HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-7-22, Page 4' 't•ttrtu.n,v, 31'I \- 2'. 1410.
tilt:NAI,:• 1:(►+ 1'ltli'1�
W,II.s Chipman, C. E , 10 Hive Report
s;sewerage System -Councillor
Jordan Gets After the Chairma� 4)T
the Parks Comrnittee--OFane la
Alexandra Hospital -Gas Bylaw
and$it•41ne Bylaws Passed.
Th. abseil'et.% Lr rly;ulsr
mre•tingot the 104411 c„ •il 1111 Vei-
day evening L, -I ,tele 1' •111044
H un,l.•r anal N:IIInn>. Reeve ((allow
war Ia1e i., arriving.
A I.: t,•i 41 '11 ' 111' 4oll,rt,t of 441'
with 1,4.•r1'u.I. to sells.'. of 4a1.•s
agaipwl t. P. 11. lots null itgams1Jots
uw•it'll by ['ohs. Mort :y, and will'
.11rtt•tence to r:,.,• fn, 1,1111 -;00 1,1'
tears, was 1..;e1 1.4 10 the...,I,II of lc
A fetter from 1hr uas1ic.11 lu•:,4I11
officer »tog}•• -••»l. the -eriu.t'. ..1
ifetiiehea boo-,, will, setter• 31141 Walt. 4'
e t i 'u4) ',II/Ali/In be441111-
Th;= ICs►± i•'/•'I 1 1„ }b1' .1»•rir11 1.0111•
ei r: 1'b•' 1. t,1', :di,--segei-4."'4
hating colIdcodicil
ii1•:. ,ito Itie
• grins rins 1., the fllex:nudr:a 111.
pilal, whereby Il)' 14 04141.11 Mast
• would he 1'.11,1 d 1 apply a nor+.•
h 1i
.1 r1'•Ine4t (ton, 4mama-ter %sh de
for 110• ns' or the tow o 11411 for 1141111
print e1' was ge. '.h the band b'
llav'the Ilwr of 1he.1».11 ,'n • ile...i ay
ccen u,g..
The Abayut•4, 0041rd. wish I.lo•, 44••1•
A, the lwyupration;_
tees as well ate the proposed new rew-
er4. this pion to 'thew the elevation of
the surface of the ground, and the
sora at iim of the sewers."
To torr Editor of The +li$nal.
Si it. poking tbnnigbyour very
of July l.ltb 1 was
astuuuolc at reading of the tousle pro•
nosed by the Ontario West Shore
Elect, is Hallway Cumpsuy, pious fur
which were filed with the town clerk.
It may be that this it singly a 6,11/44 of
for it ggreat deal. kuuwiug that
thewateEYurtown rounett Witt grant
great deal Ire». But 1 had nothing
lens than is shock at leading of the pro.,
posed gf itlironing of the berutifu.
North and \Vert sheets and ,the
matchless, wonderful S.111are. 4wi111
horrid ttoilry tracks and wires.
There are many lees 'wank.,.I and
Irina important thoroughfares through
which the carr could run. and still 1,.•
ill closet •II with the factories, *nil
convenient for the people. 13rt1.»l444'
sacrifice Lighthouse street thou
id Peel: end %'Icturia or NewKntrrtreet
than I.wt steel. And there aro
. gunny annvrtrirnt •trnttrr for
North btreet and the Myuare. Now is
the liter. It cannot be done after the
right of way i► granted. If the old
town ever grows up to into cit y it will
be forever a Ieproach that the churn
iTrlb -1(44 sswit4tg . cars w
nuouopolire the beauty spots o t w
town. C. I1.
Hrouklyu. N. Y., July 10, 111*).
Why N. T. R•. Estimates : Were Exceeded
Labor Higher and Railway ,Materials More Expen-
sive than When Original Estimate Was ("lade--
Railway Is tieing Constructed in Permanent
Fashion. Thus Keeping Down Operating and
llaintenance Expenses.
Intawa. .1uly 1.4. --Thr National luta grpie op an advance t ort tt•'c$1.1 per tort.
'llanwr,..rtisetaid lL►ilway, 1
and the fart that At. I. sdru, cbii't - r(ot That Kind of Road.
now clot, i the aow Klrnlbaaitof tleadi 1g The estimate* made in 1:1 C1 were
now e•iaiwing bawl upon a i' s»4 with Ito x'
Conservat 41.31 papers. p 1 amount gouty* and curve.. such :►» are 1,44 1
N'..1•4 hero Ontario arid ljur4e,• 4t par-
ent. unknown And*narrcc»it1h•.
1t induces the iuv'rin.•nl •.r Sti:s,
,ss ,last of Itiiu.Ii capital in t'u: 04
and r»•rest»o/.hilt4y 1444'4 ,4t.
Ili itish invest Mg pul.li,• i s l'•ou.1:,.
It provides 4111 than r,.-. Ishal ion •
the Grand 'flunk t'oultso.j'. lb.
1Uj•Itrlf bookie-- foto the -.7011 1, .0
44'3311e4 Ili' . t114tr1 lh11a1.11(. 110111 444
1( 4111,4.'» all 13.11 .1 is f:.'4•rn l
:41144 Ill t1114 e1 ,'..1111444411110 4411
\Voest 1yi11111 444(5 it 60.1. •
. 1)11• might ,uuuo r ire h6111y
'4dAalitg.•s W1141.11„ 44'111 a• . '''.1
•"11111) nolo Ihr 131.1.111.„.. 1.1 .girt.
Ivno,.'..411, 1,11 1 .111 t7•, te•f . (., 1'n
those meal a'll,'ll 41•••\e
eoneepl .1•the na4•u,rah ..,4),l
nil lde of the ent'•ry'i.e.
11 It.,
ml to
,. sit
•' It ratet4')» th,' thl•.'u
retest- .1 1111. 4.1:111,4 '4•, :.
Urtitr*1 i -late t.•
11 provides slipping
1114' th.)u»aud. of 10141'' •'
e peltel•to 1•.••.41,• 1.i.1
4.441,4 rl.1114 of lin'. l'..n.i,' u, 1
ItttlwaY. •
Winnipeg to Edmonton.
This \Vek's Store News
Thi, \t ; , •Ott, tall: 1,44 ',It to i1Llef sl every huyl'r of .ea.onabic goods,
�1 e :11't' Making !•1ta't'hltlg ft.`dUt:tit'll.r in Malny lines, regardless of %%'hat the goods
7 riot'.• ..
ORF -913 MUSL/NS. - .Al (deces of tbi•+
of 101•» Alu*lin•+. Jost nolo
:Ole tor lo.•, c for its. !'S1•'
.11 '0.0.4 ail new. - -
11 LAGER '.'.•1.11 n 1111.1. I. a e_14 », Torchuu
u. �. 4411. 44441 N11,rt I.*•'e•a. .% rely brlt;rstoek that we•
I •-1. I'1' .' 1 ' to 13.•. )(very' l'ie's
o12. ,
•Thr• 111.1 sect 1'+41161'4440.•„ 11'1'1
i45a few tc,k- 1,11:.•.' i,,•
1•wn ».44444 :' :1',l (14'l %r, .,•
CIAG/r,tMS. lat'1 hoots. this we etc ry:1
0, , 4411 ,11111 I.:uglish l:a• 1 li giroll-
, t . , .. pet re. 1 its Irl rk44, and '1,141
' ,
FLANNELETTES•• -14-1''.4 y,ud4aQ ural•%•.
l rwm4rt'o-. .lire'•,'[ 4..'4 --the mill.
nits c •„ 1 . 4, k sit 11,1•' I1.e11, 1 n•, /.uawl valor for l:�r.
tvit:. \'4•,. got 1Ite n Al 41,1'1,•.• w hi, 111 w11ows 11s ru.»4.111li yrl•
, i.. . 'I t •' 1»•.4 411e II .11•1• I.:to, you have encu in
'4,34.4 v• „;.
.fill• 'l i..'.'1 s-iifll.'t.l act..! o i•,'Iv i, o
lei, diteg th most ul t i.n 1...lits)
t 1h1►tu•r» 1" 1 le ..� .: 1 -1,-at LL.•
science•,,4 tall writ Iota. 1114, 4 1,
1114„ and thattt1'Gov. olio 1. :.•4.. . ;1: a -0®��� �0
,plj11uet•• 14,1.1 11,••.,, 11.0'..1 :... 11 ''1 1
the load 1'. ill' 4.,.'; 11..,, _ :u.•l /
nlgh'rffflit'rtr. 1,aa:• 1. . ,'4•.111 AlUT,l:' .11 -...= • 11, p. --►1"
th.t11 rre1 1'. 1‘.1% 1" I h" 11 , • 1 ! In• I u. n /::I . I', I, :.'4'- 44:1. 11:11.3.1 •.4
44.iuin1'. t,a• f. I 11,1 .Iii,.., , 1.' • Irl t: 4 I'. .ti•• 441•
�.alLuta 11..•1'' 111 n, t- 4b u• au 11'. t •uI',. K 1., .'.''1.:HtthnT-
ar1' NII . 41,1,•,4. • t 11 ' • 1', ''
sttity. awl the `i t„ -t•,,•• d., ,1 1,1,.11-,.
,yd 011,.41111 001
1» :41141 4' ,
11'.44.14 14'''' I.n' 1111'1'
11 111' II•gi:
111 'hid C •,•41°11 I IP .1»414 Ihr of l'.ii .i.1 1.
MJ I,w.. .slinaj•y t•ailt`v:1X
uli»Irp,eml'nlatvon Mpl'• •.•-. \\7nneiu+ the estrus lotus upon I11e
at r. ate guru o(thr pr,behle cost of \ u c un to 1\ .1'g w1'•:1u414 al. ut
the I4'ad-fmmMoncton to Winnipeg. •t n t 411 144414:p.1434.3µ1.... cion gl ylr
1,''j Heli cif -Ilii:._
1,,. luno w•);eltUY 4411 1111• w.h.dn 4m plurr.1 4w1mtr the (w4) trrl • wl
plc 111 41110.4( nnllatri,itie and 1115-('a4)- Theta arm 2„Ai of tllrwt'twi.l4ts-ui
aola•tn light Lor lh4' side purpose of this lnliltli4. -.nilly 1,..1„
•ail • not
4' 11ecytsut l»•itlK
s the ud•htMinA 584»4 ons 441 ell b'-4,•.
ems•• that Yrty„ta14'a 444( _W
wr11 built, It Liay» to build ;t tomo
vr•11, ecunuwy is our (Quad inn sheat,
rtieir. Villu„n of J041.e. tiny. 1»s•ri
town bylaws, that 1
Will he it,waf Vet'tbe. w'•mk uu.ler w:ay
directly 4411•'!• tt '.4.•4.44'4 41°4.1»4, he
w:1» t:r.kieg.
l9u• %lay's x14•' ..lit 1....1 has .lig
Hon. Mr. I'ugslr)'. Aliobter ;.I I'ul.lic.
\\'4)l► visit li.sli•reh this '4
•• 1 e h. .•.1'k N'l.lrl sr. llll'rliletnl•,
1111,1 ».. he I 1 MI HL
m•*» Ihe Miui*I.•r' 1114 1%,re nd1111.1.31
his willingne••w 111 ti.il Ii.'d.•1aril: Nu
injuring the 4iocrr11 ulrlI nl ,
t1, 44sy,6', red dlw•r'.liting the_ Ad• and will Is. 4erw.ulrnt +441.1 wu1kablo
stration u( Vie \\11th id Laurier, 111114.• '•1111111 of expert».•.
The Mail .lr,nand+ of the lisivetu• Ibis rsp4uu t
1 Ir r•a»,.4I%5 fur-Mr.--I'Anna•-
110'11 h T
twsiKnali.' le ('t 111114' 41utlr i
p11blu•, 11111» arknnwled4iull that toe a
Tits Alril. a
LAWN WAISTS. A few left ; full em-
broidrred (rout»: Idiot o 4. 1141144 41ru4'ur. h:vrrY
sole rd11eeI in (n•iel'. r
"Ella• ' VESTS. - lies ,'I 3 fur "'
'2for_. •, '.,'k'mr _1's'.t'4•, 2etw'dtut' lite,
.n' 2 for:Sic, 10.• ,.r tot 1',-
CORSET WA/ST8•- A »malt tut of
41'.',, 1'..rvl \\':.i'l.,'.'o.".42111 441, IG•gular 4µ•1c.•
to i:m•: )•rnu' , hu1',' of the wlwh' lot, ave
TOWEL -LING• Some great vnhrv», s•.
Ib•, .e• hl:, 1'"^ 411114 l:1'•, Itw.l It hr 1144,1 at 4)111'
HOSIERY.- a+ 11gogirsstilt1441.4 • great
LL'll1.pair 4.•4 44 '..•stub»:, fast block, 2 ,pairs fur
• °Rests GOODa. -route rhdrt end» ju*t
,ti»'I•L skirt how' lis remnant:prices,
Standard Patterns always in stn. k.
11111• sot' 1. 414* .4.'' .tl'u,ut'K• reasons '.'ly nlunwu t'. �` �,,al....,•Itsl 1'.l wilts, of 11LL'k Akin -
an, (''Taint', 11. t, 4. ..4441. e.. ria se•el I n t ue•,lial.•ly l..„..wing, m j
Nuo1h.•r int.kll'no to Alt'. Pl',:"•y r, u t ,4c, appear in All the reason» why dunrdby the I'anadian 4.1elik in .14411.•
vi»il'11,,' 1,0%11. Ola. .nisi tl n•.igncd: twas.,n* s11pp11t81 4.44141i11which dist fa ll -•,f 4.,' 1.1113 1111.1.+,a1 acawl t • n l'it
.4. fro 1 her 4.44'. • fa ani ('as. Kital.tli 1,,. Th.,hmail,
&rituw'rwith refelen.•„110the C '•run •Thr rosl •,1 the Iota is »ni.l to Ia' w,* flrvt rnn»hutch. The ,;110.4.1
o 0.4.1ot
Septic Tank Co. was 411 the ant 'pet g
.•�,rt,tq!t,4sri, of which I/I.LI»rl,l»a) i+ to \ " nd i. Ilio MP •1
tet1•,i• t4' 'l'.rrner trtirr4"» ilia t1'., j,ir Ihr %4,nT•wTo ttinrnpr*4 ew4tiwl•--iilthttroutthe nl.1.11.4t---_.- -,
4'081. -44who- •yy e•. pirvrnted by . scirutiticldly culfstI meted unto ay n.
an idea 1h:11 the t.otst has iuflin44 4' AI:. ltolden. '1'I:• cons1.1a'atly-e parse troy wnr, . .
1:,11111' ,.tt•init 414 t Ir. mein it Tank Co.,.•i, t n; sat the.... tig.iree, and prompt- • Hy. inakM 414 441111` toad.
by lie it 4411144
-„_ - - t on» and tart- . gresi
11-`44"-a,1411 1.. a .. 1 1y ensu .4 +
- liuyrrn111rn1 i» ging the s•» it caul u
•.,l 4 ,4411.
4i .• 4.,4-i 'at
K4,' Thr lo.....LW__
1:' .1 r,• 14 .1.1,', ii. .;• nota' .0 -'''1
401 1 h caprrlbl ve'l.iu.liu11y 4 • 1 r,. i 1, . i.... .. » . , I n •1'I.. ,y b,
.I' u4) 1 settle 113%1' Is»•n 1. t• .
',- 1, ,1 •1 rt {•• .ala :.••
111 r. a•. 1 was 411'3301.',1 •a•h.l• ' t ',,•
1111. .l.�.t 41441 Lia,. l' u, 1 tl v 11 1 :•' 1
4.,t.. coNt filo s.1tu,• .i • 44:.. 1. I. . I", X11 •, - t' 1
P.o'lq,• is4'e.tie,', it 44,.' .. .• 11' .Il,
1»•,,.•',, ...4. '1'11.-'p.•,1p4..,.1 4 . ,.r a .1. i•
• 1c3 11.1 1110 14•.1 1.. ..1 lila! 04, ,,.-v Wit!. ',,, ,, - ,
folly. .ort Ih4.'' :u. 'y,' t' '11 ,.
jmily1.444? G,•,i'6y1•1IL'•' • It;itit i- sl -*L 4
1.11,4 111 1+1• 1.11 : Ili• .1 .1111371 a•
..it h Ynr"VPp.pt•h'. U ''. .(.t 1''•"1'I,• I 'l 1,41_. t 4.34•:. ( ❑4 i• .----
It ha. Ind I»•1'u 'v1'il,,4:44.•.4 46.! o,.,. \4.•1011 1 •,,.• 1- 4 .4 ,,pod• ;[•inn
.ti.' 114th*,. 1•r,•Il jl41,444.,,,..,;lor. 4'4 :I1 '_ •,,l n1' t I. t:.w :41st
The A'oh'.r 1;,•111'11 l.. , to 1!1 4•, •• lig.,. ' i a `-
' "` -iTll!
-r 4 1 , ti=---. ..� .
ryst.'Ill len, 110•,1 Rei•,.51..11 4.':.,. 0 - -.,---�-_.
romped ikon, ' :mil 111'4e t• ' • 1.4, 4
_-s: -.. _=ww---->Q ��ss __-�_---
Company's C"-1ors
- 1 t •d the 41.11►• 1'r
--- sW 6•1e's}sen ISWf 1"1"1-44-41/14414114"17rot t ,. - 1hnt tb. t..� �'rnt 1 1 hest 1
elfishly 4111.4..sr,t was tvT>Tr1141-tTT-tt!•' ,nent•built wetion-fas•et )Itr+rI4 $41 IU '.4 CCanada
. limner eon,1.114 '''• N'inuipeg 44a*up,p 0.114 44'424 i,nuit,1a»1, of Canada are Luh.'y' 1 wow 's4ru•
A letter h•nu1� he 1S••u•Jliignet-' nlo•n•a» it was originally rst_.. •,.d by Ilvr rosd than they co1.tenrpl('1rd in
haat the •vert to the 1913. they will get the Iwnrlit
('l...'k ('o. hittnrtt ll4.'T '4,-►i1)Tl'w'ttrl 1Jo• 1;,,trrt.tnrtttr
nticl• ..f the l' Pant .1'4 111111 la• in t»,.yle• in 1'n )•. wuuhl lir About chraprt• freight tatty w411-.71111).
(i,.drri.11 In ars all two w ei.lr urn»ran ► f_1 b,,.»,,lNe1,
1 h {olirruutn's(.1u,.44 s)strm ord.•rr,; 4:,thr1. wilfully or ignorantly the Hodgins Charges Wdhdtr�awa.
by (1444 town. O Opposite press 'laws not present the 1 M..•, fur the lessons 1v'hieli rt
An WWI aking h• Al. Cs. Causerie, (t4.'1. 141 -1 he 14.0141e. There are ten plain the iurrr44r.8} cost of the r.•ael
int behalf of Ali-. (Miss to :ws the point+ 11441 shonbl Iw I/fade r11'ur• Another point raised is that Mr. fames.
rend • Irl of the • 4 • l 1 1 What Is -the Leet i I 041 because hr f4) the
'1'I t (
1. a, • at 'h , •
)'..;••,1 t••lt 0
•• 4...,.i
•'4l.1114L• In
list [b1' lln.nittion 11441 it !, '
• n w .11 the stl . I'
'Jett resign 1414
itshedill of the 4,,.. bylaw 44•+11. received ILalgins ehat'grs IurtItI 4 This .tit Title hew Luildalg bylaw of the too,' The first is that the 'i,st \Vnlnithe Ir111uu.
amt the gas 'bylaw weir' gis.•..-theor i....p6`.1 stir-D,l•ulct►u�-It'-�. miry'" `r rrisMns•.• ia-i!w•!lu•tKil+salfsir
4 'stabling hylas--+rwt«44 1» the mu -m.4_, --
-third rr:ulings. TIM
(wing read first, on lb.mil, g••st . t
Thr fti•purr-Iter..: in oilier -to -14141 W it
npplir.Lble lo ally bud.ling 111.• xas
cooitsauy might_ put Np:_
A- good deed of ihr time of
meeting was taken up with discussing
au indus11ia1 pr.4»4 44,,,,, with three
gent 1411/0.11 1111.• weer in town 14111 ii
34344 .1..14.11...1 10 hold it nu.•l ing of the
r.nrnril un'1',asalay evening to cut*»idyl
1131 Meld the 4ropositinn will be f
r•Lww'hru• in this i.•lr•. -
' An error• in ineaseteemenl of the
grnnoli. hie sidewalk 4.144 the convent
.1.1eiCe•Ilytand was te.fetre41 totln•pul dam' 'lbstether
, 4)Ie se,und point is that the (1'441
, .'. of the Moncton to 144 peg set' -
works 4,111.1111i1isi*re t, a. 114.
The Elisio* a UI•• 4.4».i(rd, lion, gess rosrt, will mit exceed Ihr
reel unnending that the tonal grant of snot of 1112I,loo,lsrl, and it. is the it* -
54414 by HMO" to Ib.' AleViti.h•., t•iest only upon this that the
General awl Malin.. 11, . pilaf 4411.1r1 4ioe„r id will pay for a p !hiring u,e Ho,1gin» invr.ligati.nl it
_.TM' TOITIn•-1rtf11e.'.14114*'-eiWt#111Wiiti t1'+'"»""'ftyeax"` 1»4• lay1• shown there had leen a Ili-
- befotr; 111414-4.144. issott 4' *4 .4 grant to _ There is �l vast. [ , • -Its .t t *,'IIl/r cis -siren 4441. corres4 4' *I ttre bet 44'4.04
,!ldt(17l and 3,ret,silet• Mr. I. mien Mod the division al and
t1' m1' r
resident ruginrrns our the Aln113ton 10
W. 'pelt mMUntl, Mm 1,1 the e•IAm»IHeM•
tion of solid rock, lisese ....et, .not
common excavation, and that oi1i?)ili"
January. hart, an interpretation was
derided upon by Mr. I. -den. which
4 Ir " �� rstnhG.41r,1 Iwyo►L1.m ,1ll yurthat the
n1' lease.
MVP/4011 hoe seven years 6hnr s vtvr,. a144olutrty wt'114111. 1
aftarwi+le111114 UtaiIl1and 1'.osa*i i�K1• Maj.u'Iludginataut4rulvfails�-
1,.,.. ..lht 11111 411.1111»4.14 and l''ulatia'
Irl» 1111 burden to M•ar. Thr illudin ' �1' withlrrwetirohl 0 11)1lilwr4ualifl4.11y
T411 -1114 flows »'vr•n v',I,'IIn I i'.ui Itl111' : Y
inn -lest during r. man.t•ton and in- e[onerat8l .fie romulia4irnmr* .Ansi.
letest for the shops east of \Vinni' their 1'uginrrr. f1' wry i,llpropa•r
Ice ;Ind lel 1101104 at tl.rb••c, would r tort or lite influence over Mil-
ts. >4 %A.111,li711. kinking allowances for ,-ill» under then., or •4-.•u11.einn wit ll
athe r•.ilruont hr •lrMp
Ir lalydrrurn thatcir4in Is plar,sl onlati.the. , - Alsyontr Ilra»Ig.r$.uI* *tae' rgnldi*tel the
1 imsrlt a won 3711104 Ili'•
11 .lunlion o ana a char 1'y surer 41441•1 ; b ,. t 114'
railway front Mnnrt,,r to \Vinrij S , 1(
is gy:,S.I11,117et. 1'wu of the cursor 1 1 1i ificoof a`i'rs uutlitth.••Irt•4, i...0 _ WI:
y'r44 11111.1"4' w"111.14 i4*' I his nut 1 few- weeks ago of the hilt-forg4Usn in-
cident by the l)pputition press. in an
attempt to find w ', l on be.
tween .t6,s•• •
Charger and 4th, r.'»ig-
natiun of Air. Liiral[nlrn.
Grand Trunk Engineer Concurred.
t• 111 f e l h. swot 4 ,s=�'•sss�••'���•
People Will Werni»r ' va
In»frn t.wriloruno'4.
4., Mi. a 41'-.o:url 1• •! el ..
444 w
the li•slrrieh .4.4 a1 s'we.?) • M• I• h !1 n 1 u1' W.11 f
over 11 n
nt11 repress '1ttita'» of tie• .444, but 41 Jnr» 1141E slut the polu•y 11
ul44ke thin
Musical ri.»'irty appear before the. 1'onsrrvat4',' liniwrs to
cuitii ii - whit t•:plant -- 111w--pne*em pr.i•rl s•4r*rt _
situation. 'fhb. wits adopted, Why Original Estimate Exceeded.
The special e, 1'v t•,•nnnnerl-.
del, wish reference 111 Ihr town»
11.15itinn sx 40 *Ile 1)11131.1./ \Vest shore
- Railway, that, after corresponding
with lit' that:trio railway and 1)51411•
Icipal bared, the 1f4tyur la• 11pp»•iuted
to go to Toronto and g.•1 all lin• illfur•
motion poseihle.:_111,tL.uu_ action_ 41e..
taken in b'iilding a wailing Eason at
the harbor, ovi.ing to the [Mem". 121
the »e*•nli. This less adopted.
The 4116114" works roi,uuil ore reran-
Mended that the se. vices .4 %Villi»
Chipman, C. E., he employed to report
nn (he town sewerage ry'44/,,,: Mill(
I ►r. Taylor 1e- allowed t.. "omit rani n
cement sidewalk on the north side of
('alai thaut.fonr
fret wide. under the supervision of lite
publiclvorks lominini'', and. that the
town rorlsMu'-1 a eros.ing (rota the
fest of Nirlh streel to the north side
of l'al1'doni:4la•t4ee; Ihat Soothe,. ear
of sewer til' le p1111h11a''d : and shill
the innvalde hand stand Is'
npp4l»il' 4. 1'.fwt•eel for the next band
e est.. This was adopted.
Mueh 111 41114de of (he fact that the
emitter estimates
greatly- exceeded.
Thr increased 144
ten reas. n's, Ht•st
material a 11414
iuiproVellte lI of II
Toad over what w
lie»t estimate.
111 Nllllleh 111 it
alleged 4,y' 111e Cot
the rrsignatiuu'f
increased corp of 1
interesting to 1'raa
den said on this
.111111 sent In
this n(1urandom
Of '1110 11:1X0. been teas agreed to by Mr. \V•sals, ii•4i»taut
1Vhy wss Ibis 44hirf engineer of the Grand Trunk Pa -
est i, Jur chiefly to rills t' h.ny, whi.'h has been acted
the greater cost of upon miner that date.
4041 second the Remember These Things.
t1' 'standard of the I
as -intended -11_(he 1 _, _The_pe.spie of (%:nladn shot MI be.'r in
mind thew simple- flu to : -
.. of the reasons The ronntry pays for seven Tennithe
ieervwtive press for interest only on cost of construction of
Mr. Lnrn4den ie the the eastern division of the 'Any/4y
he road, it would he from Moncton to Winnipeg. amount- I
p{+,, lint in a memoirist'. That the total cont of that portion
4 what Mr. Lams- ing to ( 1,,4:'49,l1711.
rt*the tlrtvrrnmeut. In of the road will be about S121.11/0-1.01.
he nays : •
nThatt the charges made by Major
Ifoidgin4 were withdrawn my Nihil
44414 emit per mile it before the cothntitteeaP4)01ntrd to in -
41 the fact that herr- veltigate then[. ' -
for such a length That the reason the Moncton to
ns .nice, lwet* ern- Winnipeg section of the r 111,1 is 13141-
al similar country ing more than the original estimate is
miles awl eoryaturre on arc t of the character of- the
I,t per 144) feet Jul- mad, being far »u(wri.e to what wits
1, and 11.44 114'1' 1141 umtt•ugd1te•d, and the inrr•ase11- cost
emtlound traffic, ex- of.1*1or and supplies.
lints, with sharpest That the western division will Pero
es 114:1 feet radius) money folio the start, and flu -refine
structures. i may the tlovernueet will never be c attest
few ester , it on to pay a dotter -of gniunntrr 1'm
ietnrrs pros. ' or t e bonds.
are permanent- in -character. euly
laying of concrete .ind bridges of,.
w11t, ' 'i''1" m111) -»(44)441111'P».
'•II*d we used grn1rs of I per er
in either direr!' , 6414''..'» of 111
rrnl.. and n large n'lulher of lire
"Tilt. apparent 1
:tcmmnterl for fro
tam ,• nn railway
has. iri the first
atrurteil lhrungh
with the loo/ gI
used by its, viz.. 1
y,'rse Io 1•%141
Thr matter of prof ruing was'. fret adverse to w
paper ha»krls for the parks- was re• eein111g at two pa
fly rr•d In the public work. ,:onnni MEI'. curvature 41 drgm
the punk» r. nunittee, to which this and permanent
_mks refrttrd i»? bre_ ii 1. Luing ct'd , el-•. µ1,j that_
in the matter. - tions all the etrt
www[ ed alt t14e
,'other 11114*1s *Mehl had been referred
to the perks r 41.4• whieh.had
not 4'.•,, *5t»mled f4) referred tom •
miter cot nil itt.•e•, ur the rl'.it•rn:an ur
the paths 1'o 'I1.. • hanged. The
!fatter »ogle••»li„n seemed lose drool le
In s • '.. ".'
Dort ml t6, n , tool» 1 the
matter was I.-fe over till the neat
m.rting 4)f 11144 eot,ll 41. and if the
parks lomtlliltee d,•'•' not gel busy
in the mrenlime a list of its *in* of ham. tel•f4.nfrn'
mnim*ion will 11-Tc.'y"l''Iirou,jhtTn tri Phis is *lotted
r, nlmnt the rheinnan. dru, chief et*gl
Cnhnriltor Manning, mention'.1 the ,•,,inrnimpi'n, ns¢
Oen of oiling the rfIvet* Ur Lip the tnilway is 1111/4
dust' which Was adnplc•1 it* »owe rnnt•mplaterl.
places and-opg.•»t...I writing the ',it'd An no Ilene
plate's whey,. 'hos had been tried %'illi 4rlanntion, o pert
reformer' ti. lMs41e88•.., Hit Ww,.hip, stead ltf rharg
who was npl'oi4t'•4 1,, go (1) T,lt41111.0 with ex1tavagan
on other bus:n'ss, said if he hod time
h.'• would make ...quit ie.. 144 1(4 this
pima in T•lronto.
The rnnn.•il adj"urnrd at n late
The 4)(A$ of Willis Chipman, (1. iS.,
*lwtve 'referred to: face a repot* on 1 h
sower*gr »Ysl.', of the town, i»•n.
follow•»: "P.n. the sons of $:ori I will
m she two personal. visite to (i,rderich
and go ours tbF'groutnl with your
engineer and the rommitter.w ttosrl
of works, end will ',resent 1 report
setting forth my view• a1 to what
should Ise don' towards improving the
existing conditions of emir aewery(e
. arystem and the lest a•hetno to adept
in extending the system. This report,
would in'htde 0,tlmwtel of the colt, of
the different pr.po.' l 11114111.»1» of 1'44•
loving the existing *ewer ay4teen, Aa
Well as t hr cost of eaten*isms• !would
Iur•Ihet prepare a Ren*61,1 plan of the
town 4111 amble of about SUI feet as,
for inch. .hewing existing sewer eye -
ens That the. extra_ colt of the marl will
444.'4 la• cron(.minted for in the rheape,
traffic rales that the pang will M•
111. *1.1.' 4.4) offer, owing U) low gr:ul'» and
Idra lower working expenses and ntaint.'u-
er once rh'trgra.
4trar•I neer., whielt h.'.. 1»•'n a
farm i„
e u
4,4,4, Ihr cost [tighthave leen
dwell nearly a third, but the op
ling and maintenance expe•IIse§ w
"testy iecre,►aed."
Mom" of 1((r. USW
neer of the railway
A why the cost of the
et than was et first
The 4hpp.1sitfon pr•.a
•1• than print this 4•%•-
ertly nein- .1 one, 1r1-
ing the (Juvernment
ce and improvidence.
What G. T. 'P. Engineer Says.
The chief engineer of the Wes
division of the load oils° sent 1,,
liovl•rrnnenl his 41,11111441.11)' of thee
of 111(.1111(.1440.A•.A rust, l'hi»1Io wha
mays, in part :
\ question hal *risen a, In 411
tit*tatr'l coat of construction of
(4rand Trunk Pacific prepared in
being an far In excels of the Pltim
met today. The explanation teal
The Teuton is two -fold -first. the
real incr'a*.' in coat of labor and
tori*h: and lernnd. the superior
actor of the Rwtl'rn section of th
as trying eonetrticted compared wi
character as contemplated in 191K4
Wages and Material Nigher.
I".. '. 11044. the rate of wage* fn
dinar•{ - 1 skilled labor timed in
way Mittal.. has Increased tw
five per cent. 44.1! the. cot M 1,1
timber' and tl hes teereaeefi th
IIwe per amt. The pries c• «t
What the Road Meana. •
nn -
o what.11...m
.1 'drat
tie: \\'11rn r nal 4c
era• pleti,01 of this slat 11lea1111 to 1'an*da,
ot*td any argument directed at the enstT
appears ridiculous and mn•('an*diens
b* dneait mean to Canada y
It will double the industrial and
prductive area of the country, awl
1.111 up the map 414 Canada 4.44) miles
to the hwar'l. .
It will pr•rvidc a pet 111.1n in tate.
for 1 h farinrr• of the West still the
mwnufweturere of the Fast.
It. will be the only not -111 rail-
way *.rrh.v the r•ontinent under one
lrrn It will develop vast mat Ilrl.l. n,
the the Saskatchewan. Atheba.e* rind
,n,a. I Peace Itiv'•r district* for the supply of
1 he' fuel to the prairies, '
It will give to that most. northwest
erIy part of the prairie tegli'1, whirls
the is Mintiest frorn the A1lnhli4, n short
I(AK4 nutlet to the Paciite.
It will connect fire railway system
mph. of Uan*d* with 3,40111 ,,lite* of strath
gen. io*t navigation on the Alllwf•a»ca.
Pewee, Laino and Mackeatie Rivets,
char• their great lakes and the Arct is
»mrd Ikeat*.
th its ft will develop mining and lumber
ing in northern British Columbia, and
provide facilities for pmAtahle inter
ebonite of nereeswries between the
r or- prairie* and$ the mountain regionaE:4)f
She tar Welt.
pnty- 1t en*ore* *'thinl rai:vmy onitlet
ether, from and thrrmgh the arra. ••+heat
let,- Held* of the West to the lake*.
valla It will develop a thousand miles o
flue finest label. is
not tow delicate to
he safely washed v. it it
'sunlight Soap. When
other soaps have injured
your linens
mud laded
t e coToured
things, re-
mcmbtr the
word Sun
I have received Shipments of 'the
too.) Models :n
£;RAY a•:.! M.,)UNT FOREST
BIJI. G11=;;
Tt7'.nf th• b °n-% made 'n.Can-
. da.
H::_.,. r7441. ,land.', 4,• Sats
. .0' ••1 . le•r•s' sd p» in
• • • [.ass Carriages. '
't'iu• +r, ,44th;,(, NADA 15A1N'I'4_'t'M-
„ noted iter strength and fineness..
Ti, 4► i.1.'. Are appreciated abroad as well its.
1':u 141':1 '.1'.1'.4 i from- the - 1•ltt that lila'
1 i'.l I \ 1' CO J11'.1 N \' are nut n u-
f:r;tnri:tiitl_ulti:les of p:lintin;.; m:ttt•fial
for flit. Vitt t'4'onlr4', :into weekly shipments
ark' n: 1.1e to.tke i';lttl'd ltt1CS.
'For T:t,;T., Ili;`.! •r, r1e1:IT1` TTf-lt aitrs.l,t
'1111:'0 nlantria tu'4'S r*f t
• 1'.11 \ 1' 1; 4111 I'.1 NA' are. particularly rec-
. c-
-.+.14:J. • 13.0.Iks elf SiiCci:ll• s.►nlples kill
he mail: 1 try'. t .•iii r1' u.:t.
Call-in and con.ttll
A 4•. '-hand .L.; :aCer .f3r
sa'", 1,;1•i•.1 !r; 4:/. to -inch plates.
Scv•ral good divers and some
.-.,V's Irl sale.
u ui ,u
advertisement art `1'l1F tir4:c.11. v4"u
arc talking to the hest people in the town anti ttistrict.
t to,
41 :1. ,.:•u M..
•- 4'leury
4issel l Uisc
1' 'r. , _anf ,f: (Vier,
-. etc,ctt.
--T '
uaasemttllti O 1144 tvasi1•11111l OD 441
r -a • (1
For the Sum:re4• x oi�et ,i
We hive id sto:t: all the :cutout T..',':t Pre on-
Aneracan,and French *I's
Sachet Powders. 4
high grade Soaps. •
Face Powders and Creams.
Ariy special mice not in rte; -tare tin ,reel 4440-f0 Tent --
DUNLOP, The i r:1' ist.
BLdf 1'.l Block, - GJai rich
' r
II Roofi ng
tics many imitations which'
:14::,• he .t)ld for even' re,s �.
nu)ncyl l.tirthe hle:.t is ‘:tat
Kt' all want. i':LroHi.4; tills- -
cheapest roofing beearrsU it '
• wears longest. ' Nails :tntl
,roofing all scold together.
7fie Roofing of
Gold , til ectal Binder Twine
We set) the g'I1l1ine Gold
Medal Itintlt•r Twine at `the
best pelt`ti go\ntlg.
N u t- Shell
is the "111414(4111 lit par-
V.,.. we invite your
tenlion to. Here is our
lip -to -date stock, :Ito
The Howell Hardware Co.
1.1314 ,'Lit -
Stuffed Chair'
Brass iieds Chif
_ iers
and all othergood-thing,: • i nittirc
line. (add pieces, set;:: 1 v, hat not.
Buy here and get tokk m prices.
Geo. Jo
. s`on
"PbtrStareResid$9•14 t7a TAKING. WEST SIDE
-= t�nl�
111 Talkivg About Buggies II
If volt are 'W.11.ing /if buying t new Buggy this year,
w•• .hoNld le fd•'.a4•d tm hacr a talk svilh son. We
the b'•'1,Ileggy on the market
wwy - f4) •.t>rslas't
The 1110e1 mantels Are d:uld4P», last ns 411.1W yon the lin'
points of the now 1{pggi.s Noe have )oat p1wcr'1 111 stork•
N. iI.- -1 hate taken the wgenry for the McCormick Imple-
ments and can now ripplyy Needing And Il*rvrrling M,,.•hin..
mannfacturrd by this well.kncwn company to Anyone desiring
flr,t•r•Isea Farm Machinery.
Wm. Knox,
Newgate and Hamilton Streets, Goderich.