HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-7-1, Page 6s3 THUwr•AS J11,1' 2, 1909 1:‘1, '•'1111':1:1(:It. ONTARIO ANOTIIER \VOMAN CUJIFL) 'V Cydiaf Pm am s Vegetable Compound ttw supsay of °ammo eseavhatIflat - od damper 1' zira 0t11a taata auk% at Vika. 4aJn terncrtronal J1/ewsnuper IPI' .'' w l Ila t'uwr Lavergne. from 7�ts' • stat leans nnm.41M' to 6)4n9•r East 6 a00 •CPU* vitsi°R• 1:APT 5(U WALLA). 4'd--( - way.,- ,,y.ta, 41:5 head, way.,i , blare . Primto at e steers, $6.M, W gym; a losang. $_ 'at N; butchers'. Jets W 17. heaters. -Sue o ue�to. and ,*.W. *Ma Oohs. Um W i. a te>.r t M to 86. . sands agars. .deed's. $4164A, :nab s.2 to La V.ala- I Mite a.t: ,mdasel end study. p a lloan-44...rvta...00IOea�'wgvw'a°d ne ts lac What; tuaary. luS 4 utzd. ply to *AC sorters. g're .p Vai. tease $7.00. mutate, 12 to =Z. Etats/• • lien tat tea.; d+1ri .. iyl ys :i ) to MLA Sheep and Lotter-2tmx/0,a. SSD ben : limbs. ateedr; aleep. ..tree and Me Mee IF lambs. PADtoixa.; sinsratugs, ILI ti.70. wk Vora. AS to J6'.b .sell. Mato SSW, etaep. panted. 1a-tu,1L:'1. Chicago Live 'Ston'. I .C}iTCA(.). Ju--Catttl -J1eoatnt . c.tlnmted at 17.000. .nartu. stonily to Nle l5gh,r. Levin, 16.:0 W 57 M, steer's. 1,.16 to $6.3.,, western steers. 1416 tu ISM. stuck-- era :o1.1 feeders.Ply to }Swal: mand I heifers. p200 to I; caters, $6A0 to rug Hogs It,s"lpts, estimated at 21:000: rsrar- ket 5r to 10e higher; Ifgt4. V.50 to P.n. mixed. r: 4, to *410, heavy, 1756 to 10410. roughs. E. s to $7.76.'1tood to choice hoary. sakes. to 15 ' *6.7 Nae. 1f:.15 to Vit. hulk of 10 to It ble Study Club Suggestive Questi,ns on, the /nterhotionaf Sunday School 6y Rev. Dr. LIn3.nt1, Brantford war Lessons, Prepare, Sunday. July it.eg:ucr.d lu ulwurdrncu with ill, t up)r15l+t Art.1 4. 190* -Paul's Second Miuionary Journey -Antioch to Philippi. s'1.: IJ. • example. you may oppose wearing 1:ohdr11 eel --L (' rf i111i, Mace- "pigtails- ilii ttslrcourltd y, with wN.- .louia Mud help ue. Acts xvi.: U. d . and yet 10 rel11.0 to meat' 1.00 i1 Verse :id he it generally necessary to loil.w up any good stork whim' we bare rdlionien0ed it we would Make it Gardiner, Maine -"I have lw'on A a success? great stifle!, ' 'rum .1 1 1: trouble:, \'rla.•8 57 :e) \it'uu1.1 it 111440 110..0' a id .1severe f male o1111 if I14rnabla 11101 Ihst consulted weakness. 'T 11'0 I'aul in they nutter tit taking Mark % ehlcturaaid j Nr, old liarlutlws was a irlalive of Mark' have to go to the are we rut good judges of Ihr fitness of hospital fur an ourl'rlstivr4 for AS ofticr as. WP Are ,els ratlotl, but 1 ,.1 the fitness of others % Why? ton1.1 not bear to \Vliy it nepetisu, in govern10rnt think of it. ! els- •M I ,lli((11111.11tr harked upon with Bided to) try Lydia suspicion:' E. Itiukllaw's Veit- had Paul. probably. gond reasw for e(a1h' Compound d .0jec tiug to taking John and Mark turd Sanative Wash wIIht them? (See Aids x111.1 . -- mid was entirely It a man 1110)408 -lark of courage, or cured after lisle 1act, or fait tannish*, one position. mouths' use of them." -Mrs. S. A. (tries that disqualify 11iw in may mlrar- w41,4,4,162‘4_14. F. I)- No. 14. Bus 39, 5.,,,,,, yrlting another or from , lore,. when 111 another «,8111111 :' If both Paul and Haran had been 'e Me. Gardiner. r 1) I r '. submit del g Nowoman should cal a wrat ion, which stay nt,an.1rat11, until She (las given Lydia 1'.. hilt ham a Ve - •rhos )'aUlWdud. odds• exclusive- ly (rum roots and i Fits, a 111r This (maims medicine for women hu for thirty years proved to be the most valuable tunic and renewer 'of the female organism. 'Women resit- ing so almost every city and tow0 in the tibiad States tear willingtesti. 112ouyyto the wonderful virtue of Lydia F.: lRuklam's Vegetable Compound. It cures nale frui414 4dUs. -creates radi- i. -buoyantnu aril In. for your own sake as well as those' you love, give it a trial. Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn. Maas.. --(elites all stet[ women to write her for advice. 11 er ad a ice is free, and always helpful. C*NA01.'IN PACIFIC Fast Service I1 DETROIT CHICAGO .4VU Western Points t)NI.\ U\1 CLOSE .'O\\I.t I ION 'PARLOK C \It IlibitSet AT t.1;1:1.I'71 It T. ('Mira may be great fully. Verses 1,-r What. were the •'d•'eiet'8 trf the elders Which were tit Jeruealeut," and are these binding u1s'11 the church today? (See Acts xv.: Is a church hotter with or without ul elitism/ale erred'! • What did Jesus tr %eh which is not included in righloourhers, and the cotenant vision of Uo1? Will a church sound' "in the frith" always lir it Magnet to draw ..there to It ? Verses t -h \\shy did the Holy Spirit forbid them W preach in Aria and hotly Dia. and would they have 1? sinned bud they dour r. When we ars hindered providen- tially f 1 g certain good works. isthatthe Hull' Spirit Modesiu51 us? t ♦ CI•nrM 161TC-"ltiiw 'litany methods !Da_ r_ s dupli + o in le1Ml iu u :ollul. t /n•n l II d 1 se r ev 1 have been this the man Jesus would there Ulnn tune 111 rrrry ras a u t "dig, sd41lteralr.l liquid'. dud 80141, have teen thea quarrel between them, and 118 routs torr guidance as lei who( we w ;skry was ,Ielw.l in evidencs. ypw would the (natter likely have been might to do? 1 w•ss 'wen the 'ur - Rw «vidnc�e �I nettled This question must 1>e aii= "; `rluiTflT.1 visttTr duet m si(earlsaaii�}ila wt in Its 1rldwistions. ' swered by members of the club.) h• Uo1 as (hough (tr 111M1 spoktrl ' ••\\' ru they finally filed into court. F When two ('hristhmoid fall out, is one personally :' 1lir Ho ur asked or 111111 *1504).. to \ Iw blamed? 'nice 11.12-1),n•s (1.41 direct the .•.•(far lar. jury agrw•dunnvtrelict:' \'.seers {u-{1 toil the dispute be. course of the Christian with absolute ,• 'No. s ur Honor,' responded the (morn these men Work out for good. certainty, notwithstanding wind Or foreman, 'a d before we do we should 48 it 1.441115M in two missionary, demi- sea? -, . ' like to have 1hor•e e0idrl.' ,w " ininsteadt, t instead of one! Verse 13 -What Is one of the first \ Hy ally I0' .4' III reasoning can (11ing5 An earnest 1'hristtan looks out A til'l's Way. you conclude that (iyd was back of for, when hr moves into a new c - tilts dispute . • . ' .---1t-wasawelte a aiL.v'- 1 uu•n, wo me betterwork out his our- Are women generally in the major- noon. Algernon ea in the hall(llIOCI puMw? its as earnest Cb11(15( ns:' ,,and !'lade occupied wh4ker chair. I'ltap.xt•i.:1-:t Shouldminirtemand \'eras 1t --An• busy woolen genet, titer was very pretty, 11.1 Algernrn, oth.'r t'hl'i8tiatlr, h•• on the lookout idly more --aplrttnat-tttlm-ttr11tt': rhe, wAeh)'petrentgtrrinve- 41htrrr,---H. for young men who are titled fur the have but little to do:' wat mimosa' in dr.pair Rs sat look- inilristry, the N110' ens IM114iuee,, turn SI 1.1 all girls lie taught to earn Ing ;it her playing with his rnM, and are for good rush/smallICJ their own living? ..1. knew it. What ran you RN for or against is it racier for (i.nl 10 1)141) the• ••4 4h, claire:, he pleaded. '\ by are Pistil's cireuslcising 1(imothetls, in view heart of an intimations • methal than 9II ,u,l•uld ?" 4 the decision of the. council al Jerrie- that of an idler' '•1 :Mil .1101, Algie.", she prat.v•et ,Ism:' 1 rr Acta xv.: 1.2"711. Verne 1:1 1f a porwlniainhospitable,. ••'5 011 aro, ('late," he insisted. In matters of habit. or ceremony, or stingy, is that a sure sign of ungot- "And 1 sky jos' tH prsititely that 1 ..r non 148sentOils. is it well for us to tiaras! ares nt." give way to the views of others, sitlk- lesson for Sunday, Judy lith: IOW. -liaise. (`Idose," tie pried, "hem can 1.151-omr IIWt 1,r4•frl'Hn•IM. Wit.15 we MU _Paul'. SPOOld ]/issi.g141y • Journey- t)a ..ty that .when you know you i good by good 14o doing? For Thel'hilippidu Jailcl•. Actsxvl, : 551-50, ave treated nte,llkr----- I ••01ifanning," rhe interrupted. fanning Ire - Sunday, July nth. t/0O--Teoperance Lesson. self lazily Iwswl►white, "( thought you j were talking .cineol the weather, A151ie." July Lippincott s. Convincing the Jury. "The recent press reports touching th h use of whiskey Y juries in Ten- I messes," says a New York lawyer, ••re- mind mei of an amusing incident in s,ssm.•"liHft with Its I, i,tl 1 unc•" wit- Srser.l 411 Allan8ar•. fM defendantant had been Ae lard r, f ActsxVI. : Id 40. Silas he apt to regret ilia painful in Uolden Text.- -Believe on the Lordeldest s J••rur (.'brier, and UwI u shalt he raved. ergo 2O la (her a airy circumstance Arlt xvi. ; 31.painful, ur s, I Ilett prayer I r0 d tiloet Verse+ 111 21 In what elan do you and ;raise rauut)t lmt•il 11 into joy ;.rid (Allen wou4rn I 1f we prayed and sang 101,14' in me '1•hi8 y.ltog w•.1ii.au W,IA. JNia4ersel private lives, 41«t .111 our bundle Leave liralerirh 1425-13.-1111: -with a Very r•lvvrr spirit .4 evil, ru all- , would we leave mom joy and glwlursr Arrive Detroit I'L 141I'.M. ,.round apit.it of ,l...eptio u, including Verde 21i ‘Vas tine ertrthquak.• t it Arrivel'hi.'ago 7.15 A.M. fortune -truing: inns wherein did her 1erult of the prayer of Picot ru1.1 Kilt .III r.,nTWT alutttT'i7 ttit•rtawn1rn? 'ars .I+1 . 1 fVnout:on :u.d tiket. fano . `' Which are the more. In he 1.1 •d in 1).n•s Vied, is tlmv w,.rx nut f11• b .h.. 51111' . ,•. r..-- t.,nr, ttnlelirh 1h.'..• .11vs. fortnu -tellers or. their pe.lple prael i"ally the sun• Ie+alta it 8, (.RANI) 1I4(INK I( )( 11 Lake Superior Div. rVLI- 1UMMCt* SERVICE JUNG alarm Including l *., ii Veen'. Steamship HAMON)C. the largest and finest 111 .45seat Lakes. Mailings from K,11un 'Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays 1110for .n, int A11r. Foe William and 1111111111. - Slimiest (:rand Trunk •tl'aill'-"wTtiir•1tn /VFW `tarnla wharf. New Twirl Kr'ti•'w Sir. 1VAl'R1(' iron, 1'enet*ng 12.13 p.,,. and \lid• land 2.13 p.u1. daily except Sunday to Pnrry.Sonnd and Pt. At, (lard. For Sault Ste. Marirsand 14eorgiai Ilay Ports fr l:ollingwanl 1.:111.111., (►morn Sound 11'0.10.. 14(ry. \Vel11es- day and Saturday. Tickets and. information from all railway agents. .H. H. Gildersleeve C. Ja. Nicholson Mgr.. ("IIingwood 'I'1 nf1r NI gr., Sal nie, P. A[Ui l UN `RY5 EM The Popular Route l"n 41.1. 'ilei" 11.45. Tourist Resorts including \Ilskokn, L1ke of Ido ys, •1'i•niagin,i, lirorgiun I(.n', %lagryn.r- tawait 111 vet', Rnwarthalodere, etc. 1%all M'''ite'}:n Smtenl' now in etTert. Ex( roam. '1'n arts 1,v Seated holes ALASKA --YUKON- PACIFIG EXPOSITION SEATTLE. \',•1 •r Irss' ra'.- cit 011.0• 1,1' routes. Daily until Si l.t.l,ls•r :14th, Ifer'. 1tutorm limit 1(.'oln•r:tler, loop, tins 11.ket. ;ala.i loll information :writ 1,, at<= F. LAWRENCE, ( b a n son 1 55;.•55. p 'ei,t-tlrrt? wilting duress? •Ate Iwle u _. \\'hell hall met) I„s,nS the gains • •Verses 27, SI %Vhy d,d the jailer of their ev Il .n•.11,411 n, Iatr Ih.•y apr rle•rult upon sui,i.h•, 41141 1s Mall A to lie t:n1'ful of 11., tenth, when 511,•4 rt)u1Se 841•,' 3181 Mild, ? ars• nite•1' the itlnnl leen 4111,1 have de-' Verses 211, :41 -\\'..s It natural feat, -le opal their 11,1sinr-s:' I''or eX•111mle ur 11•hgn141s t•onyl.•Uon, 01.1.1. 1„w uhel - ttl.• lignrrr tirniere. -- .-:;.M::.._.,..«.,.,, 1•Lwd.11Lthe jailer:_- ------- --- \',•.,c '.! \\'hat Ilad.•Ili.. 11 111111e! \\'het did Ihr jailer desire hi IA• Western University Governors' t3ehol- ,.ngl s Al. Paul :and Silas, and is anyeased from ?.- arshlps. • 1eli:uu•e ever to he placed 111«111 theI Verso 31-1%'I1.►1 mreciwdy diel they - exciled :et tintik. of it la;511. crowd :' I wean by believing on the lend Jesus % (►,o' ;rhol-,'abl 1 of 11100 is ,'I ,we 1 to 1 l)., religious ,linesmen •,•s still make' May a father or mother believe. in .sen county, and 11..,uh rite, 110,61) 14 Illy ',void.. I,le one rot„thrr y 1 Jesus, SO ars 10 153[1(51.6 the salvation of 15.s'4.rru•n1xtifr..in. the senate pi -tate. Ito,. worldly gtin Imlay play any 'their children? 'ITh•s question is to be 1'niversity. p,111 111 (.•hgion8 11)1„Irtancr•? I answered 10 writing by members of the The N:hol.i ship 11,ay 1w bought hy Vere 24 • Why did God permit much club). ,, any person who is u Irsident, of the 1. 1 t) u• t or .Its•. ....the school 1 ..1' other - •tltrwlul ftl county 1 \ hr .r 1\ills' in rt fl s sant+'1 Y o• rl to his Loth 1 1 u t I Y , competitor ur 1 .1 ' '.1 la ./1 C 11 • so ow that lace of 1 u I n f the \lily is It that godly people often Lord,•. I l may a person kn { f 1.�hative 1.1 go t Ili very exquisite su �1-lwrd, first hand• wilt) is nut In•rsuABMn- aABMbe deemed to be his or tier pts4' ^ 1.•ng 11Hy argnnintert with the-irmt? • .•f rrwittenee.. - Verse 27 - Say ss by it is 1;suable for Verses :Ki. 34 -Can 1110 grass. of 1:wI Persons intending to summon' shall -11(0 good man in prison, lying upon a goldenly turn a cruel and ti ntal man give notice of smelt int,ntion It) Ihr' 1:1,ea• hark, with his fret fast' in the into a tend.•rdiearted Christian ? registrar of the University, in writ - storks, to le as happy as a tnnn it Vermeil 3:.-40-aley we lee confident Ing. On or hefure bhp let day of health, and at liberty % that there will always. IIs a happy Angltulo. - Does is good 111411'5 influence emote rotting to, all • trials? 'The award of siehulsrlhipe shall he when the is imprisoned and his Bulli. LIisN a for Sunday. Jolly 'Stk. Mal made by the president of the 1•niveer. ire (et tiered % Paul's Second Mrssiouary Journey say. with the- approval of the board of In looking back over the results of '1'hesswloiien and !terra. Acta xj'li.: 51.rvetnotw, 4n.1 shall be based open his Mimi,: ..... rid. would Pail and 1-1:.. the work dime by the comllwtit018 at the usual departmental 11)alr•ienlltign examinations. Such award, so ap. �proved, shall run final. ' j'1'1i amount of tach urh'let•ship shall hepayrilde in looney At Christ- mas : or. at the Option of t h1• wib.1rr, ,n.' -half of it may he sp1h11,'41 in pay- ment of.111111ov 1'1.;,1111 and examine - tion ($5.101) tin -,:and the balance had at Christmas. The winner most intend, and de - ,1,11• his inTIdn-TT7II, io firker The tiro11 :1,15 course (.T -the rutvtototy r goat must la's illi, eI.1.-11.01 Int' the ••nsnipg , ,dernic y,•:u cornmeocing on the :tab day of September Swat. London, Canada, - ' ' 10 .lu, r. II1141 Deeeitfol Man. • bat's Atrium Paget. at is dinner in Nrw York. said of 111" "e'appallinK ,Anieriran divorce. habit' : "IarrrlI, petty tweed,. -.gen ' Met •. be. another '".115111 orause of divorce. • `.. "T,%. 114ny ars• 7tle the nnr who said. ns his v.-• rant 11u1jie•d hint n11 with his "ye, sa4, • ' 'James, if my wife• asTtl tint w74'r1• 1 sem, tell tier. I've gone (.1 'las opera.' 'The man 'bowed. „ sir,«. oar: Very good- •inti - :And he adde,l imperturbably, 'And where are you 1ww11y going. -1'. iu case any of your friends 811 ,01,1 call or ring you up ?, ,. The Best o2 All Breakfast Foods There's a reason behind all fads and fancies. We re(tuired light breakfast foods and the market was flooded with health foods (so-called.) But - the best breakfast food in the works is "Zephyr Cream" Soda Biscuits crushed in cream or fresh, sweet milk. Christie's "Zephyr Cream" Sodas original all .fir sodassodas1ia10 more rrlal tea/ than manufactured on this continent. klurs than dun, the original goodness •1. __Ch atie'i )ZiscuilS lasting. The flavor does not vary. All big biscuit makers liar a good brand of flour. We buy all good brands. Then vee blend the best brands, gift and test- the blend until WO find a dough that will sustain the Christie: reputation. Expensive! Yes -but we know no other way of starting to make biscuits up to our own Mgh standards. Every ingredient entering into our " bakes'' is the purest and best we can bun. Our Zephyr Cream Sod a a crushed -off-__- cream, or fresh milk, certainly do make an excel- lent light breakfast. You teat 'hent. AT YOUR GROCER'S Soli is bulk, or is small faintly lies, damp ■,d dusl•pr eel. Christie, Brown & Co., Ltd., Toronto ft 411 vit4, 'r y��YZe'` 1L 11 iy ice 25 etS• �. LINIMENT -LIMITED -- d MIN to C C 4ICAAa65lls .51 u J 1 THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINi; BEWARE OF IIITA1IOl(S SOLI) ON 181. MI:KI'1 ti OF MINARD'S LINIMENT RUPTURE CURED TYOUR HOME s is not a truss Cure, but a treatm •t you can use in TOUR HOME. NO PAIN, DANGER or OPERA ION, no loss of toe from your work. Wrte today before your RUPTUR: 'gets any worse. DO NOT --VAI Fill i this Coupon 'Name .... . Add rdss .... - 7'inu f: up 1,'r. . W. J. FR 'T Dept. C.. a Oa ' • ,St.., STRATFORD, ONT CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO TOURIST and WEEK -END Excursion Ti.kct' on Sale front Toronto), The Scenic Route to LAKE SIMCOE. SPARROW LAKE, '' MUSKOKA LAKES. GEORGIAN BAY , MAGANETAWAN, PICKEREL and FRENCH RIVERS. (Tossing I,sk,• Mn,koka at 11;.1a Park 11 n4 Moog the 5h,1e (11 1.1ke 1„septi, skin ing or' •sly one MinderA bodies of water Irelseen Toronto and Sudbury. Por litevilurp anti 1. 11 information about Halting 14nil holiday nates write Passenger Dept.. Toronto, Ont. MARKE r REPORTS. I l,, sb SO! 10a4e f m(•dldnr 10 stood, ices en t:, common 11tH medium. K:A to WM; Liverpool Wheat Futures Cross High-' sows?* .0). to HT tier wort. or, Chicago Lower -Live Stook Milken and Springers. I A few rankers and springers were ase -L ,test Quotations. ported at a, to *'L each Veal Calves. Monday Evening. Jun* 20. I ' Ttev Iptin light. mires steady, 01 1:2J. tat. Liverp.x.l unr.. .t futures elbsed cid isI /450 per cwt. '1,1 1,g . r. -cone •:t1 tu,tkd.hlgher. - Sheep and Lambs. r'1, 1. Jy1) 1r)ient Amatil° nr "01 low };xnert ret 13,75 to N.15; 1*nilir. at IS to161Opercwt - Montreal Liv Stock, M(INTREAL, June 1fa.-.(Apeelal.)---AL the Montreal Mark fall* West End Star- ke', the rw.xlpts of live Mori; for th4 week ending June ^i were x"10 cattle, 375 1M•171 and lambs, 14i.1 hogs and 1150 calves The otfwlng. this morning for lora' con- .umptlon erre apo rattle, 10) .keep and lambs, WO hoes and 154* raise. A lrn- ture of the market era qq the continued Peas, bushel 076 �,,., inanity of good to rho ee hoer., and Itlrley, hu shed 044 •••• prices for such were atn,pg.r, but the (has, hu.1,eI i' fl .... lower grades of calRs were more plentiful ,Toronto Dairy Market. than week ago, Rod 'prices in ronse- itutter, separator, lair Ib0 12 0 7( (turner, chew • deellny of ,4e In lir per Ib. butter, Rtrtr14 15'71 y' 012 ---•-021 The gathering of buyers wait large, and, ta._gini 0T the very wam werRTivr. the nutter, crp•mrry. 15, roll,023 014 demand for top quality stork was good. Mutter, creamery, ,nude 0 :1 but the trade to the . onimoner armies was. Cheese, new, it, 0 13 • 1J'li rather clod, even at the above n.lurtInn New York Dairy Market. In values. There was a fair d.n,and e , cunt rye-.luwrs and oats Arc lower. 1Ninniper Options. wrest -July 517."-, bio. October $1.0111/ bid. (oats -July 548. (globes. 20+,('.• bld. Toronto Grain Itstarls.t. when', fan,. hn.h .if"p to 11 M Wheat, reel, bush 1 21 .... Wheat, tessie, hush 1 L .... Rye, bnahel , 076 rucks/hest. bushel 0 70 0 26-- Ffi\y 1'o1a:.lupe :s Hun,•-' stool's from pxprlrter. nn Rrrount I'f chs : n 1:I:.. ;.+', ."1'..+11n4,3."1'..+11n4,3.p,a.1 M, tluue5l "drone cable a,lvtrws whirl were to firmfrom cAln'tso'yg,, c2eo.n•.t mo nru' y,.11a,-''d. rere1ved frm 'iverp. l •. which hic.h &r• •ptoorRtneo,df1 :1y 1,1 pn..•.4:,__''"'3"."17/'trade very flrne at a further RAvsn•. 1n irn.•.f214]r 15C; cphrMkerf (•ai4d'ttaonar4"rtIN hbigh wale( hl4114e5e, eras, to , to 'k. w•et- 1rr era fl.'(,rf, 1., western ln,llatbm 0l,t.4rn)41n511-11 Rth oa{t th1i3nrxrnrtMrau'nsdod 0t+hte ereomery, first. :ae. (•heel,.', •••rs)', r.rrlpta, 6714; Hate. flit) cream, special, new, 134405 (0 1144.•; 14tnt". full ,k,.am, small, ...,less•' ur white, and per 'wistful for serer”, but anmr bollen' were askm1 ru high aft ts(e for extra rbolrs stall -fol steers, hal the*top figure large soh sots. new, 1"'4•'; full cream, rum- rata for each was $015 for 10.•a1 ron.ump- mon In R•io,e1, new; Iq: to"tie; PRIMA, hen lion, and the Mdk of fhIey (1.11140., was dime tri apertat. 2r-tlr_fir". _._-.__._ 4w-e4MA,14 Hoek nt 114o 14 Pie,- with resat 1:1441.._ Stronger: rye.lf.ta, 1770: aisle, et ta, to bre The tr.t grits reel steers I'ennaylvnnba and nearby f, -'y 14M bs1 ”old nt 5•r to 1,'4e: medium to P4r to 1104 w bite, 2:1.• to M'. do,. fair to rhr4r.. "-,e and lower grad.. al tr to -4, per n,. Th. to ^7r; do., brown and mixed, fancy, 25(' demand for Ionia yea good, and .nm.. to 24.•,; rio., for to rimier. 21114e to 24syr; Omit, neem broug it 61xe to ;Mir, and wisdom extra, first, -14•• to 23e; do.,flratL, ' goad Isle to 6'jr per pound. Tt,.re 501114 Nle to 21%e; dn., stsoe415 Ac to 704(5.'; no further change In the- rendltuls of the southern, 17e to 20'i4.'. - market for hog” 'Once this day week, Mit, am auppltr14 were again limited. the unAertnne to the market wan strong at the byte advance In price& In spite of the fart that rahh• arts -tees from all the lead - Cables Strong -Hogs ,10c to 25c High- Ing forel4') markets on Canadian Won de- er at Buffalo. last week were weaker and noted • de- ellqe In value. of 2e 5o 4r per cwt , com- Tf,NTntendon 1N. Jnnr 's fonderattle” fort parts with the previous week The do rattleare Mem, nt 1'.'ti.• 1.1 14148 per In . Per mond for hogs here was gno,i, and an *r- ('nne.1314 5Ve1. Arew,t wMyPO, r.frlg• tive trade was door, with Malec of eeler•!ed Brut nr beef l8 .pud,•d at l0jtr to 1o•4e peg 50(14 111 11.72) 5„ la ra poll IM IM. . welgh•.I CATTLE MARKETS. I h. off eart Sown,. o? anion miss's were Toronto Junction Live Stock. a fair, for whibh the dms'nd was g,n,d. *n4 • fslrly wily.. trail• esu, done .t .N,n,ly T4R()NTJ) ,TT'Nf"MfNy June 4A.. s .es Stu/n read at 111,r to 4f per Ib Receipts of live stock at the'l7gpn LiTinte srou14ht frrga st to P seelt, Red yawls ween• 72 aati,sa,t,. rpnjletlljlr of 88181* ranged 'C, ,to 8 (a14, as to 1MCI cattle. 911 boo. 117 J1heer, and , Tenths ted 4 r.lvre. l At the (interline. I'.r1nr Lave etnek 1� NArket M.,/rrslpltaa Mw vrwek eloping RepOr'rers. June 76 "fora 2011 4 A i2 *beep for The Inik nr tiv export cantle. r n rte •.Port Rennins, %net Mt nettle, 1415 Aborts Ilk we.. Mold eat TewM y, 5.'.j we Bed a 4 u t2 hoa. and 1tx rah ea Ave of 2 beads of 'terra mania* eons^ ape l y *l rnnn55,re7ter+n The %reply offers.% nn one Mad of hulls at 14 IA t., p.m tier cwt. Ih• market this cportun14 evoal14t1A of ?m Bute1.�n, , •leer,. 121 %sip, f bull,. 210 'swap, ears Mira" Pkkamen 01411 Outthink f mothers. IAmha. 16 t,pk7, an4 100 r01wrt 1`F. tr*A• )1plf.r0 *n,1 14)6.(1. *MA *t 51, 0 to 4 Per in rattle wait fairly artivc. (torsi to 6wt_load. of good to rhyrwa44-,s...w 5I choice Mock woe scarce and strong. while Suo:bine Fu ace is the triumph of maty ene years' experience -growth from a mall tlosbop to 16% acres of Suer apace, from a half doyen artisans to t,5o0,frort an annual wage sheet of Sb,000 to one of $670,000, friib a rapitat of energy to one of $3,00u,00o, from obecun y,Eo recogaitibn as Largest Makers of Furnaces m the British Empire. sen® Q�eA�' SUNSHINE e was placed on the market the first furnace to be wholly Ando snooty designed by a Canadian Comp►ay. We employ a consulting staff of furnace experts, who are continually experimenting with new ideas in order that Sunshine Furnace shall not have to travel on its past reputation for goodness. We buy materials in such targe quantities that Is qu bey i. guaranteed to us. We have our own testing rooms, so that sure, vision Of coastruction is exercised down to the finest detail. McC1atys FOR SALE BY • W. R. PINDER. GODERICH Try our GAsitpt'ss COI. a -Hine' fur Furnaces Yahoo' heaters and grates. Mute heat and cheal'er than coal $f1,00 per ton cash. New Coal Yat'd 1 handle all kinds of hard and soft coal. Sonata( noel gl4rantsed. Nothing but the but anthru;ts ,handled. Terms, without exception, CASH. Df F.tiam [ink ,'ice Sour Stomach and Heartburn ? LITTLE DIGESTERS CURE OR TOUR MONET BACK At all Druggists .e direct from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toroab 25c. a Box. PHONE I OR 24 ware nae ('C,, We.? Whenwant 1aod weds1 1 sweet and THE Htman a'1' •l f)oek Sass?* COAL ALL, FINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND • Mr wile (0 you -- . . coni wolghn•( no the mar'tet -et, is et 3110'1 11w, fora Inn. WM. LEE. 1 rder. ler' *t. ('. t', 5.I0.111 1T14r4w•io 1i;, re -Ant aide. f Squats, pion.pt y atltheca to " You see the breaking of the springs causes us baby drivers more trouble than any other weakness in carriage cars. But there is no spring weakness in the DENDRON car. Note that double curve. It is exclusive with the 6E1101110N It so distributes the strain that the spring never breaks. And then the wheels, --you see they are specially welded, and oannot warp or break. Note also that little rubber cap over the nut of the axle. Sometimes when I have a restless passenger, I want to drive the car around the house without scratching the furniture -it is a little point, but a good one. The materials for all the 6ENDRON cars are the very b^st in the bodies, tops and every other part. There is :e and service in every GLI414014 model -Canadian made, so that any unexpectoi accident can he easily remedied." SOLD SY ALL TIRST-CLASS DEALERS. WRiT' US 1!<' YOUR DEALER 10F.SW'T CARRY THEM. Gendron Manufacturing Co., :Limited f c TORONTO