HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-8-5, Page 3BOOKBINDING
1'I':RiODICALS and
► d or repaired.
thanks. Woneptlp attendee to uu Ivut hog
Item a1 'rllR SION Ala lluderlrh.
A. g TAYIJ)IL FllitA•1•)rt3Ku
Mews GI the e2itrict. I WinnCURLINGTONG CASE.
Hua n
Naar Drowsing' Takla
laves Much Annoyance.
t•palr of curling Lungs 10 fouud on
Thome., Hill, of Delgiave, outlet- Misers \largatet Padfield, Out,ie; ' nearly •very dreaming
and Mtable. Some -
went • critical ',Iteration hist week. I Nettie A. Stewart, Blyl{t, and I times they are on a tray, but sure uf-
Ife is progreasiug favorably. i Walsh, \\"iughana. tea they are laid carelessly on the
Sudden Death at Exeter, cover, frequently Reeving little brown,
The '4811 (o which all must respond and only hem -rhea patrties.
carte with startling sutldeene.e to A ease hanging beside the dreeolug
Mrs. Lyman %V. Palmer, wife of the
table lu which to slip the tonna al
Mils F. K. Carling, daughter id '1'. 11. nuprietar of the l! quint Howe., I be found a great vunveuleuce. Cwetlag, of Raster, has beenapp1{x,inual ) Exeter, any Tuesday. L11e ;174 11„alt,
/de -
second dhectou of lit. Luke's hoepitel, 1 Shu had risen in apparently. her iditol I side. -being ueenii. It Is o pretty and
New Turk.I gold health and was erwpitring for the Lattractive little acct•"sury of the dress-
(, Johnston, of Fordwicb, took to t ay'a washing.' when she "uttered a lag table.
hiulwtf a-- wife 1.m- w..„1 . doy, 1hs I he 111 age. Ilex FFIh)•sicien elite To wake the curling tongs 0001' cut
•Jost ult., in the .r on of Mies Olive eroded iti anteping the flow, hot It two ple•es of thin pasteboard, twu of
left her in such a weakened' 1uudiliull
Mies Clara McKinley, If, A.,1 of Ft et hrs.TTe-S., i- sTowiy •Way. Le-
S.atorth, has direr appointed fleet 'claret had been at resident of Exeter
aasist.ant til the ln
u• high eacxll drµart- only a few mouth+, hot in that time
melte of the Exeter puddle .'boot. i tl11e hod made many friends 111 the
village. She was thirty years of age
'rhe marriagt' of Miss Fl n•'•nce I and ie survived by het• )u411/1d nod
Rhode, of Dashwood, to Mr. Hen- two children.
dersun, of London, took phare in the
Tillage on \Vetlne.day of teat week.
Alike O f.)onnell, sou el Martin 'etre \\'roxeter Menet tell. an inter -
O'Donnell, of Clinton, was married in elating"tor)• of a large nns1•tesrtlr
Mtmtro L South Dakota, eerier 1y to which was first caught on the hank.
Miss French' Ellsworth, of thal"jllaue. of 1111• Te'swater river lay a gl•uup of
Councillor Ja•ub and Mira. Taylor, tale from
0 of tlntis sry Mat lllitt,tof
of Clinton, left lve last week un a ttrio,. of Revrlltoke, B. 0 , carved his i 11.1110
the' •'silver honeymoon trip ani the date on the turtle's hack with
through Europe mrd Lets ffl ltisl. ',are. is iwnkolfe -Tx' un' givsng- tL • IT,
Mies kill Ilam, of the 11101 public liber[)'. let the'tmnrnrr of HIM 1t tell
iehuul staff, has resig114 to accept 11 intro the hands of %Vatter Pfnnel, sal
imsltit f art first ameiitant in the High- Hawick, who recorded its m4MOml �
gate continuation school at a salary of email" 1* 'Ier1y. This old drn1L 1,
$IMM)• of the river was again cnpttired it G•1,
Mr*. lienjetuin Nair, a former well- weeks sego -this lime 1ey Th m ,
known resident of Kipiwn, died at her Elliott, of Hawick, who added I
hankie in Sault Ste. Merit lest - week. initials to she list. 1f it lives tb.
Deceased Wee a hinter of 1ki\-i,' repined age,,f is turtle --SMI year, ii
raper•, -of -Blyth. --..' . .-with earryi a,. iitt.tvaLng_bfa►Oly
Thr death occurred in Aurora ori i1a hark•
aluuday, the 111th MC. at Milt. Mary - Death of George Addison, Mullett:
ltlanelte I)ieka.ae, voungtast dalie htr•r tirotgP Addi:ou, one of the pioneer
01 1 110 161e l01111 . F, Dirks•., - Id •
"Gladawtxxl," McKillop. of the passel to the Doh cuo'tslitin of Willett,
(treatBeyond 00 Mona :' 1 ! I
W. It. 'Taylor, son of Collura* this. the :76th ult. He had leen sof 1
our 'Taylor, -"I l'lihtum, has 1x1' frrnug from heart trouble for several
Line thud rou"ecutivt• time woo lbs *h. and his death wxa Dalt unez-
'Hialhup MtrIMha11 classical echohu•slull' pee 1,4 (deceased Wit 0 Isom in
-t_1i•runtn 1•.nit1•.•.itY 01-40141.040.14 r1. ••i•ev.n;, .. 11
Miss Mary J. Taylor, Dieter of John, On reitehing manhood li emigrated
George and Janne. Tailor. of l'Iiulou, to Cann}etll with his bride anal bli-
thest -in lewdoe •'•i-Neasiey _thee •'ith...m"diately made him way 10 Outlet 1.
ult. Har remains were taken to her !luring his lung residence in the town
girlhood huuu• ,at Clinton for in- ship its was ouivrrsally esteemed.
terment. He is wurviv,•d by hie widow, three.
Rev. 13, W. S. 1'ryuhart, of Kipper', ""ns Win,.-uf l.nndesla/ro ; Joseph•
left fair his new sphere• of letter in of liru'efl,•Id, mrd ,l.obn, of Orillia---
Listowel latae week. Before his de- and three slaughters -- Mrs. John John -
part ure 'he was presented with it atom of lentde,lsoro' : Mrs. Andrew
haudiuu.r cluck drum the. Kippcia Hugggatd, of the 1:11 h conce0s ant of
cuugregatien, Huilett, and Dora, et hnple.
The - managers of fit. Andrew's Death of -Pewter -Clinton Girl.
(lurid), Myth. .will iwiucdiately ter A peel of gluoiu arae east over the
place the ma:utse and stable. which Down of (Tinton on Friday, the 'slid
were dr"►rvaprd by fire recently by $ tilt., when it was learned that Miss
two-story Mick edifice and a cement Lilian Fair Jark Son, - daughter of
methle and sheds. t .. - 'Phoma. ,lark•..•., tr., of Clinton.
Levi A. Yeas, luacernmrat inpectur had passed away suddenly in Mus-
uf 1-04014 and bridges at Saakatoutl. koka at the r holm (If her
.o a,f M '. and :lits; ilarvt•y Beate, of uncle, J. T. E,'tsrk; -.f The Toronto
the7th bite of Morris, was married 8, at. She had is•••n in delicate health
on \V'«lnew(Lat, the 11th Mt.. to \lis+ for "evt•t•al mouths, and had gone
nal -8\1),d? ut Ninga. Man. north in the hope! that the change
It she t__lan1ea M,K*•lvie. wit.; a few would prove beneficial, but nothing
%ears ayto weed* lased it ivaaurant iii'"rrir"'1' vette "14'1.4. 4. _ Mise .J4ek11141
"aVingharnr died after an operation at wAs it young w an of W(5 001110' die -
hie home ap 1'etn•olia on t III , the p .sition and charming personality.
eeth alt. Ne w:ti forty-w•vru,).r:u•, Though Inst twenty-thrte'years of age,
of age and is survived by his widow. aha' had already gained distinction
The death ',reed at her benne on
ruin tTHi7l° tof _ LLe tteKhre 4f A. 'l l'. M. A bail -
the fitL a oI1e
Analarlll S'usrl,kelict of the late %Vitt, 1 uta future was ex per. tedbar, had
it s _ilia.lived. `she i" surviveve d b her
Shell. De"."14 *110'wa. slider, lre7: at -one
a setter of Dr.
d Andrew Sloan,
Archie AlaMichae{, of Fordwich, fell
front a load of hay last week, breaking
his cullerbune and bruising his head
badly. \
. Any person o ho h. the role heal of a fululty
any male over IM YeaI' old,duly hmuostead
,a s
qrter-et he. of at enable D/olal nidi loud lu
%IanlWhs. Saskatchewanor Albert.. The
ole j l• e1td+must Age ey ttor 1e { dub- Aireney'nfor l the
tun Lu,
snide. Ent. Y be proxy may be ',ats at any
agency, un eertai" oonditun., by whet
mother, son, daughter, brother or-i.ta•r of
tuteudlug homesteader.
Iletin` :j,l
1e00111M n'wl,ir.l.•" 111011 itlid
' 11(1 ran 100 of 100 dated 111 eweh ul Ihnw �twr,•.
A homesteader may live vs Ohio ulna 111i er of
.•lel aowneddaid occupied by'4him tor8 Phace
(aibor. mother. son, daughter, brother or
111 ,•rNuin 111,1 7101. a 110,0051001100 In gnat
standing may pre timid a liltt�artnraeatlole
afeng.ufe hi. homestead. Price a1.ln per acre,
patios Mug reside 41i remain, in cath of 41
years from date of hornealead entry tineludblg
the time required to nitro humr.teal latent)
and cult. air Ion y..ore. extra.
A houn•arader who hos exheuttal 111. home -
.teal rbthl and 06111101 obtain a pre-emption
w ey
Mkt. ( rcha.id hw, sI. 111 lot certain
districts. frier plan per acre. Duties -Must
edit n.m.c IM 11t each mf three yearn. cult
any sere, end erecta house worth ,111111.
IMpmty of the Minister of the Interior.
N. II.- I. a sat hurled ',.Meat lou of chi. ad-
r1.r -einem' will not be mid for.
Watchmal[ing, ete. •
[� At $EY PA.RK
1 w•ra IIM4Kaa, Ja01C1.1.10nrnCIAM.
. o ..t -1,10 of ' (oar,•, 1 o'Irrloh, IMt.
Civil Engineering
M. ItTS, (1IVIi.
and Hydraulic En rw•r, t►nfn hi sand
(thee -Mclean Mock, •tench, corner
Ma„tma'street Telephone IL
% Piano playing. Theory. Ha y end
1 ouuter shat- Nupli. pra•twnyd fogOr y, exan11nl
N4 *8011 f 'o .t Mail'• Store, li,xtrrtr•h. �lw. re
la 1111110. et rw.ldeu,' of Mr. Alex. M''oken
air 11,10/ t0 .l Peet.
A.' f, KlaesGaal.", )11. H.
88' M. T(•a,ael.e., M. Ir,
take:. II Ito Street. Phone 1'•1.
Dr. F.wmonsone reeldeuoe, North street,
(Ip�Ire NL George'. church, 'phone les.
-ter: f'trnbrea'+,�,a{��,soe, . 1 -1 atrseL.
Swohsestotl'UNtcl.Ibrert. Phone 1:11,
,K. \\•, F, OALLOW, M. lis
Wire and r•.Idee.or. North •1 raver, Dmderi. It,
et t mu t1. nests' ry offt a+... Tedephonr, CI
100, rlolary, etc. Money to lend at
(Mires-4'urtta Sl reel, ltoderich
41A1008--I*-ah+afwrt It aaaurdays.
and Meeley
1�i1- CA, iiARtIIS-
1- '1F:It. +0I nor, 1101..0y 006110. 1111lce.-
nllt9n Street ftoderlrh, third door from
L1ftUl 1)FY)OT, IIAYM & Hl.AIIt
_ a
bewilders, millet•1-allele. piddle ora •
* i
for, p. the Marie ire ( �. icons. 4Mlce, r ..t old.
rain) a.rruccry. Pr1
vice (nide to loud at ta ad rata. or u.ter.alt.
w, 1•Itattitev *IT. K. o'. ('. HAYS. u. r
itisTKK, attorneys, .stn 'tor. eta.. Godo-
r1•h. Moa.y to lend at 1owwt leh.
It .01111or, rrommisilmler, not re pu4=c.
111..•• Hnu,ilton steel. 114,10rirh 01
insurance, Loans. Et
'''II (1111) I'Itl\'ATl: rl'Nus 1.l►
l•wn. Apnly to
t1 11. 1' M
I , r. Iltmihnnstreet, tied erlrf
11 It, ltt)lIE1tTMGN
Flw0 Alt rr Linnrvtwo : Britian. l'aaedisn and
Act nits r, 'Stay las AND Kldl•rfTICM' 1.1.11411.
,n : The Ocean AmIalent and tinnrantee
t monition l lan(1M, of London, Keg.
nwl.Rr ANI lirARANYGL MINDS : The U.S.
Fidelity/1nd lila r tor/'oru( any.
- • at residence. noel beset corner of Vie-
wed !(t. Ihtikl'.. streets ' Phone 1714.
and accident haenran,w. Agent for leading
menial riled ailoa•k comp{anies, instirtinee in all
Innes efkri,el on test plan. and at lowest rate..
l'UI at nate. corner West :erect and ser" metres. W'. CKAllllk, UoJerich, Ont.
tele ,hone 21 .\\
M�,jc Illl.i Of MUTUAI. FIRE IN -
111 _.RL aAJ L ya C 0,-I'.'arm and Isolated
sees - H. M Lcin, Pros.. Klpiwn 1'. al
T; -Meer, Vice -Tree.. RtneeftoM 1'. o.
Tannin,. F.. Mays. See-Treas., Menfonh 1'. (1
Directors -Wm, Cheatney, Seitforth : Sohn
(i. Otters, w'inthrop ; George Dale, Monfort h;
.101111 Ifennea Dublin; Jame. Evan., liewh-
wooal ; Jnhnl Watt. Harlork ; Tho'. Fra'nr,
Heine • John H. Meloott. Klppen ; Jar.
J. W. Yeo, Holman/11c, agent for West
Huron. Polley -holden can pay aweemente
and get their porde rmoelpte4 at Tomer t
rims.'., ('llnton, or at K. H. Cutts grow 17.
kinrston street, (l*dertch.
Marriage Licenses
Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician.
iaaner of Marriage Licensee.
A MIK lhh�roat
nw . Godurieh, Onh-
8Z&�� )rte �.._.
-Tile well-known and papular *tend
offers Its pyetl0na the beet service In *having,
ban ratans, we., stn. 1.141.,.' ehampooina a
only auntie handw employed.
age will he apprr' dated. H. 11.
1114 general aeactloneer. IMlnen on South
street, W0nre ha will he found at all times
when in
errg Wee Terms rnu,oneble and
every owl to ewe y011 aal.lefaction.
Phone N
*11. ranches cnrefolly Attended t0. Farm
sob's, iITO ntm'k gales, real eaten, and nurchan
dl's went mule anywhere. Write for dates or
roll .ltd talk It over with
'Geo. Beckett,
Hamilton street, Goderich Ont.
Telephone No. tog
The Lake Route to Western Canada.
The most IA the
Grand nd Trunkftailway System, tractive route is Nrth
mit Navigation Co. across Lakes
Enron and Superior and Canadian
Northern Railww Port. Arthur to
Whimper and the West, offetitz)f the
beet passible railway !meek* and a
„fah water wee voyage" heyoud
The Tale of a Turtle.
in sumac*, circles in Toronto and 114,1
five years of age.
Sloan, of Toronto, a
of Blyth.-
Thoruas Veal, an ld resident of
Elimvflte, died in the h ulaa of refuge
at Clinton on Friday: the Zird ult.,
at the age or eighty-two yearn. tits
remain. were taken n.. the boric of his
sun, \Vilhiani, of Elint1ille, for
Wm. Pollard, an old and 't•e.ayr'ted
resident of the 8th concession of,Grey,
'passed away after It brief illness tet the
',mar of Ins daughter, Mrs. N: ,Me-
l'aul ay. of Hralssels, on Monday, the
'34th alt. He was seventy-eight peat,
of age.
Jahn Bell, one -of the staler:at. of
Mantis, who ss hale and active at the
age of seventy-nine ).Par.. is. offering
$ 1:thi to his peer in age in the town-
ship who ran teat him in 1't rave. Ile
ways, if the Lord spares hits hr intends
to live to ninety•eighl.
Mrs. Wm. Jobb, a former resident
of Turn)wiry, died at het. 1 in
Dauphin, Man,, on Tuesday, the 27th
ult., atter a prolonged illness. Her
remains were taken to %% Ingham for
interment from the home of het
nephew*, the King brothers.
Miss Annie MetioWnm. of East
W'awanesh, has been engaged- as
teatclaef• of S. M. No. :1, on the 5th line
of *l eerie, known as Millets school, at
a s clary of $1'-47 per annum. The re-
tiring tea••her, Miss Flerenee Arm -
string, will attend the Normal school.
-.tiavin.lieteley. son of Riehersa.- rw-
ley, of the 7th line of Morris, Who a
beef. in failing health for some time;
died in Mnofsejaw one Tuesday. the
27th ult., at the early age of twenty-
eeVen years. He bad leen engaged in
the hank hitt end real .Tette business-
es in the West.
Mrs. ;Scott, youngest daughter of
Charles Doleon, of Solomon, Kan-
sas, died 1)1 typhoid fever at het home
in that place recently at the A eof
thirty years. She leaves five little
children to' mourn it mother's loafs.
Mr. Scott and the eldest daughter are
prostrated with the name disease.
Mrs. \Vin. Melarhlan, who hal
been a resident of trey for half a cen-
tury, pawned away- at the home of herdaughter. Mile R. K. Mrl)otteht, of
creel amok. on Sunday, the isth alt.
Deceaaetl was eighty -Hee years of age.
ylte is survived ►ly tori children Mrs.
McDonald find Mrs. Hugh Cunning-
hain,- of Grey,
Mrs. Jamas Sperling, an .it•ly wrt-
tler of McKillop, pawned away at the
home of her (Laughter, Mrs. \j. M.
Welsh, of Seaforth, en Monday, the
26th ult.. in spite of her ninety•ofe
years deceased had enjoyed remark. -
ably gold health until a short time
before her death. She is survived by
two daughters -Mrs. Welsh and Mrs.
Manahan, of Seaforth and ime mon,
James, of Owen Sound.
e sudden death of Mims Jennie
Shipley, mecond denghler of Mr. and
Mrs.7rhomnw Shipley, of the Huron
road, emit of Clinton, waw a griev"hta
shriek to the community. Though
she had been suffering from an affec-
tion of the heart for mime time whe
waw thought to he improving. She
leaves to mourn her early renfnvel,
besides her patent*, three sisters
Mrs. 1.. W. Levis, of Ilshatwn, and
',Bones Carrie and Pearl, at home
and one brother, John, of Clinton.
In other, Stewart.
The Late Bartholomew Coaghlcn. ,
Many friends ',mourn the death of
Rathol w ('enghlin, of Stephen,
one of the leading live stock exporters
!Trete! nit. T. it. had hes.. di lett a
ter v dayand hail undergone. an
uperat.hieh proved too great a
strain for his system. I/repassed, who
watt ei r ty-I years of age, was the
fourth eon .•f the tate WSW! Coughlin,
one of the pioneer settlers of Stephen.
H•• was one of the first stock exporters
in the P.'rtvinee and while engaged in
tit • basin*":a had vent many millions
of dollars worth of cattle to England.
to politics he wart a-CeiDrarvati esatul_
in religion a Itunlan`"t!atholie. `7Tt iii
sit ttved by a widow, live daughters -
May, a graduate of St. Jou'ph•s
ho Teal, Loudon : Jos•phime and Nona
misters of Mt. Joseph : Philomene and'
(1sle at home :end five son4-
A. not 11 i i,,onal. Johrl, 1 orneliuw
111 lhtplx•rt, also at home. Besides
Lb 'e' bele-tees two staters and three
brothers Timothy, ex•M. P., of
St Then : ►niel. of Centralia, inapec-
ta- of weiq t* and meatsntes; Coe-
nelius, of Mo treat : Mrs. O`Brien, of
M•(iillicray', tiled Mnthet• Xavier, of
Mount Hoe, don.
Both Found Relief from Their -Kidney
Troubles in Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Putt Arthur, Ont.. Aug. 2n,1. -
tSrrecialt-That 1),xld'.s Kidney Pills
cure the kidney ingot men and Lynasn
alike i" shown in the rase \1r. and
Mrs. Dick Mouvey, a farmer',and hi"
wife living al"oil sieves rnih s frotu
herr. Mr. Snuvey says :
'•My wife and myself. haul le grippe
fee two wiutere, and were ezp {.o
mach frost and cold. Our steep s
broken three or four times each of t
to satisfy the demand" of urine.
bad piing in the kidneys and disagree-
Able taste in the mouth. We have
each taken ail boxes ad Dodd'" Kid •
nay Pills, and have recovered our
health. We are very - xgteful ..to
Dadd's Kidney Pills."
At'AFoT Rrsv MAN's. The Aligned
sl (11 Bitty 1 'a
issue B 1 Ai an Magazine 'y
M .Ire
a a. n
1..d 1 net n ►1 her pptt
c 1'11*runia'
passing midsummer vacation reminds
parent and ehild, teacher and taught,
that school days are again not far alt.
There are bright, snappy append
articles en the great mnhjt'rt of ednca-
linn, among them twine "Life in Br'
sitlential Schools," "In Advance of
the Pullman," "What I'anatlA m Public
Men Mend," and "The Neeeasity of a
talness Training." Other clever and
in erecting eontributone are "When
an mperor Holed in Canada," "The
Rivalnin•Makere of the Yukon,"
and "The Light tilde of Finance."
There are half -a -dozen catchy and
captivetin(novelettes. The August
edition of Iltisy Man's inenperbly illus -
trated from eer to cover and im Iii•
donhtedly the 'beat warns weet.her
copy yet produeede_
Spend Your Vacation at the Seaside,
The low rate excuriioha via Grand
Trunk Railway System to 012 Or -
client. Me ; I(ennellhunkporl, MP
Portland. Me.: St. John, N. II. ; Monc-
ton, N. B. : Murray Bay, Qua : Hali-
Successful Normal Shadents. fax, N. M. ; Summerside, P. E. f. ; Pie -
ton, N. 8., etc. will enable you to do
sit at small coat. Tickets good going
August u 10, 11,, 12 ; return limit
August an, HM*p, Full information
and tickets from F. P. iwwrence,
ieatlorsr : In elementary induwtriap Grand Trunk Town Ticket. Agent.
arts -Minim Mollie E. ('luR, Edna
Copp and Minnie K. Kil'y, all of Marriage is a fallnre-as any spin -
Clinton. In elementary agriculture-- ter will tell yeti.
Thr following Normal School grad-
uate* from Huron rorty, who took
the free supplementary emirs* at the
Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph,
were muce0amfnl in the final exam -
CASK IOL C1'Ktlaea 101111.
liueu and two of some material fur
Ilulug, the size of the outside lieu of
1110 pattern given (.1 Ile cut.
By ',Lean.' of eurb.,u paler transfer
111e 'selected design to nue purr of the
tueu. -
'1 he embroidery is done in a plain
eatlu stitch. with the Ilueu stretched
ever n hoop.The dens are werktd.lu
flee d.itin stitch; with it fete atltebes
underneath fur p11LIIl4-... The stento
trues the duty are done In Keneingtou
outline atltch.
Rech cover lac etude of ,the card-
board, with the Jlucu and Indult of It
bound with ribbon. Sew the two cov-
ers firmly together at the lower edge
and up the sides about one and u half
Inches. This make" a bold fur the
Pettit of the twigs. The sides are held
together by a loop.:M lam i which 1y left
long enough to allow room for the
tongs to slip In between the covers.
Sew on a ribbon and tle It in a bow.
The case Is hung up by this ribbon.
If one cannot embroider, the case
may be road. of bits of dowered Elk
or muslin Instead of the linen cover.
The one lllnstratsd is of ecru silk with
fine lines of dark brown and green
flowers. The ribbons match tbe stripe
in the silk.
For a summer cottage or for a room
done in pretty light colon toy of the
ihowered en.tuuura %kir'VVnle -or -lee
elbboni would be efective.
To Turn Up a Hem.
Every wumau who does any sewing
3t home should have some kind of
gauge for helping to turn up a hem.
It Is nut an easy matter for any one,
even If she has an accurate eye, to
Dorn up s hem by gauging the distance
-Prom.the floor with the eye alone. If
i•ou here no gauge you can make SD
1.zeaIlent substitute from n piece of
stiff cardboard. Make n Maybe In the
cardboard at the distance the skirt is
to be from the door. Rest the card-
board -on the floor and measure the
:tart with thiy, placing plum In the
skirt to mark where the cardboard 1s
'itched. The pins should be placed
quite clot* together, and when they
have been placed all around the skirt
ft may be turned up. Thaw Is an easy
.net quirk way of turning the skirt up,
and it will tae frond that if care•has
been timed In placing tbe pine the skirt
will be perfectly even all the way
'around. Ile riirefnl to bold the card-
board upright and not to slant It In
Ponce glares or the length of the i
will be changed
is Rheumatism of the face,
Uric Acid left in the blood
by disordered kidneys
lodges along the nerve
which branches Irma the
eye ever the forehead, and
across the cheek to the
side of the once. The
cause is the same aa in all
Rheumatism- disordered
Kidneys. The cure is like-
wise the same--
Kidney .
A -tittle -truth -g neer
isn't stretched.
Young Jackson "Mr.'-. Johnson,
your daughter has proapieed to marry
1111. ! Old .lohu"„n "Great Scott 1
That's what ruler.: of 1efu.ing (1, boy
her a pug dug ! She said she'd Keo
0vw1 with no• 1"
W111.101) her return Mune, "Have
you noticed that toy hu.hatnl Mimeo'
me-rer•T- wntrlt while, l --ac .away,.
Mary r Maid -"Well, 1 didn't notice
it x11 math let -three -tact---Vee:terda3 he
seemed to be in dtepelt•,"
A class of small buys was being
taken in history. "Now, then," said
the tem her, "Julius (' n • u, 10064102
111It15111 in :,:. H: C. Tommy .Eller,
wl.at dues :a:, R. C. Dies. %.! "Please,
sir, I' .iee•(8 that wail 1 h 1x•1• of
his motor car."
1'hone sf) D. M1LLAR CO
TUVMDAY, Avovtrr b, ISO* 3
'Phone 56
Fancy Knitted Goods
User stt)n 1" 111e teeognicel headquarters for Fancy Knitted (foods
for ladies' and children's, wear. Nto e1. before was our •stuck w
lpete with all the newest novelties fur the coming season. One of the
atent novelties is the Long Knitted Coat. These come semi-Cttiug in
white and comes, very /stylish and reasonable in price, only $4,60 and
$7.tM( each.
The iv.wpopwlar Pany r-1 stat=e .(iUat.imAll. (Mors. Tbie is our
biggest selling gat anent; only *2 ,ial laud $4J91 each,
Children's Sweater" in all styles at moderate prices.
We make a specialty of Infanta' Knitted Wear.
Orenburg Scarfs Orenburg Scarfs
These dainty S(ur(a 8115 her ' g nlnre.popular each e*aaun, and no
wonder, - they are so light auto Malta uteri just the thing fur the cool
evening in a great variety of detigna at Wc. 71ic. $1.00 and 51.25 each.
Three Scarfs are the hest incitation of the reel hand-knit Shetland Utslds
Ladies' Shawls and Wraps
\Ve luay.' ju-1 re.vivr,l our iolp)trt delivery of the ala)ye gamete and
are prepared to show the hest range of these goods ever seem in town,
Ladies' honeycomb Shawls and \Vrap a in all color% et 7:,r, $1.1111.
$1.211, $1,511, i2,(10. $2.1.01 and $]tall) eaoh.
1)o you ever do any knitting at home i If sea make a point of see -
ng our Wools. only the beet -makes kept in atonk.
Env :rorun.nt.
Clyde Fitch, the dranmatist. tells an
altmlwing story concerning an amateur
rehearsal of Mhtke.peare'a "As Toll
Like it." The rehearsal took plate in
the open air, in a garden, and near by
were some workmen, engaged in
building opernti' nm,
"At myy amateurs postured and
cltanted tete bard's' beautiful
hays Mr. Filch, "IlrirglayersAbsrve nn
laid twirl's., rnbot
planed ►nt",
and masons chipped stones. Anil one
afternoon, delving a anent pause in one
rehearsal, we he and a voice from the
building opayation say graveiy': "1
prithee, nralap et t, pass rile yonder
Do es a Fish Feel eel. v
it is well known to all anglers of
any experience how little- control the
fiohrrt,.ln hit* neer n fl.h that is furl•
hnokel, rspecpthy it it he hooked
*keit 1 Brie .y, lay.;; hw•ise, e 1 11.,
haply, The geeeta1 101)' s'n'e g it
is tori, nl.• 11.11'" wide, That it in wan•
detfel bow t II., will fi,,lat IA lien he 1*
fent-Loomed. W It11 v„em< 1,, 1e 11.0.1
wall know.., nn doubt Iw'cnipe the
mem re• ,1'e• is het her A Inc one, is th.1,
a Rah makes Redly any resistance nt
all if he happens to/ be hooked in _the
tongue, It events to render him •
pletely betide'', and he IPM himself be
towel to the stet quite tamely. The
angler d f any honhane feeling anuss be
thankful to think that we have Ptd%
reason to hipper•• K filth's Aensatioos
In he bettioh'uralaiy less smite than
our own : int it ie re - 'mite tint the
atroin on hie hinge. any can** et.
mast r o,siderable disr•,,mfurt, '1 . t hitt
it yields 1., it ,s '1 'weer yirlda when
the hit, k 's 111 the unsr•n'ient lin)•
(L•ntleman (in an in, h,itttrd state,
suppos tiny Lamar if ag tired a telegraph
pole, enitlxllizingl-"l shy --plc-
whatever eh d1 1 do when w helewm
telegraphy tomes In P"
1',•aPhPr -_ "Jimmt", snpr.n*r ran 1,641
ten apples and ten oranges, and gave
nine -tenths of them to some other
littlnlaty'e, whit wowed you hate Y'
Jirrnal•-'i'd • h•re me h.'n•t ex.
wt•n^d r
It, has been calculated that if * bite )'-•
two million peep/.. shook! el.t.p hands
they renld.l'e.5h a.tnunxd the globe.
Very likely, but .0IU tl' l} -tem wuunt
gel 1h1 it feet v11y wet. Portland Ad-
\'el't icer.
• ('ucle Janie..." said a city' young
tidy whoweesp(Ddi11g n 1,18 days in
the IttlunIrv. "ifs, taint ehieken by the
q:ve it Brahmin Y" "No." replied
Uncle James, "hew a Leghorn.','
"Why. ser*: ,,Iv, 1,1 be .1110 !" said
the young lady. "stow stupid of lee 1
1 Ceti see the horns on hi" ahaklee."
Which do you think won?
Not long ago two men, athletes, went
into a contest to see which could stand
erect and Mold hio arms stretched out
full length at either side of its body
fur the lunger time One man had fed
on steaks and chops, sausage, ham,
roast b-747 etc.; the other ate fieartiTy,
but confined himself to such foods as
Quaker Oats, rice, 'macaroni, etc.
1Vhich do you think•held out longer?
The first mac lasted twenty-two min
utes The Quaker Oats macaruni-rice
<hap co*deded- t0-r.t.op.3fter In had
been at it more than three hours.
There's more strength and economy
in eating lots of Quaker Oats than most`
people imagine.
Every family should eat plentifully I
of Quaker Oats at tease voce every --
day; breakfast is the belt time. it
strengthens you for the day. The big
mills of the Quaker Oats Co. at Peter-
borvvglr£atrad ire eoe of the -hig
industries of this country,
Regular sire packages for city trade,
large size family packages for those I
who are not convenient to the stores.
Groeert sell both of these The large
package curtains a piece of handsome
china far the table.
Kellogg's -The Result
of Years of Research
After years of scientific
research for the purpose
of discovering a delicious
Cereal which in itself must
be a remedy, Kellogg's
ebemtsts discovered a pro-
cess of retaining " The
Sweetheart of the Corn "
--all the nutritive
That's why Kellogg's
Toasted Corn Flakes is a
body -builder -a brain re-
fresher -a delightful, -
appetizing dish, with milk --
or cream. lie sure it's
. All
Corn Flake.
llllll (OW �0 C 457 )
is the most
you can buy.
will make a cup
fragrant, nutritious
*Ott LW sato)
economical that
Half a teaspoonful
of cocoa - rich,
- -with the delicious
flavorthat is characteristic OfCOwan's.
The Paint "Par Excellence"
:ts..urwi'iL-j9 - TW-CANKTIA-PAINTVEREPatefil name is
upon the 1AI.P1.
The dirrrtions for use are simplicity itself : have a clean briub,
stir the paint and apply a smooth even coat.
�ughly reliable 11ax,r ilnioh : Eztremely bard drying and
. 11'or Pine, ifardwood or Stained floors itgt�IYtfSeppan ezcellentfnish•
May also be applied on stain,, halls, and 'wherever there 15 much
traffic. ,
FOit k:ALF, Bl'
cam =>IMWEr,ssaatr r_
Dog Show
Sept. io-z8
'Cat Show
7th Ft'M
1 fLfFa(M
0 a 0 h e 5 1 u 1 11 g visit I ondon'fs Fair 1 over all itatilways
Prier Lista, Entry Forms, Programmes, and all information from
W. 11E1 la Ps **idem A. M. HINT, Secretary
"When ase vitt* ether ladies 1 always knew if they
are particular mother• ber*nse parrirular 0014..,,
know 011 shout the mottling sw;nq el a GL.N10Q0N.
" The arrows point to the point. 1 want to mak. here.
"The springs are triple-eureed, finely tempered steel,
euira.teed to .hs0rh every Ar
"The huh. on 6ENCp4 wheels are covered with
rabbet tape. e+ i
"There's po danger of overlong the bnmtit r• when you
drive the baby ascend the hour in a IGLIAIDf2 Ih.'
wry to understand why good mothers Mont on a GENDROW car-
i,"; I,shy
f t"ld by 11(1 nest-,•lu,e 4ea1*rs,
Write to us I�f ' „nr 'tearer
.100•0 15 1 1. y thee..
Gendron Manllfatturl*Q Co.
LlvnIt.,d ,-•e TereeM