HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-7-22, Page 68 Tul•RaIAY, Jets V. 1ECE_ VIM 14 IC; NAL: t1I!)RR!(`11. ONT.1RIO 1 OPERATION HER ONLY CtIANC .International JYewspaper Bible Study Club Suggestive Quest( ms on the International Sunday School Lessons, Fnpare by Rev. Pr. Lmscutt, Brantford Was Cured by;yout..::.;ink• ham's \ egetableCompound Lindsay, Ont. -"1 think it is uo more than right for me tie thank Mrs. I'inkham for what her kind advice and Lydia E. Piukliani's Vegetable Coul- p ottnd has done fur we. When 1 wrote to her sense time ago 1 was a very sick woman. slif- ft•nug from female trouble.. 1 h a d inflammation o 1 the female organs, and could nut stand or stalk any distance. Attest 1 DWI Coutine o my lad, and the t star said 1 would have to go tlo',ugh an operation, but this I __refuted to du.friend advised' Lydia E. Pi khaut's Vegetair Crumiound,. and trove. after using three bottles of it, • I feel Ilkeauewwoman. 1 roust heartily Tecwnmrnd this medicine• to all is omen who suffer with female troubles. I Baer _ l'ills and thinly they are 'line.' -Sirs. , FRANa Last.ey, Lindsay, Ontario. We cannot understand nil women will take chatters with an ope anion or drag out a sickly half-hearted exist- ence, missing three-toucths of the jay of living, without first tryirig Lydia L. I'iukham's Vegetable Compound. For thirty years it has been the standard -remedy for female ilia, attd • leas cured thousands of women who have been troubled with such ailments asdisplacenwnts. intlamutatioii. ulcer- etPeru lar etiea, periodic pains, backache, indigestion, and nervous prostration. l t FAVORITE LINE TO MUSKOKA morn g, noon and night express thine o (tale. connecting with stets:Moe for all lake resorts. 1'nequalled Inc time. comfort and equipment. ENJOY A COOL LAKE TRIP to !fault Ste Marie or Fort William. Canadian Pacific pithier steamers sail from ?)wen Sound five days each week. Rates moderate. For train times, tickets and full in- formation apply to 1;lion. t'iry t'•1... Agent.11alerk4, O /1 ti AV �co'ITD. (,HA11,1) 1111 • It 141)1'15 SUMMER TOURS ON THE GREAT LAKES A Fresh Water Sea Yoe age Palatial Steamships Superb Scenery Faultless Cruising Moderate Charges ide•nl $nnuner Outings in the (4leat 'Akre. (ieorgilan Hay, "r 'intone the Thirty Thousand I+Iandr. Ynt17tu*ttoir and ticking from all railway agents. H. H. Gildersleeve C. 11. Nicholscn Mt;r..('.4lingwnnd Tr,l1i, Met' , tt 1.11 GRAND J''RUN Ys EM The Popular Route 111 rn \ 1.1. 1.111', 1 1. 5 1. ourist Resorts including Muskoka. 1.1ake of Bala, Teuutg:omi. Georgian It,n', alagene- 1.awan Re V11.. Itawutlhit I,ak.s, etc. F5111 sem%trot ti•:ttt 11 1 now in elTrct. h.i1 rnei o• 'i'I. fink'. ON ?44f.4: 11.111.V. ALASKA =YUKON -.- PACIFIC EXPOSITION SEATTLE. 1 v low rates ria alteartive route.. Ifni until September 41111h, loon, ltet11 i limit 44.1.4erasst, IWMI, For ticket, and 11111 inform,t ion apply I" F•F• LAWRENCE 14.0'11 Tiwn ,1g1•nt. 41f1)'.• how, •;.:') rt.111. to ..t:o 1• 111. CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO TOURIST and WEEK -END Excursion Pickets on Sale from Toronto. The Scenic Route to LAKE SI*tCOE, SPARROW LAKE, MUSKOKA LAKES. GEORGIAN HAY MAGANETAWAN, PICKEREL and FRENCH RIVERS. Conning lake Muskoka et Hata PArk and along the 'shore of lake Joseph, skirting nearly one hundred Nebel. of water tete ern Toronto and Sudbury. For literature and fall information about fishing and holiday rates write Passenger Dept., Toronto, Ont. Ineguitan4 to accordance with the t'opyriebt Ac1,1 Sunday, July 25. 'goo -Paul's Second Missionary Journey --Athena' Arts xvii.: 111-34. I knowledge+ to another who desires to insides' 'Pest. -ileal is 'a spirit ; know Hine?, and they flint worship Him must wor- Vero' 'til How do we know that sh.p Him in spit it and in truth. John God made all things? Cosi dews fill heaven and eath with Ili. presence ; but dews Ile not. also dwell in temples that are made in which to worship thin iv.: 24. Verse In Can any title man, at this time, ser the folly and sin which thou.;touts so eagerly follow without his spit it being stirred ? Verse 47 - Notwithstanding that we all. necessarily, have trades and callings, Verse 2.7 -While titd dewe not need the support of Slid It'd itxudr, does He not. desire the wur.ship and love of to persue, should, or should not,,the chief wet" hearts :' concern be the tremendous -issues involved limy do... Clod give to all "IIIc and on inapiruual truth, and Ahy? !This ques- breath and all things?' tion must be answered in writing by teem- Will we its heaven be able W see hen of the club.)Ooai, in any diMrt ut way folio the Veuses IK'_'1The b;piourranr and way iu which it btu t• pi ivilege to ace 111e stoic* sod r .".teary ,phllurophy Hint now? 7 of life ; Mate briefly what they each Versa yl -What is the evidence taught. that all racer of men sprang from the Which hringr the wore hating hap- carne original stock? Mora+a and develop the nobler char. Han (Ted hot anything to do with meter, a life devoted to the pleasures our present individual cohditions? of sense or a life devote& to service Verses 27 241 ---What is both the for others and til.wlf-denial? chief joy and object of fife? What .as a Matter of feet it the sub. Is it possible for every man to find stance of what Paul taught ? • Clod if .e will hut 'leek Him. And what • `(i Id we fend a respectful ear to is the only condition for seeking hie, ? How do you conceive of the thought "in- Hint ..ata.live.and.mova have our bring;"ran you illustrate the thought with air, that is loth in ua and around us ? 1'rrse Be -tam any work of art rep- resent Oat to any practical advan- tage Verses YI-3t - What makes the need for repentance? In what way' will Jesus fudge the world? Verse R; -Why did some (nock when they beard of the resurrection? Verses /-ei3i-Did alt who were true all i,. v Ihroriee °f Idealist elt•rnitV or •erjce thl-,n witlt.+t.6re>.wipali..0 1' Terse 22 -Which is the tetter roan, an active skeptic or an indifferent mad i honght less Christian ? Which is preferable, to to ever spec- ulating about (.a1 or to have no thought concerning flim ? is lethal in 1 1a lunging for (Ind pernliar to l'hristianity ? May a4lieat hen who tons never •couie intones -at with 1111 i+tiani, y Cleat wet and know the trite (;tel ? 1Vhat then is the advantage for a true -hearted heathen et g into con. bort ..;Ih Ob.i-t;anity' Vere. 23 -Can one man ho knows (iod be the means of imparting that tt Sunday, August 1. 1909 -Close of Paul's Missionary Journey. A.'Ia xviii.: 1-22. Bolden 1'ext--In Cie world ye shall have t. ihulation : be of good "here ; to fled accept of Paden luessage. and - were all untr,ie to God who rejected I have overcome the world. -John xvi.:Xt. • Verse 1 -What remarkable thing had immediately preceded Paul's start for Corinth ? There is no record of a vision or any nal dieing instruction for Paul going tintb ; but is a good man as much -juided- fry-uiedwbenhe is notconscooua Of it as when he .s, and why 4 This question must be answered in writing by members of the club). Verses •.-::-{1%hat wAs thr.attrac- tion twtween Aquila and Paul ?\ Now do you account for it'' that there is an affinity between men ..of the Ism. trade ? Have labor men a perfect right to hand themselves together for mutual protection against the undue demands of capital ? line capital a moral right to protect itself against labor ? --- Have business men a right to pro- tect themselves Against undue com- petition ? Paul worked at his trade as a tent- maker fora living ; in there any sug- gestion in this that modern preachers should do a sln;tlartlilsg? A large t1rupirrtion of the metnlwr- .,hip of the present 'day Christian church have the latent ability to {wench : ought dot• Chia ability to be developed, thus giving to every local church several preacher's, and the work Icing divided between them would be letter done than at present, end each preacher make his own liv- ingg'?' 1 Corinth, confine his work to the Sail- cloth dry and to the Jewel? Verses 3 -11 -What effect fid the visit of Silas and Timothy have upon Pant? If a good man is evens" much in eerne'st. may the visit of another earnest man intensify his spirit 1 1Vhen a man does hie very beet in preaching and fails to make converts, in he entitled to ea touch credit aa if he had great sutwss? 4r1d Paul Memo himself. for his fail- ure and that the Jews resisted and blasphemed. and ought A Ivan of God always take a sithilar position in like circumstances ? Verse 7 -Has it ever been in the past. and is it today sometimes nrers- seryfor a good man to leave the church and start • nseeting of his now? Verse 44 --la belief in Jesus an in- tellectual effect, or is it spiritual and supernatural Verses 9 -11 --What method did Orel take in this instinct to talk to Paul ? 1Vhf is it that so few Christians have any experience of any special message from (bbd ? Do .Cbrirtians speak as punch as e ou •is' or . today and Is there any feat• of being holt by speak- ing for Him 4 - Verses 12.17 -Can any loan expect, even in these day, t., he unflinch- ingly faithful to Ood and not make some people angry ? How de, yon estimate the character of th4s man, (hallio, and what is there in him worthy of imitation 4 Ver tree 1.-7-11.1Ltlhe duty atttipriTtlege Pau" of'Tvi•ry- adult - C'hrfstiaw7ta--be=en= .leosen. u•.g''il• at least every Sunday, Fa genie [ewp .prcitir spiritual work ? - 14119 Why did Patti in the beginning. in Thefts,' sen 15.22 --Sum up the elfects of efforts as revealed in this n for Sunday; August Sth, Paul's instructions to the Ionians. 1. These. v.: 12.24, QUESTIONS REPUBLISHED. Lessons of May 2nd and May 9th in Rev. Dr. Linscott's Series. There ems 141)111e eon4tlsi4 in of dates in the publishing of the Mnggeetire tjurhtiom( on the Sunday School Leeson for \lay 'Sad and May 9th. In order I lint those who are interested in Cheep tl nest ions and who may be thinking Of sill '(ling answers to (hent 111xy not he confused we repub- lish hetew144. the Vacations for these 4 wo dates. Slay , 190. . Paul's I•'Ir'.t .Niseionary Journey - 14VT'rnit: --A.4. 414: I-12. 4i..hlen Text -lin y.• into all the world and Ipen,•), the (h.,epwl to every Verses 4: 12 -Are goal men justified creature. Mark III: 15. in rebuking had men with vehemence, when I.11ey would stop A wink of love and mercy ? Is it possible for bad man to ea - cape the lust penalty of his sins ? May 9t11, 4909. Paul's First Misslnllwry Joprney- Antioch in 1'Isidin• Awls I:i: 1:1-54 Cyprus are situated. Were they consciously, or un- consciously, directed by Oat the Holy Spirit all along their journey4 Verse:. -Should men And women, in the ordinary walks of life, be as faithful in preaching the Ouspel, or testifying for halt's, wherever they may be. as Patel and Bernabas were ? eras d -How many places men- tioned in Ibis lesson are situated on the Island of Cyprus? (Mee y map.) 1Vhat motives haul likely induced. lhia rnan Elyuhas h, claim 4o be a prophet ? Verses ,-M -flow do you nrcottnt,ftlr n 11111 11 being so had es to try to pre- vetit lirldflhilfjngi-femu 'serving the true (itld ? erst• I Where was Antioch ? %Vhnt ro11stitiited it 1'hristion ('lioreeh.4 hen and now ? What was the difference between prophets and teachers ? 1' er4e 2 11'hat is meant by "minis- tered In the Lord ?" N1 hat mental, physical, or spiritual benefits tire their, derived from f 1.t- Golden'lex1Thrwohdofthe 'surd t1g ? -- �wpublished thrnttgtunit ad the re- t N " t.,"„- t.,...n. person� - - Sinn. Art. xili.aa Verne 13 At whst points lied Paul end Hiroab;as t"ached, according b, the last lesson ? What important events were nar- rate) in the last lesson :' Look up your neap and nay white are Paphos, i'erga and Antioch hi Pinldia, Verse 14 Should a ('brim Tan always attend ehoreh °n Monday if he hoe the opportunity, whether at home or abroad ? if a Ulan does not art like a Chaim; inn when Away it 1 he a real ('hrist.ien when at home, nn matter what his °inward Arts may be ? Vers 15 ---Are not, our present-day churches tot atif and formal, com- pared with the 'services in this syna- gogue ? Should not our nerviceb bre suffici- ently elastic to cell upon cohere beside the pastor to take part in them ? Verse l0 --Were there many devout Jews and other's in those der' who hared (Tod and were Accepted of Him who had nut embraced Christianity :' Should preachers and teachers in 1.d• dresser,/ non -Christen audiences assume that there may be some of the number who really "fear God," notwithstanding that they may never have heard of Jesus? (This question must be answered in writ- ing by members of the club. i Verses 17 37 in addressing a ho.tile audience it is well for a speaker to eommence with things which they, bre flees in common, making them lead up to the mein question; what mat - tete did Paid refer to in carrying out thin wine rule 4 What. points in thin ;Ware.* of Paul's would you Ivey were the most Meth ? Verse, 3S- )-1n what sense can Ord forgive sins through Jesus that He 1 food en order to constitute a Christian fast 7 What right has the present-day Protestant church to discontinue the practice of fasting ? When world the eats of a company of golly turn be most nerwitive to the voice or Ood. during a front or A font ? 11'ae there any connection between their ministering and (eating, and the Holy Spirit speaking to there ? Is 141e Holy Spirit apt to speak to those who are ' not, intensely en- gaged in the ranee of God ? 1Vhat is necessary in order to cultivate an ear for the voice of (hod ? Should we all Iw '•called" of Ood, Delete undertaking any kind of work ? Verne 3--Ouj(ht the church today to send out. missionaries to new dis- tricts and to heathen countries ? if it is the duty of the church to send out missionaries, is it or is it not the duty of every person, whether a member of the church or not, to help support them ? (This question must be answered in writing by members of the club ) Nally did they fast and pray before ending Paul and Barnabas on their mtesion ? Would it he a help to each local church today to fent and pray before each missionary meeting ? i)n yon think the women took part in this nervier, and, whether or not, what reason in there to debar women from any of the church's work 4 Verse 4- in it pol'sIbie or practical to be guided in every journey we take and in all eine by the Holy Mplrit ? !Should a pastor ever take charge of it new chureh without beton directed to .lo no by the Holy Spirit ? Please paint. oat Ott IM snap in your Bible where Deisticie, Mlelloia and could not through the law _if Mose. Granted a future life of reward,' and punishulenta. what 40e4ti5n can moo - pate in importance With the forgive- uern1:1 f 1.1,11 ? Are men Mane who nrgl.s't. W have their sins forgiven, seeing they adroit the grave dangers of delay :' Velar,. 411.41 --What do un••ona•rriid sinners need to ••la•wale" of Why do sinner's not .crpt o af the salvation ntfered •o thennby Jesus' 4 -- Verger 12-4f What i., it_a sign t•f when men want to hear the theme! preaches 4 Is there always a,1 affinity between .peritual people, not% i thsttailding dif- ferences of opinion ? Dora it do •1s all g!101.1 (11 IN) urged t"1 he 1roe to that Verres 44.45 - laws the story of the cross "ti11 draw . crowile 1.1. it 411.1 at Antioch'? %Vh.0 one preacher is .t•• 4.111 at the gosf another preacher is doing what is that ti sign of ? la a troly good man ever jealous of lb•• good "thein are doing \'res.'s. hi 444 -l1. Coal new.. partial to one neationelity 4it:atl 111 is to another Doer lied ordain all those to eternal life who will accept of Jesus? Are glade sr and joy always' in the hearts of those, w ho love and aal•vr 1g1a1 Peewee 5(1(42- When the bed perse- cute the good which gets the real trouble f CURED HIS DIABETES. That's What Dodd's Kidney Pits Did for Thomas Harrison. of St. Marys Ferry. 44. B. Mt. Mei y'e Pert y,. York Co.. N. B.. 1t.r(„Ypw'i.ti --That Ihatd's Kid- ney Pil1s will clue diabetes -ham been proved by Mr. Thos. Harrison, ut this place. Mr. Itareisun slwakr of - his rune as follows : "1 suffered with severe 1)44115 aik,Ve the region of the kidneys. When 1 lay down it was 101 1114. 40 get 11p again. I grew weak and ray Appetite failed. 1 doctored with several phy.i• eianaa but it was of no use. 1 grew wotxe all the time. till 1 begin to de- ep t.ir of my life. Shortly after thin I began to _urinate blow) and I knew 1 -was intba- grip. of that. tereible esse, diabetes. "At this time a friend pereuaded me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. After the use of one box I Wan 11111th hotter, Th1111.11011P11 rimed me conipletely. Western Fair, London, Ont, Special efforts aro being put forth this year by tile management_ of the loth to 'Slit) to make everything hi the way of an •Gractive rind pleasant_ for the visitor's Ita 11011/111)11. In the utain building there will he tunny new and very intelegting ex• Whits. la the dairy hall the butter - each morning and Afternoon. when, in addition to the latge cash prizes offered by the Association. a beautiful silver cup donated by the Canadian, S alt Co. of 1Vindsor will he given to the winner of the first prise in section - in the machinery hall will I* found all the 'meta tip -to -date machinery ttr---- full swing, which is Always en in. teresting eight. The transportation building, which is always n piece of interest. will again be filled with,„ splendid exhibits isru! all the live 0515(14 TOBY, M.P. Henry W. Luny Tolls a Story' of the Late Mr. Gladstone. Mr. lieury W. Lucy, one of the moat uuted of veteran tiuglirh jour - waists. wbuau reputation sus made by Lia unique cu lit on Parliamen- tary pruceediuga in -"The Diary of Toby, M.P.," w Punch, has just pub - balled lila recollections in a book ru- '�tied, "Sixty Yc•anr-ia'ihr-ittiidrr- uesa." Among them is this character- istic anecdote of Uludrturre: Tltr latter was very auxioue that Mr. tivachcu should suc,sed to the Speakership of the Nouse od Cum - It is well to"have on hand tremedy,simple, .effective and easily applied, for mosquito bites, insect Stings., Sores, bruises, sunburn, and injuries to the ski:I, and bull,- other • ailments not 111\t.1\'r: danger- ous, but tthidt viii be cure(' t -.by ou)u'artl applit':ttion. Such a remedy i., Davis' Alenthol Salve(TheI ).&I..),whicht'tnnes in tins for 25 cts. at druggists. mons when it liecatrie t by the retiresueist of Mr. WWI& at/at/hen would have been willing. but be -feared, isitbout testator. stiort•ighted vision - he could barely rceognize 111V, ISC11111 tire !tilde of thi• liouse--vrould be it too hindriowe. Sir William Bow - Man. ati oculist 016111 111 (1/1/SUltr11. „nsfeet1 ,*-1111 10111 441141,10Di. wilt 'for die expert mid -persii:iiied filo body ..f anything. Nut th.• sp5•Cialitif first imieli to the gr,•at void: tor which 1:5» beet buildings of course will I* filled /to overflowing. If space is requfried write at Once to the secrete( Y. A• Hunt, London, Ont.. who, will proniptly furnish prize lists,/ entry An Able LIngulit At a diplomatic receptiOn in Wash- ington. Mar. Taft, on being comple- mented on low esqui e told a little Mot y about Senator whose F'rench Isequired ti twelve phono- graphic li•sisons) s by 110 means ex - The Senat55r, fresh from one of his au • moder-seceptery ut the French 1•• gation at a dinner. "Monsieur." he said, neoka--ah- 'My dear Senator." the serretai y speaking French. Y..ii speak it tai well -ah, so very well -it makes mi. hOniesick 4" Youthful Dignity. Senator La Follette, criticizing a is. somehow. funny. It reminds 1111 Of ft little Sioux City girl. ''One lllll riling she hong /111.110 the kitchen continually, bothei ng the Moor cook tr. death. "The cook lost palmier Knell v. brat r she shouted. thitiopitig_ the "The little girl gave the cook a haughty 'chat. • " 'I never allow nnyone hot my mother to speak (0 ine 1 ke 'hist,' she baptism W1114 1,, take 011111. 1.11 the 11,..1 Sunday of the month. hut no aster could be got for the font, ri1 it had been .oit off. "What *hall we do, John?" said the minisder. ••Just put your hand in the font nio' let on thete's water in't." sushi the beadle, "mild Fits slue the wenn', al 110' ken ony odds." ovim, the invigorating , contain,' beef, the moist 'strengthening focal in the leftist bulk. iron, which midges fifh, 1 Poi 1110041 a1111 wive* atrength And vitality to the whole body. and Jost enough pure Swinish shsrry wine to se late the diges- tion and thus aid thts nesinallation of the 011,11 end heel. 41.00 per bottle at Mr. Slimson-"Willie, didn't you go him to send romid the trunk I ot- non-"Well, here in the trunk, but no strap. Didn't he nay Anything about the strap?' Willie-"YeP. pa, but I told hint I thought you hadn't better have any strap. Doetor-"Did your husband follow my directions'? Did he take the medi- cine I left for him, religiously ?" Pati - Altair! not., doctor. if e abused me frightfully every time I gave hint a dose f" "John," said the wife gent/y, "y011 D115 Intereeted in temperance move he goserared. "Well, isuppose you knfl make a few of them at the pump -handle. I want pail of water at once." One fact is better than ten hearnayn. -Ask Doctor Burger., superintendent of hoorahs! for insane. Montreal. for Plaster. The genuine outdo only by Davie & Lawrence Co. A girl's lore for randy doesn't 11.11.11 s i• 1101 11'g01..1 al Anything HE ENJOYS HIS MEALS NOW huf Ile Keeps • "Little Digester"' Handy . Glassco, of Toronto, wrote us on Tits Min MEDICINE CO., oo Church St , Toronto. Dear ars, i/wish y would bend me another bolt of your '• tle Digesters''. All the nWnibers of my ily have been using anti baso rod tits must 'atm- actory results. I congratulate er. on your success in putting up a table for the cure of indigestion._ 1 auRered yearn and tried everything that was rumended to me. Nothing gave me liet.until I was persuaded to try "Little elders'''. I enjoy my meals and am not haul to eat, because I know a "Little 'es- ter" after each Mee/ wilt digest my( 1. I revommenil them to all my frien who suffer from 111111geltIOn and wout further sey that you may publish ths above if you wish. I know there are thousands of people suffering from indigestion who will be glad to know there is • safe and ear* cure for tbeni. • Yours very truly, "Little Iiigeriters" met as wow at your druggists, or by mall front Colenias Madinat Co., Tomato. 35 To Relieve a Choking ow. rnay be relieved by ty a !tick ie ker month to- load ft for a whMe. Her effort di/dodge t will,start ebelinctIon In the Sit S. Kellogg's Weans Babi y Mother dreads 'aevintioilunigdih-so long as it was food w formerly good of its Food -value. But now -- the age of Toaat Corn trivial matter. Kellogg's .3 pure, sweet and wholesome -it^ Nature's Own Food. That's why Children love and t_hrive on Kellogg's Givtinby Kellogg's when- ever be wisbes-it will do him good, but be sure it's 1'402: Toasted Corn FlakeF LEADINO- Funeral Directors and Embalmers 1 Ord•re car, tally •tt•ttead to at all beers. t.1,10 ow day iigkt • XALISO us LINIMENT 5. fit TIE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINi OE ON TIE MERITS LINIMENT RUPTURE CURED AT YOUR HOk, This is not • truss Cure. but treatment you can use in YOUR HOME. NO PAIN, DANGER a OPERATION, no loss of tme from your work. Wrte today before you NOT WAIT. Fill in this Coupon Naine Time Rap and mad to Dept. C., 22 Ontario St Sugar and Fruit For Preserving- Time. 't\'e keep nothing t the Iles t, a d the price William L. Lindsay This is an entirely new idea, and will ewe- cially interest people who reside in natural gas districts. The gas ring takes the place of the Weer Sunshine fire -pot, thus making it possible to burn gas in your furnace without inconvenience. Such is not possible in a furnace where the ordinary gas log is inserted; for, should the gas give out, a coal or wood fire could not be started until the gas pipes were disconnected. To provide against sweating in the summer time, Sunshine Fernace is equipped with st nickelled steel radiator andf dome. All bolts and rivets are nickelled, ail rods copper:plated. This special treatment, be- sides meaning quicker And greater radiation from the radiator and dome than cold chill iron could possibly give, acts Air protection for the bolts, rivets and rods from inroads of , gas. When cast iron comes in contact with our nicke/led steel it is coated with our special Anti -Rust treatment, which prevents the slightest possibility of /00 commencing anywhere in Sunshine Furnace. The Gas Ring McClar_y's FOR :SALE BY W. R. PINDER. GODERICH eeticfnz- - A is the perfect food drink for children. Highly nutritious - easily digeated delicious and REMOV NOTICE We beg to announce rims that we ha•e remoi premises on where our cinstomere will flnd ready to fill all orders for HEATING METAL WORK In workmanlike manner, to new at closest prices. W. R. Pinder 'Phone 55. FINE TAILORED I 0 ill I N I I FITS WELL LOOKS WELL WEARS WELL When made by DUNLOP 1 PECIFIC CURE F LUNGS, THROAT, COUGHS, ',NIGHT SWEATS. CHILLS, FEVER, DROPSEY. GRAVEL an Kindred Omani. Augusta ary MacLeod. So Patentee. NEWGATE ST., Godench, Out 'PHONE 1 When yOn want (and Yards THIC It/CHT •t Hook 24 COAL ALL KINDS OF COAL. ALWAYS ON HAND WM. LEE. Ordefn tort at e. C. LICE"( Hardware 14"" mat *Ms of Sonars. Promptly Attoodod CHAS. E. GRIFFITH UPHOLSTERING A ND REPAIRING) HAIR MATTRESSES RENEWED AND RE -MADE CARPET Aii (WW1 LAVING Chartres modest* Stave Store, Wow litems. Residence- Elgin: A ?IOW'. OODIRICR ON