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TUU IDIT, JVLT 20, 1909 3
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,MWo fidt erTokIpp0ALe, ndddeo babad..
A. E. TAYLOR. BTluTsoso-
Any person who le the •ole heed of a tartly
w any Hole user l6 yeah may aDominion
• quarter 'section of
Saskatchewarbf orAlbe rta. lend
epp/INut mune appear to person at the IMmin-
lon land. Agency or Sub Agency for the
dlrtrict. Kntn by prosy may made at any
misery, un certain coodl tea, by falber,
another. eon, daughter, brother or enter of
Weeding buraeatesder.
Dunes--thi month: residence upon and
rultl aeon of the tared in each of three years.
A homesteader may live within nine miles of
.104 .ohomestead tpacres
owed and occupied byor
Mut least /W
lelr ..
father. mother. eon, daughter, brother 0r
la certain dharicla a homestreempt • eader to Rood
*tending ged• hi. homestead. Price ga(E pereeacre.
utted in
from date of homestead hentry�ol ding
rhe Uwe required to earn homeuuad pateutl
and cultivate fifty scree extra. _
v .J right and cannot obtain .. pre emohas exh•unted tion
may unite • purchased homestead In oertaln
district.. telco it.w per acre Duties --Moot
melee ala months In each of three Tian, oulU-
vats fifty acree and erecta hoose worth 13/10.00.
W. W. l'URY,
pewit, of the Mlnb.ter of the Interior.
N P.-1'uauthorteed publication of thin ed•
ertlamwot will not be oald for. •
6f the Sistriet.
Monday, August 2nd, will be Mea-
forth's civic holiday.
The Totem' list of the township of
Osborne contains the newer of 766
J. T. Curtis, who formerly taught
In Morrie, bas leen appointed prin-
cipal of the $eatorth public school.
Mies Berea Bryans, of Jaweetowa,
has secured s school in Orason, Mask.,
where her brother Dr. E. E. Bryan' is
John (IaFdiner has sold his household
effects in Bluevale and Is rewovin�
er c. . rest • a eel . a ' ug rlte r,
Mrs. McDonald.
Jstnes Henderson, of the Bluevale
road, near Wingham, had twenty-
three sheep worried by had
last week
and several killed.
N. (J. Gregg, merchant, of Ford-
wich, is selling out his stock and re-
moving to Lacombe, Mta., in the hope
that a change may benefit his health.
John Beattie, of Cheeley, formerly
of Brussels, wen married in Corbel, -
tom Ont., on Wednesday, toe 14th
Inst., to Mita Martha Jaue Sime, of
that place.
Miss Lily Ballantyne, daughter of
the Tate James Ballantyne, of Exeter,
fell from s step -ladder while picking
cherries Isat week, fracturing her
leg in two pieces near the ankle.
William B. Hale, son of the late
Horatio ]isle, of Clinton, who now
holds the influential ppoossition of gov-
ernment engineer in Mexico. is renew-
ing old acquaintances in his native
D. T. Hepburn, the popular man-
ager of the Wingham branch of the
1k)ininion Hank, has been promoted
to the Oshawa trench. M. J. Tor-
rance, of Mount Albert, succeeds him
in Wingham.
John B. Smith has exchanged his
farm on lot 13 of the 4th concession of
Grey with R. Wait.. of Blenheim, for
the latter's I50-acga farm in Oxford
county. The transfer takes place on
November 15th.
The death of Mrs. P. J. Dillon, who
Wes toruterty Mieta Dottie -Dreee,SCe
0011 daughter of James Drew, of
Wionipeg, a former hardware merch-
ant of itruseels, occurred at her home
in i4.0 Angeles, Cid., recently.
Miss Tens Willison. of Constance.
meet with • painful accident un Mon-
day of last week. The horse which
she was holding, frightened by a dee.-
oeknocked her down and trampled on
her arm, breaking it in three places.
Gorton Gunneme-ottbe Iate H. B,
Gunn, M. 1'., of Seaforth, has been
appointed sasistant house surgeon in
the Protestant and General Hospital,
Ottawa. Mrs. (limn and her youngest
son, Jerk. leave shortly for Fort
Saskatchewan, Alta., where they will
spend the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. g. Finch, of Clinton,
have been bereaved of their baby boy.
a bright little fellow of three months.
Among those who attended the fun-
eral on tsaturdey, the I7th inet., were
Mrs. Sharp and Mr, and Mrs. David-
son, of Goderich.
Mita Sarah McCallum, eldest daugh-
tyr of Mr. and Mee. James McCallum,
of East Wswanosh, and
Watson, of Bei rave, plighted their
tt�th _iD Wingham on Wednesday.
tbA 14th inst. The young couple
leav shortly to seek their fortune in
the Weal,.
Mrs. John Essery, of Exeter. was
the victim of en unfortunate accident
last week. She was stendinin the
drtverway of the barn
being unloaded, when one of the
horses slipped and in its fall threw her
over* fence on a pile of stones, break-
ing her elbow..
Gilbert It Malcolm, yoenRest .on of
Mayor A. Malcolm, of Kincardine,
died iu (iravenhurst on Friday, the
'Lirl inst., aged twenty-one years.
Deceased had been in delicate health
all winter. He was an estimable
young man and . his early death is
greatly regretted.
Mrs. B. Flynn has returned to her
home in Wingham after- spending a
year in Menehester, Eng. The
steamer 00 which she made the voy•
age was delayed by iretwrgs .nd fogs
and was sixteen days in making the
trip. This is the twelfth time that
Mrs. Flynn has crossed the Atlantic.
R. M. Remy. who was engaged in
the hardware business in Clinton
about twenty years ago, died sud-
denly at hie home in Lorain, U. S.,
recently. He was one of the most
prosperous and respected citizens of
that town. He was seventy-six yeah
of age and is survived by his widow
and six children.
The St. Columhan Roman Catholic
church, which was destroyed by fire
on Thursday, the 15th inst., was
erected *pout half -a -century ago, but
it had been enlarged and remodelled
ee.c...l times so that it was one of the
'Watchmaking, ete.
warmer a sit. Juncture meta
Santa aide of Square. l)oderlch, Ont.
Civil Engineering
11 sod Hydraulic Engineer. Uuterlo lend
Surveyor�1 Block. Ooderteb, corner
Montreal�ddi TelephasrU?tr
Planopaying, Theory. Harmony and
CounterpolnL Pupils prepared for exame.a-
odes et Termite Conservatory of Music. Apply
at Themeon • Muslr Ston. Ooderleh. Moods,.
Mt "Iemon, at reddened of Mr. Ales. blacken
sic, Ontario .t reel.
A. T. grwaseoN, M. O.
W S. Tuxgwt... M. H.
Office. Hamilton Street. 'Phone 102.
lah.lbeiaersoue reeidenoe, North street.
Opp0dte St. George's church, 'phone IgE
Ile. Timbell. madams, Montreal street
•wtkwest of Public Library.'Moos IW.
E. W. F. OALLOW, M. B.
._ass and reddened". North Amin. Ili Telephoto" Ih,
manatee ee t'ou my ttegha n
,1 • .sheat e, eta Mattel' to (end at
lowest rates, North Street. Ouderich
mew ear Signal la Seaforth Saturday.
sad Mondays,.
7. TKit. 'elicitor. notary public. ()Toe.-
888ameton Street. (Joderlch, third door from
karr en, ■olleltae, notertea public pis
ton In Lha Marls Imo ream etc. efface, nowt -Ade
vS�ggal1uare. nest
qtt doo�r C. A. Nairn'. grocery. Prl
W.PKOUDFOUT, K. lowest C. HAYS. UrsF
L RI/1TM attorneys, so(fotter. *se,, I4►
o . Mosey to lend at lowest rater.
ll toilettes% oommtrloner, notary pol=o.
Hamilton .rest. Ooderich IML
inimsanim Lon Etc.-
,f ban. Aptly to M. l,7. CAM
L.:. (barrister, Hamilton .treet. (4Merloh.
Fier Oen LIGHTNING: British. ('snadlan and
nM AND kg PI.nrItRA' ,ARtr:
IT : 7' 5
148 Ocean Accident and Guarantee
orpor hal 'Atoned. of London , Knit
Fro•InT ARn dttan•NTgg RoInS : The 3.. H.
Fidelity and Guarantee Company.
Mos at residence, northeast oorner of Vic
torts and at. David's street... Phone (7E
and accident Insurance. Agent for leading
mutual and stook nompante.. 7n.nrance 11) all
lines effected on beat plano and al lowest rota
( all at ogles. corner West Street and Square
or address! J. W. CRAIOIK, Uoderioh, Ont.
Tele .none M
17 IJ R A N c K l' 0. -fats sod Isolated
town property Minted.
(ellen-J. R. Mclean, P, Riposte T. n
T. Framer VloePrea., Brumfield P. O.
Thom. a iiare. Sea Tress.. Sewtorth P. 0
Directan -Wren. Chesney. Seaforth ; John
G Grieve, Winthrop;George Dale. Seaforth;
John ilewae Dubin; Jams tarn Beech -
weed ; John Watt, Harlock ; Fraser.
Bnar.fiekl - John H. Mclean, 'poen ; Jss.
"Twill,. Clinton.
JJ W. Yee. tolma.vllle, agent for West
Huron. Polley holders can pa m
sad get their card' meiat Toast t
Neon* ('llMnn, or at A CnIt's groat 17,
KM/Wm street, Ooderlob,
Marriage Ltoenaes
Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician.
inner of Marriage Licenses.
AGK licensee, (oderlch. Ont.
sa&VD10 PALeOk
ogee. ft ptrattons thheewbestand
p,qservice In ,,having,
hnaUirontUng. eta, etc. ladles' shampooing
Ya.1aterOnly skilled hand, tMmplHy. H
mQa(-gp'.e11L1oIre apeetaa
9tseet, ul awave be wilt
bee f fid sl, all a at South
ePleas M
e r Wort used to glee you .Wtaeuen
AIt. breach", carefully attended to. Farm
.ales, live .tank vales, teat estate and merchan
dcah 1 talk It roverhwj hOnh wit107 data. 07
Geo. Beckett,
Hamilton street. Goderich Ont.
Telephone No. 101
After the age of fifty people find that
theft strength Is not whet It Usttd to
11e, and they frequently suffer from
sudden exhaustion. and week heart
action, 1'o all such we recommend
the invigorating tonic Ferroelm, ram-
paged of fresh beef, (titrate of iron and
perm old Rponish Sherry Wine. Noth-
ing amid 11e more Mroefietal in melt
camas, 51.00 a bottle,
largest and best equipped country
churches in the Pmvnce. A new
edifier will he erected at once.
A special meeting of the Presbytery
of Huron was held in the Meaforth
Prerhyterian church on Tuesday, the
20th loaf., to deal with a unanimous
call from the congregation of Listowel
to Rev. D. Urquhart, of Kippen and
Hills Green. The call was sanctioned.
Mr. t'rquhart will receive a yearly,
stipend of 51,410) and four weeks'
vacation at Listowel,
John Agin an old and well-known
resident of Morris, died at the home
of him brother-in-law, J. Kelly, of the
7th concession, on Tuesday. the 20th
inst. Pneumonia was the cause of
death. i)ecesse.i was fifty-two yeses
of age and was unmarried. In poli-
ties he was a Conservative and in
religion a Roman Cathuiio,_ He is
survived by two brothers and five
James Hart, gardener, of Owen
Sound. formerly of Brussels, died sud-
denly of apoplexy on Thursday, the
Rth Met. Deceased, who was fifty-
three years of age, is survived by hie
widow and three children. Mrs. Hart
wen formerly Miss Fannie ('enter, of
Blyth, and is a lamter of Carter broth-
ers. of Blyth, and 4, Carter, of
Levi Wolper, proprietor of the
Bernard House London, end former -
1 of Reefer, ;14eaforth and Clinton,
died suddenly of acute inflammation
of the twain on Tuesday, the 20th inst.
Ile woke visiting him mother in Berlin
in apparently Dia nmual hrelth when
he was stricken. He was forty -floe
years of age and i. survived by his
widow and two children.
The house of F. 11. end Mrs. Scott,
of Bluevale, wee the scene on Wed-
needay, the 14th inst., 01 the marriage
of their dao ht.er, Mary Helen, to
Reuben Garnise, of Morris. Rev. W.
J. West, M. A., performed the cere-
monyin the presence of the im-
mediate restive* and friends'. Both
bride and groom were unattended.
Mime !felon Beattie, of Aeaforth,
played the wedding march.
Clinton Waterwerts Contracts,
The Wanes. of the enntracta for the
Olintoa waterworks have been
awarded es follows: Arthur Canle-
lon, the receiving basin, $1,005; Sam
Cowper, the power house, $1.5tJ0 ; the
Kerr Frugine Co., Walkerville, hyd-
rants and valves, $2.8110; Canada
Foundry Co., one gas engine and two
gar producers, $4,:3013.
beaferth's New Collegiate Teacher.
In reeponee to their advertisement
for a teacher in moderns and English
to succeed Mr. Craig, the Seaforth
Collegiate Institute board received
twenty-five applications and of thew
Misr Norma Defoe, of Medoc, recently
on the staff of the Strathroy Collegi-
ate, has been appointed W the posi-
tion, at a salary of Sit111.
Rabies at Clinton.
An unpleasant sensation has been
caused in the vicinity of Clinton by a
presumably toad dog which passed
through the town several weeks ago
and which was killed at, Londesboro'.
The dog came in contact with several
other dogs and one of them *bowed
symptoms of rabies. Dr. Stork, the
inspector of the veterinary depart-
ment at Ottawa, investigated the
matter and in consequence several
dogs have been shot and otbers are be-
ing kept in strictnquaranline.
Rev. George Bugg a's Death.
Rev. lieorge Bu gin, a retired
minister of the Methodist church, died
of heart failure, following an attack of
acute gastritis, at the home of hie
daughter, Mrs. James Beattie, of
Seaforth, on Thursday, the 2'.2nd inst.
Deceased: who was seventy-seven
years of age, was looking forward to
celebrating his jubilee in the ministry
at the next conference. lie had leen
stationed in various parts of the
Province. including Seaforth and
Blyth. Since his superaniiuetion in
101111 he had resided in Seaforth. He
is survived by his widow, three sons
and three daughters,
A Pioneer of Grey.
David Grant, one of the few re-
maiuiug pioneers of Grey, peered from
*teems of lair -lifework on Monday
the 19th inst., at the patriarchal age
of eighty-nine yea's. Deceased had
been happily exemp, t from all the ills
of the flesh during his life and wee
about, his fame the Saturday before
his death. Mr. -Grant. who was a
native of Attend nshire. came to
Ceeada with his ; eceased partner in
lite. \ more than elf a century ago:
An arriving in is country they took
upladtt in Ox fit county, but twelve
yeah ter se' ted on the farm on let
N of Or i41 , concession of limy on
which the passed the remainder of
their live . Deceased was an ardent
Liberal in chinch relationship a
Fresh y . lis . . He leaves to mourn
burn .-a d John, deputy reeve of
tire and one . augbter, Maggie.
Death et Old - 'dent of Exeter.
Alfred Mlbeere, awell-known resident
Of Exeter, died at the home of hist sou
n Brantford on Monday, the 19th inst.
Last winter decease( suffered a slight
stroke of paralysis, t recovered to
such an extent that he went to Brant-
ford in the spring to en the employ
of the Verity Plow Co, Three -week -4
ago he suffered a second coke, from
which be never rallied. Deceased.
who was fifty --five years of e, was a
native of England. Settling nExeter
with his parents in childhood he re-
sided in the village practically\all his
life, working at his trade as a + aeon
end erecting many of the brick uild-
inRs Tn thet iTic e:` it -
hie loss hie widow, four sons-NeI
of Fort William ; Garfield, of Bra
ford ; Acquilla, of Lensing and Frank
at home -and two daughter.-Gertie
and Blanche, at honer. Mrs. James
Oke and Mrs. 'Vin, Treble, of Exeter,
are sisters of deceased.
Old Wingham Resident Dead.
One of the early residents of Wing=
1sau), in the person of David Halstead
this lifeon-Sunday, the lfftb
inst., after a long anti painful illness.
Over a year ago he suffered an attack
of blood-poisoning,which affected his
heart, and he fel*ready victim to
dropsy. Deceased, who was sixty-
three years of age, had been twice
married. During his thirty-two
years' residence in Wingham he had
been identified with the active work
of the Methodist church in the town,
of which he was a devoted member.
In politics he was &Conservative. He
is survived i.y hie widow and four
children ; his aged mother, Mrs. Hal-
stead, of (iolerich ; ,three brothers -
Samuel, of Goderich ; John, of
Holnieeville, and Albert, of Manitoba
-and five sisters -Mrs. Young and
Mrs. Woods, of Loudon; Mrs. Box,
of Ottawa; Mrs. Youngblutt. of
urn, and Mrs. Jarvis, of Holmes -
Yon won't he disappointed if you get
the genuine "D. & h." Menthol Floa-
ters for stiffness, backache, etc. Suc-
cessful remedies are imitated, look out
for the original "D, & L." made by
Davie h Laurence Co.
Willi ng to Pay.
The Right Rev. Hishop of Delaware
tells the following story :
"A young men came u) me one day
and said : 'Bishop,1 want you to
marry me on nest Wednesday.'
' 'All right. young man ; i 11 marry
you,' i assured him.
"'Well, t went the hell to ring,' he
'Very well, you ran have the bell
'Well, i went the organ to play.'
" 'All right ; you can have the organ
'And i want everything else that
anybody ever had at a church wed-
'Certainly ; you shall have it.'
"Well, the night carne, the hell
rang, the organ played. the church
wee crowded, and everything went off
am the young man wanted it. When
the ceremonywas over the young
couple waited, instead of leaving the
chancel. So 1 held neat, my hand.
shook hands with the bride, and then
held mut my hand to the hridek.r>onl.
He had his hand deep in his trousers
pocket.. and ee 1 stood with my hand
nut he said, somewhat impatiently and
in a tone that oou1d be heard all over
the church :
" 'Now, don't be in such an all -fired
hurry. Bishop: I'm getting the money
out Nat as fest as 1 can.'
"And everybodyin the church gig-
gled." August I.ippincott's.
Invest 2&. in a box of Davis Men-
thol Salve and be prepared tor sleets,
neuralgia, old some, etc.
Should it come to a vote, every mer-
ried man would real. him ballot to pup -
press the faahion ma.gaainee.
Mother (telling the history of nor
first. parent.) "And Rye ate! of the
fruit and eh* gave some to Adam."
Dolly -"Oh, mummie 1 how kind of
her f'
Quite Enough Room.
"I fancy you've smoked too mut y
people. The table won't hold thew."
"Oh. nut More people can be
placed ata table now that formerly.
Why. a fashionable woman in even-
ing (frees taker up about as much
room as a rulled•up umbrella." -Au
ust Lippincott's.
The world ie lane enough ;
inhabitants who are silly. .;
Mrs,Crsw-"Where a you oing
Mir *Witmer for a rust Mr, e . bb
-"A friend of mice told me of a'
lovely place where they do Dothing
but play golf all 'day and bridge all
Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures
/7 Close Lower -Live Stock -
Latest Quotations.
Money I v. -tang. July ti
Uverpool wheat futures ,'lured %d to Id
lower; corn unchanged.
('hi, ase July wheat closed 1%c lower;
lora roc lower, oats 1* lower.
' Winnipeg Options.
Wheat --Jelly 71.70. Uctutier 11.06%, De-
em.her $1 t(J%.
vale -Jul, 51Ti