HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-7-8, Page 51 • HOW WE CELEBRATED DOMINION DAY PROGRAM WELL CARRIEL) OUT. Procession, Games, Music, Decora- tions Something Doing All Day long Everybody Pleased, Even the Man In Charge of the Finan- ces Goderich Defeats Clinton et Baseball. Fine weather, • fair crowd of people M from the surrounding country and a ,, pro ram made the Duu,inion '�rhsu.1 rsday pass lebratioolf l successfully. The morning program contested of • ewe - hinted trades procesmiou, e•litbumpiau parade and aortal parade, (allowed by the children's goatee in the Square. The afternoon prugr•ut was given at the Agrieultur•1 grounds, and the time was well filled, with the baseball game between Clinton and Goderich, the horse raw. f•ocy driving. tug-of- war and athletic events. In the evening the band gyve an ezeellent program un the Rewire, the park be- ing very prettily illuminated with Chinese Iwtsrue. In tht trades proem/ ion the (1 tit of the Doty Engine Works Company took flat prize. This *bowed one of the company's engines in operation. C. C. Lee's exhibition of plumbing took *mond and the third went to the imbibition of the Western Canada Flour Mills Company. The "Chinese l.undry" took the ant prize iu the t'alitbumpian parade. The -Taxicab" k onthe headlights with smoky glasses h R4 and even smokier .•o.intenansas on the faces of the drivers won second, the Slat/town band came third and • pretty little conception, "Thr Honey- moon.' by Misses Marjorie Morrow and Grace Thoma*, took fourth place. Master Floyd MacDonald, as a "Brownie,"• so had a clever teake-up. A floral carriage filled with a bevy of charming young girls of Newgate street won the money in the floral parade. The decorated hicycleswerea very attractive feature of the parade. Six of tem were ridden by pretty little maidens (Misses Alix Sunders, Gertrude Porter Doris Nays,Nina Itoh- erts, Gladys Field and Hdwnor Hays), with Master Cordon Noble bringing up the rear. The prize money was v ed u 1.31) leein iven to each diad tii a R e to • nd r it{{ Wiz to tb forts l the girls, spend o R In irr creast for themselves and nuc to Master Noble. The :Card Regiment land and the junior hand of the Musi- rel Society also were in the pewee - "Ion. There was • large crowd at the Agricultural grounds in the after- noon, the proceeds at the gate con- tributing materially to the gnancee of the celebration. The baseball game rests/led in a more of 5 to 2 in favor of the Goderich players. There were only two teams to the tug-of-war. eleven men to • team. The captains were E. C. Belcher and Tait, the former winning two nut of the three pulls. Mrs, Fred Murney was awarded • prize for lady's single driver. In the speeding contest the three entries took the prim money in the following order : Robert King. /rot ; C. Promise second ; Wm. Thomp- son, third. The results of the races and jumps in the forenoon and afternoon were as follows : NIITa. Six years and under -Wilfrid Nich- e, Clyde Carter, Ivan B.11. Tenears and under- Danny Finn, Brice Noble. Albert Clerk,. Twelve years and under -- Albert Clarke, Harold Wallace. George Roes. Fourteen years and under -Ernest Pridbaln, Gordon McDougall, John Yule. Boot race, twelve years and under - Norntan McLeod. Harvey Elliott, Garnet Trethewey. Running broad jump, fourteen years and under --Doyle, 1:1 ft. 1( in. t W. McDougall. 13 It. 7 in. ; Varrstone, I:f ft. Running high jumpk fourteen year* and under - Will Mclh,ergree Jack Swart", Doyle, 1... Curren. Vaulting with pole, sixteen years and under Les. Carrell. W. Mc- Dougall, Yule. Tilting the bucket Inkster teed l Be11. Stoddart and Maedel. Three-legged racy, fifteen years and under Harry Curry and 11. Maedsl, Harry Tufford and Joe (leek, G. Trethewey and W. Armed. 01111./1. Hit years end under Ivy Hunt, Kathleen Mrl)ouald, Dorothy LMvM. Hoot race, eight years and under - Gladys McKay, Norris Dayton. Mat- tie McNabb. Ten years and tinder- Irene Mote row, Margery Dougall, Eva King. Potato race, ten years and under Mary Goug•Id, Helen Griffith. pen McLeod. Twelve yeare and under Blanche I).. Pendry, Helen Pridham, Margery iMugall. Fourteen years and under Iris Warnock. Alit Maunders. Agnre Mr - Donald. Roller skating race. fourteen years and under --A. .sunders, Leslie Stew- art, Celia Robertson. Boot race, twelve nod thirteru years - Pearl Fraser, Elsie Martin, Mary Tutn. aDI/LT`t. - - One -mike rare G. Beacom. R. El- liott, 11. Castleman. One -hundred -yardarms- --• W. Mc• Dougall, R. McKay, H. Hillier. Fat mads race lover 9ti pr,undo, one hominid yards( J. Sennett, Frank Smith, MrNevin. Ob,tscle race -0. Beacom, H. El- liott. H. CaeUeman. Relay race --First., W. Dean, H. EI lion, 0. Beacom. 'Second, H. Castle- man. H. Miller. Sproul. Third, T. lbisbeilm, 11. Orr, A. Chisholm. harmink bop, step and jump- -N. (J. Maley, 40 ft. 7 in. ; H. Belcher. Se ft.. 4 in. Running long jump -S. O. McKay. lit R. R in. ; 11. Milt -how, 17 ft.. 1 in. Standing long jump -14. Belcher, A fL 1D in : R. Releher, 9 ft. 10 In. Vaulting with pole -S. McKay and F. Foster were ties $ ft. ee In., and divided the prize money. COLDORNK WINS THS CUP. proposing to send a lean to take pelt in the 0.. A. inert this fall. The prize -winners were as follow'. : At WO yards -A. Goldthorpe. P. Sanderson, W. Chisholm, H. l't.aw- furd, 1'. Rtoberteon, J. Meller, C. Props*. G. Yuagblut. A'. 9134 yards -T. Riegle, Join Chi, - holm, (l. Yungblut, W. Reid. De. Bice, Main. KHiott, B. Crawford, P. Rundle. B. Carrick, wedaliat, Tyros --H. Newtwml,, 1:1. Knox, D. Beecroft. Win. Bowles, G. Shrills, A. King, Wm. Hercroft, C. King. Consolation Allen W. Watson. -T. (3. McNeil. ' The following are the scorer : Seems Made at. Peat Farm Shoot by Heres Rifle League. As mentioned in lest week's Irene of The Signal the Colborne tnwnehip toe won the cup et the shoot which was held at Paint Farm June '%t,Ih, this making the third win for that tears, and R. Carrick, of Whitr- ehureh, won the medal and also the first of the special prime, • week's hoard at PMnt Farm. To the merch- ants M lied.rieb and others win demated the special pekes the commit- tee dasite to express their heartiest tb•aks. The Asenciatbm has over fino members and is proposing to home lit=to any other county in the Premises for a mum Mae aatfNlttltlos. 11 is ole A. Goldthorpe J. MrMana. McNeil A. liorl J. Chisholm. ... 4'. Roberton u . RI.iett J T. Goldthorpe W. Sploon& W. l'I1bbohn 1 voLIIl.RN .044 yds 112 3, 94 74 2 25 24 31 re- ; * At'ill•RN F. Naegel `.......... ... .. Ga J. Logan .. no C. Howson .. .,...,,.... Ct H. Roux 31 W. 44' mason 31 U.Y1.,Beadle; .....,...... v I.. aorlmrreour fir A. ('. Jackeun - 1, Dr. Weir - -.: ,. ,M VII 3.41 r44 Y4 tat 27 04 25 Rt a 2♦ 11x1 Total .a 13 i 31 u 41 33 512 VS 51 YY M 1M1 - 42 44 di in 42 27 37 11 24 1S 71 .kr 744 S19 0. crofeetJ. Johnston ' M 24 r.C't.rk .,F'47 *1 21 J. McGee 9 ....... 31 Of C Elliott a T. Allen - :n •,1 W, Reid ..........n,24 2.. R John.ton ` • If 12 Dr. Hire . 21 2 Thos. Meteors 9999. 3, yt. 57 17 w :n u S1 47 71 94 *.nu 'a+ es. GGDI:Itrl'H TOWNSHIP H. lAmprey ll, Lalihwsile J. John.ton R (fundis 27 23 31 24 51 fir 44 24 12 c. emu." -..., - - ---. J. Newcombe. Jr, 94 23 SI WIII Westlake. a 43 3, f John Newcomb*, w •9. 21 41 sem. whiW7 :n 3) 43 P. BMW, ,9999.... 3, M mS 221 at 'HITT'HI'ItUH yr H. 4 are ick .. . _.. .. u A Fox 21 Wm Heecr ott v. Alliott 99992 I). Ile. roft :a 1:. Iwn,ont m v M. McDowell - 20 24 M. Henry -- hi G. $hlell ,, • 7.1 t W. its Id _Y is 27 11 22 91 !„ 'Medal winner 117 Ulf titiNOANWOH Nei 1 H. Jones M 12 J. Mefeas.:,. ,• 4* is D. Glean 24 2!ts. A. McGee rs 21 T. McCain ?S 9. O. Pentland • 15 1.. H. John.ton Si 14 D. Finnigan - Y4 14 H. Pentland 'M 14 - le* Ila) irr. BELIES W. MN'rortte . , 111• IS - .I. Mrpnnald a 11 w-. 1.4 -05 -,ter ---- -- A 17 W . w'II.on to 1* 11 . Miner '111 17 W McPher.en. 12 to J. W,Mter43 14 H. Morey 2 12 M. Hun,phtq ! 21 J. P.irden i!!"4" A It .esry. 1- 13 LANDS C. McDonagh - W.Lane R. Alton P. Sand.rsns . . It. Andrew . O. M.N.mere W. Howie. J. uomnre H. 111tothers lane . HLYTH 1.5 31 17 is 91 ri 311 R. Stalker ... . 14 N. Taylor 21 Ja.. 1'urnming«}t . 1A R. Herrington l:t1R• e 4'. Riddell .. . ,.. - .. 17 Ur, Phan.. -'--,,1`, .. 15 A. t'oonmtr 1 Feed Hot) .- a.Ar n.•e -iR It.Somaeere4 . Jo., Hlerney l';... II ueS L(M'HA1.11H 1711 In 43 34 4, .;4 .t. 44 37 M n 441 G 40 41 7. 4n .3 41 3t1 31 47 t a 2t 41 14 4* 34 tet 4n • et 21 N 11 Yes 14 311 21 47 12 34 Ittt 11 5n 1» 361 24 21 21 • 11 141 175 J. Hawley 122 1 l ti IA 14 11 144 t1 A. Mw cLertJet4.. fir 19 4 94 J. McDonald u'-"" •, 11 91 J. It. McKega(i T��4 e u 17 Arch MelIensali4' 44 P ;' . it 12 8 J. Mega* ' [ n s 9 !n7 143 fist le 47 w 'C7 b JO 43 4a lr Ilio A Lost Mrreanie .... 4. R Rasa W. Law N. berms J. Hnmi HItog 4.. King A. Kp*g H. Newcombe A. E.IMrnIn _,'. v"".___. '11 AS'm Mr.Jnlllln J. ,Ameltrer Ie W. Findlay -44 O. R mon« , .. Yl li. FNlzley 1:e INDIVIDUAL a ea H 2l 13 W 10 21 12 IS Ix ft 14 I4 OFF HAND, 9e yards lit -(IttrrIrk, week « 1„ord at Point Fern, {lo, elven by J. 1. I;oldthorp. '!.sl -C Robertson, pair Hunt .hese. }1 ny (7 M. Elliott sal --14 .3 Crown/14, OWN. Mee. by Mea rt.h a Snyder Oh L 1.:sial, nmWsile.O3. W McLean Bros. 9h -P. Rundle, hoz darer. by T3.sa Jobe- eton 1:(h - 21124 clean knife. by J.M. WWlbllai Son O0NHOLATiOf1( hit -T. Allis. 41. nd-W.Waom, 31-4 -C. McNeil 111 1.1 14 H u 13 T1IK ...1(/N A la ; (.t11)1':Itl('11. t ►NTA 1110 LOCAL TOPICS. High Court Siftings. The nest sitting* of the High (omit for Chir county will be as follows: Jury came, September 27th. Mr. Jur- tire Elute : non -jury cases, NOyeutla•r 19tb.Mr. Justice Magee. Miss Eva Godwin Wedded. The marriage took piece at Parkhill on June :Mb of Eva, daughteruf Hoy. Win. and Mrs. Godwin, formerly of Goderich. to Itev. 11. J. McCormick., who for the past two years has leen stationed at Malden, near Awhetit- burg. Mr. and Mrs. McCormick left on the eyenitog train for Montreal, where they will take passage for Eng- land to spend their honey . Mr, McCormick has been etetioued at Yale mouth Centre. Mr. Blair at S•aforth. eleaforth Sun : Mr. 0. F. Blair, of (iodericb, addressed the congregation of the Presbyterian church last Sun- day evening. Mr. Blair, who Is a vise - elves speaker, reviewed the prugre*r made by the laymen's missionary move went, which le becoming one of the strongest forces in the world today. The change froru dark heathenism to enlightened Christianity abroad, from mere indifferent orthodox perform, emcee to active Gospel -spreading ser- vice at home and from the uteagt. .pbete of self-interest to the Wool whole hearted interest in and enthusi- asm fur our brother -men, ore u few tit the points which will be attained by this movement. We would like to see in Seaforth some manifestation of the interest taken by our fellow -citi- zens in there Watters. The appear - sem of -Mr. [ifair.443131141.01 umpuIUiL2. is one evidence that this is a laymen'* movement and the movement will grow and strengthen only in propor- tion to the interest shown by laymen. Separate School Promotions. The following are the results of the recent examinations at the separate school, names given in order of merit : Promoted to Mentor Fourth --lir= encs Kidd, Nora Hurley, Irene Mattel. Thomas Hurley, Francis Ii ueehler, Nellie Phalen. Junior Fetettb--Mary larding. Kelly, James Dean, pyre Dalton, Hobert Foley, Mary Wilson. Celia Webb, Edward Leery, Francis Finn. 'Margaret Farr, Irene Farr, Josephine Healy. Senior Third -Ethel Jeffrey, Joseph Kelly, Mary Baecbler. Cyril Hool, Joseph Hurley, Hews Phalen, Angela Jeffrey, Gladys Jeffrey. Junior Third-Vent/hal/071e. hada Hargitt, Teresa Wilson, Frank Fel- low.. John Webb. IieeondClass-Margaret Doyle, \'era onica Page, Reginald 1lodge, Gerald Farr. Marl Foley,Hugh Balechler, John Farr, Celia Lynn. To Part Secon- Muriel Spain. Helen Kidd, Emily Griffin, Vincent Dodge, Helen Webb, Alice Huaunet. G. C. I. for Public School ? hour. The fplluwiug belies and gentlemen participated in the pro. grant : Mae. W, J. ,Huy, Miss Hriuicke', Mew Edith A. Reid, Melees. W. J. May and ti. E. Hick. Mrs. May pals- seeses a flue rupr'ano voice of retisark• able range sad (ower 1144/1 Was beard, til great ativantege tit her Sohl, "ik'cau,x• 1 love You, Dear." lis her duet with Mr. May, "N'beu Thou Art Near," th.• audience our again U2.10.ev1 to .4 eh;t wing composition eplewie ly sett d1'Il I Mir, Menti, kis g.we .v 014111 solo entitled °4 4.+wewr sod telars. .. delightful lav, in the execution . 1 which 'die displayed et u use e a blit v . and twenty of 1'Xlll'1Wa1111. •.1x, Edith Reid gave a r'ec;talion, the tithe til' which we are tumble to give. Sallie* it to ray that beeline has it been tate good fortune to listen to such ci talented young Indy. She I,.seesre" all the elements of succebs mull e predict for her u successful WW1,. 13. E. !tick gays' a ,hurt 1 rradiug. The Rev. 10' 14,1• Cori, of HI. Louie, Mo., war present ;tint gave an neithear whish was tar skatole for breadth of thought, wit and humor. Needless to way he was lieteilkd to with street ettjoyment, to F. George, district organizer, spoke on (11e merits of the Order of Canadian Hume Circles, after which au enjoyable time was spent in social ir'te►'cutuse, the Luther providing dainty ref'e,hu,ents. Jr. 1':, Tom filled the ditties of chair- 1u,u1 in hie usual etl(cirnt wanner. At r4 further meeting ori Monday night of this week, at which thele w.te,y good attendance, two uuo•e eau- didates were initialed. During the evening the tetette star elehlimeet -lse Mete Geo. Cathcart, a vi.iting vete bet' from 'l.'oruuto• 1'041. tlruteCounty Organized. The second coon'v in Ontario to 1,• begentzett i,7 tb.--A4:-01-A.-040- e ter work plan is the county of Bruer, the urganiriog c(uventiufi bw iug_hrhl t,i J Nur. 8th :.t t�`mlk, (on. The county: oumntittee .1 . • ,.I.noiuled and as soon as the budget is raised the taummittre will call a co.urty mere- .ry. A. Cullen., Provincial secretary for count • work, who organize•.' the in Huron county, has spent rev- ered utonthr in Hruce ruunly ou'.iiti= gating 16141 [seeds of the young lnen and the opportllrrities fur work. and at the organizing convention he 'spoke iinitfe suhjebt, -Win- t emerty--Wetrk- iu Bruce 7" . G. C. Fleming, county secretary of Huron, spoke on '•Count y- ti'ork Achieyen1 fits in Huron." C. v' u Copeland, fro racial secretory ( M.t, [ 't S Um Young Metes Christian Associa- tions for Ontario and Quebec ; J. H. Crocker, of lirautf,,rd for yews; physical director at Tuirontu: John 1'enrnan, of Parte, chair an of the [Provincial eomittee of Yo ng M rnen' Christian Arenriatione of On ria and Quetta'; Mr. Wilkie. of Loe Angeles, ('al., who begat work as a et•cret..ry in 1807; Mr. Hopper, ex -secretary of the Wo:,dst.,•k A. oeiation, and ti. F. Blair. of (i.,derirh, ehaieTnan of the lluron County Y. M. C. A., were the speakers, Mr. Blair retaking the speech of the evening at the banquet. The sessions of the conference were held Destroys HairGerms Recentdiscoveries have show n that falling hair is caused by germs at the roots of the hair. Therefore, to stop falling hair, you must first completely de- stroy these germs. Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, will certainly do this. Then leave the rest to nature. Doe, net change fhr rotor of the hat, A r.n.nul. w1lh •v1 .o"• y t acr..< wy„u, yrs♦,t h.u..L. tit ,t. EOCent discoveries have also proved that dandruff is caused by germs on the scalp. Therefore, to cure dandruff. the first thing to do is to completely destroy these dan- druff germs. Here, the same Aver's Hair Vigor will givethe same splendid results. -Mi*. 3.7 tae J.O. Lyse Co.. Lemon, lie••.••• THE BEST 1'11 generally the cheapest in the elide littrgain.-d.ly goody ate ail .felt tet ,*44th Hews,, -lot whrri lou fur huyin4 Groceries Quality is the prise ctinsiderl4- tion. A "luugain" in Grocer- ies is no bargain et all unless yotl are sure the goods are hie right. 'Ve have no special bargain days, but ser are sell- ing good (iroceties . ALL THE TiME At, the right prices. Every 4hirig in our store ie fresh and right, and we guarantee the quoity every 'time. (live us a trial eller. Another idea for public school ae- in the Haptist church and the banquet eeermedstion'fer lire tower woe -pm- wash the Prxab rtrsian church.- tented hurch.rented to the public school board at conference was well attended and the muntbly meeting on Monday in a .those who were present were very en - letter from the secretory of the G. C. th uinealie. 1. board asking the public school board to meet a deputation of the let -Effective, economical:---fifrsran4. (3. I. hoard to discuss the advisability %Vhat more can v. ,• k'' ')avis' of using the present Collegiate lanai. Menthol Salve fulfill ..gee s ecifica- tute building for public school pap- tions and is the hod remedy for bite a poses. Oa motion of Messrs. Blake tied stitrgs, skin diseases. piles, etc. and Mel.ean, the chairman of the per tin. board and Mr. ('utt were appointed a -- - - committee to meet the deputation'ee, 1 base ,errs the day when fir.; from the G. C. L lowed. The chair- Rich, the millionaire, did nothave a man reported that he had signed an pair of almost In cu ver his feet." "And order for $1,1»1, the first payment on when was that, pray 7' ''At the time the lot purchased by the board for tbs. be was bathine," proposed new public school. ''hr 1 hoard approved the chairman's action. I letters from all the teacherswere reed accepting re-engagement (Mine Parsons, Miss V. Watson. Mies Jean Tom. Miss Hbernman, Mise ,Bureau, Mire Inglis,•Miss Ball, Miss Wiggins, Miss Lr Touzel, Mies K. Watsonl. The secretary's statement for June showed accounts paid. S 10 ; June pay roll, Lit:tee;; Intel payments for the yea/ tot July lat. $(434.13. Some al- terations rod sejant, needed at the 4 entral reboot were r etre red to the school management committee with p..wer. Messre. Blair, McLean and Hodgins were appointed a committee to go t, Tot -onto and inspect certain school huildings• there. The board then tuljourned to meet again out Thursday evening, the Nth inat. Canadian Home Circles. . What proved to 1,e en evening of thorough enjoyment was provided by the local Circle of the •alxwe named Order on Friday night, 25th ult., in the Temperance Hall. The event was brought *beat thr..oph the visit of Organizer ll. F. George, who has been doing special work here for the pax[ two weeks. The Bret part of the wining was taken up with the initiation of ten new 4andidatee .into the Order, after which the don were thrown open to friends of the nrembets, a goodly number availing themselves of the opportunity to enjoy a social itsarina feeds the dry and unhealthy scalp, soften■ and gives vim to the hair. elle. a jar. 'leaven guides till trite lovers that are to be husband and .rife, leads them from farthest corner" of the' world. through storm and trial, through danger and death, to their own appointed home in one another's arm*. Mother -Since our Willie has got into long trousers M is beginning to think he known more than we do. Father -Well, if he remember* the answer" to all the questions he hes asked be knows at least as much as we do. One day an Irishman was asked to come to work en hour swelter' than uncal. This be promised to do. Nett morning he was an hour late. "Shure. sex," be explained.; "I should have been no good if fled come, as 1 was fast asleep." "i say, old mac." began Jonps, "that ten dollars i lent you- -" "1 have•'[ forgotten, old man." inter. milted Tomkins. "Don't worry ; i still have it in my mind." "Yes, Mut don't you think it is about time you relieved your mind r' A Reotehman had two eons, one of whom was a doetnr and the other a clergyman of whom be was very peva. "1f t had kent." said he. "that one of my eons was to be • medical mien and the ether a meea- iater 1 sensed never bar bad sold Jenny M'Oosb ter their 'Osier." • Tnvest 25 cents in -a box of Davis' Menthol Salve ("'rhe D. & L.")and be prepared for a hundred ailments, which may not be dangerous but.are very annoying 111(1 painful, like neu- algia, e;irache, sprains, burns, bruises,insect stings,cuts,piles, etc. It is a household remedy always useful for some trouble, and should be kept in the family luedicine•closet. WILL MAKE HAIR GROW BEARINE Prepared from the grease of the Canadian Bear. Delicately perfumed. The Standard Pomade for 40 Years. All Dealer, Soc. per far. Davis & Lawrence Co.. Montreal. 1 For half a Century the Genuine Elephant White Lead has been for sale not only in Canada, but in every part of the globe. Made from the highest class of Pig Lead. It is corroded by the old Dutch process and ground to impalpable fineness by powerful mod- ern machinery. The "Elephant" Genuine White Lead stands pre-emi nent as the whitest, strongest and finest In textu re and covering properties of all known painting pigments. Howell Hardware Co :.. ears, 4 .415,.5d1xr4.Je..24,L Limited rt A,, , �. rx . lid ,,p 7r li 1tt «fliOltf' Sturdy & Co. 'Phone 9t - Oa the Sgaue. P 11 ll4ve vote Iried John- .. et mesa M ilitary Breed F -The -fait - yet.- %Vt. sell it. MEW sit ti,"rF1.,,a, Paroid Roofing TtietutDAY, JVI.Y S, IWO lS Has many imitations winch money, but the hest is what we all want. I'aroid is the cheapest roofing because , it wears longest. •Naifs -and ' rooting all sold together. iftorrist Gold Medal Binder Twine • `1'l sell the genuine Gold Medal Binder "Twine at the best price going. -�1 11 The Howell Hardware Co. 111111 1, :For the Summer Toilet We have in stock all the leading Totlet Preparations. jr,,6' American and French l'erfumes. Sachet Powders. High grade Soaps. Face Powders and Creams. • Any special make not in stock we can procure foo you. DUNLOP, Bedford Bock, ammensameamOammileOnimmo• The Druggist. Goderich. Cameron Moore "-.4,)irt' early cluing lnovement.ni-ust have appeal d to a reat number of people, � .rr • � • p P 1 for. with it started a rush of business. We know tat all up-to-date people ap- preciate up-to-date methods of merchandizing and we hope this appreciation will last for the two hottest months in the year and that t Ir forward movement will be'assistc1-b\ t1tour p:trrons, as 4t is nsuch--apprccitt d by our Staff: -of sales- people Here is where we are offer .ng the early -moving in- ducements, _so set your alarm orks-it will pay you. • On Friday morning. we start off tins biggest sell- ing event in the way of tvhiteweyr. FOR FRIDAY MORNING It won't he necessary tor us to sly anything to those who have been inspecting our lisplay in the window on the corner of Montreal S eel and the S4111are • for tb . last few [lays, but. • to those who haven't seen it, bill who knots good Vain 's, we will just mention that on' the tick of 8 o' to •k Friday or mornitg about dozen toadies' ITn erskirts, Goin ns, Corset Coys, Drawers and Waists go oil sale; regular 084.7 to $l .4S v;(1uts, put on two tables 1)5 C •'tr the 1,51 ;11 out. belie', TSt,__. - -. FOR 'SATURDAY MORNING l lere is another big event for Saturday morning --a real \genuine Corset Sale. 150 pairs of High-grade Corsets made by. reputable mane , cturers. • 117 the lot are nearly every style and all the sizes to start with, but :it the 'price we arc giving them we cannot promise to keep the sizes up. .They sold reg.ula ly at 75c, $1.00 and $1.25. Get here early Saturday for choice at 48c per pair. Another big Shipment of those 48c -Wash .skirts, positively promise ,for Saturday Morning.. '''here is no denying the fact that there will be a run on these, and al- though thew are I20 in the lot they won't last long. Why should the} When you figure that you 'can get a well -made, up-to-date linen Wash Skirt in a god range of colors, including. white, sky, pink and brotvfi, and excellent fitters, at 48c ? If they go like the last lot we would advise you to be here at `t o'clock for best oiee. Values•were $1.75 (o.$2.50 ; we could easily get more for these, hitt out the go for the one price, 88c. O r- 0 " 0°„ Have you visited our Grocery Department yet.,'? If you haven't, all we can say is you are not saving as much money as you should. Of course you need the cash to buy here, but you have to pay some time, then why not make a little extra effort to tet the cash and save on your gro eery bills? Everything choice and fresh 'in the cool basement. Leave your next order, 'then compare our values. All goods delivered. Duality and values that cannot • be beaten await you at this store. Don't forget that we close at 5.3o p. m. every day except Saturdays. GROCERY •DEPARTMENT Cameron Sc. Moore IL THE DEPARTMENT STORES, a. 111111111111111111.8l 110111111=11 . 1.111111111111 • wt's."��^,: :�';� �' ^'r�,)."•�'�b „ r«,.• ,, ,.. T-,.,,� ,9,999 _.. i�m'1t�J� OODFRIOH RR.aNO 1 011111111111011= j