HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-8-5, Page 68 Ttevutallr Auur,r, atilt' • THE SIGNAL : GODERIOR. ONTA RIO YOUR BACKACHE 1VlLl YIELD To Lydia EPinkbam's Vegetable Compound Rockland Maine. -"1 was troubled fur a lung time with pains in my back and aide, and was miserable in every way. 1 doctored until I was dis- couraged. an d thought 1 should uever get well. 1 read a testimonial about Lydia IL Pink ham's Vegeta- ble Compound; and thought 1 would try it. After tak- ing three bottles 1 was cured, and never telt so well In all trey life. 1 recommend Lydia E. Piukham's Vegetable Compound to all my friends." -Mrs. Witt Yorwo, e Columbia Avenue, Rockland, Me. Backache Is a symptom of female weakness or derangement. if you have backache, dou t neglect it. To get permanent rellef jou must roach, the root of the ttdubl. Nothing we know of will do this so safely and merely as Lydia E. Plukham's Vegetable Com- pound. Cure the cause of these dis- tressing aches and pains and you will become well and strong. The great volume of unsoticlted testimony constantly pouring to proven conclusively that Lydia E. 's . Vegetable Compound, made from root/ and herbs. has restored health to thou• sands of women. Mrs. Plnkham. of Lyne Masa, invitee all sick women to write, her for advise. She bill gadded thousands to health ries o1 charge SUMMER TOURS ON THE GREAT LAKES A Fresn Water Sea Voyage Palatial Steamships Superb ,ticenery l'aultles.; Cruising Moderate Charges Lake% Georgian Hay, or among the Thirty Thowiand Wands. Information and tickets horn railway agents. H. H: Gildersleeve C. H. Nicholson Mgr., Coning% Truth,. Mgr., Sarnia Civic Holid Jnternationa! JYewspaper Bible Study Club Suggestive Questism on the btte►not/on.tt Sunday School Lessons, Prepare by Rea. Dr. Linsroll, Brantford t tteai..(creat in swurd '. ., h he Copyright Arta Sunday, August 8, tgoq-Paul's Instructions to the Thessalonians I. Thi -ss. v.: 12 21. lloldrn Text -See that none louder evil for ever unto any pian : but ever follow that which is good. 1. Thiess. v.: 13. Verses 12 -15 -What le the dominant note tAalay between officials of the church and the pastor, is it official and business, or is it spiritual, that of felt tender love and warn( esteem? Do ministers as a clam "labor" as hard. and suffer as their Master did, and thus compel the tender love and esteem of the church % Hanes the average ' ter, or not, ;actually "labor" as hard as the aver- age mechanic, farmer, business or professional man, and practise as much self-denial as these r question trust be answered to writing by members of the club. t Verse Id -It is easy, Paul, for you too say. "Rejoice evermore," but is it p•actical for ordinary mortals, and, if ▪ Verse 17 -If it man i. really in love with tiod and his fellows, does he not nocesausrily pray all the time. either • heat riereasery, or helpfol, to have S I t times for ennsci tttt prayer? Vete. IS -Are we to he thankful nlike for pain and pleasure, for toss snit gain, for enemies' and friend., if Is it no an Aetna! faet, hareea on the Outset phi!, ophy, that every sort of iainaliti high t possible sense for his NVhat is generally the real charity- a,ajd,, ter eg them. who will not support the a In the light o church bei.ause they do not like the awn, any anal minister ? calamity, 'Distort Whet is the only wey ley whieh hi fable eircurnstane, have "peace" among „brethren in a man of God church im in a cormounitv ? Verete 19 -Can v tom- retain the Verse I 1 -If you know anything peace id God est i• almeolutely oatow.chsi.o.i, xalwo, obedient _to the itsmougs 4 God's ILA y, the right thing to do -41 say nothing S•virit ? about at : 12i talk about it to others: (3}1.correct him in the preeence of others, or ft) see hien alone and in love tell him what you have to say s. eternal existence, are thinget SO ace ident. ne,iir- even regret. in t he life of a Jean+ went ahout lovingly helping people, in their bodies. their souls, and circumstances: if you and I are not doituL that, have we a, right to coriclude nust we are not followers ot la it your duty, as a Christian to tate pains to "comfort"' every v with whom you come in contact; and, if you are so doing. what is the. effect upon vont own life? Verse za If my neighbor sets his dogs on my sheep. pulls down . my fences in the night. shoots my chicken listen one et intottaLairit, ji.constantly eon( me and my family. and will aot pay me a long-stasding just debt, what would Jesus do if be were 1 ? (This Verse 211- Prophesying liere in these aching pi ear -long, is there any Nig days that it is heing despise( Why should a love for the p of the goepel he cultivated ? Vetee 21 -Why ahould we not as Christi ens encourage the most abso- lute free thought. the most eritical`re• ete :trek and welcome the teaching rd.,' wrienewt- Cali the real truth ever be a hue t to a true man. and is not such a man an HI,da he is wrong, es to chonge et worn- oiit garment for a new one? Verse PP desire the right only. and are obedient to God's alpirit, nt ed we ever fear +vets the "appear, tows :e4,24 --Does God tueon his "blameless" lives, arul in • the twenty.feurth verse not a pro- se**. that and give the power to so do' Sunday, Segue f5 too* --iNor• Third Ittusionary Journey.-11phesiss. g I:olden Tett. - The name of the Lord Jesus wee magnifieel. Acts Verse 21 Is a systematic "follow lip system" sa essential in Christian work as it is to sireceseful business ? subsequent lit conversion Are Any sia strong that we cannot If O is now the privilege of every derive "strengthening" from the Christian to receive the Holy Spirit pt.ayers and experience of others. and and to w ilk in Hine thereafter. how are any so weak that we may not ante • Ile he received ? "etrengt hen' 'eters ? Verses 24-311 - What ia the minimum .1 k nowledge necessary in order that one may he a true child of God ? ' la hat spre The =mullein qu sties 1% hat good qualities for a preacher! other than the constant realization dui this man Apollo@ posse,'" that bud dwells in us, tn keep its holy, What "the ha titan of John- in to guide Its in all things, and to give elude. and what id it lack of full. treesesary power and wisdom to orbes1 Christianity ? carry out God's purpose*. concerning m.o. bars off! vireed Appohos tit In Terse 5-wity ou—gli: or oug t not, What proportion of present-day Christians have practically the game eoperience .is theee twelve disciples hmi when PAW met them ? Is the Holy Spirit. as spoken of in this lassom generolly received tit or "as the gift of tongues and prophe- sying them or is it now. a necessary accompaninient cif the haptirmi of the la there anything necessarily im- in reeeiving the Holy Spirit, THE BARRIER CoPrrishr 19011. Harper & Brothers By Rex Beach earneenty and wan Mica evolver enect as to alter Stark's plan: tue mo - store abortly Stark spoke to him quick- ly, following which they both hurried back to the steamer said FLIW LO the unioatilug of muds additional freight variety of tithe merchandise ft was evi- dent that Mr. Start would in nowise Burrell was nut aufitieutie versed in the ways of miulna camps to know exactly what this abrupt change of policy meant. but that there was some- thing lu the air he knew from the mysterious manner of -No Creek" Lee and from the euppressed excitement of buret and the trader. Hin tiurtosi- ty got the better Of hini dually, sod be fell into talk with Lee, inquirbig about the stranger by way of an °peeing. "There Ben Stark. I kl2PW him back Ite the Caasiar country," said lee "Well. summat. He's i. n1.• anti hist • bank roll that a greytwunti couldn't leap over in the =Mu' buainess. but It ain't his realer graft He run one of the biggest places In the northwest for yearn." "Saloon and variety house--ses en tntrtentters. -that's all. nes the fetter tbat killed the gold commissimier Of ree tbat put him on the hlke again." ow do yea- meattr?"- sack tika• n's drug bill 'swore be wept commioner sway them Ciortdian ()f- acials wept •fter him Pike they was killite snakes, and it cost blue all be bast made to get - if ft hail bnp- pened across the Line 1,.• coroner's jury would bave hitt '-atuse the the row. But It ha •aed right lie Stark's saloon, and you now Caimeks to stronger than vitriol f. law nod or- dar. Not bein' bits first off 04o; if went bard with him." "He looks Uke a killer," s -t Burrell 'Yes, but be ain't the coium n kind. He always lets the other man begin, and therefore he ain't en er done me." "Come, now," araued Os. Ileute at. "lf It were the other man h.. Inv& 3 - My shot Best, Start woekt tee-ve killed long ago." "I don't care what would have 11.1p-. Renee] ft ain't' happened—and beltivi notches on his gun till It looks like a cub bear bad cbiwed it. If you was a western man you'd knot; what they say about him. 'The bull, t ain't Leen run to kill him ' That's the sayin'. You needn't grin. There's many a bet- ter man than you believes it." "Who its It that the bullet hasn't their zeal and ability, 121 in their 1 the pulpit now, as Paul did then; to "dis- Chriktian knowledge, i. perional If Apollo.; had heen conceited or AUGUS'T 4th rtiiyihing Ilea than n man of ti would be !MVP j to teaelling from a layman and his wife ? Verse 27 -Should Liymen, tt,,,t the nen more frequently to lielp\prenehers. tioni evt they know, who .1, goiag to lane or argue and bring convicting perils, compelling men's reasons by powerful evidence of tbe truths of Chris- tiandy. and not be content with simple declamation as is now so comrnon ? iThis question must be answered in writ - mg hy members of the club.) Verses 9-12- Apart from the mir- aculous power that Paid had what wart the beat et of his succom ? • came mow op to atm. "Ma be be the one?" "I don't know Stark Is not the name, but he. might base disused It. Ile had reasons enough." "Who la thl. man Stark?" "I don't know that either. I used to hoar of blin when 1 Wan In BrItleb Columbia " "But surely you must know 1f be 1.4 the same. She mid have told you how be looked. 'censers must have told • Gale shook his head. "Very little. I could not ask her. and others knew lam so well they never doubted that I ha seen biro, tint thla much I do know, be was dark"- -"and blit spirit was like that of a "Thin man's temper is black." -"and hen eyes were cruel." :AA "This Mali has evil eyes." "tie holed fire years of •my age," "This man Is forty years old. It must be he." :mid the MIMIC. had she heard thin revelation of her peried," du. lawn. father\s ay. for his hatr and brows were. InIzzled, and his face had the look cf, a man of sixty. While only Cease ho knew him well, like Doret. were no •ir.. of his great strength and the e;sdurisuce that belied his appear - "We send Necla down to the 1111834111 toulght and let Father Bar num keep ir there tIll this man goes." said squaw a fl.•r some debt. "No: she must stay here." Gal.' c• plied. st lib dectedint "'The man ha, come here to live, so it won't 4,i any d to send ber away. and. after •II, w t is to be all! be. But she must ne r be seen In that dance girl's drew; agal at least not till I learn more al this Stark. It makes DO differ enee titer this one ts the man or sot. 11 will come. aud I shall know him Ey been run to kill?" said tbe trader's deep voice behind them Ile bad fin- ished with his duties and nowasaunter- eel forward. "Ben Stark," said Lee, turning "You know him, John?' "No; 1 never saw him, but -I know who he is; used to hear of him tn the "That's bleu I as tilklog to." said • an old Xrtend at mine, and beat going to locate here." Burrell thought he saw Lee wluk at tbe trader, but he was.notaeure. for at that moment the man of •whom they were speaking re-entered. intro- duced hien, and the three' 'took bands. While the sonlier into easy conversation with the newcomer, Gale gazed at him narrowly, studying him as he studied all men who came as strangers. As be was doing so Altana entered, followed by &dunes, and Mol- ly. She bad come forsagar and spiked fur It in her native tongue. Upon ber exit Stark broke off talktng to the lieutenant and turned to thestrader. "Your squaw, Mr. Gsder The old man nodded. "Yes. Why. do. yon.aavvy therOalkr .b.0.8::ne. I lived in California once." "Wherer The question came like a "Oh, here and there' '1 followed the mother lode for a spell "I don't reeall the name," said the trader otter blt "Pos-.1 ‘' here -were you.loca led "I um er lit on an3 one place long etiough to call it bome." It seemed to Burrell that both mini were aperrfng cautiously in an indi- rect, Impersonal manner. 'Those your kids, too,, ebr Stark "Yes, and I gat nnothereanesbeeides- Lee fervently. "She's plumb ,benuti "All of them half breeder quea thine] Stork. "Sure " The trader's answer sties short, and when the other showed no intention of preening the. subject far- ther he sauntered away, bat no itooner wile he out of hearing than ditart said: "Humph'. They're altalikef "Squaw mon " This Was the nog eittchem lead Stark • elonteered nn 'fbe • old man Went Ihmugh Cie store nt Hui rear sod etraIghtway Nought Al ;Una. Speaking to her with unwonted rerrrity In the Pub Ute langirtge. "1 hove told you never to use your mattes tongue before at rimgers That all 111 In the store nndaretemde." "/ tally asked for reenter to cook the be• W11 With," she replied ter NOM: tbereforr the Issur you 'Teak It the better lie is the kind al* Rees flinch and talk% Mlle A,Wireme woe It" StIwareh or In Etialleth unitise we are alone " Suddenly she dropped ILOF work and I I conditioned all human progseas 'old to all 'station,' in Canada, east of Port he !tee went, itiolthling a knowledge of Arthur, and to Detroit and Bullish.. the thop. I, upon the zeal, ability I (anti) GoING g....strie,....i. !h.'s, who, already enjoy p. tn. trains Anglin, ara. and all t mine August 4th. Return limit August at h. Tickets and information coon GRANO TRUNK RAILWAY Seaside Excursions Hound trip rates from GODERICH to Old Orchard, Me. $19.50 Rennehunkport, 14e., 19.85 Portland; 19.25 MottitOtt,7N-. B., 27.75 Murray Efit-y, Que., 23. 25 Proportionate rates from all Mat -Ione in Ontario to above and other points in New Brunswiek, Nova Scotia, Maine and Prim., PAward Return unlit, Aug. 30th. For ticket, and tell information apply to FF. LAWRENCE, Down Town Agent. CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO TOURIST and WEEK -END Excursion Tickets on Sale from Ttironto. The Scenic Routeito LAKE SIMCOE, SPAR*OW LAKE, PICKEREL and FRENCH fooled when conternpjated in aetuality R !VERS. and in t he full ht of dray. Whatever crossing Lake Movkokit at Bala be his right or t tle to what naw op- rark and along the ahore of Lake pema in his warns.. he has. it iv said. Joeeph, skirting nearly one hundred alreiuly eommeneed the task of die - bodies of water between Toronto and posing of it. "Hy marrying riches, my dear, you Far liltral"TM mul ("II information may not find hsppiness." "True, about fishing and holidoy rates auntie ; Mit it will facilitate the sessreh us belief' ' pro sins whom Paul found et actually the reconciled e lohlren of The Richest Man. The Montreal Wilma': gives this richest twin il, I Ile World : A few days Ago, on the rompletion of his neventieth year, Mi. John D. blaspheme the natue or God and ;tare the power of tiod are they primseseittl with the devil ? N'ersem IS -22 -Does conversion al - wept' imply rettitution anti the for - salmi" of every evil Way. Les ao. for August 2L.,' IOW -Paul's Third Ali .sionary Journey -The Riot THE WATERWAY MARCH. Send for New D. & C. March and The D. & ('. lines have just pub- "On- " there were Misty of eis ' "Jolly Student." "Black etrong men. asaisaateil in the St All: America," "Ford" and other very sue- dard Oil, now there are but .' sttrireltertntde the retherk. *Web 'Wet promptly ronlided by the hearer to a tiewepapor reporter., Ilenry H. Roger"' went. over to the majority, and there are now only three of the sixty lett. sermon. You will hear it everywhere. Mr. Rockefeller has turned teeventy will whist le the tune years of age. and is worth $050.1100-! 9". Get y,oter copy first. Mailed to any He T., the flrxt man that ever cunt: oddness for only live two -rent Maws. near the financial rank of a billion- Addrem Dept. W., Detroit & Cleve- naire. Vet he began the *oriel with and Navigation Co., Detroit. Migh. • nothing. When a lea, he arrived in an itinerant pedlar of patent medi- cines; he had not a 'cent he could call kis own. He had rehreat ion enough to enable him to read, write and "dri some figuring." But it • waa enough, for he soma developed that ahnornial, overmastering business capacity and faeulty for organisation which has astenished the worki. He set out in life to make a fortune and he sue- reeded, until now his income is laraer than that of many kingdoms which made a great noise in the world. His claim to be ranked among great tnen is indiegm table, for he is the greatest man of headroom in a bovines* e,fre. No man has been more naercilesaly e seemingly mititral revenge inflicted on one Who for fifty years was himaelf mercilens in crushing mil who competed with him. Yet it would he unjust to brand him as it had man. He (lid as most men would have done with the same ability and oppor- tunity, and would have been hertten and crushed in the struggle hod his genitm not hem greater than any of his competitors possessed. Ile wns cessful. selections. Thor compoetnami, which wag expresely' written for the D. C. lake Itnee, is full of life and action, and so eatchy that it is bound to be the popular seeress of this To Shunt tluelph Junction Road: - The city 'if Guelph owns the Guelph Junction Railway and makes a good profit from the C. P. R. traffic which poises over it. Now there is a hint that the C. P. it. May be aiming to keep all the traffic which originates on the Guelph itc Goderich brarmh for its (win lines by building a new spur line faom Weineninirg, on the O. & G. ArroSe 10 Elora, on the Credit N'alley line. At any rate, the idea TORS disciemed at a recent meeting of Guelph people. It was pointed 'nit that, if this extension were made, a would form another unite for the C. P. H. to get the traffic through from tioderich without going over the Guelph Jimetion line. In other worth', it was a question if the C. P. R. would not. after the banding of much a line, take ficelerieh freight, including the large wheat shipments', over the Credit N'alley line by Elora instead of ahipping it over the Guelph Junction. when on the latter they hove to pay A portion of the freight to the eity. thi their own line they horn at the right time. happened to tvoillit vave the percentage going to strike the right place-im strike oil --and the eit.y. The Guelph Merriery, how. was endowed by nature wit.h the right ever: arty, there is no danger of sitieh faeulties to take advantage of the op- a.thing, as there in an agreement pro- portimit lee. Now at seventy he is the toiling that no traffic on thr Guelph & richest man in the 'rot Id, in the genes. tioderich line may he diverted from of 11AV i 111(lie I al hie corn. the Guelph Junction road. 'nand than any other man living. fie • --- is not happier then ,ither men. His "Where do Skye terriere come vast acquisitions are a mere phantim- from T.' asked lit tle. four-year-old Mag• magoria faiseinistee men in the gie. "Humph !" exclaimed her hroth• er. who is two yeare older and thinks hImeelf ver y "Anybody might to know t het. They Nene from the sky when it'a reining rate and dogs." Innwenre t ....v. -rote thing in the world, and there is more of it than folk generally imagine. If you want some to transplant do not meek it, in the enchanter:a of cant, for it haat only counterfeit ones ; but go to the spierlen• of truth and sense. • • 1 • for When troubled with sun- burn, blisters, insect stings, sore feet, or heat rashes, Surprising how gukkly k eases the smarting and stinging Cures sores on young babies due to dsaAna Zion -Sok is made front pure herbal essences No animal fate -- no admiral poisons. Finest heater I trust and coldness, bhp stripes of ("Mae au ostracism et ronger and more cutn- plete then If they bad been emblems of the penitentiary. Evan Leona and the tradcr seemed to allure the general feeling; hence the thonight of the long. lonesome winter aptsroactriftm 'educed the lieutenant to • state of black de- spondency, deepened by the knowledge that he now bad an open enemy in canip in the person of Runnton Then. too, he had taken a morbid dislike to the new man, Stark. So tbat eh in all the youth felt be had good rea mu to I* le the dumpe this afternoon There sus aphittOtt;• desirable In ads place - everything undesirable-'exeept Her preaenee Flambeau weut far toward_makIng bin humdrum existence bearable, but uf late he bad fonod himself dwelling with growing seri- ousness on the unhappy circumstances ot ber birth and hid almost made up his mind that it v; otild be wise not to see her any more. 'f he tempting vision of ber to the ball dress remained vivkl- ly In his imagination, causing him hours of trweet torment. There was • her that seemed to make the few Ivo - _peen be had known well dull snd eom monplace, and even bin sister, whom MI now be had held as the perfertion of all things feminine, tmffered by comparboon with this maiden of the frontier He was steeped In this meets grave melancholy when a knock came •t his door. and be •rose to find Necia her- self there, excited and radiant. Bbe came in without Miro of embarrass- ment or 'slIghteet consciousness of the possible impropriety of ber act. To be nariiticp The top a the Wile! socces. would he emwiled if it weren't north bard work get ting there, An Eisstern nage, when asked for a to for a ring whir+ might support its wearer alike in prosperity and ail- versily. wrote -"And thin. too, ehall pus away r. a year I have felt that tbe Hine was wing short, and aow I know it." "No, no!" Anon° cried "We have no strangers here No white men es- cept the soldiers and this one have come in • year This Is but a little trading post." "It ern. yesterday. but it hail to day LOP has made a strike. like Oa one George Cartneek made on the PoleOn. and we are going bark with blin tonight, but you must say noth- Ina or It will start a stampede." "other men will come -a great many of themr Interrogated Alluna fearful. ly. Ignoring utterly the mot:amour. UP D-9 "Yes Flombenn will be a not her Dawson if Ude find Is what I ee thinks It ha I stayed away from tbe upper country beeause I knew crowds of mete would come from the States, and 1 b.ired that he might be among them but ire no use hiding any longer There's no other Mare for us g , f Lee bns got a mine I'll hive the one next to It, for we will be tlie nod ones on the ground What liappcin. after that won't matter much. You four wit! be provided -for We are to leave in anc hour. one at time, to avoid cons - "Hut why did thIn man stop berer Insieted the woman. "Why did he not stay on the steamboat and ff0 to Daw- son r -tte's s friend of Lee's. He is going with tla " Then be added, almost in a whisper, rIlefore we return I shall know " Attune seized his arm "Promise to come back, John! Promise that you will come back ereo If this should be the man " "I promise. Don't worry. 111 11. wo- man I'm not ready for a reckoning As be turned ft n -ay she laid her band on his arm and said: "If you do not know biro be will Iva know you Is It not so?" "'Ilion the rent is easy " But be only shook his bead douta fully and answered, "Perhaps; I tint not surt•," and went lintide, wheri he Made up a Mitt peek or bsern. Bonr find tea, a pail or two, a coffeepot and a frying pan, which be rolled Inside a robe of rabbit skin and bolted abot:t In turn with n llaht tarpaulin. It d' I t weigh thiry_ptionde in alt. Pelee; r a new polr -of writer bents, sitillifed day era,s Monde them. (Wel up six alba t. -r, then clipped out the h k way spit In five minutes *as hld len In the tilli.keta Half FM hour atter. hiving completed &tom. of the town, he !tarn, taw trnti to the in- terior, where bp tonne Poleon Dorlst, equipped 111 a similar manner, resting beside a stream, singing the mono of h1:4 people. When Burrell returned to his quer- torn he tried to mitigate the feeling of lonesorneneen that oppressorl him by Somehow today the settee of hie biota - thin had come over him Intoner than with mlesernble Mindful of men, who hail already fallen into the nos notony of roetine, while every friend ly overture he made &went the dh- ows. ef Flambeau was met with el. They Help Ycia Soach Out And Save You a World of Wretchedness A stomach that cannot digest a 'noel meal ia certainly a sore trial. • It has in the way of human „nrciery„up to The trouble in most rases ia that the stomacb and other digestive organs lack vigor. Not enough,of the juices necresary to digestion are-aecreted, nor the stomach ,work amp ,the food The w-ust of It ts that'there is not tufficient temrishment taken out of the food t restore the system's vigor, land t‘..e trouble goes from bad ito worse. The stomach neeite help.: "Little 1 )igesters" meet' 8130. need exactly. One "Little Digester" after provided, e f course, alma the food Is good end N: bolesome. "Lit 'le Dieesters"1 are 'guaranteed to cure Indigestion, and Dripenalai or yew Mary will he refunded irons the Coleman la 'cine , Tonna. G. JOHNSTON EMBALMER A NO FUNERAL. DIVECTOR Furniture end Underfelt ng ‘reroom,,. Wee old 3 Sqllatit. Residence .I7R Steam J. WHEY SON Funeral Direo ors Order' cer.,fully attended SIP ST WA mimi to Wanted. Experienced Oyeraters.:- Pants. Knickers, Overalls. Con Melt Employment the year round, HIGH EST UNION WAGE PAID, piece worh . INEXPERIENCED HANDS TO LEARN OPERATING. Taylor -Anderson - Southgate Co., Limit ;ed, Seaforth To Fg co 25 cts.Orldli TO C.C./SCAMS 01 ORIGINAL AND ONLY BEWAIL OF SOLD ON TIL OF LINIMENT RUPTURE CURED AT YOUR HOME ftus is not a truss Cure. but a treatment you CAA MN i0 YOUR HOME. NQ PAIN, DANGER og OPERATION. no loss of tme frawa your week. Wrte today before you: RUPZIJ-RE gets any worse NOT WAIT. Fill in this Coupon 1V1 me .4d ss and mail to Dept. C.; alt Ontario St ONT REMOVAL NOTICE .,114 that we hove removed to 1 ov lime -nines 001 - HAMILTON STREET next Morrish A Snyeler's Grocery. wheel. our enstomers will mei tig frotly 14, fill all order's for HEATING METAL WORK ELECTRIC WIRING PLUMBING, Etc. In workmanlike manner, at closest prices. W. R. Pinder 'Phone 155. ICLOTHIN61 FOR MEN I FITS WELL WEARS WELL West Sj 1 SPECIFIC CURE For LUNGS, THROAT, COUGHS, NIGHT SWEATS. CHILLS, FEVER, DROPSEY, GRAVEL and all Kindred Diseases. MANUFACTURICD BY Augusta Mary MacLeod. Sole Patentee. 'PHONE 15 013 24 When yon aratIt TIM FIKZIT (and Foote *zest and at Donk Flotl•re COAL ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND kr A I OM weighed on the market arAle where yon Det IMOD ILK. tor a ton. 11,3.0 left at C. r. 1.,XICla Hardware Mow oda of square, orowoux surndod 4°. CHAS. E. GRIFFITH UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING .1PLAIR MATTRESSES RENEWED AND RE -MADE CARPET All sirdr,:nd LAY! NG Pir.= 7norilerZie Repair Doom,. One door Wiest of e J. HatIPt Piave Store, Wien ateset. Reddens -When Avenue.