HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-8-5, Page 1NEW ADS. in TIIK IMIUNAL are re- minders took/ cuet,mern that you are alive. ARF1, you alive ? r J r=. uTTt euNb-Eir a t,..l READ THE SIGNAL'S NEW STORY BION. 81� ef'--Aft . . ' 1,f' .►, •1�n41. •THKOICNAL &K1NT1NU IW., 1.td' Pusugum. Financial 1 1 nm otfe•ring for sale Debentures bearing interest at live i t r cent. per annum. payable half -yearly. These debentures offer an absolutely rate and viva.' liable inveeLwent. 1 would advise anyone having wuewy to invest to he stare to call and see aur, W. L. MORTON . THE 4TANDA1W LOAN COMPANY {4O 16E-TOADVERTISERS �-L�/�/'�"AI 'rO�PII�c��•ever, Hiss Elise Tye ea Ve t ammo 9101 t he motto. 'limy Four latlware I leg l oc:ll siklvle ho tee ►Mmed td Sty i r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Aug. 6, aN Viii/-aYaaW illi)i lei_ John t • it i:• ruble,,•Ilio,, f(' Deo. If. Moms and Kerte sadden-, Hospital Sunday. The churches of the lawn have oil the request of the Daughters of the Empire coute•nted to eunU•ibute the offertory of une Sunday in the year:lo aid in the support of Alexandra Hos- pital. Thee collect will be uo.eii up in $Atiue (Attie ehiitt hell• next Soo - day, August doh. This i=+ lar Nome- •unity ter all Cbristieu people to bll, "a n tf»,rrt�x tn, iu this laudable nasi per-eutiuently Factory Men to Meet. u t'' LI uuullk•r. T,Il,hv'It1IiM awl Wit, 91 stat hi i.,•hold one, In I,unl, 1'I G'1 II k Piga solsose-els tl -1 •1 L t- 1."" IL J31 L1u,url rat !.v• 1e tug 1 slur,: well known 1 Teacher Wanted -N. X N41. Vest Wawru• I appeal wheq, the inteeru opted IMwI\''111incl .htlid 'hi' riciuut • of ills t.LrMttrrich n!t sr firrttrfr--F:.++.,i.re.n lob 1 I 1 1 rtiutsl. wn. ..res ed. Haft Ihe1e w•.. Mti." 1i.he'3 rruiwv. buttubty nr:1' Idun'M tun Teem -1'entnlHuambo C011 11294 $Irate maim' t 1 1 t m k 1 • 1 1It til las week null was de•eltuyed h,• lord e� 4 n nl ,e ,• t u• sale tot Married at• Winnipeg. things. 1 te.ently ile• 1 button limit iphte:ni.l,ni 1hic ,.r.i Ihr, 1'hun,s<,• Th tnit,rwin:;i..fi 971•\\'ionitN• h m...In, were lighted, mit a icry go time awe: -isatt aft., di. St. lir avg. tip Frre ibis. of .luly loth : ".\ quiz y tut part f r wethliug wads sulruuoxr, el•ir rt•udeleil at medley iii the rectory \Vehlrtul:,y thug by Itey..lh. 1: parlor I•ef ,rt' bitting :end atviva:d ' CM lotion inetitll. Oddfelfows' Pini ' Picnic. C An (kldfe lows' picnic is tieing arranged fur Wednesday, August Ilrth - 'lltis is u new \•chines nor the local lalges, bol cuwpetent arturuitteee have the matter in hand and tt big vetoers is looked for. It has not been definitely decided yet whether Meneselung j'ac'k or Poiret Farm will is. the piers selected. (lame, ill tar's. ons ?meta are proposed as the alter Instil attraction and in the evening XQL91 pr,gtt•sauveeuelue tool a dance sstll� Toulon.v. Aeegas( .'M, tP1�a1I wheat, nee bush $l w it: g 1 n, py of change of running advertise- ft'one epee,. per bush 1 utlu, 1 le meats must be left at this office by filo k..tt 4l.1'er bush• u it ja y, Monday noon to ensure insertion (Mtn, tar bu,h., u IM to u yt Pea., Mfr twor ai to 1 to in Issue of same week. Harley, per bosh o .n to u to Kemerling*..ter ton tin M, to yt to Flour, fa•.,ily,'percwt « .l u. 1, I n, Card of Thanks. Flour. patent, pervert. :1 1i to 335 --- Herr, per ton YI Ix, ,o N on AIM Or THA Nrd K. Illi .,ton .per ser un , y, to 4 .0 WOOd. Per nerd 6 .n to BIN, Butter. per lb o Is to a ye he andel...isnod wiehe. to 'sprees her att. t•hec„o• r,lb ., p 1.+ o. lotion of the kindness ef- t.orm. -01- ... - aardra Hu.pital during her recent Iliriewe, i' ""•'• ••et' aw o Poulonnew I /11/ to I ,11,M4S. k KEN AN. 1'atUt, u,dfuW,sod. pervert, , / n, to 1 ., , 1 tittle. export; percwt .i 3 to 5 7i ►ltu OF THANKS. ling., ...,..... 11111 to 0 i a Sheep, per cwt t n, to 1 t glans. per Ib a Sal Ito 1 r. ii:uwu, per Ib n h to v 17 utsto it 30 Ila under,+yrted wt.•he. to canner. hi+ .ti e.ir. alit ode and appreciation to friend, and i4hhrre for their kfndnew., tint belptulneee Id• reveal trouble and berea,••titrnt- 4. M. w1LLIAMI. Roomers or Bearden Wanted OARIIER$ OR ROOMERS WANT• KU.-Yoene ladles Preferred. t'otntort• Ir some. ..e (0 ('ollsglate 1r•utar., .,.e .notion or it. Apply at TillI: eiti 1t. OI'Flet. Situations Vacant ANTED.-PROFKMY IO:VAL !r.e•brr, errs exp•rien.•., fur R, e, No. We.: tt'nwruod., Salary ilk tholes roue n.r atgu.l Itab, w. t • N F:1f11, Wtretary: Helen 9_111-___•_ %JANTKD-I MME1)1 A.'I'E1.Y, :Ned rook +tore Coen. medium dna pea' ,.d. must he In Utricle-, order. Addrer. 4N tai. ono. • -- _ Ta11uw, per Ib Hidwkt, per cwt ......'.'. 1tM tato - R0 W Ttdlowun donations have it en Sheep .klul No to fU grist -44110y received at Afitia h1lt has t'heken....... teaHtriwgg•sit-{wYt utuuLhLee Turetaasids market., on paipi9tIdai eetw•k,. 1( cram, Mr. Edwards: cake,' Mr. War.. reser: orange.\ and Isauauiu, Airs. Belcher - Forden. . A quiet f�edding_ boll piece it t night at the •[at•ide'to hoar when Miss Minnie Ethel,.F'ordo', daughter ill Mr. and Alla. Job(i Fordt•n, beeline the bride of 'Midi e'y Jeule. Reicher, sou of E. U. Belcher, of. watt. The rrlernuny wars petihn•aueci by Rev. 11. \1'.. Millyatd, pastor '11 Victot.i:t avert ine,x•nce of only the immediate fam- ilies, unit the bride and ghoul were wedding supper was seryl. and Hater the happy couple went to heir new 1 e hest win a t 'The hti many r' • + extended to t•. d . Iltr. fund tr M s are d lkach�r• Donations to the Hospital. To Ratnt • f j10' RENT -A \VELI, FURNISHED t front room to a Tarim brink 'mttdeenel corner of Nelson and Hamilton .taut.. mu RENT. - THE ROOMS ON it Morth .tree! lately occupied by Mr.. MA. tweet beton tngtots,e rteorge Arhe:on estate Apply at T K tli!NAI.. 141Ibljc IIft10p, V( )'1'1•;11/4' I.1t4T,-Reek Ml \H Ii' li'Ah"TED.-AACUOOLTEAI'HER, ct)Ltureete Ht'Rus l'ut•NTY. In ...hoot ton No. L, towa.h(p of 1'01-' No1i•w i, Itrrrby, given that 1 tutee tern.- under the auspices of Knox church of Laurie` : It"ht. And ,nr,,,um, chirKegrimmer-altar -mtdennt• 111M1111 or rials 1LVlaaslitlg-,.rrrurliy,uiuLaiwn tut a,ul,latur 1 �rifr+- i.t.t.wn`lunaci / 1 .'Diel.,, u1. .r tallith'', App Yatton. M Peron or writ• in ..rUnn• "• and 'to/ the Voter. 1,i -s- Art the i was the League. aael,ill gatorb•tween fit•., (lumber of- The to hr mode to w li.l.taM (•. UI"R.aT, Hen- aepye. re.luirrA ht the will .••tion. :All 11 b•' .o. l'liutun and Nalrrich, The ai1J Itrgi-, aur -real hwi .sur table ane, :14.9 P.O.rrwnuutted orAehv.rrd tK IM• I.1 Mair par I mint baud wain itt altendanet. l -- Mani to swami of an preload xp`pentiuK b• I .r ill encase fur. •01)1) IiENERA I. SERVANT ihr last revis,d trwew.usea roll of the raid i there wan a guest et•ow:l of eteetattcn•t, ventttre. • wanted- by Autot Lith, Apply to Matti. MOMOloalltr to to...ntllW totote In the .Md Thr Sunda Mchail of North at re el F. II.AI)t munk•,y,dity p t•ba•1ftnrn,trr..,.°,„,,,,...'1 tY rice . _ }tee e.taor. A �iotry .yr __, ,r Metlualiat church haul lis annual:.( sits:otos.., nett that the mid 141 wan net posted Inc at Me neeetmg ,'oculi, with a mood up ft. ray 011,4, at 1•arluw un the .ah .lay or i wllendane. and •h enjoy tient. lfeonu-1, atm, and remain.. Ibex kW fu.p•c•'Amtng driving peertics was a haq•- ltaeetor. err raUrd titan d, r,.rnsine the ..µdi tide to -114)111 ld, with a dance tae the 11$1, 111141 If an) i+sion. nr it, )''other error. at tact ilio at limit end. And t)sl, but err fnuml them" to oke frum•rl4atr pureed- 1 Mg. to bare the vast errors corrected accord nal least, they N't•t'e tear weddings. in Ing to law. - tuw'n. •F'. t1' ITw. is• hip (* Picnic and Garden Party. Tuau•htpl'ktk. Y Lawson ; lettuce and Means. lien. Mr. Joiew; biscuits'snil cake, Mee. tU1:1 clerk; buns and tuarw:J:tdr, Mrs. La Kutlaiad: beans and onions, Mrs. \\ heureituu, of t.aurie;r. Ash nod Thus. Johnston: basket of vegetables, awn ftp, two the homer. u( uta g Mr+. McLean : mitk and jar p iurapp.lt, tit y with -10 nt•il lauryrhel by the courier 11r.. 11/r.1 Taylor : pair linen sheets, I resit nt Toronto. The publisher.. pillow, $1. cash. MMIse Beaumont': offered pli t.t foe ihr heel 'e ggesti,•ns. 1.•akst, black currant,. Mr.. Kwing; for Ileum the new JJournal. and M1•. raspberry vinegar and i•Iack currants, htngrt,e s•p unease(, "1ht tan:uuan Mee. Dinar/etre, Faun. waw a• rented tint Sf a large. number r cell d . Thi substantial Civic Holiday: •prize i1 S1'se:also oun t 510: Krrnji- Yesterday was civic holiday in Bale- tun, who isaii be ungr.tt clamed upon ricff and the stay wee spent in verimis his: happy though • A,ttnng --those: _ Abi s fifty persona took ad- who get u,innr. gin e4 I31'.. t•.itit fur vantage of the Pxenreion to Toronto th••,r rugt;••st or «tot.-ttuegtass, of test. Kafir K,. lin.- t rsan, t.f Lain 1L"il}uanls. i� cants iLidrd : sat The " III lite u1 life we ate in death. l'rlp Tian Farm (1f wit.•rn May we seek 101 tit ti --but ot'fhee, l► Lt,td i" in. July I'w:Ii Mrs. 11'1liauns wits taken to the hospital suffering tr wean• of 13111 tnl pneu- u)onia. '1'h.• foil. wing Thin- Jay she seemed to wind. very- low, hut. under 44.««-4�---.ikilllftif iti•stluUeu - Ihntttr. 1 i',lt 1 .tint1 1; •1.0n.. nnd 111e ellIc. lent caleo1the c p,•tcut Itl1tNea.slur Ietuced, :11111 for two ivit•ks appeared to make slow hunt steady progress otv:u'd•s recovery. An ilnt•xps'cted messy, however, esteemed on the Iwng, u 1' nn Friday she itis itt a ri•itiral ,.on idiom , Ven. •Arrhtleaeuu J e- ft de uta, the pri•,s5 i11 ,•,large of St, I.1eo13, '14 piul.h. w.w-r,eIL 1.:uttl Mrs. \Niihau s reef iVed the I.. •t'rile.. itf the lis •iVil.'n. .0 :\ugnstime church lar ``when flrjeu .1. AI.•Lt rni t:w� ,�•,bier o '.1i, ain't Air.. 11. 3IZT lien. n lialei•uch, Omt„ w:ts united t.i Mr. 1 • .l4 t t'.tI el on. 'of \\" P1 11 Thn bridle cairn a line .1lureli on the :u•u .A' het• hrolker. Mr. W. 1. Jlclruin looking et t-eedingly pretty :tad attire in tt saltier grey silk trALellltng 1• he rnrried a large bouquet of rt)ki•. 311,1 earnattious, After the reltieluutty 'the happy couple ,took the Nurtherir 1'aritle 7,0(i 1i -tin rot. 1peLlui1 Leake., M1111 ,poli.. land other ltlit•.. lane bride --.was Dui- recipietU. 1,1 _lwdty. huu.lti..lie picant 1Inly 1he.i1n• uM.ii•tte friends and relatives of the rontr:u ting parties wets present at the weddutg•" A puhlie meeting o1 the manage'., end smell. )a *M of all the mina :int! , .• fact neNn 1 1 the townisill• t x held at the townhall on t3attuYlav uig¢L next, at t• it -admit, fir (amities • the prep,,,,- tion lit n tenloo 1+ieni.'. ot• t,xrttl'sinn. This venteut follow. Ihr• i•xan•pte or ut:uty. of the large towns where Itienicsorother outing, :ler arranged the workers in the factories. iter,..jtt.int -r,:uMut i.•..t h.ndd u. stayeeveofillly rarri14l nut by th,: workers iu (tole )11711 %i indri+- 111.91 i-4ahlishunenlr; who ler n„ utvumuderatde Ixxly. The s ret of I1%4111'11 s met ,•hitt•,sue1 1• nr , and Altogetherit i t .i lnuwl•tutnt O:1111•11 .deserves • favuraltl. connitiet'a(- tton. We hope then will-fw-n-lath. at;;.ntlance:at the me., Ilg on Satut.- .11y,ttiling. ng ter and Garrett at the Police Court. .\ quarrel lietween Alas Pegier:tout Watt. (idrtet1 a few day, ago, arising out ill it dispute over the 1 ental of N • (Duller auasset•dt rase t•.. ,lisp ,se tot 1/t1 Monday. Peogier ruin. tiatrrett Tut hay bit k. 519. (Jarrett and .Itis wit- ne,se. denied that he st i -ark any blow, and said that Petzi. r threatened strike Garrett. At .i i ••% riots there was a considrralilt . 1 srh.angi• 01 language te•tweetl Py n g ler tun! (iarrett all the a it -ft ' N a_ Nero agreed as to that, (L•F. Blair meted fair thee-•-defrtiee. - Taus 1V,. ship 011- ji'W iet-t tr' eancttntit ritereaT 'iviren he deli'. rel his judgment. On i'tt s- oty Ili. Vt7 nrliip itupt-'1 aline. of 149. nod cost». rter Wins Again. MM. Nairn; leans and gooseberries, has just the. Taut crew errapet withou es„oide F:wcunioa F'. g. lawtysoe......... 2 g injury. • 'flue l:ilipie was owned 9t Ite.tder. -u. 'r. R i 1 • 1 nue liy 11 n iurn,uf i.uuthnuyplou IIeWl4ualteM fay Fancy ialttad UoaL-L. 1 Ihen by the fiuvrr •, f nnd talc, by Attllrr('o t a as {1nt'+ttrrulill'auy. Puna. Tiruu-\Y.L.I4udsty.i`„ l' 'Y'hr MduNth,•t 1a 0, 111 't.. r way TwnH AIT , )) . '-J. 1.1:c'otboim..,.. •. e Titan Tlatnfn til Ith-t 4LNt- Li luta xtaaa t tuter'on i �,: f shtfl telt; Tirol' rots, poo t- or, 4'd.wdn yo NooHi k -. . b Y a+ouable �uKKwUolue--n. g.14kk...:S night. Captain .I• for U 1i.nnld �peu Ttua.urer, ab. of 1.au1 for.Taxa-W. L the holitday with he. 1'.uuity. lure, An. Hutton 1 alien ?I . v.oi willed i , , t 1st A i t u a rni 11 R ILMI ell. P ntu U nisi i ed tl rt - es J. J. Atc Mrs. '� a' )u r , d >ew, 1t' . .1 1 maid l l ui l sal .4 , tth nOP uW .- 7 1 e h111aen welt with hit -1 0 t till, t ,udof'IYtrnk,iii J. M, w'llltamw 1 Nrtii h. a�t •rrft..rr+.f 4lw liwl .ttutpatJ.ot• H.6.0, ell ,mhe . . MaRltu .. ie resp4:tfully called 1u the »IIWIire The1 •atnl rear kacalbturi' 4'aaada liuut '• ttni*uv tuakr of iii ving ,•nlh.•.ilewalk tens ,. .. r 1 portion of the roa\41 on Ih, i, tial ft' SIMeLb(or'ismedly-e. $. ewhyt.,........ a I he 7•. 1' It:-t,id{t••- tai th:•'harbor The lT,>.ftl4r (luanrtar of tiulnuter ilj0eki - Irot. A st ant.ling nr pl ink �d .eeel on Hodgen. Dr. ' s edge 111 selfi:_1tt it i'ttll!- ' 'tett!,_ pie Aelde.ltu1 rIt -p) 1'K.liau link •..--...:-«.- .- a 11•. Melionogh, Clerk CAl- Donaldson Adeline. Aquiel:old prn•Ity I. • itching war rrlob ailed at•.tet•daft.itt-lh.• rehul- Vital. of Mr. rind Mrs. ,lames •:VilrheIl. Arthur rhes, the rumtlacting part MN lk•ing them .idler• \lis. 1. inise• Sarah, J.tlighter of David ldaut•.. 1'ollha-i e, a►ml • ,11ex, ' I )ou,tldsuo. of Furl flu'-\pp.lte: 5 r.k, Only immediate le- luice. ay.•ie pre•rnl, and the t•ere- ltauiihon. it: A. Thr britt- was al ill's,, 111 l . rein• gown Il' •d with a. 1 i1 1 i .fr<E,su . e t h Moot' r.d, aided is maid u 4 •o 1 will f hr, n her tan Myn• 11,0111 bilk mad] trimmed g with ,rids 14.•e instil- m:ut.l:tppligli,:Old(1.:ut 11•1,111 'n 11 it. 91141 bile carried a shoat's heuynrt 'it` r•r•a,n ruses and utaid,•n- hair Rill: Misers Eliv..aheth Donald- son and Evelyn Murrill were two_ poet th.wrrgirls, dressed in tue.•tiu milt- leech.-reepectivety. - with appro. - !white llou.luets. The gt,iltli'M present ,• the bride wan at haudsorne gulnl tv itch and chain, to lire maid a gold l with diamond setting, anti to each of the 'lower girl.. -pretty gold breeches. After the t•t•rl•Ill/my and i•ongratulatiunii, a wedding i'uttche e. wets serge , nftd-then the brldateuuple wet, esti• i4ed to the (4. T. It. neither, Where they took train for Sarnia, whence they will -go by boat to 1F1ort' Wallin'''. and thole M` t14•40 t•nulo :n the a)u'App eller Vallis•, +vhrre Mr. Itun:tltson has maven-egnipeed Lunt of 4,24.0 :terra --,--- -Cut-OM in the Prime of Lite. The following reference to t Ile death duubC rdvuedy luatterr. As matter -4o -Lott at pte.•at, there' hi little choice tanteTowu»hip 1 for a pedestrian 19400011 the sidewalk t :ani of Thanks - J. 14. W)lliatus..:, I and the audile of the road. 1 and of Thank. -Mew. Keenan.. 1 111/fTn 1rAjf1fi; frOTIT.. carnia, •..atm• l '. into mist im Wednesday for at new lttddetl, Auburn ... . .... ... f wheel :illi for repairs to her rudder. She -is engaged 114 picking_- up lege along the .tore for the Cleveland - Sarnia Sawmill Co., and is working 1 his suututee betweett Southampton and Kettle P ' t. At present some eight Lhuuwnd picces have been taken •to Port Albert harbor to •await the :tt• rital of a larger tug. Komi biuehilI arum. w .Terrtl , Was da on rev or Meshed his rontracl Lin the outside bretkwatet•, is moving his plant to It,tuleul, Lake Erie, where he has it three-year ventrad on the piers being constructed there. The tug Edward Blake last week towel the barge Aberia •n til. Purl Hut•on, where she ower„ -inks, dryileek for repair..- The. 'Oak.. returned to port And oil Wed - net -4.4114 night of last week cleared for Sarnia with two scows loadedwith dutopcurs .and other equipueent. some uni•iliinese was felt when' the squillacame during the night, for the tug was small and tht• scows heavily I:ulea. Word came f • Hayfield however, that the boats had put in there fol,, shelter. On Thursday Witt. Forest warm town looking for a man to take charge of the Blake, and it war learned that Captain John Kingston h rtititenwtricicettwith ttar•Iin. p.etaty .'is while the tug was near Sau•uia. 1,ater it was learned he had suillriently rem -leered to hie able to take the tug down the river with the assist utce• of Mr. Forwet, - Weidner, - .11'4 . WANTED. - AT THE wheel Inge. IEAf'HER WANTED. -POR S. S. So. I. townablp of ('onlbrne, male teacher rferr.4. dull*. to commence Awned 111th. 4pl22_�•dating salary, to PAULMAkukl„ .• Tomo... Iirnmlller P.O. Heal estate for bale. Atoned Ian, t►I'9E 1011 SALE. THF. MAiN -411R8WeitheNevaen ". 4 1 and Hnte-c Orem.. Pumh►rr to re- o,rthe building. For further information Feb Oa therenit,ee to 114104, CUFF, owner. !n l'FUWLF:It, c', E...Archhiet. 1Vt.:STEKN LANDS FOR MALE. - 1 it acre. will. :r: arms 1u crop (mute tow with 'phone in, frier Stool Including rep. land a rich loans. 130 acre, at $t4 per .rt', broken and fenced. Tnbi 1. a •torp, at' .1 ,.'gime t{t t'i'er? Y.ar. In, teres with nnikline-. macre" broken : prise (ter pr men locality awl phone in - Wow. Any 'hese ran be bough, n easy forma, .1. H. I:w'SI:IkS-, Yorkron. Sack. --- °USE FOR SALE. - A NEW ale 'iree,4011$11**a�n,e. eel, 1 8 1 .c •Marr, t u1i - putt to V , H. RIan1:ItTwuest. W01;14F- FOR SALE. -- A TWO - 11 ',TORY hrf.x bons•, with •rren mono, Brno. treat. Pett Pular- ran be hint Ip Mee at SION AI. , Mien. a"•If Furjt�tI>III'.1) Hul.'SEs -TO RENT FOR THE BUMMER MONTH4. summer visitors desiring In r.s•nrt• t Inru 1•Mfd Londe to 1Jtxlertrh am In riled to cot 1400, 1 with THF; HII(NA!. 1'01-0,• wishing 10 rent their hnn.e. to sunt neer vbtlore should leave particular. at TIM MMIONA!, - THE STERLING BANK OF CANADA Hs1P ,)utas Toaolt n Mari •allxao CAPITA), • 111,001,(811 'l'IC'(HIPt*ATtn RY MPPA'IA1. A1'r OF iIUYiNION PAM.'AMF:NT TO Receive nicees41T4 To accommodate the Farmers we have opened Branches in the Magee of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. We solicit the Patronage of the FARMER. *ALS »!rr=e n)1coun'ran. Highest current rate of int .te peid In RAVINGS HANK trDEPART- MENT) endenote is of $1.111) and tipwarle. (4ODRR1CH 'BRANCH A. O, OA14RLi. Managst STEAMSHIP UNE S 11 �H. KING t EDWARD D IL 1'leveland, 7nledu, Mt,,h lite, Marie Ilivmem between l'Iewela+ni,Telelo, Detroit soul Sault Ste. Alarie and intermediate points. Leave liidrrich snuthbrtm,t 89$1 a. m. Fridays, northbound tat p.. m, Sunt days, lime :gird tor September 71h. -- 1M -rather perniftTii T. J. kF:NNFaY, TNArre' 311'. mem Skutt Ste.; Marie Ontario. SCM{ -COLE 1.1 N E S'l'K. HURON Leave* Ooderkh FOR SACT-ST1. i1Aif1E'. MIIIt. via North channel, lierinn HAY. Tuesday at u p, in. Fut• P4►RT HURON. liETHOiT, TO1.I11)tind ('LlCV VIAND. Friday, at 12 midnight, w'ILLIAM LEX, Local Ages•_ it. MAXWlti.l.. TmRM Matregwr, Detroit, Mich. Last Thursday was the' uecaston of the annual /pollen purity' under the inspires tot the Indira of Trinity 1ietirge's. rluu•ch, l:ote•ich, selected the day fords vummet•outing, inking the festivities at the reetol•y grounds in Mayfield a biding feature of the duty's enjoyment. After spending 1401110 time nt Jewitt's grove and in beating en the river, the (io,ferit•ir party, shout Chitty in her, visite., the ganlen party, and t tutted their healthy appetites loose alt the sand- white-. cakes, pies and tea which the ladies of Trinity rhureh had prneidtd. An hnfnMunete shower put a w,nM- t aboint termination to sup ter 011 the lawn, anis rue w to a or 4151 roomy rectory, where some of the patty rendered musical selections wirthe they we/tett-for the -Pain to-ja.esa Auction Bales. Public School Botrtl. Tilt• ounrbly m , tbtg•'ttf ihr ) 14011 ti 1si:u•1 Wit, 111111 Inst Mun. With the fullotwing member. attendance • 31'044. AtheMou, Inti, Itosigens, Mef.•.ut. Turnbull ant S;e,n.l•ts. Tile InfinWillg a4'e•onr,t+ wereordered tit Iw• 111111: Templt•atee 11111 trustees, Kaes: 1': 4'. Lee, snpplie•., 161.:111; postage :mil express, el II draw 4144.14141 to :isk the town to rni.,• tlfo,tbl1 goy assessment ter pnhlit „ Itool ,reds. the est ihr 11.1 re. ei ,1 and, the, new church will be fully ready for realpens iug ton the 13th, when special service. well be held. Further anuuuoeewente will be made next week. it has been de ided to hold the next I't uiuenival Conft•renee of Methodist hurt -hem in '1'oruuto, in October, confeeut:eu•, the thee ooe having been held in Luodou. England, the second tt in Loudon. England. The Ecumenical t'onfrrence is repreet•r•tittive of Method distil throughout the world. The congregation of Keen church had the pleasure last t4abtb•tb of hear- ing a Scottish divine, Rev. J. G. Huth• erland, of Colston, Scotland. Mr. (utlwrientl preached at both morning and evening service and delivered ser. mons of much interest and forces #ft' _Hutlreelxuttie-holidaying iwCam- nda and 5s "'lilting his stn, Arthur - Seitherland,, of Tot•onte, formerly of town. • Air. Arthur (:larke, of the Wood. stock College evangelistic hand, will conduct the sert•irero in the Baptist church for the next two Sundays. both morning and evening. Mr.. Clarke is one of the strongest u.peakers in the band and was a recent winner Di "AA t7afiepr - orat)ricai rotitoet. if. has made himself well known during the recent meetings. The pastor, Revs C, R. J •s, will be away un vacation for two or three weeke. A cordial invitation is extended to ail to attend \` these services. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The Men's Sunday Club of Nottll street Methodist church will meet se nsnsf next s3nnday morning at thee you hal It aoex- l time yaAenl'y. U you o'clock, itt the church parlor. A cordial need Fd J vis ant! than I II Tbset df -:Ko reception will he given to all Agitate, ... k at (hear Hnrith and the members are requested to ramie out in force. 11r. Ilungall will in. triable'. the subject. At 3 oclock the adult Bible clear will meet. The work is earned on by Treruseion and the topic will be, "The Christianity That Ix 1W' . g the World." Congrega- linnet services will Ix, held at 11 a. w. anti -'r tr. in. -The-etthjeet for the mors---- ing is, "The Program of World -win- ning," and the evening subject is "Can Prayer Change Head's Plans y" • Rev. (1, (1. Tennis, who is the miss siunary to be supported in West china by the Epworth Leagues of Sunday, addressingg the Sunday school -on of North alert Methalist church in the afternoon and the congregation of Victoria street' Methodltt rburch Ito the evening. Mr, ltarris it A bright young man, a son of Rev. A. G. Harris, of Fingal, and at germinate and gold medalist of Victoria College, His ad- dle -wee un Monday were hear( with :11 interest. The service at Vic- toria street was held out of doors, owing to the adtetationa which are in ',regress in the church. The inno- vitt ion was a rather pleasant one. and some of the members think it might he a good thing to hold the ttervices in the open air frespuently during the autnnrer month,. 'Fite Woollatlr:k College evangelistic hand closed their two weeks cane feign in the Troll ist church on Tues- day evening.. A-xery urgent request _ was mrtde for then[ to cont' the leen one- there week, lett 1•, was ---- ()mid to be impossible ti, plan for a longer tatty. The meetings were -Well attended from the start and the Sun- day evening crowds taxed the ea - polity of the building:- The band proved themselves tt 1,t' earnest. add- --- pi sane in thei1 toeenage and methods. They dealt with the t•aaetitialx of the "ol.l" ,loans, and showed no leaning t, "new theology" 'or "higher criti- rtant." A n ler prufe•asel acceptance of Jesus 4 % en. ail/ Die spiritual bene- fit); to the t'hrietian eomn►btnity of llalerirh were I:urgp(e. At the closing Hireling the leader, Mr. Chapulate. expressed on behalf .of the, band they appreciation they felt' for the splendid spirit shown by the ninny friends or other denominations who haul so materially assisted in the cervi_-_, rsIree•ially including the pianists; 'Mis. Taylor and Mr. Mitlya , ' also the pinta of llalerirh. _ ,r band are separating to ilief• homes for two weekri reete,r�d{ vacation, with the ex. ceptiu,twf7Mr..Clark. On the 18th of A t they comfnr•nee a campaign Tiffsrtnintrg. In their short Nitwit' to (ittderich they have won many triers, by their singing, speech and pir.oi Iity, who wish Sheen Godspeed In thefr`grod work, ANNOUNCEMIIENT14 talion a : Itcceip.t - Legislative ivr gt ant, rest ctrl salmi:tlyd, ftti•2` 11•: 1.1W11nsse..ment,. 1 recti waa. ijt4;!01l 1: ,tal;5t,;;1',.1,. 1Ip•nd1l,ire.. '"n'1'urwluy. alte,ulr 1u.lnlvs ,I..� I, ltiJ: est ins 11,1 to the end of 11, ,.•,r. ,S.:,:pili, 1o. 'lc melon nl ulnae;n•nlent ter "flee re ported that it hail order', repairs at IIB t'enl1:11 .'boil :+tri was ennrilet 1191' Ile question ,.1 1{hlutt the ,Il,rwer 1,..1 in the trout of the ':,•htx,t. The chair mall .1 t he building , or ittee that the architect tt ,ilial Ile in town this week. ,teethe Indian gut+ ora e W v F's .4 street. A foil line of 4lexlulnth .ouvenlr.. Ilona. water color .ketche, 1,1 +erne. around t,e.l.,k•tture very-artJ.tit. - - w hit better Mnurelir Mtn troll act M yn friend t loot A good idiot mooch Of yonrne:f, and your family If you bate Mt ,1 It. 1t Sallow. will do the w111k for you any d.1Y of ihr week ,•,.ell Sunday. •D. F, itantliiik"antiiriititeertifge-be will again buy apples this fall. The juuiot• hand i. expecte, tit give A public convert on the Ytputit. Friday evening. Nils Pierson, tot Pot t Albert, has ' sweat! IU Ilial, • Kano ,lay morning. The T in iib, tcp,e4' yiing h�td in SI. 1.e1,t ge'. chtneh The .1; df of "Fite Signal ate h.delded ui t .t 3911, tot p, nen to Mr. Authenly-AUlen. of I)ttdnp, for 'The . and impressive httr•iat the very ht .tn•tual.le gift of a IMitakt' if ollire- Was cu 411101.1 by Kev, fpr. red Aslrakaui apple.. .1ours-1ha11'11t911, •r,sit.trtl aty the choir, For nkat w4t•t,'s hand concert lee %%11i,11n:tile the' t ant,. and the luau- ,n.ta•to,h. 1.:uulshu1,1 will 1,e at the tifnt hymns %,udr with Met- Motel Hammel and•tin. :1:;tv1 Regiment fears, f't•tfeet Ile, r," and 111 tht.there.h:uul will gear its concert [her • Re,uerrrtitin Alin nit interment The -Voters' trrne s' listof('nllthu 'acts made under the evergreatM 0l' township College C The 41-id,tbhf dl-profMnsb-,aiot- Mts. \Vt1lu:taewits thirty -I in tt iyr f i I '?ins nf1)+tw3•rict( +unci 'u„1 ,her ou,nt hs alit. 911, ata vicinity t 1,• I Ip„a l nnfiy .or healing r H•a• t-14intr,s• sup•tior sun ,1 -s . I nthertalent, dler. F. htunty _nth. 1x71. Thele she s ing the entail,• •1, he i rte �nsr,1 her infancy and clliltthoot, Her ell for a earn f . , ' , ;aintnenl/• 11' N. thin erns wruu•el in the p11hlie w•hai 'r•osy.Ly art:,:. „in ,l ro rhn.lttwt who of Ltan'ie :and Tussah atn,I at thi f'nlhotne rouutery. T r 1"11111441111" ti halt low leen printed. 1t »h.tw9. a wets. Arthur McNeil, l nano Mc H: total ..f 11_1 cnlrrs hi in part !. 1 ti IL J A.11,Ewnn t.nIs•,r mnlop, A. inp.utt',WWIItwin in pith. a. Thur Concert Course. I t. Mi'l.r•:in itn1 N'. E. Kelly. ki-Kni* i'rtlw•11a trv4il{iLle-+t» jurtrrs, The 1.. I K. 4� rt :,'n P. K x in n e •s ft' r to EI ' E9t:tt ,n Saturday brought 'J'.► ',jailors to i�l, i' '1' .0, . The exruryfili was under the (lit auspices_ of itt 1 11111 + church- choir, .n. Fintitn, and - ptasowers were taken on at the. stations along the line. lite Stuiday las the little six -year - aye ever appe:u.•1 ,n On1Nt'ie. -111,.-Proetyforro ti Ladies t,u lege, Thrntrn a,M son or• Mrs, Lyons trate- of .•tyirar Melnik-. fool vprte•M!rint,iwts, .11, J.me, Nis), she wits nt1•ried 10 1 't le nnurtuer Visitors., susttint'd i a. Tallows : Th•• Kot,,.Kayy+' 1'onrert \1. 31-ilh,atus, of 4 ,'lls,rnr,-andDiels.• 11,,- torr nt hie-roiIat1ionr, 'Phe t e ('n)fiMFAl)t', of l t3it•,Ig;t, wh1r--apqu•:ti,-,t they Hoed luappuly-eatitalilut a peau- fel w-.wutt.playing beluw_the.brow of iw•fotw President h000set•rlt, and live ,•1;"• Two, Lovely, p • • 'sing children, the blink, at 1 he end cit Elgin Avenue, hundred ittvile)y;ti• 1. nl fin, While ' 1'nlw:u'1 and Virginia, were herr. to and it mass of e:uih fell over nn Hoppe ,nit-;`n•sr:-tela--1•;i r Vri ii `1l•m rcn1111any yearttrf_#ntagy_laonu•-top«if I► at• Girls. one orate tto;hc I -Kleist at II `r • om'I hr+,r-irr,t1,tt - 44trt-tidily 4' \1r. Hie cul»•, k of No. timer U•awellitg in ,tact it t : Rt ,,• I, llevotc1 hu.ltend� end the mothel•les t pork Cn., 17autn11 is in town this the tit•eat, who t;ie, , a relined chi .1 children mourn I ,• loss of her who week install rg the policeman's clock tnlritnent exhibit iii • t t' most .nuv,•1 wa- essential to the • home. Alike in a1n has e r • • ! and startli tett ei' maid,. intl.-1.1114g ttirihncttt•dn '-tt hears, itt roll 1 the tis tk al t rntmerted. Vg R y •ge•ntnt t.itrr i+tntlons, at Miss Cameron's the wonderful Iliu,lrl 6wki, itlo:iti„ ; in =•N•i,•tt: Mrs. A' alleles*hright small, roluler, the late�i,. N. Davis' stand, p•:CKF.TT R ('11. 11 F J C H T and the Roston lot.•,,. 11u,artrttr, In ntrnetivc uunne•rs ant ,ring, win- T. Sw:arts' livery - and the howling JP been instructed to mike n deep tip -t0 -date rItetoo t• ,, ,,.y,K. - . • _1*1'& sit; - 1t•yx91v in. I lickels . I�__Ior the fenir eras -mean- , of friends, to aynlpnth of the emu- mea.aa•e reit let prima of peoperty,. How it', tint? --411e mints may be secured alt rmrl• from manly :ami f141'11 -ds •the palrehaserteuf• timber offered • u foe' a seven-rnom house, Alr. ,Harlan 1 he ire4 a for single Int 4 tot d Alla f14lel and child ;t n, For .1'ur sale lent Fri4lay b Mrs. Itols rt N �, j � lt� ht r allele: �• .fern, nn•r•y,•fitly, she rest; in Elliott were am k,llctave : � hid'. Hotta, ttalmitetre•t. prices Are fin. teseli.,1 seat.. The I'i ►'i` incl At:tight. perpwnnd shun llullrtt: %Vit, McIntyre, ('linWn Si�C t for tt•ven-room house and date, of the elite? l tinnu•n1. will he upon het ami It11M•rl Ilanley,' Johit Nadir. � itJ it acme of inial. • etween 811111.'0114•1 Jit and .1pri1 1$1. Hes. 11'illieuus' p:uent+, Mr. and Jt (1' .tgn (:nrth i ll, .Sohn ('onniell. John. T. A. Iiatttilttrin, of 1'herehill, near '1'h pt,ti. Arthur Currie and Itirh- yp+'J�ff) for a firr•rxun brick house on- fico. B. Morris to Calgary. Ilam ie, ,end her hiititera, Rev. E.' f. sae's) 34.'Ire nmtn, of Iilnlerich 1oNltship. fp / krnce eOeeL Thr Iinelplr tl: t nt exv:: of n 1LMt- Houghton, elf U,tncillr. Pu.. lot The timber is the India left &flede\31r. Nrven•trocnn haute, lain on the at' t t int + Elliott haul Nitwit up the, hest in Jay 'I'! I' t m 11 r 1 tt I Vnill. - vi' LARGE STEEL s l'1::\\IEf' CITY OF SST,. -f(, N ACE NOKTHHOI'Ni leaves li•Nlerich Mackinac, St. Ignaee and the mirth. Thursday of each week at B::At py nt• I4OCTHHOUND leaves tTnderieh for, ��( for e► property on Nelsnn Detroit, Cleveland, Toledo' and Rut- $0)0)11 street ale, Saturday of each wtiitk at Y p.uf. ``..IATU'RUAI', AUG. 7th, AND MON, 41 DAY 94 -lireat. .a1. of ow. and carpal., ares ht'•t .'cm v3 hiblt Ion op to and lt . of Consignment Ao -'.I. 116 :t 1. HP.1'11F.TT, +.stn 1'ondortor. • end barn, and 3 toWn pots en t•ntrrtainut•ni, will T -7c, 'These 86.10 peace. HIron •nasi. 1 4in for a good nine -room house r on Keaysatrt•rtl$•NItd.,wni, TOWN OP GOD CD. ..1Ra pf•F'4ALit fir trhffD0 FOR TA lean. erieh obi lot. in whost r. r•e h 1'litripe, of Barrie. were 11rre fur th,• ofe• • ig'hn s i.„..,1,-,., haven r. p-neiy o '-•t ',•s, e other ,cooN•rs and interest.: "one et t;u Iph's 111 -1 e; ted minen( men 1ri,fnwinrss• themeinl and atrial rime• hmr-tr•reierti n rill it: the far \\'rat. ' MIt, 1iw.. Monis, lire mennigtl'ref the Resell-414hn•e-fie- Neve(' not ire that L.• hi. been 1p • �mimed innnngt r of the br.urh tt 'aleery, and he 6•a', s for the 1Voe-t ad auuu as bo can urakc arrautgements.-. nearly -all._ week unloading_ a.'A' g1) of rhunh wjWfiukla picnic at llaytleid 0u In oboist ,( ten days 1 .o. limit* fht• t•ttnl• ThurriMy, Artist ISth. All who wish twenty yenta that Mr. M'nytti -jns The dt.•41Ke h horsy this tre•Pk .fig• a are tegsei•ast, l to ler nt the et(tUrtt been identified -Mall Lu,ilaesP.a1 R-ont.thc frock ►melee up in rect. alt 9 o'ellck IL n Guelph, there haa. hien few elin ,holing. Sun - have been more popular in hnsinres Captain Alex. Met can F iinwn as ex Monday 1 x• hospital $nn - sisters are as follows : Reginald, of .Wthconsin : Mrs. Frank ltinlgNun, of , Thurnoon; Jars, l'. McNeil. ell Colborne _ • township. and the lliwsu, Edna and A110.1 at honk. The swaives in Knox chit • next eahhalh will Ire rondo by Ret•. At the Harbor. •lut, Mi •, M. A., o vnnhy, Ont. Taut sleanet. Saginaw' was in mut Ti„, Imeluesf a e„ei,•ty of. Knox CHURCH NOTES. PftOVIN('t 11F ()NTAItIO, TOWN OF t.O*I-iltt•It. To WIT • h p Next 9 1 11 I h or s1N inll It is t. It that he de.hu air the V , Clair' It nn new tiaty ad. North spec Met•haliet church, fl(inane( a wwtanl ander the haunt of the Mayor and dont of the rnrpnmt inn nt •hit Iowa y •1 I Iny sail he en t Ian. t'1 , . r e'er L rt t o fly n Jog ICI, rni 1111111011 me to Ins r m the land pill e. as r r in•• fins Riffle � ht ) 1li s will Win o/1itMrrfrh,Aata1 the t y. ) tM 1 g n t , an1, nhlT Wil the fug . , nap The 041101 re un nnd of herefnnnerdescribed. for the ornate of tate. doe thereon. together with .rod. nitre 1. hrn•by hale rtgrrl. his IP:N'ing,. he Ito' (urn- trip war. non n Welnellilay, p h given IMO mace. moth taxes and state are mnner pend 1 ,hall. lament to the A..r•smnnr Act, ihr leen, hos ileal, n c elle than which It. H. o.,FR,r., chapter nt, Normal to sell by Dtthlir auction the +aid 1nnA• or sr •h thereof a+ rent, denurr far fol are 'ucrrsr follow- Thr . 1 Lily Hell ill Haring over• there iN none win thier:•, - , may bensmovery for the partnent of the ea d arresrr and cost., nt nor ()Mee, on Ing hire weetwir,l. .Mr. Mur•rie lots b prr•perrt.tni•y to a cruise along A delete will be the main fen►nre'at, SATURDAY. THk SIXTH DAY OF NoVF:MRF:R, toren identifier' with banking Toa lh • sake Ihtrm'a shine,, Starting lay the North street Epwttrlh League past three years. He in ok len of re•xt. IMn Mielk.naid gees tie captain meeting -on Tuesday evening next. oke rents of raffle+. As head of toye, wind Kenneth Ihryt as steward, The Nnhjer7 01 the debslq ia, ••1te- yraNn0r 1'nst- 1tn branch when it was o reall1 herr, .\ " 'rhe eteainter:iMidlen, tl+tre+n and fin solved, that mankind will do mune for No, fart or j,asi, TAN En t rot. Tor.'L man ptartierdly trituaintnd with It. Crowe arriveet an Sundnv. 'Ilii. love thin for money," and the leaders Runnlne Nnmber,+ >I :'sr s`'''1i pier the business, )nada his »t lttlsrlt Tonnes had INr,144t Inhdirls of flax aur of the sides are A. M. f tobertutn and .. ISM 1--, -!s; e.i, 114 ., 1 1 Y Hntehlasoei'M nurse . 17 I -s lila s.Rn a,n (*kr tht!ite of experience, and eine- the rievatt' ami smn,• *Item for the .1. Thurlww. All are invited tn. at. et tit It.3t i0, 1.►.m init.tlhl.t period, has built up a lnrainese still anti the tatter had 1494, 0111) bushels tend. A now is sri tw, am. flit the hank which very few men of nate and wheat, for the elevator. The eervicea of Victoria street I1 11 N. xt Y.N, a, •' 9 1.1 sit 1.44 anis could have accomplished in the lace troth Iterate rhMPPd on Mondry. Met.hndist church for next Sunday ,. J n 14 let z.P1 are of the keenest comp t titlen, i spar to The !lig Milt has been crewel down will bre held in the court. house, 11 D'416 Wed 1 \ 11.1+ !n, mei entrting the hank \it'. - Mertes for 1m' severe! days for the installation of hart been ftxrnd hnpoesible to be reedy losceaMon C. Morita tP, L. HORTON. 'some seventeen yens' way s prn min• new machinery. Engineer Ross and � for the ret.pening es hoped for on the fieisrloh. Jul/11th. nth. Ise i Town Treasurer. ent herdwAre m"reheat of the city, his stall have alsobeimbusy nvetbsul- 11th, but there is no doubt that the At deiced dela* in the forenoon. The following Iota are patented : Peril a Marwood'. Autrey, 'levet The W. C. T. 1', meet, in the Tem. ppePranet 11a11 the aecrmd wad fourth Monday/. of each month, at 3 o'clock. During fitly and Augtnt the Can- adlan /Wine Reitws% will run home - seekers' recursions, vie Owen Hound and lake steamers, on Jelly 27th, Aug- ust lilt► and 21111. (food on going journey by paying 111i3.50 extra for berth and meets. Secure your Lieke(e from Jori. Kidd. Agent. MARRIED. HRANns:It M.1Ll,r.Y at Ibookww,, Alberta, tip Jnl) 'soh, by 11es. A. M. Dana*. M.. tMariarel Malloy, of Macklin. 1aakatnhrwen stat• of nenmlllet Ont.), to (,scare Mender. of Ponoka. DIED. A Me -A 1. A le ra n/ra h/apt tatned.rleh. nn AAtttrday, Fitly*1.t. Mn. J. IN cart, w'ulluru; SL rear..