HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-7-15, Page 81
Titris+IuAT. JULY 1b, NW.
get:NAI.: t.1)1 RRII:It' ONTARIO
Writs issued In Conneettop•with ,gler-
tnc Railway and Power Projects.
J. 1'. Goldthorpe is taking act' as
Lbs original pr ter of the Meit1a11.1
River Power Company rout the Gu•
,trio Wert Shure Electric Railway
Company ag t the ronlpanies rte at
pretend constitute& and ills IoIetcrtr,
1. K. IMncey, is Joining three write;
as follows
1. J. T. Goldthorpe vie, J. W. Moyes.
to compel 'delive'ry (AIM" paid
up non-as.essahlr a„tool.... .o. k in
--the-Power t'iimprst aW -dile ut4 -int-.
the Railway l'ou,pwml, and to. -compel
Moyer -to plitee plaintiff or his nuwinei•
on the Ward. tit directors of each Of
Mew cultipaniee: oleo to compel the
execution. of two agr•rettiest s, or in
the alternative r- claim bur *limiest
dowager fol. breaches id Sold divers
*tient*. '
2..1. T. Goldthorpe, for himself and
ot11e1• ratekwvrr..of the town of (Lute.
rich, vs. The \\'e+t Shots. Itulwey
C pan) the ('orpol•ation a the
Town o litadcruh iota the Toronto
General :frusta 1' patty, asking to
prevent further payor'rut of motleys
by theTrurt Company tut of finds
guaraniteed by the town until on en-
gineer is unpolluted s 1ti.faetory to the
town, on whore progress eel titivates
• the itt will in future be lurid out,
and fur tut gee ountin); of work done
to ascertain whether the town's iuter-
eats aloe n•,•11 1mq. rmy ro'rv,rar--'+r
the work already done.
3. J. 1'. liuldthorIN' v.. the Iluron
Con.tluctiuu l'ouupnny- Rud .1. 1V.
. --Mnye-e-ani* the /►n1Nr1.1 W,s.t ?,lone.
d.eland that t 1e- (:nn.Iru&'4utn Com-
pany i. really J. W. \Toyer 1 self.
and thiol he, as _president of the Hail -
way Company, ham made colirurtw
with the llon.trurtenn Company for
building the road, and i+ im•rmemally
making whn•ever profit there i+ out
of the construction of the road. -
Septiq n tnpicri at Ititpti.t 'ehm.•h
next Sunday:-- Morning, 11 eielock,
"The Two Sides` of . Justtficeat
Evening;. 7 0'00 4, "When w Man
Mrcts l'hrint "" Everylsaly wile
A special meeting of the Presbytery
of Huron was held at Hensel! ,onTues-
day of fast week to nowelt•r the till of
Coven church, Exeter, tr, Rev. S. F.
Sharpe. r.f Alli.ton.- The call was
sustained. The rail from List owe' to
Bev. D. Urquhart. of Kiopert. will, lie
runsidetell et another stewed alerting,
to be held nt Seafurth on Tuewlay,
21'th inst.
On Solidity last Rev. Archdeacon
Jones -Bateman was assisted. in the
• services at Sts George's church by Key.
John Carrie, and in the evening Mr.
Carrie occupied the pulpit. Many
friends were interested in notingq his
progress in pulpit oratory, as llus is
the first cession un which Phe ,eon-
gregattnn in wh'trttiefr-
up hes lr:ul the opportunity ,.f hearing
Woodstock College Evangelistic Band.
object lemon to the hoses of ttoyl
front alt peril of the world whopv iat
t1te Valle,
(I.HItlrrr 0 ,'endo$.
Hridgeburg. Ont.. July 13,
a4ai.urged!' Attorney hisser 1a. t ("lata' 10-
Andrew Itouevte vim. trues S
up troamir dile
A. D. 'Heiken Imolo a trip to Torok* ibis
.1. \t'. crates tuade a trip fo BaQW lar
Me._ Wm. 1doCreath 1s vlaitiaa In .Tie
routs) this week.
A. kilobits, of Seaforth, vl.lted Mr. and Yea.
Ilnudru Ia.1 week. '
Neil Cameron hae just returned from a buy-
ing trip to point. e+e.t.
.In Salkeld 1e Manioc her daughters 8* 'kit.
Helen. iur u few month..
Mi.. Ylorence Urahal N twine trap New
.Vies fur a holiday ' isit.
Mi... Violet Hargs. of Clinton. L. vi4Ung
Mn. W. Young. Park •Lrerl.
Mis. Alma \Irl.ean, of tocknow. he visiting'
hnt aura. Mn.. Wm. Achrwn.
' Wilber Andetwn hae arrived hone frau
l: rand Ifeud for the holiday..
Mss. Edith t'"wdord, of Uwen round. r vigil
Ing hrr aunt, Mn.. woo. Acheson.
lf. Soulhoutt. of Exeter. Is spending holiday.'
wHhetirtriwat, Hruw An4.•rwa.
Mi.,. Ue•rtrude Abell, of hoodoo. is here on a
t bit to her brother, w idiom Abell.
St rat fond Itermon: Mt-. Carrie 0oettler
. pent eo few day with friend. In Uoderlch.
Andrew Hreckenrldre. of Chicago. ha. been
swotting holiday. at the old home.
i-Ringafr.• '• T. I' suer of Unwires*.area at the home of n. 1'. Mcltwan.
Thr MI,. Wormier. of DetrotL are at
the St. I.,wre ee uu their anuli•! visit 10 Uode.
Mt., Jahn Yale" and chlldrw. Of t'htoago.
are . pato +el the home of Mr. and Mr... Jar.
It Me'Dotiald, clerk of the county Court of
Boron. left Lust week on a vigil to. nowt
Mr. lent. Y-omg• Park -aree,', was 'In Clio
lou on Friday attendiug the fu nrnal of the late
Henry Kri,
• %%ill Parr b home from Brantford on • 4011 -
day volt to his parent., Mr. n„d MI.. Jus, Farr,
Mf•.. Archer and little -on.. of Owen Sound.
areti-ding+a the home of Mr.. I. I3iiolt, Mt.
1 A..4. .-lewd.
Mn. W. K Hearclwood, of Toronto. silent •
few day. In town til. week. the guts., of Mr.
and Mi•. S, 1:. Hark.
M. --41-Mrs- Wu1Lr.le'y Whitely lata
UrtenLr, arm visiting al the residence of Ma.
A.. nut*,, South .trees -
Mr.. 1'. H. o'learlhue, of Frank. Alta„ ar
rived last l'huis.hay night ou a rest to her par
rut•, air, and Mrs. 11. '... (talk
Mr. nod Mrs. 11. W. Reid and Mlle daugh-
ter. of ltmoklyu, N. Y.. are visiting Mn.. Held'.
potentw,Mr .and Mrs. A. Farrow. -
Mr. amt Mrs. Thome. Mornay and .on. alts.
11. J. Schultz. and MI.- M. Ewald, of •Preston,
are -pe•udugt the week it, nio:Seri:M.
• Mei.. *1.11. Paub onus Ifth you tweaW1
ate. Marie. Mich.. are visiting Mrs. Pattiwn'.
mother, Mrs. A, McIver, west -timet.
Mi.. Bruce' and Mi.' Uwvndolin e'edborne
amuvr.l last week from wla.hlugtw., D. 1•.. to
r{s•tal the-nmrurr monthe in town
T. -I.. l're•t.of the Hank of a °move,*, bar
been .pendia twlld.y at bis'home at A1W
I mi and at Illet rolt and cher poluh.
Mw, Somerville. of iirkton, la ii.ning in
to. We are plowed 000re that she has re -
cave, est from her recent severe ,hoer.. '
Ur. Cull bas been Joined by his wife
family. and hos taken Mwlrobu MecKay'1
bort .'stet for the summer.
mi.. Annie Stoddart left op l'mrod•y on •
Trip to the 1Ve.t In company with her brother.
lter. W. W. Hluldarl, did Mr.. Stoddart.
Mrs. J. F Jordan rrturnett qtr Saturday from
n vi.,t with her parent., Mr. and Mr.. James
MMuurra in Exeter. Mr. Murray accompanied
(V. 1', Pennington Inv. resigned hi. 1,0.11.10,1
w.s tpreinteadeio el the Peterb oiu Lubrie
31(g. Ce. ad ....ted on Friday, July SAIL for
Wilt J.-Po.nmr•, of Chicago, her been re•
ori, ing the heal ty baud-hakea of his numer-
ous Uudtrich friend. the paw week. Her
t.ikirryt a holiday trip.
Mi« 1 onir'I'reble Ion on Tne.tay.on a trip
I" the Went. ,the w111 vi -i1 her sister at 1/01-
-es win. Man.. her bristlier at w'anoau,
:and friend. at 0the, point..
.11t.iuw1 Mr, Jpho Futdta annopoce the .eti.
asigement of their yooegr.l aughter. tl.
F1 hal t, +story J.ornr. Hrleher, of hate•
rich. The wedding 4111 lake glare. August
11 h.
- The Woodstockt:olh.gs.evangetrrt4C
band will begin their meetings in the
llaptirt ehut'ch next 1V,'tlnetelay,.July
2tst. The report of their work itt
Durham IKe'v. W. S. Newton, waor)
. in Canadian Itxpll.+t say.; T "We trace
had joy is) 1hit ltnm. The Woodstock
College cvange•listie Land have ',w, n
with us for over two weeks, l)verr
fifty souls of the variola den "itninu-
teous pi ,frss.d'ennsetsio,. The baud.
rnmtseesl . of Brethren l'hmpnlnn,
'Wright. T,,Wte'rt, Clarke and Ash -
e, snake up the most effective
filter. ice Mate ever had in the linen.
Mr. 11'tighl, 1 he soloist, sings the (ios-
pet to a pnvcr,rf,d way mel -many
drawn to 1'hrist. by son,', and the
t uarte•lte Avant-es,t cengrrgat inn'.
'I'hrse godly young men pave nothing
lout .atisfttet ion and not a woril of ad-
verse crit iei.nth;w been heard. Hort'
very imgtelly people admired the mini-
-ply -truth ea they gmttn
ave it." lirt
berth• ditTr fhey ts•g141 to cin erietm--'
1Vednewhty, July '1.1, at Baptistchurch, Montreal- street. EveryMaly
1 Handle le boast from 1'lel elaNd for a
The Grwlrrirh Istsetntll tram 'let its
Bret t•e•vrt•rs• thin lwrtwm on Friday
last, going down 141 defe',tt Rt ilh•th by
a score of Ill to .i, .
Two rinks of Ilewsall'bow'Irta pleyetl
heed Bowlers here tact Thnrwtay,
the day of the lIensall exchrsion.
Three rinks of Gomlerich howbeit,
skipped by J. A. Rnrnh*ll. Dr. Hunter
and .1. I.. Killoran, are taking part in
the Seals rll' tournament..
'I'he sorrily Monhats mare, Vera
B ire, bit. been wild by Mr's"r . Harker
-1► Th"aus..n, of l hwieeele, ' to a horse
-fancier et Pilot Mound, Man,, itt the
snug mini id nearly $ltki. She• is mix
yenta old -and- watt -rams itt boor•{
and;Teenwater the. season. At Park.
hili she Wior second to !4(111 ilars in
a half•mile race in bens, '1'11. mare
eh(inld give a goal Recount of herself
in the 'West if properly handled.
Toth• editor of The Signal.
N11t --Glad to Nee letter which you
piiinptted on this subject in jolt week's
The 1i itetice -1Y x itt.gra ut
anditi,.crls its everyone who indulges
n it. 1)onbU4N14 offendet's ind111w. in
i thtmghtlessly, hitt that 1a nal yumU-
8,'ti,,ttfir-dish: inUsty. i,PL us hope
th t the patting of the mater en to
tau • light will (rid th.w,' who have
dot,..' is) floe VIM "lo test.• it thought
a 1d i lend," a. y1,111' (1411 r('Npvnd,nt mays
sod 1 the means of deterring others
front ver twginning the pru?iie.
"Hone y es the IN'Nt ;ndicy" at ell
timer a d under all ciremnstances,
and it he mew the youth and young
manhood o d of our great country 1(1
study to parr, peaceable mitt pe ti-
titir. A Remitft.
July 13th, Dm,- - -
"A 1.1 K OF LOVE. i
Toth• Editor, of TI Signal.
StR,-Years mg when the beautiful
tree park,' wete etahlisheel on igoth
tildes of the titer it Madera Palle.. 1
weestrongly of the o intim thwr. the
Goyeenrnenta of Can a and t110Nlatel;
might have made` & f 'e Valise parte
by uniting to build a And, enduring
bridge ertnem the riv , free to all,
from Victoria Park ,
Now. when thele iRtalk f tea
n me set
to commemorate one hon ted year m of
peace between Caned^ an he Staten,
wb*t h#etter place could then. be for e
memorial thao the frontier Niegare
Palle, an what monorail')a d beaut-
iful memorial could there be than a
grand, enduring, free bridge fruv park
to park, forming a "link of hbe-
tween Canada and the States? The
Governments of both m "untrue• rnnld
maintain the bridge, and it might he
opened with intcrnetinnil ceremnniee
on the one hundredth annivermary tit
the signing of near.. after the war of
1512.1 t.
Such a memorial would be a grand
tees, ,non -or 7t weeks. tf , n,, ermortetrd ht.
cosi .i1-41 runt -e 4114 expects to take .1 work
with the .%,,,.lingh,,.r Canpnny of 1.111.
bona. '
Kr v. J. I i . Velland, Int o of Adelaide. who was
pro vol 01111W -n Lerai n totted Het et the last Low
.hn. footers -nee, its nun eat with his family 4,
1:xryr, whet, he ha. purchased t rest
d rove.
arltc.tr- "modem arrly0 weck)tentirat•
fort to *toy to some time with her daughter,
Mrs. C. 1. Newton. She was ae.mnpe.dat to
town Id Mr.. Ute%.1 (i, F. Melton, who returned
MF rot 1f1nd on
t c T w1ay.
Kimams! nr Be'1cw: \ln.- ate, .) Le Ile*r
.nal family of housing, Mieh., and her Ther,
(1r.. Fisher, of I:odernil. are don,i.ded in the
J efferson .o the beach, rnrrhnsed
rw t on 1 •
tags I
some time ago by este. Letewr.
The 111408.I,, rnrrestwndent of The Wine -
haat Admin'• says : M,, .11.0 (lordlier la
about to leave Blue. ale to nide In liodetleh
'r .hon be sorty to lose one who bar for ro
ninny years been a redden! of our burg. •
('erll Parr, of Rennes. ha. been spending the
pt -I week at the house of his parent-, Mr. and
ver.. .los Farr, 1:u.t -tots,,. 0n a holiday visit
cern 1. engetlfed with the Mapl. Leaf Muting
1'o.. t large flour m,8IAdael tiring e.lwoliehment
at Kaman.
'Mr.. Weir Ion. returned home after an ex
tender visit with her niece, Mrs. W. N. Elford.
;at MIP. Arne de Hellenoe, 1+ne. She we. ar-
rnmpanled by her nephew, Master. Edward 1..
Elford. who .i11..•nd hi. veratlnn here. Mn.,
Lind•ay..w.ho also went to Me Anne, will
n•rualh wtm'1iereettee er, Mrs. ?:stony, titan
the fall.
%Ve ad to welcome n ow Mr.
. an•tt 1 t i town and Mrs.
Alma.. ltaaervrlr., tato'of-t•artew.- whD-
nnnny years on she fano hove come to reolde
nmung.t its. They have taken the ho1.sr nn
Britannia road which war oxnpled by Mr.
and Mrs- J. H. ltobo,t.on, who have gone M
OrtIlia : so in" ginning one Robertson Coolly
we lose Another. Mr. and Mr. How•rl Hob.
ertson also have R'nnv to tortilla. 11'e are soap
to loss these good Mitten.. and should be h appy
to welcome them back at any time.
At the Park Hoose.
Mummer vi.ltnra .tayinq at the -'ark Hoare
are as follows Mr. and Mrs. Horse. and Mb...
Hold. of tt•allarehnrg: MI.. Net.on and ansa
Watson, of Wind",r, Mrs. Elliott. of Clinton:
Misses Anderon, nnelph: Mr. and Mr. Me-
lmnghlln not Mies Jinn Mrlapghlln, of Strut•
ford : 11• K. t .mean,, of Ualf.,: aro T)t Arid
Mrs: Holmes.: and Mr. tool Mr, 11. L Code
well, of town.
At Menesetnng Pack..
The following tare registered at. Menrwt wag
I'm*: 41r. nod Mr.. E. A. t'on. John O. Lein
•r.lhfralto: Mr. ami Mts. W. 11. Charmer,
Miss Mary 1', Swan, Mi.. ata le Itahllllnn, Miss
F:Isfr I*,Milian, Neu. M. Swan, Mor. Marjorie
MA'orkle, Mho' Roth Marlwchtan, ,Detroit:
Mr. rad Mr.. R. J. Held. Master l,ewt. Heid
and Master Fred held, Hrookl1 n, N. Y.
Miss Mary IMrk and Alt.. ('Inert 11urk. (lode -
• At the Point Farm.
One of the Best.
" Forted Free I'Ie.s.
The Signal it nue of our hest weekly
exchanger. •
Tuwlu.tY, July 1:4b.
The denali was becoming very
severe and the crops were suffering,
but the heavy showers of Saturday
ere -Ming put -things -alt--right again.
U. McLaren and his men were
out on Monday raising Irnklater'e
barn for K cement- foundation. Tho
weather. *bough threateningin the
morning, continued flne all ayy not
a -eery Hotta thin for .the lith of
Bt. Helens Not Treated Fairly?
A correspondent writes from St.
-Helens : St. lleleua rifle team had
two men who should have gut prizes'
at the late county shoot. Mr. Humph-
rey with a score of Mardi. McDonald
with 47 were both high, enough to to
in the prize list. The team on account
of the lung distance they had to 'drive
and the Iatenesa of the meeting could
not stay until it war over, but as it
was mentioned at the meeting that
the 8t. Helens men were all tyros we
repeated that it there was anything
cowing our way we would get it, but
it seems we did not. It doesn't
amount to h, but true "purl can-
not b4 wit(,. it fair play.
rnint. Ye Motorists'
The following very feasible advice
to motoriets ie taken from Saturday
Night. and should be read and acted
n + by those concerned :
over the exeeeerve speed habit. Br'
alive to the righta of the other fellow.
Plt_t_your.elf in the place of the farmer
for a few moments. i.nok the
problem square in the face from his
viewpoint, and ser if you do not curse
the automobile steed fiend. as the
farmer now curses 1 ' . There are
several things which the auto driver
journeying. through the country
should remember. The farmer is a
powerful factur in this land, and once
'he geta his mind thoroughly imbued
for -idea the•-then+oragr mow, -
hit riper not rare a tinker whether he
drives over hits or not. it's going hard
with the auto men. Then, again.
think of the timid wuuwtI and babies
met with continually on * 11.' highway...
A good hair of the horses rebind
Which they drive are as yet unaccus-
tomed to the automobile. The beasts
hark, plunge, kick and tear around as
'if possessed whenever an auto melee
in sight. In all tairuers there is but
one thing to do in stick a ease. and
that is STOP. Give the farmer's wife
and baby a chance. If ne..ssary, lead
the beset past the machine. Let hits
see it. Don't whip hint. and the next
time he meet. an auto the probabilities
are that the horse will behave him.rlf.
The farmer will thank you for the
trifling coo arid one will
t g rtesy, a everyone
feel better. It may interfere some-
yrerr eenrdteetweenpomte.
hot what of that? You are out for
pleasure and a few minutva more or
lens will not inconvenience yon in the
day's run. A little care will make the
fanner your friend.- and remember you
need bier far more than he n. d+ you.
Foll.wing i. a list of the guard" who have
regl.tered at the Point Farm during the weep:
Mrs. Irma torsion; Mere. Nora and Jean OH?
t'oentbsl►Ueifan, Jerk Iirda*,- J. 1'. How.
ley. M P. 1'., Mr...I. 1', Itowney, Mint. Mottle
IMwney, 41 i.. Stewart. 11 ielpph : Mr. R Blake
moor,,, •lyb;l Donees+, 1.oldel Ih.nenn, Mies
"shine. Mr tad Ml.. Itnbt. Slbhitt, I'rnntford :
MI. Dolly Melena, H. F. lawman. M. Mr
Callan,. Mr. and Mrs, F. J. Hl.hoi{'. Toronto;
Ml.. Evelyn (rrnhann. Ilrtllevilh,: 1'llt Cunser,
Norwalk. IMln: Mt.. Alley Rothwell, Mew.
•Melon Hothwelh Toronto: Percy lee.., wifennd
family, NIT,. England, Mbw. Charlotte Knit
land, I)et1011 : 1Antes IMnald.nn, N inghnm :
H. I niham. Nelson. H. 1'.: Me. 114,41e Mein
tomb, Mt.. Tenn Rohert em, MIs. Item' Uewdon,
P. McMillan. 1t. H. Thom``eon, 1' J. yhompenn,
l.,, knew Miss KnMee Meloan. IFsaton : J. U.
McLean. %t'lnnlpyg: Dr. 11'. M. IMlud, Mon -
Orel : MI. May McLean, Cnlnmet, Mee.
The Land Tax.
Montreal Musser, -
The town of Fairhope, on the east-
ern shore of Mobile Hay, Alabama.
was founded in January, MI5, by four
Single Taxers f Iowa. It is now,
we read. a thriving, growing city
with churches. schools, two daily
newspeperr-s-1Tre puhfiriibrrry, -tine-'
inrss concerns cf all kind,,, consider-
able local trade, a dock, railway and
steamboat connections, several clubs
and waterworks, tut no water extra.
Its telephone service it free. Anyone
can call up 111yone else in the county,
without having to pay a cent for the
privilege. 'There are no municipal
taxes whatever, except the tax on
timid. All the land in and around
is owned by the city- The
-pian a -wets--first- to make the
land inalienable, forever to private
ownership. and to lease the 11/IP a, in-
dividuals for reasonably lung terms of
years and to take from the. lessees the
full amount of the ground rent.
wherewith to allc. n
n bares f i-
ripal government and taxes levied by
the State and county. Though the
experiment by Fairhope is necessarily
incomplete. owing to it isolation as a
system different from that of the
State, it is nevertheless said to have
succeeded' to an extent which chal-
Irnges the attention of all fair-minded
students of economies. Here in Can•
rule, in the new Province of Allwrta,
the Henry George theory has strung
popular support. aR was shown by Mr.
John Pectis, commissioner of taxa-
tion in that Province, at the National
'LIZ -Conference, held in Toronto last
year. He declared it w,ta working ad-
mirably. -New Zealand and New
th- -Wade*,--as everybody--tnowt
have adopted the single tax, and have
no notion of reverting to the old sys-
tem. Even in Germany, where the
landed interest is supreme, several
towns have applied the principles, to a
certain extent. In an instance, .o
much revenue wa*•raihed by the land
tax alone that the citizens were not only
free of other tmzetion, but had the
surplus tenlaining, after paying x11
municipal charges, divided amongst
theist. What a- happy town that
must be to live in, where there are no
texes, nu water rare, n0 telephone
chares, and, re delightful still, a
stop I s in the treasury of which every
citizen gets a share in rade! Surely
-only it seems too good to be true --
this is the t perfect solution of the
taxation problem that could tie de-
sired or even ' imagined ! However,
any province, mete. City or munici-
pality ',mild adopt this sysienl of tax-
ation without difficulty, except what
might arise from the Deposit' of
those interested in retaining the un•
earned increment.
Our store is'a good place
Y to visit, because., it is
large, airy and clean,
-with-a-:haute fre4' wLc.t'k
of ,
to ' supply your . dt
We believe the' hest is
none too good. Our
efforts to make our store
attractive have been ap-
preciated, judging by the
great increase in our
II is our .plan to make
this store the most up-to-
date. Ctrociery and China
Store in Western Ontar-
Picnic Necessaries
• The following hooks ale pleasing,
Alteetaining stories for m'''iner read -
lug and are handsome volumes, each
v1t h.ui.xwaisite ltarriatm Fisher coy-
er in Tour ,''lues, and special enameled
paper wrapper showing the same gor-
geous Fisher drawing.
T.uioc Tongue, ('hiiipe3YRe•et,
Boiled Iia u Sliced, l',ti nett Reef.
Heintz Pieklea, P. 4 It Sweet
Pickles and Chow Chow, Stuffed
Olives with Pe-pp{ure•ts, Celery mod .
Nubs. A epleual-wail• tT OIiven
to arrive this week regular price
"Jk. for Iota
Fruits and Vegetables
Horne -grown Berta and Parrots,
New- Potato**, O ' k. Begins.
Radish.-Haan+i4s, Oranges. Lem-
onayn.a1►nda quarter of 'r-buod*ed
1Ve►ie•rurelooe at from 35c tone.
lee package Kellogg's Tottated
Corn Flakes. 3 iur 241e•.
lik Fancy Biscuits, in lemon
and ginger, 3 lbs for' 23* .
2 runs of Pumpkin, 15e.
2 wit of Cauliflower. 13 .
3.111. of Kafsine. extra 'elected._
21 IM of Granulated Sugar
• (not R.dpathl. SLI".
1 Wanted
Any ynanti171first elaseButter
and new -laid Eggs, at bighted
Cash or Trade Priest
IISuccessor to C. A. NAIRN.
try -kredeeio jL--lahatu.
The Furnace of Estill. by Itallie
Brinier le Rives.
Double Trouble, by Herbert Quick.
The%Amethyst Hos. by Anna Kather-
iur Oran.
%Alda Daweron,. by Meredith Nichol-
' inn, -
The above are former $1.5I bouts,
which we are going to sell at!boc each,
and ar our stock is limited and cermet
be duplicated you must act quickly if
you want thew. -- --
C0urt, House Square. lioUltKh'H, ONT.
it Dreltn PRICER KM C
rAetd 11NLT
C. S. EWiNG-
At Hotel Sunset.
The following have reeeg itstered at 11ae1 Mna
eel Mr. ,told. Jenkin., *1. Tho e.: Pitt.
Curtl.., Norwalk, 11. : Mr. and Mrs. Ahad,
port Huron MI.. Olive %Volker and MiaaJoyee
1.ngle. Ion Huron: M. Kent, London : Mrs. J.
E. walker and MI.it E. walker, Mtestf0rd
J11tt•rg•ret Miller To,llto: Mr. and MFrsd-
lriek a. Ishan'.T01411110:n lctroit; the Miser,. Hitherto...-.
Margaret and Etigrnl Deere. (*mit; (1.
fl. lt.Id. H. ,intim Toronto; A. Lyon., J.
H. Lynn". Tomato : M. A. Stewart. J.. start.
Toronto : f. C. SmitH.h and
gwiiffee.trl1Nlett 044. Mr.
WIle,., D,t rott MrNA. H. McDonnell,tDe
troit : It,. r, Browning. I'et.roit; 0 1. Patau,
1 hieytn; w P. Prnndhwa, Ashland, WI". :
Mr. An``ns MertermM_ *44.10rth : Mir Lona
Melnerrald, Sesferth : Mrs.( . K Briggs, Cies*.
land ;0. H. Chlorin,. New Truk H r H.Iler,
New York . McIAourne niteer, alllrert,n.: A.
M. waters a lien. Detroit. 1{l. K. I'nppiet on
and wife, Detroit : Max Mergaret M Flynn and
ehildreaamtom. 0. Lta. Freedland *od
Small tiny--' i'a, -*list is an option•
int?" PR --"An optimist. my son, Is a
man who doesn't care a rap -what hap -
pone so .that it doesn't heppen to
said little Rolla, "what is
meant by 'R Sabha, h day's journey'?"
"I'm afraid, my RCM, that in ton many
OMPR it (means twice arotind the golf
Author "Have you read my new
hook ?" Friend- "Yee. " "What do
you think of it ?" "Well, to be candid
with you, 1 think the covers are too
far apart."
Flruitham Peiie. -"•What. ie )aur
member of Cungre.R noted Co,?"
"Welt," answered Ferner Corntoseel.
"around here he's meetly noted for
arguments that won't go down and
seeds that won't come up."-1V.shIng-
ton Star.
'Whom people don't read
advertisements, the reason
ie to he found In
the advertisement.
Mos. R. J. Falls and family have
left to join Mr. Earls in \Winnipeg.
Mrs. Jas. Naylor. of Essex, is visit-
ing her son, J. L Naylor, editor of
The Sentinel.
Mrs. T. S. Reid, Mn. G. A. Siddall
and daughter Miss Frances. and Mrs.
(Dr.) Martyn, of Kincardine, wake up
a party that ieft last week on an ex-
tended visit to the -Vest.
Mita Annie Joynt, who was recently
graduated from the Deaconess H
in Toronto, has removed notice Gott
elle will be stationed for the coming
year at Wesley church 1Vioni p
here elm-
w (fin f
IenAer 1.t.
members of the 'W 'n's Missiunery
Society of the Methodist church pre-
vented Mrs, John Murchison with ;n,
d eas .n' b r
cul r and a Iia I gift to w fare-
well token of esteem prior to her re-
moval to Toronto. .The presentation
took {dere at the home of Mr. awl
Mn. Murchison, who in leaving to
take up their residence in the Queen
City are accompanied by the good
wishes of many friends. Mr. Jiur-
ehhion has been ontintntty identi-
fied with the Wei ewe intent.,.. of
Lucknow for Lonny yeere, having
tilled the office of villas,-u'edsu,wr for
shout twenty years, having served fur
long terms On the public town.-
school hoards, and having been town. -
levy of the Aerie" -Burnt S@eiety"--for
many years.
Wednesday evemmu14 Myrtle, a..x.
vrar-old child of Mlr. and Mrs. 1 S.
Naylor, of Havelock street, was playing
with some other- children near bo me
when she was set upon by a large dog
and before she wail reerued one of het
legs was terribly lacerated. Markt, of
the dog's teeth were oleo found on the
child's hark. jar. Gordon is attending
her and she is recovering AS rapidly as
could be expected, but it will to prune
time before she will I i.e able to be out
again. Am a result of the affair two
dogs that were nixed -twin- the-allmir
have been killed, though it le not
tl ght that either of them were
affected by rabies. Itis pretty gen-
erally admitted, however, that their.
are altogether 1.,,, tunny dogs in our
towns and villages. Moot of them are
utterly mete•.', and why they are har-
bored Is a mystery. Some cities are
now prohibiting all dogs running at
large tiniest; in charge of and tinder
cunt,ol of an adult person.--t.ncknow
eall11.1MMIMIeee s
'PHONES Store, '53.
Residence, tam.
Store will be closed Wednesday
afternoons during July
and August.
Many a defeat would
have been :a victory
with, -a tittle extra it - .
verging. '1117 SIc-
NAL is -the best adver-
tising medium in this
part of the country.
$ummer Aced
The French people, you know, define a
lady as one who - Is well shod and well
Y till esLape :til your -feet -are -shut -with
any of our dainty shoes ; more stylish ones there can-
, 1101 be. •r
0 UR asaortutent of these Summer Show
awaits your inspection. It Include
many new styles in the dIRerent
leathers that will give you plower,
to see and even greater pleasure t'.
wear. -
Barefoot Sandals, Tennis, Lacrosse and Bowling
Shoes are now in stock.
Downing & M acVicar--
Norm side of Square. Gatwick
4_ Water t ' i ng►:,- 3athinR-C:tps, Bath andToilet Sponges,
Best Talcum Powders (q or to different makes), Sponge
Bags, lia.th Gloves, Rubber Om lexion Brushes, Face
Powders, cap loxes or trave mg (in Celluloid,
Aluminum, etc.), Mineral Waters, Lime Juice, Best
Boxed Chocolates (front 5C. up), good 5c: and 'toe:
Cigars, Chewing Gums, etc., etc. -
Central -Drug -Store -
A Final
Clearing out of MillinerylI
Now for a final clearing out of the Millinery. We
mnst empty the whow-room before the last week of
the month. ' Three reasons make ii imperative :
First, Miss Reynolds goes for her holidays in a
couple of weeks, and all hats should he sold before
she leaves. Second, we want the. show -room Foran
entirely different purpose during August. Third,
we never, never carry Millinery from one season to
another. These aree th reasons for this unparallel-
ed. offering of stylish: trimmed hats at the very low
price of
They are god hats, every
good materials, not one but is worth two
One of them
or t
for commencingSaturday. Over 5o to choose `from, no two risk•.-
you conic the better the choosing. Remember hat they are not
• kind.
s -ctrl In -t
hat hut hasoftheprice i f th
t quality at 1
9 )P
$I.58 each. _\
his season's shapes;
ee timers the price y
can buy it
he earlier
ary sale
A Clearing of Cotton Dress Goods, too
The Cott- llre•;s 1 odds'tock is divided into thre lots for quick selling.
Commencing. a1 .::.d i'.-; t ee tables full at 1 tic, 17c and 23 , every piece of them
. All
worth th atf '1 t n"- Ito tl t t 'al more than the price
w m
ar e
le ti h p
kindi onra;.fs_'-u Jlk.,::11L•vllns,>T gfihitns, zephyrs and suitings, materials suitable
for arty n • au:if-prise, u tan use C tton Dress Gooses for. It is gettin near stock -
cleaning fine rt:f.l these lots are picked out to be sold at once. You won't have
a,, good a chance again this season.
A Table Full at IIIc
There must be :inti yards on this table,
muslins. gingham,' end sultings, a dozen or
more difletent patterns in cheeks, stripes and
novelty designs. Regular lex; to 2)c qualities,
choice of the entire lot, commencing
Satutdlt anLr La,s... , z„ ,..
A Table Full at 17c
There will ire about the mime quantity o►+
this table, only better mind higher grade mater-
ials; line inuslins, Scotch zephyrs, imported
'riling. in stripes, cheeksete. Regular 2r1c
to :sic choice of the whole tableful '1
commencing Saturday morning. per yd.
ere will be at least 3013 yards of high-class Cotton IJr.v" Gonda on ,hie table. Striped Suiting,'
thrilled' make stylish wash Nllita, Novelty dress materials in ttrliwi., broken checks, etc., high-
class ginghams and zephyrs. of most of thern enough for a dress omit, of some only enough for
one or two waists. Regular qualities that would sell at 31c, Sire and etc. choice of the entire 23c
lot, commencing Saturday morning, per yard
A White Skirt, $I.98
We have [.i White Skirts to sell etthio price, qualities that are worth
all the way from 52.50 to 53.3'!. The manufacturer just took his short
lengths of white Mw•iss embroidery there was only enough of a
pattern left to trim one or two skirtm. The skirts are made of high-
grede Engli.h cambric, are rut in the newewt style, wide dust frill, every
seam is double mews. They are decidedly bigh•grade garments. and no
fetter are selling all over the country at. 112.50 to 53.50, We got
the 2.1 at a mire that lets us offer them Saturday at the very $198
low figure of
We will have some news to print next week that will interest
every housekeeper that can possibly get to the store.