The Signal, 1909-7-8, Page 1AT THE TOP THE SIGNAL'S lob print- ing department. Equipped for all kinds of printing. Let us show yoi how neatly and promptly we can execute your next order. Lem- 811TY SECOND YEAR -Ns KM GODERIC'H, ONTARIO, CANADA : .I1 a 8, t iti!t Financial I am offering for sale Debentures Wearing interest at five per cent, per annum. payable half -yearly. These debentures offer an alaulutely sate and prof- itable investment. 1 would advise anyone (laving money to invest to he sure to call and see ear. w. L HORTON THE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY Roomers or Bowden Wanted OTICE.--BOARDI{R8 AND MEAL - Rite wanted at the Bt. Andrew + street Inthome. one block from the Square. MISS IN 1Y LK. 110AHUER 4 ()R ROOMERS WANT- ED. -Young ladies preferred. 4'omfort- able home, ,wnvenient Lo 1'4.11q(41e Institute. bestows *settee or lake. Apply at TISK if AL OFFICE. room - Wanted W�L, BUTTER AND -EGGS the uoLNttl(�_} DUCK COMPANY. Highest earth twine pa • • LOCAL TOPICS be Ready, Please ! The ladies who have been clHert i Money for the coal fund fur Alex- andra hospital purpose leaking their annual calla thin month' and Would. be greatly aided if those wishing IA! con- tribute would have their (eluate. ready cur thew. Successful Normal .StudIn4i. In the list of sucreNtUl candidates at the Normal Mehools which were published yentarday Wo notice the valuer of -three former stud,. nts of the thelerich Collegiate Institute, Mie Elizabeth Salkeld Miller, Miss Ithealt, Stirling and Charier John Maelireg- 4)1•. %Vho obtain 11) 4.1'111) recon((-Cl+trs certiHCntee. Music Examinations. The following are the suewsaful 1hndidaIee in (hi. ('oaaervstory L Mucic exatuinatiuns recently 1t100 ti. Ito*Igers, Mount Forest : Mrs, t Grahame, Marlette. Mich.: Mrs. 11 Ptidhnut, '1'U r 0 n 10; (i�1F1, (lt l'ay,, Vitro, olid.: Mrs. It. 11. 'Jo Mon, town, and Mrs. Alberta (' Coulter., Toronto, IN•,ideit I rands (hero dud groat -grandchildren.. Cook it in her eighty-third year, is act iye, vino -Hill anti .•ujoyi, g tui ittlex1 health. Her 1.W.1 s0101 expect juin the 1 '1y next week, when whole family will Iw preserut. Excursions Galore. • There• are two exemslons in In Relay. The Ilrrt &Ilivrd un the G. R. bet wool :) and 1u o'clock, greater• Iaunllter of 110• pasveng coming fr Denman.. (tuner st:ltiu on the L, II. At 11. line iont'ibut }Wit' retries of the pis:seng.•r•s and togetller ther'e Were ala.ut S5,1 'muss ger,. The exeul'dein lr:,in leaver S,irl0ek this evening.. - •utr Ara rxcion of 1►letut ;I(SU arrived hi::111 this nHlruing on 11x,• C. 1'. ( front-lt„Tttwitt-and other points -an tlu• serial train is .1.1.• In'Ietave ul S his evening. • Tomorrow Steafert11 will send up aboral exeureion 1,1 the hakeMi tuwu t'xerr sioniet.. beim r taken on a the s otitis From 31 ebeU op, Posener Knox. VIII, ' ua, eV. l 11u - oak 1111- 1rs. and I.1y to the wn he. t'I it ed al- eh - at at 11, IIs de at dueled In lioderich by Prof, A. S. Vogt: Primary piano, Florence A. Smith, GODEtlLH MARKETS . �1i4s1rrich, honors. Juuiorpiano :l«ascxa _ Elliott 1jix1)•ri,•It, 1 ,1•r •'Mir.• Meat- 'nausea Fall wheat ear bark ' ausea•I JnNay tith, nay, St.Augurtine, land Grace A. Wise,I 11 1 t til . 10 $ 1 'rl Loyal, equal : Olive Mcl'he, t;e1J.•- sing wisest. per bush 1 v to 1 v, ! 1'n I t a a9 1 U rich. ria 0 '0 Hut it wheat, i we barb u at to U n, (1x14., tar bit 14, 11 SU to u 54 %'awe, sir hu., U a% to U t4 Harley. per be ,h - u to la U :o &evening. ver tun :lel NI To •N 140 Flour, fa•..Ily, per cwt 311) to 3 u, Hour, ,,.lent, per cwt 3 13 to 3 Yi Hra. , per tun Yd to to •'1 nu elhu,th}, per ton -YS rota --M 10 Hay. pet t lou r W W N.) per cord SSSS dlsito sW ... r In W' U Is Sutter. per it, shoes'•, per ll u IS 10 44 14 fresh. ser due 1(, r �y i'ot aloes. w ...'..• r i1110 SS Polol,,o, old 10 w .y4 _ ..------- - - — rattle, ceding to K,rr1 per cwt 1 dal to .i 'l.i TO Sent (cattle....pert, per cel 5 35 to 3 7.1 Hors. - 7 el to 7 sir .Sue to SIU 3.Ylto Iw n 17 to U 17 U 15 to 1111 1A -le- 14 el to a 08 B r11 to 6 h 40 to W 1 to 10 12 VURNiSHED NOUS$ TO RENT - t rooms : Iargo law wn; garden and eeob- ) .auoo. &pntj to W'_ It HAAKItT: 90 .54 (10 MINT. - THR ROOMS ON 1 Nat street lately occupied by Mn: Ma. la/oagtng to the (fewRe Lebanon estate 46 yuTVRSIONAL (110 RENT. -A WELII$$•FURNii4H- 1 t . tee roomed brick real once with ail wveslenew and L.ty. airy- grounds, tor July aril August. Apply MW'. HOVER.' 34 Nelson m 0 SE TO RSNT.-(OMFORT- ApL41da 'rsemel dwellingto root. on �NNea�1�NMeelllwwwwww to 0. F. BLAIR or to 111x1 w" i�,CtiL� HIUBB TO REPT. RITE;-HOItM b.S aweolent to factories. Apply to B . C. YUXNf1ttW. Lf (j10 RKNT.-PORTiUN OF THE RH- 1 admen, of 111ns Buchanan, miner of Nelson sed BtAndrew. street* Suitable either for eld - .r p couple or for roue, couple with small fam- ily. Good lawn. fruit trees, town water- alaosoft water- Terms very rea..onahle. Apply to 111811 BUCHANAN. on the prem,400. or ALE(. YOUNG. Carlow Ru. Sheep, put ewt Hun, per Ib Racer,. per Ib Lara. per lb_ Tallow, per Ib Hide., per awl Sheep kin, 'hickenr Turkeys ().elide 'm.rkefr ewp.swlF(Mrweek, NOT ICE T0. ADVERTISERS Copy of change of running advertise- ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of same week. Bitnations Vacant `1 TANTKD. -AN EX 1'EltIENCED t girl fur general'hnn,e work. Nu waeh• log. Apply lOi(•hure•h street.-Windror. lint. THACHER WANTED. - FOS Union Mehool .-axolotl No. 17. Ashfield and w.., Wswaao,h. Daces to aeeeelenee Aliq- uot lath, 11140. Appll,at ton., stating .alar,. will be recelvlal up to .duly 34th. 11..M. 1}l'Fle, Secretary' treasurer, I..mga.non P.u. St -n Seal rotate for pale. • WISTERN LANDS FOR MALE,- ' acnes with :t1 acre. 5, crop frame tones with 'phone in. Price gum lnetedleir crop, land • rich loam. 131 acre. at 1113 Per e ra, broken and fenced. TnL, 5s a snap. am Lead t ping a every year. tai acres with rood bonding', en acres broken ; price 831) per ern, good locality and hone In hoose. stiff Maher can be bought in easy term., J. ii. 7811.8Lgv, 1'orktoo, Sack. HUUNI: FOR HAi.E -ON THE east 4440 of Victoria street. Sven -roomed knelt bows: rurosos, electric light and .11 modem oonveotenew ; al.ot suable on the lot. For terms lied particular. apply to W. It. C-HOI HOLM, 44 lm tIOCSIt %'Olt HALE. - A NSW • brick dwelling. with the modern Improve- ments, pleasantly situated and neo the Square. LOW/ b W. R. ItOBRRT4ON• UOUME FOR SALE. -- A TWO - la al Brad Binet ki'attic Aare ran with woven had Manic alculling at SIGNAL OToe. ISO FARM FOR SALE, LOT 11, ('ON- cLbslO\ a, Colborne : )17 acre of good reit been ander gnaw for eight 'care, mile MA of Dunlop and 31 miles from (lorietich, with gad buildings and Arte4an well and windmill, 5 acne of orchard, bent of winter s1-pIptlL and ten acres of bush. For articular. (Ila ao. IIIA,K YOUNG. Jr.. 1eJ N particular. u011 J'0R SALK,-IN ORDER TQ CLOSE es the elate of the late U. C. Shannon. M. D., his late is now for sale It la TEA(iiEIL WANTED,. -FOR N, H, No. 3. West w'aw■no.h. holding era of wooed -claw prolea,Waal onr0ncate, dull.. to commence August loth, nets State expert fence, If any. and oiler y es Pouted, Ap (c. tions received tap to July 11th, Apply. will. ',finen.ea, to ?Hort H. TAYWI(. 4.crevtary t re.sarero, St, Helen. P. O., Ont, TEACHER WANT!!D. -QUAL!. PiKD teacher for S. S. No. a, Uaderirh town.htp. (suttee to condoenoe August lath, I1SY. Application.. stating .clary, ..'rived up to July lith. CHRIS. W. JOIIN:TON, Secre- tory trea.arer, Uoderfcb P. U. Pasturing T(1 RENT. -FORTS' ACRES OF arrtelms pasture. well watered. Apply to UORIN)N POI; MU• Caelow, Ont. fol Bale Wilt ' AND ALL SILKS Oh' LE U will be road on Monday. July Leh. at Colborne Brick lards. J. 1 ilb)do.. LIOR MALE CHEAP.. HLA�'('H. i' matt eer.°row, mean in erstcla.t non diUon. II. M. ELLIOTT, Yt Naltioe to Crediton ()TICE TO CRKDITOR.S. • 0 very tale oea�lUfa base modern oro eaten- NW,fce 1. hereby Riven nnrnu:tut to It, S. O, *M, Oe0 M 1n.p.Mnd at any time. Por further 1117. Omelet 1'!!1, Sec. 14, that 111 lwrents hoe 1'•rtUekrs apply to Prewdfoot. Hay. & Hlalr, Ing chili,. agaln.l the e4lale of a('rnrani King, C: J, HAMILTON Exeoutor, (oto of Ue towterhip of East N-awu,osh, m the mly of Huron, yeoman, deeeesed, who died en or about the 31th day of June, pro, are res wined to end by poet prepaid or otherwise dellver to the uudmsigne . ..hence for John ?Intranet and Jnarb C, Stoltz, wxerntom of the saki derenap.L on or before the 31.1 dila of .1 1157, A. 1). 140x. their name., add.•..,•. and deteste tions, ami A fall statement of pnrucnlan.. of their chums and the nature of the sorority. It any. held by them, duly certified , and that after FURNISHED HOUSES TO RENT FOR T} HUMMER MONTID4. • eral1er visitors desiring to Aerate* MM bowie in Ooder/ch aro Invited to lapsed with fern- the .aid day the executors will ',racer.! to ((s- oot- tribute the onset. of the raid deceased among the yatains entitled thereto, h:atlog regent only to te• elating of which they shall then hove not ice. nal. Dated thin 7th day of July, A. D 140(•1, M. U. CAMRHoN, Uoderleh, (Mt. Solicitor for the Executors, 5131 104171 FI14OL*Nn Axle J.4. �m Srul•T'r.• THE SiGNAL 1'wsosa wishing to net their houses to mer visitors should (sate particulars at THR SIONAI, THE 8TEKLINII BANK OF CANADA Hato ,)moos Tone tyro aVTIJalxan OAPITAt, • BEM" INCORPORATED BY SPE('IAi. ACT OF DOMINION PARLIAMENT TO RECEIVE DEP081T8 To accommodate the Farrier' we have opened Branches in the villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. We solicit the Patronage of the ireRrrRR. BALE NOTR71 na(OUtrTEn. Highest current rate of Interest AAVINOApaid in aur RANK DEPART - no de eRNTI posits of 1.111 and upwards. OODRRiCR BRANCH A. G. 0AM71LRs Manafer. ALGOMA CENTRAL STEAMSHIP UNE ksnITR. KING EDWARD Cleveland, 'Iol('do, Sault Ste. Marie Division --between Clevelatid,ToIe o. Detroit and Sault Fite, Marie and intermediate points. Leave (ioderich southbound 8:(4) a. m. Fridays, northbound R::#t p. rn, tiun- days. ,lane Vol to September 7th. !Weather permitting! T. J. KPNNEDV, TN4vrn' Mlslm-a, Sault. Ste. Marie Ontario. S'i'AR-COLE Li N 1? 8TTII• HURON Leaven Ooderkh FOR HAI'LT HT& MARIE. MII H via North Channel, Uenrglan Hay, Tne.11ay at N p, m. roll PORT HURON, DETROIT. TOt.RDO and CLEVELAND. Prides, et 13 midnight, w1t.LiAM LRE, toes) Agent- R. gent R. MAXWR1,I4 Traffic Manager. Potent', Mir h, Nav;gatibn Notes. The new ben eon oe the beeakw'aLef W;a, lighted for the IIi4L time uu Mon- day leighl. The gas buoy els., is still burning hitt will no doubt noun fr1 uis- combal. • I'he steamer Huron ,lade her Mott call fur' the season 1'uesd;ly night, bound north. The (lemon's schelulel time of Calls at t x1 t[�1sh ` f►1 her Tuesdat e, north hounel, and 1'S mid- 1 r 111 mid - Another pleaas:ell (•4ent traced t home of Mr. and MIs, Jo:ua Knox '1'u.•tday btsl. when Weir third daug ter. Miss Sybil Jlaisl, bec:uur t bri,le ul Herbert He, tram Poieuer, lirooklum. M.1.• 4. The ivn4I40 w until 1 1 ooff1%Vilke 1'ty 1lbrothe•r,n-lawllofllt bride. al high noon. The bride, wl was given away by her (wther, wo i, . • •r r, 1u. suit of t:ulpe,'- ' i' h Tr ' WW1 Al6Wthy4ts ;and, was attended. The e%ent was a quiet on lnly the LLulily taring present. 1'1 'rowing 14ern war decorated 1i erns. myrtle and Ilowera and t wedding march frau) l.o1u :grill w played by 'the bride's sister, Peat r. and Mrs. Posener left on the 2: r. u1. train for a visit at Tomtit Buffalo and other intermediate peiu •n !mute to their borne at llostu w: 1 ' d by.. -good wibhee many friends. '1/he bride and greet .•1'e the recipients of IIoally ver 1(1nuliful and useful pineals. 1'1 torn'. gift to -the hridrrwas -a go 41.., i•Irt with aluetIIy.t•4rtling, lie on 1) - he of a4, k. hr to re at iulr e, le th he x14 I. 41r U, is 0. oL n IB ld work. They have leen received here with great goodwill Rad wishes for ti.sl-spuvd i11 t1,.• work they have •ill hand. The lewd hall"waw aihf f1Te on Sunday morning :and uuckl•,l at night,. while the., meetings this week are crowded." Watch for the eulno1ucenient of the exact (hate of the opening of these uteetiugs. A 401(1)41 invitationisex- tt•ndef to tall Io al(elld the services conducted by the hand duriug its stay in l.oderich. (Additional local Toole. oe ('age 5,1 LOCAL' TOPICS IN BRIEF. 1'ptOlhr tir,ulctailoring atE.J,Prblhaeh:.. A lame .el.a•tion ut gust., for summer gar- ment.. Call and leave yuor under, Prompt aril eaf40ful 4ltelllIOU give,. W the wants of amateur p1ntLLytraphrrs al. It. 1t. Mallows-.ltutiu. currier ,l[uut real .t reel and the `q wase. The excursionists in town today are saying many eoe1plirnem.ry thine. about Ooferich, 1% Mile'. Suhth'. Art Store, East street, 1, a tavornetelsne ng sn.lvwolrs • of'Ttm va.fl. A Large an, *141-4 4. 1,cl IAA always o, Land. Jame, Knuckle has the framework up fur uruLtage 0n Sualth Street.. The S aforth 1-awu howling tom Ila •"mtmt-rnmmm•tlrernn-1?Ptitry tayBritt, I Ith inst. Robert Orr is building a house uu the old Herr property next to Mt. Uavid'4 a';ud School. .lu inquest for the death of Ueoi'ge Harry war opened ye4lertav het etre Coroner Ih•. Hinder and a.1jOuI•ned 1 i Friday, the pith, foethe taking of to 'Ileum night, 'rid'►ys, smith h; f. Holmes Must Serve: • 1Vm. Scillies, of Seafurth, must serve his sentence of two years i11 the Central for abductilin• ile u:11 con• vieted and sentenced by- the couitt judge. of (Moron county on ,a charge of alxlucting Maud Hulley, daughter of hit housekeeper, whore he took from Seaforth LO tue1uh TII • appcm WA, t made on the glounds that !Willett wee taking the girl. home, to her 'mother. ' A stated case Was alblhitted sir t) whether it was a raga of abduce t ion. The question was answered in the affirmative, and the conviction was sustained: The Hurdn 1N4 Boys. 4 N 1 w ltt'4 The Huron Old Boys' excursion from 'Toronto was a big event of tlil9 past week. About two hundred visit- ors ,'alae t0 town, and there w.•t•e many pleasant family gatherings snit renewals of old acquaintance. • Our personal column contains the na111e0 of many of the visitor. Although it is udposalble (ai Rive thoiu ail. The special train arrived shortly- lifter noon on timt'urdey and tett un Monday at t3 p. ,ii. The Toronto people will have another npptirtunity of routing to Orxlericb on the 17th, when the annual excursion under Orange aus- pices im to take place. Newspaper Changes. The Kincardine Reporter rwme to hand Inst week 111 much improved style. The "patent inside', has been discarded and The Reporter will here- after be an "a11 home print," The change is accompanied by tither iva- proveulents and the proprietor, J. J. Hunter, ix to be congratulated .upon his progt•easivetles, Another •nr-ws. paper change in the same quarter is announced. The Tiverton Watch man ba, been arn4lgamated with The Kincardine Review, Tiverton having been found to he too limited a field for a separate publication. A Family Reun:on. The family of Mrs. Adam Cook are holding their enr1IIal family reunion at the Imam of Mrs. Cook's daughter, Mrs. R. 11_ Johnston, en Waterloo street. Among those who are present are Mrs. Cook's six daughters: Mre, • Public Notice. LO(1AL 1 M PRO V I; t1 ENT NO FR' E. Take notice that the Municipal council of the corporation of the town of (i(xdericll intends to e4Mhstrint a sewer of tilt pile on Trafalgar street from North mt•eet to Cambria toed, length 1753 feet. and In ,assess it per. tion 1 11 the final cost thereof try twenty annual epeeist! absesawents up- on the property fronting or abutting thereon and to he•bene•Illtr.i thereby, and that a statement showing the lands liable to and, proposed to be specially a'tleseed for the _said wnt•k, and the nature of the owners thereof w) far am the sante con be amcerlailied f the hast revised assessment roll and otherwise, is now Hied in the ef- rlcr of the town clerk. and is mien for inatertion during (fll.•e I s 1 he estimated cunt ()Psalm. Is *(till, of which 11114 fel./ be provided not of the general funds of the municipality. Persons entitled and desiring to petition the council against oud4rtak. mg the proposed work .last do s,, on or hefote the 1111 l Clay of August next. Dated Dila 7th day of Jule, 1544)4, L. L. KNOX, Town (clerk. Auction Sales. ti t.: PSL �,t 11 7, 1t* . LIATl'RnAF .►i 1,1' :HH. A llAl'N- Il TIT' of endow furniture, fable/. -bn11•, maths, ale Tho Au -lion Hone. 1 EOM; g RE( 'KKTT; Anet tonere BECKETTAtl'O.HA V1.: J('ST L been instructed to make a deep rut in prire7 of property. How is this ,'tl for a seven -room house, hed 1.1 1 and barn, and :( town lot,. on Walnut street. 31000 for acres weroe.fl-rooand. m home.and $700 fora five-r(cin brick holm. on �9/lf1/ Rruce0ilYet. 56,10 seven-roplace. Huomron roahnn1e, dbarn on t he will - , $1 3110 for good nine -roan) honor 1/ on Rekayeetreet1$411udown). (�. forstreeta, property on Nelmon `/ Water from the Lake Again. Sly' t arrow or Saturday the town will again he getting its supply of eater llorn the lake, the work cm tbe intrlae pipe being aleut Completed. The fut•ty fret of the'pipe which was taken up Waw dented 01 the gravel which choked it up all( 1ii18 !leen re- C,1oo4'et4d with the twits and the pumps at the primping station were rota- at.--1.1wir tall aafaa._i 1L 41r force water mit ward throng' ' lenlaiuder o! the int aka pipe to ci.rar it. 'Judg- ing by the quantity of dirks and atone,, which Was forced out the pipe all along its Length lutist have con- tained a cunwiderable ruuount of material. The connecting of the ipippe with the sleeve completes the duh. Soule people thick it would be better if their weir no 1.1 ib at the end of the intake pipe alt all. • as it was the settling of the crib on the IwkeWtat'd ride which causl•d the severance in the pipe and nll4Wed all the extraliemot mitt ter to get into the pipe. The next problem to be _solved le the stopping up of the leak in the (ooyof the WPSt- ern half of the- sedimentation basin. This half of the basin is not. being used for the town water supply but stkamltr . ftdt _ :4Uit5eitili -_Waley. and p trifling it'akage front it comes through the partillion in the ,centre ..f the basin. The Late George Barry. - Although not a native of Ootictrieh the late lieo1ge Hvr'y, whose death took glare on ,l(.Mlday afternoon Last, was pr.aetleally a 116•14ng resident of this town, 31 4.1 the o•venty-four years of hie well -spent iii.• proclaim him a worthy citizen. hot• thirty years Mr. Harry Was in the furniture hominess here, retiring about eight year's ago. Ills wife, predeet ',toed him ithout twenty -right years. Three dangh- tera and a► son Nllrvive: -Mrs. It. Burgess, sir Toronto, : the Misses Eliz- abeth and Nellie, at home. and Joseph Haney, of London. In religion the Ile• emceed allheh•el to the Methodist de- nomin.at and in politics he was a ste.11111)j Reformer. --Ile VelN bort) a1 Npringllrl.l River, .1tine 1 tt1*, IM:ti, and was tins e,•venty-foto• years and twenty-one days old. lee had ht _ working for 1rw. weoks-at_t ii:plan. ing mill nid on Satorciay Inst had the mishit • 1.. fall 1hrough tan opening in the upper tour, which was used to pass lumber through, and, though not at 111e time realizing Ihttt he was seri- ously injured. 1u• sustained internal injuries whish resulted in his death. The deceased was .a rnemle•r of the Meulunic under and 1 he funeral yester- day was. tinder the auspices of that Inely. The ps11-}chorus were six Me- teoric-hrethr .tt---4k--4errwnjrtg, F'. f''. Lawrence, J. H. Tiger., Joseph Heck, 1. 11`, Smith and .1. 1V. Thomas, Rev, it. W. dlillydarl cuaduot4.d the Coming Soon. The Ilaptimt rhnrt-I1 hat rm.-tired the seri-fres of the • Woollmtock ('allege evengelistic band. who will conduct meetings in li.nleri,h in the neat future. The hand is at present con- ducting meetings in Kincardine, from a'hiell (dare it will coni' Lo Hudrrfrh, The organiit►ti011 i et1111potool of cr11. legtt student's, inchnling a ovalis quar- tette letmeo wlitk Is a feature of the meetings, and a soloist, Mr. AV. N. 1Vr•ight, an impru.sive Rosp>,•t singer. The hand i' Ind I.y (', 17. Chapin an, noel has for the past six we'ekw been rondncting meetings in I)nrhani, I'Iesherlon and Eine:imbue. !t/welt- ing of its work in l'I(Ghertnn, l'he Flesherton Ad4.an, ' says : "The 1VO4Nlst.w,k College eevntigelistic hand, who are holding meet Ings Stere tinder the auspices of the itaptist chervil, are having splcmdid 4II"'1a the meet- ings (ring largely au ,filed, And the keenel.t interest evinced. The singing' of the quertette is it very attractive fettle.. P. while the speaking in earnest and effective. They tell the old story in a tnorc than usually convincing way and the benefit delayed hy their coaling here will he something that our people should be thankful for, re- gsrdlewm of creed of calling. It Is rarely indeed that yylch a combinatipn of rich young manhood is heard in one place. These young men are rich in the enlhuuiaarn of youth and In the endowment of gifts that are likely to make them a power in their future Tl're is rare 60 1N. one bury stare in town for the •next few days, and no wonder: if you read Cameron & MlNmirasl. oar cage &wort will knew - the,reason wily. The trial by the county judge of Ira Hier, who was sent up ou the charge of setting fire to a hotel in Hansen, was to have come oft on Tuesday morning, hut was adjourned for it week'Ito suit the convenience of coun- sel. Clinton is to have a big Orange demonstration on Die Twelfth, and no (Ionia a large number fnmt Oralerich will go down to see ft. A special train iv being provided. Ileinicke's hand win accompany the Ooderich (lrange(uen. Two cows belonging to Dick Romp went over the river bank at the old Edwards place, near the woollen mill, on Monday and were killed. 1t is a serious loss to Mr. Romp, as he was offered a good sum for the two animals a short tithe ago. The graduating exercises of the 1RUII Mass of nurses in training it Rt." Joseph's hoepital, London, took place on Wednesdsyy evening of last, week, 4teev. Esther Tobin presiding. One of the twelve young (ladies.tf the gradu- ating class was Miss Martha O'Neil, of (l.aierieb, whose friends congratu- late her upon her success. There is a dangerous spot alongside the C. P. H. track just south of the Western Canada Milling Co,'s office. A pedestrian coming up from the wharf and not knowing the locality might easily walk over the edge of the cement wall alongside the rail- way track, and it wouldn't be a nice place to fall. A railing should be put 1n place to serve as a guard. The annmsl excursion of the Metho- dist and Presbyterian Sunday schools trf 8eaforth will to run to (lodel'Ich on Friday (tomorrow.. The excursion takes 1n all the etatlOus on the G. T. R. line from 3litchell to. Iloluiesville. Tire special train will arrive at (lode rich at about 14:30 a. tn. and will leave on the return trip at 8 p. ul. In its retort of- the annual district; tueeting of the 1. U. O. F., held at Sea- forth recently, Thr Expositor stays: "After the business of the dist, ict, meeting was concluded, a lodge of in- struct ion WAS held, when the first de- 141Ys' was exenmplified by the Ooderich degree team. Despite the very waren, night this team put on the work in a 110414ner that was not only creditable to themselves, but mss % delight to the large attendance of brethren, and rrl'tainly the Oolerich team tire to he heartily congratulated for the exce.I- lent manner ill which they conferred this degree." . l'he garden natty held o/ Tuesday evening wider the auspices' of the ladies of Knox church was well at- tended and was a very pleasant tune - It was held at the home of A. 1t. McLean, Elgin ,venue, and the ael- jeeining gr4auyds of Theis.-- (4wldey-met Andrew Porter were thrown open. making a Wide eXINLI Ike of lawn for t he neer mn)od:atin) 4)1 the gathering. M11F1e Was furnished by tfuinicke's band, and randy and ice creaII, INN)!he provided rep sitnrie' for many 'tray dinlre. A faneywnrk table also did s thriving (IaineRM, Altogether it was a most enjoyable and successful affair. CHURCH NOTES, 'ITP-nnnn.11 picnic of the 114:stint Sunday school will be held on Satur- day afternoon, .duly Ilhh, st Mem-ne- tting Park, The sermon oubjeets at the AhIhtjNt church next Sunday art. : Morning, II o'clock, 'Evil Thought And the "(iron -eye,( Mnn.ter,"' Evening, 7 o'clock, "Thr. Wader Supply 4 hat Failed." (cordial invitation to all, in honor of Dominion Clay the pul- pit of Nord strut. Methodist church en yunwlny Wats draped with the Brit- ish ensigns and the national anthem and the hymn "Land of Hope mid Glory" were features nt the sict►1 liervice, Rev. 11r. Carl, of St. 1.-404 14, who has leen orctipyijlg the pulpit. of North street. Me•thodi,t eharrll very accept. - ably in the absence of Rev. 1►r•, Iloog,tll, loin (•onclnde his ministry here n.•xt, Snnday. 1)r. )'nrl has 011t - pressed himself very favorably teem the people• of N)11111 street, who will •!e glad to renew on future occasions the pleasant sosmociationa which have been eatsblimhtal between them. Dr. 4'orl and his ferpily will he in town for the rest of the summer. Ven. Archdeacon .Ionem-Hatema8. Mee, ,Innes-13ateq)an and their two boys arrived in (}nderich on Friday last and have taken up their residence et Ht, lirnrge's rectory. The arch- deacon has charge of Ftt. OeorgP e per- ish for the months of July and August and. we understand, intends making a trip to the Old Country before return- ing to the City of Mexico. Heofflcieted last Hundsy at At. (ienrge'e church for the flat time and showed himself to be an effective pulpit speaker,. fe,,,,„. There Is No Substitute FUR ADVERTISING IN THE SIGNAL. 1 he ground it covers is not covered L� by ally other medium. .-THE HIONAI. i'ttINTINU ('u., bat . PUULUEW. PERSONAL MENTION. —site,.. Hotplate wa•'ln- .,un* yeaerdny, (florin( 11hephani, of Loudon, 1s in tuwu on :. ilt, J. W. Vu,at Wr left yeetenlay om a trip to the \1'eesl. Norman Itumball war no from Toronto lest 4..-,•k, Mi,. Elise Tye 1. home from Vtt.wa for the vocal f m,. 4 I..irles H. Kidd left on Monduy on a vI4t to M uskuka. \lir,, Mabel Thurlow 1. home frau, Toronto for holiday., Jw•k Kielv,aud A. J. Kidd were up (rout To ,.unto ower aluuday. k• McKeown, of Chloago,' i. visiting at the reddeune u( J. kid(. Cher. Wa.hingWu, of Toronto, wan aeon the Old Iioy.. excursion. • Miss McKay, of %'ort Hopi, -ha. Leen the Kort of Mrs. Sickle, - Misses flulen and Alice IWthwell, of Toronto, are visiting ill town. Mi,. Mary Martin, of Cleveland. 1. visiting relative. to (�uderich, Newham IWbiuson was up from Toronto on Hm*yrf-Hoyer` ertenrsleer, IL S. Robertson, of HLMtfutd, wee In town oil Monday on l u.ine„a, J. KW. loaves tomorrow on r visit to lie pit, Pet tuna and toiler points. • 11r. And Mrs, ('harlot 'Tweedie vlaited NEWADVERTISEMENTS-Ju ly 8th. RIs: floinn--!liar-('ohs Lino..,., .. rR6 Warders Wanted -Mi. SSSS. .. Oil and Gas Stove, itedaoed--N'11neI1..' Hard. warot+toro ,. A Solid %Took of t',derweat• Sellltq -!I(d• Ken. Hose • (ciao a of -, • ..• 3 K \oNh.ruNavigrllor, t'tr,.. 6 flet ore Puzzle 1•o.t Cars-Otwrge Porter .. 8 store 'based WOdlle-day Afturnoou,-W. R. Kr11Y . 8 Cut Rate I'.-1,. in Clothing-1%VanerC. !Md - hair SSSS.. .. Y Alidw,unnter Clearance - IL M. Klliott. • • • y Specials for Thls Week -J. H. Colborne. ' i July Sale News rW. Acheson t Hou Special Ilosiery and ((love V3400._ V, 5151lar l a 3 Sumner sort Mattes --H. K: Hick 8 '1'oa,�ber Wanted -S, S. No. 1'. Ashaeld trod 1Tost tvawuuosh t Valuer Man Wanted -Howell Hardware t'a, Limited 1 Annouueement-Jae, IV(Ison Ind 1':0rold IWuiing !Sowell ILtniw.are ('o,• Ltm- 1 ted Not i,•etol'rdder, M.G. 44luwro).�.�, 1 Aninnowentent„-. (Beckett R ('0 1 ►\..,.,..r A;...,rtr-AY, f.ee1.Im4proceuunt Notl'u--1. L Knox 1 Harvest Time Again-l'h(as. C. Loo quality end Value -('. 8. Ewing. . ,...,,, For the Summer Toilet --11. l`; Dunlop 5 For Sot (arilay Morning-('an4eron R Moore5 Fifty 1'ean. Howell Ilanlware Co 5 Furnished House! 10 Win -%V. R. Rube rLsun 1 Brick and Tile -J. Pitblitdo t Dios in town over tiylulay .Nie,, McKim len on Mundxy on a months visit to rciallves at Mincer. Mn. Win. lillraoreand eon, Wesley, of Toron- to, visited in town til. week. H. Iteo•uullurL of The Toronto News, was in tow( over Dominion. tray. Chas, Rankine, of Windsor, i, visiting. no. Intl ve. fm town and viciult Y, Mist trace John ton, of Stott fond, L. 41114 ung the. i.aal4nn t 54,4 l4la logo. The Wee. McCaughan -Ai ene-Lep-on therm - day , ercurslon from Toronto, Mb,, Elizabeth Brown, of Amb,rley, is the geed of Mr., Vining. Park ,tree(, treat for Glasgow on July 1st, They expect to spend ',er ab(treat ad nliritai%1n and visit the Mlro- 1ti.. ary Polley, who ha. been teaebing hind. Deer. IL toter. is home fur v icat •a„ A. S. Mitchell had Ilk brolive f - 'tTbert rain; oTZf a i• uuufa a brief vial W ford with hire over Dominion Stay. from Hit' town last week and on his return 4.a. aa;um- itisr N. Knox, oI Toronto. i., attending a 11• 411 staded ying for soi. little ne Albert wit4h Ale granQ mouth at the home of her parents, parcel., Mr, and Mrs, U, Switzer. Mr. and 31r., Malcolm McKoy loft on Tues. day for a trip to Seattle and ex(ept to be away x couple of maths. They ire by way of the 44t4.4e. ,1od intend making the! return trip by (tae C:1'. iL We wish therm 44 Pleasant trip, R.'4•. .tl', 1V, Stefdart, Mrs. Staldart and children, of Fulton, Mo , arrived this week -on A 41411 to Mr. "toaldarrt parents. 'Air. and Mn, Stoddart leave on Tuesday On a trip Wert. both Mr, end Mrs. Stoddart having relation. in the West., • Il•ontlnutd on page RI THE HURONOLD D BOYS. The following linea are written by one of the Huron Old Boys of To- ronto. Inure Anderson, of the (Lank of Common... Kreter. Is spending holiday. to 10A d. Juneph Seale, of Toronto, spent lana week visiting at the home o1 4L mother Irene, It. Roth. of the Varna branch of 1 he Sterling Hank, a, relieving at the Uod❑, 14•'1 branch, 11,.4. and Min. Madeline McLachlan were among the visitors from Toronto this. week. Jaa, Hyslop- of the herd unteeso( the Hank of Toronto, visited relatives here over Sunday. lir', Arh..trong, of Toroota i.. visiting at the rw.ldenrve of her father, Jame Hitchamnm, Mr. and Mrs. Charley 1Vhyyard, of Waterloo. were the gue to of Mrs. H. 'Furrier oo D0Wl011.111 Day. John S. Cameron and him mother, Mrs. Cam- eron, of /(alt, are in (halcrich on a Mv41t. . luid Mrs. Arthur Rates 01 Stratford, 4 visited reletivwd 5( 1.nd 0*44 last week. Mr. and Men, ,Ackland, of Toronto, were rout last week at the residence of P. J. But - Mr. bend Mrn. A. Y. J. Mattel 'ane-3faxtar Cuthbert lett on Tn.1daY on a Lrlp to HaUlax. N. S. 40.tt;of•sontetkweek. wii1of 1h haler rellati�ea hu town, Seeger from Toronto where she 444 b,eenlattending school. Mr. and Mas. F. S. Hlok, of Toronto, are .pending a week or two visiting In town and vicinity. Mr, and Mat }knelt P. Hick and two chlld- ron were among 1,aturdayw excursionists Prow Toronto, weMek by the rserfous 1)0.11.. of ealled r father, Itdas oat bt, Iroughs. Mlm, V. A. Watw04 has gone to (11)445)4 to attend the summer school at the Macdonald I Istituto, h reamer City of St. Ignwce on her (kat trip to ItetTroft.os. Elliott was a paraenger' on the (leo. Newton, of Toronto was the guest of hp. 1.. brotheweek.r, ('. O. Newton, for s few days the Mimes Nellie and F-lon'nce Colborne left on Saturday. by steamer St. Ignaom on a trip to Chv.land, Arch. McIntyre and Miss Molntyre, Into of Laurier. Aehfleld township, have come to re. ride In town. Mr. and were thecue Mrs. rof 1llr,•'n 1 Mo, Vooot n,. Mot'roe h over Sunday, Iter. M. J. WILoe and wife, formerly of Nile and now 01 Nalkerton, were vi.ntors In town on Friday. M the t,,',t. of Mr,.... ItLilr•kc'a brother, Harrof y.'l'uru er, over Sunday, Iter, 1, Kilpatrick and Mrs. Kilpatrick, of %t'flkenpon, have her„ intioderich and vicinity on a holiday vittt, 4.1'har)u. Hawkins, of t%'ind+or, In In town for TWuwron'd.ays,flat hatrivplnK come np w) the steamer l Miss Ida Slates, of 'Toronto. vinit1vl In town over Mundy On her rot un, she woe 144.00,. 14x1.1 Ma. lreuu, A.141M. IWhlWeirtworl, of the t'olleglate Inetit me t+aft. I. in Tunm o4 examining papers at the 1)cpartmeet o/ k.iuc.tiwe, Mi.sMaud Why aril and her niece, MIs. Mar ion (11 11tek of Elmira, are visiting relative. at Nodertc4 and bungannon, Mr. and Mn, Joseph heck were among the ex'urdool.ts from Toronto the past work wnl are rem;.i oleo( herr for vial(, Wesley Kdwanl, of Toronto, *ex. -meanie., by hi.brother have,,4l'hat Mon. came up on the Iluron Old (toy. excunlom, Mrs .ycl.untaa,4 11.„d 111.. Tena McLennan hat c ret 11rnod to town and have Mkou up their residuum again on Nelson /trent. Mr.. 11. 41. Horton, o/ Toronto:ll vl.fl frig In Lowe. Mr, Button came upon the Old IAy. excursion and rete ruert on Monday, Mr.. J. 11. K. Jones, of Dtutrt, accompanied by her (1o��'t�gghleq 14 vlalit41W at the hone of her parent., Mr. find Mn J, c le,'1'ouzuL it. IL Nonan loft o) &Il.urday for Savona. H, 1'„ whore a pout ion Is waiting for him. Mrs. Nunan la already in Birk i.h 1.'olyn4hla, Mee. J. A. Rnmhatl tuft last week of her !HP to keret* with the London Advertiser party, Her t,-u,rd. weal, 4101' A 4cr.y pleasant trip. Mrs. Sinclair and her two grandchild ron, the MIw44 4 brr, of Toronto, are -pending a 4,14+011 at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C A. Mager. Mr, and Mrs. Willi. yyFra00r and Minn fear Item:ter left on Of towa Mot. Fraserand MIr',,aJ'earloh a tt willheplway nil mummer. 11/tn. Oyer, from lln,ed. enemy. Ireland, ha. arrived in atoderi ch 011 a (45.51. to hie uncle, A. ('o per. Mr. Dyer luny remain In the, romry, 1teva. John Parries .late Of Ht. Catharines, Is In Uoderieh o, a 11.54 mf a couple of months, Mr. lbrrlc Is thinking "1 moving to British t'ohumbla, IL Healy, of t.b. {Lank of Common:,toff, left. on Mature�p tto Join the leave' of Use IAIrMord brannh Hls j7±4u,e )(eye is taken by 4). 11, McIntyre, of Th ed f(,rd. fit11144oree, reetorrll4011 Ita4 week furheen l her 4tpa.r eats' horse In 1'( than(. Wes expect. to pan her husband In the t tty of Me*LW 1n the hall. Mr, and Mr., *400.1 :athrnrt and 41404171,1041 canoe rut on the female 'lrllrsihn (041 SL/lar day to r5,41 Mrs. 4 atter/It. nlotler, Mrs. Mary Wilson They are fomenting hero for a week or .o, Mr.. Ilt.v.4 Turnbull len yesterrle allwr- noon for London. She 4.111 *moil Lim next twit menthe with relatives at ',linden and Petrone until her bwtwnd's return from Melee. ('a , H. laynrnertan, wife and boy, of Kin- �ryrtglt%op werMr. and e In town nn 1 hureday Iaat vlsit Mra, kat, -r ertno at re nutty driver ing trip to Forest' Sarnia and I'etrnlia, We ere pleated to learn that.A netts McKayy, Newgate street. who has been very .erlou.lr M. Is now /hewing twat/11.0.n Ale Improvement. We hope he will noon be well on the way to complete recovery. Frac .lfanbasit /Moue( (;(0/(a, Let us sing a iojous song, n song of grateful praise, To our Heavenly Father who has guided all 4011:• And lire loving friends we. knew In early, happy days, llptwthetfome land of Iluron. ('HORUS- //atmos Arrn1A,/iv Meow tar, 10 rear, //mead. krrra4, Jar //r.or morons tee, Well de Ire reou../ .1114, (mire/rin.A' eve fern. C'f is the At'.ne•la d o///.row, Huron wo can neer forget wherever we inns go. Childhood's (roam., and hopes, and (carr, and love's first thrilling glow, Fill our hearts with Joy today a. In the long Up in the home -lend of Huron. Still ere llama to the 4o11g4 our mothers used to sing. 'OM we hearth.. school bells wall, the church bel1's accred ring, --- 1)1151 in dreams we gather flowers as In the early spring lip in the home-him/of Huron. Canada, the best of lands, wo love from sea to sea, Monntein., valley., riven, lakes and pretrial wide and free. Hut the dearest spot of all to us w111 beer be 1'p In the home -land of Hnton. Huron boy. and Huron girl., today we will renew Friendship % formal in early years when heart to heart was true, And welt spend'a happy hour Just as we used to do Up in the home land of Huron. -.f. C. H. ANNOUNCEMENTS, it payh to Nee what Htx'tcx'rr has fn(• mile and tell hitt what you have to cell. ' �1TORAOR FOIL FURNITURE. -- Large rO1rel1, top that, over Wilson's drug store. Perfe^ty clean and dry, The W. C. T. U. Sheets iia -.the Tem- perance 11a11 the second and ioerth Mondnye of each month, at i o'clock. The regular Matulday auction sales will not be held during this hot month of July at the Auction House. Next big sale will he Saturday, Judy 31st. Mee sale .',tier. Remember the date of the garden party under the au.pice1 of the Guild of St. George's ch,lreh, Wednesday', .111.17_21st. on the grounds of Carey. i)etails next week. Too latae for our tel. this week : ten dozen suits of tarn'' fine balbriggan underwear on sale at ;s oout half-price; per garment Ilk, at ('AMKKON & Honu• px (Isle ter the bargain notice. even in ha( weather. Two gasoline 111.040,•14 and four nil At0Vel Mlvertised in but week's paper for sale at the Auction (louse, were all gone hy Mon- day night. Another carload of granulated stager pasties Into ettirk this week and just arriving in time for the preserving SPRAon, While thin rat• Lasts the price' will ia• tomtity•(me pounds for the dol- lar or *1.7.1 per hundred pounds. iluy now. Prices will 11' more to Ml'ance, l'.4MN.KON & Mont. Arrangements have been made with the Algoma Oantral S. N. Line's. “King Edward" by 4'aliadian Pacific Railway to ticket passengers for Fort William, Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberts paints by their Kteamer to :'Soo and C. 1'. R. N. S. from !..loo to Fort William and return. Huy your tickets from JOS. Kinn, town passenger agent. SITUATION VAn.%NT,--An excellent opportunity to get a good hnaine,N ed- ucation now available to an honest. bright, industrious young man who wishes to learn the hardware Mimi. neem. Would prefer one who has Nage( the entrance or r•olnmerriel Mr. rind MIs* Wynn hart removed from the eoul'me. The accepted applicant will Heiler( hotel end have taken Mr. Fraser* be experts'( to start work nn Monday r4'ddeno. wt Elgin avenue, Mr. Wynn'. next. HOWELt. HARDWARE Co. daaehtmA Mrs. White anti Mime Pearl. of Kn. a•,, City. are with them, Ml.I(4 M Dtek.or, R A, end Mies J, O, Dickson. H. A. da, (Iters of John T. Dickman, of Tuckeramltk, stalled with a [tarty ham Moa DIED. BARRY. -1n (Iederich, on Monday. July ata Heurru Rarry• aged is years and tl dap..