HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-7-29, Page 6auor TavaszAT. JOLT El, 1100 MOTHERS p WHO 11AVE �DAUGHTERS Find Help in Lydia E. Pink- ham'sVegetable Compound Winchester, Ind. "Four doctors told me' that they could never make me regular, and that 1 would event- ually have dropsy. I would bloat, and rime down pains,crampe and chills. and 1 could not sleep nights. My mother wrote to Mrs. Ptak. ham for advice,and I began to take LydisE. PInkhanfa Vegetable Com. pound. After taking one and ens b red l am all ,t s u the Compound. u lf bottles f }ta Po right again, and I recommend it to every suffering woman." -Mits. MAT Da.t., Winchester. Ind. Hundreds of such letters from !hie r t nude r in t h tr ra , rinse erne g and m the g _ for what Ledia E. I'inkham s Ve t Bile ompnund7ia`e SFC them have been received by The Lydia E. ltittkhamid ediciue Company, Lynn. Mass. Girls who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, head- ache. dragging -down sensations, faint - Ing spells ur Indigestion, should take immediate action to ward off the seri-• nus consequences and be restored to healtby Lydia E. Pinkham'■ Veit* tahlr Compound. Thousand* nave been restored to health by its use. S [ If you would like special advice -iboUt your case write a confide°. etal letter to Mrs. Pinkbane, at Lynn. Map. Her advice is freak and always helpful. GRAND TRUNK ROUTE SUMMER TOURS ON THE GREAT LAKES A Fresn Water Sea Voyage Palatial Steamships Superb Scenery Faultless Cruising Moderate Charges Wel t4ienmewer Out iees on the Great Lakes. Georgian flay, sir among the Thirty Theiteand 1.tands. InfnrrnxNtm and-tirketer-frier-wH railway agents. H. H. Gildersleeve C. H. Nichadsoe Mgr., Collingwewd Traf irMge, Sarnia civic Holiday international )Yewspaper ;:t7 Bible Study Club � �i , Suggestive Arssllsrts on Me Metereellonal Sunday School Lessons, Prepare Rev.i7r' L by p, . ntscolt. Brantford s:emme •+ Qisgiateretd In aeeordanoe with the t'opyrteht AcLI -- -;e.day.-Aegust I. feet-•Cita. to Paul'. Misuoaary Journey. Aria xviii. ; I.2/. 1 spwcilfc spiritual work ? Golden Text -In the would ye shall! %Vey did Paul in the beginning, in have 11 Bade! ion : 1w of gird cheer ; Corinth. confine his work to the Stei- 1 have over coarse the world, --John bath day and to the Jews? xvi. ;:Ci, - Vrrae 5 -fa -Whet effect did tee V..ise 1 --%%hut. remarkable thing visit of Milne and Timothy have upon had ' . duU AY precedeyt 1'4ul'a stat t ( I' 1 f nJgood men is ever s, much in !leen ports soap h a spte•d&d Wi- nter.i th ? earnest. may the visit of another o ap oa • cold night- To make It There is no record of • vision or any earnest man iutenaify his spirit ? take ell the whoa part from a bead of special divine irntrucuon for Paul goin t% hen a man does hi" very beet in celery and a medico aided onion and to E synth bet+aa_flood--Ja•a Al m *rad fwla.la-atatn. Nanette., cot tato small dice, put tato a sagas• ga•ded by God when he me not conscious is h« entitled to its much' credit as if pan with two plats of milk tend coot of it as when be u, and why t IThi.1 h« had great success? soul perfectly tenter; tied add the question must be answered in wribeg by Did Paul hliu ei himself for his fail- contests of a tin of corn, boll up sesta members of the club) nee and that the Jewe reeistwt amt with Verre '2.:I -What was the attx.le, bhtsphemel, and ought a titan of God gad ran tirooth a eleven warmacs; liambetween Aquila and Paul ? Always take a similar position in lite pepper, sit and a small Wade of mace; flow do you account for le' that circumstance"? hid halt ■plat ot belted milk and stir there is an affinity between men of Vera, 7 --Has it ever Igen in the in gently tee Wates ?elks of tautens.. th« saute trade P pest, and is it today memetimes twee Rei/ about me otesc, of macaroni fa 10 1 rperfect right1 •e• • P labor r m n a1 ► e ran 110 salted avatar perfectly 11av x ,n• u n I tin !elder K,wry [ v ¢/feel • D� 7 bond 1hriusrw t it•(aftetbOr foo• 1urtu31 dowels and start x meeting of hi- (may m�M 1. cut It tots smell iu pew set ' asps.t the undue deuo sade now p photos sod aero N this gaup an a gin of capital ? Verse S -Is belief in bels an ill• gb& . 11 as r,ynta1 a rid risk protevt ielleelunl effect, or is it spiritual and i1 -elf again.' tale., ? -•` Have A wrntitural ?. a... hu.lpeas mein A rig to I" . ' - I GNAW eatery is no «Ltroetlos te;.iast un iter t•oni- Verge" fell -Whetmethal d14 God Mahe Ont UM* stalk, og eebery in ewe petition ? 14-aud•t inchptsees. with a @harp knits. brew Peiteeeikietat his trade ail a len,- Why is et Mat so ..few t'hrietinns oma at the outside of the stalks. task* 'tinker fin a living; is there eny rug- hoe" any experience of any special fire eats pa:ailed to each other erasei- ,,eu•ton lti this that modern-pres•liers meeetRe trent lied ? eihrnrld do a le lar thing? tag nae third tlength of toe pMeas. Ihi Chi kering speak as much as - A large l' I 'hon of the menthe,- they ought. fur Christ today and is Make six case ahe t tight arittes to do snip ..f ' I•.• pre. vent day Christina three *ot-(Pole id being hurt by speak• cola already mala Out the other eel church 1....• )be latent ability W ing for Him ? la the sane fashion. Yat the pieces in ores. -11 : ••inchi not this ability' to le Ver -r. 12.17- Can Any men expect, cold or nod unmet sad 1st steal tot develop et, lbws giving to every !nen! even in these day.% to be unfiincb- several hoarnt elt..rrli- s art al 1 b y I faithful to God MO not make wet k Iwing divided between them some pent p • angry T would 1w het ter d • than at present. How do you estimate' the character An&eeeh Iuoarher make his own lie- of !Ms mean. Galen, and what is there ing; n m atltlgtttlmitatirwr' - 1-Oreesbes Chet tin 1r1eMd w Win- Verse $-is it the dtity and privilege •Verses 18 -22 --Sinn up the effects of nr perry adult Christian 1.. be el.- 1'nu1'a eliin-Is as revealed in this ie.a In Una• g.gel.: 1 I.:..t every N lay. in .uiiw lesson. No elites nee required 1n hoaaeboida wideh are equipped wttk Doe of the bed gates recently invented, nor need •dents worry about tacat>ita4 out oa tbe dor daring akftrsarvw fie gate he of metal and is command of crime bars pleated at taehr pointeortstersisc• tion ea that the weak, onetwesaetched out to the length of a bed ear folded ftp In a small '.--- t Maersed or foot. THS SIGNAL: GODERICHe ONTA RIO FOR THE EPICURE A Light once and a Pidt-ass-sp TO make the test a ▪ so sluff dish sects, Iftench pancake, one urede t>!e Creak eggs. two tablespooaftes ret mom. one tawmlpuonful of eel? ratetag !;stet and arse tettleapotntul of caster deter. Pet the flour 1n a basin, add tis LaMar and min It well M. !lake a /sole in the Sour, add too eggs, prevtoualy Ughtie beaters. and twat It all together nay* reedy two buttered saucers; put belt (. More la ascb, bake to * molter - ate owes fur Mama minutes till a go*. es brows end thea spread with apricot or strawberry lam. tura each over. Elko a ball woad, and serve very hot. A GATE FOR BEDS. THE SHEPHERD. 1 Have a Woupltal pen where the sheep that give evidence of being sick cru be Isolated and treated. Marty a contagious disease can in this way be kept from spreading le a Dock. Woven Wire Best For Fence. Fences for sheep should not be less tkan three feet high, with post every .fxteeu feet, and preferably of woven wire with a single barbed wire et the top. Barbed wire 1s apt to cause the loss of wool, because cheep when to fall fleece are frequently crowded through, especially If the wires are not stretched tightly. Facts About Sheep. From records kept at the Wisconsin experiment station of 240 ewes cover- ing a period of'five years the following conclusions were drawn: Bbropebtre ewes appear to he mon prolific than any other breed. Ewes six years old produce the largest per- centage of increase, while young ewes have the greater percentage of ■logic lambs. The percentage of ram lamb* Increases and the percentage of ewe Iambs decreases es the age of the ewe two t hes beet e t advances. A ram 1a ■ or three years of age. The ige of the ram does not have any effect on the sex of the offspring. Ram lambs ever ags about one-half pound heavlpr at o trth thao ewe iambs. The Larger the ewe the greater the percentage of In crease. tiblle_Hie ram bas no effect nn the lambs In this respect Feeding Sheep. It L always advlaable In ifeedtng sheep not to feed too much corn. Cis ver. hay and corn fn equal parts by weight should be given during the fat trning period. Except for fattening Purposes It U better not to feed @beep on corn at all. Corn is said to contain ectereafertareh and 6 pee coot of oil, both Whig very digestible. Olt makes tet, and tbe starch produce* hent and also Sit OW act -mint ot 1ts beat producing power it is Inadvisable to teed cora Because of tbere not Da- ms any p Qrd=4 o1 protein be ms 1lt h ast>•,s1p1a *Off 110114>alsg The man .1 Bike to bluer!/ hears a lot of .illy r••iu fir k Sunday, August t, moo -Paul's nstrltctians to the Tbetseloeiaas• I. These. v.: 12 21. Uoldru lett - Mer that hone render evil feu ever unto any man : but ever follow tlin t which is went:- 1: Thiess. :lu. • Verses 12 -13 -\\'hat is lite iloni:nant note Imlay letweeu officials of the church tan. the !motor. is it official and business. or is it epirititae that of felt lender love and war 111 esteem Ito era tie a dims '131l.oi" Alt hard, and suffer n. their Master did, and those compel the lender lute And reteeni of the church? Does the average urinikter. or not, ;e•tually "tries" at hard as the aver- age weclifioie. farrier, business or profrssionel than, and Dolan'..• an cinch self-JrDia ". 1 sea•? - What is generally the teal citarac• In the light of eternal existence. are err of timer. who will not 'support the there any such things as accident, reeleiree..atne theyeee iweee ee like enlaniity, misfortune, or even regret- iuinitter? • ' I table eircummtancer, in the life or a What 'x the only way by which to elan or Ucd P wove fr'scl��rmrwtlr l+rethr., in a! - Verse 19 -Can any man retain the church or,in a ruwwu„iD , pewee 11 (ioel-wbo L h not a.nbtlr4y ' ul.efient to the leading. of God's lioly lip frit? eel s.a►-Prophesying here Means penciling. Is there any sign in these aye that it is being despised? • et by ibonM-siove-for•Nrr • - of the gospel he cultivated :' Verse 2I -Why should we not at Christians enronrege the most. Al.sn- '.Ir�ur went. *tw,ut lovingly helping lute free thought• the t critical re- l.. uplr, 'ill their thdien. their euuls, snatch, and welcome the teaching of Hol rite tonere: if you and 1 are elle science? ne•1 theins: thnt. h•.ve we a right toCon the teal troth ever be a brut to i i,TieindlrttUIt wl. erernnt -follower”-ef,-s tine titan, met is not ghee a mote, et .1 sits? glad to ehenge his opinion, when be finds he is wrong, an to change a worn "sit garment for a new one? --keen- •r -,:'-..t t. weveleelee tbm right only. and Are obedient to God's spirit, net we ever fear even the "appear - Verse 15 -if my neighbor sets his anre of evil?' dogs on my sheep, pulls down my Verses Ze21-Doe" Ood mean he fences in the night shoots my chicken children to live "blameless" lives, and when one gets into his yard, Is constantly is the twenty-fourth yens not a pro - slandering me and my family and will mise that Ood will give the power to not pay me a long-standing just debt, s, do? what. would Jesus do if be were 1 ? ITbia, Lesion for Sunday, Aug. 16th, Heti question must be answered in writing by Paul's Third Misnionar Journey-- members of the club 1 Ephesus. Acta :vet.: Id rix.: -AUGUST-4th ith:THIN III'K 1•:Ts AT (SINGLE FARE Goderich to all Strait nut ite 1111;11 1, 1• u•t of 1' ,rt Arthur• and to Detroit 1. Buffett,. G(M)D GOING p. tn. trains August arl, and entrains August Ith. Return limit. Angie.' Tickets and i nformatlon from J08. KI0O, City I', 'ager Agent. GRANO TRUNK.SYsTEM -Civic Holiday' AUGUST 4th. !blot n Tickets ret Single Fare from GODERICH to all n1,11iuns in 1 Annan east of Port Arthur, Si Detroit Itiv Port Ihrron. Buffalo, N. 5'. ra __�,t,t; alaa�lug...:Ini atttlltlk train* Angn,t 4 k 11 SIP, Matit', Mt. Clair And a; aleft to Detroit and , Nimgara hells and e Nature thiiiteAugast fit h. r For tickets and ill informati. apply to F•F• LAWRENCE. (town Town Agent. Office hours Mee a.m. to 14.:11 CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO TOURIST and WEEK -END Excursion Tickets on Sale from Toronto. The Scenic Route to LAKE SIMCOE, SPARROW LAKE, MUSKOKA LAKES, GEORGIAN BAY , MAGANETAWAN, PICKEREL- and FRENCH Ri VERS. !`running Lake Milekoka at It ilia Park and *lime the shute of Lake Joseph, skirting nearly one hundred bodies Of water between Toronto and Sudbury Por literetnre and fell Information about t.hing and holiday rates write Passenger Dept., Toronto, Ont. \',t•s' Itt--It ,is en -y, Paul, Ger you t.. say, '•Hej•.ice rvel e," Lot Is it Wart kat for ordinary mortals, and, if se irner a -- tense L --Ifs plan is really in 1•n'e whh �k anTTii'i Telliiite, dies -he not tiers•+s,u•ily p.nyall the time, either consciously or nneonscinusly? - le it n.e-weary, or helpful. to have wit li,nre tier ronacintle prayer? Veers. 1$ --Are we to he lh"nkf it 'like for pain and pleasure. for loss nod g cin, for enemies and friends, if We ere ••in ('hiist Jesus?' le 11 not set stun! fart. hosed on the truest philosophy, that every sort of experience which comes to a true man is in the highest possible sense • for hie Verse 14 -If you know anything against a fellow•Chrisl'An whnt is the right thing to do- i11 say nothing about it :12) talk about it to others; lei yore. , t 1 ' ,.. the pweence -4 others, hers. or 11) see 1 ' alone and in Inge tell him what you have to aHt'? le it your duty. at' a Christian, to take pains to "r frnt" eve.,ybud jean -ewer ire it gun ear so doing, what ie -the effect upon your own life': 1 IT'S MILITARY YEAR. ' PELT YOUNG AGAiN. I Big Array of Famous Military Bands Wonderful Werk Dedses Kidney Pills for Canadian National Exhibition. Did for Mr. G. 1. Worden. Fourteen out •.f the fifteen bands so tar engeged for the (`enadisn National Fxhi niton�luionto. are Inilttafy me; 4. in keeping with the military Halm, of the special 1r1 I 1 totems end -the openlr expreeeel intention of the htenage►nent to Cooke. thin **military pelt" at the /(fir. The lint of hatpin engaged to date is es fol - hews : \Vinnipeg l'itIvens' Hand, Royal Clan. Regiment Bend, H.lifas. }loyal ('nn. Mose ArtiUrr)•, King- ston• Que.•ti s Own Bugle hand. 45th Highlanders i'ipoe Band. Queen's Own Rend (Exhibition Band). Hoyi 4 4ireon4wts, Pith Ifighlandet a Brute Band. Geer, noreleniente Body Bunn! OHIO Battalion Hared. lath ite•giment. Hamilton, t 111et 11ighlemiera, Hsnrilum. l :04th Hat lotion, Brentford "'r'' :11th Battalion, Guelph. (16th Regiment Hand, %Wale. Why They Grinned. Mee. Grant wax undoubtedly the diaeiptinarlan in the family, and Mr. MAD!, who Nae a Vet). busy lawyer, was rrgardrd be the Iwo chil.hen as One of Ihrm,eelvee. euhjeet to the I+ws of "Mother." 1111e one day Mn, Grant Iw.'nnrr very ill, and .t lunch- eon Mr. Ikrant, alto felt that the chit• d,•en were already showing signs of "canning wild," felt obliged to repri- mand them. "01ad e," he said, "stop that int mediately or 1 ehall have to take ymi flow the table and spank you." Instead of making the impremaion he hod fondly hoped to do, he saw the two little imp glace in • surprised manner at each other anti then mine Wisner/dilly a grin broke over the faces of loth cultwite, and Gledya raid in it voice of derisive glee : "Ob, George, hear father trying to talk like mother 1" -August Lipp.in rpf Cs. s es5 Right In Nie Limas. "I'm surprised thatou 'should I*eo interested In wntcbing those "illy dudes." "For -r 111 he hit, i gases. I'm preal dent of A reel entitle improvement. \Vickham, N. B.. July sin. - (Special). -0, J. Worden, the old and respected of Wickham eivmeourts, in one of the veteran t.lanedIsente who ran say;-"Dodita Kidney Pill Masi. me feel like it young man." - Mr. Worden given the following experi- ence : t was aft!bit. ! with kidney trouble for over twenty-five yearn. I suffered with paint in the heck and loins, and it was with great difficulty 1 could urinate. Doctors faded to help rue, and an operation Nought me no permanent relief. 'Au aseh lVertiient led me to Dry I)odd'e Kidney Pine, and I firmly be- lieve b the grace of God they ham, done all for me that is claimed for them, for It seamed to me 1 was a new sad lrot*ng man made out of an ofd To Keep In Cheek. The town council of the town el it--- "time tune ago held a hig Lur. glut. One of the conflation*, regal for his ready wit, cone *reaped in a intim, waistcoat. Ile was suhjestle•l to n great many curious hw,kme, n no .1 it bighe however, affected hie, isi the Woe At length one of his brother councillors, 1nah'e to restrain his curiosity tiny longer, temetked, "i say, Mr. (4—, whet poseeseed 7011 to come in a torten waistcoat?" "Well," carne the wiry *newer Nein Mr. O- -, ' I'm not, like some of you. Always when I dine 1 like to keep a check over my et a;h." Had Seen Better Days. He walked armee the rued to inter- cept a pasarr-hy. "Kxe•ns, toe, nils• ter," he *ald, "hut have you got it halfpenny ?" He rPrtiverl a penny, "Thank you air, thank you. Air," said he ; "i'11 return it to ger tomorrow. Oh' yer ran tenet me, A've not always IMP/ es yer SPP 1111. now. A've ten belief Iimps; once ah wan iword ilunfermline's rn*rhmatt : then ah ons huller Io Mir'Orn,,' '1'tchison ; aft et 111's1. n11 WAS eight yeAra with the 6A,I of Stowe in feet. sir, there's hardly A gentry In the land that I 'avetl't heen contaminated with at aoms tlrn or other." Canadian Rear grease will gorily grow hair. That'. why Rearine, the y) pomade made from ft, make•s hair lVo•Ii." grow, ilk. a jar. 11'ell, they're i vacantlot."--Cath- It ia told that all dogs in Peru hers olir Standard. the Peruvian lark. 0' °o Betas Air Itaiwinit. In ttte'eeoter Is a vertlesebar to bold the gate weft t outaod movement Parents wJ1e boa imam cldidrea aksesP Ing with than will had ghe contriv- ance a great cmveie•r.,a. ' Thy device mew a cusablecalele attune to mooey to familia. who ski aot have eauagt fttkm:O_ep4p .oke & crib atintriog and more or leas permanent Meeet• meat A crib a eta* ase after masted h ora soot!• to Asap without acct. batt and the gats bar besertbed solves the problem d how tartlet akent pstlha i that M BondiOfficial. Botor Ocial. o Reeivisrg.a,paroel whie(t heiseppoe- ed to b• .s leer buuk,.11r. Kingsford, the chief prrsltency i magistrate of Culculto. took it with \hllw to, Musat- farpur- l)pentng it the- otheriday, a bomb w .ult kd concealed ,in the eeootestout pages ed tbe book. flat In Mr. Kitsgefonl wee t killed u •due to the (fact that parcel the : pval had' re- mained' unopened' for ',a year frigid, IUa Mr. tgxtnrd's brink% wee te nieces °anviwoop of epringeearvl picric acid, a" whidv mintended to. xpiode when -the book' wrw'examined.- STOCK AND DAIRY. Kellogg's is good for Anybody—Anytime Heavy Food its indigest- ible and causes Satiety. That's why you cannot eat the enormous amount necessary to sup- ply all the nourishment the body requires. Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes is Pre-digested. The nutritive elements of the Corn are retained by Kellogg's Secret Method. Strengthens feeble, over-worked Stomachs and digests and assimilates indigest- ible Foods. Kellogg's — a delicious, Linty table delicacy - is good for anybody, anytime. Be sure it's It Iu.tbe general practice en certified dairies to remove the manure at leant twice dally to the field or to a suitable p11 wane distance trometbe•etable. In the moat carefully maagedrdalrfes the whole interior of the stable lit washed and scrubbed dally with water con- taining a wnabtng comiletmd. Land planter Is used as a disinfectant,. sod shavings are favored for bedding.be Expernnts •With • ttes. er To determine the- beet type of steer Tor the feeder le antlmportaut problem which the Nebraska. experiment ittn- tlon L endeavoring; to solve- Lest Prat -neer Prneer Rudaselected•thirty - sit steers and rtooki the measurements ly of each one in/tbe,moat+minnte part War. While .the expetfaient has not rrim been canine/ to a .uekent extent to announce positive results, It Le interest Ing to note that the steer that made the beet gsdo In the feed lot was the one bovine: the largest heart girth In proportion to hie weight es The .te "bowing f be timeliest gala hada very man he net girth. Wbik, that t* the re nit of only one winter's work and "Intelt be taken as establbmbing any rosettes. taw, still It looks very mach If u e stile with large tuna power• with to ,od hearts and coosegaenUy a *maim • f *atiare beet eakvlated t0 maker big gate tin the feed lot. The exped meats are being coentlnned- f mal ball Worth Ocoee Care. If 1/ on purchase a good young boll, don't let him host'for hie Heine w •road s straw stack with the other esti a it he 1. of the good growthy then ktad 1, en t* an doubt that M u h bre o wen fed duie berth, and any stud dee i damp toward rowan, nndnn ltls wf fi step hie growth awl no doubt 1w taut his vitp e ea a pr.ntent era if a Will 1s worth a moderatelyhigh des hs le wi�ssr ettse and at ld ease 10c. 'Pkg. i nAli .,Mose-eases of baldness 'are due solely to neglect. The hair often becomes dry and dandruff forms because the hair glands do not supply enough nat- ural oil. Nothing overcomes this deficiency so effectively as that delicately perfumed, re- freshing hair pomade, liearine. Avoid baldness ; apply l3earine to your hair occasionally A11 druggists, 50 a jar DAYISPIEML f A thick adhesive .int merit, combined with Japanese Menthol ►rod Vaseline. Iwo of the mol wunderlul bral,.g drugs tu..wn. It soothes. heal+end lends to tem.!. Incls who suffer Rom riles. Earache. taea- �aeta�, tbdt ,. irritated and other SL '' Thhee word "Salve" literally metes l e writ or in good Health. Try Rave' Menthe& Solve and you will be relieved. AU DesMrs. DAVIS & LAWIIENCE CO.. Montreal. Loot trehwof M-'I'hat one had of you Lal! right, !nut be dueenit bold his head high gh.' Defiles -- "1)h,' that 'is pride. abut. 'Ell 'old it up when 'e's paid for." BARE - YOU EAT ' MEARTI!! ? Or Is Every Oood Med Fi .wid By Dbcowdorty • So fertaia are we that "Little Dlg.tters" will cure Indigestion every time -for every person -for YOU -that we will give you your mosey tack without a word if they fail. You ran enjoy a good, 'hearty [Heal of wholesome food three times a day, il-yee take aerate.* *Barrack Wel, Read low "Little Digesters" cured Mr. Tbody- t-. _Pur-lien_mrs.1 suffered with Indi- gestion, and obtained iso relief from anything I took, including several prescriptions from prominent ph enceinte Every meal was followed by acute pain • until I feared to est, consequently became run down for lack of nourish - inept: "Little Digesters" were recces- • mended to me by a friend and I vied them with remarkable results, two boxes completely curing me, It is three,, months since I took any, and I have not suffered a pain, no matter how heartily I eat. I would certainly recom- mend them to anybody suffering with lndeeesuon." (Stewed) R. THODY. 141 Yorkville Ave , Toronto. lane 11, tom. "Little Digesters" can be had from your druggist or by mail from Cotsa = Medicine Co., for as cents a box. 14 J. BKOPBEY & SON -1 NE Le ADINO-'s1t*) Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orden) aare/elly @thinned to it all bseet.Adjtlt or My r�M.r u !arse" Toasted Corn Flakes Sugar and Fruit Foy a ressety , TIMM; We keep nothing but the best', and the price is right. k. William L. Lindsay II/anion St. Phone No. Itis Sunshine Furnace is t y ' - mph of sixty - mot years' experience -growth from a small healer to 16M acres of Aoor space, from a half dorms artisans to 1,500, from an annual wage sheet of 34.E to one of $67o,000, from a capital of energy to one of $3,x00 ,0, from obscurity to recognition as Largest Makers of Furnaces in the British Empire. UNSHINEN 13®00 90®0 ti was placed on the market the first furnace 10 he wholly ltd solely designed by • Canadian Company. We employ a consulting staff of furnace experts, who are continually espnrimseting with new ideas in order that Sunskine Furnace shall sot have to travel on its past reputation for goodness. We bey Watertals in such large quantities that its quality to guaranteed to us. We have our own testing room, so that wper• visies of contraction is exercised down to the finest detail. te isto otiimr; MCCIa T`: r 114 FOR SALE BY W. R. PINDER. GODERICH MTV s. • -�f_��P+3w:"a-�-- •_ THE ORIGINAL IND ONLY GENUINE Ifl'AlI I It U TTATIVIS SOLD Oil TIE MERITS Of rti1NARD'S LINIMENT RUPTURE AT YOUR NOME This is net a truss Cin, bat a Vestment Zoe ma • ass is YOU HOME. NO PAIN, DANGRR sr OPERATION. no leu of tan from your work. Wets tads, befits yes: RUPTURE gets -.ay +s( NOT WAIT. Fill in this Coupon Addre t.....W., ......... . Tisa Rap Ape E . . sad mil to .r w. J. FROST Dept C., xt Ontario St. STRATFORD, ONT REMOVAL NOTICE Wi• Leg to announce G, our runs that we have re ed to neW premises on HAMILTON STREET Best Morels!! t Iilnyder'a Grocery, re wheoar asWoors will find lei ready to 1111 all orders for HEATING - METAL WORK ELECTRIC WIRING PLUMBING, Etc. In -workmanlike manner. at closest prices. W. Re Pinder 'Phone 155. PINE TAILORED CLOT11ING !Olt MEN FITS WELLwent LOOKS WELL WEARS WELL iff" When made by DUNLOP The Tailor West St. Illml=e114=410111•1111m=ms= MRS. MacLEOD'S SPECIFIC CURE Por LUNGS, THROAT, COUGHS, NIGHT SWEATS. CHILLS, FEVER, DROPSEY, GRAVEL and all Kindred Diseases. MA]1'KACT1'1t1CD HY Augusta Mary MacLeod, Sole Patentee, NEWGAT Goderich, Ont. 'PHONE I 2 TB IE RIrllTwagi ass Di.k/ lgooire Milk Chocolate Stick, Medallions, Cro- quettes, Cream Bars etc. are truly delicious. For sale by all dealers from Coast to Coast. TNt COWAN CO. LIMITYD, TORONTO. tote 7e 1 b+ COALF, ALL KIOF L ALWAY8ND ON HANOOAD wail coal watched en the MOAN Wan when yea get 9,fflft 1M, for a tine. WM. LEE. orders left at 1'. 1'. Leyte Harbwr;v WON Pad -fele of Square. promptly attended tn. CHAS. E. GRIFFITH UPHOLSTER/NO AND REPAIRING HAiR MATTRESSES RENEWED AND RE -MADE CARPET All Maitre�q�� LAVING Wit�aodAr+taM ItAMIr Rohm. One doer Wept efC_2. Flamer' moo. Mara Want Skeet RAddener Elgin Arae& OOl)tIIiLII ONT.