HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-7-29, Page 1AT THE TOP THE SIGNAL'S job print mg department Equipped for all kinds of pnhttng. Let us sbow you bow neatly and eptly We can execute your next order aliTY SECUNU 1114111141.. teff ion 84BERRWN. _BNT tIO1-PANADA1 JULY 29. 1909 e• [ . THE SIGNAL'S READ NEW STORY THE SIUNAL PKINTINY CU„ LCC, Pu.trsaaw. l 1 Financial I .rn offering for sale Debentures bearing uttered at five per cent. ler annum. payable half -yearly. These debenture@ offer an sbeolutely sate and prof- itable investment. 1 would advise anyone having money to Invert to be sure to call and see )Oe. W. L. HORTON THE STANDARD LOAN. COMPANY -J NOT ICE TO ADVERTISERS QODERICH MARKETS. Tit U*aDAY. July tell. Fall wheat, oar bush el lu tp 1 In copy of change of running advertise. Boeine wheat, par bush..... 1 4 re' 1 W mania must be left at this office by Hu, Hicer bu.h 0 IS to 0 Se iwbeaLi er lith 0 wl to s m Monday noon to ensure insertion Owe. per bush-, 0 v) to 60 Paan. ser h..a 0 83 W 0 r1 in funl of carne **ilk. -barley, per Dr .8 . 0 St W 0 ..y Screening., per ton 20 (x1 to 211 It 14x1 to sW J iv to 125 24 W Situations Vacant WANTED -1 t.( Ittlt D1 ATELY. 1 good nook dove) 01114. iued1ion .Ice pre c dHu. i be in *mambas order. Addeo.. once WANTED.-A SC11001, TF, A('i(EIt In .shod ssuencrt iiooen No 7. township of Cot. to mer Ao4As1+.n Applloaaloof o• innl 4 prrter r.mn I01 wrii mg to be made to ILL1AM C. la, HST, Hen miller P. U. Flour, t.'..11y. per cwt Flour, patent, per cwt ...... Bear, per ton 24 ue to Shorts, per ton _ Y5 'U1;1:: U to flay. per ton e w Wood. per cord 3 to to Butter. per lb . 0 18 W Cheese' per lb 0 15 to lIelt.. [yeah. per dos *Wes Potatoes, new .. 1 IT 10 1 'attle. ord)n'y to stood. pee eat. 4 1n 1a Cottle. exhort. per cult....:..... •i 25 to Hoge ... ..., :.... 1.0 ,Coto Lambe u Sheep, per rwt ... . ... 3 91 W Hari. per lb 0 17 to /News, per lb Lard. per Ib .. 1t10D GENERAL $KRVANT Tallow, per lb .. _.. ti wetated-try Ares* 41131. Apply to MM. Hidua per cwt 6 to, to Li . 1.. BI.Att(- She. DD skin. _ - -- - - - -. _ Chicken, .. ............... .... 10 to 1/ON's WANTS!). = AT THE Tarlton kmarketsun taw• t lblr12 t. D W howl Rigs. outside 23 W to 50 e 011 o e' e is +lo 1 111 1 So S 75 . 14' 4 31, 40 77 7) U to U)s IS to 15 01 to 006 0 sl) l0 to N) 10 14 ANTKD AT ONCE., -AN EX- Auction Sales. rCRIENL"kD eLalsa• t_[Irlt or pKPs.• etalr+etri. Apply to I T DTti 4altruni. A l (.'TION OV 14TTANUINti TENHKR AND ILEAL, k:STATr r1IKAI'HER WANTED. - FOR S. S. j 1 No. 1. township of 1'olborur. male tarcher preferred. el mid 10 neatness Aug. 4 with 1 ' t 1.CI K eatery. to { A Alt♦ 1-. $se . -feting to II r. syr- rva.-. FaenutllMr P.n. 411 EAl'HER WANTED. -POR M. St No, 1, woe Waw..no.h habilis/ ant o d ro.,.l-c a.. peo(e,e4Urtal o 91461.te. duties to fermnrn'' A ug'e.l 149 h. POW. *tate exppM tern. If any, and salary ••1'oled. Applies rho. merited up to July 1/M. ly 404th reference., to T141 Ot. H. TAYLOR. `secretary. trernren. SL Helen. P. It ec?Borr...4.ewlry. AMr4lewees...1sa InOtrurtlob. from MAKUAHI 'r kl.hli)T `lo sell on the mambo.. twine lut 17. In the Hay nem read 00130,.'.10n. tioderieh town4,4e, en FRIDAY, T/IKI4h DAY OF JULY. cwt, Seal estate for nate. Hu('yl( VOR MALE. -THE MAIN o -,rt lou of the house on r,"Ihes4 owner „(North and Bruce stres. Purclu.er W re - more the buildt ha ing. For further tnformttlon" . ▪ tel. l)K' FUWLKK.M S..CUFF £rekli cher. WESTERN LAND$ FOR MALE.-- sores ALE.-sores with ll acre. In crop ; frame moue with 'phone la, i'rloe OMB Bo -lading two land a rich loam. U) scree at *IM per sere broken and fenced. Tn. is & "asp, as Iwo going up •very year Ml acre, with good budding•. 010 scree broken . pr10e P1 per acne good Ioaallty and phone In twos. J A d dame Lan H. e n be hongbt In ea+y tern,., TEM'SLCY, Yorklon, Sack. HOUSE FOR SALE ON Till: east tide of Victoria styrol, Serra roamed Wbreak puae m: furnacelectric light and all rn rou renkmois ; apmea et able on rho lot. y Per tern. and particulan apply to 5414 r,,A 17tlaHnLM. at 1 o'clock In the Afternoon : All the .Landing timber on said lot, IoK,t her with • large uu.n Uly of cedar pad.. omit and s4a1R The .tand- bpt llmbrr ha. leen -tilt eyed In •ne percale ah -a Way bre Inspp'e'''t.•e. 1 at arty tinduring the e' , reas) • reed lag tsr. +ale. At the same time and plane the following teat eut•te win he offered, Peet of lot at. ow,_.J.., ti.dench town -hip. containing Si sere.. TAIL Is a,rood pasture lot cleared, well reflood. old has 'neon It a sec er i.4i.., t -goring creek. Those de.lrlug to buy wood, rtes r or cedar pod., or a &null ra.4 use lot will and It proflahh to at tend the. ode. TERMS OF' SAi.Ii. LOCAL TOPICS - - Prize Lists Uut. _ -- The prize lists for the lioderich In- dustrial Exhibition have been issued from the press, and copies may he had on application to M. 0. Johnston, the secretary. At the Harbor. The steamer Isabella J. Bores cleared un Naturaay after unloading her cargo of coal. The eteawer Doric unloaded a c a: au of 'J6,01110 bushels at the elevator on Saturday. Charles Saunders has installed • more powerful engine iu his motor boat. - Founo Guilty. Thos. 1)000141In. the young roan who war committed for trial by Magistrate Bailie of Dungannon on charges of in- decent •e9ult on a little eight-year, old Kiri, wee before His .Honor Judice Holt on Tuesday and was found guilty on two charges. He was remnoded until August Pith for sentence. The Crown attorney prosecuted and J. I.. Killoran ae6e4 tar-Lbo. defence..._. . _ To Locate Site for Gas Plant. students at the Co1leKlate A. W. Glass, who holds the (cutlet•- who will teeth„sig, "Ilrittanla t ich as franchise, was in town last every slay they go to school tri g the corner of that institute of lea week mai is coming up Crum' Dsttoit ;night undertake to settle the c again today' by steamer St. Ignace, spelling by holding a debate o He Will be accompanied by Mr. Shack- subject. In the meantime The tette,'of the Lluyu Construction (.o., Detroit, and we understand the in- tention is to locate the site for the, gas making plant and get things under way for the construction of the works. •A Driving Accident TIIPsday lvPn dost two i'tg* collided on !beet street and .the nc- rupanla were more or lees shaken up. The most serious damage. however. was nnrtained hy the vehicles, which were much damaged. , One of the rigs war driven by James Buchanan. jr.. who had IMMO memlwrs of his family and Mrs. Green with hint, and in the other rig were John Wiggins and Iwo young belie. Mc factory is employing froom LU to wits simply out of right as an exhibi- ')JM)tnet' eccertling to the season of the tion ot the game. Neither aid:' year. The Mayor says there 'appeared reared, the wet weather preyenuug u tithe no Wye in 1b(__factory, all the 9.11110. employees being men earning Knott Arssu PI'r rtfi!-wwat•,-nduf wages. His Worship feels that the street completing of a he•apn of of this country. From Erin he Moved I NEW ADVERTItiEMEN'8-July -29. to (iulroeu and since hie marriage Ile --"- Pate. Lad spent newt u( his time in the N'wtern Fair -A. M. iliac secretary 3 township of Ae-lleld. He is rurvivell (l lvlc Holid iy Itaaw-F. F'. Lawrence a I1J'w•.• fol three brothers and one sister, ei ,•b•Ic Hundny HQ"- Jo*. 9144 , s follows : ort' iaut, in Minnesota :Jolter time uD N1 4"'M, iwi&iii Bio at \Vwlkerton; Thomas, in Cubes, time ue SOI venire lies Port repreeenlations that were made to the rubbish that have bell iyii K on the council were well Within the 111:1.1'1. el reel, for two years. The public works Trash 1 Trash I department should attend to the Mat- (ieurge' Hoskin, the indefatigable hr l °R c i a 1(7J:1117 ' 0'1' of it w... daughter. ag.nt of the Intet•nationel KvapKe• and one sun, all in town : Mrs, N intl..' - lical and Cwop4rlage Mission, was in run. Rol4•rt Armstrong and Misr Mag. town this week solicit int( *fonds frac ir. Mt•. Standish wsa R member (tithe the work. He repo. t. n small eon collected here, and Mrs. Smith. 111 Culross. Mt. Stan- er 6 dish was married about thirty-four The Shoe 41'e Hold Up- Wm, Sharman t yearn*4(0in 1 qu„sin9, to Miss Arm - 'Me ter at once. p above is the coniueut written opposite au iteral, in the copy of The Igo. 11 (9.t). vet, lying at the town clerk's desk the other day, with refer- ence to the spelling of Britannia road on the slew 5(4•014. liana. Fut• cunllrm- atiou of the double -t one -m spelling The Signal tepeeentative was referred to the clap of the town that hangs in The clerk' office, end, wlteo the alter- nate apelliug, one -t anti '4Oe.-tt, on tier settle trap was pointed out as impeach- ing that authority, i ropy of the Canada Company's map, dated 1$,6, was produced with the word elicited Brittania. The Signal representative. suggested) that the Canada Company draughtsman might not have known how to spell, and proposed the diction- ary as the thud authority ; but, then, The annual picnic • f Nprth street Methodist Sunday school will be held at k1rpesetung Park on Wednesday next the civic holiday. Rigs will be ethadirt church, and in politics was a Conservativr The funeral took place 00 Frith, •ft„rucr•n to Dungan- non. Rev. R. 11'..0!illyiu•d, posh'; of Victoria ktreet Methodist church, con- ducted the services at the .hawse and s Jlid+uouuer Sale -lino, Johnston ..`...... . tNrgulns Cxtraord tary--tv. Acheson A Son 2 For Snlurday-The Two- Martina 9 011 0ed (1usoltne Stoves -Worrell.' Hard- ware (Itore It'. Keouo1uy to Trade at This Store -J. H. ('olburne .. 1 took Stove W.mta1 -/'ash, Thl. Oa9oe 1 l'en,her Wanted -S. S. No. 7, Colborne1 Requirements ' (o ' Harvest Time -Howell Hardware Co 6 provid.od for conveyance of rheas who the pastor of the Dungaunon Metho- tJ'raHIY and V.I.le-1', r, gyring s wish tot attend and a good time is in dist eburch stet the procession at Nile, '.thus w'Msts-C'onerom 1x 5tuuro.........5 prospect. The pallawarers were William Waite. Fall Term-KlUolt litisinoss 1'o11uKy 8 + Mrs. (Dr.) ILP:anme, wife of the Min- John Edwards, James !tell and Mr; ow Uroerry `(tore -1.-J, M'•I,Llal,l _. 4 AN nrtounromentsa-J. Mdeurld 1 8 irler of Public Works for Ontario. McLaughlin. with her daughter ('harlott., arrived Warcup. in lawn last w!('t to ,pend the minuted. - -- - _- at the Hotel Sunset. Th., Doctor is 1 For twent}-ifve years Miss Martha sojourning in the Old ('ouutry and Warcnp. whom, death took place on i•s. Resuule will pr.tMtbly stay here Wednesday of last week. had taught foot, M1,-. 1'nnldf.4oL Mt.. CorbwlW. Mr, and e in the time echlx)1 at Montreal. utntii he rout in 4c•pte tiller. Mee, F. I[ tiodirru-, Ualcrlrh. Mrs, 1nr.)+1 y, w r 3 L. " wag a ' de and experienced teacher and was flenent w 1)otffttle iietsl-SuaseL the dictionary might nut bre 1411..ht M .:aLhL•1',$a LLUY ICLC2d N11 geated. 11l r: tits id it,. !tad Mark Sale-Hodttens lire.. J. Smith. l'hl 11F Stlw-fGiYholds, Hobert Proudfoot. H. l , Davi., Wue. Proudfoot. New K. Hutchison- Sir.. IlutiehB..on. 51r.. Proud - Road Rtoaa " gilt at. ening orreet ,r the Signal wi11 continue to use the spelling "Br tannia." By the way. the method In w 444'•11 00111, of the stree•t..04K*s are tacked to the tree4 fines not enhArieli the beauty of the trees. The Horticultural Award*. - It may iw' set well to remind, the householder. of 'lioderiCh that the competition 'for the prize* to be Awarded by the Ho,ticultural Miwirty for the hest -kept garden and premises is 14rin9 kept in mind by the'iirec1'rs, and that the judging is going OD .luaetly but surely. The jndginv will not Iw completed tail the end of Ortn- Iwr, tot that cotultetttnrs have--ph'nt7 "f tier yet ti show what they can do. Dolgoff Before the P.M. Jew byy the name of Jwroh golf, Wet, in town • short time ago Meddling silks and while herr stayed at'r. JohnsTnn's hn4P1, ',Vherr#r left town he was in Mr. Johnston'n debt -lee tai+. board and also "well Knox Ifs).. for livery hire. It.dgolf was nrn'sled in Pariseand brought back to I i.,lrrich on Friday and on Nat tint ty Oradea guilty u) the two charge* I against him. • On payment of costs and of the claims he was /et go T..T{nbe.,._woad. .. Mahe. _cedar. Debt., ete,- aa►ount. of *l0 and under. cash. On tamer ae,onnteds credit of 6 month. will be given on furnishing approved joint note.. A dlecounl of 4 per cent, for rash allowed on credit amount... The (feat F:+tate --Ten per rent. on day M sale. balance In :F' day., when pun•harer w111 he en titled to a deed and be let into peew-einn. For further part 11 apply to the underalgued. MAItl1ARKT 91.1,10T, THOS 01'NDItY. Proprietor. A,,rUoneer, H01'SE FOIL 4Ai.K. - A NEW brick dweWng with the modern Improve taeats. pleasantly onward and near the Situate. Lo.lr W W. H. 90111N4TIFON. 11 OUSE FOR SALE. -- A TWO - 1TORT trick home, with even rooms. ea Brune treat. PutUculars ran be had by ogling at SIGNAL ° Maoe Ulf VARA' FOR SALE, WT 11• ('ON- 1FJtniu,. R, ('olborne ; 1'd sere. et good toll, bene under grate. ter ellen yan1. i mile east of Donate and 14 miles from Ooderich. with good bonding. and artesian well and windmill, 5 aun.s d orchard, beet of winter roe, and ten amen of boob. For partlo'Ilar. appppl1y to JAB. YOUNG. jr., eft N Waters 01.. l:hereon. Ht exam FURNISHED HOUSES To RENT FOR THE MUMMER MONTHS. Bummer .Isltor. desiring to errors a Imo- 1.h8 boor' In (Metich aro Invited to 0w -- respond with THK SIGNAL Per•s4'o washing to rent their henries to mer visitors should leave particular, at THK 4110NA1. sues• THS STERLING BANK OF CANADA Hun Orton Tomer.) payees, o CAPITAL, WSW" 144C09PORATICD BY "SPACIAL ACT OF DOMINION PARLtasiaNT fV RMCEIYE DKPOSIT* To accommodate the Farmer. we have opened Branches in the villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. We 'elicit the Patronage of the irAarsa- Highest current rate of intermit id In our RAVIN(48 PANIC DRPART- MRNTI nn deposits of $1.00 and Upwards. •ODIRICH BRANCH A. S. AA1sPLll Yana.ee, l```t ATI'KI)AY, Jt"1.1' .;l. - A'1' THF: 4' Auction House 4' ,,,,•.Kiat herr In- structed me to well 3 walnut ventre table*. walnut nfse, 1 waleurbeelstead. walnut chair.. walnut drop leaf table, walnut 'tondo. Nal spring-. Ina(tresses. owirl,, rm'k trig hair., r.por bath cabinet. Ironing hoard, take board.' 1 mahogany human ahon..•n year old, 1 wal nut. ldebo.rd, walnut flower "tend, I New Raymond sewing machine L, perfn't order, with attachments. one light waggon +nit.Me for apple peckers. and a lot of other.hnn.wh"ld furniture. Do not forget .ha date of the bag sale, July 31d. Term. cosh. OK'). HE' FIT I Auctioneer. 1.ATURDAY, ALTO. ich. ANI) MON- 1J DAY VIh-Urent sale of num and e*reets, Ire. from 210 up to 1x.5 ('ondgn mens w111 be On exhibition the :ah and sus ot Austa•t. CEO. 411G'K91T. rale l'onduowr. ALGOMA CENTRAL STEAMSHIP LINE STh. KING EDWARD D. & C. and Mutual Transit Men Here. On Thur•diay eern111K.71RL "tire' strainer ('ity .'t Mt. Igluace had a leer of the directors of the 0. & C. line on board when she called, and doting the time the bait ley al the d,wk these gentlemen were dliyen about the town, in company with the Reception committee of the town council. The factories, hotels and otht•r 'tonics of hlter„st were pointed nit, nod the tour included,a visit to Hoteiatt ew4.-where Lhe junior hand was giving an evening concert. The ditectnrr seemed vary 'h pleased with all they saw, and it is hoped t hey will decide the new port of rail of the line i, worth considerable pruminencr in the e.xnp0tny'r adverti•ihtg m.tl).•r. The following day two gentlemen representing the Mutual Transit, Conn natty were in44.4)wn and visited the 144.11'x_ in company with Deputy Ite,•ve Itrid. Councillor 2'ralgte and Jas. 11 i4,•ltell, secretary of the Ito and of 'fro-•. The gentlemen who were herr were 4. Ifnehanon. manager of the IL r. B, freight -bels at Font William, end W. R. 1,loyd. of Iitn[Tttlo, Manager of the Muti, .4 Transit Com- pany. What They would like to cwt, R) done at the harbor is to have a alit) d.r dy4.. A ,.441, ;upping ..one it from the t .__._ -_ .-_ Bray, of Toronto, On - 'egirlr:ar of the pi npSlieh and Fret' h languages, but Thr (unnwlt, 4,.4' regl.h.rm1 At Motet sun. ave a her position and • 'Mr."M. ltr.Prwskryr, NrWa . MF. enAidMva.lwa4i..1,►.' -- livedwith her Fnnald,54,,..4lertrode .a.Janne.,Del roit;Mrs '1'hr(1..„ sed lino.. F. Hadden. Mils' A. Kolb, airs. Anna e Methodist KIoia„h,LCulcdvr.•'hruuudlNTur.. (lro: tD. *l'ghut pkKer, s'rvices oh nay, New 1ork ; J. . I. 01110... Detroit. ; D. K. night 1''r iday last were condu •ted by the `t ir ..t +H mUlIr11.. Nlwt.ap nd :i stet 1k1Yat• 4triat ford Rr:,r.n1 .'Wt. Tbursbay last putter • of Victoria siren, Dl ti 1•t , T ) Thr )01109 1:01 4.4.11.. Was nrnws)wi .11 church, Rev. R. V. Mil (1',.le,-ieh for getting weals under 1ut.' palI•Iwan•rs were (ieonc petPnees from sevri el'oral fnet'•)la)t1 . William !lichen, (i. Ai. Elliot "-fort-life►a-ti+r-1'++1uoMaitialrat! -)t,•fhpr hitrl„a Warcu chi+ iuornitlg. Ile was Int go 'On '‘..P. Waren') of the )#jay e t eau pooled sentence on coattail. lit Ili•' brother and sister of the decrur h.• would secure a j''14 ,and p t) *f1 t h• dells. tanto t ollrge of t hyotuan" K alma4, 1.14,41 ywus party at bridge at the Hotel Sunset on obliged her to give party evening. The table* were once that t4tne shy h, atr,tngt•d "u the vet/DOA' owl the ,inter, Mrs. 1. Andre gentle tweeze from ori Ih" Ink„ mads was ,► rs.1. evert' p c.'. 06 feel c f..11 able onon fact church and the funera u failing health set : W. tet, 'Iuulrn, Imndo)1 ; /)'Yvtr F', Looker. ✓ Uw Ig ..on, oroutu : Mr, and Mr. F. 0'an nisei and. The old fluidly, Toronto: Mr. and Mr.. J. Elliott „drew., 'Ingel•*1d1 ; *1r. and Mrs. K. M. Mclean and aqd IS. ,o", Clinton 4 Mi....-. Alice and nylon Roth - r•• 1'onto ; t •, A. Mese. Mitchell ; n'1 Mies Mr,.1. Jaulie.ou.'1'oronto: Mr.. T, F, Wlck- i:. 9mm.-N.'w 'o,4 -ate.,--u.-tJyrau, '4l treed: 11i.* 1'. Ik•vnrire, 44. 1'. Collins. Mi.+o., Annie , Collins, Ka,hariie K. Collin., Mary J. Col- lins, Ih'troit : Mira, J. W. Hematite. Miss Cher - lotto Iteauule, 1a'tndsor:T. F. %Virk bank; New York :. E. M. Janie., Toronto ; Sir... J. W. -- Jones, M11., M. I. Mathewson, Londol, ; Mr.. E. S. Prentiss, Hlyhland Park. Mich. ; Mea, W. J. Spicer, 5110" leriugt on, 1wl roil. Mr. and Mea+, ).-ford Harris. Mt*. I4locl euore. Y. C. towel'. Brantford; Dr. Hohue+, Cmlrrlett ; n. Harm. 'Intent" : Sher)M iLeve.4.1.. A. U. ian'bla. town . A- 31 wAl Vrsn34 ,n1 ohth 4)n . 'intl.., Iletru„ . MDs, elph : Da. id F:I,• ..t, Ise. .Anic Jos, CaL: rs .S,10 1.1. 111111.e.; J, t . 1.dithwatte., The Are alarm way sounded Wed cul' -day morning for a fire at (ienrgo• A.htorl'e. net telapbon„ mans .gi' hovinz h. en Rent in froth On- j-44.- Th.' --- however, was putout before Lim Doll stopped ringing. The [man team of horses is getting into good training ass.' will .'eon have the Ilors1. of Ihtr city lire departments Iwaten for,un- derstanding what is required! of them. (Inc rink of howler. represented the (t(slerieb Dowling club in the West; are visiting in town. ern Ontario bowling tournament at Miss Florence Brabant loft on her reterrs to I ondon this week: the layers being New York on Moml*y. - T. McDermott., C. A. Nairn. J. Welsh 4'harle+ Shephar retin,ed on Saturday IMtrat(ordl and Fred Davis. In the h""' hi. trip to Se.ule. Mr, and Mr., Hen Allen have ret limed from tr•opbv match they went down to their trip to Vauouuver, Vi Ih)Kin's • rink' of Toronto, in the Miss Agee. Barin. of Detroit, i. the guest ut association match they were beaten. Mr. and Mrs. 1'. A. Nairn. by \Villiamson, 01 Tills)nburg• and Mr. Hutcltbwol, of Whet. i. *kiting her ill the consolation match they tie'- ,nether, Mn'. Breckenridge, )lnyllcld ,out. faulted, comity hone last night. Ilowant 1)nnlhi le honor R S:..k,to0n, R _.. _ S'wk., on a viae to ills relrli l e. to the. s mite A merry party from Laurier ha`!r a ity: good time_ time at Point Farm on Saturday 1,ert Sharman err! Otto Lund, ii4.. of 1'hi• afternoon and „v.ning. -TE-6-)5+11-13` Yearfh e''` 4).0. U""ua =. Shar- includeel the Mosses Mary and Fanny °1A'' 31'i.. Ilazal Lhalhaw.y, of Turontn, I. 14.4411'. MrKcn.ir•, tF--}M4:'Frnanr-Ai.-' 'J1c•- ,r, u,_ P..:....,,u„or lIr..m( sir, aa. B, Ura - Kenzie, Frank McKenzie, ., K. Me- hem, (issuer, 1460rier ; Mien Cowan, Jack Mr. and Mrs. 'waiter Huch'nan Amt son. of and Melvin (',wan, Lochalsh' Miss Toronto, are -.pending a holtdny term in 14oIw1 McLean, i). McLean, A. H. ,own. Mrinvtn, Auhetle ; Miss Lexie Mc- aals ,ng Jnt "tIhel.re.."Zi irnoor- SandT+n.aNI'IPs Lwin, -Chicago ; Miss Annie Rltlteglaa., Yates. PERSONAL MENTION. Mins Norah.0 Rainy to spending her vacua at Buffet}). he- Veto* le horse from Chir ago a holiday.vt$L Herbert McLean, of New York. het. been here on a visit. --Mem thanweli midelrfdreet am the. ituese of Mrs. It. Ferguson. M11., Mabel Macdonald has gone to Simeon to vise for two week.. - 14,w. list and Mrs. Meldruu,, of C'ler:land.. n SPECIAL NOTICE. •xt'Wednt'sley is civic holiday we would ask our corres- pondent to send in t heir news budgets not later an Tuesday, no that our staff may ljny the holiday, THE SIGNAL. , Epworth ague Missionary. Bee. (4. 44. Ha ria, II. A., ii.iesiotlat'y ter+w supptorte'l \l est Lama hy the t.'al.erich Disl1•ici Epworth League, (icxderich, yio- Cleveland, Toledo, Sault Ste. Marie Division -between Cleveland,Toledot Detroit and Sault Ste. Marie and intermediate points. Leave (iod,rich southbound 8:IMI s. m. Fridays, northbound 8:30 p. m. Nun - days. June 2ir1 to September 7th. )Weather permitting' T. J. KENNEDY. Tnsrr.'' M 4e task. Sault Ste. Marjo Ontario. r STAR.COLE Li N E STII. HURON Leaves (7adeMch TOR 9AULT- •TR mantic, 3111 11., vie North C31aenel. timrgLn Hay. T*u d*y at. 11 p. m. FOR PORT RCRON. UF.THOIT, T0l.KlM)and CI.KVKLAN D. F'rld.y, at t2 midnight. WILLIAM 4.99, 1•oral Agent. R. MAEtVF.LI. Trafec Marmara. 1)etroll, Mich. n a,.pco,ted .Pntewee. Public Library Board, Messrs. Tigert, Kidd and Kernighan and Dr. Strang were the ,,embers of the public library board to attPtlidanf'e at. the July meeting of the board, laid sat urday. The following al -counts were ordered paid : C. J. Harper, 43 r cal, supplies and repair's to electric lighting and watel• mervire; George Porter, $7..511, brooks; the secretary, Sr.*. From the sale of cents and cat - :11.4111a .411(1 from Einem. $7.71 was re. ' eived last month, and Ilan books and magazines were issued, in addition to fifty books from the travelling library. New Grocery Store. The latest addition to the grocery P4tablisilments of the town is .1. J. MclMnald'e new store on \Vest suet, which opens for busineta on Saturday. Mr. McDonald is no stranger to the people of O«lerich, having lived here 4'ut• the past six years, during 'which Gulp he wee in the employ of the Itrend Trunk, first a* conductor and liter as arlrnastPr, and he should rapture bin share of business. His stock is entirely new, the afore is a nice bright one and the location a very convenient one. Mr. McDoasld will be pleased to make the acquaintance ..,f a large number of cu.torffera on his opening dap sod promises the hest of service. , AK( LAR(i11 fdTEKL STEAMER ale& CITY OF ST. IGNACE NORTHBOUND {eaves Ondsricb for Mackinac, 81. lgnace an/ the north, Thursday of each week at 44:::1 p.m. MOUJTHHOUND leaves (oderich for Detroit. Cleveland, Toledo and Hut - • ale, 8atrrdey of each week at 2 pan. The Deputation to Kennett Square. His Worship the Mayor and Presi- dent RumbsIl of the Hoard of Trade returned yesterday from their visit to ( theyhad Kennett Square.. whither r Ken e American gone to investigate til A (food Reads Machinery Company's plant and standing. and from their investigations they feel satisfied that the proposition that haa been made to the town for the establishment of a ('anedian branch here is a good one. Mr. Phillips, of the United FtatesCom- pane. is connected with both the Minks In Kennett S41nare and is considered a man of enb etanee and influence1 and Roomer or Boarders Mated south pier, for their boats to lie in when unloading. These gentlemen will report to the company and no doubt more will he heard of the mat- ter again. • wcialan's Institute- In spite of the downpour of rain ,all [afternoon on Thursday last, upwards f thin y -ti ve members of the \\•'.men's 111t111(u a came out to hear Mrs. Ashl.•y le her splendid address, "Mother's Hr- 'pp)nsibilities to her Daughters." Mee. Ashley is a fluent speaker, and, as she has had a wide experience in different homes for young Ririe, she knows whereof she ':peaks. We wish that every her in li.slerich mirth! have brae d this ... -start• aog with the child in infancy. she traced what her training ought to be nail she reaches 4eltlm of responsibil- ity. Even when tint' infanta. the minds ,.Inst Ile trained, and habits formed. An early training will either make or tear life in after years. One point lerought out etrnngly'waa that mothers should not be Glares to thcit chil.lr•rt ; they should teach then[ to do things for themselves. Children should be +ipplied wit h literature i be it h or little. pet it be good. As they grow into girlhood they should be taught to do housework. As they are the future mothers*' 01 our land. 411(7 should know how to stake homes. A gond training ,.f thin kind. gives (mployment to the active mind of the young girl and thus the girls are kept off the street and away from other questionable daces seeking for em- ployment and i amusement, in con- cluding Mrs. Ashley gave this word of warning :- Mothers, gnarl pint' daughters daughters as your most sacred treasure ; keep them in your own society ae long gas you can ; take time to help [item in all their amusements. If every mother would follow this ad- vicec' t onhi ' c "white slave traffic" v air the t ROOD be driven from our shores at least, -C' )•tt. The regular meeting of the (nderich branch of the Women's Institute will lie held in the Institute room in' the Oddfellows' 11111 on Thursday, August 5th, at 3 o'clock. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. 'WARDERS OR ROOMERS WANT - L) ED. -Young ladles preferred. l'omfbrt- abe some, eon-enlent to I'ollegtate 1n.Utste, Dorfman *action or lake. Apply at THIl SIUNAL OPTICS,. - To Bent fi10 RENT --A WELL-FIJRNiS11ED 1 (root room In a large brick maldence ; corner of Nelson and Hamilton streets. filo RENT. - THE ROOMS ON 1 North street lately orrnpled by Mn. Ma. rem helongtng to the George Acheson estate Apply at THE 141044494.. DECKETr&1'O. HAVE JUST 1) been inetrueto'd to make a deep rut in price's of property. How is this 7 Win /in for a seven -room house, shed c I/ and barn, and :f town Iota on Walnut street. 51000 far aPven-teem house and 5 acres nt land. $700 for a -room brick house on 1,1111 Hrlce street. 5650 seven -room hnuae, h•rn on the t 0 place. Huron brit. $lcin for a good nine -room house e300 unKeayttatreetitil(hldnwnl. $ C(( for a property on Nelson '{Ir street. Miss JTotwnce IdrT.ran, J. G. nae,., Mil„ A4aM-Tliwr1.w- 044.U -••-i4 retto O. MCMui'chy, Kin Lail. on bSatalM.nl.y atter •[••,,ding her *'.cation i1 Iic;ri On ride holiday. next Wednesday, Mr. and air.. 4'h.rlen %V.t,on of New York. August lth, the Clinton b baseball leant .tint :' few day. .t tlu• '.10 ,4.41 fail),,', Mtont- *ill be here for a game in the after- real..trtrt noon in place of the game with par, F. W. Ilnllinrak,, Mr+. IIn116'rako and 1111t.ehell, which has ts•en14 p 1)st n ,'.I to „'hllohdlroFn'nn, of .tt' maser, Ont., are holidaying a1 t the following Monday August nth. Mies Annie H. low ha+ rotunusd to her home 1f lioderich can win both these game* in Helnlpre. after spending a weak with Mr, it means that • MP practically have A. /t. Macdonald. the championship of the Iiuron-Perth Mr. and 31m. H. Borland and daughter and • "'Nene- The nMbeh uK Civ J f s i Mf'1 'i+idol will he. the only attraction ' pg sir nn 1 that day' and lover'. of the sport are promis*(i a good game. There is quite a rivalry n1)ong the Ooderich playert in the WaY of patting and some long hits may '1*• looked for in Mi*. Cora Currie has ret turned to her home the coming games. in Winghanl attar -handing a 4cw• day. with Mn,, A. U. Maa.loneld. CHURCH NOTIES. Item. John Muir, M. A.. of Urlin.b ie a _- Roe.? at the h+Idetiee of Dr, Strang, Ole will Aug. 1st -11 a. m toric Strset. i9. s -e Street. Atte. `Sud-Hululesvill Alia. and: Ite•thel (on , ay Held). AUK. 4111 -(ioahen fon V na). , Aug. fah -aleaforlh. Aug Nth -Walton. P. t Aug. Fath--Auhnrn 1•irroit. Aug. 4)411 -Blyth. Aug. Pah -Nile. Amg. i 11th-I,)unganuon. Aug. 12th --Crewe. Aug. lath-Benmiller. Aug. lath 11 a. m., Clinton, Well Aug. I Tilt -3311 p. M. Turner',. Aug Lith --7 p. m.. ("limo I, l)nteri NLre•et. a., INlianl)mm, o .K naw. c o.. Aiiq 1,)111 __I.'nldea)a' r'i, holiday_ t:eaves/Nvlrle4week l in town 4 N .n. Blanche Knox nave been { - Urma CL• )'fait ink their sly+ler, Mir-. ILit4..) 1. W. Kllp:y A collection will be taken at each rick, lit Wilkesport• meeting to defray expenses to pros 311,0 Kl sell and bli.. Verguson have relented lea district work. to town attar .pending two Week, at their Each League will be n'•*n nsible for horny in W..Ikei Neu. abf p • he 111 town for a fortnight. A mold try Miss Agnes H•Vi}}, o) 'Mr.. Thurlow and Mi.. Mellow lett Tue.- tett ',ti t. was •11 appreciated by.h the .)' on Was a %Ise) Saskatoon, Sank. They, will congregation of Knox church on Sun. [ to aw.'y a couple of 111,1111 h.. 44ay evening. Mr and Mrs. Will 4'. Smith and 11en. Smith, 4Ot(hic,tgo etc 1 r' on Ih.•,, 3133131 visit to The \V. M. 4. of Victoria street the Me..r Smith-. old 110111e.- Jlrthodist church will hold its i{nRr- Mr. H. M. Martin and two children, of Ot let•ly tea at the home of Mr's. Alfred taws, are bum, un a OAR, W Mr.. Martin'. Nic lion; Tit.. 1011:1441.4.htree*., on Mon- ')s4ir nl Mir. ant, Nr, J. l'. Mcln W+h. MN. Bret Stewart. ofU t/WM, arrived etvilas illy evening, August 2nd. 1:*yC P. K. [rein Wednewlay.amt will .land Pretty warm w.•..ttier thee; but If 10*4 Are g.rmintl4d with one of F. J. Prtdhanl'. cool summer sults you don t need to worry..., Souvenlrsof Dodern'h In great variety :.t Wilmer Smith-', East .4 met- Sumner "I -story will find this A ncligMfnl plane to .poet a VW, hoar, R. It 10,10'.' .40,4)0 will be rinsed on Wad- es 11.0 next a i4. is Aln,,t. ,r yid i roomer. Wendel make a point of obtaining i use r sui,p:.u. by Tn' • 1..) evening. Frank Smith i enlareleg his rot -1 tags by the addition of a second stray. New (el( phone, No. Via, J. J. \tc- Ilon0lJ's npw grocery store on West street. The Menes(lung (J•noe Club had an informal (Entre at Hotel 841'n'R*t` to Monday night. The residence of the late Dr. G. C. Shannon has been .old to Mrs. Jones, late of Smith's Hill. Mrs. Shelton and party. of MOO - mote, are occupying a cut age .4t Menesetung Park. The 33rd Regiment hand will play on the Square next week on Tuesday instead of 'Thursday. Yesterday evening members of the Menesetung Canoe Club and friends, to the ntrrnb+r of nlamt forty, had w picnic at Atlrill's Point. The North Pier fishing party re- turned On Rat era *(terne, n from 4,114.41 011409 at 4r'.ke. lily And report an enjoyable time, though fishing watt not a, ,rood as last year. The ha.e,ha}l game between Luck - now and (Inlet i, h :..at 1''. iday ai,;lit entertaining Mr. Harris and convey- ing him to him next appointment. It in urged that these meetings he well announced and that all our people, especially every Ia•rtencr. hear 1 get acquainted with alt. Harris, our missionary. iRev, A. ls. J,'Ks, Auburn, Presi• dent : A. F. JoHN,.,, \ W„rn, Secre• fury-• _ ANNOUNCEMENTS. New t.i.phmi., No. 150, J: -Mr--- The pulpit of Knox church was Oc• •01110 1111,0 In uvdetich at til, 'Hotel +ism ' Donald :, new grocery store on %Vest rupial Iwet Sabbath by li ey. Archibald McVicar. late of Atwood. Next Sun- day's aerviees will be conducted by 4e d 4i. Sutherland, of Hada f Scotland. .eL• street. Andrea` Br rkenrlder left bast Friday 0th )els =turn tu.-Uhica9u,- During hi. 110114,0 term h0 and 1116 mothertook a trip to NSW-tta14tn, to 1 New York and Montreal. Kithira Advortiner : Bemire L. -flutter, --Tor- merly assldent. at the 1 . 1'. IL station here, Aare his examination as ('. 1'. It. tete- The W. C. T. Ir. meets in the Tem- nce"-fidtt the neeond and fourth o)Itlaya of each month, at :i o'clock. Next Sunday at North street. Meth- odist yth pr od Uurin ( July and 'August the Can- Next church will be a .penial d.ay, he- gray ,F )ls'r'oor, and h.. Icor, 4414(1 a situntiun *than 1 aei4M Itnilwa) will run Some- Kinning with the general testimony. •at Dederick. seek(r.' rxcursisns. vin Owen Sound meeting at Ill *. 111. .\t 11 w. m. there Ur.'1'.4hieholm.M, P., of R'h.ghan4,reutnued and bake sb•nnlers, on July 27th, Aug- at locule from the Wet bet week. Holli is gnat Ii)44 an.l •24th. (ior41 00 going will bey the regular service and the aro' et b t t e Weser a„d t erospetis a+ y ry4h In h R 1 Y Burney h • paying Ilit4.'[O extra for ) jj le h and tt 1 res ala Secure your tickets from Jos. Kidd, Agent. Y. I,. Taulw, senior )member of Taube sermon subject will be "Floo(Itlde of +nys if nothing come., to'.11oll the wheat there Power." This service will he followed will l",* btunpor crop. hy the Lord's Supper. In the even -Mr. J. F. Clarke and daughter, VIOIA, 1014%0 today for their home, Passlana, rad. K ins, at 7 p m., there will he a song via arm Montt, l'h4' .ko and 4 )klehmna, after service. The choir will render several {{ss'yingavisit to Mir+. ( larks s mother, Mr*, ilt Soils, eyesight specialists, of Tot - oreekceridge. leylleld read. numbers, but the feature of the ser- onto; will fw at Dunlop's drug store, J"hu Yale", of ('hieauro, haw arrl%nd Io ) t4 vitae will t1e the pleasure and profit Or4lrric11, on Monday and Tuesdwy, hM family, who ere' boy Wy o.g heirs. Mtr, I he people will have ill singing iota)' Yat(* I. a li«lanen old boy ileo tote pnr,lronr,l August :Ind and std. If there la MI), of the fine old hymns themselves, in the Wwternnmrtroeolis and now hotel. of tiling whatever wrung with your eyr-- enciable poodle In the. mercantile life of the The paetr+r's talk will relate to them. h/R ody. sight, or the skews you new weal' err. hymns. Visitors in the Gown are in- Mi.+es M rale and Vr.ta Ilowatl errir0., het not . e04firifai•iory, make it a point to site(1.• g '26 ' week fromWin/0114.g un a CMR W their gaud- c0nsllt. fain'. ' An outdoor service is a novelty that Phnnnl+. Mr. nun Hr . Ponnr. and other _-_ _ re ,,ie-ee In Ontarfn. Mi,. Vm'rw wen( on o1 the Victoria street Methodist congre• Brckville, hit w111 be in Uoderlct' sprain The weather man drwan't seem to gation expect to try next Sunday even. before rotnrning Wee - rani anything fir popnhr:rtty. init. The church is in the hands of air.. Wn1. Andrew., of Maple lane Farni, The \V. M. 4, ,114 Irulies' Aid An Simpson k Carter, of Sarnia, decor- 1Nynnld roe„ , hie emu to Detroit en route to atom, who are making the interior Wind.or, Walker%tile and gofer. At F:.eie.. a et.ie•a of 1'irtoria atmet Methcd44t he will ' I it I r broth h 1 i beautiful in harmonizin tints, and, on "e ere w o .0 ear n4 R front an Internet r•oaudalnt. She w•III profaahly account of this work, the 0111(1oor remain two week Or .o and on her return trip evening terv'ee will be the only per' ice wilt .pend a few day' with relative* M chit- interior ore , ane Ay. n addition e The J3riYak, interior decorating, the pews are to be S,lmmer rt.ltnr. eart IeterM at the ttrttish: i Dr. Wilbert McIntyre, M. P. int freshened with varnish, and the exteri• .Mr... .Or.)►G.fm(md,t`lntharri: lGlwawrmn(o, 9llAthrona, dill in for huspaitwl At or worulwnrk is being repainted. A new se. '1 h0,,,.s, of 'The. 1 wunlerclnl hallway 4tnatheona nn the '21 at in.t. after an carpet is to be put. down. The int• ai,l;, Mr. and Mr.. Jack ,Te,4oiduck, operation. 'Dr. McIntyre was a pwpn- provententa will coil, it, is estimated, lar and Itemising member of the In the tleighbertmne) of List And il. la Park House. Ottawa, House of Commons and a expected that this amount will be Kecen, arrival' 41 the Perk -110"e aro r"tir.- +staunch advocate of Tawitieiif. -" d laced nn the rrrllPction IateA nn line Di.kln.nn and maid, Mi. Dickinson, Mr.. P P Mandnrt. Matey and maid, and Mrs. Berliner, m . r. a [tai Or. . ; nil , r.. 'nmrrM4. A church held a union picnic at, HayfiPid on Tuesday, .1nly 21tb. An enjoyable time was. spent, And nI1 value hofne t Hominy. 1t tb 1 mueh pleased with their day's outing. reopening Sunday. the second Sunday etDetroitJahr H {.y* tains and Cls. Seest i AUCTION SALES. in, the o opening dA Rev. F. W. Hol- Nebr.rkn. 31 4 F'tr.D)v,.1,11y'Mah. Anet fon ' lc of .t ending 14 R Y Ihnotrr u1d real c fate• Ise I 14a A r1 1 in Ilgu*t. At the morning service MenesetungPark, y r""' linrake, If. A., of Windsor. Will I r.mrr.do". uolerieh town+hip. 31 44uanRr preach : other Announcements for the The following herr n•gutered at Menest ung F:. moots , priprlc'r.... Piste.. UI V11*'. . an,• Oa Will 110 given later. Park' Mho, Beatrice I'etet.nn, Montreal: M4,. tlnne.•r. 1 R 14relehen I)un.lan, Toronto. Mrs. licorice W. rompkins, Mi.. Lucile Tonipklns, Mr,. 4 low. OBITUARY. F. Fonke Mr. C. 11 Mabee Sar. %fors,.,,.. Standish. Robe:t Mtandiah, whose death took place Wedne•aday of last week, at the age of sixty -on(, was for many years land able I Itt 1 ,,rt lis Norwalk 11110 moving t.n town from t e vicinity M Port Alpert only last spring. H. was • native of Erin, near (ieorge- town, where he resided until the age of about sixteen. His father wan an H. II. Parson.. Montreal • Miw Dickson. Mr. t ATLINO,--At Cockburn Island, 41n JoH' 'nil, and Mrs. Wm. T. Smith. 11,+F:t het Herr. )Snit Jayne, reruns MoK. Morrl.on, Mrs. John Hawley, Mr. ;.n'4 41 ABBY (M Therein y, Jn4y soh, 40 Mr. ant Mr. Rend eraon. Mr.. Hawley. 31 is. Agnes Mrs. David HeMy, of Ih,ngannon, a dame. 14x14111, Mil.. Ada Ma Mea. 9. L. H .rr)n04m,, ( ter, Mrs. l' k. Iwybnrn, lea Phyllis A. HnrrtnK 14MITft.lh1 FMdA1 Joh rkd, t0 Mr, an.l ton. Me.. Holliday'. Detroit, Mich Dwight Mr.. B.o.P sm4ih, or A.hneld, .* 4,40 . Kinney. Mr., F:. Plummer. New York ' 04 . ter Mr. Stadlen. Mr. Kolb, Mies Ken,. 4 les,. DIEu. a resident, o the town*hip of Ashfield, Min. Alma K. Knapp, Mdse Ida C. Kaolin. JA4 K*4)4, On July 2'L at (In Rome Hey-, r)n4.. h Sante Fe. New Merino; Mi.. ea4t4 4•ooke, Llllan Falr Jneketm, danyhter M T. Jerk • inn, (llntnn, Mn. LnM+I A. Shelton Baltimore. MA.; aged . MI.. Bowl Mrltotrrl.. 14.. Fronk M,.nnd,r o, RLLIOTT. -in (I•rde*Mh town.hlp,n. ,tellI iov,h,. Mie. Melon., Anglin, MI.. Alice Rothwell. It rank, nal IIIIr1 n1 111 r. and 51R H, N', P. Templeton, Toronto; Mr.. 1 raw'weller, I 14plon. NM SA! !Mara. Sarnia; Mtlw. Florence A. Davi.. Wslland Mrs. Englishman and his mother a native runs reassert of Gal Ierr h • • y . AIL