HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-7-22, Page 3BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PF,RIODICALS aid LIBRARIES bound or repaired. (TOLD LK'rl'KRING on LEATHER GOODS 1Uorders promptly at nded 10 on leaving rti 1. MTRATMt/Ho `dypj )( PM f 8 Oh (;' A N A i) 1 A N 1nIT LA2411 ftLtt/tiLAVitfNtt- A„y pecan who is the sole head of a f. Iv or eau male over 16 yearw old, may huulesU.w1 a ouanar deallo11 Of a4 enable Dominion land In Mauatubs, Saskatchewan, or Alberta. Tho • ppnraut must appear 10 person at the Iwmin lull lauds Agency or Hub Agency for the db. tdef. Kulry by proxy may be matte at any agency, On cerlalo cuuditeo,'. by father mel her, wn, daughter, brother Or ..biter o1 lutnudlug bose.towier. Dulles -as twain.. residence 4141014 uai eultivaUou of the laud 1n emelt of three year,. A homasleader may Ilse within nine utiles of his homestead on a farm of at, leant U) acres wlel owned and occupied by him or by his lather. mother, Aon, daughter, brother or sister. In certain dbtrlcte a lou,emt,++der In good standing may pre emit'. a , tarter section alongside bis homestead. Prim ,1u,por Duties -Nuel reside da worths In each of *la years trout date of hom«sterd entry llnnludi,l (110 time required to earn hoano-0wf patent) and cultivate fifty ern. extra. A hourente•der who ham exhausted ht. home- stead right and cannot obtain a preeuapUoiI may take a pyun•ha'.ud hunauteml 4, eerlaln district,. Price Stu. par arse. inn len Must Heade.itkinouthslh each of throe years, cult) vote aftercree and erect a hones worth 11110,41. %'. 44'. 4 011Y. Deputy of the MIn4.ter of the Interior. N.B.-Uraulhortsed publication of this ad. et Urment wtU oat be mid .for. • WsLehmsiE$g 440.__- HALSEY PARK WATCH , J•wal.1.f0oolecia4. South side of Square, Ood.Nck, On( Civil Enlinneering VAUGHAN M. ROBERTS. CIViL. and Hydraulic Rnienewr, uaterfo Laud Surveyor. (rice -Mclean Block, Ooderlch, corner. Montreal street, Telephone 131. AU$1C A LFRBD 1i, 0001{. TEACHER. OF tt Theno-4L71'Ia. Theory. Himont and l'ounterpolut. Pupils prepared for examine. Dona of Toronto Conservatory of Music. Apply at Thomson -e Id uric Store, Lioderlcb. Mondays h, Clinton et residence of r. Alex. - Keeton. tee. OntariM o street Medical IkKB. EMMERSON & TURNBULL 1l A. T. Ser caret, M. D. W e. Tex',.'. u. M.11. Gros !Hamilton Street Phone lr►L Ire. 6mmerwon • residence. North street. opposite 84. George schorrh.'phone Intl Dr. Term o0'. reindeers. Montreal street. eouthweet of Public Library. Phone 194, DR. W. F. °ALLOW, M. B. office and rosldenoe, North street, (iodetich. D ena at Count? Registry odloe. Telephone. 144 Legal '] L KILLORAN, BARRISTER. -- e/ • whetter. notary. eta Mone7To len�t best rates. (Moro -North Street. Ooderlelt -- - (neer Algae/ (Mlcel. 1a 8Oa(Ortb Saturdays sed Mondays. (iG. CAMEIWN. K. G.. BARRiS- 11 VCR. aolleiror, n1ter7 public. Odleo+- — Hamilton Street, uoderich, Lhlyd door hum $gaare. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & HLA11( barriaten• sollelton, notaries public pn tonin the Maritime Court, eta ()Mce, east •IL. Spasm next door C. A. '\Mrn'e grocery. PO vete funds to Tend at se'w,st W. PROW/FOOT. IL C. It. C. HAYS. U. F' 4LUII. ccIHARLES OARROW, LLB.. BAR • RIST1R, attorneys, *Michas. etc., (lode • h. Money to lend at lowest rate., 0. JOHNSTON. BARRISTER , L.oUeKar, eommhesioner, notary pule: -c. Hamilton street. Ooderlch Ono Insurancee, Loans. Etc. PRIVATE FUNDS TO loan. Apoly to M. O. CAM- itlO.4, Barrister, Hamilton street. lioderleh. W R. ROBERTSON. INSCR.iNCR Ali ENT. Flax AND I.Iortr,190: Hrltleh, (•.na4han 14114 Aaerlran. A0,1115NT 8011,014s AND l'Mr411rgn0 LI *1111. ITT : Mhe Oman Arrklent and Iinarentee 'orporatlon�f Wndted. of London, Eng, 1,10•1.1711 AND d,'ai.•NTgg 14144154: The 1..8. Fidelity end Guarantee l'mntruy. (Mice at reddeDr•., 0orlhe1etcorner of Vir Iona .fid SL David • streets. Phone 1:6. JOHN W. ('RAIOIK, 1,!FE, FiRE and accident Memnon.. Agent for 1rmlingq mutual and Wook rnn, weirs. 1n.nranee in ail linea effected on beet plans and at lowest 00r1. ('all at office, corner Neel Street 44,11 Square or addreee .1. W. CRAM! N. Oolerich, ant r.1. .hon,'44 • McK!I.LOP MUTUAI. Filth; IN - SUM ANC It ('O.-iann sed awlatrd. town property, Incased. O18een-J. B. McLean, Pros„ gimlets 1'. O T. Framer V)orac,- Ihre unu field 1'. . Thoma. k 51 e -f st., Sert..Trate., SeafOrth- I': 4) Directory Chesney, H,•.fofh ; John 0. °neve. Winthrop • urorge 1tale..Seatorn h; John Henn.web Dublin; 3amas F:vans, beech - woad • John Watt.. Harlerk ; Tho", rower, Brumfield ; John H. McLean. Klnlwn ; Jae. Connolly, Clinton. J. W. Yeo, Holmenvtlle, agent for Nest Huron. Policy -holders can limy aromementa and get' their cants renelptea et Toner Brown's. Clinton, or at It. Id, Cult', gree. ry, K 1.ratoo street, Ooderieb. arr1ageLicensee =---W1i.T88-B. KELLY, - AUDKKi('H• (INT. Wtehmeker, Jeweller and uptlolal, lamer of Marriage Licenses. WLANE, ISSUER OF MARRI- . atm Ildnoea Oodel lob. Ont. c SHAVIiG PAZLOH UEDPIORD BLOCK BARBER SHOP; ▪ -Thin well-known and ,opnl.r stand offers Its patron. slotting.the best nerviest In slotting. 11.4-owtU g, etc., etc. ladles' hampnolnit rt7. Only darned hands employed. tronage will be aPerect.ted. I1. It. l4R, Proprletor. AnctiOneenng 'pitman OUNDRY, LiVK STOCK and general .neUoneer. OMee t on Mouth Street, when he will be found at all tames wase not'+rying muse. Terme reasonable and mPereee• rt wood to eln Ton eaUd ea od. se AUCTIONEERING. All, br.nchee carefully attended tn. Farm sales, 11ve .took sales, real elate and merchan- dles sales made anywhere. Write for dates or call and talk It over with Geo. Beckett, Hamilton street, Goderich Ont. Telephone No. toll Mina Krmweitt--"He's very rich now, but i heard he started In life as a grave -digger." Miss Kutting-"I gloss that's the reason whythe daughter is ao anxious to ave the past hurled.' Mrs. Pat -"i may, Pat, did ye git th' Joh from Mr. Eidlemsn 4" Pat -"01 did that." Mee. Pat -"An' I'm glad nv that. He's a fnine man to work for. Ye Pant do ton much for him." Pat--"Begorra, i don't intend to." THF SIGNAL : (;OI)ERI('IJ, ONT11RIi) Tnt'IusitiT, JCI.Y 22, 1000 3 (eiv. of the the *,dWilIiver of it 'hos, and started N' t•lru e 4�istnete vrr11 With a callus lquest'o s ei Thr• 111x11 aINN'l'1'e.l his questions (:11'111 ��. 4.h. ted), x141 ti ially 411e t alla.liau _ _ eliowtvf a t (tn• hire' notion 0.t the Mrs, Therier:1 McKinley, Milliner, of write quite a I4•11;41 by Letter explain- , t 11114all alb Kuuu•ul, lug just how it h brief inures. tpiwn. . 11. G. 1ee, a former resident of Col. Hugh Clark's Mother Dead. AViughaul, died at hie home in Itraut- Alrr. Cluck, wife of Donald Clark.ford on Saturday, the ant islet., after died tet her holm, in Kiocxl`dinc tnwu- a • Brureelm 1 1N rt Stlip, on \Vedneetlay, 11th incl, Mts. MI*. Craig, teaches. of Knglieh and' mtx41r11 languages in the Mrafurth Cullrglaltl-lnatllllte. Lamrtailgoeiteod will study haw. On July 14 Miss Minnie Shaffer, for- merly of Heiman. snore recently /1( nark wax yes 4414) 1(1441 hi)(14 reSia'rttw1 rrridrut .d llu+ ueiglborhoud, and in -liuvixad lty herhusINand..juur daogh- ties and four sus. An4111,4 Te latter are Lieut, -Col. 11111411 ('lark, 111.1',14, of Centre Bruce ; (lustiest ('lark, pnblimh• Turuub), was quietly married .lo 1)4.. ell, High River, Alta., and Nril 4 l.lrk, lipid. of MC Ueurge, Vancouver, 11. C. J4414. gtr. 444,K Rely, f- -Lo-fmasiVa-Maaaa-Sitta•d-__ buy, fOITuerly a?Hmyth, HAS peen elect- e•d president of the 'Termini hran+•li I.1 Ihn stable anti 'Meth( w•w horned 144 the Canadian Mallllfactlll•eIT Ahhtx•i- the K • 1 about 5 u'. l ,'k Thursday Atkin. morning 4,f laid week. The are,. Wage. ryueel tau, Atter Jearutug whet men in the vedot a trades earned, the 'Toronto tavehri• thought he'd sound the citing?. "If it'll not too personal a question, 1117 114411, hew"wuuh du yen lu.rkr'' ouitatio nc of Dodd's Kidney Pins are legion. The box is imitated, the outside coating and shape of isle pills are ' 'tated and the name-Dod2!'s the exon) Srul. l .4.,led 1utlkvd 1' eU'xighl tire 1,• 4ou•.. +• *1 it 111,11 even' Kidney fills is Mutated. lu,itrtiunaa{s dangerous.5118 NQNIIn' 1 a ,milsdangerous. The original is safe. Dodd's �• 1 di -i... thi. Pills hire ars 1.tatiiln. mit elel y ILO', Sir, I", :t po44n.1 is week., tors have none or They wouldn't imitate. al44) 1 ,nuldil't sup!' ,rl su)• 1411'.• :mJ So the trade on the reputation of Dodd's one c I get t i' i h a it it %. n li Ira t he Kidne�'ins. Do not be deceived. There tips f get frolu y;."nUrunl like yen, y 1 rtt "' is 410131 and flti1?Irs.___Dogd'L li Alp tt:ilkiv- •'+ •• f' i,'ly costs) ht erfginal. Dodd's_ is the name to be cars fun about - Mr. and Mr.. Wal. Monteith baud which originated iu the shells, heti (14144ly. of the Thrones read, Urli rue. gained such headway beret.- it Way have removed to the viciuily 44f 11igh waived that Mr. Smell's hone per - River, Alta., where Mr. Monteith has billed and the vigil were bullied. p111.1'400e41 x large farm. - Seine of the • furniture war Dr. R. Agnew, of Clinton, who has raved (rule the flames and T•e11o4e11 to ttart returned froma trip to the West, the Irtre•IIINIIt of Lite there'll. The Ilse ar pun:la',ed u dental practice in is supposed to have been caused by a Medicine Hal, whither tae i4 preparing tramp Nlreping in the shed. Gr renore wilt MI.. Agnew anti Clinton Hotelkeepers' Fined. (awliiy. Mutter Rolx•rt D. Fleming, of Clin- ton, who passel the entrance examin- ation this yrwr with Ili per seem. in All suhjecl8, is just nine y1ar4 olt lie is a bon of L. C. Fleming. Y. M. 1'. A. county reere•tary. )' 1 ' Ir 4.Y at•"T- Of - Th,' Pnnlwirh Record, underwent au operation in the \Viugllaut hurpital re.•ently cur the removal of a growth trona him nether lip which had been troubling Aisat luc-awttw-thee..- __ Mary. Lhl little daughter of L. Day, of Exeter. r, i against a pitchfork while playing teat week and two of the tined entered the truIlk of her hotly. No aeriulu recalls ensued and rbc is 'recovering rapidly. Alis Jen -ie Cuuplaud,! second daughter of Iter. '1'. It. Cuupland, of \Vatfosdi, fortuerly of lenel1+4hrro and Auburn. was married ill the WAX, ford Met h.xlirt clench on 1'hurs4)dy, the 1.1 init.', W Frank '1'. Taylor, of l hatplace. During a heavy thun/TerrtAorm the large barn of John Cochrane:'in Stan- ley townships, near Ihll, Green. mey struck by lightning and totally k- Haoyrd. A lags quantity of hay war consumed with that hnildulg and the lose to heavy. The Sovereign frank hasi'nteredwutt at Osgoexte 11411 *gamma Il. T. Hance. of Clinton, W I'ee1Ave r 1110.12:(, which it claims he owes on a guarantee ex- ecuted by hint on 'June 11, 181st, and emended - 1.y e letter signed by huu m4. June :44, of the rami year. Nita Mary E. Muntrilh (Laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Monteith, of the Thames rust, UeboI-ne, was inerried in Hensel! on Wednesday, the 7th inst., to \\'m. Paasrnore, iron of Att. and Mr,,, Samuel Pluenn ore, of the Thames road. The young couple have taken up their residence with the groom's parentA. Witham McMillan, ane of the eldest residents of . Seaford), peered to his rri nn Monday, the -L''th inst.. Deceased, who Was seventy-two year's of age, had been i11 nn winter and his drmise was not unexpected. He was a 00054' by trade and had acquired -a reputation Tor his dexterity M the business', lie is survive(i by his 4y ldow, two sons and four daughters. Henry (;*"h, of McKillop, met with a painful a ,cideot last week. He was shingling s ►Karn for Mrs. J. McMillan 4.40u_ -4.'-"w -r h.4._ ran, to the Before Police !Magistrate Andre%••, at Clinton on 1'hur'day last two lire *l hutelkeepers were fined for the vie. !alien of the Liquor Act. David Craw - Lon!, of the (' •ti41 hotel, was tined $I'4 and victim, fur selling aft•(. 1 m on'the 1'Gth of July. Reuben -Gtahan,. of the Graham Hangs ata« taallast -.And -ChicAfta Wheat 11/4600 lined San land costo for selling on the Close Lower -Live Stolt- . previus', Sunday. The conviction, Latest Quotations. were secured by private detectives . working Under PI•elvlrlclal inspect 4 N.na,1141 I•:en11144, .ri1) 15. 4L.cr;mw urtyLhe yUseculin11 w+�v x1 '.`cl.•", ry"tl r.. (f,,reu'.'!4,1 to cun1pcte'd by Inspector As41(11141 and end,:.-., July wlieut ohs..! pGr• r, CrowClownAttorney Seeger.turn !.. 111, belt a.: l ,.acs •, • I la':.0- • lowe Dr, Wilford Married.Winnipeg Options. The martiaxe of Plumate Clitudia.TTavl"'ct '.1'1. it ,• o.1•', fr'r. „, loa=- daughtrr of Ales, 4 .,villerand the late Y11t"' 54. e;'. O;.r, July, ,.4 •r ,1» .. l,(cnlbur Ur. A. U. hScillrr of Olruhmnte :e0,,,..�' ' c Lodge. Gland Valley. and E. C. Wit. Toronto Grain Market. ford, M D., 1.,R.C.P. and M.,' h:die- '.chest, tun. I. r •e 4, 1.... luugb1 of Hlyth was solemnized on ' u•,.....+ fun• t - ' :, :yedn4Mlxy oftsC wtri�'Kier.B-r 4vh.tet. ,;,141 iii.h 1.+n Stt•anglvays, uncia of the bride, ,• ,u- livc. t,i.h,l dueled the ceremony. .1'he bride ,woie 1144, kwh,,,l. 4..,-4.,1 0 :" 0 7: a becominggo n of white-enthruid= 1',:,-, 1.u.+11.4 •- 014, ered leaden. audt--Se1Te3Twterinasuit 1'••rt.ti •I''. . it r,4. of white silk poplin In the autumn "''rs, t.ue,. t u ,: Dr. and, Mrs. \Vll rd will -go' to Toronto Dairy Market. - Chentu, ('hind, whet 1►r. \Villus. !:utter, Keparntor, dairy•, Ib. U 2) o :::: will identity himself 4v• It the wick tsiuter, awre 1utsIe o l4 0 g of the Methodist China (Matti ,His Is.nse: creamery, Ib. rills 0 3 1 4.1 ... , _._. Bum,: Cte•tm•ry, wend0 7J U :3 'lion. 4.'t.-C.e: new. to♦iE - 4-x315 0444.. ease iota, den .:. 111 ,... 4 MI -York Dilry Market. xry - Jersv Y0)RK. Jul.' 11.-1 tett.-r Fir-. 11,• knew it, x11.1 t1it1 t u 4144431 11,44(1 went into hi • right trou.els 414801.144. 11144 emerged with it ruin, •1'11(•11 the Scut smiled. A Collecting Bottle, lu l)arwitI'. ",iu b, it i.. .314), 111,11 ruluululugy at 1,1111 .l, -he wear heart: 1114144 1111111 0111 Ire,-- 01,1nk ler a somewhat roue 1,cetlr'. I1,' luqud one, and just to he grasped it 1. sec 1 of the soli• hp(11(8 appeaUa•,I. 111)111 the ti tUtr rli.t , it wills %4ors ur,upie•d, hal he• Pound not lel slip 1hr 111181,1.1+'d 110.);.,,,.1 ., e.tpt n, r. So he not 1he Met Lectlo in Ins 111.,1t11 141111 triuwph8nl44 '. 4..',4 the ISM esr %CLI •w' KIDNEY PILLS Phone 56 V. mural 00. JJ. BALDWiN'S OD MIND 1 1 'Phone 56 • 1 Celebrated Yarns ..- drie.@1e wanks,* 'lSoptato ,.esu $ 111th, sea mat they weeltYTxu pay more than 57.414) .f.o.b. cars at reentry palate,• Montreal Live Stock. M,1NT1t1:.\I. .11.1% 111 rHpax L•d.l- the liferµeralaa-..-k 1 •r e, W.-.4. t•'ud 8larkrt the rte. 1pt. of Iii ,• stock for the work .ending July 17 were' i20U settle. x11 aisesp and lauds, 1r+", bogs sell 4010 ,:,Ives, white he sudq,ly fur hsal eensumptlOa 11114) nwriiin,; 11enW)4iee) to 10444 cattle, 400 q1. rq..•t11d polite, PAM 110101a o0 nd 314 ralvee. 1 re 11111(1111411, is "4410- r.narlr-. 44e0' !WW1* Walt unr•haug,.1 f1-011f1a Wr,•k age. •wink' to the fart flit supplies wen. smaller. and this, noal.ia--aaIUl muchcooler vic e- ttr+•r-;tmfrr 44,,,.1 wand -hens local buy- . rs. malutalne,l psi., w.•11 101' .11 grades. Th.. export d,nuan,l was qu4.1 u„ arr.,ulit M l4.• fart 1!.141 ,',l.l,11 (now Llvrrt!.ol on Fat urdey were ng :un - 'weaker. and nolc.1 n further ,0',d4.e u, prise. of (,' to 14,• ra•r p.,u,J. a. ,una pa r. -.I With a Week ng". ul.Irh was 4111. 4. $,.n11 %rather and a —Diijt in Buffalo. The death occurlcd in It dr Wednesday, 1(th inst.. of Mrm. Armstrong, who lived the greater r+ "lllrx;_.'11rat'-. r, +.ri._1111,4-411414, 2. 40 ffl 4.4.wore*. <,4.1: thiol •o of her life in Brume's, snoring ftiet ifi'7i 4.t 1414, .per+•• -ds, r,rxa aeat., AP. - 'that place to Loddon, where she re 1x1, p1.• W 24e, w tern (Artery, 11.4, eider! for a number of years. Doting s^ 4aslern imataU.ut • I•a,.., r>. 4..r -t. the last three years she t'r41ded in Buffalo with her two sone, I)avid and William. Mrs. Anustron,t lr survieed by four sons. the two pent mentioned. Bert, of Toronto. and Robert, of Alberta, and three daughters, lfre. Grabill, Toronto, Mr's. S. Drewe, Win nipeg, and Mrs. Johnston, of 1(uffelo. Deceased's husband, the late Robert Armstrong,. died nearly seven years 410. Wedding- at Cranbrook. ground, a dietenre of righteen"flet, Irecturiug his sl nildrrbladr and sus- t.otning severe Meters. -As he fell just between a large stone and a crnwlrtr, Which was sticking up in the ground, he was furtslnate in excaping ptore serious injuries. William S. Filtlkwill, of Exeter. succumbed to a lingering illness "f Bright's disease on yatur4)sy, the 141th rust. Deceihiedh who wax 41 eon of the late William Belk will. passed theilfty- hix yeers of his life in the vicinity of Exeter. In his )'.loth he had a Ovide reputation es a sprinter, being at one time the rccugnized champion of Ontario. He is survived by one sister, Mies Mary Balkwill, whit ministered W him in his Lo) Ilinest+. His wife died teas rear's ave. The (tenth of Andrew Ginn, o( CIin- ton, which ()commit after an illness of rm,xle ilIonths on Sunday. the. 1)141 inst., re111nv4N a goal citizen of the WWI' and a former pioneer Irsident of the and cuncess' of Hallett. i e- reaseel wt.m Nevei ty•tive years of "age. He was twine married. Hie first wife diel thirty-six years ago leaving four children -Thomas and Mee. Burley, of Detroit oit ; Andrew, of Cleveland. and John. of l'linton. M years later he was married to Nine Susanna Lee, of Millen, who survives him. Mrs. 1larry Itotitle.tge and Alts. David Steep, of Clinton, arc -thee' i .teen i t his Nrc tad u4errisgc. The IMP Je1110,1 Wright, of Morris, 41'1104,' 44141(411 uceul'rrd on the 441, III him sixty-eighth year. tram native of Scotland. In his early childhood he came 144 Canada with his parents and located in Galt. On reaching manhood he settled in !(russets. but emu year4 later removed to Molesworth. Four- teen years ego he settled on the 1stcun- CPKMle1ll of Morris, where he continued to reside until death. For the past eight 'the he had twPetra attf►em from anaemia. He leaves to mourn his lomx his widow, one son, Wm. H., of Wingham, and fwlr daughters -Mrs. Marshall. of Wroxeter ; Mrs, Noggin. of Fort \Villiani; Mrs. Melvin Willits; and Miss Bertha, at home. Tit) inter- nment took place at Wroxeter. I Wingham Bylaws. I The ratepayers of Wingham are to vote on Monday next on three bylaws: One to raise 54,IMM1 to meet debentures' falling due ; one to provide $6,455) for improving the prement waterworks system, and the thiol to place the electric light and waterworks services under the control of three commie - stoners. St. Columban Church Burned. 1 The Homan Catholic church at 94.. Columbian was struck hy lightning and completely destroyed hy fire shortly after midnight on Thursday of fast week. Only the walla are left standing. This was one of the oldest churches in 1hie pert of the country. The lose is estimatedat $2.1,4X10 ; there was 55.(55) insurance. Wingham Woman Eases Conscience. A Guelph despatch mays : --Some Wetter or farmer's wife of \Vingham, Ont., evidently had a ride on Guelph cars that was not, paid for, while here on one of the excursions to the On- tario Agricultural College last month, Aa Manager Hackney this morning received an envelope containing ten cents. There was no note of explana- tion or any comments along with the conscience remittance. Following the excursions each year there are a few such remittances from honest country folly though they generally Abash seventy -live gtarstt'4 from - (i.Nlerich, Photon, Wingluon. Kin- cardine, Bruwtwls, Walton, Ethel and other places t_hlunge_d the pretty drawing -room of dtr. inti Item. Charles Switzer, of ('renbrook, un Wednesday. the 7th inst., to pat del. pate in the mal•riege tet their only daughter, Nellie 8., to George 11, \Villi/un (la., x well•to.du young farm- er of Grey. Rev. E. G. Powell. of Brussel,, conducted 4 he ceremony. The bride, who W.vi nnettende•d, was ,riven awry by her mother, owing to the unavoidable •►(144'11,44 of Mr. Switzer in the West. Mite lucked charming in a gown of while silk crepe de cheue. Miss Myrtle Mcl)on- ald ptayi•d the wedding march. Af11'r' *delectable rt•pa.t Mr. and Airs. \Vii• liaruson left on a trip to Kinranliue and other lake points. the bride travelling in blank sift. On their r'.r' turn they will take up thein: teeillence, on the groom's farm on the loth con cersiun of Grey. Fifty Veers Wedded. Thi• cumfol'talde 1101l1(, of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Miller, ter the 1st cnu• ('14144114,0 of Morris, w'as the Senile of a happy gathering on Thursday, the 44th inst., when about ahuodr.ed 1,4,11(4 i ('441, and (deride sesemblvl to celebrate the golden wedding of the host and host- ees. On July 444(1, 124,,0, John R. Hiller end Mies Margaret Brown Molfalt, both of the 1st c r ' of Morris, were Married et the manse on tit, 1st c0rlr1Krioll Of 'I'urulrrrry by It'v. 1Vin. C. Young. Alice Aui,.o. Hinck, now Mrs. '('hoe. 11 i.lup, fir Sank -Goon. wets bridesmaid anti l -x-\\:441(1•,, Robert Miller, now of T. 1,111,41, Wats Is'ht 11141)). A g these leveed at the golden' wedding celebrat • - were s e who took part in the wedding festivities of lilry y'ear•�+ WIT,+,: 44•uu1'Ty,'ttlta't't'Atttl e.- John St.rnelt.n, David Moffatt, R»r've of Turnb1rry (then x,r•infa01 i, and Mra. Audrrw Simpson. Dining the dol. - orate Nygren' whirl) followed the banquet. on the lawn 51r•. and Airs. Miller were presented with a purse of gold on a gold tray I.y their •l(4erttom, en behalf of their six cbildeen, while iter•, L. Perrin rclul the ace uulponying a ddteess. ADMIRAL BERESFORD. Hero, of Alexandria WII Open Cana- dian National Exhibition at Toronto. • • Admiral lend Chillier) 111•m4ferd, who has accepted an 1014 ,at' to visit Canada to open the Canadian National Exposition at Toronto, in known to tame IM the .great leader in the national defence movement now agitating the whole Empire. Lord Charles, who is the second eon of the Mat psis of \Vate(ord, first be- came known t4 fame at the bom- bardment of Alexandria, when he nailed the little Condor into water Inn shallow for the big battleships and silenced a battery that wee doing great damage to the British fleets. -Well done, Condor,” was the signal that floated from the fixg-ship after the Wattle, end the young Lord was known Aft "Condor Charlie," till more dignified titles crowded the name into comparative obscurity. A d rn i r a 1 Hereeford can do other things besides fight. lie has three medals for life- saving, has written a Life of Nelson and several treatises on naval met - tem, ix an all-round sporting anent and is known ell over Britain as a warm -hem ted Irishman. Stung. A man of inquisitive mind often takes a chance when he asks ( west ions. The fact was impr.sacd on Mr. W. 4'. Wilkinson, seeretdry-treasurer of the Toronto hoard of edneation, says Toronto Saturday Night, hy rather amusing incident on his recent tri through the British fates. 111 ,.tae in good old Glasgow that Mr. Wilkinson Sot up on the seat *side 11+•.•+x0 --Finn "r,1 hit,_. . ,n I. fir • tat«, futl r.r.un, .44..I4.,1m 14 t... l:e . Au 1. 1113» '•r large•-col- .e.a11, ' 13%.. , vr- ., 0141._ 1 rl N .4...1,all! 4)t . 119 ItrN , in y st..4. n :or:,jc a: tJ9ec; 4c►lu/e, boli to .wsdd. -le- Fags-Firm; tlr. Fags -Firm; reeelpt P. 1:.141; ',tate. l'enneylvnnla and :u*wrby, eery, Reacted, 41.11,', 8(r to 31.; do., fair to chole, ::o to '+„hc•; brown -and .,d 9.41. fancy, 'lc to 230-.‘; do..., tfa4.lxet„o 4,4114w1111,..214. 24141 10nt01.;tywest; 3j,':. 00000ds.: Jteetu :le. CATTLE MARK:EIS. Hogs 10c Higher I.iaicago,,lBut Lower at Buffalo. NPON• July 10, --1 0401011 ruble:m.0r moth- are firma at 13ysc to )4%,' per, Ib. '..r Canadian 04•ere, .dressodl weight, re.• friJteretur beef 1a quoted st4474.': to JOsee per Ib. Toronto Junction LIvWStock. ' 'rowist'0 JCNCTII)N.,,Juty19.- Receipt. of live _ i4 ttlrr Stook Yards were 89 carloads, con- sistent 04 1x12 cattle, :Clove, :17 sheep and 41 (-alves. Exporters. A• statedabove, them were Inn 11101'S rets rt d, but wo awe; tine of .the bent .•atria on the nlarltet-In fact. many Ir:e I lila-re 75884t"l leIOrn-the-te.et Of 4.h 4r dans, w"lghIng abe,ut- 1 lbs.- f'.r w /drh :•; 10 p'r 1 wt. wax bid blur: the loyal butcher • treadle. -e Prime 'picked lots.or bute-Tsers'sWern re- 4 W'r4.'4 so --be worth- 55.10. -1” ta.32-but did not re. any sold at thr•,rrpNceri 1.'1x4)11 • of goal, C to 1..41( m..11elm. P.M to 56: ' clxunn.n N 10 3414+; Infrrler, 1114(11',( t: an 1011, .us. i::-- 10 5y---' 4-'r cwt. ' " • Milkers .and 'Springers. Prim) neeinlr co le"8:ht 11 notkersipand i spruces -'e et 514 to Li% ra. h - Veal Calves. Priers f..r veal twills were uu,l,'uq d, i at 11 t.. 414 per cwt. Sheep awd• Lambs. - ., Inq. 11 `4.w Isar. line T1T"tfir'-rTtnri- { al fa. tars 10 1A444(4 are .altritulyd the pri,-en nine.; for rattle this arlu.0(4 • .,1411 in 4l,4. tient :s the fact that :cif 14•.1 Mutes' ' xl•.•rterx ore 01,enrsting • - , ly In Ill.• 0,sfiaantl tluet8. r,iilhtG f vak,.•,. 4.411414 0.1 111114 11 l'''r than In l'hl. ,,a'. Market: c;•n m.•queul h•- large ,;ndt•hls are bvlug ide snweekly frena .1•01 I ' to I/0111011 and ether tains for ea- ,. •,• ..gait which curtail,, sus m ppl4•fro • . !lits .Way, and (cods lo' keep prices 1 .> t :n'ker 10'441 y- - 4 Mew-wlr:40 • ' iv; Stood at :AV to 1+.441, r- nu•T{uiri-at-7{4c171-1Xae: t,• Vac; oar Inferior . s1 1...r p.. nn,l .' rl i, -h .T4,ve1"tad-111-'Tutt 0., k .11:11 still eon- •r 414 r•:., ....f Jpe 14th- • t tto. "..r,it41 't sup- . .. - iu 4uhse.luenee have • la.e reto Ire: tier r r 1 ¶ x110014 that • w,41 co till Wittier In tte'yiearfuture • N'-'TP4'4 mc--.seams-esatertally-._Tha. n>l 11 out pot -kers to -day was keen, 4 .O. s of s•1, (twY I. 1, were mad,' at 1,.. 4. at seer len pounds, weighed net nen lnntr1,-t, were made fur de- ',•. ry lat.•r In rho wick at 5•+.10, which 115 a. w 1111.•1; r' -'"r. price (..r 4.h.• Season. • The ..ala hnP•'rt:o.t Chante In the tttar- kft f..r .1,1:,11 •4u'-.,ts was the stronger 1 I • �i�rS haV.Q j1I j 41.4 1 .'J IIItl1 st.lLk a l,ti''c I1111)4rt ,dcll\'ert' 1)f J.,& J. 1i;11t1N'lll'S l Uncles "lkduvt• Fingering' Yarns, '•1'he.1' >,00.11,n1eal 1141 introtltic- 1,011, .111 they art.' knot\ the tt.'riti over its the i't'St \aril'. 11;atle. li;tlaitl in', "Ii:chive- S oto h I iItLerin,L in 2-I41Y, hI� :inti in black, a( !tile ;inti t((Itn•,. REAL EIDER YARN - This it cul ideal yarn fur 1.1)11111144111' croqueting shawls. faseinatres anti infants' weer. it .•,uues in white, 1,11,•1., pink and Ick y. IMPORTED SHETLAND FLOSS • Shetland floe- im n very dainty yearn for fascinator., jackets. bootees, rte. It. rule•• in ell 1 he 1e 1.1111g shades. I • ___Complete Stock of Canadian Yarn' • , at very keen prices. e ' ,MILLA R'S SCOTCH -STORE L aft �Y • 1 1 1 1 • • tlleaMelMltt+tr• • me 410 • du,n:u.,l (non 4x•1,1 buyers, • T.rrr'r.-w.l+w,i.•.4 . per mould- withPale• ._1'1,•. logic X10 tam war fairly se- n.! e- as t prices ruled steady at 6441 to 741 1„-r yorui T7-llii �iftrtn4x fit -eniv a were eau ,11 and the market wait quart at primes .u..rne l'u.n 81 b. P sac h, as to rise end East nufialo Cattle Market. 1: 1ST 1:1-1'1,.11,,,, Jul) I! l'allle.•-i1e- . I..- ..-n h,.J,. L,t stei on and f.•tuaiM .4•• -m.4) )•. 11_11.-r; others _slow edy: for:00. hl,•ere,. 144.:0 to l:. 1',.r t„ 16.411, hUtrhers. r era, y 1" , i, replete prlc9 s nr nhnngod. . F.xtw,rl rat. r. 5:;.144. to N: rau.s. 5' , 4I I • 53 per .•wl 111..111.. 1F ,o 52.4.. per (wt. f. to 8:f. stcker- s(„x44 heifers. . 1.41,1 J.prWgrrs. Li., , C'alu110n steely; lt,ta, bend; 'low and i h,o vy. it SO 1.. 18.40: 1 f .4,, y r1.. r., iA. 3) to 11,.10; ;.. 31.. �trt-h1:..wi,. M-j7.1i; } d,.it. s. is 1S 10 58.3. .r 1 .4i•., Ili, ,act., :1140, bead; „ t.,.. :u,4) at.:1114 , lau,l,n sky,. 'ti , 1s •', year - r. w.13...n.-{i.411-440- 1S.Zi•, t ,. ep. mi,c.•a1, 5. to R.W. /'Chicago Live Stoc ,' ., .1 .!,' 414 1' ,nlc niceties( es - :it .14''.'.' Market al•a.ly to 10a rr--t,•+-v.•• -at 110 hl $, ..lu; Texas stoma. ... '• 4(444,•40 st.-.- e. 54.:. to 16.16: 1''.11 rs, f::.114 fn 4.1,1.); cows • • , )., 16.•_.1; calves. 56 to L'r., Io rs I etiolated at 71.0t0, mar- . I•. LI.4•., -1141.1, 57.:0 to 40.01; #, h•.n1y, 17:11 to 4.30; ,d to chole"', heav7. r. .' to 5: . , bulk of It is a Tonic you want! Physicing lowers the system and makes it more susceptible to disease,--The-v. inter months have been a great 51131111 upa11 your vitality and unless you ,p'it the blood in good condition aIJ manner of evils will overtake you. PSYCHING Is the l:alc;st of Tollicu and uhnulit_be taken by every_one at this season of the year.% PSYCHINE assists the gastric juices and ferments-Tn their digestion of the food, cleanses the mucous membrane of. the Stoinach, and has an invigorating and beneficial effect on the muscles and nerves. For Catarrh of the Stomach, Ulceration or Weak Stom- ach, Dyspepsia, the use of PSYCHINE is strongly advisable. PSYCHINE acting on the Stomach restores it to a healthy condition, then acts through the sto4:..:4(1 upon all the vital organs, creates an appetite, bringing ,renewed vitality and strength to the entire system and enables it to throw.off disease of every kind. It Is the greatest health - giver known to medical science. send to Dr.T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, Toronto. for s F,ee Sample to -day. Alt druggists and storm milP:YtH1NEat. 50cand wl Per bottle shines instan.ly at the first rub or two of the brush or cloth. Will not rub off. Is waterproof. .Softens - and preserves the leather. No sub- stitute even half as good. ' 10c. and 2Sc. Tins h. I dei Think .4 Ihn 111„4 delicate- the ne.,t delicious the Most *0..quo •dcli.u.'y' you 'ever 14 en 1'' 11cd h.r, x114) you'll find it in this wonderful new ectal'• 3!,l'.,rmiok', Elite 1•'.ngern. - The r,,1 + • t and mast delight fuII,•ll:Ivnred (lemons) --the most arliaie ami Lao'l ,, ,a.;; design (elegantly enllm.sne,1N' ). .ihie ; similar r}_cr let+_re t;r'si+rerd. •g1 rn .1 a,itlr--h,' 1 _1hey_Allerd a rare tr,aa leret,•1',r, ” uuhulmd'for. -11 -always drive a LNEMOSI Because every part of the car is built in the Toronto factory, and of the very best. materials—tile double curve springs cannot break ; the 8 ecially welded wheels cannot warp ; the tope are of the best satin for parasol and the best leatherette for hoods, and the body of finest wood or prime German reed. They're Canadian made, so if there should be an accident it can be easily and quickly remedied. • You can Always Get Home if you Drive a Gendron S..1.1 hr all first,la•. del hr, wn.. ns if 74410'1,11” I carry Them. GENDRON MANUFACTURING CO. Ge dlrenn LI tonedToronto, Canada Delver" Ins