HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-8-12, Page 1NEW ADS. in TIM MIONAL are re - Minders t" old customers that you are alive. ARE you alive Y sJ SIXTY WOMB !BAR -Ns. Ir! GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : AUGUST 12, 1909 THE SIGNAL To JANUARY tat. tgto, to NEW SUBSCRIBERS for 25 CENTS THI: LIMN AL PHINTINU CO., Ltd., Pvat.tsaslso. 1 am offering for sale Debentures hearing interest at five per cent. per annum, payable halt -yearly. These debentures offer an absolutely sate and prof- itable investment. I would advise anyone having money to invert to iK' sure to call and see ole. W. 1. HORTON THE STANDARD DUAN COMPANY Lost or Found GODERICH MARKE'[S. 1wttwly, Augud 11th 0,11'. *,N THF: 4"t'H I NM'f., NEAR 1'111 what. osr inn%h - Ip AI to a u a; . I Le rullei .karu.11 r 1411, - a lady • gold I S,rinof wheal. per book .. n at to a al .nlml, yl4rt will ti.. ,, wnrdrd on leering et K)y per bu.L 11 1K to u .Ae o uMcae( Hut aw heat.; er bao 0 et 41.40, per leu ,b.,rb e SiM 0 4a to 0 HI 1'ea.. er hn.1 0 as to m 41 Mirky, per be A 0 sl to 0 53 Boomers or Boarders Wanted eel...faun , ver ton Os mit to Oi a. Flour, ta•..ny, per owl 3 1/, to .l of Flour. ',styli, per 3 Y.; to 3 53 Tea''. per Lon I r, Shur(., per ton 35 W to Zi Hu Hay. per ton k Jit to 4 :el Wood. per cord 6 tet to tl 01 Mutes. per Of, aSam---w4) Che -w•, per Ib to 1.5 to 0 15 Fitm, fre.11, per des 0 to to o p% Potatoes, new ., 07140 if ,.. Cattle. onlln'y to good, Fye Owl. 4 11, 10 1 64 4-atlle. export, per eat .i YS to 5 73 ug•,. . 11 or to K to Lambe 4 141 to 1 Ns Sheep. per ret 3 10 to 4 f/1 Halt,, per Ib n 17 to 0 17 lisoon, per Ib 0 45 to 0 et Lard, per Ib 15 to 15 Tallow, per lb 04 to (t (4 4lbidespy. pkelr Cis......m.,,,,,-.4.....--Ar to u e thickens' In to 10 Nealstate tor Date. Turkeys 11 to 11 4lut-Ido market. on page 3 (hl. week. 1)0A RIKRB OR ROOMERS WANT - ll 1:U. 1•uund legion prs.rnd. comfort, .Lir home. 0004 t 4* al'e11eg41e I,,'ut not ,a.lwe%a,.•tleureAek'1-.Awls *1. TUE 11114 NAL o1 F'll'IC. • Situations Vacant ff18A('HKR WANTED. -FOR R. B. I No. 4. lown.dlp of Colborne. male teacher preferred. dome., to commeoro Aug..l 114111. Mating eatery, to PAM. MAKDKI.. err Tleas . 14rnuW1•r Ludt MA1.E.-NINK-ROOM But'SK un !{rine .trust, ata tow Ilgnn•. A--''- ' Ogee to WILLIAM ill •ItItul4 or Alt YI g1:1t Ht..(kKi•r. 110088 FOR MALK. -THS MAIN bootee of tar bowie on -oat hent renter er. e(h oed Drees .treet.. Purchaser to ow leers the lwlldlus. For farther luteum aloe I M017 w the perm to Ulla, ,'I'll•', eager., ,1:•3 FUSt/Li (•. If.. Atob/Iecl. JA -t11. K • WESTERN LANDS FOR SALE. -- Pet acres with ! gdrN to srvp . frame tour. with 'phone 11,. frig• alum umbel lug rep. Ian a rich luam. fib• acre. at tie per sere. broken -1,4 fenced. Tnl. 1. a )and I. going 0p every year Pet dere. alta good Lu Ming.. 44' acres broken . prise get per sem court locality and phone in honer. Any - -. at those can be bought in ease term., J. 1 . Tx/1'1I.KT, torkton, Sack. UOU8K FOR SAi.E. - A NEW ii brick dwelling. with the modern Improve meet.. ple•.*nrll1 dtoated and neer tM44yuare. Aptly to W. It R0IlKIITSt1N. Auction Sales. - - - 4 I'CTIOS SAI.EOF ONlfr tllo`i'H$ heel *ideated propert4s in OOlerloh - am Instructed by 1'. M. Niehol.on to offer for aaleby public *option al Lb.• premiere on Matraday. Argo: 5141. cotrihtencing at lit o'clock ..:m-. i,rp, A ronlodlou. Inoue dwelling and one-quarter sf an acre of lend mon. or lee. clot r1..turner Light home and -S1'enter. ftA•rb*t7OmtWeerlgntr1ld11 :`*n in ni-el) etuatwl. facing the C. P. It. Para. and having an unobstructed view of the river. harbor and lake Huron .1i. fart. 8. one of the very nicest location. 1n I;oderleh. The prop ern( 1. *04 oeropted at t sad can be tn. lppeetcted el any sine. Term.- Ten per cent. of hr Purcha.5)1L 1nrv10 4 yidoraaaogodlnt er (11141 e e ; 1 *1400 to tae p*d *441110 thirty day.. THOS. (it • KIM V, Auctioneer. 4t1.ISAItfNti AUCTION MALE OF / not 'SKI41n.D F l'RNIT('RK AND FURNISHINGS. Public Potion. U YI,A W NU. Is, OF 11II ), OF TIIF 1) 'MittN OF UUUKRICH. .1 Ili tan' To 11I',h e44TK4 TNK Hoene 011 1)6.N14YTI'KKr nY Toe AMKKII'A1/ Wean Maoist%k 1'0,41'.4%V lid ('14140*. Unfit:to. Whereas. the promoter. of • certain Cuil- p•ry to be Incorporated under the corporate name of "The American host Mei-bine foot puny of Caned*, Loathed,' or .uch other 'tense ea the 1.Iruttwa01 Ueyennlr m.1Y approve. bare proposed to the ranurxll of the un ion.:4$41 ity of the town of tiuderich w e.Wblieh r *41 tory In the ,.Id town fur the mauufa•tul, of road machinery, portable.ewwand d power ac mhine., and I,eiP rwtur,U%1 the w,4 twuncll to aid them 441 the e,.tableditueul thereof. by guarrnteeing the N per "cot. hoed. of the .014 propan4 L'omp•ny to the extent „f 1140.00t. re payable 11lweedy equal annual lu.talwent- of wind pal and Interest. the Kr.t of maid an noel payment.. to become due and be made one year from the Mite on whirb .aid bond. are L..ued, and the romeinder annually therm after; by runnel ism from municipal taxation for a period of tea >ear.. nomusenc ng with the Saturday, the eleventh day of September next, commencing al ttyh,e h opuy r o f u ljn e o'okwp l q ht;- yrho forthe afternoon --i-ie ,u, b tflehe . full .lin the afla mol oft gala% ry, y t e allow ntK deputy returning oglxr•' t'ollhyytfdivh.lon No. 1, at Tholupawr'a blar•k• mottle +hop; deputy returning officer, John vilward : poll clerk, J. 11. MuKa . Pulllug dlvinloh No. (. at Alm. lLfahaut. glare, hot 44 reef ; depot Y returning °Meer, ('baa. Halo,: poll clerk. Keg. ihana un. Polling 41v4 -lou No. 3. ist fawn Hnll ; b' deputy returning carer. 17,1'. 14eleh,r: poll clerk, Wm Knux. Totting dive -hot No. 4. at Mother: shop . by deputy rot unlit', cancer, Alen. Streams ; poll clerk, Wm. $Iotbera. Polh,ytv(1MM, Na .. at Aire SValtou'. %torr. to dr aYyef utning°Meer, ileo. C, Black; poll clerk. . t'. LeToaael. Pulll'tg divldon No. 41, al John Hropbey'r .lore ; ler deputy returning Aker, 11. 1.. '1 a1 .m i ; pull clerk, \Vm. Tait. I'o4I1. g div44ou No. -. at Dennie Neville. haus, L deputy retun,leo officer, Daniel Mc Key ; pal clerk, Robert Tan. e n Friday, the lab day of September 1.114. the Mayor of Deese) town of Noderich ball attend et the council chamber. of the v.idtowu of Luderieb at. leu ucuck in the forenoon to appoint per.on. to amend *t the v,vwu• plane. eforerld mei et the filial .pili going up of the vara by the ('lark on 1a•ha(f of the p er„w. interested In wowoting or 0440• Mg the pawing oflila bylaw rowyerLively. '1,. The Clerk of the commit of the aid town of (ioderich avail attend al hie office in year 1940: and by awl.Ung, •xcept 1•aurinll4. ' the Tow,, Hall at ten o ,•lock nn the 10.41110011the Company In ublalning a railway smock -of Mart* the 13111 day of Sou'wester. A. U. 41*Y,6e..l* *poi. AWMM,..Y1 -004 1 14r*444 aealu.t the bylaw. ' that ed at the iou.olx eh umber the 44(11 day of A usru.l . A. 11.14,.,, - A. lt. MAS'KLIN. L L. KN4OX. Mayor. 4'leek. solo Wail univored. Ltclul3. ,. And wheraa. in ,o,.ideraUon of the Maid *14, 11 hew been agreed that tb,• t1d Cummins ,bell require the land.. building-. machine, at and plan in the .44 toe,, of (:ode'lrh k now is a. "The 4iodericb 1:,,gine a Bicycle Compeer. plant,' rod .Mill install therein all toreonery machinery rd plod for the purf)o.r of tonne fectnr1,.g road machinery, portable .ewullll. and bower machinery, the value of the aid lard.. building+ and plant. when fully equipped. to the a1 trod EEI".'D,. au4 Marietta Iheir trey roll by lbe end of the Ursa year any employ rte., Ault elleretoit bas t?LLillrt er agreed het 4 the -aid 04144,sny • enter nun w Cnrth r an',,, 1,t *ill, the waist town fur the par formative of the term. and rendition. herein- before •,et our. 11141 +hall .nture.the .old town 'vttl. ...,t.iew r01fIrab1Htr by r'eeiren Miler 4uarantm• of the prirrc(p*1 end interest of the Iwai. of the said Composts) and the due per tormanoe of the .44.1 term, and roneition. by is dr.t 11101144age upon ail the land+. building.. patterns. latent., 'machinery and plant of the .aid ('amenity. to be approved by the Solicitor for the town, nod by 1neurin4 the .add bulid• 1n4:. machinery and plant and .ter'k In fa. or of the .aid town. and the poli( e. shall be de. Melted with the clerk of the .*ld Town and Mia Icontatn what t. known a. the',Moltgage (limey- if requi,ed. And e'Iwe.r. Ole deemed expealient W Knott the said o..1..uLject to the tem,,, and coodb tion. hereinafter ret out. Therefore be it enacted. ad it 4 hereby en- acted. b) the muuyciprl 0014,4411 of the raid tow,. of ' .,dcrlch. ne follow.: 1 I1 shell be law fol for the Mayor and .-Llayktulhe YAWS . o1 WI behalf of We corpor- ate. of tic -aid town of tlalerich and under it, corporate seal to execute and deliver as Die act and deed of the said la.l-u4entlon d eorporntlon, 1141 written or printed guarantee or guarantee. of the .•d corporation K,•ran teeing the due payment of the principal end inter,.) of the ho411• or del,entere. of the .aid "The American Ho*4 Machine Company of Canada. 1.' 'ter(. ' up to the .1,w of 4111.141' for principal• repayable lu twenty annual instal. IAehl.. Lvfb ntenef *t ibis rate df 4 I'_ per cent. per •1OUIIl. payable yearly 0n the fm- p,sld protelpel to the holden of the .*d Conde or debenture,o that the amount payable for principal and intero.1. In any year .boll be egoist to the amount .0 (arab In e•ett of the other 1 ear,(, .uch guarantee to be to the effect that upodrteuJ1 1x4 made by the mid "The mrr(tanlrese Machine made Company of Canada. Limited.- in the payment of lhr principal and lntereet .ecured an the .aid bond. or debeu• toff.. 4Ion oorpoyatau of the .ani town of Uodelich will pay to the Mulder the amount no In default upon demand. ouch guarantee to be of herwi.e In .uch form and to contain .uch fart her or additional provision. or condition. •..1011 leu Appro. ed of by the Mayor and the 04 .4:41.4 for ltie .aid corporation of this town of Gudertrh, provided however that .uch Pro vicious and condition. do not limn the oblgea- ttorr nttfrru$d towwtope y the -*nmtTnr 00 to default upon demand •. afore -mid. 3 Prior to the exe,ut40u of the .aid guaran- tee. et any of them. the said "The Ante' tree Haul Machine Company of Canada, Limited," .hall with the neoe.wary appproval of the .hare - holder. duly given In meeU tg called for that manioc execute and deliver to the evrprrwtion of the town of Iloderich a mortgage noon their load.. buildlnoe plant. machinery and IIx woe patent. now owned or hereafter acquired. which mid mortgage .hall be a nett charge upon all oich property nod .hall con. Min the clause and proveiw,. u.nal 4,, wont. .re.. fel rets by cyupauie. to ..*:ora 1.0.,4+. and .melt mor* - e .hall be -eltkd and ap r. ved 1 am .ml reefed by Mrs O. F. Carey to .011 by poste rt, t at th • re„id*nee of the Isle Dr. Memnon. mown- of .Napier and Mont.r tint olf•et., e1 Ant lard a v. A .fuel 1111, 11rN_ronmpy. HOUSE FOR SALE. - Ww n ►t f'.atoef,k k, *11 41e fnn,ifnre and fern aTtM.Y belch b..se. with moan rooms. of ug contained In mad r. •idle. e. ro ri.r (nig as Braes a.ffff eOff,, Nechako- can be had by fur parore dandng nten•lltwdreor arid' Ik'tchen calling at 'SIGNAL DSOs..1 • t f blind., cruel,' y, 1 haus and g*a..waro. garden tool. etc. 1 4.11'(-, Ail ..ern, el Stu rind under, rash ` ricer that ALUEOMA CENTRAL amuyyaf. thre,.:none.,+. eredHnn f,irt.hir,yf ap nrovld faint note.; a dl4rounl alloMP(1 for cash on credit amount•. STEAMSHIP LiNE a 11, shoe hhew*oldl be dl -road of,Muleprnp- . THOMAS OL'Nl)HV. Ra&roneer. Cleveland, Toledo, Sault Ste. Marie Detroit and Sault kite. Marie end intermediate point& Leave Ooderich southbound kiln a. m. Fridays, northbound edit) p. Mon- days. June Zird to September 7 Lb. man Me. Made Ontarie space- . Rig Sale coining. G. BEIIKETT, Auctioneer. ur eye neenre mid pros ide for (be payment of all Principal and intenext which +hell become due at any time on the mai bond* mo to be 1. -tied by the +aid l'oniresny and for the repayment to the mid corporation for nil motley. Which may I shall further provide for the innurnoce by the wild Company of the .eid.inortiraged propertY in favor of the mid eorporation. In rm.. of Ion. by Are or lightning. in nisch ramp voles nnd . for nuch amount. a. what' approvel by t he on (ilia tioncitor f'oi the said corporsi mid i„.. rh. *dies Is Creditors , • vot tee 1.. hereby even touNtemet to Eft KO. ler. homer 1.34, kat all (wrote.. hex ingelitinet the townehip of Colborne, In the county ot Hilted. yeoman. droome(1. who sited on or atom the nth day of July. loge. are required 10 WWI hy porn pospaid or otherwiee deliver to the nodersdirned. executor; of the mid dosses-. 1,1 1.? either of them. on or before the' Md daY of September, A. D. 10111, their name.. tuldretose Ana de..ertpume., end • full .tatement of par. tactile:. of their claim. end the mature of the wcurtt y. if any, held by them, lilt', Certified. prornesi to dlistribute the towel. of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto. loath% reward only to the CIM of e Melt they neil then 111v. On( tee. Ilet,s1 thin loth day of Auer +I, A. 1 IWO 11.Altit CI ORE. t Nett tei Iler 'circa*, J. N. KKItNIUFIAN„ lisnm tiler STAR -COLE LINE Nortb Channel. Ocoretan Bar. Tot,Ictioana CLEVELAND, Friday, at it midnight. ft. MAXWELL, Trent Mnnester. letroit, Mich. Me. containing what I. known as tbe "A ort - gage Clause.- If demneded by the caid corpora- tion. and teethe emit Moaner of .uch in.urance dining the currency of the naid bond+. and the due payment. cif the oressim m+ t het -elle. Tlie papera with the 4 lerk of the mid town. 1 A. a cnedition of eneent Int the nal., guar- antee, the +aid bond. or debenture.- to be guar salted be virtue of this, bylaw +hall he deo°. ite4 with a chartered • bank nt the town of Dederick, mei when n .sile of +loch bond. or 1 the Compoisty and the Mayor of the said tows' for the time lit•Ing, the "aid bend. or sleben. Woe. or etch pert ten t hereof ite may be oold m stformaid..han lie handed over by the 0,14,1 Ionic to We Company or to ite nominee, and the promad. from the *ale of nueh hood, oe purche-e end egoism -motel the mid werk., and HMO he !aid mit only upon t he,mint rhenne of the said I 'unmans, eind the AI ayor of the geld town for the time toeing. and 4 n the extern of no' mbre 111411 miry preen Drib* value of the plant at Latium of such µlenient Os the messed poise...ion of the I'm's:twiny. and in andiupon Ws TAKK NUTl(K that the MI,410 is a true rope of s promred bylaw whleb baai been tateu Into colo.$4 ratio,, and which will be finally tweed by the council of the usuniciptl Sty lin the event of 11, awns: of the elector. Lau1Kobtained thentol after one month from 4,e lint pulllcrtiou In The S!gual newry*pVeer, the trate-of wbtrb publication - wa. Thu -radar the kqb day of Ailgu.t. lora. and that the %mu+of the elector+ of the edit municipality will Ise Laken thereat 0l (he d sy an d Ihm hours atdidrem, thematic lhed. ._ I,. L. KNOX. Clerk. LOCAL TOPICS Goderlch Musical boclety. • The minus( meeting -of the Ooderich Mtislra-t Society will be held on Tues- day evening next, August 17th, at the town hall, at 8 o'clock. All person, interested in the work of the Society are requested to attend. tSusinsss Notes. • A.new mor 'picture *how has se- cured the stand owned by the estate of Ibe late 0.. N. Davis and expecte to be ready for business in a little over a week. The proprietors are Messrs. /;filet and Culver. (: Mir i Beckett in opening up a furr.iture stock on Hamilton street across .from his auction mart. The Uddfellows' Pacnlc. Arrangements are being completed of Huron Lodge, No. 43.2, 1. O. U. F. and the Rebekah Lodge. to be held next Wednesday, August iRth, at Menesetung Park. The 33rd Regiment band has been en- gaged for the Clay, and an interesting afternoon and evening of fun i1 as- sured. Rigs for the conveyance of the Oddfellows and their friends will leave Abe Oddfetlasys Llwt1ht I o'clock. Examination Results. The name of Frank J. Foster should he added to the list of thaderich Col- legiate Institute student* who passed the junior matriculation exemination. The list is publiehed on page 1 ot this The :nitric, of the uneuccesabil ran- in- the bands of Dr. Strang. The in be foeste,rded to ties indivii ue. candidates in a short time by Principal Field. A Young Min's Death. Just as he wan entering on man - hotere estate. death came yesterday morning to claim Albert Kneeshaw, the youngeet of Mr. and Mrs. A. Kneeshaw A fatuity. The y011 11 IZ Man wee apparently demtined to be a etrungly built man, but a fatal weak - nein of the lungs prevented hie attain - height. fie had heen employed at the Doty engine works. but for some months bad been oblige.] to abandon his work on arciptint of his health, and laat Friday night he took a bad turn, which resulted fatally yesterday morning. _All_v_rL was twenty. years of age lam .1 Much sympeOly it. felt with -the.relatl vett in their trial. -I. 'Ilse %elite of the .01,I le1140, 11011dInffm and plant for Ilse ism:poen( till. ',Flew inS for all paps -ante) to be, now° thereunder ehiall be aecertalited hy valuator,' to be appointed., one --'11Y-tere -Csietimey, en* lifer morn -ft nt the town of lloderieft and hPy, before entering upon their retention. 411111 appoint a tided. who WIII act with the other I wo. should 4 hey direr -cc. and f he finding of ft nuliority +hell be .‘ AIM teethe purpose of fit rt her aiding fhe telerni.theent of the wart memory, it in hereby &elated (1181 the lamb, building., nissehinery nod plant used in emonection with the anid tolamete. shall be. end they ire hereby. exempted from tenntirni, eteSrt Rehm)! testes', for a period of ten years commencing with the 71heires-A491na lif:hwnstehnet. of the said Inflaiatry the PlirPtese ef further aiding municipality of the town of Goilmich will. at the eosin of the mitt 4 Lompany. aid ais far IP it reamonsitly eau in ebtattoing a railway switch 40710. LTImMemjdbytafarwtn.thrli111 Mks. effect from the day of the final peessingit hereof. K. The vote of rhe Plectore of the odd town of lioderich 'shall Ise **ken nn thin belay, at the following limo *nil pintos, that le In say :-CM STERLING BANK. OF CANADA 1 BALI names niscourcren. Highest current rate of intenst paid in our RAVINGS BANK DEPART - on deposit.. of *Lon and upwards'. tie uttnimioN ("ARIA/OMNI' To 'accommodate the Farmers we have opened Branches in the villages of DUNGANNON, VARNA and We solicit the Patronage of the LAMP: /STEEL MTN:AMER CITY OF ST. IGNACE NORTHBOUND leaves tioderich for Mackinsr, St. tome and the north. Thuredsy of each week .et 8:30 p.m. Detroit. Cleveland, ToTtelii end Saturday of ear+ week et 2 p .m. TOWN OF OCIDERICH. versation and 114usic. after which the happy couple left for the home of the gMORt amid showers of rime-rind'Acad. wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Brander will remain at Pontis* few days before leaving fur their hnfly' in MAcklis. Bask. ' Water and Light Commission. The water and light 'sent a cheque to William Her glum' for $len. eighteen days' use of the diving outfit which the,'unultision hired for 1,w' in cleaning out the waterworks intake p44•e,•hut receiretl a letter hark, dat,d at F:rleau. Out , rlaiuting tNl- -tber gltl fur the rent of the outfit on July Iph Douai nion (lay. The cn1o• 1111141440» flint the letter. The mini - Minn chlerge for electric light recently adopted by the cnlumiaeion h ob- jected to by the manager o f the Howell. Harder/re Cowpauy. Ltd.. who enclosed his cheque for the actual amount of light used as shown by the meter. At the meeting of the nommisgnu on Monday night it was decided to return the cheque, insisting on payment of the m4nin,uut charge. whether themeter shows that awuu»t 01 light" utlaTor nr)t. fluty the itf+ryor•t and Cbairinpn Murney were present at Monday's meeting of the Kinn, l'.an,niniuner Megan ,being away *1 Winnipeg. At the Summer Resorts. S Last Friday. Auburi s civic holiday. between :Sat and 1141) retool that burgh spent the day at 1' ' t Farm. On Mond* of this week Mrs. Coats e» er rt n -' a -4 t "-- w4»t - .4bee - friends at a picnic attbe (''lint Farm.On Tuesday evening three of the , Meer ieronklut. 114sa Ilannietter told Miss Wetherby. rif er- Ont Itelroit.iar o hotel were about rizcs went to . and George much for them, one of the Uoderich rinks being n down and the other 10 Auxin. T e4daycre were as follows : in COMM 1. McDermott J. Ho In el lush F. Da.,.. 141 4ew4. CAtha. . Badged ('.it. Blither In. Hinder, adewa. The Baseline Tournament. The Ooderlrh howling tournament opened on Tuesday, with twenty-two rinks on the green. nine of them be. ing Doderich rinks. The rink emu - petitions were concluded today and the Weil under way. Fred- Davie rink worked up into the trophy semi-finals hut was rink. Clinton, whieh won again in the finials, defeating It. IC. Bright, See. forth. 20 to Li In the association match the finals were between C. III. Humber and le.- 1144-011 and -the 4atter defaulted, giving Mr. Humber's rink first place. The . connotation finals Were between J. M. Best, cif Seaforth. and W. Allin. of !mamma,. Mr. Best. winning. 15 te tained the' guests tari at a bridge party. Th forty -players. and the Mins Harman, of Detroi Porter, of town. At Meneeetung Park aluseball dia- mond Isas been laid out, which will add to the attractions of this popular summer resort. Last night an enjoyable dance was held et Hotel Sunset, it numher of the bowlers who are, in town for the tournament taking part. The Blackstone orcheetra was at Hayfield last Friday night playing iot- a dance for the summer risorters. Anti tomorrow evening again plays there. The Late Patrick Nugent. A familiar figure about town, in the person of Patrick Nugent. passed away last Thursday at London, where be haat been at the Roman Catholic home for a few weeks. Previous to going to London he had been for some time at the Outierich hospital, where he received every attention which the infirmities of hiaad.vancedyent called for. Mr. Nugent lAcked only three years of fourscot e and ten. lie was one of the men who reseed the county court 'rouge many years ago, and for many years he farmed nem. St. Aug- ustine, but for about twelve years he hail made the Colborne House in Ooderieh his borne, having retired from active work. A native of that gave hint birth. He was never married and lied few reletives in this countiy. Two priests of the Roman Catholic church, of which Mr. Nugent WAS a faithful member. the Rev, Messrs. Foster, were his nephews. One of these gentiemerr of the cloth is in charge of the parish of Mount Carmel end the other is connected with Assumption,Oollege at Sandwich. Mr. Nugent's body waa• brought to (loderich on Saturday -88d the frittered took plac.- Tueeday morning. Mass was naid at St. Peter church by Rev. Father McRae. and the interment was metie at the deceased'e old home at St. Augustine. The pallbearer; were John Kelly, Martin Cummins. Michael Rielly and Andrew Williainnon. There wax a gond attend Rue.. at the hasebell game on Monday afternoon between Mitehell and (Ioderich: The day wan Mitchell'. rivie ludidny And over Mu visPore fnim that tovrn were here for thejlav. matty of them help ing to /swell the crowd at the het IMMO. The gate receipt!' were shout. 11170.(Nt The gslme Wile an interesting one. li Ali Melo •le. for Mitchell. and Wiggine, for tin rich, did good work in the pitchet's bo and it was not till the fourth inning,' Nat nny player got point the first base. The final score wee 3 to 2 in fevor of Opderich with an inning:1 to epee... ThS reseal. of the game inekes Ofieriett lure of the DODERICH BRANCH A. O. OAMBLZ. meneser. RI irtrtIle of* anima under the hand of the Meyer and •eal of tke corporation of the town of Dederick, Anted the thIrteent It day ef Jely. IWO resent:m.1We me to levy nom the land• hereintifter described. for t lie serene. nf Inge+ due thetion. tswether with °net.. not ler 4. hereby given the( Ile mich teem, and rent. are -ooner paid 1 +hell. poiromant to the Ameeement Aet, It. rt. 0. 1er, chapter OH, proreed In tor public nowt len the ...Id land. or xo much t hereof tie nut, ttecaneury for the paytnent of the Paid arrefir. and c.o.d.'. al sty ofttee. nto kTi ItliAY. Tillie SIXTH DAY or NDVEMIIER, At oleo en o'clock In the forenoon. taw following iota are Patented . 141 Arforrr Crete men Lor or hAff I/ TAX'S. rote. TOTat. 114,1 14 1 3 11 7.1f7 Of el 10.47 140 14 CS 1.ao allti 141 1J all 2 fle Kiel Town Treeensmr. D. MrKeaud W. Harley W, ('01e Rowney W. Hord 1'. tate Ur H,,rr tt'. klltol tl CHURCH NOTES. Rev. R. W. Craw. 41 A., of Perris. will preach iii Kunz chits ch al froth services next Sebb.uhe The collect' next Hmodav at Mt. (leorge's (+larch at boob ...roe •u will he donated to the hoapll lel fund. Last Sunday wear g it «, Allan Meager, rector of 144, l'ylei.,1.church. Toronto, ucenpied the pulpit *1 01. Ue0rge's (lain ch. • Rev. Join' Muir, of (iri)nsbr, oc- cupied the pulp4t of Knox church haat !Sabbath. ilia al• while strongly evangelical, were philosophical and gave much furl for thought. ---- he serviette Baptist ...tweets next Sunday will be conducted by Mr, Artbun Clark, of the Woodstock College evangelistic _ baud. Th morning• subjet't will be, "Liberty in Life," and irf the evening "The Call to Man from .the Agee:" Straugers welcome. After four weeks of thorougb'reno- eating and decorating. Victoria street N..rhediel A:hllrrh will he next Sunday. The rhumb is certainly wonderfully beautified and is worth setingg from the artistic standpoint ,aerer; The seetiTcwTorTho-d+iy will be as follows: 10 e. m„ love feast 11 a. en regular morning service, to be conducted by Che pastor, subject "Cbrieti,.0 Un16j," concluding with the Iulministering of the Lord a Sup- per ; R -p. m., Sabbath wheel ; 7 p. 11)., evening service, of which Rev. I)r. Doujgatl pastor of North street Meth- odist rhureh, vett have charge. -A collection and anhecription will he taken at both services in aid of the renovation fund. Around the Harbor. The eteamer Saginaw cleared on Thursday after unloading her cargo of coal for the waterworks. The steamer Doric arrived on Tues- day with a cargo of 110.1031 bushels of wheet and oat s for the elevator. The steatite'. I /eland aryl Naive Vnailills arrived on Saturday with eargoes of coal for the Hilt Mill. - The gatioline yacht Wing and Wing wai't in on Montley, hound from Cleveland to the Georgian Bay, with The Government new suubbing posts placed along the wharf at, the mirth lei& of the harbor. The posts,.are of concrete with three hers of rid metal extending thnnigli the length down seven feet below the also a metal casing. The pnesenger boats Are having a very good season. The City lif St. !intact, is repturing a gore' share of the traffic to Oodericit. The Huron has been having full pessenger note. but the inconvenienee of the time at which she calls here prevents her getting much" traffic frotli Ohs port. The King Edwani, in doing very PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. and II /AS Mei. are visiting friends in 'Iandelsoye and Leonetti. Verne Lea. of Toronto. epent Sunday at the Chao. V. (laver, of Duluth. is former Mode - rill, boy. Is -pending a holiday term to town. Rey. W. I. IMIcLoan. of Waubiano, vieltaist it the resiaence of 111. father. Key. Dr. Atc• Mr. and Mee. Hernial roman. of Howell, Mich.. etelttd their relatives here the met -Itstre Harnten Ira. in Clinton on Saturday attending the funeral of her niece. Min. Myrtle Mc Moth.. Hort MoCreath, of the hoeinem office of The Toronto Star. en lye( In tuwn Imo Friday en Mr. •nd Mr. LJniey Joh ioiton ami little d.a.00urgsbtult:d.Loyro. thy. of Preston, were in tAuern • Mesolo. Whose Mos. A. Twitcheli amid &kiloliter. Mabel. of (lintun, oopent a few days at the residence of vlsilt to old chum.. during the week. returning youraday afternoon. L.( 4. Hoban. P. It. travelling eneineer. London. and J. H. Mille master mechanic. Toronto, were in beet, on Tuenciny. Harry C'utr left on hi. return to Hrantford on Monday. Mr.. '11ff and child are remaining In town for inure extended yl.it. 741T+1-Liatie 137.1rit: Of- Windsor. returned to hot home yowiervIwy _aterrispirti '1'be Misuses Jean and Anna lawnon, of Ike tris#L are optending their %newton at the home uf their peireitto apt. and Mr.. Law.thi. Toronto 1111•1 week on teem ie being omen by Andrew instil win, the operator. mid Mr. !tildes's. plate i. taken by tleorge Hadley, of London. Sunday. Kruew ia a former member of the Simnel .tatO usci now with the Arlen l'ub MN. Spence mei her deugto ON, t he 161..e. Mullli. 1.:1111.4 eild 'minis. left yeeterday on their return tu Dern"' after an extended elan fat their Mr-. J. Ledford left Ian' Salm-day on the relative* in Port Huron, Detrolt. mad Cleve- land. She veep ticcututimileat by Messier Annie Owen. who returned to hlm home in Detroit after an extended .icit in town. On Friday last the Doty Engine Works Co., Ltd., whleh hes bought the machinery And hull of the Teflon- twb. the *teenier 'whinging to (*nein Trethewey which was Wowed. started to raise the machinery fioni the water. D. McLaren has eharge of the work. Max Clairmount, the diver. in at work OW he Joh and Hee. Howe and Den Wiggion are conspicnous figures *leo. Brander -Malloy A whet bot atm wedding took L. Ferries, Smith ave., Pohoka, on July 214th, o'clock, when Oen. Brander. Ponoka, and Mr'. Maggie Mellny, Maeklin, wore joined together in the holy hood. of matrimony. The bride was given *way by her son-in-law The ceremony wan performed hy Rev. Mr. Dallis, ot the Prenbyterian church. Onl the Immediate relatives of the bri e and groom were pressent. After lunch the evening spent in COO - LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS-AuR. 12 Pulls Header -U. T. R Faris, laborerlesesndee-F. Y. lien. 044.0 e ('hearing Auction dale -MN, O. Ir. lyrey 1 $pc,'ial Value., Its ,Table Chess -D. Maar 1'41 .. .................. 1 Watch Lad F. A t't*pbe11 _ _ 1 Mid.uouuer Clean up-Megasoa Bees a not „May end Monday onetime, W, Ad0sse n sort t1 14.141.111, via t,'oetine d.J; M. ('elbmes t lane kabinet* Wasted -C. r. B • e Truuke, Salk Calls sol Transition Bap -Q. a. watt ..ttttf Bylaw Na I$. -'lbws of Rodelab quality Sten l'. S, I' wl,ue a Yttaw Nets $I -The Two Alert its. Y liiarrdioe Heco• -J. J. McIouald s kluruslef UOoda-('arueron t Moere.... . 5 Naas to Creditors -Richard Meese. J. N ICerclgan, Ksecuta w. 1 his friends- in tows this week.' He is spending a month in the Bast. Mies Lillian Broderick and !lies Olive McArthur, of Detroit, wbo are the guests' of Misr Nellie Phelan, of (Itlderieb. will iewve next Wednesday for Ashaeld to visit relatives. Mr. land Mre. W. A. Whitely, tat* 4 New TIrlpans, an now ooeupyfog their Hat alcove W. Sbartsw's shoe store and Mrs. %Vhitely will receive on the sound and fourth Wednes- day i. J. C. Le Tourxl returned bane yes- terday frum Urt where be bad v toting tue g b1. i4i bler,ilrs. rouse. Hee reports that the apple crop in Kent county is very poor --- nothing like tit promiles to he in -Huron; -- Mrs. Huron; - Mrs. J. A. Rumbail returned' on Monday after her six weeks tr p to Kumpe with the London Advertiser party. The party went as far as Paris and: as may he imagined. they had s delightful time throughout the trip. Mrs. (I)r.) Gordon, 741.. Winnifred .end Master Hnntly. hf I.ucknow, vis- ited friends in town this week. They were acrpmpantel during a portion of their stay in town by Miss Bertha Treleaven, also of Lucknow. A striking figure. among Monday's exctlrsio»ist.. from Mitchell wan W. R. Davis, the veteran editor of The Mitchell Advocate. Mr. Oav'is is the father of the Messes, Fred, Norval and Tom Davis, of town. and wee accom- panied by another son, Will Davis, editor of The Breton World, who was ..eking a week's respite from hie journalistic work. Dr. J. H. Le Touzel left last week to resume his practice in Jamaica, after spending several weeks here with his ps1•41tr, Mr. and Mrs. J. Le Touzel. i*,ee leaving Jamaica last spring Dr. Le Touzel spent s term at Edinburgh in frost-grsd .ate work and now hears three degrees from the famous Edin- burgh medical school. Dr. LeTouzel's rnany friends in Goderich wish him continued euccensin his profession. Dr. W. F. and Mrs. Clark. Miss Retta Clark, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Reid, Mr. end Mrs. Carfrae Dunlop, Miss nen - Di nlnp and Min firff- flths formed a party that left Monday morning on a trip to Ottawa and Montreal Mean. Clark, Reid rand Dunlop *re delegates fr/1m Huron Lodge, No. 412, to the meeting of the I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge at Ottawa. From Toronto to Montreal the trip was to be by boat. The Point Fann.- - The following have reglistered at. Point Form Lew*. bre., Marion Fairburn. Mr -4. J, J. I!. England. AI Irn 1 Miss Charlotte England, Mew I.% 11• Roberts, Chas. F. Fundle, abbe Sage. Alio Florence Sage, MI. Agnes, Gillespie. Mr. and MI.. it'. 4 . iteker, Mester William aud Huth Raker. letrolt ; Mi.. Danl. Ilosham. Ale. and valet nod Elizabeth Doyle, I'. IV. I 'Moulmein'. Mi..- font rice ttameron, •Torosito ; MI.. 1 tirdl le Mein's...It, Min. Tenn Holsertson. Mire Items latehinn and children, London ; Mr.. H. H. A. tlreig Vow, Tiltiontstirg ; Mos, Cho. Mein. turn. Jona Alelnicalc.clucesigo. Mr...tedMer Fred 4 'oughts's and children mid nurse, O. A. 4 irilltsi, (Latish ; Air.. H. 4 '. Hell, Mies Mary tleyn, Mr. end Mrs eibIlitt. Brantford ; /101Wilift Mitchell, Ottawa; MI. Evelyn !Solaria, Sarnia : It. It. Smith. Ht. Louie . Mo. tibidon, children and mine, Halt ; Mr.. A. H. vdt bell. Mies L. K. %Vitt. Mine Helen , newt., Violet V. (tale, Neria (1044. Toronto , Mien ettewart. Trenton : Mr -i. 1). It Lyon.. (Myer and Dupont Lyon+. Sherman, Tram.. Mr.. Footsie Duffield. Detroit ; Ws. Mewl. sari borne, tondos; John Kelm Mary Kalil. Doyle. Norman Lewin, Mime Julia I 403,114, A. J. Hell hi% 1 eels -even. Helen PrItehnrd, D. Ate Cherie+, Fred froritid tong. 11. Arndt:am% Luck ford. Nen nrearete, Kleist lir...Hord, Dungan. "Irn. -141111.1.-aitteLKIMII:-.".iiionrdeven,44Mr"..e.ndMiliallYelni. f''. (41.1. tisterich Mies b. !borne, nom Mr.. Helaine 10,1, ALI. kfliberland, SKinflaut .- Mr. sad Mrs. nein as. Aitchet, Mim Toung, Mies Weatherby. Mi.. lint -mom 1 wren. ere vied ing in town. Mists .fennie Well is h Toronto for a short vacation. among the vieitors in town this week. William Swaffield has returned from vigoroU4 than Peet'. Mr. and Mrs. A ichherger, of Cleve- land, are vieitintt the latter's aunt. Mrs. Stewart, at Ilenmiller. Henry if. Dumber, of Red 'met, Atte . is spendlne Lbw week In town, the g est of his brother, Councillor C. H. Huminir. For artletie Portrait work It It. Osillow.' 1. hendquartete. Sitting. arranged foi at any The nre at tummy! a hie diesppaar knee of vnitie. Pridliam 4 h., tailor le making a big tlinappearance nf velum. *len. All you need to stet We hest value In tailoring I. a 0,11,41 4111011e, of our, Summer cater. will Ilnd Wilmer Smith n11 kind. of mtivenir. of their ..lay (Woe itr entre en Raul etiMet le the Mare 16 D. McMillan lost hi. dirschilnd the either (lay, the a tt i ttt being run over by en automobile "anti ki11,41 alMont. Architect Barclay. of,l(oronto, was in town on Fativeday' in ronnerlion with the new public echo°, buildinn to be erected in tiodsfich. R. R. hdllows leaves Monday morn- ing next for Algonquin Park and Muskoka on a r,ommIssion for London Oraphic, the well-known Old Country Illustrated weekly. for which he will take a series of view'. He will !leeway • week or more. Teen rinks of Goderieb bowlers tried Death of II B. McKinnon, Blyth. Itlyth;Kintust 11. McKinnon. one -44 -the -best-known eitisens of comity. died here on Seturday, The ileceiaed was horn in 18111 in the county of Halton and early entered merchantile life in Milton and later in Brampton. In Dill Mr. McKinnon removed to Blyth, where he had mince resided. For matiy years he was In coninierciel life, hist he retired a few year. ago, continuing the °Mee of postmaster. en appointment he re- ceived in Itt74. The deceouted was active in everything pertaining to the welfare of this community. He was • member of the first council of this icipality and worked (narrow iced' y for the building of the London :and Wingham Railway. In 1887, he mar' tied Mary F. Atkinson, who died eleven -yearn ego. The deceased leaves one eon. J. S. /dcKinnon, of Toronto, and_one daughter Mrs. (Dr.) Milne, here. 'Two brothers and one sister survive. tieing S. F. hicKin- non, of Toronte ; M. F. McKinnon. in Saskatchewan. and Mrs. James Mullin, Belfast. Mr. McKinnon wee a staunch Presbyterian, and it is a nonseerhat peeitliar coincidence that he served continummly on the board of inenagement throughout the pas- torate of Itr. McLean, which lasted (kitty years, and retired from active work sintialtaneoissly with Dr. Me - Lean. The funeral is on Tuesday nod le under the auspices of tbe Masada Order. - ANNOUNCEMENTS, Wateb for grand opening day of Use new fumiture store. Look for red perance) Hail the second and /mirth Mondays of each month, at 8 o'clock. Nitro -It. New furniture store start. ing on Hamilton street where nothing but new and up-to-date furniture win he handled. Next to Stoddart's bar - nese shop. Fonetertue Pell* NA LH. -A purebswer wnitted at, once for furniture of five . bargain. Or, • tomint for the rooms, which have best location on the Senate. can have option to purchisee furniture. Apply tat once to J. W. CHAIM*. Real Estate and Insurance AUCTION SALES. sAtvan*•. Atte. lath. 'leering anetiOn Fele of household furnit tire. furnlishing. and atm% .11.. at the rPodPnue of the tate Ur. Shaneob. comittenelise et 1 In clock 11. tn. MKS. 0. 3. r1 I.AV. Aug. 51.4. SILIA of wellatitnatad psoperty. let te, corner Light house isnid West ntreet., so the prerni.... onsionenelng at pi O'clock m. M. Nts moiene, proprietor. BORN. WKLSH. -In lietterarn. nn Friday. Alienist Atli, HA TKYI.- lin (iodic lob, on Monday. Jnly to Mr. and Mr.. William Hieses. 4.6•11ril. ANDICRAON.-At Content, Al#4„ en Render, 1 panel let. to Mr and MN Hersey A. An. hat the, hiltehell defender* proved too int( lew Cralthroolt. H C., called on ItiOnotorich. Weantaty.Anatoet DA An r end lare J.