HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-7-29, Page 88 SAT, Juvr s➢e 110Y
camdaraa bythe Woodstock College QUALITY
Evangelistic Bind.
Wednesday evening of lit week the
including Chapman (leader). .
Ashmore, ,Wright, Fewbert and Clark. 4, ! ._._ _.
-opened a eclat series of meetings In i - v
t hr Baptist church.
The order of service adopted by I We Shave heiifd -,tfint mune
these young wen it somewhat out of 'wort*. have the idea !hitt ours is
the ordinary. After the song
hat a Within ice erase. Wehell
of fifteen mhtntea
8o'clock,the regular service Imitate. 11IIiH-(LASS Rltl)('FitII:S ,
fasting shout an hour. The quartette ttitns.d
sings diming the earlier part trite indli
nervier and there are generally two or the term. High -clan, and Iligh-
thr•ee• spwaker•r, who deliver short all.
epie iOlWe would like
drer. Mr. Wright, the soluirt, ll
iwpresave gospel singer, takes pail in sidered,
every service with an appropriate rued AVE q'f1.L`�[t:E'1t Ai►1(
appealing nolo. PRICES OFFI;REJ+
The attendance at [peer nuwtings and the Interest manifested in them
have ateadily grown. tat Saturday
evening & large crowd tort on the
streetcorner of %Vest the
where the Band heldan open-air
pen -a Square,
' vice. The quartette sang two aeleetiono
which were well 'evolved by the al'
tentive crowd. and Mr. Fremlert
spoke briefly.
On Sunday. meetings were eonduc-
ted morning and evening in the Baptist
'chunh. and in the afternoon to, nlen's-
meeting was held in the remit house.
in the Baptist church on Sunday
morning. Mr. Ashmore •p'e+whed
from the worts of John 1 : 42--'•An41
he brought him to Jesus." Andrew
made a personal effort to bring Simon
to Jesus. Individuals will be brought
obligations and their privileges . in
brining their hrethen to Jells ppteet
ennallyi -One of the outstanding char.
acterletirs of foreign missionary wink
inlndia is that when a native accepts
Christ ¢he becomes an enthrtaiwet ut
and Iwinning
huffs beebrothels nerally acceptc.I
that the natives will win Iutli:►
Jesus. Why does not the same en -
tilled aim charmetier'1rrlthewv.l;1.lr.n
ada i' What is gdod for India *Piked
for Canada, what is good for .(•l ua.l.. l Successor to C. A. NAIRN
Ing'Ognntarinisgod'for Oorlerieh. The ---- ��-�
muscats of bringing men to Chriet will
depend largely upon personal evange•
lista. (God debit** us 10 do our best.
and to do that the speaker emphasized
three essentials : waiting on flod In
prayer : to come in contact_ withI
unsaved. for Jesus said, are
salt of the earth' ; we mutt make a
sacriflce for Ood's mite.
Onminting Mr.,('hapman.
leader of the Band, preached in tic tons street Methodist rhur'h, 111 the
afternoon members of tlw Band ad-
dees�ed different. ill schools atf. •
CIIITt`R'Sfteler' o�'ai1►3A '"!+""
the tomo. hc:ty 711.11.) a Lo 12.1x) each.
AL l o'clock on $untie afternoon )•• p
the moult meeting in. 3tPrTfng 4iTver ..'tyv,.n7r pelt Poi .
wag addressed by Menet. ' i- nh.•rl Yl ick Pin., i reuty fair, rt .. ie
and Chapman. and the quart lc •:ing up, to Pi.:d►.
"Home at Lsst."
The Baptist church was tax. tIi i1'.• A splendid range of hname,•.I tion
-capacity. �.. a,eday evening :, rt n. n. 1 , Vi- met
Mr. Wright sang "Jesus Is Stan ' n
In Pilate's Hall and Messrs. ('1. k
and Chapman. were the %pwaise's.
The -meetings have been well :turn
ded all week and a strong spirit .vi
tented. - Thir-work of the nosh + 1}uac•
bite and the soloist. Mr. Wright, has .glieh,Fuley Souvi nir t`hin:t, p•ern
n splashing feature of the terriers. piereet, from Vee int) $'S:it+.
diRerent occasion.. • the .Nartetta. yuuv sir Finial t•arle, spa .
t hJ•fl h., iS
visited aline o1 the fa/ttoriea of al. a g0011 as.urUn, ' ' • Tot bre
t town and held short n,,on-hoer !
men logo with the men. xktuveni Book of 'At %Ten's,
Tb Band is planning sposial workprier x.
for as t Sunday, and if the weather .
p�,��l another open.eir service will
ee held n Saturday evening,
Ott? Coffee 4114.CIII,
Smovtli, rich. sat i.fVing, purr,
(rcmhIy g 1. Me pct Ib.
Speiiafs for Monday and Tuesday
ManaaHtlla OliXae_regolal' pl ..
1$e. tale price '1:1i'.
Royal Yeast. teenier pri(T
sale price 211e.
h:xt►•a selected Valent is Raietirk,
sale inter 5e.
11 il men wooden Clothespins,
%A r Pitt,
*ounce cane of Purr (iuhl B•tk-
ing.1'ow,der,- lee.
N -Vine.• cane of Put .• Geld Rak-
ing Polder, •'J k•.
1' ounce cane of ('tu'r.linld Bak-
ing Powder. 25.'..
They are the symbols of a Great Red Mark Sale that will be in full swing at
this big store Saturday. July 31st, Monday and Tuesday, August 2nd and 3rd.
It i .c)ur annual Midsummer l lear:ulcc under :i new name.. A great three days'
cljaariilg-out. of all sitrplus summer. •ttnh broken lots and odd lags of mei-
chandise left after the biggest spring and summer business this store has ever known.
"There is no half-hearted nu•asure :n this three days' clearance. ' We have
trill gitihhI i.L it ilitgglcd over the price cuts. We have no thought of profit or
;ost; it is just a case of getting :t prier on 'the goods picked out for selling • that
will surely sell them in the_three days. 'There are plans for. August that make
this wholesale clean-up iniperativei..a you 1.111 :aunt on our making th'. prices talk.
The Red Marks are the Bargain Signs for the three days of Midsummer
Clearance, and you will find them all over the store, upstairs and down,
Saturday, ilonday and Tuesday. They pttiint the way to savings,. undoubted',
untnistiikable Savings, savings so apparent, so real, that they ought to fill the store
vith'hupers while the three may'+ cte:trance fasts. We invite you to come, and,
what's Blore, we promise von satisfaction Or your money back. .
A Clearance of All
Our Fine Waists
•1'o make the selling of t le
Waists an absolute certainty, we
divide the whole stock into three
lots .tor Saturday, \londay and
Tties.lav Of no particular line
can wt give• you a full raI1t:e of
sizes, hut at each price toll are
sure to hn.I a\Valet that 1%'i1I it,
if soli come early. All are new
garments This se.asiTT tkrfe.t
fitting and faultless
Lot No. 1. Waists that sold up
to $1.75, for 88c.
:eve- :Ar in this -bit. Mustin Waists,. ,
_ t. ri,•t y o[,•t vl.•a all slatstrellis'. el
$1.51i tlii 1'e for the Ct
}iedl Mark t iwlh. . -
Lot No. 2: Any Watst-itt it
hula lot. include,. :ill N'. _r ti .4 "1
'at $2.011. •I2 ei and "50.'111 ,.•il•'r; .
- ably 2i ..t' :ell in all. Hand-am.7 Q
mot l•,,.y..., , r-tu,. 141-28
Let No. 3. • Ou Best Waists
06;. ,.,1 1m.: :.t:•
Mush, Wuiete..gartnet.
$-' lis tet $i ist -1)i at ..
t r...ro).atteuu--Fateq `It ..V2 ��
Choice of ole• entire ,t
v+'oirthins, digit-4irad-=-•.-
yuuasDAY, July. 29th. CEO. P
A GREAT Strtraas.-The garden �+
party held at ohn O'Neil's last even I'roprie4o,.
ing, under the uapices of St. Joseph's
church, was a rest. ".ucrt•ss. Pr'tth- (`nurt'Hnute!i.lniirr,
ably a thousand nple were present,
many trom ()itderi. and other pbu:rs
at a distance- heiug mon • the great
congregation of prop irtt�.
tables on the lawns a booths for the
sale of various articl did t .npile
businees, and altogethe
were estimated at a
lengthy program was pre, idled, by th
excellent musical talent of be parish
assisted by a tem visitors, and th
evening was thorougiily en
the large concourse. Rt•v.
McCormick, the much esteem
isle priest, labored- zealously to
I'Lo'ne lout
MEND 'it, ONT.
the periices d..
ut $400. A
y,d 1
the success of the function and th•
en McRae, of tl derich; iruuend' : u,
of 8t, Augustine; MrMeeetasein,
Eliddulph, and McKeown. of Londo
also were present. The program in
eluted piano selections by Miele Bir
baro Austin, Miss iia Foley, :Nis.-
issHattie Noble, Miss Margaret Dalton,
Misr Bernetta Young. Miss Winnie
Griffin and Mies Nora -Hurley ; violin
selections by Peter and Wm. Hogan,
Jas. Howler, J. O'Connht. Misses Lily
and (lladys Musa: vocal number by
Miss Lizzie Martin, Miss Hattie
Young. Andrew Martin, Maurice Dal.
ton P Hogan, alias Annie Nuttiest'
ut i at our teed_
that .rid a•
th r i.n.Iv '
indOilV �llirdbt itis.
1:t .n• 3t t1 ind nv Shades. id un'c,' •i1
_f,.,.,K ,.dt ea led only_ pre 'cell
:,. It. _. ........ sees. AJC
A 5oc Linoleum, 32c
t 1 nothing •
Th:,t l.iuiln'u,u is worth Al lilwi•e yard. '.herr is r,b, lute y tbs mat -
t••r with the q i dity. but for some reason or other the pattern has not sold; it is a
g•wd pureen Lean. Wo have put a new Red Mark Ticket on it. Commencing 32c
ll aa you eau buy it at, p r square yard.
. • 5oc
Eight 'wily Japanese :lints, hest quality,' t wo ysnTlonrCclearing Satin,
day nr,rnfng. at, each
310 Sample iarmeats
At Half Price
Skirts, Gowns, Corset Covers,
Dressing Sacques,
Infants' Slips,
Children's Dresses
A big lot of samples from one
of the leading factories, all going
aT the--trat-price mark Saturday,
Monday and Tuesday. These ,
anally weal -mads gat.
ments, and the tot includes practic-
ally evey quality this manufacturer
turns out. It is impossible here
to give you the list in detail, but
we would like to impress upon
you that there are Many garments
in the lot higher grade than we
ordinarily keep, In stock. These
are includedin the half-price offer-
ing, and Saturday, Monday and
Tuesday ' ymt can buy them at the
price of -ordinary qualidesr
35 Sample Dressing Sacques
50 Sample Children's Dresses
4a Infants' Sample Dresses
135 Sample Pieces White Mus-
lin Underwear.
AIfgoing-Saturday Monday and
Tuesday at balf price.
We have n tetieof Laces and Embroideries
re would like to sill Saturday. M lily
end Tueedey. Every y ud will b.• wild. tat.
if pikes will (In it. We art• marking Them
IIlk 14')-.
At 3c a yard
71111 or sten yards of Laces and i'sulbrnid-.
erie., almost ell .kiwis ►epreeented in
the lot. a Cleating uP of Se, (1.', 7c and
'ft and
price Lwiee ono/. All kitsda al
Laces with mnalln or casabrtc
embroidery insertion. Reg-
ular 20c to 90c. All at one price
Inc Red Mark Sale, and 11 C
that price, per yard, .
Higher Grades, 17c
At least 351 in this Int High
grade trimming laces end em-
broideries. Short length". and
aid patterns left from :51 to at
lime.. All going at nne
price, and that price per yd I I C
Pretty nearly u many at
This pries.. trimming laces, via -
1 en,ier ee 'acre, torchon and
swiss embroideries, dozens
,tend dozer* of patterns and
widths, gtiallti a that e•'1.1 all
the way up to 15:. All on one
table S,tturiley morellogQ g.
and your choice. per yard. V2:.
Better Still at i lc
l lex ynrd for Laces and Em-
Mertear thea aro wortkrtoise +
at prce.pet
Seconds in Undervests.
Half Price.
75 to 100 ladise' white
cotton and lisle thread
Undervests. Various
styles, eleevelesa or
half sleeves. A few
children's waists and
knitted drawers Included in the lot.
•'Seconds' from the biggest and hest
underwear mill in Canada. Choice
of this lot fir
A 'ireat Cotton Dress tioods Clearance-
hos t
-- +rN1-
The Shoe We Hold lip
nr ems ,,ination i. made by ow of tiv
ee •b0101.ncr. of the country. It t• .
tt is ssnite.iWi fffi1Y as 1t (• eAbitoln
romp -int 1► tr t4TYi-E
weary,- v'tl lone revive n will
Ate you. feet ratted withapm%
-U.,- Met wrwe,-'..,gnat
ad a- it yon had, yunr eha -
l and
:Lod Thomas Sullivan ; Jamtta F. Tf,ere are s
Thomson. of llolerieh, and Alia& ;r7:44.0 to arse.
Thain. of Toronto : and ehoruareii,by t
the school children and by a choiteof
young men and women.
W Sharman
We have now in stank the largest. 13M.Qttntent mid twat shunt in
Good Tooth Brush
hat we have ever hail. There at•.. ah .lit'2.1 t • 2i difioeellt size,
Lyles and the prices are 5e, ltic, 15'. ¢I , lei•-, Me, Wei an I10e.
T f) er 10 different makes of Tooth Powders. 6gf
t # About g different males ofll'o,lth Pastes.
6 or fl liquid Troth Prppatatinna,
Thoth temps. T onlb Powders in 1•n11..
There will be great doings
;it the Cotton Dress Goods
counter while this Red Mark
Sale is on. The Red Mark
1'ru'e .Weans half-price or less
for some of the finest Cotton
)reek Good ;ei't r
Lot N. There et herally ufetyarde i this lot,' ginghanta,
tn+rJuts, zephyrs mid lural•. :A-antitiplich of pat tents. All
.,doting" represented. Mr Id regularly ftr.ut 12;,' to "Jlr. Sat9C
tird,ty rneirning, year rhoper '+ y l' -
I 1 N.., 2, ..-124'. 1141 tit 71111 ).tt•de in this lot. high -KI, a wash m,lt••i -
tali ,,1 ;111 kinus. Seoteh gingham's :mil zephyre.:tilt ge and 1101F.
1111.. a fin.,i ' leati-up of the lines that peeler nt-25C Tri 7SAt•
mnhty morning year tai. your
. Jnti.wt -}ass t• -a .-.. L+'-'Cyour
Wash Suits and Dresses TI -alt -Price
15 lll''JI ladirr' Rash nits: and fat, 'i••-..., Ie•-, -$i
ceptionnlly stylish gain nth, tannr w,., .. +. VI ir ' a all
Ile way frust WWI to 11 e', For this great Red Mark/Bali e offer
Voll t •11r .11. i e o1 the rot •e lit at /
New Fancy Ribbons, 'a9c -
hate1 )Iurn,l.•n I1ihhon.,11in eswide, a 1s' derigtts, pus a ,ilk,
just the thio,; I, i .. t-ln etc. Regular 51'
per yield
Toweling. 6c
:ion yards 'Toweling, goad weigiet. RI in. wide, will make a
splendid ill Vi' g towel. i'., •eyeing Saturday morning per 6c
ynrd V
. Red Mark price. 29
S. E. HICK, - -- Central Drug Store
GoDEIisrcl-+.oNT. tommitr
Gloves, 15c per pair
100 pairs n ladies'
Glove*. Iia thread
and silk all /igen.
but not of any nee
line. White. black.
tan and grey. Reg-
ular, 25c to enc, cleat
log at. per 15C
Cloves, 19c
Lgn Z1S
MO psi of thein. white, black
4,14.1 t nxuta)uetaire wriit..
Itt•gul r:lir to 511c Choice. •gyp
Sett lay,morning, per pair OU
Sample Ends of Carpet, 19c
"Til only sample ende of alt wool
l',•pit, each piece one yard square,
all shades represented. Make.
splendid mats. Saturday 19C
morning, each .
Brussels Ends, 39c
- 1.i ahnrt -ends Hruseels Carpet,
newt of them about one yard in
length. Splendid thing for small
mate. Choise, Maturday 39c
Tweed Skirts, $1.98
10 only ladies' Tweed Skirts'.
All good shades of gray. Regular
$3.50. Maturday ruing s1 C7 9Q
choice, each,
Cream Skirts, $2.50
0 only cream lustre 'end Sirilian
Skirt*, made iJn good s t e l es.
mar 55.111, for the �n
Ftr•b Mark Mlle, each i��JV
Some Unequalled Dress Goods Bargains
The new Red Mark prices on thee. Dress Goods are decidedly low.
You will agree with us nnre you see them.
54 -Inch Tweeds, 39c
Twr, ends;of 51 -inch Dress
Tweeds. Light shades suitable
for skirts or full costumes. Ret[
ular 75e to 11.1117. The Rest
Mark ticket now says39c
per yard,
Black Venetian, 85c
This is the Red Mark vire
fur flne all -wool black t err
than. rich, close finish, good
weight, til inches w i d e.
A special $l.25nuality, for QC,
the hest Mark Sale, per yd
200 Yards of Dress Goods at 25c
Thi, lot is male up of odds and ends of veriots lines in Meeks
and ,',,fors. We won't say what, the regular `,rites were, but if ynii
want an old piece of (hese (foods, you may find what you 25c
want on this table. Choice of the whole lot, per yard J
40o Yards at 39c
There ie another tableful macre up of odd lots and broken lines.
in most of the pieree there is enough for a dress or at least a skirt.
There are dozens of ends to .prow from, either black or colors.
Some were marked talc, some 75e. some as high as 90c a yard.
The Red Mark ticket Inc Saturday, Monday or Tuesday says 39c
the rri-e will he. per yard a7
A Tableful at 57c
You will find this table atthe rear of the stmt•. On it we have
put nearly :lull yards of finer Dress tineds, some blacks, some colors.
all real goat qualities. Just the last piece* that are left of a couple
of dozen lines that must he out of the way before fall stooks get
here. Some ate marked 75c,eome 11.111 and some $1.76. The 57c
Reed Mark ticket says the price now is per yard
English Nainsook,
4 yards for 50c
2110 vatds English \aina.atk,
e)44r.'.tine. ialit%%twit tr)110 fon.- •
yard lengths. this is as geed as
you will pay 84th' a yard rue in
the regular we(y, Special Matnr-
dry mornyg at 4 .i!t!ds 50c
reit Big
watt Bargain _
our new blue and peal grey
i.rat ynrd, extra fine
India Linen lawn,
17 in. wide, fine. even
thread. Mal .'h it
aim* any 21h' or 25c
1ltern you will buy
and ere if it is not jive, ea gn,sl,
The lied Priest mark for 1
this hig special 1e, per yard 1 C
i.00 Damask for 77c
plea is another money -saver
that will be reedy it yeti Sat ill
day morning. We have too
many Damasks at 51.1x) a yard,
so have picked out halt yards to
sell in three days at tc. This
is a genuine imported Damask,
byttght direct from one of the
hest linen spinners in Great
• ilritain, it is esceptk,nal value
nt. 1 ,uu,ar 6 --at 77c is the big-
gest kind of bargain.
'kl *:Pali lfi
Any Trimmed Hat, 95c
\Then wr ler. are 25 or :M) Tri mmed
I1ats in the Anteroom today.
close the We trill not attempt a detailed
doors on'i description of then.. hut just
thenigLtof you whMaturla
Tthtet , ingtell enme•m theen first 25y pocdomorn-
7. who come here can have 95c
g :Ind, one at, each
!L".' no Any Shape, 25C
want a -ohs- Just about the same numler
vie hat, of untrimmed shapes as we
have trimmed hate. Every one
nr "'mad. ie new this season. Dark nr
light rotors. No need to nay
in the place. what the regular price% were,
plat enough to tell you that,
Saturday morning, os can
have any one of them Int 25c
Half -Bleached • :, •
Damask, 42c
Two patterns in half -1,1.4e hal
Table 1k, guaranteed all That . why the Red Mark Prices
pure lininen.en. An exceedingly
good cloth fdrgenera! nee. A2 h'v : «wen mule en ridiculolalylow.
Very special at per yard ..`'f C
Look for the Red Mark Tickets
There will be other linea that will have the
Iced Mark Tiekete mu themnSaturday, Monday
and Titrwlay nett. Watch Inc the ticket,
with the iced Crose, far wherever you ".r•e
one you ran rrotnt on finding a hatgain that.
win nndnnbtedle save,ynu money. It isn't a
gestation of profit or cost for there three d sts.
if. 1e simply getting surplus mummer stocks turned into rash
Tailor,. and Furnishers
'noes iIMI
,ti, -meth ter
Any Flower, 25c
The Flowers must ie mold ton,
so we have taken them all and
gathered them together and put
the big Red Price Mark no the
lot, giving you your choice 25c
for J
Apron Muslin, 25e
One end oily white
Apron Muslin, 181 to
to in. wide, hemmed
sire, nicely trimmed
with insertion and
row. of tucking.
Special for Red Mark 25c
Sale, per yard