HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-7-29, Page 5THF SIGNAL : GOi)FRICIL ONTARIO
ILLS Torous.
THE trader's house sat hack of
the post, farther up on the
hill. It was a large, sleepy
house, "prowling against the
sunny side of the slope. It was of
great, square hewn timbers, built to
the Russian style, the underside of
each lug hollowed to fit snugly over
Its fellow underneath, upon which
driest moss had previously been spread.
Many architects had worked on it as
It grow room by room through the
years. It'had stretched a bit year by
year; for the trader's family bad been
big to the, early day■ wben bunters
and miners of both breeds came 1u to
trade. to loaf and to swap stories with
him.Through the winter days, when
the caribou were in the north and 'he
moose were scarce, whole 'amnion of
natives came and camped there, for
Alinna, fits "gnaw, drew to bet own
blood. and they felt It their due to eat
of the bounty of him who ruled them
Ike an overlord.
There are men whose wits are imick
light and whose muscles pave toren
emperrd end hardened by years of
e Ise that they are like those of s
wIM nimal. Of such was John Gale,
-__but h all his intelligence_ _be_wits
very w et reading; hence he cisme
to s •' his gvenfnga with hila pipe
.aad oughts rather than with a
book, td onesome men are snpprneed
to do. 1s.. did with little sleep, and
many nig • he sat alone till Album
' and Ned& ould be awakened by his
heavy step as he went to hie fwd.
-That be_ a elan who could really
think and t big thoughts were en -
groaning no on doubted who saw him
sitting enthral at such a Linc, for
• , be neither rock nor talked nor moved
a /uultcie bour of r boor, and only isle
eyes were alive.\Toulght the spell
was nn him agalo.',
(ale's squaw rile in, her arrival
anannoanced except, by the scuff of
her mocraalns, and \ seated herself
agelnat the wall. She did not use 't
chair, of which there were several. hat
crouched upon a bearskin, her knees
beneath her chin. She eat thus for a
long time, while Necla put the tittle
Does to bed. Soon the girt cern* to
say good night.
When the bad gone be ep ke with-
out moving:
"She'll never marry Poleon D,oret"
"1►'byr 'inquired Attune.
etre ain't her kind,"
"l'oleon k a good man."
"None better. But she'll marry .me
-some white man."
"Poleon 1s white," the agllaw e•
Miele and be ain't ?-
marry en 'outside' man. He ala't good
enough, and -well. bevin't her kind."
Afluna'a grunt of indignation was a
atlfk•lcnt answer to thin, but be re-
sumed, Jerking his bead to the direr.
tion of the barracks. "She's been tak-
tng a lot with this -this soldier."
"I11m good man, too, I guess," said
the wife.
'The b -I be Ise' cries the trnder
fiercely. "fTe don't mean any gond
to her."
"Him got n woman, eh?" said the
"No, nn! T reckon he's single al
right, but you don't understnud. He'e
<:,.e By
Rex Beach
stolen the ether day." Evidently he
' wee accustomed to Yukon prices, for
he showed nohurprise at the figure the
trader named, but bwki the gone and
tested each of thane whereupon the
Old man knew !bel here wax no
"f'heeehako," as tenderfeet are known
to the north, although the nun's garb
had deceived hint at first glance. The
stranger balanced the weapons, one in
Downstream came the taint sighing either hated; then he did tbe "double
whoof-wboot of a steamer, and theu roll" neatly, following whleh he ext. -
out from beblud the bean] she burst. cuted a move that Gale had not wit-
Ilrr cablu deck teal lined with passers- nessed for many yeare. IIe extended
mootgore, oat of whom were buunii far the one of tbu guns butt foremost, as if
'outside," although still clad In mack- lerrendering It, the action being free
Inaw and overalls. They all gnud al- and open, save for the fact that hie
iendy at the hundred mei of blame forefinger was crooked and thrust
beau, who stared lack ut them till the through the trigger guard; then,.with
gangplank was placed, when they came the alighteat Jerk ot the wrist, the gun
ashore to stretch their legs. Clue of Spun about; the handle Jumped -into -his- -
m, however, lade suthcieut noise palm, and Inetanny there was a click
make up for the silence of the oth-
ers. Before the steamer had grounded
he appeared aeieii The--FTW'Sitfl ITalt -
hands, bLs bead :rid shoulders tower-
ing above them, his white teeth gleam-
ing from a face as dark as tbeirs, shunt-
ing to SIS friends ashore and pautu-
miwing his delight to the two Gale
,chlldreu, who had route with Allune to
treicutne him.
"Wbo's dose beet, tall people w'at
culled to her; then, shading his eyes
elaborately, ha cried in a great voice:
"Waai, wear--S11eve days - MI'sla
Jean an' Mam'aelle Mance! lea gar'
bey get so beeg wile I'm gone I doll'
kaow dem no mune:"
The youthful ';ales wriggled at this
deflciu' flattery and dug their tiny
eta voice had died away another took
It up sadly, and within three breaths
from up and down the halt tulle of
scanty water front ram" the cry of
'Steam 1s, e -a t'" Cabin doors opened
and sues: Lyme• out glanced up the
stream and eehoesl the call, while from
sleepy nooks and sun warmed route
wolf dogs arose•, yawning and street
The salter stepped to the door and.
wain" Murrell on the deck of the
steamer, 'went elven towed hfuu.. 11
w,la it filth;. chains.. hilt 11:e states Were
LIs ami worth the rt.!. Ile btld
thought mut h dada:: the night pre-
vents in fact, for uotuy Ileum 111141
llrhe morning had found him .1111 under
, fled, wherefore he bear this course.
"Neela tells Inc that you nine to keep
law and order here," he •Ran abtugg,-
y, having drawn the young man aside .1
"Those ere nig lnatru.Ilenc," .aid
(turret], "but they are so ]ague"
"ell„ this ennnp le bigemr than It
wasWau flour ago, 1111 It nlu't
proved any In the growth. ''mutter
ge00 the new citizen." lie pointed to
the stranger, who had retllitned to the
steamer fir his 111-..0 a and was 41e-
ar'nding the gcilglelauk beneath Cla n1.
a value In each h:uul. ''il s st thief
aild Il 'miniver. tint we don't want
Win leen,. Now, lt"s tqe W ye,14" _
"1 deft uudervlaud," Said the Itis
1„n11,t, whermnpen (he trader told Slid
1 ooret'c tale, "Yell and your mea were
`tmritorweta teen things pears—ale..”
he' concluded, "noel 1 rolkob whim a
matt Is Inc tough for Ibc ('amuck poit.,
he is tough e)uugll for you to tackle.
"'-here shit a loxia 11011 key In the
ramp, and, we, ain't had a killtn, er n
ierfr3111 in ten gars:- -e4t.1.1-1
Gale's squaw carne In.
different from na people. Heat -he'll" -
Ode paused, ata loss for words toeon*
'4e) his meaning, "Well, he ain't the
kind that would marry n belt breed."
Evidently AJlnna read some hidden
m" unng back of these words, for Mob
gsoke meekly, but In her own tongue
now, se she was acrustomed to do
when excited or alarmed.
"Then tbls thing moat cense at once.
The flak Is too great Better that you
kill him before i1 Is too lute."
Gale rose tend laid his Mm hand firmly
on her shoulder.
"ltnn't talk like that. There hunt been
t'TMi much Wood let alrcndy There's
!line rnnnrt, 1-, wort,' "
Ids sae; but, instead of going 10 els
t'sr"4 he strode nut of the bowie and
slew northward up the' trail. Attune
at huddled op In the doorway, her
shawl drawn close about her head, end
wetted for him until the late inn dip
Pet down beMw the dlatant m0uetnlna
for the midnight hour, then rolled
'A'nting oat !mato n few faint! farther
berth, to begin tri long journey anew-,
tat he AIA not return. At last she erept
sillily Indoors. the look of relight star•
Inst in her eyes.
Ab,,e p o'clock the next morning a
hint and long drawn cry eame from
111e farthest limits of the, tittle camp.
Ah Instant later It was echoed closer,
Clad Mesa deg began to howl Before
as hie thumb flipped the hammer. It
was the old "rood agent spin," wheal
Citelaw a boy had-practit ed heave *tee
time. But that thus man was in earnest
he'ahowed by glancing upward sharply=
when the trader laughed.
"This one bangs all right," he said:
"give inc a box of cartridges."
Ile emptied bis gold sack in payment
for the gun and ammunition, then re-
_nearlLeleans me. If
had the price I'd take them both"
Gale wondered .what need induced
this -fellow to spend his last few dol
tars on a firearm, Then he Inquired:
"Bound for the outside?"
"No. I'm locating bete."
The trader darted a quick. glance at
hire. Ile did not like this roan.
moccaslned tubs Into the smut "There eln't mocb doing in thisramp.
Ltcvtenant [carrell had carne WW1pretty pooe place," he sald guard
the others, for tie arrival of a steam-
boat called for the presence of ,every -
eery -
soul In cuutp,_And. spying Necla In he
outskirts of the crowd, be took i
ptaee beside her. Ile bad. lain awake
for bourn thinking of her and had
istlen asleep with her still in his mind,
for tbe revelattvu of her blood had
tome as a shock to him.
He had sprung from a race of.stave-
holders. from a land where birth and
breed are more than any other thing,
where a drop of Impure blood effects
an Ineradicable stain. Therefore the
thought of this girl's ignoble parentage
ams so re(luguaut to him that the
MOPS be pondered It the more pltlfuL
Igkeknett the more mosatrous. Lying.
awake and thinking .ofberle the still -
n ee of his quarters, It had seemed a
WW1 unfortunate and a very terrible
thing- Daring him morning duties the
states of her had been fresh before
him again, and tela constant cuntempla-
t3o0 of the matter, had wrought a
change 1n his attitude toward the girl,
sf-welebetid wt[a
setons and which he was glad to see
e did not perceive.
The men were pouring off the boat
and through the crowd came the
Frenchman, bearing to the hollow
of - • • arm a child who Meatiest a bun-
dle ' • eta breast. lits eyes grew bright-
er at lit of Necla, and he broke intr.
a hood of patois- Tttcy fairly bombard-
ed eaeb other with quick questions and
fragmentary sneerer"• UTI-takt feat sue
tiered her companion, -
"Oaf, I forgot my wauuers! Lkuten-
ant Burrell, this Ls Napoleon I)oret-
oar legeo e' she , added, witb proud
smpllaala. -
Lku'ct checked his 'vuliability and
]stared at the soldier, whow he appear-
ed to see for the first time. The little
brown people in Itis arms stared Jike-
wire, and 1t seemed to L'urrell that a
certain dletrust was in. each of the
three pairs of eyes, only in those of
the man there was ne shyness. Di-
sbud. the (.•
Canadian I• a lucked
ell over
gravely from head to heel., seeming t4 -
note each pulut of the unfamiliar at-
tire; thou he inquired without remov-
ing his glance:
Werc'bouts you live, ehr
live at the poet -yonder," ee t -the.
"W'at biznc'ts you work at?" -- -
"The lieutenant has beeu stath,ued
bore, foolish." aald Necla. "Wine up
to the atore quirk and tell Inc What
iia like at Clawson."
In spite of the man's unfrlendllm\es,
Barrell watched him with admiration.
There were au heels to his tufted fit
boots, and yet he stool a good six
fret two, as straight as a pine sap-
ling, and It needed no second glance to
tell of what foetal he was made, _111.,
spirit showed In his whole boy, in
the wet of his bead and, above ell, In
sus dark, warm face, which glowed
with earcrtese when he talked, and
that:wae+ ower -when be wart not sing-
"I3•aeeer see SO many people since 1
Ie? Quidwe," he was say 11+14. "Sbe'M
ease Lek beeg city -mus' Is• ]'ret•. four
Yotietn'-people. Every day seal.' more
dey tome, ■a' all night el.v dnn•'r nn'
stngran' drink w'Mkee. Ba gosh, dat's
'Are there lots of white wumenr
meted the girl. S
"Yea; two, t'ree hdndrel. Noe' of
dem le 'worleett firmer halls herr s
cn,e 1111e. gal T'eet, name' Marie flour-
ollaRetire T nit yosh'bnnt her by Ale by...
"Oh, Mem..eyou're In lire!" crier
"No, 'hen'" he dented. "herr'" none
of dem mei lookllmlt su party Ink vdn."
He wookI. tavee kl more: Kut. Roving
tbe trader rot the•entrnnee of the store,
he went tri hhn, etrnlahtway launching
Into the-detafla.ot their rmnmtrclal en-
terpriae, wbtehedeeppily. had been moat
successful. r
Among the merchandise of the post
there were for Pale a scanty sasort-
rnent of (emrnte, eheap ehergnne and
e 'm"is"ter or 'two, ditpla'el In a
reek behind the c0nnter In n manner
to menet tbe•eyr At such native hint-
ers an might -meed them, and with the
rest hung a pnir of Colt's revolvers.
One of the'new arrivals, who hnd sep-
arated from the others at the front,
now called .tn flak:
"Are lhoeit CoiMtfor nate? Min. was
"111 put to with yea. Bom]tnll eakII
agreed the other. "It's got too atany
keep It that way."
"Well, you see, I know• flotilla,: Of
that ah'otIng aRray, so I deinte If my
:urthorlty would permit me 'to .fuser
terse' _ilia 'wittier nue-ed half to bleb_
"1 a!leaved you were• 10 use your own
judgment," Said ten: elder wan.
1„1,.1 1 the Frew hwiul'x memory, a
face Caromed with fury aud'eonvulcerl
like that of a xprluter et the finish of
e race•. ,The two lieu stareel, at each
ether over aha• (!Ili n li,ure fur a brief
:content Uutll the soldier gained mas-
ter) -or blsnce•1r and sheathed hie wrap-
%% Pelton smiled. ,/�,
"/-••Iwdl' 11 quart of ;:yea �\ ewkm- on
doe- 11:11'24 wort' live dolhet.”
The lieutenant wiped the liquor from
Ids face.
%Quick work, Dome" he s, 41 "I
nee 2,41u nue."
I;ale x "nee was hidden as he bent
ver the prostrate man, lingering a
Lillg alai ragged mut, which lahl the
fellow's Seale open n frons back of the
oar to the temple, but he mumbled
r• 111111e,uniute•Ilt,lble.
'I t he hurt L:edI\?" `
"No: you rh11 I'd JA1n loo low," said
the trader. "I 101d you be was bad."
'I !le V ref:. ,v) the lean, then bound
I, ir\ hastily, and as thestcaul
er e,r1lyoff they. led dict to the bank
1 I -.••d his 'gr ipsnrk• to a roust-
, or 1 t'-inid no word es he walked
I, - . to I 1 LI illi ph1nY. but turned
,1 malignantly at them from
e, , e. '''hen 'am the craft swung
utw.,re1 ;Ileo the stream he grinned
throw -Ill the 0'104 le of blood that *tole
,, nwh front -beneath tits wide slat and
erie d .
"J'41 like Iv introduce myself,
II11 a nlllili.: track to w'hite'r %fol ye
.•aMena ll! )Iy uitrne Is k4unioi
-Vert utN-U-I-4w ateauter 'was hithiew_be-
teed the 1.-tnl bel.w they saw Idol_
•',tiding there raring heck at then)
"amu 1 a•I'\ 1 t'tply•..• '[lore „is war
A.111. c, .hu. Gaffe, if you'll lack sue Uj
111 send hen oil down G, St Michael's.
l'bat-le_tlre must can
The licuteuaut outlined him plan, and
as he went uu the trader nodded -ap-
proval. - - s
The young wan gazed back at him
so squarely, him ryes were No,pleaeant
,Lore ile rave hi, iland frankly to Dia
1'rr]iYI, t'anadian and said, while 1,',
! • •I.x r, .. .1
• I \, 1 o Ihap11 yen floe aniIng Inc
fr. .n, , e 1411 nlekwerduess"
I tor!1 enol'•• et 11 Inure embarrass
•,1 fh. rte•at -:,n t at this show of
,1,•1 grl:need churlishly. Rut
:11.1 friendly, his whole pr•rsod, breath- ,v flab •••!n:: men Iuwl' gene he
ed xuell straight up honesty noel Bean -
tress that shame arose tel the red man,
:eel be had hard shift to ]seep ills
dlanct' from wavering: Wit ho t fort=
Ihe!ught he answered Initellsively:.
"He's desperate cud flea' dangerous.
I sold him a 45 Just now." Ile was
:rbeut to tell hien where the pint, wore
l and to add a word concerning his
dexterity with the gun when the very
fe arless dellberatluu of the youth de-
terred him. On.steeed tbougbt Gale
yielded to 011 Impulse to wait ems see
how M4.mle Burrell would act under
tire. If the soldier emerged acatbless
It would give him n linoon his charac-
ter. K he did not,well, that would
be even better.
The -crowd was emu -Fag -back -to the
steamer, which had discharged her
few buhdles of freight, and there was
no one inside the In,: twat as they en-,
herei except floret and the stranger,
a lin had defesitell IIIc baggage at the
rear and was talking with' the French-
man at the Sar. At Itikbt et the-Hea-
_ _tcnaut he taine ellent_and turned
caretessty. although wltb'a diatrnsttul
state: irarrelvwigted no three
"Nu lean' Muret -our ['oleon I"
po .
B(dlers to be worth a d --n." fie snarl
ed this bitterly, with a peculiar leering
rift of hie Ilp, an If bis words tasted
"Most of the boys are going up rlv-
"'wets, those hills look twit they had
Jgold In them," said the stranger, polnt `
lug vaguely. "I'm going to prospect-
(tale knew Inatlncaively that the fel-
low was lying, for bin hand. were not
those of a miner, but there was noth-
ing to be said. ills Judgment was vert•
lard, bowever, hen Poleon drew bpm
aside later and tic
"Lie's bad man.'
"flow do you knowT'
'•She's leave Dawson d -n queeck.
Dose mounted police Crew am on tie .
boat Jus' before we ler." Tben'•be told
a story that he had heard. The man, It
seemed, had left Skagway between two
sons, upon the disruption of Soapy
Sniffles band of desperndora. and hnd
made for the interior, but had been in-
tercepted at the pass by two members
of the citizens' committee who came
upon him suddenly. Pretending to
yleld, be had executed some unexpect-
ed coup as he delivered Ills gun, for
both men fell, shot through the lonely.
No one knew just what It was he did
nor cnred to queotion him overmuch.
The next heard of hill was at Lake
Bennett. over the Ilno, where the
mnnnteel police recognized him and
sent hint on. They marked hint well,
however, and premed Itm on trent (seat
to post as they hn t- driven others
whose records were knot, bit Ile hail
lost !emelt hi the con fon at Row
son fur n few• weeks until, the scarlet
rooted riders sesrchelhltit�out. dia-
armee him hl, and forret, /trftenty
"heel this atcamer,
Gail Man reale eared fide fuer tile.
for he hnd orient him life ameniasuch
then, het as he web, bed the tMidw a
scheme outlined Neel! In pile bald.
Eeidently the man dareei not go far•
then down the river, for there was
nothing save Indian camps end a mia-
feon er two thbe aide of St. Miehnel's,
mid at flint paint, there were a court
and mato soldiers, where one was Ile -
tee to meet the penalty of Plast mts-
dreth; hence he wee twebahIy resolved
to stop here. and, Judging by hie rae-
eel, he Rns s man of unsettled con- I
rlctfons. i
"Are you going to Io -nte herer he
"i notice you go skeleton rigged,"
the aotdier continued, indicating the
man's baggage. 'Pretty- small outfit
for a miner, Isn't it?"
elle ple,oly t.•. ",C•'
"Have yon enratgh money to bey
your sensnn's garb?"
"1 gUesa that's my hnsln.sa."
"My orders are to nee that all rata.
comers either have an outfit or set!
able to t,uy nine," sued Berri -IL -These
that are not equipped properly err to
for sent aleitlr river to St- Aiieh;lel'e,
wb4.rn there 14 plenty of everything
and where 11,e; will. ire taken rare of
eutfl••lent pros -14,M to winter the men
already In this district."
"I can take care of reyself,"':ild the
elan angrily; "whetherNI'm broke or
nut, and i, doter want an)%411' 3.114. 1
terfe•rence" 11.- shot a q k gime ••
at Pulr'oti ' for. -1, but the P'reuchalan
fames:is like w4.41, and his hand still
held the neck of the whllky ts,Itip h.
had set out for the stringer.
"''one'," said the 111icer newer i
ly, "I have heard 011 Mime. Sun. ' .1
a u ere roe Oa. kind f ceiru \
want here. Iert
If you have anon is
money f, r al! "•,lift• 1 can't send con
away 1f yon hrren't"--
"l'm teenier' i -aid . the man, but at
the note in his voice i'nlren i)nret's
tles, les 11410r1rd, `end ituriel1 tt 11n
8150 filial a allster tues!►agm In The
limn, siid his heats servlee. r t ele..r
(remits holster beneath his 4,0:11.
wNvr tar- voter-Rtrn "- Sohl
unload 1t -noel Sate It lack to )o11 at
the g.ln:;Ill;nil.." -
"All right: y ti re got the 'timer
hand,' said the tient throneb lips tls.lt
had gone obis, Drawing his fc.•apott
from beneath his vest, he presentee) it
to Abe officer, butt foremost, hemmer
na:lerneatii The cylinder reposed nal
orally )n the 1,11r 1 of him hand, and ILe•
t -__ __t11'•-.-_ fnrr$La,-r • `,t,, find t-
thrnllgh the 1ri::.:er gnnrd,
Burrell 1.•0 r, 1 Ilse barrel • f 1,i•
-.Iver and lm1 •out h1• left Irru1 f•
he nlhrr'•+ a"tport Sti,tiI .'r
1011)'? 14 7-1 1 1,•ri,,4, Ib„ •,.lo!t-
bite Iib -t* a of e:nil"ht IItt the • ..
It w hlrtrrl. saw the atm ot 1'••:, ,n 11"-
01 Hing itself Weems Ole bar with the
speed of a striking serpent, heard
smash of bre:rkel_ glass, felt the ale. k
1 a conee:Mlyn and the spatter of
some 1(4041 In til' face. Then he saw
the man's revolver on the Nat half-
way across the room, new fragments
of ghee with it and maw the fellow
step bnekwnrd, snatching rot the fin-
gers of hM rlght..hnnd. A amide eif
iM•wder Lunt ke ami rank whisky *it 1h
thr air.
There are tinea when a man's hand
ttIll net more swiftly than hie tongue.
Nnpnlron floret had Peen the mintier
of the stmtigops surrender of hes gun
end, renlls(nr what It menet had met-
ed. At the very Instant of the frllow'a
treachery Duret struck with hie bottle
'mit hi trine to knock the weapon frons
hili -hand, but not In time to prevent Its
ellecharge, The linnet was lodged to
the wall a foot from Where Gale stood.
Aiming a sweeping downward blow'
with hes colt, Burrell clipped the Mkng-
bay man just above the ear, sad M
rooted. Then an he tell the °Meer
,truck wickedly again at Ms nope.
none* skull, but lam melted him by
the arm.
"Ba gar, don't kill 'Im twirel"
Burrell wrenched him arm free and
larged WS Beret a face that resealed
rain ••d . r • \et: , ua0-w:nchrd ,fie•"
;'.•r t!y .. e1 •,'",;.1.
' lie's . , .,.cum feller, ole 0 111
• • tT Ville 1 'i ere gra
.1„ no reply.
1s• enol hnwd.
'Il y venue get -1 irh•qulrk plan . if
yams ice anxious t0 get rid of y
. Wbua fIeree,pndying Tuve men and
w11men have for each other-mt.-the
el age.
The marble cutter.' apprentice has
many hard lessons to le,u•n.
Flwee• hi teething new under the atln,
not even i11 love or polities, -
- -'pith limy_ move m,„tnbaieta,-atat-
sit's n waste of time to try it, on
Tit'nanty, .It't.v '20, I1s1)
We C;trrv, a Full Linc of
llarvest=Time Requirements
Peerless Machine Oil,
Leather Mitts,
Deering Pure Manilla Binder Twin*,
11,-,.l feet, at l,lte - -
Gold Medal Pure Manilla Binder Twine,
1 ,) feet, at 11r,
Plymouth Binder Twine,
100 10,1, ;41 IIM••
11'c :tp "Ceuta yVur triode, and
you will lied We treat you fairly
4.=t'll+461424't41, t't'l' hl"1Le's
are usually found to be tie low -
est �o1111r.
Kindly hear .in mind that all
hardware - •tones in hotlerich -
close at 1, o'clock 11'ednestlay
atlerll�lelllt tar the • month tit
The Howell Hardware Co.
For the Summer Toilet
We have in stock all the leaduig Toilet Preparations.
mencan and French Perfumes.
Sachet I'owders.
High grade Soaps.
Face Powders and Creams.
Any special make not en stock we can procure for you.
Bdford Block,
The Druggist.
OW. IIIMINIMI1111-®QaINII1111111111111 NOM
Store closes at 5.30
I p.m.,Saturdays 10 p.m.
July and August
The Department Stormer
Wed-lnelday nett Civic
Cameron & Moore Holida_ylthis store will
remain closed all day
This Week's Bargains
•� .' IIE great selling event of -last week was very good indeed, anti many of the
>•t '• special lines were sold out during the week. But this week and next we
:'I T4 'a intend to make it more interesting than last, and if; you are interested in
'Y4•.5t4': getting Digger and flatter values you will help to swell our list ot custom-
ers. Further, we would advise shopping in the morning, especially for Fri-
day and Saturday. That is the coolest part of the day to do shopping;
lt('nitl.••, it relieves us of the rush of the afternoon-
Iiere aro the magnets which :Lri' bound to draw people to this store without any
faltering—anti wily not ' •I'hl• following list will tell -the tale. -
White Waists
Out of S, dozen while l.twn :cod 1111111 Withal,
.:Sieh were 11111 OD sale hist week 11uly 1'.d• ze;n
—Ttr'e--#t---N..w-+pmt treatos seri r•'. g bee Weis" .
in 11111' w•,1, Secs incredible, doesn't it
but it's 'n L,rt, They disappie•arwl, and it
peeves that 1lie values were tempting. Ifni
what happens the remainder? Mere it i.: moi
regular $1.:141, $,41) and *IONIinrs cn2 9Q
put in to cls:u• :tt one price.... , ,,.. L C7
Our regular *3.511 and SIM wthtt•a $2.25
-fmrk*d 1Mwn-tmwsrlenl, p
titrree, • .DD
_ ItcgtthLI$.,;44ipndgfIMI,.,leo-ei"`\'1.69
al11111st hall price -•
I lege der WWI! aiwi $:2,'":. mow ":pact - $1.19
int, at.
- H,•gular $l.:dl to
$1,v:. values new 9uc
Regular 7:s' to *1,15) 11114.04 clearing 39c
White Gowns
To dear with the rest, in -A great
range of qualities rrd-toitt's. lire• n
a sarnple of this lot,
Our regular !roc to $LIMI line. are set 't„
clear at one prier, starting Saturday C9,.-
morning... . 77
Summer Parasols
ye., without (11111111 • 11••. �.• \',•
II 1
I t II It1'
l flea IIIr•'.I. ':LII 1•
t K
1.4,•r e n
h sun al
ul y plrn•h:4anK thein lair in the
amount we are tti,le to puss Lh,'hi on tut quo at ;less
than they 'rig' Ily coast wholesale. Ntt here is
your cb,trlre. Starling at s 11'0.1e4. K11111day
nc,ruing we put on our entire ...lock of these at
about, hill( of their original selling' ►Hakes,- anti
starting at K ,m'4, !ittwrelty morning for nut/
eiT.v wwy_will give to any ' purehnatuyone of these
n Net
t Ih, ,
a. l a .tzin4. free. 4o n , v
K I 1 ly rot nturdey.
—Y.w-WiAa+wvl-►4fi1+�1'ivim ll••ii.(..yr�
Clearing at tie Iy h Win from $1 ,(e�5
ISe to
Men's Zimmerknit
Summer Underwear
Regular .Ale, now 35C
lire,' it+ the lost big rush nett wf
Summer Millinery.
)'-, .11 v sI t•aw ..T,:af a•M i. 11, ant r Pri 1'lllg' stow re-
giiu iiet. of forlaer values at the t•idiut1-35c
ons prier of
1'111111 0, 2 for _1, only .a frecti,
here is where we spring another big senoatjon which should appeal 10 1.114. honsewile who is particular
about real valves, as well as rt,a•nsation to modern nn•rr•hnnrlising,, which shl,ubl prove o•orhi.1511). that
the hittgeet fNl116 4 aro• Lu Iw Me011rvv1 111 ,t Mtllre t hat carrite all deparLruenta 1lnder loll • runt. Need we s:ty
anything further % Just one word: Compare.
ei lawn feel' large Is' n+, per dozen .... , .__Die.
2, dozen Imperial (wart (fetus, per dozen '411•
In dozen Imperial pint ileum .per dozen..... 711:
5 Mersa ('ohuttirt Boap, b.etnttr Matnrdny, 7 full';
for \ -s.
'Mclnrt•n's Imperial Cheese, in .t ih sire, Malin'
day 22
1!) eases ilritish Columbia Mal , Ipinkh Kat-
urday momntng pee ran lee
Tn inline patty shopphtit F'r'iday, Mntnntnv an,/
►iondny We will sen betel -Pell S A. 111. and 12
neem mi each tiny 2'2 Ib.. best granulated
Mugar for ............... $1.111
To those who have preserving 10 110: don't Tot•
get that we sell by 1 bet Itt1 lim. or //erre' ie'st
granulated Sugar, while thin car lento, per
hundred .*1. 75
Mecond (,slit y Imperial or Heaver, in necks,
per hundred 111 1.50
Come to thin store and he convinced of the real values, -
:Ghoice Butter and Eggs always wanted i0 this department. Best market prices.
Deal with us, where voce every purchase is backed up by the strongest guarantee
money back,
ntf�ron & Moore
(ioderich Branch
If.11111111•1111.111 111111111111111111111 41111111111111 11111111111•11M 4111111111111110 ammo _A