HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-7-29, Page 22 THrRBDAY, JrLY 29, 19118
iat odce makes it his leueinees to let the
proper authorities know of the dia-
i 1 t rt' anry. If it is found that the vane
lanai nation of A.'s house is eul'I'ect, then
next year H. IDS to pay hie proper
contribution to the city f Ie. If it
ill f d tl t tl !illation f II '11
cuuttlt en, UN's ttuu.
Telepaoav Call Na !6.
Tr "s et freer tan : -
n 00 per annum in advance.
Ria months. Sue : three months, 2.5c.
Te l'nited States rubocribers, 11.30 a yea
(strictly to advance(.
uuherribon who fall to receive Tim SIo.41
regularly by mall will confer a h(vur by w
Quaintly' us of the fact at as early a date es
When • change of address is dedrald: both the
Old and the new address should be ghee.
Advertising Rates;:
La nue and other Insertion
advert le ter 44 .
per nue for Ant Inwertlou end Ir per liar for
each .nbnequent inrertion. Mea.ar.vi by a
nonpareil reale. twelve lines to nn inch.
Busbies," Dards of ell line. and under, 1.5 per
Advertisements of last. Found. Strayed, Sit-
uation,. aca,1t, Sit Untoa- 1\lwted, Hou -e. for
Sale or to Rent, Fanus for Sale or to Reim
Article, for reale, etc., not exceeding eight
hued, 45c uncle l.rortlou ;SI for first month, one
Larger adtert'se•
for each 1'u ue al month. tear 1
In ectal.
tarn proportion.
lt�a . 18 n In reading ten
A1. p art t o. i ordinary t
cent. per line. No noticele�th..u•LS.•
Any special notice. Iheeb,p•.'t of whirs 4alA•
pecuniary benefit of any individual or •teeel'
atlou, to N. eonadvl4w,4,l 'In a4rertf•ement and
to be charged accordingly.- .
for di - play n rontraet advertt+e-
su.0 will Os given 1,u appli�atioo.
Address W oommulcattoo.
-THI-$1H-NA1. F'Ft1' +Nut'44a
nuierieh. t
nun la IP ca Olt ton ° .
house fes cornet, then A. 4ecuree a
reduction in his ps.e.snn'nt, and an
art of Net equntizati°n has been nee
This is 4,..t ere ti -Turn-1'h; . .stitch!
The Meleney, tit the way in which it
would u. t. When 111e rill(' had tern
pullislu'11 1113u1y little• things which
the most caret ill 'foul skilful assessor
in the world might miss, would be
brought to light. The modest man
who is willing to value his property
1'o t lowest possible
II 1 1
and income a t
figure', in order to get off light on the
taxes. might feel some compunction
in the matte) of under -valuation if
he knew that all a ho so desired could
get th.• roll and look ep his ninths.
1 art Grey i. I l 1 err Cat .ul L.
HP st1i11.1 Olt! n .I 1,1..4,41 ..11 I Itlp
IV the Yukon.
A remarkable time 'II a•ul in Ute•
finances of the Intereolonial•'Railway
is aeported for 1111 present IIsea1 year.
The earnings are in"re•(wing and the
operating et penises are being reduced.
Nhoped.• 1 •to
It 1 Burin • ttt present year t
}. 1
O(H)ERICA THUIWDAY.JULi' .2% tea, Wipe nut last years deficit of tlotrt
Sir Charles Ttippe'r has already
been quoted in opposition to the sug-
gestion of direct rtwltribution by
l'anatla to the support ut the British
navy, Sir Charles returns to the
subject in an article in the July Nine-
teenth Century, in which he quotes
the opinions of Lord Milner and--L.ar'd
Beresford in favor of local navies in
preference to contributions, and aul-
vocale..the carrying out of tho All
Red Route project, with a provision
that steatnlllip receiving_ rulleitiies
should he available as naval cruieri
in time of war. Sir. Charles replies
t igonmsly to the intinuatiun that-
Cads.is "sponging" un the Mother
Country in the matter of defence.
He says :
"i cannot conclude without ex-
pressing my dissent from the dispar-
aging remarks that have been made in
reference to the neglect by Canada to
discharge her duty in regard to the de-
fence of the Empire. Canada has
spent hundreds of millions of dollars
in theconetruetion of transcontinental
railways which have been declared li)•"
'the highest British naval and military
authorities to be of vital importance
to the defence of the Empire. She
had reclaimed from the wilderne, ,-hy
opening it up 1.o wettlernent, the great
• — Rupert's Land, which is being rnpieily-
occupied by British subjects and will
soon provide this country with all the
"-bred4stlffei -Which it is unable to pro-
duce. Canada, with a population of
under five millions, a(rrnnrdished this
work without assistance, a greater ex-
ploit than has ever leen achieved by
any such p)pulatioh in the world."
„Alems4!-zein. this- *Wrist. rat fey-- tl,.
old Conservative war-horse may be
given the remark' of Earl. (trey. our
Governor-teene•ral, at the Dominion
Day banquet in London, England.
His Excellency said :
"1 am continually amazed as I go
through Canada at what a population
equivalent to that of Greater London
ham achiever) in a continent ti14' Mize of
Europe. The Canadian Pacific Rail-
way, which was only finished a little
more than tw•enta•-live yenl1 ago, Was
made out of a contribution of lllltl-
lic money amounting to one hundred
million dollars. Who is t here
that can say that that money put
• into ten Dreadnoughts would• have
been of equal value to Imperial de-
fence There are two more transcon-
tinental railwayn under conetrnetien.
and my hope is that we may se*'
Canada advance in population, in
strength. in prosperity, and in spirit.
But whether with a small population
ora great one, t have 1Pt(tt Pffr3ugh of
the temper and the spirit which ani-
mate the people ref the Dominion from
one end of t `•nada to the other to. 'he
convineed•fhat the Prime Minister,
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, was more than
justified in stating'that if it was nec-
essary tG maintain the naval suprem-
acy of the Crown Canasta was pre
pared to spend her last dollar and to
gtye n.
her Iamt-ma"
$71111,17-`0. iTMIr I'' a etirreet surmise.
George P. Graham has arrived.
No teatime of Glelerich's rLl1vrlop-
Im•ntinrecent yeau•s i- more. metier•
able or conuuend,dde than the in -
(teased attention given to boulevards
and ltwms. A former resident who
had leen away item (,''toric,' for a
HIMONT of year* on I''IR return this
ienlm(r spoke enthusiastically to The
Rignlil of _the change in the appear-
ance of the town in thist•e*p•ct. Let
the gated work go ori.
Ruelyir•il Kipling ha, not improved
him reputation by his 'sleet effusion,
his, "City . of .,Meati_'- --.'An . oluieure
and unmusical olttpouring of jargon,•.
"neither lite'ratllt•e, nor sense'," "lyrical
pessiti isin," rue /1H111/ e.f the coin.
merits from widely different-s'utrees.
The London Speetator seems to Ie-
lieve that, if Mr. Kipling hits leen
'known as the "pet of Inapet•ialietp,"
he ought to he disowned.
at 'Toronto gistrntt has (heeled
that a cigar is not n di g. ((11d that
cigar( may not he sold on Sunday
with:tut violaliag_ilo. i.4v rite deei•
shun was made I:u•gely on the evidence
of 1)r. A. J. Johnson,_ who declared
that a cigar, although it contained an
active' medicinal principle, was •not. a
drag an7more than it b n's egg was a
drug I('railse it might ' used in a
to11tiee. The lawyer e_ tiles defence t
promises to appeal from the decision.
The fire protection Mervici' of the
town is of more importance than tree
"feelings" of any rouneillor 411 eon(•
rrtlp'(tnll r or elute. nfllarlal. Told Mny,,a
Corner -stones of New Methodist Church
at Dungannon.
'1'hineday muruiug was• the day awl
apart for the laying of the Turner•
stool of the new Methodist chide,' at
Dungannon. During the morning
rain fell in torrents, ace honied by
Very 4.11441'4) lightning and heavy 111u11 -
del•. At . &clock, the hnurdesignated
[11' the' I1pwt1111 i; lel enmities, the
storm was at its height. l,a►t4' un -rt
showed signs of br(':(king, and, al-
though the .pky WAS .till lIII ,,tteniag,
at 1 ticket it sets decided to ew•eed
with the program. The fail- Kr
storm might return ;it any time called
for bAe.lty in the >lehes and the
(entailment -,T so n.. 111eeRfe Minor eI 14 A
portions of the progruu. The (•1'rc-
nwnies throng! t we're 1111411'1 the
dire(lion of the chairman of the din
[ ilea`. 11. He•R ens of Me:rfol[11,
amts under his able management every
thing passed ntT mime hIy land 3-ilhenit
a dull minute' !rent start t1) 11041.The that 'tone was laid by Itev. R.
. 'Treleaven, of Carlton street Metier.
dist chinclt, 'Toronto. one of tlungan-
non'ssuns w'lao,has met With in:irked
'(lupe' 111 tie• ministry.-.• ley.'.' 111s 1111'111.'
were, anteing he *'a11iest Metal tete, of
the ikl I Iengrllllon eaingr't'gali(1n, anal
isle fret that he wa 1y
grI a propiini'nt
Alae( ill the r(Iv idents s was a sourceof grluiHrat' to those who hate
Watched 111N course from 1.0v hood up.
Inhis :ul111,4 on -'1'iibin ' hr
nrltsiult to e ((tet 1•114phasit,. Iblhltt a
1:11-1 of th1' i it: e':vw( ie the .(1-
tin''s crops guaranteed by the Ih'. 4,
l'(untaou1 loin wntild Pay f(11 t 11,• new
edifice wa'l'l:(( tittle'. over.
To Ite•a. .I. N. Robinsim, 1)1 Sparta.
a former paster of the eileuN and a
Iii itoI\t. Demi m,NN,- Geo. Begley
hast the comlrael fur 41.e cal 'entering
work 1141 the new house wire 'II Iti'rherd
jye\1'Watley is luil4ling 1111 hie 101
text t'1 lye. Mt414a•3in'li, :al Nile
J,mas( Itedi 1 had 'a Iwtrtentisimg
lee .-u rtuvwlay, of la't. week. ISvery-
thing 4cwlt un' amen Illy, :uitl it was
'(i/'eels IIs caret v way. !Mothers nod
Were the Dint lectors for the
't 'Walk, while Ihr frammwork be
leing'etone by Jos. Flynn, of lit. A li-
gu-tiny (iwl ‚44.11)1 're is putting
a 10ellld:ati011 under hi. 11011se.
I 111.1.( n NP. Kele J. W Rote
inson, of Sparta, 1 -•tied Res',
`I'itele4a011atflip 1110yIlit4( set vire 114
ten• .M. -i h...t;.4 . h,rr. h
\Ir. '1'Irlraven'4 er1111111 on '.14.11.1 WAN 111(111 .IlglIeeh(ted h), his
4,111..) ee.n Ht A .i., .e.-. '
p1i nal rl•gnist, \11►. %Volts, a ttu'mel
ua•mher ,41 hi. Telnolo comgtegal1(111,
plovid(M1:u1 1(lditional Deaf for the
audiellee in her .:7.1111 1 • which
land preaelu•.1 in Ili. )t.-theeled church
'en t,aiGtov . I1. o. ('has,
r uth,•rfurel Pxrhn I::..l pulpit: with
the I.:e.t.;r:It I4I,a, 11.' 1q R(1pday .
Moe Maud \Vhyml4 take, the toric, at
the Kpwlett Lemke,n°'eting on Fri.
11.1N' .•t'•ning.. 1) , u 1er14' .. rvicl•r
\ r
4 ' 11' a 1 Ihue .
1'(1 h 1 in Ili 1 t •hu
d tali
.41 Sunday next. •
I' L- \11 \t'. ‘1111. 11,41, of
,111,. 4.1'1 111.1•4 . 114'.. N.
‘‘.10 11.1 \1.. 11111 Mts. Harley
long .(11,1 . .isiliig at 14•n -
miller Miss 1 I1.. .lolu)stun is
111w414• from 4'1111.1..1, Rey. ('bas.
Rutherford retuutell .w1 Friths) ti.wu
Ili. trip turaa��N{{ew folk• Ahem Mal.
deal 1, ,� (..girl,• I. availing at the
f - Ill her, owls. Joseph A. Mil -
lough.. .Mr. and \Ins . 11Mary 44,.
ioH-e'nd 4aredy, of I atill,p, spent Skin-
Business & Shorthand
Resident and Mail Conner
c.lal'.'..a F •
1• W. W..e.rvelt, f. W Westervelt, J.. C.A.,
Priarinal VIc-l'n,aipal.
Ef .n 1, f•r,nrrl,• i., the• r,tont ry .((1(1.41
(41)0111, fell the 4oitor of laying the
1N•1 i(Illl 11(•111 t loupt•.
Thr l hint tete leas hint_ by J. I i.
Anderson, o17.ne1'nuW, 1►nttthrr Ilit
gannon boy who is now • of the 111,4.1
successful llusi1 1rr Risen in shim eeet ion
'.4 ihrcountry.
J Jiynt. of I.ecknew, 11 pawl-
m(ster in the art of I:ayinf; 4.444 tier -
0111 •e, pointed with pride to the (Ail
tont hr 4,1) tat 4rn.r.- 6.1, ..Ib. r tress -
elle presented to him en similar 1)•c4-
_l4axlerlaaa_ 1r.a* -"Irre ,nt,utiu
erre: m onies by (i. M. Elliott, who laid
the fifth and East corner -stone, and
wuq lir applause• of hie audience by
his p'•1 t intent r.huirk, ,u, teuIp•ranlr
and Rablwatles,hool work,
Ibinelxome Dolmen[ 1f the 1)ccludon
in the fieen-of-eilvertree Iswerre-pre-'.
settled' do t he flve gentbr, •n who so
:ably 14id.t1-e.flve ruiner -sten
'Tia' following ministers- al were
I •' 4'nt, giving an additional Ion,
Ihr ,4caasiwl : Rey. T. (ticks, of flu
ganhun : H. I''rrgu.,in, of Kincanlint' :
M. J. Nilson, of Walkerton : W. Con-
way. of Nile :'r, Sawyer. of laicknow,•
In- the cornet• -stun"., with other
:reticles, were. placed : history of the
-hurch and e..ngrcg,atiuta, nalneit eif
the pastors, ropiest 411 the enlist riptinh
lists to date, rut rent Iwo. of beat
and religious paters.
Alter 1111 corner -Mode ceremonies,
vitt left Mr Ilie home i/1. St. lentis 4111
oeBA.a), per steamer St. !entice, after
vtsitiog 4is tiler Ili Lie -know and
r.l.uivn)in ihlugII 1, Il1..
I1ot*4'tl is visiting a4I,Ibi. f11rn. er hea'. aaue
:at \\.)edh:un \la.. J. K. Ilrc.l4Xev
and Miss Pioneer+, ,r tit Klerk)). have
leen visiting at \b I''•utLuul's
Rev. If. Ferguson., \\ Ile and child, of
KinI:uvliete, are ci-it iug friends 1111•1r
Rn.4 tat Nil, ......itt—:Ind MrN,'ITIVid
spruule ate visitit,, 11r.. Huts in
tl:uuilU(n Nr.. dire and \lis.
toy. lye•,••.• hl•v,• (,ottn-su,4--ta'nuer,
Mi.+..t',uuet ll is visiting at the
home of Oro. 111adfotd 111. and
\Mr's, \''esley Ttoleavren. of Totoutea.
are visiting relatives herr .,Mi,.
Alma• Itnbin,nn. °t Sparta, !w the
gum 11 Miss Intel ('tiUo Alis.
A4innie Nitt'Itt'1f.ofCarlow-. is visiting
het sister. Mrs 1 d. Andel min
Milton Bechtel, of Elmira, is visiting
,44 the !aortae- of Apr and Mrs. James
N'44yard .... ..Miss Ada Sproule, et
temteri,h, to spending her vacation at
ae house ,.f her part -tits here ' Mr.
Mr.. 1Vn1. Mel'1 "nth and children,
.1 lr'iw etich._apet►t Sundry with their
el .and1 ler•, Georg,' Correll
\rthur r. 'opt is. home from Wood-
. . w : 11uT,v Stelther,, of
(metere], is ve mg her grandmother.
.After visit • with friends 11,
the villsgr over Sm .av, Rev. J. \\'
Robinson and wife,. .4 lata, left on
The L':3d ing School
an oNT...../
1'ouescs 1111' praelical, our nevelt-
Pts experienced, and our graduate,
lea 1x1111' to 1111 res)oi edhie pent' '4.
IVB. ere reeeiving 111nnv applie:ltbins
for M1lee' help. l tering a single
dis . e . , 4 . ,. ).
a this week ID Iv ua
' liunsfaa utticr help aud four
{ for rnmmerv•ia1 teachers. (Mr grad-
uates emceed as 144111*' 4t4ller.4.
Three depart 1111'114 s r
1'ata1o441W 1404', .
LI.t.1orr ea Al eL.'4 111. %N,
. l'rin('ipals.
y-y • s. -Y '..1,-...0--,:r...-...0--y- -A' _-'�
STANDS ready to h -Ip young nn^n
and woolen to win independence an•l
seccess. It has given the start to
thousands upon thousands of young
people. It can help you. Write for
Catalogue. Enter any time.
Yonge and Gerrard its . Toronto.
.I,. . w. s ,
i'eyull) (the lwuulom li:ul r au I Itull•:r'N. • It. J. l'r:nafnrd s effete.(
hy..yr.. \ti'att.• gold w0daliMt, 1113 the ;► eta bi l to the p•rlera( ptakiug erven
vrrlm. 't'hettltl.me W is rxerllrHl, ata! tulit'o-eyeeFlfh-int24.4411Tri�L' one .thin,(
on ever)' hand were heard words u( et 11rrr- Dungannon title range... .
commendation for the rntnnlitt(e'l The Iulnnnl picnic of the Aletblti.11
2utppy ,r4'rlion- SIrN, ,Vette playing, - ,h 5.....1.1 .. boot is -bring hrld
outhe'yi,lin ails truly grand :Ind a 11113)' tat Point Fat ire 'rhrreband-
deRcinu4, of
to air who had the wapiti loads and :1t lens a deze•ni
1 tramtre oa he'aring her. - •private r igs have left ter the lakeside
l9nprwr was hewed 111 t he p trsunng4 resit Wheat, • •.,t. and ►e:udey i`
lawn, between !Fye and six laualt4'l Were greatly la'ae414•..4 by the heavy l
Person' willing down to the tables. tains Inst week; and this year'' her-'
1►f the repatll provided nothing neer! vest pr/(Oise' I0 be :t - it•ruhd nvaker.
lesaid--the repnlnt44)14 of the Dein- 1 Mestere, I1.•i1.1•l-+on 111411 4k'rhte'1
gan011 w'mnH )Fa0.04444,4444" n''' uay.,V.,,.4 �I,H4r --ea Me --bey. Th.
known thrnugilout all the :Weaning got few Ii'•h•1'
, leo la lalllll,1w 11"
c.emr1try. a.: 0.04444,4444".gwll/PS ---- * .."'I 44.' Anderson, of
From a financial 4tlndp eine the .111y I.uekt.uW, is 1111 ing apples in this
was one of gratifying success t1 all vicinity .. Raspberries and black
concerned. The receipt'. in the' even- I*•rase al4v!•r�-plrptifitt. ;.._h..
ing at the gate anti at the hnoth .In ( were Manueraell „IT the • l,
• .0 'merit wail
over $IJ+, while sub4eripaona and at the new .'hole,' nn.• day last week.
donations throughout the day brought No boner. were 1. okem, but he v41.(s
the total up to over Ii$i41. had( shaken n ,
Great credit is due the managing Y s 1 •. (r 4 t'ng the
ro►11n titter. for the snrceslful way in Who ham the el41 (1. for .laving the
Bement sidewalk from J. \1 alk. n,'
which they aurauRed and carried nut r,,. h, r-. i,
the program. To the ladies aTw, great expeeteel to ' 4•tuunlence '.vol k chi
C1•apilling. 8(011111 he given, for to their wk . ....,. .l.ihnsl4m biro bre!.,
week '1'1,.
rud and faithful work touch of the busy the past ..e.•k i1rlawing gravel.
day's M11Qe,MM is 1111P. The 11(.614011 t1 -- l'isr-Itemi Wavering -eh township
go ilial wit h the a eremonie•M on sneh , ,unl'll 4134.4 nor, , 11 t1 pay its proper
a day as .past Their4day were a meet lien of the -1 of a sitiewelk it,
fortunate one. and the results ex- front of the IG(glish ehhreh rectory.
(-peeled the expectations of *'vers the 1114 a Dinh .e t for that streten et
most sanguine. walk and a .•a......4 er on. M,1in 'Street
The building is etifilriently Gtr ad-ridOne to It„11:11.1 Mk'Ne•vin'm will r
vaneeetto give 'geed idea as t'' its 4414hly be giver) .it a meeting to be hell
principal dimu'naions. The chinch this et ening . On Menelny tie
propel will be 12'':1:* feel. with n 4,.1)131 1(o.a rentt:4rtr.1 at the nen
towel sixt0rn feel rgnttr.• 111 n)*' church: wares*.1'1 in the face. hj. •,
c0rflT•. The bn5PrtrPnt -tR ern fret -plank --Olt hard .nnnvh. hnwev'r, h
high, while• clip tmdirlrium W.11 have *amain a vocal , 11 . . It i4 said that
a height of between eighteen and lack of',liftable uc slmrll,lllntiou w.4•
twenty tier. -The tower Witt be eixt) Dna• ete-t-?) why-Mr.-am4- Mre. 1\ att•-
five feet higFi. )e 'Pnt.N ctrl to le 1014 There 1.
(1111 an engd 7i e e .,
arranged nn the riroular plan, pith in the Tillage. ,ul.l .a conifer, 141,•
the pulpit to one• side, to-dI.' 11141(1inl:. 11•eak11Y'tul "x, 1•II.•t t
inv141in0nt. -
Macklin demo vet the thanks of the
whole town for speaking out se
plainly-at the Dunnet( meeting last
week. We hope. and w-0 believe we
expre'o.4 the hope of 111 gold citizens
that be will follow up the matter and
stick ‘0 it until everybody roucerned
is thoroughly, awakened to a sense of
A plag�oe of grasshoppers is doing
great nlinchief in titbit)* Wore and
North 1ire?,mrordingtr TinWiartien
Echo. which says that . in the high-
lands in thea district the insects. have
literally .swept evr'rything Iwfore
then(. "They are here in (millions,"ter
sari The Echo, "and have utly
spoiled the crop. of hay and partially
d*strnyed the. nate of many farmers.'
The Echo asks the Government to
deal with the matter, AM in the rase
of the San Jeer'' scale, and if powsille
to discover -Am . _
eat.of putting_ as.top
to the plague,
The Weekly Sin, of Toronto, goes
' The Windsor Record makes some
comments on the enhject•nf the teach-
ing of music in the public srbools.
The 1Vin,inot hoard of education i'
making an experiment along thio line,
and The Record is , trongly in favor of
the step. It Rays :
There is no more health -giving form
of physical exercise than singing, de-
clares a memorandum 011 the 'lthjeel
presented to an Engli.h sett° .I bean!.
it develop", stengthens and maintain.:
in good a Minn the lungs and the
other cosi( n d tM•nn h them
1'KOns, an
exerts a corrus. onding influence upon
the whole lex()•.
(Meaaionally, 1t is suggested, even n
lesson in school alight with advantage
suffer interaction by Ringing if atten
tion were beginning to Ilag. The re-
freshing effect would le found to IN'
Regtardle1M of g11P*tions of notation.
the Windsor board of education have
'hewn their Naga•i1y and progressive.
nese in making the expel'. •nt of i11-
troducing music. Not only i' musk*) a
prime humanizing factor. but its pur-
suit brings unalloyed delight to the
children, in strong eontrali,tinetion
to the electpf some• other Muhject.4 on
the list of studies.
The delight of the children is re-
flected in the hone and thus the par -
ante a1' well An pupils are direst(
benefit d.
The Guelph Mercury4dvocate.4 the
publication of the JeGestiment roll each
year, and 11th,'( that it would be
beneficial in many ways. "Publicity
in the most effective leveller of tax
values known. If the roll were pub-
lished, Mr. A. would find, perchanee,
that Mr. H , who had a house in the
h,r .inn dal in its pmtPst (ieorge stollens has the contrail
--fwr-4144• Wn 441111- -and -14r-iely-wierk-s-
against ultra -Imperialism when to (George ne'gl,y for the Deventer
OrakO nor a nm"P !e tnRntne
patriots 1f the Pmvinre /f eluetee.
It has Nought upon itself 1 rebuke
ftmm Th.. snit Teaar, wh 1'h nnghl
to know .4omething aboral the, spirit
and sentiments by which French.
Canadians are ' moved. The Star
"The pessiuli1*ir, Teemed o \V,'ekly
Mein has t he following . mislandinp
statement in 1he'r/111'PP of an :aft irl'
intended to :how that Canada cannot
le depended ip1n to join in to closer
British nnirin for mutual defence : -
'1f w•4' Non to older Canada the prob-
lem presenter) to Imperialists does not
appenr rnnrh 10"Mdi4Ienlf, In gopher,
Ihr only grrnt l'rovinee of caned,.
t n, 1, e st the littlish
that fronts n the 1'n
population nurnleate Only snow 3111, -
ion mit of a total 1f well-nigh it mil-
lion nnd lhree-quarlrrs. This nemh-
ing paragraph means to say that 111
Canadians' of Permit eprech d
origin Ore not British. Their wn
leader., would he the first to de y nod
regent, it. They may note -be
lint they nndnnhte,ily n1' iritish in
the senile that they are ya1 subjects
of the lIritish (Town nel contented
citizens of the Britigtf Empire."
51 hen dmyliiet fmir., end +an.et rotor' dim.
The 11ow land U sweet with alerting
rent :
old there where new. the tireink. in rdnl
e nttl.nt
The rattle wander. gracing by the trio,.
Then, inyon.ly the -wallow. lightly '1.is,
No longer far np In the firmament.
RM. low along the brook. with one .-ole
Fly hark and forth. and Oft beneath the nm
Rend darting wing. With twitter sohand
1'p 'cream and down they go In .hoer
80 tette !key Heger. dlpping Mt). below
The •leemine ,nrface, they would tato re-
The .toy of that days gladness In their
HT 4Athln.In the eery -nn.el glow
Image vicinity as himself of the sane _. viii,a1b e,tot wads. In IM Age..
value, is ainiesm wt at rine km, Mr. A. ('aratdlan MaR*rine.
w.,rk , Where..(R S..,. f... t4,- 414,
4 )ver line thc.usan11 students
enrolled hy- out chain kat
year. It pays to attend a
•link of this great chain, for
"1 . Ytitnr.t
sTIIKN4; 111.”
TI3.0--41W44-nal for 4114r grad -
mites is THREE TIMES the
supply. -
Other tu•h,4ola engage our
graduates 11a teacher. A
Mp•rlt l'Ultl'el for (cachets.
f l raetn.i1,•R of two War:Ago
are.' now earning $2.14144 per
-Three rfnreee -- (.•irmvit o-
+1.41 STENT )It1('LV WW1
F:a.t1 ft.\1 I1...
FaII Term Opens Aug. 31.
Write for 411111 4141114,
(IE)1, 51'4)1T(IN, NUN.
stun hing and plumbing : Ihe(im11erielt
Planing Mills are •1pp1) ing the mill-
11A. NEWTON, 11ENTLST, 1.1-I'Ks
1 NI441'. At home r, ,,v,4, 4.•..', -pi Th
.Ley 3, Nen iem.'.l) for ex(rael the' feet, 1:1111.111,
lot n.I,Iwd it r than ea, 1'rnwn ' ' 4 In 'dm- wet k,
1'40. \tuloinnin '4,4,te.- than htea,,,td,, -
N.1*,-'', ,i,. t1 Away- haveIM,'.o444mni•44
better done In the denial odic"-rn.n,• (11111•,
better facile it . for doing; the work, more Torn
!unable for the patient.
in Imitttnnnon for The Signal i- at the 1'1)')
11th•,' Il,ok and -(nunnery Stone, where
or/lel-.win hn npe iced for -n1/.eri'11Inn., wd-
cerci -,ng anti deb ''k. •111 eirt. will be
Y.1\1•11 for aln.fittl- 1.,414 for .11 .aloe..
1Vtnv► I,aa. July
NN hashN ii
A1.1 ( t H. • -- W.
II lilt,,), Whos41ri'pPil$ F, AI. Wal
manager of elle Ihrligttntien ,'rnnrh
of the SI*'rlieig Itnnic.%orriswl front
Toronto 111 Mond3v and in new in
r•hlarg4. Mr. linn.iit°n ('1ihichl highly
r,r,mimendrd from the head'on14,' in
Toronto, and w( trust 4,i4' etay herr
Will he a plpoa it 1,11(, Afr, mart Slim,
11'3tt.4 left on Toe -day fele North
TnrfTitte, whet,• Mr, \)1118 wilt net ns
manager of another Iwu,k. -
11g1T1t 4, .t Foitemit .14r:.i nt.:NT. •
Went was rereeived last week 441 the
death in 4hlfteein (mints. of Mrs.
Frank Tate (fnrtret•ly Miss Sworn
('sok, of this village), in h.t•.thirly1lfth
year. Miss Cook wee horn In Dim -
!cannon and spent mist of her life
dere, She Woo n member of the Met h.
°dial "here,' and was universally
respected for her deep religiose
thought and life. The funeral woo
held from Ili. hog s(• 01 her uncle, in•
torment ,'rine mule Rt firand Valley.
(1os1!'4VVST . - Th. an'etion sale held
ml Saturday last by t1Arry Jones w114
well aten.led •nil good prices were
realized. Opo. IMOkett, of Ood.rirh.
Ives the auctioneer, Mr, .Ione* left on
Tneeda morning for the W.ot, where
he will -likely locate. Mrs. Jones and
son left the Unit morning -for Toronto,
where they will visit with relative*
fora while. !Benj. Augustine, who
bought Mr. while._
property. is moving
from ftlderleh thin week. Alex. Pent
lend doing the teaming.
F \ 1.! . 'I' I : I : \I DIENS rl•:I''I 1. t
('n.. \"hngr and 1lrxnnder Sits. Stri. t
ly Firol -tell•..., frraduntsl ulw.I)•s .un
4,044(111. \\ , ,, for Hmulsome 1 11:1
r „
incorporated by Act of 'arhate:ut, .6ew,
Re.6:,•ntial School for Rein and Young h,• n.
Cour. 0 '.. '.. Ie,I Scion. Sciea +,•
N^w I,,,daingt e.,ofpp:4 with latest I,•
,4.441ren..aao pt41e loom., fire ,•ew G.uma
um, liw)mmiog Pool. Shower Baths, Rmmo.g
Track An,tnrmte
Prnlde..ors m,.'e pn.t-rradnatr roomer in F•.,l-
mor. Pu'rd .n4 'T itinni.63 m• per ameun
A.1dre.' -
Y REV A 4. 7,110,6, C 11 . PN.D., err'. "'
Berlin. Ont.
e, Cana,IA.
Fo-otwea r
The greatest bargains 111
t ►xfot d "Tin :Thews tier iiIT,'rc.1
in Gisi-t kill 1
('ono. a uiy for these untie*.
priced R1'1•. Thete Is more
than on*' pair that will snit
yen and lit you, but the more
thete Are the sererern s
of tieing .141ickly Mati,fml'
Ri) ('(/)II? EARi.Y
Rede Agent* for
Queen Quality Shoes
. 11111' Wuntelal
Walk -Over Shoes
(fot• Invent
f_1 North side of square.
Gndertt h
Clearing midsummer Prices
Bargains Extraordinary
:Gil yards of fancy, 2itotick sumlmer Wash Silks, in neat stripes,
piiuks, bluets, ut.'uve,. It+gialar I+k. Saturday and Monday, (July ....... 1Se
1�tti-(ILOYRS —• - _
Sale of Kid Glover, tans and brown.. all suet, and some sites In
lent w as 11x .wt� M — . .
_ s _► 411n1s; Ilvr lure linen double damask 1
I lane Cloths. t
priers $I..io, $ ,,.11 and $ 3.1141, uu rale al 11E25 R a1'
b1 I(,1,l4I't"rs n ma•rellre prices. 84.14) to $7.011. Reg.
:CO yards
uole neat, dainty Ypatterns in light and
mid co
I'_11 and LW quality, •counter full at mid -colorings,
per yard. O.
4,and'1 y{►lrls wide iu _1 tuts terns, prices per square yard..:11c, 41k, iigk,
Regularly ,
), ) w•or CII � Ir.:4k and (LN'.
\1'1' r:ury now A complete, full. new stock of Patterns, none
higher than —
4444 10e and l:,c
W. A
S -& §O
\\'1• 1.14(1• it large assortment of nice Talcums, the finest
tui tufrctured. and have-thers,an-difer'eetb adorer:-
dor•rrNa trite°, Violet, Nalruc,i Hose, Nadrueo Fresh ('4110,
Taylor's Valley Violet, Williams' Coronation. All - the
atwve at 2,c a tin. Also Palmer's Garland of Violet., at Y
a lin. We also have cheaper Talcums, from 10c up, at
Drug Store Goderich
1.Ja J. McDonald
'Phone 150
New Grocery Store
New Grocery --
Store on West street announces his
and imit ' .t '.hare of the public pat-
ronage. He will have a brand-new
stoc_kt,iaf Groceries --aa full line -and
all new Fruits .in season. Best
Goods, a Bright Store and Prompt
Service. `
Cash for Butter and Eggs.
Read The Signal's New Story, Page 5
11 is a good ci '.
it and Gasoline Stoves
You will do all your cooking, baking and
ironing for 20C a week if you use one of
our Oil or Gasoline Stoves. They do not
smoke or smell, easy to operate and give
sat isfaC1 ion.
Specially priced at $4.50 each.
We'll let you try one free for a week. We
have over .200 o
stoves in use
every day in Goderich. Your neighbor
uses one.
Hammocks, were $3.5o each, now $2.5o.
The best Charcoal Irons, fuel and labor savers, $1.3•'
Screen Doors at cost to clear.
We are '.tele agents for
114: per Yount(.
MAI. TIN-SENOUR 100 per cent
covers most, wears 'longest
best. 'We are sole agents.
Pure Paris Green sold cheapest at
. Pure PAiNT
and looks