HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-7-15, Page 22 TIII'Ran.aY, Jt•I.v 16, IIk*1.
1 11 -publishing the following ',duettist
ti t,Ig. o whn0 h would accrue from the
r��opening up of the country by lana-
�ifl~col ,lira cnpilal.
• TIIK sh.NAI. PItIN'I1NU r'u., Limited
Telephone tall Na it
Toms of (►uMCrtelties :
MLae per ennuteiu advasee. •
Is luout l41..14C ; three nlsllthw Pr.
To United States ubecrlhre. a year
(slrlctly in advance,. ,. Menai.
$ub-r.tben who fall to :wet,.
g umming iia, of mail
lio feet at�r. early favor date as
When a change of addanaddress Y. both the
old d the new Isidro. should
AMrtiWng late%:
t.1 1Ii awl other .:puler advert) ..Incurs for
per IWfor nen 41.01(1011 end leper nee
each subsequent, it e`Itl ' to r" -e d by
o▪ 1;,a
S1141.os. cord• of ars lines &MI ruder, Veer
year. •
Advert leenirul. of lard, round, strayed, tilt-,
uul1 tat• Yaciect, sr(nwr 4uu. w'rnUd, 11011w. for
}tale or to Saar: 1'',,u ins for $sale unto 'tent.
Articles for Sale. rbc.. not sari•.dine riehl
lamas, 1"...1` 01011 flay i sola l.h'I I,alMrlodvertl.rw-
fur each 1(. ,b-1.1
menta I,l,uul..rt foss
Aaoou tin.. r411 ordinary n•a1 'ps ten
Cent. tea tins. Ni,Nour Ile Ic.- 11«1
Any special ...tor the uhp•-1 of tl�.feh 1• the
yieouninrr lumen) 0f may Jinti¢idu or associ-
ation, 10 e' ,'utteideh'3 an ad aert l+a•mrut tiled
_..IOU eltargediweee1ae - -- .
Rtes for display .oid contract -ad reettie.
sats will be Invert 011 application.
Address all Minn halloos 10
TIt}: SIUNAI. I'KINTINel I.1).. limited
y. -,".1, ant
HUBERIt91, TItt'It$tMY. Jl'6Y LL heti
_ .14,..0 " a strange trend hat seat the
1ugwriaLprt'04 conferriica t Ing � '
war and deiencr as .one '1 OS' Must
_serious topics of tliscna. All'. Mae-
dolla 1 e e PE1 ' ' ytt-
plains the situation ; it is oat 'fltcult as
evi•r for persons at this diet itis 't' to un-
derstand why a gathering 1
- paperturn, with any number t.
tical subjects to engage them
should have paid so !twilit »lir
to the hysterical Lal - of st'arrwo
arta jingo {.:hili W. in the ei
- stanres one most favor»
comments Omit can be made upon 1
confenlncl• in it n:•gative• one: and M
Dtsfcdonatd bimeeH utters it when b
m4utions as our of the t notable
achievements in oonne•tion with -the
gathering the fact that ."the confer-
ence was kept hack flout vain if not
hurtful attempts at 'binding the Ew-
pire.toap•ther with high-sounding t -e-
- eulutiostaou* either_ aerial trade or
Imperial defence." •• Impertinent plat•
itudes and veiled jingoism" presented.
in the form of resolutions were
frowned upon, and the conference
refused to commit itself tm declarations
of policy in matters which the various
parts of the Empire must settle each
for itselfin its own way.
The British Enapire'salreIy has,,"oine
greater Illissi than *nearly to keep
_--itseltt ogee her1f it has'no sold shove
defending itmrlf from imaginary - or
passible rite ' •s its glul•y has already
departed. It is be•auseweinw people•
still r •.-iv,- of the British Etnpin• ars
the greatest human ;agency for good
in the woe Id that they are solely dia.
appointed alien Imperial conferences
devote their time to ignominious talk
.of farts sad Koss *MI - lwttitshiPs as
•__,tbe..WQPLL important .things in the
. Eulpire'es life. We have had asnrteit
of this kind of talk. 7'h, Empire will
be defended if it as will /II defending.
What Imperial conferences should con•
rn themselves with is to see that the
spire is maintaining such ideals as
wi \bind the loyalty and high pat -
n01444111 of its sone in its w•rvice ander
fair skkie s or foul, We expect still of
our Imperial Mtatensten that they will
• "take .iccabbot lay the hand �.o make
the IieundM of freedom wideet." and
w maintain unshaken Briton itis an-
cient retia. of Liberty and pear.
This wars the first Imp••rlal press
conference, and perhaps not much
- cholera have • been expected of it.
Probably the greatest lwnellt f t)ie
gathering will lie the better 'i►cquatnt-
anel' whIiit it will bring alone 1sP-
• twe•n the iuuuldeni of thought in the
various -parts of the Lar -spreading
dominions which were thele represent-
ed. •
It is sauletiwee the case that famous
men are honored for their works
al and not for their character,
Ind the wen whose nape and deeds
Canadian, and their neighbors of the
United States are honoring this yeir
le worthy in loth t'w'eets.
Sit rintlel de Chntoplain was horn in
Itron'age, France, ' in 1:17. and flirt
viaita•d Canada in IOW. Of ad-
venhtrone spit it and full of religious
zeal, he determined to weceel where
others had failed. and to explore New
Fernee, and found there a strong
Catholic colony. l'ntiling, patriotic,
sanguine. devoted to his country and
his chosen work, he ''Lar Item fitly
called the Father of New Frsnce.
Ilia life. full of significance, le the true
le-giuning of her eventful htetory."
The first site ter the ie•ginning of
a colony was unwisely chosen at I the
mum h of, the 4t. ('i..ix River. An
'airmpt lit mete a Settlement at Poet
Royal in Acadia was Matt a failure.
but in 'ISN ,Queliec was founded aid
became the alronghuldl of the little
colony which do •ead, loon, to Tbtee
hirers and Montreal.
I paragnpb
•'A purely fictitious story has been
going the rounds of the papers in the
west stout Sir Wilfrid Laurier s re-
lations with rhe Witness. and honors
offered its editor by him. It ie true
treat Sir Wilfrid has been twice or
p[werhaps thrice at the W aUnesm office.
The last occasion was regarded as so
notable en event that it was duly cele-
blratel- by a photography( haw, which
we preserve with intertaft. A similar
note was taken of Mr. It. L. Borden's
'Visit about the saute time. The east
oLthe story, which we need not repeat
here, is pure invention."
A friend writing from Gaderich
satyr : • This is a lovely town, but nut
so pretty es Orillia." lioderich, or
any other town, might lie proud to
stand recoi I • to /Liths. - Orillia
Gudericb might Ise glad to stand
next to Orillia if it could not get a
twtter place ; but for natural beauty,
fur line streets, for lovely homer, for
pretty girls and handsome neo, it
claims first place in Ootarit' against
all content, l)f'course, we would not
expect an Orillia man' to admit this.
A well-known tioderich Iownlehip
termer: a man whore- Hiutul judg-
ment and „untiring industry have
brought to hie • Isrgt• measure •of
stireewr. e•llediat this otflee a few days
a /to express his approval of The
goat's rent jkir rest week nw-the
l'hawpllain's adventurous spirit wt}s'f queNtion of the exemption front lax•
not content with this success. ,Mr ation of farm building's. 'IYw tutee'
desired to extend the 1 de of New
France to the smith -and weld..4ail-
ing up theLawrence' be entered b
the mouth of it beautiful river which
be named the Ilicandi,•u, sad -traced it.
back to the late which bears his own
name, andAwhosc wooded shores wit-
nessed a 111st encounter with the
1 oa. !tenoning to Quebec he
pared to set mut on a longer ea.,
al iulprotrntents, he points old, ern.
couragr14 people to put their money in
mortgages or in anything elite than
buildings. '1'u exempt buildings from
laxation would help to gut repaid to
Letter tors, would encourage the em-
ployment of labor and Pte general
improvement of country places. Pro
grin -Tee rirmere are showing a Jews --
interest in this subject. and their
pllring trip. He pwnuadad the In- opiniens publicly expressed will assist
diens who cause down the Ottawa in reaching a right conclusion of the
u furs u him
with their Mad f t Asks matter.
baulk with then( to their home on the .
great inland sea. The voyage, with It is just possible that some of oar
restlere who like W indulge in the
its tuaoy tiring portages, was very pleasant p•letime of "catching the
wearisome, the Indians were not finny tribe" may not he aware that
uniformly kind, but he persevered, they are limited by law as to the num-
and crossing trout the Ottawa to Lake her they catch as well as to the time
}they way fish. The law limits the
sipisaing, then W Georgian Bay. be 'number of -speckled trout • person
reached, the territory of the Huron may catch in a day to thirty and the
tribes at the soelth eastern end 'of the nniuhrr ofi bays or pickerel to twelve.
may. There be spent the winter, phis law is dermad necessary far the
protection of the righes o all, and
amino( the • rus1.01111 and wine- any who exceed the 1' ' prescribed
'11g of the language of the red- are subject to revere penalties.- Sea -
and making 'trips in differ- forth Expositor.
direct' through the sur- Does ibis mean that the sporting
��-theee editor of The Expositor, being a conn
Lis said, he reacher the hanks parafT Wttutbfutmau. Riad. hineseif
n bwaitifil lake, pend gaud handicapped in swapping flab stories
nder on the vast expanse of with some of 4e•aforth's less scrupu•
ter. In line spring he rt' bons "forte-'md hiring' in the )tsetse
laws to keep the other fellnwi yarns
within limits ? But you cannot catch
a confirmed ash -story punster. Next
thing the editor will he up against is
a tale of thirty speckled trout and •
dozen base all, caught before 5 o'clock
in the morning, in'the same spot and
without changing batt -"ea -Thee hip;-
gest. ones all got away 1"
In an article contributed to he
'Cauatlian Ilagazine by Francis Ash-
bury Carmah, who visited N,'wf end-
--land witb;.lhe_-ttbject. -.111. studjing
pulitical condilioao in the island
colony, the writer stuns up his aul-
pressions in thin paragraph :
"The puliticel leader who. should to
-day appeal to the Newt nllsldl elec-
Wrnle mn the quest' of Confedera-
tion would In disaolrourly defeated.
But on the day when the leader of a
party in the. island colony maker lip
his mind to tisk temporary defeat for
the purpose of a acr•emlpli+hing Confed-
eration, that limy brings union be-
tween NewfoundtaliJT nod -Canada
within the horizon of the proximate
future. That leader roust noires the
financial exigencies of the inland
bring hint extraneous aid ,face an
arduous campaign of education, hit it
will (.• n e•a111p:t1g11 cnlwnel with vic-
Two main forces, guys the writer
further, seem to be working against
confederation at present. The island-
ers --whether of British or of Irish
stock, the ton nein mimeo of popu-
lotion are fond of their Independence.
That is the ant. The second is that
the merchants of Mt. John's would
undoubtedly lose their present solid
grip on the trade of the island and
with their grip on the trade their en-
ormaun Influence over the fishermen.
This prospect they naturally do ROL
like, though they admit that they
might under confederation 'Yap ah
sol ltely Isiger profits.
The two tnain influence's, on the
other hen], whirl] o.,- working for
union appear to be the growing finan-
cial needs of the colony and the
knowledge which fa gradually spread-
log among the people of the advan-
ot our
with w
fresh w
way of Lake Mimeos and
the River Trent to Lake Ontario, and
theme home to Quebec.
From the time he first cause to Can-
ada his whole time and thought were
given to his adopted laud. Ile grieved
tineasay when fmf921►-ht -wee forced
to surrender Quebec 10 Sir Uavid
Kirke, and was pro(ortitlnately re-
joiced when, three years later, it was
restored to Francs. He lid not live
much longer. On Christmas Day,
Ittt5, after two months and a•half of
illness. Champlain diel at the age of
sixty•eight. Of him Kirkman says :
••The colony moth' ill spare him.
-For twenty -seers years he bad
labored hard and ceaselessly for its
welfare, - sacrificing fou'tune, repose
and domestic peace to a cause em-
bragel with enthusiasm and pursued
with intrepid persistency. His
dauntless courage was matched by an
!unwearied patience."
Thtre 1 dred years after his work
was delete we who have benefitted
through him zeal are glad to honor the
tnentory of ►o great a man.
Where are thrice wavte•pnpwr taask-
rta for the parks 7 \fill they tin ready
by next winter
lend ('0174M thinks lbs Hlitish
people are teen I bre. Forgetting
that it is promise) to the meek that
they shall inherit the earth.
The daily papers publish long lieu
of drowning accidents. The necessity
of caution on the part of those who go
in or on the water cannot he too
strongly .gel.
Gioam i ng.
The setting ..an has dropt below the sandy
The laggai t rook. come home. t.•latet, from
Ute beach
Here In the garden bed. the flower., otos.• t tri
Jand_t_wl_gi ht• soft wan mist across the wood
land Ises
1) la not this mat sweet of any time or hour,
After the garish day, and ere the night clouds
lower 1
'T1s as though Natures self should pause upon
her way.
Ursyclad and pikrrim-like. to meditate and
-lady Lindsay.
Didn't Notice the Cold. -
t'ol'leater Planet.
"'On -id pot !" was the exclamaitihn
t.f a new arrival from the Old Country
i7tee.other night ; ••and they told me
that lire blot ' g place was nothing
lot an a
Garrett O'Co.ltor's Suggestion.
A city nrw'Mpaper is condueting a
ltl.eneidon upon the subject "What.
Ike \%'r Live on f" The old lady of
wl It was written : "Vitamin and
drink is the chief of her diet," is1
evidently not considered a normal
The article au these columns -last
week, "Keep the Militate Green," hail
a prompt response. Old Profs. keep..,
hie eye on The Signal, and when he
,Mw' that the Square needed attention
the rain was tonna_ on in full force.
The grass is again a lovely green.
'thanks !
i1 is impossible al thin season of the
year In work up wore than a languid
intPreet in the coal -miners' strike at
Sydney. So long as it doe, not affect
the price of next winter's coal in (hie
part of the country, we are rontent to
let the miners and the mine -owners
fight it out.
The united counties of Leads and
Glenville have decided to take ad-
vantage of the Provincial good roils
set, under which in the last flue years
over half-a•tnillion dollars how been
paid out of Provincial funds for the
improvement of county road epitome.
Tose Huron county council ham no far
hems unable to agree upon a proms'.
tion to share in the grant.
The Toronto World a short time ago
had an interesting story about Rir
1Vilfrrd fsorie•r'n relation. with The
Montreal \Vitnes. and iia publisher.
The Witness rather epode the story
Opal inspect' ''Flus: naturally is
emus in smaller efolul)tipnitles than 'n
large; but. there is alit il•atm why -
every community sl Id not have tw-
eets to a public *Lenoir where proper
inepectitu should lie easy and where
it could 1»• entitle -•r pulshry to
►Isught.rr MI animate whoa, 'Neat it
iutrndwl for sale. Diseased meat is at
ewe emuree of Inriuin ,ttap ave, amt it
civilize! 'wapiti ought to 1e willing
topayany necea'sa1•y purl• t5 iota:•1
thwurrlveo against it.
*' Heroine of Real Lae.
Waod,4eck Seattle') lt, view.
It i+ a •t' 's e,i41 fig:inlet the
newspapers that they 1111• .o 1111, y
looking ler seuratious 1 try 431•111)1,,,
entirely •h of what i• beat wult!1
while in life'!'here i. :1 measure '•f
truth in this; but taw fault is with
the ores. rather 111:111 With 111e new --
papers. It is not lams. hllwrvrr. 11141
all newspapers 11111 I. „'king for the
lrnsetional. Thr)' sfricce t.• meet the
deu,nnds at their r,edrt • : bmf they a•t.
just u+ drilling to pnela• It the art• a'1, 1•+
m• soma the'traipses of the bu11161cst
Of the witlitre 110I•Itr....•. of 1 ht. 11)41'!
C(tlsplrumus. A11 they slant is the
(wpm Uwaty, •An illustration is
afforded I.y the death of Slits A •
$t *'wartt br brigadier .d' 1 ht''.V.'1110it's
4uci d Department. of 1lie Salvation
Army. w haat I.u'k place in \V' peg
recently. 1"or eighteen } rare, met toil-
ing to 811 e•Mte !lied f Ull(rlm pM 11.11 ). she
had given her lift' Ur141.-ai.i oat [posit
her own Ilex who had fallen Ity the
wayside -and Bever in , all that
time did rhe fail to eaten the hand
of fellowship and to utter the word
of good cheer to those Who misled
t4Mpr_knit'--'symyest see•-l1ar-
heitrt was in het a1'r•k : her
pulse was depleted time and sgaii
to- relines lh.tce who writ. tel heed ;
and he• ''holt• life wits as tttiki.g
exhibition of unseltlsl'uess noel d••-
votiou to ditty. Thi+ Starr nod noble
w h 1+ Iwru rec.gni/.m1 by the
Canadian press IIs the heroine that
s1,r was. nd, her uanie land her life
have been lai w are l r,• pu as
inspiration and a .otter.
The Gospel ot Thrift.
1E0*tlflOs )rywrrltm:
One of the most practical (lospt•1
sermons delivered in, Il 'Ilan for
many a day, and it was not by a reg-
nlanwl pIr. eh1 either. Wile
hraN al in %Vestry church Inst flight.
SrANUS ready to help young mea
and woolen to win Independence and,
success. It has given the Matt to
thousands upon thousands of young
people. It tan help you. Write for
Catalogue. Enter any tune.
V.'. 11. SHAW,
Yonge and Gerrard is . Toronto.
The Lending School
CE's' T t;Al
t STRATFOrtfl. ONT. •
Courses MI,; pinetIntl, marlrach•
(.11. 1•)erienewl..111d our graduates
-c rf . thtl-t.r fid r.:st.i.usilrld P. itiurtr.
We at rrcritills: many alpplientiuns
isfaies 4.111ce help. 1hit ing a single
day this w',ck we 1v., .•ia't.l 0ev1•11:t( -
. plicali.•u+ for o111ee help and four
f,n a roi it teachers Our gra d
Two hundred yards plain, extra heavy, tlahleehtd Sheeting, two yard,
wide, regula 23e, Saturday and Monday ...... - - .. , .... f80
Fifty dozen hemstitched hucksback Towels, rite 32110, regular values
310411,1 '25e twt•h. S•►turMy morning only, on sale, at each, 12 1-20
ladies' white embroidered and lace Waists, sizes 3l to 44, $1.1144 and $1.7:,
values; 880
Fifty dozen pairs of ladies: flurry- Hose, embroidered cotton, lisle thread,
1 and silk. pricer ranged from Lilt• t.. $1.5o, on sale at . . 280 and 360
27 inches wide, Engglish tapestry Carpet. A large and Iwautiful selection,
to a dozen patterns, co ors greens, blownr, fawns, reds, and suitable for any
teem or hall, lRc and 75e qualities, all at per yard 66c
Ten pieces thirty-six inches wide reversible Union Carpet, regular 454•, on
e ale at per yard,
Three detail lancets :
1, 'at ali tie 111'e,
1SI.t.14 _.A Mel.le 111.:AN, '
. l'i ito' pole.
_It -,
- 1�tN!�
' W ' pr*'�iW,Td1e -(lata-Kftrtib,vrr- s otk, 4sa 1 - else 414 to
taus. brown.. Anil modes, 2 done fasteners and uUfY Galt quality, vegeta
tllar and 11,1•1 quality. on sale at per pair ........)\ . e 66c
II 1=:xI-I . i LRM OPENS uSer 30th, 1
The prearlters tell u, every Nuntlay o �if Wu.'� alt for I1. rw: I :• e
how to live so that when we lie down • its (sow to side .o to'(.ul.4v 1 1
to die we may haws n safe passport • `1.111 1ooly. for 12.7•11:0"
... '4144 41011 to
,sly .e 1.... .
into the glories of the world Iwt•unJ, e _
but Dr. Sassoon• the lectitier of fent 1
night. pre:wheel agu.pel 01 !Hitt that I iI (IODLRICII BLS' bS COLLEfiE
will make the men and women biter
citizens, and provide for t be days when
old age comsat upon wand we are not
able to earn even the • nem manes
of life. The pulpit and the press
should unite their forces -in teaching
the doctrine of a thriftier cilizennhip,
anti for the time, at least. Int thrques-
tions of polities *nil the judgment to
e have a rest. Otter get men and
women educated up to the standard
mf saving and - tern //nly, and
higher and purer. It is the e*trsva-
gance anal rector+.n •ss ut•oie deity
liven that is responsible for the low
stoats of morale Omit/mid .over. .'}du-
cats the rising generation to be
thrifty, industrious and economical.,.
and the boys and young then will
have no time• to squander their
weekly earnings in the hal' 1•1o111 or
in studying the dope cerhi of the race
track. There is more looney waisted
every day in Hamilton in the saloons,
genttaing_room& Int in: on the
horses, 11341 the smoking ant 1:111
would provide an annuity tor every
one of the victimk if it were properly
invested, payable after he remelted the
age of fifty-five yrato.
With alt its sins of wrongdoing the
Laurier Administration has dune mor
act that wilt r,itnrmd to iter evwlal -Ars
all time in the future. While the
British Government is providing for
old age of its thriftleme citizens and
placing a perpetual tax an the In -
1 dustri..,ls with which to pay pensions,
the Canadian (loae?nment cosine's in
with • new gospel of self-help ant
presents a plan -whereby every man
and woman ran pi (wide an annuity
for the days when they are not able
to earn 11 living. The British pla•1
educates pauperism by providing pen -
slums for the improvident who live
from eland to mouth ;Illi days in the•
year, spe•tiding their earnings without
one thought of the morrow. The
Canadian plan to -gins with the youth
and educates the-ls.ye and gists to lay
by even as email a 00111 are twt•ntyfia'e
cents weekly on that ellen they reach
the age of Ilfty-liveor.sixty yea1-
they will have uu nssulell income filar
willat-Iraet make them independei.,
of the charily of the world. 11 1M•g,•'
a spirit of pn•.I.• 11-10101 01 d.•p,•r
deny. ANA/ the larger the w.sk l�
waver the larger will he 1 t
unity. The palate e4 the (iuve•ti lit. 1,1
1160% ides that um 111111111 10.14 (h.n
fifty dollars a year "yell (t' tl:nfd, l*0(1
the highest sum that any /m-• r,n 10.
rater is Stein n year. it depend. "1" n
111*' 111.1 hale th.ulsrlves how 01111•h to
provide bet wevn *he higher and hostel
LM. Once a person IwginM to
save ruoney by opening an ar•ounl in
a savings leink the habit lei! •s 00
fixed that every pay-day finds hila or
her at the bank snaking the weekly
dP(MMlt. (1,10,' begin sating Lir an
annuity at the tint, of life when we
need it fixed income and'everything
will lie male to bend to Haat 111irpnila:
The plan is simple and easily tinder -
Mood, and the ni • of • Sir ltiehlud
('artwritrht will 140 A Messing in every
!Mine where avantage is taken of the
annuity. It is 1,, explain it that Dr.
Maa►sn, of N'indtslr, has beast
tni.sitroel by the .I1.minion (10v1111
meet -tea allege' part of his time in the
Ilrld to Palmate the people up to the
new gospel of thrift. no a provision for
old age. Evidently the eh' rchee lupe
not yet rouvertetl to It, for I)r. Towel',
pastor 14 We,leq ,•hunt, Is our of 1h.•
first to m s' Po •: ...on !.t•. tltI sir 1,-, /1
S/1111.1111. and the people whit *thrust la
Presley church List. Hight we•1'.In
led and w 11 rep:l.l for the hour
Ince eppettl'. I)1.. M:ltnenm is an ea'
est. ',weave, and he tells his 'slot v -o
eloquently that. the heiIret• eann0l, lint
he convinced that the Canadian (lov-
ernmlent has hit it pt the tight plan to
educate the people that en hideps•n.
dent annuity, earned Jia' _one's own
thrift, is preferable to a pimperiting
penalnn tall."
��.�.. rnv'1raN,
1'ifs r...tt•