HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-8-5, Page 44 ThVR1wsYl Autres 5, 1900
At the Head of the Provincial Umeart•
ment of Agriculture tor Over
Fourteen Y.eliii-An Active and
Successful Career Closed. -=
Toronto. July at -The Hon. John
Dr•ydep..Provincial Minister of Ari•
culture tlomlflD(1 fiel906; Med
residence, 9 Prince Arthur avenue
yesterday avenin after an illness ex
tending yearly fifteen months. He
was stet p•uiue year .tt age. His de-
mise was not unexpected by the
family, who in thew twreavemrnt
will have tow svtnpmethy of the mazy
hundreds who knew Mr. Urydeus•r-
ttonally', and the thouwudii who had
general knowledge of his untiring and
zealous efforts for the Advancement of
agriculture in the Province. a welter
which lw always had su closely at
heart. This feeling will Iw bitterest! by
rutty who during his lifetime were
opposed to,Mr. Dryden politically, for
to know "John Dryden wee to like
him, t4 t ;•tJi ,
Mr. Dryden it. survived by, hie
widow, on* son. and five daughters
To those who closely followed his
political career. and pertieul sly these
who sat with his ill the 1.t. tislature
or assisted in recording for the press
the work of that tasty. his devotion
W the duties of the deputniett of
which for many pima fres wee head
was a wetter fur ruustaut commenda-
tion. Hlwsrit a tweetwrfid farther and
a noted Weeder of ,beep , and .rattle.
he brought to bear on the w tilt itariuur
branches of the work: of the Depal t.
meet of Agriculture the wisdoms and
experience walled by prat Uetd know l-
edge. Mr. Dryden was in eoustatit
deutsnd all over Uulario and in. many
other parts et Canada as wrh as the
UnitedStates at
discussion of matters pertaining w
agriculture and sheep and cattle rats.
g. Wheneter hrap.p(wrset
aasewblages he was listened 'i aa only
those are who, talking to well them-
selves practical, know whereof they
speak. and he could always goy" ad-
vice and suggestions worthy of un-
questioned acceptat:ce. The Guelph
Winter Fair might be tnetacced as
one of the many Institutions of a like
nature where aldeesses ft., esu Mi. Dry,
den were accounted amongst the most
valuable 1 (e:tower, of the programs.
A notable tribute to Gs Standing air
an agriculturist watt hit, selection be
the British Government a few years
ages se a member ul the commission
to investigate and report upon the
agricultural eonditiens and possihitr•
ties of Inland. This -tram. the ftrat
occasion on which a colonial was
selected to art upon a commission
whose work was solely confined W an
investigation in the United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Ireland. His
work in this connection wag mach its
to call for the praise of his British
A Cocviocing Speaker.
according to the 'number of -fire calla
to which the men tt'spwrtively r•.
send, Then• are uwtt l`ly About
tlfteru men 011 the list.
In regent to other teen" an- article
in The Municipal World for Augu-t
giver the folluwiu itfUrmatton :
OHM* pays her�ftern leen CAA) per
year on the stark system. .Each
meeting. two. markt.; fire our hour,
four marks ; eeeli sol•m'jaent fifteen
minutes, our mark c 12;41Tiristrianot.
at firm and drills. Chief g, G $IW and
does not participate.
Burke Falls has eighteen men.
Ea•h,utan receive., $1 per tire : $I,1+111
accident insuran.•e n bile et fire. at an
ltnllusl colt ot$. per n,..et, is f....i.L - I.
The chief gets $I3 wed participate in
the distribution.
(1: avrnhurst her eighteen 'lieu who
reeriere 82 each twr fire of t here hours :
15 rents dry and 75 cents wet practice
per month for six wont h, r;►ch year.
There is no instiram•e fit the mem.
The chief gale $Wt pet jeer and does
out (tartictpdte.-
Parry Sound has thirty litre. ail of
whom are insured for ;Melee/ at Htee
and drills. They receive ;il rents for
false uterine ; iU cries' first hour and
3i cents each sillieryuent 1 at fires.
Chief gets $;if and does not pai'tici-
Ndlem s twenty nine get stimuli
insurance the wholeear et 301.75each. Chief and men K t -esu diieel
tit ee-ye from the eouttril.
' Bra•ebridge-4:t51) is divided ailiaig
the twenty men in its t,rigade. The
chief gets $:'r,, The teutii.•ip•il gielit
i-• divided by ai tttgeuirnt; The
town, eepplewentr if there is any
ellurt age.
1tu1h eiewel '¢els\ "i
Bay :..1'hlt:l_.a_ tEJr
and the men Sl3 each.no institute(
A pitepret of mote pwury- in the
tenure -
Huntsville, with twrntr rPn, getp
blltsl, and the chief !,' ,. se rosin',.
anter. Money divided ',mending 1.1
A mon of tine personal appearance,
quiet in manner, witlo.ut "side." and
posseere.iin a rare degree of patience
and tact, Mr. Drydeu was alweye alta•
to command the attention of boa bear-
earet. in the legislature and out of it,
even when many were in a erotical
mond. He maintained his own views
with firmness and dignity, and his
explaotUons of items of expenditures
_.s.ut_peoPowd- a:rwn.fituree fttr the of-,burn+t'#k)+ .ilwt- *ad
rvrr-inrtravingg wort of .the depart- her 1st arid Lend.
menu he presided over were models of In t'lydeatlal.es everything {taints_ to
lucidity and coneisene... Thu.. with- an entry that will exceed last year's
out ever even snaking pretence to he show, when they were there in hum-
an orator, in the usually a:.'epted her., and quality that carnia
meaning of that word. he gained :e equalled anywhere on the continent.
reputation sea s1wak.'r of clearness lfeckneys are growing tetter year by
and anility, who know what he meant year and the show of them is ex -
• and said it in away worth listening ,eIlent, While Toronto is A centre for
to. Apart from hie political career hunter and jumpers of the very high.
lend his acUvitiee aa a fat mer, Mr. e.t class: the rnntpetitiene to this
o'f excite +rant wnrtdwide- Int+pgt,: 4
business. Throughout his ,life Ile In h,ernes. hone.. there is always a
held strong views as a temperan,e great exhibit. while the pony chose"
man, and priu•tioel what he littered in herr been enlarge' and .extended in
this respect, Mr. Dryden's death it' kneeing with tke grrtwing popularity
the flrst to lessen the number of the if the children'. pets. • -
late Liberal Administration in this • _ - --
ytaws to = gubmttted u timer One
Hundred Municipalities.
1t is retorted from ruroato that
among the wunicipmelitt-wwbic�;Eeve
decided to enter upe:n luteal option
campaigns, looking to .t vote on a by-
law next New Year's, are the follow-
Towus • - Brampton, Cfiniw,. Co-
boutrgg Collinggwoad, Cornwall. Dun-
das, halt. Lindsay, alea:ortJ. Uraneute,--fort Hope, S elft Ate. Marie,
Strathroy,'Uxbridge. tt'itighayt.
Villages -Acton. Albeit l'raig, Blyth
Bradford, Bntssels, Dundalk. -1 eettoee
Elora, Fergus, Oeorgetuwn, Port
Perry. tiheiburne. teeswtiter.
Townships - Colborne. townie,
Elgms.. (igty, Hay, Hobo, t oedon, Ox -
fon! North, Atepben ' 'I'arnlw'rry,
llo.ger -
t _there u a diet of 1fg;
municipalities in which it i''exppwerted
me vole will take pia... at New Year's,
Everyuung Points to Immense Ettibit at
_ Canadian National Exhibinoa.
flor,erutmirr ami rowing in so fast
LAVA. of the f'rn,adi..t, Naf.iunal
Exhibition. Tortintu, that the suer.•,..
.. that. _deyartmatu�toonittee 1t� !K•
more prunouticed thin ever before.
The prizes given for speeding in the
ring aggregate $4,.p0 and that in it.
self is a gun:entre that the fastest
harness Muster: In Calm/4 will Again
lie fonud In the ;arm on tie afttnoon
Brutm.% )14'2 it b,
TuwXaltle (itUN(31•.-Thr council
/tet today Fturnuant'to adjout'nireut
member all present but Mr. ('unting.
Minuted of last regular meeting, also
of spacial meeting ;with the excep•
Doti of a change in the grade of slope
on the north branch of the liallahau
drain, which should have read eighteen
! world ours will be dead and, likes
the union, utaldeto support any form
of life."
At this juncture it member of his
audience rose in au excite.' mariner
and said :
"Pardon me, I'rofeeisur, but hew
twiny pears did you ray it• would bit
before this calamity overtakes us 7"
The Professor : ,•$evenly turnkey,
nolo! totete pe !roue s��atke stz�tu
eulverrat the si email v zeitbe serifs the tgl .0 rt. t moe ewe,- mill, williuni ! '
port/ob. instead cif eighteen inches to _ • _
the foot on the whol4e north branch of Where the Great Soprano Sang.
raid drain) teal sod peewit. A com-
munication from Wm. Lair, county As tho celebrated $opr.1ne began to
clerk, was received. stating that the eing. little Johnny became greatly ex-
auauunt required from the tow repot. r..
this year for county purposes we, orchestra ee mtioctot.
ereet7U.Il5. Hesoletd, that a further "What's that man ah:ikingpc his stick
coin of $2.Ir. for township purposes, at her for ,.' he demanded iudig-
township share of drain •taseemutente, gently.
ealarieet eta., and $:t,'sst fur township "Sh-h ! Il.'s not shaking hie stick
grant by schools, in all ellets17.1t5, iw at her,'.
-levied and ritised off the township this Itul Johnny' war not eon timed.
year by taxation. A rale of 5 t -1u "Then whist in thund,•i'. she holler -
mills on the dollar was struck to raise int: for :'"
GM. amount and Bylaw No. 11, Ilkst, - .. -- -
culUirnting the mute, was duly) mead He Wasn't the First.
And passel. The sleek was. :t1,,iin- An amusing adventure heppeie,i on
,utrueted in making out the iulleetair'ir one urrasieu to i)t. (littera when he
roll, in addition to the sunt of tl"--i'II,i3 Was conducting u st t•ieN ,.f serviette in
reelected :uuiuNlly frau the south half Hirruinghneu. Arriving ,t few minutes
of the township, being the yearly before the commencement, the doctor
railway- rate thereon, to add t hereto was refused iiiselteeti In by 1 he poi ...man
the sow -.d' $113.21, this being the at the doter
:etu'.umt of deficit in the sale of said • •'1 want to go in," 'maid 1h•. Clifford.
railway. dele•ntutes. The ttswsarr's "Are y.ana seat hoods." netted the
Imdf•yea•ly staleurnt to ,,urns .11), official.
elt.teiit it lwta)tite ..0 hand at date of " "No, I ahs not.'. -
was -r�csiwd ;OA or(iem.t1 to iThen yees can't go in:'-__
be Med. John H. Met linter* was re. "1 think remarked the famous
e w..intd collector at a salary of $,�.'u. pa -ave resister. "that 'herr will be
this ;uuouut to include poet age. '11. I•uonl fur me in the pulpit.-
Uele. \.. r., l.rrL .•uuti_�o., rile "1.
IMAM- rluL Imre_rat_- irts)1'ketl..'
',ointment of collector, and bylaw � � the other.
13. 191 1). authorieitg and empower iug "Hut 1 am Dr. Clifot,1 old I amu
the rolleetot to sparge and collect $ due to preach iu another reheat. and
r cent. on all Ltxe. remaining un- a halt.'-
dafter the 13th day of Decemnlwr "Oh, acne.you .aid the tnere mt-
nee , wets- teal abet passel. 'l'he fel- lour pa.lirtruan. •'1 have 1..1 in two
lows • aerttunts were resent}•d and 1 ,
!. ,P I t. Clifford"' already."
mitered to be paid : The Whine/nil - -
%%'urlde eolle.tur's roll and other , Strength and vitality ire combined
township ,implies, $ i.:C; : H. B.
'?!Ilton. part pnutin,: , orbs. t,
I). A. Dunbar, part payment contract rate of iron ;end pure .1,1 opynish
on the Hall:than drain, $7u; Wm. sherry wine. Nothing could be
_Areeleelr, I=Ritig ua...Psalirierc.atl on more benetjci-tl for auttnic_ woven
,eastern boundary. K2L itu ; trim. G. and children, elderly people whose
Salter. material and tilling on Pr.tirie strength it foiling imd all persons roun-
.road on'eastern boundary. $*t i, 7y: J. down and debilitated. i I.lst bottles.
(i. t.illeepie, balanrr operating mad
grader. Doe, *Omit Thome, Phillip.•+,
St. Helene. tile, $tt,l)S' • Fred P. Hay-
den, i•efund of statute labor tax 11ssi,
ett - _ nmaste el .osmate--refmtntl-- of
in the int igor,►ting t. ie.. Perrot -Me
Polite to a Fault.
Lieutenant Shackleton. .o a speech
which he matte in reply t.. the toast- nt
,tetttte' whetter tax Aria, $I :, James �lav,iv i,t�, tot :tn Intel mg stoney
siotherland, repairing hill M rive e1h. of ptltitenees rattle u..u,. 1,L•ta legions
(e.siui 12.$t: Ww. J, Peeks, at tend. of thee Antuetie. Hi+ pest v. he said.
truces lir ifraiuriruie-irrr�,-- . . K�-'wrrFaiirni'ti ._ - .. ��0
COST DOESNLT-FIGURE u+ -!{'HIS S*b$;-------
All summer goods must go at some price. We won't carry sum-
mer goods over. You can buy good useful articles at less than makers'
prices, good at any Season of the year. Our big stock must be reduced
before early Fall:Goods come forward.
Just read over the following list. It will give you an idea what this
tore is doing at this big sale.
Saturday and Monday, August 7 and 9
- All one Scot.h and Englieh'Uinghataeat 15c, sale price, 11e
Oanadian uu►kee, 121c for fOc
Prints All our test 12jlc, Iwrt Engiish maks, dark and light, guaranteed fast colors
S9 pieces to ghomee teem, your choke of the whole tut for
Flannelettes A bigppi'ehtueof Flanneiette , al inches wide, light and dark stripes ]
white, very heavy cloth, about Iaa) yarls,in the lot, at makers price, M e
Big reductions it pricei.uf cotton and cashmere, every pair of hose in the---- -
Hosiery stone endued in price for this great sale.
Lawn Waists
Thirteen white Lawn 1Vaiatr left, $2,50valttes for $l?6: 02.25v/dues for $1,25;
$:,,Ism valu•P for $1.25: SLIM values for folie : and $1.00 for 75c. The last of our
whole stuck;
All our Corsets at gale prices. 1). R A. make, every pair gImazantaed. Always
-ask for -D-.. ecok.,tbey-arethchest-nt prices asked: ---
Any piece of Orme Muslin in the store at HALF-PRICE.
One-quarter lees than regular
W inches wide, lir, lar, 12ic and 15c.
K - rXtlretletretod
and pulite, anti 'eine' pr't.^snr in par-
timiler attained a degree of p.:litenesa
unusual tinder such'• vying eircnm-
Kinnou Brut. gravelling and putting
in cmlvert.• con.•r+sione 9, le and 12,-
1N5.aU: Geo. Simmons, culverts and
drain, '"oncesslon l), and inspecting
gravel i•encession - les, a13.3u:: %Vmu. "Are you busy, M aws'm he called
Partem m. ptttting tl rt it oa-xsealt~ taro -one fligh!-3n cit
ern boundary. $3 : Geo, B. Naylor, the party who wa- in the test, s
"1 am," said Maw.on.
"Very busy said the professor,
"Yee. Very hut:y. "
"If yolk are not too boss, Mawson,
I au down a crevasse."
The'proTr+Nor• wait t.iinT hanging
dewll a, ereVASse by foot lingers,•
pa.alutt._ which _ht. could .trot have_
occupied for any length .d. time,
gravel, end inspecting gravel, s2
James fiowatt. gravel and gravelling
imn Lus-khart inspecern ting grave and filling
die. ti on southern •bttundure, rt. :
Perry McLean. shovelling gravel,.
Gen, M. Hobertann, shovelling
graveleilie t. .-*'or weasel : .Joseph
Kerr, ee: W. H. Dene re, $8,a);
%Vim. J. Rodger, ; 1Vrn. Fite!
palriek, $3.sil ; Saul Morton, $.'t.;il:
Gee. (', Neylor, $lU.115: Jane. ('rilik•
"henk, Mir; 7awdr -hereto eiGeltt,
WVue.' J. Salter, $1w) : Ed. Haines, !t.2
H ugh Mciturnry, $I1),Iat : ('has.
4':uupl..•II. $H.711: WIII. Wight )man,
$1.4Yt: Peter King, $:'.Stan: A. Porter:
fb•Id, *Loa, . Andrew ('urrie, tel : H.
Raithby, Veal: J. Bentley, 5(1 : Wal-
ler Stoat, eau; : n -•tet `.roll, Loos..i:
\Vol. Nixon, $J.tat ; James Mc('allum,
$13. The council then adjourned to
meet again nn 'Monday, Augna 'Sir(1
nx,. ALEN. 1'i,NTi:ttm•-tt:Ln, Clerk.
The Question of Good Roads.
Toronto (dots•. '
Here is an exeellent subject for de-
bate : Resoh•ed, that prosperous
tanning enruutug1ties are a cesas11-est
rrM ..,
being a rest tit of prespt.•r...m, farming
romnttulRime The question might be
state' with more exaetnese by an ex-
pert. but this will do fur n suggestion.
Whatever the decision, the two
almost invariably go together, and
the entnhination is atlitn l•:thle, An'. -
nue Who drives neer the goof reals
between Wood+tock and Ingersoll,
were Blenheim and Leamington,
,ilumg the Talbot road. the I.nng-
woods road, nr test• Hiver road At
Chatham, to name only a few notable,
examples, cannot help being struckr> t '
Use beautiful homes and excellent
fat ming eondiliuns. As some of these a
roads err of Military or (litvt•rnntent
origin, they antedate the develop-
ment of the ...unary, and the weight
.t the evidence they yield is in favor
of gentle made aN t lie source of pros-
perity. - ..._ .._
iweaving the more prominent high-
way. and ervesinq the townahipe; (t r
found that the country is curiously
cheeks.' ed with thriving communities.
Along the linen that are built and
kept tip hy the co-operation of the
townshipe good fat•rne are ptentifnl,
Which a1Po auggeets goof It.ulte a.
Mowing from gond roa.l., At the
'.eine time it roust iw admitted tjtat
mtl117 atrutrhre of gnat road. rtl-
c .unterell are due to -thee enterprise of
farmers who eontribitte lib -,'felly
fens their own (untie and urge their
nerds on the trmniciprditiea. -
One 'towelled argument in favor of
goof roads lits in the fact that the
basic principle of permanent high-
tt•aye is thorough drainage. and the
roads cannot he drained withnnt
material Ilvantage to the adjoining
farm.. 'Thi,, however. rails ettenti.on
In an element of unfairne.. • in.lo
arable from road building, 1t.1 which
randy one remedy Pogge+tm itself.
When gist readg are built either bt
the tent..hipe or month.. the land
lying along thele is immediately
t•tttsPetl in valise. A farm lying beside
a good road ie worth from Ceti kr
twenty -live per rent, ti nre Dion one
of the sah►e soil And gennrnl character
11in1 can 1* reached only over ieul
roan.. No syetrill of taxalinn inn
make the Maden of partial road -
building rest justly on everyone con-
cerned, sown are 1tunnd to get hark
a* !Mich or more than they emit ?Ilene
in increased land velure. The only
rentedy fon this that smggests itself i.
to being all read+ to the beet rnndi•
lino s. , 'u 'kly a. pervade. AP good
rendit are nreetwary everywhere, rnail-
huilding an nnderetteel Pretence, ami
the terthols et building t heal iron
omi.•ally 1 htemgh untnrnuted statute
lehor, mimiei al entelprime and Peo-
vinrts! aid filly developed, the
rnm(orte. Wastrfulnrs+ and injustice
o1 prra'nt conditione shnnld he ended
withnnt delay. itatepayen will Ilnl.
it to their material prnflt to give the
gneatinn of goad roads preeeninenet
over all others. '
Oueline of His Career.
Hon. John Dryden wae th.• son of
the late James Dryden. who Caine
front Sunderland, .England. to wok
in Whielty townehip in le2n. Ile wee
born at Maple -.Shade Farm le 1,44).
educated. at the local !schools, and tont
up farming ap a vocation. 11.. was
successful from the start. nnil added
to fanning in is general way the
breeding of high -elute sheep and
cattle, hie farm and herde marking
among the fineet in Caneda.
When twenty-three year.. old Mr.
Dryden was elected to the municipal
council of Whitby township, where
as Deputy Reeve and Reeve he served
for seven years, reeiring voltintarily
at the end of that period. fie wee.
elected to the Ontario legitslatitre for
South Ontario in 11f79, and remained
ta the Legleleture until the advent cif
the Whitney Achninietration in DNA
aken into the Cabinet.
o Seletember, POI. Mr. Dryden
• appointed Minister of Agrietilture.
His prectieal farming experience
▪ him in good mead, and he wax
whirl' Peen! great tedvantage tn the
fanners I the. Province. During hie
administ tion the Agricultural Col-
lege. at GI lph WM enlarged and a
dairy echo: established in -connection
with it. Li institutions were also
built at Went roy end Kingston. Ile
also organize( twelve fruit experi-
mental stations hroughout the Prov -
Held Many Positio s
The tate Mr. Dry en vrami preeident
of time Reliance loan Savings Com-
pany. of Ontario pr eletit imf the In-
ternet' 1 eihropehire Sheep limed -
ere' Association, end fo ninny Venni
TPsid*flt 44 the Dominic Sherthorn
1441 appointed one rd the r imion.
ere far the revisinn of the 1. terie
statutes. Beiptiat iti religion. Mi..
Dryden was for years one of the ..v
emote of McMaster Cnivereity, n .1
among other efficial position.. wits
chairman of the hoard. He inerried
in ISM Mary Lydia, daughter of Mr.
Thomea Holman, at that titne a pub-
lisher in New York.
Different Methods in yogue in Various
Towns of the Province.
Now thin 1115 mminieipal fire depart -
went Is the antrieet ..f 1101110 diectiesion
In (lode/rich. it niey he interesting to
know how Dome town* deal "with their
flee departments in the meteor of par
merit for their Wereineet. In Goderich
an allayment., ft25 par man and EA
for the chief is made by 'the town
Th• allowances to the MMI
are pooled sal the lima ie distributed
among them at the end of the year
Tremendous Equipment to Handle West-
ern Crop.
Winnipeg, .1 lily 1.%). -With the har•
vest lea. than three weeks away it ei
intereeting.to know je.i Mew the twit.
wept are prepared :04 a Weer to
handle the erep and to iivoid any
blockade, fetch :ts Mee been dimintrone
Three big road') Aid 11AVe in • Numb. -
pion not lees than 35,10010 freight ears.
tieelle of which byline; to the C. N. It:
anil subsidiary lines about ::.1.111411„
l'he later, reite *Ho hem 1/50 locointe
tiv.es ready for action, th 11 ie in
an excellent peeking) to handle the
ore 1.140 eleVatot. ‘Vesterri cum.
441:1,,, ill, liulinm ter/Meal and interior,
and them have a total eaparity of
ahout 11.5exinexe. fin the C.
P. R. there are Lille eleeatote. the 1%
Railway a Irrigation Company 11.
the Brandon. tiftekntrItewan & 11. 11.
Railway 15, I the Midinn 1 Railway
During the praseu t *meow .4- la
catimated that *tit elevators were eon•
etrireted in the %Vest. which would
bring time total tip b. 1.71K.), all told.
On the I'. alone there have been
Pretty Sick.
eltip that WWI bringing him lock to
this metro!". when he ehaneed to oh -
nerve a pur of itelividitids more than
tammilly one. the 1/01111%.1. re.
dining in her iiteatner :hair. exhibited
that pallor of mal mer that betrays
tater dettprir and indiffeeence to what-
ever may wimp; and the other. a Mall,
t a, ill the lady. wan crouched sit
heft. (eel Wit hitt imead in her look-
ing for all t wei 1.1 like a paw
friendlies,. dog that heel *ought mine
fort of the nearest living being.
So deeply touched by thin unhappy
opecteele wne the gond divine that lie
approached the wretched couple :old
in/tuned of the women, in Itie most
sympathetir tonee. whether there. was
any 'insistence he could render.
The woman ahnok her head, witily
mem:miring. "There is none. thanks. '
Then, eater a momenee patio.. the
clergyman suggested :
"fPerhape, then, I may be of femme
*revile to p.m. heehand here.-
Withote No much we -big her
head, t he unfortunate merely glaneed
indifferently at the head in her lap.
Th•n, in et tone indlealing her com-
plete leek of intmest in her competnion
mitiery, the replied faintly :
know who he is."
When you go to the count y take n
tin of Devil.' Menthol 4111VP tilting. 11
Is unequalled tO relieve eeritche,
9ralne, burns. cake and bruises.
Invest 25 cents in a box of.
ISavis' Menthol Sake ("The
U. & L.") and be prepared for
A hundred ailments, which may
not be dangerous but are very
alt e •
ralgia, eardcae, sprains, burns,
bruises,insect stings,cuts,piles,
etc. It is a huu,,chold remedy
always useful for some trouble,
and should be' kept in the
family medicine closet.
Imminent Danger.
A well-known erientiet. ea. teeter.
tile en the eun'. heat, rind in the
cour•te of hie ?emetic. eeid . "It hi an
established fart !hat the sun i* grad-
ual!) losing its heat, and In the runtime
of some seventy milliona of yeare it
Lie itilleteAge_e_enegsomeee
Prepared from the grease
of the Canadian Bear.
Delicately perfumed.
The Standard Pamir
lor 40 Years.
I)oe+ your back ache '•-Dien ex-
periment with imitations, hut� ge the
genuine, "The I)..-ik- L." - Menthol
Plaster. it vii ' Davie & "Amer ee
('u.. maker..
Picnic and Camping
Let Its fit),yuu 0111
with the provisions
for your summer
outing. We know
-list what on want
and have the tight
gods In supply your
needle, whether it he
only for ah after-
noon picnic or for a
month's camping.
For the people who
tar at home we
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
and rrrrytiunt( in the line of
' firnreries that is good.
Sturdy & Co.
THE tillOCE118.
Phone 9r. West Side Square
For the Summer Toilet
We have in stock all the leading Toilet Preparations.
merican and French Perfumes.
Sachet Powders.
High-grade Soaps.
Face Powders and Creams.
Any special make not in stock we can procure for you.
Bedford Block,
The Druggist.
Midsummer Sale
To make things liven up
during the quiet season 1
am offering sPecial induce-
ments in
Niles Ella Wood. of BrownevUle, near
Woodytrick. ,rass:_ "I have to thank PSYCIIINI
tor my prroeht health. 1 could hardly drag myself
score fbew. not omen the carpet. If I went for
ailrier 111,11 follottowri when 1 dame back: If 1 went for
a mile or two on my whaiil 1 was too weolL to Welt through
the gatewly. and Ia-t time 1 rain° to Iron.. haring • lipid I
dropped utterly helplew from logjam.. my father gave m• no
fur decline or wenkn.lir. I mind gay 1hr reeults are wonderful
and people retharked improrernent."
:1- Oat VA*, fall -W- rewtr for a et/sten-rep, ekanns
mato+. oy an oveninz party with anyone. Id a few month. &Kai
aro "All owed op 'nod rur, 11104-13 Too con he too,'f tip In • short lime
4.4Ift7HINIC er,'.• h. yet Wood. revivo• the appetite and
tiniii•fOrtim f.hr weak ),..11111y
August 28th - 1909 - September 13tb
Greatest Live Stock Exhibit on the Continent
M active operation. Forty industries
will officiate at opening ceremonies on Tuesday, Amon 310.
Model Camp Victoria Crowe and Winettling on Horseback Competitions be-
tween eremite -me Dragoon* and Artillery Artillery Drive Musical Ride, etc
Oresdeoughts GREAT 000811 BILL OF FIREWORKS
1 1000 Nen
These are extra good value
at the regular price, but
during-Angust I *II make
A Ten Per Cent. Discount for Cash
1 Geo. Johnston's I
Talking About Buggies ,
we should lie 111PJUI141 to have a teak with you. We
handle 1 be Isio Rotel, on f lie market
"....lf you ore thinking of, buying a new "fuggy this year,
14) 4,:qi
t,rt,t. 1
a p ; Ili 1,, "Mil mime tAlill
ip2A \v"..-;:-„k‘Npr 0,,A11:1 ll
The lien models ore lismilieY. Let us show you the fine
points ot the new Buggies we have just placed in stock.
N. ft f have tnken the ageney for the McCormick Imple-
menta and ran now ?empty Reeding and Harveating Wu -him*
mantifectured by thin well.kncemen company to Anyone desiring
first -clam Farm Maehinery.
Wm. Knox f
Newest.* and Hamilton Streets, Goderich.