HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-7-22, Page 1AT THE TOP THE SIGNAL'S Joh pont- mg department. Equipped for all kinds of pruning. Let us show you how neatly and promptly we can execute your next order. SIXTY 811COND T&AR-Nat gsis oat Read the NEW STORY in this week's Signal (><OUE1tICH, ON'T'ARIO, CANADA : 'I I tale •►•' 1909 THE HI(iNAI. I'Ht N'II\'ti CU., Lt•1, Pr,,,lenxt4r. Fininoiii I am offering for rale l/etwnturra hearing interest at live per cent. per annum. payable half -yearly. Theme debentures offer an absolutely sate and prof- itable Investment. 1 would advised anyone having money to invest to be sure to call and ser rue. THE W. 1.. 11ORTON STANDARD LOAN COMPANY Loot or Found L081% -ON WEDNESDAY AFTER- NUUN of last week In the mien bou.e park, an ambrelr. Finder will be rewarded on baring not J. J. EDWARIYN reetaureut. the Haletoral Cath LOST. -SOME LRUAL DOCU- MRNTS batweeen Uoderlch sad INa• Mlles. The SPdst will please leas. tae rasa. at tat sees w Prvwffwt, Hare r Mak. . if O$T.=WATERMAN FOUNTAIN - Ps �atael ai The ( . Hooton or Boarders Wanted l?OARUSRS OR ROOMERS tVANT- Il ED. -Yuma Malan Proferred. Comfort Mae base. marN111 u 4'ale(tlat• !wafture,. bwlasle wrodaaPrises. -Apply et THE Inti - NAI UFYIV QODERICH MARKETS Tuuaaoay. July LYS. Fall what. tier bush 71 :s. to 7 1 ii 4(4 chug wheat, per bush s 1 JI to 1 yl roto U:.4 Una to Um) U:o to o:Y1 Rye per btu. t Huait wheat.; or bush 4 tau, per huh.. 1' ear•, .•r host Il .ail W Harley. , o Y . y. Der be •h n .;u to 0 JS !►,•ensu mg. -r lou .. s, W to 'D, W Flour, far,.tly. per owl 3 14 t0 3 ie. Flour..mtont, per cwt 3 2.i to 325 Rear , per ton 21 In to 54 w Short., i.e. tort . 25 ICJ to 25 in Hay, per ton Y 110 to 9 51 Wood. per cord. _ _ S Ix to 6 U4 Hunter. per Ib 0 17 to Y no Ilion/ie. per lb 0 13 to 0 13 Potatoes new r dos 0 17 t0 0 19 311 to 55 Potato,., oto 10 t0 .. r 4'ante. ord)1,', to good, per cwt 4 51) t0 5 •S.'5 folie, export. per cwt.1 25 to 5 TS ...•• Huge. .. S TJ to .i 75 1.0111.01111:101.0.. 1I*t* 41 at Sheep. per cwt 7311(l410 ell per r th *If is ell Hermit. per Ib 0 IS to 020 Lanl, per Ib IS q t 1)5 Tahoe. per ID elf O 5)5 Hate., ser owl 6 .m to 6 51 !Sheep ..kin • . _ M 4(i 40 flicker., m to w Turkey. 15 to 14 444,1-141e u,arkets on page 6 this week. To Sant R RENT. --1119U8M ON W R9'F .greet. 811 Mdresei• ass bathroom. Convenient to, lake. poetaster and aquae& Rent reaeoaablet Sppay to J. H. H A W K I N S. St. P1414405151 Amt. .. (P0 RENT. - THE KOOMM ON 1 North etgreslttMadyoccupied by Mr.. Ma, NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS vara TIM wrhewn souls A PPO at Copy of change of running advertise- ► H) RENT.-1PORTIUN OF T11 E RE- .idea.ellMissborbapan.,•minernit \risert menti must be left at this office by and HLAod re. . dreete. Suit whir oil ,: r fur 0.1 Monday noon to ensure insertion Orly Coude or for young 4nu4le with ..ell fon Uy. ll law., fruit trew town wavier. ale, .oh in issue of same week. water. Terve• ver rr,wnrbl.-. Agq.Iy t0 MIMS HU('HANAN on the prem, ur ALC]L YOUNG, Carlow ('.o. ,311 :.tate tor bale. Situations Vacant r2.001.) GENERAL SERVANT l)< wanted -by Arytwt Lath. Apply W MHN. HOUSE FUR SAIF:.=THE MAIN u.F'.HLAM - Portion of the bone. o• southmot corner ATfTSi3. A? - a North and Nroea street.. Pnrehaner t , rr Wheel Riga dens the buUding. For fort her Inforru.1tim, apply on the provolone to Mits.(' I.; PT, owner. or to J. ADM ITOWLRIR t', s.. Arehltect. WESTERN LANDS FOR HALF.. -- Ima sere. with 32 scree 1n orop: frame llw.1 1143 'phone tn. Priem- Sawa iw.44.aaaa ero4 land a rich loam. 9A. acre+ at tilt per acne. broken oval fenced. T.I. 1. a .nap, se land 1. vine op every year. 1mn sere. with grant building•. 414 arn.a broken ; prim P• per sere. good locality and phone In hove. Any of thaw ma be bought 1)u 414144 1111051. J. H. Tttw'1LE4, Yoakum. neck. HOUSE FOR BALK -ON THE mat +414 of Victoria .riser )4ev n -roomed helot hoose furnace. electric light and all modern ronvenlenose ; aloes .table on the lot. For term. and particulars apply to W. F.. (.'HPIHULM, 51 Im 1100914 FOR SALK. --A NEW Dilek dwellinf wltku.e modern improve meets. plesaanfldtrl•lwd and near Ute Nq Apply to W. ft ROBERTSON. _ -- H0 1.714R FOR SALK. -- A TWO- STORY brick home. with seven rerun.. on Reece street. Particular. can be had hy eatU:m ar SiGNAL Once. tf LIARM FOR MALE, 1.01' II, ('0' - l' F141411) s, Colborne ; 147 cern. of good soil. been ander grass for tight 74110. j mile eget of Dunlop and 31 miler from (ioe,irh. with good Minding" and arte.iwn well and windmill. S acne. 4N orchard, beet of winter milt, and ten sere. M bee*. Fm pr(lcular. 1penttoAy)VN(. Jr.. Mit N Naen to., o. HI. .414.3 R MAjrlii,-iN °ItDEIt 11/ CLOSE 1), se the estate of the tete O. C. Shannon, his tete redden, -e 1A naw for .ale. It Is In eery fair m,rllunn hat-• modern eon,enter- te., can 4r. In.puwl at any time. For further puttrnlwr. ap dy to Proud heh. 44 t it H)nlr. i•, J. IRAM11.4UN 1:a.444104,r. FURNISHED 'HOUSES 1'O RENT FOR THF. SUMMER MONTHS. Hummer vldtom d411Nng to sures tarn• !.had hones 14( Ooderlch am invited to car - 1 .pond with THE HIUNA!. lessen. wl.hing to rent their house. to *Tim- mer rooted ohonld lewve part -Ionian. .t THE SIGNAI. Tit K STERLING BANK OF CANADA Ra4n ovine' To.o ro atrrantilrin neer/4r. • 1111.004011° INCORPORATED BY %PIIX'IA1,A"T 07 DOMINION PARLIAMKNT TO RECE1 V K DEPOSITS To accommodate the Farmers we have opened Branches in the villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. We solicit the Patronage of the FRAM M. Ili l NOTED 13leoo177CTRD. Highest current rate of Interest paid In our RAVINGS RANK DRPART- M ENT4 lin deposits of 111.1Y) and )pwarda. OODERiCH BRANCH A. 0. GAMBLE. Manager. UTANTED AT ONCE -A TV F'Kill KM•E) Midge mom Malec/Mt A(aply 10 J• T. UUI Ma1Uoed. fjtftAt'dfttt-FIFA-N1'v - - -- ll Yo. 4. r .wn•.btp of 11)4born , male teacher preferred. dunes to r0utu.n4'e Awtu,.t loth. Apply, elating salary. to PAUL 54 TlDle aI1,Kl,. Sec •ss.. Henm1•. 4. fi1KA(711ER' ANTED. -FUS Y. S. 11 No. 3, Wolf Wawwno,h holding 6r.t of . 00144.:.., profo'rlonwl certificate, duties to 44001lemY AkWh.; Oh h. Derr. state rxppeerl- enee. If any. and salary r. meted. Applies ' tiono reoelvnl u5) to July 14th. Appply, with references, to Tn1C4. H. rAVIA IK. :lecretary- trea.ytero, St.. Helene 1'. U., Ont,. Notion it a oCed on NOTICE TO CREI)ITORS. Notice 1+ hereby gh•en pernmant to R. S. (4. 1k0. l'hspirr 154, See. 341. that W penmen. lay. mg •'I.1,4(- ,.ga.not the estate of William King. Ince of the too ruhip of Ea.( 11'awauoah. in the comity of Huron. yeoman, deceased. who died on or ,tI''I _the -nth day of .lows, 14'31. are re - delisf -end by Mot prepaid or mherwt.e delis or (((,the wndeh.lgnerl solicitor fur John Vineland awl Jacob 1'. Htolt1. exerur•)r. of the .a.d ,h•."'t.,1)un or twfore the 31.1 day of July. A. 1.. 4' n. their 111111e, tuldrr+•n., and deocr+p. tion', mei a full statement of particular. of thou r1+4,n1• and the nature of the .eeority. If any. held by them. duly 4rnlned, and that after the ...kid day the executor. will proceed to di. tribute the as.e4■ of the .aid deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only 1. t Mahn. et which they Audi then bare Dated 111) 7th day of July. A. D. 4 444. 31. H. CAME:H41N, lioderleh, Ont. __ -Flolkiltor for the Executor". Sl 3t Jong Y1*nl.AMtl .4 he JAovni tertn.r7.. R!1- :Irlo4up fHORP', L ALGOMA CENTRAL STEAMSHIP LINE STR. KING EDWARD Cleveland, Toledo, Sault Ste. Marie Division -between Cleveland,Tul(do, Detroit and Sault Ste. Marie and intermediate points. Leave (ioderlch southbound 8:00 a. rn. Fridays, northbound 8::10 p. rn. Sun- days. June Zinl to September 7th. 1 Mather permit t.I ng, T. J. KRNNRDY, Th4r(•4' M.tn.WIER. ;441 1111 HL(. Marie Ontario. STAR -COLE LINE STR. HURON Leaves Omlerlrh POR %AI'LT )(T1:. MAItIK. MICH.. via North Channel, (i.orirlan Hay, Tuesday at 1 p. m. vote 141RT 114'5408, DETROIT. TUI.EIw)and ('LEVELAND, VrMwy, et 12 midnight, WILLIAM LICK Loral Agent. It. MAXW4I,I.. Traffic Manager, Detroit. Mich. LARGE STEEL STEAMER CITY OF ST. IGNACE NORTHHOUND !Pavex Goderich for Mackinac, FIL ignore and the north. Thursday of each week at 8:311 p.m. ROITTHBOUNDIeaves Goderich for Bur -Detroit. Cleveland, Toledo and ale' Saturday of each week at 2 p.m. LOCAL TOPICS A Bad Tangle. U. Prouse hal a peculiar accident with his pair of drivers on Monday afternoon on %Vent street. One of the young horses taulntiled and the other fell over 00 the that. 'There was nu damage done, but it Gwk some tittle to get things untangled. Obtaining Money Unaer False Pre- tenses. Un Saturday last George Letson pleaded guilty at the Police Court to a charge of obtaining otomy under (+de e pretenur.. Lust fall he sold some he)ge N) J. F. Andrews and obtained a cheque in payment for IIWd, represent. Mg that there WAS nothing agaivat them, whereas there war is chattel tgage in favor of E. K. `(warts. Letson was /Wilt up -for trial and re- leased on hail. Noll -Tweedie, Toronto papers record the marriage ten. Wednekd*y 4.4,last-w,wk- of ..Mira Lulu Tweedie, younger daughter of Mr. and Sirs. Charles Tweedie, of Wil- ton Crescent, 'Toronto, formerly of (ioderich, to J. .1. Noll. of Toronto. The ce449000y was performed by the Rev. H. Hutchison, ia) the presence of the immediate relative., at the hone of 111e bride. Mr. ,and Mrs. Noll left for Muskoka later in the day for their honeymoon. (1144.'4.14'(1 friends join hi good wi4(he'.. Jury Attach No Blame. Toe•-. inquest - iILLl.. Jbi . death 01 Oeorve Barry, which was concluded last Friday, did not tiring out any evidence to attach blame for the arei- dent to anvuie, and '11w jury Irou(ght in a venlict accordingly. rhe eti• ,encs or Urr. Whitely and Macklin as to the nature of Mr. itarey`e injuries area taken, also i vid1124x_sia_ta the nature of the op eninlg at the planing will and as to the protection provided. 1)r. Hunter war the coroner. At the Harbor. The steamier Isabella J. Boyce arrived on Monday night with a cargo of coal froiu Loraine, Ohio, the deck - load tieing for 1. H: Holmes and the hold -load for the town. The steamer Midland Queen arrived on Friday with a cargo of flax cud wheat and. after unloading at the elevau)r a')d mill, cleared on Saturday to load coat. The yacht Anona was iu lest Friday. bound smith. - The)F(rg Rita McAuley wan in on ThurrS1ay for the sawmill's -boom i .g i and left the same day for Stokes Oaf - 0.,p. F. Installation. ---Isie4rict i►eputy (ireful Mostar Tay: (or, of Clint() 1, was in town on Mon- day night and in.talled the eleeetive officers of Huron Lodge No. 02, 1. U. O. F., fur the present terms. High encomiums were passel on the work of the retiring N. (1... W. Yule, and tr' atier'eew+r-Wiifeiti 4444 -wand aux-ta('- ing the N. 0.'e chair thanked the brothers for hi/ election. The.retiring warden. K. King, now graces the V. (1.'e chair, and P. 'O.'. Dr. ('lark, C. A. Yoe Sale L'OR YALE. -TWO 110001E8. IN 1 food nonditlon. Al,o a quantity of maple ppll�*n�k and .econd-clan. lumbar. Apply to 7a[tm YtStYtHU. Nelson draft -- • at Auction Wes. - UCTION NALB AUCTION 4(y. STANDING TIMBER AND REAL FAT ATR Thoma.Oun'(ry. Anrtloneer, hs. received in.trnctlon.from MAR(ARF'T EL.LIOT to sell on the premise., being lot 17, Inhe Hay- field road conce+slon, foderich township. on FRIDAY. THE:KA DAY OF JULY. Men, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon : All the Mending Umber on -aid let , together with a large quem tit y of cedar 11o.te, wood mid duh.. The 'tand- Ing timber ha, been -art eyed In acre parcel. end may be inspected at any time (luring the five day. preceding the '.I(. At the same lime and place the following red 101*4,e will be .'Mend; Part of 131 .M, Ion. 3, Iloderich township, containing 3. sere.. This is w ILMI pw+tmre lot, Menne!. well femrod. and having on It w never.6dlingqpringrreek. Those desiring to buy wall. limber or lv,dar poets or semen restore lot will find it profitably.' to M• tend this side. TERMS fiF-14.4 MC. -.. -.-- - Timber, wood, dab., eater. Pads, etc.- amoants of 7145 and under, MA. On larger amorinte a ered44 0(14 months w114 be elven on furateang spur 804 lot nt note.. A 01.count of 1 per cent. for cash allowed on credit amonnm. The !Nal ((tate-Ten per rent. on day M sale, balance In alder.. when parcha.er will 1e en. titled to a deed and be he Into 140.44++1041. For further particulars apply to the nnderelgnell. MARWAitET ELL(OT, Thea O1'N Oft V. Proprietor. Auclloneer. QATURDAI'..1tiLY ill. -AT 11.30 1J o'clock 0. m.. In Dungannon. Mr. Harry Sanee bas In.tr,rted me to '4010 all hi. house hold furniture.... he ha. +old hl+ elm". and 1. leaving for the 4%'e,d. 0K0It414: 1144(-gg1T, Auctioneer. iJATUIUDAY, JULY 31. ---AT T1iE ( Auction Halve. Consignor. 11svc In• .united me to well : 9 walnut centre table., 2 walnut sofas. 1 walnut 4rw1Re4d. Walnut rhn)re, walnut drop loaf 4.31.•, wafnnt stand.. lied q'Mng', malt mote+, enrich. rocking chat r/4, 'spot hath cabinet, Imning hoard, lake 10)14'.), mahogany hntr6.11.11010 215 year+ old, 1 wal- nut sldeho.M, walnut flower Mand. 1 New Raymond sewing nfarhine In perfect order, with attachments, one tight waggon .nit.hle for apple packer.. and a lot of other honsshnld f,rnitnro. Do not forgetthe date of the big .ale,.lnly 31.4 Term. rash. 4141'). HE('KF:TT, Aticfoneer. (ZATURDAY, AUTO, 7th, AND MON- (1 1/AY Rh -Great wile of rum and carpet. a).4.. frrdn 7;19 no, to (x5 cendgnnleet w1Il exhibition the %h and It(h of Asgsat. l! 1:U. HIICRICTT. arts conductor. t)KCKR1Tk('O.HAVE .1IdVT 1► been instructed to make a deep cut in prices of property. How in this? 8700 for a seven -room house, shed and harn, and :1 town tote on Walnut street. 81,/1 for seven -mom house and 00 t/ R acres of lend. for a five -room hrick hollow nn tinter) sheet. $700 SQ6�+ (.even -loom horse, learn on the d'Jf1e)11 place. Huron host. $1300 for a gond nine -room house ell/ on Keaysstreet ($Ml0down). $550 ler a property on Nelson street. Reid and U. 0.`Wl4ILrly hold their t,Ii1 bouillons *a Artane' reeretary, 1'e cur Mg epectively. The financial .stateau int nuhupittsd Qu. Monday night 11h44 ' iluron Lodge to 1„•in a very llouti.h Mg condition. 1 The Late Patrick Ford. 1n the death of Patrick Cord, which occurred on Tuesday. lath i11at., at 'j(.knowii and 4044(11 resort/trd resi- dent of (iode'ich war letrovel fraunt thin life. Ile had been ill for atone months, his trouble (wing of is cancer - our nature. Mr. lord Will a native 411 Ireland and was about righty -opo years of age. Before miming 141 Uoderich he had .livej,_fm' u consider- able period in the township of Tucker smith, Ile it burVivet by his Widoa. The interment was ovule at St. CAI - molten, the remain. being taken tore on Thnrsdny. Fire at Lloyd's. - yesterday Allot 1ly after meet' the smell of smoke War" noticed at Lloyd's fruit stole by Miss Lloyd, who was int charge of the more during the noon honor -+owe rtigatieineenowsetLtJSat slunk,' war coming( front the re11A), and 1. 1. LA(wrenee.ho war in the Atone, went Pi get :a pail 41 water to put out the flu' but on returning found that it hail made .o • headway and emisequently the alarm war swout441. The tire turned )4 t. a inn 1 .111 Mn I 1 and n Y extinguished 4et t g paf,h � the fire. The blare Heim). to have started (rout a lamp .la•fLburning in thehartiLL1a theinl.in t he., cellar. Oresenta4lon to Mrs. Whitley. 11a_la:iday evening last _the meu)41•ry • of Knox church choir after the weekly practice called at the Its • 411' Mr. and Mrs. M*Vittio• and presented Mrs. Whitley IM' ' • M»Vft.ti••I, who war for cal le yeltl•e a 14'.414411! lnrlllber 4)1 the choir, with a token of their appreFiatinn. A Iwauliftltty itttmtin-' sled 44idwrar was re, of by ('baee_ 1l"Lf and it silver fern -lett was - presented by Mir. Nettle ('.)wan. lir. Whitley thanked the choir hi well-chlisr•n -Words.' The remainder of thr-rvrnimg was latent pleasantly in n mortal way. Dr. and Mn+. Whitby are in town for a short time 1wfbre prlr•relingtl their home at (ionic, The Building Bylaw. The bidding ('4.• 1111 w•111011 w'as given its third rending and "iii -sed at the lent meeting erf'the town eywl(•il provides that the ets-•lioti or etyma - •44004 of nut--laattldi 49(-.w-.part-.-a,f any. building, o} any plat Gam, staging or t11Mn'ing to he used for ',loading or Kitting purposes. 4414).? - not !w cum. Illen4el until -a permit bun/Amen ob- tained trom the clerk, the permit to expire within six Ill(4nth. if the work 114 not commenced w•j,lhir' rl.e44. perhel. The bylaw also 4;14.4- town the rightT llapr'rt any building in rnneee of meet ion. Altera)11ni 4(r enlargement which id repo") i5) be in II,ngerous or defective rendition. Another pi Viejo') rrquiren the notifying of the owner or agent of a "building when it it in an unsafe condition 4.1• when a pithdc hufldhlg haic nit width -gut 1)14. eseapen and if the building is not Then put into proper condition the owner 4(r hi+ agent •Iwromes liable to the pwnaltles of the bylaw.. Death of Mrs. Edward, Mr's. J. H. Edward, of Colborne township, poised away laid friday at her 11.1,1,.• after an tllnem of a few months, hating !wen ailing shire April t bodywas last. The h 1) brought to li4tlr• rich and the funeral took place from the residence 111 the decelowd s dieter, Sfri. IVat...o, 1.ighthottse street, on Tuesday afternoon. The rrt5•ires were conducted hy Rev. .1 's A. Anderson and the pall-Iwaar•te mem Williaq) Wallace, John 1Vallnre, J 'r Connally and John Edward. MileEdwin' was born in I*,wlerirh township and her life leas spent in Owlet -lel' .and ('nll.lru. townships Anil in the town of Ooderich. for the paantsixteen years she had resided in ('olllot•ne tnwnehip. Realties her hand she Ica:. a n family of live chil- dren: Mrs, !'fritntner, of Myr.le. Mare: Mrs. .larrhrd, of Detroit; ‘'el- lington. of Grosse bete. and Howard end ('..lin, al 1 `Thom ie Fittelm- Iltotln. of town; is a brother of the de- cea+el. She was fifty-three• years and four months (if age. Plans. Selected. ' A speri.al Meeting of the pullie e hoot hoer.! -waw-trent ear -j evening• n i. h 4(H the meilithe 'p In M. tendanre, better% were twain from A. J. Barclay, of Toronto, and Arm- strong it Kilter, of Stnatfoni, with reference 1)0 tb.' plans they had hr(l. witted for the new pubbcs(hnol building. After discussion Mr. ('44tt moved, see led by Mr, Sturdy., that the hoard accept A. 1, IlOrlay's plane. on the understanding that he - will attend the call of the building committee if (ireumetnnreg s(hould ,need hhl_Attentlancc in (iletrriell. This was carrier nnlenimnnl.ly, ion motile) of Messrs. 1)1air and Dodgem,. the building rnnunittete With snorted es follows : Tl u+ters McLean, fort, Blair, IIoul4•'ll, and (411,4Mler'. Ten- ders file runt were 114'144'44i from Mervin. 1.'•e, 'tI,•I•tan and Ilnlnle. and -they were referred to the contingent committer with power to ar•t.. At a meeting of the board last Thnritlay MIsA' Eva Dunlop was appointer to the p1Y11.404) on the teaching 11a)ff made t.11'ant by I he completion of Miss Hunter's engagement. Death of Mrs. Stirling. About 4 44'41441"k (1 Monday morning Mrs. David Stirling, of Colitlttut township, 1(11114.1 ea the final an111- mon., letter en i11neee of only it few hour!", having suffered a stroke of paralysis on Sunday night about %o'clor•k. Mrh. Stirling was born in ('rabbi,', 5kIA'rdrrn.hirr• to 1!411, and came t.4 Cannata in 114-111 jµ4 company with her l'rntherin•Iiw and mister, the late Mr. and M,".. ,fatties Von')g. In 11:41 she was uea%ri•iPd to her now bereft hnehnn,1 and for twenty-four yearn they I1ard in O4Ml•I•ich town- ship. For the pont thirty-two years she hal lived in I'olhorne township on the farm where her death took pixie• There are nine children : James, in California ; Mr.. T. Harrison, in Ooderich township ; Mrs. H. Camp• bell, near Itiphryy : Mine Lou Stirling• of Buffalo ; %Villiam, Men, 11. F. Horton, Mrs. Hugh Thurlow and Mrw. George Pafford, of the lake shore road, and Alexander, at home. One brother also, living In Auntralia, stir- vlvee. Mra. MtirlinR n maiden nalne wee Elizabeth Chutta. in religion she wan a Presbyterian. The funeral too* pians on Wednesday to Mait- land remstery, the pall -bearers being six nephews of the deceased. MUNICIPAL MATTERS A Ncw Industry for Uoderich. A bylaw to guatawlre the 114)1111+ of th'r prospective inshl.G y. for t his town is 141-11., voted 4111 44)4atly. '1'1)114 is as facto' y to handle the Can 4411811 1)1)4itlerr 111 the American (food Molal," Machine" y C twos, of Ke11nett 4.4.(11e1.e, near 1'141..41eiphiaa4 The gen- tlemen 5.11) 41441' visited Uislrt'irh in connection with the proposition are (4, Junes Philipp,, manager of the *11Mert- can Ootid 1(orul14 )larhinrry 4'111upuily, 1.A. 1. Mancill and 1. %V. %%rood: 'These gentlemen think the Done is ripe fur the 'es, Mlinluii •ST -Tt -' f4Cttttry- -Ut Ila mile I he 4';►ea'irtll !rad. 4(1101 4(4 Fri• day r1'e ' g. alter 111.•1111144 menllwre of the Novo Couto it and of the 11oaul of 'Prude and taller hostiles's men of the town in 1 he Way of getting . ae ynahlrrlt. tIry Trrr1' 1rr eirertt-ac l hr• nivel ing of the town council. The Hr.'. proposition w w for as luau of 8:81,1101 from1 the town for Lwenty 411144, witlt/llt Int•teMt. ,and tett years' • Psis --to - latae they Modified titin pi "pow! been, and (4n lor.,lay evruing, at the,peri.tl peel - Jog of the eoulicil, the propeal Itp(ter 1•4.lIN1del•lat 1011 44.1014 a 44(1441.141) 44 of bowls to the alliu1111t. ,d $141 4111 (the um) to pay (4... Inters!) arl.1 ex- emption .11 p 1 u fr a tax t1) for Ion years the comlpan)' to 4`411 ploy fifty bunds by the end of the first year. The 4.0111- 1.141.uy.w.11.4ll_p acy tiro a:u5LL _ritatra►itLittg( u bylaw. The corn pato offers Poen it 1)' which it Values at $714)); 4. The 47,ana- liaalt concern i, to have. all right., 111 ...►,t.rl14 (he Unite) 'Staten c'nllpany and ih to do all the renal riigg.4(f nova ' •s in l'made ',Might 411)111 e`thit. 1he g'nited tit,aU's or 1 be Caul uhtan facto! y. The Doty building .1n Kurt street would pro's- a1rf _llue_lotw'1<lun__uf_ the IteW In- 41n1try. t the request 414' the Mayer ,i'v'rlt -.4te the citizen-- present ex- pressed t'hem..•Iv/ a'to regard to the prnplsititm and after I•on*tderable (44r- cnssinn the conned) uuwlimously de- cided tai att.urit a bylew. The Mayor and .1. A. Itumhiall. president of •the IAuar.l of Trade, were appointed a •onitlit ter to van. the Kennett square lao•U.ry in Order to look into the 1Uvi• nese (4•ing dune there, and before the vote is token the l•11eil it to'.. Ir elll•l• all posttble inforngti bearingon the prolu4saal 1.1 pr(s•ntation to toe, elec- tors. The rumpany prvpore4 to 11)444 its ranting done by the Doty Hokin', Wiais aandIL it esti miffed thltrifin will give etrlploynu•nt to twelve 4(t fifteen additional 1111.11 at the Doty work+:. - Who Is to Blame? The Fire 1'n(lerw'ritett4' in1prellir was in town t 111• other day to make an in0p.ectiun of the loWn'14 fire -fighting apparatus and the result of his in- vestigations can hardly be conoidrt•.'d Natilfattory to the town. One of the hydrants, for instancy, twits found to ie out of c(ulWi*sion, and ikon. seemed Jo be a bearcity .1f krt•ir to t a the hydrants 5)u or off, although a new supply was purchased only a shoat time ago. At the rperlal meet- ing 01 the town council on T11e1dry evening the matter came up for dis- cussion and the condition of affair's and the apparent lack of an apprecia- tion of any sort 41f responsibility on the part of anyone connected with the fire company was the subject of some warm comments from the Mayor's ehnir. Councillor Mtnmings gave the information that --thea sy of the in- spectul'$ visit to G'Mlerich worm of the bidders were out of the fire hall, and the captain of the Are c pan) admitted having given , leulhornt y for their temporary removal, hut said that an he knew the inspector was in town he tried to have then in the hall when that _ grntlenean would call. The n•nNe:41 of the ladders for any pm•pese except few use in cane of the is entirely unauthorized and the cap- tain of the company estate in for se- vere connate for _titin and" fur sundry other (+min/ions of duty, in not lav• ing any practices of his mentor intl.ruc- tions how to turn em 1g•drants. etc., -with the 4WO&-that hydrants were turned the wrong way and the thwart dettroved. The water rued light c5)1m- }nodeioil 1.•.0, r • in for consul•(. The-tiiwolit -Saying; T$1' 1,ornmibMThfl- A te•ntdTT-i the hydi'ents and yet hese 114x' not"t .14! in_ proper cunrlit(00 for Ilse, nn.T /Oleo thin is brought to the water/ Of the engineer the Mayor is laughed at. The Mayor said any nernll0•ts of the i',..... i 1., whose knowledge any defects in the fire apparatus carne were deserving of unsure for mol rt'porting them, the w•3G•r and light commission was de - nerving of venture for not keeping the hylranta in proper condition, the engineer was to 'damp for knowing the 'condition of :Allah* and not re- porting it, and the captain of the fire rmnpitYrrirrns In l4ltrm+ for Hot living op to the fine bylaw. and, when re- quired to spire:sr befot,• Ihr r4nlnril to give an arrount of himself, quietly iggn„riog trie s A resole• Zinn was4tdn11le1, on m41l400 of Conti• -.44.,- I(mnewr and Rret* (iallow, shat 1 h captain of the 11 re cntupany be iegmire to appear before the conn - e11, a1141, If be neglects to 11.1 x11, that his resignation be lurked for. The Mayor also said hr *mild bring the (nnditi.1n of the hydrants to the notice of the water and fight com- mission. The Electric Railway. At. the adjourned meeting 41f the Moo council on Tumidity might Mayor Macklin gave a Iepnrt et hit violt to Toronto in quest of information With respect to the Eleett•tc Railway (: - any, 1 the information, or lack of information, he received can hardly be consider.•.I very sitiafactury. ile wrote, in a1Van1'e 41f 11444 going to 1'or. onto, to the Toronto 4iettere' 'Trusts (7nrporulron. *.king the company to ,(rr•0ng,' for a mooting between him. *elf, Mr. Moyer, end Up Akers of the ronlpany for 'Tuesday morning, and when he arrived in Toronto he loth! that the company had made no effort to cinlnhunir*te with Mr. Moyes at all. A meeting wan then arranged for 11 o'clock, hot 1(i/ Worship found he wan 4(p •Rain*t an absolute stone wall, any information of any Sort be- ing flatly refused. Mr. Moen seemexl to illppole that 1(in Worship wag in search of information for use in the suits being brought against him (Mr. Mogen) hy.JMr, iioldthorpe, and pe- rused 4p,,pp Impart any Information until theaeiaiuita wen Settled. Latlr, as. vteie to the office of Mr. Smoke, Mr. Moyes' solicitor, the ust11liehing men- tion was Gtken by Mr. 811101te that the '11.te1 (\,ntpa*Py War "••' Alto /Girt.... for the town at all and !hitt:Lae Com- pany was in no, otiose responsible to the town for the fut•uirhiUg of a0j iu- fol11Uation or copies of progress cell- tilleates in short. that, although the appointment of the truster had to be mutually agreed u( Iwtw4en the low's and the railway 04lmpia11V, that was where any cunneefton I,lt'twe.'n the town and trg4)4e rea,a'd, that the trItstee was the trustee of the bond holders and that its only duty was to receive the progress lrtinlaten and pay out the proeet'tls of the bonds in accordance with them. It Wear x114(4 stated that the progress certificates would-be of no nee -to the town if they- Wert/ heywere produced, 1114 they did nut sh(W 111 detail the work dune, so many surds 01 earth moved, ere., hot simply put in a hump r iLr tile 1(16uutll ex- pended. ' HIe Wotwhip gathered the in(on ma• - tion that in addition to the ratite be- ing brought against (.1r. Moyer there was a writ out 'walnut the town, and Mr. ?doyen seemed to disbelieve His Wnrstrip's wtaternenb Ne*4--tb.--..iw4t• had not been served ,and hal abso- lutely no OMeial information of any. tiling of the sort. His Worship had 41)me Warms discurai.l1s with Mr. Muyrs{ iKoth in the 'Agri of the Trusts Coln /any nod afterwards. and pointed "obit xhint and the towit council, state 1 at Mr. Moyes had repeatedly lug thhtt the progress certificate'. would 444 \441 Ducar liay"4....MLA. Lu the town fat•\ insIwet' and that every effort woo 1 lir made to.furni.h all the infornoat.io the town alight wish, and fttsr-W ' told Mr.- Moyes Haat -1f he (the Mayo were called am it wit- ness in conn .ion with aux of the suits being thre tened tagain0a hila he would plainly r to !loam facto. Another pie',' 5)X iuterestinpptg inform- ation that slip sed mu Mr. Moyes was that, although tha gentleman had play' sly stated t at the ittootar- slavd 1 la had her sold, at it Wer• tai)) price, the bonds h 1 tea been sold at all, though 0uanry 11x_ !wen raised un them!. Mr. Moyes Gated that. neither he nor Sir. M(E n had re- ceived a soot in cash out o the rail- way and that if it were no for the large fres which Mr. Moyes was re- ceiving us consulting engine from various places in the Stater, a rtiun of which -he was putting into th elec- tric railway, the projectyou'd no go on. Mr. 9tnoke offered to furnish the town with some iflfol"flllttOtfafter t pending legal pnweedings were die pose) of. - LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. We are watching for the aci,Hy 1)u rho Auction Moana The Shah of Persia has been dethrone(. but. F. J. I'rblhain iv mill the acknowledged leader in tailoring 111 111144 part of the counts y. If you are not already a a:moonier. Rive him • 1r4a1 older. The wants of amateur photographer+ are given rprM;W attention at It. It. Sallow. studio, corner Montreal "tenet and rig woe. A lull line or anpp(far.-hcslu.t:erg kr.drrks- Have you .run 'the hand+•olore.1 photo, of Doderich sewn(, in Wilmer smith'. window. !Cast street, They are about the .most artistic productions that Uoderlett has ,ren, and anyone might be proud to p0.'Ieo. one.. Wednesday. Ang1tet 4th, -will--be (IfoMdet•ich's civic holiday. The proceeds of the recent garden party under the auspices of the lalies of Knox church amounted to $100. The annual grant of $:5114) W4* male to the Mulbcal Socirt.yJaLihe meeting of the town council 'Tuesday evening. (loth -rich will have an excursion from Elmira oft Saturday, July 31st, tinder the autpirws of the Lutheran church at Elmira. The hardware and plumbing stores have, fallen In line with the 1V4dtres- day half -holiday idea, and will clone next Wednewlay for the first. time, The new street signs spell Britannia road with two tee and one n. The signor •air nice and distinct all right but it is a pity out t.i) lt,►ve the spelling right. Thomas 1)a111)v411 was before the coombs judge on Monday arid hie trial wan fixed for next Tuesday morning at. t 1 o'clock. Donovan is charger( with an as.ault up an eight-year-old child. _ - The -annual exeitrsian limier the nuspicesof the Orangemen. of Toronto x,114. 4 to -town nn Saturday about 1 o'clock, ser a Special train fit four coaches. The (taunt waas'Inu,le on the t'egular Sl'111ns Monday., 1)r. Colin Smith, of l.ondua, his pitched his tent and lighted his c,tmtp- I1re at Attrin's Point and is enjoying the vagaries of (Amp life to the full. Mrs. Smith and family ace pony him, and at present they have 'am gul•ntn I)r. Angus Cowan and wife, of Detroit. J. W. Moyes. of tlte_Ut_1V._t3, Rail- way, has been appointed 1iy" --the city council of Toronto to prepare plane for an underground syntemeof trans- portation which in proposed for the' cit (Hobe y, The (lobs.1Vr that Mr. diesel' services on the Viadliet Maier W011141 indicate Ih.at a snore ronipel,'nt ishan could not have town selected. i)n Thursday evening last the r1(tnd trip passenger, .5)l the steamer St. Ignore w.•re )given a drive about town while the ate 'r war in dock. The nuanaggeotent of IIotA•1 Mundrt provided a large conveyance, and the lad iem and gentlemen who took the drive ap- preciated the courtesy and 1''4 I'""''1 4heroaelves an delighted with 1lie appearance 4(1 the town. llo,pil;slit y to the strangers within our gates in it good inventnlent for our town. list, 1V: !laugh and wife, of Hen - miller, daughter And three Pons, who have been r11rampwd at. *M11.11I,4 Point for several days, et rook camp on Mon- day. and the former two, with sons Fletcher *4(d Perry, left on Tuesday to 14141•11d It few days in London. on return they will again take to t^4(t life at the Point, They area r•IIIarltahly musical family. and the merry tinkle of their mandolins, guitars and banjos adds an agreeable tone to the arouse• menta of the camping colony. The garden party under the mus- piees of the ladies of St. George's church which was held lest night on the grounds of Mr, and Mrs. 0r P. Currey wad a snce4aful and enjoyable affair. Electric Ilghta and Chinese lanterns made the lawn lank very pretty and from the verandah choice music by the Blackstone orchestra and the choir of the church woe ren- dered. High tea was served in the early part of the evening end Later the refreshme nt tabled did a good busi- OeM. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS --July 22 S!1111141101. 'tom, Northern Navigation Co . 14' Auction Sale of Standing 'Timber -Margaret, Elliot . - . • Favorite Lino to atu.kok*-Jon. Kidd. C. p, It. Agt'ht 6 t aruul4u1 National Exhibition -,L U. Orr, SLunlger - g 4)ur Thou+nn,* Student. --George spolton.... 1 14a.Kain.in ruder.+kin-, etc, W. T. IUddell, Auburn . 7 Midsummer Sale 11 alter 1'. I 'rldbarti 't ' Vitra 14!41+1.11 14,,win.-. Duwubyy t Mac - 'Vicar , ... s This %Vial'. Store News -J. 11. ('ollwro tare of the Trolly 14 k. Hirh. tl J. at J. Held win's I •elebratesl yarns -D. .NI Iteiulor.-PaulsA 14.)11„ A !teal vale --(i. 51. Elliott Shoe IG•peiring U. M. Elliott It markable Values -S'wno)on A 3104)14Fancy Ois•ult 1 r1). F,whlu ... 6 liuld Mud it liiuder '►'wino - 1Vor.elt' Bard- wan• Stifle .. .i .Anel ion Nall. Oe.). I reeked Hoy. %Vantet-..11'ta•rl Itrg+ .. Announcements --Ilea He eke. 1 1 r talwe 1 '1 lt.r-1tabuernr( ata ....... t ' - HoueeforNale -Mee. tun' ..a.... Servat %Team! Ors, (i, P. H(atr..-._--. - - . I t', 1•a Company'. t blot.- 1'nn ads )Stint Co 4 Utrl11'anted J T. Oal.lth(rµ• ..... I Halge.s Dios .... - . Fountain 1'(n log The Sighal . 1 Legal Document, 1.1.4- Il4udfo,r, Hay, Moir .... ANNOUNCEMENTS. The mil In•t:,ttuent 4(t the Righa(8 new s'cial .tory is pnhlish,vl in this issue. Reaul it. It is a (4044 one. Thr W. C. T. 1'. nie•e'tmlo the Tem- perance 11.41, the second and fourth Mondays of '-o 11 Innnt_hl a :t,iclock The hot W.ltller will soon he over and torn the regular Satnnlay auction salve will be '.gain in lull swing, Kaye Ant t• '1.1' !Beckett. N.'TIC'S 844,444 R'r.A114INi.- -Mr. Ni'.ins, one of the trent rtie••l4Inies in n this line to h.• obtained, is now located ih (1. M. Elliott'/ slow store. If you have go(d,$hrns and want them prop- erly repaired, bring them to him. O. M. Et.4urrr, the Square. S. I.. Taube, senior member of Taube Sc Sone, eyesight specialists, of Tor- onto, will be at l)unla.pis drug More, frodeJ•ilh, on Monday ,and Tuesday.. August. 2nd and :did. If there is any thing whatever Wrung with your eye - `eight, or the glasses you now wear are et satisfactory, Make it es point, to anima hint. 2L During (1114 and Augu*t the Can- - - adia$ Pacific Railway will run bome- reekeice excursions. VIA Owrtt Sound _- and lake rteu,ers. on July Sohl, Aug- ust 1001, and 24th. . Good on going bettjourney by pitying $S.50 extra for rth on! menta. He4I1ro your tickets froth os. Kidd, Agent. Arran emi ta have leen made with the Algoma e 1 rwT'; zt T.inr's 4i7iing Edward" by Canadian Pacific Railway to ticket p*14gengkrs for Fort William, Manitoba, SaskaUFhewan or Alltert.a points by their *defamer to Son and C. P. R. (4. K. 1r m Soo to Fawt Withers and return. Huy you r tickets from JON. Kum, town passenger agent. ONR THouNANn Po01TloNN;-AS a -r) air it no ntrongjcr. than it weakest .. link, ey,eryylink In ('an,ul:. greatest chant of h'gh-Roads businehti bchoole has Iwen kept. in the highest \y" tate of proficiency known to business ltrience, While over one thousand Mardents were enrolled last year, the detuand for graduate -it 1140 three times the' supply. The Clinton Business ( )- lege, whish reopens August :10th. i vires the L critic)µl ingpectiott\ from prospective atndent1, Owing to \\ the prestige of this chain, every grad - Lime of twat appeat'ance and good character in guaranteed a 444ot1 triton. ti(in. The new iolvertilu•ment of this college appears on page 2. The Bedford I.ivery atn(i Hale Mtallletr on ,East street have now the complete math.- it enf*Ists of twenty -toe good suitable livery horses at1(1 a most com- plete n.itflt of Tubber -tire tripe, hack.,' surreys, weantne.ttee, car'riagls, and one of -the- nPWP4tand beet -finished band - ***ono tonne* ran buy, which holds eighteen adults. We have an np•tn- at• outfit for w,dling9; rimer -ale, pie. nic parties, *n,1 our ;wires are rerun in - able. Orders will he delivered to all parts of the town. We also have two 'haves that meet :all Iodate and trains and ser' stake private call* when re. querlied. Man On duty aff,night. Give um a rail if you want a nine up-to-date outfit. 'Phone :41 or call at the Redford Livery, East street. Can Make the Deaf Hear, The "Aronslicon" magnifies every t«mnd.-sword 404) percent. That oceans no matter how (leaf you are nor what the mime of your deafne.0 Walr, a!" long as the nm.litor)' nerve is alive, you will hear at once. Call and see this wonderful invention dentl,n,trat- ed by N. L. Tattle. at Dunlopi a drug More on Monday and '1'ueedne, August 2nd Mitt 311. 2t AUCTION SALES. VH1p14%4111' frill.. .tort inn laleo(-rivelinp( ports', u1d ("date. hot 17, lineficld road e•+ r, rl.Im (i, iwirh InWn. 3311,4 Ni IRRe k,.,. tort, proprletre44, Tier, 14r'roR4', 01.104- 144110444, BORN. FINI.AI'NON. .41 I" h4()+11, on Slonday, 341(4 121h• to Mr, and Mr.. Donald Flolwy..o., • WW1. 1)1'81044'.- At (iaterieh, 4(•t Thmrday, Jnly I+I, to Mr. and Mn, 4*)'41 r,' 111411op, a , dnnght cr. • M. RRIED, FAlhttb"11-J4111Y%kON. .At. Knox church 11an.', m, M'Idne+d.v, July .9.t, by 54,,,, .las. A. Amb'rwln. It. A., Da. -)4 F'arM.h *4(d .AnnieJohra,torr, troth of the torroahlp lel 51.4)410h4. 11 IIITF:LY in WITS. - At th Haven Methodist Itiphononlarsnna& e. Detroit, on .1 lily 951, by Iter. 1'.1'. Pilchgtt, Elva M., daughter M (Fenrice Pott., to William H„ son of the Int* M. T Whitely, collector of customs. all of cloture. Ont. DIEU. EDWARD. -In ('nlhornr,'t, Frld.y.Jay 114th ('wthertne G., wile el J. ft Edward, Melt :1 yeah. and 1 month.. HTIRLiBti.-in Colborne, on Monday. July Pith, 4aiyaloth ('nntt., beloved wife of Irav4d Mirth/It, age.! 741 year.. 1 month+ and 2 .lay.. 1TANIIRIl. - In (loderirh, on %%'nlneeday, Jn)y !tats Ro4rrt. Nt.ndbh, aagat 4(1 years and 7 month.. WARCI'P.- In Underieh, on Wednesday. Jniy 21st, Miet Martha M. wsrcnp. The funeral will take Mere from the re.14101•e of .1, Andrew¢, Tune .t rein, on Fritter. Jnly t1rd, Service at. SAO o'clock D• m. Infwtaent le Maitland 018.11447,