/0411.1y.prig..' tr-r'*,
�, 1:• •
,/0411.1y. ''t,, R;'11.7.r teal;' Iutlln,s,
5, L.is" a/tr11n6s, lir !r -i. lvl('I,-
to F, •. -eon's, 33 t F Buhl. 1:i to
etc 1. - ao 1 f .:) *3:; 1„ $t J.
k hors - LIZ 1 t1 fresh core ami
*rs_ .. • :Ld c_A0/a _L'
to_ Sa_lb' • fig.._ 12(
Ir -1 •,.'pts, -_URN 1.. ,
.,..1 111 '.. 1x.3.
I --4s.. lti.•.,c1Ats.wee, lir d; ill>w., I'..' I
• 'ph,- Nb -r., Seto 10c r v Lca.> ,•
.1, 1.4141 mia-d, '�.t. 40 tui t Irk
A 1' iT,:,, p to 7A = r ,'•1w. s 1 8,,
1-:1^; 'friss, 11' to 11,50. • .(.,n 1.1.' •:.'::vs
-al Se tom
Sheep atld Tombs - Ise. 1• t.
_ttcc:_*Lt::t1 _4te�a_lty�,a•»•.,.
to 407 ;3• v,• ,,'' ,. • .
1/7"75; wet 61.1•, h, . �'-.: ,-u:, -+1, 11 :..' Ir
ah, et., mixed, r to f3 • /
;New York Live Stock.
This is the end.
Nu more these tiny 'forms are bathed
111 dew, ' '
No nlur0 they reach
Tu huh) with (caves that 'bade thew
frein the blue
A a hi p erld speech.
Nu more they part their arms, and
wreathe them close
Again• to shield
80111e lalye•tull little nest ---a dainty
house .
Hid in a field.
For them no [tore the splendor of t11
The lair delights •
Of moon and ear shine,. glimmering
_suint and warns_
On summer nights.
Their little lives they yieid to sum-
mer death,
Aerriao 11ta fieldbereaved_ grit dying
is brought to me. * .
-Etbelwyn Wetherald.
The Experience Is Great.
The nem who are going to make the
Moot -money Mit of this -Country. ars
not thc.tpetl who are doing the pioneer
work. 1 know many good, honest
hard working fellows, who are work-
ing themselves ragged and hungry be-.
cause they are not in right. At the
outset all were jubilant. Money jin-
gled in their pockets; equipments
were complete; --stye- and families at
home were content to see them go
away for a *11110 to the Land of Pro-
mise; stories of 'nen Its green as they
in the bush experience having made
their pile were continually on their
minds. The moment of their disen-
0/ointment is at hand.
It takes a groat deal of money to
ascertain what most minis* proposi-
tions ire worth. (companies or syndi.
cater. must be formed to develop and
aline, anti usually after the formation
of there Mr,, Prospector, after reedy-
' 1g his one-fifth share of the five of
t1 Woman., dollars that his backer
r0 'ted from the syndicate. titre
pr•rc,Cris to blow in the resell et is
seaao 'r work or goes back Hill lo.
cut's Airlie 4'here else. I doh't, want
to distantearn. anyone from confing 10,
nor Ido 1 feel 4414.• tieing 100 optimistic
ever their 4oming. Quartz mining is
essentially a. riot. man'r game. Pro-
rosp'eting le everyb�ordy's. The experi-
ence is great.-'Omegar.da Tribune.
*Luker -f met Smythe a week etlet
he hal faced the p neon and be de•
Glared that he had married his ideal.
Parker -Well ? Harker -A year latex
he confessed hie atiet*ke-said it was
his ordeal instead of blot ideal he had
marries(. Chicago Deily News.
Don't rejoice too much nor mourn
too long.
,'ole, re, 5.1 •"p, ..n 1..
phone5f• M.m.ILltstltLN
'Phone 56
Special Values
1 -
Table Linens, Towels, Sheetings
and Pillow Cottons.
I)uliugg the Lt,l few mouths we have iambs u►&dtyepe*ial purchases
in the atlbve goods, lot-iTi*,* *lull r`e slur pa-fi'oui-Tbe very beet value
possible for goods of reliable quality.
Exceptional values in Table -linens purchased direct from the
111:t1It11*c(lltelA, - -
' Iffeached T11b1v Linen by the yard„,jlltc. 511e 751' a, qd $1.011.
1'libllu''h'd T;tbh• Linen, by the yard, 21e, 35c, Stic and 15c. ,
I (kir allowing .if Table 1'loths, with Napkins to watch. to a very large
„111, and itiebelcs wily the best designs, at prices t1 meet all demands.
tip el•ial asse rtionmt, 1 Plum; Linen ('loth.' 2 by 21 yards. with
hat(' -doyen Napkins to watch, 111 meat box, OM ort•
1f you buys -ally towns to buy, now it the time to get in a supply,
as tie 118%1. 041101' 'xtiuordilnlry vlure W utf1r.
• Damask Toe , large - -
5e per pair.
Special P Linen Ituckab.tck Towels, large vine. 25C
11. each.
5411•rit,J value., ill limit Towel...
Sheetings and Pillow Cottons.
Theta is ahulwt certain fu be a bi r(lvance in the .cotton market
w rued we have prutectt'd ourselves well laying In a big stock and can
give some values that would be hard to equal elsewhere. 1
Pillow 4';d(utls at very close pi iee9.
If you had trouble with Nprepared
Cake Icing, it was not Cowan's
Even a child can ice a
cake perfectly, in three
minutes, with Cowan's
Icing. Eight (delicious
flavrors. Sold everywhere.
Tko COWLN to Lupiled, TORONTO. 73
r–r+r i
+0 s tsteno j -
For the Summer Toilet
We have in stock all the leading Toilet Preparations.
mencan and French Perfumes.
Sachet l'owders.
High grade Soaps.
Face Powders and Creams.
Any special make not in stock we can procure for you,
Bedford Block, — Goderich
NFxs 1-.51'1Z, Aug 9 - i
FIS M.cr, •ready t, 1c. '. 1
Ides . epee, stet' . .
.,hf.-,� to 1; 1'.: balls, so 10 '$G; '., .+.. t• -q 80
1'01v(11-R,Yelpfs. sm. try] . I", b. 1 -
Nigher d'al -, *670 In 71 ./ nl.a; Wto tf
mese* " ae,i buttermilk i 'r $1
- $l:5iep.44,13 gn l"..I• e,. re / a 1",„ MI al NO
firm, .Iatn1 ksteady "ire T7-T1.1,r•r' dr.. 14
43 to �i41 eters. X30 1.0 $'• r^.r' . it, - r
M"1t: rrle.ddr pit 1,.
Inn,[+- 1\t. feta v' - r
ported rel .t were at 1st (..r , a •
Chi go Live Stork.
e. -I',1(;, I'0,.
1 15'e 1•'..rr, -(
,...iur. -
I5',' I ,I„. $.1 1'
cif tram)
ntork't s `
13.30 "o $1, 't �t 1C'
•t,.'1•.•,-5. end re. d•
ff.:, 17•' era, 1•I, e.,
1. •0r:..r1, . envy. r„ 3. 1,''
.. «, t,1 4 - 1114151\
1 f,
•51. I'. _. 1; 73 ••,I j-
(., '..• I•,• $t t,, til :7. 1
J :.05S '•
Rh, 1 1'.-,. f;,te, MAX n.ai. •T': '
!uml -t• ,. 11. sheep 1'` w,•sl,.
19.,11. Iamb., C. to t, 7'5, #,aran¢a, 1
io 1'I
.1 00 •
Two Drowned in Five Feet o1 Water
Miall-tlkl..5,n' in -. 40,4
pluyl.] at the iron S1 OHS"; 1+•11 f•' .:n
n raft while hashing and drowned in
are &tint sestet. ---
Demesne Felicity.
Tb,' conple were so engrossed- in
their dnmcstie differences that they
p►h1 small attention 1n other matters
of import anee. The husband 1(•ante.]
to e1alir his thiret at the "Thr. e•
Mom" ; the wife objected. and, being
'muscular, got her own * ay. The pair
were crossing the road when an electric
tram relight the unhappy husband in
the s,1AI1 of the back and landed t'
on the opposite euro. A trend irrr-
n*edlately gathered swoon.] 1he p;
trete nnen, who could only gasp ntrt-
"Keep her off ! For heaven's sake
don't let her hit me again."
A setting hen may be a !oaten bol
*be get results. -
if you wish your prosperity to
be continuous, your adver-
tising in T it r S 1 li N A L,
should he continuous.,
-:.. RTIfrs Maesty':, Favorite: Car -Tike
logriv,A tralfi
" 11 His Majesty -the baby - colaJ talk he 4.01,14) al* -ay insist on a GENDNZON
triage Car. -
Baby longs fur comfort more than for anything ciao in the uer1J and the
c ' Ilysdcctcdandt stedtriple•curocdsprings • xclUsivetotheGgi1tPRaM make
is c lege car thy acmf�e �of�hsaehy comfort and luxury.
' l n I:IC �tlfti�rptftel is -built to (.tltada An unsvoida¢Ie accident may make
e puts h
eat a p1art necessary. Your e dealer can supply you with ib you want
«.. ...... ... if -ff it'sa rd�Wgew.. -
Sold by all firet-elase dealers. Write te we 1/ 'ewe
dealer doesn't carry them. "THE
_---- -- - DENDRON
Gendron _Manufacturing Co,_ Limited DRIVER**
TORONTO. ruse •
Christie's Bi
qualit is guarded
uits—How t - it
The But
I1\t .\ ('RANK
)out bolter.
've g, to be,
to thor-
has built up t ..big
business, and adc\
'Christie' a hot se -
hold word fro
ocean to 144'Vi11 �\
first of all, Quality in the butter, flour, milk
and other raw materials. -.
"i've been testing butter for thirty years,
and I've never heard of any other firm rx'rcis-
ing the sate care as Christie, Brown Sr Co. do.
"Ml our butter is purchased by a well-
known butter authority. Ile buys for export
from the bl'st cream rik's in Canada, and sends
the pick to us.
"Yon would be surprised if you knew what
butter—good Nutter, according to all ordinary
Christie, Brown
people out
sept as exce le
Tester Says:
we reject. Most of it ninety-nine
a hundred would tote aad as-
table quality.
" It's not a mat • r of price with us. We pay
a little better than he best market price,
and the flutter must • in accordance. .
"We have a high Stanrd for butter, the
tame a( for all other raw ma 'ala. Anything
thatttcsn't measure right up to that stand-
ard is rejected.
"Thr basis rt�hhedelicious goodness which
you enjoy inChrii2 s 'scuitsistheunvarying
goodness ofthe rawtnat lsthat go in to them.
" When 1 see how our orders for but ter have
to be steadily increased, to keep pace with the
demand for Christie's Biscuits, I have the test
kind of evidence that our jealous guarding
of Christie Quality brings results."
i'ou can taste Quality in every morsel of
Christie's Biscuits. ' Sold in bulk, by the
pound, or in moisture and dust -proof packages,
& 6o., Limited