HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-8-5, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTARIO • TlauaawAT, AMMO' 5. 19E$ 'f g(pe + ci, Vey+* *4+ T $ + ++ $ T **** t 4+ 44i 9 4c i * 4 The News of the District. % 44A4444444444►4644444644644+444444***45444+++44 44: VI teUTN0.1 0 CENTENARY, LANEb. SATURDAY, July 31t. TICK Cnoree-The farmers of this vicinity have finished the hay crop, slid the whspt win be in the barns Sul ,ng this coU.lug work. The ree ut shewere base considerably leugtheuod the spring erupe. There will be au abwatance ut small fruit tine season, judging by the present showing. (•oMINii •ND UoiNU.-Mrs. A. M. Treleaven and son, Lane, of Ripley, are at present visiting the former.' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jar. LIMO Mr. 1luggarth and little daughlar, of Toronto, are guerta of Miss May Reid at pretreatJoseph Smeltser re- turned to the West un Tueeday of Chir work. A numhe•r trout this neighborhood attended the Cale- donian games held at Kincardine on Friday last Mr. and:Mrs. Percy Sanderson and fatuity spent Saturday evening and timidity last visiting rela- tives in Dungannon, CREWE. Mono•' , Aug. 2nd. Tlf ftoWN FROM His Hoses y, -As Robert Harty and eon, Will. were returning from Gielerich tut Wednes- day, tete horses took fright at the cement miter south of Dunlop and threw Mr. Hasty from the buggy, breaking two tones in the track of his lift hand. t)r. Whitely was sent for sad bandaged the wounded hand. Fortunately, Will escaped uninjured. 'VIiKJNAL.-Mina Jennie Scutt. of Toronto, Is visiting her aunt. Mrs. Pierce Howard Durnin, of Sas- katchewanla visiting his parents here Mies Vera Durnin, of Dun- gannon, spent a few days last week the guest of ber cousin, Miss Myra Durbin. idles Jennie Cliff, of Deo DOD, spent Sunday with Miss Ida ConRiaim ... .. Mr. and Mn. Norman Shackleton and family, of Mafeking. Tiaited at the home of Wttttam Slwaci<leton on Sunday.- Mr. and Mrs J. B. MacKay, of Gods - rich, spent the week -end at the borne of the latter's mother. Mrs. Pierce. ST. AUGUSTINE. T[TKsDAY, Aug. :3rd. ST. AceiuwrINY Ile ee1t.i ua. - Thomea Donnelly. of Toronto, visited in Ihir vicinity last week ....Patrick R'aleh spent kundsy at N in. Thump - son's ....David and Betsy McAllister visited Auburn and %Valkerburn friends recently Miss Belle Wil- son, ..f Auburn, is visitiug her cousin. Mir Josephine McAllister .. . Thos. O'Connor is visiting the O'Connor brothers at Donnybrook• The Doer Bros., of Blyth, have started to build the cement basement uuder the Donnybrook school Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson visited Brussels friends lately We are Norry to bear of Mrs. Joseph Flynn's illness sod hope to hear of her recovegy soon. Arthur Huehechwrrlrn, of Buffalo. called on friends in this vicinity last week A number of young people from this vicinity at- tended the lawn social at Kiogabridge one evening last week, and report having bad a good time, even though they did get wet coating home Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Willem, of lletroit : Rev. James and Mn. Wileon and daughter. Mies Ruth, of Toronto. are visiting Joseph Wilson, sr., on the 70, eseeeemeion. who has been visiting friend* in Am - Lesley, left on Mousy to visit Mende at Stratford .Fred Heuderwn has hired with Dan $weltzer for the ruw- user. - ST. HELENS. TuKauAY, Aug. 3rd. DUNGANNON. Ga A. NKWTON, DENTIST. LU(:K• NUW. - At home every da) neve t 'I'hui. day'. New rewwty ter extrartl,.g teeth Reenter furun,beUer than gas. I 'mien and Lrldtm work, Ito. Aluwlnuel plate. uwu-broakable.l 78.11. -You can always have your work mu,* better dose In thy dental oilier inure time, better faefliUw fur doing the work, inure twin. notable for the aaWsnt. - Misr Food, of Mitten, is visitiug rel- Ntn WK.-THL LOCAL A(i1NNCY ate ver here. 1\ in Uuu�antion for Ths 2Usual is at the Poet- day Clark, of Toronto, r olatr nutrition au.uuuery awrc wlwro pe)tl-�1LLi1- orders will received (or rubrtor�(yytion+ ttb day at his home here. verth,ing and Job work, and ruoefpt win Mr. mid Mrs. Salkeld, of (ioderieh, given fur atuuuut. w.id for the sure. Spent Sunday in our tillage. 1VKUNKa1JAY. Aug. Oh. Miss Donna Bice has passed the Toronto Conservatory of Music ex- auiivatiou in theory, taking houors. Misr Bayne, of Fergus, it visitiug her friend, Miss Margaret Ruthei•furd. Quite a cumber from this vicinity took in the excursion to Kiuca dine on Friday. . The Misses Wlghtman. of West- field, *pent Sunday the gueetr of Miss Mary Clark. Mrs. Lewis and daughter, Eleanor, of Michigan, vieited friends in this vicinity this week. The trustees of S.'S. No. 4 have eu- gaged Misr Durbin, of Dungannon, for the coluiug year. NILE. TutowAY, Aug. 3rd. John Million, of the Uoderich Calf tegtate Institute, spent Sunday with relatives at Nile. CHURCH NorKri.-Quarterly services were held oneiurRlay morning at Nile. Quite a large congregation was pres- ent. and Rev. W. Conway administered the Sacrament, assisted by ttev. A. C. Tiffin. Mr. Tiffin occupied the pul- pit Sunday evening very acceptably. Mr. and Mrs. Tiffin returned to their home on Tuesday Next Tuesday evening, August loth, Rev. G. 0. Harris, R. A., missionary to be sup- ported in West China by the Goderich District EpworihT.eague, *IR tie -pees - tent on his campaign work. We hope every member of the League will make a special eMnrt- a -be-prearnt tab -this meeting. A special collection will be taken. . PItICPAKINI, Tit HIO(Mg .t MisietoN. .A KY. -Miss Frailty Gray. teacher of the public school herr, has sent in her resignation to the trusters and has decided to give up that profession and prepare herself fora missionary to the foreign fields. Miss (fray will for very much missed, as she bee been well and favorably kuuwn since coming to Nile. She has shown a great deal .d interest in church work, giving not only her tiute, but also her means, and Itaa liven for some time first vice-president in the League and one of the teachers of the mission study class which wens organized atom a year ago. Our hest wishes will go with Miss Gray wher- ever she may Weir. AUBURN. I)KINTM. KE(it'LAK life, FOR ret•; 1 review tare to 1.0., for, Inc. Bass'atrsw. baa. regular :tie. for ter ; boy,. linen bate. sari• ular Wc. for Yin: ; buy. Lien has, regular Y for ler. Ten dozen en's Arsons, worth :er. ms for Ste. At KIDUKI.Lv store, Auburn. Tr'RAnAT, Amu iird. Miss Annie Sturdy and Miss Thomp- son went for a visit to Michigan lent week. Rev. las. Wilson, of Toruuvt, and Mrs. Wilson visited relatives here teat Monday. .The estate in James Young sold a carload of staves *tad heading tat. a . • FALL EAlRS -1909. PORT ALBERT. Winghatn cooper. Joseph Wilson, of Detroit, yieitrd Webseuu.AY, Aug. 4th. relatives and old arquainW.ucrs bete Mrs. Halliday, of Godericb, visited the beginning of this week. in this locality teat week. A. K. Collis, of Sault Ste. Marie, lalstuwei Mn. Stewart and children, of f)uteR h netureline Sept- 22, '2.'3 11ich., arrived herr the beginning o 'gennutt, were transient visitors here. this mired'. coming by )mate _ __ vee Marys Sept. Mrs. el. Echlin is the guest of her Mrs. McNally. of (ioderich. and /Amid* mem.2. y.4 sister. Mrs. Geo. Burrows,- at present. .faintly ate visiting her parents. on Lncknow . sees Sept. 'S3. 21 Colborne.latish; rem. Sept. �3 24 Mint Alice aod John McWhinney the 7th toners+' of Colborne. trnewh3'-aoyuaiui-8Wr Ater rerrnt ' dices* lltelret N)rkingtruttnui. of heart s furl t.-... ,Mita,'( 29 \Vawanu+h, left for fault `(tee Msrur, Wing,. • ,r crept 7��t Mr. arl(I,Yts Will Reid end family Gaterich... 28. aq. 30 ( Mich., last Frklar on an xtendetd Sept called on`friends here on Monday last. ]prutitte Is. • Sept.:a),Or•t. 1 visit to reiat eve' t herr. - The Mldes Iris Morrow and Nina1Cirktun SepL 311, Oct. 1 Burrows, of (ioderieh. stent Sunday Mrs. Paterson and her sitter, Mw. (turn ii, at the home of the latter's tber. Jackson. and the latter'. won, John. of It;yl h the Sterling Book, Golerich, went on Parkhill a visit to Detroit this week. • 'ree'wator '1'he elrvate.r at the station is pro- Dungannon ...................... Oct. 7, ti grassing very stLirfacturily. 'Elie sides, bottom fifer and wachiuriy will be completed this we •k and ptr- tiatly roofed. Several in this Io(•ality attenleel the railway meeting at Carlow last week And report a lively time. No dtnibt the township will utilize the caned between Dunlop and G,.derich when it gets frozen. It will make good sleighing. If an accident or two happen when the canal is full of water in the spring or fall -why, "the rail city will pity all dannges." LOTHIAN. TU$ODAY, Aug :3rd. YattallNAL.-Dau McLeatl and Dr. John McLean spent a day in Wing haat last week Miss Dallenr left last Saturday for Detroit, atter spend- ing a month at her home here Mrs. McPhee, of 1).•troit, 1s visiting et her brother James McDonald's, She will he here fur some tithe Mins Jetit (inhume has gone Lack to utomer her work at St. Jose-Th's hospital after spending her huhduys at ber mothers Mrs. J.Oilulore'e Miss Pearl Hebtlarson, of Lucknow, is the guest of Miss H sane Beenhy far .• week Mr. and Mrs. John McNay and two children, of near Seafnr•Ih, spent the week -end with Mr. McSay's brother, Peter McNay. MI p. Peter Me4Ney and tbtee etulh•eu pent a trw hays at Bruce Irea h, spent tin Other points. I r neons Xavier Garneau Otte it Big Work ler Canada. ..-The..“4elit-Selit__._Il1tk!i_In.s witnes, - ed the highest houurs Iso i a-tTI, turutoryy id many .distinguished m, tl of Wally uutwrti ttit, tete Leon vt • hundred year., la.m. tool ammo. , tha se honored i,:' - the itritish re •.,rentet yihabitaut., of the Dominion are proud t • eels/. aiiurut.`lhrit Franeois Xavier l:aruenu. -- Thr Canadian in•-t„riruu, of whit:, We iiawe now to 4111•• a brief UCisalt.', was loan lit QueL,•r ..n .lune 15, ISA. re hen he• lett'etetstee L.•r Seminary, at whirl, h. had ri-c-.;,.•d his youthful .•.lt. ittiou, he studied iur the notarial t r. f -, *ion Knox inn that as \'alrn tinL'' yaws, -in- T'wr• 1•rtt(b•n.en rot Ver- ona,' :hunte-k••eldng • youths' hay., ttlwttys homely wits,- /10 made a ants;` in Itt2e, through the New England Hates• and in deal paid. d visit •tot :uilland vend Frattre. While h. was in Loudon, preparing to return hon.,., be met with M. D. V. Meer, the dele- gate (roe, the .1ss.•mbly of Loeser Can- ada to the Imperial Government, tend woe retained lartitin es his secretary. During his reatdene..' in' linden:young Garneau had tete uppurtuuity ul mak- ing- The- acquaintance of -Many emitters men, native and fon-ign, in the great niet ropulis. He atter 'yards mecum - 'sank 1 M. Viger trent London to Paris, where hi) visited the. .leadenuy of As it matter of fart 1' nrightots t.•ncee, an me. 4t i n .Y *lean "raysute" of that itist'tttion.. It was yon as Soil thuds obeli: them iii leit that ht• r.-turue•l to Canada. • _ _ _ full :of nelrly.ucquired knowledge, and Fire t WinRham. Ie.:tering experieln • -. it late as le55, 11'iughane, Aug. :3. F:a1ly tip:; he thou:ht it, w.,rti while to write morningfire e.im Salad • de,ttru ed the for Le Journal de Quebec, au inter 1 ) LL est l e r ar count of his voyage to residence of Ides Barron: 1.711"'''''''Eu eq., There can Luc nu doubt that street. The huuti a was occupied chi •:, ca,ee, from xaruun Calf(+. but andtbe-urigiwot�Cbe lira ni. ,:r;, ,,,,.11) nw:.,r_ t r the )ileyary .2. Itwendiarism is eirspeeted. The flames- ,cirtc lone+ which b,• was introduced, had .;oinetl great.. head way Ior[ore the ;,x,,rcie.eel a etr.'t' H11.1eueo un the s1aul Wit* given gild in vitt. of the ft,r-n sir„„ ,4 luti ores lituary' eh• rac- pr pt respabteof the Rrrmen they ter. 'soon screen this, he 'produced in •. crP unnhlr W -av the building. Thr 1 lues i. partly cove I by insurniree. the Ouen utter t s, a number of poems. about tin .-se its of whirl' 1 litnehock an Killed. • translate the French • eriti/•i+m- of K inrardinr, Au tianurl Irw-u, L'Abbe Casgratu - ••These poems il,s R breathe in many instance* the feel- s. lartner of the Kt �(uneeeshm of inns .thnt nnimate.l him in regard to ticweuuck.. woe throw in front of the r)„tt itution ot, e nitre txe was soon snorer knits when hi tee rab-ii way destine,) to write the history . Among •t•r•tw•dsy. *tui the 04"e" wangled the mom rernsekAl.4.-of these cru You May Need It Ask your doctor bout the wisdom of your keepin yer's Cherry Pectoral in the house, ready for colds, coughs, croup, bronchitis. 1f he says -We all right, then get a bottle of it, at once. Why not show a little foresight in such matters? Early treatment, early cure. Net „ 1 I.t .ur formula. ' w. n1.n,.b .edw100501 rr.,m tau arsw o r.. r.a a eaoeter Many a ho}} is called dull and stupid, when the whsle trouble is due to a lazy liver. We firmly believe your own doe. tor will tell you that an occasional dose of Ayer's Pills will do such boys a great deal of gond. They keep the liver active. ��AWe kr tha J. C. Ayer Cb.. Luweu• Maw - .t'• 1- 01m Itoaa: Mauit Du, I::dche4vtu, rrt5: Alberta, 11 tete!, 1'107.6: the in. .1 least -' oon e iuitas! v erOrtt - -frost--- d+, t; ttited - ,lids IIs,7G- of the Overseers intuit- • r.u,ts 11ayu• Keno• 12,444, .33,000 of 111.-m havinit settled uttr -oTder 'pre- vinteS. s hgn rfbbway. 1Vhilr 1 ons wmnme '1 •s pis:aux_ TLiorioti(itohkiena hntDterre in• a fi,►RR7:tbr Bhiniiiiics.__'j�ivtie ar,_-�a1T (rant. unhitched front the nuoaPl• 'Ansi Huron.' Therm poetical efforts, gin• kit ill rhargt• of Mr. 'resin's young eYee, which would Imve beat) enough tow got away ;press -the Ind and run - ng dnwb the rued dashed into, the -io_ mai.,fro e.•p...it.- en bl anultrct bogey, masking the injured man's mean, 'and would have secured pini a rt A1.ITY, v.if•U):, 1(ATiNt`AI'r1O\, distor:uished Position among our 'lit. shoulder. ff.- disci nests fewlesor e r h ...G, l : , ti' eLiIJ- -i^•^ we will t•nnteurs. were only the tirsTittep to rtwlcivortost,maintain. •• Detfness Cannot be C red the. crowing work of his lite." -It was in 1844) that M. Garneau its 1-'•1 ..pplkaatiou., a+ they em mash i'egan- writing the history of liner rut. is.- 1..- t -,t Wr'tou of Ow rm., T1i!\�rre I- only Leve country-- lala.riou. undertaken one wit) I.,, are deafness, and that le by no Q •t 11nt ions! remedies 1ietfu.., t'es .ed by an which will 'perpetuate his Laans'• in the inflamed ..uud it ion of the u. urea. lin Kte.lac caul tube. trhet. chi- tube i van hese ,. rlimhYdq sound or DOCTORS say consumption can be cured. Nature alone won't do it, it needs help. SCOTT'SvEMl;LSION is the best help, but its use must be continued in sum- mer as well as winter. lake It to n Iittlet i whir .. r Water GO a sol' h, oh. now. All L)rugt ata ?Kt STAN1)All0 or THE WORLD Na. n -tree--. and manytc,• int. Ili ut1 the manyintone. who tatorr1 tee New• crowns)•. or e ;uuuxls of ('anadinu llberttture. iftn xmedth,,,,r „1 teemed w.• way n'Asrurda err lrwwr-- a�tf+.�••••• tug.Ulla when it t- entirely rt.....1 dekfue•.t is that the fog volume appw•an`d :it (jtle- inee,y-lilt, and ante••s the inns 41101\a/4W be bee 111 11448; thr second -itt it146` and taken out mat this tube re -torts.' to its ',normal : the ihir.l (which Lwught the Matory neo .0 t'1 Ptia down tv the estabtiehRtent .f cunstittrtionat tinvrrnmt'nt. in 1792) any laugh 1'-r•.:ss oLlw,tlt nor France are/ Canada was bund in its praise• of the• suev..sett . undertaking, 0. awl it waw reviewed in the highest terms of approval in the Nouvelle Revnr of Firmin Hulot. of Paris. The result of this was that a sernud trle- tlutt, whtth bo reeler ter 6i.-Aarrtlewvt t, the Urian of the CanadaA in 14140, was wan published, and was received by the,Prr.s and the people with un- intitctl. favor. In 1959 a third edition as [midi i..a in Quebec, and in ite0O a trtnslatuot into English by Mr. Bellut J.• .it+ first n *slice. We have Ito splice i, Kinn e'1br name+ of all the distinguished •writers who have exp este 1 their admiration of M. (Iar- osa • afx ,lit toll • .-m! -ir*mr of Fla ) ,rnat ber the Irl { .,..1 N Worlt tt'ac -,nee •ts 11 snnet.i Of the effect hat the "History• of ('*nada" prodluced r•r1 the minds'of these who "sp.ake with _the Henri-Martin, to ab; Iiaueruft• Perlman, Win- throp, S is asst, Justin Winsor. Paul Leroy -Bee thou. and Dr. C. W. Colby, of McGill 'niversity; may be consult- ed as to 11 merits of Garueatu'e ela- borate wor and their good opinion cannot - le enineeid. Ip 14(14 the author cmll -bated the conelu.' of his "History ' to the Revere Cann- tiienue." _ • iontittiuh.louiring will he destroyed nine r,. -o nut or ten are raewd by whirl. Is twining but an scanned solidi I hr m uw,u- mrfan el. We wdlEire (fne Hwe4,ed 1)u11ua rave of dentine... tcar.ed by eatarrhl (hat .,ot be rural by 11.11: a •Aarrh 1' ,re. ten . irrnlitr-, flee. . Y. J. 1'Hi ".I -:v R eta, rolole dolt b2y Druggists 1:c. l'elke Ilall - Family fill- fin rwl+t Ip et err e Toronto i .nndnrt AValkerton Aug. 24 -Sept. 13 Sept. 10-1S Slept. 16, 17 Sept. '21.'2 Oct. 2 Oct. 5, 6 Oct.:,, 0 sees.. ()rt.5,6 Miss Courtney and Miss and Mr, Jackson, of Aw)erley, spent Sunday with the former.* cousin. Mrs. Ben- nett. Mrs. Dunbar returned last week from Brucefleld. where she had been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Baird. Rev. Mr. Johnston, of Clinton, will occupy the pulpit in Christ church for a few Sundays, se Rev. Mr. Hicks is spending his vacation in Toronto, %VIII Brown and his gang of men with the cement mixer moved to Nelson Graham's after completing Will Hawkins' cement wall for the basement of his house, This !Doke like business, Will. AMBERLEY. MONDAY, Aug. 2nd. Bruer Nerreis--Service in the Meth- odist church next Sabbath aftern on will he at 3 o'clock ftverybndy at ' •w t•esent is Luny picking darns at the lake. The berries are an excellent crop thisear A number of the Awberley boys are getting ready to take in the excursion to the North- west. Things are booming nut there this year The railway will soon be et AmMtrleyy. The people have been leaking for it for a long time. .William Livingston, of Elm- wood, is engaged as clerk in L. 0. Wildfan s store. Mr. Wildfang is do- ing a rushing heisineee this summer. Tete HoNYY B. We see by last week's Signal that the Lochaiwh Tor- resp(ondent ham returned from his trip and *till has not got the three B's off his mind. We all thought that, niter a trip like that, he would be quite rnntent•d with the nice quiet life of an old married mon, but it is said that he ham not. found the H. that is to his taste, if he cumin to Amberley pro's Ablysome of three hold -headed, or curly -headed, men may help hltn eking in life. Now if you come. Hiram, take great care that the one you ask is hold -headed, for nowadays wigs are as common ss the birds of the air. But if you cannot leave your position In the Order of I'nehoseri Friends, just send a message with the game bird, Bob -White. Petue nsa MNNTION. --Bernie Fran- eey spent. Munday at the Lighthouse. Andy M.('ourt spent Sunday at. James MrPherson's on the '2nd con• (newton . Ram. Geddes spent Sun- day on the boundary Miss Violet Barge, of Clinton, bit at present visit- ing her nmlwin, Mien Lizzie Brown. . Miss Annie Courtney is at pres- ent tinning frlende In Reafnrth...... Min Florence Huston, of Pine River, it's early rnnrtgh to make frlende " Shields, vltdtinq ber dater, Mrs. Robe. meld Spenders, bitterly, "hut pretty isrlsi of friendAmbe. s Fred Rose hard to keep them." "Oh, 1 don't tr it...R Mr. at. ,la o ash D!- know," replied Lenders. "I've got a 'r Il sellay. t Mrs. Robe Ahlwlds number of friends who resent perfectly 'Twit i14,. uttind Jt len. SAMOA n.wed/snot: I willing to let. me keep them.' nn the hnrn very Rnv W fklfwng, 1 CARLOW. WKnnssttAv, Aug. lth. Miss Sarah Mcl.rod spent a few days the guest of Miss May loose. Misses Laura and Lilian Laulen- slayer a visiting at Ihtngennon this week. Ll. -Cbl. ascot s family, together with a few friends, spent Saturday at the lake. - The fanners in this locality are inisy cutting wheat and barley, which is a fail' crop. Thomas Hamiltnn lose intoning in the south part of thi\townsliip one day this week, \, Rw..I.It. Mann preachad to hes con- gregation on Sunday after a few weeks' vacation. Mr. Wise was agAin ,01 hit rounds with his petition iu r•onneetion with the electric road. Mrs. S. L autensdayer Arid aka. Heaney spent a day with friends itt Oonoybreok recently. The Mamonie brethren are having their hall reshingled. Mr. ('lark, of Auburn, has tbe contrnct. Mrs. Miller's two nieces are still rusticating at the hotel, es is also Miss Beeeom, of Doderteh. Miss Ridsdale his returned to her home in Toronto after spending a few weeks with friends here. Miss Tyndall hat gine to London to spend a few days with her Rieder before she returns 10 the West. Mr. Homey brought. hi• engine home on Tueelay And is getting ready for the eeasun's threshing. The Women's Missionary Society of Stnith's Hill church held its meeting in the church on Wednesday, pack- ing a tax of clothing for the mer sionariete. One thing every woman le willing to undergo i• a new bonnet. NEW CHART, LAKE HURON. • U. S. Lake Survey issues New Chart Lithographed is Colors. The 1'nited States iake Survey omnn during June published two new eharte pet twining t, its series of nevi - charts of the (creat letkes. The:ae charts are engravings litho- graphed in several enlors to depict lend areas, shallow and deep wader, sailing roureeo, lights and other aids to navigation, ate prepared from Gov- ernment surveys, and by CbnRres- -lonal direction are sold et a nominal figure covering cost of paper and presswork. Coned hart No. 3, Lake Huron, rovers tbe south end of that lake from Harbor Reach on the west shore and Port Albert on the east ICAnadian) shore to the head .if St. Clair River. it embodies all Canadian and I'. S. Government sury eye available to date. The scale of the chart is 1,1:711,/100 (inch equals about 1.0 piles), and a special inept on the chart shows the harbor at Ooderirh, Ont., on Reale of 1.10.01) t6 3-8 inches to the mile). Price of Overt it tai cents, ('hart or the Apostle islands, Lake Superior, shows, on one sheet, the entire Apostle group and ('hequame- gon Bay, as well as the shore line of the lake from Little Girl Point, Mieh., to Band Point, Witt. it include, the results of the detailed resurvey of the Island region made by the Lake Sur- vey in 1901.2, and other Antecedent and subsequent government surveys. The chart scale is 1(11,01) 11 ineh e rials 5,000 fret )• Price rill cents. The chart, are mailed free of post- age.' to thane remitting the cost (postage stamper not accepted) to the Lake 'Survey Office. Old Custom House, Detroit, Mich. "Before yeti were married you said you'd lay dnven your life for me," she sobbed. 1 know it," he returned solemnly : "hat this confounded flat is so small that, there's no place to lay anything down." Rnrhelor friend to old tnerried men --"What world be. your answer to the misetinti, 'Ts marriage a fail- ureP'' 011 merriest man "it de- pends on whether my wife. was pres- ent when the question wag naked." "Look here," remarked a violinist resentfully,ou were talking all through my solo." "Oh, don't worry Ahntt thatt,," replied the man ed• dressed. '•i assure you 1 wasn't say- ing a - Ing anything you worild particularly want to hear.' When some people get busy it is Al- ways in commotion with snmething that Is none of their business. RE 17 "TH GRAN Uit+ r ED SUGAR rt3 POUF'- S FOR s1. 00 1 baron.. 1;oto.. i. Iv. Iter a : • , re.ci sing All "lb. F1'1,1. LI\F. ,. VEGETABL1 and A La • 's Mistake. An exempie f haven t "greatness thrust upon" 071 was noticed a few days ago at the ' slit ment Buildings in Queet)'s Park, r oronto. One of the men who show visitor,' about the oliieial Mae of (lntaito'i' le�fialalp9rs his company of visitors in the eon of their trip through Ilio hnlldtn to the muter door of the office of P mier Whitney. "Here's the Premier"a oil3ce," said Ute Justeulde. then Hotter, Wallis, secretary to Premier Whitney. cane out from the officeof his I ch ref on some mat- ter abter of business. "My," rwuarked one of the ladies of the party of visitors, "isn't the Pre- mier a young man?' Population of the West. It is esti-netted et the Canaries Ru- reau that the papulation of the prai- rie prevjnee;, which was only rs1),o00 in 1906, has increased to 1.100,000 within the part tare.• years. The as - Don': ..1 c1:a!er f• : r t• r,;i ,11 ti1011 O i til -' "I Z..<. ( 1, ' .: P1aste: Lot k 1 : i.. "It. L." trar', e.:n^r'r illi t h -tin. 1t gualaulecs clic l;t:vuiw. and the most cliective remedy for Rheumatic ai'hc3- and pains, Lumbligu, Sciatica, }3:tckttche, etc. 25c, each. -Yard roll, equallll;,r awes of the regular blZe $1.00. FRUITS 1:1'1 1:14 1' ItAlLY elidy of PINT a °LIAR:- SEALERS (u, ptr.rt 1 .lit!. J. J. _M DONALD, THE GLEAN GiROCEFtr, WEST ST. 1'llONg C)+, ('Aril FDIC IS('TT1:It s 614U;•••• FEPRQY'?!! THE BEST TONIO for all sickly people. Makes new blood Oives strength; Restores vitality. Taken attar any Illness It' hastens a return to health., Ita.te b Lawrence (b., Ynntreat. 1 WATCHMAKER, JEWELER and OPTICIAN. ISSUER OF MAR H I A Ci L LICENSCS PHONES Store, 153. Residence, 185. -i- Store will be closed Wednesday a(ternoors during July and August. • 1 0 --- O 1 BUGGIES - BUGGIES I have received shipments of the moo Models in GREY ■nd MOUNT FOREST BUGGIES Two of the best lines made in Can- ada. Rubber Tires, Automobile Stats and all the latest ideas in first- class Carriages. A good second-hand Grinder for sale, iogood repair, to -inch plates. Several good drivers and some cows for sale. Robert Wilson %gent fees Massey Harris Implements, MeI- lotte Cream Separators. Fleury Plows, Bissell Disc Harrows, Land Rollers, etc., etc. Wm-pronme-Hamilton street, Goderirh. Clean-up Sale of STRAW HATS At Half Price All this season's goods. Now is your chance to get the best Hat going for the rest of this season and to start if lit xt, McI ean Bros. Tailoruuig Gents' Furnishing. mi I f you wish your prosperity to be continuous, your adver- tising in THE SIGNAL should bti continuous. A REALSALE OF &y�sh and Reliable Shoes 1 his is the time -of -Seat -we reduce our stock as much asossible,_and get things in readiness for next season. Prices are reduced on our regular lines, which are made for us by trustworthy man- ufacturers and are such as we can thoroughly rec- ommend. People R on't leave us a complete list of sizes is every line, but we've got your size all right in something that will please you in style, and more than please you in price. Bring your good shoes to us to repair. The class of work turned out in our shop has no super- ior. We have one of the best mechanics in town. Ga 1111. -Elliott Tile S14t' Ciotti it 11 0 d Harvest Time 0 Again \V•c always strive to get the best and we have it for you this year. GILT EDGE ' BINDER TWINE 650 feetat. e Twine Il Cents per Ib This Twine is all one size. In making, it pasties trough a sizer, which makes it irnposwible for any incurs or large pieces to get in to choke your bonder. --ROPE _ We have a quantity of 7-8 in. (test American Pare Manila Rope A regular 2i k-. Rutpr, which we elm give you for I(k per lb, Best Mendel in. Rope, 4 strands, we can give you at tic. par Ib We have a large assortment of Forks, with And without shit. Just in for you to choose from. Scythes, from 115c. to 11.78. enaths, 75e. to MC. Pure Paris Green, 30c. per Ib. WARM WEATHER GOODS mai. (111.and GAS4LINF:S'IY)VEM. A large Assortment to choose from. i1EFItIGERATORR, at all prices. (HAMMOCKS, at All prices. FISHING POi.KS and h'A('KLF:. A t:T0M(11311.58 and ('ARTS. (GARDEN 11085 and NO'l,Zl.Es. STRAWBERRY HUi,LERS. CHERRY STONER:4. KLiyPHANT WHITE LEAD and BADF.N (1ffe SHKRWIN-WiLLIAMs RKADY•MiXSD PAINTS. FENCING We still has., n few reels of the 9 -wire No. 9 Wire left, at 40e. per rel ; alwu a quantity uI Noe. 9 and 1.2 Moiled Wire, and a quantity of iiario Wire. For Eavewtt' tl hing. Tinaslitbine. PInmhing and Heating we ran /1give pmpnnrtpl :o ret t inn. and all work fully guaranteed. Store 'Phone za CHAS. C. LEE House 'Phone ti, === 0 D 0 11 1