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The Signal, 1909-7-1, Page 3
41. BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, 1' RIODICALS'and LIBRARIES • bound ur repaired. GOLD LETTERING ori LEATItER GOODS \II erdero ,al attended W ua'loe- ••wrh CH HIU NALUodsrlch, A. E. TAYLOR. hereaTYunn `1 YNOPSIle (F' CANAI)1AN o L1IITHWIC(T LAND ltkail'LATII/Ns. -Arty p1100uu who I. the role hent of a family, or any male over IS yeold may houteeto,ad as a quarter -section of available ilotalulon laud In Maolwlr. Saakatehewtau or Alberta. The 100 Lands Agency orapliomit nand appear i11Su Atrencyperson athetor the dbtrlct. Ruby by proxy may be matte ut any agency, on certain ounditsons. by lathe,, mother, eon, daweht.er, brother or ei ter of lnlendlwy horaaeteuder. Duties -Nix months' re.ldeuce upon and •ultivat lout of the hand to emit of three yyear,. A homesteader may live within nine ,)oiler, of hie homaatead on a forum of at, least an .sores enrol)' owned and occupied by hla, or by hi+ lather, mother. ion, deuabter, brother ur Inter. osld •hums"teader in trait wending pre may pro-etnpt a +uurtar.ro:Uuu alongside his homeetrad. Price gJ.'» per acre. Duthie -Mita radde.I& mouths in each of .'Ix" years from date of homestead entry it ldudlpg the time required to earn hotueetend /wtentl and cultivate any acres extra. amid A houseatoador who h*.. exhausted hie home. right and can8Wt uhtaiu a pit:elahtlun may take a pur'ha..d honteetead b4 certain districts. Pr1a nun lair arra. Outlets Mu.t' reetde all mwthe lit each of thew yeas, culti- vate fifty !larva and erect a Ilona worth Won. W. W. ('OKY, Deputy of the Mlnl.ter of the Interior. .la.A-,UO rued publication of this ad- verttamaeat will nett* bald tor:. _ Watchmaling, .to. _ HALSEY PARK W*TCltY 41x[41, Jawal.11a( OPT1t'IA N. aosuh able of Square. Ualerieh. Ont. Civil Engineering_ ` AUllHHAN M. It011 :ItTS, CIViL 1 raid hydraulic Knot -Meer. Ontario land Surveyor. . retro Meissen iSerk. f)edeeie for Montreal street. Telephone 137, MUSIC ALFRRD E. COOK. TEACUP:It OF ►taro-plarine. Theory. Harmony alai I esolarLsdu► PnpUs prepared for exaulina Sans el Toronto Conaoryatory of -Movie. A dy ea Thaws,),)*Musts Stere, Wderteh, M lay. tosileum as residence of Mr. Alex. blacken- ✓ .• l tut tis street. Medical 1)its. IiiUMERSON & TURNBUL . A, TIl, TErera0KselW4Ns, M, , M.D.H W . y/,•es Hamlltou !Street. ':'hone pet Dr. Ilrmoewoua emble ice, North street. Opportts gt. U.wror • church, 'phone net. Dr. Tumbull's rSadeura, Mootrrol .1(104. wutbw«t of !'uWM 1.4bnrv. ':'hone 1!N, R. W. H', OALIAIW, M. 11. oars and rwle.aee, North street, troller-Vb. mirth of I -utility KMlrtry Olive. Telephone. lel Legal L. leILLORAN, HAItitI Tf:R. .1 . .a,Ueltor, votary, eta Morley to howl .d km••• rote.. 4441100. North Street. U,drr,rh taeat ShrnaI (Mee, la rleafurlh- Satog.laja and Mondays. iO. l'AMKbtON, K. C.. IJAKRiS• Il.TICK. w,tirater. notary public. OM•e.- sndltou Street. (ioderlrb, thirstdoor f.on4 a:s arm. DROI:I)F(NYr. Itet►YS r T3TTit 1 parrteterr, rottener., notaries tontine pit • Ion l o ohm Maritime Court, rte.. once, rvd •4:e Square. next door''. A, vin.'. roans 1'r, vale fund. to lend .l 1rwsat rater of interest. W. PR4UDYtxYC. K. 4'. It. 1'. IIAYS, U. i' 4LAI It. '1'iII. SIGN A 13 G(}1)KR1C11.: l)NTA RIO Tuua DAY( 'V1.1 '.'., 1201 :3 Xews of the Sistriet. Mot Eliza Northolt, of 1\'i►lcheirta, daughter Viol& war united in wed - and Jobe Caldwell, of Henmall, Were lock to John N. Ilep{kine, of St. wedded et 84eaforth ort Tuesday, the Thomas. Rev. J. U.4.'. Mtab ufllcialed. 2Lnd ult.The bride was attended by Miss Misr Gregory, of the' Mgt bc1iio6-i are •Flossi0 Geiger, while harry McManus, parteuent. and Miss Howard, of lb a"1 I. Therms, suppbrtel the groom. whin; reboil *tat:. rot-+lCRatare.ulaool, Mjrs Ada l'',(ssold acted in the eapac- here realigned. Ity of fluwel-gild and ring-IM•urer. 110. Athan I(() 4, of the M.Dunrld flint :''rank Suitt 11, at former Iasi• Institute, Guelph, and Rev. W. Ross, dent of Clinton, and daughter of the of Halifax, visited Lheit• parents in 1310 Neil M31her)n, of that town, died !Myth bast week, at her Moue in -Petro -ha on. `tweeds Hey. Donald A. N. Urquhart, ni the 220(1 ult. She had 1444941 ill a Kamen, hes received a call front the win ter and had just undergone an conetegation of Knox l'reabyt•riarl "IM+ration. IJtm•vased wee thirty -rix church. l.istowel. ye,re of idle. She leaver bt.014ee her Mr, and Mrs. W.P:. Dtm. an !41414 husband twit sister* and • brother, slaughter, of Hruo.wlr, are removing to Ilei rculaiur were brought In Chilton Clinton, whore Mr. Duncan h.W wr- for int(: 44! t, the funeral r11rs.'ys be. chal.t'(L a b,ulwr shop. 1 ing held at the home of Mrs. 1\'ul. 140404011. Tlu»I4ar t'asey, formerly of Sea- Misr Alice Mary Mountain (laugh - forth, died in the county haus., of ref- ter of Mr. and Mot. David Mountain. age 00 Mon¢ay, the 21st ulL., aged of near luuderl4ttii, and James H. eighty yearn, Interment look place at Pipe, of that place, plighted their Guth Seaforth' under a)1 arch of evergreens on • the Simpson McCall anal Misr Jtm11ie .lawn of the bride's home in thu parr- (iibbonl., forth of Morrie, erre launched entre of llfLy Kneels on \Vehnesday, on the era of matrimonyh Rev. 1V •4' yy the alt. Rev. li. E. Curry !lied 11. Cooper, of Blyth, on Wednesday, the knot. The bride, who wore white the Zke� u11. swiss null, was attended by -herniae Mika Llllli4Robinson, second laugh- Ho.:et•-girl, 11iss:Berle Young. After ter of Joseph' Itobinsun, formerly of the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Pipe left Hrucnflehl, was marded it Lund",) for a I''ief honeymoon in Toronto. • ii'cently to (.'lareuce Iteid, a merchant An old told highly respected resident o1 that city- of the relit -fen' tine Stanley, in the Charles M. McKinnon, of Athens, Perrot' of henry McClinchey, flniali d a rummer chi me:el ,)master of - Clinton his course un 'I'utrday, the 'tend ult, ('ullrgialr, 1ustitute, hie been op. I./vermeil, who had reached the age of punned priI.'ipal of the Kincardinernghtyxig1/ years, was a native of •r# r(fh SO),,»+f. - -. _ .-.-•--_.-- _. =_ _ ...- .-__,1reiturd._.. 1u his l:hlldhood , hie eetue •Old friends in 'Manley have 'learned 1'4(nladll with his parental, locating in with regtel that Jame* P,u'son0, of 'ticketing and later in Tots SLa .in Lawson, Sark„ formerly uI the town- Piet hr'+rttled ort the farm in Stanley ship, had his house with all ha cup- coca which hr n4ntfintetl t)!'wide alut/l tents burned to the ground. hatch. In ltial he Marriot Jane Keys,' who surttite ...bliss Kathryn Prendergast. of Sea- s with tint teen of the six - forth, left tart week for the Seattle teen children burn to them. ` exhibition, en route to Nan Fraudreo A pretty welding wascoasunuuated wh •. �.. 'u 1• , t at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Joiner neat's, of -Eureka, California. '-"it tbly, the Vi ll alt., when their seeomd Erman. 84ineon, who was a few dautt111rr, Ixthrlh(, :(•mune the lipid,. years ago piincipal of the C11414011 „f A. I', 1'nn41nans, of the Conadi:(n ' a4e14e4t1,--4401-.44.-4•1.••'or,0,1wt .1--,A4.,.,r lb., 4) •,_ la• e4M +,t a remarkable degree to the tart. but the death of his moaner boa February was ttat�eittvele trial t(4 111111 and in his 10110in11re he tail Po periwig Bay. t)rcwtsed left hie 1141 114. 844',)!141414. half a century ago and t'tttigral.al to Can- ada with Mrs. Dickr011, re!Uing lute )mediately lit McKillop, where they 1e- mitled continuously until eunnuuurd hrul•e, with the exception of ,a few years in :fornhnglan. A wan of up- right p•ri ht life, indurtiou', kind-hearted, of rates intoblbiithce and. With lbw bloom of courtly • •1rry, his cutu- paninnship was sought by young and old. LI politiete he War a stuutVh i.ilwrat and hi religioum faith a de- '', r. nt..t 1l. ebjh , inn -Six chiMeer -rtt*.---- ii vivo : Meedalner'Phoum►n Ilenderaon, of Ah Killop ; W. FL lirundfoot, of !jeafurth ; Will Iiru,td(oot, of Tuckei- smith ; Agnes, Mary 41101 George, at home. Death of Mr.. Van Norman. BRIGHVs DISEASE lie 1 • t' %Ldland last we•,•k,• He Dr. l'nuuaua Bud Mls, 1'011111,1 110,, of len Yes a 11i1'49.and Girt, potting' chit. St, Cattlarinr.', '1' h e e'ereum,nv, diem. • 'While visiting her SIM John to \Vinghaul 00 \1'rdnerdav, the hide tilt., Mrs. Ni Van S;or01011, of HOlgrave, war ruddeuly •triekell with paralysis and after tying in a state trf uneonrciousnesr 1'01' Hoe day's posited peacefully away the following 'Mini - day, on her eeveetyfuutth birthday. Deceased carne 1" ('!,)nada with her renter, the late Mr•. rind Mrr. Robert Miller, when but one yt.u• o1(1, settling in Halton County amt 0+)4410 years later on what is now the John Coultas farm on the 3rd line 'of Morita. On her marriage fifty-two years ago she re- moved to lie•lgr&ve, where she had since resided, Ferrrvinl is the pleasing name of the best preparation of beef, iron and Wine over placed un the market. If ybu or any of your friend* are anemic, generally 1•uaduwta,.-.1W!It3,- elteily- our. haunted, try mit. bottle of 1"errovim and you will 10• gratified' by the r.'- si 1t. SI, 00 at druggists. "A dangeruus neighborhood you're living in, Colonel," said r( newspaper man to Chas. Edwards, of the Drmo- 041(1is Congressional Campaign Corte luittee, a few nights ago, in \VaOhing- "Warr four lttghway rnhherirs there in the past th. Aren't,_ you afl•aid that sotyein sly will hold you ti, and go through you some night;' aaylmrr:"-Fait! the Ink 11-xan. Why, all've got so few 11149144)00 on my I ''son at the toe -alit lime that 111e roller who gore 1/II 0)414 tar Will get himself ill debt . Stec,•,..+ Magazine. • which was very t lief owing to the ill• With ,Raines Hayden, formerly of nen+ of flee-litheTether•, was per- R1•ozeter, diedet his 1 • in Fergie.. forme,) by Ilea'. A.Wishart, 13: A., on Friday, (hu frith ult., at the alae of of Brussels. • thirty. ' years. O. V. Hoyden. of . After tire reals of pitt4eat suffering 1\'ulghsm, is a brother 411 the de• ,Beath came ase relief to Mrs. Stephen rrrmwl Piny hail, of Wroxeter. oil. Salmi tiny, 1111141'1 Heys, jh., . of St afei Ih, Chas' the - Tl#h nit. -thwarted, yvho was lonein purchased lie iJarnesbIe and Neville,u� of that of .1r. 441)11 Mye years rs. aJr' tt N Stafford. on a hter f town. Mr. Neville will continue to \Vroxeter, Mi. Playford ditrl\t*014e 1•1)11.4 visa 1114• mechanical wink of the scars :Igor 4014 since his death tle•t'.' ,.ed iistttliflefml, nt, - had mode her hot.w with her p ares \s. Rev. ' A. If. Ibi'own, cif Varna, titre is em•vived 1y 1 da,)ghtrrtk prryl:heti his farewell sermon on Sure who are married in Alanitnlsa, besides dlsy and heft this week for his new her pro•nts and •brothers. Ilrnj 411(111, Relit of labor al Merlin. . Res-. \\ . 11, of Ilowirk, and Ettwasl, of 'New 'Taylor, 111e new \lrlltu4ist.ptastor, eie York, lets on his Julien this week, • ' . A lioolish Act. Samuel Smith, who hail been a reel- • A young 1mglish emigrant, nnwe.l dent of McKillop for oyer half a Plank Coleman, who was employed ar ►,is Inane in by II as :'nasi!!, of dills (.reel,. S*,►forth mi Wednesday, the eh tart smarnrr, went into then-VI•!jor0Tieti Olt. Ore. -natal. who Ways w•vrnty-six of :Gr. Con tri er., on Sunday, the 'stare47r,l -r',wtira natter-of-1m3ml. :)ltl.,.l(.; ted 444414e-404/44. ince elev. Th *s .i;wkeun, who w•us fol- side, 44)4444 tut Mg a 1410g. The nnfnr- nn'rby Mir+ Josephine Johns, of 111113(4• young stn, had leen idling a no ,1 , _ ,lira at tier hour tn-i.olN, waunghis "1.Ii unt,un•rs i►t Hillstownship. rear Indon, on'l'ueedity', Green and won m .ppat•riary Very the 1:oth alt. Urreased was a sister 1)1gh spat -rte, .Ile w•,a" "ken ti (hr of Mrs, Wm. Diamond. of 1Viugham. ('unit hoepittal at Cltuton and may Garfield Harliennn, o1 :hul•lr, Sask., reeov.'r, +4 -life.- DON. [htehate n, ul Jaryi+, tt Pretty Lawn Wedding. f,n•o)rrly of Himself, was Martie nn file Lawn of Mr, -and-M'ts Wedur01(1)', 1114.211.1 alt., 10 %Bts9 Eva Gellman, of tha ilttl concession of Kern, of IJs1u11,rah The young entg,le Hay, 111,1414. 4n ,rustic: setting for the are 'mending part of their ltonryno1Awr marriage of their daughter Clara t.0 in Exeter, Daniel Ilrrtord, of Elkton. Mich., ort :11., George Russel. fnrnlrrly n( \V''dlo'"4hly, the 341,1 alt, After the 11',ngham and .11ni. *l , "tater. of mi.,. young couple bad taken their places H. livery: of • iirtiemels, (bed nt het''nater an arch of Ictus and rotted to '140144R-444 :iWrrl_L'lain.� 5(ek, on�lhe strains of We wedding march '1'htr`day, the 3rd alt. Deceased, 14494'411Y Mi" Carrie "Mimeo. Rev, who was fitlV•arcrn years of age. is A. 11), litschle• premeinc,'d the words ys1(rvic.11 by hrr Iiusband, three sous dost toad,. then two-. The laid('* and two danThtere.-s- - -- cumin, Miss Diana Itickbeil, was 'David Garvin, n former resident of hrideatictid and her blether Alfred the 11th line of Mori is and the Sth lin,• attended the gnalnn. Mr and Mrs, of 11 iIl.t1. diel at him Leant. in Okla- Ilrrtntd will u•.idr on a f+t: w near howls. C, S., on Meader, 1141• bit alt , Elkton. • at the age-nf righty -four tears. Mrs. Former Brussels Girl Wedded. %Volo Larsson, of doll(•!1, omit Davie A (mink. popular Hrn"aele young iArvin, of Oolerieh township, are lady, .:lbs Mal y Edna Dennie. (laugh. children of the deceased. - ter of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Dennis, of James Fulton, an tdd re,,idenl of Chatham, and granddaughter of J. Y. McKillop, departe)tl thin life on Tues. Nand Mrs. Kirk, of 11t'ua+rls, van war• day. the 'olid ,Int, f h•ve:v a 1, who wastied in :'heist church, Chatham, un 4,evrnty-nine stars . f oge. had hero in Weiloweley, the pith ult., to Charles failing health fee some time. Ile is 11onk 4V,ensl14ll, manager of the survited hy four eons and fivedangh- 141erch41nas Rank, Tilbury. The oere- ten: Miro. Fulton pretleceasrd him tunas., which w•Ma performed by the nine months. ReRev.'1'. S. Boyle, &ssist44d hy After i week's illness, Hugh Al thtr Rev, D. W. Collins of Exeter, was s McNeil, youngest son , the hatefetor very lar tiste.%Ily veined out, After 7 B their return from their wedding trip McNeil, of the 11th eoneesion of et, and rhes, \Vo•nsh4Il will take ut, Grey, pease(' /may nn Thuniday, their ico,lence at \\':Howe (leach, Lake the 2I4b Lilt.,_-_ at the- earl y ,_.. ------ ay4f e tit, ('Lair, for L.r summer. . twenty years. Tie is-8itrvlveiC- try- -Lyntle' Clinton Nuptials. brother, David, in Manitoba, and a' sister, Miss A_nt�}�i�e, at home. The marriage of Miss Lena ,Naca rn, •Thomas©'tiour-i.'. ,f M 1s4.y. Stile of ( nitun, to David G. Mel.auchlin. to hirneelf a wife on Wedneedrif of . 1tA 'tven, 1. 14. the town on Vtti- t •+. Y 411 Inst err r tit n of Mi s k in the n 1 ne Nda the 2:11 I nit Thr. 4'e• e Evangeline Anderson, daughter of Y, , uwuy, Mi owl Mrs. -And-erann, -of .MCKtitnp which ttr_o_k place et lite 1 ' of the The rt.remnny. which took purr in St.. hudr was contlui,ted kev, W. J. Joining' ch1(n•h, S.•xfnrl h, was ran- •1nIlilTe, The tattle, Who was given ducted by Rev. Father Northgraves. away by her htuther, Wore cream silk crepe de chem• anti carried carnations. Prior to her removal to her new Little Etta Sutith made a charming home in Hamilton last. week AL's, flower girl. Mrs. litmtheon, of Heti- Rev. A. II.) Going, of Exeter, Ivan salt, played the wedding march. The `presented try the large young women's guests, all iwm)ediete relatives of the Bible rims of which *Ile has beet* the coutmetirrg pmrtiee, - iereiud•-d- Mrs, organizer and teacher with a cut Geddes, Llelgrrave; bfr. and Mot. glass fern dish, accompanied hy. an Smith, Semforth ; Mr. and Mtn. Bon - affectionate address, thron, Helvetii ; Mr, and Mrs. Ward, "Brookside Farm," the home of Mr. Varna; Ni++ I1. \Var1, Lgmondvill•, and Mrs. henry Reynolds, of Hay, ant( Mit. \'ideas, G,alerkh, Mr. and was the scene on We nesdlly, the 111th Mrs. Mel.auchlin lett 1)44 Friday for t., of the marriage of their eldest the Weat, the bride travelling in a ghter. Florence 13„ to \\'' J. :'hap- suit, of grey ladies' cloth with hat 10 a prosperous young farmer of match, lamiltnn. Re.'. A. i1. lining, A Pioneer of Grey. rforrnett the cerrnrory in the \\'ith the deal of John Whitfield, '.f forty guests' of • Ethel, a kindly personality hos atrimnniel even) 11tirr•el been -removed. Deceased fleet. mew of Mr. an,1 Alrrrs, H enry the light of ds in England in the e Thalthon line•, ltantey, the year ISM In hit infancy he mid - the :Sial Olt„ when grafted to termite mite with hes parents, their (freighter, Msry, was united to settling in Durham and later in Peter - Percy 8. Couch, a progrenelve n,ereh- binni county. • On hie marriage in alit of Clinton. Iter•, A. 11. Brown !S.11 hr levelled his axe In the ofllciate(i. After the. ceremony Mr, "Queen's Myth" in tires, where by and Mn, (Touch left on a trip to the dint of indomitable indust) and comfortable thrift he hewed out the c'frortable The marriage of Miss Agnes Flor• hn,ile on the 13th roneessimn on which Pace Graham, ynnngeet danghter of 1P resided until his retirement and Mr. and Mrs, ('. 1. Graham, of \Ping• s1)1.m•gnent removal to Ethos) A(kende ham, to liryonn Cochrane, marl+* ago. Inuring the eighty years of his dealer o! that town. wee solemnized life dere/tried was identified with the at the home of the bride's parent" at cause of Methodism and his home 11 o'clock on the morning of 1VP,lnee- was the centre of religious worship in day, the Zird tilt, Rev, C. E. ,leakinm the township in the early years. Ile time the knot. Ienvto three Sons: Joseph, of (trey ; John Wilke, an old resident of Int lir. It. ,1., of Kenna., and \Ven,, nn the 11 of the 2nd conee.rion of Tut•ker• homesl.Ml, and three .laughter; Mrs. smith. passed to the Great ik'yond on Thompson. of Hrnfryn; Mrs, W. P. Thursday, Lb, 17th tilt, Deceaae,l, Eraser, of Ethel, and Mire. F. Roe, of who was seventy-four years of age, Hrues*l.. had been Ill for some time, from a The Late Geo. 14. Dickson, of McKil. complication 61 ailments. He is sur. lop. elver] by Hee mons : Geofge, Imbert After eighty-nine years of honor, and J(lslah, in Manitoba : Win., in able useful work George. M. Dickson, Morrie, and Ralph, in Tnckeremith. of McKillop, was called to his reward His wife died over a'yeer ago. on Tuesday, the 22nd alt, in spite A pretty lawn wedding took place of his year' rimy.deceased had been rimy. at the home of John Geiger. eerie, leg a nn tfl a week bstoye his on Tuesday, the 22nd ult.. when his distil and had retained his faculties to tHAItLEMDARI(OW, L.LII., BAIL. RI*TBK, atteeesyelsolkllor, _s4 _:,, - !lo de Meese mimed at eweet _N• ' ..: M0. JOHNSTON, HA KK!M'1'K1t, • souehor, rommhwloner, notary publ:l'. Or IlamUton street.. Materiel) Ont. Insurance, Loans. Ete. >• �!!C, ( PRiVATF FUNDS- TO f!l(i�,-1J0o lose. \poly to M, It ('AM gaif(l0 4. Karrtetaq Hamllwa of reel_trodA'tch, WR. ROBERTSON. . lNi+l'ItANeK A4IKNT. /Baa AND IdowTNIN4: tlrltleh, ('anadi*u and American. AnCl lraNT *IC*N[M AND RMPIt,r1M' 1,111111.- 41•T ,11.11:Orr : The Oman Accident. and Guarantee .'orporatlon 1,ImIft+1, of London, Ess. )'Ih11I.ITy AND OP 144NTII1 lh.+iM : The t:: S, Yldsltty and Iluerantee l'0,n,nny. Office .t rvddenee, non besot corner of Vim Leri. end St. Itavid'e street". 'Phone 1741, TOHY IV. (:RAi(ilF, L!Fli, FIRE • vJ and eeel4ent lneur.nea, Agent for tootling nasal end Mock mulwale+, ineurnors loanIIile,, effected on hest. plans and at lowest rates. (' at °nice, corner 'Wont Street and &LniT* er ppnes J. W. CRAt0IIt, Uoderlch, (nut, , r.ledhswa AlcKILLOP MUTUAL FIRS. IN- S U R A N (' K t' 4),.-P0rte *114 Isolatod town property 1n,.ared. I. 4) (lntnen M -J, N. •!wean, i're,+., Klppen T. viewer ve- ir:'res., Ntiereerl.l 1'. n, Thomas It. 11(1448, Sec. Troa .. Se1lnrth 1'. O 'erectors -win. Chesney, Seaforth; John lMle•e, Winthrop ' G nran Onto.. S nFnfrurtr.tenT ,; John ennew1fubU a• Dawes ).v.ns'14•ech wood • JohnKaG Oarlock : 1h°.. Brueeheld ; John P. Mclean, KIPPen ; JAR. Connelly, Clinton. J. W', Yen, HolnMwyllle, ,agent for Wert Huron Polley -hoidens tan par nsresrnients 2nd set their ~do reel led at Torer 4 shown'., Clinton or al It. , ('1411'. grocery. Elnentnn street, boderic . 1,as lag• Lies WALTER B. KELLY, o01)RRl(:H, ONT. watchmaker, J"wollnr and Optician. Isomer of Marring,. :.Irma•', vV:LANE, ISSUER (W MARRI • A0 R lien nseo, (iodp1ch, Ont. SHAVING PARLOR REDFORD BLOCK BAH HER SHOP: -Th19 well-known and popular stand °(term Ito petev,ne the hn+t service In ehhilnr. haireuu.ing, etc., etc;. I.Adhm' hmmt,sdns a specialty. only skilled hand. employed. our patronage will be appreciate. 11. It BOEHMY,R, Proprietor. Auctioneering THOMAS OUNDKY, LIVESTOCK and general ancUnn'er. Onions nn South Street, where he will be found At .41 times when not "ryiea males, Terns reasonable end every effort yard to eye you satisfaction. Phone Sit AUCTiONEERiNO. All, bronchia carefully attended tn. Yarm .alta• live stock mks, real ornate and merrhen die woe11 matte anywhere. Write for does or salt am tent It over with Geo. Beckett, Hamilton street, Goderich Ont. Telephone No. io8 Efnlly-"Why afe you waving your handkerchief Angelina - "Since il&pa ha. forbidden Tom the home+ we have &roang erd a code of signals." Emily -"Whet is its" An elina- 'When he waves hie handkerehfef flue times, that means 'IM you love me?' And when i wave frantically in rfltly it mean. 'Yee, darling.'" Emily And how do you lash other_9tiers- tinne f" Angsllna-"We don't. Tbsl's the whole code."-Harper's Weekly. near 11. A.. presene is the deadliest told most painful malady to which mankind is sublrct. nudd's Kidney Pill, will cure any case of Bright's Disease. They have never failed in one single care. They arts .he only remedy that ever has cured it, and theme, are the only remedy that Cao. There aro imitations of Dodd's Kidney Pills -pill box and name -but imita- tions are dangerous. The original and only genuine cure for Bright'$ Disease is DODD'S 1 KIDNEY PILLS Do,1d'r Kidney Pills are I fifty cents a box at all It druggists. l CHAS. E. GRIFFITH UPHOLSTERING ANO REPAIRING HAIR MATTI4i•titil-S RENEWED AND PI- - MADE CARPET ,all order. LAYING promptly at tended to c argestr tlderate Repair Ilan,)-: o. t,letlr Weer of l•, J. 1141, pee., Stove Stem, \1 a -t 81 neer, ito.we'nce-1':(!O,, Arenlle. 410DKKl("1I, Oter where. noting the quiet strength, the nbilify for sustained effort, that Ilt.at'k the British elvt1•art'l' ;at its hest, have frequently ,atlrloutt•lIran in4l(t- smltH degree due to the Hriti.h Sim - day. Perhaps, the new exeilahili-ty,' then."rvn,o+liesv, the gran -rid '•jaunt- 144es07lWt4,a-iti. „ , liri•,lill lately is due in Ilnrt In the in- vasion rtf the spirit o1 tae •'l'ontil. ental Sunday," 1\'e h+v,' •sen no letol ,41' nut110l•iry thou Ie.nl Kelvin vied. ited with (110 opinion that n lest 14o41- .i.sling of a seventh of. Dee working hours of the week is absolutely meees- eery 'ea- 'the 004 W pteser►',athot -of machinery. -It certainly. is for the proper itrefl'atfiitl7if`metal.t1 sanity. Bur moral rand physical welfare. It iv sometimes said that the Sabbath, linen:la perhaps all right and n,•ees- eeu'y for the llrbrew's 11 .114,1.4.41 years ages, ,boirhl Is•, disregarded ender the etres".,f-tile Many claims of Mit complicated eia'ilization. A'14 it 111a1(44. of Loci the nag uucot 'hells the other way. Of imiirxe, there art viri- on+ servira's wl1lrh 11,11.,' to I('' p(•r- ' formol on Sunday -for instance, the lighting of • cities and the pro - It Petit of life and property. tint for the bulk of Its the Sal,((,4th is Aoo•h more neve.=•oy than it. was for the people of old times._ who lived iu tut _4)4-il. *)''''g past 01111 nntl nvrie altar:al 144;4•, un.1 knew milliliter of Ow ,, 1introits "hu..U'• :u it .1 Hsi." avhi,•lain• rre,.aingly mark row day. 1t is well month noting I hat our Sunday law in Canada does not in the least interfere with (delimiter' or recreation on the day of lest. it only endeavors to keep one dray of the seven clear of the ,)read scramble for money. and if -as s w1141 its htari4 WRIX oTree_ tet down the workingman would Had himself in a sorry posit ion. The (tabor 111ions ere aware. of this and even some of their spokesmen who rate nothing for the religinns'aspect of the S,abhalh are strong upholders of the ig.9titntinn fromthe humttnilariall and aCunumic rtand4a,itiL You ran'! dodge Them all, Mori- n tones, la111ahM1a'n, 1,1,, IMt••, (k111 In. jotter. Some of them will attack you this "(*11,)n sure, I litre ,t tin tot 1),,'41 Wilt 1101 Sidor ,m 1, 31111, 2.3 ,Poor John," A Philadelphian who WAS formerly a reriJynt ,)t a taw's ill the n401•t11 of Pennsylvania 1eeeutly revisited hie old hi.we, •\%chat !became of the Hoover (ane i'ly'•" he asked an old friend. •G IL" answered the latter, "Tom lfou err dial vert/ well, (lot to be all actor tit west. Itt11, the other bent h- 'er, lm Ilrthtng id a) artist in. New :curie ; to ! Mary. the sister, is doing literary_(wk. 11..t John neve,, atrlonrlted to :h. It took *ll he (','old lay Ilia !trite -4•11 tit 0up' lett It the Apply 131•arfine } )" •• ,41 from the grease of the Cattail, ,,, MUM I 0.114 save your hair, when it 1 ins to fall out ul• it brilth•, fi/h% a ja Longevity in Canada. An Awetican physician Of high re- . 1rae-teen mating tour of the ►uluiuion, 1 when asked to ray what' 44,1,014 1 ' as the t remark- able feature of the country and its 1m•oplr replied : _••'rlaelarge pr.gmation of lwalthy, hearty old omen Mill women," Ililhrrt° Canada 1114, IM•e0 chiefly pr41i•el aethe Land of snort! 1111(1 youthful optimism, where lack nI years -;a fault, if Gault it 1(•, 1Ttat ;a speedily cooed -is nu burriet• to the highest preferment in business and the pl'ofessions, liut it ie )nal as true to l''11 a (.itixdit ire the. hui,1 of hale +ill age. eller 1111.11 liv49 far beyond the span fixed by the Psalutia, and yet bent. the burden of their1(1.uly yrars,as easily an the'ynung titan on the boyish side of thirty. shoulders the respolsihili• Lies of 1401110 great ellnuneretal under- taking. The (111-ynung 111:411" -an ever present feature in the start RPM Here of the huge AtueiIcan tit ie. is seldom. if ever, eonspicunns to t he life o f the Canadian town a n d countryside. In his place, Canadahasthe "young o111 man," of who11 Flech- ette's pioneer who had given, Htty yenta (1f his latah to the soil and IIfty pairs of arms to the,netion, that grand old .talesman, Sir Chanes •!'upper•, and the helpmate who is his -peer in years and yet keeps the Hee and charm of youthful womanhood, are three all 111�''tr1['� cutlet less types. netuxl or 11u- xg n!•.Tr' - -- M H s-4ver, .. /an . Ilia 44.11e115 r-ontiIissioner of the 1)onliniun has nhnwn, the Canadian'ti expert at ion .if life ie grxhinlly being prolonged, so that more -and snore 48144444 )14ty 4.1414 etlxnee of4a+an 1h( inln • ,r x ( rs i K 1 tl In yield the sixties. Thos, not onlyis 1'.tnada_gruw lug Wcalthie► year I y_ year, but ('xlt(tiane are enloynla bet- ter health, ,Ind yso getting 111u03v enjoy- ment out of their enhanced mo.petmy 44)4 4,j)fl4' 4,5)495 un.;-14cutt1.11 Amer lean, See that you get the real thing. Un"ceupulolts 11!&10!0 are putting up a counterfeit of "The 0. le L.." Men- the! !Taster, The eermirier he -merle by -Davis d: -Lawrence Co, THE REST DAY MISUNDERST000, The Montreal Witness, in an edi- torial during i erd's Day week, railed the attention of its readers to the very great impxortaree of pre• serving the 1,ord's Day for the (,,)Ra- dian people. After referring to rer- t41111 suggest bine ns to Llletllnda of ohrert•Mn,•r nl' laird's Day week, the article r•" ,44094 it : All theme suggestions are.-.veltielet, for there is perliepn nn institution which torches 111 mature and tour civiliz&tlotl at nn many -retire 419 t1.' WPrkly rest day. (certainly there are few institutions so imperfectly under- stood hy friends and (•nernien We remember, for info a nee, a 4.'h(is- ttan worker who in prayer frequently used the phrase. "Thou 1109t given us mix days for nurs(:lves and. hast only kept. one fort'I'hyirlf, may we lite rare - fill to upend it to Thee alone," where• as the one trate ileal i( thml the whole seven days are "Lord'. day.." ---t hat all Rerulbr work is to 1(' dome "in His nares and that the 84414,4)411 h Wag is Divine gift to matt for Iii. delight, enjoyment and high(slt, pr -0(11 A misundetstantlIng of this prin• elide fregnmltly •'fatea antegonisnl to S1(nday legislation. Hest day law( enacted by a free people are no inta+r- ference with popular liberty, they form instead one of the strongest bul- warks of that very liber! Lori Beaconsfield called 'Use Sabbath "the Posner stone of civilisation ;" Toed Shaftesbury said, 'The great lank of the working people ore of this mind, that the Mart it of munch is 1e !loess a grand protection." mummy Helping the Young Men Leaving Home. Tiemean4.,, of youn as , no in our 111111111 011441,1 RIO 1llred COm 'ties leave the old home yearly. in a great many (91+e1 it in Ilertwm*ry, and in other"Yhry art. simply attracted by the allurements of the cit y or the greet Northwest. Morrie go with a definite object in view, while idheia go because they think "Far-off Hel(h look green," 1p any ease the young man leaving 1 fur the (ret time enters a crucial period in his life and hoe lined of help or moue -one that can give him an l). (41)11114414 7 to help himself. The Provincial committee of the You,ig Men', Christine Aeoriatinns, through the enrrPsp4ne1ing member, dors this very thing. They -are trying to 14.0'1114' a young elan 11) each community to act Y eorrespohding member. We. will give I'rttet•s of int f(xluction'and forward to Provinrull committee ell patieulars regarding young men having home. In this w11y the young 11(4911 are i41tro- 411eell to 'p;rstnre (where ml Young M,',', h*t('Irrirti*l/-A.mtwiralion _is organ. lI Aa *oris ;. H, tale., and al nn1 tII T9 that will /• rI to , art rather than poll down. The Young -Mena 1'111'041tan A simei- aInn tin Canada there are eighty-four Aseociationie hnv beeline. a worldwide nrgnninalion. 11 ha" adapted itself -to the needs of men in every continent and ill nearly every country. The trim of the association in to mit rotted y g men with wholesome influences, end lead them into the Christian life and to •church (neriiber- ship, developing *11 their powers for ('hristian living 'and ser vier. It en1111"ys plot kid means and au. peals to he epi'ril•unl, andel, mental a1111 phy'1(141 desit•4941 nod tastes, lit 1)14)411•rn Asn(S'intioh building., whlch most of our cities have, evening edu- cational Mases i11 the stn and te(•hnicril hranch.•s, tector•es and travel talks, &dntel amid parliaments, and the di9rus. of ' •ly thrthes, sup- plemented by reading ',miles, referen,'P and curia 11.inq 1itr,aries, Rive Morn - dant app u rt'snity for • self -cotton. nod xrtvtrnremon terwit young rum, nbd ee- perislly- t tense who have been dein ived of on early edue.tion, iGome-like M('i'(4 toned. and chili - designed built! Mg. (memo -age the nat- ural 1.xpres0inn of the 5(44;4") tenure, ure, nod many hinting and helpful friend- ships ate termed, :\cell 04114m -tea gr.nrruinr(t•, fettles and swimming pools, with onetime. athletics, agn•iti(•s a n d m 41 no m e Pt MI' , furnish arrival min : make for health end *ITlcieney, end help young men and boys to rightly understand their physical function.. Young men rue s,..isted in finding suitable boarding houses and tisefld enIp Iny meat.. :Ir. 'Edwin ('1,Ik Is the cone/spend- ing member for Golerlch and vieinit y. and Mr, Ed, Iwawmon, of Dunlop, for that, vicinity. 1f you 'know of any your Ulan leaving for university, wily, Northwest or Al)g ether plows. It, would he for his interest if you would Inform Mr. Clark or Mr. Lawson at mace, After * mag has proved in seven- teen different Way* that he is woman's euperinr, she is perfectly eati.fl.d in her own mind that be isn't. tse D. MILLAR co. 1r I'llE SCOT('ll i•('l'0R. is .1'OIE MOs'I' I'0I't'I.A1t 1'I \I I i t ) Ill v Ladies' and Children's Summer Attire I,aalitw' \'.'alki14 Skirts "4 all wool, hl,o'14 vinous* cloth in 3 ' :1It(Ly4T at yips. Only . , , , - 2 .... .....15 00 ea, 49 A lets White Lustre Skit -tee all new flea seas,),), wtu't:tgl at miens to cleat. them out quickly-, Ladies' At hire lawn \\•aisle, large variety to select from ill nttvebt tvuht•oittery 4.11144V, only A NEW W STOCKOF95t Net, \\'e have nn exceedingly showy sidoetirlu of \Vhite Waists betterG.r better wear, fruit. ;2.00 to $5.00 ea, n SPECIAL VALUES IN LADIES' SUITS More Additions to our Neckwear Department The ever popular Dutch Colitis in all the newest design. at 25c. 350. 45c and 5a. Sotur'Ula t ,te.,il;u, iu jabots at 25C, 354' and 50C. EMBROIDERY DERY LINEN COLLARS a, Tourist, Frilling*, 0peeial, . • • • 150 per box. -_ 'White -Woad Bette, with large . pearl buckles, only. with every ai*e in 'dock. 254' each Our stock of 1013g 'and short Fabric Gloves is still assorted 1Ve ,are showing mime novelties in 'adieu' and (children's - -- $tunauer-Partwtlw ,yht be 1,tu'.I where. P.,�,MI1102. Special values this We in Children's Millinery. MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE Phone BETTER THAN TOYS A WONDERFUL CREATION Amost remarkable achievement in Biscuit making- McCORMiCK'S NURSERY RHYME BISCUITS. The heroes and heroines of the Nursery Rhymes -not stamped into the biscuit, but actually raised above the surface, presenting a handpome attd`unigsto_ embossed appearance. The real merits of McCormick's Nursery Rhyme Biscuits is the health -building value. The ARROW- ROOT they contain (SAME INGREDIENTS USED IN OUR FAMOUS ARROWROOT BISCUIT) helps diges- tion, builds up blood and body, fortifies the nerves and B.. B. Block Sheep, Ther. wa. • hide m.11, Old Kiag Cole, and oth.r•. MADE ONLY BY McCORMICK' S rAA6( ' Mala makes cheerful, plump, healthy children. About 70 to the poun -.CORM ICKS RX:ME'' dooms /rectory at !condo,). Warehouses at xhmtreal,Uttaws,mrm,Itou,)Ctugatu., W:uu,peg and Calgary SHOT: POLISII Stays Shined, Dust won't dull it, spot it. Dampproof and waterproof moisture. Softens and preserves Just put it on, rub two or three brush or cloth and a brilliant and lasting' shine results. No substi. tutes even half as good. Rain won't - Keeps out the leather times with a 1 Oc. and 25c Tins