HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-7-8, Page 4.., ,, .Irt.e A, 11Na1
5it(r ak9' +14,, 4 a•1'
@ illitl )tufa' 1'Mte Mirror',, 'ta'rnd',
eo,rePsf•t A..
.m*ll,i t^stl, Mrd w'4
which the request of the public school
boat for *15,0111) for the new school
war refertedr reported reit OWunending
that the council' issue debentures for
THE BAT rLE OF THE ELIZR AV a /elle less the amount ft the rale
[NUE tlOULEYAMD. .'t Ilo' pr...'n ward school properties
and the $1,IU) inalminee money from
the old St. Patrick's wand school.
Councillor,. Aluuoiugs and 1)ran
wanted to have the waiter go to the
pe'M4" for au eapt'rsriutl of opinion at
the polls. 1' alone Muuningr supf-
gest Mgt lie deferring of the vote until
tire Jamie! y electiuur. Un the vote
o4) the 14.)x•41 of the ru111t1tillee only
thsehdUeu4.• Crrigie, Aluuoiugs wed
Item' %heel No.
Counclilor-JordanStal Holds .the
Fort Engag;ng an Engineer --Nr
Advice on Sewerage M.,uers New
School Project Advanced Another
Thu 1eattlu tucl;lt.., . hien
council was 14,111 1•o 4'tid:0 ewl11itg
last. with all 00. members in• at•
tendency. lbu'citlor Joldau (wing
A -request from Judge Ilolt for n
grant • r Woo for the Alexandre tint-
eral sed Aloin, Hospital wet referred
I.r•tlte Keener cu ltee.
17+w al.t)ur tefetencr
to the draft passed Ills on . r: iiii%41.
of lw„Jo'1, I. r the nus t Juc til.
town, ?I.::t-t,, 111 1111• ,10.111 to 1h,•
furnitiut• faclue y in 4)i l'i' 1'h. The
draft bent been • returned, but Mr.
Mundial' ezpressel his willingness to
ac: rpt *4.441.. as )noon». ; pass at nor
mmill. $tl.4481 !al ton htotttha. 1W11
$1,400 :It the 141.411111s. -It was de-
etl.•d1.,pass dee'ts on Af'. 11 lull
meet/donee in rurll; nee w-itl1 his offer.
Th'e Street
Another matter • the elayur 11-41.1;
tiunedl 4rnsthr ftequruey of the calls
hr had by merchants asking why the
watering cert ons no/ ober tr.'y'+rul
in 4Isc0111el.01 1hr. Syo;tr•,1 t0-puly
l .•,.r.l.tllr-1144eat411 wbv
the talepavel's .1, .1 o•hnle A1114411.1 f
taxer turllrping * 14.' 44* l,'•18 i)1 limit
of the afore. w4%4Y4'4.1. .tele thought
there -were- very- Itt.rrty 1esidentiiL
diorites whe• th n•-.I.u1. wou111
Willing)). pay 4o*• the. 48.tteli ug of the
street in tCOOL 111 their 111.111•1'ty. tin
the motion 4)l (',unrillols If 11.1
4)d !lean the matter of WAleliug the
Councillor Jordan Will Fight.
'I'l,' h.Igiu avenue. botilrvanl tangle
4. tine up urxt for its pvrh*lical airing.
t'ouu.illor Number had given notice
r, a ptt•viou$ meeting that he humid
to rei•ckeel 1)41, 444.4 iun of the conn-
ed authorizing toe planting of trees
o14 KIgi1r-tia'enue and 10. now tn0ved
t brit ails 1w (1.1141' 4111 that ihr rimers
-enema the trees he trltloywl.
Councillor Jol,htl, however, had
s •things l4) say. 1'41' thing. was
14..4 legal tweause the uudiou wr•w out
Waite 41' 14e heal n•p;ular ineeling of
air roogcil after the Indies: of Walken
was given. The' regular reet•ti )44 of
the council were t1x:4.I by bylaw *4)d
1h,• last regular Meeting of the comp
cit had Iwrn illegally adjourned. Also
1 hr mot ,on!woo hod 4l: ha because it was
tea in the same words am the notice
Watering. lion. ••1'an going to tight this
t chole Ir declared.•"put
Reeve Reid -.."1'm out afraid of (loon -
calor Jordan. treatise he can't sur. his
companions," On Councillor Guin-
her's plot' , tenth which the clause
e;o). r•..fere•urai {*1 .the guards around
Illi peri was el . led ITT nrirr A.
trtke' it 4'.11/*rte with the notice 4)t
r,,n(itor, rhe 11111'. atteel aN /1/110888
--V..t l'../l1a:11bnr_ 51un11pn.h►, Dian,
1lulutter ntnd the Deputy Reeve. Na}'
-Iteere ti,iJluw: Cot) neintuit t'raigir,
allows. Joisten told the Mayor.
Item (tallow a u d l'ouncillor
'raiyir then uporeel to temper the
torrent on ti.- a. (an.,.r lean felt
frontage 4144 04) the property Item- that the chief dandier of act i,,tir or
tit4•d tea. Iefvrh'II 14) the 11111.14..' ./nat:I4"'. arlsle fruit these' glrtrdr.
works a 'tree 10 hok into,nd ell This 'ism
Ca M'Ildl.
-atilt•.,'•-Jo t elwand as to the 41lale•
. n•1' tat Tee e Crud
f loi.t,
, •. i 1 41
lade pa J u 1
Thr Mnyor spoke of lh,• sewer run- T9n• 1.1.ati of Dr. Holmes coal
ne.lionR, .1,nu• of which hr 111111'1'; li1,est. was eliortisNWl ein account of its
salad were not mode rot'reetly. The 1e111g i4) .14.11t of ape 4)f. the wowing
pests at the Mitten
rttrel insprelor e•1pla;n,•*t Grit in . K. J. Megltw,
making connect' with ole .14.481'1' who war present, explained some lJ
• front private property. the profiles Ibc•ditlieuhice there were at the d'wk
ell 14)1• t of the lack of rufllrient
tonus, and the matte1 was left with
the public works roomettes., with
power to act. -
- war:;r;,
What the Editor Wanted.
The following instructions are sent
to culheepondenls by the editor of an
American paper : -
"Oum couutl•y rtMespondrutr are
requested to write hrielty and to the
punt i4) preparing their accounts of
'quirt weildin es :' they may, however.
consider themselves at perfect lilwrty
4o spread tllrusselver i0 $lview detail*
of all upru*1'lirus Wedding that lea '
aeur to break the uwuuto'y in their`
respective neighlorhoorle
' WI• ht th r wish thew W remem-
ber that i tout altirl4) i11 the 't',,n-
ventiuuat td 'k' it r0Rlciently roverad
without any description of hie &'yens ;
het a gtrspuI married in tar and feath-
er* it worth}' u( .p4elal rates 41111 A
half-coI With head lures. It the
'happy eultplr' theft depart, they
should )w pwrnr'Iteel to e(4) without
saying : but should they begin to pull
hair Iwtore the Minister 1044 gut out
of hearing we want all. the perllen•
"If the table *groans,' let it gra an :
lett if tray uf" the guests ehuke to
death on the 'collation' it will Iw
serious matter with one special cor-
respondent if we don't get complete
and early returns. What eve want is
IIeW* that is news.
were looked' up, hot in some (-.w•, ihr
i(daces 1.11 for 1m1meet1011'wen' 1101
101/1311 1Liy11-; N1at'l:nl 1'w lire profiles
and then the workmen simply t sloped
into the pipe.
An Industrial I'tospect.
The AL,yor asked Reeve •(i.41Iow to
report o4)'1118":;lett'-tor--rnWtr-.-*44we►
gentlemen olio Wits tooling for a
location for a ging roods ,uaehinery
plant The rugine• woks' o4) F.at.t
street had been considered and w,w
looked.upptlm as a mailable. place and
the gentlemen seemed favorably im-
pressed with the town :as a location
for a faelory. The grntlemri came
• proposal 1 wa.
1 'inn. Their I ata
from Hamilton. ! 1
rmIAu( llfiy limn M the Mart and
increaa• to-yn• .
s► rryuw.J_f••m" the Musical SucirLT-
i T4)iter grant of Pro war referred to the
114llce l'..IIlllllLtt'I'-
,P11111.111 fl' the Gloderich
lir nth of the Wo'+en'r Ins. trine re-
qn 4•d 'action pnlhibiting the poet -
hog f hills in the town with pictures
_of 11'1 ne'. This was referred t'. the
sheet: codon, liter. •
_.. S't y Utuuuication Irons lleatou.
Agency itch/Ned copyy iT Die w -A -b -top
of the own in the ltNs1 edition
- and ask, the eo •i1 to revive
it for w lith Ptlitiun. "(+un-
cillor-N lout Iwr and Ih•an moved to
!Be the rem fulticwlion• Reeve (tal-
low and Coo /eller• Mallows moved in
. amendment t4 write to Aft. Heaton
ar4jng him no to have the write -up
-•inserted in fie 1(i edit' 'file ole
jeeti11n was rein ti that Af'. Heaton
had already been *Wird not to have
-• --- AMA' cul vrtttilPn >'.... - • :sank the
clerk turned up a le ter under date of
91,.tch-N1 40 this t feat: Finally a
tweet/1 was citified t1 1h'.effect that.
:111'. Denton base hiss Itrntitei ca14141
4• the pr.'vi.ee4 letter, 411 tine eii4))t-
rillors voting for this wl It the. excep-
tion of 1'oun11•illots 1)r'ul nd ponder,
- who took the t dew that .Itlrl4Ny del
not require nay further au war.
Expert Advice on Sewerage.
The totter of securing an ngineer
to report on the hest a pr hl'nsiv4
sewerage system for the town as re,
:erre-tido the pubti.' works 'nm ittrr.
A letter heel hrrn r,•.•0.ivel from En-
gineer W. M.--1 Wvis, of Berlin, st ting
that he emit(' be in G,xleiid, to nike
* rep ort to Iwo weeks and' that le
would like a week's .notice Iwfore r
was ex{woad to les lure. The suw
pp_estlon was made in Iseinril that 1h'
l/ul,llr weeks eni7ih►NUeA Might cor-
respond with the engi'e.1'in depart•
m,•hts of motile of the cities- 1)1 1.14,
41/M110111 At loan for tis.' work. 1'110.
hes:man r<sailabh-: it ems f'It, alight
111e cheapest in lite end.
Councillor Jordan had n complaint
against the rh,itnl:ln of ihr plinks
e 1'r for bot holding meeting*
of his committee, and Ihr whole spies-
-4sir")mproveiueltt4 sed better'. at-
tention 4) Harbor Park, on his
onotiun, eo:milled by t' rioter Alun-
1.u,g•, was referred te the larks e
The ',twitting 11( wastepaper
baskets for the ftarkr was reterred to
the public works rututnitlre.
Deputy R"eve Reid said that Dr.
Tay dor was building n rids
walk in
(runt of his property lied he wanted
the town to build * ere -wising -connect-
ring H with the- wr1t_..Ittdr _of North
street. 'chis was refei led to the little
lie works 4 'lt.". ,
DoDay in minion Finances Good Sheet'.
The lin/1114e e ' ler 11.413111 -
mended that the town pry- the in
deblednws,,f the First of ,duly cele-
bration hep to !I!:e1 : but 1ep111y It4$Vr
Heid gave the informal that the
committee w,nt141 nut rr4)tile $1, 111
facet that it would have money .over to
dept. It to the credit of n (onto for
The Night Clock.
Another clause in the eommltt'e'n
report reetimme ldell that the offer of
the Eco -Magneto Co. 111 install* com-
plete system in connection with the
policeman's Hoek, .for $SAI, he ar-
ce tell. C'oinhallo7 Attaining.. and
Courcillnr Tlean thought the 1'x•
pendia ore ons unnecessary. The sum
mentioned was Lo much to spend to
put n tab on a matt. If the night
watch11ua' could lint 1e• trusted he
should he distillsvKl. The ,'hula*'
of the report wase finally carried. the
-M4e ben* wt-f-a1••y'-' Yea: --Reeve
,(iallow', l'ulw,,ill.rs Saltines, Jut/Ilan.
Huntlter and Afoyer,• Nay -Deputy
Reeve Reid an{ (7nun0111.trl i'rAigie,
Mtinninga,nd Iteen.
A clause recommending the printing
notices calling attention to the by -
1* with reference too spitting on the
ceea sidrwelhN, weld the enfhrce•
men of the law, wits carried.
The •'blirjworkaeotnniltee recom-
mend"( that a movable hand-atan4
be built tender the direction of
the public , ores committer• ; that a
ptv.,r on Tr algae street from :North
r•et to Cato is road 1we put in on
the meal impto ehlrnt plan. the town
taking the initiative ; that J. A.
Fowler he appointed to take the levels
on the streets on WItieh it wan decided
to put eewen; Ihat khother carload
of 9 -inch sewer pipe 1* purcheeed.
The cnmmittra' alert reported that the
scraping of the streete leading from
the %glare wan ptngrensing end that
9 SOP.the contract for driving the SOP. at
1 the doek had been let to Hugh Hardy
for #1141 and the work had been done
The report was adopted.
Dehentatek fee New School Building'.
The joint cotnOltt e, rempp1nord of
the special and finance committees, to
Icriptioo of a Visit to George Harrii
Farm in Ashfield.
onto Editor or The Sidmar.
M -Tuesday Iain t taloa: a. drive to
eorge Harris' farm in Ashfield, and
think he eau uuanage beer.hatter
hall any other roan I ever saw. At
his time of the year they are very
readers, And Mr. Harris is on the
Cert to w'1'- that they do not leave for
a.tul'i•s new. i noticed while at
inner that he would go out between
nurses to err if they were- all there.
That stick me molt was: If we
err looking at the lees at the *4nlr
tees, Its wuukLxce if there wits rhe
cart change i4. Ti .'1r- )I -*.carding". a041
I runld not. see it at 1111. Ahuut 2
ai rl.wk p. in. the (-lia'ge Caine. Af-.
Macri- war di -Noised whli a green veil
*4)11 1110H• and hr 14144$1.(111 to 111A
house so'u•lhiug fin• us lei set•: tie
b ..I , blot branch of a torr in his arms,
with what basked to we pike ala*It a
million 'bees clinging to the branch ;
and the bees that cold Ielt, get 011 the
branch were letegi11g on to Ale. Harris
for dear'1ife. Hr carried them out to
Ow orchard and I followed at a re-
spect distance to ver the rest. Ile
had a white shut spread tut the grass,
.rni1 he got dowel on his hands and
knees Nod rurefully lowered the
branch to the sheet. 111' did not take
of Die VPII. but 1 think hr took off
due tuN1 aftrra little ti 111r. He asp.
1'+ued tat INA 101.king for sorbethifig, and
n reply to my go•stion he said lie was
1«.king for "she queen." 111' kept on
gently turning the bees over. anti rak-
i1tg with hi+ ho.r lingers and .: th b
util hr frond the toren wd he
bit whet heral. the spelt. Ips Said,
••ti w they will go 4 111.l+l thy hive,'
Hr j /taped up 1',,41 h,ked es pleased
as It hr had I.ae•11 kissing a
queenintrad of killing one. Ile did
not (140, a chin all the flute 1 wits there,
His unit' during the trying ordeal
wort m} admiration. I think if be
herr "'funded , up- for killing the.
14)114!11 111• ey111ti get rlear on the plea
of mistaken, identity, for I don't think
the lawyers woold know the queen
frame -flue of the ladirwin_wnilin.
(1 *Ier•ich, July 1.1, J
Ottawa, June :11:\ -The (reit division
of the Department of Agriculture
*sues the followinglcpert:
Weather condition* in {.,,,anal* have
been favorable during the ut.Inth of
June for fruit dev,'lopihent.
Apple* Eastern (Janette will have a
large crop of winter apples from pres-
e•nt Melte-ations: - 1' 1r1y and fall vari-
eties will hot yield as heavily. The
apple prlapecteti4) BritJslt Colts ll,ie
will baldly reach the avenge.
('ears An average crop it expected
in the commereiel pear section, of On-
Plume are estiitaled somewhat
Inwer, generally, since the heavy
bloom, but are showing for an *vet-
oer crop, except in British Columbia,
where the crop will be light.
Peeduse-F,*tly towhee are M.
ported medium tel full crop; late
peaches medium. "('urI Tear" is very
Prevalent, Online Elbe/ tits particu-
Grapes l'oneonls promise a full
crop • white *nd red grapes, mIdir,nl
to fell /stop.
Cherries will he a good average crop.
Taunters promise a good crop.
Small /rude premise well every-
where. Rlr*wlweriee in Southern On-
tario ere a very large enol.
buret end fungus diep*. * are fairly
prevalent, but comparatively little
damaais is repeated yet. except frons
the cenkerworen in Nova Sande.
United States--Prpnent indications
show about an average crop to enm-
rmtP with Canadian winter stock.
Great Britain and Continental
Europe The prnapecte are for not
more than en arosee crop of fruit.
The last Three Days.
$$beta' Tillman was cundeluning
111e divorce Taws of the North.
••Your Southerner has just one
girl. ' he said. "anal when he gale 1 kb
he sticks fu tear. He feta her ,*here
her old days in the fortune that she
helped to pile on. That, it steels to
rte, is .e equable than the North•
11_1 -
knows that Sunlight Soap
means a wonderful sas Ing of
time and labour in house -
N hether whit hot or cold
water, nothing gets the dirt
off so quickly and w Ithout
injury as Sunlight Soap.
Use It the Sunlight woe: .
follow the direction,.
4'.1.'44.4, f..i• aINlllr•111y "rl,ltaeh•Itce.
Which t4aket4 rowaills Wf 118,all," will
.4•1414 *lay speak loudly :utd'tell thein
to their face that they bad been s11
mean and ruwardl}• as to steal.- •
1'.reote of such youths are not
1,it11'ttl.ra'Jlt .nik)1i11l};` ''hie is uhe
the fruits of the lax twittering up of
families in three darty whi••h ie Ihr
lament of those elm ore truly auxi diem
Oen 111111•111111111111811111/1111011111111 •11/IIRRIND UR •
C- O -L- B-
Some Specials for This Week
We etre placing, few Specials before 4)141' patrons this week at prices that should move them rapidly. Read
the 11rt eatddflty ; you 11141y find something in this lot to interest you.
yah pieces 4)t Totehnn, Cheney and Valrociennes
1.ac11., from 1 cent to 15 wets. A11 reduced i4)
price. See our lot if you want lateee cheap.'
We hate two great Specials in Ude lot: tic and
11X, for :1• : 12i4. end 15c, for Inc. •
FIuu'rings and Corset Waist 1(mheoldMies.
tate'll WWIerL11,.
Just Irl tVaists now 4o sell. Full embroidered
front ; Tong rid short eleeve.. New Oda spring.
A very choir,' put. All reduced in price.
A new lot of Art Bitterns. bought ata peace that
*11ow'r 4)e to offer them a1 15 cents. Good pattern.
Kiel gall 4.1,114(14.
full line of !). & A. Corarts always in stuck,
Always bay D. & A. if you want the hest. A
clearing lot of :21 pain, $$.181 and for dee,
and a 7:s lot at roc.
Lawn -embroidery and lace -.trimmed Corsel-
%Vaistl and Drawers, up to 75e. Your choice of
the lot for Mc.
11'1' have reduced every piece of our Dress
Muslims as lnllows: bac for 15c, Ibc for 10c, 12ie
for rye, and lac for lie. Yon will Hrsd them an
fast colorer.
Our 2 for'2.,e stau,lras fart black cotton Hose'
are the best to be found anywhere for 2 for 2fic•
Just Sol paint of our big lot left.
111111111111•111011111111111111111, 11111111111111111110 111111111•1111111 GIRO ens
sat -tab of 1 h folios. of nor a »n11ry..searesieneewasswawi.-.. ..
cru idea of discarding the fined wife,
wheti success is attrained. fur a beano- It will certainly Iw• what the peesent
fel churns girl of.',TCreu 4)r men*
Senator Tillman frost toed.
-The way Northern 111 a 1 jag -1+ tin
often end," 11.. said. "you'd tliuik
11latYiuluny was a dreadful thing
Voted be inclined to look at it as a
little toy iiekt stun did.
' 1'e, be wai1Futle Jtlrte da1•, •1 hertz. J
the 5111.'" -
'•'Yes,'said the /.ober. 'Uncle Joe
has only three days mote.'
"Tbeyttle toy slhied.
'"The last three aye eSal
give them everything 41 eat they As
T110,... of 1h,• pest stool bite), for eller- ..inter and reliability. Let thin be ever
alturd at es the -ideal and alt will go--
well. •
M,'to,t i'p' let ft oil Thieves note the
fa:•t th..1 if they',, h.41 sop their dap
retation4 beano will hes taken to laud
them i4) a u
yn1t of *4.1*." whet,. they.
will receive their well !railed punish.'
meal Ty being publicly to
thieves, which meantime they know in
their heat (+ they are. although They
bane up till now not tweet punished.
014; t enmiller Woollen Mills
As usual ! shill! I1• incpaled In boy
endIve the I114.111•:$T- CAsn 1'ltictt
Olt Arent., tauth washed --ttntd--un-
washed, or will exchange for my
4)l Wufactured articles.
. 1
find a fine assortmetlt of
'o4) wird u
Tweeds of t'artotts up -err date m etterne,
tan a good supply of Berl' Hlankets,
Horse Blankets, and Yarns of various
This season 7 have had uutde epi*
'lumber of 'tweed Suits from cloth
manta/actin ed at the mill and invite
intrandi'g purchasers to Inepset them.
1 guarnntee that they are of pure
wo and willgivexatisfactioh.
lot.doo t they, pa!" -SI. 1A111i4 tilolw .
Ontario Is All Right.
Toronto :liar.
Dr. Black. of Paisley, after• a trip
armor. U4oada, has written a letter to
Thr Advocate, i4) which hr 4ay4 -that
after you **smut up -the Litter with the.
sweet, Old Ontario, es the boys on the
street would say, has them all skinned
a mile,"
ft la art right, he think•, for yu.snfr
turn W go West and grow wheat.
'limy can secure good lend. can ac-
quire -ownership of it. and lay the
baric of future comfort ; lint he *d-
ykes old folks not to sell out in the
Province in order to settle in the
West. It ,PP111e like pretty good -1st
vice. No hatter how lick the land
may be bn the prairie fermi there is of
necessity- especially in urw t h.1, tetr-
a great deal that the settters hare 10
do without, Young people with luug
yearn ahead of them. eu.l with high
hopes, do not need to worry (about the
temporary inconvenienceof a new
region. l / out an elderly couple with' a
good farm in Ontario, with friends
anti relatives within reach, with a
church they can attend, and *,came-
trey which it im their esti pleastue to
vitt now and then.tod°where rotor
day, at last, they would choose to test
from their labors such an elderly
couple would probably do well to bide
where they due, and ,4)d their dugs
among familiar scenes, and amid the
conform they have earned. •
The West wants the young, itnd the
young (rant the West.
11'e itavc,,,ntllde arrangements try
*Lich wte-o an - offer -new WOtrst
Tips signal and The Mealy Herald
n(' I %Veekly Mtar l Hunt os') at a coed
1,11,411 price of sixty rents for theF
Ion paters ler the balance of 1(4111.
Tho 1411* i4 f.n• subscript ill es11-
eda only and applies only to new sob-
s.vapt ions. Pretend snlrscriberie 441.
The Signal who would like to secure
'1'he Family Herald end Weekly Star
at a special rate for the balance of the
year may doe on application at this
Mitre, - 'I'Hh SIGNAL.
IFalrtich, Ont.
German Newspaper Amalgamation,
The C*nadiaeher Hauernfreuml of
Waterloo, the l'*nadis('hee Volkablatt
of New Hamburg, and lhe.Urutsche
%eltungof Berlin Wive been purchased
by Mresn,. Kittinger & Mintz of Berlin,
who *hreaely own the lferlinr-r Journal
of Berlin, Ontario Glorkc of Walker-
ton. and 11lmulisrhrr Kite/Met 41
$Uatlurd. 'l'biN c plPt.',1 hr11111»1•
1/1141at WO of the Get man newspapers
in Western Ihllario, and serums for
the (h'l In n clement a large reJ)resen-
tat ive newspaper where formerly they
heel a number of small papers each
with a very limited Held. It is a note-
worthy fact that this *utalgatnatie n
happens 4t he effected in the Hfliet t.
year since 111P eatablisllnPnt n/ th.•
Meet of Itis tii.ger A +Mutt
FRU! r PILFLRld1(i.
co 'ha mawof Tho)lirmel. -
.An 1111' entmoi1 for the practie:e
et trult-stealing is once more olden us,
you will perhaps permit m1' to make e
few remat•ks in your vatnehte journal
on this crying evil and /Tying shsrne,
with a view to having the godly part-
ies take a thought and mend their
way-, 4)r take the consequetweS, The
piltrters should 1etnrnelwr that
aft( gh they club together and go in
Nimbi and rob Iwrry and mother fruit
patches, Hower gardens and ntv:harte
in their season, tory will not go un-
punished, even if not caught. They
at once throw character minty athd
chairs Ihrmselv.m amongst thieves.
Jim think of it -young Olen of re-
spectable familire, and iuppoeel to be
respectable thrniirlves, po diegrecing
themselves as to become night prowl-
ers, and so Inexpressibly mean as to
go under cover of the darkness and
etc*I from the careful and i'dustrioui
who heve bestowed time end money
in cultivating, sowing, planting and
tending their fruit, and who naturally
1.1,k fnrwar•I to reaping their reward
and legitimate profit from their
labos. What a shame that here in
Canada, in our peaceful place of
homes, such depravity, such deltas
from Ino -41ity and correct conduct,
should exist. it is safe to nay (het
most all of Omar young 11)411 who to
hempen thstnaelv,a as to heroine fruit
thieves have the meanie within their
reach of growing fruit of all kinds to
their heart.' content did they care to
take the trouble in the Reason to
plant, sow and tend for thenuelvea ;
and by such industrious me of their
spare time they would he building
character and Milne Ihetm.elves for
resp')naible',mittens in life, on which
they would he prspered to enter with
unhlemished reputations and con-
' \Don't let an unscrupulous
dealer force on you an imita-
tion of the "D. & L." Menthol
Plaster. Look for the "D. &
L." trade -mark ou the tin,. It
guarantees the genuine and
the most effective remedy for
Rheumatic aches and pains,
Lumbago, Sciatica, Backache,
etc. 25e. each. Vard rolls
equaling seven of the regular
size $1.00.
for all sickly people.,
Makes new blood;
Gives strength;
Restores vitality.
Titre atter any illness 1t'
hastens • return to health.
Lawrence la, MottreaL
and all Kindred'Diseases.
• AIA NI'F.V1'4*'It444 i1'
-Augusta Mary MacLeod.
Sole Patentee.
NEWGATE ST.. Godench, Oat.
"•f: `e -TME L1'A0IN41-
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders car. au11,' a141m.4 10 ■t dl
bowl.. 1.1481 ,.r day
ellaniliain MON
r dlo-eat_ =ems=
FiTS WELL ---_ -
Whrn made by
LTbe Ta,lor West St.
We I (•g to nnn0un4P to our pat -
roma that we have to ell le new
lrr11lites on
next Marriott & tinydee'i Grocery,
Where nIIr e1' ttnmers wilt find ns
ready to 1111 ell onions for
In workmanlike manner.
at closest prices.
W. R. Pinder
'Phone 1S5
•ni4,ire mud l'ndertakine,warer000.•
Went. Id• Mainers.
PHONIC: 4Lor.ltl. °oderier,
Ite.ldenee 173
. r,11-' A' r. -(,tome. SS1W1111aru
1 have received shipments of the
toot? Models In
Two of the best lines made:in Can-
Nubber Tires. Automobile Sats
and all the latest ideas is first-
class Carriages.
A good second-hand Grinder for
sale. 1n good repair. zo-inch plates.
Several good drivers and some
cows for sale.
Robert Wilson
Agent for
Massey- Harris implements. Me1-
lotte Cream Separators. Fleury
Plows, Bissell Disc
Bartows, Land Rollers,
etc., etc.
Waretooms-Hamilton street,
In a
Nut Shell
the is "Multum in par-
vo" we invite your at-
tention to. Here iseur
up-to-date stock, all
Stuffed Chairs
Brass Beds Chiffoniers
and alt otter good things in furniture
line. Odd pieces, sets and what not.
Buy here and get rock -bottom prices.
Geo. Johnston,
'Phones Re idence rye.
WEI 41111•111 OMNI
s11.1M4111M1 WNW
Talking About Buggies
1f you are thinking of buying * new Buggy this year.
we should be posed to have a t*ik with you. We
handle th.. beet 13uggvlon the market -
The heal models are dandle-. Let us show yoit the fine
sMolin of the new Baggies w4 have just placed in stock.
N. B.-1 have taken the agency for the McCormick Imple-
ments and can now supply Seeding and Ilarvswting Machines
manufactured by this well•kncwn company to anyone desiring
first -clam Farm Machinery.
Wm. Knox,
Newgate and Hamilton Streets, Goderick.
gm an
kttt kt;'orkt.
A woman's health and strength should count for something. A gasoline stove in simmer time is only
whet every modern he*uehold has. How you ever did without one is a mystery, oncenn get one, and
,after ell they cost NO little. The fin( cost is practically a11, for you save the expense of y cowl end wool.
Ilettre get one and cook in comfort.
Florence Oil Stoves
e the greatest heat for the leant oil, are *p-
iety mate., tie smoke nor smell. The mast
et Oil Stove made.
fie*: to;70.0o.
'11 let you try one of these Stoves for a week free.
•' 'a fair, fan'( it Better have a free trial.
our pure Paris °teen is Rtrnngest, mixes easiest and kill. the matt hugs quickest.
Bug Finish, Bug Death and Bluestone.
ties more eheay.s, doe* not break and gives the best malefaction.
°r Pit1*
Sun Gasoline Stoves
ere the moot perfect Gasoline Stoves : they are
absolutely way, clean and give the beet
;e. oo to $25 0o sack.
If you are not entirely satisfied we'll take it
Pure Manilla Gold Medal special waterproof Hay Fork Rope
fa the st: nt g st, wean longest • does not snarl or rut, and nuns smoothest.
We are sore „(e eta for Gold Medal Twine and hope. We bought a ear.
load. Gnr prices are the lowest.
"Londgn Brand" hay Forks. Scythes, Snaths, Shovels are guaranteed.
Machine 011., Pulleys, Waves and Mitts, Grindstones, Oilers, etc.
Preserving Kettles, Cherry Stoners, Dairy Tinware
i i+'°' ('HRAPRRT AT
Worsens' Hardware Store