HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-7-29, Page 74,144G a� P ya'!.ainv i+ ' C' trim f 4 i� C r
#4. .***°�**** °° °'**949+41 ' ° gi'° ct 4 49914444 +4 + ''ir +i4 9**
t The News of the . District.
144.44 444.44444444 46464..4,44 4444,* 444: 444444 44
TUESDAY. July 27th.
CUT OFF IN HtN Totem. -A sad event
wlfm the death on the tbth Inst. of
Frank, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Elliott, at the early age of iixteeu
ears. The cause of death was dia-
betes, Frank was • bright young lad
and was making excellent progress in
hie studies at Clinton Collegiate insti-
tute until illness came upon hitn. The
interment was made at Bayfield, the
services being conducted by Rev. W.
H. Dunbar
MONDAY, July 26th.
linlautlet Stapleton
visited at iifeharm
d Ohaney'e on Sun-
After avery short illness. Patrick
Tray. of Whitecbureh;. passed away
on Friday afternoon. The funeral
takes place this Morning to the St.
Augustine cemetery.
HAsIRALL.-In a friendly game at
Auburn on Matutd•y night the West.
field baseball team was defeated by
the local• team. Score 7-3. Raymond
Redmond umpired -the game. Oe
Tuesday night VeetJeld and Heitman.
will play an exhibition genie on the
Blyth diamond.
kxct2••__••'v,rra r -Aman„ those -
took in the /Sunday school excursion
to Kineardin4 teat Thursday were Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Robinson, Mr. and
Mn. Jos. Ohamney. Mr. and Mrs. (ieo,
C. Naylor, Mr. and Mrs. David Chim-
ney, Gregg Hhiell, Milton N• tor, Mr.
end Mrs. (leo. H. Naylor, MiON Eu-
)beruia m
Chaney, Master George Nay-
lor, ' Mn. Chapman, Miss Minnie
McBurney, Alex. Mhiell, Mr, and Mrs.
_--7ttt11111 td)itertrtotr,--Mrs.-Yhir.--Roma
eon, Willie Webster and friend, 8tew-
art McBurney.
TUXUDAY, July 27th.
Cuenca Nors+I.-On Sunday even-
ing last • very large congregation
assembled at the Methodist church to
listen to a sermon by a former pastor,
Rev. M. J. Wilson. No one went
away disappointed, a/Mr. Wilson has
lost none of his vigor. Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson returned to Walkerton on
Tuesday Rev. W. Conway filled
the Methodist pulpit at Walkerton on
Sunday The Women's Mission-
ary Society will meet at the home
of Mrs. Samuel Pentland on Wednes-
day next. August tth.
Ps1uNi$AL.-Miss Winnie Pointer,
of Lucknow, le visiting Miss Alms
Oirvin Miss Susie Alli-. of (lode -
rich, is spending • few days with her
sister, Mrs. J. P. Linfield Rev. A.
C. and Mrs. Tiffin, of Lambeth, are
visiting at the tormer's old home and
-renewing old acquaintances around
Nile Rev. John W. Itabinson
and MrsBnbinaon. of Sparta. spent
Sunda with Mr. and Mrs. Uunb•r.
Mrs. Robinson is a sister of Mr.
Dunbar Rev. HenryP. Fer-
guson. of Kincardine, is vir
siting his
sister Mrs. Charles Girvin.
WRDNsarlAvt July 2itt.b,
I.ADIsa' Pier/W.-Wednesday. Au-
gust 4th. is the date met for the picnic
of the Women's institute. Miss
Annie McKenzie kindlyinvites the
members to Lakeview ark for the
Hre,.ira NOrXA.-Neil McDonald
1s remodelling his Mick hotel into a
Store, into which be will move his
stock from the present stand. We
, understand that a third merchant is to
cps in bagasse in M,e-AIeMtueJ1x'e
old stand, which Mr. McDonald is
Muer ToPue. - Miss Minnie Mr-
Lran has returned to her duties in
Detroit after two weeks, vacation at
her home here. She wan accompanied
on her return by her sister. Miss
Lilian, who will spend the week
there Record Owen and family
have moved into A. Young's vacant
house and Mrs. Jam. McDonald, sr..
has grieved into the hone vacated by
Mr. Owen Murdoch McLeod is
re -shingling him barn.
1 . Wzuni,D Rss'ser'i s. - Mr. and
Mrs. %Vin. Johnston gave a reception
on Thursday evening to about two
hundred young friends of their daugh-
ter, Annie, who was married the ore-
vlous day in Goderich to David Far-
rish. The bride was daintily gowned
in white, and rereived manyuseful
presents. Supper was served in the
dining -room and a large plettorm was
erected outside for dancing. The rain
1.4si threatened continually all night but
t141?I held off until after all got h at
,oar daylight, when it settled in for all
next day. Mr. and Mrs. Parrish go to
their home on the 12th concession
followed by the best wishem of their
many friends.
ak I
MIINDAY, July 9fN,h.
Mrs. Jas. Menary had a wood -bee
on Saturday afternoon.
Rev. R. J. Treleaven, of Toronto,
preached here on Sunday.
Thomas Shackleton intends leaving
for the West on Tuesday.
Miss Maud Pierce is visiting her
sister. Mrs. T. J. Perk, of Dungannon.
Mien Rya Rutherford, ( of `Bolfant, is
visiting at the home of Toney Pierce.
Miss Myrtle Blake returned to
Lotcknnw yesterday after her visit
e are glad to report that Miss Lila
Higgins has recovered from her recent
est es Mary Culbert spent a few days
motel, wt with her sister, Mrs. T. M.
Mrs. J. Fishirr Qf Detroit, is visiting
at the hour' of -her mother, Mrs.
Patrick Mc(ilYen,
Miss Ella Rsaty was viiRipg at the
home of her slater, Mrs. Jobh-Oiake.
at Mafekiryt, last week.
An ley cream party was held at the
home of John Mallory on Wednesday
last, A good time s
Edward Deviate andMisses Alberta
' Herein and Olive Cluff, all of Dun-
. nnn, spent Sunda at obs bouts of
sip uncle, Jamey Culbert.
Quarterly seevleee Tell/ be conducted
le bungau,mos chart% nest Slrmday
awning. Thaw will to service In
LOm"' Mum* on Sunday evening
There will be a gotten at the
,fie 4 t. A. Prheel on Wednesday,
�ga are t:it f
*Seed Math
everybody who attsds
TUESDAY, July 27th.
THE HARVEST, --Farmers have nearly
all finished baying, -and the prospecta
fora great wheat harvest are being
fulfilled. Threshing machines travel-
ling from their winter quarters are
creating almost as great a dhsturbauce
heroics autolnoblles in other districts,
CtjMIYU AND GOING. -Mr. and Mrs.
Fitzgerald, of Toronto. are visiting
at the home of Archie Harper
Miss Clark, of Fergus, and Mire Aus-
tin. of Listowel1,, are the guests of Miss
/Anna Rutherford this week
Lorne Firth returned to London on
Tuesday alter • wontb's visit to bis
Mrs. Miller Mies Grace
Reid, of LaIgside. was theutet of
MissRliraleth Miller on Saturday and
Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Henry
%Voodoo visited in Wingham on .un•
day last, and Miss Versa, who has
been spending the holidays with her
grandmother, Mrs. Job, returned
home with them. I)r. and Mrs.
McDonald, formerly of Wingham,
now of London, called on Mrs. D.
Todd on Tuesday.
TII/.*DAY, July 27th.
LOYAL. LorALN.-Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Redmond and haby, of Westfield,
spent HundaY� of Councillor Young's.
Miss Riie,of Clinton, is visit-
ing her cousins, Miss.Grace and Miss
Rita Wise ..... -Councillor Young
had the misfortune to lose three of his
valuable Otforildown sheep by light-
ning on M•turday last. •
Sox'IAL. EV KNIND.-A very enjoyable
time was spent at the home of Will
McPhee on Friday evening last. when
about righty of his friends and ac-
ytilintaiicur iiiet T.
Clear, OT Ag -
burn, and Mr. McPhee furnished the
best of nAtsic. A very dainty lunch
was served by the Ladies and alt trft
for their homes delighted with the
evening spent and Chanting Mr. Mc-
Phee for his kind hospitality.
Tereus Y, July 27th.
be no'service in the Methodist church
next Sunday on account of the
quarterly service at Bethel.
THE SicK.-Harry Ler is able to be
around again, feeling nearly as well
as ever. thanks to the Sarre kindly
given him by Nurse McDonald, of
Burnwell cottage, at our popular sum-
mer menet 1Ve are pleased to he
able to report that Mrs. Fred Humph-
rey is able to he out again.
I'EItuDNAI. MENTION. -Mrs. Robert
Metier. of Go dericb, is at present vis-
iting her aunt, Mrs. paw. Brown, of
Amherley... -Miss 'Violet Haw, of
Clinton. is at present visiting friends
in the village . ... Fred Roes and
Tom McDonald were visiting friends
on the Zed concession one evening
last week William Mitchell, of
Kincardine. spent Sunday at P. Coeert-
ney'a--.-_-Misses Ells .and Tena Mac-
Farlane, of Chicago. returner) to their
home last week ...Mrs. James Stew-
art, of Fairbanks, Alaska, has started
on her return journey after having
.pent a month with her aunt. Mrs.
Eliza Courtney. -..---- ---
MUNnAY, July 31kh.
Pen o%AL MENTION. -The Misses
(filen, of Chicago, daughters of the
late John Glen, are visiting relatives
here Alfred Young and Tom
Heasley have returned to Hamilton
after a stay of several weeks with
friends bete Rev. J. R. Mann is
sed to_ --p gp - iw.- Switb'a Hili
church next Sunday after several
weeks absence on his holidays.
('Ries AND FARM NIrT1cs,-The
heavy rains of last week were a great
help to the growing crops and every-
thing in this locality looks fine. The
baying is done and fall wheat is now
being cut and is turning out agood
sample. The root crops are in goodcondition sod are prospering after the
recent rains The cherry season,
which is -about over, has been a good
one. H. Horsey, • local merchant,
handled a good quantity. paying from
Our, to ti;ic. a basket. (leo. McIntyre,
of Nile, is buying apples for MrQuillin
EC Anderson, of Lucknow. T h e
price is about 11 a Farrel for winter
fruit. John Levy and Nathan Johns
oleo are buying, and It. F. Hstulink
also intends to be in the market.
Comideralile shipping of live stock is
goring on at Megaw station. An-
drews, of (ioderirh, and Reid, Durnin
and McConnell, of Dungannon, are
the shippers.
MoNn.AY, July 28th.
STRICKEN Willi PA itALYxtx,--Mia.
Henry Fisher, of this place, who has
lately been living at tier tan's resi-
dence near Clinton, suffered a stroke of
paralysis on Friday lest. lier'laugh-
ter, Mrs. FA. Walters, was immedi-
ately sent for, and her friends here
will be'deemed to know that at the
last lepurt she was somewhat im-
BENMII-LER Hni,c, e, --H. Maedel, of
(Intron, visited at his ueetther's hone
in the village this week Mr. and
Mrs. 1'frtmmer, of Myrtle, Man., are
spending some time in the neighbor-
hood, having been celled home to
attend the tuneral mf the Tatter's
mother, Mos, .1. Edward ilenson
Straughan, of the Queen City,, is up
fnr hie holiday, Mn, A. Heddle
has returnee ttinn Michigan Rev.
W. Haugh and family are spending a
pleasant time camping near Attrdis
Voila. last week Mr. Haugh• two
e ons, Percy and Fletcher, and Miss
Olive spent • day or so in London....
• Quarterly ',enure will he held in the
Methodist church on Monday morning
at iii,:#t, /Service in the evening Will
ho at Zion.
RteNA WAY Aeetnesrii.-A. Heddle
is punt recovering from an accident
which occurred a week or no ago.
When he was on his way to liodereh
the horse b)rarne frightened and Mr.
Heddle was thrown trout the buggy.
Hd was',wally 'thicken sip end bruised.
but fortunately no bopes were broken.
What *night hive been even a
more 'minus &Kait...occurred today,
when the horse driven hyJacob Riles -
ley took frivht at the gipsytent up at
Msgfod's corner on the wayte Gode-
rich. The home wheeleerected.
upeettloC�tp_the buggy, and struck far
bonneThe amhtaal was caught, how-
e ver, before going far. Mr. Kllepley
was, of course, thrown one and, on
being examined by a doctor In Odds -
rich, It was amoertalmsd that two rues
were broken.
rirro1.41k:'410141t c'fb
Mr. Stewart, of London, his daughters
and sister, Miss Stewart, are guests -at
the howe of Dr. Sturbury, Mrs.
Heath and Miss ('arter took a diivin,f
trip tv Winm st ghalaweek .... Dr.
Atinson, of Detroit, spent Sunday
with Isis family here. Wbvu tut.aw.
turned on Monday he wax accom-
panied by his wife and son Casey....
Miss ('lark, of Loudon, and her
niece, Miss Fraser, left for Brand
Bend on /Saturday Grant McNeil
left last ;week for Regina Rev.
Mr. Argo occupied the pulpit of St.
Andrew's church on Sunday evening
last.. Mr. and Mrs. McFarlane, Farlan
e of
Hamilton. and their three daughters
are spending a wonth'r vacation at
the home of Mrs. J. Ferguson
Mies Edith Sparkman, of London. re-
turned howe recently.
SKIRTS, regular trice 11. for Mc. t..
pram, own and toutat o.. d5e. 21 lbs. grana atvl
S ugar, al. at RIDDKLL'M store. Aubure-
h'ENUAT, July': th.1
Homes Lotir.-George Donated',
our village tiusurith, hest his horse
-last week. The animal was out in the
field, and was caught in the wire fence
and was sus badly injured that Mr.
I)enstedt had -to destroy it,
IN I1R1KF.-Mies Mabel Erratt and
Miss Effie Knox attended the sututhe'
school for Bible teaching in St.
" n ma•leat k The baseball
playing for this sermon between
Auburn and Westfield was c.,11•
chided on Saturday evening, result-
ing in a score o/ 7 to :1 in favor of
Auburn.....,-ltev. J. it. Mann
arrived home This week- from hi..
stammer holiday trip Fullest,
Robertson preached in the Methodist
church fast /Sunday end Ker.' .1. L.
Small in the Presbyterian church.
CIvnc HOLIDAY. --Thr village trustees
have declared Friday, August 6th,
civic holiday. They mug estd a
home picnic, but, as this did not find
favor. the former managers' have
planned for the usual annual outing
at Point Farm. Those wishing trans-
portation should apply to either J.
Arthur or B. Knox not later than
Angust 4th. A rig will be provided
for the baskets. Among the attrac-
tions of the day is to be a baseball
match between Saltford and Auburn
teams. The Auburn teams has been
doing fairly good work and les been
waiting for some time to have a
friendly game with Saltford. The
Auburn lawn tennis club will supply
racquets. net and balls. Everybody
from the village and the surrounding
country is welcome.' A good time has
always been enjoyed and a good time
is expected again. Rigs will leave the
village at M o'clock a. m.
MONDAY, July 26th.
ing outfit.. last, Saturday, to John
l'.tition', 4th conciessioo Huron, where
he intends to drill. an artesian well
.The frame of the large shed which
ix being constructed by T. F. Hender-
son & Sun, for Aspfield Presbyterian
church was iar edTasl Thursday.
A RARE Ove. -The bob -white, a
specie- of gamy -bind becoming almost
extinct in this section, waw seen and
heard 'several times the last few weeks.
The call of this hind, which was quite
familiar to the older generation, is a
loud whistle sounding like "bob-
white."' hence its name. As it ix a
"resident bird" -that is to say, it does
not migrate -many perish in hard,
cold winters, when the snow lies deep
on the graitnd. TfiTs i. the rieakon
given for the rarity of this species for
some yeare.-
McKenzie, New fork, ix visiting
friends in the vicinity.. ..The Misses
Margaret and Yardie Mr('hailes. of
Lucknow, are spending a few days
with the old neighbors and friends in
this section. The former ham secured
the position of teacher of the second
room of the Lucknow public school
-Jam. McKendrick left last week to
visit friends in Detroit. John H.
McKenzie has been appointed ds. nty-
postmaster "pro temThe M laws
McCallum, of Glencoe, arrived last
week to visitat their atltil ss, Mrs.
W. Matheson's Mrs. W. Mathe-
e nn, 1). A. Matheson and A. IL Fin-
layson arrived home last week. after
spending some days in Brucetleld ... ,,
F red Rose, Mrs. food Rosa and famlly
are leaving this week to visit friends
et Sarnia, Detroit and other (stints
....Mr. and Mrs. Finlay J. McLennan,
of Hritieh Columbia, have arrived, and
are visiting friends around Ripley at
present Rev. Kenneth McDonald,
of Kincardine, a former pastor of Aeh•
Held Presbyterian church, wax visiting
David Stewart and other friends in
the vicinity t•ecentle.
Amherley eorrespetndent of The Rip-
ley Express is not at all satisfied with
one explanation regarding "the three
B's," We fear that nothing will satisfy
that personage until all the dire misfor-
tnnee which he foretells' in the last is-
sue of The Express r down upon our
devoted bead, such as confirmed ceti-
bacy, sterility and other dreatlfdl
things; therefore we are very thank-
ful to he in the hands of a kinder
Providence. A. there is a strongly
feminine tinge 1n hi or her articles,
we hinl(NI to our detective that prob-
ably the correspondent is an s(Ternin-
ate bachelor with lovely ruin. but he
shook his head Anil sant hie opinion
was that it one n maiden with prob-
ably confused rollegiate reminiscences
of pmyehology, as we did not give any
revelations of "rhihl psyrhningy' as
alii' e l
hy the correspondent, 'then,
again, it mustbe a female, onr in-
formant nays, anthers. is glaring in-
conxistenry of statement In the article,.
tthe detective is um hats! on the gentle
sex), for proof of which inconsistency
he says that the correspondent dent writer
that she is argnalntsed with ue only
through our prodrtetions and yet
known minutely concerning our trav-
els, the ditties that we visit, the com-
pany we ere in, what folly oecupies
our mind, and, awful to say, even con-
cerning an alleged ineffectual "par
lintel influence.' We are now tinder a
dark cloud, for when we go out our
friends with a look of reproach and
stern tones ask ns, whence comes this
Intimate acquaintance ofthe Amber ley
correspondent with us. in vain we
protest our innocence and would have
been quite overwhelmed hy our em-
barrassing situation bad we not dlr.
covered a new bird which ea11uyed us to
forget for a season our troubles. Rut
weegaoreednot vindictiveoand if the ear -
au Iorboemrt k*-_�Ysaeow with
�' u'wi• A
the crumpled horn," or a curly or
bald-headed bachelor, yet our large
and noble order of'•uicbtsicn friends"
invites him or her in, and, whutev,•i
crumbs of eomfort are going he or elle
shell have a share.
'1'1'estaY, July 227t11.
.Cu$iNtt AND GUI Et
visited here for a couple bf days last
week before leavingjt for the \Vest.
Her many friends hwee congratulate
her on the success of her pupils in the
recent entrance ,xu,i 01 is in Miss
Jean Gilmore, of tit. Joseph's hospital,
Chatham. is spending her vacation :it
her [mine here .. Miss hath Iluh-
nrom Sol le h
ertxo e iDe-
t,al 1
taut today,, after spending a Week
with Miss Dollet,e• M:isKenzie...
Miss Ilene Kirk, of Detroit, is the
guest of her sister, Miss EIlrn Kirk.
....Miss Kato MacKay has returned to
London after a months visit here.
Rev. and M i+e. R. 11. Ilari by
and three children, of Belmont, spent
a few days here us the guests of Mr.
and - Miro. T. A. MrKeith Miss
Mary McLeod, of the 4th concession
..f Kinloss, is visiting her mint. Mrs.
Sihdy (1, MacKertgie A hayrack
party spent Wednesday evening of
est went at the lake and all report ra
very pleasant time.. Mr. and Mrs:
lies Mackay and two boys called en
(riends here one evening hist_ week._
Tres') se, July 27th.
RIUFt No errs. -The farmers in this
vieinity are nearly all through guying
and are busy cutting wheat nOW.... .
Quite• a her of young people from
these parts Al tended lied-
ueind's iNarn-raising near;l)ungannon
Iraq "ilii '
UI•:%Tit OF PAT It h TROY. -The
funeral .d Patrick Troy. of %Vhite-
lhurnhi took pls.+ On Mnfeday-to-The
I niau (' itholic r.uuee•-ry here, rhe
dryyeasts1 wage ill ()illy a .hurt time and
dr,tth came rAther unexpectedly. Mr.
Troy leaves to itt ul n his 1us, eight
dsughterro, Mrs. 'Troy having died
utout three years ag'. The f •rill
was largely attended by sorrowing
friends and relatives. The family
have the sincere sympathy of friends
in this combtunity.
PKRNesNAL. Mr.. -Mrs. and Miss
Jose -(chine Mc ]lister took in the ex-
cursion to Kin online last Thursday
and report bavi g had a good time,
although it was a 'ale wet (luring the
afternoon Joh Clark, sr., of
Auburn, is visiting at %Vm. Tbomp-
soirt's Mrs. '1'. I )onnelly end
daughter, of Toronto are visiting
Miss Rebecca Thompson \ Mr, and
[fits. John Wilson. of Au urn, visited
friends in this vicinity Inst Seek
Hobert McAllister, Mite ose bine
and Mr. and Mrs. Wii, 11 Allister
attended the funeral of Mrs. tnlsert
McAllister, of Molesworth, las Sun-
day Gilbert Grieves and fa lily
e.peut atndey with Prosperity fri
Mrs. Callahan, of London,
visiting her daughter. Mrs. Georg
I Addit Ionrll Dlmt rirt New • on page el
Can Make the Deaf Hear.
The "Aruusticon' magnifies every
Lent That menus-
r•aetsno matter how raf you are nor what
the rause of your deafness Was, as
long as the auditory nerve ix alive.
yon will hear at once. Call and see
this wonderful invention demonstrat-
ed by S. L. Taube at Dunlop's drug
store on Monday and Tuesday, August
2nd and 3n1.
ThrGiNlattaf Peet of Sio e;eibierPassin-
ger Steamers in the World.
The eine steamers of the D. k. C.
Take lines are the largest speediest
and most luxurious on the tireat
Lakes. They 'perste regular and
punctual service between Cleveland.
1)etmit, Hliffldo. Toledo, blitrkintie
and all lake ports. Mend for the illus•
trated pamphlet that tells all about.
the steamers, the service and the
places to go. Enclose two -rent atanep
to D. k C. Navigation Co., x Wayne
St., Detroit, Mich.
How's Thls Y,
%Venire,(hte Mnm•Ired lioikrr. Rewind for
any cue of ((,tare I. 1 hat ranngt ,r• CPI ,sl Its
Hall'. e'aeanh o Me.
IIt'NI't'&('il Tnlevlo•(5
We the muter -Wo d have known i•. J. 1 Ie'n
ry for the lad 1 , yem. and believe him per
(Ara ly honorable is. .all bre+ior-. t tiOwl •t /0/1 -
And misnt'lany:one tor1Ttyeiil snT emly!ntiiin
t,ade by hi+ Ilnn.
iV hnl,•-ale 111,11Itgki,Tnloxtm, • •.
!faltl's ('alnrrh non• i. tak,at int. rnnlh , n, t
INK dlrertlyepee the etemd :utd.tatiron.
faces of the -1 -tetra. Teal boon l rel+ -std 1 fee.
('rice,.) Ven,. Iw•r battle. Sold by all Drnr,
Take Ilan'. Fmnih- PIM. for ronstlnnt ion.
Lever Brothers, Toronto, will send you
free a cake of their famous P Ian! o l
toilet soap, if '/or mention this paper.
Wingham Bylaws.
Wingham ritizen' fated Monday on
three bylaws: one in raise $I,etrl to
meet the town hall debentures falling
due ; one Ian provide 1fut,011 to im-
prove the present waterworks sys
tern, and the third to apphtin1 three
rmmlleissioners to manage theelertt it
light and tvnte•rwnrks. The apron,)
tram defeated by u majority of : th.
other two were sustained.
The beneficial effect of iron
upon the system weakened
through illness, overwork or
anemia, is well known. + Fer-
rovim is a preparation which
supplies the valuable element
is the most efficient way, com-
bining with it the nourishing
qualities of beef and the mild-
ly stimulative effect of sherry
wine. Ferrovim costs $1.00
a bottle at druggists.
SITTCgta. CRMC1<a,
arab 2,5c. in hit -tight tis bon;
7w asMs $1.00, as be cwt lo any
E lsa.
Dowers d 'maims 1dapttes.
OWNS • L&WUIea Co,. Newest
When the
Har Falls
Stop it! And why aotP Pall-
ing hair is a disease, a regular
disease; and Ayer's Hair Vigor,
as made - from our new im-
proved formula, quickly ane
completely destroys that dis-
ease. The hair stops falling
out, grows more rapidly, and
all dandruff disappears.
Dees nee @Bete the take of the ASe.
Tamale awl. beaus
aa.w it to ass,
hers 51.1
The little boat in each package gives
the formula of our new Hair Vigor, tells
why each ingredient is used, and ex-
plains many other interesting things.
After reading you will kaov why this new
hair preparation does its work so well.
-�Ynar ►7 tee J. C.A./4,0a,
Cold Storage for Fruit Shipments.
The Ottawa IWpartment of Agtient -
time has arranged to have a Mid stor-
age ehanihs'r• reserved red four trleaut-
ers sailing weekly from \IMitreal, for
shit ants of early sipple•s and tender
f, uit-sTh1e streamers and sailing
Juts,, will 4e as follows : Ilesph•ri'ut, 1
August •21st, to Glasgow ; ealrnrona,
August 2SIh, to London; (irnmpian.
SeptenlN•r 1th, to 1ilamgou•; Hnronu,
..September Ill[. to Iwnul'n; Hes-
peri: n, Septsrmber L.U), to Ubtsgmw.
stops loss of flesh in babies
and children and in adults
in summer as well as winter.
Some people have gained a
pound a day while tatting
?skeet Is .1150. Sind-.lw or mut
Get a mall bottle sow. An Douglas
r THE woe..,
TuntumAT, Jrt.T 39, 1901
Clean-upeSale of
At Half Price
All this season's goods. Now is your
chance to get the best fiat going for
the rest of this season and to start
off next.
McLean Bros.
Oents' Furnishing.
F untiture and t:rrdcrlaklug;warerooens.
West side Square.
'14 110/141/4 aeerani„ -- (Jsdertelt
Residence Ltl
len calls: At re.idenrc, Si Will tarn
» and
Wanted.--Expenencsd Operators, on
Pants, Knickers, Overalls. Constant
Employment the year round. HIGHEST
UNION WAGE. PAiD, piece work.
LEAf4fi tiPERAT-11.46,
Taylor -Anderson -
Southgate Co., Limited,--
Seaforth '
Store, 153.
Storeerill be closed Wednesday
aftei``ioons during July
d August.
I have received shipments of, the
mon Models m
Two of the best lines nude in Can-
ada. • -
Rubber Tires, Automobile Stats
and all the latest ideas is first-
class Carriages.
A good second-hand Grinder for
sale, in good repair, ro-inch plates.
Several good drivers and some
cows for sale,
Robert Wilson
Agent for
Massey- Harris Implements, MeI-
lotte Cream Separators. Fleury
Plows, Bissell Disc
Harrows, Land Rollers,
etc., etc,
%Varyrnnms--Ifnmilton Mlreel,
Picnic and Camping
Lot us fit you mit
with the lrtrrvitrinns
for ymir summer
\coling WP know
)list what you want
mei have 1 h right
gi,iwt(t to supply your
nee•ds,xwhether it lie
only rim an rifler -
noun picnic• or for e
mouth's tamping.
For the peopl ' who
stay at home'\,we
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
and everything in the line of
Groceries that is good.
Sturdy & Co.
'Phone pr. - West Side Square.
This is the time of year we reduce our, stock as
much as possible, and get things in readiness for
next season Prices are rcduccti on bur regular
lines,' which are made for us by trustworthy man-
ufacturer s and are such as we can thoroughly rec-
ommend. -
i'eople won't leave us a contpkte.list of sires in
every line, but we've got Our size all right in
something that will please you in style, and more
than please you in pr e.
I iinj; your gt't-'d shoes._to us tip repair. The ,.
-class of work turned out in our shop -has no super-
ior. We have one of the best mechanics in town.
G. M. Elliott
THE SQ1'.\Itl': Gill/hit/Cil
Iiarvest Time
We alwa 's strive to get the bust and Tic .h;ave it
for you this year.
650 feet Two e at 11 Cents per Ib.
This Twine is all one .size. ui.tking, it 4swees II biopsies it sizer,
which makes it impossible for nye lunars or large pieces bus gel
in to rhnkr our hinder.
fildAW RO
We hate a (want it y id 7 in. 11ot
Nope. A regular 4k•. lb.'s., which we rat
It,•vt %l ss, iia 1 in, Itolx•, f strands. toe ra
Ann•ricun fore Manila
rive you Inc 1tte. pe' Ill.
Ive yon at. I Ir, per lb
is ise ,1 Targe mewl t ne•nt of Poi ks,
staff, just in for yon so ehonse• from. Scythes, tri 51:a•, to $l,27.
Smiths. 7:r. to ,,tit•.
It It and wilhont
Pure Paris Green, 30c. per 1
('IIA I. OIL and (l-\s';l.I N I•: Sit /V KN. A large ass n
W choose from.
((I•:11(I(iEll A1'(tlty, atoll prices,111
11.'.MMot KM, at, all )nigras,
At'TtsMtt111l EM nml ( )1T4.
(IA141'EN Hump: and NUZ%LI' .
�l'1'ItAWffERitY 111.1.1.E104. l HEIt1ty STONERS.
\VHITF. 1,) -Ab end HAIDEN GIL.
We still have a few ro is of the Il -wits No. fl Wire left, at 1(k.
per troll ; oleo g quantity Of Noel, 11 and 12 rustled Wire, and a
quantity of Rath Wire,
N For F.avesl roughing, Tinsrnithing, Numbing and fleeting we ran
' give you Prompt ettent kn. and all work fnlly guaranteed.
Stem 'Pleas " CHAS. C. LEE nil
Hew 'Phone eta
= =I 1== Jai