HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-7-29, Page 44s Jt't.Y 1900
THE BAYFIELD .1 he bridle/ over the right temple
was a severe one, and -void./ nut. his
SENSATION. opinion, have bun
. seirttnt Bies".04111LS•
Both I/r. Wood and Dr. Gunn held
that it would he impossible fur auy
woman to strangle herself in the
manner indicated by tht • stocking
almond Mieesi. Burns' n • slid, he -
sides, there was tar evidence of
strangulation whatever. Thr blow
-the totaple War u4.4.eUfleient.
iteelf It'wow denth, but. taking into
cousideration the worrian's general
health. awl the elate of her heart.
--muihtiw„......nseaeigouttoki-ahettetidost Mae indi•
• Burns Wu In Feeble Keehn and ..ated wonl cause Eryneope, an
elieht eonstelegim of the WindeliP.
such as a knotted st.s.king atouu
the throat. might bring un strangula-
tion without any of the usual Waives.
The I1iuiofly of a•veral neighbor-
ing women Wm. given, but tIjd not
Ism Materially on the ease. Mrs.
t'emeriiii swore 4 That when
t Arne for het he said, "I.'
trickly. soy wife has -choked hriself.-
Tlic cow ham rattiest considei able
excitement in N11,1 around Hayfield.
:.•versal of the Meting of the tir.t
jut y. ithi,9. brought in a verdiet of
soiride. is favorably regarded. I/r.
.1 't% Shaw. of Clinton, acted ail
ai,u1 1/har1cot Seeger.. of IJ o4e-
ri..h. co ttttt y -Crown etowney. eon-
dit eted.t cage for the,Crown.
Case fitiirgiTtry Much of a MysteryMedical Evidence Ley' Stress Upon
the Wound on the Temple --No
Was DieiptiTtant
Hayfield. thit., July te.i. Atter delib
erating ha ovet One Maw, the eoron-
ter jury einistmeled to enouile into
th•• myetes elicunietauces
V' bog tlie death 1I( . Mrs. lame*
limns. at Lbe .village of lode)"
brought its a veriliet that deceased
ealite to lin death at the hands of
• eeroili perwinw mikiii.w it eel
Goat it woe twiniftotly not 'a caor
The moat 4 es•totlable flAiDlitritit
the ease.. of 1 le. poor eiaoun'a
fitiol +heti in the repost-of
1' ind Wood who pm termed the
autoloy over the inniain- it WAY
P11i/W11 that Mrs. Iturnr-e., Oen v rum
down. midl'eldretieg from tail) •legeri-
,ration the heart. The Mei-, over
T1it.tlr trintdr. ocx-rte._
andevidently mule r • heavy
1,14)111 airtrament, teit tract tit... 111.
••aI.utl. 1110. it W.IP held th it it brought
nft sviteilw. the rhock le -41(111g in
&loath. The knotting ot ti..-
around the 1111..4kt wry. held la
been all ultra thottglit, as 11 of the
to44./tio. t ItAL at t rot' death by at eerie-
. t,I.IiwIi were poseut, WWII 11, 101/41011
It1111qP. .11 t 411*.
Have Crossed- the Province sand --Are
blinking Things Lively at Ottawa.
It i-..4 Stroll. th•O I band iif Mexi-
nmrgipelee whit easepes owe night in
Are ive.1 et tlo. capital in t emirs.. or
their wittidesings. After tray i a g
nod...rich they: followed lb.. ik.• shore
'owl north for sone. dist ow.. I then
striecl. marmot - to the Georg' i thy
st.tt, 1.s THE 4,43)4411. ilostriet, the °Wen Sound and Guilin
W lei' to ttttt I, the 1). ..l waeboei 114111 44 papers repo' hog 4 heir predet or) wog-
• •
on the towed t he chitties. which were rem. through that Imo 01 the 1'1 al t IT.
not .1i0•11 ranged. end titer • witeuti e. i- Et ..i ywhere they .1.•nt they .w* t.
..detice of any strhan 1 N' ILOIX......Jiave 'mini Loll liN! lonfainm, V
Marks nit the right' arm. and 1.11 the i iu,„ing. mid otio.i. Kii.y prat
right leg. which limb d.ictirre dei•lered niom 011144 they led to Peterbies•
-wert.--...estost of linger wiwre there was w • talk id iletiort•
nails. • mg them, hut hale Walt not erarrhel mit.
It wes Nought out in evidenio• that owing, it was said. to tit,. fact That
Alts. limns had monetary expectation., they lied already been' bet long . in
mailer the wilt of her ttttt t her's bro. t'ariada. •Ati seminal of their skit "to
ther, in the Old Couidry. Home few Peterisire'. with illustratiens, was
years ego deceased reeeived quite n tiuldished m The Toninto Globe. and
large homey from rebut...ea ill Kag• the illustrations showed that the' hand
land. hut this vow dissipated by un- , was the ,.'me as that %-i-WIII-Pees4NI
fortiotate speculittiima, the feindy at 1..) ?)t1 tioderieh. . .
prreent twitag ut redueek mire Ear from toeing met 'awed by the
• suitu.., it Was 1.11,1W11 1 hat t he hits- finintatiol-head or l'A illidieW antfirrrity,
hand of the "lend w.,111111.11 did not knew or perhaps not knowing anything
the tedium iirf the Maimed. ttttt • wis It allOsit if. our iir ip .1 y friend% made their
aatahlislie.1 jest how str, Barns me sooty to Ottawa, and a &swatch from
timely death will affect 11*. payment the capital city. &Bed' haat Thin -wiry.
lite :.1.I -0h tomtit two nin1.
juatlupwell that farmers should make SEASHORE FASHIONS.
pan'c. r tor sacrifice of stock. it is
the but possible use of the feed crops.
Tile Sun quote* with approval the
suggestion that the second crop of
clover be 'eyed (or hay and that rape
be sowu on the stubble land its soon as
the fall wheat and barley are all off,
for the purpose/ of providing fall
put sire.
- - -
Water aed Light Commissioners Don't
Mks Criticism of the Town Conseil.
jare-ater-guing to- du iduat
this paper business t'" war the remark A Hat THmming Contest.
of Oissiertiaseallineary of the water suul
light commission et the Monday night lay Dear Kim - Wheo I returned
nwetiog, the matter alluded to boil from Atlantic City 1 found your very
the items in the local press last wee Joy kilter awaittng me No. 1 hays
with reference to the iimottisfetory.
never been 15 entbutinistle as yon are
talon *II the tire protection system
of the town and reporting the Mayor* over tbe attractions of the Jersey city
Is thereon at a recent courted 1 by the sea The board walk Ls Just •
Smart Styles Observed at Atlan-
tic City Hotels.
Tioa Fascination of Steed ralig Autism
liales--Sems Linen Frocks* Thought
Cheap iat the Hundred Ostia. Mark
"I think they ought to hr toliehed
up bit,- war the opinion ventured
by Conimierioner Magary.
A Signet eau was on hand to tie
"nitwit...1 up" there war anything
of the sort to be Jour. but 'tidbit%
serious happened. The Mayor who
With wit present. being away 1m, a
visit of invent igatiOn 10 Kennett
r.teato in conneet• with the Good
itomir Machinery (opropsition) And
mit West elivel contemporary were
evidently censidered to lw the wood
offenders in the muter in question.
,Aseessor t `ampbell. who always. main-
taine a fatherly protection for the
routinierbei. leads lust whenever
charges me made I,y anyone it it the
bit of Broadway wltb nu ocean expo-
sure. sans policemen that ta. visible
ones --and wneeled chair* to run one
down Instead of Oothion automobile*.
But I do enjoy stopping at the Guff.
Gurdon. even If It 4. the 'Det hideous
piece of arcbitecture of Rs kind. And
I really don't are why an American
hetet Is called, upon telt wardil to re'
tremble ao overgrown eastern mosque
trimmed up with bonbon effects In
pistachio green. do you? Inside the
Donn is many charming. The tinting
room and ballroom are Magnificent,
and the shops it, the arcade under the
building are fas. Mating with their TA
ried essortinent wlires. They remind
• II 4111111111.9 111111.1111. CO OM 1111111111111111 gib fe
fit's Economy to Trade at This Store
duty of the pies. to itiveNtigate *1*.' one pleartantly ot shopping excursion*
In buying we have trieci in every way to make it profitable for our
patrons. Every article that is offered here k the best to be had any-
where for the price we ask. READ EVERY OFFER CAREFULLY.
Anew pureltaas of 38.1ne1i-wide Iliad.. Golding flak. Queen quality, every yard "tempest as
Silks. &guarantee of goodness'. $1.00 to $1.51). This is a rare silk et UM' pricer. Ark to see it,
of-Drees-tiods. at emerald -prices and rareivalues. Just what is
need fel for this season of the ionic.
• WI patient be.svy. :10-trieli.witie Flannelettes, direct from the mill. light and
Flannelettes. dark stripe pattern.... good value for 12P. aVe got 1 hem *4 a priee which allows
us to sell them at The tre. ilk: Flannelettes you 111.1,' seen in many yew..
i g ziIU'4 I.;.
-ysoilt,:mttirit,w:7;,-al ft; n ;well pure,S,:ilit....11 and English 154: Gingham' at 1.21c.
I4.eor3tor ,*j
di " vests 41'1. Itegiii.sr price 3$l to 75c I
ling soli... great Yalu 5e, tie. Se. /01., 12i,!•1101111 1.1e. tlet tir he 2.1..elad.ra3t riiirtir441jcw.ie.s.31.or I
Corset Waists.
A few left : elide-M.14rd lansile: ob. It or long sleeves. Every one reduced
Lawn Waists. in pin,.
ti id the ettargee ffitet ftruhrntiar incieseet pterssi on the coot'
of the person or body charged before tient 1 wouldn't ha... Dick know it
presuming to publish them. for anything. hut the drat night we
However, the commissioners and speed at the hotel I lost my way In the
the eligitwer, and even Mr. Camplw11,
corridor. avid wee only luek that got
agree that there ate mune things in
ow back O. the elevator and the eiwort
eminection with the fire department
*het are not just right. but they eon- of the very polite manipulator of the
rider they are not as bad es they loek lift that enabled we tinnily to reach
when the matter gets in print. thus my runt Talk about cats In strange
Lb, emoodaejon ii. doing_ itA nart garrets! iVbe.„ I 'fiat like a mouse in
pretty well, that it is the other fellow
Gott i. chiefly to blame. and that The horse show was vu during our
wisp'. who lice in .,glosar houses. etc.. , ataT And tbe. 1.1„,,".a. meted with
nii. hydrant at tbe -Ileitis+ Ex- smart Tinitnrn- And the Irn" worn
ell rage cornet: .that WAS old, Of by the wiituen: Well. Fit tell you
mi. ion cm the day of tht 'that of the about them later The allow this year
Fire Underwriter,' inspector has been was held freed.. the a t A s 10,000 pier
men. . in feet. WAS mended almost built. I believe. by n I'iondeiphla man
before he inspector was out of town. of the oaroe of Young who seems LA
It wrap t oitt of commission by the brivi• a fad for tenting up etruetures
town co ell's etnployees for watering running half.. ay ..ut int, the Atlantic.
the *nose for the First of July reit.
And un this one be has bad bullt at
bration, en not by the commission.
and "heron ow commission is send- the extreme end n house. 111 Iwhich be
hie the repairs. illi1,85, and hls family it r111-IfAlltir t 0 live the
ing on tile iii
put year round Ira n rattier large cream
to the rosined. The hydrant `was
out 41( huainesa t year in the KAMP colonel riot.* affnir. alerts' recede tale-
- indicates that they have not yet been way in entwined with the Twelfth Wes with the Menses of "ten thousand
of the money. . _
iii his iwaimimir. the hustruld .4 the sulsitted to Live level of the dull. of July eriehratio and was repaite.1 sainte." doing penance, some one said.
citizen- . AL at the time, surd t fact that it was for the tinnier. who walk the board
dead- witriatt dwelt 01, she fart a WO most -Own lew-abiding
' 'lie Wile had freIttlently ronteniplated tin tawa they emote in collie/a with a mit of order at tit time probably walk But the boxes of petuntaa and
- suicide. and for over one year lout leen hand of Itulgarion Opines, and it WAS
old fashioned flee ere that smite at.oia•
gave rise to the inn rect statement
not long before a feud sprang Up be. published in The StAr et it had been
quite despondent. On tttt re thanfrom th• west,. ledgse are charming.
occasion she had reque.ted hiin to get twee*' the t two parties. with 41*.' ac- out of order tor over a Per -so pay
glith- e.uuttalli tttt eits of t rumble for the t*lice the commies' re. At the big Su hirday night I/tiff-Gordon
her a rieeping powder. and he
.,red front this Oust she w 'flied re '- aml !moths for the lawyer.. ' The Engineer Kelly is &litho v for the hall the costumes were gun:peek and
ltiiii/WIttt-wirtehist-end-bse440.--Blia...1.luauthilcmiateh neve,: areboosop ihm In& kwikb r hewer- the whole affair to • looker-on took on
bad.' lie Said 110110,1one at times'. and Eli Stoke tool Ilia 'brother John i.f 01,11 of die hydrants About wit (4).' 14* charaeter ;if a ea/4mM dance 50
believed that peope
le wre.r.rsectiting the Iblig trno letnil are charged with inspector and himself found • nit.' otewiod- wore the tx..wtis Anil hats worn
er. . • kiiineimillg 'Katrina Alexi., It twelve- At the British corner the only 1 f' "'it Yee. I did say hats. for. stet nee as it may
meg40.--mt-atatifuLa. HEALTH; _ year-old member of the Mexican band, in repair. Thr inspection, hots vet, perm. tt.e moat !mind, of bail frocks
I Willi ettilti IA 1 1111bi eight' her did not include all the bydrents. W PIA. topped by ,ehapeaux of eharmInc•
a le r her h
or reline months Mrs. Burns hat.
Hiseirin gipuies for XL1111. Eli Stoke Another matter that is worrying
in oich A feeble .tate that rhe ly picturesque typos No gloves *ov-
int.- eith.....h -Int iv itlirf dIADMI with h'ivi'AIL ""ien the commission somewhat hi the leak -
gold bracelet,. Ana rings (nail Katrina.. age of mineral water into the •wdi- Pr' d 0111'01'8 ti-nalt-birriler blind -
r four ditys prior t.0 the lt•ag-
Mrs., Eli Stoke end Mos. Alexis are
hid .lonv so. .Sise w*. 'it
n1-4. tinder Arrest in eomov•tien with Nn'seyn.t.iAiti.„. basin. and •Engineer Kelly aorne rings nod brseeleot were very
re he thinks 11 'ut it the flinch iu evidence. nrel I noticed that
orty-nine ye.irs of Age, hitt
4 town *1*..perk t r.l ih,. the cue; Six of the Mexican gip.ies. balder a proposition it seem. to find a the "pinkie" Meer enrrled a dIminn-
are faring a charge il having visited
that she looked fully
the Ottawa. camp and robbed the nilit.ernioenerto remeneotedawy the.syedefthaecti lemeaciimit 41*.'tretthroprodonixictitotiTobe.ef thetwriongdreseoarngpsoft
14, "d 14 4.21" sand' is not the proper rnaterTeld to turesthe hat worn with tbe dancing
at the point of a revolver. Another noike water -tight concrete out of. .
id the Meehan band is charged with anyway : it shotild Ise pit sand,
troek and the et...ewe of gloves with
st.st,bitig We. Stoke on the last name,' Soule lather Imainews. of the routine the same coriterne, may be taken as en
iwension. l'ittally. eleven .4 thr Mei- order. was dealt with hy the cone Indication of what one Will are at
icatt gipsica hare been serrated for not mission. stnart isjoi:Iteali and (amino dances during
lb* SUU1U1sr. So when you
1111•1111011111111 111111111111111111111111 MINIS
Ibsen, wfth wotte cults and tek
and therekirt is so nice and full that
tem can tear across the court without
doing a somersault., as I actually ac-
Cuinpllsbed 111 a uarrow skirt laat gum -
Mee. And on a but day soda a coin
tune is just as cool on the golf lintol.
You know, at our place on the sound
we do a lot of canoeing, so 1 thought
the boating gown would he a am
mewled fur my home geometries to mar
• / •• . Ada, an only child.
ality. She ir thirty
or hr -past four re
ther affirmed, had
•pt when /toasted.
loot the use of
..he leaving the cite when ordered to do
#1.04.1ey it the aleyor, in each
ease lAw pas. have been retained by
, • mid4; gipsies. who evens plentifully 11147.
r mint. it plied with money. and 1 he easea will
up for heating tomorrow and
O. • •••• I lwr
i c lied ex
-•••• - -used to he.
Was . a healthy
eupied n neon swore,
. her • neglier'r apart mei
father preW4P11 II i IP'l
• AV/Mkt IAD iitur -ad. tor
ri-e 'Irmo ed her l*13.144. 1.
mallet risme This was . it Il'
vernal in a slight deo.... 1.y ft et i -
&lire id a mightier, '4,.. I tin. ay.
who testified to having seen teli;t1
believed to le• the fere if the 'laugh-
ter at the witiolow .14 the I ,e.11.0,1,1
wane two Weeks lw•for.• he
. The corosier„ Dr. Shaw. intimated
that be hal aeen wider evidence that
the aid email was hey 1111111A PT
Tilt: II t'SHA STI V.
1.11.1 i.*.Ruin-'., the vielines husliand,
s -tory in a straighi(mivard
ninon . 4),. 1,41 the lo *111' 4110111
2 .,.-l... ..statte- day of the tragedy. al •
which it e his wife wits in bed in
risen mei daughter in *wither.
rwe'enited for his •emetits up
14. ret mu, 10 4.4*. home. _ahout
5 4).0.'44 81e first went te Itit
datighlet's rimin Atoll baled her in
...----thc_auttue posit' ai :the occupied
when he Riad g•tie put :at 2 p. o0.
lt.. awn 41.41,11101) tli tiu• bedroom of
• his Wife. 11. f. moil her M.fired
141 teseniglitgow IA lying on Ili.. top of
the iss14.1..thes, ifer right arni 441111
leg Whomit rt net ebod. the left tv•ie
slightly drawil itit and the len arm
was folded nesse.", the hicsoll. A
stocking was tightly kingled about
wirielt he loosened with
Iti.• • index finger of his right bend,
which lie 1441_ 1111.401.11 between
,titoerotaaatila ,..t4roat re 41 ,
sleeking. lier mouth end right eye
Wen, own and the left eye partially
"l'he w ttttt was lying on
her leek.
thous, nitiT making the iliseUVerY.
lInt 411.41. I W., of the isi•ighhers and
then hoGital after I h... It was
not mit ilstois tie urn, Je. declared. that
eleierviel the benise over lite
vvonian's rigbt teisiph• l'reseed .for
an opinion AA t11 111,1%" his wit.. emote by
thc Ionise he said 111.0 at time,. when
him wife Was distracted with pittn or
in A trintrer .he wintid beat herself
(1%•1•1. 111.311 %V it h her hands or un)'
tliitot she Itippened to /Hive in lict•
hand at. the tittle.
New K*)'u)11 411 44444 Mani.
IP MO not proticeil any stick ot
Weapon 4,, the room With Which the
______rtuaue might bam heau..italhalad, &M-
inn, It he a rinell family, !tilde. Ile
.pI**Ithl 1114* later by mating that
thin. or four days After •the tragedy
he free •frnind his eleughter
• 11...•4 lIa'a I and it,
'4%d erideritly teem reiteo-eil from the
em.all clirot where it had loam kept
for oser six tit hs. It AAA poinied
mit that stibesuptent to Mts. Iltirme
deeth the neighbors hail eome in and
th.irelighly overhauled and fleetest
the house. •
Mune three year,' ago the daughter,
Ada, developed a violent 10101 of in-
fulty and waa rri5,,V011 to the London
Insinie Asylum. She had been at
bonne, however:, heti** ilk,/ two
years, and apposes to he week, hot
dwile. •
lar. Wood. Who wee milled In after
the discovery of the' body, testified
(hAt there was tni evillettee of death
by strangulation. The body was not
• contorted, And Iberia was nn sign or
The County Levy.
The a ttttt unt 14) the county levy ott
the minor icipAllties for the year
44553 is shown in the table twlow.
eat of ligurev gives the 111, l•
114 II jig III ruoigneAl to eaela 41).4144y
.311 the eitti*liseil asiwissineol raise
the ttttt tint estimated •A reipared for
geeral 'impost 4. tool the ow 1
col givee the figures of'the
aesessitients on the several bovnehips
for s to the • e gi i..'
ol Witieh apportioned on
the bask equipinent nentio-
model ion.
Erse Fur
°antral eetwol
l'arpows Plover.
Asbnclti •
eolleene .-2.436 211
oileffili Tirifnalvin . 3.5t3.7l1 -112.00
114y 3,11.11.311 .154.811
-cattalo ...gi oat
„Li 1:t.tit .
M.tri fa:Us9n4s) 47,1:42
. .
Si oiler . :4,4441 lit 1:47.35
'fliek el snill 11
4.3,42.10 . 4744.11.,
414)4 )5) . 1152.11
2,1111411111 .
ne ,S194 .. 11.1.51)
IV. st Wariannett r. 25 .1144.24
Wewaninh 2,5117 ..1551.314
Itay11.+1 24(1 2.1
Illyth 4'11.Z5
I'lltiton .1.0116.06
Exeter 8111.12
Heilman Ple
Seaforth... • tt . t 111.4111
%Violin/4er ttttt .YA41.11(
- -
l'otel ,
- -
-- --
TstK FiVe-lit'SMUCIITH Is/Wt.--
The Aligurt lappineott's marks the
Ave-huadretith appearance of
teresting magazine. Wewe
stotistjes mime intervening
ones could be re -impale., *s to the vest
retentilies of paper and ink used, the
stories, the authors, the advertising
and various other features of the
mainsaine's life since its inception.
I hiring those forty odd y rams 11
hiutory he's been made, and the world
has e'en many important changes.
In the early days Lippincotee met
with comparatively little rompet i•
: for the pent dread,. or two it
hen been keen so keen that 'some
really meritorious'pubileations have
feJlen by the wayside. Yet. this dean
of the magazines has found no diftl-
rvdtr in holding hs own And adhering
to lia establietted priee. There i*
nothing naystei•imisi about that zine'.' long -continued populArit y. If
we may be pardoned it I/11 of con:
14.44ipuracy !fit- deltsvers-lite
- Each n her enntains a
firetwhist complete motel, a wide
variety of clever short stories, 'leveret
timely Aperial artietes, piense and
miseellany, including sixteen pages of
original humor --jokes. jingles and
:titectlote... The novelette for Anglia,
is "The 1i,4L and the Catamount," by
Dorothy Canfield. It i,,. e eparkling
tele with a clever plot.
l'As.steasi MA,INZINa FOR Ainitort.
---Tbe flonadian MAgasine for August
101 eomposed tly of rhort tootles
and entertaining travel articles.
"Victoria the Artstornst" its the title
of a pleasing appreciation of the ••)41) -
its' of British Colombia, and "In the
Land of Windmills." by the late E.
M. Yeoman, its tall of quaint oleierva-
t ions. 1.11 Holland and the Ilsiteh peo-
ple. "The Witchery of the Alpe.' by
fbellee P. Sommer, hi a well-Ohio-
trated deseription of Swigs ttttttt mein
owner, itA effect on the epee
tater. The eentemtry of the birth of
Alfred Tennyson and Oliver Wendell
Iloim4s4 takes place this AlIgulat. and
therefore the number contains Ap-
preciative ankle.' 1111 the wiii•kit and
rhareetere of these two relehroted
kWh'''. • Tennyami by Rev. W. T.
AIlIsnn, *40* poem -*it by A. J. Clerk.
and linIme.. liy Genre Melood Roger..
The fiction evintrileitione are par-
ticularly atrimg, with short st.wie. by
Aunts U. Fries, IL N. Kirkpatriek.
Jermen. (Mien Vault Meekin-
11011. Marjorie 4.. U. Pieki hell and
(bathe'''. The chief poem ix a
pat rint le one be' Wilfrid Vallipkell and
entitled "The Mee Queen." Them 141,
pniuna islets by Viers* Sheeted, II 0. N.
Belford *nil maltose,
Weekly Sao. Wares Farmers to Take
Cane of Every Pound,
The NVeekly Son :Toronto) issues a
wattling to the farmers of Ontario to
be 4 r'4)red for a light yield of feed
••••,)4.., and(') every effort. l'y
the mest•etionseientious work in 411414-
*441101, 1., set the best passible yield
in nem mid Mote. So far sa Initatio
eten•erned, The Nun may* it' ie
Absolutely eel Lein that the condiC
o.'I-opsf spring rope is not better than last
yea' even with the recent beneficial
rains tbe outlook. it says, is not as
prouateing as it watt a year adia, &lid
the grain yield of tintario may turn
mit no better then in IBM.
The Nun 441)1111)) JOANN, MeRseing,
M. P. 11., 141 saying :
"I recently went from Drayton to
Inielph, from Onelph I pseud on
to Ureteric+. front Onderich to Sea -
forth. and then through the township
Routh nf there and heck again from
fleeforth I went to Atratford end
lief lin, and thence home. Over that
whole territory them, will not he neer
Ahoy per Cent. Of e hay crop, and in
plain there will not be better than
two-thirds of a yield. The aittiat.ion
is no hotter than it was in 191/7. In
bou•ley it nifty he • little better, but in
evident., of a struggle. everything' nets it 4. 4101 AS good." Even an Artist may not he able to
• appeasing sr if death had liven peace \ While there is no occasion fo draw a matrimonial prise.
Worried in the Wrong Spot.
When sone. of Mrs. Hlank's
hoot cond'ilisl with her for an arcitirot.
she replied cheerfully: "It shows it's
nn use worryin' in Chi* life. I've
worried 'owed -hie 0 P r smallpox
hreakin' out in my big family. linter.
'taint. Last summer I was reel
• fearin' I'd gist an appendix. hilt
I CUP.* I ain't. An' through it all. it
never 'met oortirreel to me that I'd he
the one to fail through them rot -ten
• meetin'hotaae step.' in' insult my
leg in two places, but I be."
- -
ft .
NATTY Hoarier) C0S411, MR.
pack up for the warm weather exodus
be sure that you have several largo
dance hats among your belonging,.
The scarfs, too. flint the pretty girls
threw about their shoulders white slit-
ting out dmwes were perfectly he -
%itching. And 41) re le a "way" that
you intuit bate with you about manag-
ing theme dainty IDDItiert of vanities If
they are to have ally coquettish value.
The Spanieh girl. with her fan antic..
cannot get In Mlle effN•iive tonehre
than the American demonsene who 1/1
UP IA the lanciinge If the new .'CM'S
A froselnating scarf *hit Is really
practkiil I* *1 whiti• chlffun eloth 'end-
ded thiekly with silver sequins in a
geometrical design Thin fascinating
thing 1 bought st one of the auction
stores, that infeet the NAM ostalk And
It's IMP' of fun to p Into these sales
'fhe rnom a shop without windows
or dorms nn 414 Meet) aort of go-se-yots
ideate place, and the articles for rale
range all the Ivey l'rort tiny diver
MO 'Net TtlffIthis r• slIk nig*, ete.
likrellitig Minium), Meng one i.
non% I ItaW In a Irrertch a*op earns
very smart Ilnen /owns. Fettering. I
salted maderne the price of a white
embroidered prineens remit that had
partloalarty atom* ray fancy. One
hundred and twenty five dollare was
the moileet price, tint the lady from
Pares explained. It la so elegent- a0
so exclusive. earl the rm.
frock. yon know. Is maim( to he
chic for morning and afternoon bridge
partes thha alsranser " 1 objected to
the width of the front passel end mesas
my exit am dereitty as I Need after
puretwasing the two oath* aremm I
have 'ikon -hot ene you. Don't you Ilk/
the torus* erect? Ire of Frueb gray
Floor Paints
ellaINNIND 11 I
• -;1•,,, paint vour Flo.Irs, Verandahs, Steps
and Stairs with the CANADA PAINT
COM PANspecially prepared' floor
. _
paha t.:hQuid a pleasant pastime..
so4inoot and works -so -freely-
-good reS\thx---are- hound to -follow.
Enquire fronj 4.1\110well Hardware Com-
pany for colt). ardsshowing slialles_of
Talking of clothes reminds we of •
hat trItutating contest 'Elizabeth Z. in-
vited a lot of us to last week. You
Luow slie &way s has some sort of
philanthropic selietne on heed, and
this time her Idea was to have the
'inn gather and get at work upon coo-
ns:in./ spring beta for seveuty-tiee girls
ut the eust side -here In New York
We went early in the afternoon and
found in the library a collection at
war, rabtons, flowers and all tire usual
chapeau trimmings, together with
enough sewing apparntus to stock a
Fifth avenue dreestnaking eatablleb-
ment. We walked like beavers, and
at tbe end of two bours a famous
wan uilIIltier cat* In and paased
judgment on the creations before hint.
awarding prises for the best models -
mere trifling remembrances most of
them but the fifth prize was a gor-
geous het trimmed by Marjorie Van
X. and It waan't bad, Other. But
tint ntroeions n'illiner dki not hesi-
tate to express his mind about the de•
sighs, which he thought were "nol
'ouch to brag of." We were crest-
fallen at this criticism, but our spirit
were slightly revived at 5 in the atter
upon, when lots of men dropped in to
owe our creations. They quite die
mousieur's bereft wonis
1: their praises of our efforts. and they
even refrnined from' Raying tbinge
when they became tangled up in a
stray bolt of ribbon or when sitting
down upon chairs strewn with pins
and mosiles. Cake and tea, which
.-ane in inter, soothed all our frazzled
"wmilbillties. This party was 1wet
come c•bange titan Inca...taut Wuxi° and
l•rkige riffairs and, besides, proved a
salubrious occasion for the poor Orin
wbo received the beta. A small price
was attached to each creaUon, as Eliza-
! thoixplehaed, to make the girls feel
independent and to overcome her pet
objection about the average charity
41151 pauperizes; the poor. So whet'
you feel like doing it good deed lu a
naughty world invite your friends to •
hat trImtniug contest to aid tonne
"worthy cause." 1v most lancerely
yours, MABEL.
New York.
•1 •
i; 1 1
thousands of homiest Ives
use Sunlight Soap In pref -
erence to any other, heritage
It cleanses the clothes more
thoroughly, and at hall the
cost without Injury tfl
hands or fabric. Fellow
Midsummer Sale I
. To make- things liven . up
during the quiet season I
am offering 'special induce-
These are extra good value
at the regular price, but
during August I will make
I ' A Ten Per Cent Dise*uftt-Aireash -
Geo. Johnston's
Read The Signal's New Story, Page 5
11 is is good one.
Talking About, Buggies
If yrni are thinking of buying a new Emmy this year. -
er si hi he pleased to have a talk, with you. We
, handl,. Oa he.? floggt bri the market--
. THE...... ,
1111Vvfil .., *LAUGHLIN
or: iiram...„Aly
litiP '.46111r
„AL: ta / and
• 4 ii\VA 41 . THAT THE BEST•
IThe lois* mmire. :,,...1111,l1,. Let ma show you the fine
point s of the new Bowater' we have Just pitteed in stock.
N. 11. I have taken the agency for the McCormick Imple
ite•nts. and ran now .rilipply Herding end harvesting Mdechir..e;
menufeethred he Ilea well known company tin anyone warm
first,-elase,Farni M. him., y.
Wm. Knox,
Newgate and Hamilton Streets, Goderielt.