HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-8-5, Page 88$ Tuvalum eILIMunT 6,',1100
Something badly uredsd here is a
boathtwre, where people could hire
rowboats Lor pleasure purposes. That
a place like (lodet•ich should be with-
out such facilities for boating is a re-
flection upon the enterprise of its peo-
ple. There ought to be Home profit iu
the business' for a elan who would keep
the right suit of,boats and attrild to
the business properly. Pe(ipte who
come to liodericb expectlug to find a
lake resort fully equipped for the con-
venience of vitiators are surprised and
disgtuitet--at,Lbe lack of luconnuot14•
tilt for boating old lathing.
• • le
Sorry to mention it, but the summer
1. half one and the tax hills will stain
Ile in.
• • •
Half a barrel ut -tiger rune,
Half a tou of feud ;
Maher tt the kin. lieu .tor..
Calling esu .t brute ;
Hie -..ed be the winter time.
N'heu Dol.aw will .evm
Like the summer conte again
In a dish of cream.
-ridtimore Suu.
• 4 •
Iiet,.that Walter Kell/y, will lw the
Hest men W cross Lake Huron with »
flying machine.
• • •
The town council is urganitiug a
• new •' fire " department. Alderman
Jordan is going to "tire" the chair-
man of the parks committee, and the
Mayor is determine) to "tire" every
town employee who -cannot tell it
wonkey•wrench from a hose -Ladder.
Quite proper. too. Hui rah for the iww
fire departweut !
• e;•
Hon. A. ti. Mestinyw
president of the Western Ontario
Bowling Association. We al ways knew
A. G. would come to the front. '
• • •
Yet we stoutly Insist -
And we don't care a ;Minter
Who knows it -this weather
is better than winter.
• • •
Goderich institute d14
particularly well in the normal school
eutrance examinations. the restate of
shed this week. The
percentage of successful candidates
the whole Province was about 37 per
cent. Of the candidates from (lode -
rich Collegiate institute &I per cent.
were successful. The record is gratify.
Ing to the sten' and to all others who
are interested in the school.
• • •
Minister -Now, little girl, you want
to be a Christian. don't you?
Little Girl -No, sir, 1'd rather sing
in the choir.
peal will he allowed. In all other
ea is of failure appeals will not be re -
fu ed if toad* before September 1, and
accompanied by fee of $2.
The list of euerelwful candidates
writing at Ooderich Collegiate' Insti•
lute is all follows:
L. H. Bailie, 1. H. Barkley (honors).
M. H. Sieben. T. H. Cass, F:..1, Clark,
J. eluttou, W. Cunningham, J. F.
Ellis (honors), V. C. Elliott. F. .1. Pin-
ter, M. E. Printer, N. (initiate, J. E.
Johnetlm. M. P. Alcliillivray. 1i. J. Mc -
Nevin (hotiut•H1, H. T. Patterson (hon-
ors), I. E. Pentland T. E.
Robertson (honors), 11. M. Ryan (hon-
ors(, A. V. Shackleton, M. E. titud-
dart (honors). II, If. 1'.rwill (houurrl,
W. 11. Walter honors).
Thr"7n11.twtnw-ttst conpprrtise's- fife
natttes of suece•seful canilidates al.
other centres in Huron cnuuty:
P. A. Harker, R. Hall (humors), K.
l.. Itiake, E. A. Beatty. E. Hell thou -
ties', A. M. Harley, .1. 1i. 1'anlelon
1 hnuursl. A. E. Challenger (honors).
E. U. Courtier (Ito s(. K. I. Collins,
A. M. Clarke, (honor), M. 1.. Coleman
Ihonors p R. Clegg. SJ. 1. Clegg thon-
t.r.). A. T. Davidsm (honors). J. S.
I tickrau (honors), W. S. l )(whet t y.
honors). K. L. Durranci• Ihouore), l'. 1
troughs. H. Dore, E. Evans (honors),
S. Elliott. L. D. Ford (honors), 11.
Fea (horrors). SS'aD. Ferguson. E. N.
Fry le. O. 4. Gould (honors), T. K.
(;oven tick (honors), W. 1'. l;rievr
(honors). A. T. Manville, 11. E. 113-
gtr. R. M. Henry, H. T. Irwin. P. M.
Imlay, G. W. Jordan J. L. Johnson,
A. T. Jordan, I•'.' 1i. Jai•►son, I.. M.
Jewett, R. O. Kerr, J. lis Leckie tbon-
ors). 1.. M. Iex•ke, F. 1). fatidlaw, 1. 1..
loose. H. 11. Lloyd, 4.- McKercher
(honors), H. C. Moon' Ileum's), J. A.
McM+thun (honors). Ar111acKenzie (hon-
onx) V. E. Mc1,1unaIL Al. S. MacDou-
gall' (humors). N. McGregor, V. A.
Akrllis, L. H. Mullholland. F'. L. Mut'-
phy, E. H. McKee. A. M. McKersie,
G. 14. MoKet'sie,- hi..I . s144-Tavi'h. J.
M. Oostreicher, O. L. Robb, M.
Hansfonl, 1. M. Howe, 1'. Roberts thon-
rs). P. If. Reid. R. S. Shaw, 4.
jituble (honors). W. R. Smillie ihon•
e 's), T. Sanders (honors), C. M. Mad-
', H. E. Smolt. (honors). V. E. Stev-
• * s
Wonder why Doc Mabee keeps that
tlag flying! 1s he celebrating an
eng-but we mustn't be too inquisitive.
,• • -
Wot's yourn r asked the waiter of
a quick lunch patron.
, Doughnuts and black coffee," was
the reply.
And the waiter sent in the order to
the cook by wireless : "One in the
dark an' two rubber tires." y
. • • *
The movable bandstand seetna to be
all right The music sounds better.
and the grans in the Square will have a
chance to grow again where it was
tramped down.
• * *
M. G.
'son Ili.
The ;1111
H. Stackhouse,:' F. A. Tamblyn,
J. W. Taunblyri, A. H. W*'Ils, J.
1 isenlan (honors), E. L. Willis,
White (honors). M. H.....
J. J. Wright is visiting fu London.
A. J: Cooler was iu Palmerton yesterday.
Kenneth Boyd +Dent the holiday In Toron-
Alex, danders was to Toronto un 1Wedoes-
d 1)
J. H. Colborne was iu roasts) uu Wedues-
`ivy Kidd te home from Termite Alt bdt-
Jewph Heide was up frau Toronto • during
the week.
Here resins la halos twin Toronto for- a. heti.
do hat.
vli.s Ebert-. of Chatham, i• vt.lting friends
in town.
Nike Jordan was a visitor in Toronto on
NV ednesdey,
Harry 1.. Irwin. of Buffalo, i+ ,pending boll-
Mr., Armour and daughter, of Toronto. are
r,.1uu11 ill town.
NeitCentermii• away oo a trip to Toronto
and otho' a-.
Ur.11u1111au, of Detroit, has been visiting
111.'11.1- lin (own.
Melvin Howell . toiled the oki borne at twou'
doro or, Wcdn,•-d
Mr. and Alr.. I'. 11. Morton and child• of fort
Hope. are rlNtiug to town.
Mr. arid Mr. Harry Cuff alt.( child, of Hranl-
t.•rd, are In town on a visit.
MI. Li,slo.Knueshaw has returned to town
ft 0111 her visit al Niagsrri Falb,
1'. 1..11.. Station Attend Robinette made a bus
(loss trip to Turugto butt week.
Frank and Harry Maria made a Meiners
tripto Toronto on Wednesday.
A1110141 the Toronto v4 -&tor, ou N'eduedduy
I.t-[ were Mr. and Mr.. J. Smith.
Miss Maggie Robertson 1i4( on TueaNy on a
V1.11 101'0101.tu and other l.ulilt.- •
Air. Itichanlwn, of boudoir, has teen visit
1111 friends 1u town hind Virwity.
N01 In ul Helier. of Duluth, i, v kiting 41 the
1 ilrut41h01er, 441lbau1. drool
Air. and Mrs. at ill 141111th and ten Smith vi.-
i!est relative. ht Hu A'do the. week.
11.11. A. stannic, of Palmer. Iowa, .prat a
k w
11.63,-44 T. '1', Leeks'. lei week.
11'el1w.nlet. 01 et'i�11itham, 1- in town
ei.NfW her kiwtrr. Mrs. J. H. Tigert:
Mrs. U. H. Martin :OKI daughter, are visit-
ing Mr. Martin A sister at Hamilton.
%Her. A. mistime and Mrs. `edger, of To
fordo, aro 4'1.aius their relative. here.- . - -
41r. Brown, of C11i0rte° 1f*mworly Mi+s Mag •
gie Baxter'. 1. visiting at the utd h1)111.•.
Mr. and Miss Roi,e Merrett, of Loudon.
were with friends in town over sundae.
Mrs. Joseph Hropphey and children renamed
011 Monday night Iroat a visit ill Kincardine.
Mi.- Msud iliirmau. of Detroit, 1. '.oit
parenterter. and Mrs, Wale.-. SM. monSuccessor-
Air+.1'. T. 11411. and haggle Halls left on ��
$..ttttday nil 4 ti -11 to Brantford and Ifamil
'PHONE 43.
Specials for Saturday.
:'2 Its o'f liranulate'd Sugar for
•I.OU Inst heftpatil s).
�cliteinleer slake 01,11 Cheese.
regular prier ls,•, Maturttay
Kellogg's Toasted Corn Plakes,
sal defray. 3 ton'
Malta Vita, Saturday, 2 for 15c.
.Sc package Orange Meat, Sat-
urday, 15c.
2 in I Shoe Polish, Saturday, 2
fur 1&e.
Hest quality Bulk Pickles, Met -
w'day, 15e per mart.
me bottle Mweet Pickles; Satur-
day, :Cic.
tole our own blend - B1a0k Tea.
Hatutday, :3 lbs for $LOO.
\Vooden Clothespins, Saturday,
le per dozen.
1 only •117•piece Dinner Set, in
blur and gold, regular price
SUMO. ala urday..V-2A.
Highest Cash or Trails price'(or
('Ii011'E BUTTER and FRESH
cg ort in today's m mY
paps of th results of the commer-
cial specialist. examinations contains
welcome news 'r one of the (1..('. 1.
students, sr .achievement is
highly er itable herxwlf as well as
to her Instal* Miss McArthur.
The suceeseful yowl holy is Lilian
B. Fraser, and The 'gnat extends
The t.oderieh bowling tour • cut
opens next Tuesday, lUth inst.
Cbe.baseball match yesterday of
noun between Ooderich and Clinto
was one of the utast interesting Seen
on the local t ie...8a toe aurpe_ .true.
and the last innings closed with some
pretty work. The score wah'2 to 1 in
favor of Clinton when the Goderich
boys went to (tat in the last half of the
ninthinningi* �sdi..-went--tabatAtut
and got to first base on an error, Wig-
gins made first on a bit. V. Dean was
hit by the piteler. Tali was put
out. Then a nice little hunt by
Webb did the trick. Edis came over
the plate rind upert the catcher, Wig-
gins came in next, scoring the win-
ning run, peaking the •etre 3 to'2, and
(tin eta other ten ta era x110 enr.eedj,be v. ;
horns plate, which would make the visiting at the residence of
score 5 to 2 if these runs were Mr. Crandall i- N niece of AI r. 1'
counted, The player+ were as follows: A -AI. Robert -on, M..1.. returne,
Grderich--C. Webb, l.f. ; L. Elliott. soon Toronro. where hP hal tarn
some of the delwrtnleutsl era
✓ .f. ;-0. -Dean, c.f. ; ,E. Bell, lb..; C. trailer.
Devine, s.s. ; J. Edis, 2b. ; J. Wiggins, Mr. and Mr.. J. Burt Hrayley and
p.: V. Dean, c. • S. Tait, 3b. Clinton daugbmr. of Toroato,.peut. several da
-E. Johnston, lb.; T. Hawkins, nos.. week at the home of Mr. and Mr. Tho,
Steep e f • Tanker, p • Malnhlg, :it); 1 - ' 'lard Hearns - elster Ed.my,, and
1 . t•roudroor, M.'t'.1'-atUt-ta illy env
-tending a holiday +eason at Prom'. Neck,
A ,11110, Fortunate is the bride who marries
Miss Doherty. of Inc Stratford Pollejiate the best man at her wadding.
Inditute stair, 1+ vktUng her brother. L. E.
s' jokes
t laugh
your ell k
People will Is
P silly 1lohert K Y
r F
Among those wbo took advantage of the ex- AN lung as your money talks.
curlan on Wednesday were Mr. mud Mrs, P Ht ‘ th tquick-lunch joint
I>ern- rangg a a
Mrs, H. C. Monteith and three children, of doesn't ditpentte basty hulttting.
Powe. an, were the guest. of Atr'.'r. T. Leckie Whro- beauty do -tura retllOve
last week. freckles they. demand spirt cash: -
M6:aes t:ertrude and Lilian Ilarnea. of Port
Huron, are the guests of Mi. A. Buchanan. It takes years of pract ice to enable
Nelson street. a middle-aged woman�tu look young.
Mie• McLaren, of Callander, Scotland, and The talkative »w•tr•esals eyrcnsioo-
1+s Sarah McLaren. of Uwrt U ,arc volt-
Ing to town and vicinity. ally hooch the thread u is uta•sr.
Kee. and AI r, C. K. Jones left on Thur+day Money talks, hilt it--dtwstr't always
for Caledonia and other po !mints during a t wo or
three week. vacation fetus make a satisfactory financial state -
Arden Aitken 1. hotue from Port Arthur fee et uttrot. --
holiday Het. with the L. 11'. Hoole Urocery Turn aboiht isn't fair play when the
Company and i t doing well
Mr. J. H. Webster and daughter Caroline, peroxide blonde be s u brunette
of St. i:lair, Mich.. are the gue.t• of Mr, N , again.
The Sibees Clara and Maud HI..ett. of NewH. Webae•r, New11ate street. And if you err, afraid w ask for
what you want the chances are that
Ili r pcesomeone wltt'hand Tout'. irluon,._-..-' ..
' le and •on,Master l rederick.of Haw-
tt.utng at •he residence of Mr.
ttr. W w, caspbelL Carron Teeth et M.
R, Stewart. '•F'lglll Park ' lett for
M of
e►d f her
k. dau�[kters of ties. BueCL4 aro, .- leudiog.
boli a a[ the tofllee.
ligie +
Mr.. Jar
Detroit nu
vi -'t tier
o Gerwbo is
rdajj +[et►me�zlL �gsace to-T'E�xa-. Warner of
t, J 1 re Stewart. In Oen 7fILL pear, 1'a ell g
Mr. and Mr-. lethert Reid arrived on Mon- set of teeth, of which she hes six clew
day from Ureroi. ad will mend n In)mh in, u[yea. it,. Warmer ti a remarkak e
Goderich and'tt \ tlereumg Park
le.eland 1.1vt wr.k • v Wl Mr. Ands' N+
mother, Air-. John Ste rt, Henrolller. t newer fecal glaseoo.
'Mtw.Laura and N•. (:nig leave thi+1
v ening by -teaser Sl. ase on a trip to
Mackinac and (*heboypu., - 1.1 1..11,
]Ir. and Alr-. J. Andrew- arrived from i old Indy phywcall) She has not a
hair m her herd, and
_ ,lhiaja pirnie tine Aro you getting
p y
your shore of the fun?
• r •
liege -Why wait till you have a
bank account before marrying? Money
will not buy everything. Jiiggs-But
a man's wife will.
• • •
IN A m•rmoe.'a.
Two in a hammock .,
Trod to kiss,
quickly lauded(
ins) ►+u testi
-Monist Lippincott'+.
• • •
Dunt forget hospital Sunday. Small
contributions gratefully received:
larger ones more so.
of L,I.':, Are
'-m. Campbell.
Dltell . •
last week
Alexander. 2b. ; L, Kerr, r.f.: Mc- olio Harris left yesterday for (J derich on an
Nwwn,_LI • duhnst on e. Th I1n extended bicycle tour through IVe+tern
7; GIIInrL7.: ; F. -sank uh..nnnn 0 Mame Irwin fing�nda foe
, gg�t� t: Alraanda,
1 : Johnston, 1. \Vith the except'
of the runs Giitterich scored in the
last innings, the only runs were made
in the third, Elliott scoring for Gode-
s' irh. In the eighth it looked like some
scoring for Godotieh, three men on
bares and apparently :t safe hit by
Devine. McEwen, however, Managed
to get the ball, and both the left
fielders, McEwen for Clinton and
Webb for liodrrich, deserve mention
of their good work. F'. J. Rutland. of
town, and Potts, of Clinton. were the
Next Monday the Mitchell tram will
play here. The day is civic holiday
to both Clinton and Mitchell -and
large numbers from )*oth these placer
Will probably come up to are the
game. The people of O.xferich should
turn out and give• the boys the en. Pte William V C i H A
tnnrag4 m*•nt they de!n r v s', arch if `of Kaar Pa•• 1ta 0IY of ilo we+v lie UnnLL
they win this gam*' they Will hove
has been arranged to take pace Septembyr
tate elithitaiinatiiJ' "cmched. ' ' -_
-were ebalaril typ as' folluWe ' tis
Distresa:n; Accident in Ashfield - Mrs.
Whitt, Severely injured.
On Sunday morning a runaway
accident occurred near Kingsbridge
b which Mrs. Michael Dalton, of
Hiintseil, lost her lite and Mrs. Whitty,
also of Kintail, was badly injured.
Mrs. Dalton and her son Charles.
accompanied by Mrs. Whitby and a
boy named Jqe Shaw, were in the rig
together returning from Nervier at
St. Joseph's ehureh, Kingsbridge.
The hotale's bis' broke, allowing the
animal his liberty, and he started to
run. Mrs. Dalton attempted to jump
and fell beneath the wheels. She was
carried unconscious Into Miss Noble's
home, where she lingered some ten
hours before death ensued.
The other three occupants of the
rig were thrown out. Mrs. Whitby
sustained a badly sprained ankle,
teeeides re.-eiviug a severe shock, and
she is suffering Hevere pain. The boys
escaped unhurt.
Mrn. Dalton's remains were removed
to her home, awaiting burial until her
eons Jahn, 4if4Jbtaswes and -Peed*, of
Denver. should arrive. Mrs. Dalton
will he sadly lmiseted in her torus,
where her aged partner, her eon
Charlie and her young- daughter
Priscilla are 14ft to mourn thee -Joss of
a kind and loving wife and int �tt cr.
Her death will he sorely felt aihce.
among the needy in the community.
She was a devoted member of Mt.
Joseph's church, where the burial
takes place Friday morning.
Mrs. Dalton was born fifty-eight
years ago in Uo derich township, her
maiden name being Elizabeth Young.
Two children predeceased her a few
years ago, Mins Jennie and Master
Joseph. She is survived by six
brothers end t wn sisters : Jamey , and
William F. Young, of Loyal : Alex.,
of Kintail ; John and Henry, of
Porter's Hill : Charles, of Goderich ;
Mrs. McGrattan, of (ioderich, and
Mrs. Patrick Austin, of Kingsbridge.
List of Successful Candidates in Huron
The results of the examinations fo
entrance to normal schools were pub
dished on Tuesday. The successfu
candidates who desire to attend the
coming session of normal schools are
reminded that application for admis-
dminsion mustbe made to the Deputy
Minister of Education not later than
Tuesday, September 7. No student
will he admitted who will not he at
leant eighteen years of age before Sep-
tember lst. The appeal examiners
have re -read the papers of each can-
didate whose moults would In former
Wears have justified an appeal
here atob acandidate has still failed
his statement of marks will he
stamped as re -(wad, and no further ape
o few weeks. It rook 'h.o• +inked at few name
in the mining dt+trict and says that en:evert-
are good.
J. U. Keefer, ptibll-her of The Norwood Reg
iter, ,uwmpanied by Mr. Keefer rind -as'.
Harland are+pending • week with Mr. and
Mr. A. J. PaltndIe. •
11,. Wesley Reid and hip brother. Herbert. of
Detroit. and Frank Martin, of town, have
rented doe of the cottage. at Alene+etuug Park
for the month of Angu.t.
•Miss Edith A. Reid, A. T. C. M.. left In+l
week to take a vacation, after winch ,he will
stake t tour with an entertalnmegt company
n+ a reader and reciter.
AIV, John Kelly, Mi.. Kele Kelly, Mr. and
Mr. W. C. tinker of Detroit, and Mr. and
Mr. R. Foley. of ethicago. visited J. J. Kelly.
of Kincardine. during the week.
1. B. Clement, of North Ikay, chief cmgineet
ten the Tcminkaming and Sort hero Ontario
Hallway. w... In town for day or Iwo the
week vi+iting hi++i-ler. Mr.. H, 1:, li dgen-.
The marriage of Atl.++ Franco+ Treleaven.
Only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tre-
leaven, and v, ant ourtre.
Dominion Uay Finances.
The c rte in charge of the 1)uln-
tunun-Day celebiatiun. met -last -week.
to close up the accounts. The follow-
ing is the statement of receipts and
expenses :
Ilalante from last year ...... .... $ NAI
Froin ate• and emends..... . . . ... Arts:,
lona! st from elf (renleas
Ilutbnatiuns from elf irens Diluted :
p.;.„.„42,,,,,„.... etc .....,....••..•.... 11 :Mot
. lit
Hand- :+enlor. gni; .innior, O( 1111
'Eng of war, g• ,; Meehan. tel
Speeding ant fan'•y driving ...
*tante'. boys and girl. Ica* 1
Names, fror- and girl. ftadue+l
Mantes, ad tilt ... ....
Ieecprnttons. tc ., ... Ik
Hen Ing and caring of grounds... 21.
I4Nld111'0w01 hand .. 111,
1'. A. 141 11t, - W. LANK„
I•e'ostdon4 Treasure
SIoNDAv, /toilet 2nd.
Ts: U 1I1H4 ENNANKII.-M tev►art
Rona of Clinton, has been engaged as
teacher of H. S. No. H. at a salary of
$440. Tha trustees of M. S. No. 11
have seemed the services of Mies
Lnrlla Tichbnlrne for the eonting
term. Mina Sterling, of Hayfield. has
been engaged by the winters( of M. S.
No. A, a
Some (if his Satanic majcat71* lieu-
tenants go ^leen handing out free ad-
Mold* -21Why don't you consult a
doctor *boot your insomnia Y'
Mlohhs- "What ! And rim up more
hills? Why, it's became. of what 1
owe him now that 1 rant sleep.'•
"My dear fellow, what nn earth
has induced you 14) take your mother-
in-law with you to Italy 1' "Yon
know the old saying, 'Ser Naples and
die F We are going to Naples."
"But anal] you're notoing to
marry him until you know all about
him P' "My dear I it 1 knew all
about him 1 mightn't want to marry
him 1"
1-t. •
- Kincardine -Reporter: Mr:. 1iro 1ij; ilode-
rich. Is visiting friend- here. \1s'. ('on-
.wul� 1Jalerich. 1s VL+itwg her daughter Mr
Wright, at the rectory. Lloyd and n,
olda Hamlin are visiting friend. in (lode -
Alex. ttdtttnsort, of Clayfield. 1* to town
today. Ile fits..0141 his h•,tel at Hayllekl 10
W. I. Hanlon. of IAnNlort. He has not decided
where his text location will Ise, hut in the
meant (nue his Gamily have taken up residence
in 1 ksterich.
Mr. and Hrs. N". C linker and children.
1%'Mani and Roth, of Detroit, who -pent the
est week with Mrs. Raker'. parents,
Mr. and Mr*. John Kelly. r hurch.1., returned
tlds ranulonly ns In their automobile atom•
iry b Mr. and Mrs. Richard automobile,
From The Winnipeg Free Pres. wee clip the
following announcement regarding a yorthg
Indy formerly of Gndcrich : Mrs Hued, Sher-
brooke street., annnnnr•r+ the engagement of
her only don hler Edna to loonard H. Ring. of
Melville, Bank. 1'he wedding will take place
early ill teeplcmher.
Mr. mid (40. H. Park were In (14 town of
$itn*',r on Monday. at lerdtne a hlrthdayrorty
nod family reunion given 1u honor of Mr.
Parkneither. who had reached her MRhty•
third htrlbd.y on that dste. There were
seventy l.ereem* present, all but fire of whom
were mors Oe lees. eksisly related, and, as might
be expected. the party was a very enjoyable
affair. Mr. and MIS Pork returned home
A nnounremcnt I. made of the approarhln{,
Innrrtnge of Miss F'lo,ente F:thel Kirkwood.
daughter of the late Mr. and Mr. William
Kirkwood. of Hranpton, to lie,. IMnald W, s.
t'r chart, of Listowel, bite of Kippen. The
wedding is to take place In Brampton on
�rtngod 16th. Mls.. Kirkwood has been on the
teenhing MOT of Headxlh collegiate Institute
for!!se eraal year'.. .-
she b..
Edmonton Booming.
The present year is expected to
be a record one in i dxsontoo in t .e
building trade. and the larlge expen-
diture of the Ia.+t two years, each
over two million dollars• will be on-
tirs•ly eclipsed, unless something an
foreseen uocws.
fail a
Will bit
the orcb
from the t
storehouse i t (oNlerich.
undersigned will a In
kit during the coining
for apples of all kinds,
and pack apples in
•tl or as they come
delivered at the
The Shoe We Hold Up
for your examination l+ made by one of the
foremost -hoe deageer. of the country. 11 is a
*hue that ie AA honestly built u• it i• skilfully
reassured its wearer mud Iotg service w well.
('owe and hate yor.r feet fitted with *11111r.
Then: are all ,teas acrd widths, .0 we run guar
ante• ant a. gall au if you had your .shoe+
made to onto .
The great vitt bargains in
Oxford Tie Shoes ever otfees.l
in Goderich.
Come early for these under-
priced Mhos*. There is more
than one pair that will reit
you and fit you. but the more
there are the rarer volt are
of being gniekly satislird.
Sole Agent* for
Queen Quality Shoes
1 il' 4 III,•t1)
Walk -Over Shoes
1,1 1110111
Downing & MacVicar
North side of Square.
The future is what you must consider.- -Build for the
future by advertising today in
1 i
Our August Program
t stocks
e of all rummer
' •r cl*vt•anc
Four things stand out prominently on it : Firer, the positive
a arrival of fell stocks fourth,
r • hid the first as's't •
• seroud, the annual tnidsuwwer display of new flu , t t
special sale that will be unique and unusual, full particulars of which will to announced shoot the
middle of the month- '
GOi)F:RI(' H.
Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoons, extra
heavy. $i,lti on to $2.(l) each.
Sterling Silver Nnirrnir 13e1t. Pin..
Wick Pim, Beauty Pins, etc., :Ge
up to: $2.50.
A splendid range of Enamelled Sou-
venir (bolds, 2.ic and FiOc.
Souvenir China, High•arade
English Foley Souvenir China, prnttp
pieces, from tic up to VLSI.
Souvenir Postal Cards. special. 3for CN•,
also n maid assortment at 4 for
Souvenir Book of Ooderich. :if) styes,
twice 2.-e.
Ptoprictlr, 'Phone 1111
Court House M*tuate. tloprtticH, ONT.
MPONGEs. Monne goad valued' in all kinds 14111 L r•ti)a t t .)
(larriage, etc.) �\\
TALOUM and FOOT POW11ER8.-Be�E makes.
FACE CREAMS. MAMMAOK .CREAMS, etc. -unite a variety to
choose from, and in price from 15c to $Lbw),
HATHiNG (LAPS and WATER WINGS. - Everything in season In
Get them at
Central Drug Store -- - S. E. HICK,
The Positive Clearance of Summer Stocks
We will be hard at it all month until every dollar's worth finds lies
owners. The store must be aotltely bare of summer goods when the
season is over. That is a guarantee of fresh, new stocks, free from left-
overs, for you next season. • Actual values didn't count for much when
we made the prices that will..pselcail. here while we are at this.Mldsummer
Children's Dresses
You can save on these Children's Dresses be-
(•ause they are sawph's. \Ve have 126 children's
white muslin and colored Dresses, infante Slips
and Rolfes and children's Underwear of all kinds.
livery garment Is a sample, Hot -clans in every de-
tail. 'tVe cleated them from the factory at a very
low prier, and fur our Midsummer Clearance give
yen: yottr,-iroi. a of f.bwrntirrt'iat
Save on Underwear, too
They are .*lllplee also. Jot about 1W gar
went• in this lot. Maniples from the same factor)
as the infants' and children's dresser. Skirts,
gowns, drawers and corset covers. No two of the
whole PIO alike. Some exceptionally handsome
pieces, bought at a diaenent font the maker's
regular prices. This lot we offet' you at your
c hider for
Out Go --the Waists
The whole stock dig ided into three lots to sell at 88c, 81.28 and $2.28. All
--44h- tty g' en1s-t.hat---ace representative -of -this:.-.. oelcon'c _hest _style. hlu
like these.
Lot No. I. Waists
that sold up to $ I.75
for 88c.
2.5 or an in this lot, MAslin
Waists, • variety of styles,
all sizes, regular $1.225, (lQ
$1.:I1 and $1.75, ehoie.•,(J(iC
Lot No. 2. Any Waist
in it $1.28.
This Intincludes all Waists
that sold at $22.00, $22.2.. and
$2.4l. There are probably
21 or :i) in ell. Handsome
garments Choice $1 Q
of this lot V
Lot No. 3. Our Best
Waists $2.28.
In this lot No, 3 we pit all
our blest Muslin Waists. gar-
ments that sold at $2.75 tt
$4.I111, Of most of them only
one or two of a pattern.
Fine qualities. Choice
of the entire $2.2
lit C7
Laces and Embroideries to Go, Too
Nearly 3,000 yards of them that must be sold
before August is out, divided into four lots to make
the selling an absolute certainty, worth in most
cases double:the price we ask. These are the prices :
7011 or MOO yards of laces and Embroideries, almost all
kinds represented .in the lot, a clearing up ot 5c, 6c, 7c and
Me qualities, all at o ,.
'one price, and that price, per yard.,.. 3C
At 61,c
Pretty nearly as many at this price. trimming laces.
vatenciennee laces, torehon and Swiss embroideries, dozens
sod dozens of pattern!' and widths, (p alines that wild all
the way up W lac. All on one table and your choice, L+ IC
per yard '
Better Still at 11c..
I lc a yanl for Laces and Embroideries that are worth
this price twice over. All kinds of Laces with muslin or
cambric embroidery insertion. Regular 20c to 311c. All ♦ 1
At one price. and that price. per yard 1 1
Higher Grades, I7c
At least 3110 in this lot. High.gratle trimming laces and
embroideries. Short lengths and oddpattern* left from 30
to 44)11nre. All gg_:at one price,..e and that, price, per 170
yard going
Special Fur Exhibition
We open our midsummer exhibition of Fine Furs Sat-
urday, August 7th, in a spacious upstairs show -room.
There will be more furs and bette r furs than we have ever
been able to show you: Ay special arrangements some ot
the leading manufacturing furriers have sent us several
thousand dollars' worth of high-class furs for this mid-
summer display. Many are sample garments of exclusive
style, higher -class goods than we carry in stock through the
season. if you have any thought of fur -buying the coming
seasbn, we are satisfied it will be to your advantage to look
this collection ovvt. Whether ymi have or not, we cordially
invite you to come :inti see what is beyond question the
finest collection of furs ever brought to Goaerich. No nee d
to feel under any obligation to buy. The furs will be here
and we want you -to see them. Come any time you find it