HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-7-15, Page 74041.,04 r, b ! 'rni 'Sit:A-fila : I:ODER1c'11. ONTARIO THlt,auAY, JPI•Y 15, 19U0• 7 804 St+4909444+ Crit ' • 40 ***** 44 *41 t e • The News of the District. • .4+4444+.z44444d1e3****4'444,464,446.4 GOOERICH TOWNSHIP. MIINUAY, July 12th. 1)KATH--WF-•-M1tlA 1B9'Y2tY.-Tint_ death of Miss I.Izzie Lowery, which occurred o11 the lilt inst., after a long and trying illness, war nut unexpect- ed, but is the cause of deep regret to her relatives and friends. She leaves her neither and two brothers, John 11. and l'hrirtopher S, The funeral ser- vices were conducted by Rev. W. 11. Uunlwr. EAST WAWANOSH. F'HIUAv, July I)th. Ldiriru-1IKtttlltKtwN. -A quiet lout pretty wedding was suletunized at the burn. of Mr. and Mrs. tie.). llrndet•rsnl un 1Vednerday• June Jath, when their pins.. Miss Lily, Henderson.- was united in marriage to Jae. I.e•itch of SVhitechur1h, hy Rev. W. 11, (:ewgwr. Promptly at 5 the bridal party em tered the parlor to the strain, of the Luhengrin bridal chorus played by Mira Minnie Nethery, of Helga''.... The bride hooked very pretty in white lawn tr. ed with valeurieuurd lace and insertion and carried u bouquet of carnations. After the ceremony lir guests sat down to a plums* wed- ding repast served on the lawn. The bride's travelling soil WAN of blue pop- lin with sick waist to 11)14 (eh. Mr. end Mrs. Leitch will reside at White- church. '-- WEST WAWANOSM+: Sr. HELKN+, Jun :'s, TowNruww Cuurn (t.. -Council- met as per adjournment. Members all present. Reeve Medd in the chair. Minutes of last meeting confirmed as read un :notion of Messrs. Wilson -And Watson. The treasurers statement showed balance on hand of 16.x5.25. lietwived and filed on motion of Nessni, Watson and Wilson. A by- law war passed granting the tight to the North Huron Telephone ('owpsn teereet- poles and wit .tbtt- ways of the township, Conned Aitcheson voting nay. he wanting the matter left over for consideration. ohs Plucker paid $.i to treasurer for bridge timber. Cheques were la- - -s0. • to the amount of /shout *424 in ent of accounts. Council fel- jou to meet} on July :lath at 1 o'clock W. 4. 31teHo)Tta. Clerk. AUBURN. AL'BI'RN GCSE. now. A. ROWEItToN, t rlet W. .1300.1liee0 .Nin lien at nvnonable Is,.. N'1E1.1. ij1-111•10n 1.11. 111P I. iv,N10:TION Tv DAT, July 13th. HAT CROP LInIIT. (laying is pro- gressing very well in his locality, but on the whole it will a very light crop. Pneran .`to ry)R APPLE 'nt)I•,-An- ticipating a large crop of 'plea this year. the James Young E., to pro- cured a carload of loupe 1 week and intend making their stave into barrels. CHURCH NuTE1. -l1, F. It I • r prea-hed in the Presbyterian chink. last Sabbath. The layggen's mission- ary movement Osa lib thrum Poet. J. 1.. Small, ..f Itlyth, will occupy the Presbyterian church next Sabbath. Rlntvu Two Hoes The town- ship of Colborne 1.. dI tufting the uaestion whether • _man c Delve two masters : whether officers brad-4Hr=* pkyees of the Electric road c n attend to the township business in t • coml. cit. Both divine and human 1 for- bids it. Never mind as long no- body says anything. The two hu will Iw ridden. HERR AND THERK. --Mrs. Jame Howitt and her grand.langhter, Mise Richmond, left Iset week for a trip to the Northwest, visiting friends A large number of the Orangemen and friends visited Clinton last Munday, taking part in the celebration 114 the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne James Hutwit4, of the 11th concession of Nutlet t, treateel his bears to s new cost of ahingfrs last week Rev, Mr, Jones W111 169 ab- sent the next two Sabbaths. His ',pi- pit will he supplied. THE LATE C. 1IRIAVio. the death of Conrad lferwig, which oC(1111 41 tm June ait4 , removed an old and re•- appeeccted resident of the village. Mr. Helwig was horn in tiertnany sixty. five years ego and carne to this coun- try when a young roan. After a few years at Berlin. Ont., lit• clone to Auburn, where he conducted a tailor- ing business. He was a Mall of high principle and sterling inleglity, a member of the Evxngelicsl de llmina- tion. His widow, two .rima t al;`ot Lucknsw, and Ed., of Auburn -and three daughter. .are ive.--,--The, lunar took place to Hall's cemetery on the 1st Inst„ the services being conducted hy Rev, K. F. Hoist. fence, The b:chclt'1' volition is a ser- ious one, which hits occupied the minds of the gt,.alest statesmen of the age. b r- -b*- l+t+rwiame =Wide*, what would the world do, will l theist ? What ! has • friend for- gotten that he himself was ,1 Lathy once, whtrw wlud.• 1, lir rather his time month, was Wittily eegaged in extracting ueolar fr his big ter, We. I werll feeding tithes. As we 1111 Hot know Whe Ile c.u•resp lent is. WI. ran only kW -11116e that he has tarn in-. vurudult 4u.1 dub 11/:„.114, rw•.tiil. wilt be gltuu ter:uuuouls tslime. (LAIN Ks F:Iw+Alt. The (ulluWln spired 4)• 1•141 lir rein rrwuky olduccuunl will be inlets...ling t Dun +l*: DUNGANNON. leidnek In the'aftermN)n, followed Ill Ayer's Hair Vigor, new Im- 1 Stops Hair Falling ((t A. Nl•:1V'l'O\, 111' STIS'I', .('('t f w i II I' r will te. p)� rt n tlh 11'. NUM'. -At1 usury day uxc.,. '1'hury 1 �'•)'- A'rat+.. ly/or nt[ru[ftltx(44)4 hlNutllnu-, 4y114011)1ge• 1Awm. 111 adr1i111N1 111441. etc. , belles niton ao. ('row,, a1Nl brltlKu our'1(14':Tt-TI!n.?tirp---ttlt•-4t,H,.K;,.r, aW'--4 $-) isle, Afuwinutu 1 141w.1lou-bru:tkn weak ed. s' • Peel" hr IIH 4)x..,'41 1444,1 aN1.i0t 141 t 4 H.- You eau ,d way. harm yymt w or k uuu•h hurl. .• delis nm the dental naive -moot time.' Pui'Erani: •Itev. I1, III wet s, Stearin I! proved formula, will certainty • stop failing of the hair. indeed, we believe it will always do this unless there Is some disturb - better facilities fur du4ns the work, mors cutis• , chairman of the (bidet via diairict. w11e hatable fur lho unbent- ' will to side ; Rev. .1,• K. Putti, Luck ltT0TICE...:Titt( i.OVAI. A(lKN(4Ynow, chairman of the %Vinghaul 44441 1N lis llua41&1l11W1 tor The eh/unit- at rhos I'o.t' 1114'4. R,•v. '1'. H. Sawyer and Itev,, 4V Omer mos and sovieuery !item• whore l, oldens will be rw lvud fur sithseriollell•, tui un Wx\'. + Ince of the general health. • Then,a constitutional medicine , may be necessary. Consult your physician about this. g ()13.-3 not chona,. the color of the hair. bt•helor4 (if he is not unit hinlsei( or IVr:uvss11.\v, July 44th, tG a1111„Il1,+uh,r,t: The 11181 lege of Mitt all old Retell whit 01.41 u4qu•w+w•d. With The Iuney 144'11,01$ is at hand and the lLyrma Edgar. 'taught er of Mr, and Mae the heat of the dug -.Illy.., desp,•ndenl yield pis umlnuts to lie large. J:ti`ne, K,1gar, I2t11 conees.iuu, ('ulcus over the um.ucersst%Il 1'e.n11N lir apply- Jack' Ruls•rta tuna 11 culler in „lir to ,1 t1,u'. H. 44 tin.•,, of Ilan*lllllwl, ing Ayer's Iluir Vigor. de•...wiring of vill•(g'• yest•rduy ev19uin4(, %;.w cclebrteted :11 1 h Innate 111 het .tIuI .,a iolt any, lribi,ya 111 :heir Oitj14. - !MRO Ada H,r,ati, of (iexlerieh. s )0444 Inn, 1,1, on 1lie .•/1.1111 4 el' June'.rtrI turd having no interest in birds (which t I a o', Io, k. R'•t. TL 11�tx)n, IN a great deH•aeney). To these Nall `It11t'Wt) al her burn. he•ta•. relebttes, probably a • of tourpro- duetions Int\v hod the tauue etfeet 104 u red rug to a made IN)viIU•. Again, mar fti.ud, jndgiog by • produc- t' give s ns-eresiit fur hawing a "distracted and.1irsipatetl mind." in that cele he should hastily warn the editor of The F.'4p.r e.a 114' our wad con- dition, as that pent mage. Siligentty copies the said product ons from The Signal almost week hy 'week, into hie raper. A wood to the wise is suf- 11.1u1nt. r • ti,oteni, ,4li,•iutt41 111 11119 111-19/149111911u Sirs.'l'hus. 4h11111x)', of (14wlrrich, 1. 0.44441 ••o.• 411)44(4(1 el ger..t it. The wed a guest at the Mailuugl liuuse. ding tit itch was played Ly Miss 'initis -Miss Edna Pentland will teach at llrlrin, The bride. who Was twat - s. 4. No. :it, Colborne, next term. I tended, %tots given away by her fatties BENMILLER. 441.1alf1,t,EH Hn4KP,a, --Q.1it• 11 nn11.1- 4N11• of people from thisueigllls., bind spent the glo1141114 Twelfth ill Carl- ton *a. A. 13, Totter and daughter, Hair, arrived froze th.• Went on Thu shay and are now visit- ing at the tote of Mai. Potter's L4.111.' , Jesse - il.dhill ' Mrs. A. Heddle left on . Uuday on a villin. 119 TIFF -110141h 4hIPr ire Mtcbiga,r Th parsonage yottl • dk are all home spending their holidays, Mita Olive and hAr two l'rothers arriving from the West last Tuesday. MINS ityam, of London, fe.4w'nding a 1 1(11,i during lin 4:614u10uy the ram - few nay') miller the parental roof. 1 41 Jot Mg parties stood under an mail . 1, a\','1'g. ,.erlN l ,.r/11'ilte: 1t'llh 1 ., N• rich, scent Sunday in our pillage. 'The i1' 01113, 4 dl'ea$ w4its .If while Pet'siun Il lrry I „mtg and war. , of 4 loth,.! 1 1 1 et•s. Misr Ida tVhyard stunt a eounlr of Lmwtl 1111. $Ii wtlll while Lu•I au11 days thio week 141111 f(irnds in OuJ•,- I iu-.•r;inn. 4he r:0. (444 :► IN,t1)uet of rich• t_A.sea, ca mations and no dolenhuir 4....414 lluesrs wet.' pre.riit. 1 St. 1)'.nttld M., evin dt•ty.' to Clinton Marys, Itnfvnrld. %Vrox.•t.'r aund Fotd- M d with f l) nn . un 14y wt 1 is party o ..urge- wish. A ter the e•n,joyliwnt of a Fold - 1114.41. j ttstefull)' aro togged 1 •brow the .-vaso. aril ('bit.I1L+r,ts strict the ev011iu4 pleasantly drru,ite visiting 1(t the home of his with wus1.:and 111 so,4.1 luterronrse parents. - Among many lois,)- 11141' presents to J. 3.' Slullutlgh ;and tV. wrilil...lgh the bride w;iaa gull w atria :and chain, Mulea trip to Grand (Lend 011 SIM. -u the gilt ..f the g•'nl. day lust. NILE. .Diss Carrie Milligan, who has been teaching at 1)arhlvood, is hone. for• Tut ta)o%v, .duly the vxcat' ,TTor:(:.'tinr:N PARTY.- The spaciuue Another iucrense in population -,t_ (uwu a4 41.' h11tne ,1f SL. and /I"'girl this time. Dick' wears a very l'W• (1',.;„ ort-• 4.1,,1 a vwy U••siy pleas:int smile. and pretty scene last cycning, the Jews,. Mountain and wife atl+'ndesl occasion bring the garden party moiler M.. l lie the auspices of the Epworth league township, oil 4atortlxy last. " Methodist chis. h. �t wt4e �t delightful evening. and (whole troth- - %Vilsuu and wife, of (lode- reed from all dir•ot' from Lurk. now, :'ort Albel t. Dungannon, Car- low :04 ! tioderieb, as well us from the e11trnUy iunne+l144eiy surrounding. Ref: edunenta Were served At. tables On the 1.6611 and thee• Wailers Were ;rept- 1141wy until a Etre 1 attending to 1 111 mrg%uo'sts. - A Iib, std program -of mo:m--WiU33-iurntslielt- by the Black Miss Mar) ilarkley WITTTx rhe new stWu•ul'r•brsttLLati �i_911-el't1'll and was f.:uhrr 0.l Cedar 4'x44.)'; following metal enjuywl. T.'' ptia•ee11s 191 the Miss Mona\(•alter, woo has x0)4444 •d. "mmg aunoulrtrtl tO nlNnnt 11uG. Mrs. O. M. Woods returned t,I Gude- - yy4EliTFI'ELD. ✓ ich yesterday rafter x visit here. She . ITEM/ July lath. Was accotnpanle•d by Miss Urals Hrrb- jl,tn in McDowell visited SL lielrui rets. Miesea Laurette Roach, Elva John- , friruds uStan day. 4day. stun, Margaret Ryan 1(11,1 Edith 'Fre- will 4cI)uwell has hero unfortunate leaven visited friends in Clinton lawn in 4.-4'g+l 44huIlle t•n11 tht•ough .•+iek- Week. nes' t3AVFIELU. Turssoty. July 13tH. I'PNsuN.u.- Mrs, (Albert. of Strat- ford, and her noire, Miss Thistle, are .4144n41ir+K a few we'e'ks at the 41,1113.' of Mrs. J. Campbell The Misses Mon- teith, of Stratford, are 'hog at the home of Mrs. Spackman....... Rev, N. Show ami s .. 4-baw. lit lLltmuud- vide, arrived unTsirsday Pvicehing to speed their vac:ttinn 4m Westminster grove. Clic Run Notes. Rev. Mr. Horne. Toronto, general secretary of the Upper Canada Tract and tlm.k Mo: c4e(yy. gave a splendid address last Sabbath evening in the Preabyte•rian church,- Rev. Mr. Condell ad - deemed the Orange Lodge on +iahhath morning last. A Targe tier n( th.• members of the Society were perta•ut. The afternoon boa un Mrs. 44acktuan's pawn on Tuesday ufter- nown, given -4.y i4te numbers of the W. 1%. hi. S„ wits :1 great success, the day being 4lrrfe et anti is Large :mother present. COLBORNe:--.-- CA OMW, July tkh. T..%.sn11•t'Ot'Ne1L.-('olborne council '.1(4 its regular -meeting. All the men wt.. present. Moved by Councillor 'ming, seconded by Coun- rillur Moser, hat the council *4)114) two wee.: ins( erne*, and that Jumt•s Taylor b..IPP ite'd for the Westet•n division and (:e 'ge itean for the rastl•tll division ; inspector. to be paid 762 per day Inc ding horse and rig. ('allied. The .1111,wi ng ac- count*. writ+ passed, v , : William McWhinney and A. 1' arch, three 1 yN with team drawing It ober from. E 'lot 1's still, (bidet 'eh t unship, *lo tirlw+u McLurty. gra .4litlg, i(31 ; Nelson McLarty. lepairin • cal - vert, lis• days with team and sir day dm [ling, $18.511: (Tittles Al work on Valterl' hull, 1147.544 ; Thos. McPhee, wk - on sidrr..:ul. $143 ; Aldir, work 'n 1%'altt'rs' hill, $7.'': Alis• t M.t.k. inspecting.. it:4 : Shur :\Ilia, work lin Walter.' hill, qui J tt •s Feagan, arty routs graver, $1 ; .1, J. Fisher, 11111 curds. gravel. Olio ; flair Walters, wr.l•k 11n Walters 1i01, 71617) ; J061111t A in, colvett. and 1111.4 •. ring, $7.5tl t 4 tn. lappet t, woe k ort tt'aite's' bit *41 ; Wm. Mitche44, repairing enlvr and weak on Wattern' hill, *--t; NV, . Fowler, work on Walters' hill, :. John Fowls, Ir., mirk 1111 4V44.114 s' hill, $11: .lolul Fowler, jr,. (von nit Walters' hill, *1 ; A011t. Al.4 ell, work e1, Walters hill 1617.:rn Is r J.•trkin., 441o:t4ring. two (1111'aat 16. Win.11ko mak mt W44o'ee: Bill 86 ; Allain. Mugford, wl',rk on 'Walters V..si.lo), k Wallets' hill, *1.2.1 : .I:uncs Whit , work on Waiters' hi11. 7117:1' 4V w . 1'1111in.ron, gray.•Iling, dl; .1 •a Manning, work on \t: ern hill. *6; Jiiia'ph Carter, itis ting, $2.2;1: 44440 ('olliusun. get e•Iiing. $15; Joseph Carter, dit:hin, at cor- ner, *2184: Jonathan Fritz:• -. clean- ing 'MO, *3.10 1114. : illian, in- specting\$1.41 : Marin.' 11 apital, rare of Adam' Ka[ t6$2,1 i; ('has, C. Lee, tile, ; ill; R. SI. Dung, shovel- , Ling 1 nt4ie1 s dai in pit $0.'10 ; htoliert Ellin t. 741 fi•i•t TtSoiTrer.`i IQ�t:li; Arihur`.MC .•il, grading and gravelling, $lttih), John Marker, re- pairing 1unlop'e-ill, *14) 2.'i; John Harker, grading arid gravelling. *21 ; Frank McIntyre, train .on grouter one day. d6:t.:r1 ; i1111119. A.httn', work in cemetery, $ 4.44:.: 41'1.1. Brindley, gra/ e11ing,ti:.3,i? 1: \t'In. 44 runglian, gravel and inspecting, 167": \Vm. Walter, work On Walter,. 14111.761 i. i:). A petition wan presented )y .1111111 Wilson, sighed b a large nl nberof rate Na ye, 11T1iect(ii ' of yen'. Ontario %Vest Shore Railway ton the pthlic road between (1111z4er's hotel and Hortun's blacksmith shop at. Dunlop, of along 411.• portion of the highway on said rood inn Col- borne. 'rhe petition was diecusae.i by a number of the ratepayer's present., and the councillors explained their position in the !natter, but ,410 action west taken in regard to the petition. Moved h y tonneillor McManus, seconded by Councillor Young, that tls clerk reply to a communication froth (rod. McDonald, regarding the Guelph h (ioderich ]railway honest, asking the company to put - all cross- ing. in goal repair and take any necessary steps to snake the bylaw legal. Carried. Moved by Councillor Mc.lanus, seconded by Councillor Muer, that the council take sl4'PR to Wring nn Engineer V. M. Roberts to settle the dif icultiea with Win. Bogie and H. 11. Horton in regard to proper watercourses. and that a ropy of thla resolution be ,ent to I.. E. Dancey. Carried. The rninl4tes of a special meeting held et Mr. Pro,uifoot's office, Ooderich, were read and signed hy the Reeve and clerk. Adinurn.d to meet August Pith at 2 of cock p. m. F. W. Ml'ih)1,A(4H, Clerk. - LOCHALSH. TueenA', July 1:1(1. PERSONAL MENTluv.-Miss Maud McKenzie, of Detroit, was visiting for a few days last week lit her father's, It. 144. McKenzie's, 12th concession Jas, R. McKenzie, who hays been working for some 1140e at Catnmet sod other points on the United States side, arrived home halo week, hale and hearty and with a considerable amount of adipose tissue towards the rel -e10901 extremity Mrs. F. Mc- Lennan, Mrs, D. A. McIMnafl and family are sojourning at present in Ooderi.h, while 1). A. is keeping bachelor's hall M isa Martha Charnbwrs, of the Lake -Shore (it•avel, was visiting atJohn Armottt'ong's and Jas. Itobli s last week Miss Rhoda McKenzie, Doti Finlayson 1u)d Eddie Rohl) hate arrived homelnrt" holidays after writing on their rxam- inatione Miss Lilian ('lark has left for her home at MI. Helens for the midsummer vacatjon Miss Mar- garet Armstrong, of'Krollworth San- itwrium. III., in con•peny with Mrs, Ban S. McDonald, Huron, are visiting their sister, Mrs. 1. A. Mnnkman, Artwri ht Duncan McLe•ol 'is engaged to work for six months for Alec Mclennan of the boundary Dan Rose, of Hemlock City. who is thinking of subscrihing for The Tor- onto (}lobar. 1s taking a step in the right direction. One year's reading of that solid journal would *0 trans- form him that he would scarcely recogSmith aize s d family, of Toronto, are sk- it/rig Mr*. Smith's parent, Mr. and Mrs B. T. McKenzie. ATTENTION, ALLITERATIVE A MRRR- Elm 4' --The Amberley corrsepondent of The Ripley Express, who has a fond- ness for alliteration, appear* to he slightly irritated with he and then far the reason that our mind -Impesn, as alleged h him, to he whollyo•rmpted with the three Tt's, vs., haehelora, babies and birds. Now, even if t.h1e were tate, it dopa Ant appear to us to be a felonious of - rich, called on friends here last •week before leaving for the West. Will 13eg1e•y, wife and child re- turned to llauiilten yester.lay after visiting friends herr for a tench. Mrs. 44. 'Gibson iind chihtt•1•n re - tamed to Mitchell yr.atenlay ea4tt.-1!- isit to Mr. and firs. Jae. (ith•on, -Airs Clara Stet hers has returned to `I:altltlrl Morton' had 1i very success- -Airs Geelerich after a -visit 'to her grand• a wising -tin- Wednesday hist. The mother. Mr;. Robert Davidson. franc t,f la One -new barn, SIT by R'_, was Mies liltulys 'Mel. en, of tiodericb. lir• l• d._ __ is spending a few weeks with her .1113).s ited nnud had x houoewwrul- Krandpxrrnts. 117. and Sirs. g4n. 4'eilay nigh(- iw his- new house N'hyard. and entertained n IarF • •.14s•r of lir 114vine•srrrice will he young people.• Presbyterian church %utdxv, July Al let . •urs Clark Tuts been ajijaoihted llatb, at 11 *. in.. when Rev. !)r: Mc - to • the de1m•µate emt 1Vestfleld L•'pwol•tb Donald 4.111 prrarh, le•agur to the Nt. 'Phomas summer fti.ls'rt Hasty has sunk a well and school, and Miss L. 1'Antplwll the dele- is putting up to stable on his list near !:4414' of Donnybrook League. #140,1sexlirt The crops are looking fairly well bilins a housewill follow ere lung. *+f 43stnr. 'l At lir. regular nils muting ow ay and Sl+nday, Hay, fall wheat the diree rs of the 1Vr.l if meeting lanil Peas look like gxl crops; barley Mutual Fire Insurance (!)Inpany per -and mite are only fair. The fruit given g oaded .1. NI. Rubo•rts t) remain as 044E..Kew14 prosjNr(q. retary•t.tea direr for the balance of the In the.absence of Rev. A. E. Jones, present year, tubo is taking his vacation. thepulpita of the Auburn circuit will be filled David lut ilentlersen brought home lotion Sakti, 1• D. C. Taylor• of front OolErierichtI 'Tuesday a hand- 1.nekn,1iv, to -tones -is is attending the soul9 rubb,•r-tirerl buggy. ummer school at Mt. Thomas this W t*I'._I at'ktsSl.hy rhe uwner'N genial The new sw„-allil_n[ wStrs.sclnalily, sh,),ld giv.• hila a good •1intcsau.n visexit :4t_eh4rrk1-Twill n___join ----_.__ lead in the twee for the sillies 0.F Dun= 'cannon's fairest damsels: The Presbyterian ladies are pre- rinfg their o4ia.itomtry Mos. On • I'rE..us%',.lnly Iain. 4 Inesday, .t1dy 701, they held a Newsy 4'.uttli)t/oafs,-- S4[as Kate qui •ng, finishing 11v.• quilt., the band MCI4uir1• i1 vi.,Iing London h'ienda. moor •rs furnishing the tea. This (VIII- and Mary 2lclnto.h 100011 week t • tf, M. 4. hold •a meeting on Sunday (4it I. ('listen friends. '1'hutwla aflernoom, linishing six dais,(, 11als•I .std Ellie tt'ils..n, of Ile• trait, :n,•. %i -long their Colmar!. Mies The 14110 0, 4un1ay 11 .41 -Alli -tet.. .,..Mrs. E. McGuire ands .11 dollars in the and .411.. NI., y Aim :SWAIN. left Wast week for the N. , thwest, 111x. Mc- Guire- going to E,lulontion and Miss .4l.4'1t4N' to 1 .11gary finite a ma mina. of ),msec people in this yetiu- it)' attended :, p,atty at J •14 Red- 11n..11d•6, 44'..ui, Id, hot Friday night l rrrr sus'. \Ve 1490 nit t., and 1 'I''t1 has 141, 1144d a good (l nue. trporl 1 moodier' 4)f,,people Ilona • death of 1G" II hsnah if: Ytnn .. __ .. .. •... . n S,wutlay, .Illi) -1rrf, "sifter -1m 41)- r:a of I wO weeks,• TTI. fmteral took lint Suod/ay _-tie I►nn44alinon cel et,'ry, Iter. I..:Tart lett ol1[ciat ing. A u filer and brother are left to ttulu•t her death. The sympathy of the r4. moonily is extentted to the bereaved. ST. AUUUSTINE.' '1'111 ('un, m••ans III fernier 's 4KN-k,•ts. 1t r•: • too late to Influent the hay. which will he a poor 1?t•op this year.' 'f'41 grain, which is now hauling oat 4)1 , ly, 1uH greatly irnprnveel. and reports Irina the sm•- 'minding Nonni ry are i:t4ora111••. APPLE, Mrs A-rTArgr,,.--A new pest, has nth% ell the -apple (Indiards and promises to spoil what would otherwise loe it •-,tel year for apple. Opinions vary as o just whit, it 1.4. it code - Thirty-six Loigcs. Commemorate Battle of the Boyne There. special I LI in wit It the I 1 odet eta • 1011 0001 ly attt•i• 11 o'clock on Nlo on - day for t he hig 4.•elebt al ion of the 'rivet!) lo at 1 'lint on; l'he ton tt looked arrhe., bunting and evergreen and an estimate of th. number 4of visitors place, it n Tint •• wet,' 1 linty -six lodges in Ole Ilia, 101166 161 1111S 01111 live 49 rountao chaplain, Wm. Lewis. ol Co loon, and t loCal clergy. '1' • lollowitat Was the order of I he lodge, Cal lingfoal lodge. NNI lodge, 191 Purl Hill lodge, 7"7 ; Mel; winglimo lodge, 3'21 : Belfast 111 dulph 193 14glie lodge, 24 ; Henson lodge, ; Exeter lodge, lodge, 4102 ; Perk/till 10dge, 1,1110 to• wnship lodge. :i. 1 ; Colborne lodge, lodge, 843 ; Seaforth lodge, 791 ; Mum - :unbolt lodge. tr.N. A pi ize of stlo wits given to the Londerittoro' lodge for having 1 he harmed. inemliet ship in the mart+ ; $5 to 018, Logen, for being the beat Heal ge Midden and 'W'm. Johnson were the oldeat member.. present, and were given specinl prisea. Fire dollao x to the lodge coming the farthemt. was wok by WS, (Imam ; 141'4 14411 ; Nile $.ring -inn 14.4(44. shv. 011 hers a, ♦•► e.o n, tn.n 10 6::::\b";417.11:: 7 The reason why Aver's Hair Vigor stops Janine hair is bc_ suse It first destroys the germs which cause this trouble. After I this is done, nature soon brings shoot a full recovery, restoring the hair and scalp to a perfectly healthy condition, -Asa. by (C. J. C. Ayer 041.. L..r.U, tea.---. *3 to 111e last lifer 1 drummer, won by Willie Mutch. Special llt•izer 14 Stratford pi4cOlo band and Lucas lodge for dress. Ten dullare to the 1)4'.ttife and dr band Was Vi 011 by Susmnit't•h[Ii With Uodrr icl• tuwnsbip ua•.•,1md. How Brussels -Enjoyed It. Brusi:cls, July. The anniversary of the Hattie of M. you was celn- brutal here today to right loyal faith- - The weather early in the da was very threitle•ning, but by 9 o'clock cleated op beaut,l'11',y, 11111 the .•r.w•d IWK;Im Ili pour in lion 1111 4113$/•1err. Special trains were run (lien Hart•i- stou, Kitit'aidine, Palmerston, Lin - wet el, Stnormal, and also 1141 the 1/411• dun. Huron k Bowe. Never to the tu'll'o y 4.1 1110 rown base f bete .rich :a crowd, the streets Mint! liter- ally packed. Upwards " t lite y lodges were in_arte•ndan••t•. _f�3pe+:ial music was furnished b ,rho Winghliiu and Ilr.slhagen lands sod the Lueknow pipe baud. In the afternoon, Iw- sides uuuteruu, addresses, an inter- esting game' of baseball was played between Myth and Lurknow, result- ing in favor of Iilytb by 8 to t4, The day's proceedings weresselwought to a rinse with a genre of teeth:di between Walkerton and tate local teams. As this was the final gione• in the in- termediate series, W. M. A., great in. teres( Was manifested in it. The genie, which was keenly contested at every point, resulted in a victory for the loral club by a score of 2 to 0. The winnint of this game brings the Western cup to Brussels for the fourth time. L. A. McLaughlin of Strat- ford referred the game in a most sat i sfaetory manner. Dies on Way to Clio ton. Toronto. July 12. -Last week, Mrs Taylor. of Portage la Prairie, arrived in the eit y on her way to make a two months' visit to her brother, Stewart Plummer, of Clinton. Miosing her train connection, and Mrs. Lester S. Scott. of :i.11 Queen street west, being a Mem', she decided to remain here for is few days. She wns apparently in the best of health, and went over to the i.land. and elsewhere, with Mr. Ficiat's family. hitt on Thursday morn- s her journey to Clinton, she had it stroke or pdrat3rsts,--- which -rendered her helpless and uneonscions. Medi - esti aid was railed, but nothing could be done for her relief. and she died i•arly Sunday morning. She was in her seventy-second year. a lifelong member of the Methodist church, and leaves flve *rms. an residing in the vicinity of Portage la Prairie. How's This? We offer one llonotrist Dollars ILcward ler any esse of Catarrh that cannot be cured by It'e the towienionied hair 101,46-0 ,1„ i•hen ev tor the lagt years -nest lwlinve hint eel, lenity hunoroble in all 1411.41,,,,. orte,...etems made by hi. firm (*Mao+ t 'ore Is taken itarrioally. act. leg directly upon the blood and, cute, star. face. of sy.114,1. Tes1110111•101.• ,ent free Price 7.1 met. bolIle: :Iola by all 1 101K Valeilt• Pill, for roost limit ten. grandma en pole fatimeri *hie.' John nie-"Well. you're on the wrong aide -you'll Nal that out. - The violators in the histot•ic museum ilnlet Mee anything ioniemel Maid itors. t liming to the guide. "WI st very valuable pillow.' replied the guhle, *That is 'Woo.hington (origin/el A fierman peddler rapped timidly at th.• k it Oren entrance. Nita. Kelly, angry at being inter' 'opted in her washing, flung 015911 the doo or II nil gloWered at, hum "Did yez wish to Nee Mr 4" 1.11191 410911111 1111441 in 1 111-1911.149ning 0111991. 11•110 lleill11191- barked 4111 11 11416 -I elm. "Veil, if I did,- he assured her with an apologetic gain, "1 got my • DON'T WAIT IF YOU ONLY KNEW HOW SCOTT'S EMULSION would build you up, nscreees yovir weight, strengthen your weak throat and lungs and put 700 in condition for neit winter, you would begin taking it Maw. Tik., It in la lath. 4,34 milk op woo... Mr. and SA Ora. All Dr -ogees HELP WANTED Wanted. Experienced Operators, on Pants, Knickers, °versals. Constant Employment the year round, HIGHEST UNION WAGE PAID, piece work. INEXPERIENCED HANDS TO LEARN UPERATING. Southgate Co., Limited, Seaforth 'Summer Underwear IN ALL THE LEADING MAKES : BALBRIGGAN, NATURAL WOOL, ELLIS SPRING NEEDLE, PENMAN' S 7ht' Best Goods at `blight Rices. e McLean Bros. L. Palace Clothing Store Aril f 11 TALCUM --. POWDERS 1 Drug Store Goderich ' "THE STORE THAT PLEASES '' We Lave it large iussortnient of nice Talcums, the finest manufactured, and have them in different odor.. : Nadrueo, Violet, Nealruco Rose. Nadruco Flesh Color, Taylor's Valley -Violet, Williams' Coronation. All the above it 2.5c a tin. Also Palmer's Garland of Violets. at 35c a tin, 'We also have eheaper Talcums, from 111c up, at F. J. BUTLAIVEYS-- Midsummer Clearance Ourpolicy is4o sell all shoes in their season. This means reducing prices on the balance of summer styles .tnd giving you a chance to et a pair at a big reduction. Our season ends long before yours, and anyone buying new shoes now will have nothing to regret. If you are likely to need new shoes for two months to - come you should not miss this chance. • G. M. Elliott THE SQUARE GonEnicti ============n Harvest Time Again ! We always strive to -get -the bust -and we havi for you this year. BINDER TWINE 650 feet Twine at II Cents per lb. Inn is all one In making, it passes t lirough si/.4.4., which makes itimpossible for any loomps or large pieces to get in to choke your hinder. ROPE I'Ve have a quantity of 7-8 in. Bost Amet11.11,11 Ploos• Manila Rope. A regulat 2114". Rope, which We can give 7,at for Ma per lb. Hest Manila 1 in. Rope, I stratithi, we can give you at 1 le. per lb We lia,vie litrge assortment of Porke, with and without staff., juat in for Ton to choose from. scythes. from WS'. to $1.23. Sinaths, 75e. tri 85e. Pure Paris Green, 30c. per lb WARM WEATHER GOODS COAL ill and ti Ns. 'LINE Sl'OV ES. A large 'align! tnient to chooare from. REFRIGERATORS, at all prices. NIMOUKS, at all prices. FISHING POLE8 and TACKLE. GARDEN HOSE and NOZZLES. ELEPHANT WHITE LEAD and BADEN OIL. filtERWIN-WILLIAMS HEADY -MIX PAINTS. FENCING wp ,,, few rods of the ft -wire No. 9 Wire left, at Mc. quantity of Barb Wire. For Eavestrologhing.Tinsmithing, Plumbing and Heating we can 11 .itore Phone 22 CHAS. C. LEE 11 give you prompt attention, and all work folly guaranteed. ILli/Cule.P"le "2 l=t === 1===Z2U