HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-7-15, Page 4Tinnsnav, Jet.e. Ib, Won..
THE 1411NA1.- 1.1)14:1t1(11 )NT lni()
AFTER" (..7nternational fiewspaper
SUFFERING Bible Study Club
Sirowestrve Questimts on the International Sunday School Lessons, Prepare
L' y Rev. D. Linuott. Brantford
Cured by Lydia E. Pink -
ham's VegetableCompound
Pox Creek. N I have Metres
had pail's in the loins mid a weak-
ness there, and
n Its. ft atter-ma
meals In y food
wntI dist-ress me
and caner sore-
ness. I, yd 1* E.
rinkham's Vegeta.
ble Compound ban
done me m tic h
good. • I am strong.
cr digest is bet.
ter, and I Van walk
ith ambition. 1
are encouraged
sunny mother* of
I Amin, t Like it. as it is the best rem-
edy in theworld. • Y tel Can publish lhis
in the papers." - W ILL! s
fiCirittle It, .Eue Creek, N.B., ,t'atusda.
yi,. oleo& is only one of the thou.„
sands ef izrateful letters which ;ire
constantly being received by the
Pitikleina Medicine Cohmatiy uf Lynn.
Maas.. which Prove beyond a doubelhat
Lydia E. Pitikham's Vegetable Cont..
Potted. made from roots iittd herhs,
actually diwis cure these obstinate dis.
eases of women after all other nwans
have failmi, Jand that every such sid-
leapt give I.ydia E. PiitkliaMs N'egetite
tile Compound a trial before submit,
ting to an operation. or givitaf-up
Mee. Pinkliarn. of I. MI. Matalta
invitee all sick WIIfl)Pll to »rite
her for advice. She hus guided
thousands to heialt ti 151111 1*411
advice is free.
t.14..ae4.tr I 1St Nix )(J1041NA
Ettective t hi. date. Tope of SO. %V *l$1'to
Pubil au Moil are dbyordintied, Mr. haver
Perry Sound, sOnth bound:el g:10 iestrad
of :mitts,.
SUMMER xEltVIS Meekbity Mo.
, Tour frips weekly lo Mocking', t °Pine-
wood mid Owen Sound Toeelny. Thor...nay
itriday and,Xaturday..
1.T$31. "Mo. Imo. Serer, Monolny.--teedam-
daY and hat riday. Wilitientay and 54..) 1111114)
1411.8. ItrOugh to
44ir4eeta- arn4 interination Irvin all
railway tgent v.
H. H. Gildersleeve C. H. Nicholson
Mgr.. Cidlitigwieel Trani, Mgr., Miami,'
Fast Service
\ 1
Western Points
1,"1 t'll
1.ti71.E 1 17..NI.A 1 ICIN
111XISti t' %ft 17;Ill
AT tit'ELP11 _PCT.
Leave Goderich 2.27 PM
.trrive Detroit lo.55 P.M.
Arrive Chicago 7.15 A.M.
Information and ticket"- !Oho
• If 11, • '1. y ageei,-Tlaba 071
-- 7
The Popular Route
To SI 1' 11 1i
Tourist Resorts
111..111411.g N11. -k..1,1,
Te111/114411111,1/.4.11411111 Play. Niagnio
(Mean nicer, RaWaai Tilt LAI*, 41,
).1111 S1,1 ‘11.14 1: \ 11 1. 141116 111 ellrert.
Ex. l'I0,1114 Til 01 1, 1.4 SALE
Very low rates s ettl.triivY 4.0111e,.,
Daily lintit„ September :loth, Dile,
Iteturn 1" 't ()ember 3I4t.
For tickets and full intorin it 'oh
:WO y to
I 1,,o ti Agent
tor, boors i1.:01 a.m. to 54*4
Ti.:kets on Sale from Toronto.
The Scenic Route to
l'frINAing 1,114P Mitokok• III 1111.1‘
1'414 1111"1 Along the •hore Lake
Jorieph,,ekirting nently Otte hundred
trochee of water between Toronto and
E'nr literature atel 11111 information
about finhing holiday l*tee
wet* Paissenger Dept., Toronto, Ont.
orouillance %ill. the l'oyyright
Sunday, July IL ince Paul's Second Missionary Journey -Thessalitnica ..ad Berea.
Acts xii.: I Vt.
tiolden Text- Thy wileal have 1 hid
its none heart, that I may not sin
ayainet Thee. I's.o% i a.: It.
% •j-.,. 1.a Is elmieti going a good
balm, anti what do tbi•y lose who
bat e not formed it ?
11,4W many times i day should a
I se s, ?
Wittily the value of a goad habit.
and lioW 111.. $01.111 habit% formed
Verse 3 Did Paul mean to say that it
was necessery for the Jews to have put
Jesus to death, and if not what did he
mean? (This question must be answered
in wnting by members of the club:
(T),e posii' takes, by the preeent
I i ,hr Ihlit the Jews ought to have I
accrided Je.tis, and that their putting
1 a death is the colossal crime of
history, and the calamity of calam-
ities t hut has tedallew the JrWe. That
(Mete am tditt diatinct hum, .1 contim
gent prophecy in the Old Testament,
eitheronrof which being f ril filled. would
cancel the other : and that the proph-
retro ,eoueeminst j.,nr_awriC of
hr .1rwi•li lint' and the throne or
David with unparalleled splendor were
rancelleil 14" (1144 ItilfillinettS of those
oal sent Jesus good faith. arid they
.eilang the rejertirni of
voluntarily rejected him. when there
first and hest •'plan was that they
sl lit al•celit God then pro- 1
crusted to through the death s.t'
Scriptures hear treetitnuny that Jesus
iv the Chi ist
Verses 4, .1 -Ilow do you account
for it that the saute fauns anti target, -
rug which convert some only serve
to harden others' ?
How is it that women are genet ally
in Ilse majority in Chriel'il converts%
-Why were the Jews moved witle
jealousy %
Can A jealous man, at the time,
either hr 14 Irtie matt (ir a eorre
How do you eharacterize a person
who is jealinw of sinother in doing
good woks'
Have we any modern rxesuple of
the way these people ward ?
N'erae 6 .1.. the world today urinate
tbiwn. or right.
Is the wurlill getting better Or
Verse 7 When rwople ultpoae the
work of lied t hey generally confine
themselves to the io their ob-
ject lone, or do they ever confine them -
'wives t he 11 Mit ?
falsify, or do they di. it in blind ignor-
ance. ur through prejudice.
Vorietall11.2 -la_ there ever any vir-
tue in eltptsetlig triereelver to it/roger,
when it iv trot lieceesary in the inter -
eats of the truth?
Whist was the difference between
1 .1i i • a t Thessalonica
-44444-innt, thmoof li-aaesr
done e 'prettily by Hie life. l 1 la a tstillioseeker hurt' to find it ?
Is it necessary for trs to adopt all . . •
us it ever riga 1.1 Auppret4.4 the 11 MI
l'4"" "Pininn"' uu 4)niee to be wel44in the interviste uf the Kingdmu of
t se ri (His is or e
pleasing to :oil%
1Vere all Parini tviniona correct 44t144
Verses 13-)5 -What is it•
prompt* 111011 10 work so hard and
twroisteotly in oppoeing what they
know to he the truth?
Aims -ming (tie time et the second
enuring of Christ ?
In what settee wee it trite "that
Christ t need4 have suffered ?"
See Luke late.: :211, Jer. 55111.: :kis
Mich. v.: 2, Matt. ii. :
Lemon for Sundey, July Slith. 19.41 -
Pours Second Miesionary Jour nry-
In whet wad. the Old Testament Athena. Acts xvit.
Sunday, July ae, :gee -Paul's Second Missionary Journey:- Athens.
xvii.: 16-34. N'eree 24 -Ilow do we know that
Golden lrext.=licel 16 a spirit ; God made ail thiblem? •
an they that worship HiU4 must woe. God dues fill heaven and earth with
ahip Him in spit it and in truth. John. His presence ; but does Ile not Klan
iv,: 14. dwell in_ temples that are made in
whieh to worship Him ?
Verse 2.5. -While God &we not tune)
the support of snati's hands. dorm He
not desire the worship end love of
men's hearts?
How does God give to till "life and
breath and all things?"
Will we in heaven 14 ableto see
God. in any different way from the
-arrag_imathich-it is. out Joie %Pate Le
Him now ?
Verse tat -What is *be evidence
-thatall races of men spraog Ir the
same original stock?
Hai God bed anything to do 'with
our pre -Veil individual eandittomet
Verses 27•:a4-NVIari5 is both the
chief joy and object (if life?
Ii it poesible for everts man to find
God if he will but *eels Him, and whist
is the only condition for seeking him?
flow do you conceive of the thought
that -"in Him wive •tuel-,
l 'noand
have our being ." min you illustrate
the thought with. air, that is both in
nnd around us?
'Verse 29 --Ustn any wink of art rep-
resent thel to any prasetieel advane
%.... :34-3). --What makes the need
for repentesserfl------ -
In what way will Jesus judge the
world ?
‘'erse 16 - Can any true nip, at this.
thne, eee the fully and sin which
thousande so eagerly follow without
his spirit heing atirred ?
Verse ta . -Notwithstanding that we
JI. necessarily, have trades and canines
to pursue. should, or should mot. the chief
concern be the tremendous moles involved
in spiritual truth, and why? This ques-
tion mine be answered in wittier by nione•
bets of the club.)
Verses Is 21 -The Epicureans and
the Moire had a eiintrary pliihoophy•
of life mate briefly what they each
taughL_ •
la'hich brings t,he morerast mg hap-
piness and develop the nobler char.
410101, a life devoted to the pleaeures
of metier or • life devoted to service
far others and to self-denial ?
What as a used ter of fact ie the sub -
„4.160. whet 1.a..1 taught
should we lend a respectful ear to
al/ new theorie• of life end eternity or
reject them without, examinatino ?
Verse 22 -Whirl' is the better mon.
1111 active April ie or an indifferent
am' t bought lens Christian ?
Which ui preferable, to he ever spec-
ulating about lied or to have no
t I ght concerning Win ?
Is belief in and a longing for tiod
oeciiiiar Christienity ?
May n heathen whrt boo fleVIRT come
into toush with Christianit y
and .know the true (tod ?
NVhist theu is the edvantage for a
trilehearted heathen V4'111 11344 into cos-
t:wt. with Chrintianity ?
Verse.:.:1--Can rine man who knows
1..441 be the means of imparting that
knowledge to another who desires to
is 'sow flint ?
Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures
Close t'hither-Live Steck-
Latest - Quotations.
Evwdng, July 12
Liverpool whent futures cluoed a.whato-
to ts.d higher, • orz. Apt L.igher
Ciente* July wheat elosed tee higher,
corn unchariard trate We• lowsv
Winnipeg Options.
wheat -Jet!. Tao, tict SI 00%. 1.
'ado -July frir bkl, ()Timber Vs,.•..
Toronto Grain
tVhent, tail, bueh
M heat, red math
wheat, inner, bush 1 ZS
Rye. bushel 0 VI
Buckwheat, bushel 0 70
14.08, bUal.el 0 W.
1.4rley, bushel 0 el
'ate. bushel 0 st
Toronto Dairy Market.
flutter, ertierotor, tinit7• Ilt• 0 19
Mutter 04..re Arts 0 IS
num r, ('11 14411114) ri.11111 0 n
nutter, creamery. eolid• 0 :I
gg... rose 1.41../...1 0 71
11-411, new, lb 013
- - -
tram Ltrorpwat, oteation eau
Saturday were very strong un canadtaii
hamar and uutird an solvers% to prices for
the week of to 7* per cwt.. ankh pro-
hed some Influence on the loot*
market fur live blots.
East Buffalo Cattle Market.
gain uerealar. N.Y.. July -cattle
-Receipts'. head, mud *hipping.
allow: others, fend,. windy owl Wu to 15e
prline•steera, ntai to r. shiny -Mg.
10 to MO,. tallehoro' st 10 i..-,. heifers,
-MAI to 14.14. covert, O..45
st o. stockers said feeders. $2. 'T. tu 3443..
Muck heifer*. ECM Os 13 rresti cows and
liprlugers, active, clear*, 57 hISThor.
• iiiii 1011. acendy. kr! to gs
veal. ntearipts. 1460 Mad :worts 'tnit
steady. IS tv
Itogil ReceiPts. MO head, 11.00...retreatly:
00,044. NZ 1. to es.z.
few ni 474, mixed, tais to ts yorksre,
*7*) tu CZ. tees. V es to 17 17'; rough•.
111 40 'tu K stoics. t,. LH.; dairies,
gi.su tu to
Sheep' alai Lem ter-RisE•i•Iza,, .3e)
tones.. lamb& :Sc lower, tothers, tu
higher: lambs. $4 50. to PLO, ',carting*, 11.50
W wethers. $4.:5, to t.7.• ewes, 34 5.1 to
▪ abort., mixed. V 14'S
New York Live Stock.
-N-i' .Y4 sti K.. iota
44t:. market. Irregulax. ,ettccrs, V. to $7 10;
culls. &la to St. roue. tt:si I4.E.10: drew.
ed trerf. firm. eltr dress. .1 natiVe *Lima,
skic to IOW'.
t'eltes Receipt's. SM. snooty, verb.. 40,5o
to $$ 3:54. thrverouta. 55 to SI. buttermilks.
44 Z. tu L. S. city .1rease.1 v. -41s, Or to
13tie, country dretwed. itt Se to
LiNer. dreasyd buttermilks sc to 9r.
Sheep and Larnba--Mre.ely•Is.
ebrep. firm, Iambs, lower, slasp, C to C,
cabs, C to ES75. $4.;si,to $9, runs,
is to $6.
thopt-Flecelpts, 97/1); market about
ideally, at WC. to SOO.
Chicago Live Stock.
citicai at. duly 12.-irattiv-ttecelpta.
estimated at 25,o11.0. market, steady r.. he
lower. beeves, 14 75 to 17 a• '1•44.1 Steers.
$4.50 to M. western istee,e Si to 1.6
stockers and feeders, IWO to 17.. yowi and
naKera. calves .
florns-ttecelpta.rattmated mar-
ket 5c lower• light 77.1! • Y -IG• mixed
V.311 to M. heavr. 111.1s f • istki...rsitigh.
35 to 47 7.6. good to chol laat'hy. to
PAM", Pigs. Se to 17.10; bulk uf wateg. v.*
StweP--1tecelpts.estimst N.000; mar -
V -75 to Nob yearlings. to : Iambi%
ket. 'teeth . native. 47.;1 1.4 Slialwestern.
lath, c, 14.75 to 1.1.75, weetr•-•. $5 10 PO.
liohlty rushed out to ties t his ratite'
the other night am he w .is 14.74110 11i
ftstiii %sort,. 1 mid. meathlessly :
-'1111-; -I Won't- -fres-e-' o al oat -
neatly 1.0 1111y• some. '
Now Bobby Wad been doinat 'far fioni
well. tond his father 44,18 pleaxer/ o
hear of tne new interest hoping 5.44.
better thing'... "How's If' it. my sun?"
said he. "Oh. I got nut livok it Chins."
lle was telling A thrillim; story 11111
of his wallet of a thotisunit nnd met
hairbieteith *4* (441'! 111 Santiago.
&inches know. and his pretty listener
was leaning. anxiously toward I . rat
hanging on his every iittetatiee. "Tti,•
wolves Weltupon tie," he said. "led
lowing anil`roaring, as 4 114 ve 141) oft.oi
heard them. We tied fel our liyes.
I don't deny it.: bid 1') 4.1 8e1.10111 W..
knew the revenotts pack was 'gaining
om titi. Al last they were so near that
SSC could feel their muzzles against our
"Ah 1" gasped ,,,it he lielY•
"flow glad yoti lllll ht ha), been they
had their zips on 1'
ANolervotis Wreck
- Robust Health.
Mrs. M. E. Ilarron, of IX ea ta,i,
writes " I must say OUP GOO aould have
been in cansuinptive's ve long ago
had it not, been for PsYC E. He ass
taken down with 1.a Chive d a severe
cold. His who'e systi:m 1034 weak, in-
cluding his tunes. nhich were ririusly
affected, as is ale n 0 the Cate a et La
"After taking several remedies nd
treatments we priamed PSYC H I NE, a
tongue cannot tellthe marvellous resul
brought shied in two months. He gained
over twene rounds in weightaniEstrength
and appetite returned " .1 BROPI1EY & SON
Mr. Hamm Infused is most emphatiC ,
as to the hene1iei51 result of using PSY-
CHINE lie_deaVii_es." To -day I am in
splendid health ati3 11:14 4. nc% cr sevrect
a day since I took PSYCH I N
PSYC HINE is the greatest tonic known
to inedie-ilTerViec:--It builds upahe-sys-
tem and tones up every organ of the Nody,
enabling it to resist and throw off disease.
Weak ricrses cannot exist where PSY-
CHI is Used consistently. Send for a
trial bottle and prove the truth of these
pat -
' We 1 eg lllll ice to
rimy t but 4144 have tennis est lo new
-premises on
Dem Silydet'e Grocery.
where our custom,' is will find tut
teddy to Mall (ash.' s for
In workmanlike manner,
at closest prices.
W. R. Pinder
'Phone 155.
PSYCHINE it sold by all druggists
and dealers, 50 cents and $1.00 a bottle.
If MUTEST Of 1011) fail if Alin ANO.
The hest Mina trait -re a proem 1411)
hel1004•1.1) 1.411 1.11111 111 V111110114 el/-
J.111101e. 11 leg 4.1 11/1110W.11 11.110.111..
1.1 1.14.1..8
Sugar and
For Preserving Time.
- Failure NOt a Disgrace.
What an unfortunaterl,ilig flint the
idea should Is. dinned into' the ears Of
youth everywhere that it is n disgt LICH
14. tail -that 40, (ofail 1.1 1,414a•upagley.,,
(.4) 144.4. bite property It ie not is
diegrace to fail ; but it 1.1 a disgrace
not to thr iitte'd heat to rlicreell.
failure. but 111.1- ninl Mull ,
tildes of poor people tailay who are
not krisiwn• motet& of heir 111-11 1111-14,
ealliffirtottfro arsr-yesidirgreay vocesaves-
when measured by al) that makes 14 4(4'
geeat nese - their Mara,- endeavor.,
their brave battle for yearn with ob-
stacles, playing a hosing game With
heroism. Their great million... soul
wonderful nelf-contisil tinder the criti•
,•isui of timer who dot mideretand
them. are. evidences that
succeeded. The aeiesession of A noble
character is the greatest eviddiet• 141
the world that one.has succeede.d. On
the other band, 11 :1 noon has old-rernerif
(0111111e-,11111 111.. 1/41 Ititi 1114111110.41
011 the way to it : if he has bat tered
good name in the process 01 444.1(11.3 it.
be in still a failme, no matter how
much money he nutty have e-
eumulated. 1.1...111 ree01.1 18 lite
greatest kind of silt -eras. And hew
few men who make big fortimee -
age 14, 8411.4. their good name. to Le( p
their recotil clean! Great Thought-.
Verse 32 -Why ' 'tome, mock
when_ they heard id the resurrection?
' Verse« 34.34 -Did all who were true
to Gott accept of Paula message. mid
were all untrue to tiOti 1-114. rejected
it ?
Lesson for Sunday. August 1s1, Wet.
--tillase of Paul's Minsionary Journey.
Acta 54.111. : I.22.
• la 'per eat . lambs, the oulk sold kt MO
i to $7 50 per rwt ; and woe lot of tostes
'bol,,' bloused P• 1•* -1- ett , for Se per lti
Market for hogs le firm at $117 pen' rwt
for stele' tn. fed and watered, and elk
4 0 L. earl, at esiontey pooli.ta.
. Moritreal Ulm Stock.
• ,
Tired Giants.
Mr. Hananniai ie starving to (trait..
'Elie 111411 41111. 0,11111.1S 27,11110 11111411
vailway cinema enjoy a beefsteak_
and ie I lllll line all E.111tPe 1.1.1' 14, Water
reit* nny. 4.1.1tet. cmittiv Wire: thot
) 1- • So‘ • will enable hint 1.. iligeN1 a 841101. 11
r.,„,,i,t0Ito.'3foe ttp wffett very dbeints;Pris.riiit!g.
Montreal Stuck nods, Went Cnd Market.
lending July le, Were Afro cattle, 760 sheep ItnIst tw great eittiefaction 144 Mr.
offerings MU niurutiageransiated ct tau 1-1(14 111"
oud lanib•NIA:11.1 hogs land 1Z0 ratios. Tb? 1111.
cattle. Tao sheep arid lenity., loir bogs end ,•••• •I• I • t h•is 1s1I a
3:5 calves tell 11 e oisine•s.
There Wlle a atronrcr undertone to the discovery that a• fountain of
w an hfillo1 rg3, 4 nip y.
market tor ortUe ioloes Imo it Ie • e t Tt
Market. ":1"1"Lre'l """" “" 0" Hockefellers Mid the Ite
..5.1 4110 1.... With the market of..a week The rinnMiish "AI owy do boroo‘e
I IS Air...Wirth was attribuSed to ta.. fnet that RE...puling, because 1 hey do red knew
Wealuesulay last, but t(4e) show no • image
supplies were smaller Rod ....pertalty so what it iv to tire, 'wristlet. they itevri
o 7.8 ht ton grades. as ttie butit of the of- let lip, IleVer teethe" that their 11.4 11,4.81
tering,' contained of half finished grasser...
The demand fur good, uneful mnek "Val to. Mr. C11 1.11114e. 1 till 10041 *11 4.41)' Ili 11
"•• tte.tuntwithatan .11n .1..got hie ekescise s king it ida-k
wood and 0; tradi
e n 401'I4 wan fairly ac- he
' f 111. • • •
st .A., su try wra- r gar ; le nay 1.• . msy ..r. 0 1.1
I her, LW the tower tandem lllll red fdow. kind, tr. 1 1 . 'Cower., 441 (1.1111114.41 111..
6 21 Tione was 110 demand from •mplirtera 011
0 n 11.4...41nt of tre• weaker cahle, advice. re- 411Cees4 to kis log worked /1.4 luird ;is
0 21
'....411.7....dinfreel"morsii4Vst'arte• 11.117. h.11,:y6 103 01 ririf ti.541; l'in.rwilevi.::: 1::' 1•1: ':::?: 1,'''f"ItilliteSt.e'r 'i'iro'rt:.a'1,111:::4rv,
...• to 10 per Ib.. owing tw warm weather end he e tie awing wotkeil out? They
i;ii,A. a very :low trade (Tole. Steers 41,1d here uff,f t. att la,wh.,1 over lsy ths.sy
at $.• to Per, good, at Myr. to Air, lair
at Re to Stec. Magnum, at Eta. to 4Wc, .440- 4fr lllll 1e11.4 or t heir Admit... j1181 when
mon. at 3t4c to 4She, and inferkw. at 2Srec they seemed to others :old to ths in -
Cables Steady -Hogs Lower at Buf-
falo and Chirai0.
INT/1 415T, July 12 I ...solon 4.1411,41,re eattleare nrm. at 11 3 44 to 14 1 te
urr lb. for ''.0044114111 Steer'', dremaed
v.claht; refrigerator beef Is quoted at
0 I 2c per pound.
Toronto Junction Live Stock.
TilfaiNTG, .1111y 12 -Fiereapta of
stoek nt die Uto
Union Stock Yards
were tet coneinting of KM
"Atte. 1:I hog., 211, %beep. at, I lambs.
,t1,1 II calves
• Exporters.
There 11.101 nothing t•ur:r In the WS7 of
....Meg reporter.. drovers wattles! tor
ruesens's merket. whets 474. buyer* .4• iLis Haas icy ro. 41)1 .11.
BLitt MOO.
to Par per Th. ority.;• to 1.• '11 their strotigm..t. The
good, of widel, auppliese• were somewhat neW-totilgied medi4.ine100. it 11,4*
Ilralte.1 &MI In 4.014.1-4044.144.4. tbe „f Not k must have its etstrivalent t•f
the market WW1 11104614S, with An change .11.1 that rest, 1 herer.lee. 4.. an integral
In prlyea to note Sheep 14,34d at Par total ieirt of work. l'he only ipiestion is
larstai. at 7'4r to tic per Its A fairly active 4,1„.iepr r will le. ,,i•
.1011.trade was .10e In calves at pekes . 1,,,
11.11 frOIT1 M to 1111 each, *8tin .414., and 7..'".'• " ".
quality A mile?, sdronger fondling develop- smelt lllll re.t et, nem ready _fol.
ert the !narks( ter hoc.; Vwday 4(4.41 nekt tItty's 44(1111. 1',' whether he o ill
(4444)1-a1e84*4e41 pre cat whims wart overdraw on the trink of read end
aor. ertreareine to the kern romp...Orion
hetes...0 yssess, f„, „tom. and th.. fart spend 1...nontlis iir ye ire paying off the
that "4111* .10 not Incevils. A,.8. Ogles 10/01. WIWK. they pay now, niestis
fatigite, noel fatigue is Federici, and
rest 4. the only antidote.
The demand fnr eherv and Warm win
05 wine -led !ma were made at 4*75 to
„ MS per reit., weIgned_off thei.a_re.
'The /11011her of Stroll wee los ass tarot '
'1 1/ urinal. hilt there was enough' to 1*17
'le butchers' a ite sale Trade tor
then. W•A aloW •11 1*,' In the Inv, hut tater
hovelmos hefter Pelson wer. eon...Eder-
ed roc drover,', Whrl had 0114110 44/1 male,
114 atavirt 4.11,1 lir did hatter than h. ow -
[...test Pninie plettelators wore 11104111 $1,7
one erf the 4,4.114.41affront at IA tn 117O;
hold. goort. 3- 43 sass. and 000 load
at 18.444 medium MN to 10 eosin:Mk.
$4 to m Fe. *ewe to 1471(
hillkvi and Springers.
Rerelpla et maker,. "tell meriale70 1-•00
renderat• *rid petro14 aloe were teoneead
he remberste, mere se Man at an• 41030
1114 4O411.111 Wrest Rowt.s•ao 4.olgia1 lbw
holk el the millore and nprIngere. 15 In
somber. at ES re $41i perk
Veal Calves.
Net many calve* were on pato newt prices
wore .1114.1"11111gati At 1.1 10 1111 r•or rwf
Sheep end Lambs,
fteceints ef :111fs ahnor, solo ,80171- leastat
PAN& MIA 11114 Mekte 001.141 NM, ani.1
ErIsntl ewe*. UM to 441153. MOM Ilain 1.
‘‘'t lasssiv IIOIIIIIIg
11 5 t 11 e 1 17sT',
:itid th e prlcc
is ritzilt.
William L. Lindsay
Hamilton 'Phone xo I AS
Fun al Directors
and Embalmers
Ord•r* car 1..114, alto, 0.4 to •I 1111
boors. 104 or 0.44.
& B Lit
Nice sett
awes ra c cocassattat
r= L) :=11.11F
1-04 MEN
When made by
(The Tailor West Sj
=11M1= =OM=
Th, s is not a truss Cure, but a
treatment you tan use in YOUR
OPERATION. no loss of tme from
your work. Wrte today before you
RUPTURE gets any worse DO
Fill tlus Coupon
Time Rup. fge
and mail to
Dept C.. aa Ontano St
and all Kindred Diseases
Augusta Mary MacLeod,
Sole Patentee,
NE WGATE ST., Godericti, Ont.
Sunshine grates have
maximum strength
Sunvhine Furnace has
four triangular grate bars,
each having three distinct sides. In the
single -piece and tyro -piece grate no suchlike
provision is made for.expansion Or contraction,
and • waste of coal ahvays follows a shaking.
On the left- ancl right-hand sides; are colter pin., which when
loosened permit the grates to slide out. These four grate bars
are made of heavy cast iron, and are finished up with bulldog
teeth. The teeth will grind up the toughest clinker! and
UNSHINE urnace
the grates are made in sections, not only ean nothing but dust and
Ashes pass through, but. after each shaking a different side can be presented
to the fire. Also, with the •fianshine grate there is no back -breaking
movement.; attached to the shaking. Ity gently rocking the * 454.14 on the
left and then on the right, the ashes are released on both sides,and fall through
mto the pan.
Try our GASHOUSE COltr.
Fine for furnaces, ranges,
heaters and grates. More ,
--heat --intd--ebesper don -coaL_ _
116 .00 per ton cash.
New Coal Yard
I handle all kinds of hard and
soft coal. Satisfaction guaranteed
Nothing but the best anthracite
Terms, without exception, CASH.
D. F. Ilamlink,
'PHONE 15 OR 24
Warehouse) (Car. Wee!)
Dock Sonars
and Yard.. .trean
et d
ThImC 1311.4.11'
Vaie Jr-14yd'
If you had trouble with prepared
Cake Icing, it was not Cowan's.
Even a child an ice a
cake perfectly, in three
minutes, with Cowan's
Icing. Eight delicious
flavors. Sold everytchere.
The COWIN ffi. limited. VIIMITTO. 73
trAii 1 0411 weighed ort the market -nose
s 1"r'' 5014 get 2,11011 the. for a ton.
Orden, left et ('. ('. 1,11:44s Ilardware Store
east sided Suntan [dem POT el tended I."'
CARPET All order.
LAYING Premiere sutra/ea re
rharsree moderate
Renate It001114: 1.110 draw West of C. J. names
Stove More. We'd Street.
Residence - Elgin Avenue.
Wish for something so irresistably-
delicious-so distinctively -delightful, then try McCormick's Maple Leaf
Biscuit ---a delicacy revelation. A soft layer of enticingly -palatable, full -flavored. pure
Maple Cream, smothered with two temptingly -wholesome. rich Maple -flavored Biscuits
•of Maple Leaf deaign